Room Air Conditioners - Specification

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भारतीय मानक IS 1391 (Part 2) : 2023

Indian Standard

कक्ष वातानक
ू ु लक — ववविवि
भाग 2 ववभक्त वातानक ू ु लक
( चौथा पुनरीक्षण )

Room Air Conditioners —

Part 2 Split Air Conditioners
( Fourth Revision )

ICS 23.120; 27.080

 BIS 2023

भारतीय मानक ब्यरू ो

मानक भवन, 9 बहादरु िाह ज़फर मागग, नई वदल्ली - 110002
NEW DELHI - 110002

August 2023 Price Group 14

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Belt,([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Sectional Committee, MED 03


This Indian Standard (Part 2) (Fourth Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft
finalized by the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Sectional Committee had been approved by the Mechanical
Engineering Division council.

This standard was first published in 1960 and subsequently revised in 1971, 1992 and 2018.

In this revision, all amendments have been incorporated. Major changes in this revision are as follows:

a) The scope has been harmonized with ISO 5151;

b) The refrigerant requirement has been revised;
c) The requirement for pre-filter/HEPA filter have been added;
d) The voltage adjustment for the maximum operating conditions test has been aligned with ISO 5151;
e) The motor overload protective device requirement has been added for the maximum operating conditions test;
f) The duct usage in psychrometric test has been defined for clarity;
g) The adjustment in the cooling capacity result has been incorporated;
h) The sound pressure levels and method of sound test has been revised;
j) For the requirements for ISEER measurement, IS 18154 (Part 1) has been referred and the ISEER limits
have been revised;
k) The accuracy and resolution of the measuring instruments has been revised; and
m) The data to be recorded for various tests are added.

This standard is published in two parts. The other part in the series under the general title ‘Room air conditioners
— Specification’ is:

Part 1 Unitary air conditioners

This standard provides construction, performance, rating, and safety requirements of split air conditioners. There
is a separate safety standard for air conditioner, that is, IS/IEC 60335-2-40 : 2018 ‘Household and similar electrical
appliances — Safety: Part 2-40 Particular requirements for electrical heat pumps, air-conditioners and
dehumidifiers’. The safety requirement as per Indian condition is under consideration.

For any deviation between the limit specified in this standard and the national regulations, the limits specified in
the national regulations shall prevail.

In the preparation of this standard, considerable assistance has been derived from the following standards:

ISO 5151 : 2017 Non-ducted air conditioners and heat pumps — Testing and rating for performance

The unit of measurement in SI and metric system commonly used in air conditioning have been listed in Annex B.

The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given in Annex K.

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2 : 2022 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (second revision)’. The number of significant places retained
in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
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IS 1391 (Part 2) : 2023

Indian Standard
( Fourth Revision )

1 SCOPE 3.1.1 Spilt Air Conditioner — It comprises of indoor

unit and outdoor unit. The indoor unit may be
1.1 This standard (Part 2) specifies safety and mounted on floor or wall or ceiling. The indoor and
performance requirements of single or three phase outdoor units consist of compressor, heat
non-ducted split with single stage, two stage, multi- exchangers, fan motors and air handling system
stage, fixed and variable speed air conditioner and installed in two separate cabinets. It is designed
heat pumps (residential, commercial, and industrial) primarily to provide conditioned air to an enclosed
of rated capacity up to and including 18 000 W space, room or zone (conditioned space). It includes
their rated voltage up to and including 250 V a.c., a prime source of refrigeration for cooling and
50 Hz for single-phase and up to and including dehumidification and means for the circulation and
415 V a.c., 50 Hz for three-phase power supply filtering of air.
employing air cooled condensers and test methods
for determination of various ratings. This standard 3.1.2 Standard Barometric Pressure — Barometric
is limited to systems utilizing a single refrigeration pressure at 1.013 25 bar (760 mmHg).
circuit, having one evaporator and one condenser.
3.1.3 Room Discharge Airflow — Rate of flow of
1.2 This standard is not applicable to the following: air from the outlet of the unit into the conditioned
a) Water-source heat pumps or water-cooled
air conditioners; 3.1.4 Room Intake Airflow — Rate of flow of air
b) Mobile (windowless) units having a into the unit from the conditioned space.
condenser exhaust duct;
3.1.5 Outdoor Discharge Airflow — Discharge rate
c) Individual assemblies not constituting a
of flow of air from the unit.
complete refrigeration system;
d) Equipment using the absorption 3.1.6 Outdoor Intake Airflow — Rate of flow of air
refrigeration cycle; and into the unit from the outdoor-side.
e) Portable air-conditioners.
3.1.7 Exhaust Airflow — Rate of flow of air from
2 REFERENCES the room side through the unit to the outdoor-side.

The standards listed in Annex A contain provisions, 3.1.8 Leakage Airflow — Rate of flow of air
which, through reference in this text, constitute interchanged between the room side and outdoor
provisions of this standard. At the time of side through the unit as a result of its construction
publication, the editions indicated were valid. All features and sealing techniques.
standards are subject to revision, and parties to
agreements based on this standard are encouraged to 3.1.9 Bypassed Room Airflow — Rate of flow of
investigate the possibility of applying the most conditioned air directly from the room side outlet
recent edition of the standards listed in Annex A. to the room side inlet of the unit.

3 TERMINOLOGY AND SYMBOLS 3.1.10 Bypassed Outdoor Airflow — Rate of flow

of air directly from the outdoor-side outlet to the
3.1 Terminology outdoor-side inlet of the unit.

For the purpose of this standard, the definitions 3.1.11 Equalizer Opening Airflow — Rate of flow
given in IS 3615 shall apply, in addition to the of air through the equalizer opening in the partition
following: wall of a calorimeter.

Definitions relating to airflow (see 3.1.3 to 3.1.11) 3.1.12 Total Cooling Capacity — The amount of
are illustrated in Fig. 1. sensible and latent heat that the unit can remove

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IS 1391 (Part 2) : 2023

from the conditioned space in the definite interval of the capacity is varied to represent continuously
time. variable capacity. This definition applies to each
cooling and heating operation individually.
3.1.13 Rated Cooling Capacity — Total cooling
capacity at rated conditions. 3.1.22 Indian Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio
(ISEER) — Ratio of the total annual amount of heat
3.1.14 Total Heating Capacity — The amount of that the equipment can remove from the indoor air
heat that the unit can add to the conditioned space when operated for cooling in active mode to the total
(but not including supplementary heater) in the annual amount of energy consumed by the
definite interval of time. equipment during the same period.

3.1.15 Test Room 3.1.23 Cooling Seasonal Total Load (CSTL) —

Total annual amount of heat that is removed from Room calorimeter — It is a test facility indoor air when equipment is operated for cooling
consisting of two contiguous calorimeters with a active mode.
common partition. One is designated as the room
side compartment, and the other as the outdoor 3.1.24 Cooling Seasonal Energy Consumption
compartment. Each side is equipped with (CSEC) — Total annual amount of energy
instrumented reconditioning equipment whose consumed by equipment when it is operated for
output may be measured and controlled to cooling active mode.
counterbalance the room side humidifying and
cooling effect and the outdoor side humidifying and 3.2 Symbols
heating effect of the split air conditioner under test.
For the purpose of this standard, the letter symbols Room psychrometric — It is facility listed in Annex C have the meaning indicated
consisting of two contiguous test rooms with a against each, other symbols used in this standard
common partition. One is designed as the room side have been explained at appropriate places.
compartment and the other as the outdoor
compartment. Each side is equipped with 4 CLASSIFICATION
reconditioning equipment for maintaining the
required room temperature and humidity. According to function, type, and mounting
arrangement, split air conditioners shall be classified
3.1.16 Rated Voltage — Voltage shown on the as follows.
nameplate of the unit.
4.1 Classification by Function
3.1.17 Rated Frequency — Frequency shown on the
nameplate of the unit. a) Cooling only — Cooling and
dehumidification during cooling mode; and
3.1.18 Fixed Capacity Unit — Equipment which
b) Cooling and heating — Cooling and
does not have possibility to change its capacity. This
dehumidification during cooling mode and
definition applies to each cooling and heating
heating during heating mode.
operation individually.
4.2 Classification by Unit Type
3.1.19 Two-Stage Capacity Unit — Equipment
where the capacity is varied by no more than two
a) Single split having single indoor and
steps. This definition applies to each cooling and
outdoor unit.
heating operation individually.
4.3 Classification by Unit Mounting
3.1.20 Multi-Stage Capacity Unit — Equipment
where the capacity is varied by 3 or 4 steps. This
definition applies to each cooling and heating
a) Floor type;
operation individually.
b) Ceiling type (cassette); and
3.1.21 Variable Capacity Unit — Equipment where c) Wall type.

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IS 1391 (Part 2) : 2023

NOTE — Airflow diagram illustration of the definitions given from 3.1.3 to 3.1.11.


5 CONSTRUCTION maintenance, the materials used shall not shrink,

deteriorate, warp, or cause mould or odours and
5.1 General shall be resistant to attack of vermin and destructive
5.1.1 The air conditioner and its parts shall be
constructed with the strength and rigidity adequate 5.1.7 Sealing and insulating materials shall not lose
for normal conditions of handling, transport, and their essential properties such as adhesion, moisture
usage. and heat resistance.

5.1.2 There shall be no sharp edges or corners liable 5.1.8 Internal and external finishes shall be capable
to cause injury under normal conditions of use and of being cleaned effectively without undue
all moving parts which constitute accident hazards deterioration and shall be such as to afford
shall be effectively guarded. protection against climatic action in all seasons
under normal use. All metal parts which are exposed
5.1.3 Parts which require periodic servicing shall be to moisture or ambient conditions shall be corrosion
readily accessible. resistant or adequately protected against corrosion.

5.1.4 Materials used in the construction of cabinet, 5.2 Electrically Charged Parts
front panel, etc, shall comply with the corresponding
Indian/ISO Standards if any, except where the 5.2.1 The electrically live parts shall be protected
specific requirement and compliance are specified from accidental contact of the user.
in this standard.
5.2.2 Electric conductors shall be of electrically,
5.1.5 The material shall be free from defects which thermally and mechanically stable and shall be
are liable to cause undue deterioration of failure. made up of anti-corrosive materials such as copper
and copper alloys.
5.1.6 Under normal conditions of use and

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IS 1391 (Part 2) : 2023

5.2.3 Switches and the like shall work smoothly and 5.4 Provision for Earthing
keep good electrical contact.
The earthing terminal and earthing lead wire shall
5.2.4 Supply cord and the interconnecting cord be installed on a readily accessible place of the main
between the indoor and outdoor unit used shall be body. Indication of earthing shall be marked on it
either polyvinyl chloride (PVC) insulated and or on the near spot as given in IS 302 (Part 1). The
sheathed cables conforming to IS 694 or elastomer earthing terminal shall be so constructed that
insulated cables conforming to IS 9968 (Part 1). earthing wire can be easily and firmly fastened.

5.2.5 Conductors for supply cord shall have a 5.5 Air Filter
nominal cross-sectional area not less than those
specified in 25.8 of IS 302 (Part 1). 5.5.1 The filter used on the evaporator coil of the
unit shall have a maximum 70 percent open area
5.3 Refrigerant Circuit when measured in an area of 1 cm2. The
measurement shall be made by measuring the wire
5.3.1 The refrigerant pipes and fittings shall be of diameter.
approved quality, shall withstand maximum
working pressures in refrigeration circuits of air The number of wires in 1 cm2 is counted to calculate
conditioner, and shall conform to IS 10773 or closed area and the overlap area is deducted to
material specified in Annex B of IS 11329. calculate the total closed area.

5.3.2 The refrigerant designation and safety Actual open area percent = [(Total area – Closed
classification shall be as per IS 16656/ISO 817. area)/Total area] × 100

NOTE — Any regulation on the use of refrigerant type A specimen of the cut-piece removed from the filter
issued by the appropriate regulatory authority from time to
for the purpose of measurement is shown in Fig. 2
time shall prevail.
below for guidance.


