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Nabila Melia Hanum, Fanny Rahmatina Rahim*, and Silvi Yulia Sari
Physics Department, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia
*[email protected]
Learning is strengthened by using an approach to learning. In the 2013 curriculum, it is
recommended to use an approach to learning, one of which is the Case-Based Reasoning
(CBR) approach. One approach similar to the current process standards is the CBR
approach, which helps teachers provide more student involvement in learning activities.
There are many physics textbooks that many publishers have circulated, so It is vital to
investigate whether or not these books have provided a CBR approach to learning to
improve reasoning skills and higher-order thinking as suggested in the 2013 curriculum.
This research was done to analyze the CBR approach. CBR is in a physics textbook for
class X, semester 1, at Public High Schools in the City of Padang. The research carried
out included descriptive research using a qualitative approach. The research population
consisted of all physics textbooks for class X high school published in Indonesia and used
in the city of Padang. The research samples were three Physics textbooks for Class X
High School Semester 1: ER, IP, and TS. The research results showed that no CBR
approach was found in the three physics textbooks analyzed. Hence, we concluded that no
textbooks are currently available that provide a CBR approach.
Keywords: Analysis; Case-Based Reasoning; Text Book
How to cite: Hanum, N. M., Rahim, F. R. & Sari, S. Y. (2023). Analisis ketersediaan
pendekatan case based reasoning pada buku teks fisika kelas X semester 1. Jurnal Ilmiah
Pendidikan Fisika, 7(2), 237-249.
2013 revision curriculum can guide of the similar approaches that can be
students to adapt to their environment. used as an alternative to this learning is
The implementation of the Curriculum the CBR. This approach is used to solve
2013 revision contains three areas of new problems that are guided by similar
competence: “perspective, knowledge, problems that have occurred before
and skills”. (Kalam et al., 2014; Mukhlis &
The implementation policy of the Oktalina, 2018). CBR has been phased
Curriculum 2013 Revision has had a in solving a problem: retrieve, reuse,
significant impact on many elements of revise, and retain (Aamodt & Plaza,
education in Indonesia. One of them is 1994; Supic, 2018). The first phase, the
the development of national education retrieve phase, is a phase that begins
standards, which is the foundation for with the student exploring the facts of a
the maintenance of education in new case, then recalling similar events
Indonesia. According to Article 2, in new cases. The second stage is the
“Regulations of the Government of the reuse stage, which is the stage in which
Republic of Indonesia Number 32 of students reuse solutions that allow them
2013 on National Standards of to be reused on a new case. The third
Education”, “the scope of the National phase is the revision phase. At this
Standard of Education consists of 1) stage, the student performs a simulation
Content standards; 2) Process standards; using old solutions; if they are
3) Competence standards; and 4) inappropriate, they will look for another
Educational standards and training solution based on similar previous
skills.” 5) Standard Sarana and events. The last stage is the retention
Prasarana 6) Management Standards 7) stage, at which the student saves a new
Financing Requirements 8) Education solution that has been successfully used
Evaluation Standards The purpose of in a new case to be reused in a future
establishing national education case.
standards is to support education quality. The stages of the CBR described
The standard of the process plays an have similarities with step 5M on the
important role in improving the quality scientific approach. At the stage of
of education because it is very closely retrieval this stage begins with
related to the activities of the learning investigating facts. Investigating the
process in the school. According to facts will enable the learners first to
Permendikbud No. By 2022 on the analyze the new case that is to be
Standard of process, learning processes resolved, then gather facts to know the
must use models that shift the principle right solution for a new case. Then the
of learning from informed students to reuse stage, which is the stage of reuse
students looking for information. The of the solution considered appropriate in
learning process is also strengthened by the previous case to be reused in the new
using approaches to the learning case, leads the participant to the
process, for example, scientific presence of the activity, which will be
approaches, integrated thematic and carried out to find the appropriate
thematic. The characteristic feature of solution for the new case. Following the
the scientific approach is to have five revision stage, in which the student
learning stages: observe, question, performs a simulation of the use of
collect information, associate, and solutions in the old case to resolve new
communicate (Putri et al., 2016; Sani, problems, this stage is similar to
2014). associating and communicating. The
In addition to scientific approaches, student must be able to try the solution
we can also use other approaches. One of the old case in the new case if it is not
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The fourth indicator is retention. The CBR approach for the retain indicator
results of the availability analysis of the can be seen in Figure 4.
Figure 4 shows the average First, for the retrieve indicator. Based
percentage of one of the CBR on the analysis of the availability of the
approaches on retain indicator on CBR approach in the textbook of high
textbooks, with the highest percentages school physics class X performed
obtained from three categories with analysis was categorized as fairly
fewer available categories and the lowest available. According to Aamodt & Plaza
percent of textbooks obtained from Intan (1994), who proposed the CBR measures
Pariwara and Erlangga with less for the first time, on this indicator
accessible categories. The average retrieve, the existing problems are
availability of the retain indicator on analyzed to find the same problems.
class X material in semester one is Class X Erlangga High School Physics
categorized as less available. textbooks have higher retrieval
Analyzing high school physics indicators than Intan Pariwara and Tiga
textbooks for class X semester one aims Serangkai textbooks, but these three
to determine the availability of CBR textbooks are fairly available. According
approaches. The analyzed textbooks are to Gerhana (2013), the retrieval process
the three most widely used textbooks in in the CBR is the basic stage that must
the entire High school system of the be implemented when dealing with a
State of Padang. new problem. This result is not
The analysis of textbooks is carried consistent with Kolodner et al. (2009).
out by evaluating the four indicators of He mentioned that in the CBR paradigm,
the CBR approach contained in the learning is called for by expanding
textbooks. CBR is defined as problem- knowledge by adding new experiences to
solving using experience (Main et al., memory to be applied to problem-
2001; Mokmin & Masood, 2015). Each solving.
CBR indicator has two instruments used The second indicator is reuse. Based
to evaluate textbooks. Indicators and on the results of the analysis of the
CBR instruments can be described as availability of CBR lifting on the reuse
follows: indicator that exists in the textbook of
high school physics class X that
Hanum et al/Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 7 (2) 2023 237-249
Hanum et al/Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 7 (2) 2023 237-249
model (Rismawan & Hartati, 2013). The use them and also students in the
structural CBR approach is useful in learning process.
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Hanum et al/Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 7 (2) 2023 237-249
Hanum et al/Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 7 (2) 2023 237-249
Hanum et al/Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 7 (2) 2023 237-249