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Analysis of Availability of Case-Based Reasoning Approaches

on Physics Textbooks Class X Semester 1

Nabila Melia Hanum, Fanny Rahmatina Rahim*, and Silvi Yulia Sari
Physics Department, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia
*[email protected]

Learning is strengthened by using an approach to learning. In the 2013 curriculum, it is
recommended to use an approach to learning, one of which is the Case-Based Reasoning
(CBR) approach. One approach similar to the current process standards is the CBR
approach, which helps teachers provide more student involvement in learning activities.
There are many physics textbooks that many publishers have circulated, so It is vital to
investigate whether or not these books have provided a CBR approach to learning to
improve reasoning skills and higher-order thinking as suggested in the 2013 curriculum.
This research was done to analyze the CBR approach. CBR is in a physics textbook for
class X, semester 1, at Public High Schools in the City of Padang. The research carried
out included descriptive research using a qualitative approach. The research population
consisted of all physics textbooks for class X high school published in Indonesia and used
in the city of Padang. The research samples were three Physics textbooks for Class X
High School Semester 1: ER, IP, and TS. The research results showed that no CBR
approach was found in the three physics textbooks analyzed. Hence, we concluded that no
textbooks are currently available that provide a CBR approach.
Keywords: Analysis; Case-Based Reasoning; Text Book

Received : 14 February 2023

Accepted : 30 June 2023
Published: 12 July 2023
DOI : https://doi.org/10.20527/jipf.v7i2.7932
© 2023 Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika

How to cite: Hanum, N. M., Rahim, F. R. & Sari, S. Y. (2023). Analisis ketersediaan
pendekatan case based reasoning pada buku teks fisika kelas X semester 1. Jurnal Ilmiah
Pendidikan Fisika, 7(2), 237-249.

INTRODUCTION The 2013 curriculum, which has been

The curriculum is a means that revised several times, can be a solution
determines the direction of education to the challenges of the development of
(Fadlillah, 2014; Fahmi & Bitasari, the times, as in Permendikbud No. 36 of
2021). Therefore, the curriculum must be 2018, which stated that the purpose of
applied thoroughly to the learning the Curriculum 2013 revision is to
process to achieve educational prepare students in order to have
objectives. Changes to the curriculum character as individuals and citizens
are made so that Indonesia does not left who have skills and can cooperate with
behind other countries (Aziz et al., 2022; society, nation, country and also
Chaerani et al., 2022). contribute to world civilization. The
Hanum et al/Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 7 (2) 2023 237-249

2013 revision curriculum can guide of the similar approaches that can be
students to adapt to their environment. used as an alternative to this learning is
The implementation of the Curriculum the CBR. This approach is used to solve
2013 revision contains three areas of new problems that are guided by similar
competence: “perspective, knowledge, problems that have occurred before
and skills”. (Kalam et al., 2014; Mukhlis &
The implementation policy of the Oktalina, 2018). CBR has been phased
Curriculum 2013 Revision has had a in solving a problem: retrieve, reuse,
significant impact on many elements of revise, and retain (Aamodt & Plaza,
education in Indonesia. One of them is 1994; Supic, 2018). The first phase, the
the development of national education retrieve phase, is a phase that begins
standards, which is the foundation for with the student exploring the facts of a
the maintenance of education in new case, then recalling similar events
Indonesia. According to Article 2, in new cases. The second stage is the
“Regulations of the Government of the reuse stage, which is the stage in which
Republic of Indonesia Number 32 of students reuse solutions that allow them
2013 on National Standards of to be reused on a new case. The third
Education”, “the scope of the National phase is the revision phase. At this
Standard of Education consists of 1) stage, the student performs a simulation
Content standards; 2) Process standards; using old solutions; if they are
3) Competence standards; and 4) inappropriate, they will look for another
Educational standards and training solution based on similar previous
skills.” 5) Standard Sarana and events. The last stage is the retention
Prasarana 6) Management Standards 7) stage, at which the student saves a new
Financing Requirements 8) Education solution that has been successfully used
Evaluation Standards The purpose of in a new case to be reused in a future
establishing national education case.
standards is to support education quality. The stages of the CBR described
The standard of the process plays an have similarities with step 5M on the
important role in improving the quality scientific approach. At the stage of
of education because it is very closely retrieval this stage begins with
related to the activities of the learning investigating facts. Investigating the
process in the school. According to facts will enable the learners first to
Permendikbud No. By 2022 on the analyze the new case that is to be
Standard of process, learning processes resolved, then gather facts to know the
must use models that shift the principle right solution for a new case. Then the
of learning from informed students to reuse stage, which is the stage of reuse
students looking for information. The of the solution considered appropriate in
learning process is also strengthened by the previous case to be reused in the new
using approaches to the learning case, leads the participant to the
process, for example, scientific presence of the activity, which will be
approaches, integrated thematic and carried out to find the appropriate
thematic. The characteristic feature of solution for the new case. Following the
the scientific approach is to have five revision stage, in which the student
learning stages: observe, question, performs a simulation of the use of
collect information, associate, and solutions in the old case to resolve new
communicate (Putri et al., 2016; Sani, problems, this stage is similar to
2014). associating and communicating. The
In addition to scientific approaches, student must be able to try the solution
we can also use other approaches. One of the old case in the new case if it is not