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IS 1391 (Part 2) : 2023

5.5.2 The pre-filter if used shall be as per IS 17570 j) High voltage (see 13.1); and
(Part 1)/ISO 16890-1. The high efficiency k) Moisture proofness (see 13.2).
particulate air (HEPA) filters if used shall be as per
NOTE ― Separate standard for BLDC motor is under
IS 16753 (Part 1)/ISO 29463-1. development. The requirements of overload protector, the
centrifugal switch, and capacitor from IS 996 does not apply
NOTE ― In case manufacturers use any additional filters for BLDC motor.
such as pre-filters or HEPA filters then performance test
shall be carried with such filters in place.
5.6 Temperature Sensing Controls
The declared ratings of the air conditioner shall be
The temperature sensing controls shall conform to 8 based on conditions specified in 6.1 to 6.5.
to 28 of IS/IEC 60730-2-9 as applicable.
6.1 Cooling Capacity Ratings
NOTE ― The temperature sensing control provided on the
indoor side of the unit are commonly known as thermostat. The cooling capacity ratings shall be based on tests
conducted under conditions specified in 8.1.1 and as
5.7 Hermetic Compressors per the test methods described in 9.9.4. Ratings shall
include the total cooling capacity stated in watt (W).
The hermetically sealed compressors shall conform
to IS 10617. NOTE — The pipe length between indoor unit and outdoor
unit shall be minimum 3 m or higher as declared by the
manufacturer for wall mounted and 5 m or higher as
5.8 Heat Exchanger declared by the manufacturer for ceiling and floor mounted.

The heat exchanger shall conform to IS 11329. 6.2 Heating Capacity Ratings

5.9 Motors The heating capacity ratings shall be based on tests

conducted under the conditions specified in 8.2.1 as
The motor used for driving the fan/blower motor per the test methods described in 9.10 and shall be
shall be either capacitor type induction motors or stated in watt (W).
brushless d.c. (BLDC) motor.
6.3 Power Consumption Ratings for Cooling and
The capacitor type induction motor shall comply Heating by Heat Pump
with the requirements given in IS 996 as applicable
for fan duty motors. 6.3.1 The rate of power consumption for cooling by
air conditioner shall be based on tests conducted as
In the case of BLDC motors, the test for full load test per 9.7 and shall be stated in watt (W).
shall be carried out at the rated frequency declared
by the manufacturer. The measured power input and 6.3.2 The rate of power consumption for heating by
the speed shall be within ± 10 percent of the declared heat pump shall be based on tests conducted under
value. In addition, BLDC motors shall comply with the conditions as per 9.8 and shall be stated in
the following requirements as specified in the watt (W).
respective clauses of IS 996 as applicable:
6.4 Electrical Ratings
a) Dimensions (see 7.1);
b) Terminal box (see 9.2); The ratings in watt (W) for room air conditioner
shall be based on standard voltage which shall be
c) Mounting (see 9.3);
230 V, single phase, 50 Hz. The units, however,
d) Constructional features (see 9.4); shall be capable of working at any voltage within
e) Enclosure (see 10 of IS 996 and IP code as ± 10 percent of the standard voltage. In case of
per IS/IEC 60529); three phase power supply, the ratings in watt shall
f) Method of cooling (see 11); be based on standard 400 V ± 10 percent, 50 Hz.
g) Full load test for measurement of power 6.5 Sound Ratings
input and full load speed at the declared
frequency (see 12.5 and F-6.2.4); The sound ratings of split air conditioner shall
h) Insulation resistance excluding the be conducted under the test conditions specified
requirement of temperature rise test (see 12.7); in 8.1.1 and test method as per 9.13.

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IS 1391 (Part 2) : 2023

7 RATINGS BASED ON FUNCTION d) Test frequency : Rated frequency

7.1 For the purpose of rating, information shall be 8.1.2 Maximum Operating Test Conditions
provided regarding functions which the unit
performs, namely: The maximum operating tests shall be conducted
under the conditions specified below:
a) Cooling;
b) Dehumidifying; and a) Room air temperature:
c) Heating, if provided.
1) Dry bulb temperature : 35 °C
7.2 In addition to the above, the following 2) Wet bulb temperature : 24 °C
information may be furnished by the manufacturer
as and when desired: b) Outside air temperature:

a) Manufacturer’s name and address; 1) Dry bulb temperature : 46 °C

b) Model number, 2) Wet bulb temperature : Not applicable
c) Overall dimensions;
c) Test voltage : 90 percent and 110 percent
d) Total cooling capacity; of rated voltage
e) Total dehumidifying effect;
f) Total sensible cooling effect; d) Test frequency : Rated frequency
g) Name of refrigerant; 8.1.3 Freeze-Up Test Conditions
h) Mass of the refrigerant charged into the
unit; Freeze-up tests shall be conducted under the
j) Dehumidifying and sensible capacity; conditions specified below:
k) Total power input;
a) Room air temperature:
m) Name plate ratings of each motor;
n) Power input for heating in watt; 1) Dry bulb temperature : 21 °C
p) Heating capacity, if provided; 2) Wet bulb temperature : 15 °C
q) Pre-filter and HEPA filter, if provided; and
b) Outside air temperature:
r) Manufacturer’s instructions and requirements
which may affect performance. 1) Dry bulb temperature : 21 °C
2) Wet bulb temperature : Not applicable
c) Test voltage : Rated Voltage
8.1 Cooling Test
d) Test frequency : Rated frequency
8.1.1 Cooling Capacity Test Conditions
e) The controls, fan speeds, dampers, and grilles
The split air conditioner shall have nameplate rating of the equipment shall be set to maximize
determined by tests conducted at the standard rating the tendency to produce frost or ice on the
conditions specified below: evaporator, provided such settings are not
contrary to the manufacturer’s operating
a) Room air temperature: instructions.
1) Dry bulb temperature : 27 °C 8.1.4 Enclosure Sweat Test Conditions
2) Wet bulb temperature : 19 °C
The enclosure sweat test shall be conducted under
b) Outside air temperature: the conditions given below:
1) Dry bulb temperature : 35 °C a) Room air temperature:
2) Wet bulb temperature : Not applicable
1) Dry bulb temperature : 27 °C
c) Test voltage : Rated voltage 2) Wet Bulb temperature : 24 °C

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IS 1391 (Part 2) : 2023

b) Outside air temperature: under the conditions specified below:

1) Dry bulb temperature : 27 °C a) Room air temperature:

2) Wet bulb temperature : Not applicable
1) Dry bulb temperature : 27 °C
c) Test voltage : Rated voltage 2) Wet bulb temperature : Not applicable

d) Test frequency : Rated frequency b) Outside air temperature:

e) The controls, fans, dampers and grilles of the 1) Dry bulb temperature : 24 °C
equipment shall be set to produce the 2) Wet bulb temperature : 18 °C
maximum tendency to sweat, provided such
settings are not contrary to the c) Test voltage : 90 percent and 110 percent
manufacturer’s operating instructions. of rated voltage

8.2 Heating Test d) Test frequency : Rated frequency

8.2.1 Heating Capacity Test Conditions 8.3 Method of Measurement of Indian Seasonal
Energy Efficiency Ratio (ISEER)
The heating capacity rating shall be conducted under
the conditions given below: Temperature and humidity conditions as well as
default values for calculation shall be as specified in
a) Room air temperature: Table 1.

1) Dry bulb temperature : 20 °C 9 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS

2) Wet bulb temperature : 15 oC
9.1 Variations Allowed in Performance Test
b) Outside air temperature: Conditions

1) Dry bulb temperature : 7 °C The conditions specified for the test shall be average
2) Wet bulb temperature : 6 °C values within the following variations:

c) Test voltage : Rated voltage a) ± 1 percent of the standard voltage and

frequency; and
d) Test frequency : Rated frequency b) ± 0.3 °C for the specified dry bulb
temperature, ± 0.2 °C for the specified wet
e) On the indoor-side of the heat pump, grille bulb temperature during the cooling
positions, damper positions, fan speeds, etc. capacity test and ± 0.5 °C for the specified
shall be set in accordance with the temperature for all other test.
manufacturer’s published installation
instructions, which are normally provided 9.2 Safety
with the equipment. In the absence of such
installation instructions, grille positions, Electrical safety tests shall be carried as per 12.3.3.
damper positions, fan speeds, etc, shall be Air conditioner using A3 refrigerants shall comply
set to provide the maximum heating with 22.112 to 22.118 of IEC 60335-2-40.
capacity when testing at the temperature
conditions as given in this clause. 9.3 Power Factor Test
NOTE — In case a defrosting cycle occurs during heating
capacity test, test under conditions is accomplished using
When operating under full load capacity under the
either the calorimeter or the indoor air enthalpy method as test conditions specified in 8.1.1 with controls set for
per 9.10 and Annex J. maximum cooling and with ventilating air damper
and exhaust damper, if any, closed, the split air
8.2.2 Heating by Heat Pump Overload Rating Test conditioner shall have an overall power factor,
Conditions (Maximum Heating Performance Test) measured at rated voltage and frequency of not less
than 0.90.
The maximum operating tests shall be conducted

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IS 1391 (Part 2) : 2023

Table 1 Temperature and Humidity Conditions and Default Values for Cooling at Moderate Climate
(Clause 8.3)

Sl No. Test Characteristics Fixed 2-Stage Multi- Variable Default Value


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

i) Standard cooling Full capacity ∅ful (35) (W)

Full power input Pful (35) (W)
a) Indoor
Half capacity ∅half (35) (W) — — ∅half (29)
DB 27 °C /1.077
WB 19 °C Half power input Phalf (35) (W) 𝑃half (29)
b) Outdoor
Minimum Capacity ∅Min — ∅𝑀𝑖𝑛 (29)
DB 35 °C (35) (W) /1.077

Minimum power input PMin 𝑃𝑀𝑖𝑛 (29)

(35) (W) /0.914


Indicates required test

Indicates optional test

9.4 Maximum Operating Conditions Test 9.4.4 Procedure

9.4.1 Purpose The split air conditioner shall be operated

continuously for 1 h after the specified air
The purpose of this test is to prove that the air temperatures and equilibrium condensate level have
conditioner is capable of operating satisfactorily been established.
under maximum operating conditions. All power to the split air conditioner shall
9.4.2 Test Conditions then be cut off for 3 min and then restored. During
this test no water shall be sprinkled on to the
The maximum operating conditions test shall be condenser by external means other than what is
conducted under the condition specified in 8.1.2 for condensed in the evaporator.
cooling and 8.2.2 for heating.
NOTE — (See also E-3.1). The operation of the equipment may be
restarted either automatically or through the use of a
9.4.3 Voltage Adjustment remote controller or similar device. The test shall
continue for 60 min after the equipment restarts.
Test voltages shall be as specified in 8.1.2 for Refer Fig. 3.
cooling only and 8.2.2 for heating by heat pumps.
These voltages shall be maintained at the specified 9.4.5 Requirements
percentages under running conditions. In addition,
the test voltage shall be adjusted so that it is not less During one entire test, the split air
than 86 percent of the rated voltage at the moment conditioner shall operate without visible or audible
of restarting the equipment after the shutdown. After indication of damage and without tripping.
the service has been adjusted to accomplish this
result, no subsequent adjustment shall be made The split air conditioner fan/blower motor
during either test. shall operate continuously for the first 1 h of the test

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Belt,([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 1391 (Part 2) : 2023

without tripping of the motor overload protective performance tests shall be conducted. This test is
devices. done to determine the ability of the air conditioner
to operate satisfactorily under conditions with the
After the interruption of power, the equipment shall maximum tendency to frost or ice the evaporator.
resume operation within 30 min and run
continuously for 1 h. 9.5.2 Test Conditions The motor overload protective device may Freeze-up test shall be conducted under the
trip only during the first 5 min after the shutdown conditions given in 8.1.3. Temperature control and
period of 3 min. During the remainder of that 1 h test fan speed shall be set at lowest and all dampers
period, no motor overload protective device shall closed to produce the maximum tendency to frost
trip. or ice the evaporator, provided such settings are not
contrary to the manufacturer's operating instructions. For those models so designed that
resumption of operation does not occur after initial NOTE — (See also E-3.1).
trip within the first 5 min, the unit may remain out
of operation for no longer than 30 min. It shall then 9.5.3 Air Blockage Test
operate continuously for 1 h. Procedure
9.5 Freeze-Up Tests
The test shall be continuous, with the unit on the
9.5.1 Purpose cooling cycle for 4 h after establishment of the
specified temperature conditions.
The freeze-up air blockage and freeze-up drip

1 Power supply to equipment unit on
2 Power supply to equipment off
3 Official test period begins
4 Power supply to equipment turned off
5 Power supply to equipment turned back on
6 Maximum time before equipment resumes continues operation
7 End of test, if equipment restarted upon re-energization of power
8 End of test, if equipment utilized full 30 min for protective device to reset
a 30 min, steady-state operation
b 60 min, continuous operation running at reduced or increased supply voltage
c 3 min, power off
d 5 min, in which a protective device may trip
e 30 min
f, g 60 min of continuous operation after equipment restarts

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Belt,([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 1391 (Part 2) : 2023 Requirements determine the power in watt (W).

