BNB List 3742

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New records - 26 April 2023

Computer science, information & general works

001.2 001.42
Routledge handbook of academic knowledge circulation / Cambridge handbook of qualitative digital research / edited by
edited by Wiebke Keim [and twelve others]. [online resource] Boyka Simeonova, Robert D. Galliers. —Cambridge :
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (616 pages) Cambridge University Press, 2023. —500 pages
: illustrations (black and white). ISBN 9781009098878 hardback £110.00
ISBN 9781000897289 PDF ebook £42.99 ; 9781000897326 BNB Number GBC378486
ePub ebook £42.99 Big data.
BNB Number GBC380918 Digital media.
Knowledge, Sociology of. Qualitative research, Methodology.
Education, Higher. Prepublication record
Learning and scholarship.
Prepublication record 001.42
Cloud based multi-modal information analytics : a hands-on
001.2 approach / Srinidhi Hiriyannaiah, G.M. Siddesh, K.G.
Routledge handbook of academic knowledge circulation / Srinivasa. [online resource] —Boca Raton : Chapman &
edited by Wiebke Keim [and twelve others]. —London : Hall/CRC, 2023. —1 online resource (238 pages) : illustrations
Routledge, 2023. —616 pages : illustrations (black and white) (black and white).
; 25 cm. ISBN 9781000880403 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000880427
ISBN 9781032269511 hardback £205.00 ePub ebook £48.99
BNB Number GBC378745 BNB Number GBC380558
Knowledge, Sociology of. Quantitative research, Data processing.
Education, Higher. Cloud computing.
Learning and scholarship. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
001.2 Cloud based multi-modal information analytics : a hands-on
The university in crumbs : a register of things seen and heard approach / Srinidhi Hiriyannaiah, G.M. Siddesh, K.G.
/ Robert Porter, Kerry-Ann Porter, Iain MacKenzie. [online Srinivasa. —Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2023. —238
resource] —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023. pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
—1 online resource (152 pages) : illustrations (black and ISBN 9781032105673 hardback £89.99
white) BNB Number GBC378595
ISBN 9781538165331 ePub ebook No price Quantitative research, Data processing.
BNB Number GBC381358 Cloud computing.
College teaching, Miscellanea. Prepublication record
Universities and colleges, Miscellanea.
Learning and scholarship, Miscellanea. 001.42
Prepublication record Practical research : planning and design. [online resource]
—Thirteenth edition / Paul Leedy, Jeanne Ormrod. —Upper
001.2 Saddle River : Pearson, 2023. —1 online resource
The university in crumbs : a register of things seen and heard ISBN 9781292449579 PDF ebook £42.99
/ Robert Porter, Kerry-Ann Porter, Iain MacKenzie. —Lanham BNB Number GBC381212
: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —152 pages : Research, Methodology.
illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781538165324 hardback £69.00
BNB Number GBC379544 001.4202855133
College teaching, Miscellanea. Quantitative social science data with R : an introduction /
Universities and colleges, Miscellanea. Brian J. Fogarty. [online resource] —Second edition.
Learning and scholarship, Miscellanea. —London : SAGE Publications Ltd, 2023. —1 online resource
Prepublication record (408 pages).
ISBN 9781529614220 EPUB ; 1529614228 EPUB
BNB Number GBC377724
Quantitative research, Data processing.
R (Computer program language)
001.42028563 001.942
AI for scientific discovery / Janna Hastings. [online resource] UFOhs! : mysteries in the sky / Deborah Blumenthal, Ralph
—Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online resource (120 Blumenthal ; editor, Adam Gustavson. —Albuquerque :
pages) : illustrations (black and white). University of New Mexico Press, 2023. —40 pages :
ISBN 9781000885163 ePub ebook £22.99 ; 9781000885095 illustrations ; 26 cm
PDF ebook £22.99 ISBN 9780826364951 hardback £17.95
BNB Number GBC380644 BNB Number GBC378458
Artificial intelligence. Unidentified flying objects, Juvenile literature.
Research, Data processing. Prepublication record
Science, Data processing.
Prepublication record 003.75
Nonrecursive control design for nonlinear systems : theory
001.42028563 and applications / Chuanlin Zhang, Jun Yang. [online
AI for scientific discovery / Janna Hastings. —Boca Raton : resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online
CRC Press, 2023. —120 pages : illustrations (black and white) resource (251 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
; 20 cm. ISBN 9781000892475 ePub ebook £105.00 ; 9781000892468
ISBN 9781032124841 paperback £22.99 ; 9781032128771 PDF ebook £105.00
hardback £120.00 BNB Number GBC380817
BNB Number GBC378609 Nonlinear control theory.
Science, Data processing. Nonlinear systems.
Research, Data processing. Prepublication record
Artificial intelligence.
Prepublication record 003.75
Nonrecursive control design for nonlinear systems : theory
001.4226 and applications / Chuanlin Zhang, Jun Yang. —Boca Raton :
Telling stories with data : with applications in R / Rohan CRC Press, 2023. —251 pages : illustrations (black and white)
Alexander. [online resource] —Boca Raton : Chapman & ; 24 cm
Hall/CRC, 2023. —1 online resource (662 pages) : illustrations ISBN 9781032505992 hardback £105.00
(black and white, and colour). BNB Number GBC379064
ISBN 9781000895797 PDF ebook £74.99 ; 9781000895827 Nonlinear systems.
ePub ebook £74.99 Nonlinear control theory.
BNB Number GBC380887 Prepublication record
Information visualization.
Big data. 004
R (Computer program language) Cambridge lower secondary computing. 9, Student's book /
Mathematical statistics. Tristan Kirkpatrick, Pam Jones, Ben Barnes, Margaret
Prepublication record Debbadi. [online resource] —London : Hodder Education,
2023. —1 online resource
001.4226 ISBN 9781398371194 ePub ebook £22.00
Telling stories with data : with applications in R / Rohan BNB Number GBC381262
Alexander. —Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2023. Computer science, Juvenile literature.
—662 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 26 Information technology, Juvenile literature.
cm. Prepublication record
ISBN 9781032134772 hardback £74.99
BNB Number GBC378624 004
Big data. CompTIA A+ get certified!. Core 1 exam 220-1101 / Mike
R (Computer program language) Chapple, Mark Soper. —Indianapolis : Sybex, 2023. —464
Mathematical statistics. pages ; 24 cm
Information visualization. ISBN 9781119898092 paperback £30.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379172
Computing Technology Industry Association,
Examinations, Study guides.
Computer technicians, Certification, Examinations, Study
Electronic data processing personnel, Certification,
Examinations, Study guides.
Prepublication record

004 004
CompTIA A+ get certified!. Core 2 exam 220-1102 / Mike Handbook of data science with semantic technologies / edited
Chapple, Mark Soper. —Indianapolis : Sybex, 2023. —656 by Archana Patel, Narayan C. Debnath. —Boca Raton : CRC
pages ; 24 cm Press, 2023. —2 volumes (550 pages) : illustrations (black
ISBN 9781119898122 paperback £37.99 and white) ; 24 cm
BNB Number GBC379173 ISBN 9781032316628 hardback £260.00
Computing Technology Industry Association, BNB Number GBC378800
Examinations, Study guides. Computer science.
Computer technicians, Certification, Examinations, Study Semantic computing.
guides. Prepublication record
Electronic data processing personnel, Certification,
Examinations, Study guides. 004.0151
Prepublication record Computational mathematics : an introduction to numerical
analysis and scientific computing with Python / Dimitrios
004 Mitsotakis. [online resource] —Boca Raton : Chapman &
Data science with semantic technologies / edited by Archana Hall/CRC, 2023. —1 online resource (532 pages) : illustrations
Patel, Narayan C. Debnath. [online resource] —Boca Raton : (black and white).
CRC Press, 2023. —1 online resource (310 pages) : ISBN 9781000889482 ePub ebook £99.99 ; 9781000889437
illustrations (black and white) PDF ebook £99.99
ISBN 9781000881202 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000881233 BNB Number GBC380728
ePub ebook £48.99 Numerical analysis, Textbooks.
BNB Number GBC380570 Numerical analysis, Data processing, Textbooks.
Computer science. Python (Computer program language), Textbooks.
Semantic computing. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
004 Computational mathematics : an introduction to numerical
Data science with semantic technologies. Deployment and analysis and scientific computing with Python / Dimitrios
exploration / edited by Archana Patel, Narayan C. Debnath. Mitsotakis. —Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2023.
[online resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online —532 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 26 cm.
resource (240 pages) : illustrations (black and white) ISBN 9781032262390 hardback £99.99
ISBN 9781000881271 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000881295 BNB Number GBC378733
ePub ebook £48.99 Numerical analysis, Data processing, Textbooks.
BNB Number GBC380572 Numerical analysis, Textbooks.
Semantic computing. Python (Computer program language), Textbooks.
Computer science. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
004 The SAGE handbook of human-machine communication /
Data science with semantic technologies. Deployment and edited by Andrea L. Guzman, Rhonda McEwen, Steven
exploration / edited by Archana Patel, Narayan C. Debnath. Jones. [online resource] —Los Angeles : SAGE, 2023. —1
—Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —240 pages : illustrations online resource (640 pages)
(black and white) ; 24 cm ISBN 9781529788723 ePub ebook £196.00
ISBN 9781032316680 hardback £150.00 BNB Number GBC381349
BNB Number GBC378802 Human-computer interaction.
Computer science. Human-machine systems.
Semantic computing. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
004 Creators of intelligence : industry secrets from AI leaders that
Data science with semantic technologies / edited by Archana can be easily applied to build and ace your data science
Patel, Narayan C. Debnath. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. career / Alex Antic. [online resource] —Birmingham : Packt
—310 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource (395 pages)
ISBN 9781032316666 hardback £150.00 ISBN 9781804619315 ebook £32.99
BNB Number GBC378801 BNB Number GBC381448
Computer science. Artificial intelligence, Vocational guidance.
Semantic computing. Electronic data processing, Vocational guidance.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

004.023 004.36
Creators of intelligence : industry secrets from AI leaders that State management with React Query : improve your user and
can be easily applied to build and ace your data science developer experience by mastering server state in React /
career / Alex Antic. —Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2023. Daniel Afonso. [online resource] —Birmingham : Packt
—395 pages ; 24 cm Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource (216 pages)
ISBN 9781804616482 paperback £41.99 ISBN 9781803244839 ebook £23.99
BNB Number GBC379962 BNB Number GBC381426
Electronic data processing, Vocational guidance. Client/server computing, Management.
Artificial intelligence, Vocational guidance. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
004.071 State management with React Query : improve your user and
Using computers effectively : how teachers and students can developer experience by mastering server state in React /
improve their knowledge and practice / Debojit Acharjee. Daniel Afonso. —Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2023. —216
[online resource] —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, pages
2023. —1 online resource (168 pages) ISBN 9781803231341 paperback £29.99
ISBN 9781475868814 ePub ebook £92.00 BNB Number GBC379926
BNB Number GBC381297 Client/server computing, Management.
Computer literacy. Prepublication record
Microcomputers, Study and teaching.
Prepublication record 004.6
CompTIA Network+ get certified!. Exam N10-008 / Mike
004.071 Chapple, Craig Zacker. [online resource] —Indianapolis :
Using computers effectively : how teachers and students can Sybex, 2023. —1 online resource (368 pages) : illustrations
improve their knowledge and practice / Debojit Acharjee. ISBN 9781119898160 ePub ebook £30.99
—Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —168 BNB Number GBC381196
pages ; 23 cm Computer networks, Examinations, Study guides.
ISBN 9781475868791 hardback £69.00 ; 9781475868807 Electronic data processing personnel, Certification, Study
paperback £27.00 guides.
BNB Number GBC379410 Prepublication record
Microcomputers, Study and teaching.
Computer literacy. 004.6
Prepublication record CompTIA Network+ get certified!. Exam N10-008 / Mike
Chapple, Craig Zacker. —Indianapolis : Sybex, 2023. —368
004.09 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Computer : a history of the information machine. [online ISBN 9781119898153 paperback £30.99
resource] —Fourth edition. / Martin Campbell-Kelly, William BNB Number GBC379174
Aspray, Jeffrey R. Yost, Honghong Tinn, Gerardo Con Diaz. Computer networks, Examinations, Study guides.
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (368 pages) Electronic data processing personnel, Certification, Study
: illustrations (black and white) guides.
ISBN 9781000878752 ePub ebook £32.99 ; 9781000878721 Prepublication record
PDF ebook £32.99
BNB Number GBC380543 004.678
Computers, History. Interconnected realities : how the metaverse will transform our
Prepublication record relationship to technology forever / Leslie Shannon.
—Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —224 pages
004.09 ISBN 9781394160846 hardback £21.99
Computer : a history of the information machine. —Fourth BNB Number GBC379259
edition. / Martin Campbell-Kelly, William Aspray, Jeffrey R. Metaverse.
Yost, Honghong Tinn, Gerardo Con Diaz. —London : Prepublication record
Routledge, 2023. —368 pages : illustrations (black and white)
; 23 cm
ISBN 9781032203430 paperback £32.99 ; 9781032203478
hardback £120.00
BNB Number GBC378680
Computers, History.
Prepublication record

004.6782 005.13
FinOps handbook for Microsoft Azure : empowering teams to Quick functional programming / edited by David Matuszek.
optimize Azure Cloud spend with FinOps best practices / —Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2023. —132 pages :
Maulik Soni. [online resource] —Birmingham : Packt illustrations (black and white) ; 22 cm.
Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource (215 pages) ISBN 9781032415321 hardback £79.99 ; 9781032415314
ISBN 9781801819879 ebook £23.99 paperback £22.99
BNB Number GBC381419 BNB Number GBC378917
Cloud computing, Cost control. Functional programming (Computer science)
Information technology, Management. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
004.6782 Analysis, verification and transformation for declarative
FinOps handbook for Microsoft Azure : empowering teams to programming and intelligent systems : essays dedicated to
optimize Azure Cloud spend with FinOps best practices / Manuel Hermenegildo on the occasion of his 60th birthday /
Maulik Soni. —Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2023. —215 edited by Pedro Lopez-Garcia, John P. Gallagher, Roberto
pages ; 24 cm Giacobazzi. —Cham : Springer, 2023. —343 pages :
ISBN 9781801810166 paperback £29.99 illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
BNB Number GBC379906 ISBN 9783031314759 paperback £109.99
Cloud computing, Cost control. BNB Number GBC380288
Information technology, Management. Computer science.
Prepublication record Declarative programming.
Prepublication record
Software requirements essentials : core practices for 005.133
successful business analysis / Karl Wiegers, Candase Introduction to Python for humanists / William J.B. Mattingly.
Hokanson. [online resource] —Boston : Addison-Wesley [online resource] —Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2023.
Professional, 2023. —1 online resource —1 online resource (376 pages) : illustrations (black and
ISBN 9780138190224 ePub ebook £20.99 white, and colour).
BNB Number GBC380393 ISBN 9781000884531 PDF ebook £44.99 ; 9781000884593
Computer software, Development. ePub ebook £44.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC380635
Science, Data processing.
005.12 Engineering, Data processing.
An introduction to software design : concepts, principles, Computer programming.
methodologies, and techniques / Chenglie Hu. —Cham : Python (Computer program language)
Springer, 2023. —322 pages : illustrations (black and white, Prepublication record
and colour) ; 26 cm
ISBN 9783031283109 paperback £49.99 005.133
BNB Number GBC380283 Introduction to Python for humanists / William J.B. Mattingly.
Software architecture. —Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2023. —376 pages :
Computer software, Development. illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm.
Prepublication record ISBN 9781032377902 hardback £115.00 ; 9781032378374
paperback £44.99
005.13 BNB Number GBC378876
Quick functional programming / edited by David Matuszek. Python (Computer program language)
[online resource] —Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2023. Science, Data processing.
—1 online resource (132 pages) : illustrations (black and Computer programming.
white). Engineering, Data processing.
ISBN 9781000898538 PDF ebook £22.99 ; 9781000898569 Prepublication record
ePub ebook £22.99
BNB Number GBC380947 005.133
Functional programming (Computer science) Javascript all-in-one for dummies / Chris Minnick. [online
Prepublication record resource] —Hoboken, NJ : For Dummies, 2023. —1 online
resource (816 pages)
ISBN 9781119906858 ePub ebook £27.99
BNB Number GBC381200
JavaScript (Computer program language)
Prepublication record

005.133 005.2762
Javascript all-in-one for dummies / Chris Minnick. —Hoboken, Mastering JavaScript functional programming : write clean,
NJ : For Dummies, 2023. —816 pages ; 24 cm robust, and maintainable web and server code using
ISBN 9781119906834 paperback £27.99 functional JavaScript and TypeScript / Federico Kereki.
BNB Number GBC379177 —Third edition. —Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2023. —614
JavaScript (Computer program language) pages ; 24 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9781804610138 paperback £29.99
BNB Number GBC379960
005.133 JavaScript (Computer program language)
Python for scientific computation and artificial intelligence / Functional programming (Computer science)
Stephen Lynch. [online resource] —Boca Raton : Chapman & Web site development.
Hall/CRC, 2023. —1 online resource (314 pages) : illustrations Prepublication record
(black and white, and colour).
ISBN 9781000889673 PDF ebook £52.99 ; 9781000889741 005.3
ePub ebook £52.99 Beginning Azure DevOps : planning, building, testing, and
BNB Number GBC380737 releasing software applications on Azure / Adora Nwodo.
Science, Data processing. —Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —256 pages ; 24
Artificial intelligence. cm
Python (Computer program language) ISBN 9781394165889 paperback £37.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379262
Cloud computing.
005.133 Application software, Development.
Python for scientific computation and artificial intelligence / Prepublication record
Stephen Lynch. —Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2023.
—314 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 26 005.3
cm. Exam Ref PL-900, Microsoft Power Platform fundamentals /
ISBN 9781032258737 hardback £125.00 ; 9781032258713 Craig Zacker. [online resource] —Redmond : Microsoft Press,
paperback £52.99 2023. —1 online resource
BNB Number GBC378727 ISBN 9780137956739 ePub ebook £23.99
Python (Computer program language) BNB Number GBC380389
Artificial intelligence. Microsoft software, Examinations, Study guides.
Science, Data processing. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
005.14 The garbage collection handbook : the art of automatic
Test driven development : by example / Kent Beck. [online memory management / Richard Elliott Jones, Antony Lloyd
resource] —Boston : Addison-Wesley, [2022] —1 online Hosking, Eliot Moss. [online resource] —Second edition.
resource (xix, 220 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and —Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2023. —1 online
colour). resource (610 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and
ISBN 9780137585236 ebook No price colour).
BNB Number GBC381529 ISBN 9781000883688 PDF ebook £59.99 ; 9781000883732
Computer software, Testing. ePub ebook £59.99
Computer programming. BNB Number GBC380621
Computer software, Development. Memory management (Computer science)
Prepublication record Prepublication record

005.2762 005.435
Mastering JavaScript functional programming : write clean, The garbage collection handbook : the art of automatic
robust, and maintainable web and server code using memory management / Richard Elliott Jones, Antony Lloyd
functional JavaScript and TypeScript / Federico Kereki. [online Hosking, Eliot Moss. —Second edition. —Boca Raton :
resource] —Third edition. —Birmingham : Packt Publishing, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2023. —610 pages : illustrations (black
2023. —1 online resource (614 pages) and white, and colour) ; 26 cm.
ISBN 9781804610411 ebook £23.99 ISBN 9781032218038 hardback £59.99
BNB Number GBC381445 BNB Number GBC378694
JavaScript (Computer program language) Memory management (Computer science)
Functional programming (Computer science) Prepublication record
Web site development.
Prepublication record

005.437 005.54
React 18 design patterns and best practices : design, build, Basic computational techniques for data analysis : an
and deploy production-ready web applications with ease and exploration in MS-Excel / D. Narayana, Sharad Ranjan, Nupur
create powerful user experiences / Carlos Santana Roldan. Tyagi. —Second edition. —New Delhi : Routledge India, 2023.
[online resource] —Fourth edition. —Birmingham : Packt —282 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm
Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource (488 pages) ISBN 9781032459356 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032503547
ISBN 9781803246604 ebook £23.99 paperback £36.99
BNB Number GBC381427 BNB Number GBC378970
Application software, Development. Electronic spreadsheets, Computer programs.
User interfaces (Computer systems) Prepublication record
JavaScript (Compuer program language)
Prepublication record 005.54
Supercharge Power BI : Power BI is better when you learn to
005.437 write DAX / by Matt Allington. —3rd edition. —Merritt Island,
React 18 design patterns and best practices : design, build, FL : Holy Macro! Books, [2021] —vi, 280 pages : illustrations ;
and deploy production-ready web applications with ease and 28 cm
create powerful user experiences / Carlos Santana Roldan. ISBN 1615470697 (paperback) ; 9781615470693 (paperback)
—Fourth edition. —Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2023. BNB Number GBC378095
—488 pages ; 24 cm Business intelligence, Computer programs.
ISBN 9781803233109 paperback £29.99 Information visualization, Computer programs.
BNB Number GBC379927 Visual analytics.
Application software, Development. Business, Data processing.
User interfaces (Computer systems)
JavaScript (Compuer program language) 005.73
Prepublication record Julia as a second language / Erik Engheim. —Shelter Island :
Manning Publications, 2023. —414 pages ; 24 cm
005.446 ISBN 9781617299711 paperback £38.99
CompTIA Linux+ certification all-in-one exam guide. Exam BNB Number GBC379592
XK0-005 / Ted Jordan, Sandor Strohmayer. —Second edition. Julia (Computer program language)
—New York : McGraw Hill, 2023. —1 volume : illustrations Prepublication record
ISBN 9781264798964 paperback £49.99
BNB Number GBC379202 005.73
Operating systems (Computers), Examinations, Study Principles of data fabric : become a data-driven organization
guides. by implementing data fabric solutions efficiently / Sonia
Electronic data personnel, Certification. Mezzetta. [online resource] —Birmingham : Packt Publishing,
Prepublication record 2023. —1 online resource (188 pages)
ISBN 9781804613092 ebook £23.99
005.44769 BNB Number GBC381446
CompTIA ITF+ get certified!. Exam FC0-U61 / Mike Chapple. Data structures (Computer science)
—Indianapolis : Sybex, 2023. —368 pages ; 24 cm Data integration (Computer science)
ISBN 9781119897811 paperback £30.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC379171
Computing Technology Industry Association, 005.74
Examinations, Study guides. AI-powered search / Trey Grainger, Doug Turnbull, Max Irwin.
Electronic data processing personnel, Certification. —Shelter Island : Manning Publications, 2023. —1 volume
Computer technicians, Certification, Study guides. ISBN 9781617296970 hardback £52.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379591
Artificial intelligence.
005.54 Web search engines.
Basic computational techniques for data analysis : an Prepublication record
exploration in MS-Excel / D. Narayana, Sharad Ranjan, Nupur
Tyagi. [online resource] —Second edition. —New Delhi :
Routledge India, 2023. —1 online resource (282 pages) :
illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781000890747 PDF ebook £36.99 ; 9781000890792
ePub ebook £36.99
BNB Number GBC380766
Electronic spreadsheets, Computer programs.
Prepublication record
005.75 005.7565
AI for big data based engineering applications from the OCP Oracle certified professional Java SE 17 developer :
security perspectives / edited by Balwinder Raj, Brij B. Gupta, programmer's guide. Exam 1z0-829 / Khalid Mughal, Vasily
Shingo Yamaguchi and Sandeep Singh Gill. [online resource] Strelnikov. [online resource] —Hoboken : Oracle Press, 2023.
—Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online resource (312 —1 online resource (2 volumes)
pages) : illustrations (black and white) ISBN 9780137993727 PDF ebook £47.99
ISBN 9781000901559 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000901504 BNB Number GBC380390
PDF ebook £48.99 Database management, Examinations, questions, etc.
BNB Number GBC381013 Java (Computer program language), Examinations,
Artificial intelligence, Industrial applications. questions, etc.
Integrated circuits, Design and construction, Data Java (Computer program language), Examinations, Study
processing, Security measures. guides.
Big data. Database management, Examinations, Study guides.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

005.75 005.758
AI for big data based engineering applications from the The art of SXO : placing UX design methods into SEO best
security perspectives / edited by Balwinder Raj, Brij B. Gupta, practices / Zuzanna Kruger. —New York : Apress, 2023.
Shingo Yamaguchi and Sandeep Singh Gill. —Boca Raton : —190 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24
CRC Press, 2023. —312 pages : illustrations (black and white) cm.
; 24 cm ISBN 9781484292112 paperback £44.99
ISBN 9781032136134 hardback £110.00 BNB Number GBC379440
BNB Number GBC378628 Internet marketing.
Artificial intelligence, Industrial applications. Web search engines.
Big data. Internet advertising.
Integrated circuits, Design and construction, Data Prepublication record
processing, Security measures.
Prepublication record 005.7585
T-SQL fundamentals / Itzik Ben-Gan. —Fourth edition.
005.756 —Redmond : Microsoft Press, 2023. —608 pages :
Job ready SQL / Kimberly A. Weiss, Haythem Balti. [online illustrations
resource] —Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —1 ISBN 9780138102104 paperback No price
online resource (416 pages) BNB Number GBC378129
ISBN 9781394181056 ePub ebook £34.99 Database management.
BNB Number GBC381248 SQL (Computer program language)
SQL (Computer program language) Prepublication record
Prepublication record
005.756 Aligning security operations with MITRE ATT&CK framework :
Job ready SQL / Kimberly A. Weiss, Haythem Balti. an effective guide to leveling up your SOC for better security /
—Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —416 pages ; 24 Rebecca Blair. [online resource] —Birmingham : Packt
cm Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource (204 pages)
ISBN 9781394181032 paperback £34.99 ISBN 9781804616697 ebook £23.99
BNB Number GBC379273 BNB Number GBC381447
SQL (Computer program language) Computer networks, Security measures.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

Aligning security operations with MITRE ATT&CK framework :
an effective guide to leveling up your SOC for better security /
Rebecca Blair. —Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2023. —204
ISBN 9781804614266 paperback £29.99
BNB Number GBC379961
Computer networks, Security measures.
Prepublication record

005.8 005.82
Responsible graph neural networks / Mohamed Abdel-Basset, CEH v12 certified ethical hacker study guide / Ric Messier,
Nour Moustafa, Hossam Hawash, Zahir Tari. [online resource] CEH, GSEC, CISSP. —Indianapolis : Sybex, 2023. —768
—Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2023. —1 online pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
resource (307 pages) : illustrations (black and white) ISBN 9781394186921 paperback £42.50
ISBN 9781000871234 ePub ebook £42.99 ; 9781000871173 BNB Number GBC379280
PDF ebook £42.99 Electronic data processing personnel, Certification.
BNB Number GBC380510 Computer networks, Security measures, Examinations,
Neural networks (Computer science) Study guides.
Computer security. Penetration testing (Computer security), Examinations,
Prepublication record Study guides.
Prepublication record
Responsible graph neural networks / Mohamed Abdel-Basset, 005.82
Nour Moustafa, Hossam Hawash, Zahir Tari. —Boca Raton : Ethical hacking with Parrot Security OS : the all-in-one guide
Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2023. —307 pages : illustrations (black to ParrotSec that will help you get started with penetration
and white) ; 24 cm testing and ethical hacking / Arthur Salmon. [online resource]
ISBN 9781032359892 hardback £74.99 ; 9781032359885 —Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource
paperback £42.99 (331 pages)
BNB Number GBC378852 ISBN 9781800567559 ebook £26.99
Computer security. BNB Number GBC381411
Neural networks (Computer science) Penetration testing (Computer security)
Prepublication record Prepublication record

005.8076 005.82
MCE Microsoft certified expert cybersecurity architect study Ethical hacking with Parrot Security OS : the all-in-one guide
guide : exam SC-100 / Kathiravan Udayakumar, Puthiyavan to ParrotSec that will help you get started with penetration
Udayakumar. [online resource] —Indianapolis : Sybex, 2023. testing and ethical hacking / Arthur Salmon. —Birmingham :
—1 online resource (512 pages) Packt Publishing, 2023. —331 pages
ISBN 9781394180226 ePub ebook £37.99 ISBN 9781800563810 paperback £33.99
BNB Number GBC381247 BNB Number GBC379872
Computer security, Examinations, Study guides. Penetration testing (Computer security)
Computer architecture, Examinations, Study guides. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
005.82 How I rob banks and other such places / F.C. —Hoboken :
CEH v12 certified ethical hacker study guide / Ric Messier, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —256 pages
CEH, GSEC, CISSP. [online resource] —Indianapolis : Sybex, ISBN 9781119911470 hardback £18.99
2023. —1 online resource (768 pages) : illustrations (black BNB Number GBC379178
and white) F. C.
ISBN 9781394186914 ePub ebook £42.50 Hacking.
BNB Number GBC381249 Penetration testing (Computer security)
Penetration testing (Computer security), Examinations, Prepublication record
Study guides.
Electronic data processing personnel, Certification. 006.3
Computer networks, Security measures, Examinations, Applications of computational intelligence in management &
Study guides. mathematics : 8th ICCM, Nirjuli, AP, India, July 29-30, 2022 /
Prepublication record edited by Madhusudhan Mishra, Nishtha Kesswani, Imene
Brigui. —Cham : Springer, 2023. —350 pages ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9783031251931 hardback £139.99
BNB Number GBC380253
Computational intelligence, Congresses.
Prepublication record

006.3 006.31
Confessions of an AI brain / Elena Fersman, Paul Pettersson, Machine learning for time series : use Python to forecast,
Athanasios Karapantelakis. —Cham : Springer, 2023. —138 predict, and detect anomalies with state-of-the-art machine
pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm learning methods / Ben Auffarth. [online resource] —Second
ISBN 9783031259340 paperback £24.99 edition. —Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2023. —1 online
BNB Number GBC380264 resource (392 pages)
Thought and thinking, Data processing. ISBN 9781837639397 ebook £29.99
Artificial intelligence, Psychological aspects. BNB Number GBC381461
Prepublication record Machine learning.
Time-series analysis, Data processing.
006.3 Time-series analysis, Computer programs.
Handbook on the politics and governance of big data and Python (Computer program language)
artificial intelligence / edited by Andrej Zwitter, Oskar J. Prepublication record
Gstrein. —Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023.
—560 pages ; 24 cm. 006.31
ISBN 9781800887367 hardback £190.00 Machine learning for time series : use Python to forecast,
BNB Number GBC379894 predict, and detect anomalies with state-of-the-art machine
Artificial intelligence, Law and legislation. learning methods / Ben Auffarth. —Second edition.
Big data, Government policy. —Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2023. —392 pages ; 10 cm
Artificial intelligence, Government policy. ISBN 9781837631339 paperback £37.99
Big data, Law and legislation. BNB Number GBC379974
Prepublication record Time-series analysis, Data processing.
Time-series analysis, Computer programs.
006.31 Machine learning.
AI, machine learning and deep learning : a security Python (Computer program language)
perspective / edited by Fei Hu and Xiali Hei. [online resource] Prepublication record
—Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online resource (334
pages) : illustrations (black and white) 006.312
ISBN 9781000878875 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000878899 Practical data mining techniques and applications / edited by
ePub ebook £48.99 Ketan Shah, Neepa Shah, Vinaya Sawant, Neeraj Parolia.
BNB Number GBC380545 [online resource] —Boca Raton : Auerbach, 2023. —1 online
Machine learning, Security measures. resource (204 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
Computer networks, Security measures. ISBN 9781000895506 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000895483
Deep learning (Machine learning), Security measures. PDF ebook £48.99
Artificial intelligence. BNB Number GBC380881
Computer security, Data processing. Data mining.
Prepublication record Data mining, Industrial applications.
Prepublication record
AI, machine learning and deep learning : a security 006.312
perspective / edited by Fei Hu and Xiali Hei. —Boca Raton : Practical data mining techniques and applications / edited by
CRC Press, 2023. —334 pages : illustrations (black and white) Ketan Shah, Neepa Shah, Vinaya Sawant, Neeraj Parolia.
; 26 cm —Boca Raton : Auerbach, 2023. —204 pages : illustrations
ISBN 9781032034041 hardback £99.99 (black and white) ; 24 cm
BNB Number GBC378564 ISBN 9781032232676 hardback £150.00
Deep learning (Machine learning), Security measures. BNB Number GBC378707
Machine learning, Security measures. Data mining, Industrial applications.
Computer security, Data processing. Data mining.
Artificial intelligence. Prepublication record
Computer networks, Security measures.
Prepublication record

006.3823 006.78
Many-criteria optimization and decision analysis : Amazon Web Services in action / Andreas Wittig, Michael
state-of-the-art, present challenges, and future perspectives / Wittig. —Third edition. —Shelter Island : Manning
edited by Dimo Brockhoff, Michael Emmerich, Boris Naujoks, Publications, 2023. —500 pages ; 24 cm
Robin Purshouse. —Cham : Springer, 2023. —376 pages : ISBN 9781633439160 paperback £45.99
illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm. BNB Number GBC379610
ISBN 9783031252624 hardback £129.99 Amazon Web Services (Firm)
BNB Number GBC380254 Web services.
Natural computation, Decision making. Cloud computing.
Evolutionary computation, Decision making. Prepublication record
Mathematical optimization.
Prepublication record 010.44
A student's manual of bibliography / Arundell Esdaile ; edited
006.3843 by Roy Stokes. —London : Routledge, 2023. —398 pages ; 24
Handbook of research on quantum computing for smart cm.
environments / edited by Amit Kumar Tyagi. —Hershey : IGI ISBN 9781032133782 paperback £29.99
Global, 2023. —400 pages ; 28 cm BNB Number GBC378623
ISBN 9781668466971 hardback £354.00 Bibliography, Methodology.
BNB Number GBC379706 Prepublication record
Quantum computing.
Prepublication record 016.3360273
Municipal bonding and taxation / Anthony G. White. —London
006.686 : Routledge, 2023. —202 pages ; 24 cm.
Photoshop on the iPad / Rob de Winter. [online resource] ISBN 9780367769161 paperback £27.99
—Berkeley : New Riders, 2023. —1 online resource (256 BNB Number GBC378312
pages) : illustrations Revenue, United States, Bibliography.
ISBN 9780138084776 ePub ebook £23.99 ; 9780138084745 Municipal bonds, United States, Bibliography.
PDF ebook £23.99 Local taxation, United States, Bibliography.
BNB Number GBC380392 Prepublication record
Photography, Digital techniques.
iPad (Computer) 020
Prepublication record A primer of librarianship / edited by W.E. Doubleday.
—London : Routledge, 2023. —222 pages ; 24 cm.
006.76 ISBN 9781032131191 paperback £27.99
Vue.js 3 design patterns and best practices : build BNB Number GBC378611
enterprise-ready, modular Vue.js applications along with best Library science.
practice with Pinia and Nuxt / Pablo David Garaguso. [online Prepublication record
resource] —Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2023. —1 online
resource (297 pages) 020.7
ISBN 9781803249001 ebook £23.99 Fundamentals of librarianship : an introduction for the use of
BNB Number GBC381428 candidates preparing for the entrance examination of the
JavaScript (Computer program language) Library Association / Duncan Gray. —London : Routledge,
Web applications, Programming. 2023. —188 pages ; 24 cm.
Prepublication record ISBN 9781032132525 paperback £27.99
BNB Number GBC378616
006.76 Library science, Great Britain, Examinations, Study guides.
Vue.js 3 design patterns and best practices : build Prepublication record
enterprise-ready, modular Vue.js applications along with best
practice with Pinia and Nuxt / Pablo David Garaguso. 021.640941
—Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2023. —297 pages Library co-operation in the British Isles / Luxmoore
ISBN 9781803238074 paperback £29.99 Newcombe. —London : Routledge, 2023. —182 pages ; 24
BNB Number GBC379928 cm.
JavaScript (Computer program language) ISBN 9781032133645 paperback £27.99
Web applications, Programming. BNB Number GBC378620
Prepublication record Intellectual cooperation.
Union catalogs.
Libraries, Great Britain.
Prepublication record

025 025.213
A manual of library routine / W.E. Doubleday. —London : Intellectual freedom stories from a shifting landscape / edited
Routledge, 2023. —350 pages ; 24 cm. by Valerie Nye. —Chicago : ALA Editions, 2020. —xviii, 186
ISBN 9781032157894 paperback £29.99 pages ; 23 cm
BNB Number GBC378644 ISBN 0838947263 (paperback) ; 9780838947265 (paperback)
Library science. BNB Number GBC377297
Library administration. Libraries, Censorship, United States.
Prepublication record Intellectual freedom, United States.

025.04 025.3
Recommender systems : a multi-disciplinary approach / edited A manual of cataloguing and indexing / J. Henry Quinn, H.W.
by Monideepa Roy, Pushpendu Kar, Sujoy Datta. [online Acomb. —London : Routledge, 2023. —280 pages ; 24 cm.
resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online ISBN 9781032133744 paperback £27.99
resource (260 pages) : illustrations (black and white). BNB Number GBC378622
ISBN 9781000886283 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000886269 Indexing.
PDF ebook £48.99 Cataloging.
BNB Number GBC380662 Prepublication record
Recommender systems (Information filtering)
Prepublication record 025.3
Fundamentals of practical cataloguing / Margaret S. Taylor.
025.04 —London : Routledge, 2023. —142 pages ; 24 cm.
Recommender systems : a multi-disciplinary approach / edited ISBN 9781032133591 paperback £27.99
by Monideepa Roy, Pushpendu Kar, Sujoy Datta. —Boca BNB Number GBC378619
Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —260 pages : illustrations (black Cataloging.
and white) ; 24 cm. Prepublication record
ISBN 9781032333212 hardback £115.00
BNB Number GBC378822 025.4
Recommender systems (Information filtering) The fundamentals of library classification / Bernard I. Palmer,
Prepublication record A.J. Wells. —London : Routledge, 2023. —110 pages ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781032132730 paperback £27.99
025.1 BNB Number GBC378617
What every library director should know / Susan Carol Classification, Books.
Curzon. [online resource] —Second edition. —Lanham : Prepublication record
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —1 online resource
(224 pages) : illustrations (black and white) 025.42
ISBN 9781538172704 ePub ebook No price Manual of book classification and display : for public libraries /
BNB Number GBC381364 Ernest A. Savage. —London : Routledge, 2023. —254 pages ;
Library administration. 24 cm.
Prepublication record ISBN 9781032131740 paperback £27.99
BNB Number GBC378613
025.1 Library exhibits.
What every library director should know / Susan Carol Classification, Books.
Curzon. —Second edition. —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Prepublication record
Publishers, 2023. —224 pages : illustrations (black and white)
; 23 cm 025.5
ISBN 9781538172698 paperback £32.00 ; 9781538172681 52 ready-to-use gaming programs for libraries / edited by
hardback £69.00 Ellyssa Kroski. —Chicago : ALA Editions, 2020. —xiii, 368
BNB Number GBC379551 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm
Library administration. ISBN 0838947344 paperback ; 9780838947340 paperback
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC377314
Libraries, Special collections, Games.
025.197625 Libraries, Activity programs.
A manual of children's libraries / W.C. Berwick Sayers.
—London : Routledge, 2023. —278 pages ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781032135960 paperback £27.99
BNB Number GBC378626
Children's libraries, Administration.
Prepublication record

026.6 028.9094109034
Commercial and technical libraries / J.P. Lamb. —London : Asian classics on the Victorian bookshelf : flights of translation
Routledge, 2023. —316 pages ; 24 cm. / Alexander Bubb. [online resource] —First edition. —Oxford :
ISBN 9781032131696 paperback £29.99 Oxford University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (xxxiii, 256
BNB Number GBC378612 pages) : illustrations (colour)
Business libraries. ISBN 9780192636027 ebook No price
Science and technology libraries. BNB Number GBC381552
Prepublication record Books and reading, Great Britain, History, 19th century.
Oriental literature, Translations into English.
026.9 Prepublication record
Library local collections / W.C. Berwick Sayers. —London :
Routledge, 2023. —130 pages ; 24 cm. 028.9094109034
ISBN 9781032133690 paperback £27.99 Asian classics on the Victorian bookshelf : flights of translation
BNB Number GBC378621 / Alexander Bubb. [online resource] —First edition. —Oxford :
Libraries, Special collections, Local history. Oxford University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (xxxiii, 256
Local history, Library resources. pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour).
Prepublication record ISBN 9780198866275 hardback No price ; 9780191898433
ebook No price
027.0409032 BNB Number GBC380407
Seventeenth-century libraries : problems and perspectives / Books and reading, Great Britain, History, 19th century.
edited by Robyn Adams, Jacqueline Glomski. —Leiden : Brill, Oriental literature, Translations into English.
2023. —1 volume. Prepublication record
ISBN 9789004429802 hardback No price
BNB Number GBC380321 051
Libraries, Europe, History, 17th century. Provoking the press : (more) magazine and the crisis of
Prepublication record confidence in American journalism / Kevin M. Lerner.
—Columbia : University of Missouri Press, 2023. —290 pages
027.82 : illustrations ; 23 cm
School and college library practice / Monica Cant. —London : ISBN 9780826222886 paperback £30.95
Routledge, 2023. —148 pages ; 24 cm. BNB Number GBC378457
ISBN 9781032135984 paperback £27.99 Press, United States, History, 20th century.
BNB Number GBC378627 American periodicals, New York (State), New York, History,
Academic libraries. 20th century.
School libraries. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
028 The weekly war : how the Saturday Evening Post reported
Gifts and books / edited by Nicholas Perkins. —Oxford : World War I / Chris Dubbs and Carolyn Edy. —Denton :
Bodleian Library, 2023. —192 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 26 University of North Texas Press, 2023. —336 pages :
cm illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781851246106 hardback £40.00 ISBN 9781574418927 hardback £37.95
BNB Number GBC380010 BNB Number GBC379565
Books and reading, Sociological aspects. World War, 1914-1918, United States, Mass media and the
Gifts, Social aspects. war.
Prepublication record World War, 1914-1918, Press coverage, United States.
War in mass media, Sources.
World War, 1914-1918, Journalism, Military, United States.
How to read, evaluate, and use research / Sharon L. Nichols,
American periodicals, History, 20th century.
Paul A. Schutz, Sofia Bahena. [online resource] —Los
Reporters and reporting, United States, Sources.
Angeles : SAGE, 2023. —1 online resource (240 pages)
World War, 1914-1918, Personal narratives, American.
ISBN 9781544361499 ePub ebook £44.99
Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC381369
Information literacy, Study and teaching.
Prepublication record

069.409941 069.53
Museums, art and inclusion in a climate emergency / Janice Prioritizing people in ethical decision-making and caring for
Baker. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 cultural heritage collections / edited by Nina Owczarek.
online resource (164 pages) —London : Routledge, 2023. —256 pages : illustrations (black
ISBN 9781000888287 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000888300 and white) ; 25 cm
ePub ebook £38.99 ISBN 9781032342511 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032342504
BNB Number GBC380696 paperback £35.99
Science and the humanities. BNB Number GBC378829
Ethnoscience, Western Australia. Museum conservation methods, Moral and ethical aspects.
Museum techniques, Social aspects, Western Australia. Cultural property, Protection, Decision making.
Museum techniques, Environmental aspects, Western Cultural property, Protection, Moral and ethical aspects.
Australia. Museum conservation methods, Decision making.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

069.409941 070.18
Museums, art and inclusion in a climate emergency / Janice Constructions of the real : intersections of documentary-based
Baker. —London : Routledge, 2023. —164 pages ; 24 cm film practice and theory / edited by Christine Rogers, Kim
ISBN 9780367741822 hardback £130.00 Munro, Liz Burke, Catherine Gough-Brady. [online resource]
BNB Number GBC378299 —Bristol : Intellect Books, 2023. —1 online resource (306
Ethnoscience, Western Australia. pages) : illustrations (black and white).
Science and the humanities. ISBN 9781789387445 PDF ebook £79.95 ; 9781789387452
Museum techniques, Social aspects, Western Australia. ePub ebook £79.95
Museum techniques, Environmental aspects, Western BNB Number GBC381395
Australia. Documentary films, Production and direction.
Prepublication record Documentary films, History and criticism.
Prepublication record
The exhibition and experience design handbook / Timothy J. 070.18
McNeil. [online resource] —Washington, D.C : American How documentaries went mainstream : a history, 1960-2022 /
Alliance of Museums Press, 2023. —1 online resource (292 Nora Stone. —New York : Oxford University Press, 2023.
pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour) —224 pages ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781538157992 PDF ebook £112.00 ISBN 9780197557303 paperback £22.99 ; 9780197557297
BNB Number GBC381357 hardback £81.00
Museum exhibits, Handbooks, manuals, etc. BNB Number GBC378165
Prepublication record Documentary films, United States, History and criticism.
Prepublication record
Prioritizing people in ethical decision-making and caring for 070.18
cultural heritage collections / edited by Nina Owczarek. [online Psychoanalysis and ethics in documentary film / Agnieszka
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource Piotrowska. [online resource] —Second edition. —London :
(256 pages) : illustrations (black and white) Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (312 pages) :
ISBN 9781000891386 ePub ebook £35.99 ; 9781000891300 illustrations (black and white)
PDF ebook £35.99 ISBN 9781000886702 PDF ebook No price ; 9781000886740
BNB Number GBC380784 ePub ebook £35.99
Museum conservation methods, Moral and ethical aspects. BNB Number GBC380675
Museum conservation methods, Decision making. Documentary films, Psychological aspects.
Cultural property, Protection, Decision making. Documentary films, Moral and ethical aspects.
Cultural property, Protection, Moral and ethical aspects. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
Psychoanalysis and ethics in documentary film / Agnieszka
Piotrowska. —Second edition. —London : Routledge, 2023.
—312 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781032335544 paperback £35.99 ; 9781032335575
hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC378824
Documentary films, Moral and ethical aspects.
Documentary films, Psychological aspects.
Prepublication record
070.4 070.43
The broadcast news toolkit : inside the digital newsroom / The language of fake news / Jack Grieve, Helena Woodfield.
Kirsten Johnson, Jodi Radosh. [online resource] —London : [online resource] —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (214 pages) : 2023. —1 online resource.
illustrations (black and white) ISBN 9781009349161 ebook £90.00 ; 9781009349154 PDF
ISBN 9781000879131 PDF ebook £34.99 ; 9781000879179 ebook No price
ePub ebook £34.99 BNB Number GBC381160
BNB Number GBC380548 Journalism, Language.
Broadcast journalism. Journalism, Authorship.
Online journalism. Forensic linguistics.
Prepublication record Fake news.
Prepublication record
The broadcast news toolkit : inside the digital newsroom / 070.49092
Kirsten Johnson, Jodi Radosh. —London : Routledge, 2023. The golden age of photojournalism / Russell Melcher.
—214 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm —Kempen : teNeues, 2023. —256 pages : illustrations (black
ISBN 9780367743338 hardback £130.00 ; 9780367743321 and white) ; 30 cm
paperback £34.99 ISBN 9783961714391 hardback £45.00
BNB Number GBC378301 BNB Number GBC380308
Broadcast journalism. Melcher, Russell.
Online journalism. Photojournalism, History, 20th century.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

070.4023 070.50942
How journalists engage : a theory of trust building, identities, The people of print : seventeenth-century England / Rachel
and care / Sue Robinson. —New York : Oxford University Stenner [and eleven others]. [online resource] —Cambridge :
Press, 2023. —256 pages ; 24 cm Cambridge University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (75
ISBN 9780197667118 hardback £64.00 ; 9780197667125 pages).
paperback £19.99 ISBN 9781009380676 ebook £90.00
BNB Number GBC378179 BNB Number GBC381163
Journalistic ethics. Printers, England, History, 17th century, Biography.
News audiences, Attitudes. Papermakers, England, History, 17th century, Biography.
Press, Public relations. Booksellers and bookselling, England, History, 17th
Prepublication record century, Biography.
Publishers and publishing, England, History, 17th century,
070.43 Biography.
Fake news in America : contested meanings in the post-truth Prepublication record
era / Anthony R. DiMaggio. —Cambridge : Cambridge
University Press, 2023. —280 pages 070.50942
ISBN 9781316512456 hardback £95.00 The people of print : seventeenth-century England / Rachel
BNB Number GBC379217 Stenner [and eleven others]. —Cambridge : Cambridge
Disinformation, United States. University Press, 2023. —75 pages.
Mass media and public opinion, United States. ISBN 9781009380683 paperback £12.49
Fake news, United States, Case studies. BNB Number GBC378544
Mass media and propaganda, United States. Papermakers, England, History, 17th century, Biography.
Social media, United States. Publishers and publishing, England, History, 17th century,
Media literacy, United States. Biography.
Prepublication record Booksellers and bookselling, England, History, 17th
century, Biography.
Printers, England, History, 17th century, Biography.
Prepublication record

070.57973 079.54
Plan S for shock : science, shock, solution, speed / Digital first : entrepreneurial journalism in India / Surbhi
Robert-Jan Smits and Rachael Pells ; [forward by Nobel Dahiya. —Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2023. —440
Laureate Randy Schekman]. —London : Ubiquity Press, 2022. pages ; 22 cm
—xiii, 210 pages ; 23 cm ISBN 9780198879657 hardback £100.00
ISBN 9781914481161 ; 191448116X BNB Number GBC378193
BNB Number GBC377269 Online journalism, India.
Open access publishing. New business enterprises, India.
Entrepreneurship, India.
070.92 Digital media, India.
Never better : my life in our times / Tommie Gorman. Prepublication record
—Sydney : Allen & Unwin, 2023. —400 pages ; 20 cm
ISBN 9781838957841 paperback £10.99
BNB Number GBC379994
Gorman, Tommie.
Television journalists, Ireland, Biography.
Prepublication record

Issues in contemporary American journalism / edited by Hans
C. Schmidt. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
online resource (232 pages)
ISBN 9781000878707 ePub ebook £34.99 ; 9781000878660
PDF ebook £34.99
BNB Number GBC380542
Journalism, United States, History, 21st century.
Prepublication record

Issues in contemporary American journalism / edited by Hans
C. Schmidt. —London : Routledge, 2023. —232 pages ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781032325521 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032325514
paperback £34.99
BNB Number GBC378812
Journalism, United States, History, 21st century.
Prepublication record

The Morning Post, 1772-1937 : portrait of a newspaper /
Wilfrid Hindle. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023.
—1 online resource (273 pages).
ISBN 9781000904802 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000904840
ePub ebook £48.99
BNB Number GBC381056
Prepublication record

The Morning Post, 1772-1937 : portrait of a newspaper /
Wilfrid Hindle. —London : Routledge, 2023. —273 pages ; 24
ISBN 9781032521596 hardback £90.00
BNB Number GBC379105
Prepublication record

Philosophy & psychology
109 111
Historiography and the formation of philosophical canons / dIFFERENCE : race racism racist : book 1 : a children's book
edited by Sandra Lapointe and Erich Reck. [online resource] = dIFFERENCIAS : raza racismo racista : libro 1 : un libro
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (342 pages) para noños / written by Ruffles ; illustrated by FolksnFables.
: illustrations (black and white) —[Pennsauken, New Jersey] : [BookBaby], [2021] —49 pages
ISBN 9781000896534 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000896503 : illustrations (colour) ; 23 cm
PDF ebook £38.99 ISBN 9781098373719 paperback
BNB Number GBC380901 BNB Number GBC377577
Philosophy, Historiography.
Philosophy, History. 111
Prepublication record Documentary genealogies : Photgraphy 1848 -1917 / head of
editorial activities, Alicia Pinteño ; translations from Spanish to
109 English, Jethro Soutar, translations from German and French
Historiography and the formation of philosophical canons / to English, Carolyn Wooding. —Madrid : Museo Nacional
edited by Sandra Lapointe and Erich Reck. —London : Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, [2022] —263 pages : illustrations
Routledge, 2023. —342 pages : illustrations (black and white) (black and white) ; 23 cm
; 23 cm ISBN 9788480266420
ISBN 9781032024349 hardback £130.00 BNB Number GBC378053
BNB Number GBC378560
Philosophy, Historiography. 111
Philosophy, History. Foundry / Gregory Betts. —Dugort, Achill, Co. Mayo :
Prepublication record Redfoxpress, February 2021. —1 volume (unpaged) :
illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 15 cm.
110 BNB Number GBC377535
Kant's critique of pure reason and the method of metaphysics
/ Gabriele Gava. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 111
2023. —310 pages Harmony through relative solfa : a practical approach using
ISBN 9781009172103 hardback £85.00 fine music examples selected from different eras / Dr. Mónika
BNB Number GBC378492 Benedek and Prof. David Vinden. —Second edition.
Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804. Kritik der reinen Vernunft. —Northwood Hills, Middx : Kodály Centre of London, 2020.
Knowledge, Theory of. —xii, 246 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 30 cm
Metaphysics. ISBN 9780993357916 paperback
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC377606

111 111
200 years of Röhling : 1822- / all text apart from those International valuation standards : Effective 31 January 2022 /
specified, Christiane Müller ; editorial staff, Christiane Müller, International Valuation Standards Council. —London :
Ina Breitsprecher. —First edition. —Mannheim, Germany : International Valuation Standards Council, 2021. —iii, 146
The Shareholder's Committee of Röchling SE & CO. KG, pages ; 24 cm
2022. —280 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ISBN 9780993151347 paperback
; 34 cm BNB Number GBC377459
ISBN 9783446473461
BNB Number GBC378088
New visions of the Netherlands / photos, Jurjen Drenth ; text
111 Martijn de Rooi. —Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands :
Democracy in times of war : challenges to our common Dutch Publishers, 2018. —128 pages : illustrations (colour), 1
humanity / Hans Köchler. —Vienna : International Progress map (colour) ; 31 cm
Organization, [2023] —17 pages : 1 illustration (black and ISBN 9789076214160 hardback
white) ; 21 cm. BNB Number GBC377289
ISBN 9783900704322 paperback
BNB Number GBC378055

111 113
No A <-> No Z / Klaus Peter Dencker & Giovanni Fontana. Philosophy of nature / Sebastian Walshe. —Charlotte : TAN
—Dugort, Achill, Co Mayo : Redfoxpress, December 2019. —1 Books, 2023. —136 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23
volume (unpaged) : illustrations (colour) ; 15 cm. cm.
BNB Number GBC377534 ISBN 9781505126396 paperback No price
Artists' books. BNB Number GBC379471
Visual poetry. Philosophy of nature.
Natural theology.
111 Prepublication record
Singularities at the threshold : the ontology of unrest / Bruno
Gullì. —Lanham : Lexington Books, 2023. —162 pages ; 23 113
cm The foundations of wisdom. Volume 2, Philosophy of nature /
ISBN 9781793606785 paperback £31.00 Fr. Sebastian Walshe O. Praem. —Charlotte : TAN Books,
BNB Number GBC379825 2023. —48 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm
Ontology. ISBN 9781505126402 paperback No price
Individualism. BNB Number GBC379472
Prepublication record Natural theology.
Philosophy of nature.
111 Prepublication record
Tantramar revisited revisited / Thaddeus Holownia ; text, Tom
Smart. —Jolicure, New Brunswick, [Canada] : Anchorage 113.8
Press, 2018. —31 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 27 Ludwig Wittgenstein : the meaning of life / edited by Joaquín
cm Jareño-Alarcón. —Chichester : Wiley Blackwell, 2023. —240
ISBN 9781895488432 paperback pages
BNB Number GBC377520 ISBN 9781394162888 paperback £32.99
BNB Number GBC379260
111 Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 1889-1951
The Dying Peasant / Karel van de Woestijne ; translated and
with an introduction by Paul Vincent. —[United Kingdom] : Meaning (Philosophy)
Snuggly Books, [2018] —57 pages ; 21 cm Life.
ISBN 9781943813766 paperback Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378047
111 Non-ideal epistemology / Robin McKenna. [online resource]
The Science of the Ambulance Service / Alistair Gunn with —Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2023. —1 online resource
Josh Barraclough and Helen Seymour. —[United Kingdom] : (208 pages)
Blue Light Education Collaborative, June 2021. —82 pages : ISBN 9780192888839 ebook No price
illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 19x26 cm BNB Number GBC380412
ISBN 9781739806019 paperback Knowledge, Theory of.
BNB Number GBC377549 Prepublication record

111 121
Thunderpaws and the Tower of London : art & biographies / Perception and the physical world / D.M. Armstrong. [online
illustrations by MonoKubo. —Great Britain : High Gate Press, resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
2021. —1 volume (unpaged) : illustrations (colour) ; 26 cm (206 pages).
ISBN 9781914956072 paperback ISBN 9781000900866 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000900859
BNB Number GBC377573 PDF ebook £48.99
BNB Number GBC380999
Z.A.S.T. : zine anthology 1990-1992 / original fanzine content,
Prepublication record
Havard Ellefsen ; text exclusive to this anthology, Dayal
Patterson. —London : Cult Never Dies, 2021. —121 pages : 121
illustrations (black and white) ; 31 cm Perception and the physical world / D.M. Armstrong. —London
ISBN 9781916020603 hardback : Routledge, 2023. —206 pages ; 24 cm.
BNB Number GBC377487 ISBN 9781032521367 hardback £90.00
BNB Number GBC379103
Prepublication record

121.6 126
A history and philosophy of expertise : the nature and limits of Self definition : a philosophical inquiry from the Global South
authority / Jamie Carlin Watson. —London : Bloomsbury and Global North / Teodros Kiros. —Lanham : Lexington
Academic, 2023. —288 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; Books, 2023. —140 pages ; 23 cm.
24 cm ISBN 9781793605962 paperback £31.00
ISBN 9781350217676 paperback £28.99 BNB Number GBC379823
BNB Number GBC379244 Gender identity.
Expertise. Sex role.
Testimony (Theory of knowledge) Self (Philosophy)
Authority. Race awareness.
Evidence. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
121.6 Good catastrophe : the tide-turning power of hope / Benjamin
Rationality and belief / Ralph Wedgwood. —Oxford : Oxford Windle. —Bloomington : Bethany House Publishers, 2023.
University Press, 2023. —320 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm —208 pages ; 22 cm
ISBN 9780198874492 hardback £72.00 ISBN 9780764241161 paperback £13.99
BNB Number GBC378190 BNB Number GBC378423
Reason. Job (Biblical figure)
Rationalism. Hope, Religious aspects.
Belief and doubt. Pain, Religious aspects.
Prepublication record Spirituality.
Prepublication record
Kant on freedom / Owen Ware. [online resource] —Cambridge 128.2
: Cambridge University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (75 Movements of the mind : a theory of attention, intention and
pages). action / Wayne Wu. —Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2023.
ISBN 9781009070652 PDF ebook £145.00 —272 pages ; 24 cm
BNB Number GBC381134 ISBN 9780192866899 hardback £60.00
Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804 BNB Number GBC378145 Philosophy of mind.
Liberty, Philosophy. Intention.
Free will and determinism. Attention, Philosophy.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

124 128.2
Moral teleology : a theory of progress / Hanno Sauer. [online What is consciousness? : a debate / Amy Kind, Daniel Stoljar
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource ; foreword by Frank Jackson. [online resource] —London :
(218 pages). Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (224 pages).
ISBN 9781000899603 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000899566 ISBN 9781000866605 PDF ebook £29.99 ; 9781000866667
PDF ebook £38.99 ePub ebook £29.99
BNB Number GBC380973 BNB Number GBC380502
Progress, Moral and ethical aspects. Consciousness.
Teleology. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
124 What is consciousness? : a debate / Amy Kind, Daniel Stoljar
Moral teleology : a theory of progress / Hanno Sauer. ; foreword by Frank Jackson. —London : Routledge, 2023.
—London : Routledge, 2023. —218 pages ; 23 cm. —224 pages ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9781032451800 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781032470627 hardback £120.00 ; 9780367332426
BNB Number GBC378958 paperback £29.99
Teleology. BNB Number GBC378990
Progress, Moral and ethical aspects. Consciousness.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

128.5 133.335
Stardust to stardust : reflections on living and dying / Erik Olin The sacred numbers of initiation : an ancient Essene
Wright. —Chicago : Haymarket Books, 2023. —260 pages ; numerology system / Lars Muhl. [online resource] —London :
23 cm Watkins, 2023. —1 online resource (174 pages)
ISBN 9781642599206 paperback No price ISBN 9781786788030 ebook £7.99
BNB Number GBC379651 BNB Number GBC381385
Death. Essenes.
Prepublication record Numerology.
Prepublication record
Ghostly encounters : cultural and imaginary representations of 133.335
the spectral from the nineteenth century to the present / edited The sacred numbers of initiation : an ancient Essene
by Stefano Cracolici and Mark Sandy. —London : Routledge, numerology system / Lars Muhl. —London : Watkins, 2023.
2023. —156 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm. —174 pages ; 19 cm
ISBN 9780367677015 paperback £38.99 ISBN 9781786788016 hardback £14.99
BNB Number GBC378284 BNB Number GBC379795
Ghosts, History. Numerology.
Apparitions, History. Essenes.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

133.1097866 133.43
Haunted Southwest Montana / Deborah Cuyle. —Mount A witch's guide to creating & performing rituals : that actually
Pleasant : The History Press, 2023. —144 pages ; 23 cm. work / Phoenix LeFae. —Minneapolis : Llewellyn Publications,
ISBN 9781467153683 paperback No price 2023. —288 pages ; 23 cm
BNB Number GBC379379 ISBN 9780738771410 paperback £17.99
Haunted places, Montana. BNB Number GBC378413
Montana, History. Witchcraft.
Prepublication record Magic.
Rites and ceremonies.
133.2548 Prepublication record
The little book of crystals : crystals to attract love, wellbeing
and spiritual harmony into your life / Judy Hall. [online 133.43
resource] —London : Gaia, 2016. —1 online resource : The baby witch's journal : a spell book for new witches / Astrid
illustrations. Carvel. —Chichester : Summersdale, 2023. —160 pages ; 21
ISBN 9781856753623 (ePub ebook) ; 185675362X (ePub cm
ebook) ISBN 9781800077140 paperback £10.99
BNB Number GBC377772 BNB Number GBC379842
Crystals. Witchcraft.
Crystals, Psychic aspects. Self-actualization (Psychology)
133.3 Prepublication record
The teen witches' guide to divination : discover the secret
forces of the universe...and unlock your own hidden power! / 133.43
Claire Philip ; illustrated by Luna Valentine. —London : The book of practical witchcraft : a compendium of spells,
Arcturus, 2023. —128 pages : illustrations ; 19 cm rituals and occult knowledge / Pamela Ball. —London :
ISBN 9781398822726 paperback £6.99 Arcturus, 2023. —128 pages ; 22 cm.
BNB Number GBC379304 ISBN 9781398828483 paperback £9.99
Divination, Juvenile literature. BNB Number GBC379308
Prepublication record Witchcraft.
Prepublication record
The teen witches' guide to tarot : discover the secret forces of
the universe...and unlock your own hidden power! / Claire
Philip ; illustrated by Luna Valentine. —London : Arcturus,
2023. —128 pages : illustrations ; 19 cm.
ISBN 9781398813298 paperback £6.99
BNB Number GBC379296
Tarot, Juvenile literature.
Prepublication record

133.430954 133.9
Black magic, witchcraft and occultism : secret cultural The dream, the journey, eternity, and God : channeled
practices in India / edited by Sajal Nag. [online resource] answers to life's deepest questions / Sara Landon, Mike
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (590 pages) Dooley. —London : Hay House, 2023. —248 pages ; 22 cm
: illustrations (black and white) ISBN 9781788178464 paperback £11.99
ISBN 9781000905229 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000905267 BNB Number GBC379801
ePub ebook £38.99 Spiritual life, Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness.
BNB Number GBC381063 Guides (Spiritualism)
Occultism, India. Ascended masters.
Witchcraft, India. Body-mind centering.
Prepublication record Spiritualism.
Channeling (Spiritualism)
133.430954 Mind and body.
Black magic, witchcraft and occultism : secret cultural Prepublication record
practices in India / edited by Sajal Nag. —London : Routledge,
2023. —590 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 22 cm 133.903
ISBN 9781032522500 hardback £130.00 The encyclopedia of spirits : the ultimate guide to the magic of
BNB Number GBC379111 fairies, genies, demons, ghosts, gods, and goddesses / Judika
Occultism, India. Illes. [online resource] —New York : HarperOne, ©2009. —1
Witchcraft, India. online resource (ix, 1056 pages).
Prepublication record ISBN 9780062046093 (electronic bk.) ; 0062046098
(electronic bk.)
133.44 BNB Number GBC377893
The teen witches' guide to spells & charms : discover the Body, Mind & Spirit, Reference.
secret forces of the universe ... and unlock your own hidden Self-Help, Spiritual.
power! / Claire Philip ; illustrated by Luna Valentine. —London Spirits, Encyclopedias.
: Arcturus, 2023. —128 pages : illustrations ; 19 cm. Supernatural, Encyclopedias.
ISBN 9781398822641 paperback £6.99
BNB Number GBC379302 139.09309034
Charms, Juvenile literature. Science and power in the nineteenth-century Tasman world :
Prepublication record popular phrenology in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand /
Alexandra Roginski. —Cambridge : Cambridge University
133.5 Press, 2023. —300 pages.
The astrology guide : understanding your signs, your gifts, ISBN 9781316519448 hardback £85.00
and yourself / Claudia Trivelas ; foreword by Katharine Merlin. BNB Number GBC379222
—Canton : Visible Ink Press, 2023. —400 pages : illustrations Phrenology, New Zealand, History, 19th century.
(black and white) ; 24 cm Phrenology, Australia, History, 19th century.
ISBN 9781578597383 paperback No price ; 9781578598199 Prepublication record
hardback No price
BNB Number GBC379567 142.7
Astrology. Phenomenology of practice : meaning-giving methods in
Prepublication record phenomenological research and writing / Max van Manen.
[online resource] —Second edition. —London : Routledge,
133.9 2023. —1 online resource (498 pages)
Find your animal : a spiritual guide to self-discovery / Dina ISBN 9781000876116 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000876130
Saalisi. [online resource] —London : Laurence King ePub ebook £38.99
Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource BNB Number GBC380519
ISBN 9781399615327 ePub ebook £14.99 Hermeneutics, Research, Methodology.
BNB Number GBC381278 Social sciences, Research, Methodology.
Animals, Miscellanea. Phenomenology, Research, Methodology.
Spiritual life. Prepublication record
Prepublication record

142.7 150.195
Phenomenology of practice : meaning-giving methods in Lacanian psychoanalysis : a contemporary introduction /
phenomenological research and writing / Max van Manen. Shlomit Yadlin-Gadot, Uri Hadar. [online resource] —London :
—Second edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —498 pages ; Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (248 pages) :
26 cm illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9781032131894 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032131931 ISBN 9781000890501 PDF ebook £19.99 ; 9781000890556
paperback £38.99 ePub ebook £19.99
BNB Number GBC378614 BNB Number GBC380758
Phenomenology, Research, Methodology. Lacan, Jacques, 1901-1981
Hermeneutics, Research, Methodology.
Social sciences, Research, Methodology. Psychoanalysis.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

142.7 150.195
Rethinking interiority : phenomenological approaches / edited Lacanian psychoanalysis : a contemporary introduction /
by Élodie Boublil, Antonio Calcagno. —Albany : SUNY Press, Shlomit Yadlin-Gadot, Uri Hadar. —London : Routledge, 2023.
2023. —232 pages ; 23 cm. —248 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9781438493138 hardback No price ISBN 9780367618735 paperback £19.99 ; 9780367618704
BNB Number GBC379340 hardback £120.00
Phenomenology. BNB Number GBC378278
Intentionality (Philosophy) Lacan, Jacques, 1901-1981
Prepublication record
144.3 Prepublication record
Humanism, antitheodicism, and the critique of meaning in
pragmatist philosophy of religion / Sami Pihlström. [online 150.195
resource] —Lanham : Lexington Books, 2023. —1 online Melanie Klein's narrative of an adult analysis / Christine
resource. English. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
ISBN 9781666926286 ePub ebook No price online resource (194 pages)
BNB Number GBC381378 ISBN 9781000886184 ePub ebook £29.99 ; 9781000886146
James, William, 1842-1910, Influence. PDF ebook £29.99
Pragmatism. BNB Number GBC380659
Religion, Philosophy. Klein, Melanie
Prepublication record Psychoanalysis.
Prepublication record
Themes, issues and debates in psychology / Richard Gross. 150.195
[online resource] —Fifth edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. Melanie Klein's narrative of an adult analysis / Christine
—1 online resource (336 pages) : illustrations (black and English. —London : Routledge, 2023. —194 pages ; 24 cm
white) ISBN 9781032446875 paperback £29.99 ; 9781032446851
ISBN 9781000895346 ePub ebook £34.99 ; 9781000895339 hardback £120.00
PDF ebook £34.99 BNB Number GBC378951
BNB Number GBC380878 Klein, Melanie
Psychology. Psychoanalysis.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

Themes, issues and debates in psychology / Richard Gross.
—Fifth edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —336 pages :
illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm
ISBN 9781032413563 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032413556
paperback £34.99
BNB Number GBC378911
Prepublication record

150.195 150.195
The clinical paradigms of Donald Winnicott and Wilfred Bion : The secret symmetry of Maimonides and Freud / Nathan
comparisons and dialogues / Jan Abram, Robert Szajnberg. —London : Routledge, 2023. —98 pages ; 24 cm
Hinshelwood. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. ISBN 9781032414669 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032414652
—1 online resource (176 pages). paperback £29.99
ISBN 9781000889239 PDF ebook £29.99 ; 9781000889291 BNB Number GBC378914
ePub ebook £29.99 Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939. Traumdeutung.
BNB Number GBC380723 Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204. Dalālat al-ḥāʼ irīn.
Winnicott, D. W. (Donald Woods), 1896-1971 Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204, Influence. Judaism and psychoanalysis.
Bion, Wilfred R. (Wilfred Ruprecht), 1897-1979 Psychoanalysis and philosophy. Jewish philosophy.
Psychoanalysis. Prepublication record
Prepublication record 150.1954
Jungian reflections on systemic racism : members of an
150.195 American psychoanalytic community on training, practice and
The clinical paradigms of Donald Winnicott and Wilfred Bion : inclusivity / edited by Christopher Carter, Tiffany
comparisons and dialogues / Jan Abram, Robert Houck-Loomis. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023.
Hinshelwood. —London : Routledge, 2023. —176 pages ; 24 —1 online resource (272 pages)
cm. ISBN 9781000891027 PDF ebook £29.99 ; 9781000891065
ISBN 9781032465821 paperback £29.99 ; 9781032465807 ePub ebook £29.99
hardback £120.00 BNB Number GBC380775
BNB Number GBC378985 Jung, C. G. (Carl Gustav), 1875-1961
Bion, Wilfred R. (Wilfred Ruprecht), 1897-1979 Jungian psychology.
Winnicott, D. W. (Donald Woods), 1896-1971 White nationalism, Psychological aspects. Racism, Psychological aspects.
Psychotherapy. Prepublication record
Prepublication record 150.1954
Jungian reflections on systemic racism : members of an
150.195 American psychoanalytic community on training, practice and
The secret symmetry of Maimonides and Freud / Nathan inclusivity / edited by Christopher Carter, Tiffany
Szajnberg. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 Houck-Loomis. —London : Routledge, 2023. —272 pages ; 24
online resource (98 pages) cm
ISBN 9781000882780 PDF ebook £120.00 ; 9781000882827 ISBN 9781032318042 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032318035
ePub ebook £120.00 paperback £29.99
BNB Number GBC380609 BNB Number GBC378806
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204. Dalālat al-ḥāʼ irīn. Jung, C. G. (Carl Gustav), 1875-1961
Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939. Traumdeutung.
Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204, Influence. White nationalism, Psychological aspects.
Judaism and psychoanalysis. Jungian psychology.
Jewish philosophy. Racism, Psychological aspects.
Psychoanalysis and philosophy. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
Cultivating Q methodology : essays honoring Steven R.
Brown / edited by James C. Rhoads, Dan B. Thomas and
Susan E. Ramlo. [online resource] —[United States] :
International Society for the Scientific Study of Subjectivity,
2022. —1 online resource : illustrations
ISBN 9781667809359 ebook No price
BNB Number GBC381582
Q technique.
Prepublication record

150.243613 152.1
Psychology, human growth and development for social work : Bodily sensations / D.M. Armstrong. [online resource]
a comprehensive guide / Emma Zara O'Brien. —2nd edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (138 pages).
—London : Red Globe Press/Macmillan International Higher ISBN 9781000901047 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000901160
Education, 2020. —xvii, 494 pages : illustrations (black and ePub ebook £48.99
white) ; 24 cm BNB Number GBC381006
ISBN 135200965X paperback ; 9781352009651 paperback Senses and sensation.
BNB Number GBC377324 Prepublication record
Social service, Psychological aspects. 152.1
Social work education. Bodily sensations / D.M. Armstrong. —London : Routledge,
2023. —138 pages ; 20 cm.
150.287 ISBN 9781032521572 hardback £85.00
Constructing measures : an item response modeling approach BNB Number GBC379104
/ Mark Wilson. [online resource] —Second edition. —London : Senses and sensation.
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (364 pages) : Prepublication record
illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781000887273 ePub ebook £44.99 ; 9781000887228 152.4
PDF ebook £44.99 Cultural perspectives on shame : unities and diversities /
BNB Number GBC380683 edited by Cecilea Mun. [online resource] —London :
Psychological tests, Design and construction. Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (256 pages) :
Prepublication record illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781000890877 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000890846
150.287 PDF ebook £38.99
Constructing measures : an item response modeling approach BNB Number GBC380769
/ Mark Wilson. —Second edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. Shame, Social aspects, Cross-cultural studies.
—364 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781032261683 paperback £44.99 ; 9781032261669
hardback £130.00 152.4
BNB Number GBC378731 Cultural perspectives on shame : unities and diversities /
Psychological tests, Design and construction. edited by Cecilea Mun. —London : Routledge, 2023. —256
Prepublication record pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781032390949 hardback £130.00
150.72 BNB Number GBC378894
An introduction to artificial psychology : application fuzzy set Shame, Social aspects, Cross-cultural studies.
theory and deep machine learning in psychological research Prepublication record
using R / Hojjatollah Farahani [and five others]. —Cham :
Springer, 2023. —338 pages : illustrations (black and white, 152.4
and colour) ; 24 cm Emotional intelligence / Steven J. Stein. —Second edition.
ISBN 9783031311710 hardback £149.99 —Hoboken, NJ : For Dummies, 2023. —352 pages ; 24 cm
BNB Number GBC380287 ISBN 9781119988151 paperback £18.99
Artificial intelligence. BNB Number GBC379187
Machine learning. Emotional intelligence.
Fuzzy sets. Prepublication record
Psychology, Research, Data processing.
Prepublication record
Why you feel the way you do / Reneau Z. Peurifoy, MA.
152 —Camarillo : DeVorss Publications, 2023. —240 pages ; 21
The geographies of comfort / edited by Danny McNally, Laura cm
Price, Philip Crang. —London : Routledge, 2023. —282 pages ISBN 9780875169316 paperback No price
: illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm BNB Number GBC378467
ISBN 9780367682613 paperback £38.99 Neurosciences.
BNB Number GBC378285 Emotions.
Human geography. Human behavior.
Human comfort. Prepublication record
Prepublication record

152.42 153
No bad days : how to make every day great / Jeffrey Holst. The clinical comprehension of meaning : the Bion/Meltzer
—New York : Morgan James Publishing, 2023. —214 pages ; vertex / Carlos Tabbia. [online resource] —London :
22 cm Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (408 pages)
ISBN 9781636980003 paperback No price ISBN 9781000900590 PDF ebook £32.99 ; 9781000900620
BNB Number GBC379628 ePub ebook £32.99
Holst, Jeffrey. BNB Number GBC380993
Happiness. Meaning (Psychology)
Attitude change. Psychoanalysis.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

152.46 153
Anxiety / edited by Danielle Lobban. —Cambridge : The clinical comprehension of meaning : the Bion/Meltzer
Independence Educational Publishers, 2023. —48 pages ; 29 vertex / Carlos Tabbia. —London : Routledge, 2023. —408
cm. pages ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781861688828 paperback £8.95 ISBN 9781032388571 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032373942
BNB Number GBC380016 paperback £32.99
Anxiety. BNB Number GBC378890
Prepublication record Psychoanalysis.
Meaning (Psychology)
152.460968 Prepublication record
Worrier state : risk, anxiety and moral panic in South Africa /
Nicky Falkof. —Manchester : Manchester University Press, 153
2023. —248 pages ; 22 cm. The psychology of cognition : an introduction to cognitive
ISBN 9781526171887 paperback No price neuroscience / Durk Talsma. [online resource] —London :
BNB Number GBC379505 Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (794 pages) :
Fear, South Africa. illustrations (black and white, and colour)
Moral panics, South Africa. ISBN 9781000874952 ePub ebook £46.99 ; 9781000874921
Anxiety, South Africa. PDF ebook £46.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC380516
Cognitive psychology.
153 Consciousness.
Embodied and enactive approaches to cognition / Shaun Cognitive neuroscience.
Gallagher. [online resource] —Cambridge : Cambridge Social perception.
University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (75 pages). Prepublication record
ISBN 9781009209793 ebook £145.00
BNB Number GBC381142 153
Cognition, Philosophy. The psychology of cognition : an introduction to cognitive
Philosophy and cognitive science. neuroscience / Durk Talsma. —London : Routledge, 2023.
Prepublication record —794 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 30
153 ISBN 9781032333625 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032333618
Embodied and enactive approaches to cognition / Shaun paperback £46.99
Gallagher. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. BNB Number GBC378823
—75 pages. Cognitive psychology.
ISBN 9781009209809 paperback £17.00 Consciousness.
BNB Number GBC378501 Cognitive neuroscience.
Philosophy and cognitive science. Social perception.
Cognition, Philosophy. Prepublication record
Prepublication record

153.12 153.35076
Memory in science for society : there is nothing as practical as The coach's guide to completing creative work : 40+ tips for
a good theory / edited by Robert H. Logie, Zhisheng (Edward) working with procrastination, perfectionism and more / edited
Wen, Susan E. Gathercole, Nelson Cowan, and Randall W. by Eric Maisel and Lynda Monk. [online resource] —London :
Engle. [online resource] —First edition. —Oxford : Oxford Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (234 pages)
University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (xxiv, 437 pages) : ISBN 9781000893380 ePub ebook £29.99 ; 9781000893342
illustrations (black and white, and colour). PDF ebook £29.99
ISBN 9780192849069 hardback No price ; 9780191944338 BNB Number GBC380844
ebook No price Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.), Problems, exercises, etc.
BNB Number GBC380410 Personal coaching, Problems, exercises, etc.
Memory, Social aspects. Creative ability, Problems, exercises, etc.
Memory. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
153.12 Thinking and deciding / Jonathan Baron. [online resource]
Rewire your brain 2.0 : five healthy factors to a better life / —Fifth edition. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,
John B. Arden. [online resource] —Second edition. —San 2023. —1 online resource : illustrations
Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 2023. —1 online resource (304 ISBN 9781009263672 ebook £325.00
pages) BNB Number GBC381147
ISBN 9781119895961 ePub ebook £20.99 Decision making.
BNB Number GBC381194 Thought and thinking.
Memory. Prepublication record
Neurosciences. 153.42
Prepublication record Creating the reflective habit : a practical guide for coaches,
mentors and leaders / Michelle Lucas. [online resource]
153.1523 —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (188 pages)
Imitation : the basics / Naomi van Bergen, Allard R. Feddes, : illustrations (black and white)
Liesbeth Mann, Bertjan Doosje. [online resource] —London : ISBN 9781000881059 PDF ebook £29.99 ; 9781000881127
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (162 pages) : ePub ebook £29.99
illustrations (black and white). BNB Number GBC380567
ISBN 9781000879124 PDF ebook £16.99 ; 9781000879162 Counseling.
ePub ebook £16.99 Critical thinking.
BNB Number GBC380547 Personal coaching.
Imitation. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
153.1523 Creating the reflective habit : a practical guide for coaches,
Imitation : the basics / Naomi van Bergen, Allard R. Feddes, mentors and leaders / Michelle Lucas. —London : Routledge,
Liesbeth Mann, Bertjan Doosje. —London : Routledge, 2023. 2023. —188 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 20 cm
—162 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 20 cm. ISBN 9781032317618 paperback £29.99 ; 9781032317595
ISBN 9781032005423 paperback £16.99 ; 9781032006604 hardback £120.00
hardback £120.00 BNB Number GBC378804
BNB Number GBC378549 Counseling.
Imitation. Critical thinking.
Prepublication record Personal coaching.
Prepublication record
The abolition of genius / Charles McCreery foreword by H.J. 153.42
Eysenck. —[Oxford] : Oxford Forum, [2019] —147 pages ; 22 Hidden genius : the secret ways of thinking that power the
cm world's most successful people / Polina Marinova Pompliano.
ISBN 9781916090613 cased £15.95 ; 1916090613 cased [online resource] —Petersfield : Harriman House, 2023. —1
£15.95 online resource (264 pages)
BNB Number GBC377566 ISBN 9781804090053 ebook £11.25
BNB Number GBC381434
Thought and thinking.
Prepublication record
153.43 153.6
Willy's noisy sister / written by Elizabeth Crary ; illustrated by The psychology of lying and misrepresentations : behavioural,
Susan Avishai. —1st ed. —Seattle, Wash. : Parenting Press, neuroscientific and neuropsychological perspectives /
c2001. —28 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. Gianfranco Denes. —London : Routledge, 2023. —144 pages
ISBN 1884734588 ; 188473457X (pbk.) : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
BNB Number GBC378038 ISBN 9781032410289 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032410296
Brothers and sisters, Juvenile literature. paperback £35.99
Problem solving in children, Juvenile literature. BNB Number GBC378908
153.46 Truthfulness and falsehood, Psychological aspects.
Against better judgment : akrasia in anthropological Prepublication record
perspectives / edited by Patrick McKearney, Nicholas H.A.
Evans. [online resource] —New York : Berghahn Books, 2023. 153.68
—1 online resource (260 pages). The art of active listening : how people at work feel heard,
ISBN 9781805390015 ePub ebook No price valued, and understood / Heather R. Younger ; foreword by
BNB Number GBC381454 Stephen M.R. Covey. [online resource] —San Francisco :
Akrasia. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2023. —1 online resource
Ethics. ISBN 9781523003907 ePub ebook No price
Judgment. BNB Number GBC381316
Prepublication record Listening.
Interpersonal relations.
153.46 Prepublication record
Against better judgment : akrasia in anthropological
perspectives / edited by Patrick McKearney, Nicholas H.A. 153.68
Evans. —New York : Berghahn Books, 2023. —260 pages ; The art of active listening : how people at work feel heard,
23 cm. valued, and understood / Heather R. Younger. —San
ISBN 9781805390008 hardback £99.00 Francisco : Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2023. —192 pages ;
BNB Number GBC379966 23 cm
Ethics. ISBN 9781523003884 paperback No price
Judgment. BNB Number GBC379490
Akrasia. Listening.
Prepublication record Attention.
Business communication.
153.6 Interpersonal relations.
Kindly review : the secret to giving and receiving feedback to Prepublication record
make your ideas great / Dawn Crawford. —Hoboken : John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —256 pages ; 24 cm 153.852
ISBN 9781394182879 hardback £22.99 The dynamics of persuasion : communication and attitudes in
BNB Number GBC379276 the 21st century / Richard M. Perloff. [online resource]
Feedback (Psychology) —Eighth edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
Prepublication record resource (462 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and
153.6 ISBN 9781000899924 ePub ebook £82.99 ; 9781000899863
The psychology of lying and misrepresentations : behavioural, PDF ebook £82.99
neuroscientific and neuropsychological perspectives / BNB Number GBC380982
Gianfranco Denes. [online resource] —London : Routledge, Attitude change.
2023. —1 online resource (144 pages) : illustrations (black Mass media, Psychological aspects.
and white) Persuasion (Psychology)
ISBN 9781000897784 PDF ebook £35.99 ; 9781000897814 Prepublication record
ePub ebook £35.99
BNB Number GBC380926
Truthfulness and falsehood, Psychological aspects.
Prepublication record

153.852 154.63
The dynamics of persuasion : communication and attitudes in Dreaming and being dreamt : the psychoanalytic function of
the 21st century / Richard M. Perloff. —Eighth edition. dreams / John A. Schneider. —London : Routledge, 2023.
—London : Routledge, 2023. —462 pages : illustrations (black —134 pages ; 24 cm
and white, and colour) ; 26 cm. ISBN 9781032471075 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032471105
ISBN 9781032268194 hardback £130.00 paperback £29.99
BNB Number GBC378741 BNB Number GBC378991
Attitude change. Psychoanalysis.
Mass media, Psychological aspects. Dreams.
Persuasion (Psychology) Prepublication record
Prepublication record
153.9 The developing person through the life span / Kathleen
Questioning experts and expertise / edited by Maria Stassen Berger. —Twelfth edition. —New York : Worth
Baghramian, Carlo Martini. [online resource] —London : Publishers, 2023. —816 pages : illustrations (black and white,
Routledge, 2022. —1 online resource (1 volume). and colour) ; 28 cm
ISBN 9781000700626 (electronic bk. : PDF) ; 9781003161851 ISBN 9781319498528 paperback £65.99
(electronic bk.) ; 1000700623 (electronic bk. : PDF) ; BNB Number GBC380376
1003161855 (electronic bk.) ; 9781000702644 (electronic bk. : Developmental psychology.
EPUB) ; 1000702642 (electronic bk. : EPUB) Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC377622
Specialists. 155
PHILOSOPHY / General The developing person through the life span / Kathleen
Expertise. Stassen Berger. [online resource] —Twelfth edition. —New
York : Worth Publishers, 2023. —1 online resource (816
154.2 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour)
The unconscious : a contemporary introduction / Joseph ISBN 9781319514112 ePub ebook £50.99
Newirth. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 BNB Number GBC381224
online resource (114 pages) : illustrations (black and white). Developmental psychology.
ISBN 9781000889901 ePub ebook £19.99 ; 9781000889857 Prepublication record
PDF ebook £19.99
BNB Number GBC380740 155.2
Subconsciousness. Bittersweet : how to turn sorrow into creativity, beauty and
Prepublication record love / Susan Cain. —London : Penguin Books, 2023. —296
pages ; 20 cm
154.2 ISBN 9780241300671 paperback £10.99
The unconscious : a contemporary introduction / Joseph BNB Number GBC378212
Newirth. —London : Routledge, 2023. —114 pages : Grief.
illustrations (black and white) ; 20 cm. Melancholy.
ISBN 9780367525170 paperback £19.99 ; 9780367525163 Desire.
hardback £130.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378271
Subconsciousness. 155.2
Prepublication record Subversion and desire : pathways to transindividuation / Manu
Bazzano. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
154.63 online resource (280 pages)
Dreaming and being dreamt : the psychoanalytic function of ISBN 9781000884319 PDF ebook £24.99 ; 9781000884371
dreams / John A. Schneider. [online resource] —London : ePub ebook £24.99
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (134 pages) BNB Number GBC380632
ISBN 9781000884609 ePub ebook £29.99 ; 9781000884548 Individuation (Psychology)
PDF ebook £29.99 Psychotherapy.
BNB Number GBC380636 Prepublication record
Prepublication record

155.2 155.26
Subversion and desire : pathways to transindividuation / Manu The Enneagram of emotional intelligence : a journey to
Bazzano. —London : Routledge, 2023. —280 pages ; 24 cm personal and professional success / Scott Allender. —Ada :
ISBN 9781032248226 paperback £24.99 ; 9781032248233 BakerBooks, 2023. —240 pages ; 22 cm
hardback £120.00 ISBN 9781540902764 paperback £14.99
BNB Number GBC378711 BNB Number GBC379558
Psychotherapy. Enneagram.
Individuation (Psychology) Emotional intelligence.
Prepublication record Mindfulness (Psychology)
Transformative learning.
155.2 Prepublication record
The self-esteem workbook : practical tips and guided
exercises to help you boost your self-esteem / Anna Barnes. 155.3
—Chichester : Vie, 2023. —160 pages ; 21 cm Gender, sexuality and subjectivity : a Lacanian perspective on
ISBN 9781800077164 paperback £10.99 identity, language, and queer theory / Duane Rousselle.
BNB Number GBC379844 —London : Routledge, 2023. —102 pages : illustrations (black
Self-esteem. and white). ; 22 cm.
Self-esteem, Problems, exercises, etc. ISBN 9780367495893 paperback £18.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC378267
Gender identity, Psychological aspects.
155.2 Sex, Psychological aspects.
Using an ISA mobile app for professional development / Queer theory.
Graham Passmore, Julie Prescott. —Basingstoke : Palgrave Prepublication record
Macmillan, 2023. —122 pages : illustrations (black and white)
; 21 cm 155.33
ISBN 9783030990732 paperback £39.99 Identifying universal sex differences / Lee Ellis, Craig T.
BNB Number GBC380228 Palmer, Rosemary Hopcroft, Anthony W. Hoskin. [online
Identity (Psychology) resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource :
Career development. illustrations (black and white).
Prepublication record ISBN 9781000902884 ePub ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC381032
155.232 Sex differences (Psychology)
Aggressive behavior : genetic and neural approaches / edited Prepublication record
by Edward C. Simmel, Martin E. Hahn, James K. Walters.
—London : Routledge, 2023. —226 pages ; 24 cm. 155.33
ISBN 9780367764104 paperback £27.99 The handbook of sex differences. Volume III, Behavioral
BNB Number GBC378306 variables / Lee Ellis, Craig T. Palmer, Rosemary Hopcroft,
Aggressiveness, Genetic aspects. Anthony W. Hoskin. [online resource] —London : Routledge,
Aggressiveness, Research. 2023. —1 online resource
Prepublication record ISBN 9781000902907 ePub ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC381034
155.25 Human behavior.
Permission to offend : the compassionate guide for living Sex differences (Psychology)
unfiltered, unashamed, and unafraid / Rachel Luna. [online Prepublication record
resource] —San Francisco : HarperOne, an imprint of
HarperCollins Publishers, 2023. —1 online resource. 155.33
ISBN 9780063112995 (electronic bk.) ; 006311299X The handbook of sex differences. Volume II, Cognitive
(electronic bk.) variables / Lee Ellis, Craig T. Palmer, Rosemary Hopcroft,
BNB Number GBC377823 Anthony W. Hoskin. [online resource] —London : Routledge,
Self-esteem. 2023. —1 online resource
Autonomy (Psychology) ISBN 9781000902914 ePub ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC381035
Sex differences (Psychology)
Prepublication record

155.33 155.33209410904
The handbook of sex differences. Volume I, Basic biology / Prosthetic agency : literature, culture and masculinity after
Lee Ellis, Craig T. Palmer, Rosemary Hopcroft, Anthony W. World War II / Gill Plain. —Cambridge : Cambridge University
Hoskin. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 Press, 2023. —300 pages
online resource ISBN 9781316513200 hardback £85.00
ISBN 9781000902891 ePub ebook £38.99 BNB Number GBC379218
BNB Number GBC381033 World War, 1939-1945, Influence.
Sex differences (Psychology) Sociology of disability, Great Britain, History, 20th century.
Biology. Men, Great Britain, Identity, History, 20th century.
Prepublication record Psychic trauma, Great Britain, History, 20th century.
Masculinity in popular culture, Great Britain, History, 20th
155.33 century.
What is sexual difference? : thinking with Irigaray / edited by World War, 1939-1945, Great Britain, Literature and the
Mary C. Rawlinson and James Sares. [online resource] —New war.
York : Columbia University Press, 2023. —1 online resource Prepublication record
(472 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9780231554688 ePub ebook £29.99 155.4192
BNB Number GBC380422 Feeding, bonding, and the formation of social relationships :
Irigaray, Luce ethnographic challenges to attachment theory and early
Sex (Psychology) childhood interventions / Leberecht Funk [and five others].
Sex differences. [online resource] —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,
Prepublication record 2023. —1 online resource (75 pages).
ISBN 9781009306300 ebook £145.00
155.33 BNB Number GBC381154
What is sexual difference? : thinking with Irigaray / edited by Attachment behavior in children, Cross-cultural studies.
Mary C. Rawlinson and James Sares. —New York : Columbia Food, Psychological aspects, Cross-cultural studies.
University Press, 2023. —472 pages : illustrations (black and Food, Social aspects, Cross-cultural studies.
white) Prepublication record
ISBN 9780231202732 paperback £30.00
BNB Number GBC378207 155.4192
Irigaray, Luce Feeding, bonding, and the formation of social relationships :
Sex differences. ethnographic challenges to attachment theory and early
Sex (Psychology) childhood interventions / Leberecht Funk [and five others].
Prepublication record —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —75
155.332 ISBN 9781009306270 paperback £17.00
Psychotherapy and unstable notions of masculinity / edited by BNB Number GBC378522
Del Loewenthal. [online resource] —London : Routledge, Food, Psychological aspects, Cross-cultural studies.
2023. —1 online resource (102 pages) Attachment behavior in children, Cross-cultural studies.
ISBN 9781000891980 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000892048 Food, Social aspects, Cross-cultural studies.
ePub ebook £48.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC380801
Masculinity. 155.5
Prepublication record Child and adolescent psychoanalysis in a changing world :
children on the edge / edited by Catalina Bronstein, Sara
155.332 Flanders. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
Psychotherapy and unstable notions of masculinity / edited by online resource (200 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
Del Loewenthal. —London : Routledge, 2023. —102 pages ; ISBN 9781000871494 PDF ebook £29.99 ; 9781000871616
24 cm ePub ebook £29.99
ISBN 9781032478111 hardback £130.00 BNB Number GBC380511
BNB Number GBC378997 Child psychology.
Masculinity. Adolescent analysis.
Prepublication record Child analysis.
Adolescent psychology.
Prepublication record

155.5 155.6463
Child and adolescent psychoanalysis in a changing world : The desire and passion to have a child : psychoanalysis and
children on the edge / edited by Catalina Bronstein, Sara contemporary reproductive techniques / Patricia Alkolombre.
Flanders. —London : Routledge, 2023. —200 pages : —London : Routledge, 2023. —154 pages ; 24 cm.
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm ISBN 9781032284064 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032270357
ISBN 9781032106441 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032106458 paperback £29.99
paperback £29.99 BNB Number GBC378759
BNB Number GBC378596 Motherhood, Psychological aspects.
Child analysis. Prepublication record
Adolescent psychology.
Child psychology. 155.67
Adolescent analysis. SuperAging : getting older without getting old / David Cravit,
Prepublication record Larry Wolf. —Seattle : Flashpoint, 2023. —256 pages ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781954854864 hardback No price
155.5 BNB Number GBC380124
The adolescent psyche : Jungian and Winnicottian Longevity.
perspectives / Richard Frankel. [online resource] —New Aging, Psychological aspects.
edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (232 Prepublication record
pages) : illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9781000902259 PDF ebook £29.99 ; 9781000902303 155.7
ePub ebook £29.99 Evolutionary psychology : the basics / Will Reader and Lance
BNB Number GBC381027 Workman. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
Adolescent psychotherapy. online resource (184 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
Adolescent psychology. ISBN 9781000897012 ePub ebook £16.99 ; 9781000896930
Psychoanalysis. PDF ebook £16.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC380909
Evolutionary psychology.
155.5 Prepublication record
The adolescent psyche : Jungian and Winnicottian
perspectives / Richard Frankel. —New edition. —London : 155.7
Routledge, 2023. —232 pages : illustrations (black and white) Evolutionary psychology : the basics / Will Reader and Lance
; 24 cm. Workman. —London : Routledge, 2023. —184 pages :
ISBN 9781032114347 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032114330 illustrations (black and white) ; 22 cm.
paperback £29.99 ISBN 9780367223434 hardback £130.00 ; 9780367223441
BNB Number GBC378602 paperback £16.99
Psychoanalysis. BNB Number GBC378244
Adolescent psychology. Evolutionary psychology.
Adolescent psychotherapy. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
155.6463 Race and the unconscious : an Africanist depth psychology
The desire and passion to have a child : psychoanalysis and perspective on dreaming / Fanny Brewster. [online resource]
contemporary reproductive techniques / Patricia Alkolombre. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (196 pages)
[online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online ISBN 9781000899481 PDF ebook £29.99 ; 9781000899511
resource (154 pages). ePub ebook £29.99
ISBN 9781000890471 ePub ebook £29.99 ; 9781000890433 BNB Number GBC380969
PDF ebook £29.99 Jungian psychology.
BNB Number GBC380757 Black people, Psychology.
Motherhood, Psychological aspects. Ethnopsychology.
Prepublication record African Americans, Psychology.
Dreams, Psychological aspects.
Prepublication record

155.8496 155.937
Race and the unconscious : an Africanist depth psychology Healing your grieving heart after a military death : 100
perspective on dreaming / Fanny Brewster. —London : practical ideas for families and friends / Bonnie Carroll ; Alan
Routledge, 2023. —196 pages ; 24 cm D. Wolfelt, pH.D. —Fort Collins, CO : Companion Press,
ISBN 9781032114491 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032114484 [2015] —114 pages ; 22 cm
paperback £29.99 ISBN 9781617222344 (pbk.) ; 1617222348 (pbk.)
BNB Number GBC378603 BNB Number GBC377476
African Americans, Psychology. Bereavement.
Dreams, Psychological aspects. Families of military personnel, United States.
Ethnopsychology. Loss (Psychology)
Black people, Psychology. Grief.
Jungian psychology. Families of military personnel, Counseling of, United
Prepublication record States.

155.9 155.937
Places, sociality, and ecological psychology : essays in honor The book of my son Reuben : a psychologist on the loss of his
of Harry Heft / edited by Miguel Segundo-Ortin, Manuel child / David Cohen. [online resource] —London : Routledge,
Heras-Escribano and Vicente Raja. [online resource] 2023. —1 online resource (136 pages)
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (224 pages) ISBN 9781000888799 ePub ebook £16.99 ; 9781000888768
: illustrations (black and white). PDF ebook £16.99
ISBN 9781000889666 PDF ebook £42.99 ; 9781000889734 BNB Number GBC380708
ePub ebook £42.99 Bereavement.
BNB Number GBC380736 Children, Death, Psychological aspects.
Heft, Harry Parental grief.
Environmental psychology. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
155.9 The book of my son Reuben : a psychologist on the loss of his
Places, sociality, and ecological psychology : essays in honor child / David Cohen. —London : Routledge, 2023. —136
of Harry Heft / edited by Miguel Segundo-Ortin, Manuel pages ; 24 cm
Heras-Escribano and Vicente Raja. —London : Routledge, ISBN 9781032224657 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032224640
2023. —224 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. paperback £16.99
ISBN 9781032194523 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032194516 BNB Number GBC378702
paperback £42.99 Children, Death, Psychological aspects.
BNB Number GBC378675 Bereavement.
Heft, Harry Parental grief.
Environmental psychology. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
155.91 Death as entertainment : young people and death awareness
A forager's life : finding my heart and home in nature / Helen / edited by Gareth R. Schott. [online resource] —London :
Lehndorf. [online resource] —[Auckland] : HarperCollins Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (124 pages)
Publishers, 2023. —1 online resource : illustrations. ISBN 9781000888584 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000888508
ISBN 9781775492511 EPUB ; 1775492516 PDF ebook £48.99
BNB Number GBC377890 BNB Number GBC380702
Lehndorf, Helen, 1972-, Childhood and youth. Death in motion pictures.
Forage plants, New Zealand. Social media, Psychological aspects.
Youth and death.
155.916 Death in mass media.
Healing a friend's grieving heart after a cancer diagnosis : 100 Death in popular culture.
practical ideas for providing compassion, comfort and care / Teenagers and death.
Alan D. Wolfelt, Kirby J. Duvall. —Fort Collins, CO : Prepublication record
Companion Press, 2014. —109 pages ; 22 cm
ISBN 9781617222030 paperback ; 1617222038 paperback
BNB Number GBC377455
Cancer, Psychological aspects.
Cancer, Patients, Mental health.
Loss (Psychology)
155.9370835 158.1
Death as entertainment : young people and death awareness Becoming flawesome : the key to living an imperfectly
/ edited by Gareth R. Schott. —London : Routledge, 2023. authentic life / Kristina Mänd-Lakhiani. —Carlsbad : Hay
—124 pages ; 25 cm House, 2023. —304 pages ; 22 cm
ISBN 9781032462561 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781401974343 hardback £19.99
BNB Number GBC378981 BNB Number GBC379320
Death in mass media. Self-doubt.
Youth and death. Self-actualization (Psychology)
Death in motion pictures. Prepublication record
Social media, Psychological aspects.
Teenagers and death. 158.1
Death in popular culture. Do interesting : notice, collect, connect, / Russell Davies.
Prepublication record —London : Do Book Co., 2023. —128 pages ; 18 cm
ISBN 9781914168208 paperback £9.99
158 BNB Number GBC380055
Applied psychology / edited by Graham Davey. [online Interest (Philosophy)
resource] —Second edition. —Hoboken, NJ : Wiley Blackwell, Self-actualization (Psychology)
2023. —1 online resource : illustrations (black and white, and Prepublication record
ISBN 9781119856764 ePub ebook No price ; 9781119856740 158.1
paperback No price I got it from here : a memoir of awakening to the power within
BNB Number GBC381190 / Francesca Miracola. —Berkeley : She Writes Press, 2023.
Psychology, Applied. —256 pages ; 22 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9781647424831 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC379684
158 Miracola, Francesca, Psychology.
The confidence code : the science and art of self-assurance-- Self-actualization (Psychology)
what women should know / Katty Kay and Claire Shipman. Prepublication record
[online resource] —New York, NY : HarperBusiness, an
imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, [2014]. —1 online resource 158.1
(xxi, 232 pages). Lift your impact : transform your mindset, influence, and future
ISBN 9780062230645 (electronic bk.) ; 0062230646 to elevate your work, team, and life / Richard Newman. —New
(electronic bk.) York : McGraw Hill, 2023. —1 volume ; 24 cm
BNB Number GBC377894 ISBN 9781265086145 hardback £22.99
Self-esteem in women. BNB Number GBC379204
Self-confidence. Success.
Success in business, Psychological aspects. Attitude (Psychology)
Women in Business. Body language.
Women, Psychology. Social interaction.
Careers. Self-realization.
Prepublication record
Awaken : the path to inner peace, purpose, and healing / 158.1
Rajendra Sisodia. [online resource] —Hoboken : John Wiley & Mindfulness in knitting : meditations on craft and calm /
Sons, Inc., 2023. —1 online resource Rachael Matthews. —New edition. —Brighton : Leaping Hare
ISBN 9781119789208 ePub ebook £21.99 Press, 2023. —144 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 20
BNB Number GBC381182 cm.
Self-consciousness (Awareness) ISBN 9780711288218 hardback £12.99
Social perception. BNB Number GBC378406
Peace of mind. Mindfulness (Psychology)
Prepublication record Knitting.
Prepublication record

158.1 158.1082
Power thoughts : 365 daily affirmations / Louise Hay. Wise : finding meaning, purpose and inner power in midlife /
—London : Hay House, 2023. —384 pages ; 11 cm Elaine Harris. —Dublin : Gill Books, 2023. —352 pages ; 22
ISBN 9781837820191 paperback £9.99 cm
BNB Number GBC379987 ISBN 9780717197224 hardback £18.99
Affirmations. BNB Number GBC378410
Self-actualization (Psychology) Self-actualization (Psychology) in middle age.
Prepublication record Middle-aged women, Conduct of life.
Middle-aged women, Psychology.
158.1 Self-actualization (Psychology) in women.
Secrets to manifesting : how to make all your dreams come Prepublication record
true / Emily Anderson. —London : Arcturus, 2023. —128
pages ; 22 cm 158.10866092
ISBN 9781398818965 paperback £9.99 Not everyone is going to like you : thoughts from a former
BNB Number GBC379301 people pleaser / Rinny Perkins. —New York : Kokila, 2023.
Self-actualization (Psychology) —176 pages ; 21 cm
Self-realization. ISBN 9780593325520 paperback No price
Imagery (Psychology) BNB Number GBC378372
Prepublication record Perkins, Rinny, Juvenile literature.
Self-realization in women, Juvenile literature.
158.1 Women, Black, Psychology, Juvenile literature.
Shit happens so get over it : uplifting quotes for bad days. Sexual minorities, Juvenile literature.
[online resource] —Chichester : Summersdale, 2023. —1 Prepublication record
online resource (160 pages)
ISBN 9781837991877 ePub ebook £6.99 158.2
BNB Number GBC381469 An emotionally focused workbook for relationship loss :
Resilience (Personality trait), Quotations, maxims, etc. healing heartbreak session by session / Kathryn Rheem,
Positive psychology, Quotations, maxims, etc. Clare Rosoman. [online resource] —London : Routledge,
Prepublication record 2023. —1 online resource (272 pages) : illustrations (black
and white)
158.1 ISBN 9781000895964 ePub ebook £23.99 ; 9781000895902
Shit happens so get over it : uplifting quotes for bad days. PDF ebook £23.99
—Chichester : Summersdale, 2023. —160 pages ; 14 cm BNB Number GBC380888
ISBN 9781800077171 hardback £6.99 Grief.
BNB Number GBC379845 Attachment behavior.
Resilience (Personality trait), Quotations, maxims, etc. Loss (Psychology)
Positive psychology, Quotations, maxims, etc. Separation anxiety.
Prepublication record Interpersonal relations.
Prepublication record
The confidence workbook : practical tips and guided exercises 158.2
to help boost your confidence / Anna Barnes. —Chichester : An emotionally focused workbook for relationship loss :
Vie, 2023. —160 pages ; 21 cm healing heartbreak session by session / Kathryn Rheem,
ISBN 9781800077157 paperback £10.99 Clare Rosoman. —London : Routledge, 2023. —272 pages :
BNB Number GBC379843 illustrations (black and white) ; 28 cm
Self-confidence, Handbooks, manuals, etc. ISBN 9781032419428 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032419411
Prepublication record paperback £23.95
BNB Number GBC378919
Attachment behavior.
The teen witches' guide to manifesting : discover the secret
Interpersonal relations.
forces of the universe ... and unlock your own hidden power! /
Separation anxiety.
Claire Philip ; illustrated by Luna Valentine. —London :
Loss (Psychology)
Arcturus, 2023. —128 pages : illustrations ; 19 cm.
ISBN 9781398822719 paperback £6.99
Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC379303
Self-actualization (Psychology), Juvenile literature.
Imagery (Psychology), Juvenile literature.
Self-realization, Juvenile literature.
Prepublication record

158.2 158.3
How to have confidence and power in dealing with people / Coaching students with executive skills challenges / Peg
Les Giblin. —[Place of publication not identified] : Les Giblin Dawson, Richard Guare. —Second edition. —New York : The
Books, [2019?] —vi, 170 pages ; 23 cm Guilford Press, 2023. —216 pages ; 27 cm.
ISBN 9780988727533 (paperback) ; 0988727536 (paperback) ISBN 9781462552191 paperback No price ; 9781462552207
BNB Number GBC378061 hardback No price
Success. BNB Number GBC379361
Communication. Executive ability in children.
Character. Children, Life skills guides.
Interpersonal relations. Executive ability in adolescence.
Child development.
158.2 Prepublication record
Let's talk about loneliness : the search for connection in a
lonely world / Simone Heng. —London : Hay House, 2023. 158.3
—272 pages ; 22 cm Reimagining research : engaging data, research, and program
ISBN 9781837820443 paperback £12.99 evaluation in social justice counseling / edited by Trevor J.
BNB Number GBC379988 Buser and Sandy Gibson. [online resource] —London :
Loneliness. Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (296 pages) :
Prepublication record illustrations (black and white, and colour)
ISBN 9781000866995 ePub ebook £68.99 ; 9781000866940
158.2 PDF ebook £68.99
Respectful relationships / edited by Danielle Lobban. BNB Number GBC380504
—Cambridge : Independence Educational Publishers, 2023. Counseling.
—48 pages ; 29 cm. Social justice.
ISBN 9781861688842 paperback £8.95 Multiculturalism.
BNB Number GBC380018 Research, Social aspects.
Interpersonal relations. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
158.25 Reimagining research : engaging data, research, and program
You will find your people : how to finally make the friendships evaluation in social justice counseling / edited by Trevor J.
you deserve / Lane Moore. —New York : Abrams Image, Buser and Sandy Gibson. —London : Routledge, 2023. —296
2023. —224 pages ; 21 cm pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 26 cm
ISBN 9781419762567 hardback £18.99 ISBN 9781032050454 hardback £170.00 ; 9781032050447
BNB Number GBC379329 paperback £68.99
Friendship. BNB Number GBC378570
Prepublication record Counseling.
Social justice.
Becoming a coach : the essential ICF guide / Jonathan
Research, Social aspects.
Passmore and Tracy Sinclair. —Shoreham by Sea, West
Prepublication record
Sussex : Pavilion Publishing and Media Ltd, 2020. —344
pages : illustrations ; 25 cm 158.723
ISBN 9781912755950 (pbk.) : £29.95 ; 1912755955 (pbk.) : Burning bright without burning out : the anti-burnout workbook
£29.95 for busy professionals / Michael Drayton. —Market
BNB Number GBC378007 Harborough : Matador, 2023. —136 pages ; 22 cm
Personal coaching. ISBN 9781803137063 paperback £14.99
Executive coaching. BNB Number GBC379921
Burn out (Psychology), Prevention.
Prepublication record

The Book of Burnout : What it is. Why it happens. Who gets it.
And how to stop it before it stops you! / Bev Aisbett. [online
resource] —Sydney, NSW : Harper Collins Publishers
Australia, 2023. —1 online resource.
ISBN 1460714946 ; 9781460714942 epub
BNB Number GBC377841
Burn out (Psychology)
160 170
Critical thinking / Stuart Hanscomb. [online resource] Of moral conduct : a theory of obligation, reasons, and values
—Second edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online / Robert Audi. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,
resource (266 pages). 2023. —240 pages
ISBN 9781000897524 PDF ebook £18.99 ; 9781000897555 ISBN 9781009267014 hardback £85.00
ePub ebook £18.99 BNB Number GBC378507
BNB Number GBC380921 Ethics.
Critical thinking. Values.
Prepublication record Responsibility.
Conduct of life.
160 Prepublication record
Critical thinking / Stuart Hanscomb. —Second edition.
—London : Routledge, 2023. —266 pages ; 20 cm. 170
ISBN 9781032162997 paperback £18.99 ; 9781032163017 Simply responsible : basic blame, scant praise, and minimal
hardback £130.00 agency / Matt King. —Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2023.
BNB Number GBC378652 —208 pages ; 22 cm
Critical thinking. ISBN 9780192883599 hardback £60.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC378154
160 Praise.
Storythinking : the new science of narrative intelligence / Blame.
Angus Fletcher. [online resource] —New York : Columbia Prepublication record
University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (200 pages).
ISBN 9780231556729 ePub ebook £21.99 170.42
BNB Number GBC380425 What is this thing called metaethics? / Matthew Chrisman.
Logic. [online resource] —Second edition. —London : Routledge,
Storytelling. 2023. —1 online resource (174 pages) : illustrations (black
Prepublication record and white)
ISBN 9781000889420 PDF ebook £34.99 ; 9781000889475
160 ePub ebook £34.99
Storythinking : the new science of narrative intelligence / BNB Number GBC380727
Angus Fletcher. —New York : Columbia University Press, Metaethics.
2023. —200 pages ; 22 cm. Prepublication record
ISBN 9780231206921 hardback £84.00 ; 9780231206938
paperback £20.00 170.42
BNB Number GBC378210 What is this thing called metaethics? / Matthew Chrisman.
Logic. —Second edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —174 pages :
Storytelling. illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9781032072005 paperback £34.99 ; 9781032072012
hardback £130.00
160.11984 BNB Number GBC378584
Temporal logics / Valentin Goranko. [online resource] Metaethics.
—Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —1 online Prepublication record
resource (75 pages).
ISBN 9781009170093 ebook £145.00 170.9052
BNB Number GBC381139 Moral challenges in a pandemic age / edited by Evandro
Time. Barbosa. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
Tense (Logic) online resource (344 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
Logic, Symbolic and mathematical. ISBN 9781000899825 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000899818
Prepublication record PDF ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC380980
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Influence.
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Moral and ethical aspects.
Prepublication record

170.9052 174
Moral challenges in a pandemic age / edited by Evandro Global research ethics : case studies from international
Barbosa. —London : Routledge, 2023. —344 pages : research contexts / Caren J. Frost, Lisa H. Gren, L. Scott
illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm. Benson, Margaret Carlson. —London : Routledge, 2023.
ISBN 9781032315201 hardback £130.00 —172 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
BNB Number GBC378797 ISBN 9780367470784 hardback £130.00 ; 9780367470791
Ethics. paperback £44.99
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Influence. BNB Number GBC378260
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Moral and ethical aspects. Research, Moral and ethical aspects, Cross-cultural
Prepublication record studies.
Prepublication record
Cicero's De officiis : a critical guide / edited by Raphael Woolf. 174.4
—Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —300 Principled productivity : why ethical treatment of everyone in
pages. an organization will result in increased productivity / Gerald J.
ISBN 9781316518014 hardback £85.00 Watson Jr. [online resource] —New York : Productivity Press,
BNB Number GBC379220 2023. —1 online resource (152 pages) : illustrations (black
Cicero, Marcus Tullius. De officiis. and white)
Ethics, Ancient. ISBN 9781000891775 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000891768
Prepublication record PDF ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC380793
172.2 Labor productivity, Moral and ethical aspects.
The enigma of justice : freedom and morality in the work of Personnel management, Moral and ethical aspects.
Immanuel Kant, G.W.F Hegel, Agnes Heller, and Axel Prepublication record
Honneth / Claire Nyblom. [online resource] —Lanham :
Lexington Books, 2023. —1 online resource 174.4
ISBN 9781793654533 ePub ebook No price Principled productivity : why ethical treatment of everyone in
BNB Number GBC381397 an organization will result in increased productivity / Gerald J.
Honneth, Axel, 1949- Watson Jr. —New York : Productivity Press, 2023. —152 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 26 cm
Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804 ISBN 9781032298412 paperback £38.99 ; 9781032298429 hardback £115.00
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831 BNB Number GBC378770 Personnel management, Moral and ethical aspects.
Heller, Ágnes Labor productivity, Moral and ethical aspects.
Justice (Philosophy) Prepublication record
Prepublication record
174 The bounds of defense : killing, moral responsibility, and war /
Global research ethics : case studies from international Bradley Jay Strawser. [online resource] —New York, NY :
research contexts / Caren J. Frost, Lisa H. Gren, L. Scott Oxford University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (xii, 303
Benson, Margaret Carlson. [online resource] —London : pages) : illustrations (black and white).
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (172 pages) : ISBN 9780190692513 hardback No price ; 9780190692544
illustrations (black and white) ebook No price
ISBN 9781000898439 ePub ebook £44.99 ; 9781000898392 BNB Number GBC380398
PDF ebook £44.99 Just war doctrine.
BNB Number GBC380944 Military ethics.
Research, Moral and ethical aspects, Cross-cultural War, Moral and ethical aspects.
studies. Prepublication record
Prepublication record

174.9355 176.4
The bounds of defense : killing, moral responsibility, and war / LoveSex and relationships : an integrative model for sexual
Bradley Jay Strawser. —New York : Oxford University Press, education. [online resource] —Second edition / Cabby Laffy
2023. —320 pages ; 24 cm and Polly McAfee. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
ISBN 9780190692513 hardback £54.00 resource (218 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and
BNB Number GBC378138 colour)
War, Moral and ethical aspects. ISBN 9781000888485 PDF ebook £19.99 ; 9781000888560
Just war doctrine. ePub ebook £19.99
Military ethics. BNB Number GBC380700
Prepublication record Sexual ethics.
Prepublication record
Contemporary screen ethics : absences, identities, belonging, 176.4
looking anew / edited by Lucy Bolton, David Martin-Jones, LoveSex and relationships : an integrative model for sexual
Robert Sinnerbrink. [online resource] —Edinburgh : Edinburgh education. —Second edition / Cabby Laffy and Polly McAfee.
University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (256 pages) : —London : Routledge, 2023. —218 pages : illustrations (black
illustrations (black and white) and white, and colour) ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781474447607 ePub ebook £85.00 ; 9781474447591 ISBN 9781032344935 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032344911
PDF ebook £85.00 paperback £19.99
BNB Number GBC381293 BNB Number GBC378837
Motion pictures, Moral and ethical aspects. Sexual ethics.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

175 177.62
Contemporary screen ethics : absences, identities, belonging, Friendship, peace and social justice / edited by Heather
looking anew / edited by Lucy Bolton, David Martin-Jones, Devere. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
Robert Sinnerbrink. —Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, online resource (170 pages)
2023. —256 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm ISBN 9781000894028 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000894042
ISBN 9781474447584 hardback £85.00 ePub ebook £48.99
BNB Number GBC379405 BNB Number GBC380855
Motion pictures, Moral and ethical aspects. Social justice.
Prepublication record Peace.
175 Prepublication record
Mixed media : moral distinctions in advertising, public
relations, and journalism / Tom Bivins. [online resource] 177.62
—Fourth edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online Friendship, peace and social justice / edited by Heather
resource (326 pages) : illustrations (black and white) Devere. —London : Routledge, 2023. —170 pages ; 26 cm
ISBN 9781000891010 PDF ebook £34.99 ; 9781000891058 ISBN 9781032491547 hardback £130.00
ePub ebook £34.99 BNB Number GBC379036
BNB Number GBC380774 Friendship.
Mass media, Moral and ethical aspects. Peace.
Prepublication record Social justice.
Prepublication record
Mixed media : moral distinctions in advertising, public 179.3
relations, and journalism / Tom Bivins. —Fourth edition. Critical animal studies and activism : international
—London : Routledge, 2023. —326 pages : illustrations (black perspectives on total liberation and intersectionality / edited by
and white) ; 23 cm Anthony J. Nocella II, Richard J. White. —Frankfurt am Main :
ISBN 9781032269610 paperback £34.99 ; 9781032269603 Peter Lang Edition, 2023. —1 volume ; 24 cm
hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781636670928 hardback £77.00
BNB Number GBC378746 BNB Number GBC379625
Mass media, Moral and ethical aspects. Veganism, Political aspects.
Prepublication record Animal rights, Political aspects.
Animal welfare, Political aspects.
Critical theory.
Prepublication record

179.3 190.820903
Meat love : an ideology of the flesh / Amber Husain. —London The Routledge handbook of women and early modern
: MACK, 2023. —96 pages : illustrations. European philosophy / edited by Karen Detlefsen, Lisa
ISBN 9781915743039 paperback £12.00 Shapiro. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
BNB Number GBC380090 online resource (638 pages).
Human-animal relationships. ISBN 9781315449982 ePub ebook £42.99 ; 9781315449999
Meat, Moral and ethical aspects. PDF ebook £42.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC381218
Philosophy, European, 18th century.
179.9 Philosophy, European, 17th century.
The moral implications of human and animal vulnerability / Philosophy, Modern, 17th century.
Angela K. Martin. [online resource] —Basingstoke : Palgrave Philosophy, Modern, 18th century.
Macmillan, 2023. —1 online resource (200 pages) Philosophy, Renaissance.
ISBN 9783031250781 PDF ebook No price Philosophy, European, 16th century.
BNB Number GBC381501 Prepublication record
Vulnerability (Personality trait), Moral and ethical aspects.
Well-being. 190.820903
Animal welfare. The Routledge handbook of women and early modern
Prepublication record European philosophy / edited by Karen Detlefsen, Lisa
Shapiro. —London : Routledge, 2023. —638 pages ; 26 cm.
179.9 ISBN 9781138212756 hardback £205.00
The moral implications of human and animal vulnerability / BNB Number GBC379189
Angela K. Martin. —Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. Philosophy, Renaissance.
—200 pages ; 21 cm Philosophy, Modern, 17th century.
ISBN 9783031250774 hardback £44.99 ; 9783031250804 Philosophy, Modern, 18th century.
paperback £34.99 Philosophy, European, 16th century.
BNB Number GBC380251 Philosophy, European, 18th century.
Animal welfare. Philosophy, European, 17th century.
Well-being. Prepublication record
Vulnerability (Personality trait), Moral and ethical aspects.
Prepublication record 191
The metaphysics of practice : writings on action, community,
183.1 and obligation / Wilfrid Sellars ; edited by Kyle Ferguson,
The Cambridge companion to the sophists / edited by Joshua Jeremy Randel Koons. —Oxford : Oxford University Press,
Billings, Christopher Moore. —Cambridge : Cambridge 2023. —640 pages ; 24 cm
University Press, 2023. —400 pages. ISBN 9780192866820 hardback £90.00
ISBN 9781108494687 hardback £90.00 ; 9781108796859 BNB Number GBC378144
paperback £29.99 Metaphysics.
BNB Number GBC379145 Prepublication record
Sophists (Greek philosophy)
Prepublication record 193
Correspondence 1925-35 : Theodor W. Adorno & Alban Berg
184 / edited by Henri Lonitz ; translated by Wieland Hoban.
Like a captive bird : gender and virtue in Plutarch / Lunette —Cambridge : Polity Press, 2023. —168 pages ; 23 cm
Warren. —Ann Arbor : Lever Press, 2023. —336 pages ; 23 ISBN 9780745623368 paperback £25.00
cm BNB Number GBC378414
ISBN 9781643150390 paperback No price Berg, Alban, 1885-1935, Correspondence.
BNB Number GBC379654 Adorno, Theodor W., 1903-1969, Correspondence.
Plutarch, of Athens, -approximately 431 Philosophers, Modern, Germany, Correspondence. Composers, Austria, Correspondence.
Sex role, Philosophy. Prepublication record
Prepublication record

193 194
German philosophy in English translation : postwar translation Embodied idealism : Merleau-Ponty's transcendental
history and the making of the contemporary anglophone philosophy / Joseph C. Berendzen. —Oxford : Oxford
humanities / Spencer Hawkins. [online resource] —London : University Press, 2023. —288 pages ; 24 cm
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (184 pages) : ISBN 9780192874764 hardback £72.00
illustrations (black and white). BNB Number GBC378153
ISBN 9781000876864 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000876840 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 1908-1961
PDF ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC380522 Transcendentalism.
German language, Translating into English, History. Idealism.
Philosophy, German. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
193 Lenin walked on the Moon / Michel Eltchaninoff ; translated by
German philosophy in English translation : postwar translation Tina Kover. [online resource] —London : Europa Editions,
history and the making of the contemporary anglophone 2023. —1 online resource (208 pages)
humanities / Spencer Hawkins. —London : Routledge, 2023. ISBN 9781787704763 ePub ebook £10.99
—184 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm. BNB Number GBC381387
ISBN 9781032391373 hardback £120.00 Cosmology.
BNB Number GBC378896 Philosophy, Russian.
Philosophy, German. Prepublication record
German language, Translating into English, History.
Prepublication record 197
Lenin walked on the Moon / Michel Eltchaninoff ; translated by
193 Tina Kover. —London : Europa Editions, 2023. —208 pages ;
Marx with Spinoza : production, alienation, history / Franck 18 cm
Fischbach ; translated by Jason Read. [online resource] ISBN 9781787704756 paperback £14.99
—Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 2023. —1 online BNB Number GBC379797
resource. Philosophy, Russian.
ISBN 9781399507684 PDF ebook £80.00 ; 9781399507691 Cosmology.
ePub ebook £80.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC381273
Marx, Karl, 1818-1883 197 The heart of the matter : Ilyenkov, Vygotsky and the courage
Spinoza, Benedictus de, 1632-1677 of thought / David Bakhurst. —Leiden : Brill, 2023. —1 volume ; 24 cm.
Marxian economics. ISBN 9789004322431 hardback No price
Communism and society. BNB Number GBC380319
Prepublication record Ilʹ enkov, Ė. V. (Ėvalʹ d Vasilʹ evich)
193 Vygotskiĭ, L. S. (Lev Semenovich), 1896-1934.
Marx with Spinoza : production, alienation, history / Franck Philosophy, Russian, 20th century.
Fischbach ; translated by Jason Read. —Edinburgh : Psychology, Soviet Union.
Edinburgh University Press, 2023. —1 volume ; 22 cm. Philosophy, Marxist.
ISBN 9781399507660 hardback £80.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC379315
Spinoza, Benedictus de, 1632-1677
Marx, Karl, 1818-1883
Marxian economics.
Communism and society.
Prepublication record

When Spinoza met Marx : experiments in nonhumanist
activity / Tracie Matysik. [online resource] —Chicago ; London
: The University of Chicago Press, 2022. —1 online resource
(xiii, 338 pages).
ISBN 9780226822341 electronic book ; 0226822346
electronic book
BNB Number GBC377662
Spinoza, Benedictus de, 1632-1677, Influence.
Act (Philosophy)
Determinism (Philosophy)
Philosophy, German, 19th century.
Communism and philosophy.
Germany, Intellectual life, 19th century.

Metaphysics of cooperation : Edward Abramowski's social
philosophy, with a selection of his writings / translated by
Michelle Granas ; volume editor, Bartlomiej Blesznowski,
Cezary Rudnicki. —Leiden : Brill, 2023. —1 volume ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9789004546653 hardback No price
BNB Number GBC380336
Abramowski, Edward, 1868-1918
Socialism, Philosophy.
Prepublication record

Potentia of poverty : Marx reads Spinoza / Margherita
Pascucci. —Leiden : Brill, 2023. —1 volume ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9789004515222 hardback No price
BNB Number GBC380322
Marx, Karl, 1818-1883
Spinoza, Benedictus de, 1632-1677
Power (Philosophy)
Prepublication record

201.44 202.12
Don Juan, mescalito and modern magic : the mythology of Animals and animated objects in the Early Middle Ages /
inner space / Nevill Drury. [online resource] —London : edited by Leszek Gardeła, Kamil Kajkowski. —Turnhout :
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (237 pages). Brepols, 2023. —206 pages : illustrations (black and white) ;
ISBN 9781000900095 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000900071 28 cm.
PDF ebook £48.99 ISBN 9782503600901 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC380985 BNB Number GBC380210
Castaneda, Carlos, 1931-1998 Animals in art, History. Burial, History, To 1500.
Magic. Human-animal relationships, Religious aspects, History, To
Shamanism. 1500.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

201.44 203.80901
Don Juan, mescalito and modern magic : the mythology of Processions and the construction of communities in antiquity :
inner space / Nevill Drury. —London : Routledge, 2023. —237 history and comparative perspectives / edited by Alberto del
pages ; 24 cm. Campo Tejedor, Elena Muñiz Grijalvo. [online resource]
ISBN 9781032520353 hardback £90.00 —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (312 pages)
BNB Number GBC379098 : illustrations (black and white).
Castaneda, Carlos, 1931-1998 ISBN 9781000892574 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000892604 ePub ebook £38.99
Magic. BNB Number GBC380819
Shamanism. Processions, Religious, History, To 1500.
Prepublication record Processions, Religious, Christianity, History, To 1500.
Community development, History, To 1500.
201.5 Prepublication record
The global politics of interreligious dialogue : religious change,
citizenship, and solidarity in the Middle East / Michael D. 203.80901
Driessen. —New York : Oxford University Press, 2023. —280 Processions and the construction of communities in antiquity :
pages ; 24 cm history and comparative perspectives / edited by Alberto del
ISBN 9780197671672 hardback £54.00 Campo Tejedor, Elena Muñiz Grijalvo. —London : Routledge,
BNB Number GBC378181 2023. —312 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
Dialogue, Religious aspects. ISBN 9781032294490 hardback £130.00
Religions, Relations. BNB Number GBC378768
Religion and politics, Mediterranean Region. Community development, History, To 1500.
Prepublication record Processions, Religious, History, To 1500.
Processions, Religious, Christianity, History, To 1500.
201.51 Prepublication record
The varieties of atheism : connecting religion and its critics /
edited by David Newheiser. [online resource] —Chicago ; 205
London : The University of Chicago Press, 2022. —1 online Catharine Trotter Cockburn / Ruth Boeker. [online resource]
resource (1 volume.). —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —1 online
ISBN 0226822680 (electronic bk.) ; 9780226822686 resource (75 pages).
(electronic bk.) ISBN 9781009049160 PDF ebook £145.00
BNB Number GBC377657 BNB Number GBC381132
Atheism, Congresses. Trotter, Catharine, 1679-1749, Religion.
Atheism and literature, Congresses. Religion and ethics.
Christianity and atheism, Congresses. Prepublication record

205 220.6
Catharine Trotter Cockburn / Ruth Boeker. —Cambridge : Victorian engagements with the Bible and antiquity : the shock
Cambridge University Press, 2023. —75 pages. of the old / edited by Simon Goldhill, Ruth Jackson
ISBN 9781009048682 paperback £17.00 Ravenscroft. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,
BNB Number GBC378480 2023. —400 pages : illustrations (colour)
Trotter, Catharine, 1679-1749, Religion. ISBN 9781009306454 hardback £90.00
Religion and ethics. BNB Number GBC378523
Prepublication record Classicism, England, History, 19th century.
Civilization, Classical.
210 Classicism, United States, History, 19th century.
God and the problem of logic / Andrew Dennis Bassford. Prepublication record
[online resource] —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,
2023. —1 online resource (75 pages). 221.609
ISBN 9781009272391 ebook £145.00 Images of Torah : from the Second-Temple period to the
BNB Number GBC381150 Middle Ages / Jeong Mun Heo. —Leiden : Brill, 2023. —1
Logic. volume ; 24 cm.
Analytic theology. ISBN 9789004543218 hardback No price
Faith and reason. BNB Number GBC380329
Prepublication record Judaism, History, Medieval and early modern period,
210 Judaism, History, Post-exilic period, 586 B.C.-210 A.D.
God and the problem of logic / Andrew Dennis Bassford. Rabbinical literature, History and criticism.
—Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —75 Christian literature, Early, History and criticism.
pages. Church history, Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600.
ISBN 9781009272407 paperback £17.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378510
Logic. 224.406
Faith and reason. Jerusalem as contested space in Ezekiel : exilic encounters
Analytic theology. with emotions, space, and identity politics / Natalie Mylonas.
Prepublication record —London : Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2023. —206 pages ; 24
211 ISBN 9780567706423 hardback £85.00
Everyone, wherever you are, come one step closer : BNB Number GBC378363
questions about God / Navid Kermani ; translated by Tony Psychic trauma, Religious aspects.
Crawford. —Cambridge : Polity Press, 2023. —232 pages Jerusalem.
ISBN 9781509556274 hardback £20.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC379483
God. 226.5
God (Islam) A story of perfect love. —Worthing, West Sussex : The Pocket
Islam. Testament League, [2022?] —61 pages : illustrations (black
Prepublication record and white) ; 14 cm.
BNB Number GBC377267
Bible in one year : NIV New International Version. [online 226.5
resource] —London : Hodder & Stoughton, 2011. —1 online Cheers! —Worthing, West Sussex : The Pocket Testament
resource (1280 pages). League, March 2019. —61 pages : illustrations (black and
ISBN 9781444703467 Electronic book (EPUB format) ; white) ; 14 cm
1444703463 Electronic book (EPUB format) BNB Number GBC377582
BNB Number GBC377749
BIBLES, New International Version, General. 226.5
RELIGION, Christianity, General. Finding your way. —Worthing, West Sussex : The Pocket
Devotional calendars. Testament League, [2022?] —61 pages : illustrations (black
RELIGION, General. and white) ; 14 cm
BNB Number GBC378071

226.5 226.5
For freedom. —Worthing, West Sussex : The Pocket Never lose again. —Worthing, West Sussex : Pocket
Testament League, March 2020. —61, 8 pages : illustrations Testament League, March 2020. —61 pages : illustrations
(black and white) ; 14 cm (black and white) ; 14 cm
BNB Number GBC377604 BNB Number GBC377605

226.5 226.5
Freedom, justice, kindness. —Worthing, West Sussex : The New day. —Worthing, West Sussex : The Pocket Testament
Pocket Testament League, March 2020. —61 pages : League, [2022?] —61 pages : illustrations (black and white) ;
illustrations (black and white) ; 14 cm 14 cm
BNB Number GBC377610 BNB Number GBC378085

226.5 226.5
Gospel of John. —Worthing, West Sussex : Pocket Testament Power, strength, resilience. —Worthing, West Sussex : The
League, [2022?] —64 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; Pocket Testament League, [2022?] —61 pages : illustrations
14 cm. (black and white) ; 14 cm
BNB Number GBC377295 BNB Number GBC378070

226.5 226.5
Guess who loves you? —Worthing, West Sussex : The Pocket The best gift. —Worthing, West Sussex : Pocket Testament
Testament League, [2022?] —61 pages : illustrations (black League, March 2020. —61 pages : illustrations (black and
and white) ; 14 cm white) ; 14 cm
BNB Number GBC377619 BNB Number GBC377603

226.5 226.5
Join the team! —Worthing, West Sussex : The Pocket The Gospel of John / [editor], Paul Huggins. —Worthing, West
Testament League, [2022?] —61 pages : illustrations (black Sussex : Pocket Testament League, [2022?] —61, 8 pages :
and white) ; 14 cm illustrations (black and white) ; 14 cm.
BNB Number GBC378079 BNB Number GBC377290

226.5 226.5
Just for you. —Worthing, West Sussex : Pocket Testament The Gospel of John / [editor] Davey Falcus. —Worthing, West
League, March 2020. —61 pages : illustrations (black and Sussex : Pocket Testament League, [2022?] —61, 8 pages :
white) ; 14 cm illustrations (black and white) ; 14 cm.
BNB Number GBC377593 BNB Number GBC377304

226.5 226.5
Life. —Worthing, West Sussex : The Pocket Testament The Gospel of John : courage, strength, adventure.
League, [2022?] —61 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; —Worthing, West Sussex : Pocket Testament League,
14 cm [2022?] —61 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 14 cm.
BNB Number GBC377590 BNB Number GBC377276

226.5 226.5
Life... is found off the beaten track. —Worthing, West Sussex : The Gospel of John. —Worthing, West Sussex : Pocket
Pocket Testament League, March 2020. —61 pages : Testament League, [2022?] —61 pages : illustrations (black
illustrations (black and white) ; 14 cm and white) ; 14 cm.
BNB Number GBC377589 BNB Number GBC378087

226.5 226.5
Living life to the full. —Worthing, West Sussex : The Pocket Vote for Jesus. —Worthing, West Sussex : The Pocket
Testament League, [2022?] —61 pages : illustrations (black Testament League, [2022?] —61 pages : illustrations (black
and white) ; 14 cm and white) ; 14 cm
BNB Number GBC378078 BNB Number GBC377587

226.5 226.5
Living waters : the Gospel of John. —Worthing, West Sussex : Walking free : the Gospel of John : with John Edwards.
Pocket Testament League, March 2020. —61 pages : —Worthing, West Sussex : Pocket Testament League,
illustrations (black and white) ; 14 cm [2022?] —61, 8 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 14 cm.
BNB Number GBC377591 BNB Number GBC377307

226.5 230.092
Why? —Worthing, West Sussex : The Pocket Testament Paul Tillich and Sino-Christian theology / edited by Keith Ka-fu
League, March 2020. —61 pages : illustrations (black and Chan. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
white) ; 14 cm online resource (272 pages)
BNB Number GBC377608 ISBN 9781000905960 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000905953
PDF ebook £38.99
226.5 BNB Number GBC381080
You were made for more. —Worthing, West Sussex : The Tillich, Paul, 1886-1965
Pocket Testament League, [2022?] —61 pages : illustrations
(black and white) ; 14 cm Theology.
BNB Number GBC378082 Theology, China.
Prepublication record
The cosmic journey in the book of Revelation : apocalyptic 230.092
cosmology and the experience of story-space / Joel M. Paul Tillich and Sino-Christian theology / edited by Keith Ka-fu
Rothman. —London : Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2023. —200 Chan. —London : Routledge, 2023. —272 pages ; 24 cm
pages ; 24 cm. ISBN 9781032520803 hardback £130.00
ISBN 9780567710321 hardback £85.00 BNB Number GBC379102
BNB Number GBC378366 Tillich, Paul, 1886-1965
Biblical cosmology.
Prepublication record Theology.
Theology, China.
Prepublication record
Galatians / Kathryn Greene-McCreight ; general editor, R.
Reno. —Ada : Brazos Press, 2023. —224 pages ; 23 cm. 231
ISBN 9781587431449 hardback £28.99 The nature of deity : a sequel to 'personality and reality' / J.E.
BNB Number GBC379568 Turner. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
Prepublication record online resource (244 pages).
ISBN 9781000902150 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000902174
ePub ebook £48.99
A Ricoeurian analysis of identity formation in Philippians :
BNB Number GBC381025
narrative, testimony, contestation / Scott Ying Lam Yip.
God (Christianity)
—London : Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2023. —282 pages ; 24
Prepublication record
ISBN 9780567711014 hardback £85.00 231
BNB Number GBC378367 The nature of deity : a sequel to 'personality and reality' / J.E.
Prepublication record Turner. —London : Routledge, 2023. —244 pages ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781032521855 hardback £90.00
BNB Number GBC379108
Right where you belong : how to identify and fully occupy your
God (Christianity)
God-given space / Heather MacFadyen. —Ada : Revell, 2023.
Prepublication record
—192 pages ; 22 cm
ISBN 9780800739317 paperback £13.99 231.044
BNB Number GBC378427 Divine contradiction / J.C. Beall. [online resource] —Oxford :
Vocation, Christianity. Oxford University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (xvi, 154
Identity (Psychology), Religious aspects, Christianity. pages).
Prepublication record ISBN 9780191937637 ebook No price ; 9780192845436
hardback No price
BNB Number GBC380409
Prepublication record

231.044 234.23
Pentecostals and the doctrine of the trinity : some Curveball : when your faith takes turns you never saw coming
hermeneutical considerations / Marius Nel. [online resource] (or, how I stumbled and tripped my way to finding a bigger
—Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, God) / Peter Enns. [online resource] —New York, NY :
2023. —1 online resource (406 pages) HarperOne, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, [2023]. —1
ISBN 9781443878623 ebook £98.99 online resource.
BNB Number GBC381287 ISBN 9780063093492 (electronic bk.) ; 0063093499
Trinity. (electronic bk.)
Pentecostals. BNB Number GBC377822
Prepublication record Faith, Biblical teaching.
The spirit, new creation, and Christian identity : towards a 234.23
pneumatological reading of Galatians 3:1-6:17 / Grant Faith, hope and love / Emil Brunner. —Cambridge : James
Buchanan. —London : Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2023. —226 Clarke, 2023. —1 volume
pages ; 24 cm. ISBN 9780227179192 paperback £20.00
ISBN 9780567709257 hardback £85.00 BNB Number GBC378198
BNB Number GBC378365 Faith.
Christians. Hope, Religious aspects, Christianity.
Holy Spirit. Love, Religious aspects, Christianity.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

232.91 234.23
Epiphanios the monk / edited and translated by Mary B. Talk about faith : how debate and conversation shape belief /
Cunningham. —Liverpool : Liverpool University Press, 2023. Stephen Pihlaja. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,
—240 pages ; 21 cm. 2023. —217 pages
ISBN 9781802078534 hardback £110.00 ISBN 9781108469333 paperback £21.99
BNB Number GBC379907 BNB Number GBC379142
Andrew, Apostle, Saint Islam. Christianity.
Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint Faith. Communication, Religious aspects.
Prepublication record Language and languages, Religious aspects.
Prepublication record
Christianity and the problem of free will / Leigh Vicens. [online 236.2
resource] —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. Social memory theory and conceptions of afterlife in Jewish
—1 online resource (75 pages). and Christian antiquity / edited by Thomas R. Hatina, Jiří
ISBN 9781009270427 ebook £145.00 Lukeš. [online resource] —Leiden : Brill, 2022. —1 online
BNB Number GBC381148 resource (405 pages).
Free will and determinism, Religious aspects, Christianity. ISBN 9783657796212 ebook No price
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC381588
Future life, Christianity.
233.7 Future life, Judaism.
Christianity and the problem of free will / Leigh Vicens. Future life, History of doctrines.
—Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —75 Prepublication record
ISBN 9781009270465 paperback £17.00 236.9
BNB Number GBC378508 Wake up call : God's call to end-time believers / Valerie A.
Free will and determinism, Religious aspects, Christianity. Pettygrue. —Oviedo : HigherLife Publishing, 2023. —114
Prepublication record pages ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781958211083 paperback £14.95
BNB Number GBC380137
End of the world.
Christian life.
Prepublication record

238.2 248.2209420902
The catechism explained / Francis Spriago ; edited by Richard The Medieval mystical tradition in England : Exeter
F. Clarke. —Charlotte : TAN Books, 2023. —1032 pages ; 23 Symposium VII : papers read at Charney Manor, July 2004 /
cm edited by E.A. Jones. [online resource] —Woodbridge, Suffolk,
ISBN 9781505122992 hardback No price UK ; Rochester, NY : D.S. Brewer, 2004. —1 online resource
BNB Number GBC379470 (212 pages) : illustrations.
Catholic Church, Catechisms. ISBN 9781846151170 (electronic bk.) ; 1846151171
Prepublication record (electronic bk.)
BNB Number GBC377741
241.4 Julian, of Norwich, 1343-, Congresses.
The love stories of the Bible speak : biblical lessons on RELIGION, Buddhism, General.
romance, friendship, and faith / Shannon Bream. —New York : RELIGION, Mysticism.
Broadside Books, 2023. —304 pages ; 21 cm Mysticism, England, History, Middle Ages, 600-1500,
ISBN 9780063226050 hardback £25.00 Congresses.
BNB Number GBC378124
Love, Biblical teaching. 248.32
Friendship, Bibilical teaching. T&T Clark handbook of Christian prayer / edited by Ashley
Faith, Biblical teaching. Cocksworth and John C. McDowell. —London : Bloomsbury
Prepublication record T&T Clark, 2023. —752 pages ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9780567703651 paperback £28.99
242.634 BNB Number GBC378361
The Notre Dame book of prayer / Office of Campus Ministry ; Prayer, Christianity.
photographs by Matt Cashore ; afterword by John I. Jenkins Prepublication record
CSC ; foreword by Theodore M. Hesburgh CSC ; introduction
by Pete McCormick CSC ; edited by Heidi Schlumpf. 248.4
—Updated edition. —Notre Dame : Ave Maria Press, 2023. Fields of daisies : leading to a victorious life / Gertrude
—320 pages ; 23 cm Garrow. —London : AtoZeasy Learning Limited, [2020] —136
ISBN 9781594718038 paperback No price pages ; 24 cm
BNB Number GBC379574 ISBN 9781908267535
University of Notre Dame BNB Number GBC378104
College students, Prayers and devotions. 248.4
Universities and colleges, Prayers. Growing a joyful heart : devotions of accepting God's gifts for
Prepublication record abundant living from joy givers past, present and future.
Volume 1 / Karen Whiting, Pam Farrel. —Chattanooga : AMG
242.644 Publishers, 2023. —130 pages ; 23 cm
Pray more, fight less : a couple's devotional - weekly ISBN 9781617155901 paperback No price
devotions, prayers, and communication exercises for a BNB Number GBC379590
stronger marriage / Karin Earle. —New York : Zeitgeist, 2023. Joy, Prayers and devotions.
—176 pages ; 21 cm Joy, Religious aspects, Christianity.
ISBN 9780593435908 paperback No price Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378385
Married people, Religious life. 248.4
Interpersonal communication, Religious aspects, Multiplying disciples : a toolkit for learning to live like Jesus /
Christianity. Phil Wilthew. —Welwyn Garden City : Malcolm Down
Married people, Prayers and devotions. Publishing, 2023. —200 pages ; 22 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9781915046611 paperback £10.99
BNB Number GBC380067
Discipling (Christianity)
Prepublication record

Where the river flows : enjoying the current of God in and
through your life / Vicki Smith Berdit. —Oviedo : HigherLife
Publishing, 2023. —236 pages ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781958211038 paperback £15.95
BNB Number GBC380136
Christian life.
Prepublication record

248.83 248.8629
Cartas a Bruno : treinta consejos para treinta peligros / Sober spirituality : the joy of a mindful relationship with alcohol
Rogelio Guedea. [online resource] —[Ciudad de México] : / Erin Jean Warde. —Ada : Brazos Press, 2023. —192 pages ;
HarperCollins Mexico, 2023. —1 online resource. 22 cm
ISBN 6075621784 (electronic bk.) ; 9786075621784 ISBN 9781587435676 paperback £14.99
(electronic bk.) BNB Number GBC379569
BNB Number GBC377667 Mindfulness (Psychology)
Youth, Religious life. Substance abuse, Religious aspects, Christianity.
Youth, Conduct of life. Alcoholism.
Fathers and sons. Prepublication record

248.83 253
Next gen faith : 12 spiritual practices for youth / Jeff Grenell. Countercultural : subversive resistance and the neighborhood
[online resource] —New Kensington : Whitaker House, 2023. congregation / Gil Rendle. [online resource] —Lanham :
—1 online resource (272 pages) Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —1 online resource
ISBN 9781641239233 ebook No price (194 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
BNB Number GBC381375 ISBN 9781538178669 ePub ebook No price
Christian youth, Religious life. BNB Number GBC381368
Preaching to youth. Neighborliness, Religious aspects, Christianity.
Prepublication record Communities, Religious aspects, Christianity.
Prepublication record
Next gen faith : 12 spiritual practices for youth / Jeff Grenell. 253
—New Kensington : Whitaker House, 2023. —272 pages ; 23 Countercultural : subversive resistance and the neighborhood
cm congregation / Gil Rendle. —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield
ISBN 9781641239226 paperback No price Publishers, 2023. —194 pages : illustrations (black and white)
BNB Number GBC379648 ; 23 cm
Christian youth, Religious life. ISBN 9781538178645 hardback £51.00 ; 9781538178652
Preaching to youth. paperback £16.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379556
Neighborliness, Religious aspects, Christianity.
248.8431 Communities, Religious aspects, Christianity.
She deserves better : raising girls to resist toxic teachings on Prepublication record
sex, self, and speaking up / Sheila Wray Gregoire, Rebecca
Gregoire Lindenbach, and Joanna Sawatsky. —Ada : 253
BakerBooks, 2023. —288 pages ; 22 cm When church stops working : a future for your congregation
ISBN 9781540900838 paperback £13.99 beyond more money, programs, and innovation / Andrew Root
BNB Number GBC379557 and Blair D. Bertrand. —Ada : Brazos Press, 2023. —176
Daughters, Religious life. pages ; 22 cm
Daughters, Conduct of life. ISBN 9781587435782 paperback £18.99
Mothers and daughters, Religious aspects, Christianity. BNB Number GBC379571
Prepublication record Church renewal.
Prepublication record
The struggle to stay : why single evangelical women are 255
leaving the church / Katie Gaddini. —New York : Columbia Contemporary monastic economy : a sociological perspective
University Press, 2023. —304 pages ; 22 cm across continents / Isabelle Jonveaux. [online resource]
ISBN 9780231196758 paperback £19.99 —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (230 pages)
BNB Number GBC378205 : illustrations (black and white).
Evangelicalism. ISBN 9781000887952 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000888171
Church membership. ePub ebook £38.99
Single women, Religious life. BNB Number GBC380693
Church attendance. Monasticism and religious orders, Occupations.
Prepublication record Monasticism and religious orders, Common life.
Monastic and religious life, Economic aspects.
Prepublication record

255 261.243
Contemporary monastic economy : a sociological perspective Baptizing Burma : religious change in the last Buddhist
across continents / Isabelle Jonveaux. —London : Routledge, kingdom / Alexandra Kaloyanides. [online resource] —New
2023. —230 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. York : Columbia University Press, 2023. —1 online resource
ISBN 9781032073361 hardback £130.00 (312 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
BNB Number GBC378585 ISBN 9780231553315 PDF ebook £29.99
Monasticism and religious orders, Occupations. BNB Number GBC380421
Monasticism and religious orders, Common life. Christianity, Influence.
Monastic and religious life, Economic aspects. Missions, Burma, History.
Prepublication record Buddhism, Influence.
Buddhism, Relations, Christianity.
255 Christianity and other religions, Buddhism.
Sensing the spirit : toward the future of religious life / Judith A. Burma, Religion.
Merkle, SNDdeN. —London : Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2023. Prepublication record
—192 pages ; 22 cm
ISBN 9780567707000 hardback £50.00 ; 9780567706997 261.243
paperback £16.99 Baptizing Burma : religious change in the last Buddhist
BNB Number GBC378364 kingdom / Alexandra Kaloyanides. —New York : Columbia
Catholic Church University Press, 2023. —312 pages : illustrations (black and
Christian communities. white) ; 23 cm.
Prepublication record ISBN 9780231199841 hardback £99.99 ; 9780231199858
paperback £24.99
261 BNB Number GBC378206
Pilgrim in the modern world / L.J. Baggott. [online resource] Missions, Burma, History.
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (122 pages). Buddhism, Relations, Christianity.
ISBN 9781000906691 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000906660 Christianity and other religions, Buddhism.
PDF ebook £48.99 Christianity, Influence.
BNB Number GBC381093 Buddhism, Influence.
Church and the world. Burma, Religion.
Christianity, 20th century. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
261 Minority churches as media settlers : negotiating deep
Pilgrim in the modern world / L.J. Baggott. —London : mediatization / Dorota Hall, Marta Kolodziejska, Kerstin
Routledge, 2023. —122 pages ; 22 cm. Radde-Antweiler. [online resource] —London : Routledge,
ISBN 9781032502021 hardback £85.00 2023. —1 online resource (248 pages) : illustrations (black
BNB Number GBC379058 and white).
Christianity, 20th century. ISBN 9781000905120 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000905113
Church and the world. PDF ebook £38.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC381058
Internet in church work.
Church and mass media.
Catholic social teaching in practice : exploring practical
Social media, Religious aspects, Christianity.
wisdom and the virtues tradition / Andrew Michael Yuengert.
Religious minorities, Effect of technological innovations on.
—Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —350
Digital media, Religious aspects, Christianity.
Prepublication record
ISBN 9781009261470 hardback £85.00
BNB Number GBC378506 261.7
Catholic Church, Doctrines. Woke Jesus : the false messiah destroying Christianity /
Christian sociology, Catholic Church. Lucas Miles. —Boca Raton : Humanix Books, 2023. —224
Prepublication record pages ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781630062514 hardback No price
BNB Number GBC379601
Christianity and culture.
Right and left (Political science)
Political culture.
Christianity and politics.
Prepublication record

261.70937 264
Christianity, philosophy, and Roman power : Constantine, Prepare! : an ecumenical music & worship planner.
Julian, and the bishops on exegesis and empire / Lea 2023-2024 / David L. Bone, Mary Scifres. —CEB edition.
Niccolai. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —Nashville : Abingdon Press, 2023. —144 pages ; 28 cm
—348 pages. ISBN 9781791015688 paperback No price
ISBN 9781009299299 hardback £100.00 BNB Number GBC379819
BNB Number GBC378517 Church music, Planning.
Julian, Emperor of Rome, 331-363, Religion. Lectionaries.
Church history, Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600, Worship programs, Planning.
Political aspects. Prepublication record
Church and state, Rome.
Church and education, Rome. 264.02036
Hermeneutics, Religious aspects, Christianity. The Ave guide to eucharistic adoration. —Notre Dame : Ave
Education and state, Rome. Maria Press, 2023. —192 pages ; 18 cm
Rome, Religion. ISBN 9781646802203 hardback No price
Rome, Politics and government, 284-476. BNB Number GBC379680
Rome, Civilization, Greek influences. Lord's Supper, Adoration.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

261.8 264.2309
Justice matters : spiritual care and pastoral theological Hymns we love : exploring hymns that take us to the heart of
imaginations in times of the COVID-19 pandemic / edited by the Christian faith. Leader's kit / Steve Cramer, Pippa Cramer.
Kyungsig Samuel Lee, Danjuma G. Gibson. [online resource] —Epsom : The Good Book Company, 2023. —1 volume ; 24
—London : Routledge, 2022. —1 online resource (1 volume). cm
ISBN 9781003292364 (electronic bk.) ; 1000702650 ISBN 9781784988777 hardback £24.99
(electronic bk. : EPUB) ; 9781000702651 (electronic bk. : BNB Number GBC379790
EPUB) ; 1003292364 (electronic bk.) ; 100070064X Hymns, English, History and criticism.
(electronic bk. : PDF) ; 9781000700640 (electronic bk. : PDF) Hymns, Social aspects.
BNB Number GBC377623 Prepublication record
Social justice, Religious aspects, Christianity.
Pastoral theology.
Miracle on voodoo mountain : a young woman's remarkable
story of pushing back the darkness for the children of Haiti /
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Discrimination & Race Relations
Megan Boudreaux. —Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 2023. —204
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Ethnic Studies / General
pages ; 22 cm
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Religious aspects,
ISBN 9781400334315 paperback £13.99
BNB Number GBC379319
264 Boudreaux, Megan
Prepare! : an ecumenical music & worship planner / David L. Missions, Haiti, Gressier.
Bone, Mary Scifres. —NRSVue edition. —Nashville : Church work with children, Haiti, Gressier.
Abingdon Press, 2023. —144 pages ; 28 cm Vodou, Relations, Christianity.
ISBN 9781791015701 paperback No price Christianity and other religions, Vodou.
BNB Number GBC379820 Prepublication record
Colors, Liturgical.
Worship programs, Planning.
The silencing of Jesuit figurist Joseph de Prémare in
eighteenth-century China / D.E. Mungello. —Lanham :
Church music, Planning.
Lexington Books, 2023. —154 pages : illustrations (black and
Church year.
white, and colour), maps ; 24 cm
Prepublication record
ISBN 9781498595667 paperback £31.00
BNB Number GBC379466
Prémare, Joseph Henri, 1666-1736
Jesuits, Missions, China, History, 18th century.
Prepublication record

268.0941 271.9000902
Sunday school movement in Britain, 1900-1939. [online Women and Monastic Reform in the Medieval West, C. 1000 -
resource] —Woodbridge, UK : The Boydell Press, 2023. —1 1500 : Debating Identities, Creating Communities. [online
online resource. resource] —Woodbridge : Boydell & Brewer, Inc., 2023. —1
ISBN 1800109822 electronic book ; 1800109830 electronic online resource (297 p.).
book ; 9781800109834 electronic book ; 9781800109827 ISBN 1800109741 electronic book ; 9781800109759
electronic book electronic book ; 180010975X electronic book ;
BNB Number GBC377677 9781800109742 electronic book
Sunday schools, Great Britain, History. BNB Number GBC377739
Monasticism and religious orders, Europe, History, Middle
270.2092 Ages, 600-1500.
Bede the scholar / edited by Peter Darby, Máirín MacCarron. Monastic and religious life of women, Europe, History,
[online resource] —Manchester : Manchester University Middle Ages, 600-1500.
Press, 2023. —1 online resource (344 pages) : illustrations
(black and white) 273.4
ISBN 9781526153197 ePub ebook No price ; 9781526153210 Defining God : Athanasius, Nicaea and the Trinitarian
PDF ebook No price controversy of the fourth century / Patrick Whitworth ;
BNB Number GBC381317 foreword by Mouneer H. Anis. —Durham : Sacristy Press,
Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735 2023. —245 pages ; 22 cm ISBN 9781789591286 hardback £25.00
Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735, Influence. BNB Number GBC379814
Great Britain, Church history, 449-1066. Church history, 4th century.
Great Britain, Intellectual life, To 1066. God (Christianity), Knowableness, History of doctrines,
Prepublication record Early church, ca. 30-600.
Trinity, History of doctrines, Early church, ca. 30-600.
270.2092 Church controversies.
Bede the scholar / edited by Peter Darby, Máirín MacCarron. Prepublication record
—Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2023. —344
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm 273.6
ISBN 9781526153203 hardback No price The Beguines of Medieval Świdnica : The Interrogation of the
BNB Number GBC379495 ""Daughters of Odelindis"" In 1332. [online resource]
Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735 —Woodbridge : York Medieval Press, 2023. —1 online resource (317 p.).
Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735, Influence. ISBN 9781800109148 electronic book ; 1800109148
Great Britain, Intellectual life, To 1066. electronic book
Great Britain, Church history, 449-1066. BNB Number GBC377655
Prepublication record Monastic and religious life of women, History, Middle Ages,
600-1500, Sources.
270.3092 Beguines, Poland, Świdnica, History, Sources.
Charlemagne and Rome : Alcuin and the epitaph of Pope Świdnica (Poland), Church history, Sources.
Hadrian I / Joanna Story. —Oxford : Oxford University Press,
2023. —432 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) 273.7
; 25 cm. Jansenisms and literature in Central Europe = Jansenismen
ISBN 9780199206346 hardback £100.00 literatur in Mitteleuropa = Jansénismes et littérature en
BNB Number GBC378196 Europe Centrale / edited by Gabor Tüskés. —Frankfurt am
Adrian I, Pope, -795, Tomb. Main : Peter Lang Edition, 2023. —650 pages : illustrations ;
Charlemagne, Emperor, 742-814 23 cm ISBN 9783034346252 hardback £66.00
Alcuin, 735-804 BNB Number GBC380290
Holy Roman Empire, History, To 1517. Jansenists, Europe, Central.
France, History, To 987. Prepublication record
Prepublication record

273.7 277
Jansenisms and literature in Central Europe = Jansenismen Christianity in North America / edited by Kenneth Ross, Grace
literatur in Mitteleuropa = Jansénismes et littérature en Ji-Sun Kim, Todd Johnson. —Edinburgh : Edinburgh
Europe Centrale / edited by Gabor Tüskés. [online resource] University Press, 2023. —1 volume : illustrations (colour) ; 25
—Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang Edition, 2023. —1 online cm.
resource (650 pages) : illustrations ISBN 9781399507431 hardback £150.00
ISBN 9783034346887 PDF ebook £67.00 ; 9783034346894 BNB Number GBC379314
ePub ebook £67.00 Christianity, North America.
BNB Number GBC381512 North America, Church history.
Jansenists, Europe, Central. North America, Religion.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

274.1083 277.3083
The precarious church : redeeming the body of Christ / edited Testimony : inside the evangelical movement that failed a
by Martyn Percy. —Norwich : Canterbury Press, 2023. —224 generation / Jon Ward. —Ada : Brazos Press, 2023. —256
pages ; 22 cm pages ; 22 cm
ISBN 9781786225115 paperback £18.99 ISBN 9781587435775 hardback £19.99
BNB Number GBC379793 BNB Number GBC379570
Great Britain, Church history, 21st century. Ward, Jon (Writer of politics)
Great Britain, Church history, 20th century. Evangelicalism, Social aspects, United States.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

274.2256 281.9092
Church beyond walls : Christian spirituality at large / Martin Writing straight with crooked lines : a memoir / Jim Forest.
Poole. —Norwich : Canterbury Press, 2023. —208 pages ; 22 —Maryknoll, NY : Orbis Books, [2020] —ix, 326 pages :
cm illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781786224828 paperback £16.99 ISBN 9781626983571 paperback
BNB Number GBC379792 BNB Number GBC377554
Spirituality, Christianity. Forest, Jim (James H.)
Christianity, Social aspects, Europe, Brighton. Pacifists, United States, Biography.
Brighton (England), Religion. Christian authors, United States, Biography.
Prepublication record Orthodox Eastern converts, United States, Biography.
Christian biography, United States.
Syriac Christianity under late Sasanian and early Islamic rule / 281.94705125
G.J. Reinink. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. The Russian Orthodox community in Hong Kong : religion,
—1 online resource. ethnicity, and intercultural relations / Loretta E. Kim and
ISBN 9781000939163 ePub ebook £42.99 Chengyi Zhou. —Lanham : Lexington Books, 2023. —336
BNB Number GBC381123 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm
Church history, 8th century. ISBN 9781793616753 paperback £33.00
Church history, 7th century. BNB Number GBC379828
Syria, Church history. Orthodox Parish of Apostles Saints Peter and Paul (Hong
Prepublication record Kong, China)
Orthodox Eastern Church, China, Hong Kong, History.
277 Minorities, China, Hong Kong, History.
Christianity in North America / edited by Kenneth Ross, Grace Russians, China, Hong Kong, History.
Ji-Sun Kim, Todd Johnson. [online resource] —Edinburgh : China, Church history.
Edinburgh University Press, 2023. —1 online resource : China, Relations, Russia.
illustrations (colour). Russia, Relations, China.
ISBN 9781399507455 ePub ebook £150.00 ; 9781399507448 Prepublication record
PDF ebook £150.00
BNB Number GBC381272
Christianity, North America.
North America, Church history.
North America, Religion.
Prepublication record

282 289.371
Neo-Calvinism and Roman Catholicism / volume editor, Thirsty land into springs of water : negotiating a place in
James Eglinton, George Harinck. —Leiden : Brill, 2023. —1 Canada as Latter-Day Saints / Brooke Kathleen Brassard.
volume ; 24 cm. —Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 2023. —288 pages :
ISBN 9789004546066 paperback No price illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm
BNB Number GBC380334 ISBN 9781487506339 hardback £46.99
Catholic Church BNB Number GBC379442
Theology. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Canada.
Calvinism. Mormons, Cultural assimilation, Canada.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

284.3 289.373
T&T Clark handbook of Anabaptism / edited by Brian C. The Mormon military experience : the LDS Church and the
Brewer. —London : Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2023. —648 military / Sherman L. Fleek and Robert C. Freeman.
pages ; 25 cm. —Lawrence : University Press of Kansas, 2023. —360 pages ;
ISBN 9780567703972 paperback £39.99 23 cm.
BNB Number GBC378362 ISBN 9780700634323 hardback £51.00
Anabaptists. BNB Number GBC378402
Prepublication record Mormons, United States, History.
Christian soldiers, United States, History, 20th century.
286.7676 Christian soldiers, United States, History, 19th century.
Seventh-Day Adventism in Africa : a historical survey of the United States, Armed Forces, Military life, Mormons.
interaction between religion, traditions, and culture / Gabriel United States, History, Military, Religious aspects.
Masfa. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 Prepublication record
online resource (264 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781000896114 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000896077 294.385
PDF ebook £38.99 Worldly saviors and imperial authority in medieval Chinese
BNB Number GBC380892 Buddhism / April D. Hughes. —Honolulu : University of Hawai'i
Seventh-Day Adventists, Africa, History. Press, 2023. —198 pages ; 23 cm
Christianity and other religions, African, History. ISBN 9780824888695 paperback £28.95
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC378452
Sui Wendi, Emperor of China, 541-604
Seventh-Day Adventism in Africa : a historical survey of the Wu hou, Empress of China, 624-705
interaction between religion, traditions, and culture / Gabriel
Masfa. —London : Routledge, 2023. —264 pages : Buddhism and state, China, History.
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm Buddhism, China, History, 581-960.
ISBN 9781032344874 hardback £130.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378836
Christianity and other religions, African, History. 294.39260951
Seventh-Day Adventists, Africa, History. A Chinese paradigm of the Jingtu famen : the Buddhist
Prepublication record thought and practice of Sheng'an Shixian (1686-1734) and
other patriarchs / Kwong Chuen (Kenneth) Ching. —Leiden :
287.142 Brill, 2023. —1 volume ; 24 cm.
Methodism in Victorian Oxford : the Oxford Wesleyan local ISBN 9789004545526 hardback No price
preachers' book 1830-1902 / Martin Wellings. —Chipping BNB Number GBC380332
Norton : Oxfordshire Record Society, 2023. —368 pages : Shixian, 1686-1734
maps ; 24 cm. Pure Land Buddhism, China.
ISBN 9780902509795 hardback £35.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378469
Wesleyan Methodist Church, Archives.
Wesleyan Methodist Church, History, 19th century.
Methodist Church, England, Oxfordshire, History, 19th
Oxfordshire (England), Church history, 19th century.
Prepublication record

294.424 296.155
The Jaina worldview : a study and translation of the Priesthood, cult, and temple in the Aramaic scrolls from
philosophical chapters of the Tattvarthadhigama / Lucas den Qumran : analyzing a pre-Hasmonean Jewish literary tradition
Boer. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 / Robert E. Jones. —Leiden : Brill, 2023. —1 volume ; 24 cm.
online resource (256 pages) : illustrations (black and white). ISBN 9789004542877 hardback No price
ISBN 9781000901085 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000900965 BNB Number GBC380328
PDF ebook £38.99 Temple of Jerusalem (Jerusalem), In literature.
BNB Number GBC381001 Jewish literature, History and criticism.
Umāsvāti, approximately 135-approximately 219. Tattvā Priests, Jewish, in literature.
rthādhigamasūtra. Aramaic literature, Jewish authors, History and criticism.
Jaina philosophy. Jews, History, 586 B.C.-70 A.D.
Prepublication record Priests, Jewish, History.
Prepublication record
The Jaina worldview : a study and translation of the 296.399
philosophical chapters of the Tattvarthadhigama / Lucas den Covenant and world religions : Irving Greenberg, Jonathan
Boer. —London : Routledge, 2023. —256 pages : illustrations Sacks, and the quest for orthodox pluralism / Alon
(black and white) ; 24 cm. Goshen-Gottstein. [online resource] —Oxford : The Littman
ISBN 9781032370071 hardback £130.00 Library of Jewish Civilization, 2023. —1 online resource
BNB Number GBC378867 ISBN 9781802079234 PDF ebook £50.00
Umāsvāti, approximately 135-approximately 219. Tattvā BNB Number GBC381421
rthādhigamasūtra. Greenberg, Irving, 1933-
Jaina philosophy.
Prepublication record Sacks, Jonathan, 1948-2020
294.5095496 Judaism, Relations.
The festival of Indra : innovation, archaism, and revival in a Prepublication record
South Asian performance / Michael C. Baltutis. —Albany :
SUNY Press, 2023. —284 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm. 296.437
ISBN 9781438493336 hardback No price The Shakespeare Haggadah : elevate thy seder with the Bard
BNB Number GBC379342 of Avon (second folio) / Martin M. Bodek. —Brentwood :
Hinduism, India, History. Wicked Son, 2023. —200 pages ; 23 cm
Religion and politics, Nepal. ISBN 9781637589380 paperback £12.99
India, Religion, To 1200. BNB Number GBC379633
Prepublication record Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616, Humor.
Haggadot, Humor.
294.53 Haggadot, Adaptations.
The keys of power : a study of Indian ritual and belief / J. Prepublication record
Abbott. —London : Routledge, 2023. —570 pages ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781032005683 paperback £40.99 297.0902
BNB Number GBC378548 Heresy and the formation of medieval Islamic orthodoxy : the
Islam, Customs and practices. making of Sunnism, from the eighth to the eleventh century /
Hinduism, Customs and practices. Ahmad Khan. [online resource] —Cambridge : Cambridge
India, Religious life and customs. University Press, 2023. —1 online resource
Prepublication record ISBN 9781009093033 PDF ebook £95.00
BNB Number GBC381138
294.543 Islamic heresies, History, To 1500.
Discovering spirituality / by Anthony Strano. —[Sydney, Islam, History, To 1500.
Australia] : Eternity Ink, 2015. —72 pages : colour illustrations Sunna, History, To 1500.
; 20 cm Hanafites, History.
ISBN 0980542413 paperback ; 9780980542417 paperback Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378110

297.0951 297.2115
The Islamic-Confucian synthesis in China / edited by Modern debates on prophecy and prophethood in Islam :
Zongping Sha, Shuchen Xiang ; translated by Stephen Muhammad Iqbal and Said Nursi / Mahsheed Ansari.
Nashef, Chongning Zhang, Tianyi Zhang. —Lanham : —London : Routledge, 2023. —312 pages ; 24 cm.
Lexington Books, 2023. —136 pages ; 23 cm ISBN 9781032219721 hardback £120.00
ISBN 9781666913361 hardback £69.00 BNB Number GBC378697
BNB Number GBC379703 Nursi, Said, 1873-1960, Criticism and interpretation.
Confucianism, Relations, Islam. Muḥammad, Prophet, -632, Prophetic office.
Islam, Relations, Confucianism. Iqbal, Muhammad, Sir, 1877-1938, Criticism and
Islam, China, History. interpretation.
China, Religion. Prophets, Pre-Islamic.
Prepublication record Prophecy, Islam.
Islamic philosophy.
297.0954 Prophets in the Qurʼ an.
Islam in India : history, politics and society / edited by Nasir Prepublication record
Raza Khan. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023.
—1 online resource (290 pages) 297.22
ISBN 9781000898743 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000898699 Salvation of the soul and Islamic devotion / M.A. Quasem.
PDF ebook £38.99 [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
BNB Number GBC380953 resource (288 pages).
Islam, India, History. ISBN 9781000906882 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000906875
Prepublication record PDF ebook £48.99
BNB Number GBC381098
297.0954 Islam, Customs and practices.
Islam in India : history, politics and society / edited by Nasir Salvation, Islam.
Raza Khan. —London : Routledge, 2023. —290 pages ; 25 Prepublication record
ISBN 9781032508917 hardback £130.00 297.22
BNB Number GBC379069 Salvation of the soul and Islamic devotion / M.A. Quasem.
Islam, India, History. —London : Routledge, 2023. —288 pages ; 24 cm.
Prepublication record ISBN 9781032514628 hardback £90.00
BNB Number GBC379078
297.2 Salvation, Islam.
The properties of retreat : book 16 of the Iḥyāʼ ʻ ulūm al-dīn Islam, Customs and practices.
/ Al-Ghazālī ; translated with an introduction and notes by Prepublication record
James Pavlin. —Louisville : Fons Vitae, 2023. —128 pages ;
23 cm 297.261
ISBN 9781941610633 paperback £20.95 Advancing Islamic psychology education : knowledge
BNB Number GBC380101 integration, model, and application / G. Hussein Rassool.
Solitude, Religious aspects, Islam, Early works to 1800. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
Prepublication record resource (160 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9781000954661 PDF ebook £18.99 ; 9781000954753
297.2115 ePub ebook £18.99
Modern debates on prophecy and prophethood in Islam : BNB Number GBC381128
Muhammad Iqbal and Said Nursi / Mahsheed Ansari. [online Islam, Psychology.
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource Education, Islamic countries.
(312 pages). Psychology, Study and teaching, Islamic countries.
ISBN 9781000869743 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000869750 Psychology, Religious aspects, Islam.
ePub ebook £38.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC380508
Muḥammad, Prophet, -632, Prophetic office.
Iqbal, Muhammad, Sir, 1877-1938, Criticism and
Nursi, Said, 1873-1960, Criticism and interpretation.
Prophets in the Qurʼ an.
Prophets, Pre-Islamic.
Islamic philosophy.
Prophecy, Islam.
Prepublication record
297.261 297.5
Advancing Islamic psychology education : knowledge From the divine to the human : contemporary Islamic thinkers
integration, model, and application / G. Hussein Rassool. on evil, suffering, and the global pandemic / edited by
—London : Routledge, 2023. —160 pages : illustrations (black Muhammad U. Faruque and Mohammed Rustom. [online
and white) ; 22 cm. resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
ISBN 9781032359731 hardback £48.99 (304 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
BNB Number GBC378851 ISBN 9781000892659 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000892635
Psychology, Study and teaching, Islamic countries. PDF ebook £38.99
Islam, Psychology. BNB Number GBC380820
Education, Islamic countries. Good and evil, Religious aspects, Islam.
Psychology, Religious aspects, Islam. Suffering, Religious aspects, Islam.
Prepublication record Theodicy.
Islamic ethics.
297.2615 Prepublication record
Islamic psychology - integrative dialogue : psychology,
spirituality, science and arts / edited by Emi Zulaifah, Wanady 297.5
Ayu Krihsna Dewi, Marcus Stück, Dian Utamy. —Frankfurt am From the divine to the human : contemporary Islamic thinkers
Main : Peter Lang Edition, 2023. —256 pages : illustrations ; on evil, suffering, and the global pandemic / edited by
21 cm Muhammad U. Faruque and Mohammed Rustom. —London :
ISBN 9783631876039 paperback £35.00 Routledge, 2023. —304 pages : illustrations (black and white)
BNB Number GBC380298 ; 24 cm.
Islam, Psychology. ISBN 9781032443409 hardback £130.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC378940
Islamic ethics.
297.2720958 Suffering, Religious aspects, Islam.
Politicizing Islam : from the Russian Revolution to the Afghan Theodicy.
and Syrian Jihads / Kathleen Collins. —New York : Oxford Good and evil, Religious aspects, Islam.
University Press, 2023. —536 pages : illustrations (black and Prepublication record
white), maps ; 24 cm
ISBN 9780197685068 hardback £64.00 ; 9780197685075 297.5677
paperback £22.99 Philanthropy in the Muslim world : majority and minority
BNB Number GBC378184 Muslim communities / edited by Shariq A. Siddiqui, David A.
Islam, Asia, Central, History. Campbell. —Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023.
Islam and politics, Asia, Central. —400 pages ; 24 cm.
Muslims, Asia, Central, Politics and government. ISBN 9781035306565 hardback £130.00
Asia, Central, Politics and government. BNB Number GBC379131
Prepublication record Charities, Islamic countries.
Endowments, Islamic countries.
297.40954 Charity, Religious aspects, Islam.
Regional Sufi Centres in India : significance and contribution / Prepublication record
edited by Nasir Raza Khan. [online resource] —London :
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (138 pages) 299.21
ISBN 9781000898804 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000898774 The divine/demonic Seven and the place of demons in
PDF ebook £38.99 Mesopotamia / Gina Konstantopoulos. —Leiden : Brill, 2023.
BNB Number GBC380956 —1 volume ; 24 cm.
Sufism, India. ISBN 9789004546141 hardback No price
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC380335
Demonology, Assyro-Babylonian.
297.40954 Prepublication record
Regional Sufi Centres in India : significance and contribution /
edited by Nasir Raza Khan. —London : Routledge, 2023.
—138 pages ; 25 cm
ISBN 9781032508931 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC379070
Sufism, India.
Prepublication record

Confucian constitutionalism : dignity, rights, and democracy /
Sungmoon Kim. [online resource] —New York, NY : Oxford
University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (x, 282 pages).
ISBN 9780197630648 ebook No price ; 9780197630617
hardback No price
BNB Number GBC380420
Confucianism, Political aspects.
Constitutional law, Religious aspects, Confucianism.
Democracy, Religious aspects, Confucianism.
China, Politics and government, Philosophy.
Prepublication record

El monte : notes on the religions, magic, and folklore of the
Black and Creole people of Cuba / Lydia Cabrera ; translated
by David Font-Navarrete. —Durham : Duke University Press,
2023. —680 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm.
ISBN 9781478016090 hardback £121.00 ; 9781478018735
paperback £32.00
BNB Number GBC379433
Black people, Cuba, Religion.
Santeria, Cuba.
African diaspora.
Folklore, Cuba.
Black people, Cuba, Folklore.
Traditional medicine, Cuba.
Magic, Cuba.
Cuba, Religion.
Prepublication record

The science of mind / Ernest Shurtleff Holmes. —New edition.
—New York : G&D Media, 2023. —324 pages
ISBN 9781722500931 paperback £17.99
BNB Number GBC379742
Spiritual healing.
New Thought.
Prepublication record

The Manichaeans of the Roman East : Manichaeism in Greek
anti-Manichaica & Roman imperial legislation / Rea
Matsangou. —Leiden : Brill, 2023. —1 volume ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9789004542846 hardback No price
BNB Number GBC380327
Asceticism, History, Early church, ca. 30-600.
Manichaeism, Rome.
Manichaeans, Rome.
Rome, Religion.
Prepublication record

Social sciences
300.1 300.72
A social onto-epistemology / Mariola Kuszyk-Bytniewska. Research design in the social sciences : declaration,
—Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang Edition, 2023. —188 pages ; diagnosis, and redesign / Graeme Blair, Alexander Coppock,
21 cm Macartan Humphreys. [online resource] —Princeton :
ISBN 9783631886984 hardback £38.00 Princeton University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (392
BNB Number GBC380299 pages) : illustrations (colour)
Knowledge, Theory of. ISBN 9780691199580 ebook £159.00
Ontology. BNB Number GBC380471
Philosophy and social sciences. Social sciences, Research.
Social sciences, Philosophy. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
300.1 Interpreting interviews / Mats Alvesson. [online resource]
Welcome to social theory / Tom Brock. [online resource] —Second edition. —Los Angeles : SAGE, 2023. —1 online
—London : SAGE Publications Ltd, 2023. —1 online resource resource
(256 pages). ISBN 9781529618365 ePub ebook £31.99
ISBN 9781529784701 PDF ; 1529784700 PDF BNB Number GBC381346
BNB Number GBC377689 Interviewing, Technique.
Sociology, Philosophy. Social surveys, Methodology.
Social sciences, Philosophy. Prepublication record

300.72 300.723
Conjectures and evidences : methods of inquiry in the political Leaving the field : methodological insights from ethnographic
and social sciences with elementary statistics / Rakhahari exits / edited by Robin Smith, Sara Delamont. [online
Chatterji, Partha Pratim Basu, Jyotiprasad Chatterjee, Suprio resource] —Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2023.
Basu. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 —1 online resource (264 pages) : illustrations (black and
online resource (380 pages) : illustrations (black and white) white)
ISBN 9781000906240 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000906233 ISBN 9781526157645 ePub ebook No price ; 9781526157669
PDF ebook £48.99 PDF ebook No price
BNB Number GBC381085 BNB Number GBC381318
Social sciences, Research, Methodology. Social sciences, Fieldwork.
Social sciences, Statistics, Methodology. Ethnology, Methodology.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

300.72 300.723
Conjectures and evidences : methods of inquiry in the political Leaving the field : methodological insights from ethnographic
and social sciences with elementary statistics / Rakhahari exits / edited by Robin Smith, Sara Delamont. —Manchester :
Chatterji, Partha Pratim Basu, Jyotiprasad Chatterjee, Suprio Manchester University Press, 2023. —264 pages : illustrations
Basu. —London : Routledge, 2023. —380 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
(black and white) ; 22 cm ISBN 9781526157652 hardback No price
ISBN 9781032526836 hardback £130.00 BNB Number GBC379496
BNB Number GBC379126 Ethnology, Methodology.
Social sciences, Research, Methodology. Social sciences, Fieldwork.
Social sciences, Statistics, Methodology. Prepublication record
Prepublication record

301 301
Social theory re-wired : new connections to classical and Visual sociology / Douglas Harper. —Second edition.
contemporary perspectives / edited by Wesley Longhofer, —London : Routledge, 2023. —312 pages : illustrations (black
Daniel Winchester. [online resource] —Third edition. —London and white) ; 25 cm
: Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (500 pages) : ISBN 9781032171098 paperback £32.99 ; 9781032171081
illustrations (black and white). hardback £120.00
ISBN 9781000888249 ePub ebook £68.99 ; 9781000888027 BNB Number GBC378659
PDF ebook £68.99 Visual sociology.
BNB Number GBC380694 Prepublication record
Social sciences, Philosophy. 301.01
Prepublication record Social theory / G.D.H. Cole. [online resource] —London :
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (224 pages).
301 ISBN 9781000902082 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000902044
Social theory re-wired : new connections to classical and PDF ebook £48.99
contemporary perspectives / edited by Wesley Longhofer, BNB Number GBC381022
Daniel Winchester. —Third edition. —London : Routledge, Sociology, Philosophy.
2023. —500 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm. Prepublication record
ISBN 9781032341132 hardback £200.00
BNB Number GBC378825 301.01
Social sciences, Philosophy. Social theory / G.D.H. Cole. —London : Routledge, 2023.
Sociology. —224 pages ; 21 cm.
Prepublication record ISBN 9781032521879 hardback £90.00
BNB Number GBC379109
301 Sociology, Philosophy.
The little book of sociology : a pocket guide to the study of Prepublication record
society / Rasha Barrage. [online resource] —Chichester :
Summersdale, 2023. —1 online resource (144 pages) 301.072
ISBN 9781837991853 ePub ebook £6.99 Cellphilm as participatory visual methodology : mobilizing
BNB Number GBC381467 opportunities for research, teaching and social change / Sarah
Social systems. Flicker and Katie MacEntee. [online resource] —London :
Prepublication record Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (220 pages) :
illustrations (black and white).
301 ISBN 9781000883855 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000883787
The little book of sociology : a pocket guide to the study of PDF ebook £38.99
society / Rasha Barrage. —Chichester : Summersdale, 2023. BNB Number GBC380624
—144 pages ; 15 cm Cell phones, Social aspects.
ISBN 9781800077188 paperback £6.99 Social sciences, Research, Methodology.
BNB Number GBC379846 Community-based research, Methodology.
Social systems. Video recording in social change.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

301 301.072
Visual sociology / Douglas Harper. [online resource] —Second Cellphilm as participatory visual methodology : mobilizing
edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (312 opportunities for research, teaching and social change / Sarah
pages) : illustrations (black and white) Flicker and Katie MacEntee. —London : Routledge, 2023.
ISBN 9781000874709 PDF ebook £32.99 ; 9781000874754 —220 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm.
ePub ebook £32.99 ISBN 9780367555061 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC380514 BNB Number GBC378275
Visual sociology. Community-based research, Methodology.
Prepublication record Video recording in social change.
Cell phones, Social aspects.
Social sciences, Research, Methodology.
Prepublication record

301.0973 302
Disciplinary futures : sociology in conversation with American, Self and identity : the basics / Megan E. Birney. [online
ethnic, and indigenous studies / edited by Nadia Y. Kim and resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
Pawan Dhingra. —New York : New York University Press, (154 pages).
2023. —400 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm ISBN 9781000880274 ePub ebook £16.99 ; 9781000880267
ISBN 9781479819034 hardback £89.00 PDF ebook £16.99
BNB Number GBC379437 BNB Number GBC380556
Racial justice, United States. Social psychology.
Sociology, Study and teaching, United States. Identity (Psychology)
Racism, United States. Prepublication record
Minorities, United States.
Sociology, United States. 302
Prepublication record Self and identity : the basics / Megan E. Birney. —London :
Routledge, 2023. —154 pages ; 20 cm.
302 ISBN 9780367223649 hardback £120.00 ; 9780367223656
Interpreting contentious memory : countermemories and paperback £16.99
social conflicts over the past / edited by Thomas DeGloma, BNB Number GBC378245
Janet Jacobs. [online resource] —Bristol : Bristol University Social psychology.
Press, 2023. —1 online resource (208 pages). Identity (Psychology)
ISBN 9781529218688 ePub ebook £26.99 ; 9781529218695 Prepublication record
PDF ebook £26.99
BNB Number GBC381340 302.01
Collective memory, Social aspects. The rise of neoliberal philosophy : human capital, profitable
Collective memory, Political aspects. knowledge, and the love of wisdom / Brandon Absher.
Prepublication record —Lanham : Lexington Books, 2023. —196 pages ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781793616005 paperback £31.00
302 BNB Number GBC379827
Interpreting contentious memory : countermemories and Neoliberalism, United States.
social conflicts over the past / edited by Thomas DeGloma, Education, Higher, Aims and objectives, United States.
Janet Jacobs. —Bristol : Bristol University Press, 2023. —208 Education, Higher, Economic aspects, United States.
pages ; 24 cm. Human capital, United States.
ISBN 9781529218664 hardback £79.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC379520
Collective memory, Social aspects. 302.1
Collective memory, Political aspects. Happiness / Bent Greve. [online resource] —Revised and
Prepublication record updated edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
resource (152 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
302 ISBN 9781000891157 PDF ebook £19.99 ; 9781000891171
Morality in the making of sense and self : Stanley Milgram's ePub ebook £19.99
obedience experiments and the new science of morality / BNB Number GBC380780
Matthew M. Hollander, Jason Turowetz. —New York : Oxford Social policy.
University Press, 2023. —272 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm Happiness.
ISBN 9780190096045 hardback £54.00 Happiness, Social aspects.
BNB Number GBC378136 Happiness, Political aspects.
Milgram, Stanley Happiness, Philosophy.
Social interaction. Prepublication record
Social psychology, Experiments.
Ethics, Social aspects.
Social psychology.
Prepublication record

302.1 302.2
Happiness / Bent Greve. —Revised and updated edition. Tracing silences : towards an anthropology of the unspoken
—London : Routledge, 2023. —152 pages : illustrations (black and unspeakable / edited by Ana Dragojlovic, Annemarie
and white) ; 20 cm. Samuels. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
ISBN 9781032384443 paperback £19.99 ; 9781032384467 online resource (112 pages)
hardback £84.99 ISBN 9781000889017 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000889000
BNB Number GBC378883 PDF ebook £48.99
Happiness. BNB Number GBC380715
Happiness, Philosophy. Silence.
Happiness, Political aspects. Silence (Philosophy)
Happiness, Social aspects. Anthropology.
Social policy. Silence, Social aspects.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

302.12 302.2
The use and abuse of stories : new directions in narrative Tracing silences : towards an anthropology of the unspoken
hermeneutics / edited by Hanna Meretoja, Mark Freeman. and unspeakable / edited by Ana Dragojlovic, Annemarie
—New York : Oxford University Press, 2023. —384 pages ; 24 Samuels. —London : Routledge, 2023. —112 pages ; 25 cm
cm. ISBN 9781032496870 hardback £130.00
ISBN 9780197571026 hardback £71.00 BNB Number GBC379052
BNB Number GBC378167 Silence, Social aspects.
Narration (Rhetoric), Moral and ethical aspects. Silence (Philosophy)
Narration (Rhetoric), Social aspects. Anthropology.
Social perception. Silence.
Narration (Rhetoric), Psychological aspects. Prepublication record
Prepublication record 302.2095
CommunicAsian : how Asia's rise is shaping the future of
302.14 communications, and how to plan for it / Oliver Stelling. [online
Cooperation & coercion : how busybodies became busybullies resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
and what that means for economics and politics / Antony ISBN 9781000889567 PDF ebook £26.99 ; 9781000889574
Davies and James R. Harrigan. —Wilmington, DE : ISI Books, ePub ebook £26.99
[2020] —202 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm BNB Number GBC380730
ISBN 161017156X paperback ; 9781610171564 paperback Communication, Asia.
BNB Number GBC377575 Prepublication record

302.14 302.2095
The new international volunteer : a hands-on guide to CommunicAsian : how Asia's rise is shaping the future of
sustainable and inclusive development / Elizabeth C. Medlin. communications, and how to plan for it / Oliver Stelling.
—Jefferson : Toplight Books, 2023. —277 pages : illustrations —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 volume
; 23 cm ISBN 9781032473345 paperback £26.99 ; 9781032473338
ISBN 9781476691077 paperback £20.95 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC379427 BNB Number GBC378995
Voluntarism, International cooperation. Communication, Asia.
Sustainable development. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
Working misunderstandings : an ethnography of project
collaboration in a multinational corporation in India / Frauke
Mörike. —Bielefeld : transcript Verlag, 2022. —315 pages :
illustrations ; 23 cm.
ISBN 9783837658675 (paperback) ; 3837658678 (paperback)
BNB Number GBC378057
Conflict management.
Miscommunication, India.
Interpersonal relations.
Communication in industrial relations, India.
Work environment.