Hanum et al/Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 7 (2) 2023 237-249

appropriate to do the communication Budiyanto, 2019; Oconitrillo et al.,

activity by reviewing the old solution to 2021). The CBR approach can be
be suitable for use in a new case. Last, combined with the learning resources
in the retain phase, this phase is the final used in providing facilities for the
phase, i.e., with the student storing all implementation of CBR methods in the
the new solutions so they can be reused learning process so that learning has a
in the subsequent case. This stage is part positive impact on problem-solving and
of collecting information to be read or analytical thinking skills (Mukhlis &
remembered for resolving the case later. Oktalina, 2018; Raste et al., 2021).
CBR can be used effectively in the To provide support for achieving the
expansion process and for academic learning process goals, the need for
success (Aesyi & Wardoyo, 2019; learning resources and teachers'
Rahman et al., 2019). CBR provides experience significantly impact
significant benefits for learning. The knowledge-based reasoning
CBR approach allows individuals to (Gegenfurtner et al., 2020; Samsinar,
access relevant knowledge quickly and 2020). A textbook is a learning resource
improve their problem-solving abilities that is very helpful in the learning
and overall performance (Mokmin & process and is often used. A textbook or
Masood, 2015; Martin, 2016). a book widely known as a teaching
The CBR cognitive model is the core book has the function of becoming an
of a constructive learning approach by information medium or a learning
leveraging relevant knowledge in source that can be in print or electronic
solving problems (Tawfik & Kolodner, form. As for textbooks in printed form,
2016; Teng et al., 2016). The CBR they can help students in the teaching
approach perfectly matches the process and provide teachers with ease
characteristics of physical lessons. The in explaining materials to students. A
CBR approach guides learners to seek textbook can help learners prepare
information first before the learning themselves before participating in the
process takes place. CBR is a problem- learning process, and learners can
solving method based on previous participate more in the class (Sitepu,
learning experiences. CBR is a way of 2012; Rahmawati, 2016; Permatasari &
solving a problem by using the solution Anwas, 2019).
of a previous problem that has The teaching book will provide
similarities (Smiti & Elouedi, 2011). assistance for teachers and pupils to
CBR has four stages in solving a facilitate the process of learning and
problem: retrieve, reuse, revise, and teaching. The textbooks cannot be
retain (Salem & Hisham, 2013). CBR separated from the lessons of physics in
can be adapted to the lessons to facilitate high school, either by traditional
teachers and students in physical teaching methods or by creative
learning activities related to problem- learning models. Learning should use a
solving, similar to the concept of scientific methodology so that it can be
physics because, according to Dahar implemented in accordance with the
(2011), the ability to solve problems is criteria of the educational process,
the highest order of intellectual skills. which will depend on the source of
CBR is defined as problem-solving learning used. The learning resources
through the use of previous experience. used must facilitate the application of
The CBR approach enables students to scientific approaches to the learning
discover and solve problems process of physics. Also, to apply the
independently by adapting the learning CBR approach to learning, students
material to their daily lives (Rahman & need a textbook to help them apply it.