At the end of 4 h of operation, any accumulation of 9.7.2 Test Conditions

ice or frost on the evaporator shall not cover more
than 50 percent of the indoor side face area of the The power measurement shall be determined during
evaporator coil. the cooling capacity test under the conditions given
in 8.1.1.
9.5.4 Drip Test Procedure 9.7.3 Procedure

The unit shall be operated for 4 h with the room side The power measurement shall be the average power
air inlet covered to completely block the passage of measurement in watt measured during the cooling
air so as to attempt to achieve complete blockage of capacity test (see 9.9).
the evaporator coil by frost.
9.7.4 Requirements After the 4 h operating period, the unit shall
be stopped and the air inlet covering removed until The power consumption under rated conditions shall
the accumulation of ice or frost has melted by itself. not exceed by 10 percent of the declared value
The unit shall then be turned ON again, with the fans provided the measured value does not exceed the
operating at the highest speed, for 5 min. value given in the Table 2 for air conditioner tested
under the conditions laid in 8.1.1. Requirements
9.8 Power Consumption Test for Heating by
During the test no ice shall drop from the unit, and
Heat Pump
no water shall drip or blow off from the unit on the
room side. 9.8.1 Purpose
9.6 Enclosure Sweat Test The purpose of the power consumption test is to
determine the power in watt (W).
9.6.1 Purpose
9.8.2 Test Conditions
The purpose of this test is to determine the resistance
to sweating of the air conditioner when operating The power measurement shall be determined during
under conditions of high humidity. the heat pump rating test under the conditions given
in 8.2.1.
9.6.2 Test Conditions
9.8.3 Procedure
An enclosure sweat test shall be conducted under the
conditions specified in 8.1.4. The unit controls, fans, The power measurement shall be the average power
dampers, and grilles shall be set to produce the measurement in watt measured during the heating
maximum tendency to sweat provided such settings pump rating test (see 9.10).
are not contrary to manufacturer's operating
instructions. 9.8.4 Requirements
NOTE — (See also E-3.1). The rate of power consumption for air conditioner
tested under the conditions laid in 8.2.1 shall not
9.6.3 Procedure
exceed 110 percent of the rated energy for heating
After establishment of the specified temperature by heat pump.
conditions, the unit shall be operated continuously
9.9 Cooling Capacity Test
for a period of 4 h.
9.9.1 Purpose
9.6.4 Requirements
The purpose of the cooling capacity test is to
During the test, no condensed water shall drip, run,
determine the magnitude of the following functions:
or blow off from the unit.
a) Total cooling effect;
9.7 Power Consumption Test for Cooling
b) Total dehumidifying effect;
9.7.1 Purpose c) Total sensible cooling effect; and
d) Total air capacity for cooling.
The purpose of the power consumption test is to

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9.9.2 Test Conditions adjustment for permissible variations in the test

conditions. Air enthalpies, specific volumes, and
Cooling capacity test shall be conducted under the isobaric specific heat capacities shall be based on the
conditions specified in 8.1.1 and within the measured barometric pressure. For calorimetric
allowable variation given in Table 3. The air testing, variations from standard barometric
conditioner shall be in the condition as normally pressure may have an impact on the measured
intended for use. Filters and grilles where supplied capacity. If capacity, adjusted for standard
shall be in position. barometric pressure is additionally reported an
explanation of the adjustment method shall be The test shall be conducted at the selected included in the report.
conditions with no changes in fan speed or system
resistance made to correct the variations from the 9.9.3 Variations allowed in capacity test conditions
standard barometric pressure (see 3.2) Test results shall be as given in Table 3.
shall be used to determine capacities without

Table 2 Power Consumption Rating

(Clause 9.7.4)

Sl No. Rated Cooling Capacity Maximum Power Consumption

at Rated Conditions
(W) (W)
(1) (2) (3)
i) ≤ 3 500 1 270
ii) 3 501 ≤ 5 200 1 900
iii) 5 201 ≤ 7 000 2 540
iv) 7 001 ≤ 8 700 3 170
v) 8 701 ≤ 10 500 3 800
vi) 10 501 ≤ 12 000 4 440
vii) 12 001 ≤ 13 500 5 180
viii) 13 501 ≤ 15 000 5 930
ix) 15 001 ≤ 16 500 6 700
x) 16 501 ≤ 18 000 7 500

Table 3 Variations Allowed in Capacity Test Conditions

(Clauses 9.9.2, 9.9.3, and

Sl No. Reading Variation of Arithmetical Maximum Variation of

Average from Rating Individual 10 min Readings
Conditions, °C from the Rating
Conditions, °C

(1) (2) (3) (4)

i) All entering air temperature:
a) Dry bulb 0.3 0.5
b) Wet bulb 0.2 0.3
ii) Air temperature surrounding
balanced ambient calorimeter

a) Dry bulb 0.5 1.0

b) Wet bulb 0.3 0.5

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9.9.4 Procedure for Testing Air Conditioner: 2) The measured standard cooling at
50 percent of full capacity shall be
The capacity test can be conducted using one of the ± 5 percent of full load capacity.
following procedures:
b) Above 10 500 W up to and including 18 000 W
a) Calorimeter method ― This procedure shall — For each unit tested, the following
be applicable when the air conditioner is tolerances shall be applicable:
tested in calorimeter. The air conditioner
shall be tested in calorimeter complying 1) The measured standard cooling at full
with Annex G. Simultaneous methods for capacity shall not be less than
determining capacities shall be used. One 90 percent of the rated value; and
method shall determine capacity on the 2) The measured standard cooling at
room side and the other shall determine the 50 per cent of full capacity shall not
capacity on the outdoor side. These two vary by more than ± 5 percent of full
simultaneous determinations shall agree capacity.
within 4 percent of the value obtained on the
room side for the test to be valid; or 9.10 Heating Capacity Test
b) Air enthalpy method/Psychrometric
method ― This procedure shall be 9.10.1 General Conditions
applicable when the air conditioner is tested
in psychrometric room. The capacities will For all heating capacity tests, the
be determined from measurements of requirements specified in Annex E shall apply.
entering and leaving dry-bulb and wet-bulb Testing shall be conducted using the calorimeter test
temperatures and the associated airflow rate. method (see Annex G) or indoor air enthalpy test
Air leaving the equipment under the test method (see Annex H).
shall lead directly to the discharge chamber.
If a direct connection cannot be made Selectable resistive elements used for
between the equipment and the discharge heating indoor air shall be prevented from operating
chamber, a short plenum shall be attached to during all heating capacity tests, except those used
the equipment. The static pressure only during a defrost cycle.
difference between the discharge chamber
and intake opening of the equipment under The test set-up shall include
test shall be zero. Airflow measurements instrumentation to allow measurement of the
shall be made in accordance with Annex F. temperature change across the indoor coil. If using
the indoor air enthalpy method, the same dry-bulb
For the cooling capacity calculations described in temperature sensors as used to measure capacity
Annex H, the indoor-side room discharge airflow may be used. If using the calorimeter test method,
rate shall be expressed in units of cubic metre per the temperature change shall be determined using
second (m3/s) of the air-water vapour mixture. For the sensors specified in Annex G.
reporting purposes, the indoor-side air volume flow
rate shall be expressed in units of cubic metre per Standard rating conditions for heating
minute (m3/min) of standard air. capacity tests are specified in 8.2.1.

Test conditions shall be maintained until 9.10.2 Airflow Conditions

equilibrium has been reached and maintained for not
less than 1 h before recording data for the capacity Heat pump set-up requirements
test. The test shall then be run for 1 h recording data
every 10 min, giving 7 sets of reading. On the outdoor side of the heat pump, all resistance
elements associated with inlets, louvers and any
NOTE ― The data to be recorded is given in Annex D. ductwork and attachments considered by the
manufacturer as normal installation practice shall be
9.9.5 Requirements installed. On the indoor side of the heat pump, grille
positions, damper positions, fan speeds, etc, shall be
a) Up to 10 500 W — For each unit tested, the set in accordance with the manufacturer’s published
following tolerances shall be applicable: installation instructions, which are normally
provided with the equipment. In the absence of such
1) The measured standard cooling at full installation instructions, grille positions, damper
capacity shall not be less than positions, fan speeds, etc, shall be set to provide the
95 percent of the rated value; and maximum heating.

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IS 1391 (Part 2) : 2023 Requirements when using the indoor air defrost cycle.

enthalpy method
9.10.6 Equilibrium Period
Heating capacity test shall be conducted with the
external static pressure at each indoor unit A complete equilibrium period is 1 h in
maintaining the zero static pressure difference duration.
between the discharge chamber and intake opening
of the equipment under test. For the heating capacity The heat pump shall operate while meeting
calculations described in Annex H, the indoor-side the Table 3 test tolerances.
air volume flow rate shall be expressed in units of
cubic metre per second (m3/s) of the air-water 9.10.7 Data Collection Period
vapour mixture. For reporting purposes, the indoor-
side air volume flow rate shall be expressed in units The data collection period immediately
of cubic metre per second (m3/s) of standard air. follows the equilibrium period.