302.22440852 302.23
Playing with time : mothers and the meaning of literacy / Jane Media analytics : understanding media, audiences, and
Mace. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 consumers in the 21st century / edited by C. Ann Hollifield,
online resource Amy Jo Coffey. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023.
ISBN 9781000674590 ePub ebook £11.99 —1 online resource (412 pages) : illustrations (black and
BNB Number GBC380495 white)
Mother and child. ISBN 9780429015861 ePub ebook £52.99 ; 9780429015878
Literacy, History. PDF ebook £52.99
Literacy, Sex differences. BNB Number GBC380449
Prepublication record Mass media, Economic aspects.
Mass media, Research, Methodology.
302.23 Data mining.
Dynamic media environments : expanding the scope of media Mass media, Audiences.
literacy / Katherine G. Fry. [online resource] —London : Prepublication record
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (166 pages) :
illustrations (black and white) 302.23
ISBN 9781000899269 ePub ebook £34.99 ; 9781000899191 Media analytics : understanding media, audiences, and
PDF ebook £34.99 consumers in the 21st century / edited by C. Ann Hollifield,
BNB Number GBC380965 Amy Jo Coffey. —London : Routledge, 2023. —412 pages :
Media literacy, Study and teaching. illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm
Digital media, Study and teaching. ISBN 9781138581036 hardback £130.00 ; 9781138581050
Critical thinking, Study and teaching. paperback £52.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379194
Mass media, Audiences.
302.23 Data mining.
Dynamic media environments : expanding the scope of media Mass media, Research, Methodology.
literacy / Katherine G. Fry. —London : Routledge, 2023. —166 Mass media, Economic aspects.
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781032192161 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032190860
paperback £34.99 302.23
BNB Number GBC378674 On the evolution of media : understanding media change /
Media literacy, Study and teaching. Carlos A. Scolari. [online resource] —London : Routledge,
Digital media, Study and teaching. 2023. —1 online resource (272 pages) : illustrations (black
Critical thinking, Study and teaching. and white).
Prepublication record ISBN 9781000901634 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000901597
PDF ebook £38.99
302.23 BNB Number GBC381014
Foundations of visual communication : how visuals appear in Mass media.
daily life / Yvonne Eriksson, Anette Göthlund. [online Prepublication record
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
(132 pages) : illustrations (black and white) 302.23
ISBN 9781000894875 PDF ebook £35.99 ; 9781000894899 On the evolution of media : understanding media change /
ePub ebook £35.99 Carlos A. Scolari. —London : Routledge, 2023. —272 pages :
BNB Number GBC380867 illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
Visual communication. ISBN 9781032102191 hardback £130.00
Visual communication, Methodology. BNB Number GBC378591
Prepublication record Mass media.
Prepublication record
Foundations of visual communication : how visuals appear in 302.23
daily life / Yvonne Eriksson, Anette Göthlund. —London : The Routledge handbook of media and technology
Routledge, 2023. —132 pages : illustrations (black and white) domestication / edited by Maren Hartmann. [online resource]
; 23 cm —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (512 pages)
ISBN 9780367769635 paperback £35.99 ; 9780367771553 : illustrations (black and white)
hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781000888812 PDF ebook £42.99 ; 9781000888850
BNB Number GBC378315 ePub ebook £42.99
Visual communication. BNB Number GBC380710
Visual communication, Methodology. Mass media.
Prepublication record Prepublication record
302.23 302.230973
The Routledge handbook of media and technology True crime in American media / edited by George S.
domestication / edited by Maren Hartmann. —London : Larke-Walsh. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023.
Routledge, 2023. —512 pages : illustrations (black and white) —1 online resource (200 pages).
; 25 cm ISBN 9781000891676 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000891720
ISBN 9781032184142 hardback £205.00 ePub ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC378668 BNB Number GBC380790
Mass media. Mass media and crime, United States.
Prepublication record True crime stories, United States.
Mass media and criminal justice, United States.
302.230951 Prepublication record
Beijing's global media offensive : China's uneven campaign to
influence Asia and the world / Joshua Kurlantzick. [online 302.230973
resource] —New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2023. True crime in American media / edited by George S.
—1 online resource (x, 534 pages). Larke-Walsh. —London : Routledge, 2023. —200 pages ; 24
ISBN 9780197515761 hardback No price ; 9780197515792 cm.
ebook No price ISBN 9781032123479 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC380414 BNB Number GBC378607
Mass media, China. True crime stories, United States.
China, Foreign relations. Mass media and criminal justice, United States.
Prepublication record Mass media and crime, United States.
Prepublication record
Arabic media coverage of pandemics : discourse, strategy 302.231
and impact / El Mustapha Lahlali. [online resource] —London : Breaking the social media prism : how to make our platforms
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (208 pages) : less polarizing / Chris Bail. [online resource] —Princeton :
illustrations (black and white). Princeton University Press, 2022. —1 online resource (vii, 232
ISBN 9781000865097 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000865141 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
ePub ebook £38.99 ISBN 9780691246499 ebook No price
BNB Number GBC380500 BNB Number GBC381556
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Press coverage, Arab Social media, Political aspects.
countries. Information society.
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Influence. Polarization (Social sciences)
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- , in mass media. Political sociology.
Arabic language, Discourse analysis. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
302.230956 Experimenting with emerging media platforms : field testing
Arabic media coverage of pandemics : discourse, strategy the future / Dan Pacheco. [online resource] —London :
and impact / El Mustapha Lahlali. —London : Routledge, Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (200 pages) :
2023. —208 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781032354200 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781000878738 PDF ebook £32.99 ; 9781000878769
BNB Number GBC378844 ePub ebook £32.99
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Influence. BNB Number GBC380544
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- , in mass media. Digital media, Technological innovations.
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Press coverage, Arab Mass media, Technological innovations.
countries. Online social networks.
Arabic language, Discourse analysis. Social media.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

302.231 302.234509561
Experimenting with emerging media platforms : field testing Turkish drama serials : the importance and influence of a
the future / Dan Pacheco. —London : Routledge, 2023. —200 globally popular television phenomenon / Miriam Berg. [online
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm resource] —Exeter : University of Exeter Press, 2023. —1
ISBN 9781032160924 paperback £32.99 ; 9781032160931 online resource (256 pages)
hardback £120.00 ISBN 9781804130445 PDF ebook No price ; 9781804130438
BNB Number GBC378649 ePub ebook No price
Mass media, Technological innovations. BNB Number GBC381436
Online social networks. Television programs, Turkey.
Digital media, Technological innovations. Television series, Turkey.
Social media. Foreign television programs, Social aspects, Middle East.
Prepublication record Foreign television programs, Social aspects, Latin America.
Turkey, Foreign relations.
302.231 Prepublication record
Memes, history and emotional life / Katie Barclay, Leanne
Downing. [online resource] —Cambridge : Cambridge 302.234509561
University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (75 pages). Turkish drama serials : the importance and influence of a
ISBN 9781009063715 PDF ebook £145.00 globally popular television phenomenon / Miriam Berg.
BNB Number GBC381133 —Exeter : University of Exeter Press, 2023. —256 pages ; 24
Social media. cm
Language and emotions. ISBN 9781804130421 hardback £75.00
Memes. BNB Number GBC379943
Prepublication record Television series, Turkey.
Foreign television programs, Social aspects, Latin America.
302.231 Television programs, Turkey.
Memes, history and emotional life / Katie Barclay, Leanne Foreign television programs, Social aspects, Middle East.
Downing. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. Turkey, Foreign relations.
—75 pages. Prepublication record
ISBN 9781009073295 paperback £17.00
BNB Number GBC378484 302.3
Social media. External communication in social media during asymmetric
Memes. conflicts : a theoretical model and empirical case study of the
Language and emotions. conflict in Israel and Palestine / Bernd Hirschberger.
Prepublication record —Bielefeld : Transcript, 2021. —310 pages : illustrations ; 23
302.231 ISBN 3837655091 (paperback) ; 9783837655094 (paperback)
The Routledge handbook of privacy and social media / edited BNB Number GBC378065
by Sabine Trepte, Philipp K. Masur. [online resource] Social media, Political aspects.
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (340 pages) Arab-Israeli conflict.
: illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9781000896459 PDF ebook £42.99 ; 9781000896473 302.30285
ePub ebook £42.99 Cybercrime in social media : theory and solutions / edited by
BNB Number GBC380899 Pradeep Kumar Roy, Asis Kumar Tripathy. [online resource]
Social media and society. —Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2023. —1 online
Privacy. resource (272 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
Data protection. ISBN 9781000888553 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000888478
Prepublication record PDF ebook £48.99
BNB Number GBC380699
302.231 Social media, Moral and ethical aspects.
The Routledge handbook of privacy and social media / edited Computer crimes.
by Sabine Trepte, Philipp K. Masur. —London : Routledge, Computer security.
2023. —340 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 26 cm. Prepublication record
ISBN 9781032111612 hardback £205.00
BNB Number GBC378599
Social media and society.
Data protection.
Prepublication record

302.30285 302.545
Cybercrime in social media : theory and solutions / edited by The lonely century : how isolation imperils our future /
Pradeep Kumar Roy, Asis Kumar Tripathy. —Boca Raton : Noreena Hertz. [online resource] —London : Sceptre, 2020.
Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2023. —272 pages : illustrations (black —1 online resource (416 pages).
and white) ; 24 cm ISBN 9781529329285 Electronic book (EPUB format) ;
ISBN 9781032300825 hardback £89.99 1529329280 Electronic book (EPUB format)
BNB Number GBC378776 BNB Number GBC377796
Computer crimes. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS, Research & Development.
Computer security. Loneliness, Social aspects.
Social media, Moral and ethical aspects. PSYCHOLOGY, Social Psychology.
Prepublication record SOCIAL SCIENCE, Sociology, Social Theory.
POLITICAL SCIENCE, Political Economy.
BFF? : the truth about female friendship / Claire Cohen. 303.32
—London : Penguin Books, 2023. —320 pages ; 20 cm The discursive construction of place in the digital age / edited
ISBN 9781529176032 paperback £10.99 by Alejandro Parini, Francisco Yus. [online resource]
BNB Number GBC379518 —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (208 pages)
Women, Social life and customs. : illustrations (black and white).
Female friendship. ISBN 9781000898286 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000898248
Best friends. PDF ebook £38.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC380940
302.35 Discourse analysis.
Authentic excellence for organizations : creating flourishing Digital communications.
"&" cultures / R. Kelly Crace, Charles J. Hardy and Robert L. Socialization.
Crace. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 Prepublication record
online resource (166 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9781000892154 PDF ebook £29.99 ; 9781000892192 303.32
ePub ebook £29.99 ; 9781032208893 paperback £29.99 The discursive construction of place in the digital age / edited
BNB Number GBC380806 by Alejandro Parini, Francisco Yus. —London : Routledge,
Organizational sociology. 2023. —208 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm.
Corporations, Sociological aspects. ISBN 9781032371474 hardback £130.00
Corporate culture. BNB Number GBC378869
Prepublication record Pragmatics.
302.35 Digital communications.
Authentic excellence for organizations : creating flourishing Discourse analysis.
"&" cultures / R. Kelly Crace, Charles J. Hardy and Robert L. Prepublication record
Crace. —London : Routledge, 2023. —166 pages :
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. 303.34
ISBN 9781032208879 hardback £120.00 Leadership / Don Russell. —Clayton, Victoria, Australia :
BNB Number GBC378685 Monash University Publishing, 2021. —91 pages ; 18 cm.
Corporate culture. ISBN 192246418X (paperback) ; 9781922464187 (paperback)
Corporations, Sociological aspects. BNB Number GBC377506
Organizational sociology. Political leadership, Australia.
Prepublication record Political leadership.

302.35 303.34
Scapegoating : how organizations assign blame / Maurizio Research handbook on public leadership : re-imagining public
Catino. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. leadership in a post-pandemic paradigm / edited by Stephen
—262 pages Brookes. —Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023.
ISBN 9781009297196 paperback £25.99 ; 9781009297189 —356 pages ; 24 cm.
hardback £80.00 ISBN 9781786439666 hardback £160.00
BNB Number GBC378515 BNB Number GBC379794
Organizational sociology. Leadership.
Scapegoat. Prepublication record
Organizational behavior.
Prepublication record
303.372 303.4825101821
The end of the cognitive empire : the coming of age of China and the West : a pragmatic Confucian's view / Yao
epistemologies of the South / Boaventura de Sousa Santos. Yang ; translated by David Ownby. [online resource]
—Durham : Duke University Press, 2018. —xiii, 376 pages ; —Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. —1 online
24 cm resource (274 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781478000006 hardback ; 9781478000150 paperback ISBN 9789819918829 PDF ebook £109.50
BNB Number GBC377240 BNB Number GBC381528
Knowledge, Sociology of. Philosophy, Confucian.
Social justice, Developing countries. China, Relations, Western countries.
Social epistemology. Western countries, Relations, China.
Prepublication record
The rise of the shame society : America's change from a guilt 303.4825101821
culture into a shame culture / Marcel H. Van Herpen. China and the West : a pragmatic Confucian's view / Yao
—Lanham : Lexington Books, 2023. —242 pages : illustrations Yang ; translated by David Ownby. —Basingstoke : Palgrave
(black and white) ; 23 cm Macmillan, 2023. —274 pages : illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781666914702 paperback £31.00 ; 21 cm
BNB Number GBC379704 ISBN 9789819918812 hardback £109.99
Individualism, United States. BNB Number GBC380359
Social media, United States. Philosophy, Confucian.
Social control, United States. China, Relations, Western countries.
Child rearing, United States. Western countries, Relations, China.
Shame, United States. Prepublication record
United States, Social life and customs, 1971-
Prepublication record 303.4825201821
The Japanese in the Western mind : a psychological history of
303.4 the cultural other / Perry R. Hinton. [online resource] —London
The human paradox : worlds apart in a connected world / : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (176 pages) :
Frank Gaffikin. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. illustrations (black and white)
—1 online resource (396 pages) ISBN 9781000893205 PDF ebook £35.99 ; 9781000893236
ISBN 9781000893366 ePub ebook £35.99 ; 9781000893328 ePub ebook £35.99
PDF ebook £35.99 BNB Number GBC380838
BNB Number GBC380843 Orientalism, Japan.
Polarization (Social sciences) Cultural relations, Psychological aspects.
Social policy. Intercultural communication, Japan.
Social change. Japan, Relations, Western countries.
Prepublication record Western countries, Relations, Japan.
Japan, Civilization.
303.4 Prepublication record
The human paradox : worlds apart in a connected world /
Frank Gaffikin. —London : Routledge, 2023. —396 pages ; 23 303.4825201821
cm The Japanese in the Western mind : a psychological history of
ISBN 9780367617929 hardback £130.00 ; 9780367617912 the cultural other / Perry R. Hinton. —London : Routledge,
paperback £35.99 2023. —176 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
BNB Number GBC378277 ISBN 9780367534691 hardback £130.00 ; 9780367534677
Social change. paperback £35.99
Social policy. BNB Number GBC378273
Polarization (Social sciences) Intercultural communication, Japan.
Prepublication record Orientalism, Japan.
Cultural relations, Psychological aspects.
303.482 Western countries, Relations, Japan.
Consultation on strengthening the Health and Social Care Japan, Civilization.
Standards to support people who live in adult care homes to Japan, Relations, Western countries.
maintain family and friendship connections. [online resource] Prepublication record
—Edinburgh : The Scottish Government, 2021. —1 online
resource (11 pages)
ISBN 9781802013702 Electronic book (PDF format)
BNB Number GBC381643

303.48254 303.483
Globalization and governance in India / edited by Jivanta Hermeneutics, history, and technology : the call of the future /
Schottli, Himanshu Jha. [online resource] —London : edited by Armin Grunwald, Alfred Nordmann, Martin Sand.
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (126 pages) —London : Routledge, 2023. —218 pages : illustrations (black
ISBN 9781000897098 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000897142 and white) ; 23 cm.
ePub ebook £48.99 ISBN 9781032344652 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC380913 BNB Number GBC378835
Globalization, India. Hermeneutics.
India, Foreign relations. Technology assessment.
India, Politics and government. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
303.48254 Stampede theory : human nature, technology, and runaway
Globalization and governance in India / edited by Jivanta social realities / Philip Feldman. [online resource]
Schottli, Himanshu Jha. —London : Routledge, 2023. —126 —Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2023. —1 online resource (266
pages ; 25 cm pages)
ISBN 9780367715007 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9780443137365 ePub ebook £76.95
BNB Number GBC378296 BNB Number GBC380458
Globalization, India. Technology, Psychological aspects.
India, Politics and government. Human behavior.
India, Foreign relations. Technology, Social aspects.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

303.483 303.483
Feudal capitalism and the innovation economy / Jon-Arild Stampede theory : human nature, technology, and runaway
Johannessen. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. social realities / Philip Feldman. —Amsterdam : Elsevier,
—1 online resource (276 pages) : illustrations (black and 2023. —266 pages ; 23 cm
white). ISBN 9780443137358 paperback £76.95
ISBN 9781000886214 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000886238 BNB Number GBC378328
ePub ebook £38.99 Technology, Psychological aspects.
BNB Number GBC380661 Human behavior.
Capitalism. Technology, Social aspects.
Feudalism, History. Prepublication record
Technological innovations, History.
Prepublication record 303.483
Technology, users and uses : ethics and human interaction
303.483 through technology and AI / edited by Jordi Conesa, Santi
Feudal capitalism and the innovation economy / Jon-Arild Caballé Joan Casas-Roma. —Bradford : Ethics Press, 2023.
Johannessen. —London : Routledge, 2023. —276 pages : —1 volume ; 21 cm
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. ISBN 9781871891959 hardback £69.99
ISBN 9781032450063 hardback £130.00 BNB Number GBC380022
BNB Number GBC378954 Technological innovations, Social aspects.
Feudalism, History. Technological innovations, Moral and ethical aspects.
Technological innovations, History. Artificial intelligence, Moral and ethical aspects.
Capitalism. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
303.483 Body and machine in classical antiquity / edited by Maria
Hermeneutics, history, and technology : the call of the future / Gerolemou, George Kazantzidis. —Cambridge : Cambridge
edited by Armin Grunwald, Alfred Nordmann, Martin Sand. University Press, 2023. —348 pages : illustrations (black and
[online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online white, and colour)
resource (218 pages) : illustrations (black and white). ISBN 9781316514665 hardback £85.00
ISBN 9781000887389 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000887419 BNB Number GBC379219
ePub ebook £38.99 Machinery, Social aspects, History, To 1500.
BNB Number GBC380690 Human body and technology, History.
Technology assessment. Human body, History, To 1500.
Hermeneutics. Civilization, Ancient.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

303.4833 303.483309438
For all the people : redeeming the broken promises of modern Ethics and human behaviour in ICT development :
media and reclaiming our civic life / Michael Slaby ; [forward international case studies with a focus on Poland / Marion
by Deval Patrick]. —First edition. —New York, NY : Disruption Hersh, Józef B. Lewoc. —Cham : Springer, 2023. —256
Books, [2021] —xvi, 188 pages : 1 illustration ; 23 cm pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm
ISBN 1633310515 (paperback) ; 9781633310513 (paperback) ISBN 9783031252761 hardback £109.99
BNB Number GBC377466 BNB Number GBC380255
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Technology Studies. Information technology, Moral and ethical aspects, Case
Democracy. studies.
POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Process / Media & Human behavior, Case studies.
Internet. Human-computer interaction, Case studies.
Internet, Political aspects. Information technology, Moral and ethical aspects, Poland.
Digital media, Political aspects. Human behavior, Poland.
Human-computer interaction, Poland.
303.4833 Prepublication record
The digital global condition / edited by Julian C.H. Lee,
Elizabeth Kath, Aiden Warren. [online resource] 303.4834
—Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. —1 online The Palgrave handbook of malicious use of AI and
resource (256 pages) : illustrations (black and white) psychological security / edited by Evgeny Pashentsev.
ISBN 9789811999802 PDF ebook £109.50 —Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. —780 pages :
BNB Number GBC381527 illustration (colour) ; 24 cm
Information technology, Social aspects. ISBN 9783031225512 hardback £149.99
Globalization. BNB Number GBC380233
Digital communications, Social aspects. Artificial intelligence, Psychological aspects.
Prepublication record Artificial intelligence, Social aspects.
Artificial intelligence, Political aspects.
303.4833 Prepublication record
The digital global condition / edited by Julian C.H. Lee,
Elizabeth Kath, Aiden Warren. —Basingstoke : Palgrave 303.4834
Macmillan, 2023. —256 pages : illustrations (black and white) The Palgrave handbook of malicious use of AI and
; 21 cm psychological security / edited by Evgeny Pashentsev. [online
ISBN 9789811999796 hardback £109.99 resource] —Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. —1
BNB Number GBC380352 online resource (780 pages) : illustration (colour)
Information technology, Social aspects. ISBN 9783031225529 PDF ebook £149.50
Globalization. BNB Number GBC381493
Digital communications, Social aspects. Artificial intelligence, Psychological aspects.
Prepublication record Artificial intelligence, Social aspects.
Artificial intelligence, Political aspects.
303.4833 Prepublication record
The Oxford handbook of expertise and democratic politics /
edited by Gil Eyal, Thomas Medvetz. [online resource] —New 303.4834
York : Oxford University Press, 2023. —1 online resource. The rise of algorithmic society and the strategic role of arts
ISBN 9780190848958 ebook No price and culture / Luciana Lazzeretti. —Cheltenham : Edward Elgar
BNB Number GBC381530 Publishing, 2023. —128 pages ; 22 cm
Democratization. ISBN 9781035302536 hardback £70.00
Democracy. BNB Number GBC379130
Knowledge, Theory of, Political aspects. Technology and civilization.
Information society, Political aspects. Technological innovations, Social aspects.
Objectivity, Political aspects. Artificial intelligence, Social aspects.
Expertise, Political aspects. Prepublication record
Prepublication record

303.4834 303.484
Using IT effectively : a guide to technology in the social Global identitarianism / edited by José Pedro Zúquete and
sciences / edited by Millsom Henry. [online resource] Riccardo Marchi. —London : Routledge, 2023. —268 pages :
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource : illustrations illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781000674545 ePub ebook £11.99 ISBN 9781032047386 paperback £35.99 ; 9781032047355
BNB Number GBC380494 hardback £130.00
Social sciences, Computer-assisted instruction. BNB Number GBC378567
Technology, Social aspects. Right wing extremists, Cross-cultural studies.
Social sciences, Data processing. Nationalism, Cross-cultural studies.
Prepublication record Social movements, Political aspects, Cross-cultural
303.483409521864 Identity politics, Cross-cultural studies.
Japanese digital cultural promotion : online experience of Prepublication record
Kyoto / Nadejda Gadjeva. [online resource] —London :
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (176 pages) : 303.484
illustrations (black and white). The philosophical foundation of alt-right politics and
ISBN 9781000903461 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000903447 ressentiment / William Remley. —Lanham : Rowman &
PDF ebook £38.99 Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —202 pages ; 23 cm
BNB Number GBC381041 ISBN 9781538147993 paperback £31.00
Digital communications, Social aspects, Japan. BNB Number GBC379536
Culture and tourism, Japan. Right and left (Political science)
Computers and civilization. Philosophy, Political aspects.
Kyoto (Japan), Civilization. Right-wing extremists.
Prepublication record United States, Politics and government, 21st century.
Prepublication record
Japanese digital cultural promotion : online experience of 303.6091732
Kyoto / Nadejda Gadjeva. —London : Routledge, 2023. —176 Violence in the heights : the torn social fabric of inner-city
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. neighborhoods / Eileen M. Ahlin. [online resource] —London :
ISBN 9781032446653 hardback £130.00 Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (108 pages) :
BNB Number GBC378948 illustrations (black and white)
Computers and civilization. ISBN 9781000908169 PDF ebook £35.99 ; 9781000908190
Digital communications, Social aspects, Japan. ePub ebook £35.99
Culture and tourism, Japan. BNB Number GBC381113
Kyoto (Japan), Civilization. Urban violence.
Prepublication record Social conflict.
City and town life.
303.484 Prepublication record
Global identitarianism / edited by José Pedro Zúquete and
Riccardo Marchi. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 303.6091732
2023. —1 online resource (268 pages) : illustrations (black Violence in the heights : the torn social fabric of inner-city
and white). neighborhoods / Eileen M. Ahlin. —London : Routledge, 2023.
ISBN 9781000891126 ePub ebook £35.99 ; 9781000891096 —108 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 26 cm
PDF ebook £35.99 ISBN 9780367753429 paperback £35.99 ; 9780367753436
BNB Number GBC380777 hardback £130.00
Right wing extremists, Cross-cultural studies. BNB Number GBC378304
Identity politics, Cross-cultural studies. Urban violence.
Social movements, Political aspects, Cross-cultural Social conflict.
studies. City and town life.
Nationalism, Cross-cultural studies. Prepublication record
Prepublication record

303.60972090511 303.66
Documenting Violence in Calderón's Mexico : Visual Culture, Conflict, cultural heritage and peace : an introductory guide /
Resistance and Memorialisation / Jessica Wax-Edwards. Colin Breen. —London : Routledge, 2023. —192 pages :
[online resource] —Woodbridge : Tamesis, 2023. —1 online illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
resource. ISBN 9781032509396 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032509389
ISBN 1800109806 electronic book ; 9781800109803 paperback £35.99
electronic book ; 1800109792 electronic book ; BNB Number GBC379072
9781800109797 (electronic bk.) Peace-building.
BNB Number GBC377738 War and society.
Drug control, Mexico, History, 21st century. Cultural property.
Violence, Social aspects, Mexico, 21st century. Prepublication record
Political violence, Mexico, History, 21st century.
Political violence in art. 303.660941
Political violence in motion pictures. War and the British : gender and national identity, 1939-91 /
Mexico, Politics and government, 2000- Lucy Noakes. —Revised edition. —London : Bloomsbury
Academic, 2023. —264 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
303.6250954 ISBN 9781350350915 paperback £24.99
Hindu nationalism and terrorism in India : the saffron threat to BNB Number GBC379248
democracy / Eamon Murphy. [online resource] —London : Falkland Islands War, 1982.
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (176 pages) : Persian Gulf War, 1991.
illustrations (black and white). Women in war, Great Britain, History, 20th century.
ISBN 9781000904536 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000904512 World War, 1939-1945, Participation, Female.
PDF ebook £38.99 War and society, Great Britain, History, 20th century.
BNB Number GBC381052 Prepublication record
Hinduism and politics, India.
Nationalism, Religious aspects, Hinduism. 303.69
Terrorism, India. Listening, community engagement, and peacebuilding :
India, Politics and government, 1977- international perspectives / edited by Graham D. Bodie, Debra
Prepublication record L. Worthington, Zenebe Beyene. [online resource] —London :
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (248 pages) :
303.6250954 illustrations (black and white)
Hindu nationalism and terrorism in India : the saffron threat to ISBN 9781000889406 ePub ebook £35.99 ; 9781000889376
democracy / Eamon Murphy. —London : Routledge, 2023. PDF ebook £35.99
—176 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. BNB Number GBC380725
ISBN 9780367431976 hardback £130.00 Peace-building, Cross-cultural studies.
BNB Number GBC378253 Listening, Social aspects, Cross-cultural studies.
Hinduism and politics, India. Prepublication record
Nationalism, Religious aspects, Hinduism.
Terrorism, India. 303.69
India, Politics and government, 1977- Listening, community engagement, and peacebuilding :
Prepublication record international perspectives / edited by Graham D. Bodie, Debra
L. Worthington, Zenebe Beyene. —London : Routledge, 2023.
303.66 —248 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm
Conflict, cultural heritage and peace : an introductory guide / ISBN 9781032102610 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032079233
Colin Breen. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. paperback £35.99
—1 online resource (192 pages) : illustrations (black and BNB Number GBC378592
white) Peace-building, Cross-cultural studies.
ISBN 9781000901214 PDF ebook £35.99 ; 9781000901245 Listening, Social aspects, Cross-cultural studies.
ePub ebook £35.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC381007
Cultural property.
War and society.
Prepublication record

303.69094 304.2028563
The politics of the Eurogroup : governing crisis and conflict in Artificial intelligence and environmental sustainability :
the European Union / Joscha Abels. [online resource] challenges and solutions in the era of Industry 4.0 / edited by
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (232 pages) Hui Lin Ong, Ruey-an Doong, Raouf Naguib, Chee Peng Lim,
: illustrations (black and white). Atulya K. Nagar. —Singapore : Springer, 2023. —211 pages :
ISBN 9781000908329 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000908336 illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm.
ePub ebook £38.99 ISBN 9789811914362 paperback £139.99
BNB Number GBC381114 BNB Number GBC380343
Conflict management, European Union countries. Artificial intelligence, Environmental aspects.
Crisis management, European Union countries. Sustainability, Technological innovations.
European Union countries, Politics and government. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
303.69094 Myths and places : new perspectives in Indian cultural
The politics of the Eurogroup : governing crisis and conflict in geography / edited by Shonaleeka Kaul. [online resource]
the European Union / Joscha Abels. —London : Routledge, —New Delhi : Routledge India, 2023. —1 online resource (232
2023. —232 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. pages) : illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781032478456 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781000897203 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000897241
BNB Number GBC378998 ePub ebook £38.99
Conflict management, European Union countries. BNB Number GBC380916
Crisis management, European Union countries. Cultural geography, India.
European Union countries, Politics and government. Indian mythology.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

304.2 304.20954
Understanding human ecology : a systems approach to Myths and places : new perspectives in Indian cultural
sustainability / Robert Dyball and Barry Newell. [online geography / edited by Shonaleeka Kaul. —New Delhi :
resource] —Second edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 Routledge India, 2023. —232 pages : illustrations (black and
online resource (220 pages) : illustrations (black and white) white) ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781000882278 ePub ebook £34.99 ; 9781000882247 ISBN 9780367712006 hardback £130.00
PDF ebook £34.99 BNB Number GBC378295
BNB Number GBC380599 Indian mythology.
Nature, Effect of human beings on. Cultural geography, India.
Ecosystem management. Prepublication record
Human ecology. 304.209598
Prepublication record The politics of deforestation and REDD+ in Indonesia : global
climate change mitigation / David Aled Williams. [online
304.2 resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
Understanding human ecology : a systems approach to (152 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
sustainability / Robert Dyball and Barry Newell. —Second ISBN 9781000891133 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000891102
edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —220 pages : PDF ebook £38.99
illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm BNB Number GBC380778
ISBN 9780367245689 hardback £130.00 ; 9780367245696 Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest
paperback £34.99 Degradation (Program)
BNB Number GBC378248
Nature, Effect of human beings on. Political ecology, Indonesia.
Sustainability. Deforestation, Political aspects, Indonesia.
Human ecology. Prepublication record
Ecosystem management.
Prepublication record

304.209598 304.663
The politics of deforestation and REDD+ in Indonesia : global A cultural history of genocide in the modern world / edited by
climate change mitigation / David Aled Williams. —London : Deborah Mayersen. —London : Bloomsbury Academic, 2023.
Routledge, 2023. —152 pages : illustrations (black and white) —264 pages ; 25 cm.
; 24 cm. ISBN 9781350034952 hardback £75.00
ISBN 9781032213361 hardback £130.00 BNB Number GBC379242
BNB Number GBC378690 Genocide, History.
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Crimes against humanity, History.
Degradation (Program) Prepublication record
Political ecology, Indonesia. 304.663
Deforestation, Political aspects, Indonesia. A cultural history of genocide in the early modern world /
Prepublication record edited by Igor Pérez Tostado. —London : Bloomsbury
Academic, 2023. —264 pages : illustrations (black and white) ;
304.20975 25 cm.
A road running southward : following John Muir's journey ISBN 9781350034839 hardback £75.00
through an endangered land / Dan Chapman. —Washington, BNB Number GBC379239
DC : Island Press, [2022] —245 pages : illustration, map ; 23 Genocide, History.
cm Crimes against humanity, History.
ISBN 1642831948 (hardcover) ; 9781642831948 (hardcover) Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC295823
Chapman, Dan (Journalist), Travel, Southern States. 304.6630902
Muir, John, 1838-1914, Travel, Southern States. A cultural history of genocide in the Middle Ages / General
Human ecology, Southern States. editor, Elisa von Joeden-Forgey. —London : Bloomsbury
Natural history, Southern States. Academic, 2023. —248 pages : illustrations (black and white) ;
Southern States, Environmental conditions. 25 cm.
Southern States, Description and travel. ISBN 9781350034754 hardback £75.00
BNB Number GBC379238
304.645 Crimes against humanity, History, To 1500.
The determination of a lifespan : a 400-year-old shark and a Genocide, History, To 1500.
40,000-year-old plant / Yasumi Ohshima. [online resource] Prepublication record
—Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing,
2023. —1 online resource (308 pages) 304.66309034
ISBN 9781527501591 ebook £83.99 A cultural history of genocide in the long nineteenth century /
BNB Number GBC381335 edited by David Meola. —London : Bloomsbury Academic,
Life expectancy. 2023. —264 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm.
Longevity. ISBN 9781350034914 hardback £75.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379240
Crimes against humanity, History, 19th century.
304.645 Genocide, History, 19th century.
The determination of a lifespan : a 400-year-old shark and a Prepublication record
40,000-year-old plant / Yasumi Ohshima. —Newcastle upon
Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023. —308 pages ; 304.66309041
21 cm A cultural history of genocide / edited by Elisa von
ISBN 9781527501584 hardback £69.99 Joeden-Forgey. —London : Bloomsbury Academic, 2023.
BNB Number GBC379513 —264 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm.
Life expectancy. ISBN 9781350034938 hardback £75.00
Longevity. BNB Number GBC379241
Prepublication record Genocide, History, 20th century.
Crimes against humanity, History, 20th century.
304.663 Prepublication record
A cultural history of genocide in the ancient world / edited by
Tristan S. Taylor. —London : Bloomsbury Academic, 2023.
—304 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9781350034679 hardback £75.00
BNB Number GBC379237
Crimes against humanity, History.
Genocide, History.
Prepublication record
304.8 305.23
The sociology of immigration : crossing borders, creating new Establishing child centred practice in a changing world. Part B
lives / Daniel Herda. [online resource] —Los Angeles : SAGE, / edited by Sam Frankel. —United Kingdom : Emerald
2023. —1 online resource (296 pages) Publishing, 2023. —316 pages ; 23 cm.
ISBN 9781071817759 ePub ebook £69.00 ISBN 9781804559413 hardback £80.00
BNB Number GBC381168 BNB Number GBC379958
Emigration and immigration, Social aspects. Social work with children.
Prepublication record Children, Social conditions.
304.8094 Prepublication record
Assessing the social impact of immigration in Europe :
renegotiating remoteness / Jussi P. Laine, Daniel Rauhut, 305.23086914095695
Marika Gruber. —Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, Citizen identity formation of domestic students and Syrian
2023. —272 pages ; 24 cm refugee youth in Jordan : centering student voice and
ISBN 9781803927688 hardback £105.00 Arab-Islamic ontologies / Patricia K. Kubow. [online resource]
BNB Number GBC379937 —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (160 pages).
Europe, Emigration and immigration, Social aspects. ISBN 9781000896107 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000896060
Prepublication record PDF ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC380891
304.80947 Refugee children, Education, Jordan.
Making national diasporas : Soviet-era migrations and Jordanian students, Education, Jordan.
post-Soviet consequences / Lewis H. Siegelbaum, Leslie Double shifts (Public schools), Jordan.
Page Moch. [online resource] —Cambridge : Cambridge Voice in education, Jordan.
University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (75 pages). Citizenship, Jordan.
ISBN 9781009371810 ebook £145.00 Belonging (Social psychology) in children, Jordan.
BNB Number GBC381162 Education and state, Jordan.
Immigrants, Former Soviet republics. Civics, Study and teaching, Jordan.
Migration, Internal, Soviet Union. Solidarity, Social aspects, Jordan.
Prepublication record Syria, History, Civil War, 2011-, Refugees.
Prepublication record
Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Act 2018 305.23086914095695
/ Scottish Fiscal Commission. [online resource] —Edinburgh : Citizen identity formation of domestic students and Syrian
The Scottish Fiscal Commission, 2021. —1 online resource (4 refugee youth in Jordan : centering student voice and
pages) Arab-Islamic ontologies / Patricia K. Kubow. —London :
ISBN 9781911637301 Electronic book (PDF format) Routledge, 2023. —160 pages ; 23 cm.
BNB Number GBC381638 ISBN 9780367697839 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC378288
Citizenship, Jordan.
Researching equality and social justice : a guide for education
Belonging (Social psychology) in children, Jordan.
students / Helena Gillespie. [online resource] —Los Angeles :
Double shifts (Public schools), Jordan.
SAGE, 2023. —1 online resource (216 pages)
Education and state, Jordan.
ISBN 9781529618440 ePub ebook £23.99
Civics, Study and teaching, Jordan.
BNB Number GBC381347
Solidarity, Social aspects, Jordan.
Equality, Research, Methodology.
Refugee children, Education, Jordan.
Social justice, Research, Methodology.
Jordanian students, Education, Jordan.
Prepublication record
Voice in education, Jordan.
305.23 Syria, History, Civil War, 2011-, Refugees.
Establishing child centred practice in a changing world. Part B Prepublication record
/ edited by Sam Frankel. [online resource] —United Kingdom :
Emerald Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource (316 pages).
ISBN 9781804559406 PDF ebook £80.00 ; 9781804559420
ePub ebook £80.00
BNB Number GBC381443
Children, Social conditions.
Social work with children.
Prepublication record

305.23086945 305.260998
Abandoned : how children suffer when a parent deserts them / Distance, equity and older people's experiences in the Nordic
Andrea Francis. —Santa Barbara : Praeger, 2023. —190 periphery : centering the local / edited by Päivi Naskali,
pages. Shahnaj Begum, Minna Zechner, Joan R. Harbison. [online
ISBN 9781440877964 hardback £50.00 resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
BNB Number GBC379349 (248 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
Abandoned children. ISBN 9781000906431 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000906448
Children of divorced parents. ePub ebook £38.99
Child psychology. BNB Number GBC381088
Prepublication record Quality of life, Arctic regions.
Older people, Scandinavia, Social conditions.
305.2309811 Older people, Arctic regions, Social conditions.
Children of the rainforest : shaping the future in Amazonia / Quality of life, Scandinavia.
Camilla Morelli, Roldán Dunú Tumi Dësi. —New Brunswick : Aging, Arctic regions.
Rutgers University Press, 2023. —170 pages : illustrations Aging, Scandinavia.
(black and white, and colour) ; 23 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781978825222 hardback £107.00
BNB Number GBC380198 305.260998
Children, Amazon River Region, Social life and customs. Distance, equity and older people's experiences in the Nordic
Children, Amazon River Region, Social conditions. periphery : centering the local / edited by Päivi Naskali,
Prepublication record Shahnaj Begum, Minna Zechner, Joan R. Harbison. —London
: Routledge, 2023. —248 pages : illustrations (black and
305.235086912094 white) ; 24 cm.
Becoming adult on the move : migration journeys, encounters ISBN 9781032248301 hardback £130.00
and life transitions / edited by Elaine Chase, Nando Sigona, BNB Number GBC378713
Dawn Chatty. —Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. Older people, Arctic regions, Social conditions.
—246 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 21 cm Quality of life, Scandinavia.
ISBN 9783031265334 hardback £109.99 Aging, Scandinavia.
BNB Number GBC380271 Quality of life, Arctic regions.
Asylum, Right of, Europe. Aging, Arctic regions.
Immigrant youth, Europe. Older people, Scandinavia, Social conditions.
Immigrant youth, Legal status, laws, etc., Europe. Prepublication record
Young adults, Legal status, laws, etc., Europe.
Prepublication record 305.3
Sexism & misogyny / edited by Danielle Lobban. —Cambridge
305.235086912094 : Independence Educational Publishers, 2023. —48 pages ;
Becoming adult on the move : migration journeys, encounters 29 cm
and life transitions / edited by Elaine Chase, Nando Sigona, ISBN 9781861688873 paperback £8.95
Dawn Chatty. [online resource] —Basingstoke : Palgrave BNB Number GBC380021
Macmillan, 2023. —1 online resource (246 pages) : Sexism.
illustrations (colour) Sex role.
ISBN 9783031265341 PDF ebook £109.50 Misogyny.
BNB Number GBC381506 Prepublication record
Immigrant youth, Europe.
Asylum, Right of, Europe. 305.309
Immigrant youth, Legal status, laws, etc., Europe. Lineages of the feminine : an outline of the history of women /
Young adults, Legal status, laws, etc., Europe. Emmanuel Todd ; translated by Andrew Brown. —Cambridge :
Prepublication record Polity Press, 2023. —336 pages
ISBN 9781509555086 hardback £25.00
BNB Number GBC379481
Women, History.
Man-woman relationships, History.
Men, History.
Sex role, History.
Prepublication record

305.309861 305.4
Gender and citizenship in transitional justice : everyday The contemporary reader of gender and fat studies / edited by
experiences of reparation and reintegration in Colombia / Amy Erdman Farrell. [online resource] —London : Routledge,
Sanne Weber. [online resource] —Bristol : Bristol University 2023. —1 online resource (392 pages) : illustrations (black
Press, 2023. —1 online resource (272 pages). and white)
ISBN 9781529234145 ePub ebook £27.99 ; 9781529234152 ISBN 9781000891850 ePub ebook No price ; 9781000891843
PDF ebook £100.00 PDF ebook No price
BNB Number GBC381343 BNB Number GBC380794
Sex discrimination, Colombia. Overweight women.
Citizenship, Colombia. Sex role.
Transitional justice, Case studies. Sexism.
Transitional justice, Colombia. Women's studies.
Prepublication record Body image in women.
305.309861 Prepublication record
Gender and citizenship in transitional justice : everyday
experiences of reparation and reintegration in Colombia / 305.4
Sanne Weber. —Bristol : Bristol University Press, 2023. —272 The contemporary reader of gender and fat studies / edited by
pages ; 24 cm. Amy Erdman Farrell. —London : Routledge, 2023. —392
ISBN 9781529234121 hardback £80.00 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
BNB Number GBC379523 ISBN 9780367691684 paperback £35.99 ; 9780367691660
Transitional justice, Colombia. hardback £130.00
Citizenship, Colombia. BNB Number GBC378287
Transitional justice, Case studies. Sexism.
Sex discrimination, Colombia. Overweight women.
Prepublication record Women's studies.
Body image in women.
305.31 Discrimination.
Migratory men : place, transnationalism and masculinities / Sex role.
edited by Garth Stahl, Yang Zhao. [online resource] —London Prepublication record
: Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (276 pages).
ISBN 9781000888652 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000888713 305.42
ePub ebook £38.99 Amnesty International and women's rights : feminist
BNB Number GBC380706 strategies, leadership commitment and internal resistances /
Men, Identity, Cross-cultural studies. Miriam Ganzfried. —Bielefeld : Transcript Verlag, 2022. —318
Male immigrants, Cross-cultural studies. pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
Transnationalism, Cross-cultural studies. ISBN 3837660087 paperback ; 9783837660081 paperback
Masculinity, Cross-cultural studies. BNB Number GBC377282
Prepublication record Amnesty International.
Women's rights.
305.31 Feminism.
Migratory men : place, transnationalism and masculinities /
edited by Garth Stahl, Yang Zhao. —London : Routledge, 305.42
2023. —276 pages ; 24 cm. Gender and rurality / edited by Sarah Whatmore, Terry
ISBN 9781032404714 hardback £130.00 Marsden, Philip Lowe. [online resource] —London :
BNB Number GBC378905 Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (150 pages).
Masculinity, Cross-cultural studies. ISBN 9781000883770 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000883725
Transnationalism, Cross-cultural studies. PDF ebook £48.99
Men, Identity, Cross-cultural studies. BNB Number GBC380623
Male immigrants, Cross-cultural studies. Women in rural development.
Prepublication record Rural women.
Rural development.
Prepublication record

305.42 305.4201
Gender and rurality / edited by Sarah Whatmore, Terry Virgin crossing borders : feminist resistance and solidarity in
Marsden, Philip Lowe. —London : Routledge, 2023. —150 translation / Emek Ergun. [online resource] —Champaign :
pages ; 24 cm. University of Illinois Press, 2023. —1 online resource (278
ISBN 9781032497624 hardback £80.00 pages) : illustrations (colour).
BNB Number GBC379055 ISBN 9780252054099 ebook No price
Rural women. BNB Number GBC380431
Rural development. Translating and interpreting, Political aspects.
Women in rural development. Feminist theory.
Prepublication record Women's studies, Political aspects.
Prepublication record
The Disney Princess phenomenon : a feminist analysis / 305.420882945
Robyn Muir. [online resource] —Bristol : Bristol University Middle-class Dharma : women, aspiration, and the making of
Press, 2023. —1 online resource (240 pages) contemporary Hinduism / Jennifer D. Ortegren. —New York :
ISBN 9781529222104 ePub ebook £29.99 ; 9781529222111 Oxford University Press, 2023. —328 pages ; 24 cm
PDF ebook £29.99 ISBN 9780197530795 hardback £71.00
BNB Number GBC381341 BNB Number GBC378164
Feminist theory. Middle class women, India, Social conditions.
Femininity in popular culture. Dharma.
Disney characters, Social aspects. Hindu women, India, Social conditions.
Popular culture, Social aspects. Middle class women, Religious life, India.
Feminism in popular culture. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
305.42 Gendering the Renaissance : text and context in early modern
The Disney Princess phenomenon : a feminist analysis / Italy / edited by Meredith K. Ray and Lynn Lara Westwater.
Robyn Muir. —Bristol : Bristol University Press, 2023. —240 —Newark : University of Delaware Press, 2023. —304 pages :
pages ; 24 cm illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781529222098 hardback £85.99 ISBN 9781644533055 hardback £113.00 ; 9781644533048
BNB Number GBC379521 paperback £42.95
Popular culture, Social aspects. BNB Number GBC379660
Femininity in popular culture. Women, Italy, History, Renaissance, 1450-1600.
Feminism in popular culture. Sex role, Italy, History.
Disney characters, Social aspects. Social structure, Italy, History.
Feminist theory. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
305.42 Gender inclusion in India : challenges and strategies / edited
The other #MeToos / Iqra Shagufta Cheema. —New York : by Sabiha Hussain, Suraiya Tabassum. [online resource]
Oxford University Press, 2023. —344 pages ; 24 cm. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (284 pages)
ISBN 9780197619872 hardback £64.00 ; 9780197619889 ISBN 9781000905441 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000905472
paperback £19.99 ePub ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC378170 BNB Number GBC381067
Sexual harassment of women. Women, India, Social conditions.
Feminism. Prepublication record
MeToo movement.
Prepublication record 305.420954
Gender inclusion in India : challenges and strategies / edited
by Sabiha Hussain, Suraiya Tabassum. —London :
Routledge, 2023. —284 pages ; 22 cm
ISBN 9781032523460 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC379115
Women, India, Social conditions.
Prepublication record

305.42097309034 305.5091732
The wild woman of Cincinnati : gender and politics on the eve Age of the city : why our future will be won or lost together /
of the Civil War / Michael D. Pierson. —Baton Rouge : LSU Ian Goldin, Tom Lee-Devlin. —London : Bloomsbury
Press, 2023. —192 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm Continuum, 2023. —256 pages ; 24 cm
ISBN 9780807178720 hardback £35.95 ISBN 9781399406147 hardback £20.00
BNB Number GBC378433 BNB Number GBC379310
Sex role, United States, History, 19th century. Equality.
Mentally ill women, Legal status, laws, etc., United States. Sociology, Urban.
Women, United States, Social conditions, 19th century. Social classes.
Human zoos, Ohio, Cincinnati, History, 19th century. Prepublication record
Women, Legal status, laws, etc., United States.
Cincinnati (Ohio), History, 19th century. 305.51220954
United States, History, 1815-1861. Rethinking caste and resistance in India / edited by Murzban
Prepublication record Jal. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
resource (308 pages)
305.420994 ISBN 9781000905946 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000905922
Mary Lee : the life and times of a 'turbulent anarchist' and her PDF ebook £38.99
battle for women's rights / Denise George. —Mile End, South BNB Number GBC381079
Australia : Wakefield Press, 2018. —x, 256 pages : Caste, India.
illustrations (black and white) ; 21 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781743055960 paperback
BNB Number GBC377501 305.51220954
Rethinking caste and resistance in India / edited by Murzban
305.48896041 Jal. —London : Routledge, 2023. —308 pages ; 22 cm
Re-imagine : black women in Britain : 25 July-30 November ISBN 9781032524719 hardback £130.00
2014. —[Brixton] : Black Cultural Archives, [2014] —1 volume BNB Number GBC379119
(unpaged) : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 15 cm Caste, India.
BNB Number GBC377522 Prepublication record

305.48896081 305.5130954
The politics of survival : Black women social welfare Occupational mobility in contemporary India : beyond one
beneficiaries in Brazil and the United States / Gladys L. generation into the future / Nawazuddin Ahmed, D.K.
Mitchell-Walthour. [online resource] —New York : Columbia Nauriyal. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (280 pages) : online resource (160 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
illustrations (black and white). ISBN 9781000901009 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000901122
ISBN 9780231557078 PDF ebook £27.99 ePub ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC380427 BNB Number GBC381003
African American women, Political activity. Social classes, India.
Poor women, Political activity, United States. Occupational mobility, India.
Poor women, Polical activity, Brazil. Caste, India.
Women, Black, Political activity, Brazil. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
305.48896081 Occupational mobility in contemporary India : beyond one
The politics of survival : Black women social welfare generation into the future / Nawazuddin Ahmed, D.K.
beneficiaries in Brazil and the United States / Gladys L. Nauriyal. —London : Routledge, 2023. —160 pages :
Mitchell-Walthour. —New York : Columbia University Press, illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
2023. —280 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 22 cm. ISBN 9781032421247 hardback £130.00
ISBN 9780231207676 paperback £28.00 ; 9780231207669 BNB Number GBC378920
hardback £109.00 Occupational mobility, India.
BNB Number GBC378211 Caste, India.
Poor women, Polical activity, Brazil. Social classes, India.
African American women, Political activity. Prepublication record
Women, Black, Political activity, Brazil.
Poor women, Political activity, United States.
Prepublication record

305.568 305.8
Reconstructing perceptions of systemically marginalized An autoethnography of letter writing and relationships through
groups / edited by Leslie Ponciano. —Hershey : IGI Global, time : finding our perfect moon / Jennifer L. Adams. —London
2023. —315 pages ; 28 cm : Routledge, 2023. —184 pages : illustrations (black and
ISBN 9781668468999 paperback £180.00 ; 9781668468982 white) ; 23 cm.
hardback £234.00 ISBN 9781032331874 paperback £35.99 ; 9781032331867
BNB Number GBC379710 hardback £120.00
Marginality, Social, Case studies. BNB Number GBC378821
Discrimination, Case studies. Letter writing, Social aspects.
Prepublication record Ethnology, Authorship, Social aspects.
Social psychology.
305.5690820994231 Ethnology, Biographical methods, Social aspects.
Behind the wall : the women of the Destitute Asylum, Prepublication record
Adelaide, 1852-1918 / Mary Geyer. —Revised edition. —Mile
End, South Australia : Wakefield Press, 2018. —69 pages : 305.8
illustrations (black and white) ; 21 cm Liberation and purity : race, new religious movements and the
ISBN 9781743055779 paperback ethics of postmodernity / Chetan Bhatt. [online resource]
BNB Number GBC377465 —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
ISBN 9781000672879 ePub ebook £32.99
305.694508209544 BNB Number GBC380492
Middle-class Dharma : women, aspiration, and the making of Black nationalism.
contemporary Hinduism / Jennifer D. Ortegren. [online Minorities.
resource] —New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2023. Religion and politics.
—1 online resource (xviii, 302 pages) : illustrations (black and Race relations.
white, and colour). Ethnic relations.
ISBN 9780197530825 ebook No price ; 9780197530795 Right-wing extremists.
hardback No price Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC380415
Hindu women, India, Rajasthan, Social conditions. 305.8
Middle class women, India, Rajasthan, Social conditions. Social work and the grand challenge of ending racism :
Middle class women, Religious life, India, Rajasthan. concepts, theoretical, and evidence based approaches /
Hindus, India, Rajasthan, Social life and customs. edited by Martell L. Teasley, Michael S. Spencer, Melissa
Dharma. Bartholomew. —New York : Oxford University Press, 2023.
Hinduism, Social aspects. —584 pages ; 24 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9780197674949 hardback £32.99
BNB Number GBC378182
305.8 Racism in social services.
An autoethnography of letter writing and relationships through Social service and race relations.
time : finding our perfect moon / Jennifer L. Adams. [online Racism in public welfare.
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource Racism.
(184 pages) : illustrations (black and white). Minorities, Civil rights.
ISBN 9781000889925 ePub ebook £35.99 ; 9781000889871 Prepublication record
PDF ebook £35.99
BNB Number GBC380742 305.8
Ethnology, Biographical methods, Social aspects. The Routledge international handbook of new critical race and
Social psychology. whiteness studies / edited by Rikke Andreassen, Catrin
Ethnology, Authorship, Social aspects. Lundström, Suvi Keskinen, Shirley Anne Tate. [online
Letter writing, Social aspects. resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
Prepublication record (488 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9781000881714 ePub ebook £42.99 ; 9781000881561
PDF ebook £42.99
BNB Number GBC380574
White people.
Critical race theory.
Prepublication record

305.8001 305.8009541
Kant, race, and racism : views from somewhere / Huaping Indigeneity, citizenship and the state : perspectives from
Lu-Adler. —New York : Oxford University Press, 2023. —424 India's Northeast / edited by Kedilezo Kikhi, Amiya Kumar
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm Das, Piyashi Dutta. —London : Routledge, 2023. —288 pages
ISBN 9780197685211 hardback £71.00 ; 22 cm
BNB Number GBC378185 ISBN 9781032523545 hardback £130.00
Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804 BNB Number GBC379116 Indigenous peoples, India, Northeastern, Ethnic identity.
Race, Study and teaching. Citizenship, India, Northeastern.
Race, Philosophy. Indigenous peoples, Government policy, India.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

305.80023 305.80095496
How to be an ethnographer / Monika Kostera, Pawel The Sherpas and their original identity / Serku Sherpa, Yana
Krzyworzeka. —Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023. Wengel. [online resource] —Newcastle upon Tyne :
—128 pages ; 24 cm. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource
ISBN 9781800883932 hardback £70.00 (175 pages)
BNB Number GBC379891 ISBN 9781527594401 ebook £77.99
Ethnologists, Vocational guidance. BNB Number GBC381339
Ethnology, Vocational guidance. Sherpa (Nepalese people), History.
Prepublication record Sherpa (Nepalese people), Social life and customs.
Prepublication record
Ethnographic research in the social sciences / edited by 305.800960917541
Madhulika Sahoo, S. Jeyavelu, Anjali Kurane. [online Multiracial identities in colonial French Africa : race, childhood,
resource] —New Delhi : Routledge India, 2023. —1 online and citizenship / Rachel Jean-Baptiste. —Cambridge :
resource (260 pages) : illustrations (black and white) Cambridge University Press, 2023. —292 pages.
ISBN 9781000890778 ePub ebook £34.99 ; 9781000890723 ISBN 9781108489041 hardback £85.00
PDF ebook £34.99 BNB Number GBC379144
BNB Number GBC380765 Racially mixed people, Africa, French-speaking, History,
Ethnology, Methodology. 20th century.
Prepublication record Racially mixed people, Race identity, Africa,
French-speaking, History, 20th century.
305.80072 Prepublication record
Ethnographic research in the social sciences / edited by
Madhulika Sahoo, S. Jeyavelu, Anjali Kurane. —New Delhi : 305.80096809045
Routledge India, 2023. —260 pages : illustrations (black and Arming Black consciousness : the Azanian Black nationalist
white) ; 24 cm tradition and South Africa's armed struggle / Toivo Tukongeni
ISBN 9781032480084 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032492339 Paul Wilson Asheeke. —Cambridge : Cambridge University
paperback £34.99 Press, 2023. —308 pages.
BNB Number GBC378999 ISBN 9781009346665 hardback £85.00
Ethnology, Methodology. BNB Number GBC378538
Prepublication record Black Consciousness Movement of Azania
305.8009541 Black people, South Africa, Politics and government.
Indigeneity, citizenship and the state : perspectives from Anti-apartheid activists, South Africa.
India's Northeast / edited by Kedilezo Kikhi, Amiya Kumar South Africa, History, 1961-1994.
Das, Piyashi Dutta. [online resource] —London : Routledge, South Africa, Politics and government, 1948-1994.
2023. —1 online resource (288 pages) Prepublication record
ISBN 9781000905847 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000905830
PDF ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC381075
Indigenous peoples, India, Northeastern, Ethnic identity.
Citizenship, India, Northeastern.
Indigenous peoples, Government policy, India.
Prepublication record

305.80097 305.800973
Indigenous borderlands : Native agency, resilience, and Recognizing race and ethnicity : power, privilege, and
power in the Americas / edited by Joaquín Rivaya-Martínez. inequality / Kathleen J. Fitzgerald. —Fourth edition. —London
—Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, 2023. —364 pages : Routledge, 2023. —508 pages : illustrations (black and
: illustrations (black and white), maps (black and white) ; 23 white) ; 26 cm
cm ISBN 9781032304755 paperback £42.99 ; 9781032418155
ISBN 9780806191836 hardback £85.00 ; 9780806191935 hardback £120.00
paperback £27.95 BNB Number GBC378918
BNB Number GBC378429 Race awareness, United States.
Indigenous peoples, America, Social conditions. White people, Race identity, United States.
Cultural relations. Minorities, United States.
Indigenous peoples, America, History. United States, Ethnic relations.
Indigenous peoples, America, Government relations. United States, Race relations.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

305.800973 305.800973
Diversity in the United States : a cultural history of the past When race trumps merit : how the pursuit of equity sacrifices
century / Lawrence R. Samuel. [online resource] —London : excellence, destroys beauty, and threatens lives / Heather
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (142 pages) Mac Donald. —Nashville : DW Books, 2023. —320 pages ; 23
ISBN 9781000880748 PDF ebook £34.99 ; 9781000880793 cm
ePub ebook £34.99 ISBN 9781956007169 hardback £20.99
BNB Number GBC380563 BNB Number GBC380127
Cultural pluralism, United States, History. Race discrimination, United States.
National characteristics, American. Merit (Ethics), Social aspects, United States.
Minorities, United States. Prepublication record
United States, Race relations.
United States, Ethnic relations. 305.8009730904
Prepublication record Just action : how to challenge segregation enacted under the
color of law / Leah Rothstein, Richard Rothstein. [online
305.800973 resource] —New York : Liveright Publishing Corporation,
Diversity in the United States : a cultural history of the past 2023. —1 online resource (352 pages) : illustrations (black
century / Lawrence R. Samuel. —London : Routledge, 2023. and white)
—142 pages ; 23 cm ISBN 9781324093251 ePub ebook £26.39
ISBN 9781032452395 paperback £34.99 ; 9781032452401 BNB Number GBC381232
hardback £130.00 Segregation, United States, History, 20th century.
BNB Number GBC378960 Discrimination in housing, Government policy, United
Cultural pluralism, United States, History. States, History, 20th century.
Minorities, United States. African Americans, Segregation, History, 20th century.
National characteristics, American. United States, Race relations, History, 20th century.
United States, Race relations. Prepublication record
United States, Ethnic relations.
Prepublication record 305.8009730904
Just action : how to challenge segregation enacted under the
305.800973 color of law / Leah Rothstein, Richard Rothstein. —New York :
Recognizing race and ethnicity : power, privilege, and Liveright Publishing Corporation, 2023. —352 pages :
inequality / Kathleen J. Fitzgerald. [online resource] —Fourth illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm
edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (508 ISBN 9781324093244 hardback £21.99
pages) : illustrations (black and white) BNB Number GBC379236
ISBN 9781000878585 ePub ebook £42.99 ; 9781000878530 Segregation, United States, History, 20th century.
PDF ebook £42.99 African Americans, Segregation, History, 20th century.
BNB Number GBC380539 Discrimination in housing, Government policy, United
Race awareness, United States. States, History, 20th century.
Minorities, United States. United States, Race relations, History, 20th century.
White people, Race identity, United States. Prepublication record
United States, Ethnic relations.
United States, Race relations.
Prepublication record

305.809 305.896
Being white today : a roadmap for a positive antiracist life / Refiguring in Black / Tendayi Sithole. —Cambridge : Polity
Shelly Tochluk and Christine Saxman. [online resource] Press, 2023. —176 pages
—Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —1 online ISBN 9781509557011 hardback £50.00 ; 9781509557028
resource (240 pages) paperback £15.99
ISBN 9781475870572 ePub ebook No price BNB Number GBC379485
BNB Number GBC381300 Black people, Social conditions.
Anti-racism. Black people, Intellectual life.
White people, Race identity. Black people, Social life and customs.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

305.809 305.896073076686
Being white today : a roadmap for a positive antiracist life / What was the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921? / Caleb Gayle ;
Shelly Tochluk and Christine Saxman. —Lanham : Rowman & illustrated by Tim Foley. —New York : Penguin Workshop,
Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —240 pages ; 23 cm 2023. —112 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9781475870558 hardback £27.00 ISBN 9780593521717 hardback No price ; 9780593521700
BNB Number GBC379413 paperback No price
Anti-racism. BNB Number GBC378392
White people, Race identity. African Americans, Oklahoma, Tulsa, History, 20th century,
Prepublication record Juvenile literature.
Riots, Oklahoma, Tulsa, History, 20th century, Juvenile
305.809 literature.
The weight of whiteness : a feminist engagement with Tulsa Race Massacre, Tulsa, Okla., 1921, Juvenile
privilege, race, and ignorance / Alison Bailey. —Lanham : literature.
Lexington Books, 2023. —202 pages : illustrations (black and Greenwood (Tulsa, Okla.), Race relations, Juvenile
white) ; 23 cm. literature.
ISBN 9781793604514 paperback £31.00 Tulsa (Okla.), Race relations, Juvenile literature.
BNB Number GBC379821 Prepublication record
Social justice.
Racism. 305.8960861
White people, Race identity. Becoming heritage : recognition, exclusion, and the politics of
White nationalism. Black cultural heritage in Colombia / Maria Fernanda Escalló
Prepublication record n. [online resource] —Cambridge : Cambridge University
Press, 2023. —1 online resource.
305.891497041 ISBN 9781009180382 ebook £95.00 ; 9781009189811 PDF
Gypsy politics and social change : the development of ethnic ebook No price
ideology and pressure politics among British Gypsies from BNB Number GBC381563
Victorian reformism to Romany nationalism / Thomas Acton. Black people, Colombia.
—London : Routledge, 2023. —320 pages ; 24 cm. Cultural property, Colombia.
ISBN 9781032001340 paperback £29.99 Colombia, Race relations.
BNB Number GBC378545 Prepublication record
Romanies, Great Britain.
Prepublication record 305.897071
Unsettling spirit : a journey into decolonization / Denise M.
305.8924 Nadeau ; foreword by Deanna Reder. —Montreal ; Kingston ;
Jews, Judaism, and success : how religion paved the way to London ; Chicago : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2020]
modern Jewish achievement / Robert Eisen. —Toronto : —xvii, 342 pages : illustrations (black and white), maps (black
University of Toronto Press, 2023. —488 pages ; 23 cm and white) ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781487548223 hardback £75.99 ; 9781487548230 ISBN 0228001579 (cloth) ; 9780228001577 (cloth)
paperback £32.99 BNB Number GBC377300
BNB Number GBC379447 Nadeau, Denise Marie.
Values, Religious aspects, Judaism. Decolonization, Religious aspects.
Success, Religious aspects, Judaism. Reconciliation, Social aspects, Canada.
Jews, Social conditions. Indigenous peoples, Canada, Social conditions.
Prepublication record Decolonization, Canada.
Decolonization, Psychological aspects.

305.8980811 305.906912094972
Creation and creativity in indigenous lowland South America : Everyday violence at the EU's external borders : games and
anthropological perspectives / edited by Ernst Halbmayer and push-backs / Karolína Augustová. —London : Routledge,
Anne Goletz. [online resource] —New York : Berghahn Books, 2023. —110 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
2023. —1 online resource (326 pages) ISBN 9781032312118 hardback £130.00
ISBN 9781805390077 PDF ebook No price BNB Number GBC378787
BNB Number GBC381457 Immigrants, Violence against, Croatia.
Indians of South America, Amazon River Region, Music. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Emigration and immigration.
Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.) European Union countries, Emigration and immigration,
Indians of South America, Amazon River Region, Social life Government policy.
and customs. Croatia, Emigration and immigration.
Amazon River Region, Social life and customs. Croatia, Boundaries, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Prepublication record Bosnia and Herzegovina, Boundaries, Croatia.
Prepublication record
Creation and creativity in indigenous lowland South America : 305.90691409561
anthropological perspectives / edited by Ernst Halbmayer and Population displacements and multiple mobilities in the late
Anne Goletz. —New York : Berghahn Books, 2023. —326 Ottoman Empire / edited by Catherine Horel, Bettina
pages ; 23 cm Severin-Barboutie. —Leiden : Brill, 2023. —1 volume ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781805390060 hardback £99.00 ISBN 9789004543683 hardback No price
BNB Number GBC379969 BNB Number GBC380330
Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.) Refugees, Turkey, History, 20th century.
Indians of South America, Amazon River Region, Social life Refugees, Turkey, History, 19th century.
and customs. Turkey, Emigration and immigration, History, 19th century.
Indians of South America, Amazon River Region, Music. Turkey, Emigration and immigration, History, 20th century.
Amazon River Region, Social life and customs. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
305.90664 Jeffrey Alexander and cultural sociology / Jean-Francois Côté.
Surviving the future : abolitionist queer strategies / Scott [online resource] —Cambridge : Polity Press, 2023. —1 online
Branson, Raven Hudson ; foreword by Mimi Thi Nguyen. resource (200 pages)
[online resource] —Oakland : PM Press, 2023. —1 online ISBN 9781509555574 ePub ebook £17.99
resource (224 pages) BNB Number GBC381311
ISBN 9781629639864 ePub ebook £5.99 Alexander, Jeffrey C., 1947-
BNB Number GBC381370
Gay liberation movement. Culture, Sociological aspects.
Minority gays. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
305.906912094972 Territories & trajectories : cultures in circulation / edited by
Everyday violence at the EU's external borders : games and Diana Sorensen ; introduction by Homi Bhabha. —Durham :
push-backs / Karolína Augustová. [online resource] —London Duke University Press, 2018. —263 pages : illustrations (black
: Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (110 pages) : and white, and colour) ; 24 cm
illustrations (black and white). ISBN 9780822359234 hardback ; 9780822370260 paperback
ISBN 9781000903638 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000903645 BNB Number GBC377248
ePub ebook £38.99 Culture, Philosophy.
BNB Number GBC381045 Cultural policy.
Immigrants, Violence against, Croatia. Arts and society.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Boundaries, Croatia. Culture diffusion.
European Union countries, Emigration and immigration,
Government policy.
Croatia, Boundaries, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Croatia, Emigration and immigration.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Emigration and immigration.
Prepublication record

306 306.0951
Wellbeing : Global Policies and Perspectives : Insights from Cultural representation and cultural studies / Zhou Xian.
Aotearoa New Zealand and beyond / Edited by Annelies —London : Routledge, 2023. —336 pages ; 24 cm.
Kamp, Cheryl Brown, Trish McMenamin and Veronica ISBN 9781032525365 hardback £130.00
O'Toole. —Oxford : Peter Lang, 2023. —xi, 318 pages : BNB Number GBC379122
illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 23 cm Aesthetics, Chinese.
ISBN 1800794541 (pbk.) : £47.00 ; 9781800794542 (pbk.) : Culture.
£47.00 China, Social life and customs.
BNB Number GBC377958 China, Intellectual life.
Well-being. China, Civilization.
Quality of life. Prepublication record

306.08954 306.095195
Ignited minds : unleashing the power within India / A.P.J. Introducing Korean popular culture / edited by Youna Kim.
Abdul Kalam. —Haryana, India : Penguin books, 2014. —xviii, [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
189 pages ; 20 cm resource (424 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9780143424123 (paperback) ; 0143424122 (paperback) ISBN 9781000892260 ePub ebook £34.99 ; 9781000892246
BNB Number GBC378093 PDF ebook £34.99
Twenty-first century, Forecasts. BNB Number GBC380808
Patriotism, India. Popular culture, Korea (South), History, 21st century.
Motivation (Psychology) in adolescence, India. Korea (South), Social life and customs, 21st century.
India, Forecasting. Prepublication record

306.09 306.095195
Algorithmic culture before the internet / Ted Striphas. [online Introducing Korean popular culture / edited by Youna Kim.
resource] —New York : Columbia University Press, 2023. —1 —London : Routledge, 2023. —424 pages : illustrations (black
online resource (352 pages) : illustrations (black and white) and white) ; 25 cm
ISBN 9780231556606 PDF ebook £25.99 ISBN 9781032274058 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032274089
BNB Number GBC380424 paperback £34.99
Culture, Mathematical models. BNB Number GBC378748
Social history. Popular culture, Korea (South), History, 21st century.
Culture, History. Korea (South), Social life and customs, 21st century.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

306.09 306.0954
Algorithmic culture before the internet / Ted Striphas. —New Human rights, tribal movements and violence : tribal tenacity
York : Columbia University Press, 2023. —352 pages : in the twenty-first century in Central Eastern India / Debasree
illustrations (black and white) ; 22 cm De. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
ISBN 9780231206686 hardback £85.99 ; 9780231206693 resource (188 pages)
paperback £21.99 ISBN 9781000905311 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000905366
BNB Number GBC378209 ePub ebook £38.99
Culture, Mathematical models. BNB Number GBC381066
Social history. Tribes, Education, India.
Culture, History. Forced migration, India.
Prepublication record Tribes, Violence against, India.
Prepublication record
Cultural representation and cultural studies / Zhou Xian. 306.0954
[online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online Human rights, tribal movements and violence : tribal tenacity
resource (336 pages). in the twenty-first century in Central Eastern India / Debasree
ISBN 9781000905816 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000905793 De. —London : Routledge, 2023. —188 pages ; 22 cm
PDF ebook £48.99 ISBN 9781032523064 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC381074 BNB Number GBC379113
Aesthetics, Chinese. Tribes, Education, India.
Culture. Tribes, Violence against, India.
China, Civilization. Forced migration, India.
China, Social life and customs. Prepublication record
China, Intellectual life.
Prepublication record
306.1 306.2082
Subcultures / Ross Haenfler. [online resource] —Second The image of gender and political leadership : a multinational
edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (224 view of women and leadership / edited by Michelle M.
pages). Taylor-Robinson and Nehemia Geva. —New York : Oxford
ISBN 9781000897395 ePub ebook £16.99 ; 9781000897364 University Press, 2023. —312 pages ; 24 cm
PDF ebook £16.99 ISBN 9780197642726 hardback £64.00 ; 9780197642733
BNB Number GBC380919 paperback £19.99
Youth. BNB Number GBC378173
Subculture. Young adults, Attitudes, Case studies.
Prepublication record Young adults, Attitudes, Cross-cultural studies.
Political leadership, Case studies.
306.1 Young adults, Political activity, Case studies.
Subcultures / Ross Haenfler. —Second edition. —London : Young adults, Political activity, Cross-cultural studies.
Routledge, 2023. —224 pages ; 20 cm. Political leadership, Cross-cultural studies.
ISBN 9781032132754 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032132778 Women political candidates, Case studies.
paperback £16.99 Women political candidates, Cross-cultural studies.
BNB Number GBC378618 Prepublication record
Subculture. 306.20968
Prepublication record Politics and government in South Africa / Mueni wa Muiu.
[online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
306.2 resource (312 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
Civil society responses to changing civic spaces / edited by ISBN 9781000895230 PDF ebook £34.99 ; 9781000895285
Kees Biekart, Tiina Kontinen, Marianne Millstein. ePub ebook £34.99
—Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. —271 pages : BNB Number GBC380876
illustrations (black and white) ; 21 cm. Political culture, South Africa.
ISBN 9783031233074 paperback £34.99 ; 9783031233043 South Africa, Politics and government.
hardback £44.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC380238
Civil society. 306.20968
Social movements. Politics and government in South Africa / Mueni wa Muiu.
Prepublication record —London : Routledge, 2023. —312 pages : illustrations (black
and white) ; 24 cm
306.2 ISBN 9781032456386 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032456355
Civil society responses to changing civic spaces / edited by paperback £34.99
Kees Biekart, Tiina Kontinen, Marianne Millstein. [online BNB Number GBC378966
resource] —Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. —1 Political culture, South Africa.
online resource (271 pages) : illustrations (black and white). South Africa, Politics and government.
ISBN 9783031233050 PDF ebook No price Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC381496
Civil society. 306.3
Social movements. Consuming happiness : aspirational practices in global
Prepublication record perspective / edited by Mehita Iqani. [online resource]
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (114 pages)
306.2 ISBN 9781000907018 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000906981
Ethnographies of power : a political anthropology of energy / PDF ebook £48.99
edited by Tristan Loloum, Simone Abram, Nathalie Ortar. BNB Number GBC381103
—New York : Berghahn Books, 2023. —212 pages. Economics, Sociological aspects.
ISBN 9781800739352 paperback £15.95 Consumption (Economics), Social aspects.
BNB Number GBC379879 Happiness, Economic aspects.
Energy policy. Prepublication record
Power resources, Political aspects.
Prepublication record

306.3 306.30941
Consuming happiness : aspirational practices in global Alimentary orientalism : Britain's literary imagination and the
perspective / edited by Mehita Iqani. —London : Routledge, edible East / Yin Yuan. —Lewisburg : Bucknell University
2023. —114 pages ; 25 cm Press, 2023. —260 pages : illustrations (black and white, and
ISBN 9781032488264 hardback £130.00 colour) ; 24 cm
BNB Number GBC379022 ISBN 9781684484669 paperback £31.95 ; 9781684484676
Happiness, Economic aspects. hardback £116.00
Economics, Sociological aspects. BNB Number GBC379729
Consumption (Economics), Social aspects. Other (Philosophy)
Prepublication record Luxury goods industry, Great Britain, History.
Consumption (Economics), Social aspects, Great Britain,
306.3 History.
Consumption and everyday life / Mark Paterson. [online Orientalism, Great Britain, History.
resource] —Third edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 Prepublication record
online resource (348 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781000890631 ePub ebook £34.99 ; 9781000890600 306.36
PDF ebook £34.99 Decent work-life in business : essential tool for sustainable
BNB Number GBC380760 development / Soumi Majumder, Debasish Biswas. [online
Consumption (Economics), Social aspects. resource] —New Delhi : Routledge India, 2023. —1 online
Prepublication record resource (144 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9781000889772 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000889703
306.3 PDF ebook £38.99
Consumption and everyday life / Mark Paterson. —Third BNB Number GBC380738
edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —348 pages : Industrial hygiene.
illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm Income.
ISBN 9781032195988 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032195995 Personnel management.
paperback £34.99 Work environment.
BNB Number GBC378678 Work-life balance.
Consumption (Economics), Social aspects. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
306.3 Decent work-life in business : essential tool for sustainable
Explorations in economic anthropology : key issues and development / Soumi Majumder, Debasish Biswas. —New
critical reflections / edited by Deema Kaneff, Kirsten W. Delhi : Routledge India, 2023. —144 pages : illustrations
Endres. —New York : Berghahn Books, 2023. —316 pages ; (black and white) ; 24 cm.
23 cm ISBN 9781032158167 hardback £130.00
ISBN 9781800739116 paperback £27.95 BNB Number GBC378646
BNB Number GBC379875 Work environment.
Equality. Industrial hygiene.
Economic anthropology. Work-life balance.
Prepublication record Personnel management.
Prepublication record
Materials and dematerialization : making the modern world /
Vaclav Smil. —Second edition. —Hoboken : John Wiley & 306.36
Sons, Inc., 2023. —304 pages Immaterial labor and cultural production : the dialectic of late
ISBN 9781394181209 paperback £29.95 capitalism. [online resource] —Newcastle upon Tyne :
BNB Number GBC379274 Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource.
Raw materials. ISBN 1527593983 electronic book ; 9781527593985
Conservation of natural resources. electronic book
Consumption (Economics) BNB Number GBC377663
Materials. Labor, Philosophy.
Prepublication record Capitalism, Social aspects.

306.362092 306.4
Twelve years a slave / Solomon Northup. —New edition / Your body is a revolution : healing our relationships with our
introduction by Ber Anena ; foreword by Sandra M. Grayson. bodies, each other, and the earth / Tara Teng. [online
—London : Flame Tree 451, 2023. —224 pages : illustrations resource] —Minneapolis : Broadleaf Books, 2023. —1 online
(black and white) ; 20 cm. resource
ISBN 9781804175798 paperback £6.99 ISBN 9781506483795 ePub ebook No price
BNB Number GBC379950 BNB Number GBC381309
Northup, Solomon, 1808-1863? Human body, Social aspects. Prepublication record
Slavery, Louisiana, History, 19th century.
Enslaved persons, United States, Biography. 306.40954
Enslaved persons' writings, American. Media technology and cultures of memory : mapping Indian
African Americans, Biography. narratives / edited by Elwin Susan John, Amal P. Mathews.
Plantation life, Louisiana, History, 19th century. [online resource] —New Delhi : Routledge India, 2023. —1
Prepublication record online resource (220 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781000891973 PDF ebook £36.99 ; 9781000892031
306.3640979 ePub ebook £36.99
Large-scale traps of the Great Basin / Bryan S. Hockett, Eric BNB Number GBC380800
Dillingham, Clifford Alpheus Shaw, Mark O'Brien. —College Collective memory, Case studies.
Station : Texas A&M University Press, 2023. —160 pages : Digital media, Social aspects, India.
illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps (black and Collective memory, India.
white) ; 28 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781648431081 hardback £93.00
BNB Number GBC379689 306.40954
Prehistoric peoples, Trapping, Great Basin. Media technology and cultures of memory : mapping Indian
Animal traps, Great Basin, Design and construction. narratives / edited by Elwin Susan John, Amal P. Mathews.
Hunting and gathering societies, Great Basin. —New Delhi : Routledge India, 2023. —220 pages :
Landscape archaeology, Great Basin. illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
Great Basin, Antiquities. ISBN 9781032385860 hardback £130.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC378887
Collective memory, Case studies.
306.4 Digital media, Social aspects, India.
Global politics of celebrity / edited by Mehdi Semati, Kate Collective memory, India.
Zambon. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 Prepublication record
online resource (150 pages)
ISBN 9781000894127 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000894196 306.430973
ePub ebook £48.99 The dis(order) of U.S. schooling : Zygmunt Bauman and
BNB Number GBC380858 education for an ambivalent world / Eric Ferris. [online
Fame, Political aspects. resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
Celebrities. (232 pages).
International relations. ISBN 9781000886658 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000886627
Prepublication record PDF ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC380672
306.4 Bauman, Zygmunt, 1925-2017
Global politics of celebrity / edited by Mehdi Semati, Kate
Zambon. —London : Routledge, 2023. —150 pages ; 26 cm Education, Aims and objectives, United States.
ISBN 9781032468327 hardback £130.00 Education, Social aspects.
BNB Number GBC378987 Prepublication record
Fame, Political aspects.
International relations.
Prepublication record

306.430973 306.44
The dis(order) of U.S. schooling : Zygmunt Bauman and Politics, lies and conspiracy theories : a cognitive linguistic
education for an ambivalent world / Eric Ferris. —London : perspective / Marcel Danesi. —London : Routledge, 2023.
Routledge, 2023. —232 pages ; 23 cm. —144 pages ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781032450636 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781032393124 paperback £35.99 ; 9781032393131
BNB Number GBC378956 hardback £130.00
Bauman, Zygmunt, 1925-2017 BNB Number GBC378900 Cognitive grammar.
Education, Aims and objectives, United States. Communication in politics.
Education, Social aspects. Language and languages, Political aspects.
Prepublication record Metaphor, Political aspects.
Truthfulness and falsehood, Political aspects.
306.44 Prepublication record
From southern theory to decolonizing sociolinguistics : voices,
questions and alternatives / edited by Ana Deumert and 306.44072
Sinfree Makoni. [online resource] —Bristol : Multilingual Meaning, identity, and interaction : sociolinguistic variation
Matters, 2023. —1 online resource (296 pages). and change in game-theoretic pragmatics / Heather Burnett.
ISBN 9781788926577 PDF ebook £30.00 ; 9781788926584 —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —250
ePub ebook £30.00 pages.
BNB Number GBC381394 ISBN 9781108841641 hardback £95.00
Decolonization. BNB Number GBC379149
Knowledge, Theory of, Developing countries. Pragmatics.
Sociolinguistics. Game theory.
Prepublication record Linguistic change.
Sociolinguistics, Research, Methodology.
306.44 Semantics, Research, Methodology.
From southern theory to decolonizing sociolinguistics : voices, Language and languages, Variation.
questions and alternatives / edited by Ana Deumert and Prepublication record
Sinfree Makoni. —Bristol : Multilingual Matters, 2023. —296
pages ; 24 cm. 306.440959847
ISBN 9781788926560 hardback £119.95 ; 9781788926553 One or two words : language and politics in the Toraja
paperback £39.95 Highlands of Indonesia / Aurora Donzelli. —Singapore : NUS
BNB Number GBC379809 Press, [2020] —xx, 298 pages : illustrations (black and white),
Decolonization. maps (black and white) ; 24 cm
Sociolinguistics. ISBN 981325114X casebound ; 9789813251144 casebound
Knowledge, Theory of, Developing countries. BNB Number GBC377311
Prepublication record Toraja (Indonesian people), Languages.
Sociolinguistics, Indonesia, Tana Toraja.
306.44 Tana Toraja (Indonesia), Languages, Political aspects.
Politics, lies and conspiracy theories : a cognitive linguistic Tana Toraja (Indonesia), Politics and government.
perspective / Marcel Danesi. [online resource] —London :
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (144 pages) 306.446
ISBN 9781000891072 ePub ebook £35.99 ; 9781000891034 The power of voice in transforming multilingual societies /
PDF ebook £35.99 edited by Julia Gspandl, Christina Korb, Angelika Heiling, and
BNB Number GBC380776 Elizabeth J. Erling. [online resource] —Bristol : Multilingual
Truthfulness and falsehood, Political aspects. Matters, 2023. —1 online resource (256 pages).
Cognitive grammar. ISBN 9781800412040 PDF ebook £25.00 ; 9781800412057
Language and languages, Political aspects. ePub ebook £25.00
Metaphor, Political aspects. BNB Number GBC381409
Communication in politics. Multilingualism, Social aspects.
Prepublication record Linguistic minorities.
Prepublication record

306.446 306.47
The power of voice in transforming multilingual societies / An introduction to visual culture / Nicholas Mirzoeff. [online
edited by Julia Gspandl, Christina Korb, Angelika Heiling, and resource] —Third edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
Elizabeth J. Erling. —Bristol : Multilingual Matters, 2023. online resource (298 pages) : illustrations (colour)
—256 pages ; 24 cm. ISBN 9781000891584 ePub ebook £42.99 ; 9781000891546
ISBN 9781800412033 hardback £109.95 ; 9781800412026 PDF ebook £42.99
paperback £34.95 BNB Number GBC380787
BNB Number GBC379870 Postmodernism.
Sociolinguistics. Visual communication.
Linguistic minorities. Mass media.
Multilingualism, Social aspects. Visual perception.
Prepublication record Art and society.
Communication and culture.
306.446083 Prepublication record
Child agency in family language policy : growing up
multilingual and multiliterate / Ying Zhan. [online resource] 306.47
—Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton, 2023. —1 online resource (221 An introduction to visual culture / Nicholas Mirzoeff. —Third
pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour). edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —298 pages :
ISBN 9783111003580 ePub ebook No price illustrations (colour) ; 24 cm
BNB Number GBC381516 ISBN 9780367235345 paperback £42.99 ; 9780367235338
Language policy, Social aspects. hardback £130.00
Multilingualism in children. BNB Number GBC378247
Language in families. Postmodernism.
Prepublication record Art and society.
Visual communication.
306.446083 Visual perception.
Child agency in family language policy : growing up Communication and culture.
multilingual and multiliterate / Ying Zhan. —Berlin : De Gruyter Mass media.
Mouton, 2023. —221 pages : illustrations (black and white, Prepublication record
and colour) ; 23 cm.
ISBN 9783111002118 hardback £100.00 306.481
BNB Number GBC380296 Play and social justice : equity, advocacy, and opportunity /
Multilingualism in children. edited by Olga S. Jarrett, Vera L. Stenhouse, John A.
Language policy, Social aspects. Sutterby, Michael M. Patte. —Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang
Language in families. Edition, 2023. —1 volume.
Prepublication record ISBN 9781636671758 hardback £84.00
BNB Number GBC379627
306.4613 Play environments, Social aspects.
Deconstructing the fitness industrial complex : how to resist, Child development.
disrupt, and reclaim what it means to be fit in America / Play, Social aspects.
Justice Williams, Roc Rochon, and Lawrence Koval. Children, Health and hygiene, Social aspects.
—Berkeley : North Atlantic Books, 2023. —240 pages ; 23 cm Social justice.
ISBN 9781623177270 paperback £16.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC379598
Minorities, United States, Social conditions.
Sexual minorities, United States, Social conditions.
Physical fitness centers, United States.
Physical fitness, Social aspects, United States.
Social integration, United States.
Physical fitness, Psychological aspects, United States.
Prepublication record

306.483 306.6
The geopolitical economy of sport : power, politics, money, Human being and vulnerability : beyond constructivism and
and the state / edited by Simon Chadwick, Paul Widdop, essentialism in Judith Butler, Steven Pinker, and Colin Gunton
Michael M. Goldman. [online resource] —London : Routledge, / Joseph Sverker. —Stuttgart : Ibidem Verlag, [2020] —293
2023. —1 online resource (302 pages) : illustrations (black pages : illustrations ; 21 cm
and white) ISBN 9783838213415 (paperback) ; 3838213416 (paperback)
ISBN 9781000882285 ePub ebook £35.99 ; 9781000882254 BNB Number GBC378063
PDF ebook £35.99 Theological anthropology.
BNB Number GBC380600 Vulnerability (Personality trait)
Sports and international relations.
Sports and state. 306.730285
Nationalism and sports. 16 swipes : the other perspective : 16 women's adventures
Sports, Political aspects. through Tinder / Mark Powell. —Singapore : Penguin Books,
Sports, Economic aspects. an imprint of Penguin Random House, [2021] —xxiv, 206
Geopolitics. pages ; 20 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9789814914208 paperback ; 9814914207 paperback
BNB Number GBC378052
306.483 Dating (Social customs), Technological innovations.
The geopolitical economy of sport : power, politics, money, Online dating.
and the state / edited by Simon Chadwick, Paul Widdop, Marriage brokerage, Technological innovations.
Michael M. Goldman. —London : Routledge, 2023. —302
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm 306.74
ISBN 9781032390598 paperback £35.99 ; 9781032390611 Inside the Texas Chicken Ranch : the definitive account of the
hardback £130.00 best little whorehouse / Jayme Lynn Blaschke. —Mount
BNB Number GBC378892 Pleasant : The History Press, 2023. —352 pages ; 23 cm.
Sports and international relations. ISBN 9781467153935 paperback No price
Sports and state. BNB Number GBC379381
Sports, Economic aspects. Brothels, Texas, La Grange, History.
Nationalism and sports. Prostitution, Texas, La Grange, History.
Geopolitics. Prepublication record
Sports, Political aspects.
Prepublication record
Obscene traffic : prostitution and global migrations from the
306.48426 Italian perspective (1890-1940) / Laura Schettini ; translated
Punk revolution! : an oral history of punk rock politics and by Karen Burch. [online resource] —London : Routledge,
activism / edited by John Malkin ; foreword by Klee Benally. 2023. —1 online resource (168 pages).
[online resource] —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, ISBN 9781000904499 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000904437
2023. —1 online resource (384 pages) : illustrations (black PDF ebook £38.99
and white) BNB Number GBC381051
ISBN 9781538171738 ePub ebook £35.00 Human trafficking, Italy, History, 20th century.
BNB Number GBC381361 Prostitution, Italy, History, 19th century.
Punk rock music, Social aspects, History. Prostitution, Italy, History, 20th century.
Punk rock musicians, Interviews. Human trafficking, Italy, History, 19th century.
Punk rock music, Political aspects, History. Italy, Emigration and immigration, Social aspects.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

306.48426 306.74094509034
Punk revolution! : an oral history of punk rock politics and Obscene traffic : prostitution and global migrations from the
activism / edited by John Malkin ; foreword by Klee Benally. Italian perspective (1890-1940) / Laura Schettini ; translated
—Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —384 by Karen Burch. —London : Routledge, 2023. —168 pages ;
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm 24 cm.
ISBN 9781538171721 hardback £26.00 ISBN 9781032519401 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC379548 BNB Number GBC379096
Punk rock music, Political aspects, History. Human trafficking, Italy, History, 19th century.
Punk rock music, Social aspects, History. Human trafficking, Italy, History, 20th century.
Punk rock musicians, Interviews. Prostitution, Italy, History, 19th century.
Prepublication record Prostitution, Italy, History, 20th century.
Italy, Emigration and immigration, Social aspects.
Prepublication record
306.74097839109034 306.74309411
An open secret : the story of Deadwood's most notorious Queer trades, sex and society : male prostitution and the war
bordellos / Chris Enss and Deadwood History, Inc. [online on homosexuality in interwar Scotland / Jeffrey Meek. [online
resource] —Essex, Connecticut : TwoDot, [2023]. —1 online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
resource. (184 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9781493061471 (pdf) ; 149306147X ISBN 9781000888881 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000888928
BNB Number GBC377855 ePub ebook £38.99
Prostitution, South Dakota, Deadwood, History, 19th BNB Number GBC380712
century. Male prostitutes, Scotland, History, 20th century.
Brothels, South Dakota, Deadwood, History, 19th century. Police, Scotland, History, 20th century.
Male prostitution, Scotland, History, 20th century.
306.740979209034 Homosexuality, Scotland, History, 20th century.
Selling sex in Utah : a history of vice / Eileen Hallet Stone. Homosexuality, Law and legislation, Scotland.
—Mount Pleasant : The History Press, 2023. —208 pages ; 23 Prepublication record
ISBN 9781467149112 paperback No price 306.74309411
BNB Number GBC379364 Queer trades, sex and society : male prostitution and the war
Prostitution, Utah, History, 19th centruy. on homosexuality in interwar Scotland / Jeffrey Meek.
Prostitutes, Utah, History, 19th centruy. —London : Routledge, 2023. —184 pages : illustrations (black
Prepublication record and white) ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9780367683580 hardback £130.00
306.740993 BNB Number GBC378286
Sex work and COVID-19 in the New Zealand media : avoid Male prostitution, Scotland, History, 20th century.
the moist breath zone / Gwyn Easterbrook-Smith. [online Police, Scotland, History, 20th century.
resource] —Bristol : Bristol University Press, 2023. —1 online Homosexuality, Scotland, History, 20th century.
resource (176 pages) Homosexuality, Law and legislation, Scotland.
ISBN 9781529230352 ePub ebook £14.99 ; 9781529230369 Male prostitutes, Scotland, History, 20th century.
PDF ebook £62.50 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC381342
Sex work, New Zealand. 306.76
COVID-19 (Disease) in mass media. Queer chameleon and friends / Amee Wilson. —Milson's Point
Sex workers in mass media. : Ebury Australia, 2023. —128 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 16
Sex workers, Health and hygiene, New Zealand. cm
COVID-19 (Disease), New Zealand. ISBN 9781761340178 hardback £12.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379754
Sexual minorities, Comic books, strips, etc.
306.740993 Prepublication record
Sex work and COVID-19 in the New Zealand media : avoid
the moist breath zone / Gwyn Easterbrook-Smith. —Bristol : 306.760943
Bristol University Press, 2023. —176 pages ; 21 cm Queer lives across the Wall : desire and danger in divided
ISBN 9781529230345 hardback £45.00 Berlin, 1945-1970 / Andrea Rottmann. —Toronto : University
BNB Number GBC379522 of Toronto Press, 2023. —266 pages : illustrations (black and
Sex workers, Health and hygiene, New Zealand. white), map (black and white) ; 23 cm.
COVID-19 (Disease), New Zealand. ISBN 9781487547806 paperback £24.99
Sex workers in mass media. BNB Number GBC379446
COVID-19 (Disease) in mass media. Sexual minorities, Germany, Berlin, History, 20th century.
Sex work, New Zealand. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
Who needs gay bars? : bar-hopping through America's
endangered LGBTQ+ places / Greggor Mattson. —Redwood
City : Redwood Press, 2023. —448 pages ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781503629202 hardback £25.99
BNB Number GBC379469
Sexual minority community, United States.
Gay bars, United States.
Sexual minorities, United States, Social life and customs.
Prepublication record

306.765082 306.7662092
Married women who love women : and more... / Carren With hawks and angels : episodes from a Southern life / Joel
Strock. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 Lafayette Fletcher III ; foreword by Ann Brewster Dobie.
online resource (384 pages). —Jackson : University Press of Mississippi, 2023. —277
ISBN 9781000899597 ePub ebook £22.99 ; 9781000899559 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
PDF ebook £22.99 ISBN 9781496844699 hardback £30.95
BNB Number GBC380972 BNB Number GBC379456
Lesbians. Fletcher, Joel Lafayette, III.
Married women. Gay men, Louisiana, Biography.
Wives. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
306.765082 Personal but not private : queer women, sexuality, and identity
Married women who love women : and more... / Carren modulation on digital platforms / Stefanie Duguay. [online
Strock. —London : Routledge, 2023. —384 pages ; 23 cm. resource] —New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2023]
ISBN 9781032460635 paperback £22.99 ; 9781032460642 —1 online resource (xvii, 165 pages) : illustrations (black and
hardback £120.00 white, and colour).
BNB Number GBC378974 ISBN 9780190076191 paperback No price ; 9780190076184
Lesbians. hardback No price ; 9780190076221 ebook No price
Married women. BNB Number GBC380396
Wives. Lesbians, Social life and customs.
Prepublication record Lesbians, Social networks.
Prepublication record
Bi : bisexual, pansexual, fluid, and nonbinary youth / Ritch C. 306.83096762
Savin-Williams. —New York : New York University Press, Relative distance : kinship, migration, and Christianity
2023. —256 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm between Kenya and the United Kingdom / Leslie Fesenmyer.
ISBN 9781479825875 paperback £16.99 —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —232
BNB Number GBC379439 pages.
Sexual minority youth. ISBN 9781009335072 hardback £85.00
Bisexual youth. BNB Number GBC378532
Bisexuality. Families, Kenya.
Prepublication record Kinship, Religious aspects, Christianity.
Transnationalism, Social aspects.
306.7660835 Kinship, Kenya.
Young queer America : real stories and faces of LGBTQ+ Emigration and immigration, Social aspects.
youth / Maxwell Poth ; foreword by Isis King. —San Francisco Families, Great Britain.
: Chronicle Books, 2023. —272 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781797214412 paperback £18.99
BNB Number GBC379835 306.843
Gay youth, United States. Marrying outside your tradition : a practical and spiritual guide
Prepublication record / Donna Schaper. [online resource] —Lanham : Rowman &
Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —1 online resource (142 pages)
306.766095143 ISBN 9781538143537 PDF ebook £22.99
Inside the circle : queer culture and activism in Northwest BNB Number GBC381353
China / Casey James Miller. —New Brunswick : Rutgers Spiritual life.
University Press, 2023. —206 pages : illustrations (black and Interfaith marriage.
white, and colour) ; 24 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781978835375 hardback £107.00
BNB Number GBC380202 306.843
Gays, China. Marrying outside your tradition : a practical and spiritual guide
Gay liberation movement, China. / Donna Schaper. —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield
Sexual minorities, China. Publishers, 2023. —142 pages ; 22 cm
Homosexuality, China. ISBN 9781538143520 hardback £25.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379535
Interfaith marriage.
Spiritual life.
Prepublication record

306.845095 306.8740846
Marriage migration, family and citizenship in Asia / edited by Over the hill & up the wall / Todd Alexander. [online resource]
Tuen Yi Chiu, Brenda S.A. Yeoh. [online resource] —London : —Sydney : HarperCollins, 2023. —1 online resource.
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (146 pages) ISBN 9781460715031 (electronic bk.) ; 1460715039
ISBN 9781000886597 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000886535 (electronic bk.)
PDF ebook £48.99 BNB Number GBC377888
BNB Number GBC380669 Alexander, Todd, Family.
Intercountry marriage, Asia. Family & Relationships - Eldercare.
Citizenship, Asia. Aging, Psychological aspects.
Foreign spouses, Travel. Parent and child.
Asia, Emigration and immigration. Aging parents, Australia.
Prepublication record Adult children of aging parents, Australia.
Sandwich generation.
306.845095 Self-help - Aging.
Marriage migration, family and citizenship in Asia / edited by Aging, Social aspects.
Tuen Yi Chiu, Brenda S.A. Yeoh. —London : Routledge, 2023.
—146 pages ; 25 cm 306.8743
ISBN 9781032490168 hardback £130.00 Another mother : curating and creating voices of adoption,
BNB Number GBC379030 surrogacy and egg donation / Shanta Everington. [online
Intercountry marriage, Asia. resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
Foreign spouses, Travel. (176 pages)
Citizenship, Asia. ISBN 9781000888706 ePub ebook £35.99 ; 9781000888645
Asia, Emigration and immigration. PDF ebook £35.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC380705
Egg donors.
306.85095694 Adoption.
The West Bank Palestinian family / Ibrahim Wade Ata. [online Surrogate mothers.
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource Motherhood, Case studies.
(178 pages). Prepublication record
ISBN 9781000907483 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000907520
ePub ebook £48.99 306.8743
BNB Number GBC381106 Another mother : curating and creating voices of adoption,
Families, West Bank, History, 20th century. surrogacy and egg donation / Shanta Everington. —London :
Palestinian Arabs, West Bank, Social conditions, 20th Routledge, 2023. —176 pages ; 24 cm
century. ISBN 9781032268415 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032268408
Prepublication record paperback £35.99
BNB Number GBC378743
306.85095694 Adoption.
The West Bank Palestinian family / Ibrahim Wade Ata. Surrogate mothers.
—London : Routledge, 2023. —178 pages ; 24 cm. Egg donors.
ISBN 9781032514680 hardback £85.00 Motherhood, Case studies.
BNB Number GBC379079 Prepublication record
Families, West Bank, History, 20th century.
Palestinian Arabs, West Bank, Social conditions, 20th 307.1160954
century. Culture, spaces, and people : urban dynamics in
Prepublication record contemporary India / Daksh Jain. [online resource] —New
Delhi : Routledge India, 2023. —1 online resource (224
pages) : illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9781000897227 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000897265
ePub ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC380917
City planning, India.
Urban policy, India.
India, Social life and customs, 21st century.
Prepublication record

307.1160954 307.1216
Culture, spaces, and people : urban dynamics in Engaged urban pedagogy : participatory practices in planning
contemporary India / Daksh Jain. —New Delhi : Routledge and place-making / edited by Lucy Natarajan, Michael Short.
India, 2023. —224 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 —London : UCL Press, 2023. —276 pages : illustrations ; 24
cm. cm.
ISBN 9781032019697 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781800081246 paperback £30.00 ; 9781800081253
BNB Number GBC378559 hardback £50.00
Urban policy, India. BNB Number GBC379851
City planning, India. Sociology, Urban.
India, Social life and customs, 21st century. Education, Urban, Social aspects.
Prepublication record City planning, Citizen participation.
Prepublication record
Advising ministers : a case-study of the South West Economic 307.1216
Planning Council / Brian C. Smith. [online resource] —London Implementing urban design : green, civic, and community
: Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (132 pages). strategies / Jonathan Barnett. [online resource] —London :
ISBN 9781000896589 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000896565 Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (176 pages) :
PDF ebook £48.99 illustrations (black and white, and colour)
BNB Number GBC380903 ISBN 9781000899900 PDF ebook No price ; 9781000899962
South West Economic Planning Council ePub ebook £31.99 BNB Number GBC380983
Regional planning, Great Britain, Case studies. Landscape architecture.
Prepublication record City planning, Environmental aspects.
Regional planning.
307.12 Community development.
Advising ministers : a case-study of the South West Economic Prepublication record
Planning Council / Brian C. Smith. —London : Routledge,
2023. —132 pages ; 20 cm. 307.1216
ISBN 9781032514710 hardback £85.00 Implementing urban design : green, civic, and community
BNB Number GBC379080 strategies / Jonathan Barnett. —London : Routledge, 2023.
South West Economic Planning Council —176 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 25 cm
Regional planning, Great Britain, Case studies. ISBN 9781032469942 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032469966
Prepublication record paperback £31.99
BNB Number GBC378989
307.1216 City planning, Environmental aspects.
Engaged urban pedagogy : participatory practices in planning Community development.
and place-making / edited by Lucy Natarajan, Michael Short. Regional planning.
[online resource] —London : UCL Press, 2023. —1 online Landscape architecture.
resource (276 pages) : illustrations. Prepublication record
ISBN 9781800081239 PDF ebook No price ; 9781800081260
ePub ebook No price 307.1216
BNB Number GBC381398 Managing urban rivers : from planning to practice / edited by
Sociology, Urban. Victor R. Shinde, Rajiv Ranjan Mishra, Uday Bhonde, Hitesh
City planning, Citizen participation. Vaidya. [online resource] —Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2023. —1
Education, Urban, Social aspects. online resource (350 pages) : illustrations (black and white,
Prepublication record and colour)
ISBN 9780323910637 ePub ebook £123.00
BNB Number GBC380441
Rivers, Economic aspects.
River engineering.
City planning.
Watershed management.
Prepublication record

307.1216 307.121609171241
Managing urban rivers : from planning to practice / edited by Planning, sustainable urbanisation, and the commonwealth :
Victor R. Shinde, Rajiv Ranjan Mishra, Uday Bhonde, Hitesh the commonwealth association of planners, past, present and
Vaidya. —Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2023. —350 pages : future / edited by Cliff Hague, Clive Harridge, Bryce Julyan,
illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm Ruiz Nik and Ian Tant. [online resource] —London :
ISBN 9780323857031 paperback £123.00 Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (242 pages) :
BNB Number GBC378226 illustrations (black and white)
Rivers, Economic aspects. ISBN 9781000896480 ePub ebook £35.99 ; 9781000896466
River engineering. PDF ebook £35.99
Watershed management. BNB Number GBC380900
City planning. Commonwealth Association of Planners, History.
Prepublication record Sustainable development, Commonwealth countries,
307.1216 Community development, Urban, Commonwealth
Reconstructing the future : cities as carbon sinks / edited by countries.
Bauhaus Earth, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Rocío Armillas City planning, Commonwealth countries.
Tiseyra. —Basel : Birkhauser, 2023. —256 pages : City planning, Commonwealth countries, Forecasting.
illustrations (colour) Prepublication record
ISBN 9783035626971 paperback £41.00
BNB Number GBC380291 307.121609171241
City planning, Environmental aspects, Congresses. Planning, sustainable urbanisation, and the commonwealth :
Prepublication record the commonwealth association of planners, past, present and
future / edited by Cliff Hague, Clive Harridge, Bryce Julyan,
307.1216 Ruiz Nik and Ian Tant. —London : Routledge, 2023. —242
The Routledge handbook of urban logistics / edited by Jason pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
Monios, Lucy Budd, Stephen Ison. [online resource] —London ISBN 9781032414010 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032414027
: Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (420 pages) : paperback £35.99
illustrations (black and white). BNB Number GBC378913
ISBN 9781000905502 PDF ebook £42.99 ; 9781000905526 Commonwealth Association of Planners, History.
ePub ebook £42.99 Sustainable development, Commonwealth countries,
BNB Number GBC381068 Planning.
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic aspects. City planning, Commonwealth countries, Forecasting.
City planning. City planning, Commonwealth countries.
Urban transportation. Community development, Urban, Commonwealth
Telemarketing. countries.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

307.1216 307.1216094563
The Routledge handbook of urban logistics / edited by Jason Ancient Rome and the modern Italian state : ideological
Monios, Lucy Budd, Stephen Ison. —London : Routledge, placemaking, archaeology, and architecture, 1870-1945 /
2023. —420 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm. Alessandro Sebastiani. —Cambridge : Cambridge University
ISBN 9781032148571 hardback £205.00 Press, 2023. —350 pages
BNB Number GBC378633 ISBN 9781009354103 hardback £85.00
City planning. BNB Number GBC378539
Urban transportation. City planning, Italy, Rome, History, 20th century.
Telemarketing. City planning, Italy, Rome, History, 19th century.
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic aspects. Rome (Italy), History, 1870-1945.
Prepublication record Rome (Italy), Buildings, structures, etc., History.
Rome (Italy), Politics and government, 1870-1945.
Rome (Italy), Antiquities.
Urban green spaces / edited by Rui Alexandre Castanho,
Italy, Antiquities, Roman.
José Cabezas Fernández. [online resource] —London :
Prepublication record
IntechOpen, [2022]. —1 online resource (182 pages).
ISBN 1803551577 ; 9781803551579
BNB Number GBC377644
City planning, Environmental aspects.
Sustainable development.

307.14120977209043 307.72
Planting the seeds of hope : Indiana County extension agents Rural restructuring : global processes and their responses /
during the Great Depression and World War II / Frederick edited by Terry Marsden, Philip Lowe, Sarah Whatmore.
Whitford. —West Lafayette : Purdue University Press, 2023. —London : Routledge, 2023. —198 pages ; 24 cm.
—700 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm ISBN 9781032496047 hardback £80.00
ISBN 9781612498447 hardback £44.95 BNB Number GBC379044
BNB Number GBC379586 Sociology, Rural.
Rural extension, Indiana, History, 20th century. Prepublication record
Agricultural education, Indiana, History, 20th century.
Prepublication record 307.74
Politics of the periphery : governing global suburbia / edited by
307.2 Pierre Hamel. —Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 2023.
A research agenda for gentrification / edited by Winifred —288 pages : illustrations (black and white), maps (black and
Curran, Leslie Kern. —Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, white) ; 23 cm.
2023. —260 pages ; 24 cm. ISBN 9781487545512 hardback £56.99
ISBN 9781800883192 hardback £95.00 BNB Number GBC379445
BNB Number GBC379889 Suburbs, Political aspects.
Gentrification, Research. Prepublication record
Prepublication record 307.76
Justice and cities : metro morals / Mark Davidson. [online
307.336 resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
Informal settlements of the Global South / edited by Gihan (258 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
Karunaratne. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. ISBN 9781000882353 ePub ebook £32.99 ; 9781000882346
—1 online resource (328 pages) : illustrations (black and PDF ebook £32.99
white). BNB Number GBC380602
ISBN 9781000887143 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000887174 Equality.
ePub ebook £38.99 Social justice.
BNB Number GBC380681 Sociology, Urban, Moral and ethical aspects.
City planning, Developing countries. Prepublication record
Urban policy, Developing countries.
Squatter settlements, Developing countries. 307.76
Prepublication record Justice and cities : metro morals / Mark Davidson. —London :
Routledge, 2023. —258 pages : illustrations (black and white)
307.336 ; 24 cm
Informal settlements of the Global South / edited by Gihan ISBN 9780367486167 hardback £120.00 ; 9780367486181
Karunaratne. —London : Routledge, 2023. —328 pages : paperback £32.99
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. BNB Number GBC378262
ISBN 9781032043074 hardback £130.00 Equality.
BNB Number GBC378566 Sociology, Urban, Moral and ethical aspects.
City planning, Developing countries. Social justice.
Urban policy, Developing countries. Prepublication record
Squatter settlements, Developing countries.
Prepublication record 307.76
The freedom of the city / Charles Downing Lay ; introduction
307.72 by Thomas Campanella. —Washington, D.C : Island Press,
Rural restructuring : global processes and their responses / 2023. —168 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm
edited by Terry Marsden, Philip Lowe, Sarah Whatmore. ISBN 9781642832952 paperback No price
[online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online BNB Number GBC379653
resource (198 pages). City and town life.
ISBN 9781000882339 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000882315 Prepublication record
PDF ebook £48.99
BNB Number GBC380601
Sociology, Rural.
Prepublication record

307.760285 320.011
Smart cities and digital transformation : empowering The poverty of our freedom : essays 2012-2019 / Axel
communities, limitless innovation, sustainable development Honneth. —Cambridge : Polity Press, 2023. —286 pages
and the next generation / edited by Miltiadis D. Lytras, ISBN 9781509556335 paperback £17.99 ; 9781509556328
Abdulrahman A. Housawi, Basim S. Alsaywid. [online hardback £55.00
resource] —United Kingdom : Emerald Publishing, 2023. —1 BNB Number GBC379484
online resource (476 pages) Liberty, Philosophy.
ISBN 9781804559949 PDF ebook £85.00 ; 9781804559963 Prepublication record
ePub ebook £85.00
BNB Number GBC381444 320.011
Sustainable development. Trust in public life / Anna Rowlands, Josie Rourke, Anthony
Smart cities. Ball, James Hawkey Claire Gilbert. —London : Haus
Prepublication record Curiosities, 2023. —1 volume
ISBN 9781913368753 paperback £7.99
307.760285 BNB Number GBC380040
Smart cities and digital transformation : empowering Government accountability.
communities, limitless innovation, sustainable development Leadership, Moral and ethical aspects.
and the next generation / edited by Miltiadis D. Lytras, Trust, Political aspects.
Abdulrahman A. Housawi, Basim S. Alsaywid. —United Prepublication record
Kingdom : Emerald Publishing, 2023. —476 pages ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781804559956 hardback £85.00 320.011098
BNB Number GBC379959 Latin America in times of turbulence : presidentialism under
Smart cities. stress / edited by Mariana Llanos, Leiv Marsteintredet. [online
Sustainable development. resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
Prepublication record (272 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9781000904369 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000904338
307.76095 PDF ebook £38.99
Changing Asian urban geographies : urbanism and peripheral BNB Number GBC381050
areas / edited by Fulong Wu, Roger Keil. [online resource] Democracy, Latin America.
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (138 pages) Government accountability, Latin America.
ISBN 9781000887372 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000887358 Executive power, Latin America.
PDF ebook £130.00 Presidents, Latin America.
BNB Number GBC380689 Political stability, Latin America.
Urban geography, Asia. Interagency coordination, Latin America.
Prepublication record Latin America, Politics and government, 21st century.
Prepublication record
Changing Asian urban geographies : urbanism and peripheral 320.011098
areas / edited by Fulong Wu, Roger Keil. —London : Latin America in times of turbulence : presidentialism under
Routledge, 2023. —138 pages ; 25 cm stress / edited by Mariana Llanos, Leiv Marsteintredet.
ISBN 9781032290904 hardback £130.00 —London : Routledge, 2023. —272 pages : illustrations (black
BNB Number GBC378765 and white) ; 23 cm.
Urban geography, Asia. ISBN 9781032322612 hardback £130.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC378809
Interagency coordination, Latin America.
307.760951 Presidents, Latin America.
From village commons to public goods : graduated provision Executive power, Latin America.
in urbanizing China / Anne-Christine Trémon. —New York : Government accountability, Latin America.
Berghahn Books, 2023. —284 pages ; 23 cm. Political stability, Latin America.
ISBN 9781800739000 hardback £99.00 Democracy, Latin America.
BNB Number GBC379874 Latin America, Politics and government, 21st century.
Urbanization, China. Prepublication record
Public goods.
Villages, China.
Human services, China.
China, Social conditions, 2000-
Prepublication record

320.014 320.0820973
The psychology of political communication : politicians under Distinct identities : minority women in U.S. politics / Nadia E.
the microscope / Peter Bull. [online resource] —London : Brown, Sarah Allen Gershon. [online resource] —Second
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (182 pages) edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (344
ISBN 9781000886665 PDF ebook No price ; 9781000886672 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
ePub ebook £34.99 ISBN 9781000901368 ePub ebook £46.99 ; 9781000901320
BNB Number GBC380673 PDF ebook £46.99
Political psychology. BNB Number GBC381010
Communication in politics, Psychological aspects. Minority women, Political activity, United States.
Prepublication record Women, Political activity, United States.
Identity politics, United States.
320.014 Prepublication record
The psychology of political communication : politicians under
the microscope / Peter Bull. —London : Routledge, 2023. 320.0820973
—182 pages ; 24 cm Distinct identities : minority women in U.S. politics / Nadia E.
ISBN 9781032328218 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032327990 Brown, Sarah Allen Gershon. —Second edition. —London :
paperback £34.99 Routledge, 2023. —344 pages : illustrations (black and white)
BNB Number GBC378818 ; 23 cm.
Political psychology. ISBN 9781032281902 paperback £46.99 ; 9781032281919
Communication in politics, Psychological aspects. hardback £130.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC378755
Identity politics, United States.
320.019 Minority women, Political activity, United States.
The decisionist imagination : sovereignty, social science, and Women, Political activity, United States.
democracy in the 20th century / edited by Daniel Bessner and Prepublication record
Nicolas Guilhot. —New York : Berghahn Books, 2023. —320
pages 320.12
ISBN 9781800739253 paperback £27.95 Border images, border narratives : the political aesthetics of
BNB Number GBC379876 boundaries and crossings / edited by Johan Schimanski, Jopi
Political science, Decision making. Nyman. —Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2023.
Political science, Methodology. —280 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
Prepublication record ISBN 9781526171894 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC379506
320.0820941 Boundaries, Political aspects.
Necessary women : the untold story of Parliament's working Boundaries, Philosophy.
women / Mari Takayanagi, Elizabeth Hallam Smith. [online Boundaries in mass media.
resource] —Cheltenham : The History Press, 2023. —1 online Boundaries in art.
resource (288 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and Boundaries in literature.
colour) Prepublication record
ISBN 9781803994031 ePub ebook £12.99
BNB Number GBC381432 320.12
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons, History. Borders of desire : gender and sexuality at the eastern
Women, Political activity, Great Britain, History. borders of Europe / edited by Elissa Helms, Tuija Pulkkinen.
Women, Great Britain, Social conditions. [online resource] —Manchester : Manchester University
Prepublication record Press, 2023. —1 online resource (200 pages) : illustrations
(black and white).
320.0820941 ISBN 9781526165206 ePub ebook No price ; 9781526165220
Necessary women : the untold story of Parliament's working PDF ebook No price
women / Mari Takayanagi, Elizabeth Hallam Smith. BNB Number GBC381319
—Cheltenham : The History Press, 2023. —288 pages : Boundaries, Social aspects, Europe, Eastern.
illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm Sex, Political aspects, Europe, Eastern.
ISBN 9781803990156 hardback £22.00 Sex, Social aspects, Europe, Eastern.
BNB Number GBC379938 Boundaries, Anthropological aspects, Europe, Eastern.
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons, History. Prepublication record
Women, Political activity, Great Britain, History.
Women, Great Britain, Social conditions.
Prepublication record

320.12 320.12
Borders of desire : gender and sexuality at the eastern Walling in and walling out : why are we building new barriers
borders of Europe / edited by Elissa Helms, Tuija Pulkkinen. to divide us? / edited by Laura McAtackney and Randall H.
—Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2023. —200 McGuire. —Santa Fe : School for Advanced Research Press ;
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press, [2020] —viii,
ISBN 9781526165213 hardback No price 260 pages : illustrations (black and white), maps (black and
BNB Number GBC379497 white) ; 23 cm.
Sex, Social aspects, Europe, Eastern. ISBN 0826361234 (paperback) ; 9780826361233 (paperback)
Boundaries, Anthropological aspects, Europe, Eastern. BNB Number GBC377313
Sex, Political aspects, Europe, Eastern. Boundaries, Anthropological aspects.
Boundaries, Social aspects, Europe, Eastern.
Prepublication record 320.12095
Europe as the western peninsula of Greater Eurasia :
320.12 geoeconomic regions in a multipolar world / Glenn Diesen.
India's military strategy : countering Pakistan's challenge. —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —252
[online resource] —New Delhi : Bloomsbury Publishing, 2023. pages ; 23 cm
—1 online resource. ISBN 9781538161784 paperback £31.00
ISBN 9356400067 electronic book ; 9789356400047 BNB Number GBC379543
electronic book ; 9789356400061 electronic book ; Geopolitics, Eurasia.
9356400040 electronic book Eurasia, Boundaries.
BNB Number GBC377652 Eurasia, Politics and government.
Geopolitics, India. European Union countries, Foreign economic relations,
Political science. Asia.
International relations. Asia, Foreign economic relations, European Union
320.12 Eurasia, Economic conditions.
The long shadow of the border : migrants, brokers and Prepublication record
European border governance in Africa / edited by Ida Marie
Savio Vammen, Signe Cold-Ravnkilde, Hans Lucht. [online 320.15095484
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource Telangana-Andhra : castes, regions and politics in Andhra
(184 pages) Pradesh / Inukonda Thirumali. [online resource] —London :
ISBN 9781000910148 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000910155 Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (254 pages)
ePub ebook £48.99 ISBN 9781000905915 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000905939
BNB Number GBC381119 ePub ebook £38.99
Borderlands, European Union countries. BNB Number GBC381078
Borderlands, Africa, North. Secession, India, Telangana.
European Union countries, Emigration and immigration. Separatist movements.
Africa, North, Boundaries, European Union countries. Telangana (India), History, Autonomy and independence
European Union countries, Boundaries, Africa, North. movements.
Prepublication record Telangana (India), Politics and government.
Telangana (India), Social conditions.
320.12 Prepublication record
The long shadow of the border : migrants, brokers and
European border governance in Africa / edited by Ida Marie 320.15095484
Savio Vammen, Signe Cold-Ravnkilde, Hans Lucht. —London Telangana-Andhra : castes, regions and politics in Andhra
: Routledge, 2023. —184 pages ; 26 cm Pradesh / Inukonda Thirumali. —London : Routledge, 2023.
ISBN 9781032501826 hardback £130.00 —254 pages ; 22 cm
BNB Number GBC379057 ISBN 9781032524740 hardback £130.00
Borderlands, European Union countries. BNB Number GBC379120
Borderlands, Africa, North. Secession, India, Telangana.
European Union countries, Boundaries, Africa, North. Separatist movements.
Africa, North, Boundaries, European Union countries. Telangana (India), Politics and government.
European Union countries, Emigration and immigration. Telangana (India), History, Autonomy and independence
Prepublication record movements.
Telangana (India), Social conditions.
Prepublication record

320.40490941 320.45
Intergovernmental relations in the UK : cooperation and Comparative federalism in Asia : democracy, ethnicity and
conflict in a devolved unitary state / Marius Guderjan. [online religion / Baogang He, Michael G. Breen, Laura
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource Allison-Reumann. —London : Routledge, 2023. —224 pages :
(312 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour). illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781000887310 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000887334 ISBN 9781032387031 hardback £130.00
ePub ebook £38.99 BNB Number GBC378888
BNB Number GBC380687 Religion and politics, Asia.
Home rule, Wales. Democracy, Asia.
Central-local government relations, Great Britain. Federal government, Asia.
Home rule, Scotland. Federal government, Asia, Case studies.
Regionalism, Great Britain. Democracy, Asia, Case studies.
Decentralization in government, Great Britain. Asia, Politics and government, History.
Great Britain, Politics and government, 2007- Prepublication record
Great Britain, Politics and government, 1997-2007.
Prepublication record 320.45484
Provincial democracy : political imaginaries at the end of
320.40490941 empire in twentieth-century South India / Rama Sundari
Intergovernmental relations in the UK : cooperation and Mantena. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023.
conflict in a devolved unitary state / Marius Guderjan. —300 pages
—London : Routledge, 2023. —312 pages : illustrations (black ISBN 9781009339544 hardback £85.00
and white, and colour) ; 24 cm. BNB Number GBC378533
ISBN 9781032394855 hardback £130.00 Decolonization, India, South.
BNB Number GBC378901 Nationalism, India, South.
Regionalism, Great Britain. Democracy, India, South.
Decentralization in government, Great Britain. Hyderabad (India : State), Politics and government.
Central-local government relations, Great Britain. Madras (India : Presidency), Politics and government.
Home rule, Scotland. Prepublication record
Home rule, Wales.
Great Britain, Politics and government, 1997-2007. 320.456
Great Britain, Politics and government, 2007- Making democracy safe for business : corporate politics
Prepublication record during the Arab uprisings / Robert Kubinec. —Cambridge :
Cambridge University Press, 2023. —214 pages
320.45 ISBN 9781009273527 hardback £85.00
Comparative federalism in Asia : democracy, ethnicity and BNB Number GBC378511
religion / Baogang He, Michael G. Breen, Laura Businessmen, Political activity, Egypt.
Allison-Reumann. [online resource] —London : Routledge, Political corruption, Middle East, Case studies.
2023. —1 online resource (224 pages) : illustrations (black Businessmen, Political activity, Tunisia.
and white). Business and politics, Tunisia.
ISBN 9781000901054 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000900934 Capitalism, Political aspects, Middle East.
PDF ebook £38.99 Business and politics, Egypt.
BNB Number GBC381000 Democratization, Middle East, Case studies.
Democracy, Asia, Case studies. Egypt, Economic policy.
Religion and politics, Asia. Tunisia, Economic policy.
Democracy, Asia. Prepublication record
Federal government, Asia, Case studies.
Federal government, Asia. 320.473
Asia, Politics and government, History. Keeping the republic : power and citizenship in American
Prepublication record politics / Christine Barbour, Gerald Wright. [online resource]
—Tenth edition. —Washington, D.C : CQ Press, 2023. —1
online resource
ISBN 9781071880913 ePub ebook £58.00
BNB Number GBC381170
United States, Politics and government.
Prepublication record

320.4912 320.530947
Political participation in the digital age : an ethnographic The authoritarian international : tracing how authoritarian
comparison between Iceland and Germany / Julia regimes learn in the post-Soviet space / Stephen G.F. Hall.
Tiemann-Kollipost. —Bielefeld : Transcript, [2020] —221 —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —300
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm. pages
ISBN 9783837648881 paperback ISBN 9781009098540 hardback £85.00
BNB Number GBC377614 BNB Number GBC378485
Political participation, Technological innovations, Iceland. Authoritarianism, Russia (Federation)
Political participation, Technological innovations, Germany. Authoritarianism, Europe, Eastern.
Former communist countries, Politics and government.
320.5 Europe, Eastern, Politics and government, 1989-
Political ideas for A level. Liberalism, socialism, conservatism, Russia (Federation), Politics and government, 1991-
multiculturalism, nationalism, ecologism / Richard Kelly, Prepublication record
Charles Pearson, Neil McNaughton. [online resource]
—Second edition. —London : Hodder Education, 2023. —1 320.532309439
online resource (240 pages) The sovietization of rural Hungary, 1945-1980 : subjugation in
ISBN 9781398368866 ePub ebook £15.00 the name of equality / edited by Gábor Csikós, Gergely
BNB Number GBC381261 Krisztián Horváth, József Ö. Kovács. [online resource]
Political science. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (192 pages).
Ideology. ISBN 9781000892444 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000892420
Prepublication record PDF ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC380816
320.5 Social change, Hungary, History, 20th century.
Political ideas for A level. Liberalism, socialism, conservatism, Socialism, Hungary, History, 20th century.
feminism, anarchism / Richard Kelly, Maria Egan, Neil Political culture, Hungary, History, 20th century.
McNaughton. [online resource] —Second edition. —London : Equality, Hungary, History, 20th century.
Hodder Education, 2023. —1 online resource (200 pages) Hungary, Rural conditions, History, 20th century.
ISBN 9781398368835 ePub ebook £15.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC381260
Political science. 320.532309439
Ideology. The sovietization of rural Hungary, 1945-1980 : subjugation in
A-level examinations, Study guides. the name of equality / edited by Gábor Csikós, Gergely
Prepublication record Krisztián Horváth, József Ö. Kovács. —London : Routledge,
2023. —192 pages ; 24 cm.
320.53 ISBN 9781032305851 hardback £130.00
Totalitarianism : the basics / Phillip W. Gray. [online resource] BNB Number GBC378780
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (178 pages). Socialism, Hungary, History, 20th century.
ISBN 9781000889260 ePub ebook £18.99 ; 9781000889208 Equality, Hungary, History, 20th century.
PDF ebook £18.99 Social change, Hungary, History, 20th century.
BNB Number GBC380721 Political culture, Hungary, History, 20th century.
Totalitarianism. Hungary, Rural conditions, History, 20th century.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

320.53 320.53309439
Totalitarianism : the basics / Phillip W. Gray. —London : Memory in Hungarian fascism : a cultural history / Zoltán Ké
Routledge, 2023. —178 pages ; 20 cm. kesi. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
ISBN 9781032183732 paperback £18.99 ; 9781032183756 resource (206 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
hardback £84.99 ISBN 9781000892703 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000892673
BNB Number GBC378667 PDF ebook £38.99
Totalitarianism. BNB Number GBC380822
Prepublication record Sólymosi, Eszter.
Fascism, Hungary, History.
Collective memory, Hungary, History.
Hungary, Politics and government, 21st century.
Hungary, Politics and government, 20th century.
Prepublication record

320.53309439 320.54094809034
Memory in Hungarian fascism : a cultural history / Zoltán Ké Nordic experiences in pan-nationalisms : a reappraisal and
kesi. —London : Routledge, 2023. —206 pages : illustrations comparison, 1840-1940 / edited by Ruth Hemstad and Peter
(black and white) ; 24 cm. Stadius. —London : Routledge, 2023. —336 pages :
ISBN 9781032214290 hardback £130.00 illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
BNB Number GBC378691 ISBN 9781032444444 paperback £35.99 ; 9781032444420
Sólymosi, Eszter. hardback £130.00
Collective memory, Hungary, History. BNB Number GBC378941
Fascism, Hungary, History. Nationalism, Europe, History, 19th century.
Hungary, Politics and government, 20th century. Nationalism, Europe, History, 20th century.
Hungary, Politics and government, 21st century. Scandinavianism, History, 19th century.
Prepublication record Scandinavianism, History, 20th century.
Prepublication record
Patriotic history and the (re)nationalization of memory / edited 320.5409541
by Kornelia Konczal, A. Dirk Moses. [online resource] Nationalism in the vernacular : state, tribes, and the politics of
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (208 pages) peace in northeast India / Roluahpuia. —Cambridge :
ISBN 9781000899306 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000899238 Cambridge University Press, 2023. —260 pages
PDF ebook £48.99 ISBN 9781009346078 hardback £85.00
BNB Number GBC380966 BNB Number GBC378537
Nationalism. Mizo National Front.
History, Political aspects. Nationalism, India, Northeastern.
Collective memory, Political aspects. Rhetoric, Political aspects, India, Northeastern.
Patriotism. India, Northeastern, Politics and government.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

320.54 320.557
Patriotic history and the (re)nationalization of memory / edited Collective emotions and political violence : narratives of
by Kornelia Konczal, A. Dirk Moses. —London : Routledge, Islamist organisations in Western Europe / Maéva Clément.
2023. —208 pages ; 25 cm —Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2023. —272
ISBN 9781032496498 hardback £130.00 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
BNB Number GBC379049 ISBN 9781526167699 hardback No price
Nationalism. BNB Number GBC379500
Collective memory, Political aspects. Radicalism, Religious aspects, Islam.
Patriotism. Islamic fundamentalism, Great Britain, History, 21st
History, Political aspects. century.
Prepublication record Islam, Germany, History, 21st century.
Islamic fundamentalism, Germany, History, 21st century.
320.54094809034 Collective behavior, Political aspects, Great Britain, History,
Nordic experiences in pan-nationalisms : a reappraisal and 21st century.
comparison, 1840-1940 / edited by Ruth Hemstad and Peter Collective behavior, Political aspects, Germany, History,
Stadius. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 21st century.
online resource (336 pages) : illustrations (black and white). Islam, Great Britain, History, 21st century.
ISBN 9781000903553 PDF ebook £35.99 ; 9781000903607 Political violence, Religious aspects, Islam.
ePub ebook £35.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC381044
Nationalism, Europe, History, 20th century. 320.5570905
Nationalism, Europe, History, 19th century. Neoliberalism and neo-jihadism : propaganda and finance in
Scandinavianism, History, 19th century. Al Qaeda and Islamic State / Imogen Richards. —Manchester
Scandinavianism, History, 20th century. : Manchester University Press, 2023. —272 pages ; 24 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9781526171900 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC379507
Qaida (Organization)
IS (Organization)
Islamic fundamentalism, Economic aspects.
Prepublication record

320.5662 320.5662098
The emotional life of populism : how fear, disgust, resentment, Right-wing populism in Latin America and beyond / edited by
and love undermine democracy / Eva Illouz, Avital Sicron. Anthony Pereira. —London : Routledge, 2023. —352 pages :
—Cambridge : Polity Press, 2023. —232 pages illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm.
ISBN 9781509558193 paperback £14.99 ; 9781509558186 ISBN 9781032318530 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032318523
hardback £50.00 paperback £35.99
BNB Number GBC379486 BNB Number GBC378807
Democracy, Social aspects. Populism, Latin America.
Populism. COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Political aspects, Latin
Emotions, Political aspects. America.
Prepublication record Nationalism, Latin America.
Right and left (Political science), Latin America.
320.56620945 Latin America, Politics and government, 21st century.
The politics of memory in the Italian populist radical right : Prepublication record
from mare nostrum to mare vostrum / Marianna Griffini.
[online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online 320.57088296
resource (208 pages). With freedom in our ears : histories of Jewish anarchism /
ISBN 9781000885392 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000885347 edited by Anna Elena Torres, Kenyon Zimmer. [online
PDF ebook £38.99 resource] —Champaign : University of Illinois Press, 2023. —1
BNB Number GBC380651 online resource (304 pages)
Collective memory, Political aspects, Italy. ISBN 9780252054280 ebook No price
Populism, Italy. BNB Number GBC380433
Right and left (Political science), Italy. Jewish anarchists, History.
Postcolonialism, Italy. Anarchism, History, 19th century.
Italy, Politics and government, 1994-2018. Anarchism, History, 20th century.
Italy, Politics and government, 2018- Prepublication record
Prepublication record
320.56620945 Theories of the policy process. [online resource] —Fifth edition
The politics of memory in the Italian populist radical right : / edited by Christopher M. Weible. —London : Routledge,
from mare nostrum to mare vostrum / Marianna Griffini. 2023. —1 online resource (392 pages) : illustrations (black
—London : Routledge, 2023. —208 pages ; 24 cm. and white)
ISBN 9781032172002 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781000899795 ePub ebook £42.99 ; 9781000899740
BNB Number GBC378660 PDF ebook £42.99
Right and left (Political science), Italy. BNB Number GBC380978
Collective memory, Political aspects, Italy. Political planning.
Populism, Italy. Policy sciences.
Postcolonialism, Italy. Prepublication record
Italy, Politics and government, 1994-2018.
Italy, Politics and government, 2018- 320.6
Prepublication record Theories of the policy process. —Fifth edition / edited by
Christopher M. Weible. —London : Routledge, 2023. —392
320.5662098 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm
Right-wing populism in Latin America and beyond / edited by ISBN 9781032311296 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032311241
Anthony Pereira. [online resource] —London : Routledge, paperback £42.99
2023. —1 online resource (352 pages) : illustrations (black BNB Number GBC378785
and white). Policy sciences.
ISBN 9781000890297 ePub ebook £35.99 ; 9781000890198 Political planning.
PDF ebook £35.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC380750
Right and left (Political science), Latin America.
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Political aspects, Latin
Nationalism, Latin America.
Populism, Latin America.
Latin America, Politics and government, 21st century.
Prepublication record

320.60973 320.80941
Advocating for the common good : people, politics, process, British dogmatism and French pragmatism : central-local
and policy on Capitol Hill / Jane E. West. [online resource] policymaking in the welfare state / Douglas E. Ashford.
—Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —1 online —London : Routledge, 2023. —420 pages ; 24 cm.
resource (200 pages) : illustrations (black and white). ISBN 9781032516158 hardback £115.00
ISBN 9781538155240 ePub ebook No price BNB Number GBC379090
BNB Number GBC381354 Local government, Great Britain.
Pressure groups, United States. Local government, France.
Common good, Political aspects. Decentralization in government, France.
Political planning, United States. Decentralization in government, Great Britain.
Education, Political aspects, United States. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
320.60973 Political black girl magic : the elections and governance of
Advocating for the common good : people, politics, process, black female mayors / edited by Sharon D. Wright Austin ;
and policy on Capitol Hill / Jane E. West. —Lanham : Rowman with a foreword by Pearl K. Dowe. [online resource]
& Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —200 pages : illustrations (black —Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 2023. —1 online
and white) ; 26 cm. resource (336 pages) : illustrations
ISBN 9781538155233 paperback £25.00 ; 9781538155226 ISBN 9781439920299 ebook No price
hardback £73.00 BNB Number GBC381286
BNB Number GBC379538 Women mayors, United States.
Pressure groups, United States. African American mayors.
Common good, Political aspects. African American women, Political activity.
Political planning, United States. African American women politicians.
Education, Political aspects, United States. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
320.8 Political black girl magic : the elections and governance of
Decentralization : the territorial dimension of the state / Brian black female mayors / edited by Sharon D. Wright Austin ;
C. Smith. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 with a foreword by Pearl K. Dowe. —Philadelphia : Temple
online resource (233 pages). University Press, 2023. —336 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781000899832 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000899849 ISBN 9781439920282 paperback £36.00 ; 9781439920275
ePub ebook £48.99 hardback £103.00
BNB Number GBC380981 BNB Number GBC379344
Decentralization in government, Cross-cultural studies. Women mayors, United States.
Prepublication record African American women, Political activity.
African American mayors.
320.8 African American women politicians.
Decentralization : the territorial dimension of the state / Brian Prepublication record
C. Smith. —London : Routledge, 2023. —233 pages ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9781032520179 hardback £90.00 320.903
BNB Number GBC379097 Rethinking medieval and Renaissance political thought :
Decentralization in government, Cross-cultural studies. historiographical problems, fresh interpretations, new debates
Prepublication record / edited by Chris Jones, Takashi Shogimen. [online resource]
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (280 pages).
320.80941 ISBN 9781000898309 PDF ebook £35.99 ; 9781000898323
British dogmatism and French pragmatism : central-local ePub ebook £35.99
policymaking in the welfare state / Douglas E. Ashford. [online BNB Number GBC380942
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource Political science, History, 17th century.
(420 pages). Political science, Early works to 1800.
ISBN 9781000907001 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000906974 Political science, History, 16th century.
PDF ebook £48.99 Political science, History, To 1500.
BNB Number GBC381102 Philosophy, Medieval.
Decentralization in government, Great Britain. Philosophy, Renaissance.
Local government, France. Prepublication record
Decentralization in government, France.
Local government, Great Britain.
Prepublication record

320.903 320.941014
Rethinking medieval and Renaissance political thought : Political activism in the linguistic landscape, or, How to use
historiographical problems, fresh interpretations, new debates public space as a medium for protest / Philip Seargeant with
/ edited by Chris Jones, Takashi Shogimen. —London : Korina Giaxoglou and Frank Monahan. —Bristol : Multilingual
Routledge, 2023. —280 pages ; 23 cm. Matters, 2023. —104 pages ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781032380544 paperback £35.99 ; 9781032380537 ISBN 9781800416826 hardback £39.95 ; 9781800416819
hardback £130.00 paperback £10.00
BNB Number GBC378879 BNB Number GBC379871
Political science, History, 16th century. Led By Donkeys (Campaign group), Comic books, strips,
Political science, History, To 1500. etc.
Philosophy, Renaissance. Rhetoric, Political aspects, Great Britain, Comic books,
Political science, History, 17th century. strips, etc.
Political science, Early works to 1800. Public spaces, Political aspects, Great Britain, Comic
Philosophy, Medieval. books, strips, etc.
Prepublication record Communication in politics, Great Britain, Comic books,
strips, etc.
320.94 Prepublication record
Realms of royalty : new directions in researching
contemporary European monarchies / Christina Jordan, Imke 320.973
Polland (eds.). —Bielefeld : Transcript, [2020] —268 pages : What we can and can't afford : essays on Vietnam, patriotism
illustrations ; 23 cm. and American life / W.D. Ehrhart. —Jefferson, North Carolina :
ISBN 9783837645835 paperback McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2023. —277 pages :
BNB Number GBC378040 illustrations ; 23 cm
Monarchy, Europe. ISBN 9781476692203 paperback £41.95
Europe, Politics and government, 21st century. BNB Number GBC379431
United States, Politics and government.
320.941014 United States, Foreign relations.
Political activism in the linguistic landscape, or, How to use Prepublication record
public space as a medium for protest / Philip Seargeant with
Korina Giaxoglou and Frank Monahan. [online resource] 320.973
—Bristol : Multilingual Matters, 2023. —1 online resource (104 You report to me : accountability for the failing administrative
pages) state / David Bernhardt. —New York : Encounter Books, 2023.
ISBN 9781800416840 ePub ebook £5.00 ; 9781800416833 —240 pages ; 23 cm
PDF ebook £5.00 ISBN 9781641773300 hardback No price
BNB Number GBC381410 BNB Number GBC379649
Led By Donkeys (Campaign group), Comic books, strips, Public administration, United States, History, 21st century.
etc. United States, Politics and government, 2017-2021.
Communication in politics, Great Britain, Comic books, Prepublication record
strips, etc.
Rhetoric, Political aspects, Great Britain, Comic books, 321.92
strips, etc. The socialist industrial state : towards a political sociology of
Public spaces, Political aspects, Great Britain, Comic state socialism / David Lane. [online resource] —London :
books, strips, etc. Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (228 pages)
Prepublication record ISBN 9781000881981 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000881868
PDF ebook £48.99
BNB Number GBC380587
Communist state.
Prepublication record

The socialist industrial state : towards a political sociology of
state socialism / David Lane. —London : Routledge, 2023.
—228 pages ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781032494340 hardback £90.00
BNB Number GBC379039
Communist state.
Prepublication record

322.430973 323.04209034
Interest groups in American politics : pressure and power / Subaltern political subjectivities and practices in the
Anthony J. Nownes. [online resource] —Third edition. nineteenth and twentieth centuries : between loyalty and
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (316 pages) resistance / edited by Karen Lauwers, Sami Suodenjoki, and
: illustrations (black and white) Marnix Beyen. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023.
ISBN 9781000891164 ePub ebook £59.99 ; 9781000891140 —1 online resource (272 pages) : illustrations (black and
PDF ebook £59.99 white).
BNB Number GBC380779 ISBN 9781000893953 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000893960
Lobbying, United States. ePub ebook £38.99
Pressure groups, United States. BNB Number GBC380851
Prepublication record World politics, 19th century.
Political participation.
322.430973 World politics, 20th century.
Interest groups in American politics : pressure and power / Representative government and representation.
Anthony J. Nownes. —Third edition. —London : Routledge, Political science, Philosophy.
2023. —316 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781032253091 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032253084
paperback £59.99 323.04209034
BNB Number GBC378719 Subaltern political subjectivities and practices in the
Pressure groups, United States. nineteenth and twentieth centuries : between loyalty and
Lobbying, United States. resistance / edited by Karen Lauwers, Sami Suodenjoki, and
Prepublication record Marnix Beyen. —London : Routledge, 2023. —272 pages :
illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm.
322.44 ISBN 9781032268163 hardback £130.00
What should we do? : a theory of civic life / Peter Levine. BNB Number GBC378740
—New York : Oxford University Press, 2023. —248 pages : Representative government and representation.
illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 25 cm Political science, Philosophy.
ISBN 9780197570494 hardback £19.99 Political participation.
BNB Number GBC378166 World politics, 20th century.
Social movements. World politics, 19th century.
Social change. Prepublication record
Prepublication record 323.092
International attention and the protection of human rights
322.5 defenders : campaigning for agents of change / Janika
Routes to reform : civil-military relations and democracy in the Spannagel. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
third wave / David Kuehn and Aurel Croissant. [online online resource (296 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
resource] —Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2023. —1 online ISBN 9781000893441 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000893410
resource (xi, 259 pages) : illustrations (black and white). PDF ebook £38.99
ISBN 9780198803362 hardback No price ; 9780191841552 BNB Number GBC380846
ebook No price United Nations. Commission on Human Rights.
BNB Number GBC380399
Democratization. Human rights, International cooperation.
New democracies. Human rights, Tunisia.
Civil-military relations. Human rights workers, Violence against, Prevention.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

323.092 323.1196
International attention and the protection of human rights Black Lives Matter vs. All Lives Matter : a multidisciplinary
defenders : campaigning for agents of change / Janika primer / edited by Abdul Karim Bangura. —Lanham :
Spannagel. —London : Routledge, 2023. —296 pages : Lexington Books, 2023. —376 pages : illustrations (black and
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. white) ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781032431031 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781793640680 paperback £33.00
BNB Number GBC378923 BNB Number GBC379832
United Nations. Commission on Human Rights. Social movements, United States, History, 21st century. Black lives matter movement.
Human rights, International cooperation. United States, Race relations, Political aspects.
Human rights, Tunisia. United States, Race relations, 21st century.
Human rights workers, Violence against, Prevention. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
323.092 The new civil rights movement reader : resistance, resilience,
Martin Luther King Jr : a reference guide to his life and works / and justice / edited by Traci Parker, Marcia
Peter J. Ling and David Deverick. [online resource] —Lanham Walker-McWilliams. —Amherst : University of Massachusetts
: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —1 online resource Press, 2023. —600 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm
(232 pages) : illustrations (black and white). ISBN 9781625346896 paperback £34.95
ISBN 9781538113592 ePub ebook No price BNB Number GBC379599
BNB Number GBC381351 African American political activists, History, 20th century,
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968, Encyclopedias. Sources.
Civil rights workers, United States, Biography, Political activists, United States, History, 20th century,
Encyclopedias. Sources.
Civil rights movements, United States, History, 20th Civil rights movements, United States, History, 20th
century, Encyclopedias. century, Sources.
African American civil rights workers, Biography, African Americans, Civil rights, History, 20th century,
Encyclopedias. Sources.
African Americans, Biography, Encyclopedias. United States, Race relations, History, 20th century,
African Americans, Civil rights, History, 20th century, Sources.
Encyclopedias. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
323.092 We shall overcome : press photographs of Nashville during
Martin Luther King Jr : a reference guide to his life and works / the Civil Rights era / John Lewis ; edited by Kathryn E.
Peter J. Ling and David Deverick. —Lanham : Rowman & Delmez. —Nashville : Vanderbilt University Press, 2023.
Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —232 pages : illustrations (black —176 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 27 x 28 cm
and white) ; 26 cm. ISBN 9780826505767 paperback £26.95
ISBN 9781538113585 hardback £96.00 BNB Number GBC378460
BNB Number GBC379533 Civil rights movements, Tennessee, Nashville, History,
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968, Encyclopedias. 20th century, Pictorial works.
African Americans, Biography, Encyclopedias. Civil rights movements, Press coverage, Tennessee,
Civil rights movements, United States, History, 20th Nashville, Pictorial works.
century, Encyclopedias. African Americans, Civil rights, Tennessee, Nashville,
African American civil rights workers, Biography, History, 20th century, Pictorial works.
Encyclopedias. Photojournalism, Tennessee, Nashville, History, 20th
Civil rights workers, United States, Biography, century, Pictorial works.
Encyclopedias. African Americans, Tennessee, Nashville, History, 20th
African Americans, Civil rights, History, 20th century, century, Pictorial works.
Encyclopedias. Nashville (Tenn.), Race relations, History, 20th century,
Prepublication record Pictorial works.
Prepublication record

323.442 323.609481
The limits of tolerance : enlightenment values and religious Citizenship and social exclusion at the margins of the welfare
fanaticism / Denis Lacorne ; translated by C. Jon Delogu. state / edited by Marianne Takle, Janikke Solstad Vedeler, Mi
—New York : Columbia University Press, 2023. —296 pages ; Ah Schoyen, Kjetil Klette Bøhler and Asgeir Falch-Eriksen.
22 cm. —London : Routledge, 2023. —274 pages : illustrations (black
ISBN 9780231187152 paperback £19.99 and white) ; 24 cm.
BNB Number GBC378204 ISBN 9781032388793 hardback £130.00
Religion and politics. BNB Number GBC378891
Religious tolerance, Social aspects. Marginality, Social, Political aspects, Norway.
Religious tolerance, Political aspects. Welfare state, Norway.
Prepublication record People with social disabilities, Norway.
Citizenship, Norway.
323.6 Norway, Social policy.
Beyond citizenship and the nation-state / edited by Jocelyn M. Prepublication record
Boryczka, Sarah M. Surak. [online resource] —London :
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (122 pages) 323.67095693
ISBN 9781000907773 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000907797 Passport island : the market for EU citizenship in Cyprus /
ePub ebook £48.99 Theodoros Rakopoulos. [online resource] —Manchester :
BNB Number GBC381110 Manchester University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (248
Citizenship. pages) : illustrations (black and white)
Nation-state. ISBN 9781526167354 ePub ebook No price ; 9781526167378
Prepublication record PDF ebook No price
BNB Number GBC381321
323.6 Citizenship, Cyprus.
Beyond citizenship and the nation-state / edited by Jocelyn M. Passports, Cyprus.
Boryczka, Sarah M. Surak. —London : Routledge, 2023. Prepublication record
—122 pages ; 25 cm
ISBN 9781032506388 hardback £130.00 323.67095693
BNB Number GBC379065 Passport island : the market for EU citizenship in Cyprus /
Citizenship. Theodoros Rakopoulos. —Manchester : Manchester
Nation-state. University Press, 2023. —248 pages : illustrations (black and
Prepublication record white) ; 22 cm
ISBN 9781526167361 hardback No price
323.609481 BNB Number GBC379499
Citizenship and social exclusion at the margins of the welfare Passports, Cyprus.
state / edited by Marianne Takle, Janikke Solstad Vedeler, Mi Citizenship, Cyprus.
Ah Schoyen, Kjetil Klette Bøhler and Asgeir Falch-Eriksen. Prepublication record
[online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
resource (274 pages) : illustrations (black and white). 324.204
ISBN 9781000910223 ePub ebook No price ; 9781000910186 Political patronage in Asian bureaucracies / edited by B. Guy
PDF ebook No price Peters, Colin Knox, Byong-Seob Kim. —Cambridge :
BNB Number GBC381120 Cambridge University Press, 2023. —350 pages
People with social disabilities, Norway. ISBN 9781009208062 hardback £100.00
Citizenship, Norway. BNB Number GBC378500
Marginality, Social, Political aspects, Norway. Patronage, Political, Asia, Case studies.
Welfare state, Norway. Bureaucracy, Asia, Case studies.
Norway, Social policy. Prepublication record
Prepublication record

324.24107 324.273408996073
Futures of socialism : 'modernisation', the Labour Party, and Republicans and race : the GOP's frayed relationship with
the British left, 1973-1997 / Colm Murphy. —Cambridge : African Americans, 1945-1974 / Timothy N. Thurber.
Cambridge University Press, 2023. —320 pages. —Lawrence : University Press of Kansas, 2023. —512 pages ;
ISBN 9781009278812 hardback £85.00 23 cm
BNB Number GBC378513 ISBN 9780700635221 paperback £41.95
Labour Party (Great Britain) BNB Number GBC378403 Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ), History.
Political parties, Great Britain, History, 20th century. African Americans, Political activity, 20th century.
Socialism, Great Britain, History, 20th century. African Americans, Civil rights, History, 20th century.
Great Britain, Politics and government, 20th century. Party affiliation, United States, History, 20th century.
Prepublication record Civil rights, United States, History, 20th century.
African Americans, Politics and government, 20th century.
324.24107 United States, Race relations, History, 20th century.
Labour's civil wars : how infighting has kept the left from United States, Politics and government, 1945-1989.
power (and what can be done about it) / Patrick Diamond, Prepublication record
Giles Radice. —London : Haus Publishing, 2023. —240 pages
ISBN 9781913368746 paperback £12.99 324.6096
BNB Number GBC380039 African journal of democracy and election research. [online
Labour Party (Great Britain), History, 21st century. resource] —London : Adonis & Abbey Publishers Ltd
Great Britain, Politics and government, 2007- —illustrations (colour)
Prepublication record ISSN 2752-602X
BNB Number GBC377442
Political Islam and democracy in Central Asia : the Islamic 324.780973
Revival Party of Tajikistan / Adzhamsho Kalonov. [online Fundraiser in chief : presidents and the politics of campaign
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource cash / Brendan J. Doherty. —Lawrence : University Press of
(176 pages) Kansas, 2023. —224 pages ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781000902136 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000902143 ISBN 9780700635320 hardback £53.00 ; 9780700634057
ePub ebook £38.99 paperback £29.95
BNB Number GBC381024 BNB Number GBC378404
Nahz̤at-i Islāmī-i Tajīkistān. Campaign funds, United States, History, 21st century.
Islam and state, Tajikistan. Campaign funds, United States, History, 20th century,
Islam and politics, Tajikistan. United States.
Political parties, Tajikistan. Presidents, United States.
Tajikistan, Politics and government, 1991- Prepublication record
Prepublication record
324.2586 Stardust and substance : the New Zealand General Election
Political Islam and democracy in Central Asia : the Islamic of 2017 / edited by Stephen Levine. —Wellington : Victoria
Revival Party of Tajikistan / Adzhamsho Kalonov. —London : University Press, 2018. —xxxii, 560 pages : illustrations
Routledge, 2023. —176 pages ; 24 cm (colour) ; 21 cm
ISBN 9781032495385 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781776561971 paperback ; 177656197X paperback
BNB Number GBC379041 BNB Number GBC377452
Nahz̤at-i Islāmī-i Tajīkistān. New Zealand. Parliament, Elections, 2017.
Political parties, Tajikistan. Political campaigns, New Zealand.
Islam and state, Tajikistan. New Zealand, Politics and government, 21st century.
Islam and politics, Tajikistan.
Tajikistan, Politics and government, 1991-
Prepublication record

325.27428 327
Walking together : Central Americans and transit migration International politics : enduring concepts and contemporary
through Mexico / Alejandra Díaz de León. —Tucson : The issues / edited by Robert J. Art, Brandeis University, Timothy
University of Arizona Press, 2023. —277 pages ; 23 cm W. Crawford, Boston College, Robert Jervis, Columbia
ISBN 9780816546459 paperback £33.95 ; 9780816546466 University. [online resource] —Fourteenth edition. —Lanham :
hardback £112.00 Rowman & Littlefield, [2023]. —1 online resource.
BNB Number GBC378442 ISBN 9781538176931 (epub) ; 1538176939
Immigrants, Central America. BNB Number GBC377859
Central Americans, Social networks, Mexico. Globalization.
Central America, Emigration and immigration, Social World politics, 1989-
Mexico, Emigration and immigration, Social aspects. 327
Prepublication record Power vacuums and global politics : areas of state and
non-state competition in multipolarity / Hanna Samir Kassab.
325.309714 [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
The eye of the master : figures of the Québécois colonial resource (200 pages).
imaginary / Dalie Giroux ; translated by Jennifer Henderson. ISBN 9781000901153 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000901030
—Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, 2023. —184 PDF ebook £38.99
pages : illustrations ; 23 cm. BNB Number GBC381005
ISBN 9780228016373 hardback No price Legitimacy of governments.
BNB Number GBC378199 World politics, 21st century.
Decolonization, Québec (Province) Multipolarity (International relations)
Nationalism, Québec (Province) Non-state actors (International relations)
Indians of North America, Québec (Province) Failed states.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

325.4 327
Vernacular border security : citizens' narratives of Europe's Power vacuums and global politics : areas of state and
'migration crisis' / Nick Vaughan-Williams. —Oxford : Oxford non-state competition in multipolarity / Hanna Samir Kassab.
University Press, 2023. —256 pages ; 24 cm —London : Routledge, 2023. —200 pages ; 23 cm.
ISBN 9780198882695 paperback £27.50 ISBN 9781032519197 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC378194 BNB Number GBC379095
Border security, European Union countries. Multipolarity (International relations)
European Union countries, Emigration and immigration. Legitimacy of governments.
Prepublication record Non-state actors (International relations)
World politics, 21st century.
325.496 Failed states.
Forced migration, gender and wellbeing : the long-term effects Prepublication record
of displacement on women / edited by Selma Porobic, Brad K.
Blitz. —Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023. —260 327.0723
pages ; 24 cm Asymmetric neighbours and international relations : living in
ISBN 9781788111720 hardback £95.00 the shadow of elephants / edited by Ian Roberge, Nara Park
BNB Number GBC379800 and Thomas R. Klassen. [online resource] —London :
Women, Balkan Peninsula, Social conditions. Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (230 pages) :
Women, Balkan Peninsula, Psychology. illustrations (black and white).
Forced migration, Social aspects, Balkan Peninsula. ISBN 9781000892390 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000892383
Forced migration, Psychological aspects, Balkan PDF ebook £38.99
Peninsula. BNB Number GBC380814
Immigrants, Psychological aspects, Balkan Peninsula. International relations, Case studies.
Immigrants, Balkan Peninsula, Social conditions. States, Small, Case studies.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

327.0723 327.101
Asymmetric neighbours and international relations : living in The success of small states in international relations : mice
the shadow of elephants / edited by Ian Roberge, Nara Park that roar? / edited by Godfrey Baldacchino. [online resource]
and Thomas R. Klassen. —London : Routledge, 2023. —230 —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (280 pages)
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. : illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9781032283104 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781000892109 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000892123
BNB Number GBC378756 ePub ebook £38.99
International relations, Case studies. BNB Number GBC380804
States, Small, Case studies. States, Small, Case studies.
Prepublication record International relations.
International organization.
327.1 World politics.
Three tweets to midnight : effects of the global information Prepublication record
ecosystem on the risk of nuclear conflict / editors, Harold A.
Trinkunas, Herbert S. Lin, Benjamin Loehrke ; contributing 327.101
authors, Kelly M. Greenhill, Danielle Jablanski, Jaclyn A. Kerr, The success of small states in international relations : mice
Mark Kumleben, Jeffrey Lewis, Herbert S. Lin, Benjamin that roar? / edited by Godfrey Baldacchino. —London :
Loehrke, Rose McDermott, Ben O'Loughlin, Paul Slovic, Kate Routledge, 2023. —280 pages : illustrations (black and white)
Starbird, Harold A. Trinkunas, Kristin Ven Bruusgaard, ; 24 cm.
Samuel C. Woolley. —Stanford, California : Hoover Institution ISBN 9781032323787 hardback £130.00
Press, [2020] —xii, 234 pages : illustrations (black and white, BNB Number GBC378811
and colour) ; 23 cm. International organization.
ISBN 0817923357 paperback ; 9780817923358 paperback International relations.
BNB Number GBC377561 States, Small, Case studies.
Nuclear crisis stability. World politics.
Security, International. Prepublication record
Nuclear crisis control.
Manipulative behavior. 327.12730092
Online social networks, Political aspects. The liberation of Marguerite Harrison : America's first female
Information warfare. foreign intelligence agent / Elizabeth Atwood. —Annapolis,
Maryland : Naval Institute Press, [2020] —xiv, 288 pages, 16
327.101 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations (black and white) ;
Alternative paths to influence : soft power and international 24 cm
politics / edited by Giulio M. Gallarotti. [online resource] ISBN 1682475271 hardcover ; 9781682475270 hardcover
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (194 pages) BNB Number GBC377302
ISBN 9781000887297 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000887242 Harrison, Marguerite, 1878-1967.
PDF ebook £48.99 United States. War Department. Military Intelligence
BNB Number GBC380685 Division, History.
Soft power (Political science) Espionage, American, Soviet Union, History, 20th century.
Prepublication record Intelligence officers, United States, Biography.
Spies, United States, History, 20th century.
327.101 Women intelligence officers, United States, Biography.
Alternative paths to influence : soft power and international Espionage, American, Germany, History, 20th century.
politics / edited by Giulio M. Gallarotti. —London : Routledge, Soviet Union, Politics and government, 1917-1936.
2023. —194 pages ; 25 cm Baltimore (Md.), Biography.
ISBN 9781032463018 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC378982 327.1747
Soft power (Political science) The global nuclear landscape : energy, non-proliferation and
Prepublication record disarmament / edited by Manpreet Sethi. [online resource]
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (278 pages)
327.101 : illustrations (black and white)
The new constructivism in international relations theory / ISBN 9781000897999 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000897920
David M. McCourt. —Bristol : Bristol University Press, 2023. PDF ebook £38.99
—224 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm BNB Number GBC380932
ISBN 9781529217834 paperback £25.99 Nuclear energy.
BNB Number GBC379519 Nuclear disarmament.
International relations, Philosophy. Nuclear nonproliferation.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

327.1747 327.430438
The global nuclear landscape : energy, non-proliferation and White eagle, black eagle : ethnic relations in the
disarmament / edited by Manpreet Sethi. —London : German-Polish borderlands / Robert Parkin. —New York :
Routledge, 2023. —278 pages : illustrations (black and white) Berghahn Books, 2023. —192 pages ; 23 cm
; 23 cm ISBN 9781805390022 hardback £99.00
ISBN 9781032508894 hardback £130.00 BNB Number GBC379967
BNB Number GBC379068 Polish people, Ethnic identity.
Nuclear disarmament. Borderlands, Germany, History.
Nuclear energy. Germans, Ethnic identity.
Nuclear nonproliferation. Borderlands, Poland, History.
Prepublication record Germany, Relations, Poland.
Poland, Relations, Germany.
327.2 Prepublication record
A research agenda for public diplomacy / edited by Eytan
Gilboa. —Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023. —330 327.450612
pages ; 24 cm. Italy and Libya : from colonialism to a special relationship
ISBN 9781802207316 hardback £105.00 (1911-2021) / edited by Luciano Monzali, Paolo Soave. [online
BNB Number GBC379908 resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
Diplomacy. (344 pages).
Public relations. ISBN 9781000893168 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000893175
Prepublication record ePub ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC380837
327.415 Libya, Foreign relations, Italy.
Is Ireland neutral? : the many myths of Irish neutrality / Conor Libya, Politics and government.
Gallagher. —Dublin : Gill Books, 2023. —320 pages ; 24 cm Italy, Colonies, Africa.
ISBN 9780717195992 paperback £17.99 Italy, Politics and government, 1870-
BNB Number GBC378409 Italy, Foreign relations, Libya.
Neutrality, Ireland. Prepublication record
Neutrality, Ireland, History.
Ireland, Foreign relations. 327.450612
National characteristics, Irish. Italy and Libya : from colonialism to a special relationship
Prepublication record (1911-2021) / edited by Luciano Monzali, Paolo Soave.
—London : Routledge, 2023. —344 pages ; 24 cm.
327.430438 ISBN 9781032457901 hardback £130.00
White eagle, black eagle : ethnic relations in the BNB Number GBC378969
German-Polish borderlands / Robert Parkin. [online resource] Libya, Politics and government.
—New York : Berghahn Books, 2023. —1 online resource Italy, Colonies, Africa.
(192 pages) Italy, Foreign relations, Libya.
ISBN 9781805390039 PDF ebook No price Libya, Foreign relations, Italy.
BNB Number GBC381455 Italy, Politics and government, 1870-
Borderlands, Germany, History. Prepublication record
Borderlands, Poland, History.
Polish people, Ethnic identity. 327.47
Germans, Ethnic identity. The "Russian idea" in international relations : civilization and
Poland, Relations, Germany. national distinctiveness / Andrei P. Tsygankov. [online
Germany, Relations, Poland. resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
Prepublication record (180 pages).
ISBN 9781000893229 PDF ebook £35.99 ; 9781000893250
ePub ebook £35.99
BNB Number GBC380840
National characteristics, Russian.
Russia (Federation), Foreign relations, Philosophy.
Prepublication record

327.47 327.51054
The "Russian idea" in international relations : civilization and The Sino-Indian rivalry : implications for global order / Sumit
national distinctiveness / Andrei P. Tsygankov. —London : Ganguly, Manjeet S. Pardesi, William R. Thompson.
Routledge, 2023. —180 pages ; 24 cm. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —262
ISBN 9781032455600 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032455594 pages
paperback £35.99 ISBN 9781009193535 hardback £70.00 ; 9781009193528
BNB Number GBC378965 paperback £22.99
National characteristics, Russian. BNB Number GBC378496
Russia (Federation), Foreign relations, Philosophy. Strategic rivalries (World politics)
Prepublication record Sino-Indian Border Dispute, 1957-
India, Relations, China.
327.47051 China, Relations, India.
The United States and contemporary China-Russia relations : Prepublication record
theoretical insights and implications / edited by Brandon K.
Yoder. —Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. —304 327.519308
pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 21 cm North Korea, tricontinentalism, and the Latin American
ISBN 9783030939847 paperback £109.99 revolution, 1959-1970 / Moe Taylor. —Cambridge : Cambridge
BNB Number GBC380217 University Press, 2023. —240 pages
Russia (Federation), Foreign relations, China. ISBN 9781009305242 hardback £85.00
China, Foreign relations, Russia (Federation) BNB Number GBC378521
Prepublication record Cold War.
Communism, History, 20th century.
327.4950561 Korea (North), Foreign relations, Cuba.
Turkish-Greek relations : foreign policy in a securitisation Korea (North), Foreign relations, Latin America.
framework / Cihan Dizdaroğlu. [online resource] —Edinburgh : Latin America, Foreign relations, Korea (North)
Edinburgh University Press, 2023. —1 online resource. Cuba, Foreign relations, Korea (North)
ISBN 9781474492126 PDF ebook No price ; 9781474492133 Korea (North)
ePub ebook £85.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC381295
National security, Turkey. 327.54
National security, Greece. India and the changing world order / edited by Shveta
Turkey, Foreign relations, 1960-1980. Dhaliwal. [online resource] —New Delhi : Routledge India,
Turkey, Foreign relations, 1980- 2023. —1 online resource (160 pages) : illustrations (black
Turkey, Foreign relations, Greece. and white)
Greece, Foreign relations, Turkey. ISBN 9781000890174 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000890273
Greece, Foreign relations, 20th century. ePub ebook £38.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC380749
India, Politics and government.
327.4950561 India, Foreign relations.
Turkish-Greek relations : foreign policy in a securitisation Prepublication record
framework / Cihan Dizdaroğlu. —Edinburgh : Edinburgh
University Press, 2023. —1 volume ; 24 cm. 327.54
ISBN 9781474492102 hardback £85.00 India and the changing world order / edited by Shveta
BNB Number GBC379407 Dhaliwal. —New Delhi : Routledge India, 2023. —160 pages :
National security, Turkey. illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
National security, Greece. ISBN 9781032130965 hardback £130.00
Turkey, Foreign relations, 1960-1980. BNB Number GBC378610
Turkey, Foreign relations, 1980- India, Foreign relations.
Greece, Foreign relations, Turkey. India, Politics and government.
Turkey, Foreign relations, Greece. Prepublication record
Greece, Foreign relations, 20th century.
Prepublication record

327.5405493 327.598
India's Sri Lanka policy / Vinod Khobragade. [online resource] Indonesia's regional and global engagement : role theory and
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (396 pages) state transformation in foreign policy / Moch Faisal Karim.
ISBN 9781000898958 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000899023 —London : Routledge, 2023. —212 pages ; 24 cm.
ePub ebook £38.99 ISBN 9781032451954 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC380961 BNB Number GBC378959
Sri Lanka, Foreign relations, India. Joko Widodo, 1961-
India, Foreign relations, Sri Lanka.
Prepublication record Yudhoyono, Susilo Bambang, 1949-
327.5405493 Political leadership, Indonesia.
India's Sri Lanka policy / Vinod Khobragade. —London : Indonesia, Strategic aspects.
Routledge, 2023. —396 pages ; 22 cm Indonesia, Social conditions.
ISBN 9781032515878 hardback £130.00 Indonesia, Foreign economic relations.
BNB Number GBC379086 Indonesia, Politics and government, 1998-
Sri Lanka, Foreign relations, India. Indonesia, Economic conditions.
India, Foreign relations, Sri Lanka. Indonesia, Foreign relations.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

327.561 327.73
Critical readings of Turkey's foreign policy / edited by Birsen American leadership in world affairs : Vietnam and the
Erdogan, Fulya Hisarlioglu. —Basingstoke : Palgrave breakdown of consensus / Ole R. Holsti, James N. Rosenau.
Macmillan, 2023. —322 pages : illustrations (black and white) —London : Routledge, 2023. —316 pages ; 24 cm.
; 21 cm. ISBN 9781032153018 paperback £29.99
ISBN 9783030976392 paperback £49.99 BNB Number GBC378639
BNB Number GBC380223 Vietnam War, 1961-1975, Influence.
Turkey, Foreign relations. United States, Foreign relations, 1969-1974.
Prepublication record United States, Foreign relations, 1974-1977.
United States, Foreign relations, 1977-1981.
Prepublication record
Indonesia's regional and global engagement : role theory and
state transformation in foreign policy / Moch Faisal Karim. 327.73
[online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online Soft power and the future of US foreign policy / edited by
resource (212 pages). Hendrik W. Ohnesorge. [online resource] —Manchester :
ISBN 9781000896572 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000896558 Manchester University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (280
PDF ebook £38.99 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
BNB Number GBC380902 ISBN 9781526169112 ePub ebook No price ; 9781526169136
Yudhoyono, Susilo Bambang, 1949- PDF ebook No price BNB Number GBC381323
Joko Widodo, 1961- Diplomacy. Soft power (Political science), United States.
Political leadership, Indonesia. United States, Foreign relations.
Indonesia, Economic conditions. Prepublication record
Indonesia, Foreign relations.
Indonesia, Strategic aspects. 327.73
Indonesia, Social conditions. Soft power and the future of US foreign policy / edited by
Indonesia, Foreign economic relations. Hendrik W. Ohnesorge. —Manchester : Manchester University
Indonesia, Politics and government, 1998- Press, 2023. —280 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24
Prepublication record cm.
ISBN 9781526169129 hardback No price
BNB Number GBC379503
Soft power (Political science), United States.
United States, Foreign relations.
Prepublication record

327.7300905 327.73047
The United States' residual hegemony : a complex-gramscian The great nation of futurity : the discourse and temporality of
examination / Rashad Seedeen. [online resource] —London : American national identity / Patricia L. Dunmire. —New York :
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (252 pages). Oxford University Press, 2023. —216 pages ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781000892895 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000892826 ISBN 9780197658222 hardback £54.00
PDF ebook £38.99 BNB Number GBC378177
BNB Number GBC380827 Nationalism, United States, History, 20th century.
Hegemony, United States, History, 21st century. Exceptionalism, United States.
United States, Foreign relations, 2009-2017. Future, The.
United States, Foreign relations, 2017-2021. National characteristics, American.
United States, Foreign relations, 2021- United States, Foreign relations, Soviet Union.
Prepublication record Soviet Union, Foreign relations, United States.
Prepublication record
The United States' residual hegemony : a complex-gramscian 327.7305
examination / Rashad Seedeen. —London : Routledge, 2023. Indo-Pacific strategies and foreign policy challenges : the
—252 pages ; 24 cm. US-China strategic competition / edited by Hyun Ji Rim,
ISBN 9781032262215 hardback £130.00 James Platte. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023.
BNB Number GBC378732 —1 online resource : illustrations (black and white).
Hegemony, United States, History, 21st century. ISBN 9781000901139 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000901016
United States, Foreign relations, 2009-2017. PDF ebook £38.99
United States, Foreign relations, 2017-2021. BNB Number GBC381004
United States, Foreign relations, 2021- Competition, United States.
Prepublication record Competition, China.
Indo-Pacific Region, Foreign relations, United States.
327.7304 United States, Foreign relations, China.
The Routledge handbook of transatlantic relations / edited by United States, Foreign relations, Indo-Pacific Region.
Elaine Fahey. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. Indo-Pacific Region, Strategic aspects.
—1 online resource (386 pages) : illustrations (black and China, Foreign relations, United States.
white). Prepublication record
ISBN 9781000893892 PDF ebook £42.99 ; 9781000893915
ePub ebook £42.99 327.7305
BNB Number GBC380848 Indo-Pacific strategies and foreign policy challenges : the
Europe, Relations, United States. US-China strategic competition / edited by Hyun Ji Rim,
United States, Relations, Europe. James Platte. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 volume :
Prepublication record illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9781032454481 hardback £130.00
327.7304 BNB Number GBC378963
The Routledge handbook of transatlantic relations / edited by Competition, China.
Elaine Fahey. —London : Routledge, 2023. —386 pages : Competition, United States.
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. China, Foreign relations, United States.
ISBN 9781032255347 hardback £205.00 United States, Foreign relations, China.
BNB Number GBC378723 Indo-Pacific Region, Strategic aspects.
Europe, Relations, United States. United States, Foreign relations, Indo-Pacific Region.
United States, Relations, Europe. Indo-Pacific Region, Foreign relations, United States.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

The decisive decade : American grand strategy for triumph
over China / Jonathan D.T. Ward ; foreword by H.R.
McMaster. —New York : Diversion Books, 2023. —304 pages
: maps ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781635768459 hardback No price
BNB Number GBC379612
United States, Politics and government, 21st century.
China, Foreign relations, United States.
United States, Foreign relations, China.
Prepublication record

327.73056 328.4290704
The end of ambition : America's past, present, and future in Report on the Legislative Consent Memoranda for the
the Middle East / Steven A. Cook. —New York : Oxford Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Bill : 13 December 2021 =
University Press, 2023. —320 pages ; 24 cm Adroddiad ar y memoranda Cydsyniad Deddfwriaethol ar
ISBN 9780197578575 hardback £19.99 gyfer y Bil Diwygio Cyfraith Lesddaliad (Rhent Tir), 13 Rhagfyr
BNB Number GBC378168 2021 / Welsh Parliament. Local Government and Housing
United States, Foreign relations, Middle East. Committee. —[Wales] : Welsh Parliament, 13 December
United States, Foreign relations, 21st century. 2021. —18, 19 pages ; 29 cm
Middle East, Foreign relations, 21st century. BNB Number GBC377512
Middle East, Foreign relations, 20th century.
Middle East, Foreign relations, United States. 330
United States, Foreign relations, 20th century. Essentials of economics / Paul Krugman, Robin Wells. —Sixth
Prepublication record edition. —New York : Worth Publishers, 2023. —704 pages :
illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 28 cm
327.81 ISBN 9781319498573 paperback £70.99
Brazil's international activism : roles of an emerging middle BNB Number GBC380378
power / Monika Sawicka. [online resource] —London : Economics.
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (280 pages) : Prepublication record
illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9781000894721 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000894714 330
PDF ebook £38.99 Essentials of economics / Paul Krugman, Robin Wells. [online
BNB Number GBC380863 resource] —Sixth edition. —New York : Worth Publishers,
Brazil, Foreign relations, 21st century. 2023. —1 online resource (704 pages) : illustrations (black
Political leadership, Brazil. and white, and colour)
Middle powers. ISBN 9781319512002 ePub ebook £55.99
Developing countries, Foreign relations, Brazil. BNB Number GBC381220
Brazil, Foreign relations, Developing countries. Economics.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

327.81 330
Brazil's international activism : roles of an emerging middle Principles of economics / Betsey Stevenson, Justin Wolfers.
power / Monika Sawicka. —London : Routledge, 2023. —280 [online resource] —Second edition. —New York : Worth
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm. Publishers, 2023. —1 online resource : illustrations (colour)
ISBN 9780367750268 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781319513719 ePub ebook £49.99
BNB Number GBC378302 BNB Number GBC381221
Political leadership, Brazil. Economics.
Middle powers. Prepublication record
Developing countries, Foreign relations, Brazil.
Brazil, Foreign relations, 21st century.
The history and future of economics / Robert U. Ayres.
Brazil, Foreign relations, Developing countries.
—Cham : Springer, 2023. —402 pages : illustrations (black
Prepublication record
and white, and colour) ; 24 cm
328.360429 ISBN 9783031262074 hardback £39.99
First report to the sixth senedd under standing order 22.9 : BNB Number GBC380267
October 2021 = Addrodiad cyntaf i'r Chweched Senedd o dan Economics.
Reol Sefydlog 22.9, Hydref 2021 / Welsh Parliament. Economics, History.
Standards of Conduct Committee. —Cardiff Bay : Welsh Prepublication record
Parliament, October 2021. —6, 6 pages ; 29 cm
BNB Number GBC377462
The little book of economics : a pocket guide to the key
328.360429 concepts, theories and thinkers you need to know / Shaun
Review of the procedure for dealing with complaints against Rusk. [online resource] —Chichester : Summersdale, 2023.
members of the Senedd : July 2022 = Adolygiad o'r weithdrefn —1 online resource (128 pages)
ar gyfer ymdrin â chwynion yn erbyn Aelodau o'r Senedd, ISBN 9781837991839 ePub ebook £6.99
Gorffennaf 2022 / Welsh Parliament. Standards of Conduct BNB Number GBC381465
Committee. —[Wales] : Welsh Parliament, Standards of Economics, Popular works.
Conduct Committee, 2022. —18, 18 pages ; 29 cm Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC377483

330 330.122
The little book of economics : a pocket guide to the key Regimes of capital in the post-digital age / edited by Szymon
concepts, theories and thinkers you need to know / Shaun Wróbel, Krzysztof Skonieczny. [online resource] —London :
Rusk. —Chichester : Summersdale, 2023. —128 pages ; 15 Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (246 pages) :
cm illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9781800077195 paperback £6.99 ISBN 9781000889611 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000889604
BNB Number GBC379847 PDF ebook £38.99
Economics, Popular works. BNB Number GBC380732
Prepublication record Capitalism.
Information technology, Economic aspects.
330.122 Prepublication record
Immanent externalities : the reproduction of life in Capital / by
Rebecca Carson. —Leiden : Brill, 2023. —1 volume ; 24 cm. 330.122
ISBN 9789004522466 hardback No price Regimes of capital in the post-digital age / edited by Szymon
BNB Number GBC380323 Wróbel, Krzysztof Skonieczny. —London : Routledge, 2023.
Reproduction, Economic aspects. —246 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
Externalities (Economics) ISBN 9781032445205 hardback £130.00
Capitalism, Social aspects. BNB Number GBC378944
Prepublication record Information technology, Economic aspects.
330.122 Prepublication record
Refeudalization and the crisis of civilization : political essays /
Olaf Kaltmeier, Edgardo Lander. [online resource] —London : 330.16
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (238 pages) : Invisible wealth : 5 principles for the new wealth paradigm /
illustrations (black and white) Jennifer Wines. —Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023.
ISBN 9781000888959 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000888911 —224 pages ; 24 cm
PDF ebook £38.99 ISBN 9781394180530 hardback £22.99
BNB Number GBC380714 BNB Number GBC379271
Capitalism, Philosophy. Wealth.
Capitalism, History, 21st century. Interpersonal relations.
Capitalism. Prepublication record
Capitalism, Social aspects.
Latin America, Politics and government, 21st century. 330.9
Latin America, Economic conditions, 21st century. Variegated economies / Jamie Peck. —New York : Oxford
Prepublication record University Press, 2023. —392 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
ISBN 9780190076948 paperback £19.99 ; 9780190076931
330.122 hardback £64.00
Refeudalization and the crisis of civilization : political essays / BNB Number GBC378135
Olaf Kaltmeier, Edgardo Lander. —London : Routledge, 2023. Economic geography.
—238 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781032312552 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC378789 330.9045
Capitalism, Philosophy. Economists in the Cold War : how a handful of economists
Capitalism, History, 21st century. fought the battle of ideas / Alan Bollard. —Oxford : Oxford
Capitalism. University Press, 2023. —384 pages : illustrations (black and
Capitalism, Social aspects. white) ; 22 cm
Latin America, Politics and government, 21st century. ISBN 9780192887399 hardback £25.00
Latin America, Economic conditions, 21st century. BNB Number GBC378155
Prepublication record Economists, History, 20th century.
Cold War, Economic aspects.
Prepublication record

330.9052 330.941085
Regional economic systems after COVID-19 : actionable The post-war condition of Britain / G.D.H. Cole. —London :
insights for an equitable and resilient recovery / edited by Fred Routledge, 2023. —505 pages ; 22 cm.
Olayele. —Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023. ISBN 9781032522296 hardback £130.00
—264 pages ; 24 cm. BNB Number GBC379110
ISBN 9781802208207 hardback £100.00 Great Britain, Social conditions, 1945-
BNB Number GBC379909 Great Britain, Economic conditions, 1945-1964.
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Economic aspects, Regional Prepublication record
Regional economics. 330.943000905
Prepublication record Economic policy, COVID-19 and corporations : perspectives
from Central and Eastern Europe / edited by Katarzyna
330.94 Mroczek-Dabrowska, Aleksandra Kania, Anna
How citizens understand the economy : knowledge, Matysek-Jedrych. [online resource] —London : Routledge,
politicization and anchoring in the European public sphere / 2023. —1 online resource (208 pages) : illustrations (black
Dorian Alt. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 and white).
online resource (352 pages) : illustrations (black and white). ISBN 9781000893908 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000893922
ISBN 9781000889154 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000889109 ePub ebook £38.99
PDF ebook £38.99 BNB Number GBC380849
BNB Number GBC380717 COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Influence.
Economics, Europe. Industrial management, Europe, Eastern.
Public opinion, Europe. Industrial management, Europe, Central.
Europe, Economic conditions, 21st century. Europe, Central, Economic policy, 21st century.
Europe, Economic conditions, Public opinion. Europe, Eastern, Economic policy, 21st century.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

330.94 330.943000905
How citizens understand the economy : knowledge, Economic policy, COVID-19 and corporations : perspectives
politicization and anchoring in the European public sphere / from Central and Eastern Europe / edited by Katarzyna
Dorian Alt. —London : Routledge, 2023. —352 pages : Mroczek-Dabrowska, Aleksandra Kania, Anna
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. Matysek-Jedrych. —London : Routledge, 2023. —208 pages :
ISBN 9781032371559 hardback £130.00 illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
BNB Number GBC378870 ISBN 9781032384986 hardback £130.00
Public opinion, Europe. BNB Number GBC378884
Economics, Europe. COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Influence.
Europe, Economic conditions, 21st century. Industrial management, Europe, Central.
Europe, Economic conditions, Public opinion. Industrial management, Europe, Eastern.
Prepublication record Europe, Eastern, Economic policy, 21st century.
Europe, Central, Economic policy, 21st century.
330.941 Prepublication record
Radical statistics. [online resource] —London : Radical
Statistics Group —illustrations (black and white) 330.9439053
ISSN 2756-0759 Business practice in socialist Hungary. Volume 2, From chaos
BNB Number GBC377255 to contradiction, 1957-1972 / Philip Scranton. —Basingstoke :
Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. —440 pages : illustrations (black
330.941085 and white) ; 21 cm.
The post-war condition of Britain / G.D.H. Cole. [online ISBN 9783031239311 hardback £119.99
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource BNB Number GBC380240
(505 pages). Industrial management, Hungary, History, 20th century.
ISBN 9781000902006 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000901986 Socialism, Hungary, History, 20th century.
PDF ebook £48.99 Hungary, Commerce.
BNB Number GBC381020 Hungary, Economic conditions, 20th century.
Great Britain, Economic conditions, 1945-1964. Prepublication record
Great Britain, Social conditions, 1945-
Prepublication record