Hanum et al/Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 7 (2) 2023 237-249

The government has tried to With the large number of physics

implement the Curriculum 2013 in one textbooks that have been spread through
of them by preparing textbooks as a a number of publishers, it is necessary to
learning resource for students. No examine whether the books already
government regulations 32 in 2013 provide a CBR approach to the learning
article 43 said that "in the sector of process. Observations have been carried
procurement of textbooks taught out in 16 Kota Padang schools to
implemented by the government, the determine which textbooks for class X
book has been regulated by the Minister physics lessons are used in the learning
as the primary learning source after process. Based on the observations that
examination and evaluated by BNSP have been made, the books used by
before teachers and pupils use the teachers in learning at the schools are
textbooks as a learning source in the presented in Table 1.
educational unit. The textbook must Table 1 High school physics class x in
meet several aspects, among them: 1) the high school
the material aspect; 2) the language
aspect; 3) the presentation aspect; and Authors Publisher f
4) the graphic aspect (Depdiknas, Marthen
Erlangga 10
2008). Kanginan
Research conducted by Tawfik & Pujianto et al., 7
Keene (2013) on the application of CBR Muhammad
showed that students have difficulty Tiga
Farchani 5
solving tasks with problem transitions to Serangkai
Rosyid et al.,
unstructured problems and Bumi
Hari Subagya 4
recommended CBR to facilitate the Aksara
transition of these problems. Aris
Mediatama 2
Thus, this research is needed to Prasetyo et al.,
analyze the teaching book as one of the Grafindo
learning sources used by the students in Kamajaya Media 2
working tasks. Modern cognitive
researchers note the importance of Sunardi et al.,
solving unstructured problems to emerge
and develop higher thinking skills such
From the observation data, three of
as reasoning, argumentation, and
the most frequently used textbooks in
schools were selected as samples for
The CBR method is used to deal with
research, which will be assessed
new cases using past knowledge. The
regarding the presentation of material
implementation of this learning process
associated with the CBR component.
can be done in education. The research
Therefore, in order to obtain a suitable
carried out by Wahidin (2023) aims to
textbook and facilitate the application of
produce humans skilled in applying
CBR methods in learning, it is
information technology by applying
necessary to examine textbooks that
CBR and AI. The study also discusses
deny the components of the CBR
the importance of CBR in education and
its potential impact on learning activities.
The textbook analysis is carried out
Then it is necessary to analyze the
by evaluating the four indicators of the
availability of the CBR approach in
CBR approach contained in the
textbooks since textbooks are often used
textbook. CBR is an effort to solve
as a resource in learning activities.
problems using previous experience
(Main et al., 2001). CBR is a relatively

Hanum et al/Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 7 (2) 2023 237-249

new problem-solving technique retention phase, new problem solutions

attracting increasing attention (Watson were stored as knowledge and learning
& Marir, 1994). This is in line with the experience, and an understanding of
opinion of Dahar (2011), which reveals new problem-solving was developed.
that the highest order of intellectual The population of this study is the
skills is the ability to solve problems. entire textbook of high school physics
The problem-solving mechanism with Class X published in Indonesia and
the CBR approach adopts the used in the city of Padang. The
steps/cycles proposed by Aamodt & sampling was done using non-
Plaza (1994). probability sampling techniques. Non-
Based on the problems that have probability sampling is a technique for
been presented, there are rare studies determining samples but does not give
related to analyzing the availability of equal opportunities for each portion of
CBR approaches in textbooks have been the population to become a sample
found. Further research is carried out by (Sugiyono, 2017). In this study, the
conducting descriptive research. This researchers assigned a sample of three
study aims to analyze the availability of high school physics textbooks of Class
the Case-Based Reasoning approach in X, namely the Erlangga book, the
the Physics Class X semester one Priwara Intan book, and the Tiga
textbook at the state high school in Serangkai book, which was carried out
Padang. through four stages consisting of
"preparation, implementation, analysis,
METHOD and reporting.
This research belongs to the descriptive Content analysis is a method of
research conducted through a concluding contextually, so
qualitative approach. Descriptive communications messages can be
research aims to provide a systematic understood complexly (Prastowo,
view of the facts of the research object 2016). Content study is a procedure
(Sukardi, 2012). The desired results of used to draw correct conclusions from
this study are not generalizations based books or documents (Moleong, 2009).
on quantity but on the quality of the Thus, data analysis techniques with
events studied (Prastowo, 2016). This content studies are procedures used to
study resulted in a report of the objects produce conclusions from books or
carried out by the research, referring to documents so that comprehension can
the facts found and describing what is be done complexly. The technique for
presented in the high school physics processing the data from this research
class X semester one textbook. The was carried out by means of:
analysis is carried out in four stages: 1. Summarize the appearance of CBR
retrieve, reuse, revise, and retain. approach instruments in the physics
The stage of the CBR cycle in textbooks analyzed;
learning is four. At the retrieval stage, 2. Calculate the percentage availability
the researchers found problems and of the CBR approach in a textbook
variable problem equations. At the for high school physics class X with
reuse stage, solutions to previously formulas.
existing problems were explored and
3. Determine the percentage of the
detected in the case of similar problems.
average proportion of each CBR
At the revision stage, solutions from old
category in all the physics textbooks
problems to new problems were
adapted, and differences in new
4. Determine the criteria for the
problems were corrected. In the final
availability of the CBR approach in