For the heating capacity calculations described in Data shall be collected as specified for the
Annex H, the indoor-side room discharge airflow test method(s) chosen from If using the
rate shall be expressed in units of cubic metre per calorimeter method, heating capacity shall be
second (m3/s) of the air-water vapour mixture. For calculated as specified in Annex G. If using the
reporting purposes, the indoor-side air volume flow indoor air enthalpy method, heating capacity shall
rate shall be expressed in units of cubic metre per be calculated as specified in Annex H.
second (m3/s) of standard air. An integrating electrical power (watt-hour)
NOTE ― This test is applicable for fixed speed only. meter or measuring system shall be used for
measuring the electrical energy supplied to the
9.10.3 Defrost Operation equipment. During defrost cycles and for the first
10 min following a defrost termination, the meter or Overriding of automatic defrost controls measuring system shall have a sampling rate of at
shall be prohibited. The controls may only be least every 10 s.
overridden when manually initiating a defrost cycle
during pre-conditioning. Except as specified in, data shall
be sampled at equal intervals that span 30 s or less. If the heat pump turns the indoor fan off
during the defrost cycle, airflow through the indoor NOTE ― The data to be recorded is given in Annex D.
coil shall cease. During defrost cycles, plus the first 10 min
9.10.4 Test Procedure — General following defrost termination, certain data used in
evaluating the integrated heating capacity of the heat
The test procedure consists of three periods: a pre- pump shall be sampled more frequently, at equal
conditioning period, an equilibrium period and a intervals that span 10 s or less. When using the
data collection period. The duration of the data indoor air enthalpy method, these more-frequently
collection period differs depending on whether the sampled data include the change in indoor-side dry-
heat pump's operation is steady-state. bulb temperature. When using the calorimeter
method, these more-frequently sampled data include
9.10.5 Pre-conditioning Period all measurements required to determine the indoor-
side capacity. The test room re-conditioning apparatus
and the heat pump under test shall be operated until For heat pumps that automatically cycle off
the test tolerances specified in Table 3 are attained the indoor fan during a defrost, the contribution of
for at least 10 min. the net heating delivered and/or the change in
indoor-side dry-bulb temperature shall be assigned A defrost cycle may end a pre-conditioning the value of zero when the indoor fan is off, if using
period. If a defrost cycle does end a preconditioning the indoor air enthalpy method. If using the
period, the heat pump shall operate in the heating calorimeter test method, the integration of capacity
mode for at least 10 min after defrost termination shall continue while the indoor fan is off.
prior to beginning the equilibrium period. For both the indoor air enthalpy and the It is recommended that the pre-conditioning calorimeter test methods, the difference between the
period end with an automatic or manually-initiated dry-bulb temperature of the air leaving and entering

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the indoor coil shall be measured. For each 5 min 9.9.3 are satisfied during both the equilibrium period
interval during the data collection period, an average and the first 35 min of the data collection period, then
temperature difference shall be calculated, Δti(τ). the heating capacity test shall be designated as a
steady-state test. Steady-state tests shall be
The average temperature difference for the first
terminated after 35 min of data collection.
5 min of the data collection period, Δti(τ=0), shall be
saved for the purpose of calculating the change, At, 9.10.10 Test Procedure for Transient Tests
expressed as a percentage, as given in equation When, in accordance with, a
below: heating capacity test is designated as a transient test,
the adjustments specified in to
∆𝑡𝑖(𝜏=0) − ∆𝑡𝑖(𝜏)
%∆𝑡 = ( ) × 100 shall apply.
∆𝑡𝑖(𝜏=0) In all cases, the normal outdoor-side
9.10.8 Test Procedure when a Defrost Cycle airflow of the heat pump shall not be disturbed. If
(Whether Automatically or Manually Initiated) Ends applicable, the outdoor enthalpy test apparatus shall
the Preconditioning Period be disconnected and the transient heating capacity
test shall be restarted from the beginning with a new If the quantity % Δt exceeds 2.5 percent 9.10.5 pre-conditioning period.
during the first 35 min of the data collection period, To constitute a valid transient heating
the heating capacity test shall be designated as a capacity test, the test tolerances specified in Table 4
transient test (see 9.10.10). Likewise, if the heat shall be achieved during both the equilibrium period
pump initiates a defrost cycle during the equilibrium and the data collection period. As noted in Table 4,
period or during the first 35 min of the data the test tolerances are specified for two subintervals.
collection period, the heating capacity test shall be Interval H consists of data collected during each
designated as a transient test. heating interval, with the exception of the first
10 min after defrost termination. Interval D consists If the conditions specified in do not of data collected during each defrost cycle plus the
occur and the test tolerances given in 9.9.3 are first 10 min of the subsequent heating interval.
satisfied during both the equilibrium period and the
first 35 min of the data collection period, then the The test tolerance parameters in Table 4
heating capacity test shall be designated as a steady- shall be determined throughout the equilibrium and
state test. Steady-state tests shall be terminated after data collection periods. All data collected during
35 min of data collection. each interval, H or D, shall be used to evaluate
compliance with the Table 4 test tolerances. Data
9.10.9 Test Procedure when a Defrost Cycle does from two or more H intervals or two or more
not end the Preconditioning Period D intervals shall not be combined and then used in
evaluating Table 4 compliance. Compliance is based If the heat pump initiates a defrost cycle on evaluating data from each interval separately.
during the equilibrium period or during the first
35 min of the data collection period, the heating If using the indoor air enthalpy method,
capacity test shall be restarted as specified in the data collection period shall be extended until 3 h
have elapsed or until the heat pump completes three
complete cycles during the period, whichever occurs If the quantity % Δt exceeds 2.5 percent any first. If at an elapsed time of 3 h, the heat pump is
time during the first 35 min of the data collection conducting a defrost cycle, the cycle shall be
period, the heating capacity test shall be restarted as completed before terminating the collection of data.
specified in Prior to the restart, a defrost A complete cycle consists of a heating period and a
cycle shall occur. This defrost cycle may be defrost period; from defrost termination to defrost
manually initiated or delayed until the heat pump termination.
initiates an automatic defrost. If using the calorimeter method, the data
collection period shall be extended until 6 h have If either or applies, then elapsed or until the heat pump completes six
the restart shall begin 10 min after the defrost cycle complete cycles during the period, whichever occurs
terminates with a new, hour-long equilibrium period. first. If at an elapsed time of 6 h, the heat pump is
This second attempt shall follow the requirements of conducting a defrost cycle, the cycle shall be
9.10.6 and 9.10.7 and the test procedure of 9.10.8. completed before terminating the collection of data.
A complete cycle consists of a heating period and a If the conditions specified in or defrost period; from defrost termination to defrost do not occur and the test tolerances given in termination.

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Table 4 Variations Allowed in Heating Capacity Tests when Using the Transient (T) Test Procedure
(Clauses and
Sl No. Reading Variation of Arithmetical Mean Variation of Individual Readings
Values from Specified Test from Specified Test Conditions

Interval Ha Interval Db Interval Ha Interval Db

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
i) Temperature of air
entering indoor-side:
a) Dry-bulb ± 0.6 K ± 1.5 K ± 1.0 K ± 2.5 K
b) Wet-bulb ― ― ― ―
ii) Temperature of air
entering outdoor-side:
a) Dry-bulb ± 0.6 K ± 1.5 K ± 1.0 K ± 5.0 K
b) Wet-bulb ± 0.3 K ± 1.0 K ± 0.6 K ―
iii) Voltage ― ― ± 2 percent ± 2 percent
Applies when the heat pump is in the heating mode, except for the first 10 min after termination of a defrost cycle.
Applies during a defrost cycle and during the first 10 min after the termination of a defrost cycle when the heat pump is operating in the
heating mode.
NOTE ― K denotes difference in temperature.

9.10.11 The measured standard heating capacity at 2) The measured power consumption for
full capacity shall not be less than 90 percent of the standard cooling at fifty percent of full
rated value. capacity shall not be more than
10 percent of the rated power
NOTE ─ The method of calculation heating seasonal consumption at fifty percent of full
performance and the bin temperature distribution and
bin hours are under development. capacity.

9.11 Method of Measurement of Indian Seasonal b) Above 10 500 W up to and including

Energy Efficiency Ratio (ISEER) 18 000 W — For each unit tested, the
following tolerances shall be applicable:
The test condition for measurement of ISEER for 1) The measured standard cooling at fifty
cooling shall be as specified in 8.3. The method of per cent of full capacity shall not vary
calculation and the bin temperature distribution by more than ± 5 percent of full
shall be as given in 6 of IS 18154 (Part 1). The capacity; and
calculated ISEER of the production unit shall meet
2) The measured power consumption for
the following limits:
standard cooling at fifty per cent of full
a) Up to 10 500 W: ISEER shall not be less capacity shall not be more than
than 95 percent of the nameplate rating; and 10 percent of the rated power
consumption at fifty per cent of full
b) Above 10 500 W up to and including capacity.
18 000 W: ISEER shall not be less than
90 percent of the nameplate rating. 9.12 Maximum Heating Performance Test
Capacity and power at half load shall meets 9.12.1 General Conditions
following tolerances:
The conditions given in 8.2.2 shall be used during
a) Up to 10 500 W — For each unit tested, the
the maximum heating performance test. The test
following tolerances shall be applicable:
voltages given in 8.2.2 shall be maintained at the
1) The measured standard cooling at fifty specified percentages under running conditions. The
percent of full capacity shall be determination of heating capacity and electrical
± 5 percent of full load capacity; and power input is not required for this performance test.

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9.12.2 Airflow Conditions room conditions shall be maintained as given in

9.13.7. The split air conditioner shall be operated at The maximum heating performance test the conditions given in 9.13.8. The sound level shall
shall be conducted with an indoor-side fan speed be measured in accordance with the method
setting as determined in 8.2.1. described in 9.13.9 and shall not exceed the value
given in Table 5.
9.12.3 Test Conditions
9.13.1 Purpose Pre-conditions
The purpose of this test is to verify the sound
The controls of the equipment shall be set for
pressure level for indoor and outdoor units in
maximum heating. All ventilating air dampers and
connected conditions.
exhaust air dampers, if provided, shall be closed. Duration of the test 9.13.2 Sound Measuring Room

The equipment shall be operated for 1 h after the The sound measuring room for indoor and outdoor
specified air temperatures have been attained. The side shall be of any of the following:
equipment shall be permitted to stop and start under
the control of an automatic limit device, if provided. a) Anechoic room or hemi anechoic room in
accordance to 5 and Annex A of ISO 3745; Performance requirements or
b) Regular performance test laboratory, as it is
The equipment shall operate under the conditions installed for cooling capacity test (alternate
specified in 8.2.2 and, without indication of room).
damage. The equipment shall be permitted to stop
and start under the control of an automatic limit 9.13.3 Test Equipment
device, if provided. After the interruption of
operation, the equipment shall resume operation a) A sound level meter or dBA meter for sound
within 30 min. pressure level. The sound level meter shall
be of minimum class 2 as specified in
9.13 Sound Pressure Test IS 15575 (Part 1)/IEC 61672-1. The
equipment should be able to provide the A-
The sound level measurement shall be made with the rating or dBA sound pressure level; and
A-weighted sound pressure level or dBA scale. For
b) Measurement of the length shall be done
sound test, the air conditioner shall be installed in a
with measuring scale or tape with an
sound measuring room as per 9.13.2. The measuring
accuracy of ± 2 mm.
instrument shall be in accordance to 9.13.3. The test

Table 5 Sound Level

(Clause 9.13)

Sl No. Rated Cooling Maximum Sound Pressure Level

Capacity (dBA)
Indoor Side Outdoor Side
(1) (2) (3) (4)
i) Up to 5 200 58 68
ii) 5 200 to 10 500 62 70
iii) 10 500 to 13 250 62 72
iv) 13 250 to 18 000 62 75
NOTE — During starting and stopping it shall be ensured that there is no abnormal noise form the unit
under measurement

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9.13.4 Correction for Background Noise calculated from the following equation:
Background noise correction is applied to the sound 𝐾2A = 10 𝑙𝑔 [1 + 4 ] dBA
pressure level to account for the influence of
background noise, if any. Background noise
correction is expressed in decibels in the case of A is the equivalent sound absorption area, in
A-weighting is denoted K1A. The background sound square metres, of the room; and
level should be minimum 10 dBA lower than rated S is the area, in square metres, of the
sound pressure level or 20 dBA whichever is higher. measurement surface.
Further, care should be taken that the distance
between the wall and microphone should be such For the determination of the equivalent absorption
that the effect of sound reflected from the wall area A, an approximate method for measurements
should be negligible. made with A-weighting shall be used. This test
method shall be used only in rooms of length and
The background noise readings when the machine is width each less than three times the ceiling height.
not on test shall be determined using the same K2A shall be determined using a value of A given by
instrument and at the same points as for the test. In the following equation:
case any other equipment (other than the equipment
A = α × SV
under test) is expected to run during the sound test,
the same shall be running during the background where
sound test. The readings at each point with the α is the mean sound absorption coefficient,
machine under test are expected to exceed those due given for A-weighted quantities in Table 6; and
to the background noise alone by at least 10 dBA for
SV is the total area, in square metres, of the
good measurement. In case, the differences are less
boundary surfaces of the test room (walls,
than 3 dBA, the test environment shall be termed as
ceiling and floor).
inappropriate for the sound measurement and the
test should be repeated after reducing the For the purpose for this standard, to maintain the
background noise. uniformity of the measurement, standard shapes of
measurement surfaces have been considered. Room
𝐾1A = −10 𝐿g(1 − 10−0.1𝛥𝐿p) dBA air conditioner IDU, ODU, floor standing units, a
right parallelepiped with sides parallel to those of
the reference box with sides spaced as shown in
ΔLp= Lp (ST) − Lp (B) Fig. 4. For cassette type, units a hemisphere of
Lp (ST) is the sound pressure level measured with radius 1 m is considered as measurement surface.
the noise source test (ST) in operation, in dBA; For IDU,
S = (l + 1) (h + 1) + 2(l + 1) (d + 1) + 2 (d + 1) (h + 1)
Lp (B) is the sound pressure level of background
(B) noise, in dBA. where

