NGT-Feeding E-Tool
NGT-Feeding E-Tool
NGT-Feeding E-Tool
Institute of Nursing
1. Checks the doctor’s order
2. Introduces self to patient and verifies patient’s name
3. Informs patient of the procedure and its importance
4. Performs handwashing
5. Assembles articles and equipment needed at the bedside
Feeding formula
Calibrated glass
Asepto syringe/50ml syringe
Bowl w/ hot water
Medicine Glass
Towel or napkin
30-60 mL of water (for flushing
Clamp (optional)
Feeding Solution
Large Catheter tip syringe (30 mL or larger)
Measuring Cup
Feeding pump (if ordered)
Other optional materials (disposable pad, pH indicator strips, paper towel)
6. Elevates head of bed at least 30-to-45-degree angle
7. Prepares feeding and allow to reach room temperature before feeding
1. Stands on patient’s left side, if right-handed and right side if left-handed.
/revised as of June 2015/
Name: _______________________________________ NGT Feeding Page | 2
Assess abdominal distention, tenderness and for residual feedings contents. If for follow up feeding contents and measure the
amount before administering the feeding.
Return aspirated contents to the stomach unless volume exceeds 150-250 mL.
Maintain client in semi-fowlers position and recheck residual in an hour or it depends on the physician’s order.
5. Clamps the tube and inserts the tip of the asepto syringe to end of gastric tube
6. Aspirates the tubing to check and measure amount of residual
7. Flush NGT with 15 to 30 ml water
- Kink the tube and remove the bulb of asepto syringe and pour 30 mL of water
8. Pours feeding into the asepto syringe
- Kink the tube and pour the formula into the barrel
9. Raises the syringe 12 to 18 inches above the stomach or at the level of patient’s forehead (Depends on consistency of
feeding). Opens the clamp
- Keep the barrel of the asepto syringe about 8-12 inches above the patient
- Raise the barrel a little higher or apply gentle pressure in the bulb of the syringe, if the formula fails to flow freely.
10. Allows feeding to flow by gravity into the stomach. Raise and lower the syringe to control the rate of flow
- Flush the NGT with 30-60 cc of water once the prescribed amount of formula is consumed
13. Kinks or closes the end of the feeding tube
- Pinch or kink the tube before it becomes completely empty and detach the asepto syringe
- Plug the end of the NGT with its own cover. If none, clamp may be used instead.
14. Removes gloves and performs hand hygiene
1. Keeps the patient’s head elevated for 20-30 min.
2. Performs after care of all articles and equipment used
1. Documents the procedure and all nursing assessment
1. Ensure the tube is located at the stomach because coughing, vomiting, and movement can move the tube out of the correct
2. The location of the tube must be checked:
- Prior to each feed/medication
- Before each medication
- Ensure taping is secure
- Observe and document the position marker on NGT/OGT (compare to initial measurements)
- Observe for any signs of respiratory distress