330.9439053 330.947084
Business practice in socialist Hungary. Volume 2, From chaos Economic trends in Soviet Russia / A. Yugoff ; translated by
to contradiction, 1957-1972 / Philip Scranton. [online Eden and Cedar Paul. —London : Routledge, 2023. —350
resource] —Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. —1 pages ; 24 cm.
online resource (440 pages) : illustrations (black and white). ISBN 9781032488936 hardback £105.00
ISBN 9783031239328 PDF ebook £119.50 BNB Number GBC379025
BNB Number GBC381497 Soviet Union, Economic conditions, 1917-1945.
Industrial management, Hungary, History, 20th century. Prepublication record
Socialism, Hungary, History, 20th century.
Hungary, Economic conditions, 20th century. 330.947084
Hungary, Commerce. Russia and America : the roots of economic divergence /
Prepublication record Colin White. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023.
—1 online resource (268 pages).
330.947 ISBN 9781000881608 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000881752
Soviet economics. —London : Routledge, 2023. —22 volumes ePub ebook £48.99
(6280 pages) ; 24 cm. BNB Number GBC380577
ISBN 9781032484662 set £1955.00 Soviet Union, Economic conditions, History.
BNB Number GBC379007 United States, Economic conditions, 20th century.
Soviet Union, Economic policy. Prepublication record
Soviet Union, Economic conditions.
Prepublication record 330.947084
Russia and America : the roots of economic divergence /
330.947 Colin White. —London : Routledge, 2023. —268 pages ; 24
The Second Five-Year Plan of development of the U.S.S.R. / cm.
W.P. Coates, Zelda K. Coates. [online resource] —London : ISBN 9781032485614 hardback £90.00
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (130 pages) BNB Number GBC379012
ISBN 9781000881837 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000881684 United States, Economic conditions, 20th century.
PDF ebook £48.99 Soviet Union, Economic conditions, History.
BNB Number GBC380584 Prepublication record
Soviet Union, Economic policy, 1928-1932.
Soviet Union, Economic policy, 1933-1937. 330.9471
Prepublication record The Northern Sea Route and the economy of the Soviet North
/ Constantine Krypton. [online resource] —London :
330.947 Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (220 pages).
The Second Five-Year Plan of development of the U.S.S.R. / ISBN 9781000881806 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000881653
W.P. Coates, Zelda K. Coates. —London : Routledge, 2023. PDF ebook £48.99
—130 pages ; 24 cm BNB Number GBC380581
ISBN 9781032487496 hardback £85.00 Northeast Passage, Economic aspects.
BNB Number GBC379020 Russia, Northern, Economic aspects.
Soviet Union, Economic policy, 1928-1932. Prepublication record
Soviet Union, Economic policy, 1933-1937.
Prepublication record 330.9471
The Northern Sea Route and the economy of the Soviet North
330.947084 / Constantine Krypton. —London : Routledge, 2023. —220
Economic trends in Soviet Russia / A. Yugoff ; translated by pages ; 24 cm.
Eden and Cedar Paul. [online resource] —London : ISBN 9781032490205 hardback £90.00
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (350 pages). BNB Number GBC379031
ISBN 9781000881851 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000881707 Northeast Passage, Economic aspects.
PDF ebook £48.99 Russia, Northern, Economic aspects.
BNB Number GBC380586 Prepublication record
Soviet Union, Economic conditions, 1917-1945.
Prepublication record

330.954 330.9669
India's social and economic transformation in the 21st century Reclaiming the jewel of Africa : a blueprint for taking Nigeria
/ edited by Pallavi Choudhuri, Sonalde Desai, Amaresh and Africa from potential to prosperity / Olusegun Aganga.
Dubey. [online resource] —New Delhi : Routledge India, 2023. —Tadley : Practical Inspiration Publishing, 2023. —298 pages
—1 online resource (238 pages) : illustrations (black and : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
white) ISBN 9781788604499 paperback £19.99
ISBN 9781000889642 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000889710 BNB Number GBC379806
ePub ebook £38.99 Nigeria, Social conditions.
BNB Number GBC380734 Nigeria, Economic conditions.
India, Social conditions, 21st century. Prepublication record
India, Economic conditions, 21st century.
Prepublication record 330.973
The myth of capitalism : monopolies and the death of
330.954 competition / Jonathan Tepper with Denise Hearn. —Hoboken
India's social and economic transformation in the 21st century : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —336 pages : illustrations
/ edited by Pallavi Choudhuri, Sonalde Desai, Amaresh (black and white) ; 23 cm
Dubey. —New Delhi : Routledge India, 2023. —238 pages : ISBN 9781394184064 paperback £16.99
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm BNB Number GBC379277
ISBN 9780367819446 hardback £130.00 Monopolies, United States.
BNB Number GBC378316 Capitalism, United States.
India, Social conditions, 21st century. Prepublication record
India, Economic conditions, 21st century.
Prepublication record 330.99303
New Zealand in the making : a survey of economic and social
330.9570854 development / J.B. Condliffe. [online resource] —London :
The Soviet Far East : geographical perspectives on Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (520 pages).
development / edited by Allan Rodgers. [online resource] ISBN 9781000904208 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000904178
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (318 pages) PDF ebook £48.99
: illustrations, maps. BNB Number GBC381049
ISBN 9781000882018 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000881899 New Zealand, Social conditions, 1918-1945.
PDF ebook £48.99 New Zealand, Politics and government, 20th century.
BNB Number GBC380590 New Zealand, Economic conditions, 1918-1945.
Russian Far East (Russia), Economic conditions. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
330.9570854 New Zealand in the making : a survey of economic and social
The Soviet Far East : geographical perspectives on development / J.B. Condliffe. —London : Routledge, 2023.
development / edited by Allan Rodgers. —London : —520 pages ; 24 cm.
Routledge, 2023. —318 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm. ISBN 9781032521770 hardback £130.00
ISBN 9781032485188 hardback £105.00 BNB Number GBC379107
BNB Number GBC379010 New Zealand, Economic conditions, 1918-1945.
Russian Far East (Russia), Economic conditions. New Zealand, Social conditions, 1918-1945.
Prepublication record New Zealand, Politics and government, 20th century.
Prepublication record
Reclaiming the jewel of Africa : a blueprint for taking Nigeria 331
and Africa from potential to prosperity / Olusegun Aganga. Working as equals : relational egalitarianism and the
[online resource] —Tadley : Practical Inspiration Publishing, workplace / Julian David Jonker and Grant J. Rozeboom ; with
2023. —1 online resource (298 pages) : illustrations (black a foreword by Elizabeth Anderson. —New York : Oxford
and white) University Press, 2023. —272 pages ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781788604505 Mobipocket ebook £9.99 ; ISBN 9780197634295 hardback £71.00 ; 9780197634301
9781788604512 ePub ebook £9.99 paperback £22.99
BNB Number GBC381392 BNB Number GBC378172
Nigeria, Social conditions. Business ethics.
Nigeria, Economic conditions. Organizational behavior, Moral and ethical aspects.
Prepublication record Equality.
Industrial relations.
Prepublication record

331.04223340941 331.0947
The miners in crisis and war : a history of the Miners' Labour in transition : the labour process in Eastern Europe
Federation of Great Britain from 1930 onwards / Robert Page and China / edited by Chris Smith, Paul Thompson. —London
Arnot. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 : Routledge, 2023. —266 pages ; 24 cm.
online resource (467 pages). ISBN 9781032493671 hardback £90.00
ISBN 9781000895681 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000895643 BNB Number GBC379038
PDF ebook £48.99 Industrial relations, Soviet Union.
BNB Number GBC380884 Industrial relations, Europe, Eastern.
Miners' Federation of Great Britain, History. Industrial relations, China.
Coal miners, Great Britain, History. China, Economic conditions, 1976-2000.
Prepublication record Europe, Eastern, Economic conditions, 1989-
Soviet Union, Economic conditions, 1985-1991.
331.04223340941 Prepublication record
The miners in crisis and war : a history of the Miners'
Federation of Great Britain from 1930 onwards / Robert Page 331.0947
Arnot. —London : Routledge, 2023. —467 pages ; 25 cm. Soviet management and labor relations / Bruno Grancelli.
ISBN 9781032505985 hardback £115.00 [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
BNB Number GBC379063 resource (248 pages).
Miners' Federation of Great Britain, History. ISBN 9781000881929 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000882049
Coal miners, Great Britain, History. ePub ebook £48.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC380592
Labor, Soviet Union.
331.094 Industrial relations, Soviet Union.
Work and employment relations in Southern Europe : the Prepublication record
impact of de-regulation, organizational change and social
fragmentation on worker representation and action / edited by 331.0947
Carlos J. Fernández Rodríguez, Miguel Martínez Lucio. Soviet management and labor relations / Bruno Grancelli.
—Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023. —206 pages ; —London : Routledge, 2023. —248 pages ; 24 cm.
24 cm. ISBN 9781032490014 hardback £90.00
ISBN 9781789909531 hardback £80.00 BNB Number GBC379027
BNB Number GBC379818 Labor, Soviet Union.
Industrial sociology, Europe, Southern. Industrial relations, Soviet Union.
Industrial relations, Europe, Southern. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
331.0947 Electronic systems for employment dynamics : business
Labour in transition : the labour process in Eastern Europe improvement and ethical decision-making / Élodie Agba.
and China / edited by Chris Smith, Paul Thompson. [online [online resource] —Toronto : Apple Academic Press, 2023.
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource —1 online resource
(266 pages). ISBN 9781000843521 ePub ebook £131.00
ISBN 9781000881677 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000881820 BNB Number GBC380498
ePub ebook £48.99 Labor supply, Effect of automation on.
BNB Number GBC380583 Automation, Economic aspects.
Industrial relations, Europe, Eastern. Labor supply, Effect of technological innovations on.
Industrial relations, Soviet Union. Prepublication record
Industrial relations, China.
Europe, Eastern, Economic conditions, 1989- 331.11
China, Economic conditions, 1976-2000. Implementation of Developing the Young Workforce (DYW)
Soviet Union, Economic conditions, 1985-1991. school coordinators : pre-screening notification. [online
Prepublication record resource] —Edinburgh : The Scottish Government, 2021. —1
online resource (4 unnumbered pages)
ISBN 9781802013030 Electronic book (PDF format)
BNB Number GBC381629

331.11 331.4094
Labour and locality : uneven development and the rural labour The whole economy : work and gender in early modern
process / edited by Terry Marsden, Philip Lowe, Sarah Europe / edited by Catriona Macleod, Alexandra Shepard,
Whatmore. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 Maria Ågren. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,
online resource (184 pages). 2023. —259 pages
ISBN 9781000882834 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000882797 ISBN 9781009359351 hardback £80.00 ; 9781009359368
PDF ebook £48.99 paperback £26.99
BNB Number GBC380610 BNB Number GBC378540
Regional economic disparities. Economic development, Europe.
Rural industries, Location. Women, Employment, Europe, History.
Rural development. Prepublication record
Manpower policy, Rural.
Prepublication record 331.409420903
Women, work, and wages in England, 1600-1850 / edited by
331.11 Penelope Lane, Neil Raven and K.D.M. Snell. [online
Labour and locality : uneven development and the rural labour resource] —Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK ; Rochester, NY :
process / edited by Terry Marsden, Philip Lowe, Sarah Boydell Press, 2004. —1 online resource (xi, 239 pages) :
Whatmore. —London : Routledge, 2023. —184 pages ; 24 cm. illustrations, maps.
ISBN 9781032496191 hardback £80.00 ISBN 1846152461 (electronic bk.) ; 9781846152467
BNB Number GBC379047 (electronic bk.)
Rural development. BNB Number GBC377742
Manpower policy, Rural. Women, England, Social conditions.
Regional economic disparities. Sex role, England, History.
Rural industries, Location. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS, Labor.
Prepublication record Women, England, Economic conditions.
POLITICAL SCIENCE, Labor & Industrial Relations.
331.12 Women, Employment, England, History.
Skills, creativity and innovation in the digital platform era : BUSINESS & ECONOMICS, Human Resources &
analyzing the new reality of professions and entrepreneurship Personnel Management.
/ Anne Kovalainen and Seppo Poutanen. [online resource]
—Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2023. —1 331.4133
online resource (197 p.). Glass walls : shattering the six gender bias barriers still
ISBN 9781351038539 ; 9781351038522 electronic book ; holding women back at work / Amy Diehl, Leanne M.
1351038524 electronic book ; 1351038532 Dzubinski. [online resource] —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield
BNB Number GBC377684 Publishers, 2023. —1 online resource (302 pages) :
Labor supply, Effect of technological innovations on. illustrations (black and white)
Work. ISBN 9781538170977 ePub ebook £37.00
Professions. BNB Number GBC381360
Technological innovations, Economic aspects. Sex discrimination against women.
Entrepreneurship. Women, Employment.
Sex discrimination in employment.
331.120948 Prepublication record
Conflict resolution in the Nordic world / Peter Munk
Christiansen. —Aarhus : Aarhus University Press, 2023. 331.4133
—108 pages Glass walls : shattering the six gender bias barriers still
ISBN 9788775970049 paperback £11.00 holding women back at work / Amy Diehl, Leanne M.
BNB Number GBC380316 Dzubinski. —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023.
Labor market, Scandinavia. —302 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 22 cm
Manpower policy, Scandinavia. ISBN 9781538170960 hardback £28.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379547
Women, Employment.
331.21 Sex discrimination in employment.
Nudging the Minimum Wage. [online resource] —[United Sex discrimination against women.
Kingdom] : Department for Business and Trade, 2023. —1 Prepublication record
online resource.
BNB Number GBC381601

331.4133 331.881223340941
I am the storm : inspiring stories of people who fight against The miners : one union, one industry : a history of the National
overwhelming odds / Janice Dean. [online resource] —New Union of Mineworkers 1939-46 / R. Page Arnot. —London :
York, NY : Harper, [2023]. —1 online resource (256 pages) : Routledge, 2023. —230 pages ; 25 cm.
illustrations (chiefly color). ISBN 9781032514550 hardback £90.00
ISBN 9780063243217 (electronic bk.) ; 0063243210 BNB Number GBC379077
(electronic bk.) National Union of Mineworkers, History.
BNB Number GBC377832 Coal mines and mining, Great Britain, History, 20th
Dean, Janice, 1970- century.
Cuomo, Andrew M., 1957- Prepublication record
Self-actualization (Psychology)
Sexual harassment. 332
Courage. Financialisation : measurement, driving forces and
Heroes, Biography. consequences / Imad A. Moosa. —Cheltenham : Edward
Conduct of life. Elgar Publishing, 2023. —252 pages ; 24 cm
Resilience (Personality trait) ISBN 9781803926575 hardback £90.00
Self-preservation. BNB Number GBC379936
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, New York (State), New York. Economic development.
331.702 Prepublication record
Career anchors reimagined : finding direction and opportunity
in the changing world of work / Edgar H. Schein, John Van 332
Maanen, Peter A. Schein. [online resource] —Fifth edition. Financialization : relational approaches / edited by Chris
—Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —1 online Hann, Don Kalb. —New York : Berghahn Books, 2023. —358
resource pages.
ISBN 9781119899495 ePub ebook £26.99 ISBN 9781800739277 paperback £27.95
BNB Number GBC381197 BNB Number GBC379877
Vocational guidance. Financialization.
Prepublication record Finance, History.
Prepublication record
Onion Johnnies : recollections of seasonal French Onion 332
sellers in Scotland / Ian MacDougall. —New edition. On the methodology of financial economics : a
—Edinburgh : Origin, 2023. —208 pages : illustrations, maps ; multi-paradigmatic look at bias in the mainstream / Kavous
20 cm Ardalan. —Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023.
ISBN 9781839830310 paperback £9.99 —308 pages ; 24 cm
BNB Number GBC379999 ISBN 9781035311989 hardback £100.00
Foreign workers, French, Social conditions, Scotland. BNB Number GBC379133
Onion industry, Scotland. Finance.
Foreign workers, French, Scotland. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
331.881223340941 Artificial intelligence and financial behaviour / edited by
The miners : one union, one industry : a history of the National Riccardo Viale, Shabnam Mousavi, Umberto Filotto, Barbara
Union of Mineworkers 1939-46 / R. Page Arnot. [online Alemanni. —Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023.
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource —270 pages ; 24 cm.
(230 pages). ISBN 9781803923147 hardback £95.00
ISBN 9781000906523 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000906516 BNB Number GBC379935
PDF ebook £48.99 Finance, Psychological aspects, Data processing.
BNB Number GBC381090 Investments, Psychological aspects, Data processing.
National Union of Mineworkers, History. Artificial intelligence, Financial applications.
Coal mines and mining, Great Britain, History, 20th Prepublication record
Prepublication record

332.024 332.04150973
Budgeting / Athena Valentine Lent. [online resource] Investing in innovation : confronting predatory value extraction
—Hoboken, NJ : For Dummies, 2023. —1 online resource in the U.S. corporation / William Lazonick. [online resource]
(320 pages) —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —1 online
ISBN 9781119985167 ePub ebook £15.99 resource (75 pages).
BNB Number GBC381205 ISBN 9781009410700 ebook £90.00
Budgets, Personal. BNB Number GBC381164
Financial literacy. Investments, United States.
Prepublication record Financialization, United States.
Prepublication record
Budgeting / Athena Valentine Lent. —Hoboken, NJ : For 332.092
Dummies, 2023. —320 pages ; 24 cm SBF : how the FTX bankruptcy unwound crypto's very bad
ISBN 9781119985143 paperback £15.99 good guy / Brady Dale. —Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
BNB Number GBC379183 2023. —352 pages ; 24 cm
Budgets, Personal. ISBN 9781394196067 hardback £22.99
Financial literacy. BNB Number GBC379284
Prepublication record Bankman-Fried, Sam.
FTX (Firm)
332.02401 Fraud, United States.
Grow your wealth faster with alternative assets : a complete Cryptocurrencies, United States.
guide to the new universe of investment opportunities / Travis Bankruptcy, United States.
Miller. —Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —224 Financial services industry, Corrupt practices, United
pages States.
ISBN 9781394184996 paperback £19.50 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC379278
Finance, Personal. 332.4
Investments. Central bank digital currencies : the future of money / Michael
Prepublication record Lloyd. [online resource] —Newcastle upon Tyne : Agenda
Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource (168 pages)
332.028563 ISBN 9781788216340 ePub ebook No price ; 9781788216333
AI for finance / Edward P.K. Tsang. [online resource] —Boca PDF ebook £34.99
Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online resource (106 pages) : BNB Number GBC381389
illustrations (black and white). Digital currency.
ISBN 9781000878578 ePub ebook £22.99 ; 9781000878523 Banks and banking, Central.
PDF ebook £22.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC380538
Finance, Data processing. 332.4
Investments, Data processing. Central bank digital currencies : the future of money / Michael
Artificial intelligence, Financial applications. Lloyd. —Newcastle upon Tyne : Agenda Publishing, 2023.
Prepublication record —168 pages ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781788216326 paperback £34.99
332.028563 BNB Number GBC379803
AI for finance / Edward P.K. Tsang. —Boca Raton : CRC Banks and banking, Central.
Press, 2023. —106 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 20 Digital currency.
cm. Prepublication record
ISBN 9781032384436 paperback £22.99 ; 9781032391205
hardback £120.00 332.41
BNB Number GBC378895 Inflation dynamic : global positive economic analysis /
Investments, Data processing. Weshah Razzak. [online resource] —London : Routledge,
Artificial intelligence, Financial applications. 2023. —1 online resource (336 pages) : illustrations (black
Finance, Data processing. and white).
Prepublication record ISBN 9781000880557 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000880571
ePub ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC380561
Inflation (Finance), Case studies.
Inflation (Finance), Econometric models.
Prepublication record
332.41 332.6076
Inflation dynamic : global positive economic analysis / Private client investment advice & management : Certificate in
Weshah Razzak. —London : Routledge, 2023. —336 pages : Private Client Investment Advice & Management / author: Kim
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. Holding, Chartered MCSI. —Edition 9. —London : Chartered
ISBN 9781032465449 hardback £130.00 Institute for Securities & Investment, December 2022. —vi,
BNB Number GBC378984 550 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 29 cm
Inflation (Finance), Econometric models. ISBN 9781915152282 paperback
Macroeconomics. BNB Number GBC377595
Inflation (Finance), Case studies. Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment,
Prepublication record Examinations, Study guides.
Investment advisors, Certification, Great Britain,
332.6 Examinations, Study guides.
Portfolio management : delivering on strategy. [online Investments, Great Britain, Examinations, Study guides.
resource] —Second edition / edited by Carl Marnewick and
John Wyzalek. —Boca Raton : Auerbach, 2023. —1 online 332.6076
resource (258 pages) : illustrations (black and white). UK regulation and professional integrity : Investment Advice
ISBN 9781000897647 ePub ebook £44.99 ; 9781000897630 Diploma / author: Phil Read, Chartered FCSI, Rebecca Aston,
PDF ebook £44.99 Professional Standards Manager, CISI, (Chapter 4). —Edition
BNB Number GBC380924 15. —London : Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment,
Portfolio management. December 2022. —vi, 532 pages : illustrations (black and
Organization. white) ; 29 cm
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC377599
Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment,
332.6 Examinations, Study guides.
Portfolio management : delivering on strategy. —Second Financial Conduct Authority (Great Britain), Examinations,
edition / edited by Carl Marnewick and John Wyzalek. —Boca Study guides.
Raton : Auerbach, 2023. —258 pages : illustrations (black and Bank of England. Prudential Regulation Authority,
white) ; 24 cm. Examinations, Study guides.
ISBN 9781032326290 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032326269 Investments, Examinations, Study guides.
paperback £44.99 Investment advisors, Professional ethics, Examinations,
BNB Number GBC378815 Study guides.
Portfolio management. Investment advisors, Certification, Great Britain,
Organization. Examinations, Study guides.
Prepublication record Financial services industry, Law and legislation, Great
Britain, Examinations, Study guides.
What I learned about investing from Darwin / Pulak Prasad. 332.642
[online resource] —New York : Columbia Business School Stock markets of the Arab world : trends, problems, and
Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource (328 pages) : prospects for integration / A.S. Abdul Hadi. [online resource]
illustrations —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (178 pages).
ISBN 9780231555074 PDF ebook £24.99 ISBN 9781000906738 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000906745
BNB Number GBC380423 ePub ebook £48.99
Investments. BNB Number GBC381094
Evolution (Biology) and the social sciences. Stock exchanges, Arab countries.
Prepublication record Arab countries, Economic integration.
Prepublication record
What I learned about investing from Darwin / Pulak Prasad. 332.642
—New York : Columbia Business School Publishing, 2023. Stock markets of the Arab world : trends, problems, and
—328 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm prospects for integration / A.S. Abdul Hadi. —London :
ISBN 9780231203487 hardback £21.99 Routledge, 2023. —178 pages ; 24 cm.
BNB Number GBC378208 ISBN 9781032511276 hardback £85.00
Evolution (Biology) and the social sciences. BNB Number GBC379076
Investments. Stock exchanges, Arab countries.
Prepublication record Arab countries, Economic integration.
Prepublication record

333.3 333.33
Routledge handbook of global land and resource grabbing / Real estate prospecting : create a million-dollar life through
edited by Andreas Neef, Chanrith Ngin, Tsegaye Moreda relationships, online leads, technology, and social media /
Shegro, and Sharlene Mollett. [online resource] —London : Tristan Ahumada. [online resource] —Hoboken : John Wiley &
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (440 pages) : Sons, Inc., 2023. —1 online resource (240 pages)
illustrations (black and white). ISBN 9781394172177 ePub ebook £22.99
ISBN 9781000902358 PDF ebook No price ; 9781000902372 BNB Number GBC381243
ePub ebook No price Real estate listings.
BNB Number GBC381029 Real estate business.
Land tenure. Prepublication record
Natural resources, Management.
Critical geography. 333.7
Prepublication record Carbon storage and sequestration by habitat : a review of the
evidence (second edition) / Ruth Gregg, Jessica Elias, Isabel
333.3 Alonso, Ian Crosher, Paul Muto and Mike Morecroft. [online
Routledge handbook of global land and resource grabbing / resource] —Second edition. —York : Natural England, 2021.
edited by Andreas Neef, Chanrith Ngin, Tsegaye Moreda —1 online resource (xvi, 221 pages) : illustrations (black and
Shegro, and Sharlene Mollett. —London : Routledge, 2023. white, and colour), maps (colour).
—440 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm. ISBN 9781783547326
ISBN 9780367532024 hardback £205.00 BNB Number GBC377519
BNB Number GBC378272
Land tenure. 333.7
Natural resources, Management. The natural dividend : just management of our common
Critical geography. resources / Jonathon Moses, Anne Margrethe Brigham.
Prepublication record [online resource] —Newcastle upon Tyne : Agenda
Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource (288 pages)
333.33 ISBN 9781788214414 PDF ebook £24.99 ; 9781788214421
Information application with real estate applications / Fredrik ePub ebook No price
Armerin, Madeleine Hoeft. [online resource] —London : BNB Number GBC381388
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (182 pages) : Natural resources, Co-management.
illustrations (black and white, and colour) Conservation of natural resources, Political aspects.
ISBN 9781000886689 PDF ebook £42.99 ; 9781000886726 Natural resources, Communal.
ePub ebook £42.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC380674
Real estate business, Information technology. 333.7
Strategic planning. The natural dividend : just management of our common
Information technology. resources / Jonathon Moses, Anne Margrethe Brigham.
Prepublication record —Newcastle upon Tyne : Agenda Publishing, 2023. —288
pages ; 24 cm
333.33 ISBN 9781788214407 paperback £24.99 ; 9781788214391
Information application with real estate applications / Fredrik hardback £75.00
Armerin, Madeleine Hoeft. —London : Routledge, 2023. —182 BNB Number GBC379802
pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 26 cm Natural resources, Co-management.
ISBN 9781032276014 paperback £42.99 ; 9781032287744 Conservation of natural resources, Political aspects.
hardback £120.00 Natural resources, Communal.
BNB Number GBC378762 Prepublication record
Real estate business, Information technology.
Information technology. 333.7098
Strategic planning. Sovereign forces : everyday challenges to environmental
Prepublication record governance in Latin America / John-Andrew McNeish. —New
York : Berghahn Books, 2023. —286 pages
ISBN 9781800739314 paperback £27.95
BNB Number GBC379878
Environmental policy, Latin America.
Natural resources, Latin America, Management.
Energy industries, Government policy, Latin America.
Mineral industries, Government policy, Latin America.
Prepublication record

333.714 333.72
Assessing the potential consequences of climate change for Countryside Stewardship : capital items / Natural England.
England’s landscapes : Sherwood / Louisa Aspden [and four [online resource] —[Revised edition]. —[England] : Natural
others]. [online resource] —[York?] : Natural England, August England, [2015] —1 online resource (274 pages)
2013. —1 online resource (100 pages) : illustrations (colour), BNB Number GBC377550
maps (colour).
ISBN 9781783540273 333.72
BNB Number GBC377541 Countryside Stewardship : options and supplements / Natural
England. [online resource] —[Revised edition]. —[England] :
333.714 Natural England, [2015] —1 online resource (342 pages)
Climate change adaptation manual : evidence to support BNB Number GBC377548
nature conservation in a changing climate / Natural England.
[online resource] —[England] : Natural England, 2014. —1 333.72
online resource (221 pages) : illustrations (colour) Countryside Stewardship manual : applies to all multi-year
BNB Number GBC377539 and Water Quality capital grant agreements commencing on 1
January 2016 / Natural England. [online resource] —[England]
333.714 : Natural England, November 2015. —1 online resource (92
Fundamentals of environmental assessment / Glenn W. Suter pages)
II. [online resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 BNB Number GBC377562
online resource (302 pages) : illustrations (black and white,
and colour) 333.72
ISBN 9781000882964 PDF ebook £82.99 ; 9781000882971 Evaluating the impacts of limiting free choice in management
ePub ebook £82.99 option selection by Entry Level Stewardship (ELS) applicants /
BNB Number GBC380615 N. Boatman. [online resource] —[England] : Natural England,
Environmental impact analysis. July 2013. —1 online resource (85 pages) : illustrations
Health risk assessment. (colour).
Environmental risk assessment. ISBN 9781783540204
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC378074

333.714 333.72096881
Fundamentals of environmental assessment / Glenn W. Suter The global politics of local conservation : climate change and
II. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —302 pages : resource governance in Namibia / Andrew Heffernan.
illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm —Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. —266 pages :
ISBN 9780367705923 hardback £82.99 illustrations (black and white) ; 21 cm.
BNB Number GBC378292 ISBN 9783031241765 hardback £109.99
Environmental risk assessment. BNB Number GBC380243
Environmental impact analysis. Climatic changes, Namibia.
Health risk assessment. Natural resources, Management, Citizen participation.
Prepublication record Community-based conservation, Namibia.
Natural resources, Co-management, Namibia.
333.72 Prepublication record
Black earth wisdom : soulful conversations with Black
environmentalists / edited by Leah Penniman. [online 333.72096881
resource] —New York : Amistad, 2023. —1 online resource. The global politics of local conservation : climate change and
ISBN 9780063160910 (electronic bk.) ; 0063160919 resource governance in Namibia / Andrew Heffernan. [online
(electronic bk.) resource] —Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. —1
BNB Number GBC377871 online resource (266 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
Environmentalists, Interviews. ISBN 9783031241772 PDF ebook £109.50
Environmentalism. BNB Number GBC381499
Ecology. Natural resources, Co-management, Namibia.
African American environmentalists, Interviews. Climatic changes, Namibia.
Community-based conservation, Namibia.
333.72 Natural resources, Management, Citizen participation.
Building Partnerships for Nature’s Recovery. [online resource] Prepublication record
—[United Kingdom] : Natural England, [2020] —1 online
resource (20 pages) : illustrations (colour)
ISBN 9781783673582
BNB Number GBC377309

333.73 333.7516096762
River basins and international relations : cooperation, conflict A political ecology of Kenya's Mau Forest : the land, the trees,
and sub-regional approaches / edited by Christian Ploberger. and the people / Lisa Elena Fuchs. [online resource]
[online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online —Woodbridge, Suffolk ; Rochester, NY : James Currey, 2023.
resource (164 pages) : illustrations (black and white). —1 online resource (xx, 379 pages) : illustrations, maps.
ISBN 9781000891218 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000891188 ISBN 1800109210 (electronic bk.) ; 9781800109209
PDF ebook £38.99 electronic book ; 9781800109216 (electronic bk.) ;
BNB Number GBC380781 1800109202 electronic book
Water rights (International law) BNB Number GBC377736
International relations. Forest conservation, Kenya, South West Mau Forest
Water resources development. Reserve.
Watersheds. Forest reserves, Kenya.
Prepublication record Political ecology, Kenya.
South West Mau Forest Reserve (Kenya), Environmental
333.73 conditions.
River basins and international relations : cooperation, conflict
and sub-regional approaches / edited by Christian Ploberger. 333.7809691
—London : Routledge, 2023. —164 pages : illustrations (black The protected areas of Lokobe, Ankarana, and Montagne
and white) ; 22 cm. d'Ambre in northern Madagascar / Steven M. Goodman,
ISBN 9781032152790 hardback £130.00 Marie Jeanne Raherilalo, Sébastien Wohlhauser. —Bilingual
BNB Number GBC378636 edition. —Antananarivo : Vahatra, 2023. —76 pages :
International relations. illustrations (colour) ; 21 cm.
Watersheds. ISBN 9782957984909 paperback No price
Water rights (International law) BNB Number GBC380212
Water resources development. Protected areas, Madagascar.
Prepublication record National parks and reserves, Madagascar.
Prepublication record
Framework for monitoring environmental outcomes in 333.79
protected landscapes / Liz Bingham. [online resource] 100MW Green Hydrogen Hub Feasibility Report. [online
—[England] : Natural England, 2014. —1 online resource (52 resource] —[United Kingdom] : Emerald Green Power Ltd,
pages) : illustrations (colour), 1 map (colour). 2022. —1 online resource.
ISBN 9781783541003 BNB Number GBC381621
BNB Number GBC378096
333.75 Ammonia Synthesis Plant from Intermittent Renewable
Social forestry : tending the land as people of place / Tomi Energy (ASPIRE) : Feasibility Study. [online resource]
Hazel Vaarde ; foreword by Starhawk. —Santa Fe : —[United Kingdom] : Science and Technology Facilities
Synergetic Press, 2023. —512 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm Council, 2022. —1 online resource.
ISBN 9781957869063 paperback No price BNB Number GBC381611
BNB Number GBC380135
Forests and forestry, Social aspects. 333.79
Prepublication record BEIS Low Carbon H2 Supply Competition - HS2135 :
Microwave Energy System for Distributed Hydrogen
333.75099462 Production from Natural Gas with Very Low CO2 Emissions :
Eroding the edges of nature : Mount Field and the Florentine Feasibility Study Report. [online resource] —[United Kingdom]
Valley : Tasmania's first national park and a century of : Suiso, 2022. —1 online resource.
lessons / Kevin Kiernan. —Hobart, TAS : Fullers Publishing, BNB Number GBC381619
2018. —488 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour),
maps (colour) ; 27 cm 333.79
ISBN 9780648218029 paperback Bulk Scale Storage and Transportation of Hydrogen using
BNB Number GBC377486 LOHC : Phase 1 Feasibility Report (Public Report) : BEIS Low
Carbon Hydrogen Supply 2 Competition Stream 1. [online
resource] —Rev 4. —[United Kingdom] : Environmental
Resources Management, 2022. —1 online resource.
BNB Number GBC381607

333.79 333.79
Cascade Tank LOHC System for Hydrogen Storage and Low Carbon Hydrogen Supply 2 Competition Stream 1
Delivery : Phase 1 Feasibility Report (BEIS) [online resource] Phase 1 : HYS2159: Printed Circuit Board Electrolyser : Final
—[United Kingdom] : Environmental Resources Management, Feasibility Report. [online resource] —[United Kingdom] :
2022. —1 online resource. Bramble Energy, 2022. —1 online resource.
BNB Number GBC381605 BNB Number GBC381608

333.79 333.79
Community Benefits for Electricity Transmission Network Low Carbon Hydrogen Supply 2 Competition Stream 1 Phase
Infrastructure : Consultation. [online resource] —[United 1 : Nuclear Hydrogen Cogeneration. [online resource] —Draft
Kingdom] : [Department for Energy Security and Net Zero], 3. —[United Kingdom] : Frazer-Nash Consultancy, 2022. —1
2023. —1 online resource. online resource.
BNB Number GBC381627 BNB Number GBC381610

333.79 333.79
Contracts for Difference for Low Carbon Electricity Generation Low Carbon Hydrogen Supply 2 : HYS2138: Production of
: Call for Evidence on introducing non-price factors into the low carbon hydrogen from high carbon heavy fuel oil via
Contracts for Difference Scheme. [online resource] —[United gasification with carbon capture and storage : Feasibility
Kingdom] : Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, Study Report. [online resource] —[United Kingdom] : ESSAR,
2023. —1 online resource. 2022. —1 online resource.
BNB Number GBC381616 BNB Number GBC381617

333.79 333.79
Dragonfly Valve : Low Carbon Hydrogen Supply: HYS2154 MicroH2-Hub : Modular Gasifi cation Technology for the
Feasibility Assessment Report. [online resource] —[United Production of Hydrogen from Waste. [online resource]
Kingdom] : Actuation Lab, 2022. —1 online resource. —[United Kingdom] : Compact Syngas Solutions, 2023. —1
BNB Number GBC381609 online resource.
BNB Number GBC381614
High-Store : Final Feasibility Report. [online resource] 333.79
—Version 2.5. —[United Kingdom] : TWI Ltd, 2022. —1 online Monolithic MOFs for enhanced cryo-adsorbed hydrogen
resource. storage. [online resource] —[United Kingdom] : Immaterial,
BNB Number GBC381606 2022. —1 online resource.
BNB Number GBC381622
Hy4Transport : Delivering fuel cell grade hydrogen from our 333.79
gas network : Phase 1 Feasibility Study. [online resource] Onshore Wind and Solar PV Costs Review. [online resource]
—[United Kingdom] : Cadent, 2022. —1 online resource. —[United Kingdom] : WSP, 2020. —1 online resource.
BNB Number GBC381612 BNB Number GBC381623

333.79 333.79
HyTN : Development of Thermochemical Hydrogen REthinking low Carbon hYdrogen production by Chemical
Production from Nuclear : Final Feasibility Report. [online Looping rEforming : RECYCLE. [online resource] —[United
resource] —[United Kingdom] : National Nuclear Laboratory, Kingdom] : University of Manchester, 2022. —1 online
2022. —1 online resource. resource.
BNB Number GBC381624 BNB Number GBC381618

333.79 333.79
LCHS2106 – CATAGEN Phase 1 Feasibility Study Public Review of BEIS assumptions underlying estimates of power
Version. [online resource] —Version 1.3. —[United Kingdom] : generation costs for ACT and EfW with CHP. [online resource]
Catagen, 2022. —1 online resource. —[United Kingdom] : NNFCC, 2020. —1 online resource.
BNB Number GBC381626 BNB Number GBC381615

333.79 333.79
LCHS2108 – Complete the initial development and determine Safe and Distributed Underground Storage of Green
the feasibility of a low-cost liquid hydrogen fuel production Hydrogen in Conjunction with Storage of Power and
reactor– Public Version. [online resource] —Version 1.0. Inter-Seasonal Heat : Phase 1 Feasibility Report. [online
—[United Kingdom] : Catagen, 2022. —1 online resource. resource] —Revision 04. —[United Kingdom] : Gravitricity,
BNB Number GBC381625 2022. —1 online resource.
BNB Number GBC381613
333.79 333.794
Tetronics Hydrogen Plasmolysis Production Feasibility Study Argus net zero. [online resource] —London : Argus Media,
Report. [online resource] —[United Kingdom] : Tetronics 2023- —illustrations (colour), maps (colour)
Technologies Ltd, 2023. —1 online resource. ISSN 2755-3736
BNB Number GBC381620 BNB Number GBC378064

333.790943 333.794
Energy and power : Germany in the age of oil, atoms, and Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sustainable
climate change / Stephen G. Gross. —New York : Oxford Energy and Power Engineering 2021 : SUSE 2021 / edited by
University Press, 2023. —408 pages : illustrations (black and Akhmetova Irina, Pietro Zunino. —Singapore : Springer, 2023.
white) ; 24 cm —412 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24
ISBN 9780197667712 hardback £35.99 cm.
BNB Number GBC378180 ISBN 9789811693786 paperback £199.99
Energy policy, Germany, History, 20th century. BNB Number GBC380341
Renewable energy sources, Germany, History, 20th Renewable energy sources, Congresses.
century. Electric power systems, Congresses.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

333.7915 333.823310947
Routledge handbook of energy communities and smart cities / Energy reviews : unified gas supply system of the USSR /
edited by Maciej M. Sokołowski, Anna Visvizi. [online edited by L.A. Melentʹ ev. [online resource] —London :
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (316 pages).
(336 pages) : illustrations (black and white). ISBN 9781000881790 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000881646
ISBN 9781000886870 PDF ebook £42.99 ; 9781000886917 PDF ebook £48.99
ePub ebook £42.99 BNB Number GBC380580
BNB Number GBC380678 Gas industry, Soviet Union.
Energy development. Energy development, Soviet Union.
Smart cities. Natural gas, Soviet Union.
Cities and towns, Energy consumption. Prepublication record
Sustainable urban development.
Prepublication record 333.823310947
Energy reviews : unified gas supply system of the USSR /
333.7932 edited by L.A. Melentʹ ev. —London : Routledge, 2023. —316
The future of decentralized electricity distribution networks / pages ; 24 cm.
edited by Fereidoon Perry Sioshansi. [online resource] ISBN 9781032490144 hardback £105.00
—Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2023. —1 online resource (468 BNB Number GBC379029
pages) Gas industry, Soviet Union.
ISBN 9780443155925 ePub ebook £127.00 Natural gas, Soviet Union.
BNB Number GBC380460 Energy development, Soviet Union.
Electric power systems, Economic aspects. Prepublication record
Distributed generation of electric power, Government
policy. 333.91
Distributed generation of electric power, Economic aspects. The ethics of water : from commodification to common
Electric utilities, Economic aspects. ownership / Cameron Fioret. —London : Bloomsbury
Prepublication record Academic, 2023. —216 pages ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781350348806 hardback £85.00
333.7932 BNB Number GBC379247
The future of decentralized electricity distribution networks / Water-supply, Government policy, Moral and ethical
edited by Fereidoon Perry Sioshansi. —Amsterdam : Elsevier, aspects.
2023. —468 pages ; 23 cm Right to water.
ISBN 9780443155918 paperback £127.00 Water utilities, Privatization, Moral and ethical aspects.
BNB Number GBC378329 Environmental policy, Moral and ethical aspects.
Electric utilities, Economic aspects. Prepublication record
Distributed generation of electric power, Government
Electric power systems, Economic aspects.
Distributed generation of electric power, Economic aspects.
Prepublication record

333.9100954 333.95
Federalism and inter-state river water disputes in India / Amit Biodiversity Metric 3.0 : QGIS template and import tool :
Ranjan. [online resource] —New Delhi : Routledge India, USER GUIDE : Beta Test / fpcr. [online resource] —[United
2023. —1 online resource (200 pages) : illustrations (black Kingdom] : Natural England, July 2021. —1 online resource (2
and white) unnumbered, 30 pages) : illustrations (colour).
ISBN 9781000887235 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000887280 ISBN 9781783547906
ePub ebook £38.99 BNB Number GBC377279
BNB Number GBC380684
Federal government, India. 333.95
Rivers, Law and legislation, India. Cereal invertebrates, extreme events and long-term trends in
Interstate controversies, India. climate / J. Ewald [and five others]. [online resource] —[United
Water rights, India. Kingdom] : Natural England, 2014. —1 online resource (151
Prepublication record pages) : illustrations (colour), 1 map (colour).
ISBN 9781783540877
333.9100954 BNB Number GBC377598
Federalism and inter-state river water disputes in India / Amit
Ranjan. —New Delhi : Routledge India, 2023. —200 pages : 333.95
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm Chesil Beach and Stennis Ledges MCZ 2018 Survey Report /
ISBN 9781032381381 hardback £130.00 Authors: Ed Stevens, Katie Pryor and Claire Miller. [online
BNB Number GBC378880 resource] —[United KIngdom] : Natural England and other
Interstate controversies, India. parties, 2021. —1 online resource (3 unnumbered, 42 pages) :
Rivers, Law and legislation, India. illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps (colour).
Federal government, India. ISBN 9781783546015
Water rights, India. BNB Number GBC377611
Prepublication record
333.9170979493 Advanced introduction to resilience / Fikret Berkes,
Oil beach : how toxic infrastructure threatens life in the ports Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Natural Resources
of Los Angeles and beyond / Christina Dunbar-Hester. [online Institute, University of Manitoba, Canada. [online resource]
resource] —Chicago ; Illinois : The University of Chicago —Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA, USA : Edward Elgar
Press, 2023. —1 online resource (1 volume ) : illustrations. Publishing, [2023]. —1 online resource (xxiv, 194 pages ) :
ISBN 9780226819709 (electronic bk.) ; 0226819701 illustrations.
(electronic bk.) ISBN 9781802202205 (electronic bk.) ; 180220220X
BNB Number GBC377660 (electronic bk.)
Ecology, California, San Pedro Bay (Bay) BNB Number GBC377661
Capitalism, Environmental aspects, California, San Pedro Human ecology.
Bay (Bay) Resilience (Ecology)
Environmentalism, California, San Pedro Bay (Bay)
NATURE / Environmental Conservation & Protection.
Sacred groves, cultural ecosystems and conservation / edited
Infrastructure (Economics), Environmental aspects,
by Rena Laisram. [online resource] —Newcastle upon Tyne :
California, San Pedro Bay (Bay)
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource
Container terminals, Environmental aspects, California,
(205 pages)
San Pedro Bay (Bay)
ISBN 9781527501072 ebook £77.99
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Infrastructure.
BNB Number GBC381333
Environmental sciences, California, San Pedro Bay (Bay)
Biodiversity conservation.
San Pedro Bay (Calif. : Bay), History.
Ecosystem management.
333.95 Prepublication record
Biodiversity Metric 3.0 : Auditing and accounting for
biodiversity : USER GUIDE / Stephen Panks [and thirteen
others]. [online resource] —[United Kingdom] : Natural
England, 2021. —1 online resource (2 unnumbered, 98
pages) : illustrations (colour).
ISBN 9781783547784
BNB Number GBC377271

333.95390981 335.4091724
Sweet fuel : a political and environmental history of Brazilian Border-Marxisms and historical materialism : untimely
ethanol / Jennifer Eaglin. [online resource] —New York, NY : encounters / Aditya Nigam. [online resource] —Basingstoke :
Oxford University Press, [2023] —1 online resource (x, 268 Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. —1 online resource (190 pages).
pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps ISBN 9783031228957 PDF ebook £99.50
(black and white). BNB Number GBC381495
ISBN 9780197510681 hardback No price ; 9780197510711 Socialism, Developing countries.
ebook No price Communism, Developing countries.
BNB Number GBC380413 Prepublication record
Ethanol fuel industry, Brazil.
Biomass energy, Brazil. 335.40973
Prepublication record Marxism and America : new appraisals / edited by Christopher
Phelps, Robin Vandome. —Manchester : Manchester
333.95416092 University Press, 2023. —320 pages : illustrations (black and
Wrestles with wolves : lessons from the animal kingdom / Bill white) ; 22 cm
Konstant. —Philadelphia : Archimedes' Printing Shoppe & ISBN 9781526171924 paperback No price
Sundry Goodes, 2023. —328 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 23 BNB Number GBC379508
cm Socialism, United States, History.
ISBN 9781737285120 paperback £25.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC379748
Konstant, Bill. 335.41094109034
Wildlife conservationists, United States, Biography. Early British socialism and the 'religion of the new moral world'
Wildlife conservation. / Edward Lucas. —Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.
Prepublication record —284 pages ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9783031239397 hardback £109.99
334.6830947 BNB Number GBC380241
Agricultural co-operation in the Soviet Union / G. Ratner ; Socialism and religion, Great Britain, History, 19th century.
edited by The Horace Plunkett Foundation ; translated by M. Socialism, Great Britain, History, 19th century.
Digby. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 Great Britain, Religion, 19th century.
online resource (90 pages). Prepublication record
ISBN 9781000881455 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000881431
PDF ebook £48.99 335.41094109034
BNB Number GBC380573 Early British socialism and the 'religion of the new moral world'
Agriculture, Cooperative, Soviet Union. / Edward Lucas. [online resource] —Basingstoke : Palgrave
Prepublication record Macmillan, 2023. —1 online resource (284 pages).
ISBN 9783031239403 PDF ebook £109.50
334.6830947 BNB Number GBC381498
Agricultural co-operation in the Soviet Union / G. Ratner ; Socialism, Great Britain, History, 19th century.
edited by The Horace Plunkett Foundation ; translated by M. Socialism and religion, Great Britain, History, 19th century.
Digby. —London : Routledge, 2023. —90 pages ; 24 cm. Great Britain, Religion, 19th century.
ISBN 9781032490090 hardback £85.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC379028
Agriculture, Cooperative, Soviet Union. 335.412
Prepublication record Marxist political economy and Bourdieu : economic and
cultural capital, classes and state / George Economakis and
335.4091724 Theofanis Papageorgiou. [online resource] —London :
Border-Marxisms and historical materialism : untimely Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (200 pages) :
encounters / Aditya Nigam. —Basingstoke : Palgrave illustrations (black and white).
Macmillan, 2023. —190 pages ; 21 cm. ISBN 9781000908671 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000908756
ISBN 9783031228940 hardback £99.99 ePub ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC380235 BNB Number GBC381115
Communism, Developing countries. Marx, Karl, 1818-1883
Socialism, Developing countries.
Prepublication record Bourdieu, Pierre, 1930-2002
Marxian economics.
Prepublication record

335.412 336
Marxist political economy and Bourdieu : economic and Funding for the Scottish budget / Scottish Fiscal Commission.
cultural capital, classes and state / George Economakis and [online resource] —Edinburgh : The Scottish Fiscal
Theofanis Papageorgiou. —London : Routledge, 2023. —200 Commission, 2021. —1 online resource (30 pages) :
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. illustrations (colour)
ISBN 9781032451039 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781911637356 Electronic book (PDF format)
BNB Number GBC378957 BNB Number GBC381650
Bourdieu, Pierre, 1930-2002 336.014
Marx, Karl, 1818-1883 Financing urban government in the welfare state / edited by Douglas E. Ashford. [online resource] —London : Routledge,
Marxian economics. 2023. —1 online resource (224 pages).
Prepublication record ISBN 9781000906936 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000906950
ePub ebook £48.99
335.412 BNB Number GBC381100
Socialist economic systems : 21st century pathways / Steven Local finance.
Rosefielde. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 Intergovernmental fiscal relations.
online resource (320 pages) : illustrations (black and white). Municipal finance.
ISBN 9781000899528 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000899498 Welfare state.
PDF ebook £38.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC380970
Economic policy, 21st century. 336.014
Marxian economics, History. Financing urban government in the welfare state / edited by
Socialism, History. Douglas E. Ashford. —London : Routledge, 2023. —224
Prepublication record pages ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781032516271 hardback £90.00
335.412 BNB Number GBC379091
Socialist economic systems : 21st century pathways / Steven Local finance.
Rosefielde. —London : Routledge, 2023. —320 pages : Intergovernmental fiscal relations.
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. Municipal finance.
ISBN 9781032443164 hardback £130.00 Welfare state.
BNB Number GBC378939 Prepublication record
Economic policy, 21st century.
Socialism, History. 336.185
Marxian economics, History. In a bad state : responding to state and local budget crises /
Prepublication record David Schleicher. [online resource] —New York, NY : Oxford
University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (xiv, 234 pages) :
335.430941 illustrations (black and white).
Writings on Britain / Leon Trotsky. [online resource] —First ISBN 9780197629154 hardback No price ; 9780197629185
edition. —London : Wellred, 2023. —1 online resource ebook No price
ISBN 9798215394700 ePub ebook No price BNB Number GBC380419
BNB Number GBC381590 Infrastructure (Economics), United States.
Communism, Great Britain. Local finance, United States.
Great Britain, Politics and government. Finance, Public, United States, States.
Great Britain, Economic conditions. Debts, Public, United States.
Prepublication record Federal government, United States.
Prepublication record
Debt Management Vulnerability Toolkit for service and policy 336.185
managers. [online resource] —Version 2. —[United Kingdom] : National resources and urban policy / edited by Douglas E.
[Cabinet Office], 2023. —1 online resource. Ashford. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
BNB Number GBC381599 online resource (330 pages).
ISBN 9781000906967 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000906943
336 PDF ebook £48.99
Debt Management Vulnerability Toolkit for frontline debt BNB Number GBC381101
management staff. [online resource] —Version 2. —[United Urban policy.
Kingdom] : [Cabinet Office], 2023. —1 online resource. Municipal finance.
BNB Number GBC381595 Federal-city relations.
Prepublication record
336.185 336.2
National resources and urban policy / edited by Douglas E. Three essays on taxation in simple general equilibrium
Ashford. —London : Routledge, 2023. —330 pages ; 24 cm. models / Neil Bruce. —London : Routledge, 2023. —134
ISBN 9781032516394 hardback £105.00 pages ; 24 cm.
BNB Number GBC379092 ISBN 9780367765835 paperback £27.99
Municipal finance. BNB Number GBC378308
Urban policy. Taxation, Mathematical models.
Federal-city relations. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
336.2 Taxation and economic development : twelve critical studies /
Advances in taxation. 30 / edited by John Hasseldine. [online J.F.J. Toye. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023.
resource] —United Kingdom : Emerald Publishing, 2023. —1 —1 online resource : illustrations (black and white).
online resource (292 pages) ISBN 9781000951523 ePub ebook £12.99
ISBN 9781837533626 ePub ebook £85.00 ; 9781837533602 BNB Number GBC381127
PDF ebook £85.00 Taxation, Developing countries.
BNB Number GBC381459 Taxation.
Taxation. Economic development.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

336.2 337.51054
Advances in taxation. 30 / edited by John Hasseldine. Belt and Road Initiative and South Asia / edited by Kalyan Raj
—United Kingdom : Emerald Publishing, 2023. —292 pages ; Sharma. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
23 cm online resource (238 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781837533619 hardback £85.00 ISBN 9781000897845 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000897876
BNB Number GBC379972 ePub ebook £38.99
Taxation. BNB Number GBC380929
Prepublication record Yi dai yi lu (Initiative : China)
336.2 South Asia, Foreign economic relations, China.
How we forecast behavioural responses to income tax policy / China, Foreign economic relations, South Asia.
Scottish Fiscal Commission. [online resource] —Edinburgh : Prepublication record
Scottish Fiscal Commission, 2018. —1 online resource (32
pages) 337.51054
ISBN 9781999848750 Electronic book (PDF format) Belt and Road Initiative and South Asia / edited by Kalyan Raj
BNB Number GBC381628 Sharma. —London : Routledge, 2023. —238 pages :
illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm
336.2 ISBN 9781032508290 hardback £130.00
How we forecast income tax / Scottish Fiscal Commission. BNB Number GBC379066
[online resource] —Edinburgh : The Scottish Fiscal Yi dai yi lu (Initiative : China)
Commission, 2021. —1 online resource (23 pages) :
illustrations (colour) South Asia, Foreign economic relations, China.
ISBN 9781911637332 Electronic book (PDF format) China, Foreign economic relations, South Asia.
BNB Number GBC381647 Prepublication record

336.2 337.51249051
Tax policy and the budget : consultation on Scotland's first Where FDI goes in decentralized authoritarian countries : the
framework for tax and tax policy in relation to the Scottish politics of Taiwanese site selection for investment in mainland
Budget 2022-23. [online resource] —Edinburgh : The Scottish China / Kelan Lu. —Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan
Government, 2021. —1 online resource (30 pages) : Press, 2023. —216 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
illustrations (colour), 1 portrait (colour), 1 chart (colour), 1 ISBN 9780472075928 hardback £71.00
form. BNB Number GBC378343
ISBN 9781802013269 Electronic book (PDF format) Investments, Taiwan, China.
BNB Number GBC381637 Investments, Foreign, China.
Decentralization in government, Economic aspects, China.
Prepublication record

337.54059 338.04
Sustainable development in India and South-East Asia / The entrepreneurial humanities : the crucial role of the
Ishwar C. Dhingra. [online resource] —London : Routledge, humanities in enterprise and the economy / edited by
2023. —1 online resource (499 pages) : illustrations (black Alain-Philippe Durand, Christine Henseler. [online resource]
and white) —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (188 pages)
ISBN 9781000898750 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000898781 : illustrations (black and white)
ePub ebook £38.99 ISBN 9781000884852 ePub ebook £34.99 ; 9781000884814
BNB Number GBC380954 PDF ebook £34.99
Sustainable development, India. BNB Number GBC380639
Sustainable development, Southeast Asia. Decision making.
Southeast Asia, Foreign economic relations, India. Humanities, Economic aspects.
India, Foreign economic relations, Southeast Asia. Critical thinking.
Prepublication record Entrepreneurship.
Prepublication record
Sustainable development in India and South-East Asia / 338.04
Ishwar C. Dhingra. —London : Routledge, 2023. —499 pages The entrepreneurial humanities : the crucial role of the
: illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm humanities in enterprise and the economy / edited by
ISBN 9781032515854 hardback £130.00 Alain-Philippe Durand, Christine Henseler. —London :
BNB Number GBC379085 Routledge, 2023. —188 pages : illustrations (black and white)
Sustainable development, Southeast Asia. ; 23 cm
Sustainable development, India. ISBN 9781032462264 paperback £34.99 ; 9781032462301
India, Foreign economic relations, Southeast Asia. hardback £130.00
Southeast Asia, Foreign economic relations, India. BNB Number GBC378980
Prepublication record Entrepreneurship.
Humanities, Economic aspects.
337.597044 Critical thinking.
French and Japanese economic relations with Vietnam since Decision making.
1975 / Henrich Dahm. —London : Routledge, 2023. —172 Prepublication record
pages ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781032156194 paperback £27.99 338.04
BNB Number GBC378643 The geography of academic entrepreneurship : spin-offs, firm
France, Foreign economic relations, Vietnam. growth and regional impact / Helen Lawton Smith.
Japan, Foreign economic relations, Vietnam. —Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023. —192 pages ;
Vietnam, Foreign economic relations, Japan. 24 cm.
Vietnam, Foreign economic relations, France. ISBN 9780857937049 hardback £80.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC378464
University-based new business enterprises.
338.01 Regional economics.
Shocking contrasts : political responses to exogenous supply Prepublication record
shocks / Ronald L. Rogowski. —Cambridge : Cambridge
University Press, 2023. —225 pages. 338.04
ISBN 9781316510704 hardback £30.00 Theorizing entrepreneurship for the future : stories from global
BNB Number GBC379216 frontiers / Joost Beuving. [online resource] —New York :
Production (Economic theory) Berghahn Books, 2023. —1 online resource (232 pages).
Production (Economic theory), History. ISBN 9781805390053 PDF ebook No price
Supply and demand, History. BNB Number GBC381456
Prepublication record Businesspeople.
Prepublication record

338.04 338.1091734
Theorizing entrepreneurship for the future : stories from global Rural enterprise : shifting perspectives on small-scale
frontiers / Joost Beuving. —New York : Berghahn Books, production / edited by Sarah Whatmore, Philip Lowe, Terry
2023. —232 pages ; 23 cm. Marsden. —London : Routledge, 2023. —142 pages ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781805390046 hardback £99.00 ISBN 9781032496658 hardback £80.00
BNB Number GBC379968 BNB Number GBC379050
Businesspeople. Rural industries, Europe.
Entrepreneurship. Small business, Europe.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

338.064 338.16
Embracing business sustainability through innovation and Advances in nanotechnology for smart agriculture :
creativity in the service sector / edited by Pankaj Tyagi, Vipin techniques and applications / edited by Parul Chaudhary,
Nadda, Vishal Bharti, Ebru Kemer. —Hershey : IGI Global, Ashok Kumar Nadda, Anuj Chaudhary, Priyanka Khati. [online
2023. —315 pages ; 28 cm resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online
ISBN 9781668467329 hardback £259.00 ; 9781668467336 resource (398 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
paperback £207.00 ISBN 9781000883954 ePub ebook £110.00 ; 9781000883930
BNB Number GBC379707 PDF ebook £110.00
Sustainable development. BNB Number GBC380628
Service industries, Environmental aspects. Nanobiotechnology.
Service industries, Technological innovations. Alternative agriculture.
Prepublication record Agricultural innovations.
338.094170112 Prepublication record
Industry forecast. Ireland. [online resource] —[Oxford] : Oxford
Economics, 2010- —illustrations (colour) 338.16
BNB Number GBC378097 Advances in nanotechnology for smart agriculture :
Industrial surveys, Ireland, Periodicals. techniques and applications / edited by Parul Chaudhary,
Industries, Ireland, Forecasting, Periodicals. Ashok Kumar Nadda, Anuj Chaudhary, Priyanka Khati.
Industrial statistics, Ireland, Periodicals. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —398 pages : illustrations
(black and white) ; 24 cm.
338.09421 ISBN 9781032385471 hardback £110.00
Made in London : from workshops to factories / photographs BNB Number GBC378886
by Carmel King & Mark Brearley ; texts by Clare Dowdy. Alternative agriculture.
—London : Merrell, 2022. —254 pages : colour illustrations ; Agricultural innovations.
30 cm Nanobiotechnology.
ISBN 1858947022 (hbk.) : £40.00 ; 9781858947020 (hbk.) : Nanotechnology.
£40.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC377909
Factories, England, London, Pictorial works. 338.16
Workshops, England, London. Technological change and the rural environment / edited by
Factories, England, London. Philip Lowe, Terry Marsden, Sarah Whatmore. [online
Workshops, England, London, Pictorial works. resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
Industries, England, London. (202 pages).
Industries, England, London, Pictorial works. ISBN 9781000883893 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000883824
London (England), Pictorial works. PDF ebook £48.99
BNB Number GBC380626
338.1091734 Agricultural innovations.
Rural enterprise : shifting perspectives on small-scale Prepublication record
production / edited by Sarah Whatmore, Philip Lowe, Terry
Marsden. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 338.16
online resource (142 pages). Technological change and the rural environment / edited by
ISBN 9781000882728 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000882742 Philip Lowe, Terry Marsden, Sarah Whatmore. —London :
ePub ebook £48.99 Routledge, 2023. —202 pages ; 24 cm.
BNB Number GBC380607 ISBN 9781032496108 hardback £80.00
Rural industries, Europe. BNB Number GBC379045
Small business, Europe. Agricultural innovations.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

338.17 338.18
More than a resource - the social significance of local seed Regulating agriculture / edited by Philip Lowe, Terry Marsden,
systems and seed exchange in the Global South : the Sarah Whatmore. [online resource] —London : Routledge,
example of Tanzania / Jonas Metzger. —Wiesbaden : 2023. —1 online resource (190 pages).
Springer, 2023. —193 pages : illustrations (black and white, ISBN 9781000883398 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000883343
and colour) ; 21 cm PDF ebook £48.99
ISBN 9783658400101 paperback £59.99 BNB Number GBC380617
BNB Number GBC380300 Agriculture and state.
Seed industry and trade, Social aspects, Tanzania. Agricultural laws and legislation.
Farms, Small, Tanzania. Prepublication record
Seed exchanges, Social aspects, Tanzania.
Prepublication record 338.18
Regulating agriculture / edited by Philip Lowe, Terry Marsden,
338.17373 Sarah Whatmore. —London : Routledge, 2023. —190 pages ;
Coffee report and outlook : (CRO). [online resource] 24 cm.
—[London] : International Coffee Organization —illustrations ISBN 9781032497068 hardback £80.00
(colour) BNB Number GBC379053
BNB Number GBC377617 Agriculture and state.
Agricultural laws and legislation.
338.175909866 Prepublication record
A feast of flowers : race, labor, and postcolonial capitalism in
Ecuador / Christopher Krupa. —Philadelphia : University of 338.18470904
Pennsylvania Press, [2022] —vi, 318 pages: illustrations Soviet agriculture in perspective : a study of its successes and
(black and white) ; 24 cm failures / Erich Strauss. [online resource] —London :
ISBN 9780812253818 hardcover ; 0812253817 hardcover ; Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (328 pages).
9780812225129 paperback ; 0812225120 paperback ISBN 9781000881967 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000882087
BNB Number GBC234659 ePub ebook £48.99
Cut flower industry, Ecuador. BNB Number GBC380596
Indians of South America, Ecuador, Economic conditions. Agriculture and state, Soviet Union.
Postcolonialism, Ecuador. Prepublication record
Floriculture, Economic aspects, Ecuador.
Indians of South America, Ecuador, Social conditions. 338.18470904
Capitalism, Ecuador. Soviet agriculture in perspective : a study of its successes and
Ecuador, Race relations, Economic aspects. failures / Erich Strauss. —London : Routledge, 2023. —328
pages ; 24 cm.
338.17620978 ISBN 9781032488820 hardback £105.00
XIT : a story of land, cattle, and capital in Texas and Montana BNB Number GBC379024
/ Michael M. Miller. —Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, Agriculture and state, Soviet Union.
2023. —284 pages : illustrations (black and white), maps Prepublication record
(black and white) ; 24 cm
ISBN 9780806192017 paperback £19.95 338.19
BNB Number GBC378430 Community food initiatives : a critical reparative approach /
Capitol Freehold Land and Investment Company, History. edited by Oona Morrow, Esther Veen, Stefan Wahlen. [online
Land tenure, Texas, History. resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
Capitalists and financiers, United States, History, 19th (208 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
century. ISBN 9781000892017 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000891959
Cattle trade, West (U.S.), History, 19th century. PDF ebook £38.99
XIT Ranch (Tex.), History. BNB Number GBC380799
Prepublication record Food security, Moral and ethical aspects.
Food supply, Moral and ethical aspects.
338.18 Food banks, Moral and ethical aspects.
Capital Grant Scheme : Farmer Handbook (CSF 3) : a clear Prepublication record
solution for farmers catchment sensitive farming / Natural
England. [online resource] —[United Kingdom] : Natural
England, [2014] —1 online resource (73 pages) : illustrations
(colour), 1 map (colour)
ISBN 9781783670710
BNB Number GBC377312

338.19 338.27282091724
Community food initiatives : a critical reparative approach / Sustainability management in the oil and gas industry :
edited by Oona Morrow, Esther Veen, Stefan Wahlen. emerging and developing country perspectives / edited by
—London : Routledge, 2023. —208 pages : illustrations (black Joshua Yindenaba Abor and Amin Karimu. [online resource]
and white) ; 24 cm. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (304 pages)
ISBN 9781032049021 hardback £130.00 : illustrations (black and white).
BNB Number GBC378569 ISBN 9781000890419 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000890389
Food supply, Moral and ethical aspects. PDF ebook £38.99
Food security, Moral and ethical aspects. BNB Number GBC380756
Food banks, Moral and ethical aspects. Oil industries, Developing countries.
Prepublication record Gas industry, Developing countries.
Renewable energy sources, Developing countries.
338.19 Prepublication record
The return of Malthus : environmentalism and post-war
population-resource crises / Björn-Ola Linnér. —Winwick : The 338.27282091724
White Horse Press, 2023. —340 pages : illustrations (black Sustainability management in the oil and gas industry :
and white) ; 23 cm emerging and developing country perspectives / edited by
ISBN 9781912186747 paperback £35.00 Joshua Yindenaba Abor and Amin Karimu. —London :
BNB Number GBC380033 Routledge, 2023. —304 pages : illustrations (black and white)
Food supply. ; 24 cm.
Neo-Malthusianism. ISBN 9781032314617 hardback £130.00
Scarcity. BNB Number GBC378796
Overpopulation. Oil industries, Developing countries.
Prepublication record Renewable energy sources, Developing countries.
Gas industry, Developing countries.
338.209776 Prepublication record
Mining the heartland : nature, place, and populism on the Iron
Range / Erik Kojola. —New York : New York University Press, 338.27282094109045
2023. —280 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm Oil for Britain : the United Kingdom and the remaking of the
ISBN 9781479815210 paperback £25.99 ; 9781479815197 international oil industry, 1957-1988 / Jonathan R. Kuiken.
hardback £80.00 [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
BNB Number GBC379435 resource (312 pages).
Environmental management, Minnesota. ISBN 9781000905328 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000905274
Mineral industries, Minnesota. PDF ebook £38.99
Collective memory, Minnesota. BNB Number GBC381064
Right and left (Political science), Minnesota. British National Oil Corporation, History, 20th century.
Prepublication record Shell Oil Company, History, 20th century.
British Petroleum Company, History, 20th century.
338.2098 Petroleum industry and trade, Government policy, Great
Breaking ground : from extraction booms to mining bans in Britain, History, 20th century.
Latin America / Rose J. Spalding. —New York : Oxford Prepublication record
University Press, 2023. —328 pages : illustrations (black and
white, and colour) ; 24 cm 338.27282094109045
ISBN 9780197643150 hardback £54.00 Oil for Britain : the United Kingdom and the remaking of the
BNB Number GBC378174 international oil industry, 1957-1988 / Jonathan R. Kuiken.
Mineral industries, Government policy, Latin America. —London : Routledge, 2023. —312 pages ; 24 cm.
Mineral industries, Latin America. ISBN 9781032291147 hardback £130.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC378766
British Petroleum Company, History, 20th century.
Shell Oil Company, History, 20th century.
British National Oil Corporation, History, 20th century.
Petroleum industry and trade, Government policy, Great
Britain, History, 20th century.
Prepublication record

338.272820947 338.476179
The enigma of Soviet petroleum : half-full or half-empty? / The socio-material construction of users : 3D printing and the
Marshall I. Goldman. [online resource] —London : Routledge, digitalization of the prosthetics industry / David Seibt.
2023. —1 online resource (218 pages). —London : Routledge, 2023. —328 pages : illustrations (black
ISBN 9781000881691 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000881844 and white) ; 24 cm.
ePub ebook £48.99 ISBN 9781032180427 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC380585 BNB Number GBC378661
Petroleum industry and trade, Soviet Union. Three-dimensional printing, Therapeutic use.
Prepublication record Prosthesis industry, Technological innovations.
Prosthesis, Technological innovations.
338.272820947 Prosthesis, Economic aspects.
The enigma of Soviet petroleum : half-full or half-empty? / Prepublication record
Marshall I. Goldman. —London : Routledge, 2023. —218
pages ; 24 cm. 338.47624091724
ISBN 9781032487571 hardback £90.00 Unpacking the decent work agenda in construction operations
BNB Number GBC379021 for developing countries / Tirivavi Moyo, Gerrit Crafford,
Petroleum industry and trade, Soviet Union. Fidelis Emuze. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023.
Prepublication record —1 online resource (114 pages).
ISBN 9781000890976 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000890990
338.47355 ePub ebook £48.99
The fourth industrial revolution and military-civil fusion : a new BNB Number GBC380773
paradigm for military innovation? / Yoram Evron, Richard A. Sustainable development, Developing countries.
Bitzinger. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. Construction industry, Environmental aspects, Developing
—300 pages : illustrations (black and white) countries.
ISBN 9781009333283 hardback £85.00 Construction industry, Developing countries.
BNB Number GBC378531 Prepublication record
Industry 4.0, Case studies.
Military research, Case studies. 338.47624091724
Civil-military relations, Case studies. Unpacking the decent work agenda in construction operations
Defense industries, Technological innovations, Case for developing countries / Tirivavi Moyo, Gerrit Crafford,
studies. Fidelis Emuze. —London : Routledge, 2023. —114 pages ; 24
Research and development contracts, Government, Case cm.
studies. ISBN 9781032427904 hardback £150.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC378922
Sustainable development, Developing countries.
338.476179 Construction industry, Environmental aspects, Developing
The socio-material construction of users : 3D printing and the countries.
digitalization of the prosthetics industry / David Seibt. [online Construction industry, Developing countries.
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource Prepublication record
(328 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9781000888317 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000888294 338.4764794
PDF ebook £38.99 WJEC Vocational award in hospitality and catering. Level 1/2 /
BNB Number GBC380697 Bev Saunder, Yvonne Mackey. [online resource] —London :
Prosthesis industry, Technological innovations. Hodder Education, 2023. —1 online resource
Three-dimensional printing, Therapeutic use. ISBN 9781398376861 ePub ebook £26.00
Prosthesis, Economic aspects. BNB Number GBC381263
Prosthesis, Technological innovations. Hospitality industry.
Prepublication record Caterers and catering.
Prepublication record

338.4766342 338.47687
Crafting brewery culture : a human resources guide for small Sustainability challenges in the fashion industry : civilization
breweries / Gary Nicholas. [online resource] —Boulder : crisis, decolonization, cultural legacy, and transitions / edited
Brewers Publications, 2023. —1 online resource : illustrations by Miguel Ángel Gardetti, Rosa Patricia Larios-Francia.
(black and white) —Singapore : Springer, 2023. —368 pages : illustrations
ISBN 9781938469817 ePub ebook No price (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm.
BNB Number GBC381489 ISBN 9789819903481 hardback £109.99
Microbreweries, Employees. BNB Number GBC380355
Microbreweries, Personnel management. Textile industry, Social aspects.
Prepublication record Social responsibility of business.
Textile industry, Environmental aspects.
338.47663420973 Clothing trade, Social aspects.
Microbreweries, nanobreweries, and brewpubs : histories of Clothing trade, Sustainable methods.
241 American craft beer companies / Joseph Peter Klapatch. Prepublication record
—Jefferson, North Carolina : McFarland & Company, Inc.,
Publishers, 2023. —277 pages : illustrations (black and white, 338.477
and colour) ; 23 cm The art of the creative commons : openness, networked value
ISBN 9781476690858 paperback £30.95 and peer production in the sound industry / Milosz
BNB Number GBC379424 Miszczynski. —Chicago : Haymarket Books, 2023. —227
Microbreweries, United States, History. pages ; 23 cm.
Microbreweries, United States, Directories. ISBN 9781642598162 paperback No price
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379650
Cultural industries.
338.47663420977564 Intellectual property and creative ability.
Ted Mack and America's first Black-owned brewery : the rise Prepublication record
and fall of Peoples Beer / Clint Lanier. —Jefferson, North
Carolina : McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2023. 338.4791
—277 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm Dark heritage tourism in the Iberian Peninsula : memories of
ISBN 9781476691671 paperback £41.95 tragedy and death / edited by Sara Cerqueira Pascoal, Laura
BNB Number GBC379430 Tallone, Marco Furtado. [online resource] —Newcastle upon
Mack, Theodor A. (Ted) Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023. —1 online
Peoples Brewing Company. resource (330 pages)
Entrepreneurship, Wisconsin, Oshkosh. ISBN 9781527500976 ebook £91.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC381332
Dark tourism, Iberian Peninsula.
338.476648 Prepublication record
Fresh produce journal. [online resource] —London, United
Kingdom : Market Intelligence Ltd —illustrations (black and 338.4791
white, and colour) Inclusive community development through tourism and
ISSN 2514-3972 hospitality practices / edited by Vipin Nadda, Faithfull Gonzo,
BNB Number GBC378044 Ravinder Nath Batta, Amit Sharma. —Hershey : IGI Global,
2023. —315 pages ; 28 cm
338.4767097265 ISBN 9781668467961 hardback £234.00
Producing Mayaland : colonial legacies, urbanization, and the BNB Number GBC379708
unfolding of global capitalism / Claudia Fonseca Alfaro. [online Community development.
resource] —Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —1 Green marketing.
online resource (288 pages). Sustainable tourism.
ISBN 9781119647416 ePub ebook £19.99 Sustainable development.
BNB Number GBC381180 Prepublication record
Lefebvre, Henri, 1901-1991 338.4791072
Postcolonialism, Mexico, Yucatán (State) Early framers of tourism knowledge. Volume II / edited by
Built environment, Mexico, Yucatán (State) Metin Kozak, Nazmi Kozak. [online resource] —London :
Offshore assembly industry, Mexico, Yucatán (State) Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (154 pages)
Yucatán (Mexico : State), Economic conditions. ISBN 9781000903515 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000903485
Yucatán (Mexico : State), Social conditions. PDF ebook £48.99
Urbanization, Mexico, Yucatán (State) BNB Number GBC381042
Prepublication record Tourism, Research, History.
Prepublication record
338.4791072 338.5
Early framers of tourism knowledge. Volume I / edited by Microeconomics / Jeffrey Perloff. [online resource] —Ninth
Metin Kozak, Nazmi Kozak. [online resource] —London : edition. —Upper Saddle River : Pearson, 2023. —1 online
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (158 pages) resource : illustrations
ISBN 9781000902204 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000902198 ISBN 9781292446547 ebook £35.99
PDF ebook £48.99 BNB Number GBC381209
BNB Number GBC381026 Microeconomics.
Tourism, Research, History. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
338.4791072 Microeconomics / Jeffrey M. Perloff. —Ninth edition. —Upper
Early framers of tourism knowledge. Volume I / edited by Saddle River : Pearson, 2023. —1 volume
Metin Kozak, Nazmi Kozak. —London : Routledge, 2023. ISBN 9781292446523 paperback £84.84
—158 pages ; 25 cm BNB Number GBC379209
ISBN 9781032014760 hardback £130.00 Microeconomics.
BNB Number GBC378555 Prepublication record
Tourism, Research, History.
Prepublication record 338.5
Mighty microeconomics : a guide to thinking like an economist
338.4791072 / Michihiro Kandori. —Cambridge : Cambridge University
Early framers of tourism knowledge. Volume II / edited by Press, 2023. —500 pages
Metin Kozak, Nazmi Kozak. —London : Routledge, 2023. ISBN 9781009161084 paperback £34.99 ; 9781009161077
—154 pages ; 25 cm hardback £90.00
ISBN 9781032015644 hardback £130.00 BNB Number GBC378490
BNB Number GBC378556 Microeconomics.
Tourism, Research, History. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
338.47910947 Principles of microeconomics / Betsey Stevenson, Justin
Tourism planning and development in Eastern Europe / edited Wolfers. [online resource] —Second edition. —New York :
by Hania Janta, Konstantinos Andriotis, Dimitrios Stylidis. Worth Publishers, 2023. —1 online resource : illustrations
[online resource] —Wallingford : CABI, 2022. —1 online (colour)
resource. ISBN 9781319513757 ePub ebook £42.99
ISBN 9781800620346 BNB Number GBC381222
BNB Number GBC377627 Microeconomics.
Tourism, Europe, Eastern, Planning. Prepublication record

338.4791481 338.542
Tourism as a resource-based industry / Edited by Anna Lydia The age of global economic crises : (1929-2022) / edited by
Svalastog, Dieter K Müller & Ian Jenkins. [online resource] Juan Manuel Matés-Barco and María Vázquez-Fariñas.
—Oxfordshire ; Boston, MA : CABI, [2022]. —1 online [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
resource. resource (194 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 1800621477 ; 9781800621480 (epub) ; 1800621485 ; ISBN 9781000886764 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000886771
9781800621473 (ebook) ePub ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC377626 BNB Number GBC380676
Tourism, Norway, Planning. Financial crises, History, 20th century.
Tourism, Management. Financial crises, History, 21st century.
Tourism, Norway, Management. Prepublication record
Tourism, Planning.
338.5 The age of global economic crises : (1929-2022) / edited by
Microeconomics / Jeffrey Perloff. [online resource] —Ninth Juan Manuel Matés-Barco and María Vázquez-Fariñas.
edition. —Upper Saddle River : Pearson, 2023. —1 online —London : Routledge, 2023. —194 pages : illustrations (black
resource and white) ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781292446554 ebook £59.99 ISBN 9781032482514 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC381210 BNB Number GBC379003
Microeconomics. Financial crises, History, 21st century.
Prepublication record Financial crises, History, 20th century.
Prepublication record

338.544 338.76100409492
How we forecast the Scottish economy / Scottish Fiscal Tales of Electrologica : computers, software and people /
Commission. [online resource] —Edinburgh : The Scottish Gerard Alberts, Jan Friso Groote, editors. [online resource]
Fiscal Commission, 2021. —1 online resource (24 pages) : —Cham, Switzerland : Springer, [2022] —1 online resource (x,
illustrations (colour) 201 pages) : illustrations.
ISBN 9781911637349 Electronic book (PDF format) ISBN 9783031130328 hardback No price ; 9783031130335
BNB Number GBC381651 ebook No price
BNB Number GBC381587
338.54430947 Electrologica, History.
The Soviet economy : toward the year 2000 / edited by Abram Computer scientists, Netherlands, History.
Bergson, Herbert S. Levine. [online resource] —London : Computer industry, Netherlands, History.
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (452 pages). Prepublication record
ISBN 9781000881936 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000882056
ePub ebook £48.99 338.761006754
BNB Number GBC380593 The power of one : blowing the whistle on Facebook / Frances
Economic forecasting, Soviet Union. Haugen. [online resource] —London : Hodder & Stoughton,
Soviet Union, Economic conditions, 1975-1985. 2023. —1 online resource (352 pages)
Prepublication record ISBN 9781399708333 ePub ebook £25.00
BNB Number GBC381279
338.54430947 Haugen, Frances.
The Soviet economy : toward the year 2000 / edited by Abram Facebook (Firm)
Bergson, Herbert S. Levine. —London : Routledge, 2023. Whistle blowing.
—452 pages ; 24 cm. Business ethics.
ISBN 9781032490298 hardback £115.00 Internet industry, Moral and ethical aspects.
BNB Number GBC379032 Prepublication record
Economic forecasting, Soviet Union.
Soviet Union, Economic conditions, 1975-1985. 338.761006754
Prepublication record The power of one : blowing the whistle on Facebook / Frances
Haugen. —London : Hodder & Stoughton, 2023. —352 pages
338.620951 ; 24 cm
Ideological exploration of political work propaganda in ISBN 9781399708319 hardback £25.00
enterprises in the new era / Yinghui Xu, Dongyun Li , Cong BNB Number GBC379317
Geng. —Cambridge : UK Scientific Publishing, 2023. —1 Haugen, Frances.
volume : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm Facebook (Firm)
ISBN 9781915937346 paperback £49.00 Internet industry, Moral and ethical aspects.
BNB Number GBC380094 Whistle blowing.
Government business enterprises, China. Business ethics.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

338.6209597 338.76220971
An empirical study of SOE corporate governance attributes for Never rest on your ores : building a mining company, one
emerging markets / Giang Hoang, Kok Boon Oh. —Singapore stone at a time / Norman B. Keevil. —Second edition.
: Springer, 2023. —244 pages : illustrations (black and white, —Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, 2023. —560
and colour) ; 24 cm pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps ; 24
ISBN 9789819915040 hardback £119.99 cm.
BNB Number GBC380358 ISBN 9780228017783 hardback No price
Government business enterprises, Vietnam. BNB Number GBC378203
Corporate governance, Vietnam. Keevil, Norman Bell.
Vietnam, Economic conditions. Teck Corporation, History.
Prepublication record Mining corporations, Canada, History.
Mines and mineral resources, Canada.
Prepublication record

338.9 338.9
Forecast evaluation report : July 2021 / Scottish Fiscal The project in international development : theory and practice
Commission. [online resource] —Edinburgh : The Scottish / Caitlin Scott. —London : Routledge, 2023. —172 pages :
Fiscal Commission, 2021. —1 online resource (34 pages) : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
illustrations (colour) ISBN 9781138384811 hardback £130.00 ; 9781138384828
ISBN 9781911637370 Electronic book (PDF format) paperback £31.99
BNB Number GBC381648 BNB Number GBC379191
Project management.
338.9 Economic development projects, Management.
Scotland's economic and fiscal forecasts : August 2021 / Prepublication record
Scottish Fiscal Commission. [online resource] —Edinburgh :
Scottish Fiscal Commission, 2021. —1 online resource (97 338.9001
pages) : illustrations (colour), charts (colour) Global development and its discontents : rethinking the theory
ISBN 9781911637387 Electronic book (PDF format) and practice / by Anna Malavisi. [online resource] —Lanham :
BNB Number GBC381649 Lexington Books, 2022. —1 online resource (232 pages).
ISBN 1793616922 EPUB ; 9781793616920 EPUB
338.9 BNB Number GBC377730
Social sector development and governance : empirical Common good, Philosophy.
investigations for countries and groups / edited by Ramesh Poverty, International cooperation.
Chandra Das. [online resource] —New Delhi : Routledge Economic development, Moral and ethical aspects.
India, 2023. —1 online resource (270 pages) : illustrations Social epistemology.
(black and white) Globalization, Moral and ethical aspects.
ISBN 9781000892314 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000892307 Political Science: International Relations / General
PDF ebook £38.99 Globalization.
BNB Number GBC380810 Political Science: Human Rights
Social policy. Human rights.
Economic development, Political aspects.
Prepublication record 338.927
Economic growth and environmental quality in a
338.9 post-pandemic world : new directions in the econometrics of
Social sector development and governance : empirical the environmental Kuznets curve / edited by Muhammad
investigations for countries and groups / edited by Ramesh Shahbaz, Daniel Balsalobre-Lorente, Rajesh Sharma. [online
Chandra Das. —New Delhi : Routledge India, 2023. —270 resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm (400 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9781032138121 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781000892857 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000892925
BNB Number GBC378629 ePub ebook £38.99
Economic development, Political aspects. BNB Number GBC380828
Social policy. Environmental economics, Econometric models.
Prepublication record Sustainable development, Econometric models.
Prepublication record
The project in international development : theory and practice 338.927
/ Caitlin Scott. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. Economic growth and environmental quality in a
—1 online resource (172 pages) : illustrations (black and post-pandemic world : new directions in the econometrics of
white). the environmental Kuznets curve / edited by Muhammad
ISBN 9780429763915 PDF ebook £31.99 ; 9780429763908 Shahbaz, Daniel Balsalobre-Lorente, Rajesh Sharma.
ePub ebook £31.99 —London : Routledge, 2023. —400 pages : illustrations (black
BNB Number GBC380454 and white) ; 24 cm.
Project management. ISBN 9781032373508 hardback £130.00
Economic development projects, Management. BNB Number GBC378872
Prepublication record Environmental economics, Econometric models.
Sustainable development, Econometric models.
Prepublication record

338.927 338.9270711
Handbook on international development and the environment Higher education and SDG17 : partnerships for the goals /
/ edited by Benedicte Bull, Mariel Aguilar-Støen. edited by Ángel Cabrera, Drew Cutright. [online resource]
—Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023. —350 pages ; —United Kingdom : Emerald Publishing, 2023. —1 online
24 cm. resource (184 pages).
ISBN 9781800883772 hardback £155.00 ISBN 9781804557044 PDF ebook £20.00 ; 9781804557068
BNB Number GBC379890 ePub ebook £20.00
Sustainable development. BNB Number GBC381441
Prepublication record Sustainable Development Goals.
Sustainable development, Study and teaching.
338.927 Education, Higher, Environmental aspects.
Progress in sustainable manufacturing / edited by Jayakrishna Prepublication record
Kandasamy, Aravind Raj Sakthivel, J. Paulo Davim.
—Singapore : Springer, 2023. —196 pages : illustrations 338.9270711
(black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm. Higher education and SDG17 : partnerships for the goals /
ISBN 9789819902002 hardback £109.99 edited by Ángel Cabrera, Drew Cutright. —United Kingdom :
BNB Number GBC380354 Emerald Publishing, 2023. —184 pages ; 22 cm.
Sustainable engineering. ISBN 9781804557075 paperback £20.00
Manufacturing industries, Environmental aspects. BNB Number GBC379956
Prepublication record Sustainable Development Goals.
Education, Higher, Environmental aspects.
338.927 Sustainable development, Study and teaching.
Technology, business and sustainable development : Prepublication record
advances for people, planet and profit / edited by S.M. Riad
Shams, Demetris Vrontis, Yaakov Weber, Evangelos 338.941
Evangelos and Lea Iaia. [online resource] —London : Family firms in postwar Britain and Germany : competing
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (248 pages) : approaches to business / David Paulson. [online resource]
illustrations (black and white). —Woodbridge : The Boydell Press, 2023. —1 online resource
ISBN 9781000902549 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000902600 (xii, 345 pages) : illustrations.
ePub ebook £38.99 ISBN 9781800109162 electronic book ; 1800109164
BNB Number GBC381031 electronic book
Sustainable development. BNB Number GBC377656
Technological innovations, Social aspects. World War, 1939-1945, Economic aspects, Great Britain.
Technological innovations, Economic aspects. World War, 1939-1945, Economic aspects, Germany.
Technological innovations, Environmental aspects. Family-owned business enterprises, Great Britain, 20th
Prepublication record century.
Family-owned business enterprises, Germany, 20th
338.927 century.
Technology, business and sustainable development : BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Accounting / Managerial
advances for people, planet and profit / edited by S.M. Riad
Shams, Demetris Vrontis, Yaakov Weber, Evangelos 338.941
Evangelos and Lea Iaia. —London : Routledge, 2023. —248 Managing the British economy : a guide to economic planning
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm. in Britain since 1962 / Richard Bailey. [online resource]
ISBN 9781032275284 hardback £130.00 —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (182 pages).
BNB Number GBC378749 ISBN 9781000906370 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000906356
Technological innovations, Economic aspects. PDF ebook £48.99
Sustainable development. BNB Number GBC381086
Technological innovations, Environmental aspects. Great Britain, Economic policy, 1945-1964.
Technological innovations, Social aspects. Great Britain, Economic policy, 1964-1979.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

338.941 338.947
Managing the British economy : a guide to economic planning The economic development of the USSR / Roger Munting.
in Britain since 1962 / Richard Bailey. —London : Routledge, [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
2023. —182 pages ; 24 cm. resource (228 pages).
ISBN 9781032509341 hardback £85.00 ISBN 9781000881745 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000881592
BNB Number GBC379071 PDF ebook £48.99
Great Britain, Economic policy, 1964-1979. BNB Number GBC380576
Great Britain, Economic policy, 1945-1964. Soviet Union, Economic conditions.
Prepublication record Soviet Union, Economic policy.
Prepublication record
Soviet geography : the new industrial and economic 338.947
distributions of the U.S.S.R. / N. Mikhaylov. [online resource] The economic development of the USSR / Roger Munting.
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (232 pages). —London : Routledge, 2023. —228 pages ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781000882094 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000881974 ISBN 9781032485515 hardback £90.00
PDF ebook £48.99 BNB Number GBC379011
BNB Number GBC380597 Soviet Union, Economic conditions.
Economic development, Soviet Union. Soviet Union, Economic policy.
Soviet Union, Economic conditions. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
338.947 The Soviet economy on the brink of reform : essays in honor
Soviet geography : the new industrial and economic of Alec Nove / edited by Peter Wiles. [online resource]
distributions of the U.S.S.R. / N. Mikhaylov. —London : —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (256 pages).
Routledge, 2023. —232 pages ; 24 cm. ISBN 9781000882025 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000881905
ISBN 9781032488998 hardback £90.00 PDF ebook £48.99
BNB Number GBC379026 BNB Number GBC380591
Economic development, Soviet Union. Central planning, Soviet Union.
Soviet Union, Economic conditions. Soviet Union, Economic policy.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

338.947 338.94700904
The disintegration of the Soviet economic system / edited by The Soviet economy on the brink of reform : essays in honor
Michael Ellman, Vladimir Kontorovich. [online resource] of Alec Nove / edited by Peter Wiles. —London : Routledge,
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (282 pages). 2023. —256 pages ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781000881769 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000881615 ISBN 9781032494845 hardback £90.00
PDF ebook £48.99 BNB Number GBC379040
BNB Number GBC380578 Central planning, Soviet Union.
Soviet Union, Economic conditions, 1985-1991, Soviet Union, Economic policy.
Congresses. Prepublication record
Soviet Union, Economic policy, 1986-1991, Congresses.
Soviet Union, Social conditions, 1970-1991, Congresses. 338.94709041
Prepublication record The Soviet Union looks ahead : the five-year plan for
economic construction. [online resource] —London :
338.947 Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (278 pages).
The disintegration of the Soviet economic system / edited by ISBN 9781000881998 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000881875
Michael Ellman, Vladimir Kontorovich. —London : Routledge, PDF ebook £48.99
2023. —282 pages ; 24 cm. BNB Number GBC380588
ISBN 9781032484730 hardback £105.00 Industrial policy, Soviet Union.
BNB Number GBC379008 Soviet Union, Economic policy, 1928-1932.
Soviet Union, Economic conditions, 1985-1991, Prepublication record
Soviet Union, Economic policy, 1986-1991, Congresses.
Soviet Union, Social conditions, 1970-1991, Congresses.
Prepublication record

338.94709041 338.958
The Soviet Union looks ahead : the five-year plan for Soviet Central Asia : 'a tragic experiment' / Boris Z. Rumer.
economic construction. —London : Routledge, 2023. —278 [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
pages ; 24 cm. resource (204 pages) : illustrations, map.
ISBN 9781032486345 hardback £105.00 ISBN 9781000882001 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000881882
BNB Number GBC379016 PDF ebook £48.99
Industrial policy, Soviet Union. BNB Number GBC380589
Soviet Union, Economic policy, 1928-1932. Soviet Union, Economic conditions, 1975-1985, Regional
Prepublication record disparities.
Asia, Central, Economic conditions.
338.951 Asia, Central, Economic policy.
Management and sustainability in the Belt and Road / Andrew Prepublication record
W.H. Ip, Lianne K.W. Lam. [online resource] —Boca Raton :
CRC Press, 2023. —1 online resource (290 pages) : 338.958
illustrations (black and white) Soviet Central Asia : 'a tragic experiment' / Boris Z. Rumer.
ISBN 9781000889864 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000889918 —London : Routledge, 2023. —204 pages : illustrations, map ;
ePub ebook £48.99 24 cm.
BNB Number GBC380741 ISBN 9781032484860 hardback £90.00
Sustainable development, China. BNB Number GBC379009
Economic development, China. Soviet Union, Economic conditions, 1975-1985, Regional
Management, China. disparities.
Prepublication record Asia, Central, Economic policy.
Asia, Central, Economic conditions.
338.951 Prepublication record
Management and sustainability in the Belt and Road / Andrew
W.H. Ip, Lianne K.W. Lam. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. 338.9597
—290 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm The limits of national liberation : problems of economic
ISBN 9781032055695 hardback £110.00 management in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, with a
BNB Number GBC378573 statistical appendix / Adam Fforde, Suzanne H. Paine.
Sustainable development, China. —London : Routledge, 2023. —264 pages ; 24 cm.
Economic development, China. ISBN 9781032153544 paperback £27.99
Management, China. BNB Number GBC378640
Prepublication record Vietnam (Democratic Republic), Economic policy.
Vietnam (Democratic Republic), Economic conditions.
338.956 Prepublication record
Industry clusters and innovation in the Arab world : challenges
and opportunities / edited by Raghda El Ebrashi, Hala Hattab, 338.9597
Rasha Hassan, Nancy Bouchra. [online resource] —United Vietnam : the incomplete transformation / Peter Wolff.
Kingdom : Emerald Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource (472 —London : Routledge, 2023. —146 pages ; 24 cm.
pages) ISBN 9781032152905 paperback £27.99
ISBN 9781802628739 ePub ebook £85.00 ; 9781802628715 BNB Number GBC378638
PDF ebook £85.00 Industries, Vietnam.
BNB Number GBC381423 Vietnam, Economic conditions.
Industrial clusters, Arab countries. Vietnam, Economic policy.
Technological innovations, Arab countries. Prepublication record
Prepublication record

Industry clusters and innovation in the Arab world : challenges
and opportunities / edited by Raghda El Ebrashi, Hala Hattab,
Rasha Hassan, Nancy Bouchra. —United Kingdom : Emerald
Publishing, 2023. —472 pages ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781802628722 hardback £85.00
BNB Number GBC379915
Technological innovations, Arab countries.
Industrial clusters, Arab countries.
Prepublication record

338.96 339
COVID-19, supply chain, climate change, and sustainable Principles of macroeconomics / Betsey Stevenson, Justin
development in Africa : Current Business Issues in African Wolfers. —Second edition. —New York : Worth Publishers,
Countries (CBIAC) Conference, Staten Island, NY, USA, April 2023. —720 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 28 cm
7-8, 2022 / edited by Shani D. Carter. —Cham : Springer, ISBN 9781319498559 paperback £54.99
2023. —200 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) BNB Number GBC379224
; 24 cm. Macroeconomics.
ISBN 9783031261206 hardback £149.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC380266
Sustainable development, Africa, Congresses. 339.094709045
Business logistics, Africa, Congresses. The communist economic challenge / David Ingram. [online
Climatic changes, Africa, Congresses. resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Africa, Influence, (168 pages).
Congresses. ISBN 9781000881813 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000881660
Prepublication record PDF ebook £48.99
BNB Number GBC380582
338.96 Soviet Union, Economic conditions.
Finance for sustainable development in Africa : evolution, Communist countries, Economic conditions.
impact and policy implications / edited by Nicholas Mbaya Prepublication record
Odhiambo, Erasmus Larbi Owusu, Anutechia Simplice
Asongu. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 339.094709045
online resource (320 pages) : illustrations (black and white). The communist economic challenge / David Ingram. —London
ISBN 9781000893212 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000893243 : Routledge, 2023. —168 pages ; 24 cm.
ePub ebook £38.99 ISBN 9781032493343 hardback £85.00
BNB Number GBC380839 BNB Number GBC379037
Financial institutions, Africa. Soviet Union, Economic conditions.
Sustainable development, Africa. Communist countries, Economic conditions.
Africa, Economic policy. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
338.96 Commitment to equity handbook : estimating the impact of
Finance for sustainable development in Africa : evolution, fiscal policy on inequality and poverty / edited by Nora Lustig.
impact and policy implications / edited by Nicholas Mbaya [online resource] —Second edition. —Washington, D.C :
Odhiambo, Erasmus Larbi Owusu, Anutechia Simplice Brookings Institution Press, 2023. —1 online resource (1412
Asongu. —London : Routledge, 2023. —320 pages : pages)
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. ISBN 9780815740476 ePub ebook No price
ISBN 9781032103778 hardback £130.00 BNB Number GBC380478
BNB Number GBC378593 Income distribution, Research.
Sustainable development, Africa. Fiscal policy, Research.
Financial institutions, Africa. Poverty, Research.
Africa, Economic policy. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
339 The purchasing power of GDP, UK. [online resource]
Principles of macroeconomics / Betsey Stevenson, Justin —[Newport] : Office for National Statistics, 2023-
Wolfers. [online resource] —Second edition. —New York : —illustrations (colour)
Worth Publishers, 2023. —1 online resource (720 pages) : BNB Number GBC377281
illustrations (colour)
ISBN 9781319514051 ePub ebook £42.99
Cost of living and higher education students, England. [online
BNB Number GBC381223
resource] —[Newport] : Office for National Statistics, 2022-
BNB Number GBC377242
Prepublication record
Cost of living pressures : July 2022 = Pwysau costau byw,
Gorffennaf 2022 / Welsh Parliament. Economy, Trade and
Rural Affairs Committee. —Cardiff Bay : Welsh Parliament,
July 2022. —41, 43 pages ; 29 cm
BNB Number GBC377507

339.46 340.023
Global justice as recognition theory : dignifying the world's The conscious lawyer : courageous leadership for
poor / Monica Mookherjee. [online resource] —London : high-performing professionals / Kiran Scarr. [online resource]
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (192 volumes). —Tadley : Practical Inspiration Publishing, 2023. —1 online
ISBN 9781000898316 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000898293 resource (260 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
PDF ebook £38.99 ISBN 9781788604444 Mobipocket ebook £9.99 ;
BNB Number GBC380941 9781788604451 ePub ebook £9.99
Political science, Philosophy. BNB Number GBC381391
Poverty, Philosophy. Transformational leadership.
Prepublication record Practice of law.
Lawyers, Vocational guidance.
339.46 Prepublication record
Global justice as recognition theory : dignifying the world's
poor / Monica Mookherjee. —London : Routledge, 2023. 340.023
—192 volumes ; 23 cm. The conscious lawyer : courageous leadership for
ISBN 9780367487980 hardback £130.00 high-performing professionals / Kiran Scarr. —Tadley :
BNB Number GBC378264 Practical Inspiration Publishing, 2023. —260 pages :
Poverty, Philosophy. illustrations (black and white) ; 22 cm
Political science, Philosophy. ISBN 9781788604437 paperback £29.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379805
Transformational leadership.
339.53 Practice of law.
Macro-financial stability policy in a globalised world : lessons Lawyers, Vocational guidance.
from international experience / editors Claudio Borio, Edward Prepublication record
Robinson, Hyun Song Shin. —Singapore : World Scientific
Publishing, 2023. —600 pages 340.025411
ISBN 9789811259425 hardback £140.00 The Scottish law directory : the white book 2023. —One
BNB Number GBC380382 hundred and thirty second edition. —London : LexisNexis,
Monetary policy, Congresses. 2023. —1 volume : illustrations
Globalization, Congresses. ISBN 9781474324175 hardback £189.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379404
Lawyers, Scotland, Directories.
340 Prepublication record
Jurisprudence : themes and concepts. [online resource]
—Fourth edition / Scott Veitch, Emilios Christodoulidis, Marco 340.0684
Goldoni. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource Rise of the legal COO. [online resource] —Second edition /
(400 pages) edited by Katerina Menhennet. —London : Globe Law and
ISBN 9781000895261 ePub ebook £34.99 ; 9781000895216 Business, 2023. —1 online resource.
PDF ebook £34.99 ISBN 1787429474 ; 9781787429482 ; 1787429482 ;
BNB Number GBC380875 9781787429475 9781787429468 (pbk.) : (e-book)
Jurisprudence. BNB Number GBC377806
Prepublication record Chief operating officers.
Law offices.
Jurisprudence : themes and concepts. —Fourth edition / Scott 340.071141
Veitch, Emilios Christodoulidis, Marco Goldoni. —London : The successful law student : an insider's guide to studying law
Routledge, 2023. —400 pages ; 24 cm / Imogen Moore, Craig Newbery-Jones. [online resource]
ISBN 9781032359953 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032359946 —Second edition. —Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2022.
paperback £34.99 —1 online resource (xii, 449 pages) : illustrations (black and
BNB Number GBC378853 white, and colour).
Jurisprudence. ISBN 9780191897993 ebook No price ; 9780198865650
Prepublication record paperback No price
BNB Number GBC381537
Law students, Great Britain.
Law, Study and teaching (Higher), Great Britain.
Prepublication record

340.092 340.11509420902
Home is within you : a memoir of recovery and redemption / Law and the medieval village community : reinvigorating
Nadia Davis. —Seattle : Girl Friday Books, 2023. —464 pages historical jurisprudence / Lorren Eldridge. —London :
; 22 cm Routledge, 2023. —264 pages ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781954854949 paperback No price ISBN 9781032375557 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC380125 BNB Number GBC378874
Davis, Nadia. Customary law, England, History, To 1500, Historiography.
Hispanic American lawyers, California, Biography. Law, England, Historiography.
Lawyers, California, Biography. Law, Medieval, Historiography.
Substance abuse, Patients, Rehabilitation. Villages, England, History, To 1500, Historiography.
Women lawyers, California, Biography. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
340.1 The rise of critical Islam : 10th-13th century legal debate /
Rhetorical knowledge in legal practice and critical legal theory Youcef L. Soufi. —New York : Oxford University Press, 2023.
/ Francis J. Mootz. —Tuscaloosa : The University of Alabama —296 pages ; 24 cm.
Press, 2023. —278 pages ; 23 cm ISBN 9780197685006 hardback £71.00
ISBN 9780817360849 paperback £37.95 BNB Number GBC378183
BNB Number GBC378447 Islamic law, Methodology, History, To 1500.
Law, Philosophy. Islamic law, History, To 1500.
Rhetoric. Prepublication record
Critical legal studies.
Prepublication record 340.5908209569109032
In the house of the law : gender and Islamic law in Ottoman
340.11 Syria and Palestine / Judith E. Tucker. [online resource]
The rule of law's anatomy in the EU : foundations and —Oakland : University of California Press, 2023. —1 online
protections / edited by Allan Rosas, Juha Raitio, Pekka resource : map
Pohjankoski. —Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2023. —288 pages ; ISBN 9780520925380 PDF ebook No price
24 cm BNB Number GBC380469
ISBN 9781509955077 hardback £90.00 Women, Legal status, laws, etc., Syria, History, 18th
BNB Number GBC379488 century.
Rule of law, European Union countries. Women, Legal status, laws, etc., Palestine, History, 18th
Prepublication record century.
Women, Legal status, laws, etc., Palestine, History, 17th
340.112 century.
Early modern natural law in East-Central Europe / edited by Women, Legal status, laws, etc. (Islamic law)
Gábor Gángó. —Leiden : Brill, 2023. —1 volume ; 24 cm. Women, Legal status, laws, etc., Syria, History, 17th
ISBN 9789004545823 hardback No price century.
BNB Number GBC380333 Prepublication record
Law, Europe, Eastern, History, 18th century.
Law, Europe, Eastern, History, 17th century. 340.90942
Natural law, History, 17th century. Private international law in English courts / Adrian Briggs, KC.
Natural law, History, 18th century. [online resource] —Second edition. —Oxford : Oxford
Prepublication record University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (960 pages).
ISBN 9780191960185 ebook No price ; 9780192868145
340.11509420902 hardback No price
Law and the medieval village community : reinvigorating BNB Number GBC381551
historical jurisprudence / Lorren Eldridge. [online resource] Conflict of laws, England.
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (264 pages). Conflict of laws, Wales.
ISBN 9781000900552 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000900507 Prepublication record
PDF ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC380991
Villages, England, History, To 1500, Historiography.
Customary law, England, History, To 1500, Historiography.
Law, England, Historiography.
Law, Medieval, Historiography.
Prepublication record

341 341.26
Public international law / edited by Emily Crawford, Alison The Routledge international handbook on decolonizing justice
Pert, Ben Saul. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, / edited by Chris Cunneen, Antje Deckert, Amanda Porter,
2023. —528 pages Juan Tauri, and Robert Webb. [online resource] —London :
ISBN 9781009055888 paperback £79.99 Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (606 pages) :
BNB Number GBC378481 illustrations (black and white).
International law, Australia. ISBN 9781000904017 PDF ebook No price ; 9781000904048
International law. ePub ebook No price
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC381047
Restorative justice.
341.09417 Decolonization, Research.
The Irish yearbook of international law. Volume 15, 2020 / Criminal justice, Administration of.
edited by Bríd Ní Ghráinne, James Gallen, Richard Collins. Decolonization.
[online resource] —Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2023. —1 online Indigenous peoples, Legal status, laws, etc.
resource (320 pages) Self-determination, National.
ISBN 9781509966318 PDF ebook £175.50 ; 9781509966301 Prepublication record
ePub ebook £175.50
BNB Number GBC381315 341.26
International law, Ireland. The Routledge international handbook on decolonizing justice
Prepublication record / edited by Chris Cunneen, Antje Deckert, Amanda Porter,
Juan Tauri, and Robert Webb. —London : Routledge, 2023.
341.2422 —606 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm.
EU law / Noreen O'Meara. [online resource] —6th edition. ISBN 9781032009773 hardback £205.00
—Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2022. —1 online resource. BNB Number GBC378551
ISBN 9780191948893 ebook No price Indigenous peoples, Legal status, laws, etc.
BNB Number GBC381550 Decolonization, Research.
Law, European Union countries, Cases. Restorative justice.
Prepublication record Decolonization.
Self-determination, National.
Criminal justice, Administration of.
EU law directions / Nigel Foster. —Eighth edition. —Oxford :
Prepublication record
Oxford University Press, 2023. —584 pages ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9780192871404 paperback £37.99 341.290951249
BNB Number GBC378151 The state of Taiwan : from international law to geopolitics / by
Law, European Union countries. Werner Somers. —Leiden : Brill Nijhoff, 2023. —1 volume ; 24
Prepublication record cm.
ISBN 9789004538146 hardback No price
BNB Number GBC380326
The EU and the Baltic Sea area / edited by Allan Rosas and
Taiwan, International status.
Henrik Ringbom. —Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2023. —352
Prepublication record
pages ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781509956241 hardback £85.00 341.3
BNB Number GBC379489 Rule and authority in the international system / edited by
European Union, Baltic Sea Region, Congresses. Christopher Daase, Nicole Deitelhoff, Antonia Witt.
Baltic Sea Region, Foreign relations, European Union —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —280
countries, Congresses. pages
Baltic Sea, International status, Congresses. ISBN 9781009307710 hardback £85.00
European Union countries, Foreign relations, Baltic Sea BNB Number GBC378524
Region, Congresses. International law, Political aspects.
Baltic Sea Region, International status, Congresses. International relations, Law and legislation.
Prepublication record Rule of law.
Prepublication record

341.45 341.48
State ocean jurisdiction / Patrick Vrancken. [online resource] International human rights law. [online resource] —Fourth
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (352 pages). edition / edited by Daniel Moeckli, Sangeeta Shah, Sandesh
ISBN 9781000901276 PDF ebook No price ; 9781000901306 Sivakumaran ; consultant editor, David Harris. —Oxford :
ePub ebook No price Oxford University Press, 2022. —1 online resource (lxix, 710
BNB Number GBC381009 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
Law of the sea. ISBN 9780191892462 ebook No price ; 9780198860112
Prepublication record paperback No price
BNB Number GBC381535
341.45 Human rights.
State ocean jurisdiction / Patrick Vrancken. —London : Prepublication record
Routledge, 2023. —352 pages ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781032461373 hardback £140.00 341.48
BNB Number GBC378977 The Routledge handbook of international law and
Law of the sea. anthropocentrism / edited by Vincent Chapaux, Frédéric Mé
Prepublication record gret, and Usha Natarajan. [online resource] —London :
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (384 pages)
341.48 ISBN 9781000892239 ePub ebook £42.99 ; 9781000892222
Human rights and civil liberties / Dr Steve Foster. [online PDF ebook £42.99
resource] —Third edition. —Oxford : Oxford University Press, BNB Number GBC380807
2022. —1 online resource : illustrations (colour). Philosophical anthropology.
ISBN 9780192897213 paperback No price ; 9780191919374 International law.
ebook No price Human-animal relationships.
BNB Number GBC381547 Human ecology.
Human rights, Examinations, questions, etc. Animal welfare, Law and legislation.
Human rights, Examinations, Study guides. International law and human rights.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

341.48 341.48
Human rights on the edge : the future of international human The Routledge handbook of international law and
rights law and practice / edited by Heather Smith-Cannoy, anthropocentrism / edited by Vincent Chapaux, Frédéric Mé
Tricia Redeker Hepner. [online resource] —London : gret, and Usha Natarajan. —London : Routledge, 2023. —384
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (132 pages) pages ; 25 cm
ISBN 9781000888874 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000888836 ISBN 9780367858223 hardback £205.00
PDF ebook £48.99 BNB Number GBC378318
BNB Number GBC380711 Animal welfare, Law and legislation.
International law and human rights. Human ecology.
Prepublication record International law and human rights.
Philosophical anthropology.
Human-animal relationships.
Human rights on the edge : the future of international human
International law.
rights law and practice / edited by Heather Smith-Cannoy,
Prepublication record
Tricia Redeker Hepner. —London : Routledge, 2023. —132
pages ; 26 cm 341.4844094
ISBN 9781032495705 hardback £130.00 The impact of Community law on tax treaties : issues and
BNB Number GBC379042 solutions / by Pasquale Pistone. [online resource] —[Place of
International law and human rights. publication not identified] : Kluwer Law International, 2002. —1
Prepublication record online resource (424 pages).
ISBN 904117866X PDF ; 9789041178664 PDF
BNB Number GBC377671
Double taxation, European Economic Community

341.522 341.69
Conflicting legal cultures in commercial arbitration : old issues War crimes : law, politics, & armed conflict in the modern
and new trends / Stefan N. Frommel and Barry A.K. Rider world / Steven P. Remy. —London : Routledge, 2023. —188
(eds.). [online resource] —[Place of publication not identified] : pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
Kluwer Law International, 1996. —1 online resource (204 ISBN 9780367632922 paperback £35.99 ; 9780367632939
pages). hardback £130.00
ISBN 9041181512 PDF ; 9789041181510 PDF BNB Number GBC378282
BNB Number GBC377674 War crimes, History.
Conflict of laws, Arbitration and award. War crimes (International law), History.
International commercial arbitration. War (International law), History.
Prepublication record
Evidence in international arbitration proceedings / volume 341.7309624
editor, Peter V. Eijsvoogel. [online resource] —[Place of Military integration during war-to-peace transitions : South
publication not identified] : Kluwer Law International, 2001. —1 Sudan's attempt to manage armed groups, 2006-13 / Lesley
online resource (328 pages). Anne Warner. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023.
ISBN 9041171711 PDF ; 9789041171719 PDF —1 online resource (158 pages).
BNB Number GBC377669 ISBN 9781000887365 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000887341
Evidence (Law) PDF ebook £38.99
International commercial arbitration. BNB Number GBC380688
Peace-building, South Sudan.
341.58 Paramilitary forces, South Sudan.
Threats of force and international law : practice, responses, South Sudan, Military policy.
and consequences / Agata Kleczkowska. [online resource] Prepublication record
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (138 pages)
ISBN 9781000898453 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000898415 341.7309624
PDF ebook £38.99 Military integration during war-to-peace transitions : South
BNB Number GBC380945 Sudan's attempt to manage armed groups, 2006-13 / Lesley
Intervention (International law) Anne Warner. —London : Routledge, 2023. —158 pages ; 24
Aggression (International law) cm.
War (International law) ISBN 9781032112282 hardback £130.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC378601
Peace-building, South Sudan.
341.58 Paramilitary forces, South Sudan.
Threats of force and international law : practice, responses, South Sudan, Military policy.
and consequences / Agata Kleczkowska. —London : Prepublication record
Routledge, 2023. —138 pages ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781032446271 hardback £130.00 341.7623
BNB Number GBC378946 Environmental regulation of oil and gas / editor, Zhiguo Gao.
Aggression (International law) [online resource] —[Place of publication not identified] :
War (International law) Kluwer Law International, 1998. —1 online resource (652
Intervention (International law) pages).
Prepublication record ISBN 9041177035 PDF ; 9789041177032 PDF
BNB Number GBC377670
341.69 Environmental law.
War crimes : law, politics, & armed conflict in the modern Petroleum law and legislation.
world / Steven P. Remy. [online resource] —London : Oil and gas leases.
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (188 pages) :
illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9781000891522 ePub ebook £35.99 ; 9781000891508
PDF ebook £35.99
BNB Number GBC380786
War crimes (International law), History.
War (International law), History.
War crimes, History.
Prepublication record

342.082 342.41
IOM unbound? : obligations and accountability of the Public law : text, cases, and materials / Andrew Le Sueur,
International Organization for Migration in an era of expansion Maurice Sunkin, Jo Eric Khushal Murkens. —Fifth edition.
/ edited by Megan Bradley, Cathryn Costello, Angela —Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2023. —752 pages :
Sherwood. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm
—267 pages ISBN 9780192870612 paperback £44.99
ISBN 9781009184182 hardback £90.00 ; 9781009184199 BNB Number GBC378149
paperback £29.99 Public law, Great Britain.
BNB Number GBC378494 Prepublication record
International Organization for Migration 342.41
Emigration and immigration, Government policy. Sceptical perspectives on the changing constitution of the
Emigration and immigration law. United Kingdom / edited by Richard Johnson and Yuan Yi
Prepublication record Zhu. [online resource] —Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2023. —1
online resource (xiii, 393 pages)
342.0853 ISBN 9781509963706 hardback No price ; 9781509963713
Religious speech and the quest for freedoms in the ebook No price
Anglo-American world / Wendell Bird. [online resource] BNB Number GBC381313
—Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —1 online Law reform, Great Britain, Congresses.
resource (350 pages) Constitutional law, Great Britain, Congresses.
ISBN 9781009090766 PDF ebook £95.00 Great Britain, Politics and government, Congresses.
BNB Number GBC381137 Prepublication record
Freedom of expression, Great Britain, History.
Freedom of expression, United States, History. 342.42066
Prepublication record Sealy & Worthington's text, cases and materials in company
law. [online resource] —Twelfth edition / Sarah Worthington
342.240852 and Sinéad Agnew. —Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2022.
Freedom of religion or belief in the European Convention on —1 online resource.
Human Rights : a reappraisal / Caroline K. Roberts. ISBN 9780191868474 ebook No price ; 9780198830092
—Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —256 paperback No price
pages BNB Number GBC381532
ISBN 9781009233644 hardback £95.00 Corporation law, England.
BNB Number GBC378503 Corporation law, Wales.
European Court of Human Rights Prepublication record
Freedom of religion, European Union countries. 342.54
Prepublication record India's communal constitution : law, religion, and the making
of a people / Mathew John. —Cambridge : Cambridge
342.41 University Press, 2023. —280 pages
Constitutional reform and Brexit / Gary Wilson. [online ISBN 9781009317757 hardback £95.00
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource BNB Number GBC378528
(224 pages). Constitutional law, India.
ISBN 9781000900422 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000900347 Prepublication record
PDF ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC380989 342.73
European Union, Great Britain. Administrative law : the American public law system : cases
Constitutional law, Great Britain. and materials / Jerry L. Mashaw, Richard A, Merrill, Peter M.
Law reform, Great Britain. Shane, M. Elizabeth Magill, Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar,
Prepublication record Nicholas R. Parrillo. —Eighth edition. —St. Paul, MN : West
Academic Publishing, [2019] —xxxviii, 1404 pages :
342.41 illustrations (black and white) ; 27 cm.
Constitutional reform and Brexit / Gary Wilson. —London : ISBN 9781640208896
Routledge, 2023. —224 pages ; 24 cm. BNB Number GBC377457
ISBN 9781032016160 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC378558
European Union, Great Britain.
Constitutional law, Great Britain.
Law reform, Great Britain.
Prepublication record
342.7302 343.087
The law of American state constitutions. [online resource] US trade policy, China and World Trade Organization / Nerina
—Second edition / Robert F. Williams, Lawrence Friedman. Boschiero. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
—New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2023. —1 online online resource (264 pages).
resource (xvii, 494 pages). ISBN 9781000887303 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000887327
ISBN 9780190068837 ebook No price ; 9780190068806 ePub ebook £38.99
hardback No price BNB Number GBC380686
BNB Number GBC380395 World Trade Organization
Constitutional law, United States, States.
Constitutions, United States, States. Foreign trade regulation, Political aspects.
Prepublication record Foreign trade regulation, United States.
International relations, Economic aspects.
342.73029 United States, Foreign economic relations, China.
From reflection and choice : the political philosophy of the Prepublication record
Federalist Papers and the ratification debate / edited by Will
R. Jordan. —Macon, Georgia : Mercer University Press, 2020. 343.087
—x, 188 pages ; 23 cm. US trade policy, China and World Trade Organization / Nerina
ISBN 9780881467444 (paperback) ; 0881467448 (paperback) Boschiero. —London : Routledge, 2023. —264 pages ; 24 cm.
BNB Number GBC377508 ISBN 9781032204512 hardback £120.00
Constitutional history, United States, Sources. BNB Number GBC378682
Constitutional history, United States, 18th century. World Trade Organization
United States, Politics and government, 1783-1789.
Foreign trade regulation, Political aspects.
342.7306 Foreign trade regulation, United States.
Administrative law : agency action in legal context / Robert L. International relations, Economic aspects.
Glicksman, J.B. & Maurice C. Shapiro Professor of United States, Foreign economic relations, China.
Environmental Law, The George Washington University Law Prepublication record
School, Richard E. Levy, J.B. Smith Distinguished Professor
of Constitutioal Law, University of Kansas. —Third edition. 343.09944
—St. Paul, MN : Foundation Press, [2020] —lvii, 1345 pages : Graphic : trauma and meaning in our online lives / Alexa
illustrations (black and white) ; 26 cm. Koenig, Andrea Lampros. —Cambridge : Cambridge
ISBN 9781640206274 hardback University Press, 2023. —240 pages
BNB Number GBC378113 ISBN 9781316518212 hardback £65.00 ; 9781108995740
Judicial review of administrative acts, United States. paperback £19.99
Administrative procedure, United States. BNB Number GBC379221
Administrative acts, United States. Internet, Moral and ethical aspects.
Internet governance.
342.9406 Internet, Law and legislation.
Government accountability sources and materials : Australian Prepublication record
administrative law. —Second edition. / Judith Bannister, Anna
Olijnyk, Stephen McDonald. —Cambridge : Cambridge 343.2407
University Press, 2023. —508 pages Sustainability labels in the shadow of the law / Eva van der
ISBN 9781009101943 paperback £84.99 Zee. —Cham : Springer, 2023. —121 pages : illustrations
BNB Number GBC378488 (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm.
Government accountability, Australia, Cases. ISBN 9783030958046 paperback £109.99
Administrative law, Australia, Cases. BNB Number GBC380219
Prepublication record Civil rights, European Union countries.
Law and economics.
Competition, Unfair, European Union countries.
Prepublication record

343.240999 343.4207869
Regulating access and transfer of data / Björn Lundqvist. The history of the Technology and Construction Court on its
[online resource] —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 150th anniversary : rewriting the rules / edited by David
2023. —1 online resource. Sawtell, Peter Coulson. [online resource] —Oxford : Hart
ISBN 9781009335201 PDF ebook No price Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource (464 pages)
BNB Number GBC381565 ISBN 9781509964192 PDF ebook £90.00 ; 9781509964185
Database industry, Law and legislation, European Union ePub ebook £90.00
countries. BNB Number GBC381314
Antitrust law, European Union countries. Great Britain. Technology and Construction Court.
Data protection, Law and legislation, European Union
countries. Dispute resolution (Law), England.
Electronic data interchange, Law and legislation, European Courts of special jurisdiction, England.
Union countries. Building laws, England.
Prepublication record Construction industry, Law and legislation, England.
Prepublication record
Social media, fundamental rights and courts : a European 343.42096
perspective / edited by Federica Casarosa and Evangelia Shipping law / Simon Baughen. [online resource] —Eighth
Psychogiopoulou. [online resource] —London : Routledge, edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (552
2023. —1 online resource (288 pages). pages) : illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781000895995 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000895971 ISBN 9781000886450 PDF ebook £39.99 ; 9781000886474
PDF ebook £38.99 ePub ebook £39.99
BNB Number GBC380889 BNB Number GBC380666
Social media, Law and legislation, Europe, Cases. Maritime law, Wales.
Prepublication record Maritime law, England.
Prepublication record
Social media, fundamental rights and courts : a European 343.42096
perspective / edited by Federica Casarosa and Evangelia Shipping law / Simon Baughen. —Eighth edition. —London :
Psychogiopoulou. —London : Routledge, 2023. —288 pages ; Routledge, 2023. —552 pages : illustrations (black and white)
24 cm. ; 25 cm
ISBN 9781032074665 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781032246178 paperback £39.99 ; 9781032246260
BNB Number GBC378586 hardback £130.00
Social media, Law and legislation, Europe, Cases. BNB Number GBC378710
Prepublication record Maritime law, England.
Maritime law, Wales.
343.410999 Prepublication record
Information technology law : the law & society / Andrew
Murray. —Fifth edition. —Oxford : Oxford University Press, 343.429034
2023. —784 pages ; 25 cm Consideration of the consultation on the draft public audit
ISBN 9780192893529 paperback £49.99 (amendment) (Wales) bill : March 2021 = Trafod yr
BNB Number GBC378158 ymgynghoriad ar y bil archwilio cyhoeddus (Diwygio) (Cymru)
Information technology, Law and legislation, Great Britain. draft / Welsh Parliament. Finance Committee. —Cardiff Bay :
Prepublication record Welsh Parliament, 2021. —42, 19, 42, 19 pages ; 30 cm
BNB Number GBC377482

Mining law and governance in Africa : transformation and
innovation for a sustainable mining sector / edited by Victoria
R. Nalule. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
online resource (344 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781000869545 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000869507
PDF ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC380507
Mining law, Africa.
Mineral industries, Law and legislation, Africa.
Prepublication record

343.6077 343.730999
Mining law and governance in Africa : transformation and Data cartels : the companies that control and monopolize our
innovation for a sustainable mining sector / edited by Victoria information / Sarah Lamdan. [online resource] —Stanford,
R. Nalule. —London : Routledge, 2023. —344 pages : California : Stanford University Press, [2023] —1 online
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm resource (xviii, 203 pages)
ISBN 9781032256597 hardback £120.00 ISBN 9781503633728 ebook No price
BNB Number GBC378726 BNB Number GBC381577
Mineral industries, Law and legislation, Africa. Cartels, United States.
Mining law, Africa. Antitrust law, United States.
Prepublication record Data protection, Law and legislation, United States.
Information services, Law and legislation, United States.
343.7304 Information services industry, Social aspects, United
Principles of tax policy / Stephanie Hunter McMahon. —Third States.
edition. —Saint Paul : West Academic Publishing, 2023. —570 Freedom of information, United States.
pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. Prepublication record
ISBN 9781636594637 paperback £72.00
BNB Number GBC379623 343.730999
Taxation, Law and legislation, United States. Legal implications of the millennium bug / general editor,
Tax administration and procedure, United States. Dennis Campbell ; editor, Susan Meek. [online resource]
Prepublication record —[Place of publication not identified] : Kluwer Law
International, 1999. —1 online resource (480 pages).
343.73052668 ISBN 9041171649 PDF ; 9789041171641 PDF
Tax planning and compliance for tax-exempt organizations : BNB Number GBC377668
rules, checklists, procedures. 2023 cumulative supplement / Year 2000 date conversion (Computer systems), Law and
Jody Blazek. —Sixth edition. —Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, legislation.
Inc., 2023. —240 pages ; 26 cm
ISBN 9781394179763 paperback £115.00 344.0328297
BNB Number GBC379270 Research handbook on international child abduction : the
Tax exemption, United States. 1980 Hague Convention / edited by Marilyn Freeman, Nicola
Nonprofit organizations, Taxation, Law and legislation, Taylor. —Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023. —496
United States. pages ; 25 cm.
Tax planning, United States. ISBN 9781800372504 hardback £210.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379866
Parental kidnapping, Law and legislation.
343.73066 Custody of children.
The law of tax-exempt organizations. 2023 cumulative Prepublication record
supplement / Bruce R. Hopkins, Shane T. Hamilton. [online
resource] —Twelfth edition. —Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 344.046
Inc., 2023. —1 online resource (256 pages). Litigating the environment : process and procedure before
ISBN 9781119985334 ePub ebook £190.00 international courts and tribunals / Justine Bendel.
BNB Number GBC381206 —Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023. —290 pages ;
Nonprofit organizations, Law and legislation, United States. 24 cm.
Nonprofit organizations, Taxation, Law and legislation, ISBN 9781789901320 hardback £100.00
United States. BNB Number GBC379815
Tax exemption, Law and legislation, United States. Environmental law, International.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

343.73066 344.099
The law of tax-exempt organizations. 2023 cumulative Sport, law and philosophy : the jurisprudence of sport / edited
supplement / Bruce R. Hopkins, Shane T. Hamilton. —Twelfth by Miroslav Imbrišević. [online resource] —London :
edition. —Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —256 Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (296 pages) :
pages ; 26 cm. illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9781119985327 paperback £190.00 ISBN 9781000892734 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000892727
BNB Number GBC379184 PDF ebook £38.99
Nonprofit organizations, Law and legislation, United States. BNB Number GBC380823
Tax exemption, Law and legislation, United States. Sports, Law and legislation.
Nonprofit organizations, Taxation, Law and legislation, Sports, Philosophy.
United States. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
344.099 344.7303170681
Sport, law and philosophy : the jurisprudence of sport / edited The law of fundraising / Bruce R. Hopkins, Alicia M. Beck.
by Miroslav Imbrišević. —London : Routledge, 2023. —296 —Sixth edition, 2023 supplement. —Hoboken : John Wiley &
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. Sons, Inc., 2023. —96 pages ; 26 cm
ISBN 9780367560805 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781394159727 paperback £115.00
BNB Number GBC378276 BNB Number GBC379258
Sports, Philosophy. Charitable uses, trusts, and foundations, United States.
Sports, Law and legislation. Fund raising, Law and legislation, United States.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

344.4101 344.744046
Smith & Wood's employment law. —Sixteenth edition / Ian Massachusetts environmental law handbook / Theda
Smith, Owen Warnock. —Oxford : Oxford University Press, Braddock. [online resource] —Fourth edition. —[Place of
2023. —912 pages ; 25 cm publication not identified] : Bernan Press, 2022. —1 online
ISBN 9780192874641 paperback £44.99 resource (196 pages).
BNB Number GBC378152 ISBN 1641434287 EPUB ; 9781641434287 EPUB
Labor laws and legislation, Great Britain. BNB Number GBC377665
Prepublication record Law: Government / State, Provincial & Municipal
Environmental law, Massachusetts.
Employment law / Roseanne Russell. [online resource] 345
—Second edition. —Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2022. Advanced introduction to substantive criminal law / Stephen J.
—1 online resource (xviii, 235 pages) : illustrations (colour). Morse. —Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023. —182
ISBN 9780198856757 paperback No price ; 9780191889998 pages ; 22 cm.
ebook No price ISBN 9781789906837 paperback £15.95 ; 9781789906813
BNB Number GBC381534 hardback £85.00
Labor laws and legislation, England, Examinations, BNB Number GBC379817
questions, etc. Criminal law.
Labor laws and legislation, Wales, Examinations, Prepublication record
questions, etc.
Prepublication record 345
Domesticating international criminal law : reflections on the
344.480419 Italian and German experiences / edited by Florian
Grievance formation, rights and remedies : involuntary Jessberger, Chantal Meloni and Maria Crippa. [online
sterilisation and castration in the Nordics, 1930s-2020s / resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
Daniela Alaattinoglu. —Cambridge : Cambridge University (298 pages).
Press, 2023. —280 pages. ISBN 9781000886429 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000886436
ISBN 9781009171687 hardback £95.00 ePub ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC378491 BNB Number GBC380665
Liability for human rights violations, Scandinavia. International criminal law, Germany.
Transsexuals, Legal status, laws, etc., Scandinavia. International and municipal law, Italy.
Involuntary sterilization, Law and legislation, Scandinavia. Comparative law.
Eugenics, Law and legislation, Scandinavia. International criminal law, Italy.
Prepublication record International and municipal law, Germany.
Prepublication record
Environmental public interest litigation in China / edited by Xi 345
Wang, Xiaobo Zhao, Noeleen McNamara. —Cham : Springer, Domesticating international criminal law : reflections on the
2023. —402 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) Italian and German experiences / edited by Florian
; 24 cm Jessberger, Chantal Meloni and Maria Crippa. —London :
ISBN 9783031265259 hardback £139.99 Routledge, 2023. —298 pages ; 24 cm.
BNB Number GBC380270 ISBN 9781032341958 hardback £130.00
Environmental law, China. BNB Number GBC378827
Public interest law, China. Comparative law.
Prepublication record International criminal law, Italy.
International criminal law, Germany.
International and municipal law, Germany.
International and municipal law, Italy.
Prepublication record
345.01 345.05
The future of the International Criminal Court : reform, Vulnerability, the accused, and the criminal justice system :
consensus, and relations with the USA / Daniel Ehighalua. multijurisdictional perspectives / edited by Roxanna
[online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online Dehaghani, Samantha Fairclough and Lore Mergaerts.
resource (248 pages) : illustrations (black and white) —London : Routledge, 2023. —216 pages ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781000893427 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000893458 ISBN 9781032070568 hardback £130.00
ePub ebook £38.99 BNB Number GBC378582
BNB Number GBC380847 Criminal justice, Administration of, Europe.
International Criminal Court Special needs offenders, Legal status, laws, etc., Europe. Juvenile delinquents, Europe.
Law reform. Prepublication record
International criminal courts, Political aspects.
International criminal courts, United States. 345.066
Prepublication record Witnessing the witness of war crimes, mass murder, and
genocide : from the 1920s to the present / edited by Manuela
345.01 Consonni, Philip Galland Nord. [online resource] —Berlin : De
The future of the International Criminal Court : reform, Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2023. —1 online resource (300 pages) :
consensus, and relations with the USA / Daniel Ehighalua. illustrations (black and white).
—London : Routledge, 2023. —248 pages : illustrations (black ISBN 9783110771466 hardback No price
and white) ; 24 cm BNB Number GBC381514
ISBN 9781032442044 hardback £120.00 Witnesses.
BNB Number GBC378937 War crimes.
International Criminal Court Evidence. Genocide.
International criminal courts, United States. Mass murder.
International criminal courts, Political aspects. Prepublication record
Law reform.
Prepublication record 345.066
Witnessing the witness of war crimes, mass murder, and
345.02555 genocide : from the 1920s to the present / edited by Manuela
Between forbearance and audacity : the European Court of Consonni, Philip Galland Nord. —Berlin : De Gruyter
Human Rights and the norm against torture / Ezgi Yildiz. Oldenbourg, 2023. —300 pages : illustrations (black and
—Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —160 white) ; 23 cm.
pages. ISBN 9783110770896 hardback £72.50
ISBN 9781009100045 hardback £95.00 BNB Number GBC380293
BNB Number GBC378487 Mass murder.
European Court of Human Rights Genocide. Witnesses.
Human rights, Cases. Evidence.
Torture, Law and legislation, Cases. War crimes.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

345.05 345.124
Vulnerability, the accused, and the criminal justice system : Decolonising the criminal question : colonial legacies,
multijurisdictional perspectives / edited by Roxanna contemporary problems / edited by Ana Aliverti, Henrique
Dehaghani, Samantha Fairclough and Lore Mergaerts. [online Carvalho, Anastasia Chamberlen, Máximo Sozzo. —Oxford :
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource Oxford University Press, 2023. —384 pages ; 24 cm
(216 pages). ISBN 9780192899002 hardback £110.00
ISBN 9781000890815 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000890808 BNB Number GBC378163
PDF ebook £38.99 Colonization.
BNB Number GBC380767 Criminal law, Developing countries, History.
Criminal justice, Administration of, Europe. Developing countries, Colonization.
Special needs offenders, Legal status, laws, etc., Europe. Prepublication record
Juvenile delinquents, Europe.
Prepublication record

345.35706702632 345.669066
Business laws of the United Arab Emirates : federal law no. 8 Witness protection and criminal justice in Africa : Nigeria in
of 1984, re: commercial companies / translated from Arabic international perspective / Suzzie Onyeka Oyakhire. —London
into English by Marjorie J. Hall. [online resource] —[Place of : Routledge, 2023. —226 pages ; 24 cm.
publication not identified] : Kluwer Law International, 1995. —1 ISBN 9781032057934 hardback £130.00
online resource (98 pages). BNB Number GBC378575
ISBN 9789041179081 PDF ; 9041179089 PDF Witnesses, Protection, Law and legislation, Nigeria.
BNB Number GBC377672 Prepublication record
Commercial law, United Arab Emirates.
Corporation law, United Arab Emirates. 345.73052
Legal guide for police : constitutional issues / Jeffery T.
345.41705044 Walker, Craig Hemmens. [online resource] —Twelfth edition.
Criminal defence representation at Garda stations / Vicky —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (270 pages)
Conway, Yvonne Daly. [online resource] —London : : illustrations (black and white)
Bloomsbury Professional, 2023. —1 online resource (304 ISBN 9781000883749 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000883695
pages) PDF ebook £38.99
ISBN 9781526522672 ePub ebook £117.00 ; 9781526522689 BNB Number GBC380622
PDF ebook £117.00 Preliminary examinations (Criminal procedure), United
BNB Number GBC381324 States.
Ireland. Garda Síochána. Civil rights, United States. Police, United States, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Defense (Criminal procedure), Ireland. Criminal investigation, United States.
Criminal defense lawyers, Practice, Ireland. Prepublication record
Criminal justice, Administration of, Ireland.
Prepublication record 345.73052
Legal guide for police : constitutional issues / Jeffery T.
345.42 Walker, Craig Hemmens. —Twelfth edition. —London :
Ashworth's principles of criminal law. [online resource] Routledge, 2023. —270 pages : illustrations (black and white)
—Tenth edition / Jeremy Horder. —Oxford : Oxford University ; 26 cm
Press, 2022. —1 online resource. ISBN 9781032376288 hardback £140.00 ; 9781032376271
ISBN 9780192897381 paperback No price ; 9780191919459 paperback £38.99
ebook No price BNB Number GBC378875
BNB Number GBC381549 Civil rights, United States.
Criminal law, Wales. Criminal investigation, United States.
Criminal law, England. Police, United States, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Prepublication record Preliminary examinations (Criminal procedure), United
345.420772 Prepublication record
Banks on sentence 2023 / Harry O'Sullivan. —Eighteenth
edition. —London : LexisNexis, 2023. —2 volumes (various 346.04691
pagings) The scarcity of water : emerging legal and policy responses /
ISBN 9781474323604 set £179.99 editors, Edward H.P. Brans [and others]. [online resource]
BNB Number GBC379401 —[Place of publication not identified] : Kluwer Law
Sentences (Criminal procedure), England. International, 1997. —1 online resource (324 pages).
Sentences (Criminal procedure), Wales. ISBN 9041179429 PDF ; 9789041179425 PDF
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC377673
Water, Law and legislation, Congresses.
345.669066 Water-supply, International cooperation.
Witness protection and criminal justice in Africa : Nigeria in Water-supply, Government policy.
international perspective / Suzzie Onyeka Oyakhire. [online Water-supply, Government policy, Congresses.
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource Water, Law and legislation.
(226 pages). Water-supply, International cooperation, Congresses.
ISBN 9781000899429 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000899450
ePub ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC380968
Witnesses, Protection, Law and legislation, Nigeria.
Prepublication record

346.048 346.092
The exploitation of intellectual property rights : in search of the The European Union and international investment law reform :
right balance / edited by Jens Schovsbo. —Cheltenham : between aspirations and reality / Ivana Damjanovic.
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023. —272 pages ; 24 cm. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —256
ISBN 9781035311453 hardback £105.00 pages.
BNB Number GBC379132 ISBN 9781009345392 hardback £85.00
Intellectual property. BNB Number GBC378536
Prepublication record Investments, Foreign (International law)
Investments, Foreign, Law and legislation, European Union
346.0652 countries.
Small and medium enterprises, law and business : uncertainty European Union countries, Foreign economic relations.
and justice / Jan Winczorek, Karol Muszynski. [online Prepublication record
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
(296 pages). 346.24
ISBN 9781000892598 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000892567 The European Service Regulation : a commentary / edited by
PDF ebook £38.99 Apostolos Anthimos, Marta Requejo Isidro. —Cheltenham :
BNB Number GBC380818 Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023. —374 pages ; 25 cm.
Small business, Management. ISBN 9781800884014 hardback £185.00
Small business, Law and legislation. BNB Number GBC379892
Prepublication record European Parliament. Regulation (EC) no. 1393/2007 of
the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 November
346.0652 2007 on the service in the Member States of judicial and
Small and medium enterprises, law and business : uncertainty extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters (service
and justice / Jan Winczorek, Karol Muszynski. —London : of documents), and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No
Routledge, 2023. —296 pages ; 24 cm. 1348/2000.
ISBN 9781032151076 hardback £120.00 Conflict of laws, European Union countries.
BNB Number GBC378635 Prepublication record
Small business, Management.
Small business, Law and legislation. 346.24015
Prepublication record EU private international law in family matters : legislation and
CJEU case law / Costanza Honorati, Maria Caterina Baruffi.
346.078 —Cambridge, United Kingdom : Intersentia, [2022?] —x, 369
Advanced introduction to cross-border insolvency law / pages ; 25 cm
Reinhard Bork. —Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, ISBN 1839702737 (pbk.) : £113.00 ; 9781839702730 (pbk.) :
2023. —157 pages ; 22 cm. £113.00
ISBN 9781789906363 hardback £85.00 ; 9781789906387 BNB Number GBC377912
paperback £15.95 Conflict of laws, European Union countries.
BNB Number GBC379816 Domestic relations, European Union countries.
Conflict of laws, Bankruptcy. 346.240488
Prepublication record EU trade mark law and product protection : a comparative
analysis of trade mark functionality / Lavinia Brancusi.
346.092 —London : Routledge, 2023. —352 pages ; 24 cm
Research handbook on global capital markets law / edited by ISBN 9781032446318 hardback £130.00
Iris H.-Y. Chiu, Iain G. MacNeil. —Cheltenham : Edward Elgar BNB Number GBC378947
Publishing, 2023. —456 pages ; 25 cm. Trademarks, Law and legislation, European Union
ISBN 9781800379299 hardback £200.00 countries.
BNB Number GBC379869 Prepublication record
Capital market, Law and legislation.
Investments, Law and legislation. 346.41015
Prepublication record Private children law proceedings : pratice and procedure /
Dewinder Birk. —London : LexisNexis, 2023. —1 volume
ISBN 9781784734961 paperback £109.99
BNB Number GBC379787
Domestic relations, Great Britain.
Children, Legal status, laws, etc., Great Britain.
Prepublication record

346.41015076 346.4106642
Family law / Ruth Gaffney-Rhys. [online resource] —Third Company directors' liability and the protection of creditors /
edition. —Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2022. —1 online Andrew Keay. [online resource] —Abingdon : Informa Law
resource : illustrations (colour). from Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (318 pages).
ISBN 9780191919381 ebook No price ; 9780192897220 ISBN 9780429561207 ePub ebook £200.00 ; 9780429556739
paperback No price PDF ebook £200.00
BNB Number GBC381548 BNB Number GBC380453
Domestic relations, Great Britain, Examinations, Study Debtor and creditor, Great Britain.
guides. Directors of corporations, Legal status, laws, etc., Great
Prepublication record Britain.
Tort liability of corporations, Great Britain.
346.41022 Business failures, Law and legislation, Great Britain.
Contract law / T.T. Arvind. [online resource] —Third edition. Prepublication record
—Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2022. —1 online resource
(xl, 594 pages). 346.4106642
ISBN 9780191904486 ebook No price ; 9780198867777 Company directors' liability and the protection of creditors /
paperback No price Andrew Keay. —Abingdon : Informa Law from Routledge,
BNB Number GBC381539 2023. —318 pages ; 24 cm.
Contracts, Great Britain. ISBN 9780367210519 hardback £200.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC378242
Tort liability of corporations, Great Britain.
346.41048 Debtor and creditor, Great Britain.
Intellectual property law. [online resource] —Sixth edition / L. Directors of corporations, Legal status, laws, etc., Great
Bently, B. Sherman, D. Gangjee, and P. Johnson. —Oxford : Britain.
Oxford University Press, 2022. —1 online resource : Business failures, Law and legislation, Great Britain.
illustrations (black and white, and colour). Prepublication record
ISBN 9780191905605 ebook No price ; 9780198869917
paperback No price 346.4107
BNB Number GBC381542 Commercial law / Eric Baskind, Greg Osborne, Lee Roach.
Intellectual property, Great Britain. [online resource] —Fourth edition. —New York, NY : Oxford
Prepublication record University Press, 2022. —1 online resource (liii, 795 pages) :
illustrations (colour).
346.410488 ISBN 9780192895653 paperback No price ; 9780191915840
Trade marks : law and practice. —Fifth edition / Alison Firth, ebook No price
Peter Cornford, Andrew Griffiths. —London : LexisNexis, BNB Number GBC381543
[2020] —lxxxii, 461 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm Commercial law, Great Britain.
ISBN 9781784734268 (pbk.) : £139.99 ; 1784734268 (pbk.) : Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC377571 346.4107
Trademarks, Law and legislation, Great Britain. Commercial law / Eric Baskind. [online resource] —Sixth
edition. —Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2022. —1 online
346.41066 resource : illustrations (colour).
Company law / Lee Roach, LLB, PhD, FHEA. [online ISBN 9780191919367 ebook No price ; 9780192897206
resource] —2nd edition. —Oxford : Oxford University Press, paperback No price
2022. —1 online resource (lxiii, 767 pages). BNB Number GBC381546
ISBN 9780191915864 ebook No price ; 9780192895677 Commercial law, Great Britain, Examinations, Study
paperback No price guides.
BNB Number GBC381545 Prepublication record
Corporation law, Great Britain.
Prepublication record 346.41072
Cases and materials on sale of goods / John Adams.
—London : Routledge, 2023. —172 pages ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781032005355 paperback £27.99
BNB Number GBC378547
Sales, Great Britain, Cases.
Prepublication record

346.41078 346.42043
Butterworths insolvency law handbook. —Twenty-fifth edition / Complete land law : text, cases, and materials. [online
editors, Glen Davis QC, Marcus Haywood. —London : resource] —Seventh edition. / Barbara Bogusz, Roger Sexton.
LexisNexis, 2023. —1 volume —Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2022. —1 online resource
ISBN 9781474324069 paperback £289.99 : illustrations (colour).
BNB Number GBC379403 ISBN 9780198869009 paperback No price ; 9780191905483
Bankruptcy, Great Britain. ebook No price
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC381540
Real property, Wales.
346.4202 Real property, England.
Contract law / Ewan McKendrick. [online resource] —Fifteenth Prepublication record
edition. —Oxford : Hart Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource
(500 pages). 346.42043
ISBN 9781350355217 ePub ebook £32.39 ; 9781350355200 Thompson's modern land law. [online resource] —Eighth
PDF ebook £32.39 edition / Martin George and Antonia Layard. —Oxford : Oxford
BNB Number GBC381237 University Press, 2022. —1 online resource : illustrations
Contracts, Wales. (colour).
Contracts, England. ISBN 9780191905513 ebook No price ; 9780198869061
Prepublication record paperback No price
BNB Number GBC381541
346.4202 Land use, Law and legislation, Wales.
Koffman, Macdonald & Atkins' law of contract. [online Land tenure, Law and legislation, Wales.
resource] —Tenth edition / Ruth Atkins. —Oxford : Oxford Land use, Law and legislation, England.
University Press, 2022. —1 online resource (li, 591 pages). Land tenure, Law and legislation, England.
ISBN 9780191892967 ebook No price ; 9780198860907 Prepublication record
paperback No price
BNB Number GBC381536 346.420438
Contracts, England. Conveyancing Quality Scheme tooklit / The Law Society.
Contracts, Wales. —Fourth edition. —London : The Law Society, 2023. —236
Prepublication record pages ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781784462239 paperback £65.00
346.42022 BNB Number GBC379784
Contract law : the fundamentals / Ryan Murray. —New edition. Conveyancing, Standards, Wales.
—London : Sweet & Maxwell, 2023. —1 volume Law firms, Accreditation, Wales.
ISBN 9780414111509 paperback £31.95 Law firms, Accreditation, England.
BNB Number GBC378323 Conveyancing, Standards, England.
Contracts, England. Prepublication record
Contracts, Wales.
Prepublication record 346.42059
Declarations of trust : a draftsman's handbook. —New edition
346.4203 / edited by Catherine Sanders. —London : Sweet & Maxwell,
Tort law : text, cases, and materials / Jenny Steele. [online 2023. —250 pages + 1 CD-ROM
resource] —Fifth edition. —Oxford : Oxford University Press, ISBN 9780414111912 paperback No price
2022. —1 online resource (xlv, 989 pages). BNB Number GBC378324
ISBN 9780198853916 paperback No price ; 9780191888281 Trusts and trustees, England.
ebook No price Trusts and trustees, Wales.
BNB Number GBC381533 Legal instruments, Wales.
Torts, Wales. Legal instruments, England.
Torts, England. Prepublication record
Prepublication record

346.42059 346.7301308997
Pearce & Stevens' trusts and equitable obligations. [online American Indian law : cases and commentary / Robert T.
resource] —8th edition / Warren Barr and John Picton. Anderson, Sarah A. Krakoff, Bethany Berger. —Fourth edition.
—Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2022. —1 online resource. —St. Paul, MN : West Academic Publishing, [2020] —xxxviii,
ISBN 9780191904264 ebook No price ; 9780198867494 983, 19 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 26 cm.
paperback No price ISBN 9781642426861
BNB Number GBC381538 BNB Number GBC377292
Trusts and trustees, England.
Trusts and trustees, Wales. 346.73046917
Prepublication record Ocean and coastal law : cases and materials / Alison Rieser,
Donna R. Christie. —Fifth edition. —St. Paul, MN : West
346.510664 Academic Publishing, [2020] —xliii, 1053 pages ; 27 cm.
Law and political economy in China : the role of law in ISBN 9781640200975
corporate governance and market growth / Tamar Groswald BNB Number GBC377458
Ozery. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023.
—304 pages. 346.7306626
ISBN 9781009158244 hardback £95.00 Mergers and acquisitions : law, theory, and practice / Claire
BNB Number GBC378489 Hill, Brian Quinn, Steven Davidoff Solomon. —Third edition.
Marketing, Law and legislation, China. —Saint Paul : West Academic Publishing, 2023. —894 pages
Corporate governance, Law and legislation, China. ; 26 cm.
Prepublication record ISBN 9781636591483 hardback £267.00
BNB Number GBC379622
346.52022 Consolidation and merger of corporations, Law and
Contracting in Japan : the bargains people make when legislation, United States.
information is costly, commitment is hard, friendships are Prepublication record
unstable, and suing is not worth it / J. Mark Ramseyer.
—Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —225 346.730666
pages : illustrations (black and white). Corporate financial disclosure, 1900-1933 : a study of
ISBN 9781009215725 hardback £70.00 ; 9781009215718 management inertia within a rapidly changing environment /
paperback £22.99 David F. Hawkins. —London : Routledge, 2023. —552 pages ;
BNB Number GBC378502 24 cm.
Negotiation, Japan. ISBN 9780367770211 paperback £40.99
Contracts, Japan. BNB Number GBC378313
Prepublication record Disclosure of information, Law and legislation, United
States, History.
346.59022 Financial statements, Law and legislation, United States,
Islamic contract law / Ilias Bantekas, Jonathan G. Ercanbrack, History.
Umar A. Oseni, Ikram Ullah. —Oxford : Oxford University Corporations, Accounting, Law and legislation, United
Press, 2023. —416 pages ; 25 cm States, History.
ISBN 9780192893796 hardback £195.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378159
Contracts (Islamic law) 347.407
Prepublication record Law, visual culture, and the show trial / Agata Fijalkowski.
[online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
346.710482 resource (188 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
For the encouragement of learning : the origins of Canadian ISBN 9781000901726 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000901672
copyright law / Myra Tawfik. —Toronto : University of Toronto PDF ebook £38.99
Press, 2023. —408 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 BNB Number GBC381015
cm. Trials, Europe.
ISBN 9781487545246 hardback £59.99 Mass media and criminal justice.
BNB Number GBC379444 Political crimes and offenses, Europe.
Copyright, Canada, History. Propaganda.
Prepublication record Legal photography.
Prepublication record

347.4206 351
Evidence / Roderick Munday. [online resource] —Eleventh Ethical public leadership : foundation, exploration, and
edition. —Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2022. —1 online discovery / Stephen M. King. —London : Routledge, 2023.
resource : illustrations (colour). —224 pages ; 23 cm
ISBN 9780191915857 ebook No price ; 9780192895660 ISBN 9781032220000 paperback £35.99 ; 9781032220031
paperback No price hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC381544 BNB Number GBC378699
Evidence (Law), England. Leadership, Moral and ethical aspects.
Evidence (Law), Wales. Public administration.
Prepublication record Bureaucracy.
Business planning.
347.4209 Strategic planning.
A practical approach to alternative dispute resolution / Globalization.
Professor Susan Blake, Associate Professor Julie Browne, Prepublication record
Professor Stuart Sime. [online resource] —Fifth edition.
—Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2022. —1 online resource 351
(lix, 618 pages). Religion and public administration : an introduction / Edoardo
ISBN 9780191861901 ebook No price ; 9780198823094 Ongaro, Michele Tantardini. —Cheltenham : Edward Elgar
paperback No price Publishing, 2023. —252 pages ; 24 cm
BNB Number GBC381531 ISBN 9781800888029 hardback £90.00
Dispute resolution (Law), England. BNB Number GBC379896
Dispute resolution (Law), Wales. Public administration, Cross-cultural studies.
Prepublication record Religion and state, Cross-cultural studies.
Prepublication record
Is it in force?. Summer 2023. —London : LexisNexis, 2023. 351
—1 volume The reflective administrator : a leader-centered focus / Angela
ISBN 9781474324045 paperback No price Pool-Funai, Tony Summers. [online resource] —London :
BNB Number GBC379402 Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (176 pages) :
Statutes, Great Britain. illustrations (black and white)
Prepublication record ISBN 9781000897975 ePub ebook £35.99 ; 9781000897906
PDF ebook £35.99
351 BNB Number GBC380931
Ethical public leadership : foundation, exploration, and Administrative agencies, Management.
discovery / Stephen M. King. [online resource] —London : Public administration.
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (224 pages) Leadership.
ISBN 9781000899573 ePub ebook £35.99 ; 9781000899535 Prepublication record
PDF ebook £35.99
BNB Number GBC380971 351
Strategic planning. The reflective administrator : a leader-centered focus / Angela
Public administration. Pool-Funai, Tony Summers. —London : Routledge, 2023.
Bureaucracy. —176 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm
Leadership, Moral and ethical aspects. ISBN 9781032219837 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032214955
Business planning. paperback £35.99
Globalization. BNB Number GBC378698
Prepublication record Leadership.
Public administration.
Administrative agencies, Management.
Prepublication record

351.56 352.4809429
Public administration in the Middle East and North Africa / Finance Committee summary engagement report : Welsh
edited by Shahjahan Bhuiyan. [online resource] —London : Government draft budget 2023-24 = Addroddiad Cryno ar
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (192 pages) : Ymgysylltu - y Pwyllgor Cyllid, Cyllideb Ddraft Llywodraeth
illustrations (black and white) Cymru ar gyfer 2023-24, Gorffennaf 2022 / Welsh Parliament.
ISBN 9781000904598 ePub ebook £35.99 ; 9781000904567 Finance Committee. —Cardiff Bay : Welsh Parliament, July
PDF ebook £35.99 2022. —20, 21 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 29 cm
BNB Number GBC381053 BNB Number GBC377500
Public administration, Middle East.
Public administration, Africa, North. 352.4809429
Middle East, Politics and government. Scrutiny of the Welsh Government draft budget 2022-23 :
Africa, North, Politics and government. February 2022 = Gwaith craffu ar gyllideb ddraft Llwodraeth
Prepublication record Cymru 2022-23. Chwefror 2022 / Welsh Parliament. Finance
Committee. —Cardiff Bay : Welsh Parliament, February 2022.
351.56 —119, 122 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 29 cm
Public administration in the Middle East and North Africa / BNB Number GBC377474
edited by Shahjahan Bhuiyan. —London : Routledge, 2023.
—192 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm 352.53
ISBN 9781032485348 paperback £35.99 ; 9781032486215 Procuring Steel in Government Contracts - Revised
hardback £130.00 Guidance. [online resource] —[United Kingdom] : Cabinet
BNB Number GBC379015 Office, 2023. —1 online resource.
Public administration, Middle East. BNB Number GBC381597
Public administration, Africa, North.
Middle East, Politics and government.
Procuring Steel in Government Contracts : Frequently Asked
Africa, North, Politics and government.
Questions. [online resource] —[United Kingdom] : [Cabinet
Prepublication record
Office], 2023. —1 online resource.
351.73 BNB Number GBC381598
The politics of collaborative public management : a primer /
Robert Agranoff and Aleksey Kolpakov. [online resource]
Revised Guidance on Procuring Steel in Government
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (320 pages)
Contracts. [online resource] —[United Kingdom] : Cabinet
: illustrations (black and white).
Office, 2023. —1 online resource.
ISBN 9781000903157 ePub ebook £52.99 ; 9781000903126
BNB Number GBC381596
PDF ebook £52.99
BNB Number GBC381036 352.6509429
Public administration, United States. Pre-appointment hearing - Chair of the Welsh Ambulance
Public-private sector cooperation, United States. Services NHS Trust : July 2022 = Gwrandawiad cyn penodi -
Intergovernmental cooperation, United States. Cadeirydd Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Gwasanaethau Ambiwlans
Prepublication record Cymru, Gorfennaf 2022 / Welsh Parliament. Health and Social
Care Committee. —[Wales] : Welsh Parliament, July 2022.
—5, 5 pages ; 29 cm
The politics of collaborative public management : a primer /
BNB Number GBC377494
Robert Agranoff and Aleksey Kolpakov. —London :
Routledge, 2023. —320 pages : illustrations (black and white) 352.745
; 23 cm. Basic and applied research : the language of science policy in
ISBN 9781032473628 hardback £52.99 the twentieth century / edited by David Kaldewey, Désirée
BNB Number GBC378996 Schauz. —New York : Berghahn Books, 2023. —312 pages.
Intergovernmental cooperation, United States. ISBN 9781800739383 paperback £15.95
Public-private sector cooperation, United States. BNB Number GBC379881
Public administration, United States. Science, United States, Language, History, 20th century.
Prepublication record Science and state, United States, History, 20th century.
Science and state, Europe, History, 20th century.
Science, China, Language, History, 20th century.
Science and state, China, History, 20th century.
Science, Europe, Language, History, 20th century.
Prepublication record

352.8 355.02
Modern economic regulation : an introduction to theory and Clausewitz : philosopher of war / Raymond Aron ; translated
practice / Christopher Decker. [online resource] —Second by Christine Booker and Norman Stone. —London :
edition. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —1 Routledge, 2023. —432 pages ; 24 cm.
online resource : illustrations (black and white) ISBN 9781032101897 paperback £29.99
ISBN 9781009083621 PDF ebook £325.00 BNB Number GBC378590
BNB Number GBC381135 Clausewitz, Carl von, 1780-1831
Public utilities, Law and legislation.
Administrative agencies. War.
Prepublication record Military art and science.
Prepublication record
The future of evidence-based policing / edited by David 355.02
Weisburd, Tal Jonathan-Zamir, Gali Perry, Badi Hasisi. The art of war : journal / edited by James Trapp. —London :
—Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —350 Amber Books Ltd, 2021. —1 volume (unpaged) : illustrations
pages (colour) ; 21 cm
ISBN 9781108794558 paperback £29.99 ; 9781108840354 ISBN 9781838861018 (hbk.) : £19.99 ; 1838861017 (hbk.) :
hardback £90.00 £19.99
BNB Number GBC379148 BNB Number GBC377511
Police administration.
Evidence, Criminal. 355.032
Police. Defense engagement since 1900 : global lessons in soft
Prepublication record power / edited by Greg Kennedy. —Lawrence, Kansas :
University Press of Kansas, [2020] —vi, 312 pages :
353.4 illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
Consultation on the future of the Scottish Land Court and ISBN 9780700629473 (cloth) ; 9780700629480 (paperback)
Lands Tribunal for Scotland : Scottish Government response BNB Number GBC377538
to the amalgamation questions. [online resource] —Edinburgh Military intelligence, Case studies.
: The Scottish Government, 2021. —1 online resource (2 Military attachés, Case studies.
pages) Security, International, Case studies.
ISBN 9781802013047 Electronic book (PDF format) National security, Case studies.
BNB Number GBC381633
353.4 Asia-Pacific defense and security outlook : arming the region
Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill – Scottish in the era of big power competition / edited by Kogila
Solicitors Discipline Tribunal financial penalty. [online Balakrishnan, Zsolt Lazar. [online resource] —London :
resource] —[United Kingdom] : Ministry of Justice, 2023. —1 Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (126 pages)
online resource. ISBN 9781000890310 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000890211
BNB Number GBC381602 PDF ebook £48.99
BNB Number GBC380752
353.4 East Asia, Military policy.
Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill – New Prepublication record
proactive information request power for the Solicitors
Regulation Authority to use in relation to economic crime : 355.03305
Impact Assessment (IA) [online resource] —[United Kingdom] Asia-Pacific defense and security outlook : arming the region
: Ministry of Justice, 2022. —1 online resource. in the era of big power competition / edited by Kogila
BNB Number GBC381603 Balakrishnan, Zsolt Lazar. —London : Routledge, 2023. —126
pages ; 25 cm
355.0090205 ISBN 9781032501550 hardback £130.00
Journal of medieval military history. Volume XXI / edited by BNB Number GBC379056
Kelly DeVries, Clifford J. Rogers, John France. —Martlesham East Asia, Military policy.
: The Boydell Press, 2023. —288 pages : maps ; 24 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781783277506 hardback £60.00
BNB Number GBC379778
Military history, Medieval, Periodicals.
Military art and science, History, Medieval, 500-1500,
Prepublication record

355.223620973 358.1740951
Making the immigrant soldier : how race, ethnicity, class, and People's Liberation Army surface-to-air missile forces : current
gender intersect in the US military / Cristina-Ioana Dragomir. strategy, structure and systems / Marko Majerski. —Houston :
[online resource] —Champaign : University of Illinois Press, Harpia Publishing, 2023. —144 pages : illustrations (colour),
2023. —1 online resource (256 pages) maps (colour) ; 28 cm.
ISBN 9780252054303 ebook No price ISBN 9781950394111 hardback £74.95
BNB Number GBC380434 BNB Number GBC380109
Łódź (Poland), Ethnic relations, United States, Case China. Zhongguo ren min jie fang jun, Artillery.
studies. Surface-to-air missiles, China.
United States, Armed Forces, Noncitizens, Case studies. China, History, Military, 1949-
Prepublication record Prepublication record

355.4 358.4383
Understanding territorial withdrawal : Israeli occupations and Fleet Air Arm boys. Volume 4, A lifetime of reminiscences
exits / Rob Geist Pinfold. —New York : Oxford University from the flight deck / Steve Bond. —London : Grub Street,
Press, 2023. —344 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 2023. —288 pages ; 24 cm
cm ISBN 9781911667438 hardback £30.00
ISBN 9780197658857 hardback £54.00 BNB Number GBC380032
BNB Number GBC378178 Great Britain. Royal Navy. Fleet Air Arm, History.
Disengagement (Military science), Case studies. Fighter planes, Great Britain, History.
Disengagement (Military science), Political aspects. Attack planes, Great Britain, History.
Military occupation, Israel, History. Fighter pilots, Great Britain, History.
National security, Israel. Prepublication record
Israel, Territories and possessions.
Prepublication record 359.0092
My dear Murray : a friend of Nelson : the life of Admiral Sir
355.684 George Murray, KCB / Barry Aldridge. —Second edition.
Understanding the military design movement : war, change —[Great Britain] : [publisher not identified], 2014. —vi, 146
and innovation / Ben Zweibelson. [online resource] —London : pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour), map
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (342 pages) : (colour) ; 21 cm
illustrations (black and white). BNB Number GBC377601
ISBN 9781000894479 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000894639 Murray, George, Sir, 1759-1819.
ePub ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC380862 359.0092
Military art and science, Case studies. The Milne papers. Volume III, The Royal Navy and the
Military planning, Case studies. American Civil War, 1862-1864 / edited by John Beeler.
Prepublication record [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
resource (556 pages).
355.684 ISBN 9781000870077 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000870176
Understanding the military design movement : war, change ePub ebook £38.99
and innovation / Ben Zweibelson. —London : Routledge, BNB Number GBC380509
2023. —342 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. Milne, Alexander, 1806-1896, Archives.
ISBN 9781032481784 hardback £130.00 Great Britain. Royal Navy, History, 19th century, Sources.
BNB Number GBC379002 Admirals, Great Britain, Archives.
Military art and science, Case studies. Great Britain, Military policy, Sources.
Military planning, Case studies. Great Britain, History, Naval, 19th century, Sources.
Prepublication record United States, History, Civil War, 1861-1865, Sources.
Prepublication record
The Thun-Hohenstein album : cultures of remembrance in a
paper armory / Chassica Kirchhoff. —Martlesham : The
Boydell Press, 2023. —336 pages : illustrations (black and
white, and colour) ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781837650439 hardback £70.00
BNB Number GBC379977
Armor in art.
Armor, Early works to 1800.
Armor, History, Pictorial works.
Prepublication record
359.0092 359.40973
The Milne papers. Volume III, The Royal Navy and the The U.S. Navy's "pivot to Asia" : the origins of a cooperative
American Civil War, 1862-1864 / edited by John Beeler. strategy for 21st century seapower / Bruce A. Elleman. [online
—London : Routledge, 2023. —556 pages. resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
ISBN 9781032473086 hardback £130.00 (246 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
BNB Number GBC378994 ISBN 9781000902341 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000902297
Milne, Alexander, 1806-1896, Archives. PDF ebook £38.99
Great Britain. Royal Navy, History, 19th century, Sources. BNB Number GBC381028
Admirals, Great Britain, Archives. United States. Navy.
Great Britain, Military policy, Sources.
United States, History, Civil War, 1861-1865, Sources. Sea-power, United States, History, 21st century.
Great Britain, History, Naval, 19th century, Sources. Sea-power, China, History, 21st century.
Prepublication record Military doctrine, United States, History, 21st century.
Naval strategy.
359.03 Prepublication record
Security studies in a new era of maritime competition / edited
by Jonathan D. Caverley, Peter Dombrowski. [online 359.40973
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource The U.S. Navy's "pivot to Asia" : the origins of a cooperative
(222 pages) strategy for 21st century seapower / Bruce A. Elleman.
ISBN 9781000886405 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000886351 —London : Routledge, 2023. —246 pages : illustrations (black
PDF ebook £48.99 and white) ; 24 cm.
BNB Number GBC380664 ISBN 9781032444949 hardback £130.00
Sea-power, United States, History, 21st century. BNB Number GBC378943
Sea-power, China, History, 21st century. United States. Navy.
Security, International.
Naval strategy, History, 21st century. Sea-power, China, History, 21st century.
United States, History, Naval, 21st century. Naval strategy.
China, History, Naval, 21st century. Military doctrine, United States, History, 21st century.
China, Military relations, United States. Sea-power, United States, History, 21st century.
United States, Military relations, China. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
359.03 From ironclads to dreadnoughts : the development of the
Security studies in a new era of maritime competition / edited German battleship, 1864-1918 / Dirk Nottelmann & David M.
by Jonathan D. Caverley, Peter Dombrowski. —London : Sullivan. —Warwick : Helion & Company, 2023. —556 pages :
Routledge, 2023. —222 pages ; 26 cm illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps ; 30 cm.
ISBN 9781032486567 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781804511848 paperback £59.95
BNB Number GBC379017 BNB Number GBC379954
Sea-power, China, History, 21st century. Armored vessels, Germany, History, 20th century.
Sea-power, United States, History, 21st century. Naval art and science, Germany, History, 20th century.
Naval strategy, History, 21st century. Naval art and science, Germany, History, 19th century.
Security, International. Armored vessels, Germany, History, 19th century.
United States, Military relations, China. Battleships, Germany, History, 19th century.
United States, History, Naval, 21st century. Battleships, Germany, History, 20th century.
China, Military relations, United States. Germany, History, Naval, 20th century.
China, History, Naval, 21st century. Germany, History, Naval, 19th century.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

US Naval Aviation in the 1980s : Atlantic and Pacific Fleet air
stations / Adrian Symonds. [online resource] —Stroud :
Amberley Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource (96 pages) :
ISBN 9781445698731 ePub ebook £12.90
BNB Number GBC381288
United States. Navy, Airborne troops, History, 20th century.
Naval aviation, United States, History, 20th century.
Prepublication record

361.2 361.3209429
Occupation - organizer : a critical history of community Social work in wales / edited by Wulf Livingston, Jo Redcliffe,
organizing in America / Clément Petitjean. —Chicago : Abyd Quinn Aziz. [online resource] —Bristol : Policy Press,
Haymarket Books, 2023. —340 pages ; 23 cm 2023. —1 online resource (256 pages)
ISBN 9781642599558 hardback No price ; 9781642599145 ISBN 9781447367215 PDF ebook £27.99 ; 9781447367208
paperback No price ePub ebook £27.99
BNB Number GBC379652 BNB Number GBC381289
Community organization, United States, History. Social service, Wales.
Community activists, United States, History. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
361.3 Social work in wales / edited by Wulf Livingston, Jo Redcliffe,
Risk and social work / C. Paul Brearley. [online resource] Abyd Quinn Aziz. —Bristol : Policy Press, 2023. —256 pages ;
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (183 pages). 25 cm
ISBN 9781000897081 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000897005 ISBN 9781447367192 paperback £27.99
PDF ebook £48.99 BNB Number GBC379358
BNB Number GBC380912 Social service, Wales.
Risk-taking (Psychology) Prepublication record
Social case work.
Prepublication record 361.6095691
State atrophy in Syria : war, society and institutional change /
361.3 Harout Akdedian. [online resource] —Edinburgh : Edinburgh
Risk and social work / C. Paul Brearley. —London : University Press, 2023. —1 online resource
Routledge, 2023. —183 pages ; 24 cm. ISBN 9781399510288 ePub ebook £85.00 ; 9781399510295
ISBN 9781032515847 hardback £85.00 PDF ebook £85.00
BNB Number GBC379084 BNB Number GBC381274
Risk-taking (Psychology) Public institutions, Syria.
Social case work. Syria, Politics and government, 2000-
Prepublication record Syria, History, Civil War, 2011-, Causes.
Prepublication record
The Routledge handbook of digital social work / edited by 361.6095691
Antonio López Peláez, Gloria Kirwan. [online resource] State atrophy in Syria : war, society and institutional change /
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (544 pages) Harout Akdedian. —Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press,
: illustrations (black and white). 2023. —1 volume ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781000878646 PDF ebook £42.99 ; 9781000878684 ISBN 9781399510264 hardback £85.00
ePub ebook £42.99 BNB Number GBC379316
BNB Number GBC380541 Public institutions, Syria.
Social work education, Technological innovations. Syria, History, Civil War, 2011-, Causes.
Telecommunication, Health aspects. Syria, Politics and government, 2000-
Social service, Technological innovations. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
361.320285 Vulnerability : governing the social through security politics /
The Routledge handbook of digital social work / edited by edited by Charlotte Heath-Kelly, Barbara Gruber.
Antonio López Peláez, Gloria Kirwan. —London : Routledge, —Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2023. —272
2023. —544 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. pages ; 24 cm
ISBN 9780367499945 hardback £190.00 ISBN 9781526169372 hardback No price
BNB Number GBC378268 BNB Number GBC379504
Social work education, Technological innovations. Terrorism, Prevention.
Social service, Technological innovations. Social policy.
Telecommunication, Health aspects. Risk, Social aspects.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

361.7630941 362.0425
COVID-19 and the voluntary and community sector in the UK : Supplementary costings : Carer's Allowance Supplement
responses, impacts and adaptation / edited by James Rees, (Scotland ) Bill / Scottish Fiscal Commission. [online resource]
Rob Macmillan, Chris Dayson, Chris Damm and Claire —Edinburgh : The Scottish Fiscal Commission, 2021. —1
Bynner. —Bristol : Policy Press, 2023. —268 pages : online resource (5 pages)
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm ISBN 9781911637363 Electronic book (PDF format)
ISBN 9781447365518 paperback £29.99 BNB Number GBC381652
BNB Number GBC379357
Nonprofit organizations, Great Britain. 362.1
Community development, Great Britain. An ethics framework for the Data and Intelligence Network.
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Social aspects, Great Britain. [online resource] —Edinburgh : The Scottish Government,
Voluntarism, Great Britain. 2021. —1 online resource (14 pages)
Prepublication record ISBN 9781802013368 Electronic book (PDF format)
BNB Number GBC381636
Care farming : Defining the ‘offer’ in England / Bragg, R., 362.1
Egginton-Metters, I., Elsey, H. & Wood, C. [online resource] Collaborative and Compassionate Cancer Care : the cancer
—[United Kingdom] : Natural England, 2014. —1 online strategy for children and young people in Scotland, 2021–
resource (4 unnumbered, vii, 25 pages) : illustrations (colour). 2026. [online resource] —Edinburgh : The Scottish
ISBN 9781783541270 Government, 2021. —1 online resource (81 pages) :
BNB Number GBC377523 illustrations (colour), 1 map (colour), portraits (colour)
ISBN 9781802013580 Electronic book (PDF format)
362.0425 BNB Number GBC381646
Ideas on institutions : analysing the literature on long-term
care and custody / Kathleen Jones, A.J. Fowles. [online 362.1
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource Design thinking in healthcare : from problem to innovative
(240 pages). solutions / edited by Anni Pakarinen, Thomas Lemström,
ISBN 9781000905144 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000905137 Eeva Rainio, Eriikka Siirala. —Cham : Springer, 2023. —119
PDF ebook £48.99 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm
BNB Number GBC381059 ISBN 9783031245091 paperback £49.99
Long-term care facilities. BNB Number GBC380246
Institutional care. Medical care, Decision making.
Prepublication record Medical care, Needs assessment.
Prepublication record
Ideas on institutions : analysing the literature on long-term 362.1
care and custody / Kathleen Jones, A.J. Fowles. —London : Handbook on the political economy of health systems / Joan
Routledge, 2023. —240 pages ; 24 cm. Costa-Font, Alberto Batinti, Gilberto Turati. —Cheltenham :
ISBN 9781032521626 hardback £90.00 Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023. —482 pages ; 25 cm
BNB Number GBC379106 ISBN 9781800885059 hardback £210.00
Long-term care facilities. BNB Number GBC379893
Institutional care. Medical economics, Political aspects.
Prepublication record Health systems agencies, Economic aspects.
Health systems agencies, Political aspects.
362.0425 Medical policy, Economic aspects.
Part-time for all : a care manifesto / Jennifer Nedelsky, Tom Prepublication record
Malleson. [online resource] —New York, NY : Oxford
University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (xvi, 368 pages). 362.1
ISBN 9780190642785 ebook No price ; 9780190642754 Health in a post-COVID world : lessons from the crisis of
hardback No price Western liberalism / Sebastian Taylor. [online resource]
BNB Number GBC380397 —Bristol : Policy Press, 2023. —1 online resource (336 pages)
Hours of labor. ISBN 9781447368380 ePub ebook £22.99 ; 9781447368397
Caregivers, Economic conditions. PDF ebook £100.00
Part-time employment. BNB Number GBC381290
Caregivers, Social conditions. Public health.
Work-life balance. COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Social aspects.
Prepublication record Medical policy.
Prepublication record

362.1 362.1
Health in a post-COVID world : lessons from the crisis of Understanding the science and practice of public health /
Western liberalism / Sebastian Taylor. —Bristol : Policy Press, Richard Crosby. [online resource] —San Francisco :
2023. —336 pages ; 24 cm Jossey-Bass, 2023. —1 online resource (336 pages)
ISBN 9781447368366 hardback £85.00 ; 9781447368373 ISBN 9781119860938 ePub ebook £75.00
paperback £22.99 BNB Number GBC381191
BNB Number GBC379359 Public health.
Public health. Medicine, Preventive.
Medical policy. Chronic diseases, Prevention.
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Social aspects. Medical policy.
Prepublication record Health literacy.
Prepublication record
Investor states : global health at the end of aid / Benjamin 362.10285
Hunter. [online resource] —Cambridge : Cambridge University Effective use of social media in public health / edited by Kavita
Press, 2023. —1 online resource (75 pages). Batra, Manoj Sharma. [online resource] —Amsterdam :
ISBN 9781009209564 ebook £145.00 Academic Press, 2023. —1 online resource (250 pages)
BNB Number GBC381141 ISBN 9780323956314 ePub ebook £115.00
Medical assistance, Case studies. BNB Number GBC380443
Economic assistance. Public health, Data processing.
Medical care, Finance. Medical informatics.
Medical policy, International cooperation. Social media in medicine.
Medical policy, Economic aspects. Health services administration, Data processing.
Medical care, Finance, Government policy. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
362.1 Effective use of social media in public health / edited by Kavita
Patient-reported outcomes and experience : measuring what Batra, Manoj Sharma. —Amsterdam : Academic Press, 2023.
we want from PROMs and PREMs / Tim Benson. —Cham : —250 pages ; 23 cm
Springer, 2023. —225 pages : illustrations (black and white, ISBN 9780323956307 paperback £115.00
and colour) ; 24 cm BNB Number GBC378233
ISBN 9783030970734 paperback £49.99 Health services administration, Data processing.
BNB Number GBC380221 Public health, Data processing.
Patient self-monitoring. Medical informatics.
Patient-centered health care. Social media in medicine.
Outcome assessment (Medical care) Prepublication record
Prepublication record
362.1 Process mining techniques for managing and improving
The worlds of public health : anthropological excursions / healthcare systems / Maha Zayoud. [online resource] —Boca
Didier Fassin. —Cambridge : Polity Press, 2023. —272 pages Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online resource (216 pages) :
ISBN 9781509558285 paperback £17.99 ; 9781509558278 illustrations (black and white)
hardback £55.00 ISBN 9781000898576 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000898583
BNB Number GBC379487 ePub ebook £48.99
Knowledge management. BNB Number GBC380948
Public health. Medical informatics.
Prepublication record Health services administration, Data processing.
Process mining.
Prepublication record

362.10285 362.10867
Process mining techniques for managing and improving Transgender health : advances and new perspectives / edited
healthcare systems / Maha Zayoud. —Boca Raton : CRC by Carlos Miguel Rios-González. [online resource] —London :
Press, 2023. —216 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 IntechOpen, [2022]. —1 online resource (134 pages).
cm ISBN 1803552980 ; 9781803552989
ISBN 9781032431093 hardback £120.00 BNB Number GBC377638
BNB Number GBC378924 Transgender people, Health and hygiene.
Medical informatics.
Process mining. 362.10941
Health services administration, Data processing. Failures in health and social care : governance and culture
Prepublication record change / Neil Small. [online resource] —London : Routledge,
2023. —1 online resource (352 pages)
362.1042570973 ISBN 9781000900279 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000900309
Landscapes of care : immigration and health in rural America / ePub ebook £38.99
Thurka Sangaramoorthy. —Chapel Hill : The University of BNB Number GBC380988
North Carolina Press, 2023. —192 pages : illustrations, map ; Great Britain. National Health Service.
24 cm.
ISBN 9781469674179 paperback £24.95 ; 9781469674162 National health services, Great Britain.
hardback £108.00 Public health, Great Britain.
BNB Number GBC379391 Prepublication record
Immigrants, Medical care, United States.
Rural health services, United States. 362.10941
Prepublication record Failures in health and social care : governance and culture
change / Neil Small. —London : Routledge, 2023. —352
362.10683 pages ; 24 cm
Supervision of learning and assessment in healthcare / Neil ISBN 9781032365176 hardback £130.00
Gopee. [online resource] —Fifth edition. —London : SAGE BNB Number GBC378860
Publications Ltd, 2023. —1 online resource (344 pages). Great Britain. National Health Service.
ISBN 9781529613506 EPUB ; 1529613507 EPUB
BNB Number GBC377723 Public health, Great Britain.
Medical personnel, Supervision of. National health services, Great Britain.
Mentoring in medicine. Prepublication record
Mentoring in social service.
362.1082 Earth observation, public health and one health : activities,
Women's narratives of health disruption and illness : within challenges and opportunities / prepared by: Public Health
and across their life stories / edited by Jennifer M. Hawkins, Agency of Canada and Canadian Space Agency ; editors: Sté
Peter M. Kellett. —Lanham : Lexington Books, 2023. —236 phanie Brazeau and Nicolas Ogden. [online resource]
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm. —Oxfordshire ; Boston, MA : CABI, [2022]. —1 online
ISBN 9781498592659 paperback £31.00 resource.
BNB Number GBC379465 ISBN 9781800621206 (epub) ; 1800621205 ; 1800621191 ;
Women, Diseases, Social aspects. 9781800621190 (ebook)
Women, Health and hygiene. BNB Number GBC377621
Prepublication record One Health (Initiative)
Public health, Research, Canada.
362.10846 Environmental monitoring, Remote sensing.
Queering public health and public policy in the Deep South / Public health, Geographic information systems, Canada.
edited by Kamden K. Strunk and Raina Feiszil, Auburn Public health, Canada, Methodology.
University. —Charlotte, North Carolina : IAP/Information Age
Publishing, Inc., [2020] —ix, 260 pages : illustrations (black
and white) ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781641139663 paperback ; 9781641139670 hardcover
BNB Number GBC377583
Sexual minorities, Mental health services, Southern States.
Discrimination in medical care, Southern States.
Discrimination in mental health services, Southern States.
Sexual minorities, Medical care, Southern States.