9.13.5 Environmental Correction l = length of IDU;

h = height of IDU; and
Environmental correction is the correction applied d = depth of IDU.
to the sound pressure level to account for the
influence of reflected or absorbed sound. For ODU/Floor standing,
Environmental correction is expressed in decibels in
S = 2 (h + 0.5) (l + 1) + 2(d + 2) (h + 0.5) + (d + 2) (l + 1)
the case of A-weighting is denoted K2A.
The environmental correction, K2A, is assumed to be
zero for measurements made in Anechoic Rooms l = length of ODU;
and hemi-anechoic rooms which meet the h = height of ODU from ground (that is,
requirements of ISO 3745. including the platform); and
d = depth of ODU.
The environmental correction, K2A shall be
evaluated based on room absorption method as For cassette, S = 3πr2 = 9.42
follows. where
The environmental correction, K2A, shall be r = radius of hemisphere (r is considered to be 1)

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9.13.6 Equipment/Sensor Location for Sound b) Outdoor : (35 ± 5) °C

Pressure Measurement c) Power supply : Rated power of the units
d) Test voltage : Rated voltage
The indoor unit and outdoor unit of the room air
conditioner shall be mounted firmly, and the 9.13.8 Operating Conditions
microphone shall be located at the position shown in
Fig. 5 (a)/5 (b)/5 (c) as applicable with tolerance on a) Fixed speed air conditioner machine
horizontal and vertical distance is ± 0.1 m. In case compressor shall be in running condition
of cassette type indoor unit, distance of the unit edge with fan (indoor and outdoor as applicable)
from the nearest wall shall be minimum 1m and the speeds equal to the rated condition fan
distance of the suction grille surface from ground speeds; and
shall be at least 2 m. Measurement to be done at b) Variable speed air conditioner machine
microphone positions on the indoor and outdoor side compressor (the controller setting of the
as shown in Fig. 5. In all cases, for outdoor unit, the two-stage/multi-stage/variable capacity
microphone shall be located at the geometric centre compressor) shall be running at the rated
of the fan grille at 1 m distance of the grille surface. 100 percent load speed at the rated condition
In case of multiple fans, the geometric centre of the with fan (indoor and outdoor as applicable)
centres of the individual grilles shall be considered. speeds equal to the rated condition fan
9.13.7 Sound Room Temperature Conditions
NOTE — Controller setting for compressor speed at
a) Indoor : (27 ± 5) °C 100 percent load to be provided by the manufacturer.

Table 6 Approximate Values of the Mean Sound Absorption Coefficient, α

(Clause 9.13.5)

Sl No. Mean Sound Absorption Description of Room

Coefficient, α
(1) (2) (3)
i) 0.05 Nearly empty room with smooth hard walls made of
concrete, brick, plaster or tile
ii) 0.10 Partly empty room; room with smooth walls
iii) 0.15 Right cuboid room with furniture; right cuboid machinery
room or industrial room
iv) 0.20 Irregularly shaped room with furniture; irregularly shaped
machinery room or industrial room
v) 0.25 Room with upholstered furniture; machinery or industrial
room with sound-absorbing material on part of ceiling or
vi) 0.30 Room with sound-absorbing ceiling, but no sound-
absorbing materials on walls
vii) 0.35 Room with sound-absorbing materials on both ceiling and
viii) 0.50 Room with large amounts of sound-absorbing materials on
ceiling and walls

NOTE — For partly empty psychrometric or calorimetric test room with sheet metal panel surface mean sound absorption coefficient,
α shall be considered as 0.05.

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9.13.9 Method of Measurement for Room Air influence of the test environment (K2A) using below
Conditioner equation.
Before starting the readings, machine should run and LpA = Lp(ST) ̶ K1A ̶ K2A
stabilize for minimum 10 min for fixed speed
The sound test room type as per 9.13.2, shall be
machine and 30 min minimum for variable speed
mentioned while declaring the sound values in the
machine. Once the unit under test is stabilized and
test report.
the conditions are achieved as per 9.13.7 and 9.13.8,
the sound test can be started immediately. Average The conditioning equipment may be switched OFF
of 3 readings shall be taken. to minimize the background noise. In case the
conditioning equipment is to be switched OFF, the
The A-weighted sound pressure level LpA shall be
sound test shall be finished within 15 min of
calculated by correcting the sound pressure level,
switching OFF the conditioning facility.
Lp(ST), for background noise (K1A) and for the

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IS 1391 (Part 2) : 2023

10 CALCULATIONS IS 18154 (Part 1).

Cooling/Heating capacity shall be calculated in 11 INSTRUMENTS
terms of watt (W).
11.1 Temperature Measuring Instruments
10.1 Cooling Capacity
11.1.1 Temperature measurements shall be made
The capacity calculation will be done as per
with one or more of the following instruments:
Annex G or Annex H.
a) Thermocouples;
10.2 Heating Capacity
b) Electric resistance thermometers/Resistance
The capacity calculation will be done as per temperature detectors (RTD); and
Annex G or Annex H. c) Electronic temperature indicator.
10.3 ISEER Calculation 11.1.2 Instrument accuracy shall be within the limits
The ISEER calculation shall be done as per 6 of specified in the Table 7.

Table 7 Accuracy and Resolution of Test Equipment

(Clause 11.1.2)

Sl No. Parameter Unit Accuracy Resolution

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
i) Temperature
a) Wet bulb and dry bulb °C ± 0.1 At least 2 decimal place (0.01)
temperatures of reconditioned
air in room side
b) Water temperatures, outdoor °C ± 0.1 At least 2 decimal place (0.01)
side compartment conditioning
c) All other temperatures °C ± 0.5 At least 1 decimal place (0.1)
ii) Pressure Pa ± 1 percent of reading At least 1 decimal place (0.1)
iii) Atmospheric pressure (Barometer) kPa ± 0.5 percent of reading At least 2 decimal place (0.01)
iv) Voltage V ± 0.5 percent of reading At least 2 decimal place (0.01)
v) Amperes A ± 0.5 percent of reading At least 2 decimal place (0.01)
vi) Frequency Hz ± 0.5 percent of reading At least 2 decimal place (0.01)
vii) Power W ± 0.5 percent of reading At least 1 decimal place (0.1)
viii) Power factor φ ± 0.5 percent of reading At least 2 decimal place (0.01)
ix) Sound (Pressure) dB At least class 2 At least 1 decimal place (0.1)
x) Time sec ± 2 percent of reading At least 2 decimal place (0.01)
xi) Mass kg ± 1 percent of reading At least 2 decimal place (0.01)
xii) Flow L/s ± 1 percent of reading At least 2 decimal place (0.01)

1 In all wet bulb temperature, sufficient wetting should be provided, and sufficient time shall be allowed for the state of evaporative equilibrium
to be attained.
2 Temperature of fluids within conduits should be measured by inserting temperature instruments directly within the fluid or within a well
inserted into the fluid.
3 Electrical measurements shall be made with either indicating type or integrating type of instruments.

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12 TESTS NOTE — The leakage current test when carried out as type
test [see 12.3.3 (d)] and acceptance test (see 12.4.3) shall be
carried out at 1.06 times the rated voltage as specified in
12.1 Classification of Tests 13.1 of IS 302 (Part 1) for motor operated appliances.

Test shall be classified into the following three 12.2.5 Provisions for Earthing (Earth Resistance
groups: Test)
a) Production routine tests;
b) Type tests; and The earth resistance of the unit shall not exceed
c) Acceptance tests. 0.1 Ω when tested as per 27 of IS 302 (Part 1).

NOTE — The tests at 12.2.1 may be carried out separately

12.2 Production Routine Tests on each indoor and condensing units without
interconnecting. These tests on the inter-connected units
These shall consist of routine tests that would be may be carried out as per sampling plan agreed between
conducted on each and every unit after completion manufacturer and purchaser.
at the manufacturer’s works.
12.3 Type Tests
12.2.1 General Running Test
The type tests shall consist of the tests that would be
The outdoor unit of the air conditioner/heat pump necessary to check up the performance and
[connected with dummy indoor unit (IDU)] shall be characteristics of the units and components, and
run at the rated voltage and the power shall be shall be carried out by a recognized testing authority.
measured. The measured power input shall meet the Once a room air conditioner has undergone type
limits prescribed by the manufacturers when tested tests, any minor or essential alterations which the
at the prevailing ambient conditions during the manufacturer intends to make shall be reported to
manufacturing process. the testing authority.

The indoor unit of the air conditioner/heat pump 12.3.1 Besides all the production routine tests
shall be run alone to check the proper running of the outlined in 12.2, the type tests shall comprise of the
blower. following:
a) Power factor test (see 9.3);
12.2.2 Leakage Test
b) Maximum operating conditions test
For indoor unit, complete heat exchanger assembly (see 9.4);
inclusive of headers and copper tubing and any other c) Freeze-up test (see 9.5);
components used in the indoor units shall be d) Enclosure sweat test (see 9.6);
subjected to leak test after refrigerant/gas charging
to ensure that there is no leakage in the refrigerant e) Power consumption test (see 9.7 and 9.8);
circuit using a leak detector. f) Cooling capacity test (see 9.9);
g) Heating capacity test (see 9.10);
For outdoor unit, with or without panel fitted on it,
shall be subjected to leak test after refrigerant h) Maximum heating performance test
charging to ensure that there is no leakage in the (see 9.12); and
refrigerant circuit using a refrigerant leak detector. j) Sound pressure test (see 9.13).

12.2.3 High Voltage Test 12.3.2 The type test report shall also contain the
name-plate particulars of the air conditioner for
The electrical insulation of all circuits shall be such purpose of identification.
as to withstand a test voltage of 1 000 V rms applied
for not less than 1 s when tested as per Annex A of 12.3.3 Safety Tests
IS 302 (Part 1). For inverter unit’s compressor drive,
earthing wire from accessible metal part may be The following safety tests shall be carried out as per
removed before testing. IS 302 (Part 1):
12.2.4 Leakage Current Test a) Protection against access to the live part
(see 8);
The leakage current shall not exceed 3.5 mA at rated
b) Electric strength test (see 13.3);
voltage when tested as per method given in 13.2 of
IS 302 (Part 1). c) Provision for earthing (see 27); and

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d) Electrical leakage current at operating is accessible and visible. The details of marking on
temperature (see 13.2). outdoor unit (ODU) and indoor unit (IDU) shall be
as given below:
12.4 Acceptance Test
13.1.1 Marking on ODU
lf the purchaser desires any of the production routine a) Manufacturers name /brand /trademark
tests to be repeated at the time of purchase, then, /identification mark;
where agreed to between the purchaser and the b) Country of manufacture/origin;
manufacturer, the tests may be carried out at the
c) Model number and serial number of the
manufacturer’s works; alternatively, the tests may
be repeated at the place specified by the purchaser
provided that all the arrangements for tests are made d) Name and quantity of the refrigerant charge;
by the purchaser at the specified place. The e) Rated voltage or voltage range, frequency,
following shall constitute acceptance tests. and phase;
f) Rated cooling capacity;
12.4.1 Performance Test
g) Heating capacity, if provided;
Measurements shall be made of the following when h) Total power consumption at the rated
tested as per 9.9 and the performance parameters conditions;
shall be compared with the unit which has already j) Nominal current at rated conditions; and
passed the type test: k) ISEER at rated conditions.

a) Dry bulb temperature of return air; 13.1.2 Marking on IDU

b) Dry bulb temperature of the supply air; a) Manufacturers name/brand/trademark/
c) ISEER; identification mark;
d) Current consumption; b) Country of manufacture/origin.
e) Total power consumption; c) Model number and serial number of the
f) Voltage; and
d) Rated voltage or voltage range; and
g) Power factor.
e) Rated frequency.
12.4.2 Pressure Test or Leakage Test 13.2 BIS Certification Marking
No part of the assembly under test shall show signs Each split air conditioner may also be marked with
of leakage when tested with a leak detector after the
the Standard Mark on both indoor and outdoor units.
panel cover removed to access the tubing joints of
the unit. 13.2.1 The product(s) conforming to the requirements
of this standard may be certified as per the
12.4.3 Leakage Current Test conformity assessment schemes under the
provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act,
The leakage current shall not exceed 3.5 mA when 2016 and the Rules and Regulations framed
tested at 1.06 times the rated voltage as per 13.2 of thereunder, and the products may be marked with
IS 302 (Part 1). the Standard Mark.

