Pulpectomy in Primary Teeth
Pulpectomy in Primary Teeth
Pulpectomy in Primary Teeth
Dr Shima Nourmohammadi
Assisstant Prof. Of Pediatric Dentistry
• Definition
• Indication
• Contra-indication
• Treatment objectives
• Treatment considerations
• Materials for RC obturation
• The main objective of pulp therapy in the primary dentition is to retain every primary tooth as a
fully functional component in the dental arch to allow for:
Proper mastication
psychological effects
is the technique to gain an access to the root canals ,
remove as much as possible inflamed and or infected
tissues and fill the root canals with a suitable material
• It is unwise to maintain untreated infected primary teeth in the mouth. They may be opened for
drainage and often remain asymptomatic for an indefinite period. However, they are a source of
infection and should be treated or removed
Indications (Total Pc)
• “Partial pulpectomy” is widely used to refer to “an apical extension of the pulpotomy
procedure” in which the coronal portion of the radicular pulp is amputated, leaving
vital tissue in the canal that is assumed to be healthy.(Incompletely formed root and
an open apex)
• The decision to implement partial pulpectomy is made after removing the coronal
pulp and encountering difficulty with hemorrhage control from the radicular orifice(
no evidence of necrosis or suppuration)
• Endodontic broaches or files are the most commonly used instruments in partial pulpectomy
• One-third to one-half of the coronal portion of the radicular pulp tissue is removed from the
• If hemorrhage cannot be controlled, the remaining radicular pulp tissue is removed and a
complete pulpectomy is indicated
• After a successful hemorrhage control, a cotton pellet with formocresol is placed in the pulp
chamber for 1-5 mins
• The pellet is removed, and the root filling paste is packed into the chamber and canals
2. The root and root canal morphology of deciduous molars shows wide anatomical variations, either in number or in
3. The complex pulp and periodontal tissues inter-relationship in primary molars may result in the occasion of bone
radiolucency any where along the root or in the furcation area.
Root Canal Preparation
• Rubberdam or equally effective isolation technique
Stainless steel hand files and barbed broachs (esp in ant teeth)
• It should be inserted easily into the root canal and removed easily if
• Eugenol is said to have anti inflammatory and analgesic properties that are very useful after a
pulpectomy procedure(but reaching zero after one month)
KRI Paste
• The primary components of KRI paste are iodoform , camphor,para-chlorophenol and menthol
• The main advantages of KRI paste over ZOE are that KRI paste:
resorbs in synchrony with primary roots
less irritating to surrounding tissues if a root is inadvertently overfilled
More antibacterial effect
• The fast resorption of metapex and vitapex, causes voids in the canal leading
to formation of hollow tube
• The following clinical and radiographic parameters can be taken as indications of success:
Clinical :
improvement of acute symptoms
tooth free from pain and mobility
improvement or no further deterioration of bone condition in the furcation area.
Thanks For Your Kind Attention