362.1097294 362.1962414400941
Where they need me : local clinicians and the workings of This was my lockdown / Anneliese Emmans Dean. —[Great
global health in Haiti / Pierre Minn. —Ithaca [New York] : Britain] :, [2020-2022] —8 volumes :
Cornell University Press, 2022. —xiii, 178 pages : illustrations illustrations (colour) ; 15 x 15 cm
(black and white) ; 24 cm BNB Number GBC377441
ISBN 9781501763854 paperback ; 1501763849 hardcover ;
1501763857 paperback ; 9781501763847 hardcover 362.1963980092
BNB Number GBC2B6118 Dear body : what I lost, what I gained, and what I learned
Medical personnel, Haiti. along the way / Brittany Williams, creator of Instant loss.
Medical assistance, Haiti. [online resource] —New York, NY : Harvest, an imprint of
Transcultural medical care, Haiti. William Morrow, [2023]. —1 online resource.
Medical care, Haiti. ISBN 9780358542193 (electronic bk.) ; 0358542197
(electronic bk.)
362.10973 BNB Number GBC377884
Health policy and analysis : framework and tools for success / Williams, Brittany, 1989-
John W. Seavey, Semra Aytur, Robert J. McGrath. —Second Obesity in women, Psychological aspects.
edition. —New York : Springer Publishing Company, 2023. Body image.
—326 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm Self-actualization (Psychology) in women.
ISBN 9780826185426 paperback No price Overweight women, United States, Biography.
BNB Number GBC378454
Medical policy, United States. 362.1968
Prepublication record National Neurodevelopmental Specification for Children and
Young People : principles and standards of care. [online
362.10973 resource] —Edinburgh : The Scottish Government, 2021. —1
Sultz & Young's health care USA, tenth edition / James A. online resource (20 pages): 1 illustration (colour)
Johnson, Kimberly S. Davey, Richard G. Greenhill. Navigate ISBN 9781802013276 Electronic book (PDF format)
scenario for health care delivery. —Burlington : Jones & BNB Number GBC381635
Bartlett Learning, 2023. —2 volumes
ISBN 9781284292831 paperback No price 362.19685882
BNB Number GBC379206 You're not my dad. issue four. —[Great Britain] : [publisher not
Medical care, United States. identified], [2017] —1 sheet : illustrations (black and white) ;
Prepublication record 30 x 43 cm folded to 15 x 22 cm
BNB Number GBC377553
The pandemic in Britain : COVID-19, British exceptionalism 362.1969792
and neoliberalism / Sean Creaven. [online resource] —London Dispatches from the AIDS pandemic : a public health story /
: Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (248 pages). Kevin M. De Cock, Harold W. Jaffe, and James W. Curran ;
ISBN 9781000891638 PDF ebook £35.99 ; 9781000891652 edited by Robin Moseley. [online resource] —New York, NY :
ePub ebook £35.99 Oxford University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (xxiii, 360
BNB Number GBC380788 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour).
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Great Britain. ISBN 9780197626528 hardback No price ; 9780197626559
Medical policy, Great Britain. ebook No price
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC380418
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.)
The pandemic in Britain : COVID-19, British exceptionalism Communicable diseases, Prevention, History.
and neoliberalism / Sean Creaven. —London : Routledge, AIDS (Disease), United States, History.
2023. —248 pages ; 24 cm. Prepublication record
ISBN 9781032191683 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032229850
paperback £35.99 362.197481044
BNB Number GBC378673 Understanding acquired brain injury in the criminal justice
Medical policy, Great Britain. system : a guide for probation staff. —Nottingham : Headway -
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Great Britain. the brain injury association, [2021] —29 pages : illustrations
Prepublication record (colour) ; 22 cm
ISBN 9781873889947 paperback
BNB Number GBC377275

362.197481044 362.29082
Understanding acquired brain injury in the criminal justice Women's group treatment for substance use disorder :
system : a guide for prison staff. —Nottingham : Headway - evidence-based cognitive behavioral therapy. Therapist guide
the brain injury association, [2021] —29 pages : illustrations / edited by Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady. —New
(colour) ; 22 cm. York : Oxford University Press, 2023. —384 pages ; 26 cm.
ISBN 9781873889954 paperback ISBN 9780197655085 paperback £32.99
BNB Number GBC377278 BNB Number GBC378175
Alcoholism, Treatment.
362.19820941 Women, Alcohol use.
Why mothers died and how their lives are saved : the story of Substance abuse, Treatment.
confidential enquiries into maternal deaths / James Owen Cognitive therapy, Problems, exercises, etc.
Drife [and five others]. [online resource] —Cambridge : Group psychotherapy, Problems, exercises, etc.
Cambridge University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (168 Women, Substance use.
pages). Prepublication record
ISBN 9781009218825 ebook £145.00
BNB Number GBC381144 362.292092
Mothers, Mortality, Great Britain, History. The recovered alcoholic that stopped all alcohol for a year :
Mothers, Mortality, Prevention. the sequel / Mark M Connor. —[Great Britain] : [publisher not
Mothers, Mortality, Statistics. identified], [2021?] —166 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 22 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 1800684584 paperback ; 9781800684584 paperback
BNB Number GBC377293
362.20830942 Connor, Mark M., 1964-
Children's mental health services. [online resource] —London
: Children's Commissioner for England, 2023- —illustrations 362.2920941
(colour), maps (colour) Alcohol, crime and public health / Dorothy Newbury-Birch and
BNB Number GBC377597 Jennifer Ferguson. [online resource] —London : Routledge,
2023. —1 online resource (116 pages) : illustrations (black
362.28092 and white).
I'm fine / Ellen Bond, Aeryn Bond. [online resource] —Market ISBN 9781000889727 ePub ebook £35.99 ; 9781000889659
Harborough : Matador, 2023. —1 online resource (356 pages) PDF ebook £35.99
ISBN 9781805145813 ePub ebook £5.99 BNB Number GBC380735
BNB Number GBC381450 Prisoners, Alcohol use, Great Britain.
Bond, Ellen. Criminal justice, Administration of, Great Britain.
Bond, Aeryn, Death and burial. Alcoholism, Great Britain.
Suicide. Criminal statistics, Great Britain.
Prepublication record Public health, Great Britain.
Prepublication record
Women's group treatment for substance use disorder : 362.2920941
evidence-based cognitive behavioral therapy. Workbook / Alcohol, crime and public health / Dorothy Newbury-Birch and
edited by Elizabeth E. Epstein, Barbara S. McCrady. —New Jennifer Ferguson. —London : Routledge, 2023. —116 pages
York : Oxford University Press, 2023. —184 pages ; 28 cm. : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9780197655122 paperback £22.99 ISBN 9780367771034 paperback £35.99 ; 9780367771058
BNB Number GBC378176 hardback £130.00
Substance abuse, Treatment. BNB Number GBC378314
Alcoholism, Treatment. Alcoholism, Great Britain.
Cognitive therapy, Problems, exercises, etc. Criminal justice, Administration of, Great Britain.
Women, Substance use. Prisoners, Alcohol use, Great Britain.
Group psychotherapy, Problems, exercises, etc. Public health, Great Britain.
Women, Alcohol use. Criminal statistics, Great Britain.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

362.2923092 362.4083
'We ain't got no drink, Pa' : the heart breaking true story of a The Routledge international handbook of children's rights and
little girl's struggle to survive in the slums of 1920-30s East disability / edited by Angharad E. Beckett and Anne-Marie
London / Hilda Kemp, Cathryn Kemp. [online resource] Callus. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
—London : Orion, 2015. —1 online resource (304 pages). online resource (xxxi, 685 pages) : illustrations (black and
ISBN 9781409158417 Electronic book (EPUB format) ; white, and colour).
1409158411 Electronic book (EPUB format) ISBN 9781003056737 ebook No price ; 9780367521530
BNB Number GBC377765 hardback No price ; 9780367521554 paperback No price
Kemp, Hilda. BNB Number GBC381560
Poor children, England, London, Biography. Children with disabilities, Legal status, laws, etc.
Children of alcoholics, England, London, Biography. Children's rights.
FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS, Adoption & Fostering. Children with disabilities, Social conditions.
BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY, General. Prepublication record
London (England), Social conditions.
362.4 A research agenda for basic income / Malcolm Torry.
Research handbook on disability policy / edited by Sally —Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023. —386 pages ;
Robinson, Karen R. Fisher. —Cheltenham : Edward Elgar 24 cm.
Publishing, 2023. —888 pages ; 25 cm. ISBN 9781803920955 hardback £115.00
ISBN 9781800373648 hardback £295.00 BNB Number GBC379933
BNB Number GBC379867 Basic income, Research.
Disabilities, Government policy. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
362.4048091724 The Scottish Youth Parliament : Child Welfare Reporters and
Rethinking disability and human rights : participation, equality Child Contact Centre consultation response. [online resource]
and citizenship / edited by Inger Marie Lid, Edvard Steinfeld, —Edinburgh : The Scottish Government, 2021. —1 online
Michael Rembis. [online resource] —London : Routledge, resource (30 pages) : 1 illustration (colour)
2023. —1 online resource (208 pages) : illustrations (black ISBN 9781802013252 Electronic book (PDF format)
and white). BNB Number GBC381634
ISBN 9781000900255 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000900286
ePub ebook £38.99 362.8
BNB Number GBC380987 Anti-racist policy making : learning from the first 20 years of
Discrimination against people with disabilities, Developing Scottish devolution / Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights.
countries. [online resource] —Edinburgh : The Scottish Government,
Citizenship, Developing countries. 2021. —1 online resource (128 pages)
Barrier-free design, Developing countries. ISBN 9781802013467 Electronic book (PDF format)
People with disabilities, Civil rights, Developing countries. BNB Number GBC381644
Prepublication record
362.4048091724 Anti-racist policy making in Scotland : Coalition for Racial
Rethinking disability and human rights : participation, equality Equality and Rights briefing paper, June 2021. [online
and citizenship / edited by Inger Marie Lid, Edvard Steinfeld, resource] —Edinburgh : The Scottish Government, 2021. —1
Michael Rembis. —London : Routledge, 2023. —208 pages : online resource (9 pages)
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. ISBN 9781802013481 Electronic book (PDF format)
ISBN 9780367511746 hardback £120.00 BNB Number GBC381640
BNB Number GBC378270
Barrier-free design, Developing countries.
Discrimination against people with disabilities, Developing
Citizenship, Developing countries.
People with disabilities, Civil rights, Developing countries.
Prepublication record

362.8292 362.87
Working with client experiences of domestic abuse : a Managing community resettlement : putting livelihoods first /
handbook for counsellors, psychotherapists, and other mental Robert Gerrits. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023.
health professionals / edited by Jeannette Roddy. [online —1 online resource (315 pages) : illustrations (black and
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource white)
(248 pages) : illustrations (black and white) ISBN 9781000876918 ePub ebook £44.99 ; 9781000876895
ISBN 9781000903683 ePub ebook £24.99 ; 9781000903669 PDF ebook £44.99
PDF ebook £24.99 BNB Number GBC380523
BNB Number GBC381046 Forced migration, Economic aspects.
Family violence. Economic security.
Family psychotherapy. Forced migration, Social aspects.
Counseling. Land settlement.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

362.8292 362.87
Working with client experiences of domestic abuse : a Managing community resettlement : putting livelihoods first /
handbook for counsellors, psychotherapists, and other mental Robert Gerrits. —London : Routledge, 2023. —315 pages :
health professionals / edited by Jeannette Roddy. —London : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
Routledge, 2023. —248 pages : illustrations (black and white) ISBN 9781032397214 paperback £44.99 ; 9781032397238
; 24 cm hardback £120.00
ISBN 9781032181783 paperback £24.99 ; 9781032181790 BNB Number GBC378903
hardback £130.00 Forced migration, Social aspects.
BNB Number GBC378664 Land settlement.
Counseling. Forced migration, Economic aspects.
Family violence. Economic security.
Family psychotherapy. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
362.82920973 Doro : refugee, hero, champion, survivor / Brendan
Violence never heals : the lifelong effects of intimate partner Woodhouse, Doro Goumãneh. [online resource] —London :
violence for immigrant women / Allison Bloom. —New York : Unbound, 2023. —1 online resource (256 pages)
New York University Press, 2023. —224 pages ; 23 cm. ISBN 9781800182561 ePub ebook £9.99
ISBN 9781479822058 paperback £23.99 ; 9781479822041 BNB Number GBC381406
hardback £80.00 Woodhouse, Brendan.
BNB Number GBC379438 Goumãneh, Doro, Travel.
Women immigrants, Violence against, United States. Refugees, Government policy.
Victims of family violence, United States, Social conditions. Emigration and immigration, Social aspects.
Intimate partner violence, United States. Prepublication record
Latin Americans, United States, Social conditions.
Abused women, United States, Social conditions. 362.87092
Prepublication record Doro : refugee, hero, champion, survivor / Brendan
Woodhouse, Doro Goumãneh. —London : Unbound, 2023.
362.82920986148 —256 pages ; 23 cm
A tyranny against itself : intimate partner violence on the ISBN 9781800182554 hardback £18.99
margins of Bogotá / John I.B. Bhadra-Heintz. —Philadelphia : BNB Number GBC379861
University of Pennsylvania Press, [2022] —250 pages : Goumãneh, Doro, Travel.
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm Woodhouse, Brendan.
ISBN 9780812224948 paperback ; 9780812253436 hardcover Refugees, Government policy.
; 0812253434 hardcover ; 0812224949 paperback Emigration and immigration, Social aspects.
BNB Number GBC210232 Prepublication record
Intimate partner violence, Colombia, Bogotá.
Bogotá (Colombia), Social conditions.

Our plan to make life better and fairer for women and girls
everywhere : The plan will be from 2023 to 2030. [online
resource] —[United Kingdom] : Foreign, Commonwealth &
Development Office, 2023. —1 online resource.
BNB Number GBC381594
362.8709477 362.88392
Displacement in war-torn Ukraine : state, displacement and Speaking of rape : the limits of language in sexual violations /
belonging / Viktoriya Sereda. [online resource] —Cambridge : Danielle Tumminio Hansen. —London : Routledge, 2023.
Cambridge University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (75 —272 pages ; 24 cm.
pages). ISBN 9780367511579 hardback £130.00
ISBN 9781009314473 ebook £145.00 BNB Number GBC378269
BNB Number GBC381156 Rape victims, Psychology.
Ukraine Conflict, 2014-, Refugees. Language and emotions.
Internally displaced persons, Ukraine. Rape victims, Rehabilitation.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

362.88082 363.2
Shame, gender violence, and ethics : terrors of injustice / Operation Soteria Bluestone Year 1 Report 2021 - 2022.
edited by Lenart Škof, Shé M. Hawke. —Lanham : Lexington [online resource] —[United Kingdom] : [Home Office], 2023.
Books, 2023. —222 pages ; 23 cm. —1 online resource.
ISBN 9781793604699 paperback £31.00 BNB Number GBC381600
BNB Number GBC379822
Shame. 363.2082
Women, Legal status, laws, etc. Gender inclusive policing : challenges and achievements /
Women, Violence against. edited by Tim Prenzler. [online resource] —London :
Prepublication record Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (162 pages) :
illustrations (black and white).
362.883088355 ISBN 9781000901474 ePub ebook £49.99 ; 9781000901429
Good soldiers don't rape : the stories we tell about military PDF ebook £49.99
sexual violence / Megan MacKenzie. —Cambridge : BNB Number GBC381012
Cambridge University Press, 2023. —180 pages Policewomen.
ISBN 9781009273961 hardback £70.00 ; 9781009273930 Police.
paperback £22.99 Sex discrimination against women.
BNB Number GBC378512 Prepublication record
Rape in the military, Australia, Case studies.
Sexual harassment in the military, Prevention. 363.2082
Rape in the military, Canada, Case studies. Gender inclusive policing : challenges and achievements /
Armed Forces and mass media, Canada, Case studies. edited by Tim Prenzler. —London : Routledge, 2023. —162
Armed Forces and mass media, Australia, Case studies. pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 26 cm.
Rape in the military, United States, Case studies. ISBN 9781032254548 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032251585
Rape culture. paperback £49.99
Armed Forces and mass media, United States, Case BNB Number GBC378722
studies. Policewomen.
Prepublication record Police.
Sex discrimination against women.
362.88392 Prepublication record
Speaking of rape : the limits of language in sexual violations /
Danielle Tumminio Hansen. [online resource] —London : 363.20942
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (272 pages). Gender and policing in early modern England / Jonah Miller.
ISBN 9781000901856 ePub ebook No price ; 9781000901818 —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —258
PDF ebook No price pages.
BNB Number GBC381018 ISBN 9781009305143 hardback £85.00
Rape victims, Psychology. BNB Number GBC378520
Rape victims, Rehabilitation. Constables, England, History, 18th century.
Language and emotions. Constables, England, History, 17th century.
Prepublication record Law enforcement, England, History, 17th century.
Sex role, England, History, 17th century.
Sex role, England, History, 18th century.
Law enforcement, England, History, 18th century.
England, Social conditions, 18th century.
England, Social conditions, 17th century.
Prepublication record

363.2097471 363.2593809597
The Italian squad : the true story of the immigrant cops who North Vietnam : a documentary / John Gerassi. —London :
fought the rise of the Mafia / Paul Moses. —New York : New Routledge, 2023. —196 pages ; 24 cm.
York University Press, 2023. —304 pages : illustrations (black ISBN 9781032154565 paperback £27.99
and white) ; 23 cm BNB Number GBC378641
ISBN 9781479814190 hardback £25.99 International War Crimes Tribunal
BNB Number GBC379434
New York (N.Y.). Police Department. War crimes investigation, Vietnam (Democratic Republic), History, 20th century.
Mafia, New York (State), New York, History, 20th century. Vietnamese, Social conditions, 20th century.
Police, New York (State), New York, History, 20th century. Vietnam War, 1961-1975, Personal narratives,
Crime prevention, New York (State), New York, History, Vietnamese, Vietnam.
20th century. Prepublication record
Italian Americans, New York (State), New York, History,
20th century. 363.25977
Prepublication record Field guide to clandestine laboratory identification and
investigation / Donnell R. Christian, Jr. [online resource]
363.22 —Second edition. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1
Policing and CBRN hazards : advancing CBRN competence online resource (104 pages) : illustrations (black and white,
in police education / Patrick Wengler. [online resource] and colour)
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (112 pages) ISBN 9781000876796 PDF ebook £42.99 ; 9781000876819
: illustrations (black and white). ePub ebook £42.99
ISBN 9781000895186 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000895162 BNB Number GBC380521
PDF ebook £38.99 Drug traffic, Investigation.
BNB Number GBC380874 Explosives, Detection.
Police training. Chemical laboratories.
Hazardous substances. Crime scenes.
Explosive ordnance disposal. Prepublication record
Public safety.
Chemical weapons disposal. 363.25977
Prepublication record Field guide to clandestine laboratory identification and
investigation / Donnell R. Christian, Jr. —Second edition.
363.22 —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —104 pages : illustrations
Policing and CBRN hazards : advancing CBRN competence (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm
in police education / Patrick Wengler. —London : Routledge, ISBN 9781032370293 paperback £42.99 ; 9781032370620
2023. —112 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm. hardback £130.00
ISBN 9781032372136 hardback £130.00 BNB Number GBC378868
BNB Number GBC378871 Crime scenes.
Public safety. Explosives, Detection.
Chemical weapons disposal. Drug traffic, Investigation.
Police training. Chemical laboratories.
Explosive ordnance disposal. Prepublication record
Hazardous substances.
Prepublication record 363.325
Inside the Lindt Café siege : the powerful and
363.230973 uncompromising story of what happened and why the police
The politics of crime prevention : race, public opinion, and the response went so tragically wrong / Deborah Snow. —Crows
meaning of community safety / Kevin H. Wozniak. —New York Nest, NSW : Allen & Unwin, 2018. —xi, 315 pages, 8
: New York University Press, 2023. —336 pages : illustrations unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations (black and white,
(black and white) ; 23 cm. and colour) ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781479815722 hardback £80.00 ; 9781479815753 ISBN 1760296937 ; 9781760296933 paperback
paperback £25.99 BNB Number GBC377475
BNB Number GBC379436 Sieges, New South Wales, Sydney.
Police, United States, Finance. Terrorism, New South Wales, Sydney.
Crime and race, United States. Hostages, New South Wales, Sydney.
Police, United States, Public opinion.
Crime prevention, United States.
Prepublication record

363.325 363.340952
Terrorism & extremism / edited by Danielle Lobban. Japan's triple disaster : pursuing justice after the great East
—Cambridge : Independence Educational Publishers, 2023. Japan earthquake, tsunami, and Fukushima nuclear accident /
—48 pages ; 29 cm. edited by Natalia Novikova, Julia Gerster, Manuela G.
ISBN 9781861688859 paperback £8.95 Hartwig. —London : Routledge, 2023. —272 pages :
BNB Number GBC380019 illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
Terrorism. ISBN 9781032375465 hardback £130.00
Radicalism. BNB Number GBC378873
Prepublication record Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami, Japan, 2011, Social
363.325072 Hazardous geographic environments, Japan.
A research agenda for terrorism studies / edited by Lara A. Emergency management, Japan, Case studies.
Frumkin, John F. Morrison, Andrew Silke. [online resource] Disasters, Japan, History, 21st century.
—Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing, [2023] —1 Disaster justice, Japan, Management.
online resource (xv, 281 pages) : illustrations (black and Fukushima Nuclear Disaster, Japan, 2011, Social aspects.
white). Prepublication record
ISBN 9781789909104 ebook No price ; 9781789909098
hardback No price 363.340954
BNB Number GBC381583 Disaster, displacement and resilient livelihoods : perspectives
Terrorism, Research. from South Asia / edited by M. Rezaul Islam. [online resource]
Prepublication record —United Kingdom : Emerald Publishing, 2023. —1 online
resource (312 pages).
363.325088297 ISBN 9781804554500 ePub ebook £80.00 ; 9781804554487
Sexual Jihad : the role of Islam in female terrorism / Christine PDF ebook £80.00
Sixta Rinehart. —Lanham : Lexington Books, 2023. —242 BNB Number GBC381440
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm Migration, Internal, South Asia.
ISBN 9781498557535 paperback £31.00 Disaster relief, Social aspects, South Asia.
BNB Number GBC379460 Disaster relief, Economic aspects, South Asia.
Terrorism, Religious aspects, Islam. Prepublication record
Women terrorists, Social conditions.
Women in Islam. 363.340954
Prepublication record Disaster, displacement and resilient livelihoods : perspectives
from South Asia / edited by M. Rezaul Islam. —United
363.340952 Kingdom : Emerald Publishing, 2023. —312 pages ; 23 cm.
Japan's triple disaster : pursuing justice after the great East ISBN 9781804554494 hardback £80.00
Japan earthquake, tsunami, and Fukushima nuclear accident / BNB Number GBC379955
edited by Natalia Novikova, Julia Gerster, Manuela G. Disaster relief, Social aspects, South Asia.
Hartwig. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 Disaster relief, Economic aspects, South Asia.
online resource (272 pages) : illustrations (black and white). Migration, Internal, South Asia.
ISBN 9781000894035 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000894011 Prepublication record
PDF ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC380854 363.3470956
Emergency management, Japan, Case studies. Applications of space techniques on the natural hazards in the
Hazardous geographic environments, Japan. MENA region / edited by Mashael M. Al Saud. —Cham :
Disasters, Japan, History, 21st century. Springer, 2023. —635 pages : illustrations (black and white,
Fukushima Nuclear Disaster, Japan, 2011, Social aspects. and colour) ; 24 cm
Disaster justice, Japan, Management. ISBN 9783030888763 paperback £109.99
Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami, Japan, 2011, Social BNB Number GBC380213
aspects. Natural disasters, Africa, North.
Prepublication record Emergency management, Technological innovations,
Africa, North.
Natural disasters, Middle East.
Geographic information systems, Africa, North.
Geographic information systems, Middle East.
Emergency management, Technological innovations,
Middle East.
Prepublication record

363.585094109045 363.7
Lubetkin and Goldfinger : the rise and fall of British high-rise Routledge handbook of environmental policy / edited by Helge
council housing / Nicholas Russell. —Kibworth : The Book Jörgens, Christoph Knill, Yves Steinebach. [online resource]
Guild Publishing, 2023. —200 pages ; 20 cm —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (460 pages)
ISBN 9781915603746 paperback £9.99 : illustrations (black and white).
BNB Number GBC380077 ISBN 9781000893991 ePub ebook £42.99 ; 9781000893977
Lubetkin, Berthold, 1901-1990 PDF ebook £42.99 BNB Number GBC380852
Goldfinger, Ernö Environmental policy, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
High-rise apartment buildings, Great Britain, History, 20th Prepublication record
Public housing, Great Britain, History, 20th century. 363.7
Prepublication record Routledge handbook of environmental policy / edited by Helge
Jörgens, Christoph Knill, Yves Steinebach. —London :
363.69 Routledge, 2023. —460 pages : illustrations (black and white)
The Routledge handbook of heritage destruction / edited by ; 25 cm.
José Antonio González Zarandona, Emma Cunliffe, and ISBN 9780367489922 hardback £205.00
Melathi Saldin. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. BNB Number GBC378265
—1 online resource (578 pages) : illustrations (black and Environmental policy, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
white). Prepublication record
ISBN 9781000890006 PDF ebook £42.99 ; 9781000890037
ePub ebook £42.99 363.7
BNB Number GBC380745 The Blue Belt Ocean Shield. [online resource] —[United
Cultural property, Protection. Kingdom] : Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office,
Historic sites, Conservation and restoration. 2023. —1 online resource.
Historic preservation. BNB Number GBC381593
Cultural property, Protection, Law and legislation.
Cultural property, Destruction and pillage.
Metaphor and argumentation in climate crisis discourse / Anaï
Art, Conservation and restoration.
s Augé. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
Prepublication record
online resource (192 pages).
363.69 ISBN 9781000892277 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000892253
The Routledge handbook of heritage destruction / edited by PDF ebook £38.99
José Antonio González Zarandona, Emma Cunliffe, and BNB Number GBC380809
Melathi Saldin. —London : Routledge, 2023. —578 pages : Discourse analysis.
illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm. Communication in politics.
ISBN 9780367627287 hardback £205.00 Climatic changes.
BNB Number GBC378280 Communication in the environmental sciences.
Historic sites, Conservation and restoration. Metaphor in mass media.
Cultural property, Destruction and pillage. Prepublication record
Art, Conservation and restoration.
Cultural property, Protection, Law and legislation.
Metaphor and argumentation in climate crisis discourse / Anaï
Cultural property, Protection.
s Augé. —London : Routledge, 2023. —192 pages ; 23 cm.
Historic preservation.
ISBN 9781032379791 hardback £130.00
Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378877
363.7 Discourse analysis.
Handbook on inequality and the environment / edited by Metaphor in mass media.
Michael A. Long, Michael J. Lynch, Paul B. Stretesky. Communication in the environmental sciences.
—Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023. —668 pages ; Climatic changes.
25 cm. Communication in politics.
ISBN 9781800881129 hardback £245.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC379887
Equality, Environmental aspects.
Environmental justice.
Prepublication record

363.700961 363.728095
The politics of 21st century environmental disasters / edited Waste and discards in the Asia Pacific Region : social and
by Susan Park. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. cultural perspectives / edited by Viktor Pál and Iris Borowy.
—1 online resource (114 pages) —London : Routledge, 2023. —216 pages : illustrations (black
ISBN 9781000897821 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000897791 and white).
PDF ebook £48.99 ISBN 9781032366142 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC380927 BNB Number GBC378863
Environmental disasters, Political aspects. Waste products, Pacific Area.
Prepublication record Sustainability, Pacific Area.
Recycling (Waste, etc.), Pacific Area.
363.700961 Prepublication record
The politics of 21st century environmental disasters / edited
by Susan Park. —London : Routledge, 2023. —114 pages ; 24 363.73
cm Case Study C : Atmospheric nitrogen profile for Birklands and
ISBN 9781032496740 hardback £130.00 Bilhaugh SAC. [online resource] —[United Kingdom] : Natural
BNB Number GBC379051 England, 2015. —1 online resource (12 unnumbered pages) :
Environmental disasters, Political aspects. illustrations (colour), maps (colour)
Prepublication record ISBN 9781783542529
BNB Number GBC377551
Waste problems and management in developing countries / 363.73
edited by Umair Riaz, Shazia Iqbal, Moazzam Jamil. [online Case Study D : Atmospheric nitrogen profile for Mole Gap to
resource] —Toronto : Apple Academic Press, 2023. —1 online Reigate Escarpment SAC. [online resource] —[United
resource (470 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and Kingdom] : Natural England, 2015. —1 online resource (13
colour) unnumbered pages) : illustrations (colour), maps (colour)
ISBN 9781000577310 PDF ebook £139.00 ; 9781000577341 ISBN 9781783542536
ePub ebook £139.00 BNB Number GBC377558
BNB Number GBC380483
Refuse and refuse disposal, Developing countries. 363.73
Factory and trade waste, Developing countries. Case Study E : Atmospheric nitrogen profile for Ingleborough
Prepublication record Complex SAC. [online resource] —[United Kingdom] : Natural
England, 2015. —1 online resource (14 unnumbered pages) :
363.728091724 illustrations (colour), maps (colour)
Waste problems and management in developing countries / ISBN 9781783542543
edited by Umair Riaz, Shazia Iqbal, Moazzam Jamil. BNB Number GBC377572
—Toronto : Apple Academic Press, 2023. —470 pages :
illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm 363.73
ISBN 9781774910542 hardback £139.00 Case Study F : Atmospheric nitrogen profile for North York
BNB Number GBC379758 Moors SAC. [online resource] —[United Kingdom] : Natural
Refuse and refuse disposal, Developing countries. England, 2015. —1 online resource (15 unnumbered pages) :
Factory and trade waste, Developing countries. illustrations (colour), maps (colour)
Prepublication record ISBN 9781783542550
BNB Number GBC377574
Waste and discards in the Asia Pacific Region : social and 363.73
cultural perspectives / edited by Viktor Pál and Iris Borowy. Environmental pollution governance and ecological
[online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online remediation technology / edited by Junwen Zhang, Roger
resource (216 pages) : illustrations (black and white). Ruan, Mohammed J.K. Bashir. —Cham : Springer, 2023.
ISBN 9781000898354 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000898385 —768 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24
ePub ebook £38.99 cm.
BNB Number GBC380943 ISBN 9783031252839 hardback £179.99
Sustainability, Pacific Area. BNB Number GBC380256
Recycling (Waste, etc.), Pacific Area. Pollution prevention.
Waste products, Pacific Area. Prepublication record
Prepublication record

363.738 363.73874
Case Studies for Delivering Ammonia Measures : Culm The climate crisis / edited by Danielle Lobban. —Cambridge :
Grasslands Special Area of Conservation (SAC), Cerne and Independence Educational Publishers, 2023. —48 pages ; 29
Sydling Downs Special Area of Conservation (SAC), cm.
Minsmere to Walberswick Marshes and Heath Special Area of ISBN 9781861688866 paperback £8.95
Conservation (SAC) and Minsmere-Walberswick Special BNB Number GBC380020
Protection Area (SPA), Norfolk Valley Fens Special Area of Global warming.
Conservation (SAC) / T.H. Misselbrook, U. Dragotis, J. Climatic changes.
Williams. [online resource] —[United Kingdom] : Natural Air, Pollution, Prevention.
England, 2015. —1 online resource (4 unnumbered, ii, 16 Prepublication record
pages) : illustrations (colour), maps (colour)
ISBN 9781783541775 363.7392
BNB Number GBC377532 Air Quality and Health / Ase Emel Önal. [online resource]
—London : IntechOpen, 2022. —1 online resource.
363.738 ISBN 9781803556949 ; 1803556943
Case Study A : Atmospheric nitrogen profile for Walton Moss BNB Number GBC377636
SAC. [online resource] —[United Kingdom] : Natural England, Air quality management.
2015. —1 online resource (10 unnumbered pages) :
illustrations (colour), maps (colour) 363.7394
ISBN 9781783542505 Catchment Sensitive Farming : Evaluation Report – Water
BNB Number GBC377542 Quality Phases 1 to 4 (2006-2018) / CSF Evidence Team,
Environment Agency. [online resource] —[United Kingdom] :
363.738 Natural England, June 2019. —1 online resource (53 pages) :
Case Study B : Atmospheric nitrogen profile for Culm illustrations (colour), maps (colour)
Grasslands SAC. [online resource] —[United Kingdom] : ISBN 9781783673278
Natural England, 2015. —1 online resource (22 unnumbered BNB Number GBC377581
pages) : illustrations (colour), maps (colour) Catchment Sensitive Farming (Project)
ISBN 9781783542512
BNB Number GBC377547 363.8
Food security : availability, income and productivity / William
363.738 A. Kerr. —Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023.
Microplastics : behavior, fate, and remediation / John Pichtel —230 pages ; 24 cm
and Mathew Simpson. [online resource] —Lanham : Bernan ISBN 9781035312702 hardback £85.00
Press, [2023]. —1 online resource (xiv, 402 pages). BNB Number GBC379134
ISBN 9781636710815 electronic book ; 1636710816 Food security.
electronic book Food supply.
BNB Number GBC377691 Prepublication record
363.73874 Anna-daan, food charity in India : preaching and practice /
Climate change isn't everything : liberating climate politics edited by K.V. Raju, S. Manasi. [online resource] —New Delhi
from alarmism / Mike Hulme. —Cambridge : Polity Press, : Routledge India, 2023. —1 online resource (228 pages) :
2023. —197 pages illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781509556168 paperback £14.99 ; 9781509556151 ISBN 9781000880465 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000880519
hardback £45.00 ePub ebook £48.99
BNB Number GBC379482 BNB Number GBC380560
Climate change mitigation, Political aspects. Food relief, India.
Climate change mitigation, Public opinion. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
Anna-daan, food charity in India : preaching and practice /
edited by K.V. Raju, S. Manasi. —New Delhi : Routledge
India, 2023. —228 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 25
ISBN 9781032309248 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC378783
Food relief, India.
Prepublication record

363.8830941 364.0981
Hunger, whiteness and religion in neoliberal Britain : an Penal abolitionism and transformative justice in Brazil / André
inequality of power / Maddy Power. —Bristol : Policy Press, R. Giamberardino. —London : Routledge, 2023. —192 pages ;
2023. —214 pages : illustrations (black and white) 24 cm.
ISBN 9781447358558 paperback £26.99 ISBN 9781032314273 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC379356 BNB Number GBC378795
Poverty, Social aspects, Great Britain. Justice, Brazil.
Food relief, Great Britain. Criminal justice, Administration of, Brazil.
Food relief, Political aspects, Great Britain. Political violence, Brazil.
Poverty, Religious aspects, Christianity. Prison abolition movements, Brazil.
Food relief, Social aspects, Great Britain. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
364 Prohibition Chicago / Wayne Klatt. —Mount Pleasant : The
Criminology of the domestic / edited by Pamela Davies and History Press, 2023. —144 pages ; 23 cm
Michael Rowe. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. ISBN 9781467151566 paperback No price
—1 online resource (148 pages) : illustrations (black and BNB Number GBC379367
white) Prohibition, Illinois, Chicago.
ISBN 9781000887808 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000887648 Organized crime, Illinois, Chicago, History, 20th century.
PDF ebook £38.99 Chicago (Ill.), History, 20th century.
BNB Number GBC380692 Prepublication record
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Influence.
Criminology. 364.1066097526
Prepublication record Life sentence : the brief and tragic career of Baltimore's
deadliest gang leader / by Mark Bowden. —New York :
364 Atlantic Monthly Press, 2023. —320 pages ; 23 cm
Criminology of the domestic / edited by Pamela Davies and ISBN 9780802162427 hardback No price
Michael Rowe. —London : Routledge, 2023. —148 pages : BNB Number GBC378428
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm Barronette, Montana, 1995-
ISBN 9781032168166 hardback £130.00 Gangs, Maryland, Baltimore.
BNB Number GBC378653 Crime, Maryland, Baltimore.
Criminology. Baltimore (Md.), Social conditions.
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Influence. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
364 Corruption and global justice / Gillian Brock. —Oxford : Oxford
Introducing a failure to prevent fraud offence covering all large University Press, 2023. —240 pages ; 24 cm
organisations : Impact Assessment. [online resource] ISBN 9780198875642 hardback £60.00
—[United Kingdom] : Home Office, 2022. —1 online resource. BNB Number GBC378192
BNB Number GBC381604 Corruption.
364.0981 Globalization.
Penal abolitionism and transformative justice in Brazil / André Prepublication record
R. Giamberardino. [online resource] —London : Routledge,
2023. —1 online resource (192 pages). 364.1323
ISBN 9781000901399 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000901443 Scoundrels : political scandals in American history / J. Michael
ePub ebook £38.99 Martinez. [online resource] —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield
BNB Number GBC381011 Publishers, 2023. —1 online resource (252 pages) :
Prison abolition movements, Brazil. illustrations (black and white)
Political violence, Brazil. ISBN 9781538130803 PDF ebook £39.00
Criminal justice, Administration of, Brazil. BNB Number GBC381352
Justice, Brazil. Political corruption, United States, History.
Prepublication record Scandals, United States, History.
Prepublication record

364.1323 364.152309764
Scoundrels : political scandals in American history / J. Michael Steeped in a culture of violence : murder, racial injustice, and
Martinez. —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023. other violent crimes in Texas, 1965-2020 / edited by Brandon
—252 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm T. Jett and Kenneth W. Howell. —College Station : Texas
ISBN 9781538130797 hardback £29.00 A&M University Press, 2023. —280 pages : illustrations (black
BNB Number GBC379534 and white) ; 23 cm.
Scandals, United States, History. ISBN 9781648431333 hardback £46.95
Political corruption, United States, History. BNB Number GBC379693
Prepublication record Violent crimes, Texas, History, 20th century.
Intimate partner violence, Texas, History.
364.151096 Mass shootings, Texas, History.
Critical perspectives on african genocide : memory, silence, Minorities, Violence against, Texas, History.
and anti-Black political violence / edited by Alfred Frankowski, Violent crimes, Texas, History, 21st century.
Jeanine Ntihirageza, Chielozona Eze. —Lanham : Rowman & Hate crimes, Texas, History.
Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —138 pages ; 23 cm Gangs, Texas, History.
ISBN 9781538150337 paperback £31.00 Murder, Texas, History.
BNB Number GBC379537 Prison violence, Texas, History.
Political violence, Africa, History. Prepublication record
Genocide survivors, Africa, Social conditions.
Genocide, Africa, History. 364.1523097644
Prepublication record The Rio Grande sniper killings : caught in the sights of a drug
conspiracy / John Primomo. —Mount Pleasant : The History
364.1523082 Press, 2023. —144 pages ; 23 cm.
The angel makers : arsenic, a midwife, and modern history's ISBN 9781467153430 paperback No price
most astonishing murder ring / Patti McCracken. [online BNB Number GBC379374
resource] —New York, NY : William Morrow, an imprint of Frase, Kevin Edwin, Death and burial.
HarperCollinsPublishers, [2023]. —1 online resource. Elliott, Charlotte Kay, Death and burial.
ISBN 9780063275058 (ebook) ; 0063275058 (ebook) Murder, Rio Grande (Colo.-Mexico and Tex.)
BNB Number GBC377880 Prepublication record
Women murderers, History, 20th century.
Murder, History, 20th century. 364.152320973
Extreme killing : understanding serial and mass murder.
364.15230941 [online resource] —Fifth edition / James Alan Fox, Jack Levin,
News-reporting and ideology in 17th-century English murder Emma E. Fridel. —Los Angeles : SAGE, 2023. —1 online
pamphlets : from paratext to text. [online resource] resource
—Newcastle upon Tyne, UK : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN 9781071862643 PDF ebook £46.99
2023. —1 online resource : illustrations. BNB Number GBC381169
ISBN 1527593266 electronic book ; 9781527593268 Mass murder, United States, Case studies.
electronic book Serial murders, United States, Case studies.
BNB Number GBC377675 Serial murders, United States.
Murder, Press coverage, England, History, 17th century. Mass murder, United States.
Murder literature, Political aspects, England, History, 17th Prepublication record
364.15230975629 All-American massacre : the tragic role of American culture
Most wanted in Brunswick County : the saga of the desperado and society in mass shootings / edited by Eric Madfis and
Jesse C. Walker / Mark W. Koenig. —Mount Pleasant : The Adam Lankford. —Philadelphia : Temple University Press,
History Press, 2023. —128 pages ; 23 cm. 2023. —338 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781467154222 paperback No price ISBN 9781439923122 hardback £99.00 ; 9781439923139
BNB Number GBC379387 paperback £29.99
Walker, Jesse C. BNB Number GBC379346
Murder, North Carolina, Brunswick County, Case studies. Mass shootings, Social aspects, United States.
Prepublication record Social problems, United States.
United States, Social conditions.
Prepublication record

364.153 364.164
Working with offenders who view online child sexual Wrecking activities at power stations in the Soviet Union : the
exploitation images / Lyne Piché, Anton Schweighofer. [online case of N.P. Vitvitsky, etc. —London : Routledge, 2023. —812
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource pages ; 24 cm.
(218 pages) : illustrations (black and white) ISBN 9781032490403 hardback £180.00
ISBN 9781000893045 PDF ebook £29.99 ; 9781000893052 BNB Number GBC379033
ePub ebook £29.99 Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Export Company
BNB Number GBC380833
Child sexual abuse, Prevention. Sabotage, Soviet Union.
Online sexual predators. Electric power-plants, Soviet Union.
Sex offenders, Rehabilitation. Prepublication record
Child pornography.
Prepublication record 364.3
Sexuality and crime : a neo-Darwinian perspective / Anthony
364.153 Walsh. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
Working with offenders who view online child sexual online resource (142 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
exploitation images / Lyne Piché, Anton Schweighofer. ISBN 9781000895117 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000895148
—London : Routledge, 2023. —218 pages : illustrations (black ePub ebook £38.99
and white) ; 26 cm BNB Number GBC380873
ISBN 9781032478234 paperback £29.99 ; 9781032482569 Criminal psychology.
hardback £130.00 Criminal behavior.
BNB Number GBC379004 Criminal behavior, prediction of.
Online sexual predators. Criminals, Sexual behavior.
Sex offenders, Rehabilitation. Prepublication record
Child pornography.
Child sexual abuse, Prevention. 364.3
Prepublication record Sexuality and crime : a neo-Darwinian perspective / Anthony
Walsh. —London : Routledge, 2023. —142 pages :
364.1540966 illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm.
Ransoming prisoners in precolonial Muslim Western Africa / ISBN 9781032503172 hardback £130.00
Jennifer Lofkrantz. —Rochester : University of Rochester BNB Number GBC379061
Press, 2023. —224 pages ; 23 cm. Criminals, Sexual behavior.
ISBN 9781648250644 hardback £85.00 Criminal psychology.
BNB Number GBC379686 Criminal behavior, prediction of.
Muslims, Legal status, laws, etc., Africa, West, History. Criminal behavior.
Ransom, Africa, West, History. Prepublication record
Africa, West, History, To 1884.
Prepublication record 364.941
COVID-19 and criminal justice : impact and legacy in England
364.164 and Wales / edited by Ed Johnston. [online resource]
Wrecking activities at power stations in the Soviet Union : the —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (264 pages)
case of N.P. Vitvitsky, etc. [online resource] —London : : illustrations (black and white).
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (812 pages). ISBN 9781000898040 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000898064
ISBN 9781000882063 ePub ebook £180.00 ; 9781000881943 ePub ebook £38.99
PDF ebook £180.00 BNB Number GBC380935
BNB Number GBC380594 Criminal justice, Administration of, England.
Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Export Company Criminal justice, Administration of, Wales. COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, England.
Sabotage, Soviet Union. COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Wales.
Electric power-plants, Soviet Union. Prepublication record
Prepublication record

364.941 365.068
COVID-19 and criminal justice : impact and legacy in England Prisons, inmates and governance in Latin merica / edited by
and Wales / edited by Ed Johnston. —London : Routledge, Máximo Sozzo. —Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.
2023. —264 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. —411 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 21
ISBN 9781032250847 hardback £130.00 cm.
BNB Number GBC378717 ISBN 9783030986049 paperback £109.99
Criminal justice, Administration of, Wales. BNB Number GBC380226
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, England. Prisons, Latin America.
Criminal justice, Administration of, England. Prisoners, Latin America, Social life and customs.
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Wales. Prison administration, Latin America.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

364.9755451 365.661
Richmond murder & mayhem / Selden Richardson. —Mount Correctional counseling, treatment, and rehabilitation / Robert
Pleasant : The History Press, 2023. —144 pages : illustrations D. Hanser. —Los Angeles : SAGE, 2023. —648 pages ; 24 cm
(black and white) ; 23 cm. ISBN 9781544374109 paperback £81.00
ISBN 9781467151634 paperback No price BNB Number GBC379561
BNB Number GBC379368 Criminals, Rehabilitation.
Crime, Virginia, Richmond, History. Correctional psychology.
Richmond (Va.), History. Criminals, Counseling of.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

364.98 365.661
Mano dura policies in Latin America / edited by Jonathan D. Freedom inside? : yoga and meditation in the carceral state /
Rosen and Sebastián A. Cutrona. [online resource] —London Farah Godrej. —New York : Oxford University Press, 2023.
: Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (216 pages) : —358 pages ; 24 cm
illustrations (black and white). ISBN 9780190070083 hardback £64.00 ; 9780190070090
ISBN 9781000900972 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000901092 paperback £16.99
ePub ebook £38.99 BNB Number GBC378134
BNB Number GBC381002 Prisoners, Psychology.
Criminal justice, Administration of, Latin America. Yoga.
Crime prevention, Latin America. Meditation.
Gang prevention, Government policy, Latin America. Criminals, Rehabilitation.
Organized crime, Prevention, Government policy, Latin Prepublication record
Punishment in crime deterrence, Government policy, Latin 365.661
America. Gate happy : about leaving prison / Simeon Sturney.
Prepublication record —Welwyn Garden City : Sarah Grace Publishing, 2023. —80
pages ; 22 cm
364.98 ISBN 9781915046574 paperback £6.99
Mano dura policies in Latin America / edited by Jonathan D. BNB Number GBC380066
Rosen and Sebastián A. Cutrona. —London : Routledge, Criminals, Rehabilitation.
2023. —216 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm. Prisoners, Attitudes.
ISBN 9781032504278 hardback £130.00 Prisoners, Mental health.
BNB Number GBC379062 Prepublication record
Criminal justice, Administration of, Latin America.
Gang prevention, Government policy, Latin America.
Punishment in crime deterrence, Government policy, Latin
Organized crime, Prevention, Government policy, Latin
Crime prevention, Latin America.
Prepublication record

365.94 370
Impending challenges to penal moderation in France and Advances in Research in STEM Education / Michail
Germany : a strained restraint / edited by Kirstin Drenkhahn, Kalogiannakis, Maria Ampartzaki. [online resource] —London :
Fabien Jobard, Tobias Singelnstein. [online resource] IntechOpen, 2022. —1 online resource (162 pages).
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (320 pages) ISBN 1803557303 ; 9781803557304
: illustrations (black and white). BNB Number GBC377639
ISBN 9781000905564 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000905557 Education.
PDF ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC381069 370
Imprisonment, France. Design thinking : research, innovation, and implementation /
Criminal justice, Administration of, France. Edited by Karen L. Sanzo, Old Dominion University, Jay
Criminal justice, Administration of, Germany. Paredes Scribner, Old Dominion University, Jason A.
Imprisonment, Germany. Wheeler, Floyd County Public Schools, Kate Wolfe Maxlow,
Prepublication record Hampton City Schools. —Charlotte, NC : IAP, Information Age
Publishing, Inc., [2022] —vi, 254 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
365.94 ISBN 9781648026355 paperback ; 9781648026362 hardback
Impending challenges to penal moderation in France and BNB Number GBC377527
Germany : a strained restraint / edited by Kirstin Drenkhahn, Teacher effectiveness, Case studies.
Fabien Jobard, Tobias Singelnstein. —London : Routledge, Classroom environment, Case studies.
2023. —320 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. Curriculum planning, Case studies.
ISBN 9781032188676 hardback £130.00 Educational change, Case studies.
BNB Number GBC378672
Imprisonment, France. 370.1
Imprisonment, Germany. Jean-Jacques Rousseau : his thought and its relevance today
Criminal justice, Administration of, France. / C.H. Dobinson. —London : Routledge, 2023. —154 pages ;
Criminal justice, Administration of, Germany. 24 cm.
Prepublication record ISBN 9780367767785 paperback £27.99
BNB Number GBC378310
368.382 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 1712-1778
Health insurance / edited by Aida Isabel Tavares. [online
resource] —London : IntechOpen, [2022]. —1 online resource Prepublication record
(202 pages) : illustrations.
ISBN 1803558717 ; 9781803558714 370.1
BNB Number GBC377633 New directions in rhizomatic learning : from poststructural
Health insurance. thinking to nomadic pedagogy / edited by Myint Swe Khine.
[online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
368.4 resource (224 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
Scrutiny report on draft regulations : Disability Assistance for ISBN 9781000888676 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000888737
Children and Young People (Scotland) Amendment ePub ebook £38.99
Regulations 2021 / Scottish Commission on Social Security. BNB Number GBC380707
[online resource] —Edinburgh : The Scottish Government, Deleuze, Gilles, 1925-1995
2021. —1 online resource (19 pages)
ISBN 9781802013672 Electronic book (PDF format) Guattari, Félix, 1930-1992
BNB Number GBC381641
System analysis.
368.4 Learning, Philosophy.
The Social Security (Claims And Payments) (Miscellaneous Poststructuralism.
Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2021 : CRWIA. [online Education, Effect of technological innovations on.
resource] —Edinburgh : The Scottish Government, 2021. —1 Prepublication record
online resource (6 pages)
ISBN 9781802013429 Electronic book (PDF format)
BNB Number GBC381639

370.1 370.1130951
New directions in rhizomatic learning : from poststructural Reassessing vocational education in China : a perspective
thinking to nomadic pedagogy / edited by Myint Swe Khine. from PISA / Xu JinJie ; translated by Lan Wen. [online
—London : Routledge, 2023. —224 pages : illustrations (black resource] —New York : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
and white) ; 24 cm. (192 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781032453088 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781000905809 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000905823
BNB Number GBC378961 ePub ebook £38.99
Guattari, Félix, 1930-1992 BNB Number GBC381558 Programme for International Student Assessment
Deleuze, Gilles, 1925-1995 Vocational education, China.
Learning, Philosophy. Education and state, China.
System analysis. Prepublication record
Education, Effect of technological innovations on. 370.1130951
Prepublication record Reassessing vocational education in China : a perspective
from PISA / Xu JinJie ; translated by Lan Wen. —London :
370.1 Routledge, 2023. —192 pages : illustrations (black and white)
Philosophy, death and education / Peter Roberts, R. Scott ; 24 cm
Webster, John Quay. [online resource] —Brussels : P.I.E. - ISBN 9781032526119 hardback £130.00
Peter Lang, 2023. —1 online resource. BNB Number GBC379124
ISBN 9781636670997 ePub ebook No price Programme for International Student Assessment
BNB Number GBC381372
Existentialism. Education and state, China.
Thanatology. Vocational education, China.
Education, Philosophy. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
370.11 Visual methods for social justice in education / Laura Azzarito.
Temporality, space and place in education and youth research —Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. —186 pages :
/ edited by Julie McLeod, Kate O'Connor, Nicole Davis, Amy illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
McKernan. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 ISBN 9783031257445 paperback £39.99
online resource (204 pages) : illustrations (black and white). BNB Number GBC380260
ISBN 9781000888621 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000888683 Social justice and education.
ePub ebook £38.99 Audio-visual education.
BNB Number GBC380704 Prepublication record
Education, Aims and objectives.
Education, Social aspects. 370.115
Education, Political aspects. Visual methods for social justice in education / Laura Azzarito.
Education and state. [online resource] —Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.
Education, Philosophy. —1 online resource (186 pages) : illustrations (black and
Prepublication record white)
ISBN 9783031257452 PDF ebook £39.99
370.11 BNB Number GBC381504
Temporality, space and place in education and youth research Audio-visual education.
/ edited by Julie McLeod, Kate O'Connor, Nicole Davis, Amy Social justice and education.
McKernan. —London : Routledge, 2023. —204 pages : Prepublication record
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9780367897789 paperback £38.99 ; 9780367897772 370.117
hardback £130.00 The EAL teaching book : promoting success for multilingual
BNB Number GBC378320 learners / Jean Conteh. —Fourth edition. —Los Angeles :
Education, Social aspects. Learning Matters, 2023. —248 pages ; 25 cm
Education and state. ISBN 9781529611953 paperback £28.99 ; 9781529611960
Education, Philosophy. hardback £70.00
Education, Political aspects. BNB Number GBC379524
Education, Aims and objectives. Education, Bilingual.
Prepublication record Linguistic minorities, Education.
Prepublication record

370.1170973 370.15
We are the change we seek : advancing racial justice in early Teaching with a strength-based approach : how to motivate
care and education / Iheoma U. Iruka, Tonia R. Durden, students and build relationships / Steven Baron. [online
Kerry-Ann Escayg, Stephanie M. Curenton. —New York : resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
Teachers College Press, 2023. —168 pages ; 23 cm. (192 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9780807768020 paperback £35.95 ; 9780807768037 ISBN 9781000876925 ePub ebook £22.99 ; 9781000876901
hardback £108.00 PDF ebook No price
BNB Number GBC378437 BNB Number GBC380524
Racial justice in education, United States. Teaching, Psychological aspects.
Discrimination in education, United States. Educational psychology.
Educational equalization, United States. Prepublication record
Culturally relevant pedagogy, United States.
Early childhood education, Social aspects, United States. 370.15
Prepublication record Teaching with a strength-based approach : how to motivate
students and build relationships / Steven Baron. —London :
370.1175097471 Routledge, 2023. —192 pages : illustrations (black and white)
(Re)building bi/multilingual leaders for socially just ; 23 cm
communities / edited by Soribel Genao, Nakia M. ISBN 9781032435831 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032432571
Gray-Nicolas. —Charlotte, NC : IAP/Information Age paperback £22.99
Publishing, Inc., [2020] —xi, 148 pages : illustrations (black BNB Number GBC378932
and white) ; 24 cm. Teaching, Psychological aspects.
ISBN 9781648020605 hardback ; 9781648020599 paperback Educational psychology.
BNB Number GBC377580 Prepublication record
Multicultural education, New York (State), New York.
Culturally relevant pedagogy, New York (State), New York. 370.152
Immigrants, Educaiton, New York (State), New York. Never stop asking : teaching students to be better critical
Educational leadership, New York (State), New York. thinkers / Nathan D. Lang-Raad. —San Francisco :
Education, Bilingual, New York (State), New York. Jossey-Bass, 2023. —224 pages ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781119887546 paperback £20.99
370.15 BNB Number GBC379167
Renewing the joys of teaching : how the principles of stoicism Critical thinking, Study and teaching.
can return fulfillment to the classroom / Joseph Graves. Prepublication record
[online resource] —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,
2023. —1 online resource (140 pages) 370.154094897
ISBN 9781475872309 ePub ebook No price Teach like Finland : 33 simple strategies for joyful classrooms
BNB Number GBC381303 / Timothy D. Walker ; foreword by Pasi Sahlberg. —New York
Teaching, Philosophy. : W.W. Norton and Company, 2023. —256 pages ; 23 cm
Teachers, Psychology. ISBN 9781324052616 paperback £22.99
Stoics. BNB Number GBC379232
Prepublication record Programme for International Student Assessment
370.15 Classroom environment.
Renewing the joys of teaching : how the principles of stoicism Effective teaching, Finland.
can return fulfillment to the classroom / Joseph Graves. Motivation in education, Finland.
—Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —140 Prepublication record
pages ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781475872286 hardback £62.00 ; 9781475872293 370.711
paperback £22.99 Teacher education : an analytical approach to internship
BNB Number GBC379417 practices around the world / edited by G.S. Prakasha,
Stoics. Anthony Kenneth. [online resource] —New Delhi : Routledge
Teachers, Psychology. India, 2023. —1 online resource (288 pages) : illustrations
Teaching, Philosophy. (black and white)
Prepublication record ISBN 9781000898712 ePub ebook £35.99 ; 9781000898668
PDF ebook £35.99
BNB Number GBC380952
Teachers, Training of.
Internship programs.
Prepublication record

370.711 370.941
Teacher education : an analytical approach to internship Education in the UK / edited by Danielle Lobban. —Cambridge
practices around the world / edited by G.S. Prakasha, : Independence Educational Publishers, 2023. —48 pages ;
Anthony Kenneth. —New Delhi : Routledge India, 2023. —288 29 cm.
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm ISBN 9781861688835 paperback £8.95
ISBN 9781032181769 paperback £35.99 ; 9781032158914 BNB Number GBC380017
hardback £130.00 Education, Great Britain.
BNB Number GBC378648 Prepublication record
Teachers, Training of.
Internship programs. 370.9417
Prepublication record New turns in the history of education in Ireland : from policy to
practice, from theory to lived reality / edited by Deirdre
370.711 Raftery. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
Teacher education intersecting comparative and international online resource (134 pages)
education : revisiting research, policy and practice in twin ISBN 9781000896749 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000896800
scholarship fields / edited by Florin D. Salajan, Tavis D. Jules, ePub ebook £48.99
Charl Wolhuter. [online resource] —London : Bloomsbury BNB Number GBC380907
Academic, 2023. —1 online resource (272 pages) : Education, Ireland, History.
illustrations (black and white) Prepublication record
ISBN 9781350339958 PDF ebook £81.00 ; 9781350339965
ePub ebook £81.00 370.9417
BNB Number GBC381236 New turns in the history of education in Ireland : from policy to
Teachers, Training of. practice, from theory to lived reality / edited by Deirdre
Comparative education. Raftery. —London : Routledge, 2023. —134 pages ; 25 cm
International education. ISBN 9781032456522 hardback £130.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC378967
Education, Ireland, History.
370.71173 Prepublication record
The teacher residency model : core components for high
impact on student achievement / edited by Cheryl A. Torrez, 370.94209033
Marjori Krebs. —Lanham : Lexington Books, 2023. —280 Changing pedagogies for children in eighteenth-century
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm England / Michèle Cohen. —Martlesham : The Boydell Press,
ISBN 9781793606389 paperback £31.00 2023. —238 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
BNB Number GBC379824 ISBN 9781837650699 hardback £70.00
Teachers, Training of, United States. BNB Number GBC379979
Prepublication record Education, England, History, 18th century.
Prepublication record
Empire and education / edited by Alexander J. Means, Amy N. 370.954
Sojot, Yuko Ida, Manca Sustarsic. [online resource] —London Rethinking education in the context of post-pandemic South
: Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (108 pages). Asia : challenges and possibilities / edited by Uma Pradhan,
ISBN 9781000896640 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000896633 Karen Valentin and Mohini Gupta. [online resource] —London
PDF ebook £48.99 : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (228 pages).
BNB Number GBC380905 ISBN 9781000885866 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000885804
Education, Political aspects. PDF ebook £38.99
Education, History. BNB Number GBC380656
Education, Philosophy. Education, South Asia.
Prepublication record Educational equalization, South Asia.
Educational change, South Asia.
370.9 Social distancing (Public health) and education, South
Empire and education / edited by Alexander J. Means, Amy N. Asia.
Sojot, Yuko Ida, Manca Sustarsic. —London : Routledge, COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, South Asia.
2023. —108 pages ; 25 cm. Education, Social aspects, South Asia.
ISBN 9781032471808 hardback £130.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378993
Education, Political aspects.
Education, Philosophy.
Education, History.
Prepublication record
370.954 371.102
Rethinking education in the context of post-pandemic South Passionate learners : how to engage and empower your
Asia : challenges and possibilities / edited by Uma Pradhan, students / Pernille Ripp. [online resource] —Third edition.
Karen Valentin and Mohini Gupta. —London : Routledge, —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (204 pages)
2023. —228 pages ; 24 cm. : illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781032365664 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781000869316 ePub ebook £22.99 ; 9781000869309
BNB Number GBC378861 PDF ebook £22.99
Educational equalization, South Asia. BNB Number GBC380506
Educational change, South Asia. Motivation in education.
Social distancing (Public health) and education, South Teacher-student relationships.
Asia. Effective teaching.
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, South Asia. Prepublication record
Education, South Asia.
Education, Social aspects, South Asia. 371.102
Prepublication record Passionate learners : how to engage and empower your
students / Pernille Ripp. —Third edition. —London :
371.10019 Routledge, 2023. —204 pages : illustrations (black and white)
The mind-body connection for educators : intentional ; 24 cm
movement for wellness / Kathryn Kennedy. [online resource] ISBN 9781032361482 paperback £22.99 ; 9781032361703
—San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 2023. —1 online resource hardback £120.00
(272 pages) BNB Number GBC378854
ISBN 9781119873662 ePub ebook £24.99 Motivation in education.
BNB Number GBC381192 Effective teaching.
Educators, Health and hygiene. Teacher-student relationships.
Mind and body. Prepublication record
Teachers, Health and hygiene.
Prepublication record 371.102
Your first year : how to survive and thrive as a new teacher /
371.10019 Todd Whitaker, Madeline Whitaker, and Katherine Whitaker.
The mind-body connection for educators : intentional [online resource] —Second edition. —London : Routledge,
movement for wellness / Kathryn Kennedy. —San Francisco : 2023. —1 online resource (140 pages) : illustration (black and
Jossey-Bass, 2023. —272 pages ; 23 cm white)
ISBN 9781119873471 paperback £24.99 ISBN 9781000902020 PDF ebook £22.99 ; 9781000902068
BNB Number GBC379165 ePub ebook £22.99
Teachers, Health and hygiene. BNB Number GBC381021
Educators, Health and hygiene. Teaching.
Mind and body. First year teachers.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

371.10092 371.102
A worthy piece of work : the untold story of Madeline Morgan Your first year : how to survive and thrive as a new teacher /
and the fight for Black history in schools / Michael Hines. Todd Whitaker, Madeline Whitaker, and Katherine Whitaker.
—Boston : Beacon Press, 2023. —224 pages ; 23 cm —Second edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —140 pages :
ISBN 9780807008249 paperback £14.99 illustration (black and white) ; 23 cm
BNB Number GBC378431 ISBN 9781032281247 paperback £22.99 ; 9781032518510
Morris, Madeline R. Stratton, 1906-2007 hardback £120.00 BNB Number GBC379094
African American teachers, Biography. Teaching.
Social science teachers, United States, Biography. First year teachers.
African American women teachers, Biography. Prepublication record
Prepublication record

371.1022 371.2
The introverted educator : redefining participation and creating Leadership and management for education studies :
quiet magic in the classroom / Rochelle Green. [online introducing key concepts of theory and practice / edited by
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource Deborah Outhwaite, Catherine A. Simon. [online resource]
(66 pages) : illustrations (black and white) —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (170 pages)
ISBN 9781000881189 PDF ebook £18.99 ; 9781000881196 : illustrations (black and white).
ePub ebook £18.99 ISBN 9781000889116 PDF ebook £28.99 ; 9781000889161
BNB Number GBC380569 ePub ebook £28.99
Bashfulness in children. BNB Number GBC380718
Self-confidence in children. Educational leadership.
Communication in education. School management and organization.
Teacher-student relationships, Case studies. Prepublication record
Introversion in children.
Introverts. 371.2
Prepublication record Leadership and management for education studies :
introducing key concepts of theory and practice / edited by
371.1022 Deborah Outhwaite, Catherine A. Simon. —London :
The introverted educator : redefining participation and creating Routledge, 2023. —170 pages : illustrations (black and white)
quiet magic in the classroom / Rochelle Green. —London : ; 25 cm.
Routledge, 2023. —66 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; ISBN 9781032343020 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032343013
23 cm paperback £28.99
ISBN 9781032341477 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032340623 BNB Number GBC378832
paperback £18.99 Educational leadership.
BNB Number GBC378826 School management and organization.
Introversion in children. Prepublication record
Bashfulness in children. 371.200951
Teacher-student relationships, Case studies. Grouplised schools in China : teacher agency under neoliberal
Self-confidence in children. influences / Guopeng Fu. [online resource] —London :
Communication in education. Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (124 pages) :
Prepublication record illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781000895766 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000895780
371.1024 ePub ebook £38.99
Pause, ponder, and persist in the classroom : how teachers BNB Number GBC380886
turn challenges into opportunities for impact / Julie Schmidt Teachers, China.
Hasson. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 School management and organization, China.
online resource (150 pages) : illustrations (black and white) Prepublication record
ISBN 9781000882384 PDF ebook £22.99 ; 9781000882414
ePub ebook £22.99 371.200951
BNB Number GBC380603 Grouplised schools in China : teacher agency under neoliberal
Classroom management. influences / Guopeng Fu. —London : Routledge, 2023. —124
Teacher-student relationships. pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
Effective teaching. ISBN 9781032510286 hardback £130.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379074
Teachers, China.
371.1024 School management and organization, China.
Pause, ponder, and persist in the classroom : how teachers Prepublication record
turn challenges into opportunities for impact / Julie Schmidt
Hasson. —London : Routledge, 2023. —150 pages : 371.2011
illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm An imperfect leader : human-centered leadership in (after)
ISBN 9781032383422 paperback £22.99 ; 9781032383774 action / Peter L. Stiepleman. [online resource] —Lanham :
hardback £120.00 Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —1 online resource
BNB Number GBC378882 (138 pages)
Classroom management. ISBN 9781475871142 ePub ebook No price
Teacher-student relationships. BNB Number GBC381301
Effective teaching. School superintendents, United States.
Prepublication record Educational leadership, United States.
Prepublication record

371.2011 371.20110973
An imperfect leader : human-centered leadership in (after) Leading within systems of inequity in education : a liberation
action / Peter L. Stiepleman. —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield guide for leaders of color / Mary Rice-Boothe. —Alexandria :
Publishers, 2023. —138 pages ; 23 cm ASCD, 2023. —277 pages ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781475871128 hardback £69.00 ; 9781475871135 ISBN 9781416631835 paperback £28.95
paperback £27.00 BNB Number GBC379322
BNB Number GBC379414 School management and organization, United States,
Educational leadership, United States. Vocational guidance.
School superintendents, United States. Racial justice in education, United States.
Prepublication record Minority school administrators, United States.
Educational leadership, United States.
371.2011 Educational equalization, United States.
Leadership by the number : using the Enneagram to Prepublication record
strengthen educational leadership / Jon E. Singletary. [online
resource] —San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 2023. —1 online 371.2012
resource (224 pages) Principal in balance : leading at work and living a life / Jessica
ISBN 9781119880509 ePub ebook £24.99 M. Cabeen. —San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 2023. —208
BNB Number GBC381193 pages ; 23 cm
Educational leadership, Psychological aspects. ISBN 9781119885764 paperback £26.99
School administrators, Psychology. BNB Number GBC379166
Enneagram. Boundaries, Psychological aspects.
Prepublication record Educational leadership.
Mindfulness (Psychology)
371.2011 Goal (Psychology)
Lessons from the head's office / Brian Walton. [online Self-management (Psychology)
resource] —London : Corwin, 2023. —1 online resource (176 School principals, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
pages) Time management.
ISBN 9781529787757 ePub ebook £17.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC381348
Educational leadership. 371.20120973
Prepublication record Doing the right thing : sometimes difficult, but always correct /
Dewitt Jones. [online resource] —Lanham : Rowman &
371.2011 Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —1 online resource (110 page)
Mindful educational leadership : contemplative, cognitive, and ISBN 9781475871319 ePub ebook £62.00
organizational systems and practices / Sharon D. Kruse. BNB Number GBC381302
[online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online School principals, United States.
resource (216 pages) School management and organization, United States.
ISBN 9781000884142 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000884128 School superintendents, United States.
PDF ebook £38.99 Educational leadership, United States.
BNB Number GBC380630 School principals, United States, Anecdotes.
Community and school. Prepublication record
School management and organization.
Mindfulness (Psychology) 371.20120973
Educational leadership. Doing the right thing : sometimes difficult, but always correct /
Prepublication record Dewitt Jones. —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,
2023. —110 page ; 23 cm
371.2011 ISBN 9781475871302 paperback £14.99 ; 9781475871296
Mindful educational leadership : contemplative, cognitive, and hardback £46.00
organizational systems and practices / Sharon D. Kruse. BNB Number GBC379415
—London : Routledge, 2023. —216 pages ; 23 cm School principals, United States, Anecdotes.
ISBN 9781032254890 paperback £38.99 ; 9781032254210 Educational leadership, United States.
hardback £130.00 School principals, United States.
BNB Number GBC378721 School superintendents, United States.
School management and organization. School management and organization, United States.
Mindfulness (Psychology) Prepublication record
Community and school.
Educational leadership.
Prepublication record

371.207 371.3
A critical guide to evidence-informed education / Thomas A moral case for play in K-12 schools : the urgency of
Perry, Rebecca Morris. —Maidenhead : Open University advancing moral ecologies of play / Judd Kruger Levingston.
Press, 2023. —1 volume —Lanham : Lexington Books, 2023. —264 pages ; 23 cm
ISBN 9780335249398 paperback £29.99 ISBN 9781666910810 hardback £81.00
BNB Number GBC378237 BNB Number GBC379702
School improvement programs. Activity programs in education.
Prepublication record Personality development.
Moral education.
371.207 Play.
Educational facilities : planning, modernization, and Prepublication record
management / Richard Bauscher, E. Michael Poe. [online
resource] —Sixth edition. —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield 371.3
Publishers, 2023. —1 online resource (298 pages) Flipping the classroom : what every ESL teacher should know
ISBN 9781475869262 PDF ebook £102.00 / Robyn Brinks Lockwood. —Ann Arbor : The University of
BNB Number GBC381298 Michigan Press, 2023. —63 pages ; 23 cm
Educational leadership. ISBN 9780472039548 paperback No price
School improvement programs. BNB Number GBC378342
School management and organization. Educational technology.
Prepublication record Blended learning.
Second language acquisition.
371.207 Prepublication record
Educational facilities : planning, modernization, and
management / Richard Bauscher, E. Michael Poe. —Sixth 371.3
edition. —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023. Inquiry-based science in the primary classroom / edited by
—298 pages ; 26 cm Garima Bansal, Umesh Ramnarain. [online resource]
ISBN 9781475869248 hardback £77.00 ; 9781475869255 —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (128 pages)
paperback £29.00 ISBN 9781000896121 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000896084
BNB Number GBC379411 PDF ebook £48.99
Educational leadership. BNB Number GBC380893
School improvement programs. Science, Study and teaching (Primary)
School management and organization. Inquiry-based learning.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

371.207 371.3
Right from the start : the essential guide to implementing Inquiry-based science in the primary classroom / edited by
school initiatives / James Marshall. [online resource] Garima Bansal, Umesh Ramnarain. —London : Routledge,
—Thousand Oaks : Corwin, 2023. —1 online resource (280 2023. —128 pages ; 25 cm
pages) ISBN 9781032461670 hardback £130.00
ISBN 9781071917633 ePub ebook £24.99 ; 9781071917664 BNB Number GBC378979
PDF ebook £24.99 Science, Study and teaching (Primary)
BNB Number GBC381172 Inquiry-based learning.
School improvement programs. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
371.3 Learning through movement in the K-6 classroom : integrating
A moral case for play in K-12 schools : the urgency of theatre and dance to achieve educational equity / Kelly
advancing moral ecologies of play / Judd Kruger Levingston. Mancini Becker. [online resource] —London : Routledge,
[online resource] —Lanham : Lexington Books, 2023. —1 2023. —1 online resource (208 pages) : illustrations (black
online resource (264 pages) and white)
ISBN 9781666910827 ePub ebook No price ISBN 9781000890099 PDF ebook £26.99 ; 9781000890143
BNB Number GBC381377 ePub ebook £26.99
Play. BNB Number GBC380748
Moral education. Drama in education.
Activity programs in education. Movement education.
Personality development. Education, Elementary, Activity programs.
Prepublication record Arts in education.
Active learning.
Prepublication record
371.3 371.334
Learning through movement in the K-6 classroom : integrating Advancements in artificial intelligence, blockchain technology,
theatre and dance to achieve educational equity / Kelly and IoT in higher education : mitigating the impact of
Mancini Becker. —London : Routledge, 2023. —208 pages : COVID-19 / edited by Subhendu Kumar Pani, PhD,
illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm Kamalakanta Muduli, PhD, Sujoy Kumar Jana, PhD, Srikanth
ISBN 9781032283272 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032283258 Bathula, PhD, Golam Sarwar Khan, PhD. [online resource]
paperback £26.99 —Toronto : Apple Academic Press, 2023. —1 online resource
BNB Number GBC378757 (318 pages)
Active learning. ISBN 9781000608809 ePub ebook £139.00 ; 9781000608793
Movement education. PDF ebook £139.00
Arts in education. BNB Number GBC380485
Drama in education. Education, Higher, Effect of technological innovations on.
Education, Elementary, Activity programs. Internet of things.
Prepublication record Artificial intelligence, Educational applications.
Blockchains (Databases)
371.33 COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-
Handbook of research on advancing equity and inclusion Educational technology.
through educational technology / editors, Paula Escudeiro, Prepublication record
Nuno Escudeiro, and Oscar Bernardes. —Hershey : IGI
Global, 2023. —415 pages ; 28 cm 371.334
ISBN 9781668468685 hardback £294.00 Advancements in artificial intelligence, blockchain technology,
BNB Number GBC379709 and IoT in higher education : mitigating the impact of
Education, Effect of technological innovations on, COVID-19 / edited by Subhendu Kumar Pani, PhD,
Research, Methodology. Kamalakanta Muduli, PhD, Sujoy Kumar Jana, PhD, Srikanth
Educational equalization, Research. Bathula, PhD, Golam Sarwar Khan, PhD. —Toronto : Apple
Inclusive education, Research. Academic Press, 2023. —318 pages ; 24 cm
Educational technology, Research. ISBN 9781774910924 hardback £139.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379759
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-
371.33 Educational technology.
The new digital education policy landscape : from education Blockchains (Databases)
systems to platforms / edited by Cristóbal Cobo, Axel Rivas. Education, Higher, Effect of technological innovations on.
[online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online Internet of things.
resource (248 pages) : illustrations (black and white). Artificial intelligence, Educational applications.
ISBN 9781000902129 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000902112 Prepublication record
PDF ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC381023 371.3344678
Educational technology, Government policy, Case studies. Digital learning in high-needs schools : a critical approach to
Education and state, Case studies. technology access and equity in preK-12 / edited by Heejung
Prepublication record An and David A. Fuentes. [online resource] —London :
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (232 pages) :
371.33 illustrations (black and white)
The new digital education policy landscape : from education ISBN 9781000882452 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000882445
systems to platforms / edited by Cristóbal Cobo, Axel Rivas. PDF ebook £38.99
—London : Routledge, 2023. —248 pages : illustrations (black BNB Number GBC380604
and white) ; 23 cm. Educational technology, Social aspects, United States.
ISBN 9781032434063 hardback £130.00 Education, United States, Regional disparities.
BNB Number GBC378927 Children with social disabilities, Education, United States.
Education and state, Case studies. Educational equalization, United States.
Educational technology, Government policy, Case studies. Computer-assisted instruction, Social aspects, United
Prepublication record States.
Prepublication record

371.3344678 371.393
Digital learning in high-needs schools : a critical approach to Relationship-based learning : a practical guide to transforming
technology access and equity in preK-12 / edited by Heejung children's behaviour / Janet Packer, Nia MacQueen, Patricia
An and David A. Fuentes. —London : Routledge, 2023. —232 Day. —London : Routledge, 2023. —238 pages : illustrations
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm (black and white) ; 25 cm
ISBN 9781032226408 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032228600 ISBN 9780367763671 paperback £24.99 ; 9780367763640
paperback £38.99 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC378703 BNB Number GBC378305
Children with social disabilities, Education, United States. Children with mental disabilities, Behavior modification.
Educational equalization, United States. Motivation in education.
Educational technology, Social aspects, United States. Learning, Psychology of.
Education, United States, Regional disparities. Teacher-student relationships.
Computer-assisted instruction, Social aspects, United Prepublication record
Prepublication record 371.394
Growing and sustaining student-centered science classrooms
371.384 / David Stroupe. —Cambridge : Harvard Education Press,
Wild learning : practical ideas to bring teaching outdoors / 2023. —192 pages ; 23 cm
Rachel Tidd. [online resource] —San Francisco : ISBN 9781682537954 paperback £38.95
Jossey-Bass, 2023. —1 online resource (240 pages) BNB Number GBC379718
ISBN 9781119931324 ePub ebook £22.99 Science, Study and teaching.
BNB Number GBC381204 Student-centered learning.
Outdoor education, United States. Prepublication record
Education, Elementary, Activity programs, United States.
Prepublication record 371.4
The school counselor's guide to multi-tiered systems of
371.384 support / edited by Emily Goodman-Scott, Jennifer
Wild learning : practical ideas to bring teaching outdoors / Betters-Bubon, Peg Donohue, Jacob Olsen. [online resource]
Rachel Tidd. —San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 2023. —240 —Second edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
pages ; 24 cm resource (394 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781119931348 paperback £22.99 ISBN 9781000890525 PDF ebook £52.99 ; 9781000890570
BNB Number GBC379181 ePub ebook £52.99
Education, Elementary, Activity programs, United States. BNB Number GBC380759
Outdoor education, United States. Multi-tiered systems of support (Education)
Prepublication record Student assistance programs.
Student counselors, Training of.
371.393 Prepublication record
Relationship-based learning : a practical guide to transforming
children's behaviour / Janet Packer, Nia MacQueen, Patricia 371.4
Day. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online The school counselor's guide to multi-tiered systems of
resource (238 pages) : illustrations (black and white) support / edited by Emily Goodman-Scott, Jennifer
ISBN 9781000883060 PDF ebook £24.99 ; 9781000883107 Betters-Bubon, Peg Donohue, Jacob Olsen. —Second edition.
ePub ebook £24.99 —London : Routledge, 2023. —394 pages : illustrations (black
BNB Number GBC380616 and white) ; 26 cm
Learning, Psychology of. ISBN 9781032307220 paperback £52.99 ; 9781032307237
Motivation in education. hardback £120.00
Children with mental disabilities, Behavior modification. BNB Number GBC378781
Teacher-student relationships. Student assistance programs.
Prepublication record Multi-tiered systems of support (Education)
Student counselors, Training of.
Prepublication record

371.7 371.8267
A practical guide to pupil wellbeing : strategies for classroom Rethinking school spaces for transgender, non-binary and
teachers / Kirsten Colquhoun. —Melton : John Catt, 2023. gender diverse youth : trans-ing the school washroom /
—200 pages ; 21 cm Jennifer Ingrey. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023.
ISBN 9781398388871 paperback £16.00 —1 online resource (272 pages) : illustrations (black and
BNB Number GBC379291 white).
Students, Services for. ISBN 9781000903348 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000903300
Student assistance programs. PDF ebook £38.99
Affective education. BNB Number GBC381039
Prepublication record School environment, Social aspects, United States.
Transgender youth, Education, United States.
371.7130994 School buildings, Restrooms, Social aspects, United
How to be an educational and developmental psychologist : States.
from university applications to entering the workforce / Gender-nonconforming youth, Education, United States.
Kelly-Ann Allen [and seven others]. [online resource] Gender-neutral toilet facilities, United States.
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (250 pages) Prepublication record
: illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9781000881110 ePub ebook £19.99 ; 9781000881042 371.8267
PDF ebook £19.99 Rethinking school spaces for transgender, non-binary and
BNB Number GBC380566 gender diverse youth : trans-ing the school washroom /
Educational psychology, Vocational guidance. Jennifer Ingrey. —London : Routledge, 2023. —272 pages :
School psychologists, Training of, New Zealand. illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm.
School psychologists, Training of, Australia. ISBN 9780367435738 hardback £130.00
Developmental psychology, Vocational guidance. BNB Number GBC378254
Prepublication record Transgender youth, Education, United States.
Gender-nonconforming youth, Education, United States.
371.7130994 School buildings, Restrooms, Social aspects, United
How to be an educational and developmental psychologist : States.
from university applications to entering the workforce / School environment, Social aspects, United States.
Kelly-Ann Allen [and seven others]. —London : Routledge, Gender-neutral toilet facilities, United States.
2023. —250 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 22 cm. Prepublication record
ISBN 9781032362496 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032362489
paperback £19.99 371.826912094
BNB Number GBC378856 Post-school pathways of migrant-origin youth in Europe /
School psychologists, Training of, Australia. edited Emer Smyth and Merike Darmody. [online resource]
Educational psychology, Vocational guidance. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (208 pages)
Developmental psychology, Vocational guidance. : illustrations (black and white).
School psychologists, Training of, New Zealand. ISBN 9781000903256 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000903270
Prepublication record ePub ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC381038
371.8267 School-to-work transition, Europe.
Radically listening to transgender children : creating epistemic Immigrant youth, Europe, Social conditions.
justice through critical reflection and resistant imaginations / Immigrant youth, Education, Europe.
Katie Steele, Julie Nicholson. —Lanham : Lexington Books, Immigrant youth, Employment, Europe.
2023. —192 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm Educational equalization, Europe.
ISBN 9781498590396 paperback £31.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC379464
Transgender children, Education (Early childhood)
Prepublication record

371.826912094 371.9
Post-school pathways of migrant-origin youth in Europe / High leverage practices for intensive interventions / edited by
edited Emer Smyth and Merike Darmody. —London : James McLeskey, Lawrence Maheady, Bonnie Billingsley,
Routledge, 2023. —208 pages : illustrations (black and white) Mary T. Brownell, Timothy J. Lewis. —London : Routledge,
; 24 cm. 2023. —358 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 26 cm
ISBN 9781032245713 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781032231068 paperback £26.99 ; 9781032233376
BNB Number GBC378709 hardback £120.00
School-to-work transition, Europe. BNB Number GBC378708
Immigrant youth, Europe, Social conditions. Individualized instruction, United States.
Immigrant youth, Employment, Europe. Special education, United States.
Immigrant youth, Education, Europe. Motivation in education, United States.
Educational equalization, Europe. Students with disabilities, Services for, United States.
Prepublication record Inclusive education, United States.
Children with social disabilities, Education.
371.82900981 Prepublication record
Exclusionary rationalities in Brazilian schooling : decolonizing
historical studies / Natália Gil. [online resource] —London : 371.9043
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (256 pages). Teaching exceptional children : foundations and best
ISBN 9781000899061 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000899139 practices in early childhood special education / Mojdeh Bayat.
ePub ebook £38.99 [online resource] —Third edition. —London : Routledge, 2023.
BNB Number GBC380962 —1 online resource (484 pages) : illustrations (black and
Dropouts, Brazil. white)
Discrimination in education, Brazil, History. ISBN 9781000890839 PDF ebook £64.99 ; 9781000890860
Education, Social aspects, Brazil, History. ePub ebook £64.99
Educational change, Brazil, History. BNB Number GBC380768
Education, Brazil, Regional disparaties. Early childhood special education.
Prepublication record Inclusive education.
Prepublication record
Exclusionary rationalities in Brazilian schooling : decolonizing 371.9043
historical studies / Natália Gil. —London : Routledge, 2023. Teaching exceptional children : foundations and best
—256 pages ; 23 cm. practices in early childhood special education / Mojdeh Bayat.
ISBN 9781032200453 hardback £130.00 —Third edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —484 pages :
BNB Number GBC378679 illustrations (black and white) ; 26 cm
Education, Social aspects, Brazil, History. ISBN 9781032158082 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032158068
Dropouts, Brazil. paperback £64.99
Educational change, Brazil, History. BNB Number GBC378645
Education, Brazil, Regional disparaties. Inclusive education.
Discrimination in education, Brazil, History. Early childhood special education.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

371.9 371.90474
High leverage practices for intensive interventions / edited by Disability services in higher education : an insider's guide /
James McLeskey, Lawrence Maheady, Bonnie Billingsley, Kirsten T. Behling, Eileen H. Bellemore, Lisa B. Bibeau,
Mary T. Brownell, Timothy J. Lewis. [online resource] Andrew S. Cioffi, and Bridget A. McNamee ; illustrated by
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (358 pages) Andrew S. Cioffi. —Philadelphia : Temple University Press,
: illustrations (black and white) 2023. —341 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781000881226 PDF ebook £26.99 ; 9781000881257 ISBN 9781439923450 hardback £112.00 ; 9781439923467
ePub ebook £26.99 paperback £34.00
BNB Number GBC380571 BNB Number GBC379347
Motivation in education, United States. People with disabilities, Education (Higher), United States.
Children with social disabilities, Education. College students with disabilities, Services for, United
Students with disabilities, Services for, United States. States.
Special education, United States. Student affairs services, United States, Administration.
Individualized instruction, United States. Prepublication record
Inclusive education, United States.
Prepublication record

371.90474 371.95
Supporting disabled students in higher education : the Leading culturally responsive gifted programs : a roadmap for
reasonable adjustments handbook / Stephen Campbell. change / Robin M. Greene and Michelle Pacheco DuBois.
[online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
resource (138 pages) resource (270 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781000884579 ePub ebook £24.99 ; 9781000884517 ISBN 9781000889338 PDF ebook £26.99 ; 9781000889352
PDF ebook £24.99 ePub ebook £26.99
BNB Number GBC380634 BNB Number GBC380724
Inclusive education. Gifted children, Education.
Learning disabled, Education (Higher) Culturally relevant pedagogy.
College students with disabilities, Services for. Multi-tiered systems of support (Education)
Prepublication record Educational equalization.
Prepublication record
Supporting disabled students in higher education : the 371.95
reasonable adjustments handbook / Stephen Campbell. Leading culturally responsive gifted programs : a roadmap for
—London : Routledge, 2023. —138 pages ; 24 cm change / Robin M. Greene and Michelle Pacheco DuBois.
ISBN 9781032122922 paperback £24.99 ; 9781032109701 —London : Routledge, 2023. —270 pages : illustrations (black
hardback £120.00 and white) ; 23 cm
BNB Number GBC378598 ISBN 9781032274690 paperback £26.99 ; 9781032276885
Learning disabled, Education (Higher) hardback £120.00
Inclusive education. BNB Number GBC378751
College students with disabilities, Services for. Gifted children, Education.
Prepublication record Culturally relevant pedagogy.
Multi-tiered systems of support (Education)
371.94 Educational equalization.
The educator's guide to ADHD interventions : strategies for Prepublication record
grades 5-12 / Judith R. Harrison, Denise A. Soares, Steven
W. Evans. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 371.95
online resource (246 pages) : illustrations (black and white). Systems and models for developing programs for the gifted
ISBN 9781000882957 ePub ebook £26.99 ; 9781000882940 and talented / edited by Joseph S. Renzulli, E. Jean Gubbins,
PDF ebook £26.99 Kristin S. McMillen, Rebecca D. Eckert, Catherine A. Little.
BNB Number GBC380614 [online resource] —Second edition. —London : Routledge,
Attention-deficit-disordered children, Education (Middle), 2023. —1 online resource
United States, Handbooks, manuals, etc. ISBN 9781000951400 ePub ebook £74.99
Attention-deficit-disordered children, Education BNB Number GBC381125
(Secondary), United States, Handbooks, manuals, etc. Special education.
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, Treatment, United Educational planning.
States, Handbooks, manuals, etc. Gifted children, Education.
Learning disabled youth, Education, United States. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
371.94 The first year at school : an international perspective / edited
The educator's guide to ADHD interventions : strategies for by Peter Tymms [and six others]. —Cham : Springer, 2023.
grades 5-12 / Judith R. Harrison, Denise A. Soares, Steven —340 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24
W. Evans. —London : Routledge, 2023. —246 pages : cm.
illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm. ISBN 9783031285882 hardback £109.99
ISBN 9780367626204 hardback £120.00 ; 9780367622404 BNB Number GBC380284
paperback £26.99 Educational tests and measurements, Cross-cultural
BNB Number GBC378279 studies.
Attention-deficit-disordered children, Education (Middle), Education, Primary, Cross-cultural studies.
United States, Handbooks, manuals, etc. Prepublication record
Attention-deficit-disordered children, Education
(Secondary), United States, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Learning disabled youth, Education, United States.
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, Treatment, United
States, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Prepublication record

372.17209861 372.21
European Union support for Colombia's peace process : civil Reflection and reflective spaces in the early years : a guide for
society, human rights and territorial peace / edited by Karlos students and practitioners / Annie Pendrey. [online resource]
Pérez de Armiño. [online resource] —Basingstoke : Palgrave —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (98 pages) :
Macmillan, 2023. —1 online resource (279 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
illustrations (black and white, and colour). ISBN 9781000889253 ePub ebook £16.99 ; 9781000889192
ISBN 9783031247972 PDF ebook No price PDF ebook £16.99
BNB Number GBC381500 BNB Number GBC380720
Peace-building, European, Colombia. Early childhood education, Psychological aspects.
Colombia, Politics and government. Reflective teaching.
European Union countries, Relations, Colombia. Prepublication record
Colombia, Relations, European Union countries.
Prepublication record 372.21
Reflection and reflective spaces in the early years : a guide for
372.17209861 students and practitioners / Annie Pendrey. —London :
European Union support for Colombia's peace process : civil Routledge, 2023. —98 pages : illustrations (black and white) ;
society, human rights and territorial peace / edited by Karlos 25 cm
Pérez de Armiño. —Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. ISBN 9781032311906 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032311876
—279 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 21 paperback £16.99
cm. BNB Number GBC378786
ISBN 9783031247965 hardback £44.99 ; 9783031247996 Reflective teaching.
paperback £34.99 Early childhood education, Psychological aspects.
BNB Number GBC380249 Prepublication record
Peace-building, European, Colombia.
Colombia, Relations, European Union countries. 372.21068
European Union countries, Relations, Colombia. Understanding shared services in early childhood education :
Colombia, Politics and government. quick guide / Amanda L. Krause-DiScala. —Saint Paul :
Prepublication record Redleaf Press, 2023. —80 pages
ISBN 9781605547879 paperback £22.95
372.190942 BNB Number GBC379584
The National Curriculum and the Teachers' Standards. Early childhood education.
—Third edition. —Los Angeles : Learning Matters, 2023. Shared services (Management)
—360 pages ; 30 cm. Prepublication record
ISBN 9781529623833 paperback £16.99
BNB Number GBC379525 372.210994
Education, Standards, England. Unlocking practitioner inquiry : growing professionally in early
Education, Elementary, Curricula, England. years education / edited by Katey De Gioia, Alma Fleet,
Prepublication record Catherine Patterson, Marina Papic. [online resource]
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (222 pages)
372.21 : illustrations (black and white)
Providing hyper-localized early childhood programming : a ISBN 9781000892406 PDF ebook £26.99 ; 9781000892413
framework from the Early Learning Neighborhood ePub ebook £26.99
Collaborative (ELNC) / Nkechy Ezeh. [online resource] BNB Number GBC380815
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource : illustrations Education, Primary, Australia.
(black and white) Educational change, Australia.
ISBN 9781000882636 ePub ebook £26.99 Professional learning communities, Australia.
BNB Number GBC380606 Teachers, In-service training, Australia.
Early childhood education. Early childhood education, Australia.
Community. Action research in education, Australia.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

372.210994 372.6
Unlocking practitioner inquiry : growing professionally in early Building the literacy block : structuring the ultimate ELA
years education / edited by Katey De Gioia, Alma Fleet, workshop / Bridget M. Spackman. [online resource] —San
Catherine Patterson, Marina Papic. —London : Routledge, Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 2023. —1 online resource (208
2023. —222 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm pages)
ISBN 9781032158266 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032158259 ISBN 9781119819608 ePub ebook £24.99
paperback £26.99 BNB Number GBC381570
BNB Number GBC378647 Literacy.
Early childhood education, Australia. Language arts (Elementary)
Professional learning communities, Australia. Prepublication record
Action research in education, Australia.
Teachers, In-service training, Australia. 372.6
Education, Primary, Australia. Building the literacy block : structuring the ultimate ELA
Educational change, Australia. workshop / Bridget M. Spackman. —San Francisco :
Prepublication record Jossey-Bass, 2023. —208 pages ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781119819592 paperback £24.99
372.5 BNB Number GBC379159
Viewing art with babies : first encounters / Kathy Literacy.
Danko-McGhee. [online resource] —London : Routledge, Language arts (Elementary)
2023. —1 online resource (94 pages) : illustrations (black and Prepublication record
ISBN 9781000882124 PDF ebook £31.99 ; 9781000882131 372.6
ePub ebook £31.99 Young children's language in context / edited by Sheila
BNB Number GBC380598 Degotardi, Shelley Stagg Peterson, Jiangbo Hu. [online
Art museums, Educational aspects. resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
Art, Study and teaching (Early childhood) (124 pages)
Museums and infants. ISBN 9781000887136 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000887105
Prepublication record PDF ebook £48.99
BNB Number GBC380680
372.5 Children, Language.
Viewing art with babies : first encounters / Kathy Language acquisition.
Danko-McGhee. —London : Routledge, 2023. —94 pages : Context (Linguistics)
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. Prepublication record
ISBN 9781032135717 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032135755
paperback £31.99 372.6
BNB Number GBC378625 Young children's language in context / edited by Sheila
Art museums, Educational aspects. Degotardi, Shelley Stagg Peterson, Jiangbo Hu. —London :
Museums and infants. Routledge, 2023. —124 pages ; 25 cm
Art, Study and teaching (Early childhood) ISBN 9781032459974 hardback £130.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC378973
Children, Language.
372.6 Language acquisition.
Best practices in literacy instruction. —Seventh edition / edited Context (Linguistics)
by Lesley Mandel Morrow, Ernest Morrell, Heather Kenyon Prepublication record
Casey. —New York : The Guilford Press, 2023. —496 pages :
illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm 372.6044
ISBN 9781462552238 paperback No price ; 9781462552245 Reception English. Ages 4-5. Targeted question book.
hardback No price —Broughton : Coordination Group Publications, 2023. —72
BNB Number GBC379362 pages ; 30 cm
Reading comprehension, United States. ISBN 9781837740512 paperback £5.99
Literacy, United States. BNB Number GBC379986
Language arts, United States. English language, Study and teaching (Primary)
Prepublication record Prepublication record

372.60440942 372.70440973
Primary English for trainee teachers / edited by David Waugh, Math with confidence. Instructor guide / Kate Snow ;
Wendy Joliffe and Kate Allott. [online resource] —Fourth illustrated by Itamar Katz. —Charles City : Well-Trained Mind
edition. —London : Learning Matters, 2023. —1 online Press, 2023. —568 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 28
resource (432 pages). cm
ISBN 9781529618389 EPUB ; 152961838X EPUB ISBN 9781944481285 paperback £30.00
BNB Number GBC377725 BNB Number GBC380102
English language, Study and teaching (Elementary), Mathematics, Study and teaching (Elementary), United
England. States.
Prepublication record
Writing with ease. Level 1, Workbook / Susan Wise Bauer, 373.1102
Jeff West. —Charles City : Well-Trained Mind Press, 2023. Instructional strategies for middle and high school / Bruce E.
—256 pages ; 28 cm. Larson. [online resource] —Third edition. —London :
ISBN 9781945841538 paperback £30.00 Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (312 pages) :
BNB Number GBC380104 illustrations (black and white)
English language, Composition and exercises, Study and ISBN 9781000885231 PDF ebook £54.99 ; 9781000885286
teaching (Elementary) ePub ebook £54.99
English language, Rhetoric, Study and teaching BNB Number GBC380648
(Elementary) Teaching, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Prepublication record Lesson planning, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Educational tests and measurements, Handbooks,
372.6561 manuals, etc.
Colour, play and learn Spanish with Mia. Vol 1, Colours - Classroom management, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
numbers - animals - fruits / by Nerea Kennedy. —[Great Prepublication record
Britain] : [Nerea Kennedy], [2021] —1 volume (unpaged) :
illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 21 cm 373.1102
ISBN 9781739893309 (pbk.) : £7.99 ; 1739893301 (pbk.) : Instructional strategies for middle and high school / Bruce E.
£7.99 Larson. —Third edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —312
BNB Number GBC377447 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 26 cm
ISBN 9780367858858 paperback £54.99 ; 9780367858865
372.6561 hardback £180.00
Colour, play and learn Spanish with Mia. Alphabet - colours / BNB Number GBC378319
by Nerea Kennedy. —[Great Britain] : [Nerea Kennedy], [2021] Teaching, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
—1 volume (unpaged) : illustrations (black and white) ; 21 cm Lesson planning, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
ISBN 9781739893316 paperback Educational tests and measurements, Handbooks,
BNB Number GBC377286 manuals, etc.
Classroom management, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Prepublication record
Daily routines to jump-start problem solving. Grades K-8 /
John J. SanGiovanni. [online resource] —Thousand Oaks : 373.18
Corwin, 2023. —1 online resource (232 pages). Teenage school difficulties : how to help / Joyce Nisbet and
ISBN 9781071910672 PDF ebook £24.99 Jennie Guise. —Shoreham-by-Sea, West Sussex : Pavilion
BNB Number GBC381171 Publishing and Media, 2022. —xi, 185 pages : 1 illustration ;
Problem solving, Study and teaching (Primary) 23 cm.
Problem solving, Study and teaching (Elementary) ISBN 1912755912 (pbk.) : £24.95 ; 9781912755912 (pbk.) :
Prepublication record £24.95
BNB Number GBC377533
Social work with teenagers.
Math with confidence. Instructor guide / Kate Snow ;
Counseling in secondary education.
illustrated by Itamar Katz. [online resource] —Charles City :
Well-Trained Mind Press, 2023. —1 online resource (568
pages) : illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781944481292 ePub ebook £20.39
BNB Number GBC381490
Mathematics, Study and teaching (Elementary), United
Prepublication record

373.222094209046 375.0010941
Childhood, identity and masculinity : the boarding school boys Time to shake up the primary curriculum : a step-by-step
/ Soosan Latham, Roya Ferdows. [online resource] —London : guide to creating a global, diverse and inclusive school /
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (176 pages) Sarah Wordlaw. [online resource] —London : Bloomsbury
ISBN 9781000884944 ePub ebook £34.99 ; 9781000884906 Education, 2023. —1 online resource
PDF ebook £34.99 ISBN 9781801991223 ePub ebook £15.29
BNB Number GBC380640 BNB Number GBC381420
Boarding school students, England. Curriculum change, Great Britain.
Boarding schools, England, History, 20th century. Multicultural education, Great Britain.
Iranians, Education. Education, Primary, Great Britain.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

373.28 378
The Routledge international handbook of work-integrated Global higher education and the COVID-19 pandemic :
learning / edited by Karsten E. Zegwaard and T. Judene perspectives, challenges, and new opportunities / edited by
Pretti. [online resource] —Third edition. —London : Routledge, Chitra Krishnan, PhD, Kavita Thapliyal, PhD, Gurinder Singh,
2023. —1 online resource (614 pages) : illustrations (black PhD. [online resource] —Toronto : Apple Academic Press,
and white). 2023. —1 online resource (310 pages) : illustrations (black
ISBN 9781000882490 ePub ebook £42.99 ; 9781000882483 and white, and colour)
PDF ebook £42.99 ISBN 9781000735604 ePub ebook £131.00
BNB Number GBC380605 BNB Number GBC380496
College students, Employment, Cross-cultural studies. Education and globalization.
Education, Higher, Aims and objectives, Cross-cultural Education, Higher, Computer-assisted instruction.
studies. Social distancing (Public health) and education.
Education, Cooperative, Cross-cultural studies. International education.
Prepublication record COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Influence.
Prepublication record
The Routledge international handbook of work-integrated 378
learning / edited by Karsten E. Zegwaard and T. Judene Global higher education and the COVID-19 pandemic :
Pretti. —Third edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —614 perspectives, challenges, and new opportunities / edited by
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm. Chitra Krishnan, PhD, Kavita Thapliyal, PhD, Gurinder Singh,
ISBN 9780367741761 hardback £205.00 PhD. —Toronto : Apple Academic Press, 2023. —310 pages :
BNB Number GBC378298 illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm
Education, Higher, Aims and objectives, Cross-cultural ISBN 9781774912034 hardback £131.00
studies. BNB Number GBC379767
College students, Employment, Cross-cultural studies. International education.
Education, Cooperative, Cross-cultural studies. COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Influence.
Prepublication record Education, Higher, Computer-assisted instruction.
Education and globalization.
375.001 Social distancing (Public health) and education.
Key competences and new literacies : from slogans to school Prepublication record
reality / edited by Maria Dobryakova [and five others]. —Cham
: Springer, 2023. —382 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 378.0072
24 cm. Applying the Rasch model and structural equation modeling to
ISBN 9783031232800 hardback £129.99 higher education : the technology satisfaction model / A.Y.M.
BNB Number GBC380237 Atiquil Islam. [online resource] —Boca Raton : Chapman &
Education, Curricula, Cross-cultural studies. Hall/CRC, 2023. —1 online resource (140 pages) : illustrations
Vocational education, Cross-cultural studies. (black and white)
Prepublication record ISBN 9781000890761 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000890716
PDF ebook £48.99
BNB Number GBC380764
Structural equation modeling.
Educational technology.
Education, Higher, Research, Methodology.
Education, Higher, Statistical methods.
Prepublication record

378.0072 378.1010968
Applying the Rasch model and structural equation modeling to Reimagining effective stakeholder governance practices in
higher education : the technology satisfaction model / A.Y.M. higher education : lessons from South Africa / Felix Omal.
Atiquil Islam. —Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2023. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
—140 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm resource (304 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9781032471402 hardback £89.99 ISBN 9781000889635 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000889628
BNB Number GBC378992 PDF ebook £38.99
Education, Higher, Statistical methods. BNB Number GBC380733
Structural equation modeling. Universities and colleges, South Africa, Administration.
Education, Higher, Research, Methodology. Education, Higher, South Africa, Administration.
Educational technology. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
378.0089924 Reimagining effective stakeholder governance practices in
Confronting antisemitism on campus / edited by Virginia higher education : lessons from South Africa / Felix Omal.
Stead. [online resource] —Brussels : P.I.E. - Peter Lang, —London : Routledge, 2023. —304 pages : illustrations (black
2023. —1 online resource. and white) ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781636672311 ePub ebook No price ; 9781636672304 ISBN 9781032120300 hardback £130.00
PDF ebook No price BNB Number GBC378606
BNB Number GBC381374 Education, Higher, South Africa, Administration.
Racism in higher education. Universities and colleges, South Africa, Administration.
Minority college students, Social conditions. Prepublication record
Education, Higher, Social aspects.
Antisemitism in higher education. 378.103
Prepublication record Community engagement in higher education : from theory to
practice / edited by Manju Singh, Purva Bhatt, Wafa Singh,
378.0089924 Kumar Sambhav Pareek. [online resource] —New Delhi :
Confronting antisemitism on campus / edited by Virginia Routledge India, 2023. —1 online resource (300 pages) :
Stead. —Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang Edition, 2023. —1 illustrations (black and white)
volume. ISBN 9781000893113 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000893106
ISBN 9781636672298 paperback £42.00 ; 9781636670607 PDF ebook £38.99
hardback £94.00 BNB Number GBC380835
BNB Number GBC379624 Community and college, India.
Education, Higher, Social aspects. Prepublication record
Antisemitism in higher education.
Minority college students, Social conditions. 378.103
Racism in higher education. Community engagement in higher education : from theory to
Prepublication record practice / edited by Manju Singh, Purva Bhatt, Wafa Singh,
Kumar Sambhav Pareek. —New Delhi : Routledge India,
378.101 2023. —300 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
Research handbook on the transformation of higher education ISBN 9781032195773 hardback £130.00
/ edited by Liudvika Leišyte, Jay R. Dee, Barend J.R. van der BNB Number GBC378677
Meulen. —Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023. Community and college, India.
—464 pages ; 25 cm. Prepublication record
ISBN 9781800378209 hardback £170.00
BNB Number GBC379868 378.1060951
Organizational change. Higher education financing in China : retrospect and prospect
Universities and colleges, Administration. / Fang Fang and Zeyun Liu. [online resource] —London :
Prepublication record Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (256 pages) :
illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781000906141 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000906134
PDF ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC381082
Education, Higher, Economic aspects, China.
Higher education and state, China.
Universities and colleges, China, Finance.
Education, Higher, China, Finance.
Prepublication record

378.1060951 378.12
Higher education financing in China : retrospect and prospect Transforming leadership pathways for humanities
/ Fang Fang and Zeyun Liu. —London : Routledge, 2023. professionals in higher education / edited by Roze Hentschell,
—256 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm Catherine E. Thomas. —West Lafayette : Purdue University
ISBN 9781032524771 hardback £130.00 Press, 2023. —300 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm
BNB Number GBC379121 ISBN 9781612498256 paperback £22.95 ; 9781612498249
Higher education and state, China. hardback £89.00
Education, Higher, China, Finance. BNB Number GBC379585
Universities and colleges, China, Finance. Educational leadership.
Education, Higher, Economic aspects, China. College teachers, Promotions.
Prepublication record Humanities, Study and teaching (Higher)
Prepublication record
Doing academic careers differently : portraits of academic life 378.125
/ edited by Sarah Robinson, Alexandra Bristow, Olivier Ratle. Classroom assessment techniques : formative feedback tools
[online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online for college and university teachers / Thomas A. Angelo, K.
resource (464 pages) : illustrations (black and white) Patricia Cross. —Third edition. —San Francisco :
ISBN 9781000897159 ePub ebook £36.99 ; 9781000897104 Jossey-Bass, 2023. —1 volume
PDF ebook £36.99 ISBN 9781119860167 paperback £42.50
BNB Number GBC380914 BNB Number GBC379162
Career development. Educational evaluation, United States, Handbooks,
College teachers. manuals, etc.
Prepublication record College teaching, United States, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
College students, Rating of, United States, Case studies.
378.12 Prepublication record
Doing academic careers differently : portraits of academic life
/ edited by Sarah Robinson, Alexandra Bristow, Olivier Ratle. 378.125
—London : Routledge, 2023. —464 pages : illustrations (black Ludic pedagogy : a seriously fun way to teach and learn /
and white) ; 25 cm Sharon Lauricella, T. Keith Edmunds. [online resource]
ISBN 9781032212609 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032212616 —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —1 online
paperback £36.99 resource (140 pages)
BNB Number GBC378688 ISBN 9781475871678 PDF ebook £72.00
College teachers. BNB Number GBC381576
Career development. Play.
Prepublication record Motivation in education.
College teaching, Methodology.
378.12 Prepublication record
Pathways to professorship : a toolkit for success / Marilyn
Leask. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 378.125
online resource (190 pages) : illustrations (black and white) Ludic pedagogy : a seriously fun way to teach and learn /
ISBN 9781000887211 PDF ebook £29.99 ; 9781000887266 Sharon Lauricella, T. Keith Edmunds. —Lanham : Rowman &
ePub ebook £29.99 Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —140 pages ; 24 cm
BNB Number GBC380682 ISBN 9781475871654 hardback £54.00 ; 9781475871661
College teachers, Vocational guidance. paperback £22.99
College teachers, Tenure. BNB Number GBC379416
Prepublication record College teaching, Methodology.
378.12 Motivation in education.
Pathways to professorship : a toolkit for success / Marilyn Prepublication record
Leask. —London : Routledge, 2023. —190 pages :
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781032076430 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032108919
paperback £29.99
BNB Number GBC378588
College teachers, Vocational guidance.
College teachers, Tenure.
Prepublication record

378.125 378.1794
Teaching communication across disciplines for professional Doctoral research supervision, pedagogy and the PhD :
development, civic engagement, and beyond / edited by forged in fire? / Bill Green, Catherine Manathunga, Alison Lee.
Joanna G. Burchfield, April A. Kedrowicz. —Lanham : [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
Lexington Books, 2023. —366 pages ; 23 cm resource (220 pages).
ISBN 9781666903942 hardback £92.00 ISBN 9781000904987 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000904925
BNB Number GBC379700 PDF ebook £38.99
Communication in higher education. BNB Number GBC381057
Communication, Study and teaching (Higher) Doctoral students, Supervision of.
Communication in management. Universities and colleges, Graduate work.
College teachers, Professional relationships. Doctor of philosophy degree.
Interdisciplinary approach in education. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
378.125 Doctoral research supervision, pedagogy and the PhD :
The timescapes of teaching in higher education / edited by forged in fire? / Bill Green, Catherine Manathunga, Alison Lee.
Penny Jane Burke, Catherine Manathunga. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —220 pages ; 24 cm.
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (124 pages) ISBN 9781032288390 hardback £130.00
ISBN 9781000889932 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000889888 BNB Number GBC378763
PDF ebook £48.99 Universities and colleges, Graduate work.
BNB Number GBC380743 Doctoral students, Supervision of.
Space and time. Doctor of philosophy degree.
College teaching. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
378.125 The history of Temple University Japan : an experiment in
The timescapes of teaching in higher education / edited by international education / Richard Joslyn and Bruce Stronach.
Penny Jane Burke, Catherine Manathunga. —London : —Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 2023. —264 pages :
Routledge, 2023. —124 pages ; 25 cm illustrations (colour) ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781032461557 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781439919491 hardback £90.00 ; 9781439919507
BNB Number GBC378978 paperback £25.99
College teaching. BNB Number GBC379343
Space and time. Temple University. Japan Campus, History.
Prepublication record Temple University. Japan Campus, Administration.
Schools, American, Japan.
378.1662 Transnational education, Japan.
GRE prep plus 2024 : 6 practice tests + proven strategies + Prepublication record
online. —Fort Lauderdale : Kaplan Inc, 2023. —696 pages :
illustrations (black and white) ; 28 cm 378.7645315
ISBN 9781506288239 paperback £30.00 Walking TCU : a historical perspective / Joan Hewatt Swaim
BNB Number GBC379473 and Phil Hartman. —Second edition. —Fort Worth : TCU
Graduate Record Examination, Study guides. Press, 2023. —304 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 23 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9780875658353 hardback £41.95
BNB Number GBC378468
378.17344678 Texas Christian University, History.
Competence-based curriculum and E-learning in higher Texas Christian University, Guidebooks.
education / edited by Jared Keengwe, Joyce Gikandi. Prepublication record
—Hershey : IGI Global, 2023. —400 pages ; 28 cm
ISBN 9781668465868 hardback £223.00
BNB Number GBC379705
Competency-based education.
Internet in higher education.
Web-based instruction.
Prepublication record

379 379.26
Exploring education policy through newspapers and social Unity in diversity : achieving structural race equity in schools /
media : the politics of mediatisation / Aspa Baroutsis and Bob Rachel Macfarlane. [online resource] —London : Routledge,
Lingard. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 2023. —1 online resource (226 pages)
online resource (206 pages) : illustrations (black and white) ISBN 9781000877991 PDF ebook £16.99 ; 9781000878004
ISBN 9781000890075 PDF ebook No price ; 9781000890129 ePub ebook £16.99
ePub ebook £38.99 BNB Number GBC380531
BNB Number GBC380746 Discrimination in education.
Education and state, Press coverage. Children with social disabilities, Education.
Journalism and education. Multicultural education.
Mass media and education. Educational equalization.
Prepublication record Anti-racism.
Prepublication record
Exploring education policy through newspapers and social 379.26
media : the politics of mediatisation / Aspa Baroutsis and Bob Unity in diversity : achieving structural race equity in schools /
Lingard. [online resource] —Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Rachel Macfarlane. —London : Routledge, 2023. —226 pages
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource. ; 25 cm
ISBN 9781000890129 (electronic bk.) ; 1000890120 ISBN 9781032230153 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032230160
(electronic bk.) paperback £16.99
BNB Number GBC377683 BNB Number GBC378705
Education and state, Press coverage. Educational equalization.
Mass media and education. Children with social disabilities, Education.
Journalism and education. Discrimination in education.
379 Multicultural education.
Exploring education policy through newspapers and social Prepublication record
media : the politics of mediatisation / Aspa Baroutsis and Bob
Lingard. —London : Routledge, 2023. —206 pages : 379.415
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm The new publicness of education : democratic possibilities
ISBN 9781032215297 paperback £38.99 ; 9781032215303 after the critique of neo-liberalism / edited by Carl Anders Sä
hardback £130.00 fström and Gert Biesta. [online resource] —London :
BNB Number GBC378692 Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (190 pages).
Mass media and education. ISBN 9781000886610 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000886641
Education and state, Press coverage. ePub ebook £38.99
Journalism and education. BNB Number GBC380671
Prepublication record Education and state, Ireland.
Public schools, Ireland.
379.158 Privatization in education, Ireland.
Enhancing effective instruction and learning using Neoliberalism, Ireland.
assessment data / edited by Hong Jiao and Robert W. Lissitz, Prepublication record
University of Maryland. —Charlotte, North Carolina : IAP,
Information Age Publishing, Inc., [2022] —vi, 235 pages : 379.415
illustrations ; 24 cm. The new publicness of education : democratic possibilities
ISBN 9781648026263 paperback ; 9781648026270 hardback after the critique of neo-liberalism / edited by Carl Anders Sä
BNB Number GBC377531 fström and Gert Biesta. —London : Routledge, 2023. —190
Effective teaching. pages ; 24 cm.
Educational evaluation, Data processing. ISBN 9781032266091 hardback £130.00
Educational indicators. BNB Number GBC378738
Education and state, Ireland.
Public schools, Ireland.
Neoliberalism, Ireland.
Privatization in education, Ireland.
Prepublication record

381.092 382.091824
Filippo Sassetti on trade, institutions and empire / Corey Merchants and ports in the Indian Ocean world : across sea
Tazzara. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 and land / edited by Radhika Seshan, Ryuto Shimada. [online
online resource (240 pages). resource] —New Delhi : Routledge India, 2023. —1 online
ISBN 9781000901269 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000901290 resource (134 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
ePub ebook £38.99 ISBN 9781000888539 PDF ebook £36.99 ; 9781000888614
BNB Number GBC381008 ePub ebook £36.99
Sassetti, Filippo, 1540-1588 BNB Number GBC380703 Indian Ocean Region, Commerce, History.
Commerce, Italy, History, 16th century. Prepublication record
Merchants, Italy, History, 16th century.
Prepublication record 382.091824
Merchants and ports in the Indian Ocean world : across sea
381.092 and land / edited by Radhika Seshan, Ryuto Shimada. —New
Filippo Sassetti on trade, institutions and empire / Corey Delhi : Routledge India, 2023. —134 pages : illustrations
Tazzara. —London : Routledge, 2023. —240 pages ; 24 cm. (black and white) ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781032316741 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781032248271 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032500454
BNB Number GBC378803 paperback £36.99
Sassetti, Filippo, 1540-1588 BNB Number GBC378712 Indian Ocean Region, Commerce, History.
Merchants, Italy, History, 16th century. Prepublication record
Commerce, Italy, History, 16th century.
Prepublication record 382.0941054
Atlantic voyages : the East India Company and the British
381.10285 route to the East in the age of sail / John McAleer. —Oxford :
Retail space analytics / edited by Ahmed Ghoniem, Bacel Oxford University Press, 2023. —272 pages ; 24 cm
Maddah. —Cham : Springer, 2023. —190 pages : illustrations ISBN 9780192894748 hardback £83.00
(black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm. BNB Number GBC378160
ISBN 9783031270574 hardback £129.99 East India Company, Travel, India.
BNB Number GBC380280 Ocean travel, History.
Business intelligence. India, Foreign economic relations, Great Britain.
Stores, Retail, Data processing. Great Britain, Foreign economic relations, India.
Consumer behavior, Data processing. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
381.1809747 Networks of faith and profit : monks, merchants, and
Tourists and trade : roadside craftsmen and the highway exchanges between China and Japan, 839-1403 CE / Yiwen
transforming craft / Bruce A. Austin. —Albany : SUNY Press, Li. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —245
2023. —258 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm pages.
ISBN 9781438493312 hardback No price ISBN 9781009303101 hardback £85.00
BNB Number GBC379341 BNB Number GBC378519
Vending stands, New York (State), Upstate New York. Buddhism, Economic aspects, China.
Roadside marketing, New York (State), Upstate New York. Buddhism, Economic aspects, Japan.
Handicrafts, New York (State), Upstate New York. China, Commerce, Japan, History, To 1500.
Prepublication record Japan, Commerce, China, History, To 1500.
Prepublication record
A consultation on a consumer duty for public bodies. [online 382.1042
resource] —Edinburgh : The Scottish Government, 2021. —1 Competition in world politics : knowledge, strategies and
online resource (17 pages) : (1 form) institutions / Daniela Russ, James Stafford (eds.). —Bielefeld :
ISBN 9781802013115 Electronic book (PDF format) Transcript, 2021. —304 pages ; 23 cm.
BNB Number GBC381630 ISBN 3837657477 (paperback) ; 9783837657470 (paperback)
BNB Number GBC377477
Power (Social sciences), Economic aspects.
Competition, International.
International relations.
World politics.
International economic relations.

382.30951 382.9142
China's BRI in different regions of the world : cooperation, The European Community in the world / Richard Bailey.
contradictions and concerns / edited by Sanjeev Kumar. —London : Routledge, 2023. —198 pages ; 24 cm.
[online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online ISBN 9781032509402 hardback £85.00
resource (360 pages) : illustrations (black and white) BNB Number GBC379073
ISBN 9781000897883 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000897852 European Economic Community countries.
PDF ebook £38.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC380930
Yi dai yi lu (Initiative : China) 382.92 Order and rivalry : rewriting the rules of international trade
China, Commercial policy. after the First World War / Madeleine Lynch Dungy.
China, Foreign economic relations. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —328
Prepublication record pages
ISBN 9781009308908 hardback £85.00
382.30951 BNB Number GBC378526
China's BRI in different regions of the world : cooperation, League of Nations, Influence.
contradictions and concerns / edited by Sanjeev Kumar. World Trade Organization, History.
—London : Routledge, 2023. —360 pages : illustrations (black Commercial treaties, History.
and white) ; 23 cm Europe, Foreign economic relations, 20th century.
ISBN 9781032508320 hardback £130.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC379067
Yi dai yi lu (Initiative : China) 384.0941 The British media industries : an introduction / edited by
China, Foreign economic relations. Vincent Campbell and Paul Smith. [online resource] —London
China, Commercial policy. : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (248 pages) :
Prepublication record illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781315396774 PDF ebook £34.99 ; 9781315396767
382.4228209174927 ePub ebook £34.99
Arab petro-politics / Abdulaziz Al-Sowayegh. [online resource] BNB Number GBC381217
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (222 pages). Mass media, Great Britain.
ISBN 9781000906912 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000906899 Mass media, Ownership, Great Britain.
PDF ebook £48.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC381099
Petroleum industry and trade, Political aspects, Arab 384.0941
countries. The British media industries : an introduction / edited by
Jewish-Arab relations, Economic aspects. Vincent Campbell and Paul Smith. —London : Routledge,
Arab countries, Politics and government, 1945- 2023. —248 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9781138226920 paperback £34.99 ; 9781138226913
hardback £130.00
382.4228209174927 BNB Number GBC379190
Arab petro-politics / Abdulaziz Al-Sowayegh. —London : Mass media, Great Britain.
Routledge, 2023. —222 pages ; 24 cm. Mass media, Ownership, Great Britain.
ISBN 9781032481296 hardback £90.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC379001
Jewish-Arab relations, Economic aspects. 384.334
Petroleum industry and trade, Political aspects, Arab Platform regulation : exemplars, approaches, and solutions /
countries. Pradip Ninan Thomas. [online resource] —First edition.
Arab countries, Politics and government, 1945- —Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2023. —1 online resource
Prepublication record ISBN 9780192887986 ebook No price
BNB Number GBC381553
382.9142 Internet governance, United States.
The European Community in the world / Richard Bailey. Internet governance, India.
[online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online Internet governance.
resource (198 pages). Internet governance, European Union countries.
ISBN 9781000906363 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000906387 Internet governance, Australia.
ePub ebook £48.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC381087
European Economic Community countries.
Prepublication record
385.094134 386.850977
Edinburgh, Granton & Leith railways / Kenneth G. Williamson. Mastering the inland seas : how lighthouses, navigational
[online resource] —Stroud : Amberley Publishing, 2023. —1 aids, and harbors transformed the Great Lakes and America /
online resource (96 pages) : illustrations Theodore J. Karamanski. —Madison, Wisconsin : The
ISBN 9781398108578 ePub ebook £12.90 University of Wisconsin Press, [2020] —ix, 368 pages :
BNB Number GBC381254 illustrations (black and white), 1 map (black and white) ; 24 cm
Caledonian Railway Company, History. ISBN 9780299326302 cloth
Railroads, Scotland, Edinburgh, History. BNB Number GBC377612
Railroads, Scotland, Edinburgh, History, Pictorial works. Inland navigation, Great Lakes Region (North America),
Granton (Edinburgh, Scotland), History. History.
Leith (Edinburgh, Scotland), History. Aids to navigation, Great Lakes Region (North America),
Granton (Edinburgh, Scotland), History, Pictorial works. History.
Leith (Edinburgh, Scotland), History, Pictorial works. Lighthouses, Great Lakes Region (North America), History.
Prepublication record Navigation, Great Lakes Region (North America), History.
Great Lakes Region (North America), History.
385.094246 Great Lakes (North America), History.
North Staffordshire Railway / Anthony Dawson. —Stroud :
Amberley Publishing, 2023. —96 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm 387.50947
ISBN 9781398114432 paperback £15.99 The impact of Soviet shipping / Simon Bergstrand, Rigas
BNB Number GBC379290 Doganis. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
North Staffordshire Railway, History, Pictorial works. online resource (184 pages)
North Staffordshire Railway, History. ISBN 9781000881783 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000881639
Prepublication record PDF ebook £48.99
BNB Number GBC380579
385.096 Merchant marine, Soviet Union.
Railways of the British Empire. Africa / Colin Alexander, Alon Shipping, Soviet Union.
Siton. [online resource] —Stroud : Amberley Publishing, 2023. Prepublication record
—1 online resource (96 pages) : illustrations
ISBN 9781398107915 ePub ebook £12.90 387.50947
BNB Number GBC381253 The impact of Soviet shipping / Simon Bergstrand, Rigas
Railroads, Africa, History. Doganis. —London : Routledge, 2023. —184 pages ; 24 cm
Great Britain, Colonies, Africa, History. ISBN 9781032486598 hardback £90.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379018
Merchant marine, Soviet Union.
385.3662 Shipping, Soviet Union.
Farewell to thy greatness / Richard Maclennan. —[Great Prepublication record
Britain] : Richard Maclennan, 2021- —volumes : illustrations
(black and white, and colour) ; 22 cm 387.5440979509034
ISBN 1399906453 v. 1 paperback £17.50 ; 9781399906456 v. Battle for the Columbia River : the rise of the Oregon Steam
1 paperback £17.50 Navigation Company / Mychal Ostler. —Mount Pleasant : The
BNB Number GBC377265 History Press, 2023. —160 pages ; 23 cm.
ISBN 9781467154086 paperback No price
386.4809747 BNB Number GBC379383
The New York State Canal System : a history beyond the Erie Shipping, Oregon, History, 19th century.
/ Susan P. Gateley. —Mount Pleasant : The History Press, Steam-navigation, Oregon, History, 19th century.
2023. —160 pages ; 23 cm. Prepublication record
ISBN 9781467154178 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC379385 387.7065494
New York State Canal System (N.Y.), History. Swissair / Charles Woodley. —Stroud : Amberley Publishing,
Prepublication record 2023. —96 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781398113213 paperback £15.99
BNB Number GBC379288
Swissair, History.
Swissair, History, Pictorial works.
Airlines, Switzerland, History.
Airlines, Switzerland, History, Pictorial works.
Prepublication record

387.7068 387.742091724
Air travel industry : theories, methods and recent issues / Airlines and developing countries / edited by Kenneth Button.
edited by Azizul Hassan, Nor Aida Abdul Rahman, Nurhayati —United Kingdom : Emerald Publishing, 2023. —288 pages ;
Mohd Nur. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 23 cm.
online resource (216 pages) : illustrations (black and white). ISBN 9781804558614 hardback £95.00
ISBN 9781000905724 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000905786 BNB Number GBC379957
ePub ebook £38.99 Airlines, Developing countries, Cost of operation.
BNB Number GBC381073 Airlines, Rates, Developing countries.
Tourism, Research. Prepublication record
Air travel, Research.
Airlines, Management. 388
Prepublication record Handbook on transport and land use : a holistic approach in
an age of rapid technological change / edited by João de
387.7068 Abreu e Silva, Kristina M. Currans, Veronique Van Acker,
Air travel industry : theories, methods and recent issues / Robert J. Schneider. —Cheltenham : Edward Elgar
edited by Azizul Hassan, Nor Aida Abdul Rahman, Nurhayati Publishing, 2023. —442 pages ; 25 cm.
Mohd Nur. —London : Routledge, 2023. —216 pages : ISBN 9781800370241 hardback £200.00
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. BNB Number GBC379865
ISBN 9781032459691 hardback £130.00 City planning.
BNB Number GBC378971 Land use.
Airlines, Management. Transportation.
Air travel, Research. Prepublication record
Tourism, Research.
Prepublication record 388
Proceedings of the Tenth International Forum of Decision
387.736 Sciences / edited by Xiang Li, Xiaofeng Xu. —Singapore :
Airport economics / Peter Forsyth, Cathal Guiomard and Springer, 2023. —492 pages : illustrations (black and white,
Hans-Martin Niemeier. [online resource] —London : and colour) ; 24 cm.
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (256 pages) : ISBN 9789811997402 hardback £159.99
illustrations (black and white). BNB Number GBC380351
ISBN 9781000900606 ePub ebook £34.99 ; 9781000900576 Business logistics, Decision making, Congresses.
PDF ebook £34.99 Transportation, Decision making, Congresses.
BNB Number GBC380992 Prepublication record
Airports, Economic aspects.
Aeronautics, Commercial. 388.312
Prepublication record Research on intelligent technology of urban transportation /
Feng Cao, Guocheng Li, Zhiguo Yang. —Cambridge : UK
387.736 Scientific Publishing, 2023. —1 volume : illustrations (black
Airport economics / Peter Forsyth, Cathal Guiomard and and white) ; 24 cm
Hans-Martin Niemeier. —London : Routledge, 2023. —256 ISBN 9781915937476 paperback £49.00
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. BNB Number GBC380096
ISBN 9780367742782 hardback £130.00 ; 9780367742768 Intelligent transportation systems.
paperback £34.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378300
Airports, Economic aspects. 388.3423309422
Aeronautics, Commercial. Rail replacement buses : London and the South East /
Prepublication record Malcolm Batten. [online resource] —Stroud : Amberley
Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource (96 pages) : illustrations
387.742091724 ISBN 9781398108691 ePub ebook £12.90
Airlines and developing countries / edited by Kenneth Button. BNB Number GBC381255
[online resource] —United Kingdom : Emerald Publishing, Buses, England, South East, History.
2023. —1 online resource (288 pages). Railroads, England, South East, History.
ISBN 9781804558621 ePub ebook £95.00 ; 9781804558607 Railroads, England, London, History.
PDF ebook £95.00 Buses, England, London, History.
BNB Number GBC381442 Prepublication record
Airlines, Developing countries, Cost of operation.
Airlines, Rates, Developing countries.
Prepublication record

388.4 391.70954
Handbook on city logistics and urban freight / edited by Adornment and splendour : jewels of the Indian courts / Salam
Edoardo Marcucci, Valerio Gatta, Michela Le Pira. Kaoukji. —London : Thames and Hudson, 2023. —416 pages
—Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023. —518 pages ; : illustrations (colour) ; 28 cm
25 cm. ISBN 9780500978641 hardback £60.00
ISBN 9781800370166 hardback £215.00 BNB Number GBC378356
BNB Number GBC379864 Jewelry, India, History, 16th century.
Freight and freightage. Jewelry, India, History, 17th century.
Urban transportation. Prepublication record
Prepublication record 392.36
Handbook on home and migration / edited by Paolo Boccagni.
391 —Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023. —720 pages ;
Merchants of Style : Art and Fashion after Warhol / Natasha 25 cm.
Degen. [online resource] —London : Reaktion Books, 2023. ISBN 9781800882768 hardback £260.00
—1 online resource. BNB Number GBC379888
ISBN 1789146704 electronic book ; 9781789146707 Home.
electronic book Refugees.
BNB Number GBC377659 Emigration and immigration.
Fashion and art. Prepublication record

391.0094115 392.36
Fashioning Highland dress : Highland style, c. 1745-1845 / Travelling towards home : mobilities and homemaking / edited
Rosie Waine. —Edinburgh : National Museums of Scotland, by Nicola Frost and Tom Selwyn. [online resource] —New
2022. —xii, 210 pages : illustrations (chiefly colour), York, NY : Berghahn Books, 2018. —1 online resource (190
facsimiles, portraits (chiefly colour) ; 25 cm pages).
ISBN 1910682454 (pbk.) : £19.99 ; 9781910682456 ISBN 9781785339561 EPUB ; 1785339567 EPUB
paperback £19.99 BNB Number GBC377784
BNB Number GBC378025 SOCIAL SCIENCE / Emigration & Immigration.
Clothing and dress, Scotland, Highlands. Migration, Internal, Social aspects, Case studies.
Clothing and dress, Scotland, Highlands, History, 19th Emigration and immigration, Social aspects, Case studies.
century. Return migration, Social aspects, Case studies.
Clothing and dress, Scotland, Highlands, History, 18th Home, Social aspects, Case studies.
391.1 Tea under the palms : from leaf to kettle, a history of tea and
The rebel's wardrobe : the untold story of menswear's the art of a proper tea party / Patricia Farmer. —New York :
renegade past / edited by Robert Klanten, Bryan Szabo, Beaufort Books, 2023. —160 pages ; 16 cm
Thomas Stege Bojer. —Berlin : Gestalten, 2023. —288 pages ISBN 9780825309991 hardback £27.95
: illustrations ; 30 cm BNB Number GBC378453
ISBN 9783967040722 hardback No price Tea, Social aspects.
BNB Number GBC380380 Tea, History.
Men's clothing industry, History. Prepublication record
Fashion design, History.
Men's clothing, History, Pictorial works. 394.1209
Men's clothing, History. Eating on the move from the eighteenth century to the present
Prepublication record / edited by Rita d'Errico, Stefano Magagnoli, Peter Scholliers,
Peter J. Atkins. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023.
391.7 —1 online resource (244 pages) : illustrations (black and
How to buy vintage jewellery and accessories / Hester white).
Fleming. [online resource] —New York edition. —London : ISBN 9781000893267 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000893274
Austin Macauley Publishing Ltd., 2019. —1 online resource : ePub ebook £38.99
illustrations BNB Number GBC380841
ISBN 9781528953696 Electronic book (EPUB format) Food habits, History.
BNB Number GBC377315 Food, History.
Retro (Style) Travel, History.
Handbags, Collectors and collecting. Food service, History.
SELF-HELP, Fashion & Style. Prepublication record
Jewelry, Collectors and collecting.
394.1209 398.20938
Eating on the move from the eighteenth century to the present Greek ancient origins : stories of people & civilization / edited
/ edited by Rita d'Errico, Stefano Magagnoli, Peter Scholliers, by J.K. Jackson. —London : Flame Tree Collections, 2023.
Peter J. Atkins. —London : Routledge, 2023. —244 pages : —416 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 17 cm
illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm. ISBN 9781804175774 hardback £10.99
ISBN 9781032356136 hardback £130.00 BNB Number GBC379948
BNB Number GBC378845 Tales, Greece.
Food habits, History. Mythology, Greek.
Food, History. Prepublication record
Food service, History.
Travel, History. 398.20941
Prepublication record Dark folklore / Mark Norman, Tracey Norman. —Cheltenham :
The History Press, 2023. —1 volume : illustrations (black and
394.2068 white) ; 22 cm
Cases for event management and event tourism / edited by ISBN 9781803993294 paperback £14.99
Donald Getz, Vassilios Ziakas. [online resource] —Oxford : BNB Number GBC379941
Goodfellow Publishers, 2023. —1 online resource (198 Folklore, Great Britain.
pages). Prepublication record
ISBN 9781915097460 ePub ebook £36.99 ; 9781915097354
PDF ebook £36.99 398.2094235
BNB Number GBC381486 The folklore of Devon / Mark Norman. [online resource]
Special events, Management, Case studies. —Exeter : University of Exeter Press, 2023. —1 online
Tourism, Planning. resource (236 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
Tourism, Planning, Case studies. ISBN 9781804130377 ePub ebook No price ; 9781804130384
Special events, Management. PDF ebook No price
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC381435
Folklore, England, Devon.
394.26094521109034 Prepublication record
Urban spectacle in republican Milan : pubbliche feste at the
turn of the nineteenth century / Alessandra Palidda. [online 398.2094235
resource] —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. The folklore of Devon / Mark Norman. —Exeter : University of
—1 online resource (75 pages). Exeter Press, 2023. —236 pages : illustrations (black and
ISBN 9781108981422 PDF ebook £145.00 white) ; 24 cm
BNB Number GBC381175 ISBN 9781804130360 hardback £45.00
Festivals, Italy, Milan, History, 19th century. BNB Number GBC379942
Prepublication record Folklore, England, Devon.
Prepublication record
Urban spectacle in republican Milan : pubbliche feste at the 398.209429
turn of the nineteenth century / Alessandra Palidda. Illustrated Welsh folk tales for young and old / Peter
—Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —75 Stevenson. [online resource] —Cheltenham : The History
pages. Press, 2023. —1 online resource (176 pages) : illustrations
ISBN 9781108986779 paperback £17.00 (colour)
BNB Number GBC379151 ISBN 9781803994000 ePub ebook £12.99
Festivals, Italy, Milan, History, 19th century. BNB Number GBC381431
Prepublication record Tales, Wales.
Tales, Wales, Pictorial works.
398.20932 Prepublication record
Egyptian ancient origins : stories of people & civilization /
introduction by Charlotte Booth ; edited by J.K. Jackson. 398.209429
—London : Flame Tree Collections, 2023. —416 pages : Illustrated Welsh folk tales for young and old / Peter
illustrations (black and white) ; 17 cm. Stevenson. —Cheltenham : The History Press, 2023. —176
ISBN 9781804175767 hardback £10.99 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 24 cm
BNB Number GBC379947 ISBN 9781803990972 hardback £20.00
Mythology, Egyptian. BNB Number GBC379939
Tales, Egypt. Tales, Wales.
Prepublication record Tales, Wales, Pictorial works.
Prepublication record

The legacy of the goddess : heroines, warriors and witches
from world mythology to folktales and fairy tales / Rachel S.
McCoppin. —Jefferson, North Carolina : McFarland &
Company, Inc., Publishers, 2023. —277 pages ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781476690957 paperback £41.95
BNB Number GBC379426
Women, Folklore.
Prepublication record

"-- Before the devil knows you're dead" : Irish blessings, toasts
and curses / [compiled by] Padraic O'Farrell. [online resource]
—Cork : Mercier Press, 2012. —1 online resource (120
ISBN 1781171122 EPUB ; 9781781171127 EPUB
BNB Number GBC377727
REFERENCE / Quotations
Folklore, Ireland.
Toasts, Ireland.
REFERENCE / Weddings
Blessing and cursing, Ireland.

The oldest book in the world : philosophy in the age of the
Pyramids / Bill Manley. —London : Thames and Hudson,
2023. —240 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour)
; 24 cm
ISBN 9780500252321 hardback £25.00
BNB Number GBC378354
Maxims, Egyptian, Translations into English.
Prepublication record

401 401.41
The language game : how improvisation created language Life storying in oral history : fictional contamination and literary
and changed the world / Morten H. Christiansen, Nick Chater. complexity / Jarmila Mildorf. [online resource] —Berlin : De
—London : Penguin Books, 2023. —368 pages : illustrations Gruyter, 2023. —1 online resource (221 pages) : illustrations
(black and white) ; 20 cm (black and white).
ISBN 9781804991008 paperback £10.99 ISBN 9783111073187 ePub ebook No price
BNB Number GBC379964 BNB Number GBC381517
Cognitive grammar. Storytelling.
Language and languages, Origin. Oral history.
Prepublication record Conversation.
Prepublication record
Beyond cohesion : toward a theory of coherence / Frank A. 401.45
Davis. [online resource] —Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang Introducing pragmatics : a clinical approach / Louise
Edition, 2023. —1 online resource Cummings. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
ISBN 9781636671048 PDF ebook £31.00 ; 9781636671055 online resource (248 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
ePub ebook £31.00 ISBN 9781000885668 PDF ebook £34.99 ; 9781000885712
BNB Number GBC381373 ePub ebook £34.99
Cohesion (Linguistics) BNB Number GBC380654
Prepublication record Pragmatics.
401.41 Prepublication record
Beyond cohesion : toward a theory of coherence / Frank A.
Davis. —Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang Edition, 2023. —1 401.45
volume ; 24 cm Introducing pragmatics : a clinical approach / Louise
ISBN 9781636671031 hardback £30.00 Cummings. —London : Routledge, 2023. —248 pages :
BNB Number GBC379626 illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm
Cohesion (Linguistics) ISBN 9781032011820 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032011806
Prepublication record paperback £34.99
BNB Number GBC378552
401.41 Pragmatics.
How to do critical discourse analysis : a multimodal Communication.
introduction / David Machin, Andrea Mayr. [online resource] Prepublication record
—Second edition. —Los Angeles : SAGE, [2023] —1 online
resource 401.452
ISBN 9781529785739 ePub ebook No price ; 9781529772999 Sbisà on speech as action / edited by Laura Caponetto,
hardback No price ; 9781529772982 paperback No price Paolo Labinaz. [online resource] —Basingstoke : Palgrave
BNB Number GBC381579 Macmillan, 2023. —1 online resource (346 pages) :
Critical discourse analysis. illustrations (black and white).
Prepublication record ISBN 9783031225284 PDF ebook £109.50
BNB Number GBC381492
401.41 Sbisà, Marina
Life storying in oral history : fictional contamination and literary Speech acts (Linguistics), Philosophy.
complexity / Jarmila Mildorf. —Berlin : De Gruyter, 2023. Prepublication record
—221 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm.
ISBN 9783111072265 hardback £91.00 401.452
BNB Number GBC380297 Sbisà on speech as action / edited by Laura Caponetto,
Storytelling. Paolo Labinaz. —Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.
Oral history. —346 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 21 cm.
Conversation. ISBN 9783031225277 hardback £109.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC380232
Sbisà, Marina
Speech acts (Linguistics), Philosophy.
Prepublication record

404.2 415.01836
The study of bilingual language processing / Nan Jiang. The constructicon : taxonomies and networks / Holger
[online resource] —Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2023. Diessel. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023.
—1 online resource (262 pages) : illustrations (black and —75 pages.
white). ISBN 9781009327817 paperback £17.00
ISBN 9780198852513 paperback No price ; 9780191886843 BNB Number GBC378530
ebook No price ; 9780198852384 hardback No price Construction grammar.
BNB Number GBC380405 Prepublication record
Second language acquisition.
Bilingualism. 417
Prepublication record The effects of sex and culture on the apology performance of
native English speakers and learners / Elaheh Nosratirad.
415 —Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing,
Negation and negative dependencies / Hedde Zeijlstra. [online 2023. —375 pages ; 21 cm
resource] —Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2023] —1 ISBN 9781527502024 hardback £69.99
online resource (xv, 465 pages) : illustrations (black and BNB Number GBC379516
white). Language and languages, Sex differences.
ISBN 9780191871450 ebook No price ; 9780198833239 Language and languages, Variation, Social aspects.
hardback No price Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC380403
Grammar, Comparative and general, Negatives. 418.0071
Prepublication record Dialogue in the language classroom : theory and practice from
a classroom discourse analysis / Roehl Sybing. [online
415 resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
Word prominence in languages with complex morphologies / (206 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
edited by Ksenia Bogomolets and Harry van der Hulst. [online ISBN 9781000894929 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000894950
resource] —Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2023. —1 online ePub ebook £38.99
resource (xxii, 695 pages) : illustrations (black and white). BNB Number GBC380869
ISBN 9780198840589 hardback No price ; 9780191876233 Interaction analysis in education.
ebook No price Communication in education.
BNB Number GBC380404 Language and languages, Study and teaching.
Emphasis (Linguistics) Prepublication record
Grammar, Comparative and general, Morphology.
Prepublication record 418.0071
Dialogue in the language classroom : theory and practice from
415.01836 a classroom discourse analysis / Roehl Sybing. —London :
Constructionist approaches : past, present, future / Tobias Routledge, 2023. —206 pages : illustrations (black and white)
Ungerer, Stefan Hartmann. [online resource] —Cambridge : ; 24 cm.
Cambridge University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (75 ISBN 9781032327419 hardback £130.00
pages) BNB Number GBC378817
ISBN 9781009308717 ebook £145.00 Language and languages, Study and teaching.
BNB Number GBC381155 Communication in education.
Construction grammar. Interaction analysis in education.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

415.01836 418.0071
Constructionist approaches : past, present, future / Tobias Learning a language with peers : elevating classroom voices /
Ungerer, Stefan Hartmann. —Cambridge : Cambridge Rebecca Adams and Rhonda Oliver. [online resource]
University Press, 2023. —75 pages —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (164 pages)
ISBN 9781009308731 paperback £17.00 : illustrations (black and white)
BNB Number GBC378525 ISBN 9781000878547 ePub ebook £39.99 ; 9781000878493
Construction grammar. PDF ebook £39.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC380535
Interaction analysis in education.
Language and languages, Study and teaching, Social
Peer teaching.
Prepublication record

418.0071 418.02
Learning a language with peers : elevating classroom voices / Exploring translation theories / Anthony Pym. [online
Rebecca Adams and Rhonda Oliver. —London : Routledge, resource] —Third edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
2023. —164 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm online resource (242 pages) : illustration (black and white)
ISBN 9780367417031 hardback £130.00 ; 9780367417048 ISBN 9781000892116 PDF ebook £34.99 ; 9781000892130
paperback £39.99 ePub ebook £34.99
BNB Number GBC378251 BNB Number GBC380805
Language and languages, Study and teaching, Social Translating and interpreting.
aspects. Prepublication record
Interaction analysis in education.
Peer teaching. 418.02
Prepublication record Exploring translation theories / Anthony Pym. —Third edition.
—London : Routledge, 2023. —242 pages : illustration (black
418.00711 and white) ; 24 cm
From teacher to trainer / Matthew T. Ellman and Peter ISBN 9781032457512 paperback £34.99 ; 9781032467597
Lucantoni. [online resource] —Cambridge : Cambridge hardback £130.00
University Press, 2022. —1 online resource (vii, 255 pages) : BNB Number GBC378986
illustrations (black and white). Translating and interpreting.
ISBN 9781009272681 ebook No price Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC381564
Language teachers, Training of. 418.02
English teachers, Training of. Metatranslation : essays on translation and translation studies
Prepublication record / Theo Hermans. [online resource] —London : Routledge,
2023. —1 online resource (280 pages).
418.00711 ISBN 9781000879247 ePub ebook £34.99 ; 9781000879223
Language learning in academic museums : new paradigms for PDF ebook £34.99
cultural study, language acquisition, and campus engagement BNB Number GBC380549
/ edited by Heather Flaherty and Jodi Kovach. [online Translating and interpreting, Philosophy.
resource] —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023. Translating and interpreting.
—1 online resource (160 pages) Prepublication record
ISBN 9781475869743 ePub ebook No price
BNB Number GBC381299 418.02
Museums, Educational aspects, United States. Metatranslation : essays on translation and translation studies
Arts in education, United States. / Theo Hermans. —London : Routledge, 2023. —280 pages ;
Language and languages, Study and teaching (Higher), 24 cm.
United States. ISBN 9780367819583 hardback £120.00 ; 9780367819590
Prepublication record paperback £34.99
BNB Number GBC378317
418.00711 Translating and interpreting.
Language learning in academic museums : new paradigms for Translating and interpreting, Philosophy.
cultural study, language acquisition, and campus engagement Prepublication record
/ edited by Heather Flaherty and Jodi Kovach. —Lanham :
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —160 pages ; 23 cm 418.0201
ISBN 9781475869729 hardback £69.00 ; 9781475869736 Trajectories of translation : the thermodynamics of semiosis /
paperback £22.99 Kobus Marais. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023.
BNB Number GBC379412 —1 online resource (162 pages) : illustrations (black and
Language and languages, Study and teaching (Higher), white).
United States. ISBN 9781000898163 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000898118
Museums, Educational aspects, United States. PDF ebook £38.99
Arts in education, United States. BNB Number GBC380938
Prepublication record Semiotics.
Translating and interpreting.
Prepublication record

418.0201 418.04
Trajectories of translation : the thermodynamics of semiosis / Eighteenth-century illustration and literary material culture :
Kobus Marais. —London : Routledge, 2023. —162 pages : Richardson, Thomson, Defoe / Sandro Jung. —Cambridge :
illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm. Cambridge University Press, 2023. —75 pages.
ISBN 9781032455433 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781108977937 paperback £17.00
BNB Number GBC378964 BNB Number GBC379150
Semiotics. Eye tracking, Research.
Translating and interpreting. Translators.
Prepublication record Internet searching.
Translating and interpreting, Technique.
418.020951 Literature, Modern, 18th century, Translating.
Conference interpreting in China : practice, training and Prepublication record
research / edited by Riccardo Moratto and Irene A. Zhang.
[online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online 418.04
resource (284 pages) : illustrations (black and white). Fuzzy language in literature and translation / Lu Shao. [online
ISBN 9781000895629 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000895667 resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
ePub ebook £38.99 (232 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
BNB Number GBC380883 ISBN 9781000897944 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000898019
Simultaneous interpreting, China. ePub ebook £38.99
Translating and interpreting, Study and teaching, China. BNB Number GBC380933
Congresses and conventions, Translating services, China. Brown, Dan, 1964- Da Vinci code.
Translating and interpreting, Technological innovations, Translating and interpreting.
China. Fuzzy languages.
Prepublication record Entropy (Information theory)
Prepublication record
Conference interpreting in China : practice, training and 418.04
research / edited by Riccardo Moratto and Irene A. Zhang. Fuzzy language in literature and translation / Lu Shao.
—London : Routledge, 2023. —284 pages : illustrations (black —London : Routledge, 2023. —232 pages : illustrations (black
and white) ; 24 cm. and white) ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781032413419 hardback £135.00 ISBN 9781032511252 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC378910 BNB Number GBC379075
Translating and interpreting, Technological innovations, Brown, Dan, 1964- Da Vinci code.
China. Entropy (Information theory)
Translating and interpreting, Study and teaching, China. Translating and interpreting.
Simultaneous interpreting, China. Fuzzy languages.
Congresses and conventions, Translating services, China. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
418.04 English corpus linguistics : an introduction / Charles F. Meyer.
Eighteenth-century illustration and literary material culture : —Second edition. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,
Richardson, Thomson, Defoe / Sandro Jung. [online resource] 2023. —209 pages.
—Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —1 online ISBN 9781107681835 paperback £22.99 ; 9781107057159
resource (75 pages). hardback £70.00
ISBN 9781108973557 PDF ebook £145.00 BNB Number GBC379139
BNB Number GBC381174 Computational linguistics.
Translators. English language, Research, Data processing.
Translating and interpreting, Technique. Prepublication record
Eye tracking, Research.
Internet searching. 427.9411
Literature, Modern, 18th century, Translating. Unlocking Scots : the secret life of the Scots language / Clive
Prepublication record P.L. Young. —Edinburgh : Luath Press, 2023. —1 volume
ISBN 9781804250495 paperback £16.99
BNB Number GBC379952
Scots language, Etymology.
Scots language, Social aspects.
Linguistic minorities, Great Britain.
Scots language, History.
Prepublication record
428.0071 428.0071
Communication strategies in English as a lingua franca International perspectives on English private tutoring :
transcultural communication. [online resource] —Newcastle theories, practices, and policies / edited by Kevin Wai Ho
upon Tyne, UK : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023. —1 Yung, Anas Hajar. —Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.
online resource. —280 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24
ISBN 9781527594005 electronic book ; 1527594009 cm.
electronic book ISBN 9783031268168 hardback £109.99
BNB Number GBC377664 BNB Number GBC380279
English language, Study and teaching, Foreign countries. Tutors and tutoring.
Lingua francas. English language, Study and teaching.
Intercultural communication. Prepublication record

428.0071 428.0071
EAL research for the classroom : practical and pedagogical Literacy, vocabulary, and acculturation : a critical education
implications / edited by Gavin Brooks, Jon Clenton, Simon triangle for English language learners / edited by Ashraf
Fraser. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 Esmail, Abul Pitre, Alice Duhon-Ross McCallum, Judith
online resource (272 pages) : illustrations (black and white). Blakely, H. Prentice Baptiste. [online resource] —Lanham :
ISBN 9781000903225 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000903188 Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —1 online resource
PDF ebook £38.99 (186 pages).
BNB Number GBC381037 ISBN 9781475872637 ePub ebook £92.00
English language, Study and teaching, Foreign speakers. BNB Number GBC381304
English language, Study and teaching, Foreign speakers, Critical pedagogy.
Research. English language, Study and teaching, Foreign speakers.
Prepublication record English language, Study and teaching, Social aspects.
Prepublication record
EAL research for the classroom : practical and pedagogical 428.0071
implications / edited by Gavin Brooks, Jon Clenton, Simon Literacy, vocabulary, and acculturation : a critical education
Fraser. —London : Routledge, 2023. —272 pages : triangle for English language learners / edited by Ashraf
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. Esmail, Abul Pitre, Alice Duhon-Ross McCallum, Judith
ISBN 9781032229539 hardback £120.00 Blakely, H. Prentice Baptiste. —Lanham : Rowman &
BNB Number GBC378704 Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —186 pages ; 23 cm.
English language, Study and teaching, Foreign speakers. ISBN 9781475872613 hardback £69.00 ; 9781475872620
English language, Study and teaching, Foreign speakers, paperback £28.00
Research. BNB Number GBC379418
Prepublication record English language, Study and teaching, Foreign speakers.
English language, Study and teaching, Social aspects.
428.0071 Critical pedagogy.
International perspectives on English private tutoring : Prepublication record
theories, practices, and policies / edited by Kevin Wai Ho
Yung, Anas Hajar. [online resource] —Basingstoke : Palgrave 428.0071
Macmillan, 2023. —1 online resource (280 pages) : Virtual English as a Lingua Franca / edited by Inmaculada
illustrations (black and white, and colour). Pineda and Rino Bosso. [online resource] —London :
ISBN 9783031268175 PDF ebook £109.50 Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (256 pages) :
BNB Number GBC381510 illustrations (black and white).
English language, Study and teaching. ISBN 9781000882858 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000882841
Tutors and tutoring. PDF ebook £38.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC380611
English language, Globalization.
Language and the Internet.
Intercultural communication.
Prepublication record

428.0071 428.007115
Virtual English as a Lingua Franca / edited by Inmaculada Policies, politics, and ideologies of English medium instruction
Pineda and Rino Bosso. —London : Routledge, 2023. —256 in Asian universities : unsettling critical edges / edited by
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm. Pramod K. Sah, Fan Fang. —London : Routledge, 2023.
ISBN 9781032379814 hardback £130.00 —224 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm.
BNB Number GBC378878 ISBN 9781032001838 hardback £130.00
English language, Globalization. BNB Number GBC378546
Language and the Internet. English language, Study and teaching (Higher), Asia.
Intercultural communication. Language and education, Political aspects, Asia.
Prepublication record English-medium instruction, Asia.
English language, Study and teaching (Higher), Foreign
428.0071073 speakers.
Challenging antisemitism : lessons from literacy classrooms / Language policy, Asia.
edited by Mara Lee Grayson and Judith Chriqui Benchimol. Prepublication record
[online resource] —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,
2023. —1 online resource (176 pages) 428.00712
ISBN 9781475864847 PDF ebook £92.00 Decolonizing middle level literacy instruction : a culturally
BNB Number GBC381296 proactive approach to literacy methods / Michael Domínguez,
English language, Rhetoric, Study and teaching (Higher), Robyn Seglem. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023.
United States. —1 online resource (240 pages) : illustrations (black and
Antisemitism, Study and teaching. white)
Jews, Identity, United States. ISBN 9781000904789 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000904826
Culturally relevant pedagogy, United States. ePub ebook £38.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC381055
Language arts (Middle school), Social aspects.
428.0071073 Children, Books and reading, Social aspects.
Challenging antisemitism : lessons from literacy classrooms / Culturally relevant pedagogy.
edited by Mara Lee Grayson and Judith Chriqui Benchimol. Prepublication record
—Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —176
pages ; 23 cm 428.00712
ISBN 9781475864823 hardback £69.00 ; 9781475864830 Decolonizing middle level literacy instruction : a culturally
paperback £28.00 proactive approach to literacy methods / Michael Domínguez,
BNB Number GBC379408 Robyn Seglem. —London : Routledge, 2023. —240 pages :
Antisemitism, Study and teaching. illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm
Culturally relevant pedagogy, United States. ISBN 9781032251882 paperback £38.99 ; 9781032269634
Jews, Identity, United States. hardback £130.00
English language, Rhetoric, Study and teaching (Higher), BNB Number GBC378747
United States. Culturally relevant pedagogy.
Prepublication record Language arts (Middle school), Social aspects.
Children, Books and reading, Social aspects.
428.007115 Prepublication record
Policies, politics, and ideologies of English medium instruction
in Asian universities : unsettling critical edges / edited by 428.2
Pramod K. Sah, Fan Fang. [online resource] —London : Oxford International Lower Secondary English. Student Book.
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (224 pages) : 8 / Emma Danihel, Rachel Redford. —Oxford : Oxford
illustrations (black and white). University Press, 2023. —192 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 28
ISBN 9781000892956 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000893007 cm
ePub ebook £38.99 ISBN 9781382036009 (pbk.) : £20.99 ; 1382036000 (pbk.) :
BNB Number GBC380830 £20.99
Language and education, Political aspects, Asia. BNB Number GBC377942
English-medium instruction, Asia. English language, Problems, exercises, etc.
Language policy, Asia. English language, Study and teaching (Secondary)
English language, Study and teaching (Higher), Foreign
English language, Study and teaching (Higher), Asia.
Prepublication record

428.2 428.40712
Oxford International Lower Secondary English. Student Book. Reading for understanding : how reading apprenticeship
7 / Alison Barber, Rachel Redford. —Oxford : Oxford improves disciplinary learning in secondary and college
University Press, 2023. —192 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 28 classrooms / Ruth Schoenbach, Cynthia Greenleaf, Lynn
cm Murphy. [online resource] —Third edition. —San Francisco :
ISBN 9781382035996 (pbk.) : £20.99 ; 1382035993 (pbk.) : Jossey-Bass, 2023. —1 online resource (384 pages)
£20.99 ISBN 9781119816560 ePub ebook £28.99
BNB Number GBC377943 BNB Number GBC381186
English language, Study and teaching (Secondary) Reading (Secondary), United States.
English language, Problems, exercises, etc. Reading (Higher education), United States.
Prepublication record
Transforming schools for multilingual learners : a 428.6
comprehensive guide for educators / Debbie Zacarian ; The fire spirit / Damian Harvey, Gaby Verdooren. —London :
foreword by Katie Toppel. [online resource] —Second edition. Franklin Watts, 2023. —24 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 24
—Thousand Oaks, California : Corwin, [2023]. —1 online cm.
resource (xiv, 218 pages) : illustrations (some color). ISBN 9781445184326 paperback £5.99
ISBN 1071884646 ; 9781071884645 (electronic book) BNB Number GBC379352
BNB Number GBC377651 Prepublication record
English language, Study and teaching, United States,
Foreign speakers. 428.6
School management and organization, United States. The rat and the elephant / Sue Graves and Rachael and
Phillippa Corcutt. —London : Franklin Watts, 2023. —24
428.40712 pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 21 cm.
Reading for justice : engaging middle level readers in social ISBN 9781445184401 paperback £5.99
action through young adult literature / Ashley S. Boyd, Janine BNB Number GBC379353
J. Darragh. [online resource] —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Prepublication record
Publishers, 2023. —1 online resource (154 pages) :
illustrations (black and white) 428.6
ISBN 9781475866353 PDF ebook £82.00 The water hole / Amelia Marshall and Can Tugrul. —London :
BNB Number GBC381575 Franklin Watts, 2023. —24 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 21
Youth, Books and reading. cm.
Young adult literature, Study and teaching (Middle school) ISBN 9781445184265 paperback £5.99
Social justice, Study and teaching (Middle school) BNB Number GBC379351
Reading (Middle school), Social aspects. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
428.40712 First steps in Old English / Stephen Pollington. —Fourth
Reading for justice : engaging middle level readers in social edition. —Little Downham, Ely : Anglo-Saxon Books, 2020.
action through young adult literature / Ashley S. Boyd, Janine —262 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm
J. Darragh. —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, ISBN 9781898281795 paperback £18.95 ; 1898281793
2023. —154 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm paperback £18.95
ISBN 9781475866339 hardback £62.00 ; 9781475866346 BNB Number GBC377600
paperback £27.00
BNB Number GBC379409
Das Komma : zur syntaktisch-graphematischen Klassifikation
Reading (Middle school), Social aspects.
des Zeichens im Sprach- und Schriftsystem des Deutschen
Youth, Books and reading.
und zur historischen Entwicklung aus formaler und
Social justice, Study and teaching (Middle school)
funktionaler Perspektive / Ilka Lemke. —Berlin ; Oxford : Peter
Young adult literature, Study and teaching (Middle school)
Lang, [2020] —335 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 22
Prepublication record
ISBN 9783631811146 hardback
BNB Number GBC377320
German language, Punctuation.
German language, Grammar, Historical.

491.7394332 492.7
"A Russian-Yakut-Ewenki trilingual dictionary" / by N.V. Arabic culture : through its language and literature / M.H.
Sljunin ; annotated edition and introduction by José Andrés Bakalla. —New edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —402
Alonso de la Fuente. —Leiden ; Boston : Brill, [2019] —vi, 347 pages ; 24 cm.
pages : 1 illustration (black and white), 1 map (black and ISBN 9781032514864 hardback £115.00
white) ; 24 cm. BNB Number GBC379081
ISBN 9789004375628 hardback Arabic literature, History and criticism.
BNB Number GBC377323 Arabic philology.
Yakut language, Dictionaries, Russian. Prepublication record
Evenki language, Dictionaries, Russian.
492.4802 Cultural semantics in the lexicon of modern Chinese / Ming
Multilingualism and translation in ancient Judaism : before and Zhao. —Leiden : Brill, 2023. —1 volume ; 24 cm.
after Babel / Steven D. Fraade. —Cambridge : Cambridge ISBN 9789004534940 hardback No price
University Press, 2023. —256 pages BNB Number GBC380325
ISBN 9781009203715 hardback £85.00 Chinese language, Social aspects.
BNB Number GBC378498 Chinese language, Lexicology.
Jewish literature, Translations, History and criticism. Chinese language, Semantics.
Jews, History, 586 B.C.-70 A.D. Prepublication record
Translating and interpreting, Social aspects.
Hebrew language, Translating. 497.5
Jews, Languages, Translating. Cocopa dictionary / James Crawford. [online resource]
Prepublication record —Oakland : University of California Press, 2023. —1 online
resource (544 pages).
492.482421 ISBN 9780520398931 PDF ebook No price
Hebrew for the rest of us : using Hebrew tools to study the Old BNB Number GBC380468
Testament. Workbook / Lee M. Fields. —Grand Rapids : Cocopa language, Dictionaries, English.
Zondervan Academic, 2023. —160 pages ; 28 cm English language, Dictionaries, Cocopa.
ISBN 9780310136149 paperback £14.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378221
Hebrew language, Grammar, Problems, exercises, etc. 497.5
Hebrew language, Textbooks for foreign speakers, English. Cocopa dictionary / James Crawford. —Oakland : University
Prepublication record of California Press, 2023. —544 pages ; 26 cm.
ISBN 9780520398917 hardback £80.00 ; 9780520398924
492.482421 paperback £46.00
Hebrew for the rest of us : using Hebrew tools to study the Old BNB Number GBC378357
Testament / Lee M. Fields. —Second edition. —Grand Rapids Cocopa language, Dictionaries, English.
: Zondervan Academic, 2023. —336 pages ; 23 cm English language, Dictionaries, Cocopa.
ISBN 9780310133995 paperback £22.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378220
Hebrew language, Grammar.
Hebrew language, Textbooks for foreign speakers, English.
Prepublication record

Arabic culture : through its language and literature / M.H.
Bakalla. [online resource] —New edition. —London :
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (402 pages).
ISBN 9781000907537 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000907490
PDF ebook £48.99
BNB Number GBC381107
Arabic literature, History and criticism.
Arabic philology.
Prepublication record

500 501.4
Conceptual integrated science. [online resource] —Third Language change and nineteenth-century science : new
edition / Paul Hewitt, Suzanne Lyons. —Upper Saddle River : words, new worlds / Catherine Watts. [online resource]
Pearson, 2023. —1 online resource (984 pages) —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (248 pages)
ISBN 9781292726090 PDF ebook £41.99 : illustrations (black and white).
BNB Number GBC381215 ISBN 9781000891713 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000891669
Interdisciplinary approach to knowledge. PDF ebook £38.99
Science, History. BNB Number GBC380789
Science, Philosophy. Science, Language, History.
Prepublication record English language, 19th century.
English language, Word formation.
500 Linguistic change.
The rhythms of life and other essays in science / D.F. Prepublication record
Fraser-Harris. —London : Routledge, 2023. —196 pages ; 20
cm. 501.4
ISBN 9781032011912 paperback £27.99 Language change and nineteenth-century science : new
BNB Number GBC378553 words, new worlds / Catherine Watts. —London : Routledge,
Science. 2023. —248 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm.
Prepublication record ISBN 9780367709839 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC378294
501 English language, Word formation.
Notes on complexity : a scientific theory of connection, Linguistic change.
consciousness, and being / Neil Theise. —New York : Spiegel Science, Language, History.
& Grau, 2023. —224 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; English language, 19th century.
21 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781954118256 hardback No price
BNB Number GBC380121 507.1
Ontology. Amplifying informal science learning : rethinking research,
Complexity (Philosophy) design, and engagement / edited by Judy Diamond, Sherman
Science, Psychological aspects. Rosenfeld. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
Consciousness. online resource (392 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
Prepublication record ISBN 9781000901795 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000901771
PDF ebook £38.99
501 BNB Number GBC381017
The aesthetics of scientific experiments / edited by Milena Experiential learning.
Ivanova and Alice Murphy. [online resource] —London : Non-formal education.
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (264 pages) : Science, Study and teaching.
illustrations (black and white). Active learning.
ISBN 9781000900804 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000900781 Prepublication record
PDF ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC380996 507.1
Science, Aesthetics. Amplifying informal science learning : rethinking research,
Science, Experiments, Philosophy. design, and engagement / edited by Judy Diamond, Sherman
Prepublication record Rosenfeld. —London : Routledge, 2023. —392 pages :
illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm
501 ISBN 9780367702762 hardback £130.00 ; 9780367702755
The aesthetics of scientific experiments / edited by Milena paperback £38.99
Ivanova and Alice Murphy. —London : Routledge, 2023. BNB Number GBC378290
—264 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm. Non-formal education.
ISBN 9781032203881 hardback £130.00 Experiential learning.
BNB Number GBC378681 Science, Study and teaching.
Science, Aesthetics. Active learning.
Science, Experiments, Philosophy. Prepublication record
Prepublication record

507.1 508.092
West's last report : is there an optimal funding strategy for Conrad Gessner (1516-1565) : universal scholar and natural
STEM research? / Bruce J. West. —New York : Nova Science scientist of the Renaissance / by Urs B. Leu ; translated by Bill
Publishers, 2023. —1 volume C. Ray. —Leiden : Brill, 2023. —1 volume : illustrations ; 24
ISBN 9798886976083 paperback £84.99 cm.
BNB Number GBC380365 ISBN 9789004421264 hardback No price
Technology, Research. BNB Number GBC380320
Mathematics, Research. Gessner, Conrad, 1516-1565
Engineering, Research.
Research, Finance. Naturalists, Germany, Biography.
Research. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
507.2 When summer comes : exploring nature in our warmest
Sweden's research aid policy : the role of science in season / Aimée M. Bissonette ; illustrated by Erin Hourigan.
development / Veronica Brodén Gyberg. [online resource] —Seattle : Little Bigfoot, 2023. —32 pages : chiefly
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (224 pages) illustrations (colour) ; 22 x 27 cm
: illustrations (black and white). ISBN 9781632174352 hardback No price
ISBN 9781000892772 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000892741 BNB Number GBC379606
PDF ebook £38.99 Nature, Pictorial works, Juvenile literature.
BNB Number GBC380824 Summer, Pictorial works, Juvenile literature.
Science and state, Sweden. Animals, Pictorial works, Juvenile literature.
Research, Developing countries, International cooperation. Prepublication record
Research, Sweden, International cooperation.
Government aid to research, Developing countries. 509.22
Government aid to research, Sweden. Nobel laureates of Los Alamos : the Manhattan project era /
Prepublication record edited by Rizwan Ali, Brye Ann Steeves. —College Station :
Texas A&M University Press, 2023. —168 pages : illustrations
507.2 (black and white), map ; 28 cm
Sweden's research aid policy : the role of science in ISBN 9781648431630 hardback £46.95
development / Veronica Brodén Gyberg. —London : BNB Number GBC379694
Routledge, 2023. —224 pages : illustrations (black and white) Los Alamos National Laboratory, Officials and employees,
; 24 cm. Biography.
ISBN 9780367467258 hardback £130.00 Nobel Prize winners, New Mexico, Santa Fe, Biography.
BNB Number GBC378259 Prepublication record
Research, Sweden, International cooperation.
Government aid to research, Developing countries. 510.71
Research, Developing countries, International cooperation. Helping students become powerful mathematics thinkers :
Science and state, Sweden. case studies of teaching for robust understanding / Alan
Government aid to research, Sweden. Schoenfeld [and five others]. [online resource] —London :
Prepublication record Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (252 pages) :
illustrations (black and white, and colour).
508 ISBN 9781000883657 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000883633
Wild about awesome facts. —Thaxted, Essex, Uk : Miles PDF ebook £48.99
Kelly, 2021. —4 volumes : illustrations (colour), maps (colour) BNB Number GBC380620
; 23 cm Mathematics, Study and teaching (Elementary)
ISBN 1789893054 set £52.00 ; 9781789891676 Space ; Mathematics, Study and teaching (Secondary)
9781789891652 planet Earth ; 9781789893052 set £52.00 ; Prepublication record
9781789891591 animals ; 9781789891669 dinosaurs
BNB Number GBC377493

510.71 511.5
Helping students become powerful mathematics thinkers : Basics of Ramsey theory / Veselin Jungić. [online resource]
case studies of teaching for robust understanding / Alan —Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2023. —1 online
Schoenfeld [and five others]. —London : Routledge, 2023. resource (240 pages) : illustrations (colour)
—252 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 26 ISBN 9781000884647 PDF ebook £89.99 ; 9781000884739
cm. ePub ebook £89.99
ISBN 9781032450629 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032441689 BNB Number GBC380637
paperback £48.99 Ramsey theory.
BNB Number GBC378955 Prepublication record
Mathematics, Study and teaching (Elementary)
Mathematics, Study and teaching (Secondary) 511.5
Prepublication record Basics of Ramsey theory / Veselin Jungić. —Boca Raton :
Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2023. —240 pages : illustrations
510.712 (colour) ; 24 cm
Mathematics teaching on target : a guide to teaching for ISBN 9781032260372 hardback £89.99
robust understanding at all grade levels / Alan Schoenfeld, BNB Number GBC378729
Heather Fink, Alyssa Sayavedra, Anna Weltman, Sandra Zuñ Ramsey theory.
iga-Ruiz. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 Prepublication record
online resource (152 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9781000882070 ePub ebook £22.99 ; 9781000881950 512.00712
PDF ebook £22.99 Classroom-ready rich algebra tasks : engaging students in
BNB Number GBC380595 doing math. Grades 6-12 / Barbara J. Dougherty, Linda
Mathematics, Study and teaching. Venenciano. [online resource] —Thousand Oaks : Corwin,
Prepublication record 2023. —1 online resource (280 pages).
ISBN 9781071909201 EPUB ; 1071909207 EPUB
510.712 BNB Number GBC377687
Mathematics teaching on target : a guide to teaching for Algebra, Study and teaching (Secondary)
robust understanding at all grade levels / Alan Schoenfeld, Algebra, Study and teaching (Middle school)
Heather Fink, Alyssa Sayavedra, Anna Weltman, Sandra Zuñ Algebra, Study and teaching (Secondary), Activity
iga-Ruiz. —London : Routledge, 2023. —152 pages : programs.
illustrations (black and white) ; 26 cm. Algebra, Study and teaching (Middle school), Activity
ISBN 9781032454191 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032441672 programs.
paperback £22.99
BNB Number GBC378962 512.02433
Mathematics, Study and teaching. Mathematics for economics and business / Ian Jacques.
Prepublication record [online resource] —Tenth edition. —Harlow, England :
Pearson, 2023. —1 online resource (xi, 756 pages) :
511.3 illustrations (colour)
New infinitary mathematics / Petr Vopěnka ; edited by Alena ISBN 9781292451824 PDF ebook No price ; 9781292720128
Vencovská ; translated by Hana Moravcová, Roland Andrew hardback No price
Letham, Václav Paris. —Prague : Karolinum, 2023. —352 BNB Number GBC381574
pages : illustrations ; 24 cm Economics, Mathematical.
ISBN 9788024646633 paperback No price Business mathematics.
BNB Number GBC380312 Prepublication record
Prepublication record 512.4
Algebraic, number theoretic, and topological aspects of ring
511.36 theory / edited by Jean-Luc Chabert, Marco Fontana, Sophie
Introduction to proofs and proof strategies / Shay Fuchs. Frisch, Sarah Glaz, Keith Johnson. —Cham : Springer, 2023.
[online resource] —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, —192 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
2023. —1 online resource (349 pages). ISBN 9783031288463 hardback £109.99
ISBN 9781009089005 PDF ebook £325.00 BNB Number GBC380285
BNB Number GBC381136 Rings (Algebra), Congresses.
Proof theory. Prepublication record
Logic, Symbolic and mathematical.
Prepublication record

512.57 515
Numerical calculations in Clifford algebra : a practical guide Multivariate calculus / Samiran Karmakar, Sibdas Karmakar.
for engineers and scientists / Andrew Seagar. —Hoboken : [online resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —496 pages resource (323 pages)
ISBN 9781394173242 hardback £95.00 ISBN 9781000906219 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000906196
BNB Number GBC379267 PDF ebook £48.99
Clifford algebras. BNB Number GBC381084
Algebra, Data processing. Multivariate analysis.
Prepublication record Calculus.
Prepublication record
Algebraic groups and number theory. Volume 1 / Vladimir 515
Platonov, Andrei Rapinchuk, Igor Rapinchuk. —Second Multivariate calculus / Samiran Karmakar, Sibdas Karmakar.
edition. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —323 pages ; 23 cm
—381 pages. ISBN 9781032526898 hardback £82.99
ISBN 9780521113618 hardback £54.99 BNB Number GBC379127
BNB Number GBC378358 Multivariate analysis.
Linear algebraic groups. Calculus.
Algebraic number theory. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
513.028 Thomas' calculus, SI units / Joel Hass, Christopher Heil,
The world of the abbaco : abbacus mathematics analyzed and Maurice Weir. [online resource] —Fifteenth edition. —Upper
situated historically between Fibonacci and Stifel / Jens Saddle River : Pearson, 2023. —1 online resource
Horup. —Cham : Springer, 2023. —513 pages : illustrations ISBN 9781292727936 PDF ebook £47.24
(black and white) ; 24 cm. BNB Number GBC381216
ISBN 9783031251634 paperback £49.99 Calculus.
BNB Number GBC380252 Prepublication record
Fibonacci, Leonardo, approximately 1170-approximately
1240. Liber abaci. 515.35
Abacus, History. Multiplicative differential equations. Volume I / Svetlin G.
Prepublication record Georgiev, Khaled Zennir. [online resource] —First edition.
—Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2023. —1 online
513.509 resource (384 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
The materiality of numbers : emergence and elaboration from ISBN 9781000891706 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000891751
prehistory to present / Karenleigh A. Overmann. —Cambridge ePub ebook £48.99
: Cambridge University Press, 2023. —350 pages BNB Number GBC380792
ISBN 9781009361248 hardback £100.00 Differential equations.
BNB Number GBC378542 Prepublication record
Numeration, History.
Prepublication record 515.35
Multiplicative differential equations. Volume II / Svetlin
514.2 Georgiev, Khaled Zennir. [online resource] —Boca Raton :
Differential and low-dimensional topology / András Juhász. Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2023. —1 online resource (376 pages)
[online resource] —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, ISBN 9781000897609 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000897586
2023. —1 online resource (229 pages). PDF ebook £48.99
ISBN 9781009220613 ebook £145.00 BNB Number GBC380923
BNB Number GBC381145 Differential equations.
Low-dimensional topology. Prepublication record
Differential topology.
Prepublication record 515.35
Multiplicative differential equations. Volume II / Svetlin
515 Georgiev, Khaled Zennir. —Boca Raton : Chapman &
Calculus II for dummies / Mark Zegarelli. —Third edition. Hall/CRC, 2023. —376 pages ; 24 cm
—Hoboken, NJ : For Dummies, 2023. —400 pages ; 24 cm ISBN 9781032495842 hardback £89.99
ISBN 9781119986614 paperback £22.99 BNB Number GBC379043
BNB Number GBC379186 Differential equations.
Calculus. Prepublication record
Prepublication record

515.35 516.353
Multiplicative differential equations. Volume I / Svetlin G. The Calabi problem for Fano threefolds / Carolina Araujo [and
Georgiev, Khaled Zennir. —First edition. —Boca Raton : eight others]. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,
Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2023. —384 pages : illustrations (black 2023. —455 pages.
and white) ; 24 cm ISBN 9781009193399 paperback £75.00
ISBN 9781032491370 hardback £89.99 BNB Number GBC378495
BNB Number GBC379035 Threefolds (Algebraic geometry)
Differential equations. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
516.13 An introduction to numerical methods : a MATLAB approach /
Geometry of derivation with applications / Norman L. Johnson. Abdelwahab Kharab, Ronald B. Guenther. [online resource]
[online resource] —Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2023. —Fifth edition. —Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2023.
—1 online resource (393 pages). —1 online resource (614 pages) : illustrations (black and
ISBN 9781000883886 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000883817 white)
PDF ebook No price ISBN 9781000885002 PDF ebook £52.99 ; 9781000885064
BNB Number GBC380625 ePub ebook £52.99
Combinatorial geometry. BNB Number GBC380642
Prepublication record Numerical analysis, Computer programs.
Prepublication record
Geometry of derivation with applications / Norman L. Johnson. 518.0285
—Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2023. —393 pages ; 26 An introduction to numerical methods : a MATLAB approach /
cm. Abdelwahab Kharab, Ronald B. Guenther. —Fifth edition.
ISBN 9781032349169 hardback £89.99 —Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2023. —614 pages :
BNB Number GBC378842 illustrations (black and white) ; 26 cm
Combinatorial geometry. ISBN 9781032406831 paperback £52.99 ; 9781032406824
Prepublication record hardback £125.00
BNB Number GBC378906
516.35 Numerical analysis, Computer programs.
Families of varieties of general type / János Kollár. [online Prepublication record
resource] —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023.
—1 online resource (466 pages). 519.22
ISBN 9781009346146 PDF ebook No price ; 9781009346115 Stochastic differential equations for science and engineering /
ebook £95.00 Uffe Høgsbro Thygesen. [online resource] —Boca Raton :
BNB Number GBC381566 Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2023. —1 online resource (366 pages)
Algebraic varieties. : illustrations (black and white)
Moduli theory. ISBN 9781000885057 ePub ebook £89.99 ; 9781000884999
Prepublication record PDF ebook £89.99
BNB Number GBC380641
516.352 Stochastic differential equations.
The geometry of cubic hypersurfaces / Daniel Huybrechts. Prepublication record
—Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —458
pages. 519.22
ISBN 9781009280006 hardback £69.99 Stochastic differential equations for science and engineering /
BNB Number GBC378514 Uffe Høgsbro Thygesen. —Boca Raton : Chapman &
Surfaces, Cubic. Hall/CRC, 2023. —366 pages : illustrations (black and white) ;
Hypersurfaces. 24 cm
Geometry, Algebraic. ISBN 9781032232171 hardback £89.99
Equations, Cubic. BNB Number GBC378706
Prepublication record Stochastic differential equations.
Prepublication record

519.5 530
Statistical thinking : analyzing data in an uncertain world / Introductory physics for the life sciences. Volume 2,
Russell A. Poldrack. —Princeton : Princeton University Press, Quantity-based analysis / David V. Guerra. [online resource]
2023. —280 pages : illustrations (black and white) —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online resource (278
ISBN 9780691250939 hardback £105.00 ; 9780691218441 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
paperback £35.00 ISBN 9781000878202 ePub ebook £52.99 ; 9781000878172
BNB Number GBC378399 PDF ebook £52.99
Social sciences, Statistical methods. BNB Number GBC380532
Statistics. Physics.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

519.5 530
The general linear model : a primer / Alexander von Eye, Introductory physics for the life sciences. Volume 2,
Wolfgang Wiedermann. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Quantity-based analysis / David V. Guerra. —Boca Raton :
Press, 2023. —125 pages CRC Press, 2023. —278 pages : illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781009322171 hardback £69.99 ; 9781009322157 ; 26 cm
paperback £22.99 ISBN 9781032311081 paperback £52.99
BNB Number GBC378529 BNB Number GBC378784
Social sciences, Statistical methods. Physics.
Statistics. Prepublication record
Linear models (Statistics)
Prepublication record 530
Introductory physics for the life sciences / David V. Guerra.
519.502855133 —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —2 volumes : illustrations
The R book. [online resource] —Third edition / Elinor Jones, (black and white)
Simon Harden, Michael J. Crawley. —Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, ISBN 9781032300412 set £130.00
2023. —1 online resource (xix, 851 pages) : illustrations (black BNB Number GBC378774
and white, and colour) Physics.
ISBN 9781119634461 ebook No price Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC381568
Mathematical statistics, Data processing. 530
R (Computer program language) Leibniz : publications on natural philosophy / translated by
Prepublication record Jeffrey K. McDonough, Lea Aurelia Schroeder, Samuel Levey,
Richard Francks, Tzuchien Tho. —Oxford : Oxford University
519.535 Press, 2023. —256 pages ; 24 cm.
The essence of multivariate thinking : basic themes and ISBN 9780192843531 hardback £60.00
methods / Lisa L. Harlow. [online resource] —Third edition. BNB Number GBC378139
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (408 pages) Physics, Early works to 1800.
: illustrations (black and white). Prepublication record
ISBN 9780367219727 paperback £49.99 ; 9781000898859
ePub ebook £49.99 ; 9781000898811 PDF ebook £49.99 530
BNB Number GBC380957 Physics for the IB diploma. Coursebook. —Seventh edition /
Multivariate analysis. K.A. Tsokos. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,
Psychology, Mathematical models. 2023. —530 pages
Prepublication record ISBN 9781009071888 paperback £48.95
BNB Number GBC378482
519.535 Physics, Textbooks.
The essence of multivariate thinking : basic themes and Prepublication record
methods / Lisa L. Harlow. —Third edition. —London :
Routledge, 2023. —408 pages : illustrations (black and white) 530
; 26 cm. Principles of physics / David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Jearl
ISBN 9780367219703 hardback £130.00 Walker. —Twelfth edition. —Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons,
BNB Number GBC378243 Inc., 2023. —1456 pages
Psychology, Mathematical models. ISBN 9781119820611 paperback £55.99
Multivariate analysis. BNB Number GBC379160
Prepublication record Physics.
Prepublication record

530.076 530.12
Physics for the IB diploma. Workbook / Mark Farrington. Theory and application of quantum-based interatomic
—Seventh edition. —Cambridge : Cambridge University potentials in metals and alloys / John Moriarty. —Oxford :
Press, 2023. —400 pages Oxford University Press, 2023. —560 pages : illustrations ; 25
ISBN 9781009071901 paperback £20.95 cm.
BNB Number GBC378483 ISBN 9780198822172 hardback £85.00
Physics, Problems, exercises, etc. BNB Number GBC378188
Prepublication record Quantum theory.
Alloys, Properties.
530.11 Prepublication record
A holistic story of space and time / David Pearcey. —Market
Harborough : Matador, 2023. —264 pages ; 25 cm 530.12
ISBN 9781803136790 paperback £16.50 Understanding quantum science : a concise primer for
BNB Number GBC379919 students of chemistry, biochemistry and physics / Steven M.
Space and time, Popular works. Pascal. [online resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023.
Prepublication record —1 online resource (102 pages) : illustrations (black and
white, and colour)
530.11 ISBN 9781000875867 ePub ebook £42.99 ; 9781000875829
Special relativity / James Read. [online resource] PDF ebook £42.99
—Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —1 online BNB Number GBC380518
resource (75 pages). Quantum theory.
ISBN 9781009300599 ebook £145.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC381152
Special relativity (Physics), Philosophy. 530.12
Prepublication record Understanding quantum science : a concise primer for
students of chemistry, biochemistry and physics / Steven M.
530.11 Pascal. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —102 pages :
Special relativity / James Read. —Cambridge : Cambridge illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm
University Press, 2023. —75 pages. ISBN 9781032410852 hardback £110.00 ; 9781032410838
ISBN 9781009300612 paperback £17.00 paperback £42.99
BNB Number GBC378518 BNB Number GBC378909
Special relativity (Physics), Philosophy. Quantum theory.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

530.12 530.120151255
Quantum processes and measurement : theory and Symmetries in quantum mechanics : from angular momentum
experiment / Claude Fabre ; with contributions from Rodrigo to supersymmetry / Masud Chaichian, Rolf Hagedorn. [online
G. Cortiñas. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online
2023. —327 pages resource.
ISBN 9781108477772 hardback £49.99 ISBN 9781000950946 ePub ebook £105.00
BNB Number GBC379143 BNB Number GBC381124
Quantum theory. Symmetry (Physics)
Quantum measure theory. Quantum theory.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

530.12 530.141
The historical and physical foundations of quantum mechanics Fields and waves in electromagnetic communications / Nemai
/ Robert Golub, Steven K. Lamoreaux. [online resource] Chandra Karmakar. [online resource] —Hoboken : John Wiley
—Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2023. —1 online resource & Sons, Inc., 2023. —1 online resource (560 pages)
(747 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour). ISBN 9781119472186 ePub ebook £102.00
ISBN 9780198822196 paperback No price ; 9780191861239 BNB Number GBC381178
ebook No price ; 9780198822189 hardback No price Electromagnetic waves, Transmission.
BNB Number GBC380401 Electromagnetic fields.
Quantum theory, History. Prepublication record
Quantum theory.
Prepublication record

530.141 530.413
Fields and waves in electromagnetic communications / Nemai Theory of disordered solids : from atomistic dynamics to
Chandra Karmakar. —Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., mechanical, vibrational, and thermal properties / Alessio
2023. —560 pages Zaccone. —Cham : Springer, 2023. —290 pages : illustrations
ISBN 9781119472193 hardback £102.00 (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm.
BNB Number GBC379153 ISBN 9783031247057 paperback £59.99
Electromagnetic fields. BNB Number GBC380247
Electromagnetic waves, Transmission. Solid state physics.
Prepublication record Solids.
Amorphous substances.
530.142 Prepublication record
Further advances in twistor theory. Volume II, Integrable
systems, conformal geometry and gravitation / L.J. Mason, 531
L.P. Hughston, P.Z. Kobak. [online resource] —Boca Raton : Introductory physics for the life sciences / David V. Guerra.
Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2023. —1 online resource. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —2 volumes (932 pages) :
ISBN 9781000673838 ePub ebook £44.99 illustrations (black and white) ; 26 cm
BNB Number GBC380493 ISBN 9781032490915 hardback £230.00 ; 9781032490939
Twistor theory. paperback £89.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379034
530.15 Prepublication record
Introduction to methods for nonlinear optimization / Luigi
Grippo, Marco Sciandrone. —Cham : Springer, 2023. —723 531.11
pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm. A student's guide to rotational motion / Effrosyni Seitaridou,
ISBN 9783031267895 paperback £64.99 Alfred C.K. Farris. [online resource] —Cambridge : Cambridge
BNB Number GBC380278 University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (198 pages)
Mathematical optimization, Methodology. ISBN 9781009213349 ebook £145.00
Nonlinear theories, Methodology. BNB Number GBC381143
Prepublication record Rotational motion (Rigid dynamics), Textbooks.
Rotational motion, Textbooks.
530.41 Prepublication record
Linear and nonlinear optical responses of chiral multifold
semimetals / Miguel Ángel Sánchez Martínez. —Cham : 532
Springer, 2023. —164 pages : illustrations (black and white, Mechanics of fluids / Joseph M. Powers. [online resource]
and colour) ; 24 cm. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —1 online
ISBN 9783031257704 hardback £129.99 resource (731 pages)
BNB Number GBC380262 ISBN 9781009026307 PDF ebook £325.00
Semimetals. BNB Number GBC381130
Chirality. Fluid mechanics.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

530.41 532.051
Magnetic soft matter : fundamentals and applications / edited Bifurcation analysis of fluid flows / Henk A. Dijkstra, Fred W.
by Juan de Vicente. [online resource] —Cambridge : Royal Wubs. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023.
Society of Chemistry, 2023. —1 online resource (445 pages). —350 pages
ISBN 9781839169762 ePub ebook £179.00 ; 9781839169755 ISBN 9781108495813 hardback £64.99
PDF ebook £179.00 BNB Number GBC379146
BNB Number GBC381474 Fluid dynamics, Mathematics.
Soft condensed matter, Magnetic properties. Prepublication record
Prepublication record

Magnetic soft matter : fundamentals and applications / edited
by Juan de Vicente. —Cambridge : Royal Society of
Chemistry, 2023. —445 pages ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781839162275 hardback £179.00
BNB Number GBC379996
Soft condensed matter, Magnetic properties.
Prepublication record

534 539.725
Modern problems of acoustics and hydroacoustics / edited by From spinors to supersymmetry / Herbi K. Dreiner, Howard E.
Alexander Kleshchev. [online resource] Haber, Stephen P. Martin. —Cambridge : Cambridge
—Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, University Press, 2023. —1025 pages
2022. —1 online resource (1 volume.). ISBN 9780521800884 hardback £74.99
ISBN 9781527586710 (electronic bk.) ; 1527586715 BNB Number GBC378359
(electronic bk.) Supersymmetry.
BNB Number GBC377629 Supersymmetry, Mathematics.
Sound. Spinor analysis.
Underwater acoustics. Prepublication record

538.72 540
The Earth's magnetic field / William Lowrie. —Oxford : Oxford General chemistry : principles and modern applications /
University Press, 2023. —176 pages : illustrations (black and Ralph Petrucci, F. Herring, Jeffry Madura, Carey Bissonnette.
white, and colour) ; 25 cm —Twelfth edition. —Upper Saddle River : Pearson, 2023.
ISBN 9780192862679 hardback £70.00 ; 9780192862686 —1568 pages : illustrations (colour)
paperback £24.99 ISBN 9781292726137 paperback £54.99
BNB Number GBC378141 BNB Number GBC379212
Geomagnetism. Chemistry, Problems, exercises, etc.
Prepublication record Chemistry.
Prepublication record
What's gotten into you : the story of your body's atoms, from 540.71
the big bang through last night's dinner / Dan Levitt. [online Digital learning and teaching in chemistry. Volume 11 / edited
resource] —[Place of publication not identified] : HarperCollins by Yehudit Dori, Courtney Ngai, Gabriela Szteinberg. [online
Publishers, [2023]. —1 online resource (400 pages). resource] —Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2023.
ISBN 9780063251199 (electronic bk.) ; 0063251191 —1 online resource (426 pages).
(electronic bk.) ISBN 9781839167942 PDF ebook £99.99 ; 9781839167959
BNB Number GBC377815 ePub ebook £99.99
Matter, Constitution, Popular works. BNB Number GBC381473
Atoms, Popular works. Chemistry, Computer-assisted instruction.
Human body, Composition, Popular works. Chemistry, Study and teaching.
Prepublication record
Philosophy of particle physics / Porter Williams. [online 540.71
resource] —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. Digital learning and teaching in chemistry. Volume 11 / edited
—1 online resource (75 pages). by Yehudit Dori, Courtney Ngai, Gabriela Szteinberg.
ISBN 9781009205382 ebook £145.00 —Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2023. —426 pages
BNB Number GBC381140 ; 24 cm.
Particles (Nuclear physics), Philosophy. ISBN 9781839165238 hardback £99.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379998
Chemistry, Computer-assisted instruction.
539.7201 Chemistry, Study and teaching.
Philosophy of particle physics / Porter Williams. —Cambridge : Prepublication record
Cambridge University Press, 2023. —75 pages.
ISBN 9781009205399 paperback £17.00 541.226
BNB Number GBC378499 The chemistry of friccohesity for industrial nanoformulations /
Particles (Nuclear physics), Philosophy. Man Singh, Sunita Singh. [online resource] —Newcastle upon
Prepublication record Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023. —1 online
resource (425 pages)
ISBN 9781527593640 ebook £94.99
BNB Number GBC381336
Nanostructured materials.
Prepublication record

541.37 548.8
The fundamentals of electrochemistry / Yuliy D. Gamburg. Crystallographic texture and group representations / Chi-Sing
—Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Man. —Dordrecht : Springer, 2023. —430 pages : illustrations
2023. —366 pages ; 21 cm (black and white) ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781527501645 hardback £75.99 ISBN 9789402421576 hardback £139.99
BNB Number GBC379514 BNB Number GBC380338
Electrochemistry. Representations of groups.
Prepublication record Texture (Crystallography)
Prepublication record
Two-dimensional (2D) NMR methods / edited by Konstantin 550.0285
Ivanov, K.P. Madhu, G. Rajalakshmi. [online resource] Applications of data assimilation and inverse problems in the
—Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —1 online Earth sciences / edited by Alik Ismail-Zadeh, Fabio Castelli,
resource (544 pages) Dylan Jones, Sabrina Sanchez. —Cambridge : Cambridge
ISBN 9781119806714 ePub ebook £170.00 University Press, 2023. —400 pages.
BNB Number GBC381183 ISBN 9781009180405 hardback £110.00
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. BNB Number GBC378493
Prepublication record Earth sciences, Mathematics.
Earth sciences, Data processing.
547.0078 Inverse problems (Differential equations)
The systematic identification of organic compounds / Christine Prepublication record
K.F. Hermann, Terence C. Morrill, Ralph L. Shriner, Reynold
C. Fuson. —Ninth edition. —Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 551.21
Inc., 2023. —2 volumes Mass transport in magmatic systems / Bjorn O. Mysen. [online
ISBN 9781119799863 set £136.00 resource] —Amsterdam : Elsevier, [2023]. —1 online resource
BNB Number GBC379156 (xiii, 891 pages) : illustrations.
Chemistry, Organic, Laboratory manuals. ISBN 9780128232095 (electronic bk.) ; 0128232099
Prepublication record (electronic bk.)
BNB Number GBC377646
547.1 Magmatism.
Perspectives on structure and mechanism in organic Mass transfer.
chemistry : solutions manual / Felix A. Carroll. [online
resource] —Third edition. —Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 551.3030979493
Inc., 2023. —1 online resource (160 pages) Geomorphological hazards in Los Angeles : a study of slope
ISBN 9781119808688 ePub ebook £37.95 and sediment in a metropolitan county / R.U. Cooke.
BNB Number GBC381185 —London : Routledge, 2023. —218 pages ; 24 cm.
Physical organic chemistry. ISBN 9780367768133 paperback £27.99
Physical organic chemistry, Problems, exercises, etc. BNB Number GBC378311
Prepublication record Landslides, California, Los Angeles County.
Slopes (Physical geography), California, Los Angeles
547.1 County.
Perspectives on structure and mechanism in organic Earth movements, California, Los Angeles County.
chemistry : solutions manual / Felix A. Carroll. —Third edition. Prepublication record
—Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —160 pages
ISBN 9781119808657 paperback £37.95
BNB Number GBC379157
Physical organic chemistry.
Physical organic chemistry, Problems, exercises, etc.
Prepublication record

Perspectives on structure and mechanism in organic
chemistry / Felix A. Carroll. [online resource] —Third edition.
—Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —1 online
resource (960 pages) : illustrations
ISBN 9781119808640 ePub ebook £121.00
BNB Number GBC381184
Physical organic chemistry.
Prepublication record

551.432096 551.6095482
Remote sensing of African mountains : geospatial tools History of the climate change on the Coromandel Coast :
toward sustainability / Samuel Adelabu, Abel Ramoelo, ninth-nineteenth centuries / S. Jeyaseela Stephen. [online
Adeyemi Olusola, Efosa Adagbasa, editors. [online resource] resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
—Cham, Switzerland : Springer, [2022] —1 online resource (218 pages)
(xxii, 247 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour), ISBN 9781000905205 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000905243
maps ePub ebook £38.99
ISBN 9783031048555 ebook No price ; 9783031048548 BNB Number GBC381062
hardback No price Climatic changes, India, Coromandel Coast.
BNB Number GBC381586 Coromandel Coast (India), Social conditions.
Mountain climate, Africa. Prepublication record
Climatic changes, Africa.
Mountains, Africa, Remote sensing. 551.6095482
Mountain biodiversity, Africa, Remote sensing. History of the climate change on the Coromandel Coast :
Mountain ecology, Africa, Remote sensing. ninth-nineteenth centuries / S. Jeyaseela Stephen. —London :
Prepublication record Routledge, 2023. —218 pages ; 22 cm
ISBN 9781032520711 hardback £130.00
551.457097499 BNB Number GBC379100
Coastal landscapes : South Jersey from the air / Kenneth W. Climatic changes, India, Coromandel Coast.
Able. —New Brunswick : Rutgers University Press, 2023. Coromandel Coast (India), Social conditions.
—240 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 22 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781978833739 hardback £63.00 ; 9781978833722
paperback £26.95 552.09787
BNB Number GBC380201 Rockhounding Wyoming : a guide to the state's best
Coasts, New Jersey. rockhounding sites / Kenneth L. Graham. [online resource]
Coasts, New Jersey, Pictorial works. —Third edition. —Essex, Connecticut : FalconGuides, [2023].
Nature, Effect of human beings on, New Jersey. —1 online resource.
Prepublication record ISBN 9781493067145 (epub) ; 1493067141
BNB Number GBC377811
551.46 Rocks, Collection and preservation, Wyoming,
Do you love oceans? / Matt Robertson. [online resource] Guidebooks.
—London : Bloomsbury Children's Books, 2023. —1 online Minerals, Collection and preservation, Wyoming,
resource : illustrations (colour), maps (colour) Guidebooks.
ISBN 9781526649829 ePub ebook £5.59 Wyoming, Guidebooks.
BNB Number GBC381329
Ocean, Juvenile literature. 553.24
Prepublication record Inorganic geochemistry of coal / Shifeng Dai [and five others].
[online resource] —Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2023. —1 online
551.46 resource (300 pages)
Do you love oceans? : why oceans are magnificently mega! / ISBN 9780323956352 ePub ebook £127.00
Matt Robertson. [online resource] —London : Bloomsbury BNB Number GBC380444
Children's Books, 2023. —1 online resource (32 pages) : Coal, Analysis.
chiefly illustrations (colour). Coal, Geology.
ISBN 9781526649829 (electronic bk.) ; 1526649829 Geochemistry.
(electronic bk.) Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC377846
Ocean, Pictorial works, Juvenile literature. 553.24
Inorganic geochemistry of coal / Shifeng Dai [and five others].
551.6 —Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2023. —300 pages ; 24 cm
History of climate change : from the Earth's origins to the ISBN 9780323956345 paperback £127.00
anthropocene / Antonello Provenzale ; translated by Alice BNB Number GBC378234
Kilgarriff. —Cambridge : Polity Press, 2023. —294 pages Coal, Analysis.
ISBN 9781509553938 hardback £25.00 Geochemistry.
BNB Number GBC379480 Coal, Geology.
Climatic changes, History. Prepublication record
Prepublication record

570 571.6
Biology : how life works. —Fourth edition / James Morris [and Autonomous positioning of piezoactuated mechanism for
fifteen others]. —New York : W.H. Freeman and Company, biological cell puncture / Mingyang Xie, Shengdong Yu.
2023. —1200 pages ; 28 cm —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —157 pages : illustrations
ISBN 9781319441319 paperback £60.99 (black and white) ; 24 cm.
BNB Number GBC380375 ISBN 9781032277202 hardback £74.99
Biology. BNB Number GBC378752
Prepublication record Cells.
Piezoelectric devices.
570 Cytology.
Biology : how life works. [online resource] —Fourth edition / Prepublication record
James Morris [and fifteen others]. —New York : W.H.
Freeman and Company, 2023. —1 online resource (1200 571.6
pages) Biology for the health sciences : mechanisms of disease /
ISBN 9781319514563 ePub ebook £46.99 Mark F. Wiser. [online resource] —New York : Garland
BNB Number GBC381225 Science, 2023. —1 online resource (502 pages) : illustrations
Biology. (black and white, and colour)
Prepublication record ISBN 9781000863765 PDF ebook £49.99 ; 9781000863789
ePub ebook £49.99
570 BNB Number GBC380499
Life : the science of biology digital update. —Twelfth edition / Cell physiology.
David M. Hillis [and six others]. —New York : W.H. Freeman Diseases, Molecular aspects.
and Company, 2023. —1472 pages ; 28 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781319498535 paperback £65.99
BNB Number GBC380377 571.6
Biology. Biology for the health sciences : mechanisms of disease /
Prepublication record Mark F. Wiser. —New York : Garland Science, 2023. —502
pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 28 cm
570 ISBN 9780815345862 paperback £49.99 ; 9781032357263
Life : the science of biology digital update. [online resource] hardback £125.00
—Twelfth edition / David M. Hillis [and six others]. —New York BNB Number GBC378849
: W.H. Freeman and Company, 2023. —1 online resource Diseases, Molecular aspects.
(1472 pages) Cell physiology.
ISBN 9781319504847 ePub ebook £50.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC381219
Biology. 571.92
Prepublication record Evolutionary ecology of plant disease / Gregory S. Gilbert,
Ingrid M. Parker. —Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2023.
571.6 —336 pages ; 25 cm
Autonomous positioning of piezoactuated mechanism for ISBN 9780198797876 hardback £100.00 ; 9780198797883
biological cell puncture / Mingyang Xie, Shengdong Yu. paperback £39.99
[online resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online BNB Number GBC378187
resource (157 pages) : illustrations (black and white). Plant-pathogen relationships.
ISBN 9781000880380 ePub ebook £74.99 ; 9781000880366 Plant diseases.
PDF ebook £74.99 Microbial ecology.
BNB Number GBC380557 Prepublication record
Piezoelectric devices.
Prepublication record

571.9517 572.33
Fish vaccines : health management for sustainable Handbook of biopolymers / edited by Sabu Thomas, Ajitha
aquaculture / edited by Preetham Elumalai, Kim Thompson, AR, Cintil Jose Chirayil, Bejoy Thomas. [online resource]
Sreeja Lakshmi. [online resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, —Singapore : Springer, 2023. —1 online resource (1513
2023. —1 online resource (258 pages) : illustrations (black pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour)
and white, and colour) ISBN 9789811907104 ebook No price
ISBN 9781000879414 ePub ebook £120.00 ; 9781000879407 BNB Number GBC381525
PDF ebook £120.00 Biopolymers.
BNB Number GBC380551 Prepublication record
Nanoparticles, Health aspects.
Fishes, Vaccination. 572.4
Fishes, Health. Secondary metabolites from medicinal plants : nanoparticles
Prepublication record synthesis and their applications / edited by Rakesh Kumar
Bachheti, Archana Bachheti. [online resource] —Boca Raton :
571.9517 CRC Press, 2023. —1 online resource (322 pages) :
Fish vaccines : health management for sustainable illustrations (black and white).
aquaculture / edited by Preetham Elumalai, Kim Thompson, ISBN 9781000877625 ePub ebook £42.99 ; 9781000877595
Sreeja Lakshmi. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —258 PDF ebook £42.99
pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 26 cm BNB Number GBC380528
ISBN 9781032483412 hardback £120.00 Metabolites.
BNB Number GBC379005 Prepublication record
Fishes, Health.
Fishes, Vaccination. 572.4
Nanoparticles, Health aspects. Secondary metabolites from medicinal plants : nanoparticles
Prepublication record synthesis and their applications / edited by Rakesh Kumar
Bachheti, Archana Bachheti. —Boca Raton : CRC Press,
572 2023. —322 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 26 cm.
Biochemistry. [online resource] —Tenth edition / Jeremy M. ISBN 9781032100999 paperback £42.99 ; 9781032075150
Berg, Gregory J. Gatto, Jr., Justin Hines, John L. Tymoczko, hardback £150.00
Lubert Stryer. —New York : W.H. Freeman and Company, BNB Number GBC378587
2023. —1 online resource (1120 pages) : illustrations (black Metabolites.
and white, and colour) Prepublication record
ISBN 9781319514662 ePub ebook £57.99
BNB Number GBC381226 572.4358
Biochemistry, Problems, exercises, etc. Glow : the wild wonders of bioluminescence / Jennifer N.R.
Biochemistry. Smith. —London : Thames and Hudson, 2023. —40 pages :
Prepublication record illustrations (colour), map (colour) ; 36 cm
ISBN 9780500653203 hardback £16.99
572 BNB Number GBC378355
Biochemistry. —Tenth edition / Jeremy M. Berg, Gregory J. Bioluminescence, Juvenile literature.
Gatto, Jr., Justin Hines, John L. Tymoczko, Lubert Stryer. Glow-in-the-dark books.
—New York : W.H. Freeman and Company, 2023. —1120 Prepublication record
pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 28 cm
ISBN 9781319498504 paperback £73.99 572.437
BNB Number GBC379223 Bioimpedance and bioelectricity basics / Orjan G. Martinsen,
Biochemistry. Arto Heiskanen. —Fourth edition. —Amsterdam : Academic
Biochemistry, Problems, exercises, etc. Press, 2023. —584 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9780128191071 hardback £115.00
BNB Number GBC378126
572.33 Impedance, Bioelectric.
Handbook of biopolymers / edited by Sabu Thomas, Ajitha Electrophysiology.
AR, Cintil Jose Chirayil, Bejoy Thomas. —Singapore : Prepublication record
Springer, 2023. —1513 pages : illustrations (black and white,
and colour) ; 24 cm 572.85
ISBN 9789811907098 hardback £649.99 A comprehensive guide to aptamers / Tom Shuster, editor.
BNB Number GBC380342 —New York : Nova Science Publishers, [2019] —ix, 153
Biopolymers. pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm.
Prepublication record ISBN 9781536162936 paperback
BNB Number GBC377256

572.86 572.865
Genomics in the AWS Cloud : performing genome analysis Polycomb group proteins : methods and protocols / edited by
using Amazon Web Services / Catherine Vacher, David Wall. Chiara Lanzuolo, Beatrice Bodega. [online resource] —New
[online resource] —Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. York : Humana Press, 2023. —1 online resource (438 pages) :
—1 online resource illustrations (black and white, and colour).
ISBN 9781119573401 ePub ebook £37.99 ISBN 9781071631430 PDF ebook £179.50
BNB Number GBC381179 BNB Number GBC381166
Amazon Web Services (Firm) Epigenetics.
Cloud computing. Prepublication record
Genomics, Data processing.
Prepublication record 572.865
Polycomb group proteins : methods and protocols / edited by
572.86 Chiara Lanzuolo, Beatrice Bodega. —Boston : Springer, 2023.
Hooray for DNA! : how a bear and a bug are a lot like us / —438 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 26
Pauline Thompson ; illustrated by Greg Pizzoli. —New York : cm.
Knopf Books for Young Readers, 2023. —40 pages : ISBN 9781071631423 hardback £179.99
illustrations ; 29 cm BNB Number GBC379136
ISBN 9780593427057 hardback No price Epigenetics.
BNB Number GBC378382 Prepublication record
DNA, Pictorial works, Juvenile literature.
Prepublication record 576.84
Extinction and memorial culture : reckoning with species loss
572.86 in the Anthropocene / edited by Hannah Stark. [online
Hooray for DNA! : how a bear and a bug are a lot like us / resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
Pauline Thompson ; illustrated by Greg Pizzoli. —New York : (240 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
Knopf Books for Young Readers, 2023. —40 pages : ISBN 9781000900033 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000900040
illustrations ; 29 cm ePub ebook £38.99
ISBN 9780593427040 hardback No price BNB Number GBC380984
BNB Number GBC378381 Extinction (Biology), Social aspects.
DNA, Pictorial works, Juvenile literature. Human ecology.
Prepublication record Memorialization.
Extinct animals in art.
572.862 Prepublication record
Plant transposable elements : biology and biotechnology /
edited by Deepu Pandita, Anu Pandita. [online resource] 576.84
—Toronto : Apple Academic Press, 2023. —1 online resource Extinction and memorial culture : reckoning with species loss
(370 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour) in the Anthropocene / edited by Hannah Stark. —London :
ISBN 9781000638721 PDF ebook £139.00 ; 9781000638752 Routledge, 2023. —240 pages : illustrations (black and white)
ePub ebook £139.00 ; 24 cm
BNB Number GBC380491 ISBN 9781032326375 hardback £130.00
Plant genomes. BNB Number GBC378816
Plant genetic transformation. Memorialization.
Prepublication record Human ecology.
Extinction (Biology), Social aspects.
572.862 Extinct animals in art.
Plant transposable elements : biology and biotechnology / Prepublication record
edited by Deepu Pandita, Anu Pandita. —Toronto : Apple
Academic Press, 2023. —370 pages : illustrations (black and 576.84
white, and colour) ; 24 cm Human extinction : a history of the science and ethics of
ISBN 9781774911815 hardback £139.00 annihilation / Émile P. Torres. [online resource] —London :
BNB Number GBC379765 Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (616 pages) :
Plant genomes. illustrations (black and white).
Plant genetic transformation. ISBN 9781000904024 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000904055
Prepublication record ePub ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC381048
Human ecology, Research, History.
Human beings, Extinction, Research, History.
Prepublication record

577.091814 577.78
Biomes of the Southern Hemisphere / Ladislav Mucina. Brownsea Island Lagoon Condition Assessment :
—Cham : Springer, 2023. —216 pages : illustrations (black Interpretative Survey Report 2015 / Thomas, P.M.D. and
and white, and colour) ; 26 cm. Worsfold, T.M. [online resource] —[United Kingdom] : Natural
ISBN 9783031267383 hardback £119.99 England, [2018] —1 online resource (5 unnumbered, 45
BNB Number GBC380277 pages) : illustrations (colour), 2 maps (colour)
Biotic communities, Southern Hemisphere. ISBN 9781783544769
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC377305

577.22 580.14
Climate change refugia for the flora and fauna of England / Plant names : a guide to botanical nomenclature / Roger
Suggitt, A.J. [and sixteen others]. [online resource] Spencer, Rob Cross. —Fourth Edition. —Clayton South, VIC :
—[Sheffield] : Natural England, 2014. —1 online resource (8 CSIRO Publishing, [2020] —xiii, 154 : illustrations (black and
unnumbered, 202 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and white, and colour) ; 22 cm
colour), maps (colour). ISBN 9781486311446 paperback ; 148631144X paperback
ISBN 9781783541461 BNB Number GBC377594
BNB Number GBC377615 Plants, Nomenclature.