13.1 The split air conditioner shall have the Precautions to install and to run the split air
following information marked on a nameplate in a conditioner shall be written on the main body and/or
permanent and legible manner in a location where it in the instruction manual.

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(Clause 2)

IS No./Other Title IS No./Other Title

Standards Standards
IS 302 (Part 1) : Safety of household and IS 16753 (Part 1) : High-efficiency filters and
2008 similar electrical appliances: 2022/ISO 29463 filter media for removing
Part 1 General requirements -1 : 2017 particles in air: Part 1
IS 694 : 2010 Polyvinyl chloride insulated Classification, performance
unsheathed and sheathed testing and marking (first
cables/cords with rigid and revision)
flexible conductor for rated IS 17570 (Part 1) : Air filters for general
voltages up to and including 2021/ISO 16890 ventilation: Part 1 Technical
450/750 V (fourth revision) -1 : 2016 specifications, requirements
IS 996 : 2009 Single phase a.c. induction and classification system
motors for general purpose based upon particulate
(third revision) matter efficiency (ePM)
IS 3615 : 2020 Glossary of terms used in IS 18154 (Part 1) : Air-cooled air conditioners
refrigeration and air 2023 and air-to-air heat pumps ―
conditioning (second Testing and calculating
revision) methods for seasonal
performance factors: Part 1
IS 9968 (Part 1) : Specification for elastomer
Cooling seasonal
1988 insulated cables: Part 1 For
performance factor (ISO
working voltages up to and
16358-1 : 2013, MOD)
including 1 100 V (first
revision) IS/IEC 60730-2-9 : Automatic electrical
2011 controls for household and
IS 10617 : 2018 Hermetic compressors —
similar use: Part 2 Particular
Specification (second
requirements, Section 9
Temperature sensing
IS 10773 : 1995 Wrought copper tubes controls
for refrigeration and air-
ISO 3745 : 2012 Acoustics — Determination
conditioning purposes
of sound power levels and
— Specification (first
sound energy levels of noise
sources using sound
IS 11329 : 2018 Finned type heat exchanger pressure — Precision
for room air conditioner methods for anechoic rooms
(first revision) and hemi-anechoic rooms
IS 15575 (Part 1) : Electroacoustics — Sound IEC 60335-2-40 : Household and similar
2016/IEC 61672 level meters: Part 1 2022 electrical appliances —
-1 : 2013 Specifications (first Safety Part 2-40 Particular
revision) requirements for electrical
IS 16656 : 2017/ Refrigerants — Designation heat pumps, air-conditioners
ISO 817 : 2014 and safety classification and dehumidifiers

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Sl No. Quantity International System (SI) Metric System

Unit Symbol Unit Symbol

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
i) Acceleration metre per square second m/s metre per square second m/s 2
ii) Air mass flow rate kilogram per second kg/s kilogram per hour kg/h
iii) Air specific humidity kilogram per kilogram kg/kg kilogram per kilogram kg/kg
iv) Air specific volume cubic metre per kilogram m /Kg cubic metre per kilogram m3/kg
v) Air static volume newton per square metre N/m2 millimetre of water mm H2O
pressure or dynamic
vi) Air velocity metre per second m/s metre per second m/s
vii) Air volume cubic metre m cubic metre m3
viii) Air volume flow rate cubic metre per second m3/s cubic metre per hour m3/h
ix) Area square metre m square metre m2
x) Barometric pressure newton per square metre N/m2 bar millibar millimetre of barmbar
mercury (torr) mmHg
xi) Cooling effect watt W kilocalorie per hour kcal/h
xii) Dehumidifying effect watt W kilocalorie per hour kcal/h
xiii) Electric current input ampere A ampere A
xiv) Electric frequency hertz Hz hertz Hz
xv) Electric power input watt W watt W
xvi) Heat flow rate watt W kilocalorie per hour kcal/h
xvii) Heat leakage rate watt W kilocalorie per hour kcal/h
xviii) Linear measurements metre millimetre m mm metre millimetre m mm
xix) Rotating speed radian per second rad/s turn per second turn per tr/str/min
xx) Specific enthalpy joule per kilogram J/kg kilocalorie per kilogram kcal/kg
xxi) Temperature Interval of kelvin K degree celsius °C
xxii) Water mass flow rate kilogram per second kg/s kilogram per hour kg/h

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(Clause 3.2)

Sl No. Symbol Description Unit

(1) (2) (3) (4)
i) Al coefficient, heat leakage J/(s·K)
ii) An nozzle area m2
iii) cpa1 specific heat of moist air entering indoor-sideb J/(kgbK)
iv) cpa2 specific heat of moist air leaving indoor-sideb J/(kgbK)
v) cpa3 specific heat of moist air entering outdoor-sideb J/(kgbK)
vi) cpa4 specific heat of moist air leaving outdoor-sideb J/(kgbK)
vii) cpw specific heat of water J/(kgbK)
viii) C airflow coefficient Pa/(m3/s)2
ix) Cd nozzle discharge coefficient -a
x) De equivalent diameter M
xi) Di diameter of circular ducts, inlet m
xii) Dn nozzle throat diameter m
xiii) Do diameter of circular ducts, outlet m
xiv) Dt outside diameter of refrigerant tube m
xv) ha1 specific enthalpy of air entering the indoor-side J/kgb
xvi) ha2 specific enthalpy of air leaving the indoor-side J/kgb
xvii) ha3 specific enthalpy of air entering the outdoor-side J/kgb
xviii) ha4 specific enthalpy of air leaving the outdoor-side J/kgb
xix) hf1 specific enthalpy of refrigerant liquid entering expansion device J/kg
xx) hf2 specific enthalpy of refrigerant liquid leaving condenser J/kg
xxi) hg1 specific enthalpy of refrigerant vapour entering compressor J/kg
xxii) hg2 specific enthalpy of refrigerant vapour leaving compressor J/kg
xxiii) hr1 specific enthalpy of refrigerant entering the indoor-side J/kg
xxiv) hr2 specific enthalpy of refrigerant leaving the indoor-side J/kg
xxv) hw1 specific enthalpy of water or steam supplied to the indoor side test chamber J/kg
xxvi) hw2 specific enthalpy of condensed moisture leaving the indoor side test chamber J/kg
xxvii) hw3 specific enthalpy of condensed moisture leaving outdoor-side test chamber J/kg
xxviii) hw4 specific enthalpy of the water supplied to the outdoor side test chamber J/kg
xxix) hw5 specific enthalpy of the condensed water (in the case of H1 test condition) and J/kg
the frost, respectively (in the case of H2 or H3 test conditions) in the test unit
xxx) K1 latent heat of vaporization of water (2 460 J/kg at 15 °C) J/kg
xxxi) L length of refrigerant line m
xxxii) Ld length of duct m
xxxiii) Lm length to external static pressure measuring point m
xxxiv) pa barometric pressure kPa
xxxv) pc test chamber equalization pressure Pa
xxxvi) pe external static pressure (ESP) Pa

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IS 1391 (Part 2) : 2023
Table (Continued)
Sl No. Symbol Description Unit
(1) (2) (3) (4)
xxxvii) pisc internal static pressure drop of the indoor coil cabinet assembly measured Pa
from the cooling capacity test
xxxviii) pm external static pressure (pe during the blowing test) Pa
xxxix) pn absolute pressure at nozzle throat Pa
xl) pv velocity pressure at nozzle throat or static pressure difference across the Pa
xli) Pfan estimated fan power to circulate indoor air W
xlii) Pi power input, indoor-side data W
xliii) PK power input to the compressor W
xliv) Pt total power input to the equipment W
xlv) qm air mass flow rate kg/s
xlvi) qr refrigerant flow rate kg/s
xlvii) qro refrigerant and oil mixture flow rate kg/s
xlviii) qv air volume flow rate m3/s
xlix) qvi air volume flow rate, indoor-side m3/s
l) qvo air volume flow rate, outdoor-side m3/s
li) qw condenser water flow rate kg/s
lii) qwc rate at which water vapour is condensed by the equipment kg/s
liii) qwo water mass flow supplied to the outside test chamber for maintaining the test kg/s
liv) Re Reynolds number -a
lv) SHR sensible heat ratio -a
lvi) T thickness of tubing insulation m
lvii) ta temperature, ambient of compressor calorimeter °C
lviii) ta1 temperature of air entering the indoor-side, dry bulb °C
lix) ta2 temperature of air leaving the indoor-side, dry bulb °C
lx) ta3 temperature of air entering the outdoor-side, dry bulb °C
lxi) ta4 temperature of air leaving the outdoor-side, dry bulb °C
lxii) tc temperature of surface of condenser of the compressor calorimeter °C
lxiii) te temperature of surface of evaporator of the compressor calorimeter °C
lxiv) tw1 temperature of water entering condenser of the compressor calorimeter °C
lxv) tw2 temperature of water leaving condenser of the compressor calorimeter °C
lxvi) va velocity of air, at nozzle m/s
lxvii) vn specific volume of dry air portion of mixture at nozzle m3/kgb
lxviii) v n specific volume of dry air portion of mixture at nozzle m3/kg
lxix) W1 mass of cylinder and bleeder assembly, empty g
lxx) W3 mass of cylinder and bleeder assembly, with sample g
lxxi) W5 mass of cylinder and bleeder assembly, with oil from sample g
lxxii) Wi1 specific humidity of air entering the indoor-side kg/kgb
lxxiii) Wi2 specific humidity of air leaving the indoor-sideb kg/kgb
lxxiv) Wn specific humidity at nozzle inletb kg/kgb
lxxv) Wr water vapour (rate) condensed kg/s

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Table (Concluded)
Sl No. Symbol Description Unit
(1) (2) (3) (4)
lxxvi) Xo concentration of oil to refrigerant-oil mixture -a
lxxvii) Xr mass ratio, refrigerant to refrigerant-oil mixture -a
lxxviii) Y expansion factor -a
lxxix)  pressure ratio -a
lxxx) a interconnecting tubing heat transfer coefficient W/(m2·K)
lxxxi) λ thermal conductivity W/( m·K)
lxxxii) ν kinematic viscosity of air m2/s
lxxxiii) fan,i estimated indoor fan static efficiency -a
lxxxiv) mot,i estimated indoor motor efficiency -a
lxxxv)  Pic other power input to the indoor side test chamber (for example illumination, W
electrical and thermal power input to the compensating device, heat balance
of the humidification device)
lxxxvi)  Poc sum of all total power input to the outdoor side test chamber, not including W
power to the equipment under test
lxxxvii) c heat removed by the cooling coil in the outdoor-side test chamber W
lxxxviii) ci heat removed by cooling coil in the indoor-side test chamber W
lxxxix) d latent cooling capacity (dehumidifying) W
xc) e heat input to evaporator of compressor calorimeter W
xci) hi heating capacity, indoor-side test chamber W
xcii) ho heating capacity, outdoor-side test chamber W
xciii) li heat leakage into the indoor side test chamber through walls, floor and ceiling W
xciv) lo heat leakage out of the outdoor side test chamber through walls, floor and W
xcv) lp heat leakage into the indoor-side test chamber through the partition separating W
the indoor-side from the outdoor-side
xcvi) L line heat loss in interconnecting tubing W
xcvii) sci sensible cooling capacity, indoor-side W
xcviii) tc refrigerating capacity of a refrigerant compressor W
xcix) tci total cooling capacity, indoor-side W
c) tco total cooling capacity, outdoor-side W
ci) thi total heating capacity, indoor-side W
cii) tho total heating capacity, outdoor-side W
ciii) Lp(ST) sound pressure level measured with the noise source test (ST) in operation dBA
civ) K1A background noise dBA
cv) K2A environmental correction dBA
cvi) Lp(B) sound pressure level of background (B) noise dBA
dimensionless value.
it means the mass of dry air; the mass, kg of denominator in this unit is based on dry air (or da). for units practically used in the air conditioning
field, ‘kg (da)’ is very often used for denominator.
j/kg(da), m3/kg(da), kg/kg(da).
NOTE — All parameters are in relation to the unit being tested unless specified otherwise.