Hanum et al/Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 7 (2) 2023 237-249

the textbook of high school physics RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

class X, semester 1, as observed in Based on the research on the availability
Table 2 (Riduwan, 2012). analysis of the CBR approach to the
Table 2 CBR availability criteria for physics textbooks of class X semester 1,
high school physics textbook through indicators such as retrieve,
class x reuse, revise, and retain. The material
Criteria of covered is for class X, semester I. Based
percentage on the analysis results in the above
81%-100% Highly available image, it is obtained that the percentage
61%-80% Available of the CBR component in each textbook
is different. The results of the analysis of
41%-60% Fairly available
each indicator of the CBR approach are
21%-40% Less available shown in Figure 1.
0%-20% Not available

Figure 1 Diagram of retrieve average for each textbook

First of all, the indicator was percentage is in the book edition of

retrieved. The results of the availability Intan Pariwara, with a fairly available
analysis of the CBR approach for the category available. The average
retrieve indicator can be seen in Figure availability of the CBR indicator
1. retrieval approach in class X semester
Figure 1 shows the average one textbook is fairly available.
percentage of one of the CBR indicator The second indicator is reuse. The
retrieval approaches in the three results of the availability analysis of the
textbooks. Erlangga textbooks obtained CBR approach for the reuse indicator
the highest percentage. The lowest can be seen in Figure 2.

Hanum et al/Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 7 (2) 2023 237-249

Figure 2 Graph of reuse average for each textbook

Figure 2 displays the average average availability of the CBR reuse

percentage of one of the CBR reuse indicator approach on class X material
indicators approaches on each textbook, in semester one is categorized as less
with the highest percent obtained on available.
textbook editions of Tiga Serangkai with The third indicator is revision. The
categories fairly available. The lowest results of the analysis of the availability
percentage is found in Erlangga of the CBR approach for the revision
textbooks with fewer categories. The indicator can be seen in Figure 3.

Figure 3 Graph of revision average for each textbook

Figure 3 shows the average found in Tiga Serangkai textbooks,

percentage of one of the CBR revision which have fewer categories. The
indicators approaching a textbook, with average availability of revision
the highest percent obtained from indicators on textbooks in class X
Erlangga textbooks with fairly available semester 1 categories are less available.
categories. The lowest percentage is

Hanum et al/Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 7 (2) 2023 237-249

The fourth indicator is retention. The CBR approach for the retain indicator
results of the availability analysis of the can be seen in Figure 4.