577.3 581.659
LiDAR principles, processing and applications in forest Natural poisons and venoms. 1, Plant toxins : terpenes and
ecology / Qinghua Guo, Yanjun Su, Tianyu Hu. [online steroids / Eberhard Teuscher, Ulrike Lindequist. —Berlin : De
resource] —London ; San Diego, CA : Academic Press, an Gruyter, 2023. —348 pages : illustrations (black and white,
imprint of Elsevier, [2023]. —1 online resource. and colour) ; 24 cm.
ISBN 0128242116 electronic book ; 9780128242117 ISBN 9783110724721 paperback £73.00
electronic book BNB Number GBC380292
BNB Number GBC377678 Poisons.
Optical radar. Terpenes.
Forest ecology. Steroids.
Forest mapping. Venom.
Plant toxins.
577.68 Prepublication record
Wetlands. —Sixth edition / William J. Mitsch, James G.
Gosselink, Christopher J. Anderson, M. Siobhan Fennessy. 581.659
—Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —688 pages ; 25 Natural poisons and venoms. 1, Plant toxins : terpenes and
cm steroids / Eberhard Teuscher, Ulrike Lindequist. [online
ISBN 9781119826934 hardback £99.99 resource] —Berlin : De Gruyter, 2023. —1 online resource
BNB Number GBC379161 (348 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour).
Wetland management. ISBN 9783110724868 ePub ebook No price
Wetland ecology. BNB Number GBC381513
Wetlands. Poisons.
Prepublication record Plant toxins.
577.699 Steroids.
Biological Survey of the Intertidal Sediments of the South Venom.
Shore of Solway Firth, 2014 / N.D. Cutts, K.L. Hemingway, M. Prepublication record
Bailey & S. Thomson. [online resource] —[United Kingdom] :
Natural England, November 2021. —1 online resource (124 590.7
unnumbered pages) : illustrations (colour), maps (colour). Methods in human-animal studies : engaging with animals
ISBN 9781783548682 through the social sciences / edited by Annalisa Colombino,
BNB Number GBC377299 Heide K. Bruckner. [online resource] —London : Routledge,
2023. —1 online resource (214 pages) : illustrations (black
577.78 and white).
Bideford to Foreland Point MCZ 2019 Survey Report / ISBN 9781351018616 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781351018609
Authors: Gabrielle Garland and Charlotte Alexander. [online ePub ebook £38.99
resource] —[United Kingdom] : Natural England, 2021. —1 BNB Number GBC381239
online resource (3 unnumbered, vii, 49 pages) : illustrations Human-animal relationships, Research, Methodology.
(black and white, and colour), maps (colour). Prepublication record
ISBN 9781783546008
BNB Number GBC377258

590.7 598.15
Methods in human-animal studies : engaging with animals Winged worlds : common spaces of avian-human lives /
through the social sciences / edited by Annalisa Colombino, edited by Olga Petri, Michael Guida. [online resource]
Heide K. Bruckner. —London : Routledge, 2023. —214 pages —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (210 pages)
: illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. : illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9781138497511 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781000885859 ePub ebook £35.99 ; 9781000885798
BNB Number GBC379193 PDF ebook £35.99
Human-animal relationships, Research, Methodology. BNB Number GBC380655
Prepublication record Birds, Behavior.
Human-animal relationships.
597.3 Prepublication record
Shark / Melissa Gish. —Mankato : Creative Paperbacks,
2023. —32 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 28 cm. 598.15
ISBN 9781682770351 paperback £9.99 Winged worlds : common spaces of avian-human lives /
BNB Number GBC379723 edited by Olga Petri, Michael Guida. —London : Routledge,
Sharks, Juvenile literature. 2023. —210 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
Prepublication record ISBN 9781032369716 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032369723
paperback £35.99
597.3 BNB Number GBC378866
Sharks. —Washington, D.C : National Geographic Kids, 2023. Human-animal relationships.
—208 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 18 cm. Birds, Behavior.
ISBN 9781426372414 hardback No price Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC379336
Sharks, Miscellanea, Juvenile literature. 598.764
Prepublication record Hummingbirds : a life-size guide to every species / Michael
Fogden, Marianne Taylor & Sheri L. Williamson. [online
597.8097286 resource] —[Place of publication not identified] : Ivy Press,
Pocket guide to the amphibians and reptiles of Costa Rica / 2014. —1 online resource (400 pages).
Twan Leenders. —Ithaca : Comstock, 2023. —336 pages : ISBN 9781782401742 EPUB ; 1782401741 EPUB
illustrations (colour) ; 20 cm BNB Number GBC377728
ISBN 9781501769924 paperback £23.99 Hummingbirds, Identification.
BNB Number GBC379468 Hummingbirds, Geographical distribution.
Amphibians, Costa Rica, Identification. Hummingbirds.
Reptiles, Costa Rica, Identification.
Prepublication record 599.0954
Indian mammals : a field guide / Vivek Menon. [online
597.890971 resource] —New edition. —Gurgaon : Hachette India, 2023.
Frogs of the United States and Canada / C. Kenneth Dodd, Jr. —1 online resource : illustrations (colour)
[online resource] —Second edition. —Baltimore : Johns ISBN 9789393701909 ePub ebook £25.99
Hopkins University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (992 BNB Number GBC381524
pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps Mammals, India, Identification.
ISBN 9781421444925 PDF ebook £165.00 Mammals, India.
BNB Number GBC381285 Prepublication record
Frogs, Canada.
Frogs, United States. 599.25
Prepublication record Koala / Melissa Gish. —Mankato : Creative Paperbacks, 2023.
—32 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 28 cm.
597.890971 ISBN 9781682770344 paperback £9.99
Frogs of the United States and Canada / C. Kenneth Dodd, Jr. BNB Number GBC379722
—Second edition. —Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Koala, Juvenile literature.
Press, 2023. —992 pages : illustrations (black and white, and Prepublication record
colour), maps ; 26 cm
ISBN 9781421444918 hardback £165.00
BNB Number GBC379335
Frogs, Canada.
Frogs, United States.
Prepublication record

599.37 599.76629
At home with the prairie dog / Dorothy Hinshaw Patent ; Backvalley ferrets : a rewilding of the Colorado Plateau /
photographs by William Munoz. —Berkeley : Web of Life Lawrence Lenhart. —Athens : The University of Georgia
Children's Books, 2023. —32 pages : map ; 22 x 26 cm. Press, 2023. —277 pages ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9781970039061 hardback No price ISBN 9780820364124 paperback £23.95
BNB Number GBC380138 BNB Number GBC378448
Prairie dogs, Behavior, Juvenile literature. Rare mammals, Colorado Plateau.
Prairie dogs, Habitations, Juvenile literature. Wildlife conservation.
Prairie dogs, Juvenile literature. Black-footed ferret, Colorado Plateau.
Prepublication record Black-footed ferret, Ecology.
Aubrey Valley (Ariz.)
599.4 Prepublication record
Bat-spotlight / Melissa Gish. —Mankato : Creative
Paperbacks, 2023. —32 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 28 cm. 599.884
ISBN 9781682770320 paperback £9.99 Gorilla / Melissa Gish. —Mankato : Creative Paperbacks,
BNB Number GBC379720 2023. —32 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 28 cm.
Bats, Juvenile literature. ISBN 9781682770337 paperback £9.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379721
Gorilla, Juvenile literature.
599.665138 Prepublication record
The equids : a suite of splendid species / edited by Herbert
H.T. Prins, Iain J. Gordon. —Cham : Springer, 2023. —345
pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9783031271434 hardback £99.99
BNB Number GBC380281
Equus, History.
Equus, Evolution.
Prepublication record

The tigers' tale / Catherine Barr ; illustrated by Tara Anand.
[online resource] —London : Bloomsbury Children's Books,
2023. —1 online resource : illustrations (colour)
ISBN 9781526659354 ePub ebook £10.49
BNB Number GBC381330
Panna National Park (Madhya Pradesh, India), Juvenile
Tiger, Conservation, India, Juvenile literature.
Tiger, India, Juvenile literature.
Prepublication record

Backvalley ferrets : a rewilding of the Colorado Plateau /
Lawrence Lenhart. [online resource] —Athens : The University
of Georgia Press, 2023. —1 online resource (277 pages).
ISBN 9780820364148 ebook £23.95 ; 9780820364131 ebook
BNB Number GBC380479
Black-footed ferret, Ecology.
Wildlife conservation.
Rare mammals, Colorado Plateau.
Black-footed ferret, Colorado Plateau.
Aubrey Valley (Ariz.)
Prepublication record

601.4028563 602.1841
Augmentation technologies and artificial intelligence in Bonding sealants. Part 1, Bonded glazing sealants for direct
technical communication : designing ethical futures / Ann Hill light exposure [online resource] —London : British Standards
Duin, Isabel Pedersen. [online resource] —London : Institution, 2023-04-14. —1 online resource (40 pages)
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (260 pages) : BNB Number GBC377362
illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9781000889246 ePub ebook £35.99 ; 9781000889185 602.1841
PDF ebook £35.99 BS EN 10216-2. Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes.
BNB Number GBC380719 Technical delivery conditions. Part 2. Non-alloy and alloy steel
Communication of technical information, Moral and ethical tubes with specified elevated temperature properties [online
aspects. resource] —London : British Standards Institution,
Performance technology, Moral and ethical aspects. 2023-04-11. —1 online resource (55 pages)
Intelligent agents (Computer software), Moral and ethical BNB Number GBC377377
Artificial intelligence, Moral and ethical aspects.
BS EN 14180. Sterilizers for medical purposes. Low
Prepublication record
temperature steam and formaldehyde
601.4028563 sterilizers.Requirements and testing. [online resource]
Augmentation technologies and artificial intelligence in —London : British Standards Institution, 2023-04-11. —1
technical communication : designing ethical futures / Ann Hill online resource (121 pages)
Duin, Isabel Pedersen. —London : Routledge, 2023. —260 BNB Number GBC377413
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm.
ISBN 9781032263762 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032263755
BS EN 15338. Hardware for furniture. Strength and durability
paperback £35.99
of extension elements and their components. [online resource]
BNB Number GBC378736
—London : British Standards Institution, 2023-04-06. —1
Communication of technical information, Moral and ethical
online resource (25 pages)
BNB Number GBC377411
Performance technology, Moral and ethical aspects.
Artificial intelligence, Moral and ethical aspects. 602.1841
Intelligent agents (Computer software), Moral and ethical BS EN 2939. Aerospace series. Screws, 100° countersunk
aspects. head, offset cruciform recess, threaded to head, in heat
Prepublication record resisting steel FE-PA92HT (A286). Classification. 900 MPa (at
ambient temperature)/650 °C. [online resource] —London :
British Standards Institution, 2023-03-27. —1 online resource
Acoustics. Normal equal-loudness-level contours. [online
(9 pages)
resource] —London : British Standards Institution,
BNB Number GBC377391
2023-04-12. —1 online resource (30 pages)
BNB Number GBC377359 602.1841
BS EN 3672. Aerospace series. Shank nut, self-locking, in
heat resisting nickel base alloy NI-P101HT (Waspaloy), silver
Agricultural irrigation equipment. Manually and hydraulically
plated, for 30° swage. Classification. 1 210 MPa (at ambient
operated plastics valves. [online resource] —London : British
temperature) / 730 °C. [online resource] —London : British
Standards Institution, 2023-04-14. —1 online resource (20
Standards Institution, 2023-03-27. —1 online resource (10
BNB Number GBC377385
BNB Number GBC377379
Bituminous mixtures. Test methods. Part 4, Bitumen recovery.
BS EN 4473. Aerospace series. Aluminium pigmented organic
Fractionating column [online resource] —London : British
coatings for fasteners. Technical specification. [online
Standards Institution, 2023-04-14. —1 online resource (18
resource] —London : British Standards Institution,
2023-03-30. —1 online resource (18 pages)
BNB Number GBC377407
BNB Number GBC377412

602.1841 602.1841
BS EN IEC 60122-2. Quartz crystal units of assessed quality. BS EN ISO/CIE 11664-5. Colorimetry. Part 5. CIE 1976 L*u*v*
Part 2. Guide to the use [online resource] —London : British colour space and u', v' uniform chromaticity scale diagram
Standards Institution, 2023-04-12. —1 online resource (37 [online resource] —London : British Standards Institution,
pages) 2023-04-12. —1 online resource (16 pages)
BNB Number GBC377429 BNB Number GBC377423

602.1841 602.1841
BS EN IEC 61000-5-6. Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). BS IEC 63435. Nuclear power plants. Control rooms.
Part 5-6. Installation and mitigation guidelines. Mitigation of Operatoring support system. [online resource] —London :
external EM influences [online resource] —London : British British Standards Institution, 2023-04-12. —1 online resource
Standards Institution, 2023-04-11. —1 online resource (74 (29 pages)
pages) BNB Number GBC377417
BNB Number GBC377360
602.1841 BS IEC 80601-2-31. Medical electrical equipment. Part 2-31.
BS EN IEC 61300-2-37. Fibre optic interconnecting devices Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential
and passive components. Basic test and measurement performance of external cardiac pacemakers with internal
procedures. Part 2-37. Tests. Cable bending for fibre optic power source [online resource] —London : British Standards
protective housings and hardened connectors [online Institution, 2023-04-12. —1 online resource (58 pages)
resource] —London : British Standards Institution, BNB Number GBC377414
2023-04-12. —1 online resource (13 pages)
BNB Number GBC377419 602.1841
BS ISO 12829. Hydraulic spin-on filters with finite lives.
602.1841 Method for verifying the rated fatigue life and the rated static
BS EN IEC 61810-7-48. Electrical relays. Tests and burst pressure of the pressure-containing envelope. [online
Measurements. Part 7-48. Contact failure rate test [online resource] —London : British Standards Institution,
resource] —London : British Standards Institution, 2023-04-11. —1 online resource (18 pages)
2023-04-11. —1 online resource (24 pages) BNB Number GBC377396
BNB Number GBC377392
602.1841 BS ISO 13061-13. Physical and mechanical properties of
BS EN IEC 61978-1. Fibre optic interconnecting devices and wood. Test methods for small clear wood specimens. Part 13.
passive components. Fibre optic passive chromatic dispersion Determination of radial and tangential shrinkage [online
compensators. Part 1. Generic specification [online resource] resource] —London : British Standards Institution,
—London : British Standards Institution, 2023-04-12. —1 2023-04-12. —1 online resource (11 pages)
online resource (27 pages) BNB Number GBC377383
BNB Number GBC377427
602.1841 BS ISO 13061-14. Physical and mechanical properties of
BS EN IEC 62217. Polymeric HV insulators for indoor and wood. Test methods for small clear wood specimens. Part 14.
outdoor use. General definitions, test methods and Determination of volumetric shrinkage [online resource]
acceptance criteria. [online resource] —London : British —London : British Standards Institution, 2023-04-12. —1
Standards Institution, 2023-04-11. —1 online resource (33 online resource (13 pages)
pages) BNB Number GBC377400
BNB Number GBC377418
602.1841 BS ISO 16368. Mobile elevating work platforms. Design,
BS EN IEC 63310. Functional performance criteria for robots calculations, safety requirements and test methods. [online
used in AAL connected home environment. [online resource] resource] —London : British Standards Institution,
—London : British Standards Institution, 2023-04-11. —1 2023-04-12. —1 online resource (119 pages)
online resource (22 pages) BNB Number GBC377357
BNB Number GBC377422
BS ISO 21512. Project, programme and portfolio
management. Earned value management implementation
guidance. [online resource] —London : British Standards
Institution, 2023-04-12. —1 online resource (150 pages)
BNB Number GBC377430

602.1841 602.1841
BS ISO 23551-1. Safety and control devices for gas burners BS ISO 5686-2. Tapered polygonal interface with flat contact
and gas-burning appliances. Particular requirements. Part 1. surface. Part 2. Receivers of type F, H, A and X for shanks of
Automatic and semi-automatic shut-off valves [online type F, H and A [online resource] —London : British Standards
resource] —London : British Standards Institution, Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 online resource (37 pages)
2023-04-12. —1 online resource (52 pages) BNB Number GBC377353
BNB Number GBC377395
602.1841 BS ISO 5942. Bamboo-wood Composite for Container
BS ISO 23551-11. Safety and control devices for gas burners Flooring. [online resource] —London : British Standards
and gas-burning appliances. Particular requirements. Part 11. Institution, 2023-04-12. —1 online resource (22 pages)
Automatic and semi-automatic shut-off valves for operating BNB Number GBC377355
pressure of above 500 kPa up to and including 6 300 kPa
[online resource] —London : British Standards Institution, 602.1841
2023-04-12. —1 online resource (54 pages) BS ISO 6334. Thermal insulation products for building
BNB Number GBC377403 equipment and industrial installations. Expanded Perlite
products. Specification. [online resource] —London : British
602.1841 Standards Institution, 2023-04-12. —1 online resource (21
BS ISO 24613-6. Language resource management. Lexical pages)
markup framework (LMF). Part 6. Syntax and Semantics BNB Number GBC377404
[online resource] —London : British Standards Institution,
2023-04-12. —1 online resource (16 pages) 602.1841
BNB Number GBC377398 BS ISO 7429-1. Fine bubble technology. Industrial and
consumer device applications. Part 1. Assessment of water
602.1841 pressure driven nozzles by evaluating size and concentration
BS ISO 25862 AMD 1. Ships and marine technology. Marine indices of generated fine bubbles [online resource] —London :
magnetic compasses, binnacles and azimuth reading devices. British Standards Institution, 2023-04-12. —1 online resource
[online resource] —London : British Standards Institution, (28 pages)
2023-04-12. —1 online resource (12 pages) BNB Number GBC377373
BNB Number GBC377399
602.1841 BS ISO 9813. Corrosion of metals and alloys. Performance
BS ISO 5354-1. Molecular biomarkers. Detection of DNA in test method for corrosion inhibitors used in chemical cleaning
textiles derived from cotton. Part 1. Extraction of DNA from of industry equipment. [online resource] —London : British
cotton and cotton-derived textile materials [online resource] Standards Institution, 2023-04-11. —1 online resource (18
—London : British Standards Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 pages)
online resource (28 pages) BNB Number GBC377345
BNB Number GBC377372
602.1841 BS ISO/CIE 28077. Photocarcinogenesis action spectrum
BS ISO 5618-1. Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, (non-melanoma skin cancers) [online resource] —London :
advanced technical ceramics). Test method for GaN crystal British Standards Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 online resource
surface defects. Part 1. Classification of defects [online (16 pages)
resource] —London : British Standards Institution, BNB Number GBC377435
2023-04-12. —1 online resource (15 pages)
BNB Number GBC377364 602.1841
BS ISO/IEC 27554. Application of ISO 31000 for assessment
602.1841 of identity management-related risk. [online resource]
BS ISO 5686-1. Tapered polygonal interface with flat contact —London : British Standards Institution, 2023-04-12. —1
surface. Part 1. Tool shanks type F, H, A [online resource] online resource (27 pages)
—London : British Standards Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 BNB Number GBC377334
online resource (36 pages)
BNB Number GBC377365 602.1841
BS ISO/IEC 5153-1. Information Technology. City service
platform for public health emergencies. Part 1. Overview and
general requirements [online resource] —London : British
Standards Institution, 2023-04-11. —1 online resource (23
BNB Number GBC377343

602.1841 602.1841
Connected and automated mobility. Vocabulary. [online Gas turbines. Procurement. Part 2, Standard reference
resource] —London : British Standards Institution, conditions and ratings [online resource] —London : British
2023-04-30. —1 online resource (24 pages) Standards Institution, 2023-03-29. —1 online resource (12
BNB Number GBC377405 pages)
BNB Number GBC377340
Decentralized electrical energy systems roadmap. [online 602.1841
resource] —London : British Standards Institution, Graphic technology. Image quality evaluation methods for
2023-04-12. —1 online resource (90 pages) printed matter. Part 21, Measurement of 1D distortions of
BNB Number GBC377368 macroscopic uniformity utilizing scanning spectrophotometers
[online resource] —London : British Standards Institution,
602.1841 2023-04-11. —1 online resource (16 pages)
Dentistry. Test methods for rotary instruments. [online BNB Number GBC377342
resource] —London : British Standards Institution,
2023-03-29. —1 online resource (22 pages) 602.1841
BNB Number GBC377352 Greenhouse gases. Quantification and reporting of
greenhouse gas emissions arising from transport chain
602.1841 operations. [online resource] —London : British Standards
Design and construction of backfilled and grouted borehole Institution, 2023-04-11. —1 online resource (134 pages)
heat exchangers. [online resource] —London : British BNB Number GBC377337
Standards Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 online resource (64
pages) 602.1841
BNB Number GBC377341 Guidance for dosimetry for radiation research. [online
resource] —London : British Standards Institution,
602.1841 2023-04-14. —1 online resource (18 pages)
Earth-mover tyres and rims. Part 1, Tyre designation and BNB Number GBC377348
dimensions [online resource] —London : British Standards
Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 online resource (32 pages) 602.1841
BNB Number GBC377347 Hot rolled products of structural steels. Part 6, Technical
delivery conditions for flat products of high yield strength
602.1841 structural steels in the quenched and tempered condition
Electroacoustics. Octave-band and fractional-octave band [online resource] —London : British Standards Institution,
filters. Part 2, Pattern evaluation tests [online resource] 2023-04-12. —1 online resource (32 pages)
—London : British Standards Institution, 2018-04-12. —1 BNB Number GBC377380
online resource (36 pages)
BNB Number GBC377437 602.1841
Hot rolled products of structural steels. Part 4, Technical
602.1841 delivery conditions for thermomechanical rolled weldable fine
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Part 6-5, Generic grain structural steels [online resource] —London : British
standards. Immunity for equipment used in power station and Standards Institution, 2023-04-14. —1 online resource (34
substation environment [online resource] —London : British pages)
Standards Institution, 2018-03-05. —1 online resource (48 BNB Number GBC377397
BNB Number GBC377439 602.1841
Household and similar electrical appliances. Safety. Part 2-9,
602.1841 Particular requirements for grills, toasters and similar portable
Electronic fee collection - Interoperability application profile for cooking appliances [online resource] —London : British
DSRC. [online resource] —London : British Standards Standards Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 online resource (54
Institution, 2023-04-04. —1 online resource (64 pages) pages)
BNB Number GBC377350 BNB Number GBC377339

602.1841 602.1841
Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical Industrial automation systems and integration. Integration of
ceramics). Methods for chemical analysis of fine silicon nitride industrial data for exchange, access and sharing. Part 1,
powders. [online resource] —London : British Standards Architecture overview and description [online resource]
Institution, 2023-04-11. —1 online resource (44 pages) —London : British Standards Institution, 2023-04-12. —1
BNB Number GBC377406 online resource (30 pages)
BNB Number GBC377378

602.1841 602.1841
Industrial automation systems and integration. Industrial Nanotechnologies. Magnetic nanomaterials. Part 2,
manufacturing management data. Part 44, Information Specification of characteristics and measurement methods for
modelling for shop floor data acquisition [online resource] nanostructured magnetic beads for nucleic acid extraction
—London : British Standards Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 [online resource] —London : British Standards Institution,
online resource (40 pages) 2023-04-13. —1 online resource (24 pages)
BNB Number GBC377330 BNB Number GBC377370

602.1841 602.1841
Industrial trucks. Overhead guards. Specification and testing. Nanotechnologies. Measurements of particle size and shape
[online resource] —London : British Standards Institution, distributions by scanning electron microscopy. [online
2023-04-11. —1 online resource (20 pages) resource] —London : British Standards Institution,
BNB Number GBC377327 2023-04-13. —1 online resource (80 pages)
BNB Number GBC377384
Information technology. Cross jurisdictional and societal 602.1841
aspects of implementation of biometric technologies. Oil spill identification. Petroleum and petroleum related
Biometrics and elderly people. [online resource] —London : products. Part 1, Sampling [online resource] —London : British
British Standards Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 online resource Standards Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 online resource (34
(18 pages) pages)
BNB Number GBC377331 BNB Number GBC377354

602.1841 602.1841
Information technology. Programming languages. Fortran. Oil spill identification. Petroleum and petroleum related
Part 1, Base language [online resource] —London : British products. Part 2, Analytical method and interpretation of
Standards Institution, 2023-04-12. —1 online resource (652 results based on GC-FID and GC-low resolution-MS analyses
pages) [online resource] —London : British Standards Institution,
BNB Number GBC377409 2023-04-13. —1 online resource (222 pages)
BNB Number GBC377338
Liming materials. Determination of physical and chemical 602.1841
properties and specific contaminants. [online resource] Paper and board. Determination of water absorptiveness.
—London : British Standards Institution, 2023-04-12. —1 Cobb method. [online resource] —London : British Standards
online resource (16 pages) Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 online resource (18 pages)
BNB Number GBC377366 BNB Number GBC377333

602.1841 602.1841
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear. Part 8, Control units Plastics and rubber machines. Clamping systems. Part 1,
for built-in thermal protection (PTC) for rotating electrical Safety requirements for magnetic clamping systems [online
machines [online resource] —London : British Standards resource] —London : British Standards Institution,
Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 online resource (50 pages) 2023-04-13. —1 online resource (20 pages)
BNB Number GBC377335 BNB Number GBC377332

602.1841 602.1841
Membrane-based generation of water for injection (WFI) Plastics collapsible containers for human blood and blood
[online resource] —London : British Standards Institution, components. Part 1, Conventional containers [online
2023-04-13. —1 online resource (18 pages) resource] —London : British Standards Institution,
BNB Number GBC377402 2023-04-11. —1 online resource (40 pages)
BNB Number GBC377410
Microgrids. Part 4, Use cases [online resource] —London : 602.1841
British Standards Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 online resource Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground
(68 pages) drainage and sewerage. Polypropylene with mineral modifiers
BNB Number GBC377361 (PP-MD). Part 1, Specifications for pipes, fittings and the
system [online resource] —London : British Standards
Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 online resource (48 pages)
BNB Number GBC377367

602.1841 602.1841
Power transformers. Part 25, Neutral grounding resistors Solid biofuels. Determination of volatile matter. [online
[online resource] —London : British Standards Institution, resource] —London : British Standards Institution,
2023-04-12. —1 online resource (30 pages) 2023-04-11. —1 online resource (20 pages)
BNB Number GBC377329 BNB Number GBC377358

602.1841 602.1841
Reliability testing. Compliance tests for constant failure rate Solid biofuels. Fuel specifications and classes. Part 8, Graded
and constant failure intensity. [online resource] —London : thermally treated and densified biomass fuels for commercial
British Standards Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 online resource and industrial use [online resource] —London : British
(96 pages) Standards Institution, 2023-04-12. —1 online resource (28
BNB Number GBC377336 pages)
BNB Number GBC377363
Rubber and plastic hoses and hose assemblies with internal 602.1841
vapour recovery for measured fuel dispensing systems. Sound system equipment. Part 23, TVs and monitors.
Specification. [online resource] —London : British Standards Loudspeaker systems [online resource] —London : British
Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 online resource (40 pages) Standards Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 online resource (72
BNB Number GBC377344 pages)
BNB Number GBC377351
Rubber and rubber products. Determination of the 602.1841
composition of vulcanizates and uncured compounds by Specification for steel electrical conductor rail for railway
thermogravimetry. Part 1, Butadiene, ethylene-propylene motive power supply. [online resource] —London : British
copolymer and terpolymer, isobutene-isoprene, isoprene and Standards Institution, 2023-02-28. —1 online resource.
styrene-butadiene rubbers [online resource] —London : British BNB Number GBC377440
Standards Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 online resource (18
pages) 602.1841
BNB Number GBC377389 Textile conveyor belts. Full thickness tensile strength,
elongation at break and elongation at the reference load. Test
602.1841 method. [online resource] —London : British Standards
Safety of primary and secondary lithium cells and batteries Institution, 2023-04-14. —1 online resource (18 pages)
during transport. [online resource] —London : British BNB Number GBC377376
Standards Institution, 2023-04-14. —1 online resource (40
pages) 602.1841
BNB Number GBC377346 Titanium and titanium alloys. Bar, rod and billet. Technical
delivery conditions. [online resource] —London : British
602.1841 Standards Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 online resource (26
Safety requirements for radio transmitting equipment. General pages)
requirements and terminology. [online resource] —London : BNB Number GBC377369
British Standards Institution, 2023-04-04. —1 online resource
(40 pages) 602.1841
BNB Number GBC377328 Tracked Changes. Audio, video, and related equipment.
Determination of power consumption. Part 3, Television sets
602.1841 [online resource] —London : British Standards Institution,
Semiconductor devices. Part 16-1, Microwave integrated 2023-04-14. —1 online resource (134 pages)
circuits. Amplifiers [online resource] —London : British BNB Number GBC377371
Standards Institution, 2018-04-10. —1 online resource (74
pages) 602.1841
BNB Number GBC377438 Tracked Changes. Automotive fuels. Blends of Fatty acid
methyl ester (FAME) with diesel fuel. Determination of
602.1841 oxidation stability by rapidly accelerated oxidation method at
Semiconductor devices. Measurement and evaluation 120 °C. [online resource] —London : British Standards
methods of kinetic energy harvesting devices under practical Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 online resource (48 pages)
vibration environment. Part 1, Arbitrary and random BNB Number GBC377436
mechanical vibrations [online resource] —London : British
Standards Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 online resource (40
BNB Number GBC377326

602.1841 602.1841
Tracked Changes. Dentistry. Test methods for rotary Tracked Changes. Graphic technology. Image quality
instruments. [online resource] —London : British Standards evaluation methods for printed matter. Part 21, Measurement
Institution, 2023-04-14. —1 online resource (50 pages) of 1D distortions of macroscopic uniformity utilizing scanning
BNB Number GBC377424 spectrophotometers [online resource] —London : British
Standards Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 online resource (32
602.1841 pages)
Tracked Changes. Earth-mover tyres and rims. Part 2, Loads BNB Number GBC377394
and inflation pressures [online resource] —London : British
Standards Institution, 2023-04-14. —1 online resource (70 602.1841
pages) Tracked Changes. Household appliances network and grid
BNB Number GBC377434 connectivity. Part 1, General requirements, generic data
modelling and neutral messages [online resource] —London :
602.1841 British Standards Institution, 2023-04-14. —1 online resource
Tracked Changes. Electrically propelled mopeds and (724 pages)
motorcycles. Safety requirements for conductive connection to BNB Number GBC377388
an external electric power supply. [online resource] —London :
British Standards Institution, 2023-04-14. —1 online resource 602.1841
(120 pages) Tracked Changes. Identification cards. Integrated circuit
BNB Number GBC377421 cards. Part 6, Interindustry data elements for interchange
[online resource] —London : British Standards Institution,
602.1841 2023-04-14. —1 online resource (82 pages)
Tracked Changes. Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, BNB Number GBC377426
advanced technical ceramics). Test method for fracture
toughness of monolithic ceramics at room temperature by 602.1841
chevron-notched beam (CNB) method. [online resource] Tracked Changes. Industrial trucks. Overhead guards.
—London : British Standards Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 Specification and testing. [online resource] —London : British
online resource (54 pages) Standards Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 online resource (52
BNB Number GBC377428 pages)
BNB Number GBC377386
Tracked Changes. Fixed capacitors for use in electronic 602.1841
equipment. Part 23, Sectional specification. Fixed metallized Tracked Changes. Information technology. Radio frequency
polyethylene naphthalate film dielectric surface mount DC identification (RFID) for item management. Data protocol: data
capacitors [online resource] —London : British Standards encoding rules and logical memory functions. [online
Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 online resource (110 pages) resource] —London : British Standards Institution,
BNB Number GBC377374 2023-04-14. —1 online resource (636 pages)
BNB Number GBC377401
Tracked Changes. Fixed capacitors for use in electronic 602.1841
equipment. Part 20, Sectional specification. Fixed metallized Tracked Changes. Interior and exterior signs. Part 1, Design,
polyphenylene sulfide film dielectric surface mount DC manufacture and installation of signs. Specification [online
capacitors [online resource] —London : British Standards resource] —London : British Standards Institution,
Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 online resource (114 pages) 2023-04-14. —1 online resource (62 pages)
BNB Number GBC377382 BNB Number GBC377416

602.1841 602.1841
Tracked Changes. Gas turbines. Procurement. Part 2, Tracked Changes. Iron ores. Determination of sulfur content.
Standard reference conditions and ratings [online resource] Part 1, Barium sulfate gravimetric method [online resource]
—London : British Standards Institution, 2023-04-14. —1 —London : British Standards Institution, 2023-04-13. —1
online resource (26 pages) online resource (50 pages)
BNB Number GBC377433 BNB Number GBC377408

Tracked Changes. Lung ventilators. Part 4, Particular
requirements for user-powered resuscitators [online resource]
—London : British Standards Institution, 2023-04-13. —1
online resource (182 pages)
BNB Number GBC377420

602.1841 602.1841
Tracked Changes. Methods of test for full-flow lubricating oil Water quality. Performance requirements and conformity test
filters for internal combustion engines. Part 14, Hydraulic procedures for water monitoring equipment. Automatic
pulse durability for composite filter housings [online resource] sampling devices (samplers) for water and waste water.
—London : British Standards Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 [online resource] —London : British Standards Institution,
online resource (34 pages) 2023-04-12. —1 online resource (52 pages)
BNB Number GBC377387 BNB Number GBC377349

602.1841 602.1841
Tracked Changes. Needle-based injection systems for Water quality. Sampling. Part 1, Guidance on the design of
medical use. Requirements and test methods. Part 5, sampling programmes and sampling techniques [online
Automated functions [online resource] —London : British resource] —London : British Standards Institution,
Standards Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 online resource (82 2023-04-12. —1 online resource (50 pages)
pages) BNB Number GBC377375
BNB Number GBC377393
602.1841 Wood and parquet flooring and wood panelling and cladding.
Tracked Changes. Plastics. Poly(vinyl chloride). Determination of the resistance to chemical agents. [online
Determination of residual vinyl chloride monomer using resource] —London : British Standards Institution,
gas-chromatographic method. [online resource] —London : 2023-04-13. —1 online resource (16 pages)
British Standards Institution, 2023-04-14. —1 online resource BNB Number GBC377356
(38 pages)
BNB Number GBC377431 604.2
Technical drawing with engineering graphics. [online
602.1841 resource] —Sixteenth edition / Frederick E. Giesecke, Shawna
Tracked Changes. Respiratory protective devices. Human E. Lockhart, Marla Goodman, Cindy Johnson. —San
factors. Part 7, Hearing and speech [online resource] Francisco : Peachpit Press, 2023. —1 online resource (1024
—London : British Standards Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 pages) : illustrations (colour)
online resource (48 pages) ISBN 9780138065591 PDF ebook £79.99
BNB Number GBC377390 BNB Number GBC380391
Engineering graphics.
602.1841 Mechanical drawing.
Tracked Changes. Security and resilience. Emergency Prepublication record
management. Guidelines for public warning. [online resource]
—London : British Standards Institution, 2023-04-13. —1 607.1
online resource (44 pages) Making changes in STEM education : the change maker's
BNB Number GBC377381 toolkit / Julia M. Williams. [online resource] —Boca Raton :
CRC Press, 2023. —1 online resource (196 pages) :
602.1841 illustrations (black and white)
Tracked Changes. Soil quality. Effects of contaminants on ISBN 9781000878561 ePub ebook £24.99 ; 9781000878516
Enchytraeidae (Enchytraeus sp.). Determination of effects on PDF ebook £24.99
reproduction. [online resource] —London : British Standards BNB Number GBC380537
Institution, 2023-04-14. —1 online resource (72 pages) Mathematics, Study and teaching.
BNB Number GBC377415 Science, Study and teaching.
Engineering, Study and teaching.
Technology, Study and teaching.
Tracked Changes. Solid biofuels. Determination of volatile
Prepublication record
matter. [online resource] —London : British Standards
Institution, 2023-04-14. —1 online resource (44 pages)
BNB Number GBC377432

Tracked Changes. Systems and software engineering.
Content management for product life cycle, user and service
management information for users. [online resource]
—London : British Standards Institution, 2023-04-13. —1
online resource (164 pages)
BNB Number GBC377425

607.1 609
Making changes in STEM education : the change maker's Brilliant inventions / Mack Van Gageldonk. —New York :
toolkit / Julia M. Williams. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. Clavis Publishing, 2023. —80 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 26
—196 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm cm.
ISBN 9781032390789 paperback £24.99 ; 9781032392554 ISBN 9781605378572 hardback No price
hardback £64.99 BNB Number GBC379580
BNB Number GBC378897 Inventions, Pictorial works, Juvenile literature.
Science, Study and teaching. Prepublication record
Mathematics, Study and teaching.
Engineering, Study and teaching. 610
Technology, Study and teaching. Medicine : navigate your way through big ideas / Adam
Prepublication record Rodman. —London : Icon Books, 2023. —176 pages ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781785789946 hardback £14.99
607.1 BNB Number GBC379791
Making changes in STEM education : the change maker's Medicine.
toolkit / Julia M. Williams. [online resource] —Boca Raton : Prepublication record
CRC Press, [2023]. —1 online resource.
ISBN 9781000878561 (electronic bk. : EPUB) ; 1000878562 610
(electronic bk. : EPUB) ; 9781003349037 (electronic bk.) ; The book of the crown (Kitab al-iklil) of Pseudo-Rhazes : a
100334903X (electronic bk.) ; 1000878511 (electronic bk. : facsimile edition and annotated English translation / Oliver
PDF) ; 9781000878516 (electronic bk. : PDF) Kahl, Henrietta Sharp Cockrell. —Leiden : Brill, 2023. —1
BNB Number GBC377681 volume ; 24 cm.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Leadership ISBN 9789004544024 hardback No price
Technology, Study and teaching. BNB Number GBC380331
Science, Study and teaching. Health, Early works to 1800.
TECHNOLOGY / Engineering / General Medicine, Arab.
Prepublication record
Engineering teaching in China's higher education : a social 610.14095125
realist approach / Tengteng Zhuang. [online resource] The role of language in Eastern and Western health
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (200 pages) communication / Jack Pun. [online resource] —London :
: illustrations (black and white) Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (264 pages) :
ISBN 9781000888492 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000888577 illustrations (black and white).
ePub ebook £38.99 ISBN 9781000873818 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000873825
BNB Number GBC380701 ePub ebook £38.99
Engineering, Study and teaching (Higher), China. BNB Number GBC380513
College teaching, China. Nurse and patient, China, Hong Kong.
Engineering teachers, China, Attitudes. Transcultural medical care, China, Hong Kong.
College teachers, China, Attitudes. Physician and patient, China, Hong Kong.
Prepublication record Communication in medicine, China, Hong Kong.
Prepublication record
Engineering teaching in China's higher education : a social 610.14095125
realist approach / Tengteng Zhuang. —London : Routledge, The role of language in Eastern and Western health
2023. —200 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm communication / Jack Pun. —London : Routledge, 2023.
ISBN 9781032387772 hardback £130.00 —264 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
BNB Number GBC378889 ISBN 9780367554491 hardback £130.00
College teaching, China. BNB Number GBC378274
Engineering teachers, China, Attitudes. Physician and patient, China, Hong Kong.
College teachers, China, Attitudes. Communication in medicine, China, Hong Kong.
Engineering, Study and teaching (Higher), China. Transcultural medical care, China, Hong Kong.
Prepublication record Nurse and patient, China, Hong Kong.
Prepublication record

610.285 610.285
AI and blockchain in healthcare / edited by Bipin Kumar Rai, Federated learning for internet of medical things : concepts,
Gautam Kumar, Vipin Balyan. —Singapore : Springer, 2023. paradigms and solutions / edited by Pronaya Bhattacharya,
—237 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 Sudeep Tanwar and Ashwin Verma. [online resource] —Boca
cm. Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online resource (248 pages) :
ISBN 9789819903764 hardback £54.99 illustrations (black and white, and colour)
BNB Number GBC380356 ISBN 9781000891393 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000891317
Artificial intelligence, Medical applications. PDF ebook £48.99
Medical informatics. BNB Number GBC380785
Blockchains (Databases) Internet of things, Therapeutic use.
Medical care, Technological innovations. Internet of things, Security measures.
Prepublication record Machine learning, Therapeutic use.
Machine learning, Safety measures.
610.285 Medical informatics.
Artificial intelligence of health-enabled spaces / edited by Fadi Medical informatics, Security measures.
Al-Turjman. [online resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, Prepublication record
2023. —1 online resource (192 pages) : illustrations (black
and white) 610.285
ISBN 9781000893144 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000893120 Federated learning for internet of medical things : concepts,
PDF ebook £48.99 paradigms and solutions / edited by Pronaya Bhattacharya,
BNB Number GBC380836 Sudeep Tanwar and Ashwin Verma. —Boca Raton : CRC
Artificial intelligence, Medical applications. Press, 2023. —248 pages : illustrations (black and white, and
Medical informatics. colour) ; 24 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9781032300764 hardback £99.99
BNB Number GBC378775
610.285 Machine learning, Safety measures.
Artificial intelligence of health-enabled spaces / edited by Fadi Medical informatics, Security measures.
Al-Turjman. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —192 pages : Internet of things, Therapeutic use.
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm Internet of things, Security measures.
ISBN 9781032345802 hardback £99.99 Machine learning, Therapeutic use.
BNB Number GBC378839 Medical informatics.
Medical informatics. Prepublication record
Artificial intelligence, Medical applications.
Prepublication record 610.285
The digital transformation of the healthcare system :
610.285 healthcare 5.0 / Katarzyna Kolasa. —London : Routledge,
Blockchain with artificial intelligence for healthcare : a 2023. —216 pages ; 24 cm
synergistic approach / Rishabha Malviya, Arun Kumar Singh, ISBN 9781032413754 paperback £34.99
Sonali Sundram, Balamurugan Balusamy, Seifedine Kadry. BNB Number GBC378912
[online resource] —Bristol : IOP Publishing, 2023. —1 online Medical informatics.
resource (200 pages). Medical care, Data processing.
ISBN 9780750358385 Mobipocket ebook £99.00 ; Prepublication record
9780750358392 ePub ebook £99.00
BNB Number GBC380477 610.28563
Artificial intelligence, Medical applications. Artificial intelligence for smart healthcare / edited by Parul
Blockchains (Databases) Agarwal, Kavita Khanna, Ahmed A. Elngar, Ahmed J. Obaid,
Prepublication record Zdzislaw Polkowski. —Cham : Springer, 2023. —192 pages :
illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm.
610.285 ISBN 9783031236013 hardback £129.99
Blockchain with artificial intelligence for healthcare : a BNB Number GBC380239
synergistic approach / Rishabha Malviya, Arun Kumar Singh, Medical innovations.
Sonali Sundram, Balamurugan Balusamy, Seifedine Kadry. Artificial intelligence, Medical applications.
—Bristol : IOP Publishing, 2023. —200 pages ; 26 cm. Medical informatics.
ISBN 9780750358378 hardback £120.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378420
Artificial intelligence, Medical applications.
Blockchains (Databases)
Prepublication record

610.28563 610.72
Computational intelligence aided systems for healthcare Systematic reviews in health research : meta-analysis in
domain / edited by Akshansh Gupta, Hanuman Verma, context. [online resource] —Third edition / edited by Matthias
Mukesh Prasad, Jyoti Singh Kirar, C.T. Lin. [online resource] Egger, Julian P.T. Higgins, George Davey Smith. —Hoboken,
—Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online resource (418 NJ : Wiley Blackwell, 2022. —1 online resource (xxxiii, 567
pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour) pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour)
ISBN 9781000884340 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000884401 ISBN 9781119099376 PDF ebook No price
ePub ebook £48.99 BNB Number GBC381567
BNB Number GBC380633 Systematic reviews (Medical research)
Medical informatics. Evidence-based medicine.
Artificial intelligence, Medical applications. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
610.28563 Test success : clinical judgment and test-taking strategies /
Computational intelligence aided systems for healthcare Patricia M. Nugent, Barbara A. Vitale. —Tenth edition.
domain / edited by Akshansh Gupta, Hanuman Verma, —Philadelphia : F.A. Davis Company, 2023. —544 pages ; 23
Mukesh Prasad, Jyoti Singh Kirar, C.T. Lin. —Boca Raton : cm
CRC Press, 2023. —418 pages : illustrations (black and white, ISBN 9781719647243 paperback £44.95
and colour) ; 24 cm BNB Number GBC379741
ISBN 9781032210339 hardback £140.00 Nursing, Examinations, Study guides.
BNB Number GBC378686 National Council Licensure Examination for
Medical informatics. Practical/Vocational Nurses, Study guides.
Artificial intelligence, Medical applications. Nursing, Decision making.
Prepublication record National Council Licensure Examination for Registered
Nurses, Study guides.
610.3 Prepublication record
Mosby's Pocket Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Health
Professions. [online resource] —Ninth Edition / Marie T. 610.7360993
O'Toole. —St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier, [2023]. —1 online Long-term caring : residential, home and community aged
resource. care / Karen Scott, Margaret Webb, Clare Kostelnick.
ISBN 9780323833103 electronic book ; 0323833101 —Australia and New Zealand edition. —Amsterdam : Elsevier,
electronic book 2023. —508 pages : illustrations
BNB Number GBC377679 ISBN 9780729543989 paperback £70.99
Allied health personnel, Dictionaries. BNB Number GBC378412
Nursing, Dictionaries. Long-term care of the sick, Australia.
Medicine, Dictionaries. People with disabilities, Long-term care, New Zealand.
People with disabilities, Long-term care, Australia.
610.690683 Older people, Long-term care, Australia.
Clinical leadership in nursing and healthcare. [online resource] Older people, Long-term care, New Zealand.
—Third edition / edited by David Stanley, Clare L. Bennett and Long-term care of the sick, New Zealand.
Alison H. James. —Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley Prepublication record
Blackwell, 2023. —1 online resource (xxvi, 470 pages) :
illustrations (black and white) 610.82
ISBN 9781119869375 ebook No price Honourable healers : pioneering women doctors : Elizabeth
BNB Number GBC381571 Blackwell, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson and Constance Stone /
Nursing services, Administration. Merrilyn Murnane. —North Melbourne, Victoria : Arcadia,
Nurse administrators. 2017. —xvi, 226 pages, 16 unnumbered pages of plates :
Leadership. illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9781925588248 paperback
BNB Number GBC377489
610.711 Stone, Constance, 1856-1902.
The changing role of medical students / Jeni Harden, Ronald
M. Harden. [online resource] —Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2023.
—1 online resource
ISBN 9780323870238 ePub ebook £27.99
BNB Number GBC380440
Medical education.
Prepublication record

610.92 611
Benjamin Rush, civic health, and human illness in the early Moore's clinically oriented anatomy. —Ninth edition / Arthur F.
American republic / Sarah E. Naramore. —Rochester : Dalley II, Anne M.R. Agur. —Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams
University of Rochester Press, 2023. —308 pages : & Wilkins, 2023. —1 volume : illustrations
illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm. ISBN 9781975215392 paperback No price
ISBN 9781648250699 hardback £97.00 BNB Number GBC380140
BNB Number GBC379687 Anatomy, Pathological.
Rush, Benjamin, 1746-1813, Political and social views. Human anatomy.
Rush, Benjamin, 1746-1813 Prepublication record
Medicine, United States, History, 19th century. 611.00222
Medicine, United States, History, 18th century. Grant's atlas of anatomy. [online resource] —Fifteenth edition
Prepublication record / Anne M.R. Agur and Arthur F. Dalley II. —Philadelphia :
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2023. —1 volume : illustrations
610.92 (colour) + 1 Internet access card
Gold's rounds : medicine, McGill, and growing up Jewish in ISBN 9781975215446 hardback No price
Montreal / Phil Gold, Derek Webster. —Montreal : BNB Number GBC380143
McGill-Queen's University Press, 2023. —200 pages : Human anatomy, Atlases.
illustrations (colour) ; 26 cm. Prepublication record
ISBN 9780228017585 hardback No price
BNB Number GBC378202 611.0181
Gold, Phil. Cognition-based evolution : natural cellular engineering and
Physicians, Canada, Biography. the intelligent cell / William B. Miller. [online resource] —Boca
Prepublication record Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online resource (250 pages) :
illustrations (black and white, and colour)
610.92 ISBN 9781000909166 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000909180
Memoir of an accidental ethicist : on medical ethics, medical ePub ebook £48.99
misconduct and challenges for the medical profession / Kerry BNB Number GBC381116
J. Breen. —North Melbourne, Vic. : Australian Scholarly, 2018. Cytology.
—xii, 255 ; 23 cm Cells.
ISBN 9781925801224 paperback Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC377513
Breen, Kerry J. 611.0181
Cognition-based evolution : natural cellular engineering and
610.92 the intelligent cell / William B. Miller. —Boca Raton : CRC
The doctor's black bag : 51 years as a general physician in Press, 2023. —250 pages : illustrations (black and white, and
the rural West / Elwood L. Schmidt, M.D. —[United States?] : colour) ; 24 cm
BookBaby, [2020] —xiii, 188 pages ; 23 cm ISBN 9781032261478 hardback £140.00
ISBN 9781098310264 paperback BNB Number GBC378730
BNB Number GBC377502 Cells.
Schmidt, Elwood L. Cytology.
Physicians (General practice), Biography. Prepublication record
Physicians, West (U.S.), Biography.
611 Anatomy of orofacial structures : a comprehensive approach /
Anatomy & physiology coloring book. —Elk Grove Village, IL, Richard W. Brand and Donald E. Isselhard. [online resource]
USA : Scientific Publishing Ltd., [2021] —1 volume (various —Ninth edition. —St. Louis : Mosby, 2023. —1 online resource
pagings) : illustrations (black and white) ; 28 cm : illustrations (black and white, and colour)
ISBN 9781935612704 paperback ISBN 9780323831994 ePub ebook £55.99
BNB Number GBC377260 BNB Number GBC380438
Mouth, Anatomy.
611 Neck, Anatomy.
Grant's Dissector / Alan J. Detton. [online resource] Head, Anatomy.
—Seventeenth edition. —Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Prepublication record
Wilkins, 2023. —1 volume + 1 eBook access card.
ISBN 9781975215439 hardback No price
BNB Number GBC380142
Human dissection, Laboratory manuals.
Prepublication record

611.73 611.81
Muscle : the gripping story of strength and movement / Roy A. Atlas of human central nervous system development. Volume
Meals. [online resource] —New York : W.W. Norton and 8, The human brain during the second trimester 96- to
Company, 2023. —1 online resource (288 pages) : 150-mm crown-rump lengths / Shirley A. Bayer, Joseph
illustrations Altman. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —144 pages :
ISBN 9781324021452 ePub ebook £29.99 illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 28 cm
BNB Number GBC381229 ISBN 9781032224619 paperback £42.99 ; 9781032224633
Muscles. hardback £110.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC378701
Central nervous system, Growth, Atlases.
611.73 Developmental neurophysiology, Atlases.
Muscle : the gripping story of strength and movement / Roy A. Prepublication record
Meals. —New York : W.W. Norton and Company, 2023. —288
pages : illustrations ; 23 cm 611.81
ISBN 9781324021445 hardback £24.99 The human brain during the second trimester 190- to 210-mm
BNB Number GBC379227 crown-rump lengths / Shirley A. Bayer, Joseph Altman. [online
Muscles. resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online
Prepublication record resource (144 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and
611.81 ISBN 9781000892369 ePub ebook £42.99 ; 9781000892345
Atlas of human central nervous system development. Volume PDF ebook £42.99
9, The human brain during the second trimester 160- to BNB Number GBC380812
170-mm crown-rump lengths / Shirley A. Bayer, Joseph Developmental neurophysiology, Atlases.
Altman. [online resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. Central nervous system, Growth, Atlases.
—1 online resource (128 pages) : illustrations (black and Prepublication record
white, and colour)
ISBN 9781000892376 ePub ebook £42.99 ; 9781000892352 611.81
PDF ebook £42.99 The human brain during the second trimester 190- to 210-mm
BNB Number GBC380813 crown-rump lengths / Shirley A. Bayer, Joseph Altman.
Developmental neurophysiology, Atlases. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —144 pages : illustrations
Central nervous system, Growth, Atlases. (black and white, and colour) ; 28 cm.
Prepublication record ISBN 9781032219394 paperback £42.99 ; 9781032219400
hardback £110.00
611.81 BNB Number GBC378695
Atlas of human central nervous system development. Volume Central nervous system, Growth, Atlases.
8, The human brain during the second trimester 96- to Developmental neurophysiology, Atlases.
150-mm crown-rump lengths / Shirley A. Bayer, Joseph Prepublication record
Altman. [online resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023.
—1 online resource (144 pages) : illustrations (black and 612
white, and colour) The human body. —Washington, D.C : National Geographic
ISBN 9781000892338 ePub ebook £42.99 ; 9781000892321 Kids, 2023. —192 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 24 cm.
PDF ebook £42.99 ISBN 9781426374784 hardback No price ; 9781426374777
BNB Number GBC380811 paperback No price
Developmental neurophysiology, Atlases. BNB Number GBC379337
Central nervous system, Growth, Atlases. Human body, Miscellanea, Juvenile literature.
Prepublication record Human anatomy, Miscellanea, Juvenile literature.
Human physiology, Miscellanea, Juvenile literature.
611.81 Prepublication record
Atlas of human central nervous system development. Volume
9, The human brain during the second trimester 160- to
170-mm crown-rump lengths / Shirley A. Bayer, Joseph
Altman. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —128 pages :
illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 28 cm
ISBN 9781032219424 paperback £42.99 ; 9781032219431
hardback £110.00
BNB Number GBC378696
Central nervous system, Growth, Atlases.
Developmental neurophysiology, Atlases.
Prepublication record
612.01575 612.04
Lipoproteins in diabetes mellitus / edited by Alicia J. Jenkins, Motor control : translating research into clinical practice.
Peter P. Toth. [online resource] —Second edition. —New York [online resource] —Sixth edition / Anne Shumway-Cook, Jaya
: Humana Press, 2023. —1 online resource (866 pages) : Rachwani, Marjorie H. Woollacott, Victor Santamaria.
illustrations (black and white, and colour). —Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2023. —1
ISBN 9783031266812 PDF ebook £179.50 volume : illustrations (black and white, and colour).
BNB Number GBC381508 ISBN 9781975215415 paperback No price
Lipoproteins. BNB Number GBC380141
Diabetes. Motor ability.
Lipoproteins, Metabolism. Motor learning.
Prepublication record Medical rehabilitation.
Prepublication record
Lipoproteins in diabetes mellitus / edited by Alicia J. Jenkins, 612.044
Peter P. Toth. —Second edition. —Cham : Springer, 2023. Exercise physiology : nutrition, energy and human
—866 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 performance / William D. McArdle, Frank I. Katch, Victor L.
cm. Katch. —Revised and updated edition. —Philadelphia :
ISBN 9783031266805 hardback £179.99 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2023. —1176 pages :
BNB Number GBC380275 illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps ; 28 cm.
Diabetes. ISBN 9781975217303 hardback £64.00
Lipoproteins. BNB Number GBC380145
Lipoproteins, Metabolism. Nutrition.
Prepublication record Exercise, Physiological aspects.
Prepublication record
Rhythms of recovery : integrative medicine for PTSD and 612.1045
complex trauma / Leslie E. Korn. [online resource] —Second The cardiovascular glycocalyx in health and disease / volume
edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (316 editor, Ibra S. Fancher, Andreia Z. Chignalia. —Amsterdam :
pages) : illustrations (black and white) Academic Press, 2023. —166 pages ; 23 cm.
ISBN 9781000879704 ePub ebook £29.99 ; 9781000879681 ISBN 9780443191596 hardback £142.00
PDF ebook £29.99 BNB Number GBC378338
BNB Number GBC380552 Glycocalyces.
Chronobiology. Cardiovascular system, Histopathology.
Biological rhythms. Cardiovascular system, Histology.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

612.022 612.33046
Rhythms of recovery : integrative medicine for PTSD and Intestinal differentiated cells : methods and protocols / edited
complex trauma / Leslie E. Korn. —Second edition. —London by Paloma Ordóñez-Morán. [online resource] —New York :
: Routledge, 2023. —316 pages : illustrations (black and Humana Press, 2023. —1 online resource (275 pages) :
white) ; 23 cm illustrations (black and white, and colour).
ISBN 9781032139111 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032139104 ISBN 9781071630761 PDF ebook £179.50
paperback £29.99 BNB Number GBC381165
BNB Number GBC378630 Intestines, Molecular aspects.
Chronobiology. Cell differentiation.
Biological rhythms. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
Intestinal differentiated cells : methods and protocols / edited
by Paloma Ordóñez-Morán. —Boston : Springer, 2023. —275
pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 26 cm.
ISBN 9781071630754 hardback £179.99 ; 9781071630761
PDF ebook £179.50
BNB Number GBC379135
Intestines, Molecular aspects.
Cell differentiation.
Prepublication record

612.6 612.8
Yen & Jaffe's reproductive endocrinology : physiology, Beyond left and right handedness : a practice-based approach
pathophysiology and clinical management. —Ninth edition / to assessing and analysing handedness dimensions and
edited by Jerome F. Strauss III, Robert L. Barbieri, Anuja types / Elke Kraus. —Cham : Springer, 2023. —319 pages :
Dokras, Carmen J. Williams, Zev Williams. —Amsterdam : illustrations (colour) ; 26 cm
Elsevier, 2023. —1040 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm ISBN 9783031243882 hardback £119.99
ISBN 9780323810074 hardback £211.99 BNB Number GBC380244
BNB Number GBC378223 Left- and right-handedness.
Generative organs, Diseases, Endocrine aspects. Neurophysiology.
Endocrine gynecology. Prepublication record
Human reproduction, Endocrine aspects.
Prepublication record 612.8
Horizons in neuroscience research. Volume 49. —New York :
612.665 Nova Medicine and Health, 2023. —1 volume
Unlock your menopause type : a personalized guide to ISBN 9798886976762 hardback £221.99
managing your menopausal symptoms and enhancing your BNB Number GBC380366
health / Heather Hirsch. [online resource] —Sydney : Allen & Neurosciences.
Unwin, 2023. —1 online resource (384 pages) Nervous system, Diseases.
ISBN 9781838956783 ePub ebook £9.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC381470
Menopause, Popular works. 612.8
Prepublication record Mistakes in clinical neuropsychology : learning from a
case-based approach / Oliver Turnbull, Rudi Coetzer,
612.665 Christian Salas. [online resource] —London : Routledge,
Unlock your menopause type : a personalized guide to 2023. —1 online resource (134 pages) : illustrations (black
managing your menopausal symptoms and enhancing your and white)
health / Heather Hirsch. —Sydney : Allen & Unwin, 2023. ISBN 9781000878554 ePub ebook £29.99 ; 9781000878509
—384 pages ; 24 cm PDF ebook £29.99
ISBN 9781838956776 paperback £14.99 BNB Number GBC380536
BNB Number GBC379993 Psychiatric errors.
Menopause, Popular works. Clinical neuropsychology.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

612.67 612.8
Aging mechanisms II : longevity, metabolism, and brain aging Mistakes in clinical neuropsychology : learning from a
/ edited by Nozomu Mori. —Singapore : Springer, 2023. —430 case-based approach / Oliver Turnbull, Rudi Coetzer,
pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm Christian Salas. —London : Routledge, 2023. —134 pages :
ISBN 9789811679797 paperback £139.99 illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
BNB Number GBC380340 ISBN 9781032292663 paperback £29.99 ; 9781032292670
Aging, Physiological aspects. hardback £120.00
Longevity. BNB Number GBC378767
Prepublication record Clinical neuropsychology.
Psychiatric errors.
612.75 Prepublication record
Image interpretation : bones, joints, and fractures / James
Harcus, Voyin Pantic. —Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2023. —320 612.8
pages : illustrations Neuroscience / Frank Amthor. —Second edition. —Hoboken,
ISBN 9780323870801 paperback £39.99 NJ : For Dummies, 2023. —416 pages : illustrations
BNB Number GBC378227 ISBN 9781394171217 paperback £22.99
Bones, Radiography. BNB Number GBC379266
Joints, Imaging. Neurosciences, Popular works.
Joints, Radiography. Brain, Popular works.
Bones, Imaging. Prepublication record
Prepublication record

612.82 613.2083
Rethinking the brain : exploring its capabilities and how much Food futures in education and society / edited by Gurpinder
we really need / Jennifer Barnett, Alexis Willett. —London : Singh Lalli, Angela Turner, and Marion Rutland. [online
Robinson, 2023. —304 pages ; 20 cm resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
ISBN 9781472147134 paperback £10.99 (272 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
BNB Number GBC379392 ISBN 9781000897562 ePub ebook £35.99 ; 9781000897531
Brain, Popular works. PDF ebook £35.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC380922
Food habits, Study and teaching.
612.85 Children, Nutrition, Study and teaching.
An introduction to hearing / David M. Green. —London : School children, Nutrition, Study and teaching.
Routledge, 2023. —368 pages ; 24 cm. Food, Moral and ethical aspects.
ISBN 9780367764845 paperback £29.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378307
Hearing. 613.2083
Prepublication record Food futures in education and society / edited by Gurpinder
Singh Lalli, Angela Turner, and Marion Rutland. —London :
612.858 Routledge, 2023. —272 pages : illustrations (black and white)
Neurochemistry of the vestibular system / contributions by ; 24 cm.
William H. Scouten ; edited by Alvin J. Beitz. [online resource] ISBN 9781032280219 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032280196
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource paperback £35.99
ISBN 9781351428897 ePub ebook £64.99 BNB Number GBC378754
BNB Number GBC381241 Children, Nutrition, Study and teaching.
Neurochemistry. School children, Nutrition, Study and teaching.
Neural transmission. Food habits, Study and teaching.
Vestibular apparatus. Food, Moral and ethical aspects.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

612.98 613.20899808612
The curious human knee / Han Yu. [online resource] —New Foodways of the ancient Andes : transforming diet, cuisine,
York : Columbia University Press, 2023. —1 online resource and society / edited by Marta Alfonso-Durruty, Deborah E.
(296 pages) : illustrations Blom. —Tucson : The University of Arizona Press, 2023.
ISBN 9780231556774 ePub ebook £24.99 —384 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 23
BNB Number GBC380426 cm.
Knee, Aging. ISBN 9780816548699 hardback £79.00
Knee, Anatomy. BNB Number GBC378443
Prepublication record Indians of South America, Food, Andes Region.
Food, Social aspects, Andes Region.
Prepublication record
The trifecta of health : nutrition, hormones, exercise / Angie
Sadeghi, MD, Dan Holtz, with Matt Bennett. —First edition. 613.25
—Los Angeles, CA : BHRC Press, [2019] —xii, 178 pages : Keto diet cookbook for woman after 50 : the complete
illustrations ; 23 cm ketogenic diet guide for seniors with 200+ simple and
ISBN 9780578570617 (paperback) ; 0578570610 (paperback) delicious recipes; reset your metabolism and stay healthy with
BNB Number GBC377464 28 days Keto meal plan / Ashley Jones. —[Great Britain] :
Health. [Ashley Jones], [2020] —297 pages : illustrations (black and
Hormone therapy. white) ; 28 cm
Veganism. ISBN 9781801126700 paperback
Exercise. BNB Number GBC378058
Aging, Prevention.

613.286 613.71
Dietary supplements with antioxidant activity : understanding Principles of therapeutic exercise for the physical therapist
mechanisms and potential health benefits / edited by assistant / Jacqueline Klaczak Kopack, Karen Cascardi.
Cesarettin Alasalvar, Fereidoon Shahidi, Chi-Tang Ho. [online —Thorofare : SLACK Incorporated, 2023. —725 pages ; 28
resource] —Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2023. cm
—1 online resource (382 pages). ISBN 9781630913533 paperback £106.00
ISBN 9781839166129 ePub ebook £179.00 ; 9781839166112 BNB Number GBC379603
PDF ebook £179.00 Exercise.
BNB Number GBC381472 Physical therapy assistants.
Dietary supplements. Physical therapy, Practice.
Antioxidants, Health aspects. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
613.286 The applied sport and exercise practitioner / edited by Andy
Dietary supplements with antioxidant activity : understanding Borrie, Charlotte Chandler, Andy Hooton, Andy Miles, Paula
mechanisms and potential health benefits / edited by Watson. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
Cesarettin Alasalvar, Fereidoon Shahidi, Chi-Tang Ho. online resource (208 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
—Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2023. —382 pages ISBN 9781000897517 PDF ebook £34.99 ; 9781000897548
; 24 cm. ePub ebook £34.99
ISBN 9781839162626 hardback £179.00 BNB Number GBC380920
BNB Number GBC379997 Physical education and training.
Dietary supplements. Prepublication record
Antioxidants, Health aspects.
Prepublication record 613.71
The applied sport and exercise practitioner / edited by Andy
613.7 Borrie, Charlotte Chandler, Andy Hooton, Andy Miles, Paula
OCR A level PE / John Honeybourne, Sarah Powell. [online Watson. —London : Routledge, 2023. —208 pages :
resource] —London : Hodder Education, 2019. —1 online illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm
resource (648 pages). ISBN 9781032268170 paperback £34.99 ; 9781032268200
ISBN 9781510473515 Electronic book (EPUB format) ; hardback £130.00
1510473513 Electronic book (EPUB format) BNB Number GBC378742
BNB Number GBC377788 Physical education and training.
Physical education and training. Prepublication record
STUDY AIDS, Study Guides.
EDUCATION, Teaching, Subjects, Physical Education. 613.711
HEALTH & FITNESS, Exercise, General. Multidirectional speed in sport : research to application /
edited by Paul Jones, Thomas Dos'Santos. [online resource]
613.70446 —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (365 pages)
Gnar country : growing old, staying rad / Steven Kotler. [online : illustrations (black and white)
resource] —New York, NY : Harper Wave, an imprint of ISBN 9781000901931 ePub ebook £35.99 ; 9781000901900
HarperCollinsPublishers, [2023]. —1 online resource : PDF ebook £35.99
illustrations. BNB Number GBC381019
ISBN 9780063272927 (electronic bk.) ; 006327292X Human locomotion.
(electronic bk.) Athletes, Training of.
BNB Number GBC377879 Speed.
Kotler, Steven, 1967- Prepublication record
Older athletes. 613.711
Athletes, Psychology. Multidirectional speed in sport : research to application /
Performance. edited by Paul Jones, Thomas Dos'Santos. —London :
Exercise for older people. Routledge, 2023. —365 pages : illustrations (black and white)
; 25 cm
ISBN 9781032213330 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032213323
paperback £35.99
BNB Number GBC378689
Human locomotion.
Athletes, Training of.
Prepublication record
614.1 614.56
Disaster victim identification : a manager's guide to policy and Global perspectives on the transmission of zoonotic RNA
procedure / Jay H. Levinson and Abraham J. Domb. [online viruses from wild animal species to humans : zoonotic,
resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online epizootic, and anthropogenic viral pathogens / Jayashree
resource (112 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and Seema Nandi. —Amsterdam : Academic Press, 2023. —300
colour) pages ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781000884807 PDF ebook £52.99 ; 9781000884845 ISBN 9780443132674 paperback £135.00
ePub ebook £52.99 BNB Number GBC378327
BNB Number GBC380638 RNA viruses.
Disaster victims, Identification. Zoonoses, Epidemiology.
Dead, Identification. Zoonoses, Transmission.
Forensic sciences. Prepublication record
Emergency management.
Prepublication record 615.11
Mosby's drug guide for nursing students / Linda
614.1 Skidmore-Roth. —Fifteenth edition. —St. Louis : Mosby, 2023.
Disaster victim identification : a manager's guide to policy and —1248 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 22 cm
procedure / Jay H. Levinson and Abraham J. Domb. —Boca ISBN 9780443123887 paperback £33.99
Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —112 pages : illustrations (black BNB Number GBC378326
and white, and colour) ; 24 cm Drugs, Prescribing.
ISBN 9781032385006 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032385037 Pharmacopoeias.
paperback £52.99 Nurses, Prescription privileges.
BNB Number GBC378885 Dispensatories.
Disaster victims, Identification. Prepublication record
Emergency management.
Forensic sciences. 615.19
Dead, Identification. Research on pharmaceutical technology and quality
Prepublication record management / Lifeng Hang, Zongchao Ning, Meiying Meng.
—Cambridge : UK Scientific Publishing, 2023. —1 volume :
614.10937 illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
Medicine and the law under the Roman empire / edited by ISBN 9781915937353 paperback £49.00
Claire Bubb, Michael Peachin. —Oxford : Oxford University BNB Number GBC380095
Press, 2023. —368 pages ; 24 cm. Pharmaceutical technology, Quality control.
ISBN 9780192898616 hardback £100.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378162
Medical laws and legislation, Rome, History, To 1500. 615.372
Medicine, Greek and Roman. Handbook of applied health economics in vaccines / edited by
Medical jurisprudence, Rome, History, To 1500. David Bishai, MD, MPH, PhD, Logan Brenzel, PhD and
Prepublication record William V. Padula, PhD. [online resource] —First edition.
—Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2023. —1 online resource
614.56 (xxvi, 419 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
Global perspectives on the transmission of zoonotic RNA ISBN 9780191918544 ebook No price ; 9780192896087
viruses from wild animal species to humans : zoonotic, paperback No price
epizootic, and anthropogenic viral pathogens / Jayashree BNB Number GBC380408
Seema Nandi. [online resource] —Amsterdam : Academic Vaccines, Economic aspects.
Press, 2023. —1 online resource (300 pages) Medical economics.
ISBN 9780443132698 ePub ebook £135.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC380457
Zoonoses, Epidemiology.
RNA viruses.
Zoonoses, Transmission.
Prepublication record

615.5 615.78
Medicine, religion, spirituality : global perspectives on Psychopharmacology / R.H. Ettinger. [online resource] —Third
traditional, complementary, and alternative healing / Dorothea edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (292
Lüddeckens, Monika Schrimpf (eds.). —Bielefeld : Transcript, pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour)
[2018] —274 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm. ISBN 9781000889826 ePub ebook £68.99 ; 9781000889796
ISBN 3837645827 (print) ; 9783837645828 (print) PDF ebook £68.99
BNB Number GBC378069 BNB Number GBC380739
Medicine, Religious aspects. Psychopharmacology.
Spiritual healing. Prepublication record
Religion and science.
Alternative medicine. 615.78
Mental healing. Psychopharmacology / R.H. Ettinger. —Third edition.
—London : Routledge, 2023. —292 pages : illustrations (black
615.50724 and white, and colour) ; 26 cm
An introduction to clinical trials / Jonathan Cook. —Oxford : ISBN 9781032312897 hardback £170.00 ; 9781032312873
Oxford University Press, 2023. —288 pages ; 24 cm paperback £68.99
ISBN 9780198885238 paperback £39.99 BNB Number GBC378791
BNB Number GBC378195 Psychopharmacology.
Clinical trials. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
615.50724 Cannabis, cannabinoids, and endocannabinoids / edited by
Sample sizes for clinical trials / Steven A. Julious. [online Colin R. Martin, Vinood B. Patel, Victor R. Preedy. [online
resource] —Second edition. —Boca Raton : Chapman & resource] —Amsterdam : Academic Press, 2023. —1 online
Hall/CRC, 2023. —1 online resource (408 pages) : illustrations resource (570 pages)
(black and white) ISBN 9780443188145 ePub ebook £460.00
ISBN 9780429994548 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9780429994555 BNB Number GBC380464
PDF ebook No price Cannabis, Therapeutic use.
BNB Number GBC380456 Cannabinoids, Therapeutic use.
Clinical trials, Statistical methods. Cannabis, Health aspects.
Sampling (Statistics) Cannabinoids, Health aspects.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

615.50724 615.7827
Sample sizes for clinical trials / Steven A. Julious. —Second Cannabis, cannabinoids, and endocannabinoids / edited by
edition. —Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2023. —408 Colin R. Martin, Vinood B. Patel, Victor R. Preedy.
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 26 cm —Amsterdam : Academic Press, 2023. —570 pages ; 28 cm
ISBN 9781138587892 hardback £89.99 ISBN 9780443187599 hardback £460.00
BNB Number GBC379195 BNB Number GBC378337
Sampling (Statistics) Cannabinoids, Health aspects.
Clinical trials, Statistical methods. Cannabinoids, Therapeutic use.
Prepublication record Cannabis, Health aspects.
Cannabis, Therapeutic use.
615.532 Prepublication record
Heal with homeopathy : the essential handbook / Dr Mukesh
Batra. [online resource] —New Delhi : Bloomsbury India, 615.822088796
2023. —1 online resource The complete guide to sports massage / Tim Paine. [online
ISBN 9789354355530 ePub ebook £9.59 resource] —Fourth edition. —London : Bloomsbury Sport,
BNB Number GBC381519 2023. —1 online resource : illustrations (colour)
Homeopathy. ISBN 9781399403054 ePub ebook £22.50
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC381267
Sports massage.
Prepublication record

615.8515 616.042
Conditions in occupational therapy : effect of occupational Cases in laboratory genetics and genomics (LGG) practice /
performance / editors, Ben J. Atchison, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, Xia Li. [online resource] —Amsterdam : Academic Press,
Diane Powers Dirette, PhD, OTL, FAOTA. —Sixth edition. 2023. —1 online resource (384 pages)
—Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2023. —1 ISBN 9780323996235 ePub ebook £115.00
volume BNB Number GBC380445
ISBN 9781975215385 paperback No price Diagnosis, Laboratory, Case studies.
BNB Number GBC380139 Genetic disorders, Diagnosis, Case studies.
Occupational therapy. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
616 Cases in laboratory genetics and genomics (LGG) practice /
Advances in health and disease. Volume 65 / edited by Lowell Xia Li. —Amsterdam : Academic Press, 2023. —384 pages ;
T. Duncan. —New York : Nova Medicine and Health, 2023. 24 cm
—210 pages ; 23 cm ISBN 9780323996228 paperback £115.00
ISBN 9798886976908 hardback £221.99 BNB Number GBC378236
BNB Number GBC380367 Diagnosis, Laboratory, Case studies.
Diseases. Genetic disorders, Diagnosis, Case studies.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

616 616.0472
The unofficial guide to passing OSCEs : candidate briefings, Not weakness : navigating the culture of chronic pain /
patient briefings and mark schemes / Emily Hotton, Sammie Francesca Grossman. —Berkeley : She Writes Press, 2023.
Mak ; editor, Zeshan Qureshi. —Second edition. —London : —192 pages ; 22 cm
Zeshan Qureshi, 2023. —758 pages : illustrations (black and ISBN 9781647424770 paperback No price
white, and colour) ; 28 cm BNB Number GBC379683
ISBN 9780323931885 paperback £27.99 Grossman, Francesca, Health.
BNB Number GBC378230 Chronic pain.
Clinical medicine, Examinations, Study guides. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
616.0076 Point of care testing / edited by Linoj Samuel. —Amsterdam :
Crush Step 1 : the ultimate USMLE Step 1 review / Theodore Elsevier, 2023. —240 pages ; 23 cm.
X. O'Connell, Ryan Pedigo, Thomas E. Blair. —Third edition. ISBN 9780443182945 hardback £69.99
—Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2023. —736 pages : illustrations BNB Number GBC378333
(colour) ; 28 cm Point-of-care testing.
ISBN 9780323878869 paperback £37.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378229
Clinical medicine, Examinations, questions, etc. 616.0750076
Prepublication record First aid clinical pattern recognition for the USMLE Step 2 CK
/ Asra R. Khan, Radhika Sreedhar, Christopher R. Fernandes,
616.025 Joseph R. Geraghty, Ananya Gangopadhyaya. —New York :
Paramedicine. [online resource] —[London] : SAGE 2023- McGraw Hill Medical, 2023. —1 volume
ISSN 2753-6386 ISBN 9781264285969 hardback £36.99
BNB Number GBC377543 BNB Number GBC379200
Diagnosis, Examinations, questions, etc.
616.028 Prepublication record
Critical care compendium : 1001 topics in intensive care &
acute medicine / J.F. Cade. —Cambridge : Cambridge 616.0754
University Press, 2023. —512 pages Bates' guide to physical examination and history taking / Lynn
ISBN 9781009237420 paperback £59.99 S. Bickley, Peter G. Szilagyi, Richard M. Hoffman, Rainier P.
BNB Number GBC378504 Soriano. —Thirteenth edition. —Philadelphia : Lippincott
Critical care medicine. Williams & Wilkins, 2023. —1 volume.
Prepublication record ISBN 9781975215484 hardback No price
BNB Number GBC380144
Medical history taking.
Physical diagnosis.
Prepublication record

616.0754 616.0754
Imaging in critical care medicine / edited by Anirban Hom Physical examination & health assessment. study guide &
Choudhuri, Ashish Verma. [online resource] —Boca Raton : laboratory manual / Carolyn Jarvis, PhD, APRN, CNP, Ann
CRC Press, 2023. —1 online resource (198 pages) : Eckhardt, PhD, RN. [online resource] —9th edition. —St.
illustrations (black and white, and colour) Louis, Missouri : Elsevier, [2023] —1 online resource :
ISBN 9781000885170 ePub ebook £59.99 ; 9781000885101 illustrations (colour)
PDF ebook £59.99 ISBN 9780323827836 ePub ebook No price ; 9780323827805
BNB Number GBC380645 paperback No price
Critical care medicine. BNB Number GBC380437
Diagnostic imaging. Physical diagnosis, Laboratory manuals.
Prepublication record Nursing assessment, Laboratory manuals.
Physical diagnosis, Examinations, Study guides.
616.0754 Nursing assessment, Examinations, Study guides.
Imaging in critical care medicine / edited by Anirban Hom Prepublication record
Choudhuri, Ashish Verma. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023.
—198 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 616.07543
cm Clinical guide to sonography : exercises for critical thinking /
ISBN 9781032111773 paperback £59.99 ; 9781032111780 Charlotte Henningsen, Kathryn Kuntz, Diane J. Youngs.
hardback £150.00 [online resource] —Second edition. —St. Louis : Mosby, 2023.
BNB Number GBC378600 —1 online resource : illustrations (black and white, and colour)
Critical care medicine. ISBN 9780443245978 ePub ebook £71.99
Diagnostic imaging. BNB Number GBC380467
Prepublication record Diagnostic ultrasonic imaging.
Prepublication record
Magnetic quantum dots for bioimaging / edited by Amin Reza 616.07543
Rajabzadeh, Seshasai Srinivasan, Poushali Das, Sayan Quantitative ultrasound in soft tissues / edited by Jonathan
Ganguly. [online resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. Mamou, Michael L. Oelze. —Second edition. —Cham :
—1 online resource (291 pages) : illustrations (black and Springer, 2023. —554 pages : illustrations (black and white,
white) and colour) ; 26 cm.
ISBN 9781000881035 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000881103 ISBN 9783031219863 hardback £139.99
ePub ebook £48.99 BNB Number GBC380230
BNB Number GBC380565 Diagnostic ultrasonic imaging.
Diagnostic imaging. Prepublication record
Quantum dots.
Prepublication record 616.07548
Magnetic quantum dots for bioimaging / edited by Amin Reza
616.0754 Rajabzadeh, Seshasai Srinivasan, Poushali Das, Sayan
Magnetic quantum dots for bioimaging / edited by Amin Reza Ganguly. [online resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023.
Rajabzadeh, Seshasai Srinivasan, Poushali Das, Sayan —1 online resource : illustrations.
Ganguly. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —291 pages : ISBN 1003319874 (electronic bk.) ; 1000881032 (electronic
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm bk. : PDF) ; 9781003319870 (electronic bk.) ; 1000881105
ISBN 9781032321462 hardback £140.00 (electronic bk. : EPUB) ; 9781000881103 (electronic bk. :
BNB Number GBC378808 EPUB) ; 9781000881035 (electronic bk. : PDF)
Quantum dots. BNB Number GBC377682
Diagnostic imaging. Magnetic resonance imaging.
Prepublication record TECHNOLOGY / Engineering / Chemical & Biochemical

616.0757 616.15
Spectral imaging : dual-energy, multi-energy and Hematology : a pathophysiologic approach / S. David Hudnall,
photon-counting CT / edited by Hatem Alkadhi, André Euler, MD. [online resource] —Second edition. —Amsterdam :
David Maintz, Dushyant Sahani. —Cham : Springer, 2023. Elsevier, 2023. —1 online resource : illustrations (black and
—376 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 26 white, and colour).
cm. ISBN 9780323595858 ePub ebook £27.99
ISBN 9783030962876 paperback £109.99 BNB Number GBC380436
BNB Number GBC380220 Blood, Diseases.
Dual energy CT (Tomography) Hematology.
Spectral imaging. Prepublication record
Prepublication record 616.24
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis / edited by Salim Surani,
616.079 Venkat Rajasurya. [online resource] —London : IntechOpen,
Basic immunology : functions and disorders of the immune [2022]. —1 online resource (218 pages).
system. —Seventh edition / Abul K. Abbas, Andrew H. ISBN 1839692405 ; 9781839692406
Lichtman, Shiv Pillai ; illustrated by David L. Baker. BNB Number GBC377635
—Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2023. —352 pages : illustrations Pulmonary fibrosis.
(black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm
ISBN 9780443105197 paperback £56.99 616.25
BNB Number GBC378325 Practical manual of pleural pathology / edited by Angelo G.
Immunology. Casalini. —Cham : Springer, 2023. —1 volume : illustrations
Prepublication record (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm
ISBN 9783031203114 hardback £89.99
616.079 BNB Number GBC380229
Immune ethics / Walter Glannon. [online resource] Pleura, Diseases.
—Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —1 online Prepublication record
resource (75 pages).
ISBN 9781009304610 ebook £145.00 616.34
BNB Number GBC381153 Colorectal disorders and diseases : an infographic guide /
Biological response modifiers, Moral and ethical aspects. Constantine P. Spanos. [online resource] —Amsterdam :
Immune response, Regulation, Moral and ethical aspects. Academic Press, 2023. —1 online resource (200 pages)
Prepublication record ISBN 9780443156496 ePub ebook £115.00
BNB Number GBC380461
616.1206 Colon (Anatomy), Diseases, Treatment.
Transplantation and mechanical support for end-stage heart Colon (Anatomy), Diseases, Diagnosis.
and lung disease / edited by Yaron D. Barac, Scott C. Prepublication record
Silvestry, Daniel Goldstein, Mani A. Daneshmand.
—Chichester : Wiley Blackwell, 2023. —2 volumes (1488 616.34
pages) ; 28 cm Colorectal disorders and diseases : an infographic guide /
ISBN 9781119633846 hardback £300.00 Constantine P. Spanos. —Amsterdam : Academic Press,
BNB Number GBC379154 2023. —200 pages ; 24 cm
Lungs, Diseases, Treatment. ISBN 9780443156489 paperback £115.00
Heart, Transplantation. BNB Number GBC378330
Life support systems (Critical care) Colon (Anatomy), Diseases, Diagnosis.
Heart, Diseases, Treatment. Colon (Anatomy), Diseases, Treatment.
Lungs, Transplantation. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
616.123 Physical activity and bariatric surgery / edited by Jaime
Left atrial appendage occlusion / edited by Matthew James Ruiz-Tovar, Artur Marc-Hernandez García. —Cham : Springer,
Daniels. [online resource] —Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2023. —1 2023. —161 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 24 cm
online resource. ISBN 9783031266133 hardback £109.99
ISBN 9780443182396 ePub ebook £48.99 BNB Number GBC380273
BNB Number GBC380462 Obesity, Surgery.
Heart atrium, Diseases. Obesity, Exercise therapy.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

616.44507543 616.70754
Atlas of sonography of parathyroid / Alka Ashmita Singhal. The art of the musculoskeletal physical exam / edited by John
—Singapore : Springer, 2023. —183 pages : illustrations Lane, Alberto Gobbi, João Espregueira-Mendes, Camila
(colour) ; 26 cm Kaleka, Nobuo Adachi. —Cham : Springer, 2023. —661 pages
ISBN 9789811979187 hardback £199.99 : illustrations (black and white) ; 26 cm
BNB Number GBC380344 ISBN 9783031244032 hardback £179.99
Parathyroid glands, Ultrasonic imaging, Atlases. BNB Number GBC380245
Prepublication record Musculoskeletal system, Diseases, Diagnosis.
Musculoskeletal system, Examination.
616.462 Prepublication record
Diabetes / Amy Riolo, Simon Poole. [online resource] —Sixth
edition. —Hoboken, NJ : For Dummies, 2023. —1 online 616.8
resource (448 pages) Rare conditions, diagnostic challenges, and controversies in
ISBN 9781119912590 ePub ebook £18.99 clinical neuropsychology : out of the ordinary / edited by
BNB Number GBC381202 Jessica Fish, Shai Betteridge, Barbara A. Wilson. [online
Diabetes, Popular works. resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
Prepublication record (392 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781000885644 ePub ebook £39.99 ; 9781000885620
616.462 PDF ebook £39.99
Diabetes / Amy Riolo, Simon Poole. —Sixth edition. BNB Number GBC380653
—Hoboken, NJ : For Dummies, 2023. —448 pages ; 24 cm Clinical neuropsychology, Case studies.
ISBN 9781119912583 paperback £18.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC379180
Diabetes, Popular works. 616.8
Prepublication record Rare conditions, diagnostic challenges, and controversies in
clinical neuropsychology : out of the ordinary / edited by
616.5 Jessica Fish, Shai Betteridge, Barbara A. Wilson. —London :
Fitzpatrick's color atlas and synopsis of clinical dermatology. Routledge, 2023. —392 pages : illustrations (black and white)
—Ninth edition / Klaus Wolff, MD, FRCP, Richard Allen ; 24 cm
Johnson, MDCM, Arturo P. Saavedra, MD, PhD, MBA, Ellen ISBN 9781032132259 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032132242
K. Roh, MD. —New York : McGraw Hill Medical, 2023. —1 paperback £39.99
volume : illustrations (colour) ; 23 cm BNB Number GBC378615
ISBN 9781264278015 paperback £53.99 Clinical neuropsychology, Case studies.
BNB Number GBC379198 Prepublication record
Dermatology, Atlases. 616.80475
Skin, Inflammation, Diagnosis. Neurologic localization and diagnosis : differential diagnosis
Prepublication record by complaint-based approach / Eli E. Zimmerman, Martin A.
Samuels, Howard S. Kirshner, Karl E. Misulis. [online
616.5 resource] —Philadelphia, PA : Elsevier, [2023]. —1 online
Procedures in Cosmetic Dermatology : Hair Restoration / resource : illustrations.
Murad Alam, Jeffrey S. Dover. [online resource] —Amsterdam ISBN 0323812813 (e-book) ; 9780323812818 (e-book)
: Elsevier, 2023. —1 online resource (218 pages) : BNB Number GBC377895
illustrations. Nervous system, Diseases, Diagnosis.
ISBN 9780323829229 (e-book) ; 0323829228 (e-book) Diagnosis, Differential.
BNB Number GBC377650
Hair, Diseases. 616.81
Baldness. Post-stroke rehabilitation / edited by Pratap Sanchetee.
Dermatology. [online resource] —London : IntechOpen, 2022. —1 online
resource (174 pages) : illustrations.
616.506 ISBN 1803553529 ; 9781803553528
Fitzpatrick's therapeutics : a clinician's guide to dermatologic BNB Number GBC377630
treatment / Sewon Kang, Chee Leok Goh, Noori Kim, Shawn Cerebrovascular disease, Patients, Rehabilitation.
Kwatra. —New York : McGraw Hill Medical, 2023. —1 volume
ISBN 9781264258932 paperback £76.99
BNB Number GBC379197
Skin, Diseases, Treatment.
Prepublication record

616.831 616.84982
Before dementia : 20 questions you need to ask about Teaching the world to sleep : psychological and behavioural
preventing preparing coping / Dr Kate Gregorevic. [online assessment and treatment strategies for people with sleeping
resource] —[Place of publication not identified] : ABC Books, problems and insomnia / David R. Lee. —Second edition.
2023. —1 online resource (336 pages). —London : Routledge, 2023. —248 pages : illustrations (black
ISBN 9781460714546 EPUB ; 1460714547 EPUB and white) ; 24 cm
BNB Number GBC377885 ISBN 9781032435152 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032435138
Dementia, Prevention. paperback £22.99
Dementia, Treatment. BNB Number GBC378931
Dementia. Insomnia, Psychological aspects.
Dementia, Patients. Sleep disorders, Psychological aspects.
Insomnia, Treatment.
616.831 Prepublication record
Preventing dementia? : critical perspectives on a new
paradigm of preparing for old age / edited by Annettee 616.8521
Leibing, Silke Schicktanz. —New York : Berghahn Books, Indicative trauma impact manual : ITIM for professionals : a
2023. —268 pages ; 23 cm. non-diagnostic, trauma-informed guide to emotion, thought,
ISBN 9781800739376 paperback £15.95 and behaviour / Dr Jessica Taylor, Jaimi Shrive. —Great
BNB Number GBC379880 Britain : VictimFocus, 2023. —416 pages ; 23 cm
Dementia, Prevention. ISBN 9798388381262 paperback No price
Dementia. BNB Number GBC380384
Prepublication record Psychic trauma, Diagnosis.
Psychic trauma.
616.8498 Prepublication record
Principles and practice of sleep medicine / [edited by] Meir
Kryger, Thomas Roth, Cathy A. Goldstein, William C. Dement. 616.8521
[online resource] —Seventh edition. —Philadelphia, PA : The healing workbook : tips and guided exercises to help
Elsevier, [2022]. —1 online resource : color illustrations. overcome trauma / Amanda Marples. —Chichester : Vie,
ISBN 9780323675055 (electronic bk.) ; 0323675050 2023. —160 pages ; 21 cm
(electronic bk.) ISBN 9781800077683 paperback £12.99
BNB Number GBC377853 BNB Number GBC379848
Sleep disorders. Psychic trauma, Treatment, Popular works.
Sleep. Prepublication record

616.84982 616.852106
Teaching the world to sleep : psychological and behavioural Your brain is a safe space : how to heal trauma and PTSD /
assessment and treatment strategies for people with sleeping Michele Rosenthal. —San Francisco : Conari Press, 2023.
problems and insomnia / David R. Lee. [online resource] —246 pages ; 23 cm
—Second edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online ISBN 9781684811878 paperback No price
resource (248 pages) : illustrations (black and white) BNB Number GBC379731
ISBN 9781000884203 PDF ebook £22.99 ; 9781000884265 Post-traumatic stress disorder, Treatment.
ePub ebook £22.99 Psychic trauma, Treatment.
BNB Number GBC380631 Prepublication record
Insomnia, Treatment.
Sleep disorders, Psychological aspects. 616.8522
Insomnia, Psychological aspects. The art of calm : spiritual exercises for the anxious soul /
Prepublication record Roger Hutchison. —New York : Morehouse Publishing, 2023.
—224 pages ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781640656321 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC379643
Depression, Mental, Religious aspects, Christianity.
Stress management.
Art therapy.
Anxiety disorders, Religious aspects, Christianity.
Prepublication record

616.85270651 616.8582
Interaction in psychotherapy : managing relationships in Psychopathy / Sandie Taylor, Lance Workman. —London :
emotion-focused treatments of depression / Peter Muntigl. Routledge, 2023. —264 pages : illustrations (black and white)
—Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —348 ; 20 cm.
pages ISBN 9781032221021 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032221007
ISBN 9781107098428 hardback £95.00 paperback £16.99
BNB Number GBC379140 BNB Number GBC378700
Psychotherapy. Psychopaths.
Conversation analysis. Antisocial personality disorders.
Depression, Mental, Treatment. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
616.855406 Children and gender : ethical issues in clinical management of
Understanding and managing fluency disorders : from theory transgender and gender diverse youth, from early years to
to practice / edited by Santosh Maruthy, Pallavi Kelkar. [online late adolescence / Simona Giordano. —Oxford : Oxford
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource University Press, 2023. —304 pages ; 24 cm.
(270 pages) : illustrations (black and white) ISBN 9780192895400 hardback £72.00
ISBN 9781000899092 PDF ebook £32.99 ; 9781000899160 BNB Number GBC378161
ePub ebook £32.99 Gender transition, Hormone therapy, Moral and ethical
BNB Number GBC380964 aspects.
Speech disorders, India. Transgender youth.
Speech therapy, India. Gender reassignment surgery, Moral and ethical aspects.
Stuttering, Treatment, India. Transgender children.
Stuttering, India. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
616.855406 Desire, pain and thought : primal masochism and
Understanding and managing fluency disorders : from theory psychoanalytic theory / Marilia Aisenstein ; translated by
to practice / edited by Santosh Maruthy, Pallavi Kelkar. Andrew Weller. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023.
—London : Routledge, 2023. —270 pages : illustrations (black —1 online resource (82 pages).
and white) ; 24 cm ISBN 9781000879902 ePub ebook £29.99 ; 9781000879841
ISBN 9781032435145 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032435121 PDF ebook £29.99
paperback £32.99 BNB Number GBC380553
BNB Number GBC378930 Psychoanalytic interpretation.
Speech therapy, India. Desire.
Stuttering, India. Masochism.
Stuttering, Treatment, India. Prepublication record
Speech disorders, India.
Prepublication record 616.85835
Desire, pain and thought : primal masochism and
616.8582 psychoanalytic theory / Marilia Aisenstein ; translated by
Psychopathy / Sandie Taylor, Lance Workman. [online Andrew Weller. —London : Routledge, 2023. —82 pages ; 24
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource cm.
(264 pages) : illustrations (black and white). ISBN 9781032054643 paperback £29.99 ; 9781032054629
ISBN 9781000883428 PDF ebook £16.99 ; 9781000883480 hardback £120.00
ePub ebook £16.99 BNB Number GBC378571
BNB Number GBC380619 Desire.
Antisocial personality disorders. Masochism.
Psychopaths. Psychoanalytic interpretation.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

616.85840082 616.85882
Behavioural addiction in women : an international female Is this autism? : a guide for clinicians and everyone else /
perspective on treatment and research / edited by Fulvia Donna Henderson, Sarah Wayland, Jamell White. —London :
Prever, Gretchen Blycker, Laura Brandt. [online resource] Routledge, 2023. —264 pages ; 23 cm
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (328 pages) ISBN 9781032150222 paperback £27.99 ; 9781032150239
: illustrations (black and white) hardback £120.00
ISBN 9781000896947 PDF ebook £39.99 ; 9781000897029 BNB Number GBC378634
ePub ebook £39.99 Autism, Popular works.
BNB Number GBC380910 Autism in children.
Women, Mental health. Autism spectrum disorders, Popular works.
Compulsive behavior, Treatment. Prepublication record
Compulsive behavior, Diagnosis.
Women, Counseling of. 616.858842
Prepublication record Mental wellness in adults with down syndrome : a guide to
emotional and behavioral strengths and challenges / Dennis
616.85840082 McGuire, Ph.D & Brian Chicoine, M.D. —Second edition.
Behavioural addiction in women : an international female —Bethesda, MD : Woodbine House, [2021] —xii, 465 pages :
perspective on treatment and research / edited by Fulvia illustrations ; 26 cm
Prever, Gretchen Blycker, Laura Brandt. —London : ISBN 9781606132852 (trade paperback)
Routledge, 2023. —328 pages : illustrations (black and white) BNB Number GBC378039
; 24 cm Down syndrome.
ISBN 9781032067032 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032067025
paperback £39.99 616.8606
BNB Number GBC378578 Technology-assisted interventions for substance use
Women, Counseling of. disorders / edited by Jonathan Avery, Mashal Khan. —Cham :
Compulsive behavior, Diagnosis. Springer, 2023. —128 pages : illustrations (black and white,
Compulsive behavior, Treatment. and colour) ; 26 cm
Women, Mental health. ISBN 9783031264443 hardback £109.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC380269
Substance abuse, Treatment, Technological innovations.
616.85854 Telecommunication in medicine.
Mentalization-based treatment for pathological narcissism : a Prepublication record
handbook / Robert P. Drozek, Brandon Unruh, Anthony
Bateman ; foreword by Peter Fonagy. —Oxford : Oxford 616.89
University Press, 2023. —440 pages ; 24 cm Psychopathology and religion : structural convergences
ISBN 9780192866134 paperback £40.00 between mental disorders and religion / Damian Janus ;
BNB Number GBC378142 translated by Barbara Gastol. —Lanham : Lexington Books,
Psychotherapy. 2023. —248 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm
Narcissism, Treatment. ISBN 9781498578486 paperback £31.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379461
Experience (Religion)
616.85882 Psychology, Pathological.
Is this autism? : a guide for clinicians and everyone else / Psychology and religion.
Donna Henderson, Sarah Wayland, Jamell White. [online Prepublication record
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
(264 pages) 616.89
ISBN 9781000887471 ePub ebook £27.99 ; 9781000887440 The non-training route to the specialist register in psychiatry :
PDF ebook £29.99 how to make a successful application to CESR and beyond /
BNB Number GBC380691 edited by Nandini Chakraborty. —Cambridge : Cambridge
Autism spectrum disorders, Popular works. University Press, 2023. —378 pages
Autism in children. ISBN 9781009197779 paperback £26.99
Autism, Popular works. BNB Number GBC378497
Prepublication record Psychiatrists, Certification, Study guides.
Psychiatry, Vocational guidance.
Prepublication record

616.890072 616.8914
Qualitative research approaches for psychotherapy : Pluralistic therapy : responses to frequently asked questions /
reflexivity, methodology, and criticality / edited by Keith Tudor, Frankie Brown, Kate Smith. [online resource] —London :
Jonathan Wyatt. [online resource] —London : Routledge, Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (280 pages) :
2023. —1 online resource (240 pages) : illustrations (black illustrations (black and white).
and white) ISBN 9781000889451 PDF ebook £19.99 ; 9781000889505
ISBN 9781000895308 PDF ebook £36.99 ; 9781000895322 ePub ebook £19.99
ePub ebook £36.99 BNB Number GBC380729
BNB Number GBC380877 Psychotherapy.
Psychotherapy, Research, Methodology. Pluralism.
Qualitative research. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
616.890072 Pluralistic therapy : responses to frequently asked questions /
Qualitative research approaches for psychotherapy : Frankie Brown, Kate Smith. —London : Routledge, 2023.
reflexivity, methodology, and criticality / edited by Keith Tudor, —280 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 20 cm.
Jonathan Wyatt. —London : Routledge, 2023. —240 pages : ISBN 9781032305707 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032305677
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm paperback £19.99
ISBN 9781032249483 paperback £36.99 ; 9781032249469 BNB Number GBC378779
hardback £130.00 Pluralism.
BNB Number GBC378715 Psychotherapy.
Qualitative research. Prepublication record
Psychotherapy, Research, Methodology.
Prepublication record 616.8914
Self-supervision : psychodynamic strategies / Marc Lubin, Jed
616.8914 Yalof. [online resource] —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield
Beyond language in relational psychotherapy : the selected Publishers, 2023. —1 online resource (122 pages) :
works of Helena Hargaden / Helena Hargaden. [online illustrations (black and white)
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource ISBN 9781538156247 ePub ebook No price
(240 pages) : illustrations (black and white). BNB Number GBC381355
ISBN 9781000886337 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000886382 Psychotherapists, Training of.
ePub ebook £38.99 Self-consciousness (Awareness)
BNB Number GBC380663 Psychotherapists, Supervision of.
Psychotherapy. Self-evaluation.
Intersubjectivity. Prepublication record
Psychotherapist and patient.
Interpersonal relations, Psychological aspects. 616.8914
Prepublication record Self-supervision : psychodynamic strategies / Marc Lubin, Jed
Yalof. —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023.
616.8914 —122 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm
Beyond language in relational psychotherapy : the selected ISBN 9781538156223 hardback £69.00 ; 9781538156230
works of Helena Hargaden / Helena Hargaden. —London : paperback £26.00
Routledge, 2023. —240 pages : illustrations (black and white) BNB Number GBC379540
; 24 cm. Self-evaluation.
ISBN 9781032266213 hardback £120.00 Self-consciousness (Awareness)
BNB Number GBC378739 Psychotherapists, Training of.
Psychotherapist and patient. Psychotherapists, Supervision of.
Psychotherapy. Prepublication record
Interpersonal relations, Psychological aspects.
Prepublication record

616.8914 616.891430954
The Routledge international handbook of psycholinguistic and Relational Gestalt therapy in India : a guide to group practice /
cognitive processes / edited by Jackie Guendouzi, Filip Vanaja Ammanath. [online resource] —London : Routledge,
Loncke, Mandy J. Williams. [online resource] —Second 2023. —1 online resource (164 pages).
edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (578 ISBN 9781000883947 ePub ebook £29.99 ; 9781000883923
pages) : illustrations (black and white). PDF ebook £29.99
ISBN 9781000881011 PDF ebook £42.99 ; 9781000881080 BNB Number GBC380627
ePub ebook £42.99 Gestalt therapy, India.
BNB Number GBC380564 Group psychotherapy, India.
Psycholinguistics. Prepublication record
Cognitive psychology.
Communicative disorders. 616.891430954
Prepublication record Relational Gestalt therapy in India : a guide to group practice /
Vanaja Ammanath. —London : Routledge, 2023. —164 pages
616.8914 ; 24 cm.
The Routledge international handbook of psycholinguistic and ISBN 9781032390857 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032390840
cognitive processes / edited by Jackie Guendouzi, Filip paperback £29.99
Loncke, Mandy J. Williams. —Second edition. —London : BNB Number GBC378893
Routledge, 2023. —578 pages : illustrations (black and white) Gestalt therapy, India.
; 26 cm. Group psychotherapy, India.
ISBN 9781032068664 hardback £190.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378581
Psycholinguistics. 616.89152
Communicative disorders. Group psychotherapy assessment and practice : a
Cognitive psychology. measurement-based care approach / edited by Rebecca
Prepublication record MacNair-Semands, Martyn Whittingham. [online resource]
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (280 pages)
616.8914 : illustrations (black and white).
Trauma and the supernatural in psychotherapy : working with ISBN 9781000893021 ePub ebook £31.99 ; 9781000892970
the curse position in clinical practice / Alex Monk. [online PDF ebook £31.99
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource BNB Number GBC380831
(170 pages) Group psychotherapy.
ISBN 9781000897692 PDF ebook £29.99 ; 9781000897708 Prepublication record
ePub ebook £29.99
BNB Number GBC380925 616.89152
Psychotherapy, Methodology. Group psychotherapy assessment and practice : a
Folklore, Therapeutic use. measurement-based care approach / edited by Rebecca
Psychic trauma, Treatment. MacNair-Semands, Martyn Whittingham. —London :
Supernatural, Psychological aspects. Routledge, 2023. —280 pages : illustrations (black and white)
Uncanny, The (Psychoanalysis) ; 26 cm.
Prepublication record ISBN 9781032186337 paperback £31.99 ; 9781032186344
hardback £120.00
616.8914 BNB Number GBC378670
Trauma and the supernatural in psychotherapy : working with Group psychotherapy.
the curse position in clinical practice / Alex Monk. —London : Prepublication record
Routledge, 2023. —170 pages ; 24 cm
ISBN 9780367707477 paperback £29.99 ; 9780367766726 616.89165
hardback £130.00 Narrative and mental health : reimagining theory and practice
BNB Number GBC378309 / edited by Jarmila Mildorf, Elisabeth Punzi, Christoph Singer.
Uncanny, The (Psychoanalysis) —New York : Oxford University Press, 2023. —304 pages ; 24
Supernatural, Psychological aspects. cm.
Psychic trauma, Treatment. ISBN 9780197620540 hardback £54.00
Folklore, Therapeutic use. BNB Number GBC378171
Psychotherapy, Methodology. Psychotherapy and literature.
Prepublication record Narrative therapy.
Prepublication record

616.891656 616.8917
The handbook of phototherapy and therapeutic photography : Lover, exorcist, critic : understanding depth psychotherapy /
for the professional and activist client / Del Loewenthal. Alan Michael Karbelnig. —London : Phoenix Publishing
[online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online House, 2023. —288 pages ; 23 cm
resource (212 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and ISBN 9781800131965 paperback £27.99
colour) BNB Number GBC379854
ISBN 9781000890709 PDF ebook £26.99 ; 9781000890754 Psychoanalysis.
ePub ebook £26.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC380763
Photography in psychotherapy. 616.9041
Prepublication record New antimicrobials : for the present and the future / Ignatius
Fong. —Cham : Springer, 2023. —192 pages ; 24 cm.
616.891656 ISBN 9783031260773 hardback £129.99
The handbook of phototherapy and therapeutic photography : BNB Number GBC380265
for the professional and activist client / Del Loewenthal. Drug resistance in microorganisms.
—London : Routledge, 2023. —212 pages : illustrations (black Anti-infective agents, Development.
and white, and colour) ; 24 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781032147529 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032147512
paperback £26.99 616.90410922
BNB Number GBC378632 Germ theory : medical pioneers in infectious diseases / Robert
Photography in psychotherapy. P. Gaynes. —Second edition. —Washington, D.C : ASM
Prepublication record Press, 2023. —384 pages ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781683673767 paperback £53.50
616.8917 BNB Number GBC379726
How the mind works : concepts and cases in psychoanalysis Germ theory of disease, History.
and psychotherapy / Kevin Volkan, Vamik Volkan. [online Microbiologists, Biography.
resource] —London : Phoenix Publishing House, 2023. —1 Medical scientists, Biography.
online resource (280 pages) Prepublication record
ISBN 9781800132009 ePub ebook £23.99 ; 9781800132016
PDF ebook £35.99 616.95
BNB Number GBC381403 Sexually transmitted infections / edited by Jeanne Marrazzo.
Psychotherapy, Case studies. —Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2023. —240 pages ; 23 cm.
Psychoanalysis, Case studies. ISBN 9780443183027 hardback £85.99
Psychoanalysis. BNB Number GBC378334
Psychotherapy. Sexually transmitted diseases.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

616.8917 616.962
How the mind works : concepts and cases in psychoanalysis Parasitic Helminths and Zoonoses : From Basic to Applied
and psychotherapy / Kevin Volkan, Vamik Volkan. —London : Research / Jorge Morales-Montor, Víctor Hugo Del Rí
Phoenix Publishing House, 2023. —280 pages ; 23 cm o-Araiza, Romel Hernandéz-Bello. [online resource] —London
ISBN 9781800131996 paperback £28.99 : IntechOpen, 2022. —1 online resource (400 pages).
BNB Number GBC379855 ISBN 1803555688 ; 9781803555683
Psychoanalysis. BNB Number GBC377632
Psychotherapy. Helminthiasis.
Psychoanalysis, Case studies.
Psychotherapy, Case studies.
Vestibular schwannoma / edited by Erika Woodson, Matthew
Prepublication record
Carlson. —Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2023. —240 pages ; 23 cm.
616.8917 ISBN 9780443183706 hardback £77.99
Lover, exorcist, critic : understanding depth psychotherapy / BNB Number GBC378336
Alan Michael Karbelnig. [online resource] —London : Phoenix Acoustic neuroma.
Publishing House, 2023. —1 online resource (288 pages) Prepublication record
ISBN 9781800131989 PDF ebook £41.99 ; 9781800131972
ePub ebook £22.99
BNB Number GBC381402
Prepublication record

616.994 616.99424
Advances in oncology. 2023 / edited by Leonidas C. Lung cancer / edited by Sarah B. Goldberg, Roy S. Herbst.
Platanias. [online resource] —Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2023. —1 —Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2023. —240 pages ; 23 cm.
online resource ISBN 9780443183065 hardback £85.99
ISBN 9780443182716 ePub ebook £123.99 BNB Number GBC378335
BNB Number GBC380463 Lungs, Cancer.
Oncology. Lungs, Cancer, Diagnosis.
Prepublication record Lungs, Cancer, Treatment.
Prepublication record
Advances in oncology. 2023 / edited by Leonidas C. 616.994347
Platanias. —Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2023. —240 pages ; 24 cm Recent understanding of colorectal cancer treatment / edited
ISBN 9780443182709 hardback £155.99 by Keun-Yeong Jeong. [online resource] —London :
BNB Number GBC378332 IntechOpen, [2022]. —1 online resource (218 pages) :
Oncology. illustrations.
Prepublication record ISBN 1803561327 ; 9781803561325
BNB Number GBC377637
616.994 Colon (Anatomy), Cancer, Treatment.
Horizons in cancer research. Volume 85. —New York : Nova
Medicine and Health, 2023. —1 volume 617
ISBN 9798886976984 hardback £221.99 Advances in surgical and medical specialties / edited by Raj
BNB Number GBC380368 Bawa. [online resource] —Singapore : Jenny Stanford
Cancer, Research. Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource (1378 pages) :
Prepublication record illustrations (black and white, and colour)
ISBN 9781000602746 PDF ebook £308.00 ; 9781000602753
616.994 ePub ebook £308.00
Oncology rehabilitation : a comprehensive guidebook for BNB Number GBC380484
clinicians / Deborah J. Doherty, PT, PhD, Christopher M. Medicine, Specialties and specialists.
Wilson, PT, DPT, DScPT, Board Certified Geriatric Clinical Surgery.
Specialist, Lori E. Boright, PT, DPT, DScPT. [online resource] Prepublication record
—[Place of publication not identified] : Elsevier, 2022. —1
online resource (848 pages). 617
ISBN 0323810888 EPUB ; 9780323810883 EPUB Advances in surgical and medical specialties / edited by Raj
BNB Number GBC377854 Bawa. —Singapore : Jenny Stanford Publishing, 2023. —1378
Cancer, Patients, Rehabilitation. pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 26 cm
Oncology. ISBN 9789814877459 hardback £308.00
Oncology, Handbooks, manuals, etc. BNB Number GBC380353
Medicine, Specialties and specialists.
616.994061 Surgery.
Clinical immuno-oncology / John E. Niederhuber. Prepublication record
—Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2023. —336 pages ; 24 cm
ISBN 9780323877633 hardback £113.99 617.1027
BNB Number GBC378228 Endurance sports medicine : a clinical guide / edited by
Cancer, Immunotherapy. Timothy L. Miller. —Second edition. —Cham : Springer, 2023.
Prepublication record —443 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 26
616.994061 ISBN 9783031265990 hardback £139.99
Drug delivery to tumors : recent strategies and techniques / BNB Number GBC380272
edited by Lesheng Teng, Zhaogang Yang, Chong Li. Sports medicine.
—Singapore : Springer, 2023. —1 volume : illustrations (black Endurance sports.
and white, and colour) ; 24 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9789811989292 hardback £119.99
BNB Number GBC380346
Cancer, Chemotherapy.
Drug delivery systems.
Prepublication record

617.481044 617.609415
Second lives : the journey of brain-injury survivors and their The Irish dental association : a centenary history / Eoin
healers / Ralph B. Lilly, Diane F. Kramer, Joyce Stamp Lilly. Kinsella, Frances Nolan. —Dublin : Eastwood Books, 2023.
—Wimberley : Stoney Creek Publishing Group, 2023. —1 —288 pages ; 24 cm
volume ISBN 9781913934521 hardback £20.00
ISBN 9798986407883 hardback No price ; 9798986407852 BNB Number GBC380049
paperback No price Irish Dental Association, History.
BNB Number GBC380372 Prepublication record
Lilly, Ralph B., Health.
Brain, Wounds and injuries, Patients, Rehabilitation. 617.752
Prepublication record System for ophthalmic dispensing. —Fourth edition. / Clifford
W. Brooks. —Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann, 2023. —665
617.51059 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 28 cm
Matrix head and neck reconstruction : scalable reconstructive ISBN 9780128239261 hardback £82.99
approaches organized by defect location / edited by Brendan BNB Number GBC378127
C. Stack Jr., Mauricio A. Moreno, Jennings R. Boyette, Emre Opticianry.
A. Vural. —Cham : Springer, 2023. —775 pages : illustrations Prepublication record
(black and white, and colour) ; 28 cm
ISBN 9783031249808 hardback £249.99 618.175
BNB Number GBC380250 Mind over menopause : lose weight, love your body, and
Neck, Surgery, Atlases. embrace life after 50 with a powerful new mindset / Pahla
Surgery, Plastic. Bowers. —New York : The Experiment, 2023. —272 pages ;
Head, Surgery, Atlases. 21 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9781615199754 hardback No price
BNB Number GBC379589
617.56406 Middle-aged women, Health and hygiene, Popular works.
Back rehabilitation : core stability re-examined / Christopher Older women, Health and hygiene, Popular works.
Norris. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 Menopause, Popular works.
online resource (364 pages) : illustrations (black and white) Weight loss, Popular works.
ISBN 9781000890891 ePub ebook £36.99 ; 9781000890884 Prepublication record
PDF ebook £36.99
BNB Number GBC380770 618.1906
Backache, Treatment. Bland and Copeland's the breast : comprehensive
Prepublication record management of benign and malignant diseases / Kirby I.
Bland, Edward M. Copeland, V. Suzanne Klimberg, William J
617.56406 Gradishar. —Sixth edition. —Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2023.
Back rehabilitation : core stability re-examined / Christopher —944 pages ; 28 cm
Norris. —London : Routledge, 2023. —364 pages : ISBN 9780323833653 hardback £287.99
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm BNB Number GBC378225
ISBN 9781032432151 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032432144 Breast, Cancer, Treatment.
paperback £36.99 Breast, Diseases, Treatment.
BNB Number GBC378926 Prepublication record
Backache, Treatment.
Prepublication record 618.1907572
Mammography wars : analyzing attention in cultural and
617.5840597 medical disputes / Asia Friedman. —New Brunswick : Rutgers
L'arthroscopie du genou / Coordination: Christel Conso. University Press, 2023. —276 pages : illustrations (black and
[online resource] —Issy-les-Moulineaux : Elsevier Masson, white) ; 23 cm.
2023. —1 online resource. ISBN 9781978830646 hardback £107.00
ISBN 2294769546 (electronic bk.) ; 9782294769542 BNB Number GBC380200
(electronic bk.) Breast, Cancer, Diagnosis.
BNB Number GBC377814 Breast, Radiography.
Knee, Endoscopic surgery. Prepublication record

618.2 618.3
Creasy-Resnik's study guide for maternal fetal medicine. Infectious diseases in obstetrics and gynecology / edited by
[online resource] —New edition / Charles J. Lockwood [and Kevin Ault and Alisa Kachikis. —Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2023.
six others]. —Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2023. —1 online resource —240 pages ; 23 cm.
ISBN 9780323834988 ePub ebook £59.99 ISBN 9780443182051 hardback £85.99
BNB Number GBC380439 BNB Number GBC378331
Obstetrics. Communicable diseases in pregnancy.
Perinatology. Generative organs, Female, Infections.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

618.2 618.32
The couples' pregnancy guide : how to navigate pregnancy Quality improvement / edited by Heather C. Kaplan, Mushish
and childbirth as a team / D'Anthony Ward, Rachel Ward. Gupta. —Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2023. —240 pages ; 23 cm.
—New York : Zeitgeist, 2023. —192 pages ; 23 cm ISBN 9780323960502 hardback £77.99
ISBN 9780593436059 paperback No price BNB Number GBC378235
BNB Number GBC378386 Perinatology.
Parenthood. Prepublication record
Pregnancy, Popular works.
Prepublication record 618.92000944
Paediatrics in the Reichsuniversität Straßburg : children's
618.20076 medicine at a bastion of Nazi ideology / Aisling Shalvey.
Grading student midwives' practice : a case study exploring [online resource] —Exeter : University of Exeter Press, 2023.
relationships, identity and authority / Sam Chenery-Morris. —1 online resource (230 pages)
—London : Routledge, 2023. —286 pages : illustrations (black ISBN 9781804130902 ePub ebook No price ; 9781804130919
and white) ; 24 cm. PDF ebook No price
ISBN 9780367702038 paperback £38.99 BNB Number GBC381438
BNB Number GBC378289 Reichsuniversität Strassburg.
Grading and marking (Students) Child health services, France, Strasbourg, History, 20th
Midwifery, Study and teaching. century.
Prepublication record World War, 1939-1945, Children, France, Strasbourg.
Medical policy, France, Strasbourg, History, 20th century.
618.20094109034 Pediatrics, France, Strasbourg, History, 20th century.
Confinement : the hidden history of maternal bodies in Prepublication record
nineteenth-century Britain / Jessica Cox. [online resource]
—Cheltenham : The History Press, 2023. —1 online resource 618.92000944
(320 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour) Paediatrics in the Reichsuniversität Straßburg : children's
ISBN 9781803994048 ePub ebook £14.99 medicine at a bastion of Nazi ideology / Aisling Shalvey.
BNB Number GBC381433 —Exeter : University of Exeter Press, 2023. —230 pages ; 24
Pregnancy, Great Britain, History, 19th century. cm
Childbirth, Great Britain, History, 19th century. ISBN 9781804130896 hardback £80.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379945
Reichsuniversität Strassburg.
618.20094109034 World War, 1939-1945, Children, France, Strasbourg.
Confinement : the hidden history of maternal bodies in Pediatrics, France, Strasbourg, History, 20th century.
nineteenth-century Britain / Jessica Cox. —Cheltenham : The Child health services, France, Strasbourg, History, 20th
History Press, 2023. —320 pages : illustrations (black and century.
white, and colour) ; 24 cm Medical policy, France, Strasbourg, History, 20th century.
ISBN 9780750998574 hardback £25.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378421
Childbirth, Great Britain, History, 19th century. 618.9201
Pregnancy, Great Britain, History, 19th century. Avery's diseases of the newborn. —Eleventh edition / edited
Prepublication record by Christine A. Gleason, Taylor Sawyer. —Amsterdam :
Elsevier, 2023. —1488 pages : illustrations (black and white,
and colour) ; 28 cm
ISBN 9780323828239 hardback £143.99
BNB Number GBC378224
Newborn infants, Diseases.
Prepublication record

618.925 618.9285210651
Paller and Mancini - Hurwitz clinical pediatric dermatology : a Therapeutic work for children with complex trauma : a
textbook of skin disorders of childhood & adolescence / Amy three-track psychodynamic approach / Nicole Vliegen, Eileen
S. Paller, Anthony J. Mancini. [online resource] —Sixth Tang, Nick Midgley, Patrick Luyten, Peter Fonagy. —London :
edition. —Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2022. —online resource. Routledge, 2023. —336 pages : illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 0323549896 (ePub ebook) ; 9780323549899 (ePub ; 24 cm
ebook) ISBN 9780367491772 hardback £130.00 ; 9780367491758
BNB Number GBC377852 paperback £29.99
Pediatric dermatology. BNB Number GBC378266
Dermatology. Psychic trauma in children, Treatment.
Skin, Diseases. Child psychotherapy.
Children. Prepublication record
618.928498 Handbook of pediatric epilepsy case studies. [online resource]
Pediatric sleep clinics / edited by Haviva Veler. —Amsterdam : —Second edition / edited by Maria Augusta Montenegro, Jong
Elsevier, 2023. —240 pages ; 23 cm. M. Rho. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online
ISBN 9780323940030 hardback £53.99 resource (406 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and
BNB Number GBC378231 colour)
Sleep disorders in children. ISBN 9781000885255 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000885309
Prepublication record ePub ebook £48.99
BNB Number GBC380649
618.928521 Epilepsy in children, Case studies.
Developmental trauma : theory, research and practice / Daniel Prepublication record
Cruz. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
online resource (194 pages) : illustrations (black and white) 618.92853
ISBN 9781000894370 PDF ebook £44.99 ; 9781000894530 Handbook of pediatric epilepsy case studies. —Second edition
ePub ebook £44.99 / edited by Maria Augusta Montenegro, Jong M. Rho. —Boca
BNB Number GBC380861 Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —406 pages : illustrations (black
Psychic trauma in children, Treatment. and white, and colour) ; 24 cm
Post-traumatic stress disorder in children, Treatment. ISBN 9781032283548 hardback £150.00
Psychotherapy. BNB Number GBC378758
Prepublication record Epilepsy in children, Case studies.
Prepublication record
Developmental trauma : theory, research and practice / Daniel 618.928914
Cruz. —London : Routledge, 2023. —194 pages : illustrations Cambridge guide to mentalization-based treatment (MBT) /
(black and white) ; 23 cm Anthony Bateman, Peter Fonagy, Chloe Campbell, Patrick
ISBN 9781032303468 paperback £44.99 ; 9781032303635 Luyten, Martin Debbané. —Cambridge : Cambridge University
hardback £130.00 Press, 2023. —300 pages.
BNB Number GBC378778 ISBN 9781108816274 paperback £34.99
Psychic trauma in children, Treatment. BNB Number GBC379147
Psychotherapy. Mentalization Based Therapy.
Post-traumatic stress disorder in children, Treatment. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
618.9285210651 Industrial engineering in systems design : guidelines, practical
Therapeutic work for children with complex trauma : a examples, tools, and techniques / Brian Peacock, Adedeji B.
three-track psychodynamic approach / Nicole Vliegen, Eileen Badiru. [online resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023.
Tang, Nick Midgley, Patrick Luyten, Peter Fonagy. [online —1 online resource (344 pages) : illustrations (black and
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource white).
(336 pages) : illustrations (black and white) ISBN 9781000884012 ePub ebook £105.00 ; 9781000883985
ISBN 9781000898125 ePub ebook £29.99 ; 9781000898071 PDF ebook £105.00
PDF ebook £29.99 BNB Number GBC380629
BNB Number GBC380936 Systems engineering.
Psychic trauma in children, Treatment. Prepublication record
Child psychotherapy.
Prepublication record

620.0011 620.0042028553
Industrial engineering in systems design : guidelines, practical Getting started with Onshape / Elise Moss. —Fourth edition.
examples, tools, and techniques / Brian Peacock, Adedeji B. —Mission : SDC Publications, 2023. —472 pages ; 28 cm
Badiru. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —344 pages : ISBN 9781630575762 paperback £59.99
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. BNB Number GBC379602
ISBN 9781032356907 hardback £105.00 Computer-aided design.
BNB Number GBC378847 Prepublication record
Systems engineering.
Prepublication record 620.00420285536
Up and running with AutoCAD® 2024 : 2D and 3D drawing
620.00151 and modeling / Elliot J. Gindis, Robert C. Kaebisch. [online
Special functions in fractional calculus and engineering / resource] —Amsterdam : Academic Press, 2023. —1 online
edited by Harendra Singh, H.M. Srivastava, R.K. Pandey. resource (864 pages)
[online resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online ISBN 9780443139673 ePub ebook £68.95
resource (308 pages) : illustrations (black and white). BNB Number GBC380459
ISBN 9781000899757 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000899801 Computer-aided design.
ePub ebook £48.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC380979
Fractional calculus. 620.00452
Functions. Applied reliability for industry. 3 / edited by David Delaux,
Engineering mathematics. Abdelkhalak El Hami, Henri Grzeskowiak. [online resource]
Prepublication record —London : Wiley-ISTE, 2023. —1 online resource
ISBN 9781394209774 ePub ebook £125.00
620.00151 BNB Number GBC381252
Special functions in fractional calculus and engineering / Reliability (Engineering), Industrial applications.
edited by Harendra Singh, H.M. Srivastava, R.K. Pandey. Prepublication record
—Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —308 pages : illustrations
(black and white) ; 24 cm. 620.00452
ISBN 9781032435008 hardback £130.00 Modeling remaining useful life dynamics in reliability
BNB Number GBC378929 engineering / Pierre Dersin. [online resource] —Boca Raton :
Functions. CRC Press, 2023. —1 online resource (181 pages) :
Fractional calculus. illustrations (black and white)
Engineering mathematics. ISBN 9781000886863 PDF ebook £77.99 ; 9781000886900
Prepublication record ePub ebook £77.99
BNB Number GBC380677
620.0028563 Reliability (Engineering), Statistical methods.
Handbook of mathematical and digital engineering Service life (Engineering), Mathematical models.
foundations for artificial intelligence : a systems methodology / Prepublication record
Adedeji B. Badiru, Olumuyiwa Asaolu. [online resource]
—Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online resource (398 620.00452
pages) : illustrations (black and white). Modeling remaining useful life dynamics in reliability
ISBN 9781000899627 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000899672 engineering / Pierre Dersin. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023.
ePub ebook £48.99 —181 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm
BNB Number GBC380974 ISBN 9781032168593 hardback £77.99
Artificial intelligence, Engineering applications. BNB Number GBC378655
Digital electronics. Service life (Engineering), Mathematical models.
Prepublication record Reliability (Engineering), Statistical methods.
Prepublication record
Handbook of mathematical and digital engineering
foundations for artificial intelligence : a systems methodology /
Adedeji B. Badiru, Olumuyiwa Asaolu. —Boca Raton : CRC
Press, 2023. —398 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24
ISBN 9781032161815 hardback £150.00
BNB Number GBC378650
Digital electronics.
Artificial intelligence, Engineering applications.
Prepublication record
620.0068 620.1054
Leadership matters : an industrial engineering framework for Engineering mechanics. Dynamics / Russell Hibbeler. [online
developing and sustaining industry / Adedeji B. Badiru, resource] —Fifteenth edition. —Upper Saddle River : Pearson,
Melinda L. Tourangeau. [online resource] —Boca Raton : 2023. —1 online resource : illustrations (black and white, and
CRC Press, 2023. —1 online resource (124 pages) : colour)
illustrations (black and white). ISBN 9781292451978 PDF ebook £41.99 ; 9781292451947
ISBN 9781000896404 PDF ebook £52.99 ; 9781000896435 ebook No price
ePub ebook £52.99 BNB Number GBC381214
BNB Number GBC380897 Dynamics.
Transformational leadership. Prepublication record
Corporations, Growth.
Corporate governance. 620.106
Industrial engineering. Fluid mechanics and hydraulics : proceedings of 26th
Prepublication record International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and
Coastal Engineering (HYDRO 2021) / edited by P.V.
620.0068 Timbadiya, Prem Lal Patel, Vijay P. Singh, Bandita Barman.
Leadership matters : an industrial engineering framework for —Singapore : Springer, 2023. —596 pages : illustrations
developing and sustaining industry / Adedeji B. Badiru, (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm.
Melinda L. Tourangeau. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. ISBN 9789811991509 hardback £179.99
—124 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. BNB Number GBC380347
ISBN 9781032317861 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032317809 Hydraulics, Congresses.
paperback £52.99 Fluid mechanics, Congresses.
BNB Number GBC378805 Prepublication record
Corporations, Growth.
Transformational leadership. 620.1064
Industrial engineering. Applications of computational fluid dynamics simulation and
Corporate governance. modeling / Suvanjan Bhattacharyya. [online resource]
Prepublication record —London : IntechOpen, 2022. —1 online resource (238
620.00681 ISBN 9781839682483 ; 1839682485
Engineering economics of life cycle cost analysis / John Vail BNB Number GBC377643
Farr and Isaac Faber. [online resource] —Second edition. Computational fluid dynamics.
—Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online resource (370
pages) : illustrations (black and white) 620.1126
ISBN 9781000894844 ePub ebook £110.00 ; 9781000894813 Scalar Damage and Healing Mechanics / George Z. Voyiadjis,
PDF ebook £110.00 Peter I. Kattan. [online resource] —Amsterdam, Netherlands ;
BNB Number GBC380866 Oxford, United Kingdom ; Cambridge MA : Elsevier, [2023].
Life cycle costing. —1 online resource (374 p.).
Engineering economy. ISBN 9780128236178 electronic book ; 0128236175
Systems engineering, Cost effectiveness. electronic book
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC377647
Reliability (Engineering), Mathematical models.
620.00681 Continuum damage mechanics, Mathematical models.
Engineering economics of life cycle cost analysis / John Vail Tolerance (Engineering)
Farr and Isaac Faber. —Second edition. —Boca Raton : CRC
Press, 2023. —370 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 620.118
cm Joining technology and application of advanced materials /
ISBN 9781032184869 hardback £110.00 Yajiang Li. —Singapore : Springer, 2023. —461 pages :
BNB Number GBC378669 illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm.
Systems engineering, Cost effectiveness. ISBN 9789811996887 hardback £139.99
Engineering economy. BNB Number GBC380350
Life cycle costing. Joints (Engineering)
Prepublication record Composite materials.
Prepublication record

620.118015118 621.023
Approximate models of mechanics of composites : an Mechanical engineering practices in industry : a beginner's
asymptotic approach / I.V. Andrianov, J. Awrejcewicz, G.A. guide / Dhruba J. Syam. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023.
Starushenko. [online resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, —298 pages ; 23 cm
2023. —1 online resource (384 pages) : illustrations (black ISBN 9781032516103 hardback £82.99
and white) BNB Number GBC379088
ISBN 9781000890303 ePub ebook £105.00 ; 9781000890204 Mechanical engineering, Vocational guidance.
PDF ebook £105.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC380751
Composite materials, Mathematical models. 621.1094109033
Asymptotic expansions. An economic history of British steam engines, 1774-1870 : a
Composite materials, Mechanical properties. study on technological diffusion / Haris Kitsikopoulos. —Cham
Prepublication record : Springer, 2023. —362 pages : illustrations (black and white,
and colour) ; 24 cm.
620.118015118 ISBN 9783031273612 hardback £109.99
Approximate models of mechanics of composites : an BNB Number GBC380282
asymptotic approach / I.V. Andrianov, J. Awrejcewicz, G.A. Steam-engines, Great Britain, History, 18th century.
Starushenko. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —384 pages Steam-engines, Great Britain, History, 19th century.
: illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm Technological innovations, Economic aspects, Great
ISBN 9781032488301 hardback £105.00 Britain, History, 19th century.
BNB Number GBC379023 Technological innovations, Economic aspects, Great
Composite materials, Mathematical models. Britain, History, 18th century.
Composite materials, Mechanical properties. Prepublication record
Asymptotic expansions.
Prepublication record 621.31
Electrical power generation : methods and plants / Dhruba J.
620.5 Syam. [online resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1
Diversity and applications of new age nanoparticles / Suneev online resource (150 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
Bansal, Virat Khanna, Nilanthy Balakrishnan, and Pallav ISBN 9781000898798 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000898767
Gupta, editors. —Hershey : IGI Global, 2023. —300 pages ; PDF ebook £48.99
28 cm BNB Number GBC380955
ISBN 9781668473580 hardback £279.00 Electric power production.
BNB Number GBC379711 Electric power systems, Management.
Nanoparticles. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
621 Electrical power generation : methods and plants / Dhruba J.
Advances in mechanism, machine science and engineering in Syam. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —150 pages :
China : proceedings of IFToMM CCMMS 2022 / edited by illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm
Xinjun Liu. —Singapore : Springer, 2023. —1125 pages : ISBN 9781032516141 hardback £82.99
illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm. BNB Number GBC379089
ISBN 9789811993978 hardback £219.99 Electric power production.
BNB Number GBC380348 Electric power systems, Management.
Mechanical movements, China, Congresses. Prepublication record
Machinery, China, Congresses.
Mechanical engineering, China, Congresses. 621.310285
Prepublication record Machine learning and internet of things in solar power
generation / edited by Prabha Umapathy, Jude Hemnath,
621.023 Shelej Khera, Abinaya Imbani, Suman Lata Tripathi. [online
Mechanical engineering practices in industry : a beginner's resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online
guide / Dhruba J. Syam. [online resource] —Boca Raton : resource (232 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and
CRC Press, 2023. —1 online resource (298 pages) colour).
ISBN 9781000898996 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000898927 ISBN 9781000894233 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000894295
PDF ebook £48.99 ePub ebook £48.99
BNB Number GBC380959 BNB Number GBC380859
Mechanical engineering, Vocational guidance. Internet of things.
Prepublication record Machine learning.
Photovoltaic power systems, Data processing.
Prepublication record
621.310285 621.3678
Machine learning and internet of things in solar power Remote sensing and digital image processing with R /
generation / edited by Prabha Umapathy, Jude Hemnath, Marcelo de Carvalho Alves, Luciana Sanches. —Boca Raton :
Shelej Khera, Abinaya Imbani, Suman Lata Tripathi. —Boca CRC Press, 2023. —530 pages : illustrations (black and white,
Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —232 pages : illustrations (black and colour) ; 26 cm
and white, and colour) ; 24 cm. ISBN 9781032359229 hardback £99.99
ISBN 9781032299785 hardback £89.99 BNB Number GBC378850
BNB Number GBC378773 Digital images, Data processsing.
Photovoltaic power systems, Data processing. Remote sensing, Data processing.
Machine learning. R (Computer program language)
Internet of things. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
621.31244 Remote sensing and digital image processing with R /
Photovoltaic Power Forecasting Methods / writen by Ismail Marcelo de Carvalho Alves, Luciana Sanches. —Boca Raton :
Kaaya and Julián Ascencio-Vásquez. [online resource] CRC Press, 2023. —2 volumes (714 pages) : illustrations
—London : IntechOpen, 2021. —1 online resource (242 (black and white, and colour) ; 26 cm
pages). ISBN 9781032461236 hardback £120.00
ISBN 1839688599 ; 9781839688591 BNB Number GBC378975
BNB Number GBC377642 Image processing, Digital techniques.
Photovoltaic power generation. Remote sensing.
R (Computer program language)
621.3678 Prepublication record
Remote sensing and digital image processing with R. Lab
manual / Marcelo de Carvalho Alves, Luciana Sanches. 621.3678
[online resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online Remote sensing and digital image processing with R. Lab
resource (184 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and manual / Marcelo de Carvalho Alves, Luciana Sanches.
colour) —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —184 pages : illustrations
ISBN 9781000895445 ePub ebook £44.99 ; 9781000895391 (black and white, and colour) ; 26 cm
PDF ebook £44.99 ISBN 9781032461243 paperback £44.99
BNB Number GBC380880 BNB Number GBC378976
Digital images, Data processing. Digital images, Data processing.
R (Computer program language) Remote sensing, Data processing.
Remote sensing, Data processing. R (Computer program language)
Prepublication record Prepublication record

621.3678 621.38150286
Remote sensing and digital image processing with R / Sustainable approaches and strategies for e-waste
Marcelo de Carvalho Alves, Luciana Sanches. [online management and utilization / edited by A.M. Rawani, Mithilesh
resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online Kumar Sahu, Siddharth S. Chakrabarti, Ajit Kumar Singh.
resource (530 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and —Hershey : IGI Global, 2023. —305 pages ; 26 cm
colour) ISBN 9781668475737 hardback £261.00 ; 9781668475744
ISBN 9781000895414 ePub ebook £99.99 ; 9781000895360 paperback £196.00
PDF ebook £99.99 BNB Number GBC379713
BNB Number GBC380879 Electronic waste.
R (Computer program language) Prepublication record
Digital images, Data processsing.
Remote sensing, Data processing.
Prepublication record

621.38152 621.3827
Photonic instrumentation : sensing and measuring with lasers Visible light communications : applications and research
/ Silvano Donati. [online resource] —Second edition. —Boca advances / Ajit Kumar, Nishant Sharan, Swapan Kumar
Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online resource (520 pages) : Ghorai. —New York : Nova Science Publishers, 2023. —1
illustrations (black and white, and colour) volume.
ISBN 9781000895728 PDF ebook £9.99 ; 9781000895742 ISBN 9798886975642 hardback £141.99
ePub ebook £99.99 BNB Number GBC380364
BNB Number GBC380885 Optical communications.
Optoelectronic devices. Prepublication record
Electrooptical devices.
Measuring instruments. 621.38456
Lasers. 5G technology : 3GPP evolution to 5G-Advanced / edited by
Engineering instruments. Harri Holma, Antti Toskala, Takehiro Nakamura. —Second
Scientific apparatus and instruments. edition. —Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —672
Prepublication record pages ; 25 cm
ISBN 9781119816034 hardback £75.00
621.38152 BNB Number GBC379158
Photonic instrumentation : sensing and measuring with lasers 5G mobile communication systems.
/ Silvano Donati. —Second edition. —Boca Raton : CRC Prepublication record
Press, 2023. —520 pages : illustrations (black and white, and
colour) ; 25 cm 621.38456
ISBN 9781032469324 hardback £99.99 An introduction to cellular network analysis using stochastic
BNB Number GBC378988 geometry / Jeffrey G. Andrews, Abhishek K. Gupta, Ahmad
Optoelectronic devices. Alammouri, Harpreet S. Dhillon. —Cham : Springer, 2023.
Electrooptical devices. —92 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 24 cm.
Measuring instruments. ISBN 9783031297427 hardback £34.99
Lasers. BNB Number GBC380286
Engineering instruments. Stochastic models.
Scientific apparatus and instruments. Stochastic geometry.
Prepublication record Wireless communication systems, Mathematical models.
Prepublication record
Tunneling field effect transistors : design, modeling and 621.39
applications / edited by T.S. Arun Samuel, Young Suh Song, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Trends
Shubham Tayal, P. Vimala, Shiromani Balmukund Rahi. in Computational and Cognitive Engineering : TCCE 2022 /
[online resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online edited by M. Shamim Kaiser, Sajjad Waheed, Anirban
resource (304 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and Bandyopadhyay, Mufti Mahmud, Kanad Ray. —Singapore :
colour). Springer, 2023. —500 pages : illustrations (black and white,
ISBN 9781000877809 PDF ebook £120.00 ; 9781000877823 and colour) ; 24 cm.
ePub ebook £120.00 ISBN 9789811994821 paperback £199.99
BNB Number GBC380530 BNB Number GBC380349
Tunnel field-effect transistors. Computer engineering, Congresses.
Prepublication record User-centered system design, Congresses.
Prepublication record
Tunneling field effect transistors : design, modeling and 621.402
applications / edited by T.S. Arun Samuel, Young Suh Song, Thermal energy systems : design, computational techniques,
Shubham Tayal, P. Vimala, Shiromani Balmukund Rahi. and applications / edited by Ashwani Kumar, Varun Pratap
—Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —304 pages : illustrations Singh, Chandan Swaroop Meena, Nitesh Dutt. [online
(black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm. resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online
ISBN 9781032348766 hardback £120.00 resource (278 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
BNB Number GBC378841 ISBN 9781000891874 ePub ebook £43.99 ; 9781000891867
Tunnel field-effect transistors. PDF ebook £43.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC380795
Heat engineering.
Prepublication record

621.402 621.45
Thermal energy systems : design, computational techniques, Wind Turbines : Advances and Challenges in Design,
and applications / edited by Ashwani Kumar, Varun Pratap Manufacture and Operation / Karam Maalawi. [online
Singh, Chandan Swaroop Meena, Nitesh Dutt. —Boca Raton : resource] —London : IntechOpen, 2022. —1 online resource
CRC Press, 2023. —278 pages : illustrations (black and white) (282 pages).
; 24 cm. ISBN 1803554932 ; 9781803554938
ISBN 9781032392936 hardback £120.00 BNB Number GBC377640
BNB Number GBC378899 Wind turbines, Aerodynamics.
Heat engineering.
Prepublication record 621.811071
Trends in educational activity in the field of mechanism and
621.4025 machine theory (2018-2022) : selected papers from ISEMMS
Applied second law analysis of heat engine cycles / S. Can 2022 / edited by Juan Carlos García Prada, Cristina Castejon,
Gülen. [online resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. Jose Ignacio Pedrero Moya. —Cham : Springer, 2023. —244
—1 online resource (284 pages) : illustrations (black and pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm.
white) ISBN 9783031257292 hardback £199.99
ISBN 9781000891744 ePub ebook £120.00 ; 9781000891690 BNB Number GBC380259
PDF ebook £120.00 Machine theory, Study and teaching, Congresses.
BNB Number GBC380791 Mechanical movements, Study and teaching, Congresses.
Heat-engines, Thermodynamics. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
621.4025 Dynamics and fault diagnosis of nonlinear rotors and impellers
Applied second law analysis of heat engine cycles / S. Can / edited by Jiazhong Zhang. —Cham : Springer, 2023. —276
Gülen. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —284 pages : pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm.
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm ISBN 9783030943035 paperback £149.99
ISBN 9781032161884 hardback £120.00 BNB Number GBC380218
BNB Number GBC378651 Fault location (Engineering)
Heat-engines, Thermodynamics. Impellers, Dynamics.
Prepublication record Nonlinear mechanics.
Rotors, Dynamics.
621.43 Prepublication record
15th International Conference on Turbochargers and
Turbocharging : proceedings of the 15th International 621.822
Conference on Turbochargers and Turbocharging Rolling bearing tribology : tribology and failure modes of
(Twickenham, London, 16-17 May 2023) / edited by Institution rolling element bearings / Gary L. Doll. [online resource]
of Mechanical Engineers. [online resource] —Boca Raton : —Amsterdam, Netherlands ; Oxford, United Kingdom ;
CRC Press, 2023. —1 online resource (278 pages) Cambridge MA : Elsevier, [2023]. —1 online resource.
ISBN 9781000963960 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000964004 ISBN 0128221747 electronic book ; 9780128221747
ePub ebook £48.99 electronic book
BNB Number GBC381129 BNB Number GBC377628
Turbochargers, Congresses. Roller bearings.
Internal combustion engines, Congresses.
Prepublication record 622.1828
Research on the application of oil and gas exploration and
621.43 development technology / Wei Zhang, Zhou Yu , Wenqiang Li.
15th International Conference on Turbochargers and —Cambridge : UK Scientific Publishing, 2023. —1 volume :
Turbocharging : proceedings of the 15th International illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
Conference on Turbochargers and Turbocharging ISBN 9781915937278 paperback £49.00
(Twickenham, London, 16-17 May 2023) / edited by Institution BNB Number GBC380093
of Mechanical Engineers. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. Natural gas, Prospecting.
—278 pages ; 25 cm Petroleum, Prospecting.
ISBN 9781032551548 hardback £130.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC379129
Turbochargers, Congresses.
Internal combustion engines, Congresses.
Prepublication record

622.338 623.74752
Physics of fluid flow and transport in unconventional reservoir M26 Pershing : America's medium/heavy tank in World War II
rocks / edited by Behzad Ghanbarian, Feng Liang, Hui-Hai and Korea / David Doyle. —Atglen : Schiffer Military, 2023.
Liu. —Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —384 pages —144 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 23
ISBN 9781119729877 hardback £148.00 cm
BNB Number GBC379155 ISBN 9780764366406 hardback £22.99
Petrology. BNB Number GBC378424
Rocks, Permeability. World War, 1939-1945, Tank warfare.
Fluid dynamics. M26 (Tank)
Petroleum, Migration. Korean War, 1950-1953, Tank warfare.
Transport theory. M26 (Tank), Pictorial works.
Gas reservoir engineering. Korean War, 1950-1953, Tank warfare, Pictorial works.
Hydrocarbon reservoirs, Analysis. World War, 1939-1945, Tank warfare, Pictorial works.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

623.4413 623.8231
A cultural history of the Medieval sword : power, piety and Power boating / Randy Vance. —Second edition. —Hoboken,
play / Robert W. Jones. [online resource] —Woodbridge, NJ : For Dummies, 2023. —384 pages : illustrations (black
Suffolk ; Rochester, NY : Boydell Press, 2023. —1 online and white, and colour)
resource. ISBN 9781394169351 paperback £22.99
ISBN 1800109709 electronic book ; 9781787448353 BNB Number GBC379265
electronic book ; 9781800109704 electronic book ; Motorboats.
1787448355 electronic book Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC377810
Swordplay, History, To 1500. 623.8254094109044
Swords, History, To 1500. British frigates and escort destroyers 1939-45 / Angus
Civilization, Medieval. Konstam ; illustrated by Adam Tooby. —Oxford : Osprey
Publishing, 2023. —48 pages : illustrations (black and white,
623.4425 and colour) ; 25 cm.
The SVD Dragunov rifle / Chris McNab ; illustrated by Ramiro ISBN 9781472858115 paperback £12.99
Bujeiro, Alan Gilliland. —Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2023. BNB Number GBC379398
—80 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 25 World War, 1939-1945, Campaigns, Atlantic Ocean.
cm. Destroyers (Warships), Great Britain, History, 20th century.
ISBN 9781472855961 paperback £15.99 Frigates, Great Britain, History, 20th century.
BNB Number GBC379397 Prepublication record
Sniper rifles.
Prepublication record 623.890922
Reawakened : traditional navigators of Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa /
623.74634 Jeff Evans. —Auckland, New Zealand : Massey University
Myasishchev M-50 and M-52 : the first Soviet supersonic Press, 2021. —255 pages , 1 map : colour illustrations ; 23
strategic bomber / Yefim Gordon, Dmitriy Komissarov. cm.
—Atglen : Schiffer Military, 2023. —192 pages : illustrations ISBN 9780995131804 paperback
(black and white, and colour) ; 28 cm BNB Number GBC377492
ISBN 9780764366420 hardback £45.99 Canoes and canoeing, Polynesia.
BNB Number GBC378425 Explorers, Polynesia, Biography.
Strategic bombers, Soviet Union, History, 20th century. Nautical astronomy.
Strategic bombers, Soviet Union, History, 20th century, Explorers, Travel, Polynesia.
Pictorial works. Ocean travel.
Prepublication record Pacific Ocean, Navigation.

623.8922 624.0289
Pass your day skipper. [online resource] —Seventh edition / BIM and construction health and safety : uncovering, adoption
David Fairhall, Peter Rodgers ; cartoons by Mike Peyton. and implementation / Hamed Golizadeh, Saeed Banihashemi,
—London : Adlard Coles, 2023. —1 online resource (128 Carol Hon, Robin Drogemuller. [online resource] —London :
pages) : illustrations, maps Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (168 pages) :
ISBN 9781399406949 PDF ebook £13.49 ; 9781399406956 illustrations (black and white).
ePub ebook £13.49 ISBN 9781000904659 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000904628
BNB Number GBC381268 PDF ebook £48.99
Navigation, Examinations, Study guides. BNB Number GBC381054
Seamanship, Examinations, Study guides. Building information modeling.
Prepublication record Construction industry, Safety measures.
Prepublication record
Proceedings of International Conference on Innovative 624.0289
Technologies for Clean and Sustainable Development BIM and construction health and safety : uncovering, adoption
(ICITCSD - 2021) / edited by Varinder S. Kanwar, Sanjay K. and implementation / Hamed Golizadeh, Saeed Banihashemi,
Sharma, C. Prakasam. —Cham : Springer, 2023. —858 pages Carol Hon, Robin Drogemuller. —London : Routledge, 2023.
: illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm —168 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9783030939380 paperback £199.99 ISBN 9781032115368 hardback £150.00
BNB Number GBC380216 BNB Number GBC378604
Civil engineering, Environmental aspects, Congresses. Building information modeling.
Sustainable development, Technological innovations, Construction industry, Safety measures.
Congresses. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
624.0286 Scratch-building model railway locomotives / Simon Bolton.
Sustainable civil engineering : principles and applications / [online resource] —Ramsbury [England] : Crowood, 2014. —1
edited by Varinder S. Kanwar, Sanjay K. Shukla, Siby John, online resource : color illustrations.
Harpreet Kandra. [online resource] —Boca Raton : CRC ISBN 9781847977694 (electronic bk.) ; 1847977693
Press, 2023. —1 online resource (338 pages) : illustrations (electronic bk.)
(black and white, and colour) BNB Number GBC377745
ISBN 9781000890341 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000890242 TECHNOLOGY & ENGI EERING, Engineering (General)
PDF ebook £48.99 Locomotives, Models.
BNB Number GBC380753 TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING, Engineering (General)
Civil engineering, Environmental aspects.
Sustainable engineering. 625.732
Sustainable construction. Geotechnics of roads. Advanced analysis and modeling /
Prepublication record Bernardo Caicedo. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —296
pages ; 25 cm
624.0286 ISBN 9780367707781 paperback £44.99
Sustainable civil engineering : principles and applications / BNB Number GBC378293
edited by Varinder S. Kanwar, Sanjay K. Shukla, Siby John, Roads, Design and construction.
Harpreet Kandra. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —338 Soil mechanics.
pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm Geotechnical engineering.
ISBN 9780367751579 hardback £140.00 Road materials.
BNB Number GBC378303 Prepublication record
Civil engineering, Environmental aspects.
Sustainable construction.
Sustainable engineering.
Prepublication record

627.58 628.16
Ground improvement for coastal engineering / Hidenori Nanotechnology for oil-water separation : from fundamentals
Takahashi. [online resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, to industrial applications / edited by Nisar Ali, Muhammad
2023. —1 online resource (192 pages) : illustrations (black Bilal, Tuan Anh Nguyen, Hafiz M.N. Iqbal, Ram K. Gupta.
and white) [online resource] —Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2023. —1 online
ISBN 9781000892666 PDF ebook £74.99 ; 9781000892697 resource (750 pages).
ePub ebook £74.99 ISBN 9780323955188 ePub ebook £190.00
BNB Number GBC380821 BNB Number GBC380442
Soil stabilization. Water, Purification.
Soil amendments. Nanotechnology, Environmental aspects.
Coastal engineering. Oil separators.
Shore protection. Prepublication record
Soil compaction.
Prepublication record 628.16
Nanotechnology for oil-water separation : from fundamentals
627.58 to industrial applications / edited by Nisar Ali, Muhammad
Ground improvement for coastal engineering / Hidenori Bilal, Tuan Anh Nguyen, Hafiz M.N. Iqbal, Ram K. Gupta.
Takahashi. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —192 pages : —Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2023. —750 pages ; 24 cm.
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm ISBN 9780323955171 paperback £190.00
ISBN 9781032211718 hardback £74.99 BNB Number GBC378232
BNB Number GBC378687 Oil separators.
Soil amendments. Water, Purification.
Shore protection. Nanotechnology, Environmental aspects.
Soil compaction. Prepublication record
Coastal engineering.
Soil stabilization. 628.1684
Prepublication record Bioprospection of co-products and agro-industrial wastes : a
sustainable biotechnological approach / edited by Joilane
628 Alves Pereira Freire, Stella Regina A. Medeiros, Jailane de
Pragmatic engineering and lifestyle : responsible engineering Souza Aquino, Chistiane M. Feitosa, Mahendra Rai. [online
for a sustainable future / edited by David S-K. Ting, resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online
Jacqueline A. Stagner. [online resource] —United Kingdom : resource (284 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and
Emerald Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource (320 pages) colour)
ISBN 9781802629996 ePub ebook £80.00 ; 9781802629972 ISBN 9781000911121 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000911107
PDF ebook £80.00 PDF ebook £48.99
BNB Number GBC381424 BNB Number GBC381121
Environmental engineering. Food waste.
Sustainable engineering. Agricultural wastes.
Prepublication record Plant biotechnology.
Prepublication record
Pragmatic engineering and lifestyle : responsible engineering 628.1684
for a sustainable future / edited by David S-K. Ting, Bioprospection of co-products and agro-industrial wastes : a
Jacqueline A. Stagner. —United Kingdom : Emerald sustainable biotechnological approach / edited by Joilane
Publishing, 2023. —320 pages ; 23 cm Alves Pereira Freire, Stella Regina A. Medeiros, Jailane de
ISBN 9781802629989 hardback £80.00 Souza Aquino, Chistiane M. Feitosa, Mahendra Rai. —Boca
BNB Number GBC379916 Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —284 pages : illustrations (black
Sustainable engineering. and white, and colour) ; 24 cm
Environmental engineering. ISBN 9781032145709 hardback £145.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC378631
Food waste.
Plant biotechnology.
Agricultural wastes.
Prepublication record

628.2109542 628.3
The sacred waters 'of' Varanasi : the colonial draining and Wastewater treatment : recycling, management, and
heritage ecology / Mahesh Gogate. [online resource] valorization of industrial solid wastes / edited by Irene Samy
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (192 pages) Fahim and Lobna Said. [online resource] —Boca Raton : CRC
: illustrations (black and white) Press, 2023. —1 online resource (392 pages) : illustrations
ISBN 9781000905281 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000905335 (black and white)
ePub ebook £38.99 ISBN 9781000877748 ePub ebook £89.99 ; 9781000877731
BNB Number GBC381065 PDF ebook £89.99
Urban hydrology, India, Vārānasi (Uttar Pradesh) BNB Number GBC380529
Urban watersheds, India, Vārānasi (Uttar Pradesh) Factory and trade waste.
Vārānasi (Uttar Pradesh, India), Environmental conditions, Sewage, Purification.
20th century. Recycling (Waste, etc.)
Vārānasi (Uttar Pradesh, India), Environmental conditions, Prepublication record
19th century.
Vārānasi (Uttar Pradesh, India), Environmental conditions, 628.3
18th century. Wastewater treatment : recycling, management, and
Prepublication record valorization of industrial solid wastes / edited by Irene Samy
Fahim and Lobna Said. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023.
628.2109542 —392 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
The sacred waters 'of' Varanasi : the colonial draining and ISBN 9781032404691 hardback £89.99
heritage ecology / Mahesh Gogate. —London : Routledge, BNB Number GBC378904
2023. —192 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 22 cm Recycling (Waste, etc.)
ISBN 9781032523118 hardback £130.00 Factory and trade waste.
BNB Number GBC379114 Sewage, Purification.
Urban watersheds, India, Vārānasi (Uttar Pradesh) Prepublication record
Urban hydrology, India, Vārānasi (Uttar Pradesh)
Vārānasi (Uttar Pradesh, India), Environmental conditions, 628.4458
20th century. Waste to profit : environmental concerns and sustainable
Vārānasi (Uttar Pradesh, India), Environmental conditions, development / edited by K.M. Meera Sheriffa Begum. [online
19th century. resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online
Vārānasi (Uttar Pradesh, India), Environmental conditions, resource (414 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
18th century. ISBN 9781000886924 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000886887
Prepublication record PDF ebook £48.99
BNB Number GBC380679
628.3 Waste products as fuel.
Recent advancement in waste water management : Renewable energy sources.
implication and biological solutions / edited by Luiz Fernando Sustainable development.
Romanholo Ferreira, Ajay Kumar, Muhammad Bilal. [online Recycling (Waste, etc.), Economic aspects.
resource] —Amsterdam : Academic Press, 2023. —1 online Refuse and refuse disposal, Economic aspects.
resource (308 pages). Prepublication record
ISBN 9780443193897 ePub ebook £135.00
BNB Number GBC380466 628.4458
Sewage, Purification, Biological treatment. Waste to profit : environmental concerns and sustainable
Sewage, Purification. development / edited by K.M. Meera Sheriffa Begum. —Boca
Prepublication record Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —414 pages : illustrations (black
and white) ; 26 cm
628.3 ISBN 9781032369068 hardback £150.00
Recent advancement in waste water management : BNB Number GBC378865
implication and biological solutions / edited by Luiz Fernando Waste products as fuel.
Romanholo Ferreira, Ajay Kumar, Muhammad Bilal. Renewable energy sources.
—Amsterdam : Academic Press, 2023. —308 pages ; 23 cm. Recycling (Waste, etc.), Economic aspects.
ISBN 9780443193880 hardback £135.00 Refuse and refuse disposal, Economic aspects.
BNB Number GBC378340 Sustainable development.
Sewage, Purification. Prepublication record
Sewage, Purification, Biological treatment.
Prepublication record

628.74 629.13433
Integrated waste management approaches for food and Dynamics of flexible aircraft : coupled flight mechanics,
agricultural byproducts / edited by Tawheed Amin, Omar aeroelasticity, and control / Rafael Palacios, Carlos E.S.
Bashir, Shakeel Ahmad Bhat, Muneeb Ahmad Malik. [online Cesnik. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023.
resource] —Toronto : Apple Academic Press, 2023. —1 online —566 pages.
resource (236 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and ISBN 9781108420600 hardback £99.99
colour) BNB Number GBC379141
ISBN 9781000573619 ePub ebook £124.00 ; 9781000573596 Surfaces, Deformation of.
PDF ebook £124.00 Flutter (Aerodynamics)
BNB Number GBC380482 Equilibrium of flexible surfaces.
Food industry and trade, Waste disposal. Airplanes, Control surfaces.
Agricultural wastes. Prepublication record
Food waste.
Food industry and trade, By-products. 629.221234
Prepublication record Ambulances in miniature / Alistair Gunn ; with photography by
Jonathan Gunn. —Version 2.0. —[Auckley, Doncaster] : Blue
628.74 Light Education Collaborative, June 2021. —70 pages :
Integrated waste management approaches for food and illustrations (colour) ; 19 x 26 cm
agricultural byproducts / edited by Tawheed Amin, Omar ISBN 173980600X poaperback £8.99 ; 9781739806002
Bashir, Shakeel Ahmad Bhat, Muneeb Ahmad Malik. paperback £8.99
—Toronto : Apple Academic Press, 2023. —236 pages : BNB Number GBC377453
illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781774910160 hardback £124.00 629.2223309427
BNB Number GBC379757 Urban buses in northern England : a second view / Peter
Food industry and trade, By-products. Tucker. [online resource] —Stroud : Amberley Publishing,
Food waste. 2023. —1 online resource (96 pages) : illustrations
Agricultural wastes. ISBN 9781398113480 ePub ebook £12.90
Food industry and trade, Waste disposal. BNB Number GBC381256
Prepublication record Buses, England, Northern, History.
Buses, England, Northern, History, Pictorial works.
629.046 Prepublication record
Not just another book about things that mooove / edited by
Sarah Walden. —Banbury : Noodle Juice, 2023. —22 pages : 629.226
chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 18 cm VWt lifestyle : the definitive magazine for the VW camper and
ISBN 9781915613264 hardback £6.99 transporter. —Yalding, Kent : Kelsey Media, 2023-
BNB Number GBC380088 —illustrations (colour) ; 27 cm
Vehicles, Pictorial works, Juvenile literature. ISSN 2755-3221
Board books. BNB Number GBC377563
Prepublication record
629.1326 Automotive manufacturing processes : a case study approach
The drone pilot's handbook / Adam Juniper. [online resource] / G.K. Awari, V.S. Kumbhar, R.B. Tirpude, S.W. Rajurkar.
—London : Ilex Press, 2016. —1 online resource. [online resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online
ISBN 9781781573785 (ePub ebook) ; 1781573786 (ePub resource (398 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
ebook) ISBN 9781000877328 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000877298
BNB Number GBC377773 PDF ebook £48.99
Drone aircraft, Design and construction. BNB Number GBC380526
Drone aircraft, Control systems. Manufacturing processes.
Automobiles, Design and construction.
Prepublication record

629.234 629.8312
Automotive manufacturing processes : a case study approach Disturbance observer for advanced motion control with
/ G.K. Awari, V.S. Kumbhar, R.B. Tirpude, S.W. Rajurkar. MATLAB/Simulink / Akira Shimada. —Hoboken : Wiley-IEEE
—Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —398 pages : illustrations Press, 2023. —288 pages.
(black and white) ; 24 cm ISBN 9781394178100 hardback £106.00
ISBN 9781032312385 hardback £140.00 BNB Number GBC379269
BNB Number GBC378788 Motion control devices.
Automobiles, Design and construction. Observers (Control theory)
Manufacturing processes. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
629.2549 Advances in agronomy. 180 / edited by Donald L. Sparks.
OBD-I & OBD-II : a complete guide to diagnosis, repair & [online resource] —Amsterdam : Academic Press, 2023. —1
emissions compliance / Greg Banish. —Forest Lake : online resource (296 pages)
CarTech, 2023. —144 pages ; 28 cm ISBN 9780443192654 ePub ebook £135.00
ISBN 9781613257524 paperback £34.00 BNB Number GBC380465
BNB Number GBC379588 Agronomy.
Automobiles, Motors, Exhaust gas. Prepublication record
Automobiles, Motors, Maintenance and repair.
Automobiles, Motors, Computer control systems. 630
Prepublication record Advances in agronomy. 180 / edited by Donald L. Sparks.
—Amsterdam : Academic Press, 2023. —296 pages ; 23 cm
629.2844023 ISBN 9780443192647 hardback £135.00
Truck drivers and what they do / written and illustrated by BNB Number GBC378339
Liesbet Slegers. —New York : Clavis Publishing, 2023. —32 Agronomy.
pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 26 cm. Prepublication record
ISBN 9781605378602 hardback No price
BNB Number GBC379581 630
Truck drivers, Vocational education, Pictorial works, Agricultural transition in Scotland : first steps towards our
Juvenile literature. national policy. [online resource] —Edinburgh : The Scottish
Prepublication record Government, 2021. —1 online resource (31 pages) : 1 portrait
(colour), 1 form
629.8 ISBN 9781802013153 Electronic book (PDF format)
Proceedings of 19th Latin American Control Congress (LACC BNB Number GBC381631
2022) / edited by Orestes Llanes Santiago. —Cham :
Springer, 2023. —326 pages : illustrations (black and white, 630
and colour) ; 24 cm. Agriculture, livestock production and aquaculture. Volume 2,
ISBN 9783031263606 hardback £249.99 Advances for smallholder farming systems / edited by Arvind
BNB Number GBC380268 Kumar, Pavan Kumar, S.S. Singh, Bambang Hendro
Automatic control, Congresses. Trisasongko, Meenu Rani. —Cham : Springer, 2023. —321
Programmable controllers, Congresses. pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm
Automation, Congresses. ISBN 9783030932640 paperback £129.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC380215
Farms, Small.
629.8042 Agriculture.
Introduction to microfluidics / Patrick Tabeling ; translated by Prepublication record
Suelin Chen. —Second edition. —Oxford : Oxford University
Press, 2023. —496 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 25 630
cm Agriculture, livestock production and aquaculture. Volume 1,
ISBN 9780192845306 hardback £60.00 Advances for smallholder farming systems / edited by Arvind
BNB Number GBC378140 Kumar, Pavan Kumar, S.S. Singh, Bambang Hendro
Microfluidics. Trisasongko, Meenu Rani. —Cham : Springer, 2023. —346
Microfluidic devices. pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9783030932602 paperback £129.99
BNB Number GBC380214
Farms, Small.
Prepublication record

630 630.941
National Development Plan for Crofting : Islands Communities Farm to fork : the challenge of sustainable farming in 21st
Impact Assessment – Screening Report. [online resource] century Britain / Joe Stanley ; foreword by Minette Batters.
—Edinburgh : The Scottish Government, 2021. —1 online —Shrewsbury : Quiller Publishing, 2023. —256 pages ; 20 cm
resource (8 pages) ISBN 9781846893926 paperback £10.99
ISBN 9781802013498 Electronic book (PDF format) BNB Number GBC380007
BNB Number GBC381645 Stanley, Joe
Agriculture, Great Britain, History, 21st country.
630.71 Sustainable agriculture, Great Britain.
Planting seeds of knowledge : agriculture and education in Prepublication record
rural societies in the twentieth century / edited by Heinrich
Hartmann, Julia Tischler. [online resource] —New York : 631.42
Berghahn Books, 2023. —1 online resource (366 pages). What your food ate : how to heal our land and reclaim our
ISBN 9781805390114 ePub ebook No price health / David R. Montgomery, Anne Biklé. —New York :
BNB Number GBC381458 W.W. Norton and Company, 2023. —400 pages ; 22 cm
Agricultural education, History, 20th century. ISBN 9781324052104 paperback £15.99
Agriculture, Research, History, 20th century. BNB Number GBC379231
Education, Rural, History, 20th century. Soil fertility.
Prepublication record Sustainable agriculture.
Soil conservation.
630.71 Prepublication record
Planting seeds of knowledge : agriculture and education in
rural societies in the twentieth century / edited by Heinrich 631.43
Hartmann, Julia Tischler. —New York : Berghahn Books, Soil physics : an introduction / Manoj K. Shukla. [online
2023. —366 pages ; 23 cm. resource] —Second edition. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023.
ISBN 9781805390107 hardback £107.00 —1 online resource (472 pages) : illustrations (black and
BNB Number GBC379970 white)
Education, Rural, History, 20th century. ISBN 9780429559860 ePub ebook £99.99 ; 9780429555398
Agricultural education, History, 20th century. PDF ebook £99.99
Agriculture, Research, History, 20th century. BNB Number GBC380452
Prepublication record Soil physics.
Prepublication record
The farm that raised me : tales from a Breconshire Valley / 631.43
David Jones. —Eardisley : Logaston Press, 2023. —192 Soil physics : an introduction / Manoj K. Shukla. —Second
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 20 cm edition. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —472 pages :
ISBN 9781910839645 paperback £10.00 illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
BNB Number GBC380027 ISBN 9780367210168 hardback £99.99
Jones, David. BNB Number GBC378241
Farms, Wales, Breconshire. Soil physics.
Farmers, Wales, Breconshire, Biography. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
630.92520973 CRISPR/Cas-mediated genome editing in plants / edited by
From farms to incubators : women innovators revolutionizing Deepu Pandita, Anu Pandita. [online resource] —Toronto :
how our food is grown / Amy Wu. —Fresno, California : Apple Academic Press, 2023. —1 online resource (458 pages)
Craven Street Books, [2021] —xiv, 211 pages : color : illustrations (black and white, and colour)
illustrations ; 26 cm ISBN 9781000771251 ePub ebook £147.00 ; 9781000771213
ISBN 9781610355759 PDF ebook £147.00
BNB Number GBC378060 BNB Number GBC380497
Women agriculturists, California, Salinas River Valley. Food crops, Genetics.
Agricultural innovations, California, Salinas River Valley. Crop improvement.
Women agriculturists, United States. Gene editing.
Agricultural innovations, United States. CRISPR-associated protein 9.
Plant genetics.
CRISPR (Genetics)
Prepublication record

631.5233 631.53
CRISPR/Cas-mediated genome editing in plants / edited by Biotechnologies and genetics in plant mutation breeding.
Deepu Pandita, Anu Pandita. —Toronto : Apple Academic Volume 2, Revolutionizing plant biology / edited by Tariq
Press, 2023. —458 pages : illustrations (black and white, and Ahmad Bhat, Khalid Rehman Hakeem. [online resource]
colour) ; 24 cm —Toronto : Apple Academic Press, 2023. —1 online resource
ISBN 9781774912126 hardback £147.00 (272 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour)
BNB Number GBC379768 ISBN 9781000613971 PDF ebook £139.00 ; 9781000614015
CRISPR (Genetics) ePub ebook £139.00
Crop improvement. BNB Number GBC380489
Plant genetics. Plant mutation breeding.
Gene editing. Mutagenesis.
Food crops, Genetics. Plant genetics.
CRISPR-associated protein 9. Crop improvement.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

631.53 631.53
Biotechnologies and genetics in plant mutation breeding. Biotechnologies and genetics in plant mutation breeding.
Volume 3, Mechanisms for genetic manipulation of plants and Volume 1, Mutagenesis and crop improvement / edited by
plant mutants / edited by Tariq Ahmad Bhat, Khalid Rehman Tariq Ahmad Bhat, Khalid Rehman Hakeem. —Toronto :
Hakeem. [online resource] —Toronto : Apple Academic Press, Apple Academic Press, 2023. —290 pages : illustrations
2023. —1 online resource (288 pages) : illustrations (black (black and white, and colour)
and white, and colour) ISBN 9781774911365 hardback £139.00
ISBN 9781000613964 PDF ebook £139.00 ; 9781000614008 BNB Number GBC379762
ePub ebook £139.00 Plant mutation breeding.
BNB Number GBC380488 Mutagenesis.
Plant genetics. Plant genetics.
Crop improvement. Crop improvement.
Plant mutation breeding. Prepublication record
Prepublication record 631.53
Biotechnologies and genetics in plant mutation breeding /
631.53 edited by Tariq Ahmad Bhat, Khalid Rehman Hakeem.
Biotechnologies and genetics in plant mutation breeding. —Toronto : Apple Academic Press, 2023. —3 volumes (888
Volume 1, Mutagenesis and crop improvement / edited by pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm
Tariq Ahmad Bhat, Khalid Rehman Hakeem. [online resource] ISBN 9781774911341 hardback £385.00
—Toronto : Apple Academic Press, 2023. —1 online resource BNB Number GBC379761
(290 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour) Crop improvement.
ISBN 9781000613933 ePub ebook £139.00 ; 9781000613919 Plant mutation breeding.
PDF ebook £139.00 Mutagenesis.
BNB Number GBC380487 Plant genetics.
Mutagenesis. Prepublication record
Plant mutation breeding.
Plant genetics. 631.53
Crop improvement. Biotechnologies and genetics in plant mutation breeding.
Prepublication record Volume 2, Revolutionizing plant biology / edited by Tariq
Ahmad Bhat, Khalid Rehman Hakeem. —Toronto : Apple
Academic Press, 2023. —272 pages : illustrations (black and
white, and colour) ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781774911389 hardback £139.00
BNB Number GBC379763
Plant genetics.
Plant mutation breeding.
Crop improvement.
Prepublication record

631.53 634.0468
Biotechnologies and genetics in plant mutation breeding. Transcriptional regulation of flesh fruit development and
Volume 3, Mechanisms for genetic manipulation of plants and ripening / Yunbo Luo. —Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
plant mutants / edited by Tariq Ahmad Bhat, Khalid Rehman 2023. —240 pages
Hakeem. —Toronto : Apple Academic Press, 2023. —288 ISBN 9781394187676 hardback £130.00
pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm BNB Number GBC379281
ISBN 9781774911402 hardback £139.00 Fruit, Ripening.
BNB Number GBC379764 Transcription factors.
Mutagenesis. Genetic transcription, Regulation.
Plant genetics. Prepublication record
Crop improvement.
Plant mutation breeding. 634.6
Prepublication record Tropical and subtropical fruit crops : production, processing,
and marketing / edited by Debashis Mandal, Ursula Wermund,
632.3 Lop Phavaphutanon, Regina Cronje. [online resource]
Plant-pathogen interactions / edited by Nora A. Foroud, —Toronto : Apple Academic Press, 2023. —1 online resource
Jonathan A.D. Neilson. [online resource] —New York : (714 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour).
Humana Press, 2023. —1 online resource (250 pages). ISBN 9781000613889 PDF ebook £170.00 ; 9781000613896
ISBN 9781071631591 PDF ebook £159.50 ePub ebook £170.00
BNB Number GBC381167 BNB Number GBC380486
Plant-pathogen relationships. Tropical fruit, Marketing.
Prepublication record Tropical fruit.
Tropical fruit, Processing.
632.3 Prepublication record
Plant-pathogen interactions / edited by Nora A. Foroud,
Jonathan A.D. Neilson. —Boston : Springer, 2023. —250 634.6
pages ; 26 cm. Tropical and subtropical fruit crops : production, processing,
ISBN 9781071631584 hardback £159.99 and marketing / edited by Debashis Mandal, Ursula Wermund,
BNB Number GBC379137 Lop Phavaphutanon, Regina Cronje. —Toronto : Apple
Plant-pathogen relationships. Academic Press, 2023. —714 pages : illustrations (black and
Prepublication record white, and colour) ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781774911105 hardback £170.00
632.6 BNB Number GBC379760
Instant insights : advances in detecting and forecasting crop Tropical fruit.
pests and diseases / Megan Long [and 12 others]. [online Tropical fruit, Processing.
resource] —Cambridge : Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Tropical fruit, Marketing.
2023. —1 online resource (204 pages) : illustrations (colour). Prepublication record
ISBN 9781801465076 ePub ebook £37.99
BNB Number GBC381418 634.9094609
Agricultural pests, Forecasting. Roots of sustainability in the Iberian empires : shipbuilding
Plant diseases, Forecasting. and forestry, 14th-19th centuries / edited by Koldo Trápaga
Plant diseases. Monchet, Álvaro Aragón Ruano and Cristina Joanaz de Melo.
Agricultural pests. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
Prepublication record resource (288 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9781000892093 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000892079
632.6 PDF ebook £38.99
Instant insights : advances in detecting and forecasting crop BNB Number GBC380803
pests and diseases / Megan Long [and 12 others]. Forest conservation, Iberian Peninsula, History.
—Cambridge : Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, 2023. Forests and forestry, Iberian Peninsula, History.
—204 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 23 cm. Forest conservation, Government policy, Iberian Peninsula,
ISBN 9781801465069 paperback £37.99 History.
BNB Number GBC379902 Prepublication record
Agricultural pests, Forecasting.
Plant diseases.
Plant diseases, Forecasting.
Agricultural pests.
Prepublication record

634.9094609 635.0941
Roots of sustainability in the Iberian empires : shipbuilding The allotment / David Crouch and Colin Ward. —New edition /
and forestry, 14th-19th centuries / edited by Koldo Trápaga introduced by Olivia Laing. —Bridport : Little Toller Books,
Monchet, Álvaro Aragón Ruano and Cristina Joanaz de Melo. 2023. —1 volume
—London : Routledge, 2023. —288 pages : illustrations (black ISBN 9781915068231 paperback £16.00
and white) ; 24 cm. BNB Number GBC380069
ISBN 9781032313375 hardback £130.00 Allotment gardens, Social aspects, Great Britain.
BNB Number GBC378793 Allotment gardens, Great Britain, History.
Forest conservation, Iberian Peninsula, History. Prepublication record
Forests and forestry, Iberian Peninsula, History.
Forest conservation, Government policy, Iberian Peninsula, 635.9772
History. The wind among the leaves / Luis Vallejo ; photographs by
Prepublication record Fernando Maquieira ; edited by Antonia Castaña ; edited and
translated by Jenny Dodman, Erica Witschey. —Madrid :
635 Turner Publicaciones, 2023. —304 pages : illustrations
Build a square-foot garden bed : easy DIY guide / by Mel (colour) ; 26 cm
Bartholomew. [online resource] —[London] : Cool Springs ISBN 9788418895647 hardback £106.00
Press, [2012]. —1 online resource : illustrations. BNB Number GBC380313
ISBN 1622130987 (EPUB) ; 9781622130986 (EPUB) Bonsai, Pictorial works.
BNB Number GBC377718 Bonsai.
Square foot gardening. Prepublication record
Vertical gardening.
635 Crops in pots : 50 cool containers planted with fruit,
Simple garden sustainability : easy DIY porjects / by Kristen vegetables & herbs / Bob Purnell ; photography by Freia
Hampshire. [online resource] —[Place of publication not Turland. [online resource] —London : Spruce, 2016. —1
identified] : Creative Publishing International, [2012]. —1 online resource : illustrations.
online resource. ISBN 1846015316 (ePub ebook) ; 9781846015311 (ePub
ISBN 9781622131020 (electronic bk.) ; 1622131029 ebook)
(electronic bk.) BNB Number GBC377774
BNB Number GBC377722 Vegetable gardening.
Organic gardening. Fruit-culture.
Vegetable gardening. Herb gardening.
Container gardening.
Square metre gardening / by Mel Bartholomew. [online 636
resource] —London : Frances Lincoln, 2013. —1 online Not just another book about farm animals / edited by Sarah
resource. Walden. —Banbury : Noodle Juice, 2023. —22 pages : chiefly
ISBN 9781610588270 (electronic bk.) ; 1610588274 illustrations (colour) ; 18 cm
(electronic bk.) ISBN 9781915613257 hardback £6.99
BNB Number GBC377695 BNB Number GBC380087
Square foot gardening. Domestic animals, Pictorial works, Juvenile literature.
Vegetable gardening. Farms, Pictorial works, Juvenile literature.
Board books.
635 Prepublication record
Vegetable gardening for beginners : this book includes:
Raised bed gardening + Hydroponics : how to start a thriving 636.082
organic garden from scratch for growing vegetables and herbs Unnatural selection / Katrina van Grouw. —Princeton :
easily at home / by Geoff Johns. —[Great Britain] : [Geoff Princeton University Press, 2023. —304 pages : illustrations
Johns], [2020] —199 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; (black and white) ; 31 cm
24 cm ISBN 9780691254050 hardback £42.00
ISBN 9781914019173 paperback BNB Number GBC378400
BNB Number GBC378067 Animal breeding.
Animal genetics.
Evolution (Biology)
Prepublication record

636.0832 636.08932
Concise textbook of large animal handling : a practical Applied veterinary clinical nutrition. —Second edition / Andrea
handbook / C.B. Chastain. [online resource] —Boca Raton : J. Fascetti, Sean J. Delaney, Jennifer A. Larsen, Cecilia
CRC Press, 2023. —1 online resource (300 pages) : Villaverde. —Chichester : Wiley Blackwell, 2023. —600 pages
illustrations (colour) ISBN 9781119375142 hardback £86.95
ISBN 9781000866094 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000866056 BNB Number GBC379152
PDF ebook £38.99 Pets, Nutrition.
BNB Number GBC380501 Pets, Feeding and feeds.
Animal handling. Pets, Diseases, Nutritional aspects.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

636.0832 636.1089
Concise textbook of large animal handling : a practical The racehorse : a veterinary manual / Pieter H.L. Ramzan.
handbook / C.B. Chastain. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. [online resource] —Second edition. —Boca Raton : CRC
—300 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 24 cm Press, 2023. —1 online resource (392 pages) : illustrations
ISBN 9780367628123 hardback £94.99 ; 9780367628093 (colour)
paperback £38.99 ISBN 9781000879346 ePub ebook £150.00 ; 9781000879308
BNB Number GBC378281 PDF ebook £150.00
Animal handling. BNB Number GBC380550
Prepublication record Horses, Diseases.
Prepublication record
Scottish Animal Welfare Commission : principles for ascribing 636.1089
sentience to animals and case study of the evidence for The racehorse : a veterinary manual / Pieter H.L. Ramzan.
sentience in cephalopods / the Scottish Animal Welfare —Second edition. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —392
Commission Secretariat. [online resource] —Edinburgh : The pages : illustrations (colour) ; 28 cm
Scottish Government, 2021. —1 online resource (21 pages) ISBN 9780367428310 hardback £150.00
ISBN 9781802013177 Electronic book (PDF format) BNB Number GBC378252
BNB Number GBC381632 Horses, Diseases.
Prepublication record
Stewards of the grasslands : Canadian ranchers in their own 636.296639
words / Dana Reiter. —Cham : Springer, 2023. —242 pages : Veterinary techniques for llamas and alpacas / David E.
illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 26 cm Anderson, Meredyth L. Jones, Matt D. Miesner. —Second
ISBN 9783031232640 hardback £19.99 edition. —Chichester : Wiley Blackwell, 2023. —384 pages :
BNB Number GBC380236 illustrations
Ranchers, Canada, Interviews. ISBN 9781119860617 paperback £114.00
Range management, Canada. BNB Number GBC379164
Prepublication record Llamas, Surgery.
Llamas, Diseases, Treatment.
636.089092 Veterinary medicine.
Tales of a vet nurse : the highs and heartbreak of caring for Alpaca, Surgery.
the animals we love / Jade Pengelly ; with Kimberley Davis. Alpaca, Diseases, Treatment.
[online resource] —Auckland, New Zealand : HarperCollins Prepublication record
Publishers, 2023. —1 online resource.
ISBN 9781775492481 EPUB ; 1775492486 636.5083
BNB Number GBC377889 Broiler Industry / edited by Guillermo Téllez-Isaías, Juan
Pengelly, Jade, Anecdotes. Latorre, Yordan Martínez-Aguilar. [online resource] —London :
Veterinarians, New Zealand, Anecdotes. IntechOpen, [2022]. —1 online resource (184 pages).
ISBN 1803553286 ; 9781803553283
BNB Number GBC377631
Broilers (Chickens), Health.
Poultry industry.