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(Clauses 9.9.4 and

D-1 GENERAL TEST INFORMATION are given in Table 8 for the calorimeter test method
and in Table 9 for the indoor air enthalpy test
The data to be recorded for the cooling capacity test method.

Table 8 Data to be Recorded for Calorimeter Cooling and Heating Capacity Tests
(Clause D-1)

Sl No. Data
(1) (2)
i) Date
ii) Observers
iii) Barometric pressure in kPa
iv) Time of test
v) Fan speed settings
vi) Applied voltage in V
vii) Frequency in Hz
viii) Total current input to unit in A
ix) Total power input to unit in W
NOTE — Total power input to unit, except if more than one external power connection is provided on unit, record input
to each connection separately.
x) Setting of variable capacity compressor at full load
xi) Dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures of air (in door room side calorimeter compartment) in °C
xii) Dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures of air (outdoor room side calorimeter compartment) in °C
xiii) Average air temperature outside the calorimeter (calibrated room type)
xiv) Total power input to room side and outdoor side test chamber in kW
xv) Quantity of water evaporated in humidifier in kg
xvi) Temperature of humidifier water entering room side test chambers or in humidifier tank in °C
xvii) Cooling water flow rate through outdoor side test chamber for heat rejection coil in l/s
xviii) Temperature of cooling water entering outdoor side test chamber for heat rejection coil in °C
xix) Temperature of cooling water leaving outdoor side test chamber from heat coil in °C
xx) Water condensed in outdoor side test chamber in °C
xxi) Temperature of condensed water leaving outdoor side test chamber in °C
xxii) Volume of air flow through measuring nozzle of separating partition flow meter
xxiii) Air static pressure difference across separating partition calorimeter test chambers in Pa
xxiv) Refrigerant charge added during the test in kg
xxv) Factory charge in kg

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Table 9 Data to be Recorded During the Indoor Air Enthalpy Capacity Test
(Clause D-1)

Sl No. Data
(1) (2)
i) Date
ii) Observers
iii) Barometric pressure in kPa
iv) Time of test
v) Total power input to equipmenta in W
NOTE — Total power input to unit, except if more than one external power connection is provided on unit,
record input to each connection separately.

vi) Energy input to equipmentb in wh

vii) Applied voltage in V
viii) Current in A
ix) Frequency in Hz
x) External resistance to airflow in Pa
xi) Fan speed settings
xii) Setting of Variable capacity compressor at full load
xiii) Dry bulb temperatures of air entering equipment in indoor side in °C
xiv) Wet bulb temperatures of air entering equipment in indoor side in °C
xv) Dry bulb temperatures of air entering equipment in outdoor side in °C
xvi) Wet bulb temperatures of air entering equipment in outdoor side in °C
xvii) Volume flow rate of air in m3/s
xviii) Refrigerant charge added during the test in kg
xix) Factory charge in kg
Total power input and, where required, input to equipment components.
Energy input to equipment is required only in defrost operations

D-2 PERFORMANCE TESTS D-2.3 For freeze-up drip performance test,

following shall be provided:
D-2.1 The test report shall indicate whether the test
passed or failed based on recorded data. a) Pictures or sketches of the unit at the end of
the test that clearly depicts any area of
For all performance tests relevant information shall moisture outside of the unit.
be recorded to show the specific requirements for
each test has been meet. Additional information to D-2.4 For condensate control and enclosure sweat
be recorded are as below. performance test, following shall be provided:

D-2.2 For maximum operating conditions test, a) Pictures or sketches of the unit at the end of
following shall be provided: the test that clearly depicts any area of
moisture outside of the unit.
a) Current recorded at least once in every
10 min in ampere (A); D-2.5 For maximum heating performance test,
b) Time at which the power to the unit was following shall be provided:
interrupted; and
a) Current recorded at least once in every 1 min
c) Time at which the unit automatically starts
in ampere (A);
and/or stops operating.

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b) Time at which the power to the unit was D-2.6 For automatic defrost performance test,
interrupted; and following shall be provided:
c) Time at which the unit automatically starts a) Temperature of the air leaving the indoor-
and/or stops operating. side of the equipment recorded at least once
every 1 min in °C.


E-1 GENERAL TEST ROOM REQUIREMENTS assemblies shall be determined with minimum 3 m
or higher as declared by the manufacturer for high
E-1.1 If an indoor condition test room is required, it wall mounted and minimum 5 m length or higher as
shall be a room or space in which the desired test declared by the manufacturer for ceiling mounted
conditions can be maintained within the prescribed and floor mounted of connecting refrigerant tubing
tolerances. It is recommended that air velocities in on each line. The lengths shall be actual lengths and
the vicinity of the equipment under test not exceed not equivalent lengths. The length of the connecting
2.5 m/s. tubing shall be measured from the enclosure of the
indoor unit to the enclosure of the outdoor unit. Such
E-1.2 If an outdoor condition test room or space is equipment in which the interconnecting tubing is
required, it shall be of sufficient volume and shall furnished as an integral part of the unit and not
circulate air in a manner such that it does not change recommended for cutting to length shall be tested
the normal air circulating pattern of the equipment with the complete length of tubing furnished. Not
under test. It shall be of such dimensions that the less than 40 percent of the total length of the
distance from any room surface to any equipment interconnecting tubing shall be exposed to the
surface from which air is discharged is not less than outdoor conditions with the rest of the tubing
1.8 m and the distance from any other room surface exposed to the indoor conditions. The line
to any other equipment surface is not less than diameters, insulation, details of installation,
1.0 m, except for floor or wall relationships required evacuation and charging shall be in accordance with
for normal equipment installation. The room the manufacturer’s published recommendations.
conditioning apparatus should handle air at a rate not
less than the outdoor airflow rate, and preferably E-2.5 Air Sampler
should take this air from the direction of the
equipment air discharge and return it at the desired The air dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperature (as
conditions uniformly and at low velocities. applicable) shall be measured at multiple locations
entering the condenser (outdoor) and evaporator
E-2 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION (indoor), based on the airflow nominal face area at
the point of measurement. Multiple temperature
E-2.1 The equipment to be tested shall be installed measurements will be used to determine acceptable
in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation air distribution and the mean air temperature. The
instructions using recommended installation use of air sampling device as a measuring station
procedures and accessories. In all cases, the reduces the time required to setup a test. The air
manufacturer’s recommendations with respect to sampling trees shall be placed within 15 cm to 30 cm
distances from adjacent walls, amount of extensions from the inlet face of the unit to minimize the risk of
through walls, etc, shall be followed. damage to the unit while ensuring that the air
sampling tubes are measuring the air going into the
E-2.2 No other alterations to the equipment shall be unit rather than the room air around the unit. For
made except for the attachment of the required test units that have air entering the sides and or bottom
apparatus and instruments in the prescribed manner. of the unit, additional air sampling device should be
used. A minimum total of two air sampling device
E-2.3 If necessary, the equipment shall be evacuated should be used in this case, to assess air temperature
and charged with the type and amount of refrigerant uniformity.
specified in the manufacturer’s instructions.
The air sampling device shall be located such that it
E-2.4 All standard ratings for equipment in which is at geometric center of each rectangle condenser
the condenser and the evaporator are two separate coil; either horizontal or vertical orientation of the

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IS 1391 (Part 2) : 2023

branches is acceptable. The sampling device shall section and measures an average value of the
cover at least 80 percent of the height and 60 percent sampled air stream. At a minimum, the flow section
of the width of the air entrance to the unit (for long shall have a means for measuring the dry-bulb
horizontal coils) or shall cover at least 80 percent of temperature (typically, a resistance temperature
the width and 60 percent of the height of the air device (RTD) and a means for measuring the water
entrance (for tall vertical coils). The sampling vapor content (RTD with wetted sock, chilled mirror
device shall not extend beyond the face of the air hygrometer, or relative water vapor content sensor).
entrance area. It is acceptable to block all branch The aspirating psychrometer shall include a fan that
inlet holes that extend beyond the face of the unit. either can be adjusted manually or automatically to
maintain required velocity across the sensors. A
NOTE — Typical example for air sampling device given in typical configuration for the aspirating
E-2.4 is for the information and guidance to the testing
psychrometer is shown in Fig. 7. Psychrometer shall
be made from suitable material which may be plastic
Fig. 6 gives examples of how an increasing number of (such as polycarbonate), aluminum or other metallic
air sampling devices are required for longer condenser materials. All psychrometers for a given system
coils. being tested, shall be constructed of the same
material. Psychrometers shall be designed such that
E-2.6 Aspirating Psychrometer radiant heat from the motor does not affect sensor
measurements. For aspirating psychrometers,
The Aspirating Psychrometer consists of a flow velocity across the wet-bulb sensor shall be
section and utilizes a fan to draw air through the flow (5 ± 1) m/sec.






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E-3 STATIC PRESSURE MEASUREMENTS plenum, if rectangular, or at four evenly distributed

ACROSS INDOOR COIL locations along the circumference of an oval or
round plenum. These four static pressure taps shall
E-3.1 Equipment with a Fan and a Single Outlet be manifolded together. The minimum length of the
discharge plenum and the location of the static
A short plenum shall be attached to the outlet of the pressure taps relative to the equipment outlets shall
equipment. This plenum shall have cross-sectional be as shown in Fig. 8, if testing a split-system.
dimensions equal to the dimensions of the
equipment outlets. A static pressure tap shall be NOTE — For freeze up test (see 9.5) and enclosure sweat
test (see 9.6) connecting duct is not required for testing.
added at the centre of each side of the discharge


A/2 B/2

1 Manometer
2 Exhaust plenum
3 Equipment under test
4 Static pressure taps
a To airflow-measuring apparatus
NOTE — A and B are dimensions of the equipment under test.


[Clauses 9.9.4(b) and H-2.2]

F-1 AIRFLOW DETERMINATION by a partition in which one or more nozzles

are located (see Fig. 9); or
F-1.1 Airflow should be measured using the
apparatus and testing procedures given in this annex. b) Option 2 — Receiving chamber and
discharge chamber can be made as separate
F-1.2 Airflow quantities are determined as mass chambers where nozzles are part of
flow rates. discharge chamber.
F-2 NOZZLE APPARATUS Air from the equipment under test is conveyed via a
F-2.1 Nozzle Apparatus duct to the receiving chamber, passes through the
nozzle(s) in discharge chamber and is then
a) Option 1 — Consisting of a receiving exhausted to the test room or channelled back to the
chamber and a discharge chamber separated equipment’s inlet.