Figure 4 Graph of retain average for each textbook

Figure 4 shows the average First, for the retrieve indicator. Based
percentage of one of the CBR on the analysis of the availability of the
approaches on retain indicator on CBR approach in the textbook of high
textbooks, with the highest percentages school physics class X performed
obtained from three categories with analysis was categorized as fairly
fewer available categories and the lowest available. According to Aamodt & Plaza
percent of textbooks obtained from Intan (1994), who proposed the CBR measures
Pariwara and Erlangga with less for the first time, on this indicator
accessible categories. The average retrieve, the existing problems are
availability of the retain indicator on analyzed to find the same problems.
class X material in semester one is Class X Erlangga High School Physics
categorized as less available. textbooks have higher retrieval
Analyzing high school physics indicators than Intan Pariwara and Tiga
textbooks for class X semester one aims Serangkai textbooks, but these three
to determine the availability of CBR textbooks are fairly available. According
approaches. The analyzed textbooks are to Gerhana (2013), the retrieval process
the three most widely used textbooks in in the CBR is the basic stage that must
the entire High school system of the be implemented when dealing with a
State of Padang. new problem. This result is not
The analysis of textbooks is carried consistent with Kolodner et al. (2009).
out by evaluating the four indicators of He mentioned that in the CBR paradigm,
the CBR approach contained in the learning is called for by expanding
textbooks. CBR is defined as problem- knowledge by adding new experiences to
solving using experience (Main et al., memory to be applied to problem-
2001; Mokmin & Masood, 2015). Each solving.
CBR indicator has two instruments used The second indicator is reuse. Based
to evaluate textbooks. Indicators and on the results of the analysis of the
CBR instruments can be described as availability of CBR lifting on the reuse
follows: indicator that exists in the textbook of
high school physics class X that

Hanum et al/Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 7 (2) 2023 237-249

performed the analysis, which is CM along with the correction of the

categorized as less available, we adapt solution for the problem (Aamodt &
the problem to be the same with the Plaza, 1994). Tiga Serangkai textbooks
characteristics of the current problems have a percentage of retains that are
(Aamodt & Plaza, 1994; Raste et al., categorized as less available.
2021). High school physics textbooks in In the learning process of Curriculum
the Class X Tiga Serangkai have higher 2013, which suggests using approaches
reuse indicators with a categorized to the learning process, one of the
average that is fairly available. Intan approaches that can be used is the CBR
Pariwara and Erlangga high school approach. This is useful in achieving the
physics textbooks have lower reuse 4C skills that are essential to apply in
indicators and are less categorized. learning, which includes the skills to
The third indicator is revision. Based think critically, the ability to
on the analysis of the availability of CBR communicate, the ability to collaborate,
resistance on the revised indicators in the and the skill to think creatively.
textbook of high school physics class X, CBR is reasoning that combines
the analysis was categorized as less problem-solving, learning, and
available. On the revision indicator, after integrating everything with memory
applying a solution to a problem, it is (Kolodner et al., 2009). New problems to
examined whether the solution can solve be solved are identified, among other
the problem (Aamodt & Plaza, 1994; experiences. This requires learners to
Raste et al., 2021). Class X ER High resolve or remember the problems
School Physics textbooks have a higher closest to the new problem (Avramenko
percentage of revised indicators with & Kraslawski, 2008). If there is a lack of
average categorized indicators fairly implementation of the CBR approach to
available. Intan Pariwara has a revised learning, then the students' reasoning
categorized indicator for Class X High will also be reduced.
School Physics textbooks. As for Research using the CBR approach
textbooks, Tiga Serangkai has the lowest and providing accurate results in many
percentage and is categorized as less fields has been carried out (Mulyana,
available. 2009). Research done by applying the
The fourth indicator is retained. CBR approach to manual calculations
Based on the analysis of the availability through the test process has achieved
of the CBR approach on the retain good results (Wahanani et al., 2020). It
indicator that exists in the textbook of can be implemented in the learning
high school physics class X semester one process, and CBR-integrated learning
implemented, the analysis process is products can improve students' learning
categorized as less available. Tiga skills. In order for learning to obtain
Serangkai Physics textbooks have a good results, it is in line with the
higher percentage of retain indicators research already carried out that the
than the Intan Pariwara and Erlangga results are achieved where the
textbooks. However, these three application of CBR can provide support
textbooks have an average of less in managing problem solutions, referring
categorized percentages available. Retain to the approach to retrieve, reuse, revise,
is the last CBR approach indicator. The and retain data knowledge, problems,
solution is used on this retain indicator, and solutions available (Putri et al.,
and then the result is stored in the Case 2016; Indah et al., 2018).
Method (CM). If the solution succeeds, it The added value of the CBR
is saved to help resolve the coming approach will be so beneficial because it
problems. If it fails, it is stored in the can eliminate the need to extract the

Hanum et al/Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 7 (2) 2023 237-249

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