639.2757 641.5
The Orvis guide to finding trout : learn to discover trout in American table : the foods, people, and innovations that feed
streams and other moving waters / Tom Rosenbauer. [online us / Lisa Kingsley, in collaboration with Smithsonian
resource] —Guilford : The Lyons Press, 2023. —1 online Institution. [online resource] —New York, NY : Harvest, an
resource : illustrations (colour) imprint of William Morrow, [2023]. —1 online resource : color
ISBN 9781493061020 ePub ebook No price illustrations, color map.
BNB Number GBC381306 ISBN 9780358008637 (electronic bk.) ; 0358008638
Trout fishing. (electronic bk.)
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC377840
Food, United States, History.
641.25509 Cooking, United States, History.
The absinthe frappé / Marielle Songy. —Baton Rouge : LSU Cooking, American, History.
Press, 2023. —138 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 18 cm COOKING / History.
ISBN 9780807179291 hardback £18.95 Food habits, United States, History.
BNB Number GBC378436 COOKING / Reference.
Absinthe in art. 641.5
Absinthe, History. Eat better the easy way : transform your health with
Prepublication record plant-packed recipes and simple science / James Wong ;
nutrition consultants, Rosie Saunt RD & Helen West RD.
641.3009 [online resource] —London : Mitchell Beazley, 2021. —1
Food in world history / Jeffrey M. Pilcher. [online resource] online resource (224 pages).
—Third edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online ISBN 9781784728021 Electronic book (EPUB format) ;
resource (160 pages). 1784728020 Electronic book (EPUB format)
ISBN 9781000894103 PDF ebook £34.99 ; 9781000894172 BNB Number GBC377760
ePub ebook £34.99 Cooking (Vegetables)
BNB Number GBC380857 HEALTH & FITNESS, Diet & Nutrition, Nutrition.
Food supply, History. HEALTH & FITNESS, Diet & Nutrition, Food Content
Food, History. Guides.
Prepublication record COOKING, Specific Ingredients, Vegetables.
Cooking (Fruit)
Food in world history / Jeffrey M. Pilcher. —Third edition.
COOKING, Specific Ingredients, Fruit.
—London : Routledge, 2023. —160 pages ; 23 cm.
COOKING, Health & Healing, General.
ISBN 9781032351490 paperback £34.99 ; 9781032364513
Cooking (Natural foods)
hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC378858
HEALTH & FITNESS, Diet & Nutrition, Vitamins.
Food, History.
Food supply, History. 641.5
Prepublication record Wholesome bowls : food for mind, body and soul / Melissa
Delport. [online resource] —London : Nourish, 2023. —1
online resource (192 pages) : illustrations
Cheese : the magazine of culture. —[London] : Anna Sulan
ISBN 9781848994157 ebook £7.99
Masing, Holly Catford, Apoorva Sripathi and Jean-Baptiste
BNB Number GBC381475
Beroud, [2021]- —illustrations (colour) ; 24 cm
Bowls (Tableware)
ISSN 2976-8373
BNB Number GBC378098
Prepublication record

Wholesome bowls : food for mind, body and soul / Melissa
Delport. —London : Nourish, 2023. —192 pages : illustrations
; 25 cm
ISBN 9781848994140 hardback £20.00
BNB Number GBC380009
Bowls (Tableware)
Prepublication record

641.52 641.563
Bottomless brunch : a dazzling collection of brunch recipes Cook happy, cook healthy / Fearne Cotton. [online resource]
paired with the perfect cocktail. —US edition. —London : —London : Orion Books, 2016. —1 online resource.
Ryland Peters & Small, 2023. —160 pages : illustrations ISBN 1409163768 (ePub ebook) ; 9781409163763 (ePub
(colour) ; 24 cm ebook)
ISBN 9781788795241 hardback No price BNB Number GBC377771
BNB Number GBC379807 Cooking (Natural foods)
Prepublication record 641.5635
500 400-calorie recipes : delicious and satisfying meals that
641.52 keep you to a balanced 1200-calorie diet so you can lose
Bottomless brunch : a dazzling collection of brunch recipes weight without starving yourself / Dick Logue. [online
paired with the perfect cocktail. —UK edition. —London : resource] —Beverly, Mass. : Fair Winds Press, 2011. —1
Ryland Peters & Small, 2023. —160 pages : illustrations online resource (456 pages).
(colour) ; 24 cm ISBN 9781610580588 (electronic bk.) ; 1610580583
ISBN 9781788795753 hardback £16.99 (electronic bk.)
BNB Number GBC379808 BNB Number GBC377693
Brunches. Low-calorie diet, Recipes.
Prepublication record COOKING, Health & Healing, Weight Control.

641.53 641.5635
Leon lunchbox : naturally fast recipes / by Jane Baxter, Henry Dana Carpender's every-calorie-counts cookbook : 500
Dimbleby, Kay Plunkett-Hogge, Claire Ptak & John Vincent ; great-tasting, sugar-free, low-calorie recipes that the whole
photography by Georgia Glynn Smith. [online resource] family will love / Dana Carpender. [online resource]
—London : Conran Octopus, 2015. —1 online resource : —Gloucester, MA : Fair Winds Press, 2006. —1 online
illustrations. resource (560 pages).
ISBN 1840917083 (ePub ebook) ; 9781840917086 (ePub ISBN 9781299928978 (ebk) ; 9781610581080 (electronic bk.)
ebook) ; 1610581083 (electronic bk.) ; 1299928978 (ebk)
BNB Number GBC377768 BNB Number GBC377694
Leon (Restaurant) Sugar-free diet, Recipes.
Cooking (Natural foods) Low-calorie diet, Recipes.
Quick and easy cooking. Quick and easy cooking.
Lunchbox cooking.
641.552 Plant based meal plan cookbook : easy beginners plant-based
Perfectly good food : a totally achievable zero waste approach recipes for healthy eating. A complete natural meal plan to
to home cooking / Margaret Li, Irene Li. [online resource] reset & energize your body / Delia Flowerday. —[Great Britain]
—New York : W.W. Norton and Company, 2023. —1 online : [Delia Flowerday], [2019] —197 pages : illustrations (black
resource (352 pages) : illustrations (colour) and white) ; 23 cm
ISBN 9780393541083 ePub ebook £23.99 ISBN 9781801135993 paperback
BNB Number GBC380448 BNB Number GBC378075
Low budget cooking.
Cooking (Leftovers) 641.56362
Cooking. Your super life : 100+ delicious, plant-based recipes made
Prepublication record with nature's most powerful superfoods / Michael Kuech,
Kristel de Groot. —Boston : Harvest, 2023. —320 pages ; 23
641.552 cm
Perfectly good food : a totally achievable zero waste approach ISBN 9780063236752 hardback £25.00
to home cooking / Margaret Li, Irene Li. —New York : W.W. BNB Number GBC378125
Norton and Company, 2023. —352 pages : illustrations Vegan cooking.
(colour) ; 23 cm Cooking (Natural foods)
ISBN 9780393541076 paperback £19.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378322
Low budget cooking.
Cooking (Leftovers)
Prepublication record

641.564 641.59597
Seasonal family almanac : recipes, rituals, and crafts to Ever-green Vietnamese : super-fresh recipes, starring plants
embrace the magic of the year / Emma Frisch and Jana from land and sea / Andrea Quynhgiao Nguyen ; photographs
Blankenship ; photography by Allison Usavage. —San by Audrey Pick. —Berkeley : Ten Speed Press, 2023. —304
Francisco : Chronicle PA Press, 2023. —272 pages : pages : illustrations ; 27 cm
illustrations ; 27 cm ISBN 9781984859853 hardback No price
ISBN 9781797222455 hardback No price BNB Number GBC380204
BNB Number GBC379840 Vegetarian cooking.
Cooking (Natural foods) Cooking, Vietnamese.
Seasonal cooking. Natural foods.
Beauty, Personal. Prepublication record
Self-care, Health.
Prepublication record 641.5964
The Moorish cookbook : the first and only Moorish cookbook
641.5945 in history / Chef Judah Awoke. —[Great Britain?] : [publisher
Pasta for all seasons : dishes that celebrate the flavors of Italy not identified], [2021?] —38 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 29
and the bounty of the Pacific Northwest / Michela Tartaglia ; cm
photography by Kyle Johnson ; illustrations by Daniele ISBN 9781098330941 hardback
Simonelli. —Seattle : Sasquatch Books, 2023. —176 pages : BNB Number GBC377497
illustrations (colour) ; 21 cm
ISBN 9781632174277 hardback No price 641.59743
BNB Number GBC379605 The Vermont farm table cookbook / Tracey Medeiros ;
Seasonal cooking. photographs by Oliver Parini. —New York : The Countryman
Cooking, Italian. Press, 2023. —240 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm
Cooking (Pasta) ISBN 9781682688076 paperback £21.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379719
Cooking, Vermont.
641.5945 Farm produce, Vermont.
Williams Sonoma everyday Italian : 90+ favorite recipes for La Cooking, American.
Cucina Italiana / Domenica Marchetti. —San Francisco : Prepublication record
Weldon Owen, 2023. —192 pages ; 28 cm
ISBN 9798886740035 hardback £30.00 641.5975
BNB Number GBC380362 Love welcome serve : recipes that gather and give / Amy
Cooking, Italian. Nelson Hannon. [online resource] —Nashville : Harper
Prepublication record Celebrate, 2023. —1 online resource : illustrations
ISBN 9781400245536 ebook £18.99
641.595 BNB Number GBC381282
Did you eat yet? : craveable recipes from an all-American Cooking, American, Southern style.
Asian chef / Ronnie Woo. [online resource] —New York : Prepublication record
Harvest, 2023. —1 online resource : color illustrations.
ISBN 9780358581864 (electronic bk.) ; 0358581869 641.6374
(electronic bk.) Chocolate : 15 recipes for easy family meals / Jonny Bowden
BNB Number GBC377886 & Jeannette Bessinger. [online resource] —[Place of
Asian Americans, Food. publication not identified] : Fair Winds Press, [2012]. —1
Cooking, Asian. online resource.
ISBN 9781622130658 (electronic bk.) ; 1622130650
641.5951 (electronic bk.)
FIVE ELEMENTS COOKBOOK : a guide to traditional chinese BNB Number GBC377699
medicine with recipes for everyday healing. [online resource] Cooking (Chocolate)
—[Place of publication not identified] : HARVEST, 2023. —1
online resource (288 pages) : illustrations. 641.6384
ISBN 0358622131 (electronic bk.) ; 9780358622130 Chile peppers : 18 recipes for easy family meals / Jonny
(electronic bk.) Bowden & Jeannette Bessinger. [online resource] —[Place of
BNB Number GBC377839 publication not identified] : Fair Winds Press, [2012]. —1
Cooking, Chinese. online resource.
Diet therapy. ISBN 1622130669 (electronic bk.) ; 9781622130665
Cooking (Herbs) (electronic bk.)
Medicine, Chinese. BNB Number GBC377700
Five agents (Chinese philosophy) Cooking (Hot peppers)
641.6411 641.65642
Apples : 15 recipes for easy family meals / Jonny Bowden & Tomatoes : 18 recipes for healthy family meals / by Dana
Jeannette Bessinger. [online resource] —[Place of publication Carpender. [online resource] —[Place of publication not
not identified] : Fair Winds Press, [2012]. —1 online resource. identified] : Fair Winds Press, [2012]. —1 online resource.
ISBN 1622130634 (electronic bk.) ; 9781622130634 ISBN 9781622130788 (electronic bk.) ; 1622130782
(electronic bk.) (electronic bk.)
BNB Number GBC377697 BNB Number GBC377707
Cooking (Apples) Cooking (Tomatoes)

641.64334 641.6565
Lemons : 24 recipes for healthy family meals / Dana Beans : 24 recipes for easy family meals / by Dick Logue.
Carpender. [online resource] —[Place of publication not [online resource] —[Place of publication not identified] : Fair
identified] : Fair Winds Press, [2012]. —1 online resource. Winds Press, [2012]. —1 online resource.
ISBN 1622130766 (electronic bk.) ; 9781622130764 ISBN 1622130685 (electronic bk.) ; 9781622130689
(electronic bk.) (electronic bk.)
BNB Number GBC377705 BNB Number GBC377702
Cooking (Lemons) Cooking (Beans)

641.64337 641.663
Limes : 14 recipes for easy family meals / Jonny Bowden & Lamb : 12 recipes for healthy family meals / Jonny Bowden &
Jeannette Bessinger. [online resource] —[Place of publication Jeannette Bessinger. [online resource] —[Place of publication
not identified] : Fair Winds Press, [2012]. —1 online resource. not identified] : Fair Winds Press, [2012]. —1 online resource.
ISBN 9781622130733 (electronic bk.) ; 1622130731 ISBN 9781622130641 (electronic bk.) ; 1622130642
(electronic bk.) (electronic bk.)
BNB Number GBC377703 BNB Number GBC377698
Cooking (Limes) Cooking (Lamb and mutton)

641.6541 641.695
Spinach : 29 recipes for easy family meals / Dana Carpender. Shrimp : 19 recipes for healthy family meals / Dana
[online resource] —[Place of publication not identified] : Fair Carpender. [online resource] —[Place of publication not
Winds Press, [2012]. —1 online resource. identified] : Fair Winds Press, [2012]. —1 online resource.
ISBN 1622130677 (electronic bk.) ; 9781622130672 ISBN 9781622130771 (electronic bk.) ; 1622130774
(electronic bk.) (electronic bk.)
BNB Number GBC377701 BNB Number GBC377706
Cooking (Spinach) Cooking (Shrimp)

641.6562 641.77
Zucchini : 22 recipes for easy family meals / Dick Logue. Super easy air fryer recipes : 69 simple, quick and delicious
[online resource] —[Place of publication not identified] : Fair meals / Lelia Castello. —London : Hardie Grant Books, 2023.
Winds Press, [2012]. —1 online resource. —144 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 25 cm
ISBN 9781622130740 (electronic bk.) ; 162213074X ISBN 9781784886899 hardback £12.99
(electronic bk.) BNB Number GBC379789
BNB Number GBC377704 Hot air frying.
Cooking (Zucchini) Prepublication record

641.6562 641.815
Zucchini love : 43 garden-fresh recipes for salads, soups, Baking / Wendy Jo Peterson. [online resource] —Second
breads, lasagnas, stir-fries, and more / Cynthia Graubart. edition. —Hoboken, NJ : For Dummies, 2023. —1 online
—North Adams : Storey Publishing, 2023. —104 pages : resource : illustrations
illustrations (colour) ; 23 cm ISBN 9781394172481 ePub ebook £20.99
ISBN 9781635866155 paperback No price BNB Number GBC381244
BNB Number GBC379613 Baking.
Cooking (Zucchini) Prepublication record
Prepublication record

641.815 641.822
Mindfulness in baking : meditations on bakes & calm / Julia The little book of pasta : a pocket guide to Italy's favourite
Ponsonby. —New edition. —Brighton : Leaping Hare Press, food, featuring history, trivia, recipes and more / Rufus
2023. —144 pages ; 20 cm. Cavendish. [online resource] —Chichester : Summersdale,
ISBN 9780711288232 hardback £12.99 2023. —1 online resource (128 pages)
BNB Number GBC378407 ISBN 9781837991846 ePub ebook £6.99
Baking, Psychological aspects. BNB Number GBC381466
Mindfulness (Psychology) Pasta products, History.
Prepublication record Cooking (Pasta)
Prepublication record
Washington's Fisher Scones : an iconic Northwest treat since 641.822
1911 / James Erickson. —Mount Pleasant : The History Press, The little book of pasta : a pocket guide to Italy's favourite
2023. —144 pages ; 23 cm. food, featuring history, trivia, recipes and more / Rufus
ISBN 9781467153010 paperback No price Cavendish. —Chichester : Summersdale, 2023. —128 pages ;
BNB Number GBC379371 15 cm
Scones, Washington, Seattle. ISBN 9781800078413 paperback £6.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379850
Pasta products, History.
641.82 Cooking (Pasta)
The little book of sushi : a pocket guide to the wonderful world Prepublication record
of sushi, featuring trivia, recipes and more / Rufus Cavendish.
[online resource] —Chichester : Summersdale, 2023. —1 641.86
online resource (128 pages) Mayumu : Filipino American desserts remixed / Abi Balingit.
ISBN 9781837991860 ePub ebook £6.99 [online resource] —New York, NY : Harvest an Imprint of
BNB Number GBC381468 William Morrow, [2023]. —1 online resource : color
Sushi. illustrations.
Prepublication record ISBN 006324408X (electronic bk.) ; 9780063244085
(electronic bk.)
641.82 BNB Number GBC377882
The little book of sushi : a pocket guide to the wonderful world Desserts.
of sushi, featuring trivia, recipes and more / Rufus Cavendish. Filipino Americans, Food.
—Chichester : Summersdale, 2023. —128 pages ; 15 cm Baking.
ISBN 9781800078406 paperback £6.99 HOUSE & HOME / General.
BNB Number GBC379849
Sushi. 641.8654
Prepublication record Stuffed : the sandwich cookie book / Heather Mubarak. —San
Francisco : Chronicle Books, 2023. —272 pages ; 24 cm
641.82 ISBN 9781797214535 hardback £21.99
Wanda E. Brunstetter's Amish friends one-pan wonders BNB Number GBC379836
cookbook : over 200 recipes for simplifying mealtime / Wanda Baking.
E. Brunstetter. —Uhrichsville : Barbour Publishing, 2023. Cookies.
—224 pages ; 23 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781636095257 spiral-bound No price
BNB Number GBC379614 643.1095467
One-dish meals. Rendering houses in Ladakh : personal relations with home
Amish cooking. structures / Sophie Day. —London : Routledge, 2023. —200
Prepublication record pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781350100114 hardback £90.00
641.822 BNB Number GBC379243
Milk Street noodles / Christopher Kimball. —New York : Dwellings, Social aspects, India, Ladākh.
Voracious, 2023. —304 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 24 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9780316387767 hardback No price
BNB Number GBC378222
Christopher Kimball's Milk Street (Firm)
Cooking (Pasta)
Prepublication record

643.556 647.2082097471
Pool care / Kristine Blanchard. —Hoboken, NJ : For Dummies, Solidarity & care : domestic worker activism in New York City /
2023. —384 pages Alana Lee Glaser. —Philadelphia : Temple University Press,
ISBN 9781394166114 paperback £18.99 2023. —204 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm
BNB Number GBC379263 ISBN 9781439922453 hardback £89.00 ; 9781439922460
Swimming pools. paperback £21.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379345
Domestic Workers United.
646.478 Women foreign workers, New York (State), New York,
Entrepreneurial cosplay : creating identity, building identity, Social conditions.
brand and business acumen / edited by Elizabeth Gackstetter Women household employees, Political activity, New York
Nichols, Amy C. Lewis, Dave Tomcyzk. [online resource] (State), New York.
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (216 pages) Women foreign workers, New York (State), New York,
: illustrations (black and white). Interviews.
ISBN 9781000890136 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000890082 Foreign workers, Legal status, laws, etc., New York (State),
PDF ebook £38.99 New York.
BNB Number GBC380747 Women foreign workers, Political activity, New York
Entrepreneurship. (State), New York.
Cosplay, Economic aspects. Women household employees, New York (State), New
Prepublication record York, Social conditions.
Household employees, Legal status, laws, etc., New York
(State), New York.
Entrepreneurial cosplay : creating identity, building identity,
Women household employees, New York (State), New
brand and business acumen / edited by Elizabeth Gackstetter
York, Interviews.
Nichols, Amy C. Lewis, Dave Tomcyzk. —London : Routledge,
Prepublication record
2023. —216 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781032217581 hardback £130.00 647.95
BNB Number GBC378693 New England tiki / Kevin Quigley. —Mount Pleasant : The
Entrepreneurship. History Press, 2023. —128 pages ; 23 cm.
Cosplay, Economic aspects. ISBN 9781467153096 paperback No price
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379372
Bars (Drinking establishments), New England.
New England, Civilization, Polynesian influences.
Problem solved. Girls / by Alex Hooper-Hodson. [online
New England, Social life and customs.
resource] —London : Wayland, 2016. —1 online resource (96
Prepublication record
ISBN 9780750293013 Electronic book (EPUB fixed format) ; 649.1
0750293012 Electronic book (EPUB fixed format) Am I doing too much for my child? : getting your child on the
BNB Number GBC377763 road to responsibility and independence / Elizabeth Crary.
JUVENILE NONFICTION, Health & Daily Living, Sexuality —Seattle, Wash. : Parenting Press, [2011] —64 pages ; 22 cm
& Pregnancy. ISBN 9781884734960 paperback ; 1884734960 paperback
JUVENILE NONFICTION, Social Topics, Adolescence. BNB Number GBC378103
Teenage girls, Life skills guides, Juvenile literature. Child rearing.
JUVENILE NONFICTION, Social Topics, Dating & 649.10207
Relationships. What were you expecting? : first words for new parents /
Cameron Spires ; illustrated by Grace Cho. —Toronto : Kids
646.726 Can Press, 2023. —44 pages : illustrations ; 18 cm
Naturalmente bella : remedios secretos de la abuela / Dr. ISBN 9781525305795 hardback £14.99
Daniel L. Campos. [online resource] —New York : BNB Number GBC379494
HarperCollins Español, 2023. —1 online resource. Parenting, Humor.
ISBN 9780063222854 (electronic bk.) ; 006322285X Wit and humor.
(electronic bk.) Infants, Language, Humor.
BNB Number GBC377826 Prepublication record
Beauty, Personal.

650.0285 650.072
Blockchain for business : IT principles into practice / Marco Research methods for business students / Mark N.K.
Comuzzi, Paul Grefen and Giovanni Meroni. [online resource] Saunders, Philip Lewis, Adrian Thornhill. [online resource]
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (336 pages) —Ninth edition. —Harlow, England : Pearson, 2023. —1 online
: illustrations (black and white) resource (xxvii, 860 pages) : illustrations (colour)
ISBN 9781000899696 ePub ebook £34.99 ; 9781000899641 ISBN 9781292402741 ePub ebook No price ; 9781292402727
PDF ebook £34.99 paperback No price ; 9781292402734 PDF ebook No price
BNB Number GBC380976 BNB Number GBC381573
Business, Data processing. Business, Research, Data processing.
Blockchains (Databases), Industrial applications. Business, Research.
Database management. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
650.0285 Machine learning for business analytics : concepts,
Blockchain for business : IT principles into practice / Marco techniques, and applications with Analytic Solver Data Mining
Comuzzi, Paul Grefen and Giovanni Meroni. —London : / Galit Shmueli, Peter C. Bruce, Kuber R. Deokar, Nitin R.
Routledge, 2023. —336 pages : illustrations (black and white) Patel. [online resource] —Fourth edition. —Hoboken : John
; 25 cm Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —1 online resource (624 pages)
ISBN 9781032342467 paperback £34.99 ; 9781032342481 ISBN 9781119829867 ePub ebook £107.00
hardback £130.00 BNB Number GBC381188
BNB Number GBC378828 Business, Data processing.
Database management. Data mining.
Business, Data processing. Machine learning.
Blockchains (Databases), Industrial applications. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
650.0285 Successful career strategy : an HR practitioner's guide to
Data analytics and business intelligence : computational reach your dream job / Sven Sommerlatte. —Berlin : Springer,
frameworks, practices, and applications / edited by Vincent 2023. —162 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 21 cm.
Charles, Pratibha Garg, Neha Gupta, Mohini Agarwal. [online ISBN 9783662667903 hardback £32.99
resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online BNB Number GBC380302
resource (260 pages) : illustrations (black and white) Career development.
ISBN 9781000909302 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000909265 Personnel management.
PDF ebook £48.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC381117
Business intelligence. 650.1
Business, Decision making. Transforming while performing : find your North Star and get
Business, Data processing. everyone to act in days, not months / Kristof Braekeleire,
Business enterprises, Technological innovations. Olivier van Duüren. —Amsterdam : BIS Publishers, 2023.
Prepublication record —336 pages ; 24 cm
ISBN 9789063696726 paperback £25.00
650.0285 BNB Number GBC380337
Data analytics and business intelligence : computational Transformational leadership.
frameworks, practices, and applications / edited by Vincent Success in business.
Charles, Pratibha Garg, Neha Gupta, Mohini Agarwal. —Boca Prepublication record
Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —260 pages : illustrations (black
and white) ; 24 cm 650.11
ISBN 9781032039046 hardback £130.00 Automate your busywork : do less, achieve more, and save
BNB Number GBC378565 your brain for the big stuff / Aytekin Tank. —Hoboken : John
Business enterprises, Technological innovations. Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —256 pages ; 24 cm
Business intelligence. ISBN 9781119901730 hardback £21.99
Business, Data processing. BNB Number GBC379175
Business, Decision making. Time management.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

650.11 651.73
Smart work : how to increase productivity, achieve balance Conversational wisdom : strengthening human connection
and reduce stress / Dermot Crowley. —Second edition. through the power of conversation / Emily Cosgrove and Sara
—Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —256 pages : Hope. —London : Routledge, 2023. —188 pages : illustrations
illustrations (black and white, and colour). (black and white) ; 20 cm
ISBN 9781394189854 paperback £16.95 ISBN 9781032287638 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032287614
BNB Number GBC379282 paperback £29.99
Time management. BNB Number GBC378761
Prepublication record Conversation.
Corporate culture.
650.13 Business communication, Social aspects.
The art of making sh!t up : using the principles of improv to Prepublication record
become an unstoppable powerhouse / Norm Laviolette.
—Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —192 pages ; 23 657.45
cm Auditing and assurance services. [online resource]
ISBN 9781394185870 paperback £15.99 —Seventeenth edition. / Alvin A. Arens, Randal J. Elder, Mark
BNB Number GBC379279 S. Beasley, Chris E. Hogan. —Upper Saddle River : Pearson,
Leadership. 2023. —1 online resource (856 pages)
Management. ISBN 9781292449074 ebook £35.99 ; 9781292449050 PDF
Communication in management. ebook £50.99 ; 9781292449098 ebook £37.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC381211
650.144 Negative assurance (Accounting)
How to answer interview questions : guide to a winning Prepublication record
interview with amazing interview answers. How to use
emotional intelligence to be more confident in your job 657.45
interview / Jim Hunting. —[Great Britain] : [Jim Hunting], Auditing and assurance services. —Eighteenth edition / Alvin
[2019] —154 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm Arens, Randal Elder, Mark Beasley, Chris Hogan. —Upper
ISBN 9781801155083 paperback Saddle River : Pearson, 2023. —1 volume
BNB Number GBC378081 ISBN 9781292449111 paperback £77.27
BNB Number GBC379211
651.3 Auditing.
Where is my office? : reimagining the workplace for the 21st Prepublication record
century / Chris Kane, Eugenia Anastassiou. —Post-pandemic
edition. —London : Bloomsbury Business, 2023. —288 pages 657.45
: illustrations ; 24 cm Auditing and assurance services. —Seventeenth edition. /
ISBN 9781399405171 hardback £25.00 Alvin A. Arens, Randal J. Elder, Mark S. Beasley, Chris E.
BNB Number GBC379309 Hogan. —Upper Saddle River : Pearson, 2023. —856 pages
Flexible work arrangements. ISBN 9781292448985 paperback £62.99
Office buildings. BNB Number GBC379210
Office management. Auditing.
Organizational change. Negative assurance (Accounting)
Telecommuting. Prepublication record
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-, Influence.
Prepublication record 658
25 Need-to-Know MBA Models / Julian Birkinshaw, Ken Mark.
651.73 [online resource] —Harlow, United Kingdom : FT Publishing
Conversational wisdom : strengthening human connection International, 2017. —1 online resource (200 pages).
through the power of conversation / Emily Cosgrove and Sara ISBN 9781292178912 (EPUB) ; 1292178914 (EPUB)
Hope. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 BNB Number GBC377645
online resource (188 pages) : illustrations (black and white) Industrial management.
ISBN 9781000878288 ePub ebook £29.99 ; 9781000878271
PDF ebook £29.99
BNB Number GBC380533
Corporate culture.
Business communication, Social aspects.
Prepublication record

658 658.00727
Machine learning for managers / Paul Geertsema. [online Risk analytics : data-driven decisions under uncertainty /
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource Eduardo Rodriguez. —Boca Raton : Auerbach, 2023. —480
(160 pages) : illustrations (black and white) pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 26 cm
ISBN 9781000886009 PDF ebook £29.99 ; 9781000886047 ISBN 9781032507781 paperback £74.99 ; 9780367359614
ePub ebook £29.99 hardback £190.00
BNB Number GBC380658 BNB Number GBC378249
Organizational effectiveness. Risk assessment, Data processing.
Machine learning. Decision making.
Industrial management, Technological innovations. Management, Statistical methods.
Prepublication record Organizational effectiveness.
Prepublication record
Machine learning for managers / Paul Geertsema. —London : 658.0220994
Routledge, 2023. —160 pages : illustrations (black and white) Unlocking small business ideas : an Australian guide / John
; 24 cm W. English. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
ISBN 9781032362434 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032362427 online resource (170 pages)
paperback £29.99 ISBN 9781000889987 ePub ebook £29.99 ; 9781000889956
BNB Number GBC378855 PDF ebook £29.99
Organizational effectiveness. BNB Number GBC380744
Industrial management, Technological innovations. Small business, Australia, Management.
Machine learning. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
658 Unlocking small business ideas : an Australian guide / John
Principles of organizational behavior : the handbook of W. English. —London : Routledge, 2023. —170 pages ; 24 cm
evidence-based management / edited by Edwin A. Locke, ISBN 9781032496443 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032496436
Craig L. Pearce. [online resource] —Third edition. —Hoboken paperback £29.99
: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —1 online resource BNB Number GBC379048
ISBN 9781119828600 ePub ebook £49.99 Small business, Australia, Management.
BNB Number GBC381187 Prepublication record
Organizational behavior.
Prepublication record 658.044
Strategic alliance management / Brian Tjemkes, Pepijn Vos,
658.005 Koen Burgers. [online resource] —Third edition. —London :
Journal of management scientific reports. [online resource] Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (454 pages) :
—[Thousand Oaks, California] : SAGE, 2023- illustrations (black and white)
ISSN 2755-0311 ISBN 9781000892000 ePub ebook £44.99 ; 9781000891942
BNB Number GBC377525 PDF ebook £44.99
BNB Number GBC380798
658.00727 Strategic alliances (Business)
Risk analytics : data-driven decisions under uncertainty / Prepublication record
Eduardo Rodriguez. [online resource] —Boca Raton :
Auerbach, 2023. —1 online resource (480 pages) : 658.044
illustrations (black and white) Strategic alliance management / Brian Tjemkes, Pepijn Vos,
ISBN 9781000893090 ePub ebook £74.55 ; 9781000893083 Koen Burgers. —Third edition. —London : Routledge, 2023.
PDF ebook £74.55 —454 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm
BNB Number GBC380834 ISBN 9781032119281 hardback £160.00 ; 9781032119250
Risk assessment, Data processing. paperback £44.99
Decision making. BNB Number GBC378605
Management, Statistical methods. Strategic alliances (Business)
Organizational effectiveness. Prepublication record
Prepublication record

658.049 658.15224
International business / James Oldroyd, Shad Morris. —Third Getting research funded : five essential rules for early career
edition. —Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —1 researchers / Tseen Khoo, Phil Ward and Jonathan
volume : illustrations O'Donnell. —London : Routledge, 2023. —202 pages :
ISBN 9781119889724 paperback £55.99 illustrations (black and white).
BNB Number GBC379168 ISBN 9780367641917 hardback £120.00 ; 9780367651039
International trade. paperback £18.99
International business enterprises. BNB Number GBC378283
International economic relations. Endowments.
International finance. Fund raising.
Prepublication record Proposal writing for grants.
Prepublication record
International management : culture, strategy, and behavior. 658.155
[online resource] —Twelfth edition / Jonathan P. Doh, Fred Political risk intelligence for business operations in complex
Luthans, Ajai S. Gaur. —New York, NY : McGraw-Hill environments / Robert McKellar. [online resource] —London :
Education, [2023] —1 online resource (xxxi, 619 pages) : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (414 pages) :
illustrations (black and white) illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781266097904 paperback No price ; 9781266463082 ISBN 9781000885330 PDF ebook £52.99 ; 9781000885385
PDF ebook No price ePub ebook £52.99
BNB Number GBC381572 BNB Number GBC380650
International business enterprises, Management. International business enterprises, Political aspects.
International business enterprises, Management, Case Risk management, Political aspects.
studies. International business enterprises, Risk management.
Prepublication record Business intelligence, Political aspects.
Prepublication record
Compliance & risk. [online resource] —London : PDP 658.155
ISSN 2049-520X Political risk intelligence for business operations in complex
BNB Number GBC378050 environments / Robert McKellar. —London : Routledge, 2023.
—414 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 26 cm
658.15 ISBN 9781032496115 hardback £140.00 ; 9780367710613
Corporate finance / Jonathan Berk, Peter DeMarzo. —Sixth paperback £52.99
edition. —Upper Saddle River : Pearson, 2023. —1200 pages BNB Number GBC379046
: illustrations (black and white, and colour) Business intelligence, Political aspects.
ISBN 9781292446318 paperback £73.99 Risk management, Political aspects.
BNB Number GBC379208 International business enterprises, Political aspects.
Corporations, Finance. International business enterprises, Risk management.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

658.15 658.2
Finance for qualitative thinkers : how to use logical math A roadmap for the uptake of cyber-physical systems for
intelligence (LMI) in financial problem solving / Cornelius facilities management / edited by Matthew Ikuabe, Clinton
Cash. —[United States] : [Primedia eLaunch LLC], [2017] Aigbavboa, Chimay Anumba, Ayodeji Oke. [online resource]
—109 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 28 cm —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (138 pages)
ISBN 9781642049299 paperback : illustrations (black and white).
BNB Number GBC377264 ISBN 9781000899702 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000899658
PDF ebook £48.99
BNB Number GBC380977
The VC field guide : fundamentals of venture capital / William
Commercial buildings, Maintenance and repair, Data
Lin. —Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —224 pages
; 24 cm
Intelligent buildings.
ISBN 9781394180653 hardback £22.99
Cooperating objects (Computer systems)
BNB Number GBC379272
Facility management, Data processing.
Venture capital.
Real estate management, Data processing.
Prepublication record
Prepublication record

658.2 658.3124
A roadmap for the uptake of cyber-physical systems for Coaching, mentoring and organisational politics / David
facilities management / edited by Matthew Ikuabe, Clinton Clutterbuck, Lise Lewis, Tim Bright. [online resource]
Aigbavboa, Chimay Anumba, Ayodeji Oke. —London : —Maidenhead : Open University Press, 2023. —1 online
Routledge, 2023. —138 pages : illustrations (black and white) resource
; 24 cm. ISBN 9780335249480 ebook £19.99
ISBN 9781032446660 hardback £150.00 BNB Number GBC380446
BNB Number GBC378949 Office politics.
Real estate management, Data processing. Employees, Coaching of.
Facility management, Data processing. Mentoring in business.
Cooperating objects (Computer systems) Prepublication record
Intelligent buildings.
Commercial buildings, Maintenance and repair, Data 658.3124
processing. Coaching, mentoring and organisational politics / David
Prepublication record Clutterbuck, Lise Lewis, Tim Bright. —Maidenhead : Open
University Press, 2023. —1 volume
658.3 ISBN 9780335249473 paperback £24.99
Management in action : an HR perspective / edited by BNB Number GBC378238
Sanjeev Bansal, Anu Prashaant, Rushina Singhi, Lakhwinder Office politics.
Kaur Dhillon. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. Mentoring in business.
—1 online resource (207 pages) : illustrations (black and Employees, Coaching of.
white) Prepublication record
ISBN 9781000899153 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000899085
PDF ebook £48.99 658.3125
BNB Number GBC380963 Performance management systems : a global perspective /
Industrial management, Case studies. edited by Arup Varma, Pawan S. Budhwar and Angelo DeNisi.
Personnel management, Case studies. [online resource] —Second edition. —London : Routledge,
Prepublication record 2023. —1 online resource (336 pages) : illustrations (black
and white).
658.3 ISBN 9781000890693 ePub ebook £34.99 ; 9781000890679
Management in action : an HR perspective / edited by PDF ebook £34.99
Sanjeev Bansal, Anu Prashaant, Rushina Singhi, Lakhwinder BNB Number GBC380762
Kaur Dhillon. —London : Routledge, 2023. —207 pages : Performance, Management.
illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm International business enterprises, Employees, Rating of.
ISBN 9781032515991 hardback £130.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC379087
Personnel management, Case studies. 658.3125
Industrial management, Case studies. Performance management systems : a global perspective /
Prepublication record edited by Arup Varma, Pawan S. Budhwar and Angelo DeNisi.
—Second edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —336 pages :
658.30015195 illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
Assessing organizational diversity with the Shannon index. ISBN 9781032308180 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032308173
[online resource] —Newcastle upon Tyne, UK : Cambridge paperback £34.99
Scholars Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource. BNB Number GBC378782
ISBN 1527594351 electronic book ; 9781527594357 Performance, Management.
electronic book International business enterprises, Employees, Rating of.
BNB Number GBC377676 Prepublication record
Diversity in the workplace, Statistical methods.
658.3112 Workplace bullying : finding your way to big tent belonging /
Foolproof hiring : powerful, proven keys to hiring high Dorothy Suskind. [online resource] —Lanham : Rowman &
performers / Brad Smart with Chris Mursau. —Charleston : Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —1 online resource (222 pages) :
ForbesBooks, 2023. —210 pages ; 23 cm illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9798887500843 hardback No price ISBN 9781538172094 ePub ebook £33.00
BNB Number GBC380369 BNB Number GBC381363
Employee selection. Bullying in the workplace.
Prepublication record Bullying in the workplace, Prevention.
Prepublication record

658.382 658.4022
Workplace bullying : finding your way to big tent belonging / Collaborative intelligence : the new way to bring out the
Dorothy Suskind. —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, genius, fun, and productivity in any team / Mariano
2023. —222 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 22 cm Suarez-Battan, Jim Kalbach. [online resource] —Hoboken :
ISBN 9781538172087 hardback £25.00 John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —1 online resource (176
BNB Number GBC379550 pages)
Bullying in the workplace. ISBN 9781119896548 ePub ebook £26.99
Bullying in the workplace, Prevention. BNB Number GBC381195
Prepublication record Group problem solving.
Teams in the workplace.
658.401 Prepublication record
Business analytics : combining data, analysis and judgement
to inform decisions / Mary Ellen Gordon. [online resource] 658.4022
—Los Angeles : SAGE, 2023. —1 online resource (232 pages) Collaborative intelligence : the new way to bring out the
ISBN 9781529615982 ePub ebook £39.99 genius, fun, and productivity in any team / Mariano
BNB Number GBC381345 Suarez-Battan, Jim Kalbach. —Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons,
Business planning, Statistical methods. Inc., 2023. —176 pages ; 24 cm
Industrial management, Statistical methods. ISBN 9781119896036 paperback £26.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379170
Group problem solving.
658.4012 Teams in the workplace.
Building moonshots : 50+ ways to turn radical ideas into Prepublication record
reality / Tamara Carleton, William Cockayne. —Hoboken :
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —352 pages ; 24 cm 658.4022
ISBN 9781394176588 hardback £24.99 Smart teams : how to move from friction to flow and work
BNB Number GBC379268 better together / Dermot Crowley. —Second edition.
Technological innovations, Management. —Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —256 pages
Business planning. ISBN 9781394191307 paperback £16.95
Strategic planning. BNB Number GBC379283
Prepublication record Teams in the workplace, Management.
658.4012 Employee motivation.
Business model innovation : strategic and organizational Prepublication record
issues for established firms / Constantinos Markides. [online
resource] —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. 658.403
—1 online resource (75 pages). Decision sprint : the new way to innovate into the unknown
ISBN 9781108993241 PDF ebook £145.00 and move from strategy to action / Atif Rafiq. —New York :
BNB Number GBC381177 McGraw Hill, 2023. —1 volume ; 24 cm
Strategic planning. ISBN 9781264609598 hardback £24.99
Business planning. BNB Number GBC379201
Prepublication record Decision support systems.
Decision making.
658.4012 Corporate culture.
Trust the plan : demand management for business leaders / Strategic planning.
Greg Spira. —Fort Lauderdale : J. Ross Publishing, 2023. Prepublication record
—272 pages ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781604271904 paperback £44.95 658.403
BNB Number GBC379578 The choice / Eliyahu M. Goldratt & Efrat Goldratt-Ashlag.
Business planning. —Revised edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —240 pages :
Leadership. illustrations (black and white) ; 22 cm
Management. ISBN 9781032447704 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032445151
Prepublication record paperback
BNB Number GBC378952
Decision making.
Success in business.
Prepublication record

658.4038 658.4038
A translation theory of knowledge transfer : learning across Information compliance : fundamental concepts and best
organizational borders / Kjell Arne Røvik. [online resource] practices / William Saffady. —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield
—Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2023. —1 online resource Publishers, 2023. —304 pages ; 23 cm
(310 pages) : illustrations (black and white). ISBN 9781538167663 hardback £100.00 ; 9781538167670
ISBN 9780191871009 ebook No price ; 9780198832362 paperback £50.00
hardback No price BNB Number GBC379545
BNB Number GBC380402 Information resources management.
Knowledge management. Information storage and retrieval systems.
Communication in organizations. Knowledge management.
Organizational learning. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
658.4038 Information systems research : foundations, design and
Capitalizing your technology to disrupt and dominate your theory / Mohammed Ali. [online resource] —Basingstoke :
markets : transforming cost centers to innovation centers / Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. —1 online resource (150 pages) :
Aviv Ben-Yosef. [online resource] —New York : Productivity illustrations (black and white, and colour)
Press, 2023. —1 online resource (192 pages) : illustrations ISBN 9783031254703 PDF ebook £69.99
(black and white) BNB Number GBC381502
ISBN 9781000896442 ePub ebook £25.99 ; 9781000896411 Management information systems, Research,
PDF ebook £25.99 Methodology.
BNB Number GBC380898 Information resources management, Research,
Information technology, Management. Methodology.
Industrial management, Technological innovations. Prepublication record
Technological innovations, Economic aspects.
Prepublication record 658.4038
Information systems research : foundations, design and
658.4038 theory / Mohammed Ali. —Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan,
Capitalizing your technology to disrupt and dominate your 2023. —150 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour)
markets : transforming cost centers to innovation centers / ; 24 cm
Aviv Ben-Yosef. —New York : Productivity Press, 2023. —192 ISBN 9783031254697 paperback £69.99
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm BNB Number GBC380257
ISBN 9781032415178 hardback £90.00 ; 9781032415161 Management information systems, Research,
paperback £25.99 Methodology.
BNB Number GBC378916 Information resources management, Research,
Information technology, Management. Methodology.
Industrial management, Technological innovations. Prepublication record
Technological innovations, Economic aspects.
Prepublication record 658.4038
Recent advances in knowledge management / edited by
658.4038 Muhammad Mohiuddin, Md Samim Al Azad, Shammi Ahmed.
Freedom of information [electronic resource]. [online resource] [online resource] —London : IntechOpen, [2022]. —1 online
—[London] : PDP journals resource (180 pages).
ISSN 2049-5315 ISBN 1839699434 ; 9781839699436
BNB Number GBC378043 BNB Number GBC377634
Knowledge management.
Information compliance : fundamental concepts and best 658.4038
practices / William Saffady. [online resource] —Lanham : Sustainable business and IT / edited by Subodh Kesharwani,
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —1 online resource Devendra K. Dhusia. [online resource] —London : Routledge,
(304 pages) 2023. —1 online resource (310 pages)
ISBN 9781538167687 PDF ebook £135.00 ISBN 9781000899009 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000898934
BNB Number GBC381580 PDF ebook £38.99
Knowledge management. BNB Number GBC380960
Information storage and retrieval systems. Social responsibility of business.
Information resources management. Information technology, Management.
Prepublication record Business enterprises, Environmental aspects.
Prepublication record

658.4038 658.4053
Sustainable business and IT / edited by Subodh Kesharwani, Managing conflict in organizations / M. Afzalur Rahim. [online
Devendra K. Dhusia. —London : Routledge, 2023. —310 resource] —Fifth edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
pages ; 23 cm online resource (324 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781032515014 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781000886207 PDF ebook £34.99 ; 9781000886221
BNB Number GBC379083 ePub ebook £34.99
Information technology, Management. BNB Number GBC380660
Business enterprises, Environmental aspects. Conflict management.
Social responsibility of business. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
658.4038011 Managing conflict in organizations / M. Afzalur Rahim. —Fifth
Essentials of MIS / Kenneth Laudon, Jane Laudon. [online edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —324 pages :
resource] —Fifteenth edition. —Upper Saddle River : Pearson, illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
2023. —1 online resource ISBN 9781032258201 paperback £34.99 ; 9781032259598
ISBN 9781292450452 PDF ebook £55.99 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC381213 BNB Number GBC378728
Management information systems. Conflict management.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

658.4038011 658.4053
Teach yourself visually Power BI / Alexander Loth. [online Sandbox strategies for the new workplace : conflict resolution
resource] —Indianapolis : Visual, 2023. —1 online resource from the inside out / Penny Tremblay ; foreword by Samuel
(256 pages) Dinnar. [online resource] —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield
ISBN 9781119903796 ePub ebook £22.99 Publishers, 2023. —1 online resource (184 pages) :
BNB Number GBC381198 illustrations (black and white)
Dashboards (Management information systems) ISBN 9781538170229 ePub ebook £35.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC381359
Communication in organizations.
658.404 Interpersonal relations.
Future ready : your organization's guide to rethinking climate, Conflict management.
resilience, and sustainability / Tom Lewis, Alastair MacGregor, Prepublication record
Stacy Swann. —Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023.
—304 pages ; 24 cm 658.4053
ISBN 9781119894568 hardback £22.99 Sandbox strategies for the new workplace : conflict resolution
BNB Number GBC379169 from the inside out / Penny Tremblay ; foreword by Samuel
Industrial management, Environmental aspects. Dinnar. —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023.
Climatic changes. —184 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 22 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9781538170212 hardback £26.00
BNB Number GBC379546
658.404 Communication in organizations.
Managing people in projects for high performance : Interpersonal relations.
behavioural approach to productive project teams / Upasna A. Conflict management.
Agarwal, Karuna Jain, Vittal Anantatmula, Sankaran Shankar. Prepublication record
—Singapore : Springer, 2023. —216 pages : illustrations
(black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm. 658.4056
ISBN 9789811982057 hardback £69.99 Strategic crisis communication / James S. O'Rourke, Jeffrey
BNB Number GBC380345 Smith. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
Achievement motivation. online resource (216 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
Project management, Methodology. ISBN 9781000896855 PDF ebook £29.99 ; 9781000896916
Prepublication record ePub ebook £29.99
BNB Number GBC380908
Communication in management.
Communication in organizations.
Crisis management.
Prepublication record

658.4056 658.409
Strategic crisis communication / James S. O'Rourke, Jeffrey The effective manager. —Second edition / Mark Horstman,
Smith. —London : Routledge, 2023. —216 pages : illustrations Kate Braun, Sarah Sentes. —Hoboken, New Jersey : John
(black and white) ; 23 cm Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —240 pages ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781032342580 paperback £29.99 ; 9781032342610 ISBN 9781394181612 hardback £21.99
hardback £120.00 BNB Number GBC379275
BNB Number GBC378830 Supervision of employees.
Communication in organizations. Management.
Communication in management. Teams in the workplace, Management.
Crisis management. Executive ability.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

658.406 658.4092
Smart business and digital transformation : an industry 4.0 A research agenda for leadership learning and development
perspective / edited by Sándor Gyula Nagy and Tamás through higher education / edited by Susan R. Komives, Julie
Stukovszky. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. E. Owen. —Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023.
—1 online resource (194 pages) : illustrations (black and —348 pages ; 24 cm.
white) ISBN 9781800887770 hardback £110.00
ISBN 9781000892932 ePub ebook £54.99 ; 9781000892864 BNB Number GBC379895
PDF ebook £54.99 Leadership, Study and teaching.
BNB Number GBC380829 Leadership, Study and teaching, Research.
Industry 4.0. Prepublication record
Management, Technological innovations.
Strategic planning. 658.4092
Organizational change. Bend the knee or seize the throne : leadership lessons from
Organizational effectiveness. the seven kingdoms / Nathan Tong, Michael J. Urick. [online
Prepublication record resource] —United Kingdom : Emerald Publishing, 2023. —1
online resource (156 pages).
658.406 ISBN 9781802626476 PDF ebook £20.00 ; 9781802626490
Smart business and digital transformation : an industry 4.0 ePub ebook £20.00
perspective / edited by Sándor Gyula Nagy and Tamás BNB Number GBC381422
Stukovszky. —London : Routledge, 2023. —194 pages : Leadership.
illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781032486956 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032486932
paperback £54.99 658.4092
BNB Number GBC379019 Bend the knee or seize the throne : leadership lessons from
Industry 4.0. the seven kingdoms / Nathan Tong, Michael J. Urick. —United
Organizational change. Kingdom : Emerald Publishing, 2023. —156 pages ; 23 cm.
Management, Technological innovations. ISBN 9781802626506 paperback £20.00
Organizational effectiveness. BNB Number GBC379914
Strategic planning. Leadership.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

658.408 658.4092
Towards a fair and just economy : social business as a Computational leadership : connecting behavioral science and
transformational approach / Fons van der Velden (ed.). technology to optimize decision-making and increase profits /
—Volendam : LM Publishers, October 2018. —199 pages : Brian R. Spisak. —Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023.
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm —224 pages ; 24 cm
ISBN 9460225055 paperback ; 9789460225055 paperback ISBN 9781119984047 hardback £21.99
BNB Number GBC378102 BNB Number GBC379182
Business logistics.
Leadership, Technological innovations.
Prepublication record

658.4092 658.4092
Escape velocity : free your company's future from the pull of Leading the digital workforce : IT leadership peak
the past / Geoffrey A. Moore. [online resource] —New York, performance and agility / Jeffrey W. Brown. [online resource]
NY : HarperBusiness, 2011. —1 online resource (xxi, 213 —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online resource (198
pages) : illustrations. pages) : illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9780062040916 (electronic bk.) ; 006204091X ISBN 9781000895131 ePub ebook £34.99 ; 9781000895100
(electronic bk.) PDF ebook £34.99
BNB Number GBC377816 BNB Number GBC380872
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS, General. Information technology, Management.
Business planning. Leadership.
Management. Prepublication record
Strategic planning.
658.4092 Leading the digital workforce : IT leadership peak
Leadership : a diverse, inclusive and critical approach / performance and agility / Jeffrey W. Brown. —Boca Raton :
Naveena Prakasam. [online resource] —London : SAGE CRC Press, 2023. —198 pages : illustrations (black and white)
Publications Ltd, 2023. —1 online resource (328 pages). ; 24 cm.
ISBN 1529612837 PDF ; 9781529612837 PDF ISBN 9781032323725 hardback £99.99 ; 9781032323732
BNB Number GBC377688 paperback £34.99
Management. BNB Number GBC378810
Leadership. Information technology, Management.
658.4092 Prepublication record
Leadership and organizational sustainability : the knowledge
management approach / edited by Elia Socorro Díaz Nieto, 658.4092
David Israel Contreras Medina and Roberto Tuda Rivas. Mindfulness-based strategic awareness training
[online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online comprehensive workbook : new approach based on free
resource : illustrations (black and white). energy and active inference for skillful decision-making / Juan
ISBN 9781000890259 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000890358 Humberto Young. [online resource] —Chichester : Wiley
ePub ebook £38.99 Blackwell, 2023. —1 online resource
BNB Number GBC380754 ISBN 9781119767374 ePub ebook £24.99
Organizational resilience. BNB Number GBC381181
Knowledge management. Leadership, Psychological aspects.
Leadership. Meditation.
Prepublication record Mindfulness (Psychology)
Prepublication record
Leadership and organizational sustainability : the knowledge 658.4092
management approach / edited by Elia Socorro Díaz Nieto, The adventure of sustainable performance : beyond ESG
David Israel Contreras Medina and Roberto Tuda Rivas. compliance to leadership in the new era / Dean Sanders,
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 volume : illustrations (black Stuart McLachlan. [online resource] —Hoboken : John Wiley &
and white). Sons, Inc., 2023. —1 online resource (288 pages)
ISBN 9781032442693 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781394187256 ePub ebook £24.99
BNB Number GBC378938 BNB Number GBC381250
Leadership. Social responsibility of business.
Knowledge management. Leadership.
Organizational resilience. Sustainable development.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

658.4092 658.421
The beekeeper : pollinating your organization for The entrepreneurial ecosystem : a global perspective / edited
transformative growth / Katie P. Desiderio and Michael G. by Zoltán J. Ács, Esteban Lafuente, László Szerb.
Frino. —Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —176 —Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. —431 pages :
pages ; 22 cm illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9781394165261 hardback £20.99 ISBN 9783031259302 hardback £129.99
BNB Number GBC379261 BNB Number GBC380263
Leadership. Entrepreneurship.
Organizational change. Prepublication record
Corporate culture.
Organizational effectiveness. 658.421
Prepublication record The entrepreneurial ecosystem : a global perspective / edited
by Zoltán J. Ács, Esteban Lafuente, László Szerb. [online
658.4092 resource] —Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. —1
The Bruce Lee code : how The Dragon mastered business, online resource (431 pages) : illustrations (black and white,
confidence, and success / Thomas Lee. —Newburyport : and colour).
Career Press, 2023. —224 pages ; 18 cm ISBN 9783031259319 PDF ebook £129.50
ISBN 9781632652034 paperback £13.99 BNB Number GBC381505
BNB Number GBC379609 Entrepreneurship.
Lee, Bruce, 1940-1973, Influence. Prepublication record
Branding (Marketing) 658.421
Maturation (Psychology) The use of artificial intelligence for space applications :
Prepublication record Workshop at the 2022 International Conference on Applied
Intelligence and Informatics / edited by Cosimo Ieracitano
658.4092 [and five others]. —Cham : Springer, 2023. —438 pages :
The leadership challenge : how to make extraordinary things illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm.
happen in organizations / James M. Kouzes, Barry Z. Posner. ISBN 9783031257544 hardback £179.99
[online resource] —Seventh edition. —Hoboken, New Jersey : BNB Number GBC380261
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., [2023] —1 online resource. Entrepreneurship, Congresses.
ISBN 9781119736158 ePub ebook No price ; 9781119736127 Prepublication record
hardback No price
BNB Number GBC381569 658.45
Leadership. Communication intelligence : leverage your strengths and
Prepublication record optimize every interaction to work best with others / Claude
D'Val "Hoop" Morgan, III. —New York : McGraw Hill, 2023.
658.4092 —1 volume
The leadership challenge workbook. —Fourth edition / James ISBN 9781264278954 hardback £24.99
M. Kouzes, Barry Z. Posner. —Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, BNB Number GBC379199
Inc., 2023. —160 pages ; 26 cm Interpersonal communication.
ISBN 9781394152223 paperback £18.99 Communication in organizations.
BNB Number GBC379257 Communication in management.
Leadership, Forms. Prepublication record
Executive ability, Forms.
Prepublication record 658.45
Leading with questions : how leaders discover powerful
658.421 answers by knowing how and what to ask. [online resource]
Climate risks : an investor's field guide to identification and —Third edition / Michael Marquardt, Bob Tiede. —Hoboken :
assessment / Bob Buhr. [online resource] —Hoboken : John John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —1 online resource (272
Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —1 online resource (200 pages). pages)
ISBN 9781394187355 ePub ebook £40.00 ISBN 9781119912118 ePub ebook £20.99
BNB Number GBC381251 BNB Number GBC381201
Financial risk. Leadership.
Climatic changes, Economic aspects. Questioning.
Financial risk management, Environmental aspects. Communication in management.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

658.45 658.45
Leading with questions : how leaders discover powerful Strategic communication : campaign planning / James
answers by knowing how and what to ask. —Third edition / Mahoney. —Third edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —280
Michael Marquardt, Bob Tiede. —Hoboken : John Wiley & pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm
Sons, Inc., 2023. —272 pages ; 24 cm ISBN 9781032329741 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032329734
ISBN 9781119912095 hardback £20.99 paperback £34.99
BNB Number GBC379179 BNB Number GBC378819
Communication in management. Strategic planning.
Questioning. Communication in management.
Leadership. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
658.45 Sustainable crowdfunding : research-based analysis for
Narratives in public communication / edited by Fuyuan Shen, communication campaigns / Adam R. Pope. [online resource]
Heidi Hatfield Edwards. [online resource] —London : —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (202 pages)
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (216 pages) : : illustrations (black and white).
illustrations (black and white). ISBN 9781000898552 ePub ebook £35.99 ; 9781000898521
ISBN 9781000903416 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000903423 PDF ebook £35.99
ePub ebook £38.99 BNB Number GBC380946
BNB Number GBC381040 Crowd funding.
Risk communication. Business writing.
Communication in organizations. Business communication.
Public relations. Prepublication record
Communication in politics.
Prepublication record 658.45
Sustainable crowdfunding : research-based analysis for
658.45 communication campaigns / Adam R. Pope. —London :
Narratives in public communication / edited by Fuyuan Shen, Routledge, 2023. —202 pages : illustrations (black and white)
Heidi Hatfield Edwards. —London : Routledge, 2023. —216 ; 23 cm.
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm. ISBN 9781032312811 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032312736
ISBN 9781032437286 hardback £130.00 paperback £35.99
BNB Number GBC378935 BNB Number GBC378790
Communication in politics. Business writing.
Risk communication. Business communication.
Communication in organizations. Crowd funding.
Public relations. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
658.45 Executive speech doctor : engaging with community
Strategic communication : campaign planning / James audiences in person and online / Robert J. Weis ; foreword by
Mahoney. [online resource] —Third edition. —London : Randy C. James. —Jefferson, North Carolina : McFarland &
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (280 pages) : Company, Inc., Publishers, 2023. —277 pages ; 23 cm
illustrations (black and white) ISBN 9781476691664 paperback £30.95
ISBN 9781000889581 PDF ebook £34.99 ; 9781000889598 BNB Number GBC379429
ePub ebook £34.99 Public speaking.
BNB Number GBC380731 Business presentations.
Strategic planning. Prepublication record
Communication in management.
Prepublication record 658.456
Fundamentals of group process observation / edited by
Devika Dibya Choudhuri and Christopher J. McCarthy. [online
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
(232 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781000896350 ePub ebook £35.99 ; 9781000896299
PDF ebook £35.99
BNB Number GBC380895
Business communication.
Prepublication record
658.456 658.514
Fundamentals of group process observation / edited by Digital technologies for smart business, economics and
Devika Dibya Choudhuri and Christopher J. McCarthy. education : towards a promising future / edited by Amina
—London : Routledge, 2023. —232 pages : illustrations (black Omrane, Gouranga Patra, Sumona Datta. —Cham : Springer,
and white) ; 26 cm 2023. —320 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour)
ISBN 9781032251837 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032251806 ; 24 cm.
paperback £35.99 ISBN 9783031241000 hardback £139.99
BNB Number GBC378718 BNB Number GBC380242
Business communication. Economics, Technological innovations.
Meetings. Educational technology.
Prepublication record Business enterprises, Technological innovations.
Prepublication record
Flawless consulting : a guide to getting your expertise used / 658.514
Peter Block. [online resource] —Fourth edition. —Hoboken : Management of innovation and product development :
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —1 online resource (304 integrating business and technological perspectives / Marco
pages) Cantamessa, Francesca Montagna. [online resource]
ISBN 9781394177318 ePub ebook £65.00 —Second edition. —London : Springer, 2023. —1 online
BNB Number GBC381246 resource (506 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and
Business consultants. color).
Prepublication record ISBN 144717531X (electronic bk.) ; 9781447175315
(electronic bk.)
658.47 BNB Number GBC377753
Privacy & data protection. [online resource] —Ashford : Product design.
Privacy & Data Protection, 2000- Technological innovations, Management.
ISSN 2049-5307
BNB Number GBC378072 658.53
Production scheduling for the process industries : strategies,
658.5 systems, and culture / Peter L. King, Mac Jacob, Noel
Designing sustainable supply chains to achieve a circular Peberdy. [online resource] —New York : Productivity Press,
economy / edited by Siti Norida Wahab, and Yanamandra 2023. —1 online resource (224 pages) : illustrations (colour)
Ramakrishna. —Hershey : IGI Global, 2023. —350 pages ; 28 ISBN 9781000895575 ePub ebook £49.99 ; 9781000895537
cm PDF ebook £49.99
ISBN 9781668476642 hardback £305.00 BNB Number GBC380882
BNB Number GBC379714 Production scheduling.
Strategic planning. Manufacturing processes.
Circular economy. Prepublication record
Business logistics.
Prepublication record 658.53
Production scheduling for the process industries : strategies,
658.5 systems, and culture / Peter L. King, Mac Jacob, Noel
Operations management : sustainability and supply chain Peberdy. —New York : Productivity Press, 2023. —224 pages
management. —Fourteenth edition / Jay Heizer, Barry : illustrations (colour) ; 28 cm
Render, Chuck Munson. —Upper Saddle River : Pearson, ISBN 9781032302355 hardback £140.00 ; 9781032302362
2023. —912 pages : illustrations (colour), maps (colour) paperback £49.99
ISBN 9781292444833 paperback £73.99 BNB Number GBC378777
BNB Number GBC379207 Production scheduling.
Production management. Manufacturing processes.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

658.7 658.802
Strategies for supply chain risk management / Yi Li, Ju'e Guo, Contemporary issues in marketing and consumer behaviour.
and Kin Keung Lai. [online resource] —London : Routledge, [online resource] —Third edition / Elizabeth Parsons, Pauline
2023. —1 online resource (176 pages) : illustrations (black Maclaran, Andreas Chatzidakis, Rachel Ashman. —London :
and white). Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (232 pages) :
ISBN 9781000898873 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000898835 illustrations (black and white)
PDF ebook £38.99 ISBN 9781000898262 ePub ebook £39.99 ; 9781000898224
BNB Number GBC380958 PDF ebook £39.99
Risk management. BNB Number GBC380939
Business logistics. Marketing.
Prepublication record Consumer behavior.
Prepublication record
Strategies for supply chain risk management / Yi Li, Ju'e Guo, 658.802
and Kin Keung Lai. —London : Routledge, 2023. —176 pages Contemporary issues in marketing and consumer behaviour.
: illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. —Third edition / Elizabeth Parsons, Pauline Maclaran,
ISBN 9781032344195 hardback £130.00 Andreas Chatzidakis, Rachel Ashman. —London : Routledge,
BNB Number GBC378833 2023. —232 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm
Risk management. ISBN 9781032061993 hardback £140.00 ; 9781032062006
Business logistics. paperback £39.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC378577
658.70285 Consumer behavior.
Perspectives on blockchain technology and the digitalization Prepublication record
of the supply chain / edited by Najar Tharwa, Najar Yousra,
Adel Aloui. —Hershey : IGI Global, 2023. —315 pages ; 28 cm 658.812
ISBN 9781668474556 hardback £272.00 ; 9781668474563 Silence kills : communication tactics to speak with confidence
paperback £207.00 and build your influence / Scott Harvey. —New York : Morgan
BNB Number GBC379712 James Publishing, 2023. —186 pages ; 21 cm
Business logistics, Technological innovations. ISBN 9781636980157 paperback No price
Blockchains (Databases) BNB Number GBC379629
Prepublication record Customer relations.
Business communication.
658.8 Interpersonal communication.
Kellogg on marketing. [online resource] —Third edition. / Prepublication record
edited by Alexander Chernev and Philip Kotler. —Hoboken :
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —1 online resource (432 658.8160285
pages) Digital pricing strategy : capturing value from digital
ISBN 9781119906254 ePub ebook £26.99 innovations / edited by Stephan M. Liozu, Andreas
BNB Number GBC381199 Hinterhuber. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023.
Marketing. —1 online resource (272 pages) : illustrations (black and
Prepublication record white)
ISBN 9781000892888 ePub ebook £39.99 ; 9781000892819
658.8 PDF ebook £39.99
Kellogg on marketing. —Third edition. / edited by Alexander BNB Number GBC380826
Chernev and Philip Kotler. —Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Strategic planning, Economic aspects.
Inc., 2023. —432 pages ; 24 cm Pricing, Data processing.
ISBN 9781119906247 hardback £26.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC379176
Prepublication record

658.8160285 658.8342
Digital pricing strategy : capturing value from digital Depicting the consumer of experiential luxury : identities,
innovations / edited by Stephan M. Liozu, Andreas values and consumption goals in online reviewer discourse on
Hinterhuber. —London : Routledge, 2023. —272 pages : wine, perfume and chocolate / Charlotte Hommerberg, Maria
illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm Lindgren. [online resource] —Basingstoke : Palgrave
ISBN 9781032127712 hardback £140.00 ; 9781032127729 Macmillan, 2023. —1 online resource (214 pages) :
paperback £39.99 illustrations (black and white)
BNB Number GBC378608 ISBN 9781137600806 PDF ebook £74.50
Pricing, Data processing. BNB Number GBC381208
Strategic planning, Economic aspects. Consumer behavior.
Prepublication record Luxury goods industry, Marketing.
Internet marketing.
658.827 Prepublication record
Branded content and entertainment in advertising : a
theoretical and empirical study of creative advertising 658.8342
practices / María Rodríguez-Rabadán Benito. [online Depicting the consumer of experiential luxury : identities,
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource values and consumption goals in online reviewer discourse on
(192 pages) : illustrations (black and white). wine, perfume and chocolate / Charlotte Hommerberg, Maria
ISBN 9781000905588 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000905571 Lindgren. —Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. —214
PDF ebook £38.99 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 21 cm
BNB Number GBC381070 ISBN 9781137600790 hardback £74.99
Branding (Marketing) BNB Number GBC379188
Advertising. Luxury goods industry, Marketing.
Brand name products. Consumer behavior.
Prepublication record Internet marketing.
Prepublication record
Branded content and entertainment in advertising : a 658.85
theoretical and empirical study of creative advertising Coffee's for closers : the best real life sales book you'll ever
practices / María Rodríguez-Rabadán Benito. —London : read / Tony Morris. —Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
Routledge, 2023. —192 pages : illustrations (black and white) 2023. —400 pages ; 22 cm
; 24 cm. ISBN 9780857089557 hardback £18.99
ISBN 9781032316413 hardback £130.00 BNB Number GBC378461
BNB Number GBC378799 Sales management.
Branding (Marketing) Selling.
Brand name products. Prepublication record
Prepublication record 658.85
The sales agility code : deploy situational fluency to win more
658.827 sales / Michelle Vazzana, Lisa Doyle. —New York : McGraw
The effects of impartiality disclosure on brand objectives for Hill, 2023. —1 volume
no and multiple product endorsements / Corina Oprea. ISBN 9781264965823 hardback £24.99
—Wiesbaden : Springer, 2023. —275 pages ; 21 cm. BNB Number GBC379203
ISBN 9783658413637 paperback £74.99 Sales management.
BNB Number GBC380301 Selling.
Internet personalities, Promotions. Prepublication record
Endorsements in advertising.
Branding (Marketing) 658.87
Prepublication record Luxury marketing, sustainability and technology : the future of
luxury management / edited by Park Thaichon, Sara Quach.
658.8342 [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
A research agenda for consumer financial behavior / edited by resource (194 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
Jing J. Xiao, Satish Kumar. —Cheltenham : Edward Elgar ISBN 9781000891928 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000891904
Publishing, 2023. —344 pages ; 24 cm. PDF ebook £38.99
ISBN 9781803922645 hardback £115.00 BNB Number GBC380796
BNB Number GBC379934 Retail trade, Management.
Finance, Personal, Psychological aspects. Luxury goods industry, Management.
Consumer behavior, Research. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
658.87 658.87202854678
Luxury marketing, sustainability and technology : the future of Practical module development for Prestashop 8 : create
luxury management / edited by Park Thaichon, Sara Quach. modern, customizable, and dynamic online stores using
—London : Routledge, 2023. —194 pages : illustrations (black efficient modules / Louis Authie. —Birmingham : Packt
and white) ; 24 cm. Publishing, 2023. —300 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781032342917 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781837635962 paperback £29.99
BNB Number GBC378831 BNB Number GBC379975
Retail trade, Management. Electronic commerce, Computer programs.
Luxury goods industry, Management. Computer programming.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

658.872 659.1
Digital marketing : integrating strategy, sustainability, and The Routledge companion to advertising and promotional
purpose / Ira Kaufman, Chris Horton, Mariusz Soltanifar. culture / edited by Emily West and Matthew P. McAllister.
[online resource] —Second edition. —London : Routledge, [online resource] —Second edition. —New York : Routledge,
2023. —1 online resource (470 pages) : illustrations (black 2023. —1 online resource (xviii, 403 pages) : illustrations
and white, and colour) (black and white)
ISBN 9781351019170 PDF ebook £42.99 ; 9781351019163 ISBN 9780367645120 paperback No price ; 9781003124870
ePub ebook £42.99 ebook No price ; 9780367645106 hardback No price
BNB Number GBC381240 BNB Number GBC381561
Internet marketing. Advertising.
Marketing, Management. Social media.
Prepublication record Branding (Marketing)
Prepublication record
Digital marketing : integrating strategy, sustainability, and 659.2
purpose / Ira Kaufman, Chris Horton, Mariusz Soltanifar. Public relations and communications : from theory to practice /
—Second edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —470 pages : Aoife O'Donnell. [online resource] —London : Routledge,
illustrations (black and white, and colour) 2023. —1 online resource (232 pages) : illustrations (black
ISBN 9781138497276 hardback £150.00 ; 9781138497283 and white)
paperback £42.99 ISBN 9781000900699 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000900644
BNB Number GBC379192 PDF ebook £38.99
Internet marketing. BNB Number GBC380994
Marketing, Management. Public relations.
Prepublication record Interpersonal communication.
Business communication.
658.872 Prepublication record
The digital revolution : a survival guide / Simon Wilkie.
—Clayton, Victoria, Australia : Monash University Publishing, 659.2
[2021] —ix, 84 pages ; 18 cm. Public relations and communications : from theory to practice /
ISBN 192246421X (paperback) ; 9781922464217 (paperback) Aoife O'Donnell. —London : Routledge, 2023. —232 pages :
BNB Number GBC378083 illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm
Electronic commerce. ISBN 9781032182902 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032170435
Electronic commerce, Australia. paperback £38.99
Information technology, Economic aspects. BNB Number GBC378666
Interpersonal communication.
658.87202854678 Business communication.
Practical module development for Prestashop 8 : create Public relations.
modern, customizable, and dynamic online stores using Prepublication record
efficient modules / Louis Authie. [online resource]
—Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource 660.05
(300 pages) : illustrations Chemical engineering science. X. [online resource] —Oxford :
ISBN 9781837633395 ebook £23.99 Elsevier Ltd., 2019-2022. —illustrations (black and white)
BNB Number GBC381460 ISSN 2590-1400
Electronic commerce, Computer programs. BNB Number GBC377310
Computer programming.
Prepublication record

660.60286 660.65
Bio products : green materials for an emerging circular and Evolving tomorrow : genetic engineering and the evolutionary
sustainable economy / edited by Bhima R. Vijayendran. future of the Anthropocene / Asher Cutter. —Oxford : Oxford
—Berlin : De Gruyter, 2023. —610 pages : illustrations (black University Press, 2023. —320 pages ; 25 cm
and white, and colour) ; 24 cm. ISBN 9780198874522 hardback £34.99
ISBN 9783110791211 paperback £81.00 BNB Number GBC378191
BNB Number GBC380295 Genetic engineering.
Biological products. Human ecology.
Biotechnology, Environmental aspects. Evolution (Biology)
Renewable natural resources. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
660.60286 The future of biorefineries / Waldemar Nyström, editor. [online
Bio products : green materials for an emerging circular and resource] —New York : Nova Science Publishers, 2023. —1
sustainable economy / edited by Bhima R. Vijayendran. online resource.
[online resource] —Berlin : De Gruyter, 2023. —1 online ISBN 9798886975284 PDF ebook No price
resource (610 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and BNB Number GBC381591
colour). Circular economy.
ISBN 9783110791488 ePub ebook No price Biomass energy industries, Forecasting.
BNB Number GBC381515 Green chemistry.
Biological products. Biomass, Refining.
Biotechnology, Environmental aspects. Biomass conversion.
Renewable natural resources. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
660.63 Materials science and engineering in food product
Microbial enzymes and metabolites for health and well-being / development / edited by Wing Fu Lai. —Hoboken : John Wiley
edited by Ranjana Sirohi, Amit Kumar Rai, Luciana Porto de & Sons, Inc., 2023. —448 pages
Souza Vandenberghe, Binod Parameswaran. [online ISBN 9781119860358 hardback £140.00
resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online BNB Number GBC379163
resource (188 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and Food industry and trade, Technological innovations.
colour) Food, Analysis.
ISBN 9781000888263 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000888270 Food science.
ePub ebook £48.99 Food, Composition.
BNB Number GBC380695 Prepublication record
Microbial enzymes, Biotechnology.
Metabolites, Biotechnology. 668.920286
Prepublication record Waterborne polyurethanes (WBPUs) : production, chemistry
and applications / edited by Abbas Mohammadi. —New York :
660.63 Nova Science Publishers, 2023. —1 volume.
Microbial enzymes and metabolites for health and well-being / ISBN 9798886975208 hardback £203.99
edited by Ranjana Sirohi, Amit Kumar Rai, Luciana Porto de BNB Number GBC380363
Souza Vandenberghe, Binod Parameswaran. —Boca Raton : Polymerization, Environmental aspects.
CRC Press, 2023. —188 pages : illustrations (black and white, Polyurethanes.
and colour) ; 26 cm Water-soluble polymers.
ISBN 9781032436197 hardback £140.00 Green chemistry.
BNB Number GBC378933 Prepublication record
Metabolites, Biotechnology.
Microbial enzymes, Biotechnology. 670
Prepublication record 1923 catalog Sears, Roebuck and Co : the thrift book of a
nation. —New York : Dover Publications, 2023. —384 pages :
illustrations ; 28 cm
ISBN 9780486851167 paperback £18.99
BNB Number GBC378349
Sears, Roebuck and Company, Catalogs.
Manufactures, Catalogs.
Prepublication record

670.285 681.2
Applications of mathematical modeling, machine learning, and Intelligent technologies for sensors : applications, design, and
intelligent computing for industrial development / edited by optimization for a smart world / edited by S. Kannadhasan, R.
Madhu Jain, Dinesh K. Sharma, Rakhee Kulshrestha, H.S. Nagarajan, Alagar Karthick. —Toronto : Apple Academic
Hota. [online resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 Press, 2023. —382 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24
online resource (424 pages) : illustrations (black and white, cm
and colour). ISBN 9781774911853 hardback £139.00
ISBN 9781000885606 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000885552 BNB Number GBC379766
PDF ebook £48.99 Intelligent sensors.
BNB Number GBC380652 Prepublication record
Industry 4.0.
Engineering mathematics. 681.2
Automation. Understanding position sensors / David Nyce. [online
Artificial intelligence, Industrial applications. resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online
Prepublication record resource (448 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and
670.285 ISBN 9781000889413 ePub ebook £110.00 ; 9781000889383
Applications of mathematical modeling, machine learning, and PDF ebook £110.00
intelligent computing for industrial development / edited by BNB Number GBC380726
Madhu Jain, Dinesh K. Sharma, Rakhee Kulshrestha, H.S. Transducers.
Hota. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —424 pages : Detectors.
illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm. Prepublication record
ISBN 9781032392646 hardback £140.00
BNB Number GBC378898 681.2
Industry 4.0. Understanding position sensors / David Nyce. —Boca Raton :
Automation. CRC Press, 2023. —448 pages : illustrations (black and white,
Engineering mathematics. and colour) ; 24 cm
Artificial intelligence, Industrial applications. ISBN 9781032436999 hardback £110.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC378934
670.42 Transducers.
Recent remote sensing sensor applications : satellites and Prepublication record
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) / edited by Maged
Marghany. [online resource] —London : IntechOpen, [2022]. 681.61
—1 online resource (202 pages) : illustrations. The writing machine : a history of the typewriter / Michael H.
ISBN 9781839695452 ; 1839695455 Adler. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
BNB Number GBC377641 online resource (380 pages).
Detectors, Industrial applications. ISBN 9781000906776 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000906790
Remote sensing, Technological innovations. ePub ebook £48.99
Drone aircraft, Technological innovations. BNB Number GBC381096
Typewriters, History.
681.2 Prepublication record
Intelligent technologies for sensors : applications, design, and
optimization for a smart world / edited by S. Kannadhasan, R. 681.61
Nagarajan, Alagar Karthick. [online resource] —Toronto : The writing machine : a history of the typewriter / Michael H.
Apple Academic Press, 2023. —1 online resource (382 pages) Adler. —London : Routledge, 2023. —380 pages ; 25 cm.
: illustrations (black and white) ISBN 9781032481135 hardback £105.00
ISBN 9781000637809 PDF ebook £139.00 ; 9781000637830 BNB Number GBC379000
ePub ebook £139.00 Typewriters, History.
BNB Number GBC380490 Prepublication record
Intelligent sensors.
Prepublication record

681.761 687.0688
Evidence-based assessment framework for assistive Marketing fashion : critical perspectives on the power of
technology : the MPT and MATCH-ACES assessments / fashion in contemporary culture / edited by Karin M. Ekström.
edited by Susan A. Zapf. [online resource] —Boca Raton : —London : Routledge, 2023. —250 pages : illustrations (black
CRC Press, 2023. —1 online resource (248 pages) : and white) ; 24 cm.
illustrations (black and white, and colour) ISBN 9781032204802 paperback £35.99 ; 9781032204819
ISBN 9781000878301 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000878295 hardback £130.00
PDF ebook £48.99 BNB Number GBC378683
BNB Number GBC380534 Clothing trade.
Self-help devices for people with disabilities. Civilization, Modern, 21st century.
Disability evaluation. Branding (Marketing)
Prepublication record Fashion merchandising.
Prepublication record
Evidence-based assessment framework for assistive 690
technology : the MPT and MATCH-ACES assessments / Good night building site / Adam Gamble, Mark Jasper ;
edited by Susan A. Zapf. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. illustrated by Harvey Stevenson. —Sandwich : Good Night
—248 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 Books, 2023. —20 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 16 cm.
cm ISBN 9781649070869 hardback No price
ISBN 9780367461089 hardback £100.00 BNB Number GBC379695
BNB Number GBC378256 Building sites, Pictorial works, Juvenile literature.
Disability evaluation. Board books.
Self-help devices for people with disabilities. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
684.16 High pressure laminate cladding : data collection : summary
Kitchen cabinet makeover : eight easy projects / Mark report / report prepared by: Building Standards Division,
Johanson. [online resource] —[Place of publication not Scottish Government. [online resource] —Edinburgh : The
identified] : Creative Publishing international, [2012]. —1 Scottish Government, 2021. —1 online resource (28 pages)
online resource. ISBN 9781802013443 Electronic book (PDF format)
ISBN 9781622130931 (electronic bk.) ; 1622130936 BNB Number GBC381642
(electronic bk.)
BNB Number GBC377717 690.076
Kitchen cabinets. Cengage building contractor's licensing exam guide / by Chris
Cabinetwork. Prince. —Sixth edition. —Australia : Cengage, [2022] —iv, 228
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 28 cm + 1 folded card
686.22544536 ISBN 9780357502563 mixed media
The LaTeX companion. Part I. —Third edition / Frank BNB Number GBC377544
Mittelbach, Ulrike Fischer. —Boston : Addison-Wesley
Professional, 2023. —976 pages : illustrations + 1 CD-ROM. 690.16
ISBN 9780134658940 paperback £57.11 One-day upgrade : Installing a floating floor / by Mark
BNB Number GBC378128 Johanson. [online resource] —Beverly : Cool Springs Press,
Computerized typesetting. 2012. —1 online resource : color illustrations.
Prepublication record ISBN 162213091X (electronic bk.) ; 9781622130917
(electronic bk.)
687.0688 BNB Number GBC377712
Marketing fashion : critical perspectives on the power of Laminated materials.
fashion in contemporary culture / edited by Karin M. Ekström. Flooring.
[online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online Floors.
resource (250 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9781000900125 ePub ebook £35.99 ; 9781000900118 690.16
PDF ebook £35.99 The Complete Guide to Flooring : Updated with new Products
BNB Number GBC380986 & Techniques. [online resource] —[Franklin, Tenn.] : Cool
Branding (Marketing) Springs Press, 2010. —1 online resource : illustrations.
Civilization, Modern, 21st century. ISBN 9781610590082 (electronic bk.) ; 1610590082
Clothing trade. (electronic bk.)
Fashion merchandising. BNB Number GBC377696
Prepublication record Flooring.
Floor coverings.
690.5230286 690.893
Successful development of green building projects / Tayyab Deck in a day : 24-hour guide to deck building / Mark
Ahmad. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 Johanson. [online resource] —[Place of publication not
online resource (224 pages) : illustrations (black and white). identified] : Creative Publishing International, [2012]. —1
ISBN 9781000900668 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000900712 online resource.
ePub ebook £48.99 ISBN 1622130839 (electronic bk.) ; 9781622130832
BNB Number GBC380995 (electronic bk.)
Office buildings, Design and construction. BNB Number GBC377708
Structural engineering. Decks (Architecture, Domestic), Design and construction.
Sustainable construction.
Prepublication record 690.893
Deck in a day : 24-hour guide to deck building / Mark
690.5230286 Johanson. [online resource] —[Place of publication not
Successful development of green building projects / Tayyab identified] : Cool Springs Press, 2012. —1 online resource (32
Ahmad. —London : Routledge, 2023. —224 pages : pages).
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. ISBN 1622130901 EPUB ; 9781622130900 EPUB
ISBN 9781032345468 hardback £150.00 BNB Number GBC377715
BNB Number GBC378838 Decks (Architecture, Domestic), Design and construction.
Sustainable construction.
Office buildings, Design and construction. 690.898
Structural engineering. Garage upgrades [electronic resource] : add shelves, improve
Prepublication record the floor and more easy fixes. [online resource] —[S.l.] :
Creative Publishing international, 2012. —1 online resource.
690.8370472 ISBN 1622130995 (electronic bk.) ; 9781622130993
Solar electricity : easy DIY guide for powering your home / by (electronic bk.)
Eric Smith. [online resource] —[Place of publication not BNB Number GBC377719
identified] : Creative Publishing International, [2012]. —1 Garages, Design and construction, Amateurs' manuals.
online resource. Garages, Maintenance and repair, Amateurs' manuals.
ISBN 9781622131013 (electronic bk.) ; 1622131010
(electronic bk.) 694.6
BNB Number GBC377721 Molding & medallions : four easy weekend projects / by Phil
Solar houses. Schmidt. [online resource] —[Place of publication not
Dwellings, Power supply. identified] : Cool Springs Press, 2012. —1 online resource (32
Photovoltaic power generation. pages).
Photovoltaic power systems. ISBN 9781622130856 EPUB ; 1622130855 EPUB
BNB Number GBC377711
690.89 Trim carpentry, Amateurs' manuals.
Garden patio upgrade : how-to guide for four easy projects / Moldings, Amateurs' manuals.
by Mark Johanson. [online resource] —[Place of publication
not identified] : Cool Springs Press, 2012. —1 online resource 698.9
(32 pages). Installing floor tile : do-it-yourself guide / Eric Smith. [online
ISBN 1622130871 EPUB ; 9781622130870 EPUB resource] —[Place of publication not identified] : Cool Springs
BNB Number GBC377714 Press, 2012. —1 online resource (32 pages).
Garden structures, Amateurs' manuals, Design and ISBN 9781622131006 EPUB ; 1622131002 EPUB
construction. BNB Number GBC377720
Patios, Design and construction, Amateurs' manuals. Tile laying, Amateurs' manuals.
Flooring, Tile, Amateurs' manuals.
Build it in a weekend : the two-day paver patio / by Mark
Johanson. [online resource] —[Place of publication not
identified] : Cool Springs Press, 2012. —1 online resource (32
ISBN 9781622130863 EPUB ; 1622130863 EPUB
BNB Number GBC377710
Patios, Design and construction, Amateurs' manuals.

Arts & recreation
700 700.72051
What is art? / Sarah Walden. —Banbury : Noodle Juice, 2023. Moving between cultures through arts-based inquiry :
—32 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 26 cm. re-membering identity / Ying (Ingrid) Wang. —Basingstoke :
ISBN 9781915613158 hardback £9.99 Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. —1 volume : illustrations (colour) ;
BNB Number GBC380085 21 cm.
Art, Juvenile literature. ISBN 9783031325267 hardback £34.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC380289
Arts, Research, China.
700.4823 Qin (Musical instrument), Research.
Sacred muse : a preface to Christian art & music / Charles Prepublication record
Scribner III. [online resource] —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield
Publishers, 2023. —1 online resource (128 pages) : 700.8996073
illustrations (black and white, and colour) Blk art : the audacious legacy of black artists and models in
ISBN 9781538178621 ePub ebook £18.95 western art / Zaria Ware. [online resource] —New York :
BNB Number GBC381367 Harper Design an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, 2023.
Christian art and symbolism. —1 online resource : illustrations.
Church music. ISBN 9780063272422 (electronic bk.) ; 0063272423
Arts, European, Themes, motives. (electronic bk.)
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC377836
Art, Modern, 20th century.
700.4823 African American art, 19th century.
Sacred muse : a preface to Christian art & music / Charles African Americans in art.
Scribner III. —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, African American artists.
2023. —128 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) African American art, 20th century.
; 22 cm Art, European, 20th century.
ISBN 9781538178614 paperback £14.99 Black people in art.
BNB Number GBC379555 African American art.
Christian art and symbolism. Art, European, 19th century.
Church music. Artists, Black.
Arts, European, Themes, motives. Art, Black.
Prepublication record Art, Modern, 19th century.
Art, Modern, Themes, motives.
Hunger. [online resource] —London : Hunger Publishing Ltd, 701.03
2011- —illustrations (colour) Visual redress in Africa from indigenous and new materialist
ISSN 2632-2927 perspectives / edited by Elmarie Costandius, Gera de Villiers,
BNB Number GBC377609 and Leslie van Rooi. [online resource] —London : Routledge,
2023. —1 online resource (248 pages) : illustrations (black
and white, and colour)
Moving between cultures through arts-based inquiry :
ISBN 9781000890969 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000890983
re-membering identity / Ying (Ingrid) Wang. [online resource]
ePub ebook £38.99
—Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. —1 online
BNB Number GBC380772
resource : illustrations (colour).
Decolonization in art.
ISBN 9783031325274 PDF ebook No price
Decolonization, Africa.
BNB Number GBC381511
Art, Political aspects, Africa.
Qin (Musical instrument), Research.
Postcolonialism and the arts.
Arts, Research, China.
Prepublication record
Prepublication record

701.03 704.9489430954
Visual redress in Africa from indigenous and new materialist Tree and serpent : early Buddhist art in India / John Guy.
perspectives / edited by Elmarie Costandius, Gera de Villiers, —New York : The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2023. —368
and Leslie van Rooi. —London : Routledge, 2023. —248 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 31 cm
pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 25 cm ISBN 9781588396938 hardback £50.00
ISBN 9781032368535 hardback £130.00 BNB Number GBC379572
BNB Number GBC378864 Buddhist art, India, Exhibitions.
Decolonization in art. Buddhist art objects, India, Exhibitions.
Art, Political aspects, Africa. Prepublication record
Decolonization, Africa.
Postcolonialism and the arts. 704.9497948
Prepublication record Grimoire NieR : NieR replicant ver. 1.22474487139 / by
Dengeki Game Books. —Revised edition. —El Segundo :
701.17 Square Enix Books, 2023. —272 pages : illustrations, maps ;
Art versus beauty : when stones dance with eggs / Adrian 30 cm
David. —Antwerp : Ludion, 2023. —112 pages : illustrations ; ISBN 9781646091829 hardback £42.99
24 cm BNB Number GBC379670
ISBN 9789493039827 paperback £22.50 Video games in art.
BNB Number GBC380339 Prepublication record
Art, Modern, History and criticism.
Aesthetics. 704.94993772568
Prepublication record Pompeii in the visual and performing arts : its reception in
Spain and Latin America / edited by Mirella Romero Recio.
701.8 —London : Bloomsbury Academic, 2023. —256 pages :
Oloid : form of the future / edited by Paul Schatz Foundation. illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
—Sulgen : Niggli, 2023. —160 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm ISBN 9781350277885 hardback £95.00
ISBN 9783721210255 hardback £29.95 BNB Number GBC379246
BNB Number GBC380303 Arts, Latin American, Themes, motives.
Schatz, Paul, 1898-1979, Influence. Arts, Spanish, Themes, motives.
Geometry in art. Pompeii (Extinct city), In popular culture.
Prepublication record Pompeii (Extinct city), In art.
Prepublication record
Collateral realities / Luc Fierens & Jim Leftwich. —Dugort, 708
Achill, Co. Mayo : Redfoxpress, 2020. —1 volume (unpaged) : Reconstructing exhibitions in art institutions / edited by
illustrations (black and white) ; 15 cm. Natasha Adamou, Michaela Giebelhausen. [online resource]
BNB Number GBC377251 —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (264 pages)
: illustrations (black and white).
704.943 ISBN 9781000905670 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000905731
Ruskin on rocks : art, mountains and mineralogy / Louise ePub ebook £38.99
Pullen. —Sheffield : Sheffield Galleries & Museums Trust, BNB Number GBC381071
[2006?] —1 volume (unnumbered) : illustrations (colour) ; 27 Art, Exhibitions, Political aspects.
cm Art, Exhibitions, Social aspects.
ISBN 0954691350 paperback ; 9780954691356 paperback Art museums, Curatorship, Political aspects.
BNB Number GBC377588 Art museums, Curatorship, Social aspects.
Ruskin, John, 1819-1900, Knowledge, Mineralogy. Art and society, History.
Mountains in art, Exhibitions. Prepublication record
Rocks in art, Exhibitions.

REALTY : contemporary art, land grabs, and other options,
old and new old and new / edited by Tirdad Zolghadr. [online
resource] —Ostfildern : Hatje Cantz, 2023. —1 online
resource : illustrations
ISBN 9783775753456 ebook £23.99
BNB Number GBC381518
Art, Modern, 21st century, History and criticism.
City planning in art.
Prepublication record

708 709.05
Reconstructing exhibitions in art institutions / edited by What does 'art' mean now? : the personal after the age of
Natasha Adamou, Michaela Giebelhausen. —London : Romanticism and Modernism / Bruce Fleming. [online
Routledge, 2023. —264 pages : illustrations (black and white) resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
; 24 cm. (210 pages)
ISBN 9780367234218 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781000896978 PDF ebook £35.99 ; 9781000897050
BNB Number GBC378246 ePub ebook £35.99
Art museums, Curatorship, Political aspects. BNB Number GBC380911
Art, Exhibitions, Political aspects. Art, Modern, 21st century, Philosophy.
Art and society, History. Art, Modern, 21st century, Appreciation.
Art, Exhibitions, Social aspects. Prepublication record
Art museums, Curatorship, Social aspects.
Prepublication record 709.05
What does 'art' mean now? : the personal after the age of
708.2142132 Romanticism and Modernism / Bruce Fleming. —London :
The RA collection of cross-cultural works of art : a collector's Routledge, 2023. —210 pages ; 24 cm
vision / Helder Carita, Alexandra Curvelo, Maria Antónia Pinto ISBN 9781032446820 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032446837
de Matos, Bruno alexandre Morais, Fernando António paperback £35.99
Baptista Pereira, William R. Sargent. —1st edition. —London, BNB Number GBC378950
UK : Jorge Welsh Research & Publishing, 2022. —391 pages Art, Modern, 21st century, Appreciation.
(2 folded) : illustrations (chiefly colour), maps (colour) ; 37 cm. Art, Modern, 21st century, Philosophy.
ISBN 9781838216368 hardback Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC377490
709 Alphabeticon & other poems / Andrew Brenza. —Dugort,
Conversion machines : apparatus, artifice, body / edited by Achill, Co. Mayo : Redfoxpress, March 2020. —44
Bronwen Wilson, Paul Yachnin. [online resource] —Edinburgh unnumbered pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 15 cm.
: Edinburgh University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (368 BNB Number GBC377303
pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour).
ISBN 9781399516020 PDF ebook £95.00 ; 9781399516037 709.05018
ePub ebook £19.99 Aquiahoraotravoz : poesia experimental / J.M. Calleja,
BNB Number GBC381275 Alejandro Thornton. —Dugort, Achill, Co. Mayo : Redfoxpress,
Conversion. March 2021. —44 unnumbered pages : illustrations (black and
Mind and body. white, and colour) ; 15 cm.
Art objects, Religious aspects. BNB Number GBC377495
Machinery, Philosophy.
Art and society.
Arrivederci e grazie / Carla Bertola. —Achill Island, Ireland :
Prepublication record
Redfoxpress, February 2021. —44 unnumbered pages :
709.02 illustrations (colour) ; 15 cm.
The art and science of the church screen in medieval Europe : BNB Number GBC377480
making, meaning, preserving / edited by Spike Bucklow,
Richard Marks and Lucy Wrapson. [online resource]
Copy left / Serse Luigetti. —Dugort, Achill, Co. Mayo :
—Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK ; Rochester, NY : The Boydell
Redfoxpress, August 2020. —40 unnumbered pages :
Press, 2017. —1 online resource (xviii, 309 pages, 32
illustrations (colour) ; 15 cm.
unnumbered pages of color plates) : illustrations, facsimiles,
BNB Number GBC377445
ISBN 1787440117 (electronic bk.) ; 9781787440111 709.05018
(electronic bk.) Dans les décombres de Julien Blaine. —Dugort, Achill, Co.
BNB Number GBC377729 Mayo : Redfoxpress, December 2020. —40 unnumbered
Church decoration and ornament, Europe. pages : illustrations (colour) ; 15 cm.
ARCHITECTURE, History, General. BNB Number GBC377473
Screens (Church decoration), Europe.
DART/DART / Demosthenes Agrafiotis. —Dugort, Achill, Co.
Mayo : Redfoxpress, November 2019. —40 unnumbered
pages : illustrations (colour) ; 15 cm.
BNB Number GBC377263

709.05018 709.2
No News! / Fritz Sauter. —Dugort, Achill, Co. Mayo : Martin Kippenberger : catalogue raisonné of the paintings.
Redfoxpress, April 2020. —40 unnumbered pages : Volume II, 1938-86 / The Estate of Martin Kippenberger ;
illustrations (colour) ; 15 cm. edited by Gisela Capitain, Lisa Franzen. —Cologne : Walther
BNB Number GBC377451 & Franz Koenig, 2023. —576 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 30
709.05018 ISBN 9783863356354 hardback £270.00
Papeles pegados / Pere Sousa. —Dugort, Achill, Co. Mayo : BNB Number GBC380307
Redfoxpress, March 2020. —44 unnumbered pages : Kippenberger, Martin, 1953-1997, Catalogues raisonnés.
illustrations (colour) ; 15 cm. Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC377308
709.05018 Martin Neumaier / herausgegeben von Oliver Zybok ; mit
Zeit-geist / Ariel Gangi. —Dugort, Achill, Co. Mayo : Texten von Marcus Andrew Hurttig und Oliver Zybok = edited
Redfoxpress, January 2020. —40 unnumbered pages : by Oliver Zybok ; with texts by Marcus Andrew Hurttig and
illustrations (colour) ; 15 cm. Oliver Zybok. —Lübeck : Overbeck-Gesellschaft, Kunstverein
BNB Number GBC377298 Lübeck ; Ostfildern : Hatje Cantz, [2016?] —212 pages :
illustrations (chiefly colour) ; 25 cm
ISBN 9783775741095 hardbound ; 3775741097 hardbound
Cinthia Marcelle : a conjunction of factors. —Madrid : Turner
BNB Number GBC377896
Publicaciones, 2023. —144 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 25
Neumaier, Martin, 1970-, Exhibitions.
Art, German, 20th century, Exhibitions.
ISBN 9788418895685 hardback £31.00
Collage, German, 21st century, Exhibitions.
BNB Number GBC380315
Art, German, 21st century, Exhibitions.
Marcelle, Cinthia, 1974-
Collage, German, 20th century, Exhibitions.
Prepublication record 709.2
Performing memory : corporeality, visuality, and mobility after
1968 / edited by Luisa Passerini, Dieter Reinisch. [online
Edvard Munch : a poem of life, love and death. —London :
resource] —New York : Berghahn Books, 2023. —1 online
Thames and Hudson, 2023. —256 pages : illustrations
resource (216 pages).
(colour) ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781800739970 ePub ebook No price
ISBN 9780500026748 hardback £30.00
BNB Number GBC381414
BNB Number GBC378353
Performing arts, Political aspects.
Munch, Edvard, 1863-1944, Exhibitions.
Body image in the performing arts.
Prepublication record
Prepublication record
I declare a permanent state of happiness / Kenneth
Performing memory : corporeality, visuality, and mobility after
Goldsmith. —London : ERIS, 2023. —148 pages : illustrations
1968 / edited by Luisa Passerini, Dieter Reinisch. —New York
(colour) ; 36 cm
: Berghahn Books, 2023. —216 pages ; 23 cm.
ISBN 9781912475186 paperback £35.99
ISBN 9781800739963 hardback £99.00
BNB Number GBC380034
BNB Number GBC379883
Goldsmith, Kenneth
Body image in the performing arts.
Prepublication record
Performing arts, Political aspects.
709.2 Prepublication record
María Teresa Hincapié - if this were a principle of infinity /
Carolina Ponce de León, José Antonio Sánchez, Carmen
The art gallery of pathology / Tim-Rasmus Kiehl, MD ; edited
María Jaramillo, Paula Bossa, Claudia Segura. —Madrid :
by Sylvia L. Asa, MD, PhD. —Arlington, Virginia : American
Turner Publicaciones, 2023. —176 pages : illustrations
Registry of Pathology, 2020. —1 volume (unpaged) :
(colour) ; 26 cm
illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 26 cm
ISBN 9788418895678 hardback £31.00
ISBN 9781933477459 hardback ; 1933477458 hardback
BNB Number GBC380314
BNB Number GBC377518
Hincapié, María Teresa, 1954-2008, Exhibitions.
Prepublication record

709.2 709.47
To see stars over mountains / Vlatka Horvat ; essay by Russian orientalism in a global context : hybridity, encounter,
Lauren Elkin. —London : PEER and Unstable Object, and representation, 1740-1940 / edited by Maria Taroutina,
February 2022. —1 volume (unpaged) : illustrations (black and Allison Leigh. —Manchester : Manchester University Press,
white, and colour) ; 24 cm 2023. —304 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour)
ISBN 9781838042219 Unstable Object £20.00 ; 1838042210 ; 24 cm.
paperback £20.00 ; 9780956092564 PEER ISBN 9781526166234 hardback No price
BNB Number GBC377456 BNB Number GBC379498
Orientalism, Soviet Union.
709.2 Art, Russian, 20th century.
Yayoi Kusama / Robert Shore. [online resource] —London : Orientalism in art.
Laurence King Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource : Orientalism, Russia, History, 19th century.
illustrations. Orientalism, Russia, History, 18th century.
ISBN 9781399615259 ePub ebook £12.99 Art, Russian, 18th century.
BNB Number GBC381276 Orientalism, Russia, History, 20th century.
Kusama, Yayoi Art, Russian, 19th century.
Women artists, Japan. Prepublication record
Artists, Japan.
Prepublication record 709.550904
The art of Iran in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries :
709.4109034 tracing the modern and the contemporary / Hamid
William and Evelyn de Morgan. —Second edition. —[Great Keshmirshekan. [online resource] —Edinburgh : Edinburgh
Britain] : The De Morgan Foundation, 2013. —31 pages : University Press, 2023. —1 online resource : illustrations
illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 18 x 25 cm (black and white, and colour).
BNB Number GBC377613 ISBN 9781474488662 ePub ebook £85.00 ; 9781474488679
PDF ebook £85.00
BNB Number GBC381294
Russian orientalism in a global context : hybridity, encounter,
Art, Iranian, 20th century.
and representation, 1740-1940 / edited by Maria Taroutina,
Art, Iranian, 21st century.
Allison Leigh. [online resource] —Manchester : Manchester
Prepublication record
University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (304 pages) :
illustrations (black and white, and colour). 709.550904
ISBN 9781526166227 ePub ebook No price ; 9781526166241 The art of Iran in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries :
PDF ebook No price tracing the modern and the contemporary / Hamid
BNB Number GBC381320 Keshmirshekan. —Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press,
Art, Russian, 18th century. 2023. —1 volume : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ;
Orientalism, Soviet Union. 24 cm.
Art, Russian, 20th century. ISBN 9781474488648 hardback £85.00
Orientalism, Russia, History, 18th century. BNB Number GBC379406
Art, Russian, 19th century. Art, Iranian, 21st century.
Orientalism in art. Art, Iranian, 20th century.
Orientalism, Russia, History, 19th century. Prepublication record
Orientalism, Russia, History, 20th century.
Prepublication record 709.730904
American artists engage the built environment, 1960-1979 /
Susanneh Bieber. [online resource] —London : Routledge,
2023. —1 online resource (264 pages) : illustrations (black
and white, and colour).
ISBN 9781000894806 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000894783
PDF ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC380865
Avant-garde (Aesthetics), United States, History, 20th
Architecture and society, United States, History, 20th
Art, American, 20th century.
Art and architecture, United States, History, 20th century.
Prepublication record

709.730904 712
American artists engage the built environment, 1960-1979 / The complete guide to landscape projects : stonework,
Susanneh Bieber. —London : Routledge, 2023. —264 pages : plantings, water features, carpentry, fences. [online resource]
illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 25 cm. —Minneapolis, Minnesota : Cool Springs Press, 2012. —1
ISBN 9781032262680 hardback £130.00 online resource.
BNB Number GBC378734 ISBN 9781622130849 (electronic bk.) ; 1622130847
Avant-garde (Aesthetics), United States, History, 20th (electronic bk.)
century. BNB Number GBC377709
Architecture and society, United States, History, 20th Landscape construction, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Art, American, 20th century. 712.0942165
Art and architecture, United States, History, 20th century. The thousand year old garden : inside the secret garden at
Prepublication record Lambeth Palace / Nick Stewart Smith. [online resource]
—Cheltenham : The History Press, 2023. —1 online resource
709.74797 (176 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour)
The pictures generation at Hallwalls : traces of the body, ISBN 9781803993058 ePub ebook £9.99
gender, and history / Vera Dika. [online resource] —London : BNB Number GBC381430
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (232 pages) : Lambeth Palace (London, England)
illustrations (black and white, and colour). Gardens, England, London.
ISBN 9781000895001 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000894974 London (England), Buildings, structures, etc.
PDF ebook £38.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC380870
Hallwalls (Museum) 712.0942165
Art, American, New York (State), Buffalo, 20th century. The thousand year old garden : inside the secret garden at
Pictures Generation (Group of artists), New York (State), Lambeth Palace / Nick Stewart Smith. —Cheltenham : The
Buffalo. History Press, 2023. —176 pages : illustrations (black and
Prepublication record white, and colour) ; 22 cm
ISBN 9781803993041 paperback £16.99
709.74797 BNB Number GBC379940
The pictures generation at Hallwalls : traces of the body, Lambeth Palace (London, England)
gender, and history / Vera Dika. —London : Routledge, 2023. Gardens, England, London.
—232 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 25 London (England), Buildings, structures, etc.
cm. Prepublication record
ISBN 9781032103945 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC378594 712.6
Hallwalls (Museum) Enhance your landscape : easy solutions for the outdoor
Pictures Generation (Group of artists), New York (State), makeover / by Kristen Hampshire. [online resource] —[Place
Buffalo. of publication not identified] : Cool Springs Press, 2012. —1
Art, American, New York (State), Buffalo, 20th century. online resource (32 pages).
Prepublication record ISBN 9781622130962 EPUB ; 1622130960 EPUB
BNB Number GBC377716
709.750904 Gardening, Amateurs' manuals.
Southern/modern : rediscovering Southern art from the first Gardens, Design.
half of the twentieth century / edited by Jonathan Stuhlman Garden structures, Design and construction, Amateurs'
and Martha R. Severens ; forewords by Todd A. Herman and manuals.
William R. Ferris. —Chapel Hill : The University of North
Carolina Press, 2023. —280 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 31 717
cm Steps & stones : four easy yard path projects / by Kristen
ISBN 9781469674087 hardback £71.00 Hampshire. [online resource] —[Place of publication not
BNB Number GBC379390 identified] : Cool Springs Press, 2012. —1 online resource (32
Modernism (Art), Southern States, Exhibitions. pages).
Art, Modern, Exhibitions. ISBN 9781622130887 EPUB ; 162213088X EPUB
Art, American, Southern States, 20th century, Exhibitions. BNB Number GBC377713
Prepublication record Stair building, Amateurs' manuals.
Garden walks, Design and construction, Amateurs'

720.1 720.285
Architecture : form, space, and order / Francis D.K. Ching. Architectonics and parametric modeling : computational
[online resource] —Fifth edition. —Hoboken : John Wiley & modeling for beginning design / Frank Jacobus, Angela
Sons, Inc., 2023. —1 online resource (496 pages) : Carpenter, Rachel Smith Loerts, Antonello Di Nunzio,
illustrations Francesco Bedeschi. [online resource] —London : Routledge,
ISBN 9781119853381 ePub ebook £42.50 2023. —1 online resource (298 pages) : illustrations (black
BNB Number GBC381189 and white)
Architecture, Composition, proportion, etc. ISBN 9781000881578 paperback £31.99 ; 9781000881721
Prepublication record ePub ebook £31.99
BNB Number GBC380575
720.1 Architecture, Computer-aided design.
Metaphorical practices in architecture : metaphors as method Architecture, Mathematical models.
and subject in the production of architecture / edited by Sarah Architectural design, Data processing.
Borree, Stephanie Knuth, Moritz Röger. [online resource] Structural optimization.
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (238 pages) Prepublication record
: illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9781000898620 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000898613 720.285
PDF ebook £38.99 Architectonics and parametric modeling : computational
BNB Number GBC380950 modeling for beginning design / Frank Jacobus, Angela
Architecture, Philosophy. Carpenter, Rachel Smith Loerts, Antonello Di Nunzio,
Prepublication record Francesco Bedeschi. —London : Routledge, 2023. —298
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 28 cm
720.1 ISBN 9781032180526 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032180533
Metaphorical practices in architecture : metaphors as method paperback £31.99
and subject in the production of architecture / edited by Sarah BNB Number GBC378662
Borree, Stephanie Knuth, Moritz Röger. —London : Architecture, Computer-aided design.
Routledge, 2023. —238 pages : illustrations (black and white) Architectural design, Data processing.
; 24 cm. Architecture, Mathematical models.
ISBN 9781032289342 hardback £130.00 Structural optimization.
BNB Number GBC378764 Prepublication record
Architecture, Philosophy.
Prepublication record 720.285
Design technology and digital production : an architecture
720.103 anthology / edited by Gabriel Esquivel. [online resource]
Dahomey's royal architecture : an earthen record of —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (236 pages)
construction, subjugation, and reclamation / Lynne Ellsworth : illustrations (colour)
Larsen. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 ISBN 9781000886603 PDF ebook £31.99 ; 9781000886634
online resource (190 pages) : illustrations (black and white). ePub ebook £31.99
ISBN 9781000899634 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000899689 BNB Number GBC380670
ePub ebook £38.99 Architecture, Computer-aided design.
BNB Number GBC380975 Architectural design, Data processing.
Palais royaux d'Abomey (Abomey, Benin), History. Architectural design, Technological innovations.
Architecture and religion, Benin, History. Prepublication record
Architecture and society, Benin, History.
Abomey (Benin), Buildings, structures, etc. 720.285
Prepublication record Design technology and digital production : an architecture
anthology / edited by Gabriel Esquivel. —London : Routledge,
720.103 2023. —236 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 26 cm
Dahomey's royal architecture : an earthen record of ISBN 9781032170701 paperback £31.99 ; 9781032170695
construction, subjugation, and reclamation / Lynne Ellsworth hardback £130.00
Larsen. —London : Routledge, 2023. —190 pages : BNB Number GBC378658
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. Architectural design, Data processing.
ISBN 9781032285542 hardback £130.00 Architecture, Computer-aided design.
BNB Number GBC378760 Architectural design, Technological innovations.
Palais royaux d'Abomey (Abomey, Benin), History. Prepublication record
Architecture and society, Benin, History.
Architecture and religion, Benin, History.
Abomey (Benin), Buildings, structures, etc.
Prepublication record
720.285 720.9
Design technology in contemporary architectural practice / Post-Western histories of architecture / Pilar Maria Guerrieri,
Dominik Holzer. [online resource] —London : Routledge, Marco Biraghi. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023.
2023. —1 online resource (160 pages) : illustrations (colour) —1 online resource (230 pages) : illustrations (black and
ISBN 9780429864568 ePub ebook £29.99 ; 9780429864575 white).
PDF ebook £29.99 ISBN 9781000898590 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000898606
BNB Number GBC380455 ePub ebook £38.99
Architectural design, Data processing. BNB Number GBC380949
Prepublication record Architecture, History.
Prepublication record
Design technology in contemporary architectural practice / 720.9
Dominik Holzer. —London : Routledge, 2023. —160 pages : Post-Western histories of architecture / Pilar Maria Guerrieri,
illustrations (colour) ; 26 cm Marco Biraghi. —London : Routledge, 2023. —230 pages :
ISBN 9781138624535 hardback £120.00 ; 9781138624542 illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
paperback £29.99 ISBN 9781032362915 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC379196 BNB Number GBC378857
Architectural design, Data processing. Architecture, History.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

720.47 720.91732
Contemporary perspectives on architectural organicism : the The city as a technical being : on the mode of existence of
limits of self-generation / edited by Skender Luarasi, Gary architecture / Peter Trummer. —Novato : ORO Editions, 2023.
Huafan He. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 —307 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 23 cm
online resource (264 pages) : illustrations (black and white). ISBN 9781957183558 paperback £30.00
ISBN 9781000888935 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000888898 BNB Number GBC380134
PDF ebook £38.99 Architecture, Philosophy.
BNB Number GBC380713 Cities and towns, Philosophy.
Organic architecture. Prepublication record
Design, Philosophy.
Prepublication record 720.92
Alchemy : the material world of David Adjaye / Spencer
720.47 Bailey. —London : Phaidon Press Limited, 2023. —292 pages
Contemporary perspectives on architectural organicism : the : illustrations ; 29 cm
limits of self-generation / edited by Skender Luarasi, Gary ISBN 9781838663919 hardback £59.95
Huafan He. —London : Routledge, 2023. —264 pages : BNB Number GBC379990
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. Adjaye, David, 1966-, Criticism and interpretation.
ISBN 9781032015712 hardback £130.00 Building materials.
BNB Number GBC378557 Prepublication record
Organic architecture.
Design, Philosophy. 720.92
Prepublication record Menzi Bürgler / Herausgeber: Heinz Wirz. —Luzern : Quart
Verlag GmbH, [2016?] —60 pages : illustrations (chiefly
720.483 colour) ; 21 cm + 1 booklet (8 unnumbered pages).
Supertall : how the world's tallest buildings are reshaping our ISBN 9783037611463 paperback
cities and our lives / Stefan Al. —New York : W.W. Norton and BNB Number GBC377899
Company, 2023. —320 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; Menzi Bürgler Architekten (Firm)
23 cm
ISBN 9781324052098 paperback £15.99 720.92
BNB Number GBC379230 The bootleg homes of Frank Lloyd Wright : his clandestine
Skyscrapers, Design and construction. work revealed / Bob Hartnett. —Mount Pleasant : The History
Skyscrapers. Press, 2023. —128 pages ; 23 cm.
Prepublication record ISBN 9781467154062 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC379382
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 1867-1959
Architecture, United States, History, 19th century.
Architecture, United States, History, 20th century.
Prepublication record

720.922 720.94209032
Hillier : selected works / J. Robert Hillier, Barbara A. Hillier ; Wren's Burford Masons : unsung heroes of 17th and early
foreword by Stan Allen. —Novato : ORO Editions, 2023. —224 18th century English architecture / Melody Mobus. —London :
pages : illustrations (colour) ; 28 cm Routledge, 2023. —214 pages : illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781957183503 hardback £49.95 ; 24 cm.
BNB Number GBC380133 ISBN 9781032414935 hardback £130.00
Studio Hillier. BNB Number GBC378915
Prepublication record Wren, Christopher, Sir, 1632-1723
720.922 Stonemasons, England, Oxfordshire, History.
New investigations in collective form / Neeraj Bhatia, THE Architecture, Great Britain, History, 17th century.
OPEN WORKSHOP. —Novato : ORO Editions, 2023. —224 Architecture, Baroque, Great Britain.
pages : illustrations (colour) ; 21 cm. Architecture, Great Britain, History, 18th century.
ISBN 9781957183466 hardback £39.95 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC380132
Open Workshop (Firm) 720.968 An architecture of care in South Africa : from arts and crafts to
Form (Aesthetics) other progeny / Nicholas Coetzer. [online resource] —London
Prepublication record : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (248 pages) :
illustrations (black and white).
720.922 ISBN 9781000894073 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000894059
Tectonics of place II : the architecture of Johnson Fain / Scott PDF ebook £38.99
Johnson. —Novato : ORO Editions, 2023. —300 pages : BNB Number GBC380856
illustrations (colour) ; 25 cm Architecture and society, South Africa.
ISBN 9781957183442 hardback £45.00 Arts and crafts movement, Influence.
BNB Number GBC380130 Architecture, Human factors, South Africa.
Johnson Fain Partners Prepublication record
Prepublication record 720.968
An architecture of care in South Africa : from arts and crafts to
720.94209032 other progeny / Nicholas Coetzer. —London : Routledge,
Wren's Burford Masons : unsung heroes of 17th and early 2023. —248 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
18th century English architecture / Melody Mobus. [online ISBN 9780367461539 hardback £130.00
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource BNB Number GBC378257
(214 pages) : illustrations (black and white). Arts and crafts movement, Influence.
ISBN 9781000896688 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000896664 Architecture and society, South Africa.
PDF ebook £38.99 Architecture, Human factors, South Africa.
BNB Number GBC380906 Prepublication record
Wren, Christopher, Sir, 1632-1723 724.6
Stonemasons, England, Oxfordshire, History. Architectural drawings as investigating devices : architecture's
Architecture, Great Britain, History, 17th century. changing scope in the 20th century / Marianna Charitonidou.
Architecture, Baroque, Great Britain. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
Architecture, Great Britain, History, 18th century. resource (272 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
Prepublication record ISBN 9781000896626 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000896619
PDF ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC380904
Communication in architectural design, History, 20th
Architectural drawing, History, 20th century.
Prepublication record

724.6 726.5094264
Architectural drawings as investigating devices : architecture's Churches of Suffolk / Sarah E. Doig. —Stroud : Amberley
changing scope in the 20th century / Marianna Charitonidou. Publishing, 2023. —96 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
—London : Routledge, 2023. —272 pages : illustrations (black ISBN 9781398113671 paperback £15.99
and white) ; 24 cm. BNB Number GBC379289
ISBN 9781032431109 hardback £130.00 Church buildings, England, Suffolk, History, Pictorial works.
BNB Number GBC378925 Church buildings, England, Suffolk, History.
Architectural drawing, History, 20th century. Prepublication record
Communication in architectural design, History, 20th
century. 728
Prepublication record Designed for Habitat : collaborations with Habitat for Humanity
/ David Hinson and Justin Miller. [online resource] —Second
725.23 edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (222
Reworking the workplace : connecting people, purpose and pages) : illustrations (colour)
place / Nicola Gillen, Richard Pickering. [online resource] ISBN 9781000880779 ePub ebook £31.99 ; 9781000880724
—London : RIBA Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource (192 PDF ebook £31.99
pages) BNB Number GBC380562
ISBN 9781000908008 PDF ebook £45.00 ; 9781000908015 Habitat for Humanity International, Inc.
ePub ebook £45.00
BNB Number GBC381112 Architects and community, United States.
Offices, Designs and plans. Prepublication record
Office buildings, Social aspects.
Architecture, Human factors. 728
Prepublication record Designed for Habitat : collaborations with Habitat for Humanity
/ David Hinson and Justin Miller. —Second edition. —London :
725.23 Routledge, 2023. —222 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 25 cm
Reworking the workplace : connecting people, purpose and ISBN 9781032182278 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032182285
place / Nicola Gillen, Richard Pickering. —London : RIBA paperback £31.99
Publishing, 2023. —192 pages ; 25 cm BNB Number GBC378665
ISBN 9781914124969 hardback £45.00 Habitat for Humanity International, Inc.
BNB Number GBC380052
Offices, Designs and plans. Architects and community, United States.
Architecture, Human factors. Prepublication record
Office buildings, Social aspects.
Prepublication record 728.370922
Upper lawn, solar pavilion / Alison Smithson, Peter Smithson.
726.2 —London : MACK, 2023. —144 pages : illustrations
Mosque architecture : a transdisciplinary debate / edited by ISBN 9781915743008 paperback £40.00
Mohammed Fekry, Mady A.A. Mohamed, Anna Visvizi, BNB Number GBC380089
Asmaa Ibrahim, Lamiaa F. Ghamri. —Cham : Springer, 2023. Smithson, Peter, 1923-2003, Homes and haunts, England,
—268 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 28 Wiltshire.
cm. Smithson, Alison, 1928-1993, Homes and haunts, England,
ISBN 9783031247507 hardback £199.99 Wiltshire.
BNB Number GBC380248 Cottages, Environmental aspects, England, Wiltshire.
Mosques. Cottages, Remodeling, England, Wiltshire.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

726.5094257 728.8094264
Churches of Oxfordshire / Nicola Coldstream. —Stroud : Lost country houses of Suffolk / W.M. Roberts. —Martlesham :
Amberley Publishing, 2023. —96 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm The Boydell Press, 2023. —240 pages : illustrations (black
ISBN 9781398107687 paperback £15.99 and white) ; 24 cm
BNB Number GBC379285 ISBN 9781837650712 paperback £17.99
Church buildings, England, Oxfordshire, History, Pictorial BNB Number GBC379980
works. Country homes, England, Suffolk.
Church buildings, England, Oxfordshire, History. Manors, England, Suffolk.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

731.2 741.019
Playing Field : a social artwork / Jamie Titterton. —[Sheffield?] Mindfulness in drawing : meditations on creativity & calm /
: [publisher not identified], 2020. —286 pages : illustrations Wendy Ann Greenhalgh. —New edition. —Brighton : Leaping
(black and white) ; 38 cm Hare Press, 2023. —144 pages : illustrations ; 20 cm.
BNB Number GBC378045 ISBN 9780711288256 hardback £12.99
BNB Number GBC378408
738.092 Mindfulness (Psychology)
Pierre Culot / Anne Bony, Matthew Tyas. —New Haven : Yale Drawing, Psychology of.
University Press, 2023. —256 pages : illustrations (black and Drawing, Psychological aspects.
white, and colour) Prepublication record
ISBN 9780300270136 hardback £60.00
BNB Number GBC378219 741.092
Culot, Pierre, 1938- The tapestry of life : a botanical artist's miscellany / Susan
Prepublication record Christopher-Coulson. —Reading : Two Rivers Press, 2023.
—1 volume : illustrations (colour) ; 20 cm.
738.092 ISBN 9781915048035 paperback £17.99
Shoji Hamada : a potter's way and work / Susan Peterson. BNB Number GBC380068
[online resource] —New edition. —London : Bloomsbury Christopher-Coulson, Susan.
Visual Arts, 2023. —1 online resource : illustrations (black and Botanical illustration.
white, and colour) Botanical illustration, Technique.
ISBN 9781789942279 ePub ebook £31.50 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC381396
Hamada, Shōji, 1894-1978, Criticism and interpretation. 741.235
Pottery, Japanese, Technique. Paint & draw pastels / editor Philippa Grafton ; compiled by
Prepublication record Jessica Leggett & Thomas Parrett. —Third edition. —Bath :
Future PLC, [2022] —129 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 30
738.280951 cm.
A thousand auspicious meanings : Chinese porcelain teapots BNB Number GBC377241
from the Sapientia Collection for the domestic market /
Pauline Ngai. —1st edition. —London, UK : Jorge Welsh 741.26
Research and Publishing, 2022. —2 volumes : illustrations The three-colour drawing book : draw anything with red, blue
(chiefly colour) ; 31 cm and black ballpoint pens / Sarah Skeate. [online resource]
ISBN 9781838216351 set —London : Ilex Press, 2016. —1 online resource : illustrations.
BNB Number GBC378046 ISBN 1781573867 (ePub ebook) ; 9781781573860 (ePub
738.280951 BNB Number GBC377770
A thousand auspicious meanings : Chinese porcelain teapots Pen drawing, Technique.
from the Sapientia Collection for the domestic market /
Pauline Ngai. —1st edition. —London, UK : Jorge Welsh 741.5
Research and Publishing, 2022. —2 volumes : illustrations A reincarnated witch spells doom. Vol. 1 / Sora ; artist, Tail
(chiefly colour) ; 31 cm Yuzuhara. —New York : Yen Press, 2023. —162 pages :
ISBN 9781838216344 set chiefly illustrations ; 21 cm
BNB Number GBC378041 ISBN 9781975352592 paperback £10.99
BNB Number GBC380164
739.27092 Prepublication record
Chaumet drawing from nature. —London : Thames and
Hudson, 2023. —256 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 32 cm 741.5
ISBN 9780500023815 hardback £65.00 A. guardian / Eastin DeVerna ; illustrated by Kay Baird.
BNB Number GBC378351 —Midland : Source Point Press, 2023. —100 pages : chiefly
Chaumet (Firm) illustrations ; 26 cm
Jewelry, France, Design, Pictorial works. ISBN 9798888760000 paperback £18.99
Jewelry, France, History. BNB Number GBC380370
Prepublication record Prepublication record

741.5 741.5
Appare-ranman! / Antonsiku. —New York : Yen Press, 2023. Chitose is in the ramune bottle. Vol. 4 / Hiromu ; illustrated by
—688 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 21 cm raemz ; translated by Evie Lund. —New York : Yen Press,
ISBN 9781975360580 paperback £23.99 2023. —224 pages : chiefly illustrations (black and white, and
BNB Number GBC380168 colour) ; 21 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9781975339081 paperback £12.99
BNB Number GBC380148
741.5 Prepublication record
Apparently, disillusioned adventurers will save the world. Vol.
2 / Shinta Fuji, Masaki Kawakami ; art by Susumu Kuroi. 741.5
—New York : Yen Press, 2023. —162 pages : chiefly Cross-dressing villainess Cecilia Sylvie. Vol. 4 / Hiroro
illustrations ; 21 cm Akizakura ; illustrated by Shino Akiyama. —New York : Yen
ISBN 9781975351946 paperback £10.99 Press, 2023. —162 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 21 cm
BNB Number GBC380161 ISBN 9781975367459 paperback £10.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC380185
Prepublication record
Army of Darkness vs Reanimator : Necronomicon rising / Erik 741.5
Burnham ; illustrated by Eman Casallos. —Mount Laurel : Death march to the parallel world rhapsody. 14 / Hiro Ainana ;
Dynamite Entertainment, 2023. —128 pages : chiefly art by Ayamegumu. —New York : Yen Press, 2023. —164
illustrations ; 26 cm pages : chiefly illustrations ; 21 cm
ISBN 9781524123086 paperback £17.99 ISBN 9781975369019 paperback £10.99
BNB Number GBC379491 BNB Number GBC380191
Prepublication record Prepublication record

741.5 741.5
Assorted entanglements. Vol. 2 / Mikanuji. —New York : Yen Does it count if you lose your virginity to an android?. Vol. 1 /
Press, 2023. —162 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 21 cm Yakinikuteishoku. —Santa Barbara : Seven Seas, 2023. —172
ISBN 9781975348885 paperback £10.99 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 21 cm
BNB Number GBC380155 ISBN 9781685796969 paperback No price
Lesbians, Comic books, strips, etc., Fiction. BNB Number GBC379736
Prepublication record Lesbians, Comic books, strips, etc., Fiction.
Prepublication record
Bloody sweet. Vol. 1 / NaRae Lee. —New York : Yen Press, 741.5
2023. —288 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 21 cm Doodles from the Boogie Down / Stephanie Rodriguez. —New
ISBN 9781975366728 paperback £15.99 York : Kokila, 2023. —208 pages : chiefly illustrations (colour)
BNB Number GBC380181 ; 22 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9780451480651 hardback No price ; 9780451480668
paperback No price
741.5 BNB Number GBC378341
Chained soldier. Vol. 4 / story, Takahiro ; art, Yohei Rodriguez, Stephanie, 1988-, Comic books, strips, etc.,
Takemura. —New York : Yen Press, 2023. —228 pages : Juvenile fiction.
chiefly illustrations ; 20 cm Dominican Americans, Comic books, strips, etc., Juvenile
ISBN 9781975346140 paperback £10.99 fiction.
BNB Number GBC380151 New York (N.Y.), Comic books, strips, etc., Juvenile fiction.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

741.5 741.5
Chester 5000. Book 1 / by Jessica Fink. —Marietta : Top Shelf Duo / Greg Pak ; illustrated by Khoi Pham. —Burbank, CA :
Productions, 2023. —144 pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; DC Comics, 2023. —160 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 26 cm
20 cm ISBN 9781779518453 hardback No price
ISBN 9781603095358 hardback £17.99 BNB Number GBC379769
BNB Number GBC379577 Prepublication record
Prepublication record

741.5 741.5
Edens zero. 22 / Hiro Mashima. —New York : Kodansha USA, Higurashi when they cry : GOU. Vol. 1 / Ryukishi07. —New
2023. —192 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 21 cm York : Yen Press, 2023. —408 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 21
ISBN 9781646516919 paperback £10.99 cm
BNB Number GBC379678 ISBN 9781975363796 paperback £18.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC380174
Prepublication record
Elixir / Frank Barbiere, Ricky Mammone, Victor Santos. 741.5
—Milwaukie : Dark Horse Books, 2023. —128 pages : chiefly Horimiya memorial book page. 100 / Daisuke Hagiwara.
illustrations ; 26 cm —New York : Yen Press, 2023. —112 pages : illustrations ; 21
ISBN 9781506733661 paperback £17.99 cm
BNB Number GBC379478 ISBN 9781975352288 paperback £15.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC380163
Hero (Manga author). Horimiya, Juvenile literature.
741.5 Prepublication record
Flight of the mammoth / Scott Magoon. —New York : Amulet
Books, 2023. —160 pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 23 741.5
cm. I want to be a receptionist in this magical world. Volume 1 /
ISBN 9781419752520 hardback £17.99 Mako, Yone. —New York : Yen Press, 2023. —178 pages :
BNB Number GBC379325 chiefly illustrations ; 21 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9781975352899 paperback £10.99
BNB Number GBC380165
741.5 Prepublication record
Gahi-chan!. Vol. 2 / Tirotata. —New York : Yen Press, 2023.
—178 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 21 cm 741.5
ISBN 9781975364946 paperback £10.99 I was reincarnated as the 7th prince so I can take my time
BNB Number GBC380179 perfecting my magical ability. 5 / Kenkyo na Circle; art by
Prepublication record Yosuke Kokuzawa. —New York : Kodansha USA, 2023.
—208 pages : chiefly illustrations
741.5 ISBN 9781646517022 paperback £12.99
Gospel / by Will Morris. —Berkeley : Image Comics, 2023. BNB Number GBC379679
—160 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 26 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781534325999 paperback £13.99
BNB Number GBC379527 741.5
Great Britain, History, Henry VIII, 1509-1547, Comic books, Is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon?. Vol. 1 / Fujino
strips, etc., Fiction. Omori ; art by Yu Shiomura. —New York : Yen Press, 2023.
Prepublication record —196 pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 21 cm
ISBN 9781975366537 paperback £10.99
741.5 BNB Number GBC380180
Handyman Saito in another world. Vol. 1 / Ichitomo Kazutomo. Prepublication record
—New York : Yen Press, 2023. —162 pages : chiefly
illustrations ; 21 cm 741.5
ISBN 9781975364670 paperback £10.99 Lady Hel / Erik Burnham ; artist, Zhengis Tasbolatov. —Mount
BNB Number GBC380177 Laurel : Dynamite Entertainment, 2023. —112 pages : chiefly
Prepublication record illustrations ; 26 cm
ISBN 9781524123116 paperback £15.99
741.5 BNB Number GBC379492
Heaven's rejects : boss from hell collected edition / Greg Graphic novels.
Wright ; illustrated by Scott Sackett, Fabi Marques. —Midland Prepublication record
: Source Point Press, 2023. —88 pages : chiefly illustrations ;
26 cm 741.5
ISBN 9781954412910 paperback £14.99 Madman. Volume 4 / Michael Allred, Laura Allred. —Milwaukie
BNB Number GBC380123 : Dark Horse Books, 2023. —680 pages : chiefly illustrations
Prepublication record (colour) ; 31 cm
ISBN 9781506730042 hardback £89.99
BNB Number GBC379474
Prepublication record

741.5 741.5
Maniac of New York. Year one / Elliott Kalan ; art by Andrea Night fever / Ed Brubaker ; artists, Sean Phillips, Jacob
Mutti ; edited by Mike Marts. —Dallas : Aftershock Comics, Phillips. —Berkeley : Image Comics, 2023. —120 pages :
2023. —240 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 28 cm chiefly illustrations ; 26 cm
ISBN 9781956731354 hardback £35.99 ISBN 9781534326095 hardback £22.99
BNB Number GBC380128 BNB Number GBC379529
Prepublication record Prepublication record

741.5 741.5
Mapmakers and the enchanted mountain / written by No longer heroine. Vol. 3 / Momoko Koda. —New York : Yen
Cameron Chittock ; illustrated by Amanda Castillo. —New Press, 2023. —228 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 21 cm
York : Random House Graphic, 2023. —240 pages : chiefly ISBN 9781975346522 paperback £10.99
illustrations (colour) ; 21 cm. BNB Number GBC380152
ISBN 9780593172926 hardback No price Lesbians, Comic books, strips, etc., Fiction.
BNB Number GBC378369 Prepublication record
Prepublication record
741.5 Otherside picnic. 04 / Iori Miyazawa ; illustrated by Eita
Mapmakers and the enchanted mountain / written by Mizuno. —El Segundo : Square Enix Manga, 2023. —256
Cameron Chittock ; illustrated by Amanda Castillo. —New pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 21 cm
York : Random House Graphic, 2023. —240 pages : chiefly ISBN 9781646091096 paperback £12.99
illustrations (colour) ; 21 cm. BNB Number GBC379669
ISBN 9780593172919 hardback No price ; 9780593172902 Prepublication record
paperback No price
BNB Number GBC378368 741.5
Prepublication record Overlord : the undead king oh!. Vol. 10 / Kugane Maruyama ;
artists, Juami. —New York : Yen Press, 2023. —130 pages :
741.5 chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 21 cm
Midnight suns / Ethan Sacks ; illustrated by Luigi Zagaria. ISBN 9781975369316 paperback £10.99
—New York : Marvel Universe, 2023. —112 pages : chiefly BNB Number GBC380193
illustrations ; 26 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781302947187 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC379213 741.5
Prepublication record Paradise lost / Phil Jimenez. —New edition. —Burbank, CA :
DC Comics, 2023. —176 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 26 cm.
741.5 ISBN 9781779524386 paperback No price
Monster and the beast. 4 / Renji. —New York : Yen Press, BNB Number GBC379775
2023. —210 pages : chiefly illustrations (black and white) ; 21 Wonder Woman (Fictitious character), Comic books, strips,
cm etc., Fiction.
ISBN 9781975369293 paperback £12.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC380192
Prepublication record 741.5
Parallel / Jason Douglas ; illustrated by Adam Ferris, Josh
741.5 Sobek. —Special edition. —Midland : Source Point Press,
My girlfriend's child. Vol. 1 / Mamoru Aoi. —Santa Barbara : 2023. —120 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 26 cm
Seven Seas, 2023. —192 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 19 cm ISBN 9781954412903 paperback £14.99
ISBN 9781685796990 paperback No price BNB Number GBC380122
BNB Number GBC379737 Prepublication record
Prepublication record
741.5 Persona 5 : comic à la carte / Atlus ; illustrated by Yuztan.
My instant death ability is so overpowered, no one in this —Richmond Hill : UDON Entertainment, 2023. —132 pages :
other world stands a chance. Vol. 1 / Tsuyoshi Fujitaka, chiefly illustrations ; 21 cm
Hanamaru Nanto ; illustrated by Chisato Naruse. —New York : ISBN 9781772942590 paperback £12.99
Yen Press, 2023. —226 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 21 cm BNB Number GBC379756
ISBN 9781975368425 paperback £10.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC380189
Prepublication record

741.5 741.5
Phantom tales of the night. Vol. 11 / Matsuri. —New York : Shock shop / Cullen Bunn, Leila Leiz, Danny Luckert.
Yen Press, 2023. —200 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 21 cm —Milwaukie : Dark Horse Books, 2023. —96 pages : chiefly
ISBN 9781975368067 paperback £12.99 illustrations ; 26 cm
BNB Number GBC380188 ISBN 9781506734118 paperback £17.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379479
Prepublication record
Picard-Stargazer / Mike Johnson, Kirsten Beyer ; illustrated by 741.5
Angel Hernandez. —San Diego : IDW Publishing, 2023. —96 So I'm a spider, so what?. Volume 12 / Okina Baba ; artist,
pages : chiefly illustrations ; 26 cm. Asahiro Kakashi. —New York : Yen Press, 2023. —162 pages
ISBN 9781684059706 paperback No price : chiefly illustrations ; 21 cm
BNB Number GBC379728 ISBN 9781975369347 paperback £10.99
Picard, Jean Luc (Fictitious character), Comic books, BNB Number GBC380195
strips, etc., Fiction. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
741.5 SOTUS. Volume 2 / BitterSweet ; art by Kei. —New York :
Platinum blood / Mor Ichigaya. —Los Angeles : Love x Love, Yen Press, 2023. —162 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 21 cm
2023. —226 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 20 cm ISBN 9781975362836 paperback £10.99
ISBN 9781427872623 paperback £15.95 BNB Number GBC380173
BNB Number GBC379338 Prepublication record
Prepublication record
741.5 Spawn origins. Volume 25 / Todd McFarlane, Brian Holguin,
Prisms / Brian Michael Bendis ; illustrated by David Marquez. David Hine ; art by Angel Medina, Philip Tan. —Berkeley :
—Burbank, CA : DC Comics, 2023. —128 pages : chiefly Image Comics, 2023. —160 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 26
illustrations ; 26 cm. cm
ISBN 9781779520043 paperback No price ISBN 9781534399747 paperback £14.99
BNB Number GBC379770 BNB Number GBC379530
Justice League of America (Fictitious characters), Comic Spawn (Fictitious character), Comic books, strips, etc.,
books, strips, etc., Fiction. Fiction.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

741.5 741.5
Promethee 13:13 / Andy Diggle, Christophe Bec ; illustrated Star struck! / writer, Sabrina Moyle ; artist, Eunice Moyle.
by Shawn Martinbrough, Dave Stewart, Jock. —Portland : —New York : Amulet Books, 2023. —112 pages : chiefly
Ablaze, 2023. —128 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 26 cm illustrations (colour) ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9781684971053 paperback £14.99 ISBN 9781419757020 hardback £9.99
BNB Number GBC379732 BNB Number GBC379326
Prepublication record Prepublication record

741.5 741.5
Reincarnated as a sword. 10 / Yuu Tanaka ; illustrated by Succubus and Hitman. 4 / Makoto Fukami ; illustrated by
Tomowo Maruyama. —Santa Barbara : Seven Seas, 2023. Seigo Tokiya. —Santa Barbara : Seven Seas, 2023. —208
—168 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 19 cm pages : chiefly illustrations ; 19 cm
ISBN 9781638587538 paperback No price ISBN 9781685794965 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC379635 BNB Number GBC379735
Fran (Fictitious character from Tanaka), Comic books, Shouya, Gamo (Fictitious character), Comic books, strips,
strips, etc., Fiction. etc., Fiction.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

Shangri-la frontier. 5 / Katarina ; illustrated by Ryosuke Fuji.
—New York : Kodansha USA, 2023. —192 pages : chiefly
ISBN 9781646514861 paperback £12.99
BNB Number GBC379676
Prepublication record

741.5 741.5
Sword art online. Progressive scherzo of deep night. Vol. 1 / The magical revolution of the reincarnated princess and the
Reki Kawahara ; illustrated by Puyocha ; character design by genius young lady. Vol. 4 / Piero Karasu, Yuri Kisaragi. —New
abec. —New York : Yen Press, 2023. —210 pages : chiefly York : Yen Press, 2023. —178 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 21
illustrations ; 21 cm cm
ISBN 9781975361099 paperback £10.99 ISBN 9781975369361 paperback £10.99
BNB Number GBC380171 BNB Number GBC380196
Prepublication record Prepublication record

741.5 741.5
The abandoned empress. Vol. 5 / Yuna ; artist, iNA. —New The otherworlder, exploring the dungeon. 2 / Asami Hinagi ;
York : Yen Press, 2023. —192 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 21 art by Kureta. —New York : Yen Press, 2023. —404 pages :
cm chiefly illustrations ; 21 cm
ISBN 9781975366964 paperback £15.99 ISBN 9781975351908 paperback £10.99
BNB Number GBC380182 BNB Number GBC380160
Prepublication record Prepublication record

741.5 741.5
The Batman who laughs / Scott Snyder ; illustrated by Jock. The Princess of Convenient Plot Devices. Vol. 2 / Mamecyoro
—Burbank, CA : DC Comics, 2023. —280 pages : chiefly ; artist, Kazusa Yoneda. —New York : Yen Press, 2023. —162
illustrations (colour) ; 29 cm pages : chiefly illustrations ; 21 cm
ISBN 9781779521477 hardback No price ISBN 9781975348762 paperback £10.99
BNB Number GBC379772 BNB Number GBC380154
Batman (Fictitious character), Comic books, strips, etc., Prepublication record
Prepublication record 741.5
The remarried empress. Vol. 3 / Alphatart ; illustrated by
741.5 Sumpul. —New York : Yen Press, 2023. —288 pages : chiefly
The battle for Blüdhavens heart / Tom Taylor ; illustrated by illustrations ; 21 cm
Bruno Redondo. —Burbank, CA : DC Comics, 2023. —176 ISBN 9798400900341 paperback £15.99
pages : chiefly illustrations ; 26 cm. BNB Number GBC380361
ISBN 9781779520166 hardback £22.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC379771
Nightwing (Fictitious character), Comic books, strips, etc., 741.5
Fiction. The sanctuary and the witch of greed. Volume 6 / Atori
Prepublication record Haruno ; based on the series created by Tappei Nagatsuki,
Yu Aikawa. —New York : Yen Press, 2023. —180 pages :
741.5 chiefly illustrations. ; 21 cm.
The essence of being a muse. Volume 1 / Fumino Hayashi. ISBN 9781975369330 paperback £10.99
—New York : Yen Press, 2023. —162 pages : chiefly BNB Number GBC380194
illustrations ; 21 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781975360979 paperback £12.99
BNB Number GBC380170 741.5
Prepublication record The unpetables / Dennis Messner. —Marietta : Top Shelf
Productions, 2023. —88 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 22 cm
741.5 ISBN 9781603095235 paperback £8.99
The holy grail of Eris. Volume 4 / Kujira Tokiwa ; art by Hinase BNB Number GBC379576
Momoyama. —New York : Yen Press, 2023. —192 pages : Prepublication record
chiefly illustrations ; 21 cm
ISBN 9781975351717 paperback £10.99 741.5
BNB Number GBC380158 Triage X. 25 / Shouji Sato. —New York : Yen Press, 2023.
Prepublication record —168 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 21 cm
ISBN 9781975364830 paperback £11.99
741.5 BNB Number GBC380178
The horizon. Vol. 1 / JH. —New York : Yen Press, 2023. Prepublication record
—232 pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 21 cm
ISBN 9798400900297 paperback £15.99
BNB Number GBC380360
Prepublication record

741.5 741.5
Uncle from another world. Vol. 7 / Hotondoshindeiru. —New Who is Wonder Woman? / Allan Heinberg ; illustrated by Terry
York : Yen Press, 2023. —196 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 21 Dodson, Rachel Dodson. —Burbank, CA : DC Comics, 2023.
cm —160 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 29 cm.
ISBN 9781975360955 paperback £12.99 ISBN 9781779521675 hardback No price
BNB Number GBC380169 BNB Number GBC379773
Prepublication record Wonder Woman (Fictitious character), Comic books, strips,
etc., Fiction.
741.5 Prepublication record
Unnamed memory. Vol. 3 / Kuji Furumiya ; art by Naoki
Koshimizu. —New York : Yen Press, 2023. —162 pages : 741.5
chiefly illustrations ; 21 cm Witch of mine / Haeyoon ; art by MAS. —Portland : Ablaze,
ISBN 9781975367435 paperback £10.99 2023. —250 pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 21 cm
BNB Number GBC380184 ISBN 9781684971060 paperback £17.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379733
Prepublication record
Val X love. Vol. 14 / Ryosuke Asakura. —New York : Yen 741.5
Press, 2023. —242 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 21 cm Words bubble up like soda pop. Vol. 1 / Imo Oono. —New
ISBN 9781975361358 paperback £10.99 York : Yen Press, 2023. —162 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 21
BNB Number GBC380172 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9781975364397 paperback £10.99
BNB Number GBC380176
741.5 Prepublication record
Vampirella year one / Christopher Priest ; artists, Ergun
Gunduz, Giovanni Timpano. —Mount Laurel : Dynamite 741.5
Entertainment, 2023. —160 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 26 World's strongest rearguard : Labyrinth Country's novice
cm seeker. 6 / Tôwa, Huuka Kazabana ; art by Rikizo. —New
ISBN 9781524123147 paperback £17.99 York : Yen Press, 2023. —162 pages : chiefly illustrations
BNB Number GBC379493 (colour) ; 21 cm
Vampirella (Fictitious character), Comic books, strips, etc., ISBN 9781975368555 paperback £10.99
Fiction. BNB Number GBC380190
Prepublication record Prepublication record

741.5 741.5
Voyagis / Sumeyye Kesgin, Ellie Wright. —Berkeley : Image Yokohama kaidashi kikou. 2 / Hitoshi Ashinano. —Deluxe
Comics, 2023. —144 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 26 cm edition. —Santa Barbara : Seven Seas, 2023. —420 pages :
ISBN 9781534326002 paperback £13.99 chiefly illustrations ; 21 cm
BNB Number GBC379528 ISBN 9781638585459 paperback No price
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379634
Japan, Comic books, strips, etc., Fiction.
741.5 Prepublication record
Wandance. 5 / Coffee. —New York : Kodansha USA, 2023.
—160 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 21 cm 741.5315
ISBN 9781646515196 paperback £12.99 Ghostcode / text, Toby Heys ; illustrations, Krystian Griffiths ;
BNB Number GBC379677 editing, Marsha Courneya. —Manchester : Multimodal Press,
Prepublication record May 2021. —251 pages : illustrations (black and white, and
colour), maps (colour) ; 24 cm
741.5 ISBN 1910029661 hardback £40.00 ; 9781910029664
Welcome to Succubus High!. 4 / Knuckle Curve. —Santa hardback £40.00
Barbara : Ghost Ship, 2023. —168 pages : chiefly illustrations BNB Number GBC377306
; 19 cm
ISBN 9781648275081 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC379688
Prepublication record

741.535 741.5954
Identity and history in non-Anglophone comics / edited by Vyasa : the beginning / story, Sibaji Bandyopadhyay ; art,
Harriet E.H. Earle and Martin Lund. —New Delhi : Routledge Sankha Banerjee. —Gurgaon, Haryana, India : Penguin
India, 2023. —285 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 Books, 2017. —231 pages : illustrations (black and white, and
cm. colour) ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781032269238 hardback £120.00 ISBN 9780143427803 paperback ; 0143427806 paperback
BNB Number GBC378744 BNB Number GBC377567
Comic books, strips, etc., History and criticism. Vyāsa, Comic books, strips, etc.
Identity (Philosophical concept) in literature.
History in literature. 741.5971
Comic books, strips, etc., Social aspects. The world of Black Hammer. Volume 5 / Jeff Lemire, Patton
Prepublication record Oswalt, Scott Snyder. —Milwaukie : Dark Horse Books, 2023.
—224 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 31 cm
741.5352 ISBN 9781506732503 hardback £44.99
Understanding superhero comic books : a history of key BNB Number GBC379477
elements, creators, events and controversies / Alex Grand. Science fiction comic books, strips, etc.
—Jefferson, North Carolina : McFarland & Company, Inc., Prepublication record
Publishers, 2023. —277 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm
ISBN 9781476690391 paperback £41.95 741.5973
BNB Number GBC379422 Conan the Barbarian : the original comics omnibus. Vol. 1 /
Comic books, strips, etc., History and criticism. Roy Thomas. —London : Titan Books, 2023. —766 pages :
Superheroes in comics. chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 24 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9781787740822 hardback £100.00
BNB Number GBC379798
741.535266 Conan (Fictitious character), Comic books, strips, etc.,
The color of always : an LGBTQIA+ love anthology / edited by Fiction.
Brent Fisher, Michele Abounader. —New York : A Wave Blue Fantasy comic books, strips, etc.
World, 2023. —144 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 26 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781949518245 paperback £17.99
BNB Number GBC380107 741.5973
Queer comic books, strips, etc. Destroyer Duck / Steve Gerber ; art by Jack Kirby ; edited by
Sexual minorities, Comic books, strips, etc., Fiction. John Morrow. —Raleigh : TwoMorrows, 2023. —128 pages :
Prepublication record chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 28 cm
ISBN 9781605491172 hardback £28.99
741.56973 BNB Number GBC379583
Thor and Loki : Midgard family mayhem / Jeffrey Brown. Science fiction comic books, strips, etc.
—San Francisco : Chronicle Books, 2023. —64 pages : chiefly Prepublication record
illustrations ; 17 cm
ISBN 9781797217499 hardback £10.99 741.5973
BNB Number GBC379838 Fortune and glory. Volume 1 / Brian Michael Bendis.
Loki (Fictitious character from Marvel Comics Group), —Milwaukie : Dark Horse Books, 2023. —160 pages : chiefly
Comic books, strips, etc. illustrations ; 23 cm
Thor (Fictitious character from Marvel Comics Group), ISBN 9781506730134 paperback £17.99
Comic books, strips, etc. BNB Number GBC379475
American wit and humor, Pictorial. Bendis, Brian Michael, Comic books, strips, etc.
Families, Comic books, strips, etc. Cartoonists, United States, Biography, Comic books, strips,
Prepublication record etc.
Prepublication record
Scribbles. Vol. 1 / Kaoru Mori. —New York : Yen Press, 2023. 741.5973
—184 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm Grendel omnibus. Volume 4, Prime / writers, Matt Wagner,
ISBN 9781975367374 paperback £14.99 Greg Rucka ; artists, Matt Wagner, Pat McEown, Monty
BNB Number GBC380183 Sheldon, Simon Bisley. —Second edition. —Milwaukie : Dark
Mori, Kaoru, 1978-, Translations into English. Horse Books, 2023. —544 pages : chiefly illustrations (colour)
Prepublication record ; 26 cm
ISBN 9781506732336 paperback £26.99
BNB Number GBC379476
Graphic novels.
Prepublication record

741.5973 741.5973
Invincible universe compendium. Volume 1 / Robert Kirkman, The lone and level sands / Peter David ; illustrated by Adam
Benito Cereno, Phil Hester ; art by Nate Bellegarde, Ransom Kubert. —New York : Marvel Universe, 2023. —464 pages :
Getty, Todd Nauck. —Berkeley : Image Comics, 2023. —672 chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 26 cm.
pages : chiefly illustrations ; 26 cm ISBN 9781302951061 paperback No price
ISBN 9781534399969 paperback £35.99 BNB Number GBC379215
BNB Number GBC379531 Hulk (Fictitious character), Comic book, strips, etc., Fiction.
Science fiction comic books, strips, etc. Science fiction comic books, strips, etc.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

741.5973 741.5973
Legends of the Dark Knight / Len Wein, Nunzio DeFilippis, The savage sword of Conan : the original comics omnibus.
Bob Haney ; illustrated by José Luis García López. Vol. 1 / Roy Thomas. —London : Titan Books, 2023. —1040
—Burbank, CA : DC Comics, 2023. —472 pages : chiefly pages : chiefly illustrations ; 24 cm
illustrations (colour) ; 27 cm ISBN 9781787740860 hardback £125.00
ISBN 9781779521699 hardback No price BNB Number GBC379799
BNB Number GBC379774 Conan (Fictitious character), Comic books, strips, etc.,
Batman (Fictitious character), Comic books, strips, etc., Fiction.
Fiction. Fantasy comic books, strips, etc.
Science fiction comic books, strips, etc. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
741.5973 Voices from Krypton / Edward Gross ; afterword by Mark Waid
Second genesis / Chris Claremont ; illustrated by Dave ; foreword by Brandon Routh. —Burbank : NacelleBooks,
Cockrum and John Byrne. —New York : Marvel Universe, 2023. —1 volume
2023. —528 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 26 cm. ISBN 9781737380191 hardback No price
ISBN 9781302950453 paperback No price BNB Number GBC379749
BNB Number GBC379214 Superman (Fictitious character)
Science fiction comic books, strips, etc. Superman films, History and criticism.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

741.5973 741.5973
Secrets and lies / Ibrahim Moustafa, Fabrice Sapolsky ; art by Year zero. Volume 0 / Daniel Kraus. —New York : Upshot,
Ibrahim Moustafa, Tom Lyle, Sebastien Lamirand. —Los 2023. —128 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 26 cm
Angeles : FairSquare Comics, 2023. —128 pages : chiefly ISBN 9781953165459 paperback £9.99
illustrations (colour) ; 27 cm. BNB Number GBC380118
ISBN 9780999276686 paperback £19.99 Horror comic books, strips, etc.
BNB Number GBC378477 Prepublication record
Graphic novels.
Prepublication record 741.60285
Computational drawing : from foundational exercises to
741.5973 theories of representation / Carl Lostritto. —Novato : ORO
The agency / Katie Skelly. —Seattle : Fantagraphics Books, Editions, 2023. —292 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 23 cm
2023. —96 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 28 cm ISBN 9781957183459 paperback £29.95
ISBN 9781683966807 hardback £24.99 BNB Number GBC380131
BNB Number GBC379727 Computer drawing.
Graphic novels. Graphic arts, Data processing.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

The lizard prince and other South American stories / volume
editor, Alberto Rayo. —Chicago : Iron Circus Comics, 2023.
—200 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 16 x 23 cm.
ISBN 9781638991212 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC379636
Graphic novels.
Children's stories, American.
Folklore, South America.
Prepublication record

744.7 745.2
Design materials and making for social change : from Make the world a better place : design with passion, purpose,
materials we explore to materials we wear / edited by and values / Robert Kozma. [online resource] —Hoboken :
Rebecca Earley, Rosie Hornbuckle. [online resource] John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2023. —1 online resource (384
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (220 pages) pages)
: illustrations (black and white). ISBN 9781394173518 ePub ebook £30.99
ISBN 9781000886580 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000886528 BNB Number GBC381245
PDF ebook £38.99 Industrial design.
BNB Number GBC380668 Prepublication record
Materials, Social aspects.
Social change. 745.20721
Product design, Social aspects. Research methods for product design / Alex Milton & Paul
Social responsibility of business. Rodgers. [online resource] —London : Laurence King
Fashion, Social aspects. Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource : illustrations (black and
Prepublication record white, and colour).
ISBN 9781529432381 ePub ebook £24.99
744.7 BNB Number GBC381344
Design materials and making for social change : from Product design.
materials we explore to materials we wear / edited by Product design, Research, Methodology.
Rebecca Earley, Rosie Hornbuckle. —London : Routledge, Prepublication record
2023. —220 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9781032168265 hardback £130.00 745.5068
BNB Number GBC378654 Starting an Etsy business / Kate Shoup, Kate Gatski. [online
Product design, Social aspects. resource] —Fourth edition. —Hoboken, NJ : For Dummies,
Fashion, Social aspects. 2023. —1 online resource (368 pages)
Materials, Social aspects. ISBN 9781394168712 ePub ebook £18.99
Social change. BNB Number GBC381242
Social responsibility of business. Etsy (Firm)
Prepublication record Handicraft, Internet marketing.
Handicraft industries, Management.
744.72941 New business enterprises, Management.
Think of it as a poster / Brian Webb. —[Special edition]. Selling, Handicraft.
—Huddersfield : The Fleece Press, [2010] —1 volume Business enterprises, Computer networks.
(unpaged) : illustrations (colour) ; 13 cm + 8 loose stamps Prepublication record
ISBN 0948375922 ; 9780948375927
BNB Number GBC377620 745.5068
Webb, Brian, 1945- Starting an Etsy business / Kate Shoup, Kate Gatski. —Fourth
Artists' books. edition. —Hoboken, NJ : For Dummies, 2023. —368 pages ;
Postage stamps, Great Britain, History. 24 cm
ISBN 9781394168705 paperback £18.99
745.2 BNB Number GBC379264
Design in the era of Industry 4.0. Volume 3, Proceedings of Etsy (Firm)
ICoRD 2023 / edited by Amaresh Chakrabarti, Vishal Singh. New business enterprises, Management.
—Singapore : Springer, 2023. —1110 pages : illustrations Selling, Handicraft.
(black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm. Handicraft, Internet marketing.
ISBN 9789819904273 hardback £299.99 Business enterprises, Computer networks.
BNB Number GBC380357 Handicraft industries, Management.
Industry 4.0, Congresses. Prepublication record
Industrial design, Congresses.
Prepublication record 746.09
Textile in architecture : from the Middle Ages to modernism /
edited by Didem Ekici, Patricia Blessing, Basile Baudez.
[online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
resource (240 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781000900361 PDF ebook £35.99 ; 9781000900446
ePub ebook £35.99
BNB Number GBC380990
Textile fabrics and architecture, Case studies.
Prepublication record
746.09 746.434041
Textile in architecture : from the Middle Ages to modernism / What about yarn : 20 creative, fashionable patterns for
edited by Didem Ekici, Patricia Blessing, Basile Baudez. beginner to intermediate crocheters / Kath Baena. —Berkeley
—London : Routledge, 2023. —240 pages : illustrations (black : Ulysses Press, 2023. —128 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
and white) ; 25 cm ISBN 9781646044573 paperback £18.99
ISBN 9781032250441 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032250427 BNB Number GBC379668
paperback £35.99 Crocheting, Patterns.
BNB Number GBC378716 Prepublication record
Textile fabrics and architecture, Case studies.
Prepublication record 746.434043
Adorable houseplants to crochet / Marie Clesse. —New York :
746.4222 Dover Publications, 2023. —64 pages : illustrations (colour) ;
Macramé : a complete illustrated guide for newbies to learn 23 cm
macramé from scratch / Sarah Afghan. —[Great Britain] : ISBN 9780486851150 paperback £12.49
[Sarah Afghan], [2020] —166 pages : illustrations (black and BNB Number GBC378348
white) ; 26 cm Crocheting, Patterns.
ISBN 9781914019166 paperback Decoration and ornament, Plant forms.
BNB Number GBC378086 Prepublication record

746.4320432 746.44041
Cute & easy baby knits : 25 adorable projects for newborns to The Kew book of nature samplers : 10 exquisite embroidery
toddlers / Susie Johns. [online resource] —London : CICO projects / Trish Burr. [online resource] —Tunbridge Wells :
Books, 2023. —1 online resource (112 pages) : illustrations Search Press, 2023. —1 online resource (176 pages) :
(colour) illustrations (colour)
ISBN 9781800652514 ePub ebook £14.99 ISBN 9781781269466 ePub ebook £25.00
BNB Number GBC381412 BNB Number GBC381382
Knitting, Patterns. Embroidery, Patterns.
Infants' clothing. Flowers in art.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

746.4320432 746.44041
Cute & easy baby knits : 25 adorable projects for newborns to The Kew book of nature samplers : 10 exquisite embroidery
toddlers / Susie Johns. —London : CICO Books, 2023. —112 projects / Trish Burr. —Tunbridge Wells : Search Press, 2023.
pages : illustrations (colour) ; 28 cm —176 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 28 cm
ISBN 9781800652231 paperback £14.99 ISBN 9781800920309 hardback £25.00
BNB Number GBC379873 BNB Number GBC379897
Infants' clothing. Flowers in art.
Knitting, Patterns. Embroidery, Patterns.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

746.434041 746.443041
Crochet & knitting for beginners : 2 in 1 : the ultimate Cute kawaii cross stitch : over 400 super adorable patterns /
step-by-step guide to learn quickly from zero with picture Sosae Caetano, Dennis Caetano. —Exeter : David & Charles,
illustrations. How to use easy patterns & stitches to create 2023. —128 pages ; 28 cm
lovely projects / by Sara Afghan. —[Great Britain] : [Sarah ISBN 9781446309971 paperback £16.99
Afghan], [2020] —301 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; BNB Number GBC379355
21 cm Cross-stitch, Patterns.
ISBN 9781914019142 paperback Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378091
746.434041 Art Quilt Elements 2020 : Wayne Art Center : 14th exhibition,
The hooktionary : a crochet dictionary of 150 modern tapestry March 29 - May 2, 2020. —Wayne, PA : BookBaby, [2020]
crochet motifs / Brenda K.B. Anderson. —Exeter : David & —64 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 22 cm
Charles, 2023. —144 pages ; 28 cm ISBN 9781098381769 paperback
ISBN 9781446309575 paperback £16.99 BNB Number GBC377284
BNB Number GBC379354
Crocheting, Patterns.
Prepublication record

746.920687 746.92092
Fashion supply chain management : integrating sustainability Laura : the stylish life of Laura Ashley / Mari Lovegreen ;
through the fashion supply chain / Nicola Mansfield and illustrated by Sara Rhys. —Cardiff : Broga Books, 2023. —32
Virginia Grose. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. pages : chiefly illustrations ; 24 cm.
—1 online resource (208 pages) : illustrations (colour). ISBN 9781914303302 paperback £5.99
ISBN 9781000891249 PDF ebook £44.99 ; 9780367697457 BNB Number GBC380059
paperback £44.99 ; 9781000891270 ePub ebook £44.99 Ashley, Laura, Pictorial works, Juvenile literature.
BNB Number GBC380782 Fashion designers, Wales, Biography, Pictorial works,
Business logistics. Juvenile literature.
Clothing trade. Women textile designers, Wales, Biography, Pictorial
Prepublication record works, Juvenile literature.
Textile designers, Wales, Biography, Pictorial works,
746.920687 Juvenile literature.
Fashion supply chain management : integrating sustainability Women fashion designers, Wales, Biography, Pictorial
through the fashion supply chain / Nicola Mansfield and works, Juvenile literature.
Virginia Grose. —London : Routledge, 2023. —208 pages : Prepublication record
illustrations (colour) ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9780367703400 hardback £130.00 746.92092
BNB Number GBC378291 Wildflower / Aurora James. —New York : Crown, 2023. —272
Clothing trade. pages ; 21 cm
Business logistics. ISBN 9780593239452 hardback £23.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC378370
James, Aurora, 1984-
746.9209 Abused women, Biography.
About time : fashion & duration / Andrew Bolton with Jan Glier African American fashion designers, Biography.
Reeder, Jessica Regan, and Amanda Garfinkel ; introduction Fashion designers, Canada, Biography.
by Theodore Martin ; short story by Michael Cunningham ; Prepublication record
photographs by Nicholas Alan Cope. —New York : The
Metropolitan Museum of Art, [2020] —lxxxiii, 358 pages : 747
illustrations (black and white) ; 33 cm The happy home : the ultimate guide to creating a home that
ISBN 9781588396884 hardback brings you joy / Chelsea Foy ; foreword by Joy Cho. —Seattle
BNB Number GBC378111 : Sasquatch Books, 2023. —176 pages : illustrations (colour) ;
Fashion, History, 21st century, Exhibitions. 23 cm
Fashion, History, 20th century, Exhibitions. ISBN 9781632174611 hardback No price
Fashion, History, 19th century, Exhibitions. BNB Number GBC379607
Interior decoration, Psychological aspects.
746.92092 Prepublication record
Laura : bywyd mentrus Laura Ashley / Mari Lovegreen ;
illustrated by Sara Rhys. —Cardiff : Broga Books, 2023. —32 748.2075
pages : chiefly illustrations ; 24 cm. Glass / Judith Miller. [online resource] —London : Mitchell
ISBN 9781914303296 paperback £5.99 Beazley, 2015. —1 online resource : illustrations.
BNB Number GBC380058 ISBN 9781784720711 (EPUB) ; 1784720712 (EPUB)
Ashley, Laura, Pictorial works, Juvenile literature. BNB Number GBC377766
Women textile designers, Wales, Biography, Pictorial Glassware, Collectors and collecting.
works, Juvenile literature.
Women fashion designers, Wales, Biography, Pictorial 759.2
works, Juvenile literature. Daniel Crews-Chubb x Flora Yukhnovich. —Oxford :
Textile designers, Wales, Biography, Pictorial works, Ashmolean Museum, 2023. —128 pages : illustrations (colour)
Juvenile literature. ; 28 cm.
Fashion designers, Wales, Biography, Pictorial works, ISBN 9781910807583 paperback £20.00
Juvenile literature. BNB Number GBC380026
Prepublication record Crews-Chubb, Daniel, 1984-, Exhibitions.
Yukhnovich, Flora, 1990-, Exhibitions.
Prepublication record

759.2 769.92
Fearless world traveler : adventures of Marianne North, Anne Desmet RA : time sequences / introduction by Laura
botanical artist / Laurie Lawlor ; illustrated by Becca Gascoigne. —London : Long & Ryle, [2015?] —1 volume
Stadtlander. —New York : Holiday House, 2023. —48 pages : (unnumbered) : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24
illustrations (colour) ; 26 cm cm
ISBN 9780823453276 paperback No price BNB Number GBC377592
BNB Number GBC378451 Desmet, Anne, 1964-, Exhibitions.
North, Marianne, 1830-1890, Juvenile literature. Artists, British, 20th century, Exhibitions.
Botanical illustration, Juvenile literature.
Botanical artists, Great Britain, Biography, Juvenile 769.92
literature. Hokusai's Fuji / Katsushika Hokusai ; edited by Kyoko Wada.
Prepublication record —London : Thames and Hudson, 2023. —416 pages :
illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 21 cm
759.2929 ISBN 9780500026557 hardback £25.00
Ray Howard-Jones / David Moore. —Llanelli : Graffeg, 2023. BNB Number GBC378352
—256 pages ; 25 cm Katsushika, Hokusai, 1760-1849
ISBN 9781802581881 hardback £35.00
BNB Number GBC379910 Fuji, Mount (Japan), In art.
Howard-Jones, Ray. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
759.4 Beginning photo retouching and restoration using GIMP :
Berthe Morisot / Jean-Dominique Rey ; foreword by Sylvie learn to retouch and restore your photos like a pro / Phillip
Patry. —Compact edition. —Paris : Flammarion, 2023. —224 Whitt. —Second edition. —New York : Apress, 2023. —385
pages : illustrations (colour) ; 27 cm pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 cm
ISBN 9782080426314 paperback £22.50 ISBN 9781484292648 paperback £49.99
BNB Number GBC380205 BNB Number GBC379441
Morisot, Berthe, 1841-1895, Criticism and interpretation. Image processing, Digital techniques.
Impressionism (Art) Photography, Retouching.
Prepublication record Photographs, Conservation and restoration, Computer
759.9493 Prepublication record
Rubens and the Dominican church in Antwerp : art and
political economy in an age of religious conflict / Adam 770.92396042
Sammut. —Leiden : Brill, 2023. —1 volume ; 24 cm. Shining lights : Black women photographers in 1980s-'90s
ISBN 9789004276376 hardback No price Britain / Joy Gregory. —London : MACK, 2023. —352 pages
BNB Number GBC380318 ISBN 9781913620752 paperback £50.00
Rubens, Peter Paul, 1577-1640 BNB Number GBC380046 Photography, Artistic.
Sint-Pauluskerk (Antwerp, Belgium), History. Great Britain, Social conditions, 20th century, Pictorial
Dominicans, Art patronage. works.
Architecture and society, Belgium, Antwerp, History, 17th Prepublication record
Art and society, Belgium, Antwerp, History, 17th century. 771.31
Mysteries of the Rosary in art. The ultimate Canon SLR handbook. Volume 3 / Chris George,
Prepublication record series editor. —Bath : Future Publishing Limited, [2016] —226
pages : illustrations (colour) ; 30 cm + 1 DVD-video (116 min.
764.8092 : sound, colour ; 4.75 in.).
New rules next week : Corita Kent's legacy through the eyes BNB Number GBC378107
of twenty artists and writers. —San Francisco : Chronicle
Books, 2023. —88 pages ; 21 cm
ISBN 9781797211824 hardback £12.99
BNB Number GBC379834
Corita, 1918-1986, Philosophy.
Immaculate Heart College (Los Angeles, Calif.),
Maxims, American.
Prepublication record

776 777.0922
The sculptural in the (post-)digital age / edited by M+M : 7 Tage / Herausgeber: Casino Luxembourg - Forum
Mara-Johanna Koelmel, Ursula Stroebele. —Berlin : De d'art contemporain, Luxembourg, Galerie im Taxispalais,
Gruyter, 2023. —242 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; Innsbruck, M+M ; Autoren: M+M, Kevin Muhlen, Jürgen
24 cm Tabor. —Ostfildern : Hatje Cantz, [2015?] —168 pages in
ISBN 9783110775051 paperback £54.50 various pagings : illustrations (chiefly colour), portraits ; 33 cm
BNB Number GBC380294 ISBN 9783775740548 hardbound ; 3775740546 hardbound
Sculpture, Technique. BNB Number GBC377898
Sculpture, Philosophy. M + M (Group of artists), Exhibitions.
Computer art. Video art, Exhibitions.
Prepublication record Art, German, 21st century, Exhibitions.

777 777.098
The grip book : the studio grip's essential guide / Michael G. Encounters in video art in Latin America / edited by Elena
Uva. [online resource] —Seventh edition. —London : Shtromberg and Glenn Phillips. [online resource] —Los
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (452 pages) : Angeles : Getty Research Institute, [2023] —1 online resource
illustrations (black and white) (xii, 275 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour).
ISBN 9781000874860 ePub ebook £44.99 ; 9781000874846 ISBN 9781606067925 PDF ebook No price
PDF ebook £44.99 BNB Number GBC381581
BNB Number GBC380515 Art, Latin American, 21st century.
Cinematography. Art, Latin American, 20th century.
Motion pictures, Production and direction. Video art, Latin America.
Grips (Persons) Prepublication record
Prepublication record
777 Exploring intersemiotic translation models : a case study of
The grip book : the studio grip's essential guide / Michael G. Ang Lee's films / Haoxuan Zhang. [online resource] —London
Uva. —Seventh edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —452 : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (240 pages) :
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 26 cm illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9781032255859 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032255866 ISBN 9781000885071 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000885019
paperback £44.99 PDF ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC378725 BNB Number GBC380643
Cinematography. Lee, Ang, 1954-, Criticism and interpretation.
Motion pictures, Production and direction. Dubbing of motion pictures.
Grips (Persons) Motion pictures and language.
Prepublication record Semiotics and motion pictures.
Translating and interpreting in motion pictures.
777 Prepublication record
The shut up and shoot video production guide : a down & dirty
DV production / Anthony Artis. [online resource] —London : 777.55
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (270 pages) : Exploring intersemiotic translation models : a case study of
illustrations (colour) Ang Lee's films / Haoxuan Zhang. —London : Routledge,
ISBN 9781136058455 ePub ebook £43.99 ; 9781136058462 2023. —240 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm.
PDF ebook £43.99 ISBN 9781032395326 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC381207 BNB Number GBC378902
Video recordings, Production and direction. Lee, Ang, 1954-, Criticism and interpretation.
Prepublication record Translating and interpreting in motion pictures.
Motion pictures and language.
777 Dubbing of motion pictures.
The shut up and shoot video production guide : a down & dirty Semiotics and motion pictures.
DV production / Anthony Artis. —London : Routledge, 2023. Prepublication record
—270 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 28 cm
ISBN 9781032502755 hardback £130.00 ; 9780240811222
paperback £43.99
BNB Number GBC379059
Video recordings, Production and direction.
Prepublication record

778.94 779.092
Think like a street photographer / Matt Stuart ; foreword by Street cat tales and tangled times : an American journey
Derren Brown. [online resource] —London : Laurence King continues / Marc Stephen, Carla Hayden. —Staunton :
Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource : illustrations George F. Thompson, 2023. —184 pages : illustrations (black
ISBN 9781399615310 ePub ebook £14.99 and white, and colour) ; 21 x 39 cm
BNB Number GBC381277 ISBN 9781938086984 hardback £50.00
Street photography. BNB Number GBC380100
Prepublication record Stephen, Marc.
Street photography, United States.
779.092 Photography, Artistic.
Gabriele Basilico - in-between territories / edited by Filippo Americans, Pictorial works.
Maggia. —Milan : Skira, 2023. —192 pages : illustrations ; 28 Prepublication record
ISBN 9788857246161 hardback No price 779.092
BNB Number GBC380317 The photographs of Zygmunt Bauman / edited by Peter
Basilico, Gabriele Beilharz, Janet Wolff. —Manchester : Manchester University
Photography, Artistic. Press, 2023. —216 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24
Prepublication record cm
ISBN 9781526168429 paperback No price
779.092 BNB Number GBC379502
George Byrne - post truth / text by George Byrne, Ian Volner ; Bauman, Zygmunt, 1925-2017
edited by Stephanie Emerson. —Special edition. —Ostfildern :
Hatje Cantz, 2023. —144 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9783775753326 hardback £230.00
BNB Number GBC380305 779.09252
Byrne, George, 1976- Eye mama : poetic truths of home and motherhood / Karni
Photography, Artistic. Arieli. —Kempen : teNeues, 2023. —224 pages : illustrations
Landscape photography, California, Los Angeles. (colour) ; 30 cm
Los Angeles (Calif.), Pictorial works. ISBN 9783961714605 hardback £45.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC380310
Women photographers.
779.092 Photography, Artistic.
Kris Graves - privileged mediocrity / edited by John Edwin Prepublication record
Mason. —Ostfildern : Hatje Cantz, 2023. —174 pages :
illustrations ; 30 cm 779.2092
ISBN 9783775754774 hardback £82.00 Helen Levitt/Henri Cartier-Bresson - Mexico / text by Anne
BNB Number GBC380306 Bertrand, Joshua Chuang, Agnès Sire ; edited by Fondation
Graves, Kris, 1982- Cartier-Bresson, Thomas Zander. —Cologne : Walther &
Racism, United States, Pictorial works. Franz Koenig, 2023. —152 pages : illustrations ; 27 cm
Elite (Social sciences), United States, Pictorial works. ISBN 9783753303994 hardback £52.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC380304
Levitt, Helen
779.092 Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 1908-2004
Secret of light / Ralph Gibson. —Heidelberg : Kehrer, 2023.
—240 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm Street photography, Mexico.
ISBN 9783969001042 hardback £46.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC380311
Gibson, Ralph, 1939-, Exhibitions. 779.2092
Photography, Artistic, Exhibitions. I & 119 / Sophie Loss. —[Great Britain] : Sophie Loss, 2019.
Prepublication record —1 volume (unpaged) : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 26 cm
BNB Number GBC377250

Performance / by Rankin. —[London?] : Rankin Publishing
Ltd, [2021] —120 pages : illustrations (black and white, and
colour) ; 33 cm
ISBN 9780995574199 ; 0995574197
BNB Number GBC377301

779.28 779.997471092
Dressed undressed : sexy girls stripping naked / Dave Naz. A time before crack : photographs from the 1980s / Jamel
—[Germany] : Edition Reuss, [2022?] —1 volume (unpaged) : Shabazz ; introduction by Kenneth J. Montgomery, Esq. ;
illustrations (colour) ; 29 cm words by Liza Jessie Peterson [and four others] ; afterword by
ISBN 9783943105599 hardback Masta Killa. —Revised edition. —Brooklyn, NY : powerHouse
BNB Number GBC377488 Books, 2022. —173 pages : chiefly illustrations (some color) ;
26 cm
779.28 ISBN 1648230059 ; 9781648230059
Sexy underwear and hot pussy : panties, bras, thongs, BNB Number GBC203290
stockings, lingerie / Quinn Dolan. —[Germany] : Edition Shabazz, Jamel, 1960-
Reuss, [2022?] —1 volume (unpaged) : illustrations (colour) ;
29 cm Street photography, New York (State), New York.
ISBN 9783943105612 hardback African American youth, New York (State), New York,
BNB Number GBC377491 Social life and customs, Pictorial works.
Hip-hop, New York (State), New York, Pictorial works.
Crack (Drug), New York (State), New York.
1964 : eyes of the storm / Paul McCartney. —London : Allen
Documentary photography.
Lane, 2023. —320 pages : illustrations
New York (N.Y.), Social life and customs, 20th century,
ISBN 9780241641774 hardback £1500.00
Pictorial works.
BNB Number GBC378216
Beatles, Pictorial works. 780
Beatles, Performances, Pictorial works. What is music? / Sarah Walden. —Banbury : Noodle Juice,
Nineteen sixty-four, A.D., Pictorial works. 2023. —32 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 26 cm.
Prepublication record ISBN 9781915613165 hardback £9.99
BNB Number GBC380086
Music, Juvenile literature.
Timeless dance remixed : images of Dissonance Dance
Prepublication record
Theatre Washington D.C. / dance photography of Shawn
Short. —[United States?] : [publisher not identified], [2019] 780.1
—155 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 29 The politics of vibration : music as a cosmopolitical practice /
cm Marcus Boon. —Durham : Duke University Press, 2022. —viii,
ISBN 9781734154108 hardback 279 pages ; 23 cm
BNB Number GBC377496 ISBN 9781478018391 paperback ; 9781478015765 hardcover
Short, Shawn. ; 1478015764 hardcover ; 1478018399 paperback
Dissonance Dance Theatre (Washington, D.C.) BNB Number GBC2B6068
Hennix, Catherine Christer, 1948-, Criticism and
Green Namibia / Patricia Parinejad. —Kempen : teNeues,
DJ Screw, 1971-2000, Criticism and interpretation.
2023. —224 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 30 cm
Pran Nath, 1918-1996, Criticism and interpretation.
ISBN 9783961714414 hardback £45.00
MUSIC / History & Criticism.
BNB Number GBC380309
Music, Philosophy and aesthetics.
Namibia, Pictorial works.
MUSIC / Essays.
Prepublication record
Illuminating the guilty land : the American Civil War
Build your music career from scratch : a step-by-step guide to
photography of Timothy O'Sullivan / Keith Steiner. —Market
becoming a successful artist / Andrae Alexander. —Second
Harborough : Matador, 2023. —248 pages : illustrations ; 21 x
edition. —[Place of publication not identified] : Running Wild
30 cm
Press, 2018. —153 pages ; 22 cm
ISBN 9781803136608 paperback £14.99
ISBN 9781947041196 (paperback)
BNB Number GBC379917
BNB Number GBC377468
O'Sullivan, Timothy H., 1840-1882
Music, Vocational guidance.
Music trade, Vocational guidance.
War photography, United States, History, 19th century.
United States, History, Civil War, 1861-1865, Pictorial
Prepublication record

780.7 780.92
Teaching music / edited by Gary Spruce. [online resource] 'Don't forget about me' : the short life of Gideon Klein,
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource : illustrations composer and pianist / David Fligg ; with a foreword by
(black and white) Zdenka Fantlová. [online resource] —[London] : Toccata
ISBN 9781000951417 ePub ebook £44.99 Press, 2022. —1 online resource (322 pages) : illustrations
BNB Number GBC381126 (black and white, and colour)
Music teachers, Training of. ISBN 9780907689225 hardback No price ; 9781800104990
School music, Instruction and study. PDF ebook No price
Music, Instruction and study. BNB Number GBC381584
Prepublication record Klein, Gideon, 1919-1945
780.71 Composers, Czech Republic, Biography.
The psychology of teaching and learning music / Edward R. Jewish composers, Czech Republic, Biography.
McClellan. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 Prepublication record
online resource (166 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781000890686 ePub ebook £34.99 ; 9781000890662 780.92
PDF ebook £34.99 Friend of the friends / Jerrold Northrop Moore.
BNB Number GBC380761 —Rickmansworth : Elgar Works, 2023. —52 pages :
Music, Instruction and study, Psychological aspects. illustrations (black and white) ; 30 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9781904856900 paperback £10.00
BNB Number GBC380024
780.71 Elgar, Edward, 1857-1934
The psychology of teaching and learning music / Edward R.
McClellan. —London : Routledge, 2023. —166 pages : Elgar, Edward, 1857-1934, Friends and associates.
illustrations (black and white) ; 26 cm Composers, Great Britain, Biography.
ISBN 9780367481780 hardback £130.00 ; 9780367481773 Prepublication record
paperback £34.99
BNB Number GBC378261 780.92
Music, Instruction and study, Psychological aspects. S.D. Burman : the prince musician / Anirudha Bhattacharjee,
Prepublication record Balaji Vittal. —New York : Vintage Books, 2023. —384 pages ;
26 cm
780.78421 ISBN 9780143458531 paperback No price
BBC Proms 2023. [online resource] —London : BBC Proms, BNB Number GBC378132
2023. —1 online resource (164 pages) Burman, S. D. (Sachin Dev), 1906-1975
ISBN 9781912114153 ePub ebook £7.19
BNB Number GBC381477 Film composers, India, Biography.
Concert programs, England, London. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
780.89 Samuel Barber : his life and legacy / Howard Pollack. [online
Music theory in ethnomusicology / Stephen Blum. —New York resource] —Champaign : University of Illinois Press, 2023. —1
: Oxford University Press, 2023. —232 pages : illustrations ; online resource (744 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
21 cm. ISBN 9780252054051 ebook No price
ISBN 9780199303526 hardback £71.00 ; 9780199303533 BNB Number GBC380429
paperback £16.99 Barber, Samuel, 1910-1981
BNB Number GBC378197
Ethnomusicology. Composers, United States, Biography.
Music theory. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
The older Liszt : music, world and spirit / Peter Coleman.
[online resource] —Cambridge : The Lutterworth Press, 2023.
—1 online resource (324 pages)
ISBN 9780718897147 PDF ebook £56.50 ; 9780718897123
ePub ebook £42.40
BNB Number GBC380472
Liszt, Franz, 1811-1886
Prepublication record
780.92 780.922429
The older Liszt : music, world and spirit / Peter Coleman. Braids of song / Mari Morgan. —Talybont : Y Lolfa, 2023.
—Cambridge : The Lutterworth Press, 2023. —324 pages —224 pages ; 22 cm
ISBN 9780718897154 hardback £60.00 ISBN 9781800993372 paperback £9.99
BNB Number GBC378411 BNB Number GBC379898
Liszt, Franz, 1811-1886 Morgan, Mari. Parry, Joseph.
Prepublication record Protheroe, Daniel.
Novello, Marie.
780.92 Welsh, United States, Biography.
Utopia, innovation, tradition : Bruno Maderna's cosmos / Musicians, Wales, Biography.
edited by Angela Ida De Benedictis. —Martlesham : The Prepublication record
Boydell Press, 2023. —480 pages : illustrations (black and
white, and colour) ; 24 cm. 780.94209032
ISBN 9781837650309 hardback £25.00 Music, nature and divine knowledge in England, 1650-1750 :
BNB Number GBC379976 between the rational and the mystical. [online resource]
Maderna, Bruno, Criticism and interpretation. —Woodbridge : The Boydell Press, 2023. —1 online resource.
Music, 20th century, History and criticism. ISBN 9781800109735 electronic book ; 1800109733
Prepublication record electronic book ; 9781800109728 electronic book ;
1800109725 electronic book
780.92 BNB Number GBC377737
Weill, Blitzstein, and Bernstein : a study of influence / Music, Social aspects, England, History, 18th century.
Rebecca Schmid. —Rochester : University of Rochester Music, Religious aspects, Christianity, History, 17th
Press, 2023. —226 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 century.
cm. Music, Social aspects, England, History, 17th century.
ISBN 9781648250606 hardback £90.00 Music, Religious aspects, Christianity, History, 18th
BNB Number GBC379685 century.
Weill, Kurt, 1900-1950, Influence.
Bernstein, Leonard, 1918-1990 780.951 The Oxford handbook of music in China and the Chinese
Blitzstein, Marc diaspora / edited by Yu Hui, Jonathan P.J. Stock. —New York
Musicals, United States, History and criticism. : Oxford University Press, 2023. —528 pages : illustrations
Prepublication record (black and white) ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9780190661960 hardback £107.50
780.92 BNB Number GBC378137
William Levi Dawson : American music educator / Mark Hugh Music, China, History and criticism.
Malone. —Jackson : University Press of Mississippi, 2023. Chinese, Music, History and criticism.
—277 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm. Prepublication record
ISBN 9781496844798 hardback £108.00
BNB Number GBC379457 781.11
Dawson, William L. (William Levi), 1899-1990 Mixtape nostalgia : culture, memory, and representation / Jehnie I. Burns. —Lanham : Lexington Books, 2023. —278
African American composers, Biography. pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm.
Choral conductors, Alabama, Biography. ISBN 9781793616814 paperback £31.00
African American choral conductors, Biography. BNB Number GBC379829
Musicologists, Biography. Nostalgia.
Music teachers, Alabama, Biography. Music, Physiological aspects.
Composers, Alabama, Biography. Music, Social aspects.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

Orchestral masterpieces under the microscope / Jonathan Del
Mar. [online resource] —Woodbridge, Suffolk : Boydell Press,
2023. —1 online resource.
ISBN 1800106610 (electronic bk.) ; 9781800106611
(electronic bk.)
BNB Number GBC377653
Composition (Music)
781.46 781.588
Topics in musical interpretation / edited by Sezi Seskir and Music and death : funeral music, memory and re-evaluating
David Hyun-su Kim. [online resource] —New York : London : life / edited by Wolfgang Marx. —Martlesham : The Boydell
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (x, 200 pages) : Press, 2023. —256 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24
illustrations, music. cm
ISBN 9781003322269 (electronic bk.) ; 9781000704617 ISBN 9781837650644 hardback £75.00
(electronic bk. : EPUB) ; 9781000703931 (electronic bk. : BNB Number GBC379978
PDF) ; 1000704610 (electronic bk. : EPUB) ; 1003322263 Funeral music, History and criticism.
(electronic bk.) ; 1000703932 (electronic bk. : PDF) Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC377625
MUSIC / History & Criticism 781.6299969
Music, Interpretation (Phrasing, dynamics, etc.) Historical trends in Georgian traditional and sacred music : a
tribute to Anzor Erkomaishvili / edited by Joseph Jordania,
781.49 Rusudan Tsurtsumia. [online resource] —Newcastle upon
Become a competent music producer in 365 days / Sam Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023. —1 online
George. [online resource] —New York : Focal Press, 2023. resource (249 pages)
—1 online resource (226 pages) : illustrations (black and ISBN 9781527594289 ebook £81.99
white) BNB Number GBC381338
ISBN 9781000881066 PDF ebook £31.99 ; 9781000881134 Folk music, Georgia (Republic), History and criticism.
ePub ebook £31.99 Ethnomusicology, Georgia (Republic)
BNB Number GBC380568 Sacred music, Georgia (Republic), History and criticism.
Sound recordings, Production and direction. Prepublication record
Popular music, Production and direction.
Prepublication record 781.6409047
1978 : images, interviews & insights from the year in music /
781.49 G. Brown. —Louisville : Colorado Music Experience, 2023.
Become a competent music producer in 365 days / Sam —340 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm.
George. —New York : Focal Press, 2023. —226 pages : ISBN 9780991566839 paperback No price
illustrations (black and white) ; 22 cm BNB Number GBC378474
ISBN 9781032446141 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032446110 Popular music, 1971-1980, History and criticism.
paperback £31.99 Rock musicians, Interviews.
BNB Number GBC378945 Prepublication record
Popular music, Production and direction.
Sound recordings, Production and direction. 781.6409049
Prepublication record On record 1991 : images, interviews & insights from the year
in music / G. Brown. —Louisville : Colorado Music Experience,
781.49 2023. —368 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm.
Distortion in music production : the soul of sonics / edited by ISBN 9780991566853 paperback No price
Gary Bromham, Austin Moore. [online resource] —New York : BNB Number GBC378476
Focal Press, 2023. —1 online resource (290 pages) : Popular music, 1991-2000, History and criticism.
illustrations (black and white). Prepublication record
ISBN 9781000879018 ePub ebook £42.99 ; 9781000878950
PDF ebook £42.99 781.64097309045
BNB Number GBC380546 Ducktails, drive-ins, and broken hearts : an unsweetened look
Sound recordings, Production and direction. at '50s music / Hank Davis. —Albany : Excelsior Editions,
Electric distortion. 2023. —362 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9781438492681 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC379339
781.49 Popular music, United States, 1951-1960, History and
Distortion in music production : the soul of sonics / edited by criticism.
Gary Bromham, Austin Moore. —New York : Focal Press, Sound recording industry, United States, History, 20th
2023. —290 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm. century.
ISBN 9780367405854 paperback £42.99 ; 9780367405878 Musicians, United States, History, 20th century.
hardback £120.00 Singers, United States, History, 20th century.
BNB Number GBC378250 Prepublication record
Sound recordings, Production and direction.
Electric distortion.
Prepublication record

781.64209047 782.140973
Outlaws & armadillos : country's roaring '70s / edited by Jay Women in American operas of the 1950s : undoing gendered
Orr. —Champaign : University of Illinois Press, 2023. —120 archetypes / Monica A. Hershberger. [online resource]
pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 26 cm —Rochester, NY : University of Rochester Press, 2023. —1
ISBN 9780915608324 paperback No price online resource (x, 228 pages) : illustrations.
BNB Number GBC378472 ISBN 9781800109100 electronic book ; 1800109113
Country music, 1971-1980, History and criticism. electronic book ; 1800109105 electronic book ;
Prepublication record 9781800109117 electronic book
BNB Number GBC377735
781.6420922 Opera, United States, 20th century.
Alabama : song of the south / Country Music Hall of Fame and MUSIC / Genres & Styles / Opera
Museum ; foreword by Edward Morris ; edited by Jay Orr. Women in opera.
—Champaign : University of Illinois Press, 2023. —56 pages :
illustrations ; 26 cm 782.4215990973
ISBN 9780915608287 paperback No price O say can you hear : a cultural biography of "the
BNB Number GBC378471 star-spangled banner" / Mark Clague. —New York : W.W.
Alabama (Musical group) Norton and Company, 2023. —352 pages : illustrations, maps
Country musicians, Alabama, Biography. ; 22 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9781324064473 paperback £16.99
BNB Number GBC379234
781.71 Patriotic music, United States, History and criticism.
Tallis and Byrd's Cantiones sacrae (1575) : a sacred Prepublication record
argument / Jeremy L. Smith. [online resource] —Woodbridge :
The Boydell Press, 2023. —1 online resource (x, 270 pages) : 782.42163092
illustrations (black and white), music Wild dances : my queer and curious journey to Eurovision /
ISBN 9781837650453 hardback No price ; 9781800109568 William Lee Adams. —New York : Astra House, 2023. —1
PDF ebook No price volume
BNB Number GBC381401 ISBN 9781662601576 hardback £20.00
Tallis, Thomas, approximately 1505-1585. Vocal music. BNB Number GBC379699
Selections. Adams, William Lee, 1981-
Sacred music, England, 16th century, History and criticism. Music journalists, England.
Prepublication record Music, Competitions, Anecdotes.
Prepublication record
Milestones in musical theatre / edited by Mary Jo Lodge. 782.4216409048
[online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online On record 1984 : images, interviews & insights from the year
resource (226 pages) : illustrations (black and white) in music / G. Brown. —200 plus photos edition. —Louisville :
ISBN 9781000896268 ePub ebook £34.99 ; 9781000896251 Colorado Music Experience, 2023. —344 pages : illustrations ;
PDF ebook £34.99 26 cm
BNB Number GBC380894 ISBN 9780991566846 paperback No price
Musicals, History and criticism. BNB Number GBC378475
Musical theater. Popular music, 1981-1990, History and criticism.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

782.1409 782.42164092
Milestones in musical theatre / edited by Mary Jo Lodge. Jimmy Little : a Yorta Yorta man / Frances Peters-Little.
—London : Routledge, 2023. —226 pages : illustrations (black —Melbourne : Hardie Grant Books, 2023. —272 pages :
and white) illustrations (colour) ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781032188287 hardback £170.00 ; 9781032188263 ISBN 9781743799062 hardback £28.00
paperback £34.99 BNB Number GBC379752
BNB Number GBC378671 Little, Jimmy, 1937-2012
Musical theater.
Musicals, History and criticism. Musicians, Australia, Biography.
Prepublication record Aboriginal Australians, Biography.
Prepublication record

782.421641554 782.42166092
The beat, the scene, the sound : a DJ's journey through the Johnny Thunders : in cold blood : the official biography / Nina
rise, fall, and rebirth of house music in New York City / DJ Antonia. —Revised and updated edition. / foreword by Mike
Disciple and Henry Kronk ; foreword by Louie Vega. [online Scott. —London : Jawbone Press, 2023. —288 pages :
resource] —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023. illustrations ; 22 cm
—1 online resource (230 pages) : illustrations (black and ISBN 9781911036111 paperback £14.95
white) BNB Number GBC380030
ISBN 9781538174883 ePub ebook £33.00 Thunders, Johnny
BNB Number GBC381365 New York Dolls (Musical group)
DJ Disciple.
Disc Jockeys, New York (State), New York, Biography. Rock musicians, United States, Biography.
House music, New York (State), New York, History and Punk rock music.
criticism. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
782.421641554 Mary climbs in : the journeys of Bruce Springsteen's women
The beat, the scene, the sound : a DJ's journey through the fans / Lorraine Mangione, Donna Luff. —New Brunswick :
rise, fall, and rebirth of house music in New York City / DJ Rutgers University Press, 2023. —238 pages : illustrations
Disciple and Henry Kronk ; foreword by Louie Vega. (colour) ; 23 cm
—Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —230 ISBN 9781978827189 hardback £22.95
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm BNB Number GBC380199
ISBN 9781538174876 hardback £25.00 Springsteen, Bruce, Appreciation.
BNB Number GBC379552 Women rock music fans, Psychology.
DJ Disciple. Rock music, Psychological aspects.
House music, New York (State), New York, History and Prepublication record
Disc Jockeys, New York (State), New York, Biography. 782.42166092
Prepublication record Michael Jackson and the blackface mask / Harriet J. Manning.
[online resource] —Second edition. —London : Routledge,
782.421642092 2023. —1 online resource (216 pages) : illustrations (black
Emmylou Harris - Songbird's flight / Peter Cooper ; foreword and white).
by Rodney Crowell, Phil Kaufman. —Champaign : University ISBN 9781000894356 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000894516
of Illinois Press, 2023. —80 pages : illustrations (black and ePub ebook £38.99
white, and colour) ; 26 cm BNB Number GBC380860
ISBN 9780915608331 paperback No price Jackson, Michael, 1958-2009, Criticism and interpretation.
BNB Number GBC378473 Blackface entertainers, History.
Harris, Emmylou, Exhibitions. Minstrel music, History and criticism.
Prepublication record Music and race, History.
Prepublication record
Flyin' saucers rock & roll : the cosmic genius of Sam Phillips / 782.42166092
Peter Guralnick ; edited by Jay Orr ; foreword by Knox Michael Jackson and the blackface mask / Harriet J. Manning.
Phillips. —Champaign : University of Illinois Press, 2023. —64 —Second edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —216 pages :
pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 26 cm illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9780915608263 paperback No price ISBN 9781032056500 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC378470 BNB Number GBC378574
Phillips, Sam, 1923-2003, Exhibitions. Jackson, Michael, 1958-2009, Criticism and interpretation.
Rock music, To 1961, Exhibitions. Blackface entertainers, History.
Prepublication record Minstrel music, History and criticism.
Music and race, History.
Prepublication record

782.421680944 791.430233092
French art song : history of a new music, 1870-1914 / Emily Goin' crazy with Sam Peckinpah & all our friends / Max
Kilpatrick. [online resource] —Rochester : University of Evans, Robert Nott. —Albuquerque : University of New
Rochester Press, 2022. —1 online resource (xxi, 445 pages) : Mexico Press, 2023. —304 pages ; 24 cm
illustrations. ISBN 9780826365026 paperback £17.95
ISBN 9781800108103 ebook No price BNB Number GBC378459
BNB Number GBC381585 Evans, Max, 1924-2020.
Songs, France, 19th century, History and criticism. Peckinpah, Sam, 1925-1984
Songs, French, 20th century, History and criticism.
Songs, French, 19th century, History and criticism. Prepublication record
Songs, France, 20th century, History and criticism.
Prepublication record 791.4302330922
A to Z great film directors / Andy Tuohy with text by Matt
787.841642092 Glasby. [online resource] —London : Cassell Illustrated, 2015.
Mandolin man : the bluegrass life of Roland White / Bob —1 online resource : illustrations.
Black. —Urbana [Illinois] ; Chicago [Illinois] ; Springfield ISBN 1844038556 (ePub ebook) ; 9781844038558 (ePub
[Illinois] : University of Illinois Press, [2022] —x, 275 pages : ebook)
illustrations, portraits ; 24 cm. BNB Number GBC377769
ISBN 9780252086403 (paperback) ; 0252086406 (paperback) Motion picture producers and directors.
; 9780252044335 (hardcover) ; 0252044339 (hardcover) Motion pictures, Production and direction.
BNB Number GBC264810 Motion picture producers and directors, Portraits.
White, Roland. PERFORMING ARTS, Film & Video, Reference.
Mandolinists, United States, Biography. BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY, Entertainment &
Bluegrass musicians, United States, Biography. Performing Arts.

787.88092 791.43028
Stringbean : the life and murder of a country music legend / Secrets of screen acting / Patrick Tucker ; illustrations by John
Taylor Hagood. [online resource] —Champaign : University of Stamp. [online resource] —Fourth edition. —London :
Illinois Press, 2023. —1 online resource (272 pages) : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (283 pages) :
illustrations (black and white). illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9780252054167 ebook No price ISBN 9781000891263 PDF ebook £32.99 ; 9781000891294
BNB Number GBC380432 ePub ebook £32.99
Stringbean, 1915-1973 BNB Number GBC380783 Motion picture acting.
Trials (Murder), Tennessee. Television acting.
Murder victims, Tennessee. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
787.95 Secrets of screen acting / Patrick Tucker ; illustrations by John
The Erard Grecian harp in Regency England / Panagiotis Stamp. —Fourth edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —283
Poulopoulos. —Martlesham : The Boydell Press, 2023. —368 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm ISBN 9781032356976 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032356969
ISBN 9781783277728 paperback £25.00 paperback £32.99
BNB Number GBC379779 BNB Number GBC378848
Erard, Sébastien, 1752-1831 Motion picture acting. Television acting.
Maison Erard (Firm), History. Prepublication record
Harp, Construction, History.
Great Britain, History, Regency, 1811-1820. 791.43028092
Prepublication record The cinema of Barbara Stanwyck : twenty-six short essays on
a working star / Catherine Russell. [online resource]
—Champaign : University of Illinois Press, 2023. —1 online
resource (368 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9780252054310 ebook No price
BNB Number GBC380435
Stanwyck, Barbara, 1907-1990, Criticism and
Women in motion pictures.
Prepublication record
791.4305 791.430945
Stars, fan magazines and audiences : desire by design / Italian cinema : from the silent screen to the digital image /
edited by Tamar Jeffers McDonald, Lies Lanckman, Sarah edited by Joseph Luzzi. —New York : Bloomsbury Academic,
Polley. [online resource] —Edinburgh : Edinburgh University 2020. —xviii, 422 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23
Press, 2023. —1 online resource (256 pages) : illustrations cm
(colour) ISBN 9781441174932 hardback ; 9781441195616 paperback
ISBN 9781399505932 ePub ebook £85.00 ; 9781399505925 BNB Number GBC378479
PDF ebook £85.00 Motion pictures, Italy, History and criticism.
BNB Number GBC381271
Motion picture industry, Periodicals, History. 791.4309545
Motion pictures, Periodicals, History. Pre-partition Punjab's contribution to Indian cinema / Ishtiaq
Prepublication record Ahmed. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
online resource (184 pages)
791.4305 ISBN 9781000905908 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000905878
Stars, fan magazines and audiences : desire by design / PDF ebook £38.99
edited by Tamar Jeffers McDonald, Lies Lanckman, Sarah BNB Number GBC381077
Polley. —Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 2023. —256 Motion pictures, India, Punjab, History, 20th century.
pages : illustrations (colour) ; 24 cm Panjabis (South Asian people) in motion pictures.
ISBN 9781399505901 hardback £85.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC379313
Motion pictures, Periodicals, History. 791.4309545
Motion picture industry, Periodicals, History. Pre-partition Punjab's contribution to Indian cinema / Ishtiaq
Prepublication record Ahmed. —London : Routledge, 2023. —184 pages ; 22 cm
ISBN 9781032523576 hardback £130.00
791.43094 BNB Number GBC379117
Intermediality in European avant-garde cinema / Loukia Panjabis (South Asian people) in motion pictures.
Kostopoulou. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. Motion pictures, India, Punjab, History, 20th century.
—1 online resource (124 pages) Prepublication record
ISBN 9781000880151 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000880199
ePub ebook £38.99 791.4309669
BNB Number GBC380555 Nollywood, Nollywood, Nollywood : Nigeria's video film
Trier, Lars von, 1956-, Criticism and interpretation. industry : 1992-now / designed and edited by Phoenix Fry for
Godard, Jean-Luc, 1930-2022, Criticism and interpretation. Cinema Forever. —[London] : Cinema Forever, November
Sokurov, Aleksandr, 1951-, Criticism and interpretation. 2013. —21 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 15 cm
Motion pictures, Europe, History. BNB Number GBC377524
Experimental films, Europe, History.
Intermediality in motion pictures.
Fractured fifties : the cinematic periodization and evolution of
Prepublication record
a decade / Christine Sprengler. [online resource] —New York,
791.43094 NY : Oxford University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (xiv,
Intermediality in European avant-garde cinema / Loukia 251 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour).
Kostopoulou. —London : Routledge, 2023. —124 pages ; 23 ISBN 9780190067359 paperback No price ; 9780190067380
cm ebook No price ; 9780190067342 hardback No price
ISBN 9781032424897 hardback £130.00 BNB Number GBC380394
BNB Number GBC378921 Nineteen fifties.
Sokurov, Aleksandr, 1951-, Criticism and interpretation. Motion pictures, Social aspects, United States, History,
Trier, Lars von, 1956-, Criticism and interpretation. 20th century.
Godard, Jean-Luc, 1930-2022, Criticism and interpretation. Prepublication record
Intermediality in motion pictures.
Experimental films, Europe, History.
It came from the closet : queer reflections on horror / edited by
Motion pictures, Europe, History.
Joe Vallese. —Salford : Saraband, 2023. —336 pages :
Prepublication record
illustrations ; 20 cm
ISBN 9781913393823 paperback £14.99
BNB Number GBC380041
Queer theory.
Horror films, History and criticism.
Prepublication record

791.436164 791.43653
Violence in the films of Stephen King / edited by Tony We see each other : my Black, trans journey through TV and
Magistrale, Michael J. Blouin. —Lanham : Lexington Books, film / Tre'vell Anderson. —Glendale : Andscape Books, 2023.
2023. —232 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm. —288 pages ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781793635815 paperback £31.00 ISBN 9781368081733 hardback £25.99
BNB Number GBC379830 BNB Number GBC379255
King, Stephen, 1947-, Film adaptations. Gender nonconformity on television.
Horror films, History and criticism. Transgender people in motion pictures.
American fiction, 21st century, Film adaptations. Prepublication record
American fiction, 20th century, Film adaptations.
Violence in motion pictures. 791.43656
Prepublication record Silicon Valley cinema / Joe Street. [online resource]
—Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 2023. —1 online
791.436522 resource (210 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
Military women in world cinema : a 20th century history and ISBN 9781399505857 ePub ebook £85.00 ; 9781399505840
filmography / Deborah A. Deacon, Stacy Fowler. —Jefferson, PDF ebook £85.00
North Carolina : McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, BNB Number GBC381270
2023. —277 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm Computer industry in motion pictures.
ISBN 9781476684512 paperback £82.00 Technology in motion pictures.
BNB Number GBC379419 Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County, Calif.)
Women soldiers in motion pictures. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
791.436522 Silicon Valley cinema / Joe Street. —Edinburgh : Edinburgh
The new heroines in film and television : post-Jungian University Press, 2023. —210 pages : illustrations (black and
perspectives on contemporary female characters / Helena white) ; 24 cm
Bassil-Morozow. [online resource] —London : Routledge, ISBN 9781399505826 hardback £85.00
2023. —1 online resource (256 pages) BNB Number GBC379312
ISBN 9781000889130 ePub ebook £29.99 ; 9781000889086 Computer industry in motion pictures.
PDF ebook £29.99 Technology in motion pictures.
BNB Number GBC380716 Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County, Calif.)
Motion pictures, History. Prepublication record
Criticism (Philosophy)
Women in motion pictures. 791.4368
Women on television. Transcendence and film : cinematic encounters with the real /
Television programs, History and criticism. edited by David P. Nichols. —Lanham : Lexington Books,
Prepublication record 2023. —192 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781498580014 paperback £31.00
791.436522 BNB Number GBC379462
The new heroines in film and television : post-Jungian Transcendence (Philosophy) in motion pictures.
perspectives on contemporary female characters / Helena Prepublication record
Bassil-Morozow. —London : Routledge, 2023. —256 pages ;
24 cm
ISBN 9781032181400 paperback £29.99 ; 9781032181417
hardback £120.00
BNB Number GBC378663
Television programs, History and criticism.
Women on television.
Motion pictures, History.
Women in motion pictures.
Criticism (Philosophy)
Prepublication record

791.44092 791.450956
The DJ who "brought down" the USSR : the life and legacy of Middle Eastern television drama : politics, aesthetics,
Seva Novgorodsev / Michelle Daniel. —Brighton : Academic practices / edited by Christa Salamandra, Nour Halabi.
Studies Press, 2023. —300 pages ; 24 cm. —London : Routledge, 2023. —224 pages : illustrations (black
ISBN 9781644696477 hardback £105.99 ; 9798887190990 and white) ; 24 cm.
paperback £17.99 ISBN 9781032027814 hardback £120.00
BNB Number GBC379661 BNB Number GBC378562
Novgorodsev, Seva Television programs, Middle East, History and criticism.
BBC Russian Service, History, 21st century. Prepublication record
BBC Russian Service, History, 20th century.
International broadcasting, Great Britain, History. 791.45095691
Russians, England, Biography. Between violence, vulnerability, resilience and resistance :
Cold War, Music and the war. Arab television news on the experiences of Syrian women
Disc jockeys, England, Biography. during the Syrian conflict / Rand El Zein. —Bielefeld :
Radio programs, Musical, Soviet Union. Transcript Verlag, 2021. —203 pages ; 23 cm.
Radio in propaganda, Great Britain, History. ISBN 9783837659597 paperback ; 3837659593 paperback
Radio programs, Musical, Russia (Federation) BNB Number GBC377503
Prepublication record Television programs, Social aspects, Syria.
Television broadcasting of news, Arab countries.
791.450232 Syria, History, Civil War, 2011-, Women.
Studio television production and directing : concepts, Syria, History, Civil War, 2011-, Influence.
equipment, and procedures / Andrew H. Utterback. [online
resource] —Third edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 791.45097309045
online resource (194 pages) : illustrations (black and white, Dancing black, dancing white : rock 'n' roll, race, and youth
and colour) culture of the 1950s and early 1960s / Julie Malnig. [online
ISBN 9780429534317 ePub ebook £36.99 ; 9780429520846 resource] —New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2023.
PDF ebook £36.99 —1 online resource (xviii, 220 pages) : illustrations (black and
BNB Number GBC380450 white, and colour).
Television, Production and direction. ISBN 9780197536254 hardback No price ; 9780197536292
Prepublication record ebook No price ; 9780197536261 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC380416
791.450232 Music and race, United States, History, 20th century.
Studio television production and directing : concepts, Dance and race, United States, History, 20th century.
equipment, and procedures / Andrew H. Utterback. —Third Television dance parties, United States, History, 20th
edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —194 pages : century.
illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 23 cm Rock and roll dancing, United States, History, 20th century.
ISBN 9780367199210 hardback £130.00 ; 9780367199227 United States, Race relations, History, 20th century.
paperback £36.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378239
Television, Production and direction. 791.45615
Prepublication record Neo-frontier spaces in science fiction television / Sebastian J.
Müller. —Jefferson, North Carolina : McFarland & Company,
791.450956 Inc., Publishers, 2023. —277 pages ; 23 cm
Middle Eastern television drama : politics, aesthetics, ISBN 9781476690896 paperback £52.00
practices / edited by Christa Salamandra, Nour Halabi. [online BNB Number GBC379425
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource Science fiction television programs, United States, History
(224 pages) : illustrations (black and white). and criticism.
ISBN 9781000877472 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000877533 Frontier and pioneer life in mass media.
ePub ebook £38.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC380527
Television programs, Middle East, History and criticism.
Prepublication record

791.4565267 791.4572
The history of trans representation in American television and The worst we can find : MST3K, Rifftrax, and the history of
film genres / Traci B. Abbott. —Basingstoke : Palgrave heckling at the movies / Dale Sherman. [online resource]
Macmillan, 2023. —293 pages : illustrations (black and white) —Essex, Connecticut : Applause, [2023]. —1 online resource.
; 21 cm ISBN 9781493063925 (pdf) ; 1493063928
ISBN 9783030977955 paperback £89.99 BNB Number GBC377856
BNB Number GBC380224 Motion picture audiences, Sociological aspects, Humor.
Motion pictures, United States, History. Motion picture audiences, Psychology, Humor.
Gender nonconformity on television. Motion picture audiences, Humor.
Transgender people in motion pictures.
Television programs, United States, History. 791.4572
Prepublication record Watching Game of thrones : how audiences engage with dark
television / Martin Barker, Clarissa Smith and Feona Attwood.
791.456529 —Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2023. —208
Television dramas and the global village : storytelling through pages ; 24 cm
race and gender / edited by Diana I. Ríos, Carolyn A. Lin. ISBN 9781526171948 paperback No price
—Lanham : Lexington Books, 2023. —330 pages : illustrations BNB Number GBC379510
(black and white) ; 23 cm Television viewers.
ISBN 9781793613547 paperback £33.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC379826
Television series, History and criticism. 791.457509048
Sex role on television. The age of melodramatic miniseries : when glamour ruled on
Race on television. television, 1980-1995 / Scott Humphries. —Jefferson, North
Prepublication record Carolina : McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2023.
—277 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm
791.45658 ISBN 9781476691626 paperback £43.95
Post-heritage perspectives on British period drama television / BNB Number GBC379428
Will Stanford Abbiss. [online resource] —London : Routledge, Melodrama on television.
2023. —1 online resource (192 pages). Television mini-series, History and criticism.
ISBN 9781000894004 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000893984 Prepublication record
PDF ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC380853 792
Historical television programs, Great Britain, History, 21st Performing religion on the secular stage / Sharon
century. Aronson-Lehavi. [online resource] —London : Routledge,
Television series, Great Britain. 2023. —1 online resource (134 pages) : illustrations (black
Prepublication record and white).
ISBN 9781000894943 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000894912
791.45658 PDF ebook £38.99
Post-heritage perspectives on British period drama television / BNB Number GBC380868
Will Stanford Abbiss. —London : Routledge, 2023. —192 Theater, Religious aspects.
pages ; 24 cm. Performing arts, Religious aspects.
ISBN 9781032170329 hardback £130.00 Religion in literature.
BNB Number GBC378656 Prepublication record
Historical television programs, Great Britain, History, 21st
century. 792
Television series, Great Britain. Performing religion on the secular stage / Sharon
Prepublication record Aronson-Lehavi. —London : Routledge, 2023. —134 pages :
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
791.4572 ISBN 9780367487522 hardback £130.00
Moonbase Alpha : technical operations manual / Chris BNB Number GBC378263
Thompson & Andrew Clements, writers; Chris Thompson, Religion in literature.
illustrations. —Post Breakaway revised edition. —[Great Performing arts, Religious aspects.
Britain] : Anderson Entertainment, [2021] —271 pages : Theater, Religious aspects.
illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 x 31 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781914522154 hardback £39.99 ; 191452215X
hardback £39.99
BNB Number GBC377277

792.01 792.028
Theater and human flourishing / edited by Harvey Young. Respect for acting / Uta Hagen. [online resource] —Expanded
[online resource] —New York, NY : Oxford University Press, edition. —San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 2023. —1 online
2023. —1 online resource (xxx, 280 pages) : illustrations resource (288 pages)
(black and white, and colour). ISBN 9781119913597 ePub ebook £20.99
ISBN 9780197622308 ebook No price ; 9780197622261 BNB Number GBC381203
hardback No price ; 9780197622278 paperback No price Acting.
BNB Number GBC380417 Prepublication record
Theater, Philosophy.
Well-being. 792.09
Prepublication record Nights that shook the stage : forty pivotal events in theater
history / Dwayne Brenna. —Jefferson, North Carolina :
792.028 McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2023. —277 pages :
Acting is believing / Charles McGaw, Kenneth L. Stilson, Larry illustrations ; 23 cm
D. Clark. [online resource] —Thirteenth edition. —Lanham : ISBN 9781476689784 paperback £41.95
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —1 online resource BNB Number GBC379421
(356 pages) : illustrations (black and white) Theater, History.
ISBN 9781538171783 PDF ebook £56.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC381362
Acting. 792.09410902
Prepublication record Medieval English theatre. 44 / edited by Meg Twycross, Sarah
Carpenter, Gordon Kipling, Elisabeth Dutton. —Cambridge :
792.028 D.S. Brewer, 2023. —172 pages : illustrations (black and
Acting is believing / Charles McGaw, Kenneth L. Stilson, Larry white) ; 24 cm
D. Clark. —Thirteenth edition. —Lanham : Rowman & ISBN 9781843846499 paperback £35.00
Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —356 pages : illustrations (black BNB Number GBC380004
and white) ; 26 cm Theater, Great Britain, History, Medieval, 500-1500.
ISBN 9781538171769 hardback £85.00 ; 9781538171776 Prepublication record
paperback £42.00
BNB Number GBC379549 792.094436
Acting. Re-situating public theatre in contemporary France : theatres
Prepublication record and their publics / Ifigenia Gonis. [online resource]
—Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. —1 online
792.028 resource (261 pages)
Building embodiment : integrating acting, voice, and ISBN 9783031224720 PDF ebook £99.50
movement to illuminate poetic text / edited by Baron Kelly and BNB Number GBC381491
Karen Kopryanski. [online resource] —London : Routledge, Theater and society, France, Paris.
2023. —1 online resource (172 pages) Theater, Political aspects, France, Paris.
ISBN 9781000896015 PDF ebook £35.99 ; 9781000896039 Prepublication record
ePub ebook £35.99
BNB Number GBC380890 792.094436
Movement (Acting) Re-situating public theatre in contemporary France : theatres
Acting, Problems, exercises, etc. and their publics / Ifigenia Gonis. —Basingstoke : Palgrave
Voice culture. Macmillan, 2023. —261 pages ; 21 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9783031224713 hardback £99.99
BNB Number GBC380231
792.028 Theater and society, France, Paris.
Building embodiment : integrating acting, voice, and Theater, Political aspects, France, Paris.
movement to illuminate poetic text / edited by Baron Kelly and Prepublication record
Karen Kopryanski. —London : Routledge, 2023. —172 pages ;
23 cm 792.703
ISBN 9781032068329 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032068312 Historical dictionary of vaudeville / James Fisher. [online
paperback £35.99 resource] —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023.
BNB Number GBC378580 —1 online resource (720 pages).
Movement (Acting) ISBN 9781538113356 ePub ebook No price
Voice culture. BNB Number GBC381350
Acting, Problems, exercises, etc. Vaudeville, United States, Dictionaries.
Prepublication record Performing arts, United States, Dictionaries.
Prepublication record

792.703 793.319497
Historical dictionary of vaudeville / James Fisher. —Lanham : Contemporary dance festivals in the former Yugoslav space :
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —720 pages ; 23 cm. (in)dependent scenes / Alexandra Baybutt. [online resource]
ISBN 9781538113349 hardback £204.00 —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (206 pages).
BNB Number GBC379532 ISBN 9781000894769 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000894745
Performing arts, United States, Dictionaries. PDF ebook £38.99
Vaudeville, United States, Dictionaries. BNB Number GBC380864
Prepublication record Dance festivals, Former Yugoslav republics.
Modern dance, Social aspects, Former Yugoslav republics.
792.807 Prepublication record
Dancing mind, minding dance : socially relevant and
personally resonant dance education / edited by Doug Risner, 793.319497
Jennifer McNamara. [online resource] —London : Routledge, Contemporary dance festivals in the former Yugoslav space :
2023. —1 online resource (264 pages) (in)dependent scenes / Alexandra Baybutt. —London :
ISBN 9781000907827 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000907803 Routledge, 2023. —206 pages ; 23 cm.
PDF ebook £48.99 ISBN 9781032344645 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC381111 BNB Number GBC378834
Community education. Dance festivals, Former Yugoslav republics.
Dance, Study and teaching. Modern dance, Social aspects, Former Yugoslav republics.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

792.807 793.73
Dancing mind, minding dance : socially relevant and The ultimate pub quiz book : 1200 questions and answers /
personally resonant dance education / edited by Doug Risner, Jack Goldstein. [online resource] —[Luton] : Jack Goldstein
Jennifer McNamara. —London : Routledge, 2023. —264 Books, 2023. —1 online resource.
pages ; 26 cm ISBN 9781837911554 Electronic book (EPUB format)
ISBN 9781032382081 hardback £130.00 BNB Number GBC377747
BNB Number GBC378881 Questions and answers.
Dance, Study and teaching. Games, Quizzes.
Community education. Reference, Trivia.
Prepublication record
792.82092 Where is Claris in Rome! / Megan Hess. —Melbourne : Hardie
William Forsythe's postdramatic dance theater : unsettling Grant Children's Publishing, 2023. —32 pages : chiefly
perception / Freya Vass. [online resource] —Basingstoke : illustrations (colour) ; 29 cm.
Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. —1 online resource (270 pages). ISBN 9781760509521 hardback £10.00
ISBN 9783031266584 PDF ebook No price BNB Number GBC379753
BNB Number GBC381507 Claris (Fictitious character from Hess), Pictorial works,
Forsythe, William, 1949- Juvenile literature. Picture puzzles, Juvenile literature.
Choreography. Rome (Italy), Description and travel, Pictorial works,
Dance. Juvenile literature.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

792.82092 793.74
William Forsythe's postdramatic dance theater : unsettling Mathematical puzzles and pastimes / edited by Philip Haber ;
perception / Freya Vass. —Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, illustrated by Stanley Wyatt. —Dover edition. —New York :
2023. —270 pages ; 21 cm. Dover Publications, 2023. —64 pages ; 21 cm
ISBN 9783031266577 hardback £99.99 ISBN 9780486851396 paperback £5.99
BNB Number GBC380274 BNB Number GBC378350
Forsythe, William, 1949- Mathematical recreations. Prepublication record
Prepublication record

793.80222 793.93
Hocus pocus : the complete collection / Richard Wiseman, Rik Ports of call / Kate Baker [and eleven others]. —Redmond :
Worth ; illustrated by Jordan Collver. —[Place of publication Paizo, 2023. —192 pages : illustrations, maps ; 28 cm.
not identified] : Vanishing Inc., 2023. —178 pages : chiefly ISBN 9781640785144 hardback £39.99
illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 27 cm BNB Number GBC379644
ISBN 9781954243163 hardback No price Starfinder (Game)
BNB Number GBC380379 Prepublication record
Parapsychology, Comic books, strips, etc.
Magic tricks, Comic books, strips, etc. 793.93
Prepublication record The destiny war / Chris Sims. —Redmond : Paizo, 2023. —96
pages ; 28 cm.
793.92 ISBN 9781640785175 paperback £24.99
The Horus heresy. Book 7, Inferno. —Nottingham, UK : BNB Number GBC379646
Games Workshop Limited, [2021] —309 pages : illustrations Pathfinder (Game)
(colour) ; 28 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781788269353 paperback
BNB Number GBC378084 793.93
The enmity cycle / Brian Duckwitz. —Redmond : Paizo, 2023.
793.92 —64 pages ; 28 cm.
The Horus heresy. Book 3, Extermination. —Nottingham, UK : ISBN 9781640785168 paperback £22.99
Games Workshop Limited, [2021] —285 pages : illustrations BNB Number GBC379645
(colour) ; 28 cm. Pathfinder (Game)
ISBN 9781788269346 paperback Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378076
793.920285 The wildwoods / Joseph A. McCullough ; illustrated by
World War Two simulated : digital games and reconfigurations aRU-MOR. —Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2023. —96 pages ;
of the past / Curtis D. Carbonell. [online resource] —Exeter : 25 cm.
University of Exeter Press, 2023. —1 online resource (290 ISBN 9781472858153 paperback £20.00
pages) BNB Number GBC379399
ISBN 9781804130629 PDF ebook No price ; 9781804130612 Frostgrave (Game)
ePub ebook No price Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC381437
Audio-visual education. 794
War video games. Playing oppression : the legacy of conquest and empire in
World War, 1939-1945. colonialist board games / Mary Flanagan, Mikael Jakobsson.
Prepublication record [online resource] —Cambridge : The MIT Press, 2023. —1
online resource (240 pages) : illustrations (black and white),
793.920285 maps (black and white)
World War Two simulated : digital games and reconfigurations ISBN 9780262373722 ebook No price
of the past / Curtis D. Carbonell. —Exeter : University of BNB Number GBC381555
Exeter Press, 2023. —290 pages ; 24 cm Board games, Moral and ethical aspects.
ISBN 9781804130605 hardback £80.00 Imperialism, Moral and ethical aspects.
BNB Number GBC379944 Prepublication record
World War, 1939-1945.
Audio-visual education. 794.8
War video games. Digital character creation for video games and collectibles /
Prepublication record Samuel King. [online resource] —Boca Raton : CRC Press,
2023. —1 online resource (168 pages) : illustrations (black
793.93 and white)
Monsters of myth / James Case [and eleven others]. ISBN 9781000883466 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000883404
—Redmond : Paizo, 2023. —128 pages ; 28 cm. PDF ebook £48.99
ISBN 9781640785182 hardback £53.99 BNB Number GBC380618
BNB Number GBC379647 Video game characters, Design.
Pathfinder (Game) Video games industry.
Prepublication record Video games, Design.
Prepublication record

794.8 794.8028
Digital character creation for video games and collectibles / Working with sound : the future of audio work in interactive
Samuel King. —Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —168 pages entertainment / Rob Bridgett. [online resource] —New York :
: illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm Focal Press, 2023. —1 online resource (214 pages) :
ISBN 9781032012872 paperback £48.99 ; 9781032012896 illustrations (black and white)
hardback £120.00 ISBN 9781000882902 PDF ebook £31.99 ; 9781000882933
BNB Number GBC378554 ePub ebook £31.99
Video game characters, Design. BNB Number GBC380613
Video games industry. Sound, Recording and reproducing, Digital techniques.
Video games, Design. Video games, Sound effects.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

794.8 794.8028
The Routledge companion to video game studies / edited by Working with sound : the future of audio work in interactive
Mark J.P. Wolf and Bernard Perron. [online resource] entertainment / Rob Bridgett. —New York : Focal Press, 2023.
—Second edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online —214 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
resource (646 pages) : illustrations (black and white). ISBN 9781032406954 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032406930
ISBN 9781000885989 PDF ebook £42.99 ; 9781000886023 paperback £31.99
ePub ebook £42.99 BNB Number GBC378907
BNB Number GBC380657 Sound, Recording and reproducing, Digital techniques.
Video games, Social aspects. Video games, Sound effects.
Video games. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
794.8 Book of Lorath / Matthew J. Kirby. —London : Titan Books,
The Routledge companion to video game studies / edited by 2023. —176 pages ; 26 cm.
Mark J.P. Wolf and Bernard Perron. —Second edition. ISBN 9781803365961 hardback £29.99
—London : Routledge, 2023. —646 pages : illustrations (black BNB Number GBC379931
and white) ; 25 cm. Diablo (Game)
ISBN 9781032081236 hardback £205.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378589
Video games. 796
Video games, Social aspects. Advances and lessons in sports / edited by Raúl Ferná
Prepublication record ndez-Calienes, Hagai Gringarten. [online resource]
—Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing,
794.8 2023. —1 online resource (355 pages)
The video games textbook : history, business, technology / ISBN 9781527594166 ebook £87.99
Brian J. Wardyga. [online resource] —Second edition. —Boca BNB Number GBC381337
Raton : CRC Press, 2023. —1 online resource (478 pages) : Sports administration.
illustrations (black and white, and colour) Sports.
ISBN 9781000868227 ePub ebook £56.99 ; 9781000868180 Prepublication record
PDF ebook £56.99
BNB Number GBC380505 796.019
Video games, History. The psychology of perfectionism in sport, dance and exercise
Video games industry, History. / edited by Andrew P. Hill. [online resource] —Second edition.
Prepublication record —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (416 pages)
: illustrations (black and white)
794.8 ISBN 9781000898651 PDF ebook £46.99 ; 9781000898705
The video games textbook : history, business, technology / ePub ebook £46.99
Brian J. Wardyga. —Second edition. —Boca Raton : CRC BNB Number GBC380951
Press, 2023. —478 pages : illustrations (black and white, and Perfectionism (Personality trait)
colour) ; 28 cm Sports, Psychological aspects.
ISBN 9781032325873 hardback £150.00 ; 9781032325804 Prepublication record
paperback £56.99
BNB Number GBC378813
Video games industry, History.
Video games, History.
Prepublication record

796.019 796.077
The psychology of perfectionism in sport, dance and exercise Understanding sports coaching : the pedagogical, social and
/ edited by Andrew P. Hill. —Second edition. —London : cultural foundations of coaching practice. —Fourth edition /
Routledge, 2023. —416 pages : illustrations (black and white) Tania Cassidy, Paul Potrac, Steven Rynne. —London :
; 24 cm Routledge, 2023. —248 pages ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781032255903 paperback £46.99 ; 9781032263786 ISBN 9781032026312 paperback £44.99 ; 9781032026343
hardback £130.00 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC378737 BNB Number GBC378561
Sports, Psychological aspects. Coaches (Athletics), Training of.
Perfectionism (Personality trait) Coaching (Athletics)
Prepublication record Coaching (Athletics), Philosophy.
Prepublication record
Game of edges : the analytics revolution and the future of 796.089960730904
professional sports / Bruce Schoenfeld. [online resource] Beyond the Black Power salute : athlete activism in an era of
—New York : W.W. Norton and Company, 2023. —1 online change / Gregory J. Kaliss. [online resource] —Champaign :
resource (272 pages) University of Illinois Press, 2023. —1 online resource (248
ISBN 9780393531695 ePub ebook £31.19 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
BNB Number GBC380447 ISBN 9780252054075 ebook No price
Professional sports, Statistical methods. BNB Number GBC380430
Sports franchises, History. African American athletes, History, 20th century.
Professional sports, Data processing. Racism in sports, United States, History, 20th century.
Professional sports, Technological innovations. College athletes, United States, History, 20th century.
Prepublication record Discrimination in sports, United States, History, 20th
796.044 Women athletes, United States, History, 20th century.
Game of edges : the analytics revolution and the future of United States, Race relations, History, 20th century.
professional sports / Bruce Schoenfeld. —New York : W.W. Prepublication record
Norton and Company, 2023. —272 pages ; 23 cm
ISBN 9780393531688 hardback £25.99 796.0951
BNB Number GBC378321 Routledge handbook of sport in China / edited by Fan Hong,
Professional sports, Technological innovations. Liu Li. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
Sports franchises, History. online resource (486 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
Professional sports, Statistical methods. ISBN 9781000900811 PDF ebook £42.99 ; 9781000900828
Professional sports, Data processing. ePub ebook £42.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC380997
Sports, China, History.
796.069 Prepublication record
Principles and practice of sport management / edited by Lisa
P. Masteralexis, Mary A. Hums. —Seventh edition. 796.0951
—Burlington : Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2023. —500 pages : Routledge handbook of sport in China / edited by Fan Hong,
illustrations (colour) Liu Li. —London : Routledge, 2023. —486 pages : illustrations
ISBN 9781284254303 paperback No price (black and white) ; 25 cm.
BNB Number GBC379205 ISBN 9781032068206 hardback £205.00
Sports administration. BNB Number GBC378579
Prepublication record Sports, China, History.
Prepublication record
Understanding sports coaching : the pedagogical, social and 796.09776579
cultural foundations of coaching practice. [online resource] Hidden history of Twin Cities sports / Joel Rippel. —Mount
—Fourth edition / Tania Cassidy, Paul Potrac, Steven Rynne. Pleasant : The History Press, 2023. —128 pages ; 23 cm
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (248 pages) ISBN 9781467153188 paperback No price
ISBN 9781000882810 ePub ebook £44.99 ; 9781000882773 BNB Number GBC379373
PDF ebook £44.99 Sports, Minnesota, Saint Paul Metropolitan Area, History.
BNB Number GBC380608 Sports, Minnesota, Minneapolis Metropolitan Area, History.
Coaching (Athletics), Philosophy. Prepublication record
Coaches (Athletics), Training of.
Coaching (Athletics)
Prepublication record
796.22 796.334083
Downhill skateboarding / Sally Warren. —Frenchs Forest : The accidental manager : the uncomfortable truth about junior
Redback Publishing, 2023. —1 volume : illustrations (colour) ; football / S. Compton, M. Jones. [online resource] —Market
23 cm. Harborough : Matador, 2023. —1 online resource (262 pages)
ISBN 9781922322999 hardback £12.99 ISBN 9781805145820 ePub ebook £6.99
BNB Number GBC380098 BNB Number GBC381451
Skateboarding, Juvenile literature. Soccer for children.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

796.33 796.334092
2023 & 2024 NIRSA flag & touch football rules book & Mr Corinthian : Pa Jackson and the casual Corinthians / Llew
officials' manual / National Intramural Recreational Sports Walker. —Worthing : Pitch Publishing, 2023. —336 pages ; 23
Association (NIRSA). [online resource] —Champaign : Human cm
Kinetics, 2023. —1 online resource (120 pages) ISBN 9781801504461 hardback £18.99
ISBN 9781718218444 ebook £9.99 ; 9781718218451 PDF BNB Number GBC379904
ebook £9.99 Jackson, N. L. (Nicholas Lane), 1849-1937
BNB Number GBC381380
Flag football, Rules. Corinthian Football Club, History.
Touch football, Rules. Sports personnel, Great Britain.
Prepublication record Soccer teams, England, London, History.
Prepublication record
2023 & 2024 NIRSA flag & touch football rules book & 796.3340948
officials' manual / National Intramural Recreational Sports Football in the Nordic countries : practices, equality and
Association (NIRSA). —Champaign : Human Kinetics, 2023. influence / edited by Mihaly Szerovay, Arto Nevala, Hannu
—120 pages Itkonen. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
ISBN 9781718218437 paperback £11.99 online resource (248 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
BNB Number GBC379738 ISBN 9781000900842 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000900835
Touch football, Rules. PDF ebook £38.99
Flag football, Rules. BNB Number GBC380998
Prepublication record Soccer, Social aspects, Scandinavia.
Soccer, Scandinavia, History.
796.3326309758 Prepublication record
How 'bout them Dawgs! : the inside story of Georgia football's
2021 national championship season / Kirby Smart, Loran 796.3340948
Smith, Cassie Wright, Vince Dooley, Jere W. Morehead. Football in the Nordic countries : practices, equality and
—Athens : The University of Georgia Press, 2023. —277 influence / edited by Mihaly Szerovay, Arto Nevala, Hannu
pages : illustrations (colour) ; 26 cm Itkonen. —London : Routledge, 2023. —248 pages :
ISBN 9780820365220 hardback £35.95 illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
BNB Number GBC378449 ISBN 9781032249131 hardback £130.00
Georgia Bulldogs (Football team), History. BNB Number GBC378714
University of Georgia, Football, History. Soccer, Social aspects, Scandinavia.
Prepublication record Soccer, Scandinavia, History.
Prepublication record
'Unsuitable for females' : the rise of the Lionesses and 796.3340982
women's football in England / Carrie Dunn. —Edinburgh : Big boots to fill : the new Maradona, Riquelme, Messi and
Arena Sport, 2023. —256 pages : illustrations (black and beyond / David Nolan. —Worthing : Pitch Publishing, 2023.
white, and colour) ; 20 cm —352 pages ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781913759094 paperback £9.99 ISBN 9781801501729 hardback £18.99
BNB Number GBC380047 BNB Number GBC379903
Soccer for women, England, History. Messi, Lionel, 1987-
Women soccer players, England, History.
Prepublication record Maradona, Diego, 1960-2020
Soccer, Argentina.
Soccer players, Argentina.
Prepublication record

796.334668082 796.35865
What is the Women's World Cup? / Gina Shaw ; illustrated by On the ashes / Gideon Haigh. [online resource] —Sydney :
Ted Hammond. —New York : Penguin Workshop, 2023. Allen & Unwin, 2023. —1 online resource (416 pages)
—112 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm. ISBN 9781838959982 ePub ebook £10.99
ISBN 9780593520666 hardback No price ; 9780593520659 BNB Number GBC381471
paperback No price Test matches (Cricket), Australia, History.
BNB Number GBC378391 Test matches (Cricket), England, History.
Soccer for women, Juvenile literature. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
796.35764092273 On the ashes / Gideon Haigh. —Sydney : Allen & Unwin,
When baseball went to war / edited by Todd Anton, Bill 2023. —416 pages ; 24 cm
Nowlin, Gary Bedingfield. —Revised and updated edition. ISBN 9781838959975 hardback £22.00
—Chicago : Triumph Books, 2023. —256 pages ; 23 cm BNB Number GBC379995
ISBN 9781637270066 paperback £18.95 Test matches (Cricket), England, History.
BNB Number GBC379631 Test matches (Cricket), Australia, History.
Baseball players, United States, History, 20th century. Prepublication record
World War, 1939-1945, Veterans, United States.
Baseball, United States, History, 20th century. 796.3592092
Prepublication record Life begins in Leitrim : from Kurdistan to Croke Park / Zak
Moradi with Niall Kelly. [online resource] —[Place of
796.35764097471 publication not identified] : Gill Books, 2022. —1 online
Jazz Age Giant : Charles A. Stoneham and New York resource (272 pages).
baseball in the roaring twenties / Robert F. Garratt. —Lincoln : ISBN 9780717194698 EPUB ; 0717194698 EPUB
University of Nebraska Press, 2023. —264 pages : BNB Number GBC377648
illustrations ; 23 cm Moradi, Zak.
ISBN 9781496223715 hardback £25.99 Hurling players, Iraq, Kurdistan̄ (Province), Biography.
BNB Number GBC379449 Gaelic games, Ireland, Leitrim, History.
Stoneham, Charles Abraham, 1876-1936. Immigrant children, Ireland, Biography.
New York Giants (Baseball team), History.
Prepublication record 796.44092
Nadia Comaneci and the Secret Police : a Cold War escape /
796.3578 Stejarel Olaru ; translated by Alistair Ian Blyth. [online
Connecticut's girls of summer : the Brakettes and the Falcons resource] —London : Bloomsbury Academic, 2023. —1 online
/ Anthony J. Renzoni, Michele Smith ; foreword by Donna resource (312 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
Lopiano. —Mount Pleasant : The History Press, 2023. —224 ISBN 9781350321311 ePub ebook £22.50 ; 9781350321304
pages ; 23 cm PDF ebook £22.50
ISBN 9781467154192 paperback No price BNB Number GBC381235
BNB Number GBC379386 Comăneci, Nadia, 1961-
Brackettes (Softball team)
Falcons (Softball team) Prepublication record
Softball for women, Connecticut.
Prepublication record 796.44092
Who is Simone Biles? / by Stefanie Loh ; illustrated by Joseph
796.358092 J.M. Qiu. —New York : Penguin Workshop, 2023. —56 pages
Turning over the pebbles : a life in cricket and in the mind / : illustrations ; 21 cm.
Mike Brearley. [online resource] —London : Constable, 2023. ISBN 9780593521762 paperback No price ; 9780593521779
—1 online resource : illustrations (black and white) hardback No price
ISBN 9781408715956 ePub ebook £22.00 BNB Number GBC378393
BNB Number GBC381284 Biles, Simone, 1997-, Juvenile literature.
Brearley, Mike Women gymnasts, United States, Biography, Juvenile
Cricket players, Great Britain, Biography. literature.
Psychoanalysts, Great Britain, Biography. Women Olympic athletes, United States, Biography,
Prepublication record Juvenile literature.
Prepublication record

796.480952135 796.51094295
Political economy of the Tokyo Olympics : unrestrained capital Glyndŵr's Way : Knighton to Welshpool: 58 maps and guides
and development without sustainable principles / edited by to 30 towns and villages / Chris Scott. —Hindhead :
Miyo Aramata. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. Trailblazer Publications, 2023. —268 pages : illustrations,
—1 online resource (164 pages) : illustrations (black and maps ; 18 cm.
white). ISBN 9781912716326 paperback £14.99
ISBN 9781000897869 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000897838 BNB Number GBC380037
PDF ebook £38.99 Walking, Wales, Owain Glyndŵr's Way, Guidebooks.
BNB Number GBC380928 Owain Glyndŵr's Way (Wales), Guidebooks.
International Olympic Committee Prepublication record
Tōkyō Orinpikku, Pararinpikku Kyōgi Taikai Soshiki Iinkai. 796.5109757
Hosting of sporting events, Economic aspects, Japan, Waterfall hikes of upstate South Carolina / Thomas E. King.
Tokyo. [online resource] —Third edition. —Almond : Milestone Press,
Hosting of sporting events, Social aspects, Japan, Tokyo. 2023. —1 online resource (277 pages) : illustrations (black
Prepublication record and white), maps (black and white)
ISBN 9781889596419 ebook £19.95 ; 9781889596402 ebook
796.480952135 £19.95
Political economy of the Tokyo Olympics : unrestrained capital BNB Number GBC381476
and development without sustainable principles / edited by Waterfalls, South Carolina, Guidebooks.
Miyo Aramata. —London : Routledge, 2023. —164 pages : Hiking, South Carolina, Guidebooks.
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. Day hiking, South Carolina, Guidebooks.
ISBN 9781032352176 hardback £130.00 Walking, South Carolina, Guidebooks.
BNB Number GBC378843 Trails, South Carolina, Guidebooks.
International Olympic Committee South Carolina, Guidebooks. Prepublication record
Tōkyō Orinpikku, Pararinpikku Kyōgi Taikai Soshiki Iinkai.
Hosting of sporting events, Economic aspects, Japan, 796.5109757
Tokyo. Waterfall hikes of upstate South Carolina / Thomas E. King.
Hosting of sporting events, Social aspects, Japan, Tokyo. —Third edition. —Almond : Milestone Press, 2023. —277
Prepublication record pages : illustrations (black and white), maps (black and white)
; 22 cm
796.51092 ISBN 9781889596396 paperback £19.95
The savage discipline / Jesse Travis Scott. [online resource] BNB Number GBC380023
—Market Harborough : Matador, 2023. —1 online resource Hiking, South Carolina, Guidebooks.
(160 pages) Waterfalls, South Carolina, Guidebooks.
ISBN 9781805145844 ePub ebook £5.99 Day hiking, South Carolina, Guidebooks.
BNB Number GBC381452 Walking, South Carolina, Guidebooks.
Scott, Jesse Travis, Psychology. Trails, South Carolina, Guidebooks.
Scott, Jesse Travis, Travel, Colombia, Ciudad Perdida. South Carolina, Guidebooks.
Hiking, Psychological aspects. Prepublication record
Hiking, Colombia, Ciudad Perdida.
Prepublication record 796.5109788
Best hikes Denver and Boulder : simple strolls, day hikes, and
796.510942925 longer adventures / Sandy Heise. [online resource] —Third
Snowdonia : low-level and easy walks. North - Snowdon, the Edition. —Essex, Connecticut : Falcon Guides, [2023]. —1
Ogwen and Conwy Valleys and the coast / Alex Kendall. online resource.
[online resource] —Kendal : Cicerone Press, 2023. —1 online ISBN 9781493066520 (pdf) ; 1493066528
resource (176 pages). BNB Number GBC377857
ISBN 9781783627660 EPUB ; 1783627662 EPUB Walking, Colorado, Denver Region, Guidebooks.
BNB Number GBC377787 Trails, Colorado, Denver Region, Guidebooks.
Walking, Wales, Snowdonia, Guidebooks. Hiking, Colorado, Boulder Region, Guidebooks.
Snowdon (Wales), Guidebooks. Trails, Colorado, Boulder Region, Guidebooks.
Hiking, Colorado, Denver Region, Guidebooks.
Walking, Colorado, Boulder Region, Guidebooks.
Denver Region (Colo.), Guidebooks.
Boulder Region (Colo.), Guidebooks.

796.510979258 796.525
Hiking Canyonlands and Arches National Parks : a guide to Exploring the natural underground : a new sociology of caving
64 great hikes in both parks / Bill Schneider ; published in / Kevin Bingham. —London : Routledge, 2023. —160 pages :
partnership with the National Park Service and Canyonlands illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
Natural History Association. [online resource] —Fifth edition. ISBN 9781032294766 hardback £130.00
—Essex, Connecticut : FalconGuides, [2023]. —1 online BNB Number GBC378769
resource. Caving, Social aspects.
ISBN 149306729X ; 9781493067299 (pdf) Escape (Psychology)
BNB Number GBC377858 Senses and sensation.
Hiking, Utah, Arches National Park, Guidebooks. Prepublication record
Hiking, Utah, Canyonlands National Park, Guidebooks.
Canyonlands National Park (Utah), Guidebooks. 796.6092
Arches National Park (Utah), Guidebooks. The break : life as a cycling maverick / Steve Cummings.
—Sydney : Allen & Unwin, 2023. —336 pages ; 20 cm
796.522092 ISBN 9781838953935 paperback £10.99
Touching my father's soul : climbing Everest in the footsteps BNB Number GBC379992
of Tenzing Norgay / Jamling Tenzing Norgay with Broughton Cummings, Steve, 1981-
Coburn. —London : Ebury Press, 2023. —336 pages : Cyclists, Great Britain, Biography.
illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps (black and Bicycle racing.
white) ; 20 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781529911640 paperback £12.99
BNB Number GBC379526 796.63
Norgay, Jamling Tenzing 1001 mountain bike tips : the ultimate guide to MTB. —Bristol : Our Media Ltd (An Immediate Media Company) —illustrations
Mountaineering expeditions, Everest, Mount (China and (colour) ; 30 cm
Nepal) ISSN 2756-0422
Mountaineers, Nepal, Biography. BNB Number GBC377325
Prepublication record
796.52209411 Mountain biking / Sally Warren. —Frenchs Forest : Redback
Scottish winter climbs west / Neil Adams. —[Aberdeen] : Publishing, 2023. —32 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 28 cm.
Scottish Mountaineering Press, 2022. —423 pages : ISBN 9781922322982 hardback £12.99
illustrations (colour), maps (colour) ; 21 cm. BNB Number GBC380097
ISBN 9781907233425 (pbk.) : £30.00 ; 1907233423 (pbk.) : Mountain biking, Juvenile literature.
£30.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378013
Rock climbing, Scotland, Guidebooks.
The Formula One record book 2023 : Grand Prix results, team
Snow and ice climbing, Scotland, Guidebooks.
& driver stats, all-time records / Bruce Jones. [online resource]
796.525 —London : Welbeck, 2023. —1 online resource
Exploring the natural underground : a new sociology of caving ISBN 9781802797558 ePub ebook £29.99
/ Kevin Bingham. [online resource] —London : Routledge, BNB Number GBC381425
2023. —1 online resource (160 pages) : illustrations (black Grand Prix racing, Records.
and white). Formula One automobiles, Miscellanea.
ISBN 9781000893946 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000893939 Prepublication record
PDF ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC380850
Caving, Social aspects.
Senses and sensation.
Escape (Psychology)
Prepublication record

796.7206 796.81209762
The future of motorsports : business, politics and society / Professional wrestling in Mississippi : a history / Jeffrey
edited by Hans Erik Næss and Simon Chadwick. [online Martin. —Mount Pleasant : The History Press, 2023. —160
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource pages ; 23 cm
(277 pages) : illustrations (black and white). ISBN 9781467154284 paperback No price
ISBN 9781000899382 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000899337 BNB Number GBC379388
PDF ebook £38.99 Wrestling, Mississippi, History.
BNB Number GBC380967 Prepublication record
Automobile racing, Economic aspects.
Automobile racing, Marketing. 796.8159
Automobile industry and trade. Wing Chun in-depth : skills for combat, strategies for life /
Sports sponsorship. Munawar Ali Karim, Loukas Kastrounis. —Wolfeboro : YMAA
Automobile racing, Management. Publication Center, 2023. —224 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9781594399299 hardback No price ; 9781594399275
paperback No price
796.7206 BNB Number GBC379573
The future of motorsports : business, politics and society / Kung fu, Psychological aspects.
edited by Hans Erik Næss and Simon Chadwick. —London : Kung fu, History.
Routledge, 2023. —277 pages : illustrations (black and white) Kung fu.
; 24 cm. Prepublication record
ISBN 9781032299105 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC378771 796.83092
Sports sponsorship. Matthew Saad Muhammad : boxing's miracle man / William
Automobile racing, Management. Dettloff. —Jefferson, North Carolina : McFarland & Company,
Automobile racing, Economic aspects. Inc., Publishers, 2023. —277 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
Automobile racing, Marketing. ISBN 9781476685250 paperback £38.95
Automobile industry and trade. BNB Number GBC379420
Prepublication record Muhammad, Matthew Saad.
Boxers (Sports), United States, Biography.
796.7209052 African American boxers, Biography.
Box! box! box! : the inside track of the 2022 Formula One Prepublication record
season / Gary Jordan. —Worthing : Pitch Publishing, 2023.
—352 pages ; 23 cm 797.12240941
ISBN 9781801504485 hardback £18.99 Moderate becoming good later : sea kayaking the shipping
BNB Number GBC379905 forecast / Katie Carr, Toby Carr. [online resource]
Grand Prix racing. —Chichester : Summersdale, 2023. —1 online resource (336
Prepublication record pages) : maps
ISBN 9781837991808 ePub ebook £9.99
796.720941 BNB Number GBC381464
The Motorsport UK yearbook. [online resource] —Bicester : Carr, Toby.
Motorsport UK Association Ltd —illustrations (colour) Sea kayaking, Great Britain.
BNB Number GBC378062 Weather reporting, Radio, Great Britain.
Prepublication record
Motorsport and fascism : living dangerously / Paul Baxa. 797.12240941
—Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. —313 pages : Moderate becoming good later : sea kayaking the shipping
illustrations (black and white) ; 21 cm. forecast / Katie Carr, Toby Carr. —Chichester : Summersdale,
ISBN 9783030979690 paperback £89.99 2023. —336 pages : maps ; 20 cm
BNB Number GBC380225 ISBN 9781800076105 paperback £9.99
Automobile racing, Political aspects, Italy, History, 20th BNB Number GBC379841
century. Carr, Toby.
Sports and state, Italy, History, 20th century. Sea kayaking, Great Britain.
Fascism, Italy, History, 20th century. Weather reporting, Radio, Great Britain.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

797.123071 799.2
Rowing science / edited by Volker Nolte. [online resource] Trophy hunting / Nikolaj Bichel, Adam Hart. [online resource]
—Champaign : Human Kinetics, 2023. —1 online resource —Singapore : Springer, [2023] —1 online resource (xii, 372
(560 pages) pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour)
ISBN 9781492594406 PDF ebook £32.00 ; 9781492594390 ISBN 9789811999765 ebook No price ; 9789811999758
ebook £32.00 hardback No price
BNB Number GBC381305 BNB Number GBC381526
Rowing, Training. Hunting, Moral and ethical aspects.
Rowing, Physiological aspects. Animal welfare.
Prepublication record Wildlife conservation.
Animal welfare, Moral and ethical aspects.
797.123071 Hunting, Social aspects.
Rowing science / edited by Volker Nolte. —Champaign : Hunting.
Human Kinetics, 2023. —560 pages Hunting, History.
ISBN 9781492594383 paperback £32.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC379448
Rowing, Training. 799.25092
Rowing, Physiological aspects. B'in about a bit, hunting travelling hunting / Rachel Green.
Prepublication record —Market Harborough : Matador, 2023. —368 pages ; 22 cm
ISBN 9781803136707 hardback £15.00
797.200289 BNB Number GBC379918
Lifeguarding / Cary Epstein, Cameron DeGuzman. Green, Rachel, Travel, India.
—Hoboken, NJ : For Dummies, 2023. —320 pages Hitchhiking.
ISBN 9781119986195 paperback £15.99 Small game hunting.
BNB Number GBC379185 Prepublication record
Lifeguards, Training of.
Prepublication record 799.26
Hunting vignettes : tales from the big-game hunting world /
797.21019 Ben L. Seegmiller. —Huntington Beach : Safari Press, 2023.
Mindfulness in wild swimming : meditations on nature & flow / —260 pages ; 23 cm
Tessa Wardley. —New edition. —Brighton : Leaping Hare ISBN 9781571575333 hardback £58.00
Press, 2023. —144 pages ; 20 cm. BNB Number GBC379564
ISBN 9780711288195 hardback £12.99 Seegmiller, Ben L., Anecdotes.
BNB Number GBC378405 Big game hunting, Anecdotes.
Mindfulness (Psychology) Prepublication record
Open water swimming, Psychological aspects.
Prepublication record

Neuroathletics for riders : innovative exercises that train your
brain and change your nervous system for optimal health and
peak performance / Marc Nölke. —North Pomfret : Trafalgar
Square Books, 2023. —160 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 26
ISBN 9781646011780 paperback £23.95
BNB Number GBC379667
Horsemen and horsewomen, Training of.
Mind and body.
Prepublication record

801.95 808.02
Diffractive reading : new materialism, theory, critique / edited How to get published and win research funding / Abby Day.
by Kai Merten. —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
2023. —352 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm. resource (212 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781538155677 paperback £33.00 ISBN 9781000885194 ePub ebook £32.99 ; 9781000885125
BNB Number GBC379539 PDF ebook £32.99
Reading. BNB Number GBC380646
Critical theory. Research grants.
Prepublication record Proposal writing for grants.
Scholarly publishing.
808 Proposal writing in research.
Writing with style : The Economist guide / Lane Greene. Academic writing.
[online resource] —London : Economist, 2023. —1 online Prepublication record
resource (240 pages)
ISBN 9781782839651 ePub ebook £8.99 808.02
BNB Number GBC381383 How to get published and win research funding / Abby Day.
Rhetoric. —London : Routledge, 2023. —212 pages : illustrations (black
Authorship, Style manuals. and white) ; 25 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9781032195445 paperback £32.99 ; 9781032195452
hardback £120.00
808 BNB Number GBC378676
Writing with style : The Economist guide / Lane Greene. Research grants.
—London : Economist, 2023. —240 pages ; 20 cm Academic writing.
ISBN 9781800810068 paperback £10.99 Proposal writing in research.
BNB Number GBC379885 Scholarly publishing.
Authorship, Style manuals. Proposal writing for grants.
Rhetoric. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
808.00711 Refining your academic writing : strategies for reading,
Translingual and transnational graduate education in rhetoric revising and rewriting / Pat Thomson. [online resource]
and composition / edited by Nancy Bou Ayash, Carrie Byars —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (227 pages)
Kilfoil. —Logan : Utah State University Press, 2023. —230 : illustrations (black and white).
pages ; 23 cm ISBN 9781003031680 ebook No price
ISBN 9781646424054 hardback No price ; 9781646423255 BNB Number GBC381559
paperback No price Academic writing, Technique.
BNB Number GBC379674 Prepublication record
Multilingualism, Study and teaching (Graduate)
Transnationalism, Study and teaching (Graduate) 808.02
Transnational education. Your storytelling potential : the underground guide to finally
English language, Rhetoric, Study and teaching (Graduate) writing a great screenplay or novel / Mitchell German, Russell
Multilingual education. Phillips. —New York : Morgan James Publishing, 2023. —340
Academic writing, Study and teaching (Graduate) pages ; 23 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9781636980348 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC379630
808.02 Authorship.
Authorship and publishing in the humanities / Marcel Knö Motion picture authorship.
chelmann. [online resource] —Cambridge : Cambridge Fiction, Authorship.
University Press, 2023. —1 online resource. Prepublication record
ISBN 9781009223089 ebook £145.00
BNB Number GBC381146
Humanities literature, Publishing.
Humanities, Authorship.
Prepublication record

808.02019 808.042076
You - the story : a writer's guide to craft through memory / Writing placement in two-year colleges : the pursuit of equity
Ruta Sepetys. —New York : Viking, 2023. —224 pages : in postsecondary education / edited by Jessica Nastal, Mya
illustrations ; 23 cm Poe, Christie Toth. —Fort Collins : WAC Clearinghouse, 2023.
ISBN 9780593524381 hardback No price —304 pages ; 23 cm.
BNB Number GBC378396 ISBN 9781646423798 paperback No price
Memory. BNB Number GBC379673
Authorship, Psychological aspects. College students, Rating of, United States, Case studies.
Prepublication record Junior colleges, United States, Case studies.
Educational equalization, United States, Case studies.
808.042071 English language, Rhetoric, Study and teaching, United
Digital storytelling and ethics : collaborative creation and States, Evaluation, Case studies.
facilitation / Amanda Hill. [online resource] —London : Universities and colleges, United States, Entrance
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (158 pages) : examinations, Case studies.
illustrations (black and white). Prepublication record
ISBN 9781000880458 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000880502
ePub ebook £38.99 808.0666
BNB Number GBC380559 Popularizing science in the digital era : a multimodal genre
Digital storytelling. perspective on TED talk videos / Sichen Xia. [online resource]
Writers' workshops. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (160 pages)
Authorship, Collaboration. : illustrations (black and white).
Creative writing. ISBN 9781000898149 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000898095
Prepublication record PDF ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC380937
808.042071 Public speaking.
Digital storytelling and ethics : collaborative creation and Digital media.
facilitation / Amanda Hill. —London : Routledge, 2023. —158 Communication of technical information.
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. Prepublication record
ISBN 9781032061238 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC378576 808.0666
Writers' workshops. Popularizing science in the digital era : a multimodal genre
Digital storytelling. perspective on TED talk videos / Sichen Xia. —London :
Creative writing. Routledge, 2023. —160 pages : illustrations (black and white)
Authorship, Collaboration. ; 23 cm.
Prepublication record ISBN 9781032263625 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC378735
808.0420711 Public speaking.
Collocations, corpora and language learning / Pawel Digital media.
Szudarski. [online resource] —Cambridge : Cambridge Communication of technical information.
University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (75 pages). Prepublication record
ISBN 9781108992602 PDF ebook £145.00
BNB Number GBC381176 808.81932
Second language acquisition. Travels and travails : poems of going abroad / Amit Majmudar
Collocation (Linguistics) [and 11 others] ; illustrated by Alban Low. —[Great Britain?] :
Corpora (Linguistics) Sampson Low Ltd, 2021. —1 volume (unpaged) : illustrations
Prepublication record (colour) ; 15 cm.
ISBN 1912960842 (pbk.) : £3.99 ; 9781912960842 (pbk.) :
BNB Number GBC377515

The little book of everything / Ruskin Bond. —Gurgaon,
Haryana, India : Penguin/Viking, an imprint of Penguin
Random House, 2020. —1 volume (unpaged) ; 18 cm
ISBN 0670093815 ; 9780670093816 hardback
BNB Number GBC378094
Bond, Ruskin, Quotations.

808.883 809.1409356
Das private Tagebuch Jugendlicher : Textualität und Stil von Lyric poetry and space exploration from Einstein to the
Tagebucheinträgen : eine Mikroanalytische Untersuchung / present / Margaret Greaves. —Oxford : Oxford University
Kerstin S. Runschke. —Berlin : Peter Lang, [2020] —408 Press, 2023. —256 pages ; 24 cm
pages : illustrations (chiefly black and white) ; 22 cm. ISBN 9780192867452 hardback £65.00
ISBN 9783631811689 cased BNB Number GBC378146
BNB Number GBC378115 Poetry, Modern, 21st century, History and criticism.
Lyric poetry, History and criticism.
809 Poetry, Modern, 20th century, History and criticism.
Lives of the wives : five literary marriages / Carmela Ciuraru. Outer space, In literature.
[online resource] —New York : Harper, 2023. —1 online Prepublication record
resource : illustrations.
ISBN 0062356933 (electronic bk.) ; 9780062356932 809.141
(electronic bk.) The Routledge global haiku reader / edited by James Shea
BNB Number GBC377817 and Grant Caldwell. [online resource] —London : Routledge,
Marriage. 2023. —1 online resource (344 pages)
Authors' spouses, Biography. ISBN 9781000886573 ePub ebook £34.99 ; 9781000886511
Authors, Biography. PDF ebook £34.99
BNB Number GBC380667
809.032 Haiku, History and criticism.
The baroque : literature and culture in seventeenth-century Prepublication record
Europe / Peter Skrine. [online resource] —London :
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (184 pages). 809.141
ISBN 9781000906844 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000906868 The Routledge global haiku reader / edited by James Shea
ePub ebook £48.99 and Grant Caldwell. —London : Routledge, 2023. —344
BNB Number GBC381097 pages ; 24 cm
Civilization, Baroque. ISBN 9781032272658 paperback £34.99 ; 9781032275659
Europe, Civilization, 17th century. hardback £130.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC378750
Haiku, History and criticism.
809.032 Prepublication record
The baroque : literature and culture in seventeenth-century
Europe / Peter Skrine. —London : Routledge, 2023. —184 809.38720905
pages ; 24 cm. Criminal cities : the postcolonial novel and cathartic crime /
ISBN 9781032485812 hardback £85.00 Molly Slavin. —Charlottesville : University of Virginia Press,
BNB Number GBC379013 2023. —272 pages ; 23 cm.
Civilization, Baroque. ISBN 9780813949567 hardback £103.00 ; 9780813949574
Europe, Civilization, 17th century. paperback £28.95
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC378441
Fiction, 21st century, History and criticism.
809.102 Crime in literature.
Medieval allegory as epistemology : dream-vision poetry on Postcolonialism in literature.
language, cognition, and experience / Marco Nievergelt. Cities and towns in literature.
[online resource] —Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2023. Prepublication record
—1 online resource (x, 560 pages).
ISBN 9780192849212 hardback No price ; 9780191944468 809.3876
ebook No price Uneven futures : strategies for community survival from
BNB Number GBC380411 speculative fiction / edited by Ida Yoshinaga, Sean Guynes,
Jean, de Meun, approximately 1240-approximately 1305. Gerry Canavan. [online resource] —Cambridge : The MIT
Romant de la Rose moralisé. Press, 2022. —1 online resource (xv, 356 pages) : illustrations
Langland, William, 1330?-1400?. Piers Plowman. (black and white)
Guillaume, de Deguileville, active 14th century. Pèlerinage ISBN 9780262370165 ebook No price
de vie humaine. BNB Number GBC381554
French poetry, To 1500, History and criticism. Speculative fiction, History and criticism.
Dreams in literature. Communities in literature.
Poetry, Psychological aspects. Science fiction, History and criticism.
English poetry, Middle English, 1100-1500, History and Prepublication record
Prepublication record
809.3936 809.9145
Anthroposcreens : mediating the climate unconscious / Julia The Revivifying word : literature, philosophy, and the theory of
Leyda. [online resource] —Cambridge : Cambridge University life in europe's romantic age / Clayton Koelb. [online resource]
Press, 2023. —1 online resource (75 pages). —Rochester, N.Y. : Camden House, ©2008. —1 online
ISBN 9781009317702 ebook £145.00 resource (xii, 205 pages).
BNB Number GBC381157 ISBN 9781571138040 (electronic bk.) ; 1571138048
Climatic changes in popular culture. (electronic bk.)
Climatic changes in motion pictures. BNB Number GBC377690
Prepublication record Romanticism.
Literature, History and criticism, Theory, etc.
809.3936 TRAVEL, Special Interest, Literary.
Anthroposcreens : mediating the climate unconscious / Julia LITERARY CRITICISM, General.
Leyda. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. LITERARY CRITICISM, European, German.
—75 pages.
ISBN 9781009317672 paperback £17.00 809.9332
BNB Number GBC378527 Geographia literaria : studies in earth, ethics, and literature /
Climatic changes in popular culture. Jagannath Basu & Jayjit Sarkar (eds.). —Stuttgart :
Climatic changes in motion pictures. ibidem-Verlag, [2021] —227 pages ; 22 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9783838215808 (paperback) ; 383821580X (paperback)
BNB Number GBC377449
809.89283 Literature, History and criticism.
The sidekick comes of age : how young adult literature is Geography in literature.
shifting the paradigm of secondary characters / Stephen M.
Zimmerly. —Lanham : Lexington Books, 2023. —164 pages ; 809.93353
23 cm. The social, aesthetic, and medical implications of performing
ISBN 9781498586818 paperback £31.00 shame : interdisciplinary approaches / Marlene Goldman.
BNB Number GBC379463 [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online
Young adult literature, History and criticism. resource (212 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
Characters and characteristics in literature. ISBN 9781000880076 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000880113
Prepublication record ePub ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC380554
809.896 Shame, Social aspects.
Writing on the soil : land and landscape in literature from Shame in literature.
Eastern and Southern Africa / Ng'ang'a Wahu-Muchiri. —Ann Social psychology.
Arbor : The University of Michigan Press, 2023. —224 pages ; Shame in art.
23 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9780472076208 hardback £66.00 ; 9780472056200
paperback £27.95 809.93353
BNB Number GBC378344 The social, aesthetic, and medical implications of performing
Land use in literature. shame : interdisciplinary approaches / Marlene Goldman.
Landscapes in literature. —London : Routledge, 2023. —212 pages : illustrations (black
Soils in literature. and white) ; 23 cm.
African literature, History and criticism. ISBN 9781032205540 hardback £130.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC378684
Shame in art.
809.9112 Shame, Social aspects.
Modernism and the anthropocene : material ecologies of Social psychology.
twentieth-century literature / edited by Jon Hegglund and John Shame in literature.
D. McIntyre. —Lanham : Lexington Books, 2023. —264 pages Prepublication record
; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781498555401 paperback £31.00
BNB Number GBC379459
Modernism (Literature)
Literature, Modern, 20th century, History and criticism.
Ecology in literature.
Ecocriticism in literature.
Human ecology and the humanities.
Prepublication record

809.9335430902 809.9338287
The court reconvenes : courtly literature across the disciplines Methodism and the rise of popular literary criticism : reviewing
: selected papers from the Ninth Triennial Congress of the the revival / Brett McInelly. —London : Routledge, 2023. —226
International Courtly Literature Society, University of British pages ; 24 cm.
Columbia, 25-31 July, 1998 / edited by Barbara K. Altmann, ISBN 9781032456867 hardback £130.00
Carleton W. Carroll. [online resource] —Cambridge, UK ; BNB Number GBC378968
Rochester, N.Y. : D.S. Brewer, 2003. —1 online resource (x, Criticism, History, 18th century.
370 pages) : illustrations. Periodicals, Publishing, History, 18th century.
ISBN 1846150566 (electronic bk.) ; 9781846150562 Methodism in literature.
(electronic bk.) Religion and literature, History, 18th century.
BNB Number GBC377740 Prepublication record
LITERARY CRITICISM, Medieval. 810.8089592
Literature, Medieval, History and criticism, Congresses. Watermark : Vietnamese American poetry and prose / edited
TRAVEL, Special Interest, Literary. by Barbara Tran, Monique T.D. Truong, and Khoi Luu. —25th
Courtly love in literature, Congresses. anniversary edition / foreword by Isabelle Thy Pelaud.
Kings and rulers in literature, Congresses. —Lubbock : Texas Tech University Press, 2023. —288 pages
; 23 cm.
809.9336 ISBN 9781682831717 hardback £46.95 ; 9781682831724
Climate change literacy / Julia Hoydis, Roman Bartosch, Jens paperback £29.95
Martin Gurr. [online resource] —Cambridge : Cambridge BNB Number GBC379725
University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (75 pages). American literature, Vietnamese American authors.
ISBN 9781009342032 ebook £145.00 Vietnamese Americans, Literary collections.
BNB Number GBC381158 Prepublication record
Environmental literacy.
Climatic changes in literature. 810.8975
Prepublication record Appalachia: stay or go? / [edited by] Pauletta Hansel
(managing editor). —Loveland, OH : Dos Madres Press, Inc.,
809.9336 2017. —xiii, 184 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm.
Climate change literacy / Julia Hoydis, Roman Bartosch, Jens ISBN 9781939929891 paperback
Martin Gurr. —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, BNB Number GBC377243
2023. —75 pages.
ISBN 9781009341998 paperback £17.00 810.9
BNB Number GBC378534 Political disappointment : a cultural history from
Environmental literacy. Reconstruction to the AIDS crisis / Sara Marcus. [online
Climatic changes in literature. resource] —Cambridge : The Belknap Press of Harvard
Prepublication record University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (256 pages) :
809.9338287 ISBN 9780674293410 ebook £61.95
Methodism and the rise of popular literary criticism : reviewing BNB Number GBC380470
the revival / Brett McInelly. [online resource] —London : Music and literature, United States, History, 19th century.
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (226 pages). Disappointment, Political aspects, United States, History,
ISBN 9781000888416 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000888454 20th century.
ePub ebook £38.99 American literature, 19th century, History and criticism.
BNB Number GBC380698 American literature, Political aspects.
Religion and literature, History, 18th century. American literature, 20th century, History and criticism.
Methodism in literature. Disappointment, Political aspects, United States, History,
Periodicals, Publishing, History, 18th century. 19th century.
Criticism, History, 18th century. Music and literature, United States, History, 20th century.
Prepublication record American literature, African American authors, History and
Prepublication record

810.9321732 810.989607300904
Reflecting on the city through literature : urban spaces, From mammies to militants : domestics in Black American
differences and embodiments / Daan Wesselman. [online literature from Charles Chesnutt to Toni Morrison / Trudier
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource Harris. —New edition. —Tuscaloosa : The University of
(208 pages). Alabama Press, 2023. —232 pages ; 22 cm
ISBN 9781000906479 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000906455 ISBN 9780817321680 hardback £108.00 ; 9780817360948
PDF ebook £38.99 paperback £27.95
BNB Number GBC381089 BNB Number GBC378446
American literature, 20th century, History and criticism. American literature, African American authors, History and
Cities and towns in literature. criticism.
Space in literature. African Americans, Intellectual life, 20th century.
Prepublication record African American women in literature.
Race relations in literature.
810.9321732 Women in literature.
Reflecting on the city through literature : urban spaces, American literature, 20th century, History and criticism.
differences and embodiments / Daan Wesselman. —London : Household employees in literature.
Routledge, 2023. —208 pages ; 24 cm. Prepublication record
ISBN 9780367466237 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC378258 811.008384
Space in literature. Writing the self-elegy : the past is not disappearing ink / edited
American literature, 20th century, History and criticism. by Kara Dorris. —Carbondale : Southern Illinois University
Cities and towns in literature. Press, 2023. —250 pages ; 23 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9780809339068 paperback £33.95
BNB Number GBC378438
810.93277 Poetics.
River of dreams : imagining the Mississippi before Mark Twain Elegiac poetry, American, 21st century.
/ Thomas Ruys Smith. —Baton Rouge : LSU Press, 2023. Self, Poetry.
—256 pages : illustrations, maps ; 23 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9780807179055 paperback £23.95
BNB Number GBC378435 811.009896
American literature, 19th century, History and criticism. Female subjectivity in African-American women's poetry : a
Mississippi River, In literature. critical reading / Tanima Kumari. [online resource]
Prepublication record —Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing,
2023. —1 online resource (205 pages)
810.9352996 ISBN 9781527501331 ebook £85.99
Light and legacies : stories of Black girlhood and liberation / BNB Number GBC381334
Janaka Bowman Lewis. —Columbia : The University of South American poetry, Women authors, History and criticism.
Carolina Press, 2023. —200 pages ; 23 cm American poetry, African American authors, History and
ISBN 9781643363868 paperback £30.95 ; 9781643363851 criticism.
hardback £93.00 Subjectivity in literature.
BNB Number GBC379655 Prepublication record
American literature, 21st century, History and criticism.
American literature, 20th century, History and criticism. 811.309
Girls in literature. Why antislavery poetry matters now / Brian Yothers.
African American girls in literature. —Rochester : Camden House, 2023. —308 pages :
Prepublication record illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm.
ISBN 9781640140691 hardback £85.00
BNB Number GBC379639
Antislavery movements in literature.
Literature and society, United States, History, 19th century.
American poetry, 19th century, History and criticism.
Literature and morals.
American poetry, African American authors, History and
Slavery in literature.
Prepublication record

811.52 811.6
Starflower : the making of a poet, Edna St. Vincent Millay / Don't let them see me like this / Jasmine Gibson. —New York
J.M. Farkas & Emily Vizzo ; illustrated by Jasmin Dwyer. : Nightboat Books, [2018] —80 pages ; 21 cm
—Jackson : Cameron Kids, 2023. —40 pages : illustrations ISBN 9781937658830 paperback ; 193765883X paperback
(colour) ; 28 cm BNB Number GBC377266
ISBN 9781951836511 hardback No price American poetry, 21st century.
BNB Number GBC380114 Social classes, Poetry.
Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 1892-1950, Biography, Pictorial
works, Juvenile literature. 811.6
Women poets, American, Biography, Pictorial works, For the love of God : new and selected poems / Neil Harrison.
Juvenile fiction. —Nacogdoches : Stephen F. Austin State University Press,
Prepublication record 2023. —90 pages ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781622889549 paperback £19.95
811.54 BNB Number GBC379597
Blessed as we were : late selected and new poems, Prepublication record
2001-2018 / Gerald Stern. —New York : W.W. Norton and
Company, 2023. —304 pages ; 22 cm 811.6
ISBN 9781324064510 paperback £15.99 Interrupt the sky / John Hazard. —Nacogdoches : Stephen F.
BNB Number GBC379235 Austin State University Press, 2023. —100 pages ; 23 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9781622889495 paperback £19.95
BNB Number GBC379596
811.54 Prepublication record
Shadow catch / Daphne Marlatt. —Vancouver : Talonbooks,
2023. —80 pages ; 22 cm 811.6
ISBN 9781772015225 paperback No price Invisible fish : poems / Susan F. Glassmeyer. —First edition.
BNB Number GBC379755 —Loveland, Ohio : Dos Madres, 2018. —xiii, 79 pages : 1
Vancouver (B.C.), Poetry. portrait (black and white) ; 23 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 1948017040 paperback ; 9781948017046 paperback
BNB Number GBC377273
Understanding Michael S. Harper / Michael Antonucci. 811.6
—Columbia : The University of South Carolina Press, 2023. Kindergarten, ¡allá voy! / D.J. Steinberg ; illustrated by Mark
—170 pages ; 23 cm. Chambers ; translated by Georgina Lázaro León. —New York
ISBN 9781643363998 hardback £59.00 ; 9781643364001 : Grosset & Dunlap, 2023. —32 pages : chiefly illustrations
paperback £19.95 (colour) ; 21 cm.
BNB Number GBC379656 ISBN 9780593523827 paperback No price
Harper, Michael S., 1938-2016, Criticism and BNB Number GBC378395
interpretation. Kindergarten, Pictorial works, Juvenile poetry.
American poetry, African American authors, History and Prepublication record
Prepublication record
Mom, can I do my laundry at your house? : poems from your
811.6 adult child / by Olivia Roberts. —San Francisco : Chronicle
Archaeology : poems / Joan I. Siegel. —First edition. Books, 2023. —64 pages ; 18 cm
—Cumberland, ME : Deerbrook Editions, [2017] —70 pages ; ISBN 9781797218694 hardback £9.99
23 cm BNB Number GBC379839
ISBN 9780997505184 paperback ; 0997505184 paperback Parent and adult child, Poetry.
BNB Number GBC377245 Parent and adult child, Humor.
American poetry, 21st century. Mother and child, Poetry.
Mother and child, Humor.
811.6 Prepublication record
Child with a swan's wings / poems by Daniel Shapiro. —First
edition. —Loveland, Ohio : Dos Madres, 2018. —ix, 93 pages : 811.6
illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm Nomenclatures of invisibility / Mahtem Shiferraw. —Rochester
ISBN 1939929954 paperback ; 9781939929952 paperback : BOA Editions, 2023. —88 pages ; 23 cm.
BNB Number GBC377254 ISBN 9781950774906 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC380111
Prepublication record

811.6 811.6
On Hysteria / Nancy Kuhl. —Swindon : Shearsman Books Ltd, Shadow beings / by Rose Knapp. —Co. Tipperary, Ireland :
2022. —63 pages ; 22 cm Beir Bua Press, [2021] —1 volume (unpaged) ; 21 cm
ISBN 1848618379 paperback £10.95 ; 9781848618374 ISBN 9781914972089 (trade paperback) ; 1914972082 (trade
paperback £10.95 paperback)
BNB Number GBC377978 BNB Number GBC377463
Experimental poetry.
811.6 Transgender people, Poetry.
Once, this forest belonged to a storm / Austen Leah Rose. Consciousness, Poetry.
—Amherst : University of Massachusetts Press, 2023. —96
pages ; 23 cm 811.6
ISBN 9781625347275 paperback £15.95 Should you lose all reason(s) / Justine Chan. —Seattle :
BNB Number GBC379600 ChinMusic Press, 2023. —108 pages ; 23 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9781634050456 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC379611
811.6 Prepublication record
Panzer Herz : a live dissection / Kyle Dargan. —Evanston :
Triquarterly Books, 2023. —112 pages ; 23 cm 811.6
ISBN 9780810145689 paperback No price Spokes of dream or bird / poems by Patricia Nelson.
BNB Number GBC378439 —[Madera, California] : Poetic Matrix Press, [2017] —xxi, 59
Prepublication record pages ; 23 cm
ISBN 0998146943 paperback ; 9780998146942 paperback
811.6 BNB Number GBC377280
Pink noise / Kevin Holden. —Callicoon : Nightboat Books,
2023. —112 pages ; 22 cm 811.6
ISBN 9781643621777 paperback No price Storm swimmer / Ernest Hilbert. —Denton : University of North
BNB Number GBC379658 Texas Press, 2023. —90 pages ; 23 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9781574418958 paperback £15.95
BNB Number GBC379566
811.6 Prepublication record
Return / Emily Lee Luan. —Callicoon : Nightboat Books, 2023.
—112 pages ; 23 cm 811.6
ISBN 9781643621746 paperback No price Summer vacation, here I come! / D.J. Steinberg ; illustrated by
BNB Number GBC379657 John Joven. —New York : Grosset & Dunlap, 2023. —32
Prepublication record pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 21 cm
ISBN 9780593387214 paperback No price
811.6 BNB Number GBC378379
Sensitive to temperature / Serena Alagappan. [online Children's poetry, American.
resource] —Sheffield : The New Poets List, 2023. —1 online Vacations, Pictorial works, Juvenile poetry.
resource Prepublication record
ISBN 9781914914485 ePub ebook £4.50
BNB Number GBC381482 811.6
Prepublication record That beauty in the trees : poems / Ron Smith. —Baton Rouge
: LSU Press, 2023. —114 pages ; 23 cm.
811.6 ISBN 9780807177983 paperback £18.95
Sensitive to temperature / Serena Alagappan. —Sheffield : BNB Number GBC378432
The New Poets List, 2023. —1 volume ; 21 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781914914478 paperback £6.00
BNB Number GBC380062 811.6
Prepublication record The new nudity / Hadara Bar-Nadav. —Ardmore, PA :
Saturnalia Books, [2017] —91 pages ; 19 cm
ISBN 0989979725 paperback ; 9780989979726 paperback
BNB Number GBC377285

811.6 812.54
The swailing / Patrick James Errington. —Montreal : Rod Serling : his life, work, and imagination / Nicholas Parisi,
McGill-Queen's University Press, 2023. —120 pages ; 20 cm. Anne Serling. —Jackson : University Press of Mississippi,
ISBN 9780228016755 paperback No price 2023. —558 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm
BNB Number GBC378200 ISBN 9781496846464 paperback £30.95
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379458
Serling, Rod, 1924-1975
The syndicate of water & light : a divine comedy / Marc Prepublication record
Vincenz ; with an afterword by Robert Archambeau.
—Barrytown, NY : Station Hill Press, [2018] —x, 137 pages ; 812.6
24 cm Tarell Alvin McCraney : theater, performance, and
ISBN 9781581771688 paperback ; 1581771681 paperback collaboration / edited by Sharrell D. Luckett, David Román,
BNB Number GBC377287 and Isaiah Matthew Wooden. —Evanston, Illinois :
Northwestern University Press, 2020. —xvii, 252 pages :
811.6 illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm
West : a translation / Paisley Rekdal. —Port Townsend : ISBN 9780810141957 cloth ; 9780810141940 paperback
Copper Canyon Press, 2023. —176 pages : illustrations BNB Number GBC377484
(colour) ; 23 cm McCraney, Tarell Alvin, Dramatic production.
ISBN 9781556596568 paperback No price McCraney, Tarell Alvin, Criticism and interpretation.
BNB Number GBC379562 American drama, 21st century, History and criticism.
Railroads, United States, Poetry. African American dramatists.
Chinese, United States, Poetry.
Railroad construction workers, United States, Poetry. 812.608
Prepublication record Stage it and stream it : plays for virtual theater / edited by
John Patrick Bray. [online resource] —Milwaukee : Applause,
811.6 2023. —1 online resource (406 pages)
What it means to be happy : poems / Gary Margolis. ISBN 9781493072903 ePub ebook No price
—Brattleboro : Green Writers Press, 2023. —134 pages ; 22 BNB Number GBC381307
cm American drama, 21st century.
ISBN 9798987663141 paperback No price Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC380373
Prepublication record 813.009164
House of horrors : familial intimacies in contemporary
811.6 American horror fiction / Agnieszka Kotwasinska. [online
What small sound / Francesca Bell. —Pasadena : Red Hen resource] —Cardiff : University of Wales Press, 2023. —1
Press, 2023. —96 pages ; 23 cm online resource (256 pages).
ISBN 9781636280790 hardback No price ISBN 9781837720149 ePub ebook £60.00 ; 9781837720132
BNB Number GBC379620 PDF ebook £60.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC381462
American fiction, Women authors, History and criticism.
American fiction, 21st century, History and criticism.
When I waked, I cried to dream again : poems / A. Van
Horror tales, American, History and criticism.
Jordan. [online resource] —New York : W.W. Norton and
Prepublication record
Company, 2023. —1 online resource (144 pages)
ISBN 9781324050940 ePub ebook £23.99 813.009164
BNB Number GBC381231 House of horrors : familial intimacies in contemporary
Prepublication record American horror fiction / Agnieszka Kotwasinska. —Cardiff :
University of Wales Press, 2023. —256 pages ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9781837720125 hardback £60.00
When I waked, I cried to dream again : poems / A. Van
BNB Number GBC379985
Jordan. —New York : W.W. Norton and Company, 2023.
Horror tales, American, History and criticism.
—144 pages ; 21 cm
American fiction, 21st century, History and criticism.
ISBN 9781324050933 hardback £22.99
American fiction, Women authors, History and criticism.
BNB Number GBC379229
Prepublication record
Prepublication record

813.010806 813.54
Hard to find : an anthology of new Southern gothic / edited by Cormac McCarthy : a complexity theory of literature / Lydia R.
Meredith Janning. —Nacogdoches : Stephen F. Austin State Cooper. —Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2023.
University Press, 2023. —160 pages ; 23 cm —248 pages ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9781622889457 paperback £30.95 ISBN 9781526172051 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC379595 BNB Number GBC379512
Short stories, American. McCarthy, Cormac, 1933-, Criticism and interpretation.
Southern States, Social conditions, Fiction. Climatic changes in literature.
Prepublication record Economics in literature.
Prepublication record
When I was a witch & other stories / Charlotte Perkins Gilman. 813.54
—London : Flame Tree 451, 2023. —224 pages : illustrations DAUGHTER IN EXILE. [online resource] —[Place of
(black and white) ; 20 cm. publication not identified] : HARPERVIA, 2023. —1 online
ISBN 9781804175804 paperback £6.99 resource (400 pages).
BNB Number GBC379951 ISBN 9780063089013 (electronic bk.) ; 0063089017
Prepublication record (electronic bk.)
BNB Number GBC377821
813.52 Young women, Fiction.
A son at the front / Edith Wharton. —New York : Dover Mothers and daughters, Fiction.
Publications, 2023. —256 pages ; 21 cm. Ghanaians, United States, Fiction.
ISBN 9780486851068 paperback £8.49 Noncitizens, United States, Fiction.
BNB Number GBC378347 Authors, Ghanaian, Fiction.
World War, 1914-1918, Fiction. Illegal immigration, United States, Fiction.
Paris (France), Fiction.
Prepublication record 813.54
Devil's gulch / William W. Johnstone, J.A. Johnstone. —New
813.52 York : Pinnacle Books, 2023. —336 pages ; 18 cm.
My mortal enemy / Willa Cather. —New York : Dover ISBN 9780786049738 paperback No price
Publications, 2023. —64 pages ; 21 cm BNB Number GBC378426
ISBN 9780486850863 paperback £3.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378346
Prepublication record 813.54
Hideaway at Silver Lake : a snowflake sisters novel / Jennifer
813.54 Greene. [online resource] —New York : Avon, 2023. —1
A kiss in the moonlight / Cathy Maxwell. [online resource] online resource.
—New York : Avon Books, an imprint of HarperCollins ISBN 0063241145 (electronic bk.) ; 9780063241145
Publishers, [2023]. —1 online resource. (electronic bk.)
ISBN 0063241188 (electronic bk.) ; 9780063241183 BNB Number GBC377831
(electronic bk.) Single women, Fiction.
BNB Number GBC377876 Self-realization, Fiction.
Irish, England, London, History, 19th century, Fiction. Families, Fiction.
Sisters, Fiction. Vacation homes, Fiction.
Man-woman relationships, Fiction. Man-woman relationships, Fiction.
Great Britain, History, Regency, 1811-1820, Fiction. Wisconsin, Fiction.
London (England), History, 1800-1950, Fiction.
813.54 Lone star legacy / William W. Johnstone, J.A. Johnstone.
Alice Walker's womanist fiction : tensions and reconciliations / —New York : Kensington, 2023. —336 pages ; 21 cm.
Iman Hami. —Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars ISBN 9781496735904 paperback No price
Publishing, 2023. —195 pages ; 21 cm BNB Number GBC379455
ISBN 9781527501706 hardback £59.99 Texas, History, 1846-1950, Fiction.
BNB Number GBC379515 Prepublication record
Walker, Alice, 1944-, Criticism and interpretation.
Womanism in literature.
Prepublication record

813.54 813.54
Perfect Match / Jodi Picoult. [online resource] —London : The path of minor planets / Andrew Sean Greer. [online
Hodder and Stoughton, [2009?]. —1 online resource. resource] —London : Faber & Faber, 2011. —1 online
ISBN 9781848941533 (EPUB) ; 1848941536 (EPUB) resource (288 pages).
BNB Number GBC377764 ISBN 9780571260249 (EPUB) ; 0571260241 (EPUB)
Sexually abused children, Fiction. BNB Number GBC377778
Mother and child, Fiction. Astronomers, Fiction.

813.54 813.54
Scandal's bride / Stephanie Laurens. [online resource] —New The quarantine princess diaries : a novel / Meg Cabot. [online
York, N.Y. : HarperCollins e-books, [2013]. —1 online resource] —New York : Avon, [2023]. —1 online resource.
resource. ISBN 9780063276765 (electronic bk.) ; 0063276763
ISBN 0061753599 (electronic bk.) ; 9780061753596 (electronic bk.)
(electronic bk.) BNB Number GBC377881
BNB Number GBC377848 Thermopolis, Mia (Fictitious character), Fiction.
Cynster family (Fictitious characters), Fiction. Pandemics, Fiction.
Fiction, Historical. COVID-19 (Disease), Fiction.
Historical. Princesses, Fiction.
Arranged marriage, Fiction.
London (England), Fiction. 813.54
The son : a novel / Gina Berriault. —Berkeley : Counterpoint
813.54 Press, 2023. —1 volume ; 21 cm
SMALL WORLD. [online resource] —[Place of publication not ISBN 9781640095977 paperback £15.99
identified] : ECCO, 2023. —1 online resource. BNB Number GBC379638
ISBN 9780063088306 (electronic bk.) ; 0063088304 Prepublication record
(electronic bk.)
BNB Number GBC377867 813.54
Sisters, Fiction. This rake of mine / Elizabeth Boyle. [online resource] —New
Divorced women, Fiction. York : PerfectBound, 2005. —1 online resource.
Family secrets, Fiction. ISBN 9780061127809 (electronic bk. ; Mobipocket Reader) ;
9780061753961 (electronic bk.) ; 0061127809 (electronic bk. ;
813.54 Mobipocket Reader) ; 9780061127793 (electronic bk. ; Adobe
The cliff's edge / Charles Todd. [online resource] —New York, Reader) ; 0061753963 (electronic bk.) ; 0061127795
NY : William Morrow, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, (electronic bk. ; Adobe Reader)
[2023]. —1 online resource (320 pages). BNB Number GBC377892
ISBN 9780063039964 (electronic bk.) ; 0063039966 Man-woman relationships, Fiction.
(electronic bk.)
BNB Number GBC377819 813.54
Crawford, Bess (Fictitious character), Fiction. Through bitter seas / Phillip Parotti. —Havertown : Casemate,
Murder, Fiction. 2023. —286 pages ; 23 cm
FICTION / Mystery & Detective / Women Sleuths. ISBN 9781636243085 paperback £17.95
FICTION / Mystery & Detective / Historical. BNB Number GBC379619
Cousins, Fiction. World War, 1939-1945, Fiction.
FICTION / Suspense. Prepublication record
Nurses, England, Fiction.
England, Fiction.
You never know : a novel of domestic suspense / Connie
Yorkshire (England), Fiction.
Briscoe. [online resource] —New York, NY : Amistad, an
813.54 imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, [2023]. —1 online
The lights of Earth : a novel / Gina Berriault. —Berkeley : resource.
Counterpoint Press, 2023. —160 pages ; 21 cm ISBN 9780063246607 (electronic bk.) ; 0063246600
ISBN 9781640095229 paperback £15.99 (electronic bk.)
BNB Number GBC379637 BNB Number GBC377877
Prepublication record Hearing impaired, Fiction.
Spouses, Fiction.

813.6 813.6
A court of frost and starlight / Sarah J. Maas. —New edition. Becoming Delilah / Sara Marchant. —Oxford : Fairlight Books,
—New York : Bloomsbury Publishing, 2020. —232 pages : 1 2023. —224 pages ; 20 cm
map (black and white) ; 25 cm. ISBN 9781914148262 paperback £8.99
ISBN 1635575613 hardback ; 9781635575620 paperback ; BNB Number GBC380053
1635575621 paperback ; 9781635575613 hardback Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC047084
FICTION / Fantasy / Paranormal. 813.6
Winter solstice, Juvenile fiction. Before the rooster crows twice : a novel inspired by true
FICTION / Romance / Fantasy. events / C. Arden Michaels. —Oceanside : Big Red House
Tam Lin (Legendary character), Adaptations, Juvenile Publishing, 2023. —356 pages ; 23 cm
fiction. ISBN 9798986129402 paperback No price
FICTION / Fantasy / Romance. BNB Number GBC380371
FICTION / Romance / Paranormal. Prepublication record
Imaginary wars and battles, Juvenile fiction.
FICTION / Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & Mythology.
Beginning of forever / Catherine Bybee. —Seattle : Montlake,
Courts and courtiers, Juvenile fiction.
2023. —364 pages.
Magic, Juvenile fiction.
ISBN 9781542038553 paperback £8.99
FICTION / Fantasy / Epic.
BNB Number GBC379559
Fairies, Juvenile fiction.
D'Angelo family (Fictitious characters), Fiction.
813.6 Prepublication record
A fatal affair / A.R. Torre. —Seattle : Thomas & Mercer, 2023.
—320 pages
Betrothal and betrayal / Janet McGiffin ; illustrated by Harry
ISBN 9781542039901 paperback £8.99
Pizzey. —Edinburgh : Scotland Street Press, 2023. —248
BNB Number GBC379560
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 20 cm.
Prepublication record
ISBN 9781910895788 paperback £9.99
813.6 BNB Number GBC380028
A flood of posies / Tiffany Meuret. —[Nashville] : Black Spot Irene, Empress of the East, 752?-803, Fiction.
Books, an imprint of Vesuvian Media Group, [2021] —249 Byzantine Empire, History, Constantine V Copronymus,
pages ; 21 cm 741-775, Fiction.
ISBN 1645480267 (paperback) ; 9781645480266 (paperback) Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC377460
Survival, Fiction.
Blood torn / Lindsay J. Pryor. [online resource] —Ickenham :
Monsters, Fiction.
Bookouture, [2014]. —1 online resource (466 pages).
Sisters, Fiction.
ISBN 1909490180 (electronic bk.) ; 9781909490185
813.6 (electronic bk.)
A manual for how to love us : stories / Erin Slaughter. [online BNB Number GBC377781
resource] —New York : Harper Perennial, [2023]. —1 online Women, Psychic ability, Fiction.
resource (289 pages). Man-woman relationships, Fiction.
ISBN 0063230860 (electronic bk.) ; 9780063230866 Vampires, Fiction.
(electronic bk.) Survival, Fiction.
BNB Number GBC377873
Grief, Fiction.
Bloodless / Preston & Child. —UK : Head of Zeus, 2022.
Short stories, American, 21st century.
—445 pages ; 20 cm.
Loss (Psychology), Fiction.
ISBN 9781801104180 paperback
813.6 BNB Number GBC377485
Ballad & dagger / Daniel José Older. —New York : Rick
Riordan Presents, 2023. —400 pages ; 21 cm.
Bradington Bay / Alaric Mark Lewis. [online resource]
ISBN 9781368070874 paperback £10.99
—Norwich : Story Machine, 2023. —1 online resource (245
BNB Number GBC379252
Prepublication record
ISBN 9781912665174 ePub ebook £5.00
BNB Number GBC381478
Gay men, Fiction.
Prepublication record

813.6 813.6
Bradington Bay / Alaric Mark Lewis. —Norwich : Story Dog days forever : a novel / Shannon Richard. [online
Machine, 2023. —245 pages resource] —New York : Avon, 2023. —1 online resource (384
ISBN 9781912665167 paperback £12.00 pages).
BNB Number GBC380036 ISBN 9780063235625 (electronic bk.) ; 0063235625
Gay men, Fiction. (electronic bk.)
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC377874
Man-woman relationships, Fiction.
813.6 Dog rescue, Fiction.
Cassidy is queen / Cameron James. —Bishops Stortford : Foster care of animals, Fiction.
SRL Publishing, 2023. —280 pages ; 21 cm Puppies, Fiction.
ISBN 9781915073174 paperback £9.99 North Carolina, Fiction.
BNB Number GBC380072
Gay teenagers, Fiction. 813.6
Prepublication record Doug's dung / Jo Rooks. —Washington, DC : Magination
Press, 2020. —1 volume (unpaged) : illustrations (colour) ; 26
813.6 cm.
Class dismissed / Kevin McIntosh. —Raleigh, NC : Regal ISBN 9781433832376 hardcover
House Publishing, [2021] —218 pages ; 22 cm BNB Number GBC377576
ISBN 1646030672 (paperback) ; 9781646030675 (paperback)
BNB Number GBC377479 813.6
High school students, Fiction. Earth angel / Madeline Cash. —Troy : CLASH Books, 2023.
Urban high schools, Fiction. —160 pages ; 19 cm
High school teachers, Discipline, Fiction. ISBN 9781955904698 paperback No price
High school teachers, Fiction. BNB Number GBC380126
New York (N.Y.), Fiction. Prepublication record

813.6 813.6
Conquer the kingdom : a Gargoyle queen novel / Jennifer Erase and rewind : stories / Meghan Bell. —First edition.
Estep. [online resource] —New York, NY : Harper Voyager, an —Toronto : Book*hug Press, [2021] —211 pages ; 21 cm
imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, [2023]. —1 online ISBN 9781771666787 paperback ; 1771666781 paperback
resource. BNB Number GBC377504
ISBN 9780063023475 (electronic bk.) ; 0063023474 Feminist fiction.
(electronic bk.) Young women, Fiction.
BNB Number GBC377865
Gargoyles, Fiction. 813.6
Magic, Fiction. Fake it til you break it / Meagan Brandy. [online resource]
Gladiators, Fiction. —London : Orion Books, 2023. —1 online resource (352
Princesses, Fiction. pages)
ISBN 9781398719477 ePub ebook £9.99
813.6 BNB Number GBC381264
Dedication to murder / Lauren Elliott. —New York : Kensington Prepublication record
Cozies, 2023. —320 pages ; 18 cm.
ISBN 9781496735140 paperback No price 813.6
BNB Number GBC379454 Fake it til you break it / Meagan Brandy. —London : Orion
Greyborne, Addie (Fictitious character), Fiction. Books, 2023. —352 pages ; 20 cm
Massachusetts, Fiction. ISBN 9781398719460 paperback £9.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379293
Prepublication record
Destiny's embrace / by Beverly Jenkins. [online resource] 813.6
—New York : Avon, 2013. —1 online resource. Fear thy neighbor / Fern Michaels. —New York : Zebra, 2023.
ISBN 0062031260 (electronic bk.) ; 9780062031266 —320 pages ; 20 cm
(electronic bk.) ISBN 9781420154269 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC377850 BNB Number GBC379331
Man-woman relationships, Fiction. Prepublication record
FICTION, Romance, Historical, General.
Housekeepers, Fiction.
Ranches, California, Fiction.
813.6 813.6
Fifth Avenue glamour girl / Renee Rosen. —New York : Full exposure : a novel / Thien-Kim Lam. [online resource]
Berkley, 2023. —432 pages ; 21 cm —New York : Avon, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers,
ISBN 9780593335666 paperback £15.99 [2023]. —1 online resource.
BNB Number GBC378376 ISBN 9780063237308 (electronic bk.) ; 006323730X
New York (N.Y.), History, 1898-1951, Fiction. (electronic bk.)
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC377829
Man-woman relationships, Fiction.
813.6 Photographers, Fiction.
Firebreak / Richard Herman, Jr. [online resource] —[Place of Carnival, Louisiana, New Orleans, Fiction.
publication not identified] : HarperCollins e-books, 2010. —1 Asian American men, Fiction.
online resource : map. African American women, Fiction.
ISBN 9780061952524 (electronic bk.) ; 0061952524 Video journalism, Fiction.
(electronic bk.) New Orleans (La.), Fiction.
BNB Number GBC377849
United States. Air Force, Fiction. 813.6
Jihad, Fiction. Full moon pups / Liz Garton Scanlon ; illustrated by Chuck
Groenink. —New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons, 2023. —40
813.6 pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 28 cm
Firefly : what makes us mighty / M.K. England. —London : ISBN 9780525514558 hardback No price
Titan Books, 2023. —336 pages ; 20 cm BNB Number GBC378360
ISBN 9781789098365 paperback £9.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC379810
Prepublication record 813.6
Full naval honors : the final novel of Peter Wake and his
813.6 descendants / Robert N. Macomber. —Annapolis : Naval
First victim / Debbie Babitt. —New York : Scarlet, 2023. —312 Institute Press, 2023. —336 pages : maps ; 23 cm.
pages ; 21 cm ISBN 9781682478943 hardback £30.95
ISBN 9781613164266 paperback £14.99 BNB Number GBC379717
BNB Number GBC379587 Wake, Peter (Fictitious character), Fiction.
New York (N.Y.), Fiction. United States. Navy, Officers, Fiction.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

813.6 813.6
Flawless / Elsie Silver. [online resource] —London : Piatkus, Going places / Kathryn Berla. —New York : Amberjack
2023. —1 online resource (416 pages). Publishing, [2018] —289 pages ; 20 cm
ISBN 0349437661 Electronic book (EPUB format) ; ISBN 9781944995539 pbk.
9780349437668 Electronic book (EPUB format) BNB Number GBC377261
BNB Number GBC377807
FICTION, Romance, Contemporary. 813.6
FICTION, Romance, Western. Grow kind / by Jon Lasser, PhD and Sage Foster-Lasser ;
illustrated by Christopher Lyles. —Washington, DC :
813.6 Magination Press, [2020] —1 volume (unpaged) : illustrations
Forgotten war / Don Bentley. —New York : Berkley, 2023. (colour) ; 26 cm
—400 pages ; 23 cm. ISBN 9781433830501 hardcover
ISBN 9780593333563 hardback £25.99 BNB Number GBC377579
BNB Number GBC378375
Drake, Matt (Fictitious character), Fiction. 813.6
Prepublication record Happy birthday, belly button! / Kalli Dakos ; illustrated by
Luciana Navarro Powell. —Mankato : Amicus Ink, 2023. —24
pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 23 cm.
ISBN 9781681528687 paperback £9.99
BNB Number GBC379716
Prepublication record

813.6 813.6
Harley Quinn. Reckoning / Rachael Allen. —New York : How to write a poem / Kwame Alexander, Deanna Nikaido ;
Ember, 2023. —416 pages ; 21 cm. illustrated by Melissa Sweet. —New York : Quill Tree Books,
ISBN 9780593429877 paperback No price 2023. —32 pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 26 cm
BNB Number GBC378383 ISBN 9780063060906 hardback £12.99
Harley Quinn (Fictitious character), Fiction. BNB Number GBC378121
Prepublication record Prepublication record

813.6 813.6
Harmless like you / Rowan Hisayo Buchanan. [online Hurry Kate, or you'll be late! / by Janice N. Harrington ;
resource] —London : Sceptre, 2016. —1 online resource (320 illustrated by Tiffany Rose. —New York : Margaret Ferguson
pages). Books, 2023. —32 pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781473638358 Electronic book (EPUB format) ; ISBN 9780823445103 hardback No price
1473638356 Electronic book (EPUB format) BNB Number GBC378450
BNB Number GBC377775 Prepublication record
FICTION, Literary.
813.6 I am my country and other stories / Kenan Orhan. —New York
Hayley Aldridge is still here : a novel / Elissa R. Sloan. [online : Random House, 2023. —240 pages ; 21 cm
resource] —New York, NY : William Morrow, an imprint of ISBN 9780593449462 hardback No price
HarperCollins Publishers, [2023]. —1 online resource. BNB Number GBC378387
ISBN 9780063225534 (electronic bk.) ; 0063225530 Prepublication record
(electronic bk.)
BNB Number GBC377827 813.6
Fame, Fiction. I fell in love with hope / Lancali. —London : Simon & Schuster
Celebrities, Fiction. UK Ltd., 2023. —416 pages ; 20 cm
Parent and adult child, Fiction. ISBN 9781398529069 paperback £9.99
Child actors, Fiction. BNB Number GBC379292
Control (Psychology), Fiction. Prepublication record
Actresses, Fiction.
Conservatorships, Fiction.
Island affair / Priscilla Oliveras. —New York : Zebra, 2023.
Los Angeles (Calif.), Fiction.
—336 pages ; 18 cm.
813.6 ISBN 9781420156096 paperback No price
Heartless / Elsie Silver. [online resource] —London : Piatkus, BNB Number GBC379334
2023. —1 online resource (464 pages). Prepublication record
ISBN 0349437696 Electronic book (EPUB format) ;
9780349437699 Electronic book (EPUB format)
Jilted / Niko Michelle. —New York : Urban Renaissance, 2023.
BNB Number GBC377808
—352 pages ; 18 cm
FICTION, Romance, Contemporary.
ISBN 9781645564584 paperback No price
FICTION, Romance, Western.
BNB Number GBC379665
813.6 Prepublication record
How to catch a Daddysaurus / Alice Walstead ; illustrated by
Andy Elkerton. —Naperville : Sourcebooks Wonderland, 2023.
Just as you are : a novel / Camille Kellogg. —New York : The
—40 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm
Dial Press, 2023. —320 pages ; 21 cm
ISBN 9781728266183 hardback £8.99
ISBN 9780593594704 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC379746
BNB Number GBC378397
Prepublication record
Lesbians, Fiction.
813.6 Prepublication record
How to catch a garden fairy : a springtime adventure / Alice
Walstead ; illustrated by Andy Elkerton. —Naperville :
Sourcebooks Wonderland, 2023. —40 pages : illustrations ;
21 cm
ISBN 9781728263205 hardback £8.99
BNB Number GBC379745
Prepublication record

813.6 813.6
Kingdom of the feared / Kerri Maniscalco. [online resource] Loki : journey into mystery prose novel : a novel of the Marvel
—London : Hodder & Stoughton, 2022. —1 online resource universe / Katherine Locke. —London : Titan Books, 2023.
(464 pages). —400 pages ; 24 cm.
ISBN 1399703234 Electronic book (EPUB format) ; ISBN 9781803362540 hardback £18.99
9781399703239 Electronic book (EPUB format) BNB Number GBC379930
BNB Number GBC377805 Loki (Fictitious character from Marvel Comics Group),
Emilia (Fictitious character from Maniscalo), Fiction. Fiction.
FICTION, Fantasy, Historical. Thor (Fictitious character from Marvel Comics Group),
FICTION, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy. Fiction.
Prepublication record
Kiss & tell / Adib Khorram. —New York : The Dial Press, 2023. 813.6
—384 pages ; 21 cm Madam X / Niobia Bryant. —New York : Dafina, 2023. —320
ISBN 9780593325278 paperback No price pages ; 21 cm
BNB Number GBC378371 ISBN 9781496730725 paperback £15.99
Gay youth, Fiction. BNB Number GBC379451
Prepublication record Prepublication record

813.6 813.6
Klyde the kraken wants a friend / Brooke Hartman ; illustrated Manolo & the unicorn / Jackie Azúa Kramer & Jonah Kramer ;
by Laura Borio. —Portland : Hazy Dell Press, 2023. —38 illustrated by Zach Manbeck. —Jackson : Cameron Kids,
pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 25 x 28 cm 2023. —40 pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 28 cm
ISBN 9781948931427 hardback No price ISBN 9781951836528 hardback No price
BNB Number GBC380105 BNB Number GBC380115
Prepublication record Prepublication record

813.6 813.6
Layla's luck / Jo Rooks. —Washington, DC : Magination Max Wilde's cowboy heart / Jennifer Ryan. [online resource]
Press, 2020. —1 volume (unpaged) : illustrations (colour) ; 26 —New York, NY : Avon Books, an imprint of
cm. HarperCollinsPublishers, [2023]. —1 online resource.
ISBN 9781433832383 hardcover ISBN 9780063094666 (electronic bk.) ; 0063094665
BNB Number GBC377586 (electronic bk.)
BNB Number GBC377868
813.6 Cowboys, Fiction.
Legendary / Stephanie Garber. —London : Hodder, 2023. Brothers, Fiction.
—448 pages ; 20 cm. Man-woman relationships, Fiction.
ISBN 9781399721974 paperback £9.99 Witnesses, Protection, Fiction.
BNB Number GBC379318 Ranches, Fiction.
Prepublication record Murder, Fiction.
Wyoming, Fiction.
Like a house on fire / Lauren McBrayer. —New York : G.P. 813.6
Putnam's Sons, 2023. —336 pages ; 21 cm Mon dieu, love : a novella / Jane V. Blunschi. —Huntsville :
ISBN 9780593331842 paperback £16.99 Texas Review Press, 2023. —122 pages ; 22 cm
BNB Number GBC378373 ISBN 9781680033434 paperback £20.95
Lesbians, Fiction. BNB Number GBC379715
Prepublication record Lesbians, Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Fiction.
Baton Rouge (La.), Fiction.
Prepublication record

813.6 813.6
Murder on Bedford Street / Victoria Thompson. —New York : No matter the distance / Cindy Baldwin. [online resource]
Berkley, 2023. —544 pages ; 21 cm. —New York : Quill Tree Books, 2023. —1 online resource
ISBN 9780593337103 hardback £24.99 (368 pages).
BNB Number GBC378377 ISBN 9780063006461 (electronic bk.) ; 0063006464
Malloy, Frank (Fictitious character), Fiction. (electronic bk.)
Brandt, Sarah (Fictitious character), Fiction. BNB Number GBC377864
New York (N.Y.), History, Fiction. Families, North Carolina, Juvenile fiction.
Prepublication record Cystic fibrosis, Juvenile fiction.
Identity (Philosophical concept), Juvenile fiction.
813.6 Grief, Juvenile fiction.
My heart still beats for you / Tina Marie. —New York : Urban Dolphins, Juvenile fiction.
Renaissance, 2023. —240 pages ; 21 cm Human-animal relationships, Juvenile fiction.
ISBN 9781645564768 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC379666 813.6
African Americans, Fiction. One, two, grandpa loves you / Shelly Becker ; illustrated by
Prepublication record Dan Yaccarino. —New York : Abrams Appleseed, 2023. —24
pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 23 cm
813.6 ISBN 9781419765087 hardback £11.99
My powerful hair / written by Carole Lindstrom ; illustrated by BNB Number GBC379330
Steph Littlebird. —New York : Abrams Books for Young Prepublication record
Readers, 2023. —48 pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 28
cm 813.6
ISBN 9781419759437 hardback £13.99 Only the beautiful / Susan Meissner. —New York : Berkley,
BNB Number GBC379327 2023. —400 pages ; 23 cm
Indians of North America, Pictorial works, Juvenile fiction. ISBN 9780593332832 hardback £24.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC378374
Prepublication record
Never seduce a duke / Vivienne Lorret. [online resource] 813.6
—New York, NY : Avon Books, an imprint of Open my eyes / by T.E. Hahn. —[United States] : Running
HarperCollinsPublishers, [2023]. —1 online resource. Wild Press, [2019] —157 pages ; 22 cm
ISBN 9780063143098 (electronic bk.) ; 0063143097 ISBN 1947041282 ; 9781947041288
(electronic bk.) BNB Number GBC378077
BNB Number GBC377825 Fathers and sons, Fiction.
Man-woman relationships, Fiction. Young adult fiction.
Aristocracy (Social class), Fiction. Man-woman relationships, Fiction.
London (England), Fiction. Self-perception, Fiction.
Mothers and sons, Fiction.
813.6 Dating (Social customs), Fiction.
Night shift / Stephen King. [online resource] —London : Drug withdrawal symptoms, Fiction.
Hodder & Stoughton, 2008. —1 online resource (300 pages).
ISBN 9781848940826 Electronic book (EPUB format) ; 813.6
1848940823 Electronic book (EPUB format) Out of Ireland : a novel / Marian O'Shea Wernicke. —Berkeley
BNB Number GBC377762 : She Writes Press, 2023. —328 pages ; 22 cm
FICTION, Horror. ISBN 9781647423995 paperback No price
FICTION, Short Stories (single author). BNB Number GBC379682
Horror tales, American. Ireland, History, 1837-1901, Fiction.
FICTION, Thrillers, Supernatural. Prepublication record
FICTION, Thrillers, Suspense.

813.6 813.6
Paper cuts / Ellery Adams. —New York : Kensington Cozies, Robin and her misfits / Kelly Ann Jacobson. —New York :
2023. —304 pages ; 21 cm. Three Rooms Press, 2023. —278 pages ; 21 cm
ISBN 9781496726476 hardback No price ISBN 9781953103314 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC379450 BNB Number GBC380117
Pennington, Nora (Fictitious character), Fiction. Sexual minorities, Fiction.
Secret Scone and Book Society (Imaginary organization), Prepublication record
North Carolina, Fiction. 813.6
Prepublication record Rogue / Alex Schuler with Kevin Weir. —Jamul : Level 4
Press, 2023. —360 pages (large print) ; 23 cm
813.6 ISBN 9781646305148 paperback £19.95
Playing days : a novel / Benjamin Markovits. [online resource] BNB Number GBC379671
—London : Faber & Faber, 2010. —1 online resource (336 Prepublication record
ISBN 9780571253166 Electronic book (EPUB format) 813.6
BNB Number GBC377777 Rogue justice / Stacey Abrams. [online resource] —London :
Americans, Germany, Fiction. HarperCollinsPublishers, 2023. —1 online resource (368
Basketball players, Fiction. pages)
Single mothers, Fiction. ISBN 9780008645656 ePub ebook £20.00
BNB Number GBC380387
813.6 Prepublication record
Powerless / Elsie Silver. [online resource] —London : Piatkus,
2023. —1 online resource (496 pages). 813.6
ISBN 9780349437712 Electronic book (EPUB format) ; Rogue justice / Stacey Abrams. —London :
0349437718 Electronic book (EPUB format) HarperCollinsPublishers, 2023. —368 pages ; 24 cm
BNB Number GBC377809 ISBN 9780008645632 hardback £16.99
FICTION, Romance, Contemporary. BNB Number GBC378119
FICTION, Romance, Western. Prepublication record

813.6 813.6
Ravenous / Rachael Allen. —New York : Random House Say you swear / Meagan Brandy. [online resource] —London :
Books for Young Readers, 2023. —368 pages : illustrations ; Orion Books, 2023. —1 online resource (528 pages)
22 cm. ISBN 9781398719491 ePub ebook £9.99
ISBN 9780593429907 hardback No price BNB Number GBC381265
BNB Number GBC378384 Prepublication record
Harley Quinn (Fictitious character), Fiction.
Prepublication record
Say you swear / Meagan Brandy. —London : Orion Books,
813.6 2023. —528 pages ; 20 cm
Robert B. Parker's bad influence / Alison Gaylin. [online ISBN 9781398719484 paperback £9.99
resource] —Harpenden : No Exit Press, 2023. —1 online BNB Number GBC379294
resource (256 pages). Prepublication record
ISBN 9780857305770 ePub ebook No price
BNB Number GBC380480
Sea dog / Astrid Sheckels. [online resource] —Camden :
Randall, Sunny (Fictitious character), Fiction.
Down East Books, 2023. —1 online resource (32 pages) :
Women private investigators, Massachusetts, Boston,
illustrations (black and white, and colour)
ISBN 9781684750603 ePub ebook No price
Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC381379
813.6 Prepublication record
Robert B. Parker's bad influence / Alison Gaylin. —Harpenden
: No Exit Press, 2023. —256 pages ; 21 cm.
Secret rules to being a rockstar / Jessamyn Violet. —New
ISBN 9780857305763 hardback £18.99
York : Three Rooms Press, 2023. —282 pages ; 21 cm
BNB Number GBC378462
ISBN 9781953103291 paperback No price
Randall, Sunny (Fictitious character), Fiction.
BNB Number GBC380116
Women private investigators, Massachusetts, Boston,
Sexual minorities, Fiction.
Prepublication record
Prepublication record

813.6 813.6
Secretly yours : a novel / Tessa Bailey. [online resource] Southern migrant mixtape / Vernon Keeve III. —Oakland, CA :
—New York : Avon, [2023]. —1 online resource (372 pages). Nomadic Press, [2018] —127 pages ; 20 cm
ISBN 9780063238992 (electronic bk.) ; 0063238993 ISBN 0999447157 paperback ; 9780999447154 paperback
(electronic bk.) BNB Number GBC377274
BNB Number GBC377830 American poetry, 21st century.
Love-letters, Fiction. African American gays, Poetry.
Man-woman relationships, Fiction. Gay men, Poetry.
Gardeners, Fiction. African American men, Poetry.
College teachers, Fiction. Social values, United States, Poetry.

813.6 813.6
Shannon in the spotlight / Kalena Miller. —New York : Starling days / Rowan Hisayo Buchanan. [online resource]
Delacorte, 2023. —272 pages ; 22 cm —London : Sceptre, 2019. —1 online resource (304 pages).
ISBN 9780593486054 hardback No price ISBN 1473638364 Electronic book (EPUB format) ;
BNB Number GBC378388 9781473638365 Electronic book (EPUB format)
Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Juvenile fiction. BNB Number GBC377786
Prepublication record FICTION, Literary.
FICTION, Romance, Contemporary.
813.6 FICTION / Romance / Contemporary
Shannon in the spotlight / Kalena Miller. —New York :
Delacorte, 2023. —272 pages ; 22 cm 813.6
ISBN 9780593486061 hardback No price Strangers in the night : a novel of Frank Sinatra and Ava
BNB Number GBC378389 Gardner / Heather Webb. [online resource] —New York, NY :
Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Juvenile fiction. William Morrow, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, [2023].
Prepublication record —1 online resource.
ISBN 0063004194 (electronic bk.) ; 9780063004191
813.6 (electronic bk.)
Shell beach / Davis Bunn. —New York : Kensington, 2023. BNB Number GBC377863
—256 pages ; 21 cm. Gardner, Ava, 1922-1990, Fiction.
ISBN 9781496734709 hardback No price Sinatra, Frank, 1915-1998, Fiction.
BNB Number GBC379453 Celebrities, Fiction.
Miramar Bay (Calif. : Imaginary place), Fiction. Marriage, Fiction.
Prepublication record Man-woman relationships, Fiction.
Ambition, Fiction.
Hollywood (Los Angeles, Calif.), Fiction.
Shinji Takahashi - into the heart of the storm / Julie Kagawa.
—New York : Disney-Hyperion, 2023. —336 pages ; 21 cm 813.6
ISBN 9781368074148 hardback £16.99 Strawberry lane / Jodi Thomas. —New York : Zebra, 2023.
BNB Number GBC379253 —288 pages ; 21 cm.
Prepublication record ISBN 9781420155075 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC379333
Texas, Fiction.
Sister spring / James Christopher Carroll. —Mankato :
Prepublication record
Creative Editions, 2023. —16 pages : chiefly illustrations
(colour) ; 28 cm 813.6
ISBN 9781682772843 paperback £9.99 Such big dreams : a novel / Reema Patel. —New York :
BNB Number GBC379724 Ballantine, 2023. —352 pages ; 21 cm
Spring, Pictorial works, Juvenile fiction. ISBN 9780593499528 paperback No price
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC378390
Mumbai (India), Fiction.
Prepublication record

Tarotmancer / W.A. Simpson. [online resource] —London :
Flame Tree Press, 2023. —1 online resource (256 pages).
ISBN 9781787587892 ePub ebook £4.95
BNB Number GBC381386
Prepublication record

813.6 813.6
Tarotmancer / W.A. Simpson. —London : Flame Tree Press, The deal dilemma / Meagan Brandy. [online resource]
2023. —256 pages ; 22 cm. —London : Orion Books, 2023. —1 online resource (448
ISBN 9781787587885 hardback £20.00 ; 9781787587878 pages)
paperback £12.95 ISBN 9781398719514 ePub ebook £9.99
BNB Number GBC379796 BNB Number GBC381266
Prepublication record Prepublication record

813.6 813.6
Tell me your dreams / Amanda Kloots ; illustrated by Alex The deal dilemma / Meagan Brandy. —London : Orion Books,
Willmore. —New York : HarperCollins Children's Books, 2023. 2023. —448 pages ; 20 cm
—32 pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 26 cm ISBN 9781398719507 paperback £9.99
ISBN 9780063225114 hardback £12.99 BNB Number GBC379295
BNB Number GBC378123 Prepublication record
Prepublication record
813.6 The diva says cheesecake! / Krista Davis. —New York :
Tell the rest / Lucy Jane Bledsoe. —New York : Akashic Kensington Cozies, 2023. —320 pages ; 21 cm.
Books, 2023. —336 pages ; 23 cm ISBN 9781496732774 paperback No price
ISBN 9781636140797 hardback £20.99 BNB Number GBC379452
BNB Number GBC379615 Winston, Sophie (Fictitious character), Fiction.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

813.6 813.6
Tell the rest / Lucy Jane Bledsoe. —New York : Akashic The flight portfolio / Julie Orringer. [online resource] —London
Books, 2023. —336 pages ; 23 cm : Dialogue Books, 2022. —1 online resource (576 pages).
ISBN 9781636140827 hardback £20.99 ISBN 9780349994147 Electronic book (EPUB format) ;
BNB Number GBC379616 0349994145 Electronic book (EPUB format)
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC377803
Fry, Varian, 1907-1967, Fiction.
813.6 FICTION, Romance, Historical, 20th Century.
The accidental queen / L.R. Jackson. —Mesquite : Black FICTION, Thrillers, Historical.
Odyssey Media, 2023. —272 pages ; 21 cm FICTION, LGBTQ, Bisexual.
ISBN 9781735443195 paperback No price FICTION, LGBTQ, Gay.
BNB Number GBC379747 Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945), Fiction.
Prepublication record FICTION, Historical, World War II.
FICTION, Romance, LGBTQ, Bisexual.
FICTION, Literary.
The cinema of Ettore Scola / edited by Remi Lanzoni and
FICTION, War & Military.
Edward Bowen. —Detroit : Wayne State University Press,
FICTION, Jewish.
[2020] —xix, 315 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23
FICTION, Action & Adventure.
World War, 1939-1945, Fiction.
ISBN 0814347479 (hardcover) ; 9780814343791 (paperback)
FICTION, Biographical.
; 9780814347478 (hardcover) ; 0814343791 (paperback)
FICTION, Romance, LGBTQ, Gay.
BNB Number GBC377565
Scola, Ettore, 1931-2016, Criticism and interpretation. 813.6
The fun widow's book tour : a novel / Zoe Fishman. [online
resource] —New York, NY : William Morrow, an imprint of
The counterfeit scoundrel / Lorraine Heath. [online resource]
HarperCollins Publishers, [2023]. —1 online resource (272
—New York, NY : Avon Books, an imprint of
HarperCollinsPublishers, [2023]. —1 online resource.
ISBN 9780062838261 (electronic bk.) ; 0062838261
ISBN 006311464X (electronic bk.) ; 9780063114647
(electronic bk.)
(electronic bk.)
BNB Number GBC377861
BNB Number GBC377824
Female friendship, Fiction.
Murder, Investigation, Fiction.
Widows, Fiction.
Betrayal, Fiction.
Authors, Fiction.
Aristocracy (Social class), England, Fiction.
London (England), Social life and customs, 19th century,

813.6 813.6
The good life. Part 3, A new generation / Dorian Sykes. —New The lost archive / Lynn C. Miller. —Madison : The University of
York : Urban Books, 2023. —304 pages ; 18 cm Wisconsin Press, 2023. —176 pages ; 22 cm
ISBN 9781645564355 paperback £8.99 ISBN 9780299342241 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC379663 BNB Number GBC378218
Prepublication record Prepublication record

813.6 813.6
The housemaid / Freida McFadden. —London : Bookouture, The many deaths of Cole Parker and other stories / Taylor
2023. —336 pages ; 20 cm Grant. —[Los Angeles, CA] : Running Wild Press, [2019]
ISBN 9781408728512 paperback £9.99 —241 p. ; 22 cm.
BNB Number GBC379321 ISBN 9781947041721 ; 194704172X ; 9781947041738 ;
Prepublication record 1947041738
BNB Number GBC378066
813.6 Death, Fiction.
The inconceivable life of Quinn / Marianna Baer. —New York : Short stories.
Amulet Books, 2023. —400 pages ; 21 cm
ISBN 9781419740015 paperback £9.99 813.6
BNB Number GBC379324 The porcelain moon : a novel of France, the Great War, and
Prepublication record forbidden love / Janie Chang. [online resource] —New York,
NY : William Morrow, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers,
813.6 [2023]. —1 online resource.
The lady knows best / Susanna Craig. —New York : Zebra, ISBN 9780063072879 (electronic bk.) ; 0063072874
2023. —320 pages ; 18 cm. (electronic bk.)
ISBN 9781420154795 paperback No price BNB Number GBC377820
BNB Number GBC379332 Arranged marriage, Fiction.
Great Britain, History, Regency, 1811-1820, Fiction. Chinese, France, Fiction.
Prepublication record World War, 1914-1918, France, Fiction.
Female friendship, Fiction.
France, Fiction.
The librarian of burned books : a novel / Brianna Labuskes.
[online resource] —New York, NY : William Morrow, an imprint 813.6
of HarperCollinsPublishers, [2023]. —1 online resource. The portrait of a duchess / Scarlet Peckham. [online resource]
ISBN 9780063259249 (electronic bk.) ; 0063259249 —New York, NY : Avon Books, an imprint of
(electronic bk.) HarperCollinsPublishers, [2023]. —1 online resource.
BNB Number GBC377833 ISBN 9780062935649 (electronic bk.) ; 006293564X
World War, 1939-1945, Women, Fiction. (electronic bk.)
World War, 1939-1945, Censorship, Fiction. BNB Number GBC377818
Books and reading, Fiction. Women painters, Fiction.
Librarians, Fiction. Social reformers, Fiction.
Censorship, Fiction. Aristocracy (Social class), Fiction.
Women authors, Fiction. Great Britain, Social life and customs, 19th century, Fiction.
Widows, Fiction.
Germany, History, 1933-1945, Fiction. 813.6
Paris (France), History, Fiction. The queen and the tower / Shannon Page. —Kansas City, MO
United States, History, 1933-1945, Fiction. : Outland Entertainment, [2019] —265 pages ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9781947659452 (pbk.) ; 1947659456 (pbk.)
813.6 BNB Number GBC377259
The Little Engine that could = La pequeña locomotora que sí Magic, Fiction.
pudo / Watty Piper ; illustrated by George and Doris Hauman ; Witches, Fiction.
translated by Alma Flor Ada. —New York : Grosset & Dunlap,
2023. —48 pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 18 x 21 cm 813.6
ISBN 9780593523261 paperback No price The red tin box / Matthew Burgess ; illustrated by Evan Turk.
BNB Number GBC378394 —San Francisco : Chronicle Books, 2023. —64 pages :
The Little Engine That Could (Fictitious character), Pictorial illustrations (colour) ; 26 cm
works, Juvenile fiction. ISBN 9781452179735 hardback £12.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379360
Grandparent and child, Pictorial works, Juvenile fiction.
Prepublication record

813.6 813.6
The rhythm of time / Questlove, S.A. Cosby. —New York : This delicious death / Kayla Cottingham. —Naperville :
G.P. Putnam's Sons, 2023. —240 pages ; 22 cm Sourcebooks Fire, 2023. —304 pages ; 21 cm
ISBN 9780593354063 hardback No price ISBN 9781728236445 paperback £8.99
BNB Number GBC378378 BNB Number GBC379743
African Americans, Juvenile fiction. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
813.6 Tracy Flick can't win / Tom Perrotta. [online resource]
The shattering : prelude to cataclysm / Christie Golden. —London : 4th Estate, 2023. —1 online resource (272 pages)
—Irvine : Blizzard Entertainment, 2023. —432 pages ; 23 cm. ISBN 9780008653231 ePub ebook £20.00
ISBN 9781956916164 paperback No price BNB Number GBC380388
BNB Number GBC380129 Assistant school principals, New Jersey, Fiction.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

813.6 813.6
The streets keep pulling me back / Brittani Williams. —New Twelve hours in Manhattan : a novel / Maan Gabriel.
York : Urban Books, 2023. —304 pages ; 18 cm —Berkeley : She Writes Press, 2023. —312 pages ; 22 cm
ISBN 9781645564379 paperback £8.99 ISBN 9781647423957 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC379664 BNB Number GBC379681
Prepublication record Prepublication record

813.6 813.6
The Super Mario Bros. movie official storybook / Michael Two wars and a wedding : a novel / Lauren Willig. [online
Moccio. —New York : Random House Books for Young resource] —New York, NY : William Morrow, an imprint of
Readers, 2023. —32 pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 27 HarperCollinsPublishers, [2023]. —1 online resource.
cm. ISBN 9780062986207 (electronic bk.) ; 0062986201
ISBN 9780593646007 hardback No price (electronic bk.)
BNB Number GBC378398 BNB Number GBC377862
Mario, Mario (Fictitious character), Pictorial works, Juvenile United States. Army. Volunteer Cavalry, 1st, Fiction.
fiction. Women archaeologists, Fiction.
Prepublication record Greco-Turkish War, 1897, Fiction.
Military nursing, Fiction.
813.6 Spanish-American War, 1898, Fiction.
The turtle and the deep blue sky / Elizabeth Zimmer ; Female friendship, Fiction.
illustrations by Eric Zimmer. —[Golden, Colorado] : Fulcrum Nurses, Fiction.
Publishing, [2007] —1 volume (unpaged) : illustrations (colour) Cuba, History, Revolution, 1895-1898, Fiction.
; 21 cm Greece, Fiction.
ISBN 9781555915971 hardcover
BNB Number GBC377288 813.6
Valdemar / Mercedes Lackey. —London : Titan Books, 2023.
813.6 —400 pages ; 20 cm.
The undiscovered island / Darrell Kastin. —Revised edition / ISBN 9781789099201 hardback £16.99
introduction by Katherine Vaz. —Dartmouth : Tagus Press, BNB Number GBC379811
2023. —448 pages ; 22 cm Valdemar (Imaginary place), Fiction.
ISBN 9781951470203 paperback £21.95 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC380112
Prepublication record 813.6
Valley mob / James Sawyer. [online resource] —London :
813.6 Austin Macauley publishing Ltd., 2019. —1 online resource
The yellow handkerchief / Donna Barba Higuera ; illustrated ISBN 9781528956505 Electronic book (EPUB format)
by Cynthia Alonso. —New York : Abrams Books for Young BNB Number GBC380386
Readers, 2023. —40 pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 27 Fiction, Mystery & Detective, General.
ISBN 9781419760143 hardback £13.99
BNB Number GBC379328
Mexican Americans, Pictorial works, Juvenile fiction.
Prepublication record

813.6 813.6
VARINA PALLADINO'S JERSEY ITALIAN LOVE STORY. When we had summer / Jennifer Castle. —New York :
[online resource] —[Place of publication not identified] : Disney-Hyperion, 2023. —336 pages ; 21 cm
WILLIAM MORROW, 2023. —1 online resource. ISBN 9781368081405 hardback £17.99
ISBN 9780063228450 (electronic bk.) ; 0063228459 BNB Number GBC379254
(electronic bk.) New Jersey, Fiction.
BNB Number GBC377828 Prepublication record
Widows, Fiction.
Italian American families, Fiction. 813.6
Man-woman relationships, Fiction. When you were new / Jennifer Harris ; illustrated by Lenny
New Jersey, Fiction. Wen. —New York : HarperCollins Children's Books, 2023.
—32 pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 26 cm
813.6 ISBN 9780063137196 hardback £12.99
Vigil Harbor / Julia Glass. —New York : Anchor, 2023. —416 BNB Number GBC378122
pages ; 21 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781101873588 paperback £14.99
BNB Number GBC379138 813.6
Prepublication record Winnie Zeng vanquishes a king / Katie Zhao. —New York :
Random House Books for Young Readers, 2023. —288 pages
813.6 ; 20 cm
Walter finds his voice : the story of a shy crocodile / Ann Kim ISBN 9780593426647 paperback £6.99
Ha. —New York : Red Comet Press, 2023. —32 pages : BNB Number GBC378380
chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 21 x 26 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781636550503 hardback No price
BNB Number GBC379621 813.6
Prepublication record Wolfwood / Marianna Baer. —New York : Amulet Books,
2023. —384 pages ; 21 cm
813.6 ISBN 9781419733710 hardback £13.99
Wedding at Moonglow Bay / a novel by Lori Wilde. [online BNB Number GBC379323
resource] —New York, NY : Avon, an imprint of Harper Prepublication record
Collins, 2023. —1 online resource.
ISBN 0063135914 (electronic bk.) ; 9780063135918 813.6
(electronic bk.) Writers / by Barry Gifford. —New edition. —New York : Seven
BNB Number GBC377870 Stories Press, 2023. —192 pages ; 21 cm
Man-woman relationships, Fiction. ISBN 9781644212868 paperback £14.99
BNB Number GBC379659
813.6 Authors, Fiction.
Westside lights / W.M. Akers. —New York : Harper Voyager, Prepublication record
2023. —288 pages ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9780063043961 paperback £10.99 813.6
BNB Number GBC378120 Writing on the wall : writing education and resistance to
Carr, Gilda (Fictitious character), Fiction. isolationism / edited by David S. Martins, Brooke R. Schreiber,
Manhattan (New York, N.Y.), History, 20th century, Fiction. and Xiaoye You. [online resource] —Logan : Utah State
Prepublication record University Press, [2023]. —1 online resource (ix, 230 pages) :
color illustrations, color map.
813.6 ISBN 9781646423248 electronic book ; 1646423240
What I loved / Siri Hustvedt. [online resource] —London : electronic book
Sceptre, 2012. —1 online resource (384 pages). BNB Number GBC377658
ISBN 9781444719598 Electronic book (EPUB format) ; Multicultural education.
1444719599 Electronic book (EPUB format) English language, Rhetoric, Study and teaching (Higher),
BNB Number GBC377750 Social aspects.
FICTION, Literary. Isolationism, United States.
Transnationalism, Social aspects.
English language, Rhetoric, Study and teaching (Higher),
Political aspects.

813.6 820.80358
You rule! / Rilla Alexander. —San Francisco : Chronicle Rebellious Scots to crush : an anthology of the arts as
Books, 2023. —36 pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 28 cm engendered by the Battle of Prestonpans in 1745 / selected
ISBN 9781797211794 hardback £12.99 with commentaries by Arran Paul Johnston. —Prestonpans,
BNB Number GBC379833 East Lothian, Scotland : Prestoungrange University Press in
Prepublication record association with Burke's Peerage & Gentry, 2008. —110
pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 22 cm
813.609353 ISBN 9780850110685 paperback
The politics of male friendship in contemporary American BNB Number GBC377607
fiction / Michael Kalisch. —Manchester : Manchester
University Press, 2023. —256 pages : illustration (black and 820.9
white) ; 22 cm. Lorg na leabhar : a festschrift for Pádraig A. Breatnach /
ISBN 9781526172044 paperback No price edited by Caoimhín Breatnach, Meidhbhín Ní Úrdail, Gordon
BNB Number GBC379511 Ó Riain. —Dublin : National University of Ireland, [2019] —xiv,
American fiction, 21st century, History and criticism. 520 pages : illustrations, 1 map ; 22 cm
Politics in literature. ISBN 0901510777 ; 9780901510778
Male friendship in literature. BNB Number GBC377602
Prepublication record Irish literature, History and criticism.

814 820.900912
In my shoes : teen reflections on hope & the future / written by In and out of Bloomsbury : biographical essays on
students of Omaha South High Magnet School ; foreward by twentieth-century writers and artists / Martin Ferguson Smith.
Erin Gruwell. —First edition. —Omaha : WriteLife, [2011] —Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2023. —328
—305 pages : portraits ; 21 cm pages : illustrations (colour) ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781608080298 paperback ; 1608080293 paperback ISBN 9781526171931 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC377481 BNB Number GBC379509
High school students, Social conditions. Artists, England, London, History, 20th century.
Essays. Bloomsbury group.
Youth. Authors, English, 20th century, Biography.
Artists, England, London, Biography.
814.54 Prepublication record
My Conversations With Canadians. —First edition. —Toronto :
BookThug, 2017. —160 pages ; 21 cm. 820.936
ISBN 1771663588 (paperback) ; 9781771663588 (paperback) Empire of diamonds : Victorian gems in imperial settings /
BNB Number GBC378042 Adrienne Munich. —[Charlottesville] : University of Virginia
Maracle, Lee. Press, 2020. —xi, 273 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates :
Stó:lō Indians, Social life and customs. illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps (black and
Indians of North America, Canada, Social conditions. white) ; 24 cm
Indians of North America, Canada, Government relations. ISBN 9780813944005 hardcover
Off-reservation boarding schools, Canada. BNB Number GBC377478
Stó:lō Indians, History. English fiction, 19th century, History and criticism.
Diamonds, India.
818.609 Diamonds, South Africa.
The unfolding : an invitation to come home to yourself / Arielle Diamonds in literature.
Estoria. [online resource] —New York : HarperOne, 2023. —1 Diamond industry and trade, History, 19th century.
online resource (224 pages). Crown jewels.
ISBN 9780063094437 (electronic bk.) ; 0063094436 Diamonds, Social aspects.
(electronic bk.)
BNB Number GBC377869
Emotions, Mental health, Poetry.
Self-actualization (Psychology), Poetry.
Self-acceptance, Poetry.

820.936 821.7
The queerness of water : troubled ecologies in the eighteenth Coleridge's sublime later prose and recent theory : Kristeva,
century / Jeremy Chow. —Charlottesville : University of Adorno, Rancière / Murray J. Evans. [online resource]
Virginia Press, 2023. —256 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm. —Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. —1 online
ISBN 9780813949512 paperback £26.95 ; 9780813949505 resource (230 pages)
hardback £85.00 ISBN 9783031255274 PDF ebook £99.50
BNB Number GBC378440 BNB Number GBC381503
Bodies of water in literature. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 1772-1834, Criticism and
English literature, 18th century, History and criticism. interpretation.
Queer theory. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 1772-1834, Religion.
Masculinity in literature. Sublime, The, in literature.
Violence in literature. Prepublication record
Prepublication record 821.914
Life & customs / Bernadette Hall. —Wellington : Victoria
820.99411 University Press, 2013. —88 pages ; 21 cm
The anti-hero's journey : the work and life of Alan Sharp / ISBN 9780864739001 paperback ; 0864739001 paperback
David Manderson. [online resource] —Oxford : Peter Lang, BNB Number GBC377244
2023. —1 online resource (376 pages) : illustrations. New Zealand poetry, 21st century.
ISBN 9781800799936 ePub ebook £40.00 ; 9781800799929
PDF ebook £40.00 821.914
BNB Number GBC381416 Somewhere else in the market : an essay on the poetry of J.
Sharp, Alan, 1934-2013, Criticism and interpretation. H. Prynne / Joe Luna. [online resource] —Cambridge :
English literature, Scottish authors, History and criticism. Cambridge University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (75
Television plays, History and criticism. pages).
Motion picture plays, History and criticism. ISBN 9781009345019 ebook £145.00
Authors, Scottish, 20th century, Biography. BNB Number GBC381159
English fiction, 20th century, History and criticism. Prynne, J. H., 1936-, Criticism and interpretation.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

820.9993 821.914
BEYOND BORDERS : new zealand literature in the global Somewhere else in the market : an essay on the poetry of J.
marketplace. [online resource] —[Place of publication not H. Prynne / Joe Luna. —Cambridge : Cambridge University
identified] : ROUTLEDGE, 2022. —1 online resource. Press, 2023. —75 pages.
ISBN 9781003263449 (electronic bk.) ; 1000702049 ISBN 9781009345040 paperback £17.00
(electronic bk. : PDF) ; 1003263445 (electronic bk.) ; BNB Number GBC378535
9781000702972 (electronic bk. : EPUB) ; 9781000702040 Prynne, J. H., 1936-, Criticism and interpretation.
(electronic bk. : PDF) ; 1000702979 (electronic bk. : EPUB) Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC377624
New Zealand literature, History and criticism.
A whistling of birds / Isobel Dixon. —Rugby : Nine Arches
LITERARY CRITICISM / Australian & Oceanian
Press, 2023. —1 volume ; 22 cm
Literature and globalization, New Zealand.
ISBN 9781913437725 paperback £12.99
821.7 BNB Number GBC380043
Coleridge's sublime later prose and recent theory : Kristeva, Prepublication record
Adorno, Rancière / Murray J. Evans. —Basingstoke : Palgrave
Macmillan, 2023. —230 pages ; 21 cm
Another art of poetry & doorstones / Michael Edwards.
ISBN 9783031255267 hardback £99.99
—Manchester : Carcanet Poetry, 2023. —148 pages ; 22 cm
BNB Number GBC380258
ISBN 9781800173170 paperback £14.99
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 1772-1834, Criticism and
BNB Number GBC379856
Prepublication record
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 1772-1834, Religion.
Sublime, The, in literature.
Prepublication record

821.92 821.92
Courage Out Loud : 25 Poems of Power / Joseph Coelho ; Late shift at the pickle factory / Mary Dickins. —Portishead :
illustrated by Daniel Gray-Barnett. [online resource] —London Burning Eye Books, 2023. —1 volume ; 20 cm
: Wide Eyed Editions, 2023. —1 online resource (39 pages) : ISBN 9781913958381 paperback £6.99
illustrations (color). BNB Number GBC380051
ISBN 0711279209 (electronic bk.) ; 9780711279209 Prepublication record
(electronic bk.)
BNB Number GBC377680 821.92
Children's poetry, English. Let the dead / Dylan Brennan. —Cork : Banshee Press, 2023.
Courage, Juvenile poetry. —112 pages ; 22 cm
ISBN 9781838312695 paperback £8.99
821.92 BNB Number GBC379989
Encyclopaedia / Chloe Elliott. [online resource] —Sheffield : Prepublication record
The New Poets List, 2023. —1 online resource
ISBN 9781914914546 ePub ebook £4.50 821.92
BNB Number GBC381485 Partial shade / John Birtwhistle. —Manchester : Carcanet
Prepublication record Poetry, 2023. —144 pages ; 22 cm
ISBN 9781800173231 paperback £14.99
821.92 BNB Number GBC379857
Encyclopaedia / Chloe Elliott. —Sheffield : The New Poets Prepublication record
List, 2023. —1 volume ; 21 cm
ISBN 9781914914539 paperback £6.00 821.92
BNB Number GBC380065 Patterflash / Adam Lowe. —Leeds : Peepal Tree Press, 2023.
Prepublication record —75 pages ; 21 cm
ISBN 9781845235598 paperback £9.99
821.92 BNB Number GBC380006
Feather light poetry / Keisha-Louise Sparks. [online resource] Sexual minorities, Poetry.
—London : Austin Macauley Publishing Ltd., 2019. —1 online Gay men, Poetry.
resource Prepublication record
ISBN 9781528953306 Electronic book (EPUB format)
BNB Number GBC377317 821.92
POETRY, General. Robbergirls / Kaddy Benyon. —London : Salt, 2023. —80
pages ; 20 cm.
821.92 ISBN 9781784632892 paperback £10.99
Good Boy / by Páidí Murphy. [online resource] —London : BNB Number GBC379786
Austin Macauley, 2019. —1 online resource : illustrations Prepublication record
ISBN 9781528953986 Electronic book (EPUB format)
BNB Number GBC377514 821.92
JUVENILE FICTION, Poetry (see also Stories in Verse) The many uses of mint : new and selected poems 1998-2018
/ Ravi Shankar. —Kambah, ACT : Recent Work Press, 2018.
821.92 —iii, 193 pages ; 21 cm
Hard drive / Paul Stephenson. —Manchester : Carcanet ISBN 0648257940 ; 9780648257943 paperback
Poetry, 2023. —96 pages ; 22 cm BNB Number GBC377444
ISBN 9781800173279 paperback £12.99
BNB Number GBC379858 821.92
Love poetry, English. The pretence of understanding / Beth Davies. [online
Gay men, Poetry. resource] —Sheffield : The New Poets List, 2023. —1 online
Prepublication record resource
ISBN 9781914914522 ePub ebook £4.50
821.92 BNB Number GBC381484
I remember Kim / Rona Cran. —Kenilworth : Verve Poetry Loss (Psychology), Poetry.
Press, 2023. —1 volume ; 22 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781913917388 paperback £10.99
BNB Number GBC380048
Bereavement, Poetry.
Prepublication record

821.92 822.009
The pretence of understanding / Beth Davies. —Sheffield : The visual life of Romantic theater, 1780-1830 / edited by
The New Poets List, 2023. —1 volume ; 21 cm Diane Piccitto, Terry F. Robinson. —Ann Arbor : The
ISBN 9781914914515 paperback £6.00 University of Michigan Press, 2023. —384 pages : illustrations
BNB Number GBC380064 ; 23 cm
Loss (Psychology), Poetry. ISBN 9780472132881 hardback £80.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC378345
821.92 English drama, 19th century, History and criticism.
This is not an epiphany / Tom Branfoot. [online resource] Theater, History, 18th century.
—Sheffield : The New Poets List, 2023. —1 online resource English drama, 18th century, History and criticism.
ISBN 9781914914508 ePub ebook £4.50 Theater, History, 19th century.
BNB Number GBC381483 Prepublication record
Prepublication record
821.92 The Oberon book of queer monologues / edited by Scottee.
This is not an epiphany / Tom Branfoot. —Sheffield : The New —London : Methuen Drama, 2022. —199 pages ; 22 cm
Poets List, 2023. —1 volume ; 21 cm ISBN 9781350298927 (paperback) ; 1350298921 (paperback)
ISBN 9781914914492 paperback £6.00 BNB Number GBC377467
BNB Number GBC380063 Sexual minorities, Drama.
Prepublication record Homosexuality, Drama.
821.92 822.3093553
This Time, Tomorrow : A Compendium of Laboured Voices Economies of early modern drama : Shakespeare, Jonson,
from the Zambian 'Komboni' / compiled and edited by and Middleton / Anne Enderwitz. —Oxford : Oxford University
Mwange Kauseni. [online resource] —Bloomington, Indiana : Press, 2023. —272 pages ; 24 cm
AuthorHouse UK, 28 October 2016. —1 online resource. ISBN 9780192866813 hardback £78.00
ISBN 9781524664725 Electronic book (EPUB format) BNB Number GBC378143
BNB Number GBC378056 Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616, Criticism and
Art, General. interpretation.
Poetry, General. Middleton, Thomas, -1627, Criticism and interpretation.
Jonson, Ben, 1573?-1637, Criticism and interpretation.
Economics in literature.
Unapologetic Poetry : 'I Will Never Apologise for Being Who I
Sociology in literature.
Am!' / Poems written by Michelle Smith. [online resource]
Prepublication record
—Bloomington, Indiana : AuthorHouse UK, 19 October 2016.
—1 online resource. 822.30935855
ISBN 9781524629823 Electronic book (EPUB format) Persia in early modern English drama, 1530-1699 : the
BNB Number GBC378049 imagined empire / Chloë Houston. [online resource]
Poetry, General. —Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. —1 online
resource (293 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9783031226182 PDF ebook £99.50
What noise on earth? / Susan Connolly. —Dugort, Achill Co.
BNB Number GBC381494
Mayo : Redfoxpress, November 2019. —40 unnumbered
English drama, 17th century, Themes, motives.
pages : illustrations (colour) ; 15 cm.
English drama, Early modern and Elizabethan, 1500-1600,
BNB Number GBC377268
Themes, motives.
Visual poetry.
Iran, In literature.
Artists' books, Specimens.
Prepublication record
Wild life / James McDermott. —Rugby : Nine Arches Press,
2023. —1 volume ; 22 cm
ISBN 9781913437701 paperback £10.99
BNB Number GBC380042
Prepublication record

822.30935855 822.33
Persia in early modern English drama, 1530-1699 : the Shakespeare without a life / Margreta de Grazia. [online
imagined empire / Chloë Houston. —Basingstoke : Palgrave resource] —Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2023. —1 online
Macmillan, 2023. —293 pages : illustrations (black and white) resource (viii, 169 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and
; 21 cm. colour).
ISBN 9783031226175 hardback £99.99 ISBN 9780198812548 hardback No price ; 9780191850349
BNB Number GBC380234 ebook No price
English drama, Early modern and Elizabethan, 1500-1600, BNB Number GBC380400
Themes, motives. Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616
English drama, 17th century, Themes, motives.
Iran, In literature. Authors, English, Early modern, 1500-1700, Biography.
Prepublication record Criticism, History, 17th century.
Criticism, History, 18th century.
822.33 Prepublication record
King Lear / William Shakespeare. —London : Arcturus, 2023.
—208 pages ; 20 cm. 822.33
ISBN 9781398813540 paperback £6.99 Shakespeare, education and pedagogy : representations,
BNB Number GBC379299 interactions and adaptations / edited by Pamela Bickley and
Lear, King of England (Legendary character), Drama. Jenny Stevens. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023.
Prepublication record —1 online resource (xv, 204 pages) : illustrations (black and
822.33 ISBN 9781003188704 ebook No price ; 9781032037288
Othello / William Shakespeare. —London : Arcturus, 2023. paperback No price ; 9781032037271 hardback No price
—192 pages ; 20 cm. BNB Number GBC381562
ISBN 9781398824553 paperback £6.99 Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616, Criticism and
BNB Number GBC379305 interpretation.
Othello (Fictitious character from Shakespeare), Drama. Education in literature.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

822.33 822.33
Pivotal lines in Shakespeare and others : finding the heart of The drama of complaint : ethical provocations in
the play / Sidney Homan. [online resource] —London : Shakespeare's tragedy / Emily Shortslef. —Oxford : Oxford
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (256 pages). University Press, 2023. —240 pages ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781000893038 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000892987 ISBN 9780192868480 hardback £65.00
PDF ebook £38.99 BNB Number GBC378147
BNB Number GBC380832 Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616, Tragedies.
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616, Criticism, Textual. Complaint poetry, English, History and criticism.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

822.33 822.33
Pivotal lines in Shakespeare and others : finding the heart of The merchant of Venice / William Shakespeare. —London :
the play / Sidney Homan. —London : Routledge, 2023. —256 Arcturus, 2023. —160 pages ; 20 cm.
pages ; 23 cm. ISBN 9781398813533 paperback £6.99
ISBN 9781032348629 hardback £130.00 BNB Number GBC379298
BNB Number GBC378840 Jews, Italy, Venice, Drama.
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616, Criticism, Textual. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
822.33 The tempest / William Shakespeare. —New edition. —London
Shakespeare in succession : translation and time / edited by : Arcturus, 2023. —144 pages ; 20 cm.
Michael Saenger, Sergio Costola. —Montreal : ISBN 9781398824560 paperback £6.99
McGill-Queen's University Press, 2023. —336 pages : BNB Number GBC379306
illustrations ; 23 cm Shipwreck victims, Drama.
ISBN 9780228016496 hardback No price Fathers and daughters, Drama.
BNB Number GBC380374 Prepublication record
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616, Translations, History
and criticism.
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616, History and criticism.
Prepublication record

822.914 822.92
Frank exchanges : letters between Frank Whitbourn, theatre Hamnet / Maggie O'Farrell, Lolita Chakrabarti. [online
enthusiast, and David Wood, children's dramatist / David resource] —London : Bloomsbury Methuen Drama, 2023. —1
Wood, Frank Whitbourn ; edited by Chris Abbott. —Kibworth : online resource (104 pages).
The Book Guild Publishing, 2023. —300 pages ; 24 cm ISBN 9781350416581 ePub ebook £9.89 ; 9781350416598
ISBN 9781915603876 paperback £12.99 PDF ebook £9.89
BNB Number GBC380081 BNB Number GBC381238
Whitbourne, Frank, Correspondence. Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616, Family, Drama.
Wood, David, 1944-, Correspondence. Prepublication record
Dramatists, English, 20th century, Correspondence.
Prepublication record 822.92
Orphans / Dennis Kelly. —New York : Methuen Drama, 2022.
822.914 —119 pages ; 21 cm.
Harold Pinter / Graham Saunders. [online resource] —London ISBN 1350265926 (paperback) ; 9781350265929 (paperback)
: Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (162 pages). BNB Number GBC377470
ISBN 9781000890945 ePub ebook £35.99 ; 9781000890921 Violent crimes, Drama.
PDF ebook £35.99 Families, Drama.
BNB Number GBC380771
Pinter, Harold, 1930-2008, Criticism and interpretation. 822.92
Pinter, Harold, 1930-2008, Stage history. Retrograde / Ryan Calais Cameron. —London : Bloomsbury
Prepublication record Methuen Drama, 2023. —88 pages ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9781350419001 paperback £10.99
822.914 BNB Number GBC379249
Harold Pinter / Graham Saunders. —London : Routledge, Poitier, Sidney, Drama.
2023. —162 pages ; 24 cm. Actors, Black, Drama.
ISBN 9781032029733 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032468174 Los Angeles (Calif.), History, 20th century, Drama.
paperback £35.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378563
Pinter, Harold, 1930-2008, Criticism and interpretation. 823.01089287
Pinter, Harold, 1930-2008, Stage history. The ones who flew the nest / edited by Isabelle Kenyon.
Prepublication record —New Mills : Fly on the Wall Press, 2023. —200 pages ; 20
822.914 ISBN 9781915789044 paperback £10.99
Sheila's island / by Tim Firth. —London : Samuel French Ltd., BNB Number GBC380091
[2022] —122 pages : music ; 20 cm Short stories, English, Women authors.
ISBN 0573132968 paperback ; 9780573132964 paperback Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC377616
Drama, 21st century. 823.0934
Words in collision : multilingualism in English-language fiction
822.92 / Michael L. Ross. —Montreal : McGill-Queen's University
Flowers for Mrs Harris : based on the novel by Paul Gallico / a Press, 2023. —224 pages ; 23 cm
musical by Richard Taylor and Rachel Wagstaff ; book by ISBN 9780228016977 hardback No price
Rachel Wagstaff ; music and lyrics by Richard Taylor. BNB Number GBC378201
—[London] : Samuel French, [2021] —140 pages ; 21 cm Multilingualism and literature.
ISBN 9780573132490 (paperback) ; 0573132496 (paperback) English fiction, Foreign influences.
BNB Number GBC377446 English language, Foreign words and phrases.
Cleaning personnel, Drama. English fiction, History and criticism.
Dresses, Drama. Prepublication record
London (England), Drama.
Paris (France), Drama.

823.5093561 823.912
Reading smell in eighteenth-century fiction / Emily C. The first adventure of Sherlock Holmes : a study in scarlet /
Friedman. —Lewisburg : Bucknell University Press, 2023. Arthur Conan Doyle ; illustrated by Vincent Mallie ; edited by
—228 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 23 Mike Kennedy. —Burbank : Magnetic Press, 2023. —120
cm pages : illustrations ; 28 cm
ISBN 9781684484805 paperback £31.95 ISBN 9781951719746 hardback £22.99
BNB Number GBC379730 BNB Number GBC380113
English fiction, 18th century, History and criticism. Watson, John H. (Fictitious character), Fiction.
Smell in literature. Holmes, Sherlock, Fiction.
Odors in literature. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
823.6 Becoming Mrs Mulberry / Jackie French. [online resource]
Rosella, or modern occurrences : by Mary Charlton / edited by —Sydney : HQ Fiction, 2023. —1 online resource.
Natalie Neill. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. ISBN 9781867243519 (electronic bk.) ; 1867243512
—1 online resource (398 pages). (electronic bk.)
ISBN 9781000888843 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000888805 BNB Number GBC377891
PDF ebook £48.99 Rich people, Fiction.
BNB Number GBC380709 Girls, Fiction.
Prepublication record Man-woman relationships, Fiction.
Interpersonal relations, Fiction.
823.6 World War, 1914-1918, Veterans, Australia, Fiction.
Rosella, or modern occurrences : by Mary Charlton / edited by Circus, Fiction.
Natalie Neill. —London : Routledge, 2023. —398 pages ; 24 Australia, Fiction.
ISBN 9781032007724 hardback £110.00 823.914
BNB Number GBC378550 Beneath the aurora / Richard Woodman. [online resource]
Prepublication record —Essex, Connecticut : Mcbooks, [2023]. —1 online resource.
ISBN 1493071483 ; 9781493071487 (ebook)
823.8 BNB Number GBC377649
Agnes Grey / Anne Brontë. —London : Arcturus, 2023. —192 Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815, Fiction.
pages ; 20 cm. Drinkwater, Nathaniel (Fictitious character), Fiction.
ISBN 9781398813410 paperback £6.99 Great Britain, History, Naval, 19th century, Fiction.
BNB Number GBC379297 Norway, Fiction.
Prepublication record
823.8 Black Swan Green / David Mitchell. [online resource]
Shirley / Charlotte Brontë. —London : Arcturus, 2023. —528 —London : Hodder & Stoughton, 2008. —1 online resource
pages ; 20 cm. (300 pages).
ISBN 9781398813588 paperback £8.99 ISBN 1844568822 Electronic book (EPUB format) ;
BNB Number GBC379300 9781844568826 Electronic book (EPUB format)
Yorkshire (England), Fiction. BNB Number GBC377793
Prepublication record FICTION, Literary.
Teenage boys, England, Worcestershire, Fiction.
Great Britain, Social life and customs, 1945-, Fiction.
The critical reception of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle : Sherlock
Holmes and beyond / Laurence W. Mazzeno. —Rochester : 823.914
Camden House, 2023. —318 pages ; 23 cm. Charlotte Gray / Sebastian Faulks. —New edition. —London :
ISBN 9781640140936 hardback £95.00 Penguin Books, 2023. —512 pages ; 20 cm
BNB Number GBC379640 ISBN 9781804944196 paperback £9.99
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930, Criticism and BNB Number GBC379963
interpretation, History. World War, 1939-1945, Underground movements, France,
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1859-1930, Appreciation. Fiction.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

823.914 823.914
Classic Ruskin Bond. Vol. 2, The memoirs. —Omnibus One morning like a bird / Andrew Miller. [online resource]
edition. —Gurugram, Haryana, India : Penguin Books, 2012. —London : Sceptre, 2009. —1 online resource (384 pages).
—x, 766 pages ; 22 cm ISBN 9781848948242 Electronic book (EPUB format) ;
ISBN 9780143419075 paperback 1848948247 Electronic book (EPUB format)
BNB Number GBC377296 BNB Number GBC377756
FICTION, Literary.
823.914 Poets, Japan, Fiction.
Constable country / Catherine Aird. [online resource] Young men, Japan, Social conditions, Fiction.
—London : Allison & Busby Limited, 2023. —1 online resource FICTION, Historical, General.
(320 pages). Japan, Social life and customs, 1912-1945, Fiction.
ISBN 9780749030803 ePub ebook £14.99 Japan, Social conditions, 1912-1945, Fiction.
BNB Number GBC380476 Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945, Social aspects, Fiction.
Crosby, W., Detective Constable (Fictitious character),
Fiction. 823.914
Sloan, C. D. (Fictitious character), Fiction. Oxygen / Andrew Miller. [online resource] —London : Hodder
Police, England, Fiction. & Stoughton, 2002. —1 online resource (336 pages).
Prepublication record ISBN 9781848947979 Electronic book (EPUB format) ;
1848947976 Electronic book (EPUB format)
823.914 BNB Number GBC377754
Constable country / Catherine Aird. —London : Allison & Terminally ill parents, Fiction.
Busby Limited, 2023. —320 pages ; 22 cm. FICTION, Literary.
ISBN 9780749030759 hardback £19.99 Actors, Fiction.
BNB Number GBC378419 Hungarians, France, Fiction.
Crosby, W., Detective Constable (Fictitious character), Dramatists, Fiction.
Fiction. Mothers and sons, Fiction.
Sloan, C. D. (Fictitious character), Fiction. Translators, Fiction.
Police, England, Fiction. Paris (France), Fiction.
Prepublication record England, Fiction.
823.914 823.914
Ingenious pain / Andrew Miller. [online resource] —London : The bell / Iris Murdoch ; introduction by A.S. Byatt. [online
Hodder & Stoughton, 2006. —1 online resource (352 pages). resource] —New York : Penguin Books, 2001, ©1958. —1
ISBN 9781848947955 Electronic book (EPUB format) ; online resource (xvi, 296 pages).
184894795X Electronic book (EPUB format) ISBN 1409078760 ; 9781101495667 (electronic bk.) ;
BNB Number GBC377795 1101495669 (electronic bk.) ; 9781409078760 ; 1101495235
FICTION, Literary. (electronic bk.) ; 9781101495230 (electronic bk.)
Surgeons, England, Bath, Fiction. BNB Number GBC377686
FICTION, Historical, General. Church bells, Fiction.
History, Modern, 18th century, Fiction. Gay men, Fiction.
Bath (England), Fiction. Religious communities, Fiction.
Married women, Fiction.
FICTION, Psychological.
Old bones : a Marcus Corvinus mystery / David Wishart. [pbc].
Gloucestershire (England), Fiction.
[online resource] —London : Hodder & Stoughton, 2011. —1
online resource (368 pages). 823.914
ISBN 1444732781 Electronic book (EPUB format) ; The guilty wife / Alison James. [online resource] —London :
9781444732788 Electronic book (EPUB format) Bookouture, 2021. —1 online resource (350 pages).
BNB Number GBC377751 ISBN 9781800194175 Electronic book (EPUB format)
FICTION, Mystery & Detective, Historical. BNB Number GBC377761
Murder, Investigation, Fiction. Fiction, Suspense.
Murder, Fiction. Fiction, Thrillers.
Betrayal, Fiction. Fiction, Contemporary Women.
FICTION, Historical, General. Fiction, Psychological.
Newlyweds, Fiction.
Mauritius, Fiction.

823.914 823.914
The know / by Martina Cole. [online resource] —London : This mournable body : a novel / Tsitsi Dangarembga.
Headline, 2004. —1 online resource (300 pages). —Minneapolis, Minnesota : Graywolf Press, [2018] —284
ISBN 0755350782 Electronic book (EPUB format) ; pages ; 21 cm
9780755350780 Electronic book (EPUB format) ISBN 9781555978129 paperback ; 1555978126 paperback
BNB Number GBC377748 BNB Number GBC377262
FICTION, Crime. Ecotourism, Zimbabwe, Harare, Fiction.
FICTION, Thrillers, Crime. Identity (Psychology), Fiction.
FICTION, Thrillers, Suspense. FICTION / Literary.
FICTION, Family Life, General. Choice (Psychology), Fiction.
FICTION, Thrillers, General. Boardinghouses, Zimbabwe, Harare, Fiction.
Mother and child, Fiction. Humiliation, Fiction.
FICTION, Mystery & Detective, Hard-Boiled. Homecoming, Fiction.
FICTION, Women. Biology teachers, Zimbabwe, Harare, Fiction.
FICTION, City Life. Women, Psychology, Fiction.
FICTION, Thrillers, Domestic. Harare (Zimbabwe), Fiction.
FICTION, General.
823.914 A bad decade for good people / Joe Bedford. —Cardigan :
The optimists / Andrew Miller. [online resource] —London : Parthian, 2023. —320 pages ; 20 cm
Sceptre, 2009. —1 online resource (320 pages). ISBN 9781914595554 paperback £10.99
ISBN 1848948239 Electronic book (EPUB format) ; BNB Number GBC380061
9781848948235 Electronic book (EPUB format) Great Britain, Social conditions, 21st century, Fiction.
BNB Number GBC377755 Prepublication record
Photojournalists, Great Britain, Fiction.
Genocide, Psychological aspects, Fiction. 823.92
Genocide, Africa, Fiction. A broken people's playlist : stories (from songs) / Chimeka
FICTION, Literary. Garricks. [online resource] —New York, NY : HarperVia, 2020.
—1 online resource.
823.914 ISBN 0063268205 (electronic bk.) ; 9780063268203
The secret scripture : a novel / by Sebastian Barry. [online (electronic bk.)
resource] —London : Faber and Faber, 2008. —1 online BNB Number GBC377878
resource (300 pages). Music, Fiction.
ISBN 1322725853 (electronic bk.) ; 9780571247523 Short stories, Irish, 21st century.
(electronic bk.) ; 9781322725857 (electronic bk.) ;
0571247520 (electronic bk.) 823.92
BNB Number GBC377776 A farewell to reason / Robert E. Englekirk. [online resource]
Psychiatrists, Fiction. —London : Austin Macauley publishing Ltd., 2019. —1 online
Physician and patient, Fiction. resource : maps
Women patients, Fiction. ISBN 9781528958363 Electronic book (EPUB format)
Sligo (Ireland : County), Fiction. BNB Number GBC378112
Ireland, Fiction. Fiction, General.
Ireland, Social conditions, 1922-1973, Fiction.
A respectable veneer / Rachel Doré. [online resource]
—Auckland, New Zealand : Upstart Press Ltd, 2023. —1
online resource.
ISBN 1990003966 ; 9781990003967 (electronic bk.)
BNB Number GBC377746
Mothers and daughters, Fiction.
Single mothers, Fiction.
Manawatu (N.Z.), Fiction.

823.92 823.92
A stamp of a criminal / Peter James. [online resource] Alien Deception / Andrew Mark Jameson. [online resource]
—Clevedon : BOTH Press, 2023. —1 online resource (98 —Bloomington, Indiana : AuthorHouse UK, 25 October 2016.
pages) : illustrations (black and white). —1 online resource.
ISBN 9781913603281 ePub ebook £5.00 ISBN 9781524665388 Electronic book (EPUB format)
BNB Number GBC381481 BNB Number GBC378051
Grace, Roy (Fictitious character), Fiction. Fiction, Fantasy, General.
Police, England, Brighton, Fiction. Fiction, General.
Prepublication record Fiction, Science Fiction, General.

823.92 823.92
A stamp of a criminal / Peter James. —Clevedon : BOTH All is fortune : and other theatre stories / Jonathan Croall.
Press, 2023. —98 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 20 —Kibworth : The Book Guild Publishing, 2023. —200 pages ;
cm. 20 cm
ISBN 9781913603274 paperback £8.99 ISBN 9781915603814 paperback £8.99
BNB Number GBC380045 BNB Number GBC380078
Grace, Roy (Fictitious character), Fiction. Prepublication record
Police, England, Brighton, Fiction.
Prepublication record 823.92
Archived guilt / Valerie Leijtens. [online resource] —London :
823.92 Austin Macauley Publishing Ltd., 2019. —1 online resource
A zoo in my shoe / Jason Korsner ; illustrated by Max Low. ISBN 9781528955584 Electronic book (EPUB format)
—Llanelli : Graffeg, 2023. —36 pages : chiefly illustrations BNB Number GBC377560
(colour) ; 25 cm Fiction, Crime.
ISBN 9781802584073 paperback £7.99
BNB Number GBC379913 823.92
Prepublication record Azúcar / Nii Ayikwei Parkes. —Leeds : Peepal Tree Press,
2023. —1 volume ; 21 cm
823.92 ISBN 9781845235475 paperback £10.99
Abercrombie / S. J. Goodin. [online resource] —London : BNB Number GBC380005
Austin Macauley Publishing Ltd., 2019. —1 online resource Caribbean Area, Fiction.
ISBN 9781528955836 Electronic book (EPUB format) Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378109
Juvenile Fiction, Action & Adventure, General. 823.92
Baby twinkle, twinkle, little star. —Los Angeles : Disney Press,
823.92 2023. —22 pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 21 cm
Alamanda / Graham Fry. [online resource] —Market ISBN 9781368089340 hardback £9.99
Harborough : Matador, 2023. —1 online resource (328 pages) BNB Number GBC379256
ISBN 9781805145790 ePub ebook £3.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC381449
Prepublication record 823.92
Beautiful innocence : the heart-warming Victorian saga of
823.92 triumph over adversity / Beryl Matthews. [online resource]
Alamanda / Graham Fry. —Market Harborough : Matador, —London : Allison & Busby Limited, 2023. —1 online resource
2023. —328 pages ; 20 cm (384 pages)
ISBN 9781803137131 paperback £9.99 ISBN 9780749030353 ePub ebook £12.99
BNB Number GBC379922 BNB Number GBC380473
Prepublication record London (England), History, 1800-1950, Fiction.
Prepublication record
Albert and the pond / Ian Brown ; illustrated by Eoin Clarke. 823.92
—Llanelli : Graffeg, 2023. —36 pages : chiefly illustrations Beautiful innocence : the heart-warming Victorian saga of
(colour) ; 25 cm triumph over adversity / Beryl Matthews. —London : Allison &
ISBN 9781802584066 paperback £7.99 Busby Limited, 2023. —384 pages ; 22 cm
BNB Number GBC379912 ISBN 9780749030308 hardback £19.99
Albert (Fictitious character from Brown), Pictorial works, BNB Number GBC378416
Juvenile fiction. London (England), History, 1800-1950, Fiction.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

823.92 823.92
Bedtime stories for kids : meditation stories for kids, children Blood shadows / Lindsay J. Pryor. [online resource]
and toddlers. Help your children fall asleep and learn —Ickenham : Bookouture, 2012. —1 online resource.
mindfulness with happy Christmas stories / Anna Lopez. ISBN 9781909490000 (electronic bk.) ; 1909490008
—[Great Britain] : [Anna Lopez], [2020?] —140 pages : (electronic bk.)
illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm BNB Number GBC377782
ISBN 9781801098960 paperback Survival, Fiction.
BNB Number GBC378099 Women, Psychic ability, Fiction.
FICTION, General.
823.92 Man-woman relationships, Fiction.
Beneath the bodies : a British murder mystery / Jack Gatland. Vampires, Fiction.
—Place of publication not identified : Independently published,
2023. —1 volume. 823.92
ISBN 9798387520129 paperback £12.99 Born guilty : never say never / Frank Ekenobaye. [online
BNB Number GBC380383 resource] —London : Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd., 2019.
Walsh, Declan (Fictitious character), Fiction. —1 online resource
Prepublication record ISBN 9781528953368 Electronic book (EPUB format)
BNB Number GBC377526
823.92 Immigrants, Germany, Fiction.
Black Valley Farm / Sheila Bugler. [online resource] —London Fiction, General.
: Canelo Crime, 2023. —1 online resource (320 pages)
ISBN 9781800327337 ePub ebook £1.99 823.92
BNB Number GBC381408 Bronty's battle cry / Hannah Peckham ; illustrated by Hanna
Prepublication record Tkachenko. —Worksop : Award Publications, 2023. —32
pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 28 cm
823.92 ISBN 9781782705499 paperback £6.99
Black Valley Farm / Sheila Bugler. —London : Canelo Crime, BNB Number GBC379777
2023. —320 pages ; 20 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781800327344 paperback £9.99
BNB Number GBC379863 823.92
Prepublication record Burial rites / Hannah Kent. [online resource] —[Place of
publication not identified] : Picador, 2013. —1 online resource
823.92 (256 pages).
Blood deep / Lindsay J. Pryor. [online resource] —Ickenham, ISBN 9781447233169 PDF ; 1447233166 PDF
United Kingdom : Bookouture, [2014]. —1 online resource. BNB Number GBC377685
ISBN 9781909490697 (electronic bk.) ; 1909490695 FICTION / Historical / General
(electronic bk.) FICTION / Thrillers / Crime
BNB Number GBC377780 FICTION / Thrillers / Historical
Secrecy, Fiction. TRUE CRIME / Murder / General
Man-woman relationships, Fiction. HISTORY / Women
Iceland, History, 19th century, Fiction.
Blood roses / Lindsay J. Pryor. [online resource] —[Seaford] : 823.92
Bookouture, 2014. —1 online resource. Cloud atlas / David Mitchell. [online resource] —London :
ISBN 1909490024 (electronic bk.) ; 9781909490024 Hodder & Stoughton, 2008. —1 online resource (300 pages).
(electronic bk.) ISBN 9781844568819 Electronic book (EPUB format) ;
BNB Number GBC377779 1844568814 Electronic book (EPUB format)
Man-woman relationships, Fiction. BNB Number GBC377792
Witches, Fiction. FICTION, Fantasy, General.
Vampires, Fiction. FICTION, Science Fiction, General.
Fate and fatalism, Fiction.
FICTION, Literary.
Reincarnation, Fiction.

823.92 823.92
Cyborg Cat and the Masked Marauder / Ade Adepitan ; East of Alice / Annie Seaton. [online resource] —Sydney,
illustrations by Carl Pearce. [online resource] —London : NSW : HQ Fiction, 2022. —1 online resource (384 pages).
Piccadilly Press, 2020. —1 online resource (176 pages). ISBN 148927779X ; 9781489277794 EPUB
ISBN 1848128924 EPUB ; 9781848128927 EPUB BNB Number GBC377842
BNB Number GBC377743 Criminal investigation, Fiction.
Cyborg Cat, (Fictitious character from Adepitan), Juvenile Twins, Fiction.
fiction. Missing persons, Fiction.
Children with disabilities, Juvenile fiction. Man-woman relationships, Fiction.
JUVENILE FICTION / Sports & Recreation / Basketball Fiction - Suspense.
JUVENILE FICTION / Humorous Stories Homecoming, Fiction.
JUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / Self-Esteem & Fiction - Romance - Contemporary.
Self-Reliance Alice Springs (N.T.), Fiction.
Children's stories.
823.92 Egg / Susannah Hagan. —Market Harborough : Matador,
Dancing with the enemy / Diane Armstrong. [online resource] 2023. —96 pages ; 19 cm
—Sydney, New South Wales : HarperCollins Publishers, ISBN 9781803137056 paperback £9.99
2022. —1 online resource (496 pages). BNB Number GBC379920
ISBN 1867206552 ; 9781867206552 EPUB : Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC377843
Fiction - Historical. 823.92
Man-woman relationships, Fiction. Every dead thing / John Connolly. [online resource] —London
Families, Fiction. : Hodder & Stoughton, 2008. —1 online resource (480 pages).
Fiction - War. ISBN 9781844568383 Electronic book (EPUB format) ;
Revenge, Fiction. 1844568385 Electronic book (EPUB format)
Fiction - Sagas. BNB Number GBC377757
Parker, Charlie "Bird" (Fictitious character), Fiction.
823.92 FICTION, Thrillers, General.
Death at the chateau / Ian Moore. [online resource] FICTION, Crime.
—Richmond : Farrago, 2023. —1 online resource (304 pages). Private investigators, Fiction.
ISBN 9781788424066 ePub ebook £4.99 FICTION, Thrillers, Suspense.
BNB Number GBC381390 Missing persons, Investigation, New York (State), New
Ainsworth, Richard (Fictitious character), Fiction. York, Fiction.
Loire River Valley (France), Fiction.
Prepublication record 823.92
Falling animals / Sheila Armstrong. [online resource]
823.92 —London : Bloomsbury, 2023. —1 online resource (240
Death at the chateau / Ian Moore. —Richmond : Farrago, pages)
2023. —304 pages ; 22 cm. ISBN 9781526635839 ePub ebook £10.49 ; 9781526666079
ISBN 9781788424059 hardback £14.99 ; 9781788424417 PDF ebook £10.49
paperback £12.99 BNB Number GBC381327
BNB Number GBC379804 Prepublication record
Ainsworth, Richard (Fictitious character), Fiction.
Loire River Valley (France), Fiction. 823.92
Prepublication record Ferry Lane market bundle / Nicola May. [online resource]
—London : Hodder & Stoughton, 2023. —1 online resource
823.92 ISBN 9781399726795 ePub ebook £4.99
Death message / Damien Boyd. —Seattle : Thomas & Mercer, BNB Number GBC381281
2023. —368 pages. Romance fiction, English.
ISBN 9781662507359 paperback £8.99 Cornwall (England : County), Fiction.
BNB Number GBC379697 Prepublication record
Dixon, Nick (Fictitious character), Fiction.
Prepublication record

823.92 823.92
First among sequels / Jasper Fforde. [online resource] Ghostwritten : a novel in nine parts / David Mitchell. [online
—London : Hodder & Stoughton, 2008. —1 online resource resource] —London : Hodder & Stoughton, 2008. —1 online
(300 pages). resource (300 pages).
ISBN 9781844568871 Electronic book (EPUB format) ; ISBN 9781844568833 Electronic book (EPUB format) ;
1844568873 Electronic book (EPUB format) 1844568830 Electronic book (EPUB format)
BNB Number GBC377799 BNB Number GBC377791
FICTION, Crime. FICTION, Literary.
FICTION, Fantasy, Humorous. FICTION, Fantasy, General.
FICTION, Absurdist.
Next, Thursday (Fictitious character), Fiction. 823.92
FICTION, Fantasy, Action & Adventure. Girls of little hope / Dale Halvorsen. [online resource]
Women detectives, Fiction. —London : Titan Books, 2023. —1 online resource (368
FICTION, Science Fiction, General. pages)
ISBN 9781803362281 ePub ebook £6.99
823.92 BNB Number GBC381429
Fission / Christopher Kerr. —Kibworth : The Book Guild Prepublication record
Publishing, 2023. —496 pages ; 22 cm
ISBN 9781915603913 paperback £10.99 823.92
BNB Number GBC380083 Girls of little hope / Dale Halvorsen. —London : Titan Books,
Prepublication record 2023. —368 pages ; 20 cm
ISBN 9781803362076 paperback £9.99
823.92 BNB Number GBC379929
Freddie Lee / Frankie Wilky. [online resource] —London : Prepublication record
Austin Macauley Publishing ltd., 2019. —1 online resource
ISBN 9781528962933 Electronic book (EPUB format) 823.92
BNB Number GBC377570 Gonnae no dae that / Miller H. Caldwell. —Market Harborough
Fiction, General. : Matador, 2023. —192 pages ; 20 cm
ISBN 9781803137261 paperback £12.99
823.92 BNB Number GBC379924
Freya Fontaine and the winged lion of Aretas / C. J. Cornier. Caldwell, Miller H., 1950-
[online resource] —London : Austin Macauley Publishing Lltd.,
2019. —1 online resource Novelists, Scottish, 21st century, Biography.
ISBN 9781528953177 Electronic book (EPUB format) Scotland, Biography.
BNB Number GBC377555 Prepublication record
Fiction, Action & Adventure.
823.92 Horizons / Himanshu Asnani. [online resource] —Gurgaon :
Further adventures of Courtney the hedgehog / Paul C. Hachette India, 2023. —1 online resource
Greenhalgh. [online resource] —London : Austin Macauley ISBN 9789393701886 ePub ebook £12.99
Publishing Ltd., 2019. —1 online resource BNB Number GBC381523
ISBN 9781528953009 Electronic book (EPUB format) Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC377517
Juvenile Fiction, Action & Adventure, General. 823.92
I could read the sky / Timothy O'Grady ; photographs by
823.92 Steve Pyke. [online resource] —London : Unbound, 2023. —1
Fyny fry / Nicola Davies ; illustrated by Cathy Fisher ; online resource (272 pages)
translated by Anwen Pierce. —Llanelli : Graffeg, 2023. —36 ISBN 9781800182721 ePub ebook £6.99
pages : illustrations ; 20 cm BNB Number GBC381407
ISBN 9781802583649 paperback £6.99 Irish, England, Fiction.
BNB Number GBC379911 Ireland, Emigration and immigration, Fiction.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

823.92 823.92
I could read the sky / Timothy O'Grady ; photographs by Last dance at the discotheque for deviants / Paul David
Steve Pyke. —London : Unbound, 2023. —272 pages ; 20 cm Gould. [online resource] —London : Unbound Firsts, 2023. —1
ISBN 9781800182714 paperback £14.99 online resource (384 pages)
BNB Number GBC379862 ISBN 9781800182226 ePub ebook £5.99
Irish, England, Fiction. BNB Number GBC381404
Ireland, Emigration and immigration, Fiction. Gay men, Russia (Federation), Fiction.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

823.92 823.92
In my dreams / Effie Lada. —New York : Clavis Publishing, Last dance at the discotheque for deviants / Paul David
2023. —32 pages : chiefly illustrations (black and white, and Gould. —London : Unbound Firsts, 2023. —384 pages ; 20 cm
colour) ; 26 cm ISBN 9781800182202 paperback £12.99
ISBN 9781605378657 hardback No price BNB Number GBC379859
BNB Number GBC379582 Gay men, Russia (Federation), Fiction.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

823.92 823.92
In the woods / Tana French. [online resource] —London : Let's play murder / Kesia Lupo. [online resource] —London :
Hodder & Stoughton, 2008. —1 online resource (300 pages). Bloomsbury Young Adult, 2023. —1 online resource :
ISBN 9781848940581 Electronic book (EPUB format) ; illustration (black and white)
1848940580 Electronic book (EPUB format) ISBN 9781526635457 ePub ebook £6.39 ; 9781526635686
BNB Number GBC377758 PDF ebook No price
FICTION, Thrillers, Crime. BNB Number GBC381326
FICTION, Thrillers, Suspense. Prepublication record
Dublin (Ireland), Fiction.
FICTION, Thrillers, General. 823.92
Lightning nerve / Theresa Galvin. [online resource] —London :
823.92 Austin Macauley Publishing Ltd., 2019. —1 online resource
Isn't it obvious? / Eliyahu M. Goldratt with Ilan Eshkoli and Joe ISBN 9781528958585 Electronic book (EPUB format)
Brown Leer. —London : Routledge, 2023. —232 pages : BNB Number GBC377568
illustrations (black and white) ; 22 cm Fiction, Fantasy, General.
ISBN 9781032445168 paperback £22.99 ; 9781032449661
hardback £120.00 823.92
BNB Number GBC378953 Little big sister / Eoin Colfer ; illustrated by Celia Ivey. —Dublin
Retail trade. : Little Island Books, 2023. —64 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9781915071057 paperback £11.99
BNB Number GBC380070
823.92 Dwarfism, Juvenile fiction.
Jehovah's wind / Lewis Hinton. —Kibworth : The Book Guild Prepublication record
Publishing, 2023. —300 pages ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9781915853042 paperback £9.99 823.92
BNB Number GBC380092 Love & Money : The Writer's Cut : a novel / by Greg McGee.
Prepublication record [online resource] —Auckland, New Zealand : Upstart Press,
2023. —1 online resource.
823.92 ISBN 9781776940189 (electronic bk.) ; 1776940180
John George's island and the vamcreeper's curse / Catherine BNB Number GBC377726
Marie Howard. [online resource] —London : Austin Macauley New Zealand, Social life and customs, Fiction.
Publishing Ltd., 2019. —1 online resource
ISBN 9781528953931 Electronic book (EPUB format) 823.92
BNB Number GBC377559 Lulabelle's adventures : the little fire truck / Cathy McConaghy
Fiction, Action & Adventure. [illustrated by Paul Flatley]. [online resource] —London :
Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd., 2019. —1 online resource :
ISBN 9781528951715 Electronic book (EPUB format)
BNB Number GBC377253
JUVENILE FICTION, Action & Adventure, General.

823.92 823.92
Maybe one day / Debbie Johnson. [online resource] —London My bunkmate hates puppies / Sam Hay ; illustrated by Ria
: Orion, 2020. —1 online resource (384 pages). Maria Lee. —New York : Disney-Hyperion, 2023. —144 pages
ISBN 9781409187998 Electronic book (EPUB format) ; : illustrations ; 20 cm.
1409187993 Electronic book (EPUB format) ISBN 9781368057400 paperback £4.99
BNB Number GBC377790 BNB Number GBC379250
HUMOR, Topic, Marriage & Family. Prepublication record
FICTION / Friendship
FICTION, Romance, Action & Adventure. 823.92
FICTION, Epistolary. My teammate is a hot head / Sam Hay. —New York :
FICTION / Women Disney-Hyperion, 2023. —144 pages : illustrations ; 20 cm.
FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS, Friendship. ISBN 9781368057424 paperback £4.99
FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Love & Romance BNB Number GBC379251
FICTION / Romance / Contemporary Hades (Greek deity), Juvenile fiction.
TRAVEL, Special Interest, Adventure. Prepublication record

823.92 823.92
Melody queen / Puneet Bhandal. [online resource] —Oxford : Nerdy Tween 2 Beauty Queen / Poppy Rivers. [online
Lantana Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource. resource] —Bloomington, Indiana : AuthorHouse UK, 18
ISBN 9781915244345 ePub ebook £6.99 ; 9781915244338 November 2016. —1 online resource : illustrations (colour)
PDF ebook £6.99 ISBN 9781524637026 Electronic book (EPUB format)
BNB Number GBC381487 BNB Number GBC378068
Motion picture industry, India, Mumbai, Juvenile fiction. Fiction, Fantasy, General.
Prepublication record
823.92 Never was / H. Gareth Gavin. [online resource] —Cambridge :
Melody queen / Puneet Bhandal. —Oxford : Lantana Cipher Press, 2023. —1 online resource (234 pages)
Publishing, 2023. —1 volume ; 20 cm. ISBN 9781739784973 ePub ebook £5.99
ISBN 9781915244321 paperback £7.99 BNB Number GBC381381
BNB Number GBC380076 Prepublication record
Motion picture industry, India, Mumbai, Juvenile fiction.
Prepublication record
Nightbloom / Peace Adzo Medie. [online resource] —London :
823.92 Oneworld, 2023. —1 online resource (368 pages)
Middlethorpe / Mahri-Jane Elliot. [online resource] —London : ISBN 9780861546572 ePub ebook £6.99
Austin Macauley Publishing Ltd., 2019. —1 online resource BNB Number GBC380481
ISBN 9781528960779 Electronic book (EPUB format) Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC381592
Fiction, Historical.
No hope from nowhere / R.J. Fitzharris. [online resource]
823.92 —London : Austin Macauley Publishing Ltd., 2019. —1 online
Monsieur Lapin plays hide and seek / Rhona R. McMillan ; resource
illustrations by Joel Tuckera. —[London?] : PublishNation, ISBN 9781528954280 Electronic book (EPUB format)
[2022] —32 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 22 cm BNB Number GBC377319
ISBN 9798401149107 paperback Fiction, Science Fiction, General.
BNB Number GBC377294
823.92 No sweet sorrow / Denzil Meyrick. [online resource]
Murder on the Acropolis / Christos Christidis. [online resource] —Edinburgh : Polygon, 2023. —1 online resource (400
—London : Austin Macauley Publishers ltd., 2018. —1 online pages).
resource ISBN 9781788855839 ePub ebook £4.99
ISBN 9780463882078 Electronic book (EPUB format) ; BNB Number GBC381393
9781788789165 kindle Daley, Jim (Fictitious character), Fiction.
BNB Number GBC377252 Scotland, Fiction.
FICTION, Thrillers, Crime. Prepublication record

823.92 823.92
No sweet sorrow / Denzil Meyrick. —Edinburgh : Polygon, Old boys / Nick Spalding. —Seattle : Lake Union Publishing,
2023. —400 pages ; 20 cm. 2023. —316 pages
ISBN 9781846976377 paperback £8.99 ISBN 9781662507281 paperback £8.99
BNB Number GBC380008 BNB Number GBC379696
Daley, Jim (Fictitious character), Fiction. Prepublication record
Scotland, Fiction.
Prepublication record 823.92
ORPHEUS BUILDS A GIRL. [online resource] —[Place of
823.92 publication not identified] : GALLIC BOOKS, 2022. —1 online
No tears : tales from the square mile / David Charters. [online resource (1 volume.).
resource] —London : Elliott and Thompson, [2010, 2002]. —1 ISBN 1913547434 (electronic bk.) ; 9781913547431
online resource (vii, 179 pages). (electronic bk.)
ISBN 9781908739537 (electronic bk.) ; 1908739533 BNB Number GBC377860
(electronic bk.) Cubans, Florida, Key West, Fiction.
BNB Number GBC377744 Key West (Fla.), Fiction.
FICTION, General.
Financial institutions, England, London, Fiction. 823.92
Investment bankers, England, London, Fiction. Our Ethel / Phil Batman. —Kibworth : The Book Guild
Publishing, 2023. —300 pages ; 20 cm
823.92 ISBN 9781915603838 paperback £9.99
Not dark yet : DCI Banks 27 / Peter Robinson. [online BNB Number GBC380079
resource] —London : Hodder & Stoughton, 2021. —1 online York (England), History, 20th century, Fiction.
resource (384 pages). Prepublication record
ISBN 9781529343090 Electronic book (EPUB format) ;
1529343097 Electronic book (EPUB format) 823.92
BNB Number GBC377798 Pawn traders / Danielle Raynor. [online resource] —London :
Banks, Alan (Fictitious character), Fiction. Austin Macauley Publishing Ltd., 2019. —1 online resource
FICTION, Thrillers, Suspense. ISBN 9781528952873 Electronic book (EPUB format)
FICTION, Thrillers, Crime. BNB Number GBC377318
FICTION, Crime. Fiction, General.
Police, England, Yorkshire, Fiction.
FICTION, Mystery & Detective, Police Procedural.
Pleasure beach / Helen Palmer. [online resource] —London :
FICTION, Mystery & Detective, Hard-Boiled.
Prototype Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource
823.92 ISBN 9781913513436 ePub ebook £5.99
Nothing to see / Pip Adam. —Wellington, New Zealand : BNB Number GBC381480
Victoria University of Wellington Press, 2021. —384 pages ; Lesbians, Fiction.
21 cm Blackpool (England), Fiction.
ISBN 1776563158 paperback ; 9781776563159 paperback Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC377505
Nineteen nineties, Fiction.
Pleasure beach / Helen Palmer. —London : Prototype
Women, New Zealand, Fiction.
Publishing, 2023. —1 volume ; 18 cm
Recovering alcoholics, New Zealand, Fiction.
ISBN 9781913513443 paperback £12.00
Multiple personality, New Zealand, Fiction.
BNB Number GBC380044
Two thousands (Decade), Fiction.
Lesbians, Fiction.
Identity (Psychology), New Zealand, Fiction.
Blackpool (England), Fiction.
New Zealand, Social life and customs, Fiction.
Prepublication record
Oceans of kindness / Laura Bingham ; illustrated by Laura
Wall. —Worksop : Award Publications, 2023. —32 pages :
chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 25 x 28 cm.
ISBN 9781782705345 paperback £6.99
BNB Number GBC379776
Bingham, Laura, 1993-, Travel, South America, Pictorial
works, Juvenile fiction.
Prepublication record

823.92 823.92
Pure / Andrew Miller. [online resource] —London : Sceptre, Shadow of a shadow / Crispin Keith. —Kibworth : The Book
2011. —1 online resource (300 pages). Guild Publishing, 2023. —200 pages ; 22 cm.
ISBN 9781444724271 Electronic book (EPUB format) ; ISBN 9781915603883 paperback £9.99
1444724274 Electronic book (EPUB format) BNB Number GBC380082
BNB Number GBC377752 Prepublication record
FICTION, Literary.
Civil engineers, Fiction. 823.92
FICTION, Historical, General. Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet : the sequel and twelve tales
Cemeteries, France, Paris, Fiction. / F. N. Otieno. [online resource] —London : Austin Macauley
Paris (France), Social life and customs, 18th century, Publishing Ltd., 2019. —1 online resource
Fiction. ISBN 9781528954600 Electronic book (EPUB format)
BNB Number GBC377322
823.92 Fiction, Short Stories (single author)
Richard Flanagan : critical essays / edited by Robert Dixon.
—[Sydney] : Sydney University Press, [2018] —vi, 226 pages ; 823.92
25 cm. Siddhartha : the boy who became the Buddha / Advait
ISBN 1743325827 ; 9781743325827 paperback Kottary. [online resource] —Gurgaon : Hachette India, 2023.
BNB Number GBC377472 —1 online resource
ISBN 9789357311038 ePub ebook £12.99
823.92 BNB Number GBC381520
Roger the sneaky fox / Kerry Bennett. [online resource] Gautama Buddha, Fiction.
—London : Austin Macauley Publishing Ltd., 2019. —1 online Prepublication record
resource : illustrations
ISBN 9781528963497 Electronic book (EPUB format) 823.92
BNB Number GBC378117 Single Dads Club / Therese Beharrie. —Seattle : Montlake,
Juvenile Fiction, General. 2023. —304 pages
ISBN 9781662511783 paperback £8.99
823.92 BNB Number GBC379698
Run to ground / Stuart Johnstone. —London : Allison & Busby Prepublication record
Limited, 2023. —384 pages ; 20 cm
ISBN 9780749029807 paperback £8.99 823.92
BNB Number GBC378415 Spring fever / Thomas Legendre. —Scarborough : Valley
Colyear, Don (Fictitious character), Fiction. Press, 2023. —1 volume ; 20 cm
Edinburgh (Scotland), Fiction. ISBN 9781915606105 paperback £12.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC380084
Prepublication record
Seagull's got to dance : the second adventure / Babs 823.92
Vinden-Cantrell. —Market Harborough : Matador, 2023. —40 Sunburn / Chloe Michelle Howarth. —Harpenden : Verve
pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 22 cm Books, 2023. —288 pages ; 20 cm
ISBN 9781803137247 paperback £6.99 ISBN 9780857308412 paperback £9.99
BNB Number GBC379923 BNB Number GBC378463
Blackpool (England), Pictorial works, Juvenile fiction. Lesbians, Ireland, Fiction.
Prepublication record Ireland, Social conditions, Fiction.
Prepublication record
Shades of grey / Jasper Fforde. [online resource] —London : 823.92
Hodder & Stoughton, 2010. —1 online resource (448 pages). Superhero mega mission / Esi Merleh ; illustrated by Abeeha
ISBN 9781848945845 Electronic book (EPUB format) ; Tariq. —Preston : UCLan Publishing, 2023. —76 pages :
1848945841 Electronic book (EPUB format) illustrations (colour) ; 20 cm.
BNB Number GBC377797 ISBN 9781915235541 paperback £6.99
Colors, Fiction. BNB Number GBC380074
FICTION, Absurdist. Prepublication record
Social classes, Fiction.

823.92 823.92
Tato and the retired timekeeper / Kerry Klineberg. [online The crossing / Andrew Miller. [online resource] —London :
resource] —London : Austin Macauley Publishing Ltd., 2019. Sceptre, 2015. —1 online resource.
—1 online resource ISBN 9781444753516 (ebook) ; 1444753517 (ebook)
ISBN 9781528958875 Electronic book (EPUB format) BNB Number GBC377767
BNB Number GBC377569 Single-handed sailing, Atlantic Ocean, Fiction.
Fiction, General. Motherhood, Fiction.
Married people, Fiction.
823.92 Voyages and travels, Fiction.
The big boy from Littleville / David Geddis. [online resource] Life change events, Fiction.
—London : Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd., 2019. —1 online Women, Psychology, Fiction.
resource : illustrations
ISBN 9781528953566 Electronic book (EPUB format) 823.92
BNB Number GBC377510 The dragon of Hanya / Abigail Coulson. —Edition: 2. —[Great
Juvenile Fiction, Short Stories. Britain] : Independent Publishing Network, January 2023.
—450 pages : 1 map (black and white) ; 20 cm
823.92 ISBN 9781800680593 paperback £10.99 ; 1800680597
The book without a story / Caroline Rabei. —London : Dean, paperback £10.99
2023. —32 pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 22 cm BNB Number GBC377291
ISBN 9780008617110 paperback £6.99
BNB Number GBC378118 823.92
Prepublication record The elephant heist / Rucha Dixit. —Bishops Stortford : SRL
Publishing, 2023. —248 pages ; 22 cm
823.92 ISBN 9781915073204 hardback £16.99
The Clydeside Cats / Sandra Lane. [online resource] BNB Number GBC380073
—Bloomington, Indiana : AuthorHouse UK, 21 November India, History, British occupation, 1765-1947, Juvenile
2016. —1 online resource :sss illustrations (colour) fiction.
ISBN 9781524663469 Electronic book (EPUB format) ; Prepublication record
9781524663452 softcover
BNB Number GBC378080 823.92
Juvenile Fiction, Animals, General. The forever moment / Paul Mendelson. —Kibworth : The Book
Guild Publishing, 2023. —200 pages ; 20 cm
823.92 ISBN 9781915603852 paperback £8.99
The coldest blood / Jim Kelly. [online resource] —London : BNB Number GBC380080
Allison & Busby Limited, 2023. —1 online resource. Prepublication record
ISBN 9780749030506 ePub ebook £5.99
BNB Number GBC380474 823.92
Dryden, Philip (Fictitious character), Fiction. The girl in the photo / Heidi Amsinck. —London : Muswell
Journalists, England, Cambridgeshire, Fiction. Press, 2023. —400 pages ; 24 cm.
Prepublication record ISBN 9781739123840 paperback £9.99
BNB Number GBC379750
823.92 Copenhagen (Denmark), Fiction.
The coldest blood / Jim Kelly. —London : Allison & Busby Prepublication record
Limited, 2023. —1 volume ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9780749030452 paperback £8.99 823.92
BNB Number GBC378417 The girl who fell to Earth / Patricia Forde. —Dublin : Little
Dryden, Philip (Fictitious character), Fiction. Island Books, 2023. —288 pages ; 20 cm
Journalists, England, Cambridgeshire, Fiction. ISBN 9781915071439 paperback £8.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC380071
Prepublication record

823.92 823.92
The gravity between us / Kristen Zimmer. [online resource] The little monkey that wanted to climb / William Anthony.
—Ickenham, United Kingdom : Bookouture, an imprint of —London : Zero to Ten, 2023. —24 pages : chiefly illustrations
StoryFire Ltd., [2013]. —1 online resource (309 pages). (colour) ; 25 cm.
ISBN 1909490121 (electronic bk.) ; 9781909490123 ISBN 9781840897944 paperback £7.99
(electronic bk.) BNB Number GBC380001
BNB Number GBC377783 Prepublication record
Fame, Fiction.
Actresses, Fiction. 823.92
Friendship, Fiction. The little penguin that wanted to swim / William Anthony.
Lesbians, Fiction. —London : Zero to Ten, 2023. —24 pages : chiefly illustrations
(colour) ; 25 cm.
823.92 ISBN 9781840897951 paperback £7.99
The horror of Haglin House / M.R.C. Kasasian. [online BNB Number GBC380002
resource] —London : Canelo, 2023. —1 online resource (384 Prepublication record
ISBN 9781804363928 ePub ebook £3.99 823.92
BNB Number GBC381439 The lost child's quest / James Haddell. —First edition.
Great Britain, History, Victoria, 1837-1901, Fiction. —[Great Britain] : Emira Press, 2020. —286 pages :
Prepublication record illustrations (black and white) ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9781914222009 (pbk.) : £7.99 ; 1914222008 (pbk.) :
823.92 £7.99
The horror of Haglin House / M.R.C. Kasasian. —London : BNB Number GBC377450
Canelo, 2023. —384 pages ; 20 cm.
ISBN 9781804363935 paperback £9.99 823.92
BNB Number GBC379953 The low road / Katharine Quarmby. [online resource]
Great Britain, History, Victoria, 1837-1901, Fiction. —London : Unbound, 2023. —1 online resource (400 pages)
Prepublication record ISBN 9781800182400 ePub ebook £8.99
BNB Number GBC381405
823.92 Lesbians, Fiction.
The house at plum bay / Geoff Morgan. [online resource] Prepublication record
—London : Austin Macauley Publishing Ltd., 2019. —1 online
resource 823.92
ISBN 9781528953603 Electronic book (EPUB format) The low road / Katharine Quarmby. —London : Unbound,
BNB Number GBC377316 2023. —400 pages ; 23 cm
Fiction, Crime. ISBN 9781800182394 hardback £18.99
BNB Number GBC379860
823.92 Lesbians, Fiction.
The ice shelf : an eco-comedy / Anne Kennedy. —Wellington : Prepublication record
Victoria University Press, 2019. —320 pages ; 22 cm
ISBN 9781776562015 paperback 823.92
BNB Number GBC377528 The majickal league of ku' s / M. V. la Montague. [online
resource] —London : Austin Macauley Publishing Ltd., 2019.
823.92 —1 online resource
The little kangaroo that wanted to jump / William Anthony. ISBN 9781528953702 Electronic book (EPUB format)
—London : Zero to Ten, 2023. —24 pages : chiefly illustrations BNB Number GBC377321
(colour) ; 25 cm. FICTION, Fantasy, Action & Adventure.
ISBN 9781840897852 paperback £7.99
BNB Number GBC380000 823.92
Prepublication record The moon is trending / Clare Fisher. [online resource]
—London : Salt, 2023. —1 online resource (144 pages).
823.92 ISBN 9781784632885 ePub ebook £9.99
The little mermaid : the official junior novelisation. —Sywell : BNB Number GBC381384
Autumn Publishing, 2023. —264 pages : illustrations (colour) ; Prepublication record
20 cm
ISBN 9781837713653 paperback £6.99
BNB Number GBC379984
Ariel (Mermaid), Juvenile fiction.
Prepublication record

823.92 823.92
The moon is trending / Clare Fisher. —London : Salt, 2023. The rainbow / Carly Schabowski. [online resource] —London :
—144 pages ; 18 cm. Bookouture, 2021. —1 online resource (350 pages).
ISBN 9781784632878 paperback £9.99 ISBN 9781800198098 Electronic book (EPUB format)
BNB Number GBC379785 BNB Number GBC377800
Prepublication record Fiction, Historical.
Fiction, Sagas.
823.92 Fiction, War & Military.
The Naani Diaries / Riva Razdan. [online resource] Fiction, Biographical.
—Gurugram, Harayana [India] : HarperCollins Publishers, Fiction, Literary.
2023. —1 online resource. Fiction, Contemporary Women.
ISBN 9356291624 (electronic bk.) ; 9789356291621
(electronic bk.) 823.92
BNB Number GBC377844 The redemption of Isobel Farrar / Alan Robert Clark. —Oxford
Arranged marriage, Fiction. : Fairlight Books, 2023. —288 pages ; 20 cm
Women, East Indian, Fiction. ISBN 9781914148446 paperback £8.99
Man-woman relationships, Fiction. BNB Number GBC380054
Grandmothers, Fiction. Prepublication record
Mumbai (India), Social life and customs, Fiction.
823.92 The siege / John Sutherland. [online resource] —London :
The one who fell : a completely gripping mystery and Orion, 2022. —1 online resource (368 pages).
suspense novel / Kerry Wilkinson. [online resource] —London ISBN 9781398707580 Electronic book (EPUB format) ;
: Bookouture, 2023. —1 online resource. 1398707589 Electronic book (EPUB format)
ISBN 9781837900510 ebk £3.49 BNB Number GBC377804
BNB Number GBC381463 FICTION, Thrillers, Terrorism.
Prepublication record FICTION, Crime.
FICTION, Thrillers, Crime.
823.92 FICTION, Mystery & Detective, Police Procedural.
The perfect daughter / Kerry Wilkinson. [online resource] FICTION, City Life.
—London : Bookouture, 2021. —1 online resource (350
pages). 823.92
ISBN 9781800197282 Electronic book (EPUB format) The skeleton man / Jim Kelly. [online resource] —London :
BNB Number GBC377801 Allison & Busby Limited, 2023. —1 online resource.
Fiction, Psychological. ISBN 9780749030650 ePub ebook £5.99
Fiction, Contemporary Women. BNB Number GBC380475
Fiction, Crime. Dryden, Philip (Fictitious character), Fiction.
Fiction, Mystery & Detective, Police Procedural. Journalists, England, Cambridgeshire, Fiction.
Fiction, Suspense. Prepublication record

823.92 823.92
The portrait of a secret : a novel inspired by true events / The skeleton man / Jim Kelly. —London : Allison & Busby
Tarun Mehrishi. —London : Ebury Press, 2023. —288 pages ; Limited, 2023. —1 volume ; 20 cm.
21 cm ISBN 9780749030605 paperback £8.99
ISBN 9780143458432 paperback No price BNB Number GBC378418
BNB Number GBC378130 Dryden, Philip (Fictitious character), Fiction.
India, Fiction. Journalists, England, Cambridgeshire, Fiction.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

The Smidgens united / David O'Connell ; illustrated by Seb
Burnett. [online resource] —London : Bloomsbury Children's
Books, 2023. —1 online resource : illustrations (black and
ISBN 9781526640581 ePub ebook £5.59 ; 9781526640598
PDF ebook No price
BNB Number GBC381328
Prepublication record

823.92 823.92
The sparkliest day of the year. [online resource] —London : The toy hunters return : part two / Peter David. [online
Orchard Books, 2023. —1 online resource (32 pages) : chiefly resource] —London : Austin Macauley Publishers ltd., 2019.
illustrations (colour). —1 online resource
ISBN 9781408372180 ebook £6.99 ISBN 9781528953443 Electronic book (EPUB format)
BNB Number GBC381283 BNB Number GBC377509
Prepublication record YOUNG ADULT FICTION, Action & Adventure, General.

823.92 823.92
The split / Sharon Bolton. [online resource] —London : The Vincula Insurgency : Ghost Dossier 1 : (Voltemand, 765 )
Trapeze, 2020. —1 online resource. / Dan Abnett. —Nottingham : Black Library, 2021. —199
ISBN 1409174220 (ePub ebook) ; 9781409174226 (ePub pages ; case (26 x 21 x 10 cm) + 4 folded sheets, 2 cards, 3
ebook) coins, 1 pin badge, 1 patch
BNB Number GBC377789 ISBN 9781800260665 pack
FICTION / Mystery & Detective / International Mystery & BNB Number GBC377521
FICTION / Thrillers / Suspense. 823.92
South Georgia (South Georgia and South Sandwich The woman who climbed trees : a novel / Smriti Ravindra.
Islands), Fiction. [online resource] —New York, NY : HarperVia, an imprint of
HarperCollinsPublishers, [2023]. —1 online resource.
823.92 ISBN 0063240505 (electronic bk.) ; 9780063240506
The switch / Neil Bradshaw. —Market Harborough : Matador, (electronic bk.)
2023. —352 pages ; 20 cm BNB Number GBC377875
ISBN 9781803137292 paperback £9.99 Mothers and daughters, Fiction.
BNB Number GBC379925 Women, India, Fiction.
Prepublication record Identity (Psychology), Fiction.
Families, Fiction.
823.92 Marriage, Fiction.
The swords of Satsukawa / Sam Browne. [online resource] Nepal, Fiction.
—London : Austin Macauley Publishing Ltd., 2019. —1 online
resource 823.92
ISBN 9781528953290 Electronic book (EPUB format) Theta double dot / Alan Dale. [online resource] —London :
BNB Number GBC377556 Austin Macauley, 2019. —1 online resource
Fiction, Historical. ISBN 9781528953887 Electronic book (EPUB format)
BNB Number GBC377516
823.92 Fiction, Crime.
The thing about lemons / Tasha Harrison. —Preston : UCLan
Publishing, 2023. —320 pages ; 20 cm 823.92
ISBN 9781915235558 paperback £8.99 University strange or my life amongst academics / L. H.
BNB Number GBC380075 Westerlund. [online resource] —London : Austin Macauley
Prepublication record Publishing Ltd., 2019. —1 online resource.
ISBN 9781528956703 Electronic book (EPUB format)
823.92 BNB Number GBC378116
The thousand autumns of Jacob de Zoet / David Mitchell. Fiction, Fantasy, General.
[online resource] —London : Sceptre, 2010. —1 online
resource (300 pages). 823.92
ISBN 9781848945036 Electronic book (EPUB format) ; Vichhoda : in the shadow of longing... / Harinder Sikka. —New
1848945035 Electronic book (EPUB format) Delhi, India : Ebury Press, 2019. —193 pages ; 20 cm
BNB Number GBC377794 ISBN 9780143447306 paperback ; 0143447300 paperback
East and West, Fiction. BNB Number GBC378100
Trading posts, Fiction. India, History, Partition, 1947, Fiction.
FICTION, Literary.
FICTION, Historical, General. 823.92
Deshima (Nagasaki-shi, Japan), Fiction. Voices of the dead / Ambrose Parry. —Edinburgh :
Japan, History, 1787-1868, Fiction. Canongate, 2023. —416 pages ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781838855475 hardback £16.99
BNB Number GBC379991
Edinburgh (Scotland), History, 19th century, Fiction.
Prepublication record

823.92 824.92
We're going to a birthday party / words by Martha Mumford ; A heretic's manifesto : essays on the unsayable / Brendan
illustrated by Cherie Zamazing. [online resource] —London : O'Neill. [online resource] —London : London Publishing
Bloomsbury Children's Books, 2023. —1 online resource : Partnership, 2023. —1 online resource (184 pages)
chiefly illustrations (colour). ISBN 9781913019877 ePub ebook No price
ISBN 9781526632159 ePub ebook £6.39 BNB Number GBC381479
BNB Number GBC381325 Prepublication record
Prepublication record
823.92 A heretic's manifesto : essays on the unsayable / Brendan
Where there's a will / Beth Corby. [online resource] —London : O'Neill. —London : London Publishing Partnership, 2023.
Hodder & Stoughton, 2019. —1 online resource (336 pages). —184 pages ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781473699502 Electronic book (EPUB format) ; ISBN 9781913019860 paperback £12.99
1473699509 Electronic book (EPUB format) BNB Number GBC380038
BNB Number GBC377785 Prepublication record
FICTION / Romance / Holiday
FICTION, Women. 826.912093552
FICTION, Romance, Romantic Comedy. The discourse of well-being in late-modern Ireland : a case
FICTION / Women study of letters to the editor / Davide Mazzi. —Newcastle upon
FICTION, Romance, Holiday. Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023. —162 pages ;
21 cm
823.92 ISBN 9781527502147 hardback £59.99
White sun war : the campaign for Taiwan / Mick Ryan. BNB Number GBC379517
—Havertown : Casemate, 2023. —352 pages ; 23 cm Happiness, History, 20th century.
ISBN 9781636242507 paperback £17.95 Well-being in literature.
BNB Number GBC379617 Letter writing, Irish, History, 20th century.
Prepublication record English letters, Irish authors, History and criticism.
Well-being, History, 20th century.
823.92 Happiness in literature.
Y Fainc cyfeillgarwch = the friendship bench / Wendy English letters, 20th century, History and criticism.
Meddour ; illustrated by Daniel Egnéus ; translated by Endaf Prepublication record
Griffiths. —Bilingual edition. —Aberystwyth : Atebol, 2023.
—32 pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 27 cm 828.609
ISBN 9781801063333 paperback £7.99 Making Boswell's Life of Johnson : an author-publisher and
BNB Number GBC379901 his support network / Richard B. Sher. [online resource]
Prepublication record —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —1 online
resource (75 pages).
823.92 ISBN 9781009271431 ebook £145.00
Youth / Kevin Curran. —Dublin : The Lilliput Press, 2023. BNB Number GBC381149
—240 pages ; 22 cm Boswell, James, 1740-1795, Friends and associates.
ISBN 9781843518709 paperback £16.00 Boswell, James, 1740-1795. Life of Samuel Johnson.
BNB Number GBC380003 Prepublication record
Balbriggan (Ireland), Fiction.
Prepublication record 828.609
Making Boswell's Life of Johnson : an author-publisher and
823.9208 his support network / Richard B. Sher. —Cambridge :
Little nature stories. —Sywell : Autumn Publishing, 2023. —96 Cambridge University Press, 2023. —75 pages.
pages : illustrations (colour) ; 26 cm. ISBN 9781009271424 paperback £17.00
ISBN 9781803687230 hardback £9.99 BNB Number GBC378509
BNB Number GBC379932 Boswell, James, 1740-1795, Friends and associates.
Children's stories, English. Boswell, James, 1740-1795. Life of Samuel Johnson.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

828.91203 828.9207
The diary of Virginia Woolf. Volume 3, 1925-30 / Virginia The Japanese butterfly / Paul Graham. —Flackwell Heath :
Woolf. —London : Granta Books, 2023. —1 volume ; 24 cm Image Express, 2023. —28 pages ; 21 cm
ISBN 9781783788729 hardback £30.00 ISBN 9781739937959 paperback £8.00
BNB Number GBC379780 BNB Number GBC379751
Woolf, Virginia, 1882-1941, Diaries. Graham, Paul.
Authors, English, 20th century, Diaries. Prepublication record
Women authors, English, 20th century, Diaries.
Prepublication record 828.9208
Confessions : a life of failed promises / A.N. Wilson. —London
828.91203 : Bloomsbury Continuum, 2023. —320 pages : illustrations
The diary of Virginia Woolf. Volume 5, 1936-1941 / Virginia (black and white) ; 20 cm
Woolf. —London : Granta Books, 2023. —1 volume ; 24 cm ISBN 9781472994820 paperback £10.99
ISBN 9781783788781 hardback £30.00 BNB Number GBC379400
BNB Number GBC379782 Wilson, A. N., 1950-
Woolf, Virginia, 1882-1941, Diaries.
Women authors, English, 20th century, Diaries. Prepublication record
Authors, English, 20th century, Diaries.
Prepublication record 830.900912
February 1933 : the winter of literature / Uwe Wittstock ;
828.91203 translated by Daniel Bowles. [online resource] —Cambridge :
The diary of Virginia Woolf. Volume 4, 1931-1935 / Virginia Polity Press, 2023. —1 online resource (256 pages)
Woolf. —London : Granta Books, 2023. —1 volume ; 24 cm ISBN 9781509553808 ePub ebook £25.00
ISBN 9781783788750 hardback £30.00 BNB Number GBC381310
BNB Number GBC379781 Authors, German, 20th century.
Woolf, Virginia, 1882-1941, Diaries. German literature, 20th century, History and criticism.
Authors, English, 20th century, Diaries. Germany, History, 1933-1945.
Women authors, English, 20th century, Diaries. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
828.92 Imaginaries of domesticity and women's work in Germany
Captain I.'s & The Inpnaean Glory's adventure in Mexico / by around 1800 : feeling at home / Karin A. Wurst. [online
Jonathan Bibliopola Inpnaeus Marius-Sheridan. —Wirral, resource] —Rochester, New York : Camden House, 2023. —1
Merseyside : Jonathan Bibliopola Inpnaeus Marius-Sheridan, online resource : illustrations (chiefly color).
2022. —1 volume (unpaged) : illustrations (black and white, ISBN 1800108907 electronic book ; 9781800108899
and colour) ; 30 cm electronic book ; 1800108893 electronic book ;
BNB Number GBC377546 9781800108905 electronic book
BNB Number GBC377732
828.92 Women in literature.
Tangled roots / Noela McNamara. —Cairns North, QLD : Sex role in literature.
Jabiru Publishing, [2018] —x, 127 pages : illustrations (black German literature, 18th century, History and criticism.
and white) ; 21 cm Home in literature.
ISBN 9780648107491 paperback
BNB Number GBC377469 830.99431
The freest country in the world : East Germany's final year in
828.92 culture and memory / Stephen Brockmann. —Rochester :
Words v world : semantics AI & language revolution : a Camden House, 2023. —352 pages : illustrations (black and
psycholinguistic memoir / Gregory Eiffe. —[Australia] : white) ; 23 cm.
illustrations (black and white), 2021. —216 pages : illustrations ISBN 9781640141544 hardback £99.00
(black and white) ; 21 cm BNB Number GBC379642
ISBN 9798565757842 paperback Collective memory, Germany.
BNB Number GBC378108 German literature, Germany (East), History and criticism.
Literature and society, Germany (East)
Germany (East), In popular culture.
Germany (East), In literature.
Germany, History, Unification, 1990, In literature.
Prepublication record

833.92 839.3137
Last house before the mountain : a novel / Monika Helfer ; Little Tractor and the baby deer / Natalie Quintart ; illustrated
translated by Gillian Davidson. [online resource] —New York : by Philippe Goossens. —New York : Clavis Publishing, 2023.
Bloomsbury, 2023. —1 online resource (175 pages). —32 pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 26 cm.
ISBN 9781635579888 ; 1635579880 ISBN 9781605378374 hardback No price
BNB Number GBC377847 BNB Number GBC379579
Families, Austria, Fiction. Little Tractor (Fictitious character), Pictorial works, Juvenile
Villages, Austria, Fiction. fiction.
World War, 1914-1918, Austria, Fiction. Prepublication record
Strangers, Fiction.
Austria, 20th century, Fiction. 839.3137
The hitchhiker / Gerwin van der Werf ; translated by David
833.92 Colmer. —Melbourne : Text Publishing Company, 2023. —288
River Clyde / Simone Buchholz ; translated by Rachel Ward. pages
[online resource] —[Place of publication not identified] : ISBN 9781922330833 paperback £11.99
ORENDA BOOKS, 2022. —1 online resource (276 pages). BNB Number GBC380099
ISBN 9781914585074 EPUB ; 1914585070 EPUB Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC377802
Riley, Chastity (Fictitious character), Fiction. 839.318709
Hamburg (Germany), Fiction. In light-years there's no hurry : cosmic perspectives on
everyday life / Marjolijn van Heemstra ; translated by
838.609 Jonathan Reeder. [online resource] —New York : W.W.
Goethe yearbook. 30 / edited by Patricia Anne Simpson, Birgit Norton and Company, 2023. —1 online resource (160 pages)
Tautz. —Rochester : Camden House, 2023. —228 pages : ISBN 9781324035701 ePub ebook £22.79
illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm BNB Number GBC381230
ISBN 9781640141445 hardback £75.00 Heemstra, Marjolijn van, 1981-
BNB Number GBC379641
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832, Criticism and Perception.
interpretation, Periodicals. Consciousness.
Prepublication record Earth (Planet), Philosophy.
Prepublication record
Yiddish transformed : reading habits in the Russian Empire, 839.318709
1860-1914 / Nathan Cohen. [online resource] —New York : In light-years there's no hurry : cosmic perspectives on
Berghahn Books, 2023. —1 online resource (542 pages) everyday life / Marjolijn van Heemstra ; translated by
ISBN 9781800739673 ePub ebook No price Jonathan Reeder. —New York : W.W. Norton and Company,
BNB Number GBC381413 2023. —160 pages ; 21 cm
Yiddish literature, Europe, Eastern, History, 19th century. ISBN 9781324035695 hardback £18.99
Jews, East European, Books and reading, History, 19th BNB Number GBC379228
century. Heemstra, Marjolijn van, 1981-
Yiddish literature, Europe, Eastern, History, 20th century.
Jews, East European, Books and reading, History, 20th Perception.
century. Consciousness.
Prepublication record Earth (Planet), Philosophy.
Prepublication record
Yiddish transformed : reading habits in the Russian Empire, 839.70803552
1860-1914 / Nathan Cohen. —New York : Berghahn Books, Migrants and literature in Finland and Sweden / edited by
2023. —542 pages ; 23 cm Satu Gröndahl and Eila Rantonen. —Helsinki : Finnish
ISBN 9781800739666 hardback £132.00 Literature Society, 2018. —235 pages : illustrations (black and
BNB Number GBC379882 white) ; 25 cm.
Jews, East European, Books and reading, History, 20th ISBN 9789522229922 print
century. BNB Number GBC377454
Yiddish literature, Europe, Eastern, History, 19th century.
Jews, East European, Books and reading, History, 19th
Yiddish literature, Europe, Eastern, History, 20th century.
Prepublication record

842.8093581 843.9209355
Power and propaganda in French Second Empire theatre : Degenerative realism : novel and nation in twenty-first-century
playing Napoleon / Janice Best. [online resource] —Newcastle France / Christy Wampole. —New York : Columbia University
upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023. —1 online Press, [2020] —xiii, 278 pages ; 24 cm.
resource (335 pages) ISBN 0231185170 paperback ; 9780231185172 paperback ;
ISBN 9781527500914 ebook £83.99 9780231185165 hardcover ; 0231185162 hardcover
BNB Number GBC381331 BNB Number GBC377540
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, In French fiction, 21st century, History and criticism.
literature. Realism in literature.
Theater, Political aspects, France, History, 19th century. Dystopias in literature.
French drama, 19th century, History and criticism. Literature and society, France, History, 21st century.
France, History, Second Empire, 1852-1870. Despair in literature.
Prepublication record
843.912 Drama, poetry and music in late-Renaissance Italy : the life
The Arsène Lupin collection / Maurice Leblanc. —London : and works of Leonora Bernardi / edited by Virginia Cox, Lisa
Arcturus, 2023. —4 volumes ; 18 cm. Sampson ; translated by Anna Wainwright. [online resource]
ISBN 9781398828315 set £39.99 —London : UCL Press, 2023. —1 online resource (500 pages)
BNB Number GBC379307 : illustrations (colour)
Lupin, Arsène (Fictitious character), Fiction. ISBN 9781800084308 PDF ebook No price ; 9781800084339
Detective and mystery stories, French, Translations into ePub ebook £0.99
English. BNB Number GBC381400
Prepublication record Bernardi, Leonora, Criticism and interpretation.
Prepublication record
Bonjour tristesse / Françoise Sagan. —London : Penguin 858.509
Classics, 2023. —176 pages ; 17 cm. Drama, poetry and music in late-Renaissance Italy : the life
ISBN 9780241630891 hardback £9.99 and works of Leonora Bernardi / edited by Virginia Cox, Lisa
BNB Number GBC378215 Sampson ; translated by Anna Wainwright. —London : UCL
Prepublication record Press, 2023. —500 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781800084315 paperback £35.00 ; 9781800084322
843.92 hardback £55.00
Hiznobyuti / Claude Ponti ; translated by Alyson Waters. BNB Number GBC379853
—New York : Elsewhere Editions, 2023. —46 pages : Bernardi, Leonora, Criticism and interpretation.
illustrations ; 27 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781953861573 paperback £8.99
BNB Number GBC380120 860.99287
Bullying, Pictorial works, Juvenile fiction. Channeling knowledges : water and Afro-diasporic spirits in
Prepublication record Latinx and Caribbean worlds / Rebeca L. Hey-Colón. —Austin
: University of Texas Press, 2023. —280 pages ; 23 cm.
843.92 ISBN 9781477327241 hardback £81.00 ; 9781477327258
My valley / Claude Ponti ; translated by Alyson Waters. —New paperback £25.99
York : Elsewhere Editions, 2023. —42 pages : illustrations, BNB Number GBC379432
maps ; 35 cm Borderlands in literature.
ISBN 9781953861566 paperback £8.99 Water, Caribbean Area, Religious aspects.
BNB Number GBC380119 Water in literature.
Prepublication record Art, Latin American, Themes, motives.
Latin American literature, Women authors, History and
Yr ardd anweledig / Valérie Picard ; illustrated by Marianne
African diaspora in literature.
Ferrer ; translated by Luned Aaron. —Cardiff : Broga Books,
Art, Caribbean, Themes, motives.
2023. —62 pages : illustrations
Water, Latin America, Religious aspects.
ISBN 9781914303340 hardback £12.99
Caribbean literature, Women authors, History and criticism.
BNB Number GBC380060
Prepublication record
Prepublication record

861.620911 882.01
A planetary avant-garde : experimental literature networks Three menippean fantasies : Menippus; or, The Consultation
and the legacy of Iberian colonialism / Ignacio Infante. of the Corpses, Icaromenippus; or, A Man above the Clouds,
—Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 2023. —248 pages : The Colloquies of the Corpses (Dialogues of the Dead) /
illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 23 cm. Lucian ; translated, with introduction and notes, by Joel C.
ISBN 9781442629745 hardback £46.99 Relihan. —Indianapolis ; Cambridge : Hackett Publishing
BNB Number GBC379350 Company, [2021] —xvii, 166 pages ; 22 cm
Imperialism in literature, History, 20th century. ISBN 1647920264 hardcover ; 9781647920005 paperback ;
Spanish poetry, 20th century, History and criticism. 1647920000 paperback ; 9781647920265 hardcover
Portuguese poetry, 20th century, History and criticism. BNB Number GBC377443
Experimental poetry, Spanish. Lucian, of Samosata, Translations into English.
Experimental poetry, Portuguese.
Prepublication record 882.0109353
Minds on stage : Greek tragedy and cognition / edited by Felix
863.7 Budelmann, Ineke Sluiter. —Oxford : Oxford University Press,
Snow girl / Javier Castillo. —Wilmington : Grupo Books, 2023. 2023. —272 pages ; 24 cm.
—432 pages ; 23 cm ISBN 9780192888938 hardback £83.00
ISBN 9781644738603 paperback No price BNB Number GBC378157
BNB Number GBC379662 Greek drama (Tragedy), History and criticism.
Prepublication record Cognition in literature.
Prepublication record
Lucretius and the end of masculinity / Michael Pope. 891.409
—Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —300 Indian modernities : literary cultures from the 18th to the 20th
pages century / edited by Nishat Zaidi. [online resource] —New Delhi
ISBN 9781009242318 hardback £85.00 : Routledge India, 2023. —1 online resource (290 pages) :
BNB Number GBC378505 illustrations (black and white)
Lucretius Carus, Titus. De rerum natura. ISBN 9781000901757 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000901702
Masculinity, Rome. PDF ebook £38.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC381016
Indic literature, History and criticism.
871.01 Prepublication record
The poetic world of Statius' Silvae / Michael Putnam ;
introduction by Carole Newlands ; edited by Antony 891.409
Augoustakis. —Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2023. —320 Indian modernities : literary cultures from the 18th to the 20th
pages ; 22 cm century / edited by Nishat Zaidi. —New Delhi : Routledge
ISBN 9780192869272 hardback £83.00 India, 2023. —290 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24
BNB Number GBC378148 cm
Statius, P. Papinius (Publius Papinius), Criticism and ISBN 9781032280127 hardback £130.00
interpretation. BNB Number GBC378753
Virgil, Influence. Indic literature, History and criticism.
Statius, P. Papinius (Publius Papinius). Silvae. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
871.0109 Premchand on literature and life : selections / edited by
Valerius Flaccus and imperial Latin epic / Tim Stover. Ameena Kazi Ansari, Ruchi Nagpal. [online resource]
—Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2023. —224 pages ; 24 —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (232 pages)
cm ISBN 9781000905885 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000905854
ISBN 9780192870919 hardback £70.00 PDF ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC378150 BNB Number GBC381076
Statius, P. Papinius (Publius Papinius). Achilleis. Premacanda, 1881-1936
Silius Italicus, Tiberius Catius. Punica.
Statius, P. Papinius (Publius Papinius). Thebais. Literature, History and criticism.
Claudianus, Claudius. De raptu Prosperinae. Prepublication record
Valerius Flaccus, Gaius, active 1st century. Argonautica.
Valerius Flaccus, Gaius, active 1st century, Influence.
Latin poetry, History and criticism.
Prepublication record

891.4345 891.5511
Premchand on literature and life : selections / edited by The English translation of Candayan : the pioneer Indo-Sufi
Ameena Kazi Ansari, Ruchi Nagpal. —London : Routledge, Masnavi of Maulana Daud / Naseem A. Hines. [online
2023. —232 pages ; 22 cm resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
ISBN 9781032524573 hardback £130.00 (338 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
BNB Number GBC379118 ISBN 9781000905236 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000905199
Premacanda, 1881-1936 PDF ebook £38.99 BNB Number GBC381061
Literature, History and criticism. Dāūda, active 14th century. Cāndāyana.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

891.439093254 891.5511
The world in words : travel writing and the global imagination The English translation of Candayan : the pioneer Indo-Sufi
in Muslim South Asia / Daniel Majchrowicz. [online resource] Masnavi of Maulana Daud / Naseem A. Hines. —London :
—Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —1 online Routledge, 2023. —338 pages : illustrations (black and white)
resource (300 pages) ; 22 cm
ISBN 9781009358712 PDF ebook No price ; 9781009340762 ISBN 9781032520780 hardback £130.00
ebook £95.00 BNB Number GBC379101
BNB Number GBC381161 Dāūda, active 14th century. Cāndāyana.
Women travelers, South Asia, History, 20th century. Prepublication record
Urdu prose literature, Women authors, History and
criticism. 891.6612
Urdu literature, 19th century, History and criticism. Ann : bywyd disglair Ann Griffiths / Menna Machreth ;
Travelers' writings, Urdu, History and criticism. illustrated by Emily Kimbell. —Cardiff : Broga Books, 2023.
Women travelers, South Asia, History, 19th century. —32 pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 25 cm.
Urdu literature, 20th century, History and criticism. ISBN 9781914303258 paperback £5.99
Africa, Description and travel. BNB Number GBC380056
Asia, Description and travel. Griffiths, Ann, 1776-1805, Pictorial works, Juvenile
Prepublication record literature.
Poets, Welsh, 18th century, Biography, Pictorial works,
891.43936 Juvenile literature.
Why I write / Saadat Hasan Manto ; translated by Aakar Patel. Women hymn writers, Wales, Biography, Pictorial works,
—New York : Vintage Books, 2023. —256 pages ; 23 cm Juvenile literature.
ISBN 9780143458524 paperback No price Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378131
Manṭo, Saʿ ādat Ḥasan, 1912-1955, Translations into 891.66124
English. Ann : the radiant life of Ann Griffiths / Menna Machreth ;
Prepublication record illustrated by Emily Kimbell. —Cardiff : Broga Books, 2023.
—32 pages : chiefly illustrations (colour) ; 25 cm.
891.443 7 ISBN 9781914303265 paperback £5.99
The unicorn expedition and other stories / Satyajit Ray ; BNB Number GBC380057
translated from the Bengali by Satyajit Ray and Gopa Griffiths, Ann, 1776-1805, Pictorial works, Juvenile
Majumdar ; illustrations by Agantuk. —New Delhi : Puffin literature.
Books ; New York, N.Y. : Penguin Books, 2004. —x, 237 p. : Hymn writers, Wales, Biography, Pictorial works, Juvenile
ill. ; 19 cm. literature.
ISBN 9780143335849 ; 0143335847 Women hymn writers, Wales, Biography, Pictorial works,
BNB Number GBC378037 Juvenile literature.
Ray, Satyajit, 1921-1992, Translations into English. Women poets, Welsh, 18th century, Biography, Pictorial
Children's stories, Bengali, Translations into English. works, Juvenile literature.
Poets, Welsh, 18th century, Biography, Pictorial works,
Juvenile literature.
Prepublication record

Gwawrio / Tegwen Bruce-Deans. —Bala : Cyhoeddiadau
Barddas, 2023. —200 pages ; 20 cm
ISBN 9781911584773 paperback £5.95
BNB Number GBC380031
Prepublication record
891.6633 891.7934
Mira a'r trip / Luned Aaron ; illustrated by James Cottell. Assassin of reality : a novel / Marina and Sergey Dyachenko ;
—Aberystwyth : Atebol, 2023. —72 pages : illustrations ; 20 translated by Julia Meitov Hersey. [online resource] —New
cm York, NY : Harper Voyager, an imprint of
ISBN 9781801063326 paperback £7.99 HarperCollinsPublishers, [2023]. —1 online resource (241
BNB Number GBC379900 pages).
Prepublication record ISBN 0063225441 (electronic bk.) ; 9780063225442
(electronic bk.)
891.6633 BNB Number GBC377872
Y Gwyliau / Sioned Wiliam. —Talybont : Y Lolfa, 2023. —160 Teenage girls, Abuse of, Fiction.
pages ; 20 cm Psychological abuse, Fiction.
ISBN 9781800993556 paperback £9.99 Manipulative behavior, Fiction.
BNB Number GBC379899
Umbria (Italy), Fiction. 891.8336
Prepublication record Let's go home, son / Ivica Prtenjača ; translated by David
Williams. —London : Istros Books, 2023. —1 volume ; 20 cm
891.7342 ISBN 9781912545346 paperback £10.99
Conjuring the truth : Yuri Tynianov's 'real' Pushkin / Anna BNB Number GBC380035
Kurkina Rush. [online resource] —Oxford : Peter Lang, 2023. Prepublication record
—1 online resource (468 pages)
ISBN 9781800798762 PDF ebook £75.00 ; 9781800798779 891.8518
ePub ebook £75.00 Genealogy / Tomasz Wilmanski. —Dugort, Achill, Co. Mayo :
BNB Number GBC381415 Redfoxpress, 2020. —1 volume (unpaged) : illustrations (black
Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich, 1799-1837, In literature. and white) ; 15 cm.
Tyni︠a︡nov, I︠U︡. N. (I︠U︡riĭ Nikolaevich), 1894-1943, Criticism BNB Number GBC377249
and interpretation.
Prepublication record 892.46
The essential list : a letter to the teacher / Miron C. Izakson ;
891.7342 translated from the Hebrew by Leanne Raday ; illustrations by
Conjuring the truth : Yuri Tynianov's 'real' Pushkin / Anna Dani Kerman. —Jerusalem : Gefen Publishing House, 2018.
Kurkina Rush. —Oxford : Peter Lang, 2023. —468 pages ; 23 —59 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 20 cm
cm ISBN 9789652299192
ISBN 9781800798755 hardback £75.00 BNB Number GBC377564
BNB Number GBC379884
Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich, 1799-1837, In literature. 894.3514
Tyni︠a︡nov, I︠U︡. N. (I︠U︡riĭ Nikolaevich), 1894-1943, Criticism The behavior of words / Efe Duyan ; translated by Aron Aji.
and interpretation. —Buffalo : White Pine Press, 2023. —124 pages ; 23 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9781945680632 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC380103
891.735 Duyan, Efe, Translations into English.
The incredible events in women's cell number 3 / Kira Prepublication record
Yarmysh ; translated by Arch Tait. [online resource] —London
: Serpent's Tail, 2023. —1 online resource (384 pages) 894.3533
ISBN 9781800817548 ePub ebook £12.99 Nur Baba : a Sufi novel of late Ottoman Istanbul / Yakup Kadri
BNB Number GBC381417 Karaosmanoglu ; translated by M. Brett Wilson. [online
Russia (Federation), Politics and government, Fiction. resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
Prepublication record (176 pages) : illustrations (black and white), maps (black and
891.735 ISBN 9781000876185 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000876178
The incredible events in women's cell number 3 / Kira PDF ebook £38.99
Yarmysh ; translated by Arch Tait. —London : Serpent's Tail, BNB Number GBC380520
2023. —384 pages ; 22 cm Istanbul (Turkey), History, 20th century, Fiction.
ISBN 9781800817531 hardback £16.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC379886
Russia (Federation), Politics and government, Fiction.
Prepublication record

894.3533 895.185209
Nur Baba : a Sufi novel of late Ottoman Istanbul / Yakup Kadri Mei Niang's long-lost first writings : young lady's collection /
Karaosmanoglu ; translated by M. Brett Wilson. —London : edited by Norman Smith. [online resource] —London :
Routledge, 2023. —176 pages : illustrations (black and white), Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (124 pages) :
maps (black and white) ; 24 cm. illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9781032463902 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781000893298 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000893311
BNB Number GBC378983 ePub ebook £38.99
Istanbul (Turkey), History, 20th century, Fiction. BNB Number GBC380842
Prepublication record Prepublication record

894.81135 895.185209
The chariot of wisdom / Subramania Bharati ; translated by Mei Niang's long-lost first writings : young lady's collection /
Gregory James. [online resource] —Gurgaon : Hachette India, edited by Norman Smith. —London : Routledge, 2023. —124
2023. —1 online resource pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9789393701855 ePub ebook £12.99 ISBN 9781032459844 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC381522 BNB Number GBC378972
India, Fiction. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
895.11009 A certain magical index : the old testament omnibus / Kazuma
The magic cube of ancient Chinese poetry : a linguistic Kamachi ; illustrated by Kiyotaka Haimura. —New York : Yen
perspective / Ge Zhaoguang. [online resource] —London : Press, 2023. —272 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (202 pages) : ISBN 9781975351588 hardback £225.00
illustrations (black and white). BNB Number GBC380157
ISBN 9781000907179 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000907162 Fantasy fiction, Japanese, Translations into English.
PDF ebook £48.99 Young adult fiction, Japanese, Translations into English.
BNB Number GBC381105 Prepublication record
Chinese poetry, History and criticism.
Prepublication record 895.636
Apparently, disillusioned adventurers will save the world. Vol.
895.11009 3 / Shinta Fuji. —New York : Yen Press, 2023. —184 pages :
The magic cube of ancient Chinese poetry : a linguistic illustrations ; 21 cm
perspective / Ge Zhaoguang. —London : Routledge, 2023. ISBN 9781975351885 paperback £12.99
—202 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. BNB Number GBC380159
ISBN 9781032522890 hardback £130.00 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC379112
Chinese poetry, History and criticism. 895.636
Prepublication record Before the coffee gets cold / Toshikazu Kawaguchi ;
translated from the Japanese by Geoffrey Trousselot. [online
895.136 resource] —[London] : Picador, an imprint of Pan Macmillan,
Bamboo and me : exploring bamboo's many uses in daily life : 2020. —1 online resource (1 volume).
a story told in English and Chinese / by Xu Bin & Yuan ISBN 9781760983109 (electronic bk.) ; 1760983101
Yahuan ; translated by Yijin Wert. —New York, NY : Better (electronic bk.) ; 1529050871 (EPUB) ; 9781529050875
Link Press, [2018] —1 volume (unpaged) : illustrations (colour) (EPUB)
; 24 cm BNB Number GBC377692
ISBN 9781602204546 hardback Short stories, Japanese, Translations into English.
BNB Number GBC377270
895.136 Bottom-tier character Tomozaki. Vol. 10 / Yuki Yaku ;
Remnants of filth. Volume 1, Yuwu / Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou ; illustrations by Fly. —New York : Yen Press, 2023. —224
illustrated by St. —Santa Barbara : Seven Seas, 2023. —440 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm
pages ; 21 cm ISBN 9781975360283 paperback £12.99
ISBN 9781685794675 paperback No price BNB Number GBC380166
BNB Number GBC379734 Tomozaki, Fumiya (Fictitious character), Fiction.
Gay men, Fiction. Prepublication record
Prepublication record

895.636 895.636
Date a live. Vol. 9 / Koushi Tachibana ; illustrated by Tsunako. Seirei Gensouki : spirit chronicles. 9 / Yuri Kitayama ;
—New York : Yen Press, 2023. —264 pages : illustrations ; 21 illustrated by Riv ; translated by Mana Z. —Shavano Park :
cm J-Novel Club, 2023. —400 pages : illustrations (black and
ISBN 9781975350307 paperback £12.99 white, and colour) ; 18 cm
BNB Number GBC380156 ISBN 9781718328884 paperback No price
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379740
Kitayama, Yuri, Translations into English.
895.636 Fantasy fiction, Japanese, Translations into English.
Death march to the parallel world rhapsody. Vol. 19 / Hiro Prepublication record
Ainana. —New York : Yen Press, 2023. —224 pages :
illustrations ; 21 cm 895.636
ISBN 9781975343972 paperback £12.99 So I'm a spider, so what?. Volume 16 / Okina Baba ;
BNB Number GBC380150 illustrated by Tsukasa Kiryu. —New York : Yen Press, 2023.
Prepublication record —260 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm
ISBN 9781975352189 paperback £12.99
895.636 BNB Number GBC380162
Gods' games we play. Vol. 2 / Kei Sazane. —New York : Yen Prepublication record
Press, 2023. —200 pages : illustrations (black and white, and
colour) ; 21 cm 895.636
ISBN 9781975348519 paperback £12.99 Starting life in another world. 22 / Tappei Nagatsuki ;
BNB Number GBC380153 illustrated by Shinichirou Otsuka. —New York : Yen Press,
Prepublication record 2023. —240 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9781975335359 paperback £12.99
895.636 BNB Number GBC380147
My friend's little sister has it in for me!. Volume 7 / Prepublication record
mikawaghost ; illustrated by tomari ; translated by Alexandra
Owen-Burns. —Shavano Park : J-Novel Club, 2023. —224 895.636
pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 18 cm Sword art online alternative gun gale online. Volume 12 / Reki
ISBN 9781718326866 paperback No price Kawahara, Keiichi Sigsawa ; illustrated by Kohaku Kuroboshi.
BNB Number GBC379739 —New York : Yen Press, 2023. —184 pages : illustrations ; 21
Akiteru (Fictitious character from mikawaghost), Fiction. cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9781975367862 paperback £12.99
BNB Number GBC380187
895.636 Prepublication record
My happy marriage. 4 / Akumi Agitogi ; illustrated by Tsukiho
Tsukioka. —New York : Yen Press, 2023. —180 pages : 895.636
illustrations ; 21 cm The ephemeral scenes of Setsuna's journey. Vol. 1 /
ISBN 9781975335069 paperback £12.99 Rokusyou and Usuasagi. —New York : Yen Press, 2023.
BNB Number GBC380146 —230 pages ; 21 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9781975363871 paperback £12.99
BNB Number GBC380175
895.636 Prepublication record
Rascal does not dream. Vol. 11 / Hajime Kamoshida ;
illustrated by Keji Mizoguchi. —New York : Yen Press, 2023. 895.636
—192 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm The samurai and the prisoner / Honobu Yonezawa ; translated
ISBN 9781975343507 paperback £12.99 by Giuseppe di Martino. —New York : Yen Press, 2023. —576
BNB Number GBC380149 pages ; 21 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9781975360504 hardback £18.99
BNB Number GBC380167
Kuroda, Yoshitaka, 1546-1604, Fiction.
Araki, Murashige, 1535-1586, Fiction.
Itamijo (Itami-shi, Japan), Fiction.
Japan, History, Azuchi Momoyama period, 1568-1603,
Prepublication record

Yami-hara / Mizuki Tsujimura ; translation by Stephen Paul.
—New York : Yen Press, 2023. —224 pages ; 21 cm
ISBN 9781975367763 hardback £18.99
BNB Number GBC380186
Prepublication record

Revealing rebellion in Abiayala : the insurgent poetics of
contemporary indigenous literature / Hannah Burdette.
—Tucson : The University of Arizona Press, 2023. —304
pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm
ISBN 9780816552283 paperback £41.95
BNB Number GBC378444
Literature, Indian authors.
Social movements in literature.
Indigenous authors, America.
Indian literature, History and criticism.
America, Literatures, History and criticism.
Prepublication record

History & geography
901 907.23
Engaging with the past and present : the relationship between Violence and public memory / edited by Martin Blatt. [online
past and present across the disciplines / edited by Paul M. resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
Dover. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 (304 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
online resource (238 pages) : illustrations (black and white) ISBN 9781000902471 ePub ebook £35.99 ; 9781000902419
ISBN 9781000892871 ePub ebook £42.99 ; 9781000892802 PDF ebook £35.99
PDF ebook £42.99 BNB Number GBC381030
BNB Number GBC380825 Memorialization, Case studies.
History, Methodology. Public history, Case studies.
Natural history, Methodology. Collective memory.
History, Philosophy. Violence, History, Case studies.
Natural history, Philosophy. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
901 Violence and public memory / edited by Martin Blatt. —London
Engaging with the past and present : the relationship between : Routledge, 2023. —304 pages : illustrations (black and
past and present across the disciplines / edited by Paul M. white) ; 24 cm
Dover. —London : Routledge, 2023. —238 pages : ISBN 9781032109480 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032109473
illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm paperback £35.99
ISBN 9780367460327 hardback £205.00 BNB Number GBC378597
BNB Number GBC378255 Memorialization, Case studies.
Natural history, Methodology. Violence, History, Case studies.
History, Philosophy. Collective memory.
Natural history, Philosophy. Public history, Case studies.
History, Methodology. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
907.2 A history of big history / Ian Hesketh. [online resource]
History : an introduction to theory, method, and practice / —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —1 online
Peter Claus and John Marriott. [online resource] —Third resource (75 pages).
edition. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (520 ISBN 9781009036399 PDF ebook £145.00
pages) : illustrations (black and white) BNB Number GBC381131
ISBN 9781000878592 PDF ebook £32.99 ; 9781000878615 Human evolution.
ePub ebook £32.99 World history.
BNB Number GBC380540 Civilization.
Historiography. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
907.2 A history of big history / Ian Hesketh. —Cambridge :
History : an introduction to theory, method, and practice / Cambridge University Press, 2023. —75 pages.
Peter Claus and John Marriott. —Third edition. —London : ISBN 9781009005197 paperback £17.00
Routledge, 2023. —520 pages : illustrations (black and white) BNB Number GBC378478
; 25 cm World history.
ISBN 9780367740955 paperback £32.99 ; 9780367740979 Human evolution.
hardback £120.00 Civilization.
BNB Number GBC378297 Prepublication record
Prepublication record

909 909.0971241
History : the definitive visual guide : from the dawn of A new focus on the British empire, c.1500-present : for Key
civilization to the present day / edited by Adam Hart-Davis. Stage 3 history / Richard Kennett [and ten others]. [online
—New edition. —London : Dorling Kindersley Limited, 2023. resource] —London : Hodder Education, 2023. —1 online
—620 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps resource (80 pages)
(colour) ; 29 cm ISBN 9781398363069 ePub ebook £15.99
ISBN 9780241600948 hardback £40.00 BNB Number GBC381259
BNB Number GBC378214 Great Britain, Colonies, History.
World history. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
909 Socialist internationalism and the gritty politics of the particular
States, markets and wars in global history : economic and : Second-Third World spaces in the Cold War / edited by
political developments between the advent of globalization Kristin Roth-Ey. [online resource] —London : Bloomsbury
and the COVID-19 pandemic / Giulio Sapelli. —Basingstoke : Academic, 2023. —1 online resource (296 pages) :
Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. —340 pages : illustrations (black illustrations (black and white).
and white) ; 21 cm ISBN 9781350302808 ePub ebook £76.50 ; 9781350302792
ISBN 9783031267154 hardback £109.99 PDF ebook £76.50
BNB Number GBC380276 BNB Number GBC381234
World politics, History. Communism and international relations.
International economic relations, History. Cold War.
Globalization, History. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
909 Russian-Arab worlds : a documentary history / edited by
States, markets and wars in global history : economic and Eileen Kane, Masha Kirasirova, and Margaret Litvin. —New
political developments between the advent of globalization York : Oxford University Press, 2023. —384 pages :
and the COVID-19 pandemic / Giulio Sapelli. [online resource] illustrations (black and white), maps (black and white) ; 24 cm
—Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. —1 online ISBN 9780197605769 hardback £71.00
resource (340 pages) : illustrations (black and white) BNB Number GBC378169
ISBN 9783031267161 PDF ebook £109.50 Ode-Vasilʹ eva, Klavdiia︠ ︡ Viktorovna, 1892-1965
BNB Number GBC381509
World politics, History. Arabists, Soviet Union, Biography.
International economic relations, History. Arabic philology.
Globalization, History. Arab countries, Historiography.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

909.07 910.202
In this modern age : medieval studies in honor of Paul Edward Cruise & travel. [online resource] —London : The Chelsea
Dutton / edited by Courtney M. Booker and Anne A. Latowsky. Magazine Company Limited, 2023- —illustrations (colour)
—Budapest : Trivent Publishing, 2023. —532 pages ISSN 2976-8020
ISBN 9786156405661 paperback No price BNB Number GBC377585
BNB Number GBC380381
Civilization, Medieval. 910.285
Prepublication record Geographic data science with Python / by Sergio Rey, Dani
Arribas-Bel and Levi John Wolf. [online resource] —Boca
909.07 Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2023. —1 online resource (393
The miraculous and the writing of crusade narrative / Beth C. pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour).
Spacey. —Martlesham : The Boydell Press, 2023. —214 ISBN 9781000885224 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000885279
pages ; 24 cm. ePub ebook £48.99
ISBN 9781837650743 paperback £17.99 BNB Number GBC380647
BNB Number GBC379982 Python (Computer program language)
Miracles, History of doctrines, Middle Ages, 600-1500. Geospatial data, Computer processing.
War, Religious aspects, Christianity, History, To 1500. Prepublication record
Crusades, Historiography.
Prepublication record

910.4 910.92
Bon voyage! / Ingela P. Arrhenius. —San Francisco : WANDERLUST : an eccentric explorer, an epic journey, a lost
Chronicle Books, 2023. —10 pages : chiefly illustrations age. [online resource] —[Place of publication not identified] :
(colour) ; 16 cm. MARINER BOOKS, 2023. —1 online resource (512 pages).
ISBN 9781797215594 hardback £6.99 ISBN 0358469171 (electronic bk.) ; 9780358469179
BNB Number GBC379837 (electronic bk.)
Board books. BNB Number GBC377838
Voyages and travels, Pictorial works, Juvenile literature. Freuchen, Peter, 1886-1957
Prepublication record
Explorers, Denmark, Biography.
Backpacking centurion. Volume 2, Lands down under / Jonny 912.4611
Blair. —[Great Britain] : [Jonny Blair], [2020] —292 pages ; 23 Camino de Santiago : Camino Francés : St. Jean Pied de Port
cm - Santiago : maps = mapas = mappe = mapy = karten = cartes
ISBN 9781098337698 paperback / John Brierley. —Glasgow : Camino Guides, [2022] —111
BNB Number GBC377537 pages : illustrations (colour), maps (colour) ; 19 cm
ISBN 9781912216291 (pbk.) : £12.99 ; 1912216299 (pbk.) :
910.4660941 £12.99
The Independent Hostel Guide 2022 : England, Wales, BNB Number GBC378027
Scotland / Edited by Sam Dalley and Penny MacGregor. Pilgrims and pilgrimages, Camino de Santiago de
—Thirtieth Edition. —Matlock Bath, Derbyshire : Independent Compostela, Guidebooks.
Hostels UK, [2022] —320 pages : illustrations (colour), maps Pilgrims and pilgrimages, Spain, Camino Francés,
(colour) ; 17 cm Guidebooks.
ISBN 1739883209 (pbk.) : £7.95 ; 9781739883201 (pbk.) : Camino Francés (Spain), Guidebooks.
£7.95 Camino Francés (Spain), Maps.
BNB Number GBC377966 Camino de Santiago de Compostela, Guidebooks.
Tourist camps, hostels, etc., Great Britain, Guidebooks. Camino de Santiago de Compostela, Maps.
Great Britain, Guidebooks.
910.721 GRAN Tour of the UK / Sue Johnston. [online resource]
Key methods in geography. [online resource] —Fourth edition —London : Austin Macauley Publishing Ltd., 2019. —1 online
/ edited by Nicholas Clifford, Meghan Cope, Thomas W. resource : illustrations
Gillespie. —Los Angeles : SAGE, [2023] —1 online resource : ISBN 9781528957229 Electronic book (EPUB format)
illustrations (black and white), maps (black and white) BNB Number GBC378114
ISBN 9781529613797 ePub ebook No price ; 9781529772081 Travel, General.
hardback No price ; 9781529772098 paperback No price Great Britain, Guidebooks.
BNB Number GBC381578 Great Britain, Description and travel.
Geography, Research, Methodology. Great Britain, Tours.
Prepublication record
910.916346 Dublin like a local : by the people who call it home. [online
Studying the Princess Carolina : anatomy of the ship that held resource] —London : DK Eyewitness Travel, 2023. —1 online
up Wall Street / Warren C. Riess. —College Station : Texas resource (192 pages) : illustrations (colour), maps (colour)
A&M University Press, 2023. —136 pages : illustrations ; 28 ISBN 9780241640746 ePub ebook £12.99
cm. BNB Number GBC380428
ISBN 9781648431104 hardback £54.00 Dublin (Ireland), Guidebooks.
BNB Number GBC379690 Prepublication record
Ronson Ship (Merchant ship : 18th century)
Merchant ships, New York (State), New York, History, 18th 914.3154604883
century. Secret Potsdam : a guide to the unusual and unfamiliar.
Underwater archaeology, New York (State), New York. —Versailles : Jonglez, 2023. —256 pages ; 19 cm
Ships, Wooden, New York (State), New York, History, 18th ISBN 9782361955984 paperback £15.99
century. BNB Number GBC380207
Hulls (Naval architecture), Design and construction, Potsdam (Germany), Guidebooks.
History, 18th century. Prepublication record
Manhattan (New York, N.Y.), Antiquities.
Prepublication record

914.49904842 917.30092
Secret Corisca guide : a guide to the unusual and unfamiliar. Fight or flight / Andrew McFadyen-Ketchum. —Nacogdoches :
—Versailles : Jonglez, 2023. —256 pages : illustrations ; 19 Stephen F. Austin State University Press, 2023. —88 pages ;
cm 23 cm
ISBN 9782361956257 paperback £14.99 ISBN 9781622889433 paperback £19.95
BNB Number GBC380208 BNB Number GBC379594
Corsica (France), Guidebooks. McFadyen-Ketchum, Andrew, Travel.
Prepublication record Wilderness areas, United States.
United States, Description and travel.
914.521104932 Prepublication record
Secret Milan : a guide to the unusual and unfamiliar.
—Versailles : Jonglez, 2023. —400 pages ; 19 cm 917.304913
ISBN 9782361956783 paperback £15.99 American journey : on the road with Henry Ford, Thomas
BNB Number GBC380209 Edison, and John Burroughs / Wes Davis. [online resource]
Milan (Italy), Guidebooks. —New York : W.W. Norton and Company, 2023. —1 online
Prepublication record resource (384 pages) : illustrations
ISBN 9781324000334 ePub ebook £31.19
914.704 BNB Number GBC381227
Muscovy : Russia through foreign eyes 1553-1900 / Edison, Thomas A. (Thomas Alva), 1847-1931, Travel,
Francesca Wilson. [online resource] —London : Routledge, United States.
2023. —1 online resource (326 pages). Burroughs, John, 1837-1921, Travel, United States.
ISBN 9781000906769 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000906752 Ford, Henry, 1863-1947, Travel, United States.
PDF ebook £48.99 Automobile travel, United States, History, 20th century.
BNB Number GBC381095 United States, History, 1901-1953.
Russia, Description and travel. United States, Description and travel.
Muscovy (Grand Duchy), Description and travel. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
914.704 American journey : on the road with Henry Ford, Thomas
Muscovy : Russia through foreign eyes 1553-1900 / Edison, and John Burroughs / Wes Davis. —New York : W.W.
Francesca Wilson. —London : Routledge, 2023. —326 pages Norton and Company, 2023. —384 pages : illustrations ; 23
; 24 cm. cm
ISBN 9781032485874 hardback £105.00 ISBN 9781324000327 hardback £25.99
BNB Number GBC379014 BNB Number GBC379225
Russia, Description and travel. Ford, Henry, 1863-1947, Travel, United States.
Muscovy (Grand Duchy), Description and travel. Burroughs, John, 1837-1921, Travel, United States.
Prepublication record Edison, Thomas A. (Thomas Alva), 1847-1931, Travel,
United States.
Automobile travel, United States, History, 20th century.
18,366 Kilometres by Road : An Adventure Trip from London
United States, History, 1901-1953.
to Lagos and Back to London by Land / Chinedu Vincent
United States, Description and travel.
Akuta. [online resource] —Bloomington, Indiana :
Prepublication record
AuthorHouse UK, 3 November 2016. —1 online resource :
illustrations (colour) 917.304916
ISBN 9781524663391 Electronic book (EPUB format) Levi's dream : a 1930 trip to the National Parks in a Model A
BNB Number GBC378048 Ford - with seven children / Kerry Killinger, Linda Cottington
Travel, General. Killinger, Marilee Cottington McAlpine. —Westport : Prospecta
Biography & Autobiography, Adventurers & Explorers. Press, 2023. —184 pages : illustrations (black and white),
map (black and white) ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781632260994 paperback No price
Secret Mexico City guide. —Versailles : Jonglez, 2023. —400
BNB Number GBC379608
pages : illustrations (colour), maps (colour) ; 19 cm
Killinger, Linda, Family.
ISBN 9782361955434 paperback £15.99
National parks and reserves, United States, History, 20th
BNB Number GBC380206
Mexico City (Mexico), Guidebooks.
United States, Social conditions, 1918-1932.
Prepublication record
Prepublication record

917.304934 929.60940902
Driving the Green Book : a road trip through the living history The herald in late medieval Europe / edited by Katie
of Black resistance / Alvin Hall, with Karl Weber. [online Stevenson. —Martlesham : The Boydell Press, 2023. —222
resource] —New York : HarperOne, an imprint of pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
HarperCollinsPublishers, [2023]. —1 online resource. ISBN 9781837650750 paperback £18.99
ISBN 9780063271982 (electronic bk.) ; 0063271982 BNB Number GBC379983
(electronic bk.) Heraldry, Europe, History, To 1500.
BNB Number GBC377834 Europe, History, 476-1492.
Hall, Alvin D., Travel, United States. Prepublication record
African Americans, Travel, United States.
African Americans, Segregation, History, 20th century. 930
Automobile travel, United States, History, 20th century. World prehistory : a brief introduction / Brian M. Fagan, Nadia
United States, Race relations, History, 20th century. Durrani. [online resource] —Eleventh edition. —London :
United States, Social conditions, 20th century. Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (500 pages) :
illustrations (black and white)
917.3068 ISBN 9781000875294 ePub ebook £74.99 ; 9781000875256
Where should we camp next? : national parks : the best PDF ebook £74.99
campgrounds and unique outdoor accommodations in and BNB Number GBC380517
around national parks, seashores, monuments, and more / Antiquities, Prehistoric.
Stephanie Puglisi, Jeremy Puglisi. —Naperville : Human evolution.
Sourcebooks, 2023. —384 pages ; 21 cm Prehistoric peoples.
ISBN 9781728262598 paperback £14.99 Anthropology, Prehistoric.
BNB Number GBC379744 Prepublication record
National parks and reserves, United States, Guidebooks.
Camp sites, facilities, etc., United States, Guidebooks. 930
Camping, United States, Guidebooks. World prehistory : a brief introduction / Brian M. Fagan, Nadia
Family recreation, United States, Guidebooks. Durrani. —Eleventh edition. —London : Routledge, 2023.
Prepublication record —500 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 26 cm
ISBN 9781032365992 hardback £175.00 ; 9781032366005
917.92480434 paperback £74.99
Zion National Park / Rebecca Worby ; edited by Taylor Bruce. BNB Number GBC378862
—Austin : Wildsam Field Guides, 2023. —144 pages ; 17 cm. Human evolution.
ISBN 9781467199858 paperback No price Anthropology, Prehistoric.
BNB Number GBC379389 Antiquities, Prehistoric.
Zion National Park (Utah), Guidebooks. Prehistoric peoples.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

917.95490444 930.1
Forest Park : Portland's natural sanctuary / Marcy Cottrell Archaeological theory in a nutshell / written and illustrated by
Houle. —Corvallis : Oregon State University Press, 2023. Adrian Praetzellis. [online resource] —Second edition.
—232 pages : illustrations (colour), maps ; 23 cm —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (240 pages)
ISBN 9780870712227 paperback £24.95 : illustrations (black and white)
BNB Number GBC378465 ISBN 9781000866896 ePub ebook £32.99 ; 9781000866780
Hiking, Oregon, Portland, Guidebooks. PDF ebook £32.99
Natural history, Oregon, Portland, Guidebooks. BNB Number GBC380503
Parks, Oregon, Portland, Guidebooks. Archaeology, Philosophy.
Forest Park (Portland, Or.), Guidebooks. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
920.001 Archaeological theory in a nutshell / written and illustrated by
Living in words : literature, autobiographical language, and the Adrian Praetzellis. —Second edition. —London : Routledge,
composition of selfhood / Garry L. Hagberg. —Oxford : Oxford 2023. —240 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
University Press, 2023. —304 pages ; 24 cm ISBN 9781032253671 hardback £120.00 ; 9781032252933
ISBN 9780198841210 hardback £72.00 paperback £32.99
BNB Number GBC378189 BNB Number GBC378720
Language and languages, Philosophy. Archaeology, Philosophy.
Self (Philosophy) Prepublication record
Autobiography, Philosophy.
Prepublication record
930.1028 930.1092
AARGnews [electronic resource]. [online resource] —[Great Archaeology, sexism, and scandal : the long-suppressed story
Britain] : AARG —illustrations (colour) of one woman's discoveries and the man who stole credit for
ISSN 1756-753X them / Alan Kaiser. [online resource] —Second edition.
BNB Number GBC378073 —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —1 online
resource (302 pages) : illustrations (black and white), map
930.1028 ISBN 9781538174982 PDF ebook £119.00
Theorizing archaeological museum studies : from artefact to BNB Number GBC381366
exhibit / Monika Stobiecka. [online resource] —London : Robinson, David M. (David Moore), 1880-1958
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (172 pages) :
illustrations (black and white) Ellingson, Mary Ross, 1908-1993
ISBN 9781000889215 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000889277
ePub ebook £38.99 Excavations (Archaeology), Greece, Olynthus (Extinct city)
BNB Number GBC380722 Plagiarism, United States, History, 20th century.
Antiquities. Archaeologists, United States, Biography.
Museum studies. Women archaeologists, United States, Biography.
Museum exhibits. Olynthus (Extinct city)
Archaeology, Methodology. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
930.1028 Archaeology, sexism, and scandal : the long-suppressed story
Theorizing archaeological museum studies : from artefact to of one woman's discoveries and the man who stole credit for
exhibit / Monika Stobiecka. —London : Routledge, 2023. them / Alan Kaiser. —Second edition. —Lanham : Rowman &
—172 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —302 pages : illustrations (black
ISBN 9781032356532 hardback £130.00 and white), map ; 24 cm
BNB Number GBC378846 ISBN 9781538174968 hardback £88.00 ; 9781538174975
Museum exhibits. paperback £35.00
Museum studies. BNB Number GBC379553
Archaeology, Methodology. Robinson, David M. (David Moore), 1880-1958
Prepublication record Ellingson, Mary Ross, 1908-1993
Archaeologists, United States, Biography.
From Caligula to the Nazis : the Nemi ships in Diana's
Excavations (Archaeology), Greece, Olynthus (Extinct city)
Sanctuary / John M. McManamon. —College Station : Texas
Women archaeologists, United States, Biography.
A&M University Press, 2023. —248 pages : illustrations (black
Plagiarism, United States, History, 20th century.
and white) ; 28 cm.
Olynthus (Extinct city)
ISBN 9781648431142 hardback £71.00
Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC379691
Mussolini, Benito, 1883-1945 932 Pharaohs / editors Sarah Bankes & Charles Ginger ; compiled
Caligula, Emperor of Rome, 12-41 by Alice Pattillo & Perry Wardell-Wicks. —Third edition. —Bath : Future PLC, [2022] —127 pages : illustrations (black and
Sanctuary of Diana (Nemi, Italy), History. white, and colour), 1 map (colour) ; 30 cm.
Museo delle navi romane (Nemi, Italy), History. BNB Number GBC377246
Ships, Ancient, Italy, Nemi, Lake.
Underwater archaeology, Italy, History. 932.01
Rome, Social life and customs. Copper in ancient Egypt : before, during and after the pyramid
Nemi, Lake (Italy), Antiquities, Roman. age (c. 4000-1600 BC) / Martin Odler. [online resource]
Prepublication record —Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2023. —1 online resource :
illustrations, maps.
ISBN 9789004527690 ebook No price
BNB Number GBC380324
Copper age, Egypt.
Antiquities, Prehistoric, Egypt.
Egypt, Antiquities.
Prepublication record

934.04092 936.165
Chandragupta Maurya : the creation of a national hero in India Ballynahatty : excavations in a neolithic monumental
/ Sushma Jansari. [online resource] —London : UCL Press, landscape / edited by Barrie Hartwell, Sarah Gormley,
2023. —1 online resource (240 pages) : illustrations (colour) Catriona Brogan, Caroline Malone. —Oxford : Oxbow Books,
ISBN 9781800083882 PDF ebook No price ; 9781800083912 2023. —288 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour)
ePub ebook £0.99 ; 30 cm
BNB Number GBC381399 ISBN 9781789259711 hardback £55.00
Chandragupta Maurya, Emperor of Northern India BNB Number GBC379812 Landscape archaeology, Northern Ireland, Down (County)
History, Political aspects, India. Excavations (Archaeology), Northern Ireland, Down
Imperialism, India. (County)
Emperors, India, History, To 1500. Neolithic period, Northern Ireland, Down (County)
Heroes, India. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
934.04092 A hillfort through time : excavations at Rathgall, Co. Wicklow /
Chandragupta Maurya : the creation of a national hero in India Barry Raferty and Katharina Becker. —Dublin : Wordwell,
/ Sushma Jansari. —London : UCL Press, 2023. —240 pages 2023. —572 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 27 cm
: illustrations (colour) ; 24 cm ISBN 9781913934774 hardback £45.00
ISBN 9781800083905 hardback £50.00 ; 9781800083899 BNB Number GBC380050
paperback £30.00 Fortification, Prehistoric, Ireland, Rathgall Site.
BNB Number GBC379852 Excavations (Archaeology), Ireland, Rathgall Site.
Chandragupta Maurya, Emperor of Northern India Rathgall Site (Ireland), Antiquities. Prepublication record
Heroes, India.
Emperors, India, History, To 1500. 937.07092
History, Political aspects, India. The emperor Caligula in the ancient sources / Anthony A.
Imperialism, India. Barrett and John C. Yardley. [online resource] —Oxford :
Prepublication record Oxford University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (xxi, 203
pages) : illustrations (black and white), map (black and white).
934.92404 ISBN 9780191888816 ebook No price ; 9780198854562
Mahasthan record revisited : querying the empire from a hardback No price ; 9780198854579 paperback No price
regional perspective / Susmita Basu Majumdar. [online BNB Number GBC380406
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource Caligula, Emperor of Rome, 12-41
(120 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour)
ISBN 9781000905168 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000905182 Rome, History, Caligula, 37-41, Sources.
ePub ebook £38.99 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC381060
Inscriptions, Brahmi, Bangladesh, Mahasthan Site. 939.432
Mahasthan Site (Bangladesh) Exchange and reuse in Roman Palmyra : examining economy
India, History, Maurya dynasty, ca. 322 B.C.-ca. 185 B.C. and circularity / edited by Nathanael Andrade, Rubina Raja.
Prepublication record —Turnhout : Brepols, 2023. —154 pages : illustrations (black
and white) ; 28 cm.
934.92404 ISBN 9782503603421 paperback No price
Mahasthan record revisited : querying the empire from a BNB Number GBC380211
regional perspective / Susmita Basu Majumdar. —London : Tadmur (Syria), Antiquities.
Routledge, 2023. —120 pages : illustrations (black and white, Tadmur (Syria), Economic conditions.
and colour) ; 22 cm Prepublication record
ISBN 9781032520698 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC379099
Inscriptions, Brahmi, Bangladesh, Mahasthan Site.
India, History, Maurya dynasty, ca. 322 B.C.-ca. 185 B.C.
Mahasthan Site (Bangladesh)
Prepublication record

940.0491497 940.24
Europe and the Roma : a history of fascination and fear / Rebellion and diplomacy in early modern Europe / edited by
Klaus-Michael Bogdal ; translated by Jefferson Chase. Monika Barget, David de Boer, and Malte Griesse. [online
—London : Allen Lane, 2023. —624 pages ; 24 cm resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
ISBN 9780241519028 hardback £35.00 (272 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
BNB Number GBC378213 ISBN 9781000890402 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000890372
Romanies, Europe, History. PDF ebook £38.99
Romanies, Europe, Social conditions. BNB Number GBC380755
Racism against Romanies, Europe, History. Diplomacy, History, 17th century, Sources.
Romaphobia, Europe, History. Revolutions, Europe, History, 17th century, Sources.
Europe, Ethnic relations. Insurgency, Europe, History, 17th century, Sources.
Prepublication record Europe, History, 17th century, Sources.
Prepublication record
From Christians to Europeans : Pope Pius II and the concept 940.24
of the modern Western identity / Nancy Bisaha. [online Rebellion and diplomacy in early modern Europe / edited by
resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource Monika Barget, David de Boer, and Malte Griesse. —London :
(368 pages) Routledge, 2023. —272 pages : illustrations (black and white)
ISBN 9781000882889 PDF ebook £34.99 ; 9781000882919 ; 24 cm.
ePub ebook £34.99 ISBN 9781032170572 hardback £130.00
BNB Number GBC380612 BNB Number GBC378657
Pius II, Pope, 1405-1464 Insurgency, Europe, History, 17th century, Sources. Revolutions, Europe, History, 17th century, Sources.
Europeans, Ethnic identity, History. Diplomacy, History, 17th century, Sources.
East and West. Europe, History, 17th century, Sources.
Civilization, Western. Prepublication record
Civilization, Medieval.
Europe, Intellectual life, To 1500. 940.2523
Europe, History, 15th century. Charles X's Wars. Volume 2, The Wars in the East,
Prepublication record 1655-1657 / Michael Fredholm von Essen. —Warwick : Helion
& Company, 2022. —220 pages, viii pages of plates :
940.21 illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps (black and
From Christians to Europeans : Pope Pius II and the concept white) ; 25 cm.
of the modern Western identity / Nancy Bisaha. —London : ISBN 9781915070302 paperback
Routledge, 2023. —368 pages ; 24 cm BNB Number GBC377257
ISBN 9781032326153 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032326160
paperback £34.99 940.3
BNB Number GBC378814 Voices of World War I : contemporary accounts of daily life /
Pius II, Pope, 1405-1464 compiled by Priscilla Roberts. —Westport : Greenwood Press, 2023. —311 pages.
East and West. ISBN 9781440873560 hardback £89.00
Civilization, Western. BNB Number GBC379348
Europeans, Ethnic identity, History. World War, 1914-1918, Sources.
Civilization, Medieval. World War, 1914-1918, Personal narratives.
Europe, Intellectual life, To 1500. Prepublication record
Europe, History, 15th century.
Prepublication record

940.426 940.5317
Finding Gallipoli : battlefield remembrance and the movement British internment and the internment of Britons : Second
of Australian and Turkish history / Brad West. —Basingstoke : World War camps, history and heritage / edited by Gilly Carr,
Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. —272 pages : illustrations (black Rachel Pistol. —London : Bloomsbury Academic, 2023. —304
and white) ; 21 cm. pages : maps ; 24 cm
ISBN 9783030988814 paperback £89.99 ISBN 9781350266254 hardback £85.00
BNB Number GBC380227 BNB Number GBC379245
World War, 1914-1918, Campaigns, Turkey, Gallipoli World War, 1939-1945, Concentration camps.
Peninsula. World War, 1939-1945, Forced removal of civilians, Great
Collective memory, Turkey. Britain.
World War, 1914-1918, Campaigns, Turkey, Gallipoli World War, 1939-1945, Forced removal of civilians.
Peninsula, Public opinion. World War, 1939-1945, Prisoners and prisons, British.
Memorialization, Australia. World War, 1939-1945, Concentration camps, Great
Collective memory, Australia. Britain.
Memorialization, Turkey. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
940.51132 Manzanar mosaic : essays and oral histories on America's
Stalin's gamble : the search for allies against Hitler, first World War II Japanese American concentration camp /
1930-1936 / Michael Jabara Carley. —Toronto : University of Arthur A. Hansen. —Boulder : University Press of Colorado,
Toronto Press, 2023. —648 pages : illustrations (black and 2023. —336 pages ; 23 cm.
white), maps (black and white) ; 23 cm ISBN 9781646424214 hardback No price
ISBN 9781487544416 hardback £62.99 BNB Number GBC379675
BNB Number GBC379443 Yoneda, Elaine Black, 1906-1988, Interviews.
Stalin, Joseph, 1878-1953 Yoneda, Karl G., 1906-1999, Interviews. Embrey, Sue Kunitomi, Interviews.
World War, 1939-1945, Diplomatic history. Ueno, Harry Y. (Harry Yoshio), 1907-2004, Interviews.
World War, 1939-1945, Causes. Tanaka, Togo, 1916-2009, Interviews.
Soviet Union, Foreign relations. Hansen, Arthur A., Interviews.
Prepublication record Manzanar War Relocation Center.
Japanese Americans, Forced removal and internment,
940.530207 1942-1945.
British humour and the Second World War : 'keep smiling World War, 1939-1945, Japanese Americans, Interviews.
through' / edited by Juliette Pattinson, Linsey Robb. [online World War, 1939-1945, Evacuation of civilians, United
resource] —London : Bloomsbury Academic, 2023. —1 online States.
resource (232 pages) : illustrations (black and white). World War, 1939-1945, Japanese Americans, Personal
ISBN 9781350199477 PDF ebook £76.50 ; 9781350199484 narratives.
ePub ebook £76.50 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC381233
World War, 1939-1945, Great Britain, Psychological 940.5318092
aspects. The Betrayal of Anne Frank : A Cold Case Investigation /
World War, 1939-1945, Great Britain, Humor. Rosemary Sullivan. [online resource] —New York : Harper
Prepublication record Perennial, 2023. —1 online resource.
ISBN 9780063329430 (electronic bk.) ; 0063329433
(electronic bk.)
BNB Number GBC377837
Frank, Anne, 1929-1945, Last years.
Frank family.
Jews, Netherlands, Amsterdam, Biography.
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945), Netherlands, Amsterdam.
Netherlands, History, German occupation, 1940-1945.

940.53180943836 940.541273092
The towns of death : Jewish pogroms by their neighbors / Patton's war : an American general's combat leadership.
Mirosław Tryczyk ; translated by Frank Szmulowicz. Volume 2, August-December 1944 / Kevin M. Hymel.
—Lanham : Lexington Books, 2023. —426 pages : illustrations —Columbia : University of Missouri Press, 2023. —480 pages
(black and white) ; 23 cm : illustrations (black and white), maps ; 23 cm.
ISBN 9781793637659 paperback £36.00 ISBN 9780826222787 hardback £46.95
BNB Number GBC379831 BNB Number GBC378455
Pogroms, Poland, Podlasie (Region), History, 20th century. Patton, George S. (George Smith), 1885-1945, Military
Jews, Persecutions, Poland, Podlasie (Region) leadership.
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945), Poland, Podlasie (Region) Patton, George S. (George Smith), 1885-1945
Prepublication record
United States. Army. Army, 3rd, History.
940.5318350922 World War, 1939-1945, Campaigns.
In the garden of the righteous : the heroes who risked their Prepublication record
lives to save Jews during the Holocaust / Richard Hurowitz.
[online resource] —New York, NY : Harper, an imprint of 940.541343
HarperCollinsPublishers, [2023]. —1 online resource : Panzer reconnaissance / Thomas Anderson. [online resource]
illustrations. —Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource (288
ISBN 9780063037250 (electronic bk.) ; 0063037254 pages) : illustrations (black and white)
(electronic bk.) ISBN 9781472855015 ePub ebook £31.50 ; 9781472855008
BNB Number GBC377866 PDF ebook £31.50
World War, 1939-1945, Jews, Rescue. BNB Number GBC381292
Righteous Gentiles in the Holocaust, Biography. Germany. Heer, Armored troops, History, 20th century.
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) World War, 1939-1945, Reconnaissance operations,
940.5344 Prepublication record
Vichy's double bind : French collaboration between Hitler and
Mussolini during the Second World War / Karine Varley. 940.5413430922
—Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —230 Hitler's Panzer generals : Guderian, Hoepner, Reinhardt and
pages. Schmidt unguarded / David Stahel. [online resource]
ISBN 9781009368292 hardback £85.00 —Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023. —1 online
BNB Number GBC378543 resource (336 pages) : illustrations (black and white), maps
World War, 1939-1945, Collaborationists, France. (black and white)
France, Politics and government, 1940-1945. ISBN 9781009282833 ebook No price
France, Foreign relations, Italy. BNB Number GBC381151
Italy, Foreign relations, France. Hoepner, Erich.
France, History, German occupation, 1940-1945. Reinhardt, Georg-Hans, 1887-1963
Germany, Foreign relations, France.
France, Foreign relations, 1940-1945. Schmidt, Rudolf.
France, Foreign relations, Germany. Guderian, Heinz, 1888-1954
Prepublication record
Germany. Heer, Biography.
940.53772 Nazis, Germany, Biography.
World War II Indiana landmarks / Ronald P. May. —Mount World War, 1939-1945, Regimental histories, Germany.
Pleasant : The History Press, 2023. —224 pages ; 23 cm. Generals, Germany, Biography.
ISBN 9781467154116 paperback No price World War, 1939-1945, Tank warfare.
BNB Number GBC379384 Prepublication record
Historical markers, Indiana, Guidebooks.
World War, 1939-1945, Indiana. 940.5425
Indiana, Guidebooks. Leyte Gulf : a new history of the world's largest sea battle /
Prepublication record Mark Stille. —Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2023. —320 pages :
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781472851758 hardback £25.00
BNB Number GBC379393
Leyte Gulf, Battle of, Philippines, 1944.
World War, 1939-1945, Naval operations.
Prepublication record

940.5425 940.547243
Road to surrender : three men and the countdown to the end Colditz : prisoners of the castle / Ben Macintyre. —London :
of World War II / Evan Thomas. —London : Elliott & Penguin Books, 2023. —384 pages : illustrations (black and
Thompson, 2023. —320 pages ; 24 cm white, and colour), maps (black and white) ; 20 cm
ISBN 9781783967292 hardback £20.00 ISBN 9780241986974 paperback £10.99
BNB Number GBC379783 BNB Number GBC378217
Spaatz, Carl, 1891-1974 Schloss Colditz (Colditz, Germany) World War, 1939-1945, Prisoners and prisons, German.
Tōgō, Shigenori, 1882-1950 Prepublication record
Stimson, Henry L. (Henry Lewis), 1867-1950 940.5488 The Japan/America film wars : World War II propaganda and
World War, 1939-1945, United States. its cultural contexts / edited by Abé Mark Nornes, Fukushima
Hiroshima-shi (Japan), History, Bombardment, 1945. Yukio. —London : Routledge, 2023. —308 pages ; 24 cm.
Nagasaki-shi (Japan), History, Bombardment, 1945. ISBN 9781032070872 paperback £29.99
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC378583
World War, 1939-1945, Motion pictures and the war.
940.5426 World War, 1939-1945, United States, Propaganda.
Early pacific raids 1942 : the American carriers strike back / World War, 1939-1945, Japan, Propaganda.
Brian Lane Herder ; illustrated by Adam Tooby. —Oxford : Motion pictures in propaganda.
Osprey Publishing, 2023. —96 pages : illustrations (colour), Prepublication record
maps (colour) ; 25 cm.
ISBN 9781472854872 paperback £16.99 941
BNB Number GBC379396 English domestic life during the last 200 years : an anthology
United States. Navy, History, World War, 1939-1945. ... / L.A. G. Strong. [online resource] —London : Routledge,
World War, 1939-1945, Naval operations, American. 2023. —1 online resource (248 pages).
World War, 1939-1945, Campaigns, Pacific Ocean. ISBN 9781000906646 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000906639
Prepublication record PDF ebook £48.99
BNB Number GBC381091
940.5426699 England, Social life and customs.
Midway submerged : American and Japanese submarine Prepublication record
operations at the Battle of Midway, May-June 1942 / Mark W.
Allen. —Havertown : Casemate, 2023. —240 pages : 941
illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm English domestic life during the last 200 years : an anthology
ISBN 9781636242811 hardback £29.95 ... / L.A. G. Strong. —London : Routledge, 2023. —248 pages
BNB Number GBC379618 ; 22 cm.
World War, 1939-1945, Naval operations, Japanese. ISBN 9781032503103 hardback £90.00
Midway, Battle of, 1942. BNB Number GBC379060
World War, 1939-1945, Naval operations, Submarine. England, Social life and customs.
World War, 1939-1945, Naval operations, American. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
940.54293 The Battle of Pinkie, 1547 : the last battle between the
US destroyers vs German U-boats : the Atlantic 1941-45 / independent kingdoms of Scotland and England / David
Mark Lardas ; illustrated by Ian Palmer. [online resource] Caldwell, Vicky Oleksy, Bess Rhodes. —Oxford : Oxbow
—Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource (80 Books, 2023. —224 pages : illustrations (black and white, and
pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour). colour) ; 25 cm
ISBN 9781472854094 PDF ebook £12.79 ; 9781472854124 ISBN 9781789259735 hardback £35.00
ePub ebook £12.79 BNB Number GBC379813
BNB Number GBC381291 Battles, Scotland, Musselburgh, History, 16th century.
World War, 1939-1945, Campaigns, Atlantic Ocean. Scotland, History, Mary Stuart, 1542-1567.
Prepublication record Great Britain, History, Edward VI, 1547-1553.
Prepublication record

941.081 941.8350823092
Liberal lives and activist repertoires : political performance I will be good : a memoir of a Dublin childhood and a life less
and Victorian social reform / Tracy C. Davis. —Cambridge : ordinary / Peig McManus. [online resource] —Dublin :
Cambridge University Press, 2023. —352 pages Hachette Books Ireland, 2023. —1 online resource (320
ISBN 9781009297530 hardback £30.00 pages)
BNB Number GBC378516 ISBN 9781399715850 ePub ebook £15.99
Social movements, Great Britain, History, 19th century. BNB Number GBC381280
Political participation, Great Britain, History, 19th century. McManus, Peig, Childhood and youth.
Protest movements, Great Britain, History, 19th century. Dublin (Ireland), History, 20th century.
Theater, Political aspects, Great Britain, History, 19th Dublin (Ireland), Social conditions, 20th century.
century. Prepublication record
Great Britain, Politics and government, 19th century.
Prepublication record 942.02092
Henry of Blois : new interpretations / edited by William
941.085092 Kynan-Wilson, John Munns. —Martlesham : The Boydell
The hats of the queen / Thomas Pernette. —London : Hardie Press, 2023. —320 pages : illustrations (black and white, and
Grant Books, 2023. —240 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 26 cm colour) ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781784886707 hardback £25.00 ISBN 9781837650736 paperback £25.99
BNB Number GBC379788 BNB Number GBC379981
Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain, 1926-2022 Henry, of Blois, Bishop of Winchester, approximately 1090-1171
Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain, 1926-2022, Pictorial Great Britain, History, Medieval period, 1066-1485.
works. Prepublication record
Hats, Pictorial works. 942.034
Great Britain, Kings and rulers, Pictorial works. Approaching pipe rolls : the thirteenth century / Richard
Great Britain, Kings and rulers. Cassidy. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
Prepublication record online resource (128 pages).
ISBN 9781000937961 ePub ebook £18.99 ; 9781000937916
941.158 PDF ebook £18.99
'The people are not there' : the transformation of Badenoch BNB Number GBC381122
1800-1863 / David Taylor. —Edinburgh : John Donald, 2023. Manuscripts, Medieval, England.
—448 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 24 Finance, Public, Great Britain, History, To 1688, Sources.
cm Great Britain, History, Medieval period, 1066-1485,
ISBN 9781910900987 paperback £25.00 Sources.
BNB Number GBC380029 Prepublication record
Badenoch and Strathspey (Scotland), History, 19th
century. 942.034
Prepublication record Approaching pipe rolls : the thirteenth century / Richard
Cassidy. —London : Routledge, 2023. —128 pages ; 24 cm.
941.5 ISBN 9781032313351 hardback £48.99
Ireland, land of troubles : a history from the twelfth century to BNB Number GBC378792
the present day / Paul Johnson. [online resource] —London : Finance, Public, Great Britain, History, To 1688, Sources.
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (222 pages). Manuscripts, Medieval, England.
ISBN 9781000905779 ePub ebook £89.99 ; 9781000905717 Great Britain, History, Medieval period, 1066-1485,
PDF ebook £89.99 Sources.
BNB Number GBC381072 Prepublication record
Ireland, History.
Prepublication record 942.034
Thirteenth century England XVIII : proceedings of the
941.5 Cambridge Conference, 2019 / edited by Andrew Spencer,
Ireland, land of troubles : a history from the twelfth century to Carl Watkins. —Martlesham : The Boydell Press, 2023. —260
the present day / Paul Johnson. —London : Routledge, 2023. pages : map ; 24 cm
—222 pages ; 25 cm. ISBN 9781805430575 hardback £75.00
ISBN 9781032526096 hardback £90.00 BNB Number GBC379971
BNB Number GBC379123 Europe, Foreign relations, Great Britain, Congresses.
Ireland, History. Great Britain, Foreign relations, Europe, Congresses.
Prepublication record Great Britain, History, 13th century, Congresses.
Prepublication record
942.055092 942.595
A woman of influence : the spectacular rise of Alice Spencer The history of the borough of High Wycombe : from its origins
in Tudor England / Vanessa Wilkie. —New York : Atria Books, to 1880 / L.J. Ashford. [online resource] —London :
2023. —272 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (356 pages) :
ISBN 9781982154288 hardback £18.99 illustrations.
BNB Number GBC380203 ISBN 9781000906998 PDF ebook £48.99 ; 9781000907025
Derby, Alice Egerton, Countess of, 1559-1637 ePub ebook £48.99 BNB Number GBC381104
Nobility, Great Britain, Biography. High Wycombe (England), History.
Great Britain, History, Tudors, 1485-1603. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
942.2792 The history of the borough of High Wycombe : from its origins
Portsmouth's military heritage / Philip MacDougall. —Stroud : to 1880 / L.J. Ashford. —London : Routledge, 2023. —356
Amberley Publishing, 2023. —96 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781398112995 paperback £15.99 ISBN 9781032516479 hardback £105.00
BNB Number GBC379287 BNB Number GBC379093
Portsmouth (England), History, Military, Pictorial works. High Wycombe (England), History.
Portsmouth (England), History, Military. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
942.412 Records of Medieval Newmarket : manor court rolls
Secret Tewkesbury / David Elder. —Stroud : Amberley 1399-1413 and manor account rolls 1403-1783 / edited by
Publishing, 2023. —96 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm James Davis and Joanne Sear. [online resource]
ISBN 9781398111868 paperback £15.99 —Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK : The Boydell Press, 2023. —1
BNB Number GBC379286 online resource.
Tewkesbury (England), History. ISBN 9781800108547 (electronic bk.) ; 1800108540
Tewkesbury (England), History, Pictorial works. (electronic bk.)
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC377731
Administration of estates, England, Newmarket (Suffolk),
942.538072 History, Sources.
Stukeley and Stamford. Part II, Tribulations of an antiquarian Manors, England, Newmarket (Suffolk), History, Sources.
clergyman, 1730-1738 / edited by John F.H. Smith. —Lincoln : Newmarket (Suffolk, England), History, Sources.
Lincoln Record Society, 2023. —152 pages : illustrations Newmarket (Suffolk, England), Commerce, History,
(black and white, and colour) ; 32 cm. Sources.
ISBN 9781910653104 hardback £60.00
BNB Number GBC380025 942.876
Stukeley, William, 1687-1765 Newcastle upon Tyne / Alan Spree. [online resource] —Stroud : Amberley Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource :
Stamford (England), History, 18th century, Sources. illustrations.
Stamford (England), Social life and customs, 18th century, ISBN 9781398115002 ePub ebook £12.90
Sources. BNB Number GBC381257
Prepublication record Postcards, England, Newcastle upon Tyne, History.
Newcastle upon Tyne (England), History, Pictorial works.
942.573 Newcastle upon Tyne (England), Buildings, structures, etc.
Bicester / Matthew Hathaway. [online resource] —Stroud : Newcastle upon Tyne (England), Buildings, structures, etc.,
Amberley Publishing, 2023. —1 online resource (96 pages) : Pictorial works.
illustrations. Newcastle upon Tyne (England), History.
ISBN 9781398117082 ePub ebook £12.90 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC381258
Bicester (England), History.
Bicester (England), History, Pictorial works.
Prepublication record

942.901 943.004924
Life in early medieval Wales / Nancy Edwards. —Oxford : Nexus : essays in German Jewish studies. Volume 6 / edited
Oxford University Press, 2023. —528 pages : illustrations by William Collins Donahue and Martha B. Helfer. [online
(black and white, and colour) ; 25 cm. resource] —Rochester, New York : Camden House, 2023. —1
ISBN 9780198733218 hardback £100.00 online resource.
BNB Number GBC378186 ISBN 1800108699 (electronic bk.) ; 9781800108691
Excavations (Archaeology), Wales. (electronic bk.)
Wales, Social life and customs, To 1500. BNB Number GBC377734
Wales, Antiquities. Jews, German, Congresses.
Wales, History, To 1063. Jews, Germany, Congresses.
Prepublication record Jews, Study and teaching, Germany, Congresses.
Germany, Civilization, Jewish influences, Congresses.
Escape to Gwrych Castle : a Jewish refugee story / Andrew 943.8
Hesketh. [online resource] —Cardiff : Calon, 2023. —1 online Rethinking modern Polish identities : transnational encounters
resource (304 pages) / edited by Agnieszka Pasieka and Pawel Rodak. [online
ISBN 9781915279576 PDF ebook £18.99 ; 9781915279569 resource] —Rochester, NY : University of Rochester Press,
ePub ebook £18.99 2023 ; Boydell & Brewer Limited : Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK ,
BNB Number GBC381488 2023. —1 online resource (viii, 375 pages) : illustrations.
Gwrych Castle (Wales), History. ISBN 1800108605 electronic book ; 9781800108608
Kindertransports (Rescue operations), Wales, Abergele. electronic book ; 1800108591 electronic book ;
World War, 1939-1945, Wales, Abergele. 9781800108592 (electronic bk.)
Jewish refugees, Wales, Abergele. BNB Number GBC377733
Wales, North, History, 20th century. Polish people, Ethnic identity.
Prepublication record Nationalism, Poland, History, 20th century.
National characteristics, Polish.
942.91084 Poland, History.
Escape to Gwrych Castle : a Jewish refugee story / Andrew
Hesketh. —Cardiff : Calon, 2023. —304 pages ; 22 cm 943.800492400904
ISBN 9781837600069 hardback £18.99 Emotions in Yiddish ghetto diaries : encountering persecutors
BNB Number GBC379973 and questioning humanity / Amy Simon. [online resource]
Gwrych Castle (Wales), History. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (164 pages).
World War, 1939-1945, Wales, Abergele. ISBN 9781000895018 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000894981
Kindertransports (Rescue operations), Wales, Abergele. PDF ebook £38.99
Jewish refugees, Wales, Abergele. BNB Number GBC380871
Wales, North, History, 20th century. Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945), Poland, Personal
Prepublication record narratives.
Jewish ghettos, Poland.
943 World War, 1939-1945, Poland, Personal narratives.
Germany in the world : a global history, 1500-2000 / David War diaries, Poland.
Blackbourn. [online resource] —New York : Liveright Emotions in literature.
Publishing Corporation, 2023. —1 online resource (800 Holocaust victims, Poland, Diaries.
pages) : illustrations, maps Prepublication record
ISBN 9781631491849 ePub ebook £48.00
BNB Number GBC381371 943.800492400904
Germany, History. Emotions in Yiddish ghetto diaries : encountering persecutors
Germany, Foreign relations. and questioning humanity / Amy Simon. —London :
Prepublication record Routledge, 2023. —164 pages ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781032440187 hardback £130.00
943 BNB Number GBC378936
Germany in the world : a global history, 1500-2000 / David Emotions in literature.
Blackbourn. —New York : Liveright Publishing Corporation, Jewish ghettos, Poland.
2023. —800 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm Holocaust victims, Poland, Diaries.
ISBN 9781631491832 hardback £40.00 World War, 1939-1945, Poland, Personal narratives.
BNB Number GBC379604 War diaries, Poland.
Germany, History. Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945), Poland, Personal
Germany, Foreign relations. narratives.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

943.804 944.02
The forgotten appeasement of 1920 : Lloyd-George, Lenin Ochre and rust : artefacts and encounters on Australian
and Poland / Andrzej Nowak. [online resource] —London : frontiers / Philip Jones. —Revised edition. —Kent Town, SA :
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (408 pages) : Wakefield Press, 2018. —vi, 440 pages : illustrations (black
illustrations (black and white). and white, and colour), maps (black and white, and colour) ;
ISBN 9781000876932 PDF ebook £36.99 ; 9781000876949 23 cm.
ePub ebook £36.99 ISBN 174305033X ; 9781743055267 paperback ;
BNB Number GBC380525 1743055269 ; 9781743050330 pdf
International relations, History, 20th century. BNB Number GBC377448
Russo-Polish War, 1919-1920, Peace.
Russo-Polish War, 1919-1920, Diplomatic history. 945.091
Poland, Foreign relations, 1918-1945. Fascism, the war, and structures of feeling in Italy, 1943-1945
Great Britain, Foreign relations, Russia (Federation) : tales in Chiaroscuro / Simonetta Falasca-Zamponi. —Oxford
Great Britain, Foreign relations, Poland. : Oxford University Press, 2023. —368 pages ; 24 cm
Poland, Foreign relations, France. ISBN 9780192887504 hardback £83.00
France, Foreign relations, Poland. BNB Number GBC378156
Russia (Federation), Foreign relations, Great Britain. Fascism and culture, Italy, History, 20th century.
Poland, Foreign relations, Great Britain. Fascism, Italy, History, 20th century.
Prepublication record Italy, Social conditions, 1918-1945.
Italy, Politics and government, 1922-1945.
943.804 Prepublication record
The forgotten appeasement of 1920 : Lloyd-George, Lenin
and Poland / Andrzej Nowak. —London : Routledge, 2023. 945.44082
—408 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. French rule in the States of Parma, 1796-1814 : working with
ISBN 9781032434636 hardback £120.00 Napoleon / Doina Pasca Harsanyi. —Basingstoke : Palgrave
BNB Number GBC378928 Macmillan, 2023. —285 pages ; 21 cm.
Russo-Polish War, 1919-1920, Peace. ISBN 9783030973421 paperback £109.99
International relations, History, 20th century. BNB Number GBC380222
Russo-Polish War, 1919-1920, Diplomatic history. Italy, History, 1789-1815.
Russia (Federation), Foreign relations, Great Britain. Parma and Piacenza (Duchy), History, 19th century.
Great Britain, Foreign relations, Russia (Federation) Prepublication record
Poland, Foreign relations, 1918-1945.
Poland, Foreign relations, Great Britain.
The Spanish connection : French and Flemish merchant
Poland, Foreign relations, France.
networks in Seville (1570-1650) / Eberhard Crailsheim. —Köln
Great Britain, Foreign relations, Poland.
: Böhlau Verlag, 2016. —450 pages : illustrations (black and
France, Foreign relations, Poland.
white) ; 23 cm.
Prepublication record
ISBN 9783412225360 paperback ; 3412225363 paperback
944.01 BNB Number GBC377545
Histories / Nithard ; edition, translation, and introduction by Merchants, Social networks, Spain, Seville, History, 16th
Marco Conti ; with a foreword by Thomas F.X. Noble. [online century.
resource] —Leuven, Belgium : Peeters, 2022. —1 online Merchants, France, History, 16th century.
resource (xi, 219 pages) : illustration, map. Merchants, Flanders, History, 17th century.
ISBN 9789042949430 ebook No price Merchants, Social networks, Spain, Seville, History, 17th
BNB Number GBC381589 century.
Nithard, -844?. Historiarum libri quattuor. Merchants, France, History, 17th century.
Carolingians. Merchants, Flanders, History, 16th century.
France, History, To 987, Sources. Seville (Spain), Commerce, History, 17th century.
Prepublication record Seville (Spain), Commerce, History, 16th century.

946.04 946.0811
The Spanish Habsburgs and dynastic rule, 1500-1700 / Interacting Francoism : entanglement, comparison and
Elisabeth Geevers. [online resource] —London : Routledge, transfer between dictatorships in the 20th century / edited by
2023. —1 online resource (368 pages) : illustrations (black José M. Faraldo and Gutmaro Gómez Bravo. [online
and white) resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
ISBN 9781000909340 PDF ebook No price ; 9781000909364 (296 pages) : illustrations (black and white).
ePub ebook No price ISBN 9781000903591 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000903546
BNB Number GBC381118 PDF ebook £38.99
Habsburg, House of, History. BNB Number GBC381043
Monarchy, Spain, History, 16th century. Franco, Francisco, 1892-1975, Influence.
Monarchy, Spain, History, 17th century. Francoism.
Spain, Kings and rulers, Succession. Fascism, Europe, History, 20th century.
Spain, Kings and rulers, History. Dictators, Europe, History, 20th century.
Spain, History, House of Austria, 1516-1700. Spain, History, Civil War, 1936-1939, Influence.
Prepublication record Europe, Politics and government, 20th century.
Prepublication record
The Spanish Habsburgs and dynastic rule, 1500-1700 / 946.0811
Elisabeth Geevers. —London : Routledge, 2023. —368 pages Interacting Francoism : entanglement, comparison and
: illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm transfer between dictatorships in the 20th century / edited by
ISBN 9781032313474 paperback £34.99 ; 9781032313450 José M. Faraldo and Gutmaro Gómez Bravo. —London :
hardback £130.00 Routledge, 2023. —296 pages : illustrations (black and white)
BNB Number GBC378794 ; 24 cm.
Habsburg, House of, History. ISBN 9781032316024 hardback £130.00
Monarchy, Spain, History, 16th century. BNB Number GBC378798
Monarchy, Spain, History, 17th century. Franco, Francisco, 1892-1975, Influence.
Spain, Kings and rulers, History. Francoism.
Spain, History, House of Austria, 1516-1700. Dictators, Europe, History, 20th century.
Spain, Kings and rulers, Succession. Fascism, Europe, History, 20th century.
Prepublication record Europe, Politics and government, 20th century.
Spain, History, Civil War, 1936-1939, Influence.
946.074 Prepublication record
Nationalism on the Iberian Peninsula during the early 20th
century / edited by Eduardo J. Olea, Giovanni C. Cattini, 946.86
Uxio-Breogan Dieguez Cequiel. —Reno : Center for Basque My half orange : a story of love and language in Seville / John
Studies, 2023. —242 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm. Julius Reel. —Chicago : Tortoise Books, 2023. —1 volume
ISBN 9781949805499 paperback No price ISBN 9781948954778 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC380108 BNB Number GBC380106
Nationalism, Spain, Catalonia, History. Reel, John Julius.
Nationalism, Spain, País Vasco, History. Seville (Spain), Social life and customs.
Nationalism, Spain, Galicia (Region), History. Prepublication record
Galicia (Spain : Region), Politics and government, 20th
century. 946.902
País Vasco (Spain), Politics and government, 20th century. The chronicles of Fernão Lopes. Volume I, The chronicle of
Catalonia (Spain), Politics and government, 20th century. King Pedro of Portugal / edited and translated by Juliet
Spain, Politics and government, 1886-1931. Perkins, Philip Krummrich ; general editor, Amélia P.
Prepublication record Hutchinson, Teresa Amado. —Martlesham : Tamesis Books,
2023. —200 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour)
; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781855663961 hardback £159.00
BNB Number GBC380011
Pedro I, King of Portugal, 1320-1367, Early works to 1800.
Portugal, History, Pedro I, 1357-1367, Sources.
Prepublication record

946.902 946.902
The chronicles of Fernão Lopes. Volume III, Part I, The The chronicles of Fernão Lopes. Volume V, General
chronicle of King João I of Portugal / edited and translated by bibliography and index / edited and translated by Juliet
Juliet Perkins, Philip Krummrich ; general editor, Amélia P. Perkins, Philip Krummrich ; general editor, Amélia P.
Hutchinson, Teresa Amado. —Martlesham : Tamesis Books, Hutchinson, Teresa Amado. —Martlesham : Tamesis Books,
2023. —432 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) 2023. —100 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour)
; 24 cm. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781855663985 hardback £159.00 ISBN 9781855664005 hardback £99.00
BNB Number GBC380013 BNB Number GBC380015
John I, King of Portugal, 1357-1433, Early works to 1800. Fernando I, King of Portugal, 1345-1383
Portugal, History, John I, 1385-1433, Sources.
Prepublication record Pedro I, King of Portugal, 1320-1367
946.902 John I, King of Portugal, 1357-1433
The chronicles of Fernão Lopes. Volume IV, Part II, The
chronicle of King João I of Portugal / edited and translated by Portugal, History, John I, 1385-1433.
Juliet Perkins, Philip Krummrich ; general editor, Amélia P. Portugal, History, Fernando I, 1367-1383.
Hutchinson, Teresa Amado. —Martlesham : Tamesis Books, Portugal, History, Pedro I, 1357-1367.
2023. —480 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) Prepublication record
; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781855663992 hardback £159.00 947.02
BNB Number GBC380014 A Boston Schooner in the Royal Navy, 1768-1772 :
John I, King of Portugal, 1357-1433, Early works to 1800. Commerce and Conflict in Maritime British America / Phillip
Portugal, History, John I, 1385-1433, Sources. Reed. [online resource] —Woodbridge, Suffolk ; Rochester,
Prepublication record NY : Boydell Pres, an imprint of Boydell & Brewer, [2023]. —1
online resource (307 p.).
946.902 ISBN 9781800107847 electronic book ; 1800107846
The chronicles of Fernão Lopes. Volume II, The chronicle of electronic book
King Fernando of Portugal / edited and translated by Juliet BNB Number GBC377654
Perkins, Philip Krummrich ; general editor, Amélia P. HISTORY / Military / Naval
Hutchinson, Teresa Amado. —Martlesham : Tamesis Books, United States, History, Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775.
2023. —328 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) Atlantic Coast (U.S.), History, 18th century.
; 24 cm. Great Britain, History, Military, 18th century.
ISBN 9781855663978 hardback £159.00
BNB Number GBC380012 947.0864
Fernando I, King of Portugal, 1345-1383, Early works to Russia against modernity / Alexander Ėtkind. [online resource]
1800. —Cambridge : Polity Press, 2023. —1 online resource (154
Portugal, History, Fernando I, 1367-1383, Sources. pages)
Prepublication record ISBN 9781509556595 ePub ebook £14.99
BNB Number GBC381312
Russia (Federation), History, 1991-
Russia (Federation), Politics and government, 1991-
Russia (Federation), Civilization, 21st century.
Prepublication record

Dagestan : history, culture, identity / Robert Chenciner &
Magomedkhan Magomedkhanov. [online resource] —London :
Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (272 pages) :
illustrations (colour).
ISBN 9781000906158 PDF ebook £38.99 ; 9781000906165
ePub ebook £38.99
BNB Number GBC381083
Ethnology, Russia (Federation), Dagestan.
Dagestan (Russia), Ethnic relations.
Dagestan (Russia), History.
Dagestan (Russia), Social life and customs.
Prepublication record

947.52 948.905
Dagestan : history, culture, identity / Robert Chenciner & Denmark : a modern history / W. Glyn Jones. [online
Magomedkhan Magomedkhanov. —London : Routledge, resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource
2023. —272 pages : illustrations (colour) ; 24 cm. (256 pages).
ISBN 9781032483429 hardback £130.00 ISBN 9781000906066 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000906059
BNB Number GBC379006 PDF ebook £48.99
Ethnology, Russia (Federation), Dagestan. BNB Number GBC381081
Dagestan (Russia), Social life and customs. Denmark, History, 20th century.
Dagestan (Russia), Ethnic relations. Denmark, History, 19th century.
Dagestan (Russia), History. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
947.7086 Denmark : a modern history / W. Glyn Jones. —London :
MM and words. —[London] : [Lorenza Galeone], 2022- Routledge, 2023. —256 pages ; 24 cm.
—illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 37 cm ISBN 9781032526614 hardback £90.00
ISSN 2755-3574 BNB Number GBC379125
BNB Number GBC378059 Denmark, History, 20th century.
Denmark, History, 19th century.
947.7086092 Prepublication record
Saved : a war reporter's mission to make it home / Benjamin
Hall. [online resource] —New York : Harper, [2023]. —1 online 949.301092
resource : illustrations (chiefly color). Medievalism in nineteenth-century Belgium : the 1848
ISBN 0063309688 (electronic bk.) ; 9780063309685 monument to Godfrey of Bouillon. [online resource]
(electronic bk.) —Woodbridge, UK : The Boydell Press, 2023. —1 online
BNB Number GBC377883 resource (251 pages).
Hall, Benjamin, Health. ISBN 9781800109476 electronic book ; 9781800109469
Hall, Benjamin. electronic book ; 1800109474 electronic book ; 1800109466
War correspondents, Biography. electronic book
Television journalists, Biography. BNB Number GBC377666
Ukraine, History, Russian Invasion, 2022-, Personal Godfrey, of Bouillon, approximately 1060-1100,
narratives, American. Monuments.
Ukraine, History, Russian Invasion, 2022-, Journalists. Medievalism, Belgium, 19th century.
Equestrian statues, Belgium, Brussels.
Belarus in crisis : from domestic unrest to the Russia-Ukraine 949.7103151
war / Paul Hansbury. [online resource] —London : Hurst & Australia's refugee politics in the 21st century : stop the boats!
Company, 2023. —1 online resource (304 pages) / Kim Huynh. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023.
ISBN 9781805260912 ePub ebook £18.99 —1 online resource (200 pages) : illustrations (black and
BNB Number GBC381453 white).
Ukraine Conflict, 2014-, Influence. ISBN 9780429554995 paperback £38.99 ; 9780429559464
Belarus, History, 1991- ePub ebook £38.99
Belarus, Politics and government, 1991- BNB Number GBC380451
Belarus, Social conditions, 1991- Refugees, Australia, History, 21st century.
Prepublication record Refugees, Australia, Government policy.
Australia, Foreign relations.
948 Prepublication record
Norse ancient origins : stories of people & civilization /
introduction by Beth Rogers ; general editor, J.K. Jackson. 949.7103151
—Collector's edition. —London : Flame Tree Collections, Australia's refugee politics in the 21st century : stop the boats!
2023. —416 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 17 cm / Kim Huynh. —London : Routledge, 2023. —200 pages :
ISBN 9781804175781 hardback £10.99 illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
BNB Number GBC379949 ISBN 9780367209636 hardback £120.00
Mythology, Norse. BNB Number GBC378240
Northmen, History. Refugees, Australia, Government policy.
Prepublication record Refugees, Australia, History, 21st century.
Australia, Foreign relations.
Prepublication record

949.74201 951.00141
Early medieval Hum and Bosnia, c.450-1200 : beyond myths / The "socialist transformation" of memory : reversing Chinese
Danijel Džino. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. history through "pernicious-vestiges" media discourse / Yusi
—1 online resource (272 pages) : illustrations (black and Liu, Ye Ma. —London : Routledge, 2023. —288 pages :
white). illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781000893434 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000893403 ISBN 9781032530123 hardback £130.00
PDF ebook £38.99 BNB Number GBC379128
BNB Number GBC380845 Collective memory, China.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, History, To 1463. Discourse analysis.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Antiquities. Prepublication record
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Historiography.
Herzegovina (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Historiography. 951.0420922
Herzegovina (Bosnia and Herzegovina), History, To 1500. Daughters of the flower fragrant garden : two sisters
Herzegovina (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Antiquities. separated by China's civil war / Zhuqing Li. —New York :
Prepublication record W.W. Norton and Company, 2023. —384 pages ; 21 cm
ISBN 9781324064398 paperback £15.99
949.74201 BNB Number GBC379233
Early medieval Hum and Bosnia, c.450-1200 : beyond myths / Chen, Wenjun, 1923-2014.
Danijel Džino. —London : Routledge, 2023. —272 pages : Chen, Hong (Pseudonym)
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. Chen family.
ISBN 9781032047928 hardback £130.00 Families, China, Fuzhou Shi (Fujian Sheng), History, 20th
BNB Number GBC378568 century.
Herzegovina (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Antiquities. Refugees, Taiwan, Biography.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Antiquities. Sisters, China, Fuzhou Shi (Fujian Sheng), Biography.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, History, To 1463. Fuzhou Shi (Fujian Sheng, China), Biography.
Herzegovina (Bosnia and Herzegovina), History, To 1500. Taiwan, Biography.
Herzegovina (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Historiography. China, History, Civil War, 1945-1949, Biography.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Historiography. Prepublication record
Prepublication record
951 China on stage : geopolitics, geostrategics and geoeconomics
Cracking China. Volume 1 : your A-Z key to understanding all in the south China Sea dispute / Victor Alexandre G. Teixeira.
things Chinese / Robert Stallard. —[Place of publication not —Lisboa : Sinapis, 2017. —1 volume (unpaged) : illustrations
identified] : [publisher not identified], 2021. —161 pages : (colour), maps (black and white, and colour) ; 21 cm
illustrations ; 21 cm ISBN 9789896916916 paperback
ISBN 1739986105 paperback ; 9781739986100 paperback BNB Number GBC377461
BNB Number GBC378101
Travel, China, Guidebooks. 952
China, Description and travel. Japanese ancient origins : stories of people & civilization /
China. introduction by Jake Leigh-Howarth ; general editor, J.K.
Jackson. —Collector's edition. —London : Flame Tree
951.00141 Collections, 2023. —416 pages : illustrations (black and white)
The "socialist transformation" of memory : reversing Chinese ; 17 cm
history through "pernicious-vestiges" media discourse / Yusi ISBN 9781804175750 hardback £10.99
Liu, Ye Ma. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 BNB Number GBC379946
online resource (288 pages) : illustrations (black and white). Japan, History, Popular works.
ISBN 9781000907759 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000907742 Prepublication record
PDF ebook £48.99
BNB Number GBC381109
Collective memory, China.
Discourse analysis.
Prepublication record

953.65 954.035
Bahrain 1920-1945 : Britain, the Shaikh and the administration REVOLUTIONARIES : the other story of how india won its
/ M.A. Al-Tajir. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. freedom. [online resource] —[Place of publication not
—1 online resource (294 pages). identified] : HARPERCOLLINS INDIA, 2023. —1 online
ISBN 9781000907544 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000907506 resource.
PDF ebook £48.99 ISBN 9789356295957 (electronic bk.) ; 9356295956
BNB Number GBC381108 (electronic bk.)
Bahrain, Economic conditions. BNB Number GBC377845
Bahrain, Foreign relations, Great Britain. Revolutionaries, India.
Bahrain, Politics and government. India, History, Autonomy and independence movements.
Great Britain, Foreign relations, Bahrain.
Prepublication record 954.035092
V.S. Srinivasa Sastri : a liberal life / Vineet Thakur. [online
953.65 resource] —New Delhi : Routledge India, 2023. —1 online
Bahrain 1920-1945 : Britain, the Shaikh and the administration resource (170 pages).
/ M.A. Al-Tajir. —London : Routledge, 2023. —294 pages ; 24 ISBN 9781000897173 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000897128
cm. PDF ebook £38.99
ISBN 9781032514963 hardback £90.00 BNB Number GBC380915
BNB Number GBC379082 Srinivasa Sastri, V. S. (Valangaiman Sankaranarayana),
Bahrain, Economic conditions. 1869-1946
Bahrain, Foreign relations, Great Britain. Liberal Party (India)
Great Britain, Foreign relations, Bahrain. Politicians, India, Biography.
Bahrain, Politics and government. Diplomats, India, Biography.
Prepublication record India, Politics and government, 1919-1947.
India, Foreign relations, 1919-1947.
954 Prepublication record
G?mes indi?ns pl?y : the way we are / V. Raghunathan ;
foreword by N.R. Narayana Murthy. —Revised edition. 954.035092
—Haryana, India : Penguin Books, 2019. —xxvi, 196 pages ; V.S. Srinivasa Sastri : a liberal life / Vineet Thakur. —New
20 cm Delhi : Routledge India, 2023. —170 pages ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9780143063117 paperback ISBN 9781032444505 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032516615
BNB Number GBC377272 paperback £38.99
BNB Number GBC378942
954.02 Srinivasa Sastri, V. S. (Valangaiman Sankaranarayana),
The Babri Masjid question, 1528-2003 : "a matter of national 1869-1946
honour" / edited by A.G. Noorani. —Third edition. —New Delhi Liberal Party (India)
: Tulika Books, 2014- —2 volumes : illustrations (black and Politicians, India, Biography.
white) ; 25 cm Diplomats, India, Biography.
ISBN 9789382381457 v. 1 paperback India, Politics and government, 1919-1947.
BNB Number GBC377529 India, Foreign relations, 1919-1947.
Prepublication record
A lamp for the dark world : Akbar, India's greatest Mughal / 954.0358
Parvati Sharma. —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Conquering the maharajas : India's princely states and the
2023. —396 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm end of empire, 1930-50 / Harrison Akins. [online resource]
ISBN 9781538177891 hardback £28.00 —Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2023. —1 online
BNB Number GBC379554 resource (304 pages) : maps.
Akbar, Emperor of Hindustan, 1542-1605 ISBN 9781526167866 PDF ebook No price ; 9781526167842 ePub ebook No price
India, Kings and rulers, Biography. BNB Number GBC381322
India, History, 1526-1765. India, Politics and government, 1919-1947.
Prepublication record India, Politics and government, 1947-
India, Kings and rulers, History, 20th century.
Prepublication record

954.0358 954.83
Conquering the maharajas : India's princely states and the The Ivory Throne : Chronicles of the House of Travancore /
end of empire, 1930-50 / Harrison Akins. —Manchester : Manu S. Pillai. [online resource] —Noida : HarperCollins
Manchester University Press, 2023. —304 pages : maps ; 24 Publishers, India, 2015. —1 online resource (694 pages, 16
cm. unnumbered pages of plates) : illustrations (some color).
ISBN 9781526167859 hardback No price ISBN 9789351776437 (electronic bk.) ; 9351776433
BNB Number GBC379501 (electronic bk.)
India, Kings and rulers, History, 20th century. BNB Number GBC377851
India, Politics and government, 1947- Setu Lakshmi Bayi, Maharani of Travancore, 1895-1985.
India, Politics and government, 1919-1947. Kerala (India), History.
Prepublication record
954.0531092 Farewell Iran : a century of memories / by Amir Aslan Afshar,
Nation first / Shikha Akhilesh Saxena. [online resource] confidant to the Shah of Iran and the Last Chief of Protocol of
—Gurgaon : Hachette India, 2023. —1 online resource the Imperial Court ; translated from the French by Henry
ISBN 9789357311670 ePub ebook £9.99 Lewis Blount. —Bethesda, Maryland : Ibex Publishers, [2021]
BNB Number GBC381521 —385 pages, 128 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations
Saxena, Akhilesh. (black and white, and colour) ; 23 cm
Saxena, Shikha Akhilesh. ISBN 9781588141927 (paperback) ; 9781588141910
Kargil War, 1999. (hardback)
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC378089
Afshār, Amīr Aṣlān.
954.56 Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran, 1919-1980.
In search of Delhi : a translation of Brij Krishan Chandiwala's Ambassadors, Iran, Biography.
Dilli ki khoj / translated by Jitender Gill and Namita Sethi. Iran, History, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, 1941-1979.
[online resource] —New Delhi : Routledge India, 2023. —1 Iran, Court and courtiers, Biography.
online resource (312 pages)
ISBN 9781000873306 ePub ebook £34.99 ; 9781000873269 956.054
PDF ebook £34.99 Political faultlines in the Middle East / edited by Kingshuk
BNB Number GBC380512 Chatterjee. [online resource] —London : Routledge, 2023. —1
Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948, Travel, India, Delhi. online resource (212 pages)
Monuments, India, Delhi, History. ISBN 9781000898026 ePub ebook £38.99 ; 9781000897951
Delhi (India), History. PDF ebook £38.99
Delhi (India), Description and travel. BNB Number GBC380934
Delhi (India), Buildings, structures, etc. Middle East, Politics and government, 21st century.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

954.56 956.054
In search of Delhi : a translation of Brij Krishan Chandiwala's Political faultlines in the Middle East / edited by Kingshuk
Dilli ki khoj / translated by Jitender Gill and Namita Sethi. Chatterjee. —London : Routledge, 2023. —212 pages ; 23 cm
—New Delhi : Routledge India, 2023. —312 pages ; 24 cm ISBN 9781032299723 hardback £130.00
ISBN 9781032480459 paperback £34.99 ; 9781032364766 BNB Number GBC378772
hardback £120.00 Middle East, Politics and government, 21st century.
BNB Number GBC378859 Prepublication record
Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948, Travel, India, Delhi.
Monuments, India, Delhi, History. 956.1037
Delhi (India), Description and travel. Turkey and the West / David Barchard. [online resource]
Delhi (India), History. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (106 pages).
Delhi (India), Buildings, structures, etc. ISBN 9781000906684 ePub ebook £48.99 ; 9781000906653
Prepublication record PDF ebook £48.99
BNB Number GBC381092
954.6 Turkey, Foreign relations, 1960-1980.
Kashmir Dispute : Terrorism and Pakistan / Dr Shabir Turkey, Politics and government, 1960-1980.
Choudhry. [online resource] —Bloomington, Indiana : Turkey, Economic conditions, 1960-
AuthorHouse UK, 24 November 2016. —1 online resource. Prepublication record
ISBN 9781524664213 Electronic book (EPUB format) ;
9781524664206 softcover
BNB Number GBC378092
Reference, General.
956.1037 959.051092
Turkey and the West / David Barchard. —London : Routledge, The opium queen : the untold story of the rebel who ruled the
2023. —106 pages ; 22 cm. Golden Triangle / Gabrielle Paluch. [online resource]
ISBN 9781032497419 hardback £85.00 —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield, [2023]. —1 online resource
BNB Number GBC379054 (xv, 219 pages) : illustrations (some color), maps.
Turkey, Foreign relations, 1960-1980. ISBN 1538131986 electronic book ; 9781538131985
Turkey, Politics and government, 1960-1980. electronic book
Turkey, Economic conditions, 1960- BNB Number GBC377813
Prepublication record Yang, Olive, 1927-2017.
Opium trade, Golden Triangle (Southeast Asia), History,
956.620154 20th century.
The righteous of the Armenian genocide / Gérard Dédéyan, Gender-nonconforming people, Burma, Biography.
Ago Demirdjia, Nabil Saleh. —London : Hurst & Company,
2023. —520 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm 959.053
ISBN 9781805260172 hardback £25.00 Contesting social welfare in Southeast Asia / Andrew Rosser,
BNB Number GBC379965 John Murphy. [online resource] —Cambridge : Cambridge
Armenian Genocide, 1915-1923, History. University Press, 2023. —1 online resource (75 pages).
Righteous Gentiles, Armenia, History. ISBN 9781108886642 PDF ebook £145.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC381173
Southeast Asia, Social policy.
956.9102 Southeast Asia, Social conditions.
Medieval Syria and the onset of the Crusades : the political Southeast Asia, Politics and government, 1945-
world of Bilad al-Sham 1050-1128 / James Wilson. [online Prepublication record
resource] —Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 2023.
—1 online resource : illustrations (black and white). 959.604
ISBN 9781399503198 PDF ebook £85.00 ; 9781399503204 Khmer nationalist : Sơn Ngọc Thành, the CIA, and the
ePub ebook £85.00 transformation of Cambodia / Matthew Jagel. [online resource]
BNB Number GBC381269 —Ithaca : Northern Illinois University Press, 2023. —1 online
Syria, History, 750-1260. resource : illustrations (black and white).
Prepublication record ISBN 9781501769320 hardback No price ; 9781501769337
paperback No price ; 9781501769344 ePub ebook No price
956.9102 BNB Number GBC381308
Medieval Syria and the onset of the Crusades : the political Sơn, Ngọc Thành, 1908-1977.
world of Bilad al-Sham 1050-1128 / James Wilson. Nationalism, Cambodia, History, 20th century.
—Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 2023. —1 volume : Cambodia, History, Autonomy and independence
illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm. movements.
ISBN 9781399503174 hardback £85.00 Cambodia, Politics and government.
BNB Number GBC379311 Cambodia, Foreign relations, United States.
Syria, History, 750-1260. Cambodia, History, 1953-1975.
Prepublication record United States, Foreign relations, Cambodia.
Prepublication record
Israel : beauty, light, and luxury / Tara-Leigh Cobble. 959.7042
—Bloomington : Bethany House Publishers, 2023. —256 War by other means : national liberation and revolution in
pages : illustrations (colour) ; 31 cm Viet-nam, 1954-60 / Carlyle A. Thayer. —London : Routledge,
ISBN 9780764240348 hardback £29.99 2023. —284 pages ; 24 cm.
BNB Number GBC378422 ISBN 9781032152851 paperback £27.99
Israel, Pictorial works. BNB Number GBC378637
Jerusalem, Pictorial works. Communism, Vietnam, History, 20th century.
Prepublication record Vietnam, History, 1945-1975.
Prepublication record

War and aftermath in Vietnam / T. Louise Brown. —London :
Routledge, 2023. —304 pages ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9781032154633 paperback £29.99
BNB Number GBC378642
Vietnam War, 1961-1975.
Prepublication record
959.8035 961.2042
Buried histories : the anticommunist massacres of 1965-1966 Operation Eldorado Canyon : the 1986 US bombing raid on
in Indonesia / John Roosa. —Madison, Wisconsin : The Libya / Jim Rotramel. —Houston : Harpia Publishing, 2023.
University of Wisconsin Press, [2020] —xvii, 352 pages : —256 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour), map
illustrations (black and white), maps (black and white) ; 24 cm. (colour) ; 28 cm
ISBN 9780299327309 (cloth) ISBN 9781950394128 paperback £39.99
BNB Number GBC377596 BNB Number GBC380110
Anti-communist movements, Indonesia. Libya, History, Bombardment, 1986.
Political atrocities, Indonesia. United States, Military policy, 20th century.
Targeted killing, Indonesia. Prepublication record
Death squads, Indonesia.
Indonesia, History, Coup d'état, 1965. 962.003
Historical dictionary of Egypt / Arthur Goldschmidt, Jr. [online
959.8035 resource] —Fifth edition. —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield
The Dutch-Indonesian War 1945-49 : armies of the Publishers, 2023. —1 online resource (592 pages) :
Indonesian War of Independence / Marc Lohnstein ; illustrated illustrations (black and white), maps (black and white).
by Adam Hook. —Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2023. —48 ISBN 9781538157367 ePub ebook No price
pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; 25 cm. BNB Number GBC381356
ISBN 9781472854742 paperback £12.99 Egypt, History, 1517-1882, Dictionaries.
BNB Number GBC379395 Egypt, History, 1798-, Dictionaries.
Decolonization, Indonesia. Prepublication record
Netherlands, Foreign relations, Indonesia.
Indonesia, Foreign relations, Netherlands. 962.003
Indonesia, History, Revolution, 1945-1949. Historical dictionary of Egypt / Arthur Goldschmidt, Jr. —Fifth
Netherlands, History, Military, 20th century. edition. —Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023.
Prepublication record —592 pages : illustrations (black and white), maps (black and
white) ; 23 cm.
960.33 ISBN 9781538157350 hardback £208.00
Africa in world politics : sustaining reform in a turbulent world BNB Number GBC379541
order. [online resource] —Seventh edition / edited by John W. Egypt, History, 1798-, Dictionaries.
Harbeson. —London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource Egypt, History, 1517-1882, Dictionaries.
(352 pages) : illustrations (black and white) Prepublication record
ISBN 9781000892062 PDF ebook £36.99 ; 9781000892086
ePub ebook £36.99 962.403
BNB Number GBC380802 South Sudan's fateful struggle : building peace in a state of
World politics, 1989- war / Steven C. Roach. —New York : Oxford University Press,
Africa, Politics and government, 1960- 2023. —256 pages : illustrations (black and white), map (black
Prepublication record and white) ; 24 cm
ISBN 9780190057848 hardback £54.00
960.33 BNB Number GBC378133
Africa in world politics : sustaining reform in a turbulent world Britons, Colonization, Sudan.
order. —Seventh edition / edited by John W. Harbeson. Sudan, History, 1881-1899.
—London : Routledge, 2023. —352 pages : illustrations (black Sudan, Civilization.
and white) ; 24 cm Great Britain, Colonies, Africa, Cultural policy.
ISBN 9781032055688 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032055671 Prepublication record
paperback £36.99
BNB Number GBC378572 963.054092
World politics, 1989- Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia / Nigusie Kassaye W.
Africa, Politics and government, 1960- Michael. [online resource] —Lanham : Lexington Books, 2023.
Prepublication record —1 online resource (314 pages)
ISBN 9781666908244 ePub ebook No price
BNB Number GBC381376
Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia, 1892-1975
Ethiopia, Kings and rulers, Biography.
Ethiopia, History, 1889-1974.
Ethiopia, Foreign relations, 1889-1974.
Ethiopia, Politics and government, 1889-1974.
Prepublication record
963.054092 972.9052
Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia / Nigusie Kassaye W. After the postcolonial Caribbean : memory, imagination, hope
Michael. —Lanham : Lexington Books, 2023. —314 pages ; / Brian Meeks. [online resource] —London : Pluto Press, 2023.
23 cm —1 online resource (ix, 214 pages) : illustrations (black and
ISBN 9781666908237 hardback £85.00 white).
BNB Number GBC379701 ISBN 9780745347905 paperback No price ; 9780745347929
Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia, 1892-1975 ePub ebook No price ; 9780745347936 PDF ebook No price BNB Number GBC381557
Ethiopia, Foreign relations, 1889-1974. Postcolonialism, Caribbean Area.
Ethiopia, History, 1889-1974. Social change, Caribbean Area.
Ethiopia, Politics and government, 1889-1974. Caribbean Area, History, 1945-
Ethiopia, Kings and rulers, Biography. Caribbean Area, Politics and government, 1945-
Prepublication record Prepublication record

966.7054 973.046872
Ghanaian politics and political communication / edited by El curso de la raza : the education of Aurelio Manuel
Samuel Gyasi Obeng, Emmanuel Debrah. —Lanham : Montemayor / Thomas Ray Garcia, Aurelio Montemayor,
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2023. —312 pages : Norma E. Cantú. —College Station : Texas A&M University
illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm. Press, 2023. —208 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23
ISBN 9781538158838 paperback £33.00 cm
BNB Number GBC379542 ISBN 9781648431272 hardback £48.95
Communication in politics, Ghana. BNB Number GBC379692
Ghana, Politics and government, 2001- Montemayor, Aurelio M.
Prepublication record
Chicano movement, Texas, History.
970.011 Prepublication record
Uncharted : a rediscovered history of voyages to the Americas
before Columbus / Tim Wallace-Murphy and James Martin. 973.314097475
—Newburyport : New Page, 2023. —224 pages ; 23 cm Loyalists in the Adirondacks : the fight for Britain in the
ISBN 9781637480113 paperback £16.99 Revolutionary War / Marie Danielle Annette Williams. —Mount
BNB Number GBC379632 Pleasant : The History Press, 2023. —128 pages ; 23 cm
America, Discovery and exploration, Pre-Columbian. ISBN 9781467152068 paperback No price
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379370
American loyalists, New York (State), Adirondack
970.980 Mountains.
The wealthy, the brilliant, the few : elite education in Adirondack Mountains (N.Y.), History, 19th century.
contemporary American discourse / Sophie Spieler. United States, History, 19th century.
—Bielefeld : [Transcript], 2021. —273 pages ; 23 cm. Prepublication record
ISBN 3837657299 paperback ; 9783837657296 paperback
BNB Number GBC378105 973.332
Comparative education. Long Island City in 1776 : the revolution comes to Queens /
Elite (Social sciences), Education, History. Richard Melnick. —Mount Pleasant : The History Press, 2023.
Education, Higher, United States. —224 pages ; 23 cm.
ISBN 9781467140959 paperback No price
971.40922 BNB Number GBC379363
The Cadottes : a fur trade family on Lake Superior / Robert Long Island, Battle of, New York, N.Y., 1776.
Silbernagel. —Madison : Wisconsin Historical Society Press, Prepublication record
2023. —304 pages ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781976600234 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC380197
Cadotte family.
Fur traders, Superior, Lake, Region, History.
Superior, Lake, Region, History.
Prepublication record

973.7 973.782
Yours affectionately, Osgood : Colonel Osgood Vose Tracy's The boys of Diamond Hill : the lives and Civil War letters of
letters home from the Civil War, 1862-1865 / edited by Sarah the Boyd family of Abbeville County, South Carolina / J. Keith
Tracy Burrows and Ryan W. Keating. —Kent, Ohio : The Kent Jones. —Second edition. —Jefferson, North Carolina :
State University Press, [2022] —xxviii, 265 pages : McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2023. —277 pages :
illustrations, map, portraits ; 25 cm illustrations ; 23 cm
ISBN 160635440X (hardcover) ; 9781606354407 (hardcover) ISBN 9781476690568 paperback £41.95
BNB Number GBC2B7860 BNB Number GBC379423
Tracy, Osgood Vose, Correspondence. Boyd family, Correspondence.
United States. Army, History, Civil War, 1861-1865, Soldiers, South Carolina, Abbeville County,
Sources. Correspondence.
Soldiers, United States, Correspondence. United States, History, Civil War, 1861-1865, Personal
United States, History, Civil War, 1861-1865, Sources. narratives, Confederate.
United States, History, Civil War, 1861-1865, South Carolina, History, Civil War, 1861-1865, Personal
Correspondence. narratives, Confederate.
Prepublication record
Normans and Saxons : southern race mythology and the 973.911092
intellectual history of the American Civil War / Ritchie Devon The last charge of the Rough Rider : Theodore Roosevelt's
Watson Jr. —Baton Rouge : LSU Press, 2023. —296 pages ; final days / William Hazelgrove. [online resource] —Essex,
23 cm Connecticut : Lyons Press, [2023]. —1 online resource.
ISBN 9780807178881 paperback £23.95 ISBN 9781493070916 (epub) ; 1493070916
BNB Number GBC378434 BNB Number GBC377812
White people, Race identity, United States. Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919, Family.
Racism, United States, History, 19th century. Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919, Last years.
United States, Race relations, History, 19th century. Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919, Death and burial.
United States, History, Civil War, 1861-1865, Causes. Ex-presidents, United States, Biography.
Prepublication record World War, 1914-1918, United States.
United States, Politics and government, 1913-1921.
973.7349 Oyster Bay (N.Y.), Biography.
The Battle of Gettysburg 1863. 2, The second day / Timothy J.
Orr ; illustrated by Steve Noon. —Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 973.933
2023. —96 pages : illustrations (colour), maps (colour) ; 25 The January 6 report / by The House January 6th Committee ;
cm. with a foreword on the coup conspiracy by Ari Melber. [online
ISBN 9781472854643 paperback £16.99 resource] —New York : Harper, [2022]. —1 online resource
BNB Number GBC379394 (xxxii, xxiii, 692 pages) : illustrations.
Gettysburg, Battle of, Gettysburg, Pa., 1863. ISBN 0063315521 (electronic bk.) ; 9780063315525
Prepublication record (electronic bk.)
BNB Number GBC377835
973.758092 Trump, Donald, 1946-
I am fighting for the Union : the Civil War letters of naval Domestic terrorism, United States, 21st century.
officer Henry Willis Wells / Henry Willis Wells ; edited by Riots, Washington (D.C.), 21st century.
Robert M. Browning Jr. —Tuscaloosa : The University of Presidents, United States, Election.
Alabama Press, 2023. —344 pages : illustrations (black and Capitol Riot, Washington, D.C., 2021.
white), maps (black and white) ; 23 cm. Political violence, Washington (D.C.), 21st century.
ISBN 9780817321529 hardback £122.00 ; 9780817361051 Governmental investigations, United States, 21st century.
paperback £32.95
BNB Number GBC378445
Wells, Henry Willis, 1841-1864, Correspondence.
United States. Navy, Officers, Correspondence.
Sailors, United States, Correspondence.
United States, History, Civil War, 1861-1865, Personal
Prepublication record

973.933092 974.811
Trump fiction : essays on Donald Trump in literature, film, and Cresheim Farm : 400 years of history at an American farm /
television / edited by Stephen Hock. —Lanham : Lexington Antje Ulrike Mattheus. [online resource] —London :
Books, 2023. —280 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (282 pages) :
cm illustrations (black and white).
ISBN 9781498598064 paperback £31.00 ISBN 9781000891911 PDF ebook £35.99 ; 9781000891935
BNB Number GBC379467 ePub ebook £35.99
Trump, Donald, 1946-, In motion pictures. BNB Number GBC380797
Trump, Donald, 1946-, In literature. Farms, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, History.
Trump, Donald, 1946-, On television. Germantown (Philadelphia, Pa.), Biography.
Popular culture, Political aspects, United States. Germantown (Philadelphia, Pa.), History.
Prepublication record Prepublication record

974.46 974.811
A Boston Harbor Islands adventure : the great Brewster Cresheim Farm : 400 years of history at an American farm /
journal of 1891 / Stephanie Schorow, Friends of the Boston Antje Ulrike Mattheus. —London : Routledge, 2023. —282
Harbor Islands. —Mount Pleasant : The History Press, 2023. pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm.
—192 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm ISBN 9781032330259 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032330228
ISBN 9781467151689 paperback No price paperback £35.99
BNB Number GBC379369 BNB Number GBC378820
Boston Harbor Islands (Mass.), History, 19th century. Farms, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, History.
Boston Harbor Islands (Mass.), Description and travel. Germantown (Philadelphia, Pa.), History.
Prepublication record Germantown (Philadelphia, Pa.), Biography.
Prepublication record
Washed ashore : family, fatherhood, and finding home on 975.602
Martha's Vineyard / Bill Eville. —Boston : David R. Godine, Colonial North Carolina / Joe A. Mobley. —Mount Pleasant :
Publisher, 2023. —256 pages ; 21 cm The History Press, 2023. —160 pages ; 23 cm.
ISBN 9781567927382 hardback No price ISBN 9781467151283 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC379563 BNB Number GBC379366
Eville, Bill, Family. North Carolina, History, Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775.
Eville, Bill, Marriage. Prepublication record
Eville, Bill, Homes and haunts, Massachusetts, Martha's
Vineyard. 975.6132
Families, Massachusetts, Martha's Vineyard. Outer Banks visionaries : building North Carolina's oceanfront
Fatherhood. / Clark Twiddy. —Mount Pleasant : The History Press, 2023.
Martha's Vineyard (Mass.), Description and travel. —128 pages ; 23 cm
Prepublication record ISBN 9781467153911 paperback No price
BNB Number GBC379380
974.780099 Outer Banks (N.C.), History.
Remarkable women of the Finger Lakes / Julie Cummins. Prepublication record
—Mount Pleasant : The History Press, 2023. —128 pages ; 23
cm. 976.41411
ISBN 9781467150477 paperback No price We hold our breath : a journey to Texas between storms /
BNB Number GBC379365 Micah Fields. [online resource] —New York : W.W. Norton and
Women, New York (State), Finger Lakes Region, Company, 2023. —1 online resource (160 pages)
Biography. ISBN 9781324003809 ePub ebook £28.79
Finger Lakes Region (N.Y.), Biography. BNB Number GBC381228
Prepublication record Hurricane Harvey, 2017.
Hurricanes, Texas.
Houston (Tex.), History.
Prepublication record

976.41411 978
We hold our breath : a journey to Texas between storms / Gathering strays : stories from Kansas and the Southwest
Micah Fields. —New York : W.W. Norton and Company, 2023. Plains / Jim Hoy. —Lawrence : University Press of Kansas,
—160 pages ; 21 cm 2023. —402 pages ; 23 cm
ISBN 9781324003793 hardback £23.99 ISBN 9780700634101 paperback £41.95
BNB Number GBC379226 BNB Number GBC378401
Hurricanes, Texas. Ranch life, Kansas.
Hurricane Harvey, 2017. Frontier and pioneer life, Kansas.
Houston (Tex.), History. Ranch life, Great Plains.
Prepublication record Frontier and pioneer life, Great Plains.
Kansas, History, Anecdotes.
976.4351 Great Plains, History, Anecdotes.
West of the creek : murder, mayhem and vice in old San Prepublication record
Antonio / David Bowser. —San Antonio : Maverick Books,
2023. —1 volume : maps 978.00496073
ISBN 9781595342683 paperback No price Black cowboys and early cattle drives : on the trails from
BNB Number GBC379575 Texas to Montana / Nancy K. Williams. —Mount Pleasant :
Murder, Texas, San Antonio, History. The History Press, 2023. —160 pages ; 23 cm
Violence, Texas, San Antonio, History. ISBN 9781467153645 paperback No price
Crime, Texas, San Antonio, History. BNB Number GBC379377
Frontier and pioneer life, Texas, San Antonio. African American cowboys, West (U.S.), History.
San Antonio (Tex.), History. African American cowboys, Goodnight-Loving Trail,
Prepublication record History.
West (U.S.), History, 1860-1890.
976.4552 Goodnight-Loving Trail, History.
Camp Wolters : Minerals Wells and World War II / Stacy Prepublication record
Croushorn. —Mount Pleasant : The History Press, 2023.
—128 pages ; 23 cm 978.802
ISBN 9781467153577 paperback No price Colorado frontiersmen : forts, fights and legacies / Linda
BNB Number GBC379375 Wommack. —Mount Pleasant : The History Press, 2023.
World War, 1939-1945, Texas, Mineral Wells. —160 pages ; 23 cm
Mineral Wells (Tex.), History, 20th century. ISBN 9781467153652 paperback No price
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC379378
Colorado, History, To 1876.
976.819 Prepublication record
Germantown during the Civil War era : a reversal of fortune /
George C. Browder. —Knoxville : The University of 978.8092
Tennessee Press, 2023. —368 pages ; 23 cm Colorado's Mrs. Captain Ellen Jack : mining queen of the
ISBN 9781621908142 paperback £56.00 rockies / Jane Bardal. —Mount Pleasant : The History Press,
BNB Number GBC379593 2023. —160 pages ; 23 cm
Germantown (Tenn.), Social life and customs, 19th ISBN 9781467153638 paperback No price
century. BNB Number GBC379376
Tennessee, History, Civil War, 1861-1865. Jack, Ellen E. (Ellen Elliott), 1842-1921
Germantown (Tenn.), History, 19th century.
Prepublication record Mines and mineral resources, Colorado, History.
Women industrialists, United States, Biography.
977 Prepublication record
The Federalist frontier : settler politics in the Old Northwest,
1783-1840 / Kristopher Maulden. —Columbia : University of
Missouri Press, 2023. —280 pages : illustrations, maps ; 23
ISBN 9780826222855 paperback £30.95
BNB Number GBC378456
Federal Party (U.S.)
Pioneers, Political activity, Northwest, Old.
United States, Territorial expansion.
Northwest, Old, Politics and government.
Prepublication record
979.01 986.1
Pushing boundaries in Southwestern archaeology : Museums, exhibitions, and memories of violence in Colombia
chronometry, collections, and contexts / edited by Stephen E. : trying to remember / Jimena Perry. —London : Routledge,
Nash, Erin L. Baxter. —Boulder : University Press of 2023. —204 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm.
Colorado, 2023. —440 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm ISBN 9781032255699 hardback £130.00 ; 9781032234885
ISBN 9781646423613 hardback No price paperback £35.99
BNB Number GBC379672 BNB Number GBC378724
Indians of North America, Southwest, New, Congresses. Museo Nacional de Colombia
Bears Ears National Monument (Utah), Congresses.
Southwest, New, Antiquities, Congresses. Civil war, Colombia, History, 20th century.
Southwest, New, History, Congresses. Collective memory, Colombia.
Prepublication record Museums and community, Colombia.
Political violence, Museums, Colombia.
979.527 Museums, Political aspects, Colombia.
The Jackson County Rebellion : a populist uprising in Public history, Colombia.
depression-era Oregon / Jeffrey Max LaLande. —Corvallis : Civil war, Colombia, History, 21st century.
Oregon State University Press, 2023. —216 pages : Victims of political violence, Colombia, History.
illustrations (black and white), map ; 23 cm Colombia, Politics and government, 1974-
ISBN 9780870712296 paperback £32.95 Prepublication record
BNB Number GBC378466
Banks, Llewellyn A., 1870-1945. 993.03092
Fehl, Earl H., 1885-1962. The bay and beyond : stories of a barefoot childhood in
Ruhl, Robert, 1880-1967. Hawke's Bay and voyages of courage to New Zealand / Kathy
Good Government Congress, History. Maclean. —Place of publication not identified : Independently
Political corruption, Oregon, Jackson County, History, 20th published, 2022. —1 volume
century. ISBN 9798813769306 paperback £12.99
Populism, Oregon, Jackson County. BNB Number GBC380385
Oregon, Politics and government, 1859-1950. MacLean, Kathy, Homes and haunts, New Zealand,
Jackson County (Or.), History, 20th century. Hawke's Bay.
Prepublication record MacLean, Kathy, Childhood and youth.
Maori (New Zealand people), History.
986.1 New Zealand, History.
Museums, exhibitions, and memories of violence in Colombia New Zealand, Emigration and immigration.
: trying to remember / Jimena Perry. [online resource] Prepublication record
—London : Routledge, 2023. —1 online resource (204 pages)
: illustrations (black and white). 994.51
ISBN 9781000896428 ePub ebook £35.99 ; 9781000896398 Blue lake : finding Dudley Flats and the West Melbourne
PDF ebook £35.99 swamp / David Sornig. —Melbourne : Scribe, 2018. —392
BNB Number GBC380896 pages : illustrations (black and white), maps (black and white)
Museo Nacional de Colombia ; 24 cm ISBN 9781925322743 paperback ; 1925322742 paperback
Collective memory, Colombia. BNB Number GBC378106
Museums, Political aspects, Colombia. Peacock, Jack.
Victims of political violence, Colombia, History. Rogge, Lauder Heinrich.
Museums and community, Colombia.
Civil war, Colombia, History, 20th century. 998.2
Public history, Colombia. The vanished settlers of Greenland : in search of a legend
Political violence, Museums, Colombia. and its legacy / Robert Rix. —Cambridge : Cambridge
Civil war, Colombia, History, 21st century. University Press, 2023. —217 pages
Colombia, Politics and government, 1974- ISBN 9781009359474 hardback £30.00
Prepublication record BNB Number GBC378541
Vikings, Greenland, History.
Greenland, Discovery and exploration, Norse.
Greenland, History.
Prepublication record


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