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IS 1391 (Part 2) : 2023

F-2.2 Diffusers across the nozzle(s).

a) Option 1 — Installed in the receiving a) Option 1 — One end of the manometer

chamber (at a distance at least 1.5 times the should be connected to a static pressure tap
largest nozzle throat diameter, Dn) upstream located flush with the inner wall of the
of the partition wall and in the discharge receiving chamber and the other end to a
chamber (at a distance at least 2.5 times the static pressure tap located flush with the
largest nozzle throat diameter, Dn) inner wall of the discharge chamber, or
downstream of the exit plane of the largest preferably, several taps in each chamber
nozzle; or should be connected to several manometers
b) Option 2 — Installed in the discharge in parallel or manifolded to a single
chamber (at a distance at least 1.5 times the manometer. Static pressure connections
should be located so as not to be affected by
largest nozzle throat diameter, Dn) upstream
of the inlet plane of the largest nozzle and (at airflow; or
a distance at least 2.5 times the largest b) Option 2 — One end of the manometer
nozzle throat diameter, Dn) downstream of should be connected to a static pressure tap
the exit plane of the largest nozzle. located flush with the inner wall of the
discharge chamber (inlet plane of the
F-2.3 Exhaust Fan nozzles) and the other end to a static
pressure tap located flush with the inner wall
It shall be capable of providing the desired static of the discharge chamber (exit plane of the
pressure at the equipment’s outlet, installed in one nozzles), or preferably, several taps in each
wall of the discharge chamber and provided with a chamber should be connected to several
means of varying its capacity. manometers in parallel or manifolded to a
single manometer. Static pressure
F-2.4 Manometers/Differential Pressure Gauge
connections should be located so as not to be
It is used for measuring the static pressure drop affected by airflow.

1 Discharge chamber
2 Exhaust fan
3 Diffusion baffle
4 Pitot tube (optional)
5 Nozzle
6 Receiving chamber
7 Apparatus for differential pressure measurement
8 Adapter duct (see F-4.1)
a Diffusion baffles should have uniform perforations, with approximately 40 percent of free area
b Airflow

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F-2.5 Means of Determining the Air Velocity at For Reynolds numbers, Re, of 12 000 and above.
the Nozzle Throat
The Reynolds number is defined as equation (2).
F-2.5.1 The throat velocity of any nozzle in use
should be not less than 15 m/s or more than 35 m/s. 𝑉a 𝐷𝑛
𝑅e = …(2)

F-2.5.2 Nozzles should be constructed in where

accordance with Fig. 9 and applied in accordance va = mean airflow velocity at the throat of the
with the provisions of F-2.5.3 and F-2.5.4. nozzle;
Dn = diameter of the throat of the nozzle; and
F-2.5.3 The nozzle discharge coefficient, Cd, for the
construction shown in Fig. 9, which has a throat v = kinematic viscosity of air.
length to throat diameter ratio of 0.6, may be
determined using equation (1). F-2.5.4 Nozzles may also be constructed in
accordance with appropriate national standards,
7.006 134.6 provided they can be used in the apparatus described
𝐶d = 0.998 6 − + …(1)
√𝑅e 𝑅e in Fig. 9 and result in equivalent accuracy.

1 Axes of ellipse
2 Throat section
3 Elliptical approach
dn Diameter of nozzle throat in metres

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F-3 STATIC PRESSURE MEASUREMENTS F-5.2 Air mass flow rate, qm, through a single nozzle
is determined using equation (3):
F-3.1 The pressure taps should consist of
(6.25 ± 0.25) mm diameter nipples soldered to the 2𝑃v
outer plenum surfaces and centred over 1 mm 𝑞m = 𝑌 × 𝐶d × 𝐴n √ …(3)
diameter holes through the plenum. The edges of
these holes should be free of burrs and other surface where
irregularities. An is the area of the nozzle throat, in square
metres (m2).
F-3.2 The plenum and duct section should be sealed
to prevent air leakage, particularly at the The expansion factor, Y, is obtained from equation (4):
connections to the equipment and the air measuring
device, and should be insulated to prevent heat 𝑌 = 0.452 + 0.548 𝛼 …(4)
leakage between the equipment outlet and the
temperature measuring instruments. The pressure ratio, α is obtained from equation (5):


F-4.1 The outlet or outlets of the equipment under
test should be connected to the receiving chamber by Air volume flow rate, qv, through a single nozzle is
adaptor ducting of negligible air resistance, as determined using equation (6):
shown in Fig. 9.
𝑞v = 𝑌 × 𝐶d × 𝐴n √2𝑝v 𝑣 ′ n …(6)
F-4.2 To establish zero static pressure with respect
to the test room at the discharge of the air where v′n is calculated using equation (7):
conditioner or heat pump in the receiving chamber,
a manometer should have one side connected to one 𝑣′n = …(7)
or more static pressure connections located flush
with the inner wall of the receiving chamber.
where Wn is the specific humidity at the nozzle inlet.
Air volume flow rate expressed in terms of standard
air qs is calculated by equation (8):
F-5.1 The following readings shall be taken: 𝑞v
𝑞s = …(8)
1.204 𝑣 ′n
a) Barometric pressure;
b) Nozzle dry-bulb temperature; and F-5.3 Airflow through multiple nozzles may be
calculated in accordance with F-5.2, except that the
c) Static pressure difference at the nozzle(s) or
total flow rate is then the sum of the qm or qv values
optionally, nozzle velocity pressure.
for each nozzle used.

(Clauses 9.9.4(a),,,, 10.1 and 10.2)

G-1 GENERAL the condenser side with a measured amount of

G-1.1 The calorimeter provides a method for
determining capacity simultaneously on both the G-1.2 The two calorimeter test chambers, indoor-
indoor-side and the outdoor-side. In the cooling side and outdoor-side, are separated by an insulated
mode, the indoor-side capacity determination should partition having an opening into which the non-
be made by balancing the cooling and ducted, single-packaged unitary equipment is
dehumidifying effects with measured heat and water mounted.
inputs. The outdoor-side capacity provides a
confirmative test of the cooling and dehumidifying The equipment should be installed in a manner
effects by balancing the heat and water rejection on similar to a normal installation. No effort should be

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IS 1391 (Part 2) : 2023

made to seal the internal construction of the may be in either direction, two such devices
equipment to prevent air leakage from the condenser mounted in opposite directions or a reversible device
side to the evaporator side or vice versa. No should be used. The manometer pressure pickup
connections or alterations should be made to the tubes should be located so as to be unaffected by air
equipment which might in any way alter its normal discharged from the equipment or by the exhaust
operation. from the pressure-equalizing device. The fan or
blower, which exhausts air from the discharge
G-1.3 A pressure-equalizing device, as illustrated in
chamber, should permit variation of its airflow by
Fig. 11, should be provided in the partition wall
any suitable means, such as a variable speed drive or
between the indoor-side and the outdoor-side test
a damper as shown in Fig. 11. The exhaust from this
chambers to maintain a balanced pressure between
fan or blower should be such that it does not affect
these test chambers and also to permit measurement
the inlet air to the equipment.
of leakage, exhaust and ventilation air. This device
consists of one or more nozzles of the type shown in The pressure equalizing device should be adjusted
Fig. 10, a discharge chamber equipped with an during calorimeter tests or airflow measurements so
exhaust fan and manometers for measuring test that the static pressure difference between the
chamber and airflow pressures. indoor-side and outdoor-side test chambers is not
Since the airflow from one test chamber to the other greater than 1.25 Pa.


1 Pressure manometers
2 Discharge chamber
3 Exhaust fan
4 Damper
5 Nozzle
6 Pick-up tube
pc Test chamber equalization pressure
pv Nozzle velocity pressure


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G-1.4 The size of the calorimeter should be G-1.7 Reconditioning apparatus for both test
sufficient to avoid any restriction to the intake or chambers should be provided with fans of sufficient
discharge openings of the equipment. Perforated capacity to ensure airflows of not less than twice the
plates or other suitable grilles should be provided at quantity of air discharged by the equipment under
the discharge opening from the reconditioning test in the calorimeter. The calorimeter should be
equipment to avoid face velocities exceeding equipped with means of measuring or determining
0.5 m/s. Sufficient space should be allowed in front specified wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperatures in
of any inlet or discharge grilles of the equipment to both calorimeter test chambers.
avoid interference with the airflow. Minimum
distance from the equipment to side walls or ceiling G-1.8 It is recognized that in both the indoor-side
of the test chamber(s) should be 1 m, except for the and outdoor-side test chambers, temperature
back of console-type equipment, which should be in gradients and airflow patterns result from the
normal relation to the wall. Ceiling-mounted interaction of the reconditioning apparatus and test
equipment should be installed at a minimum equipment. Therefore, the resultant conditions are
distance of 1.8 m from the floor. peculiar to and dependent on a given combination of
test chamber size, arrangement and size of
Table 10 gives the suggested dimensions for the reconditioning apparatus and the air discharge
calorimeter. To accommodate peculiar sizes of characteristics of the equipment under test.
equipment, it may be necessary to alter the
suggested dimensions to comply with the space The point of measurement of specified test
requirements. temperatures, both wet-bulb and dry-bulb, should be
such that the following conditions are fulfilled:
G-1.5 Each test chamber should be provided with
reconditioning equipment to maintain specified a) The measured temperatures should be
airflow and prescribed conditions. Reconditioning representative of the temperature
apparatus for the indoor-side test chamber should surrounding the equipment and should
consist of heaters to supply sensible heat and a simulate the conditions encountered in an
humidifier to supply moisture. Reconditioning actual application for both indoor and
apparatus for the outdoor-side test chamber should outdoor-sides, as indicated above;
provide cooling, dehumidification and b) At the point of measurement, the
humidification. The energy supply should be temperature of air should not be affected by
controlled and measured. air discharged from any piece of the
equipment. This makes it mandatory that the
G-1.6 When calorimeters are used for heat pumps, temperatures are measured upstream of any
they should have heating, humidifying and cooling re-circulation produced by the equipment;
capabilities for both rooms (see Fig. 12 and Fig. 13) and
or other means, such as rotating the equipment, may
c) Air sampling tubes should be positioned on
be used as long as the rating conditions are
the intake side of the equipment under test.

Table 10 Size of Calorimeter

(Clause G-1.4)

Sl No. Rated Cooling Capacity Suggested Minimum Inside Dimensions of

of Equipment1) Each Room of the Calorimeter (m)

(W) Width Height Length

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
i) 3 000 2.4 2.1 1.8
ii) 6 000 2.4 2.1 2.4
iii) 9 000 2.7 2.4 3.0
iv) 12 0002) 3.0 2.4 3.7
All figures are round numbers.
Larger capacity equipment requires larger calorimeters.

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G-1.9 During a heating capacity test, the maintain operation of the reconditioning apparatus
temperature of the air leaving the indoor-side of the during the defrost period, provisions may be made
heat pump shall be monitored to determine if its to bypass the conditioned air around the equipment
heating performance is being affected by a build-up as long as assurance is provided that the conditioned
of ice on the outdoor-side heat exchanger. A single air does not aid in the defrosting. A watt-hour meter
temperature measuring device, placed at the centre shall be used for obtaining the integrated electrical
of the indoor air outlet, is sufficient to indicate any input to the equipment under test.
change in the indoor air discharge temperature
caused by a build-up of ice on the outdoor-side heat G-2 CALIBRATED ROOM-TYPE
exchanger. CALORIMETER

G-1.10 Interior surfaces of the calorimeter test G-2.1 Heat leakage may be determined in either the
chambers should be of non-porous material with all indoor-side or outdoor-side test chamber by the
joints sealed against air and moisture leakage. The following method: All openings should be closed.
access door should be tightly sealed against air and Either test chamber may be heated by electric
moisture leakage by use of gaskets or other suitable heaters to a temperature of at least 11°C above the
means. surrounding ambient temperature. The ambient
temperature should be maintained constant within
G-1.11 If defrost controls on the heat pump provide ± 1 K outside all six enveloping surfaces of the test
for stopping the indoor airflow, provisions shall be chamber, including the separating partition. If the
made to stop the test apparatus airflow to the construction of the partition is identical to that of the
equipment on both the indoor and outdoor-sides other walls, the heat leakage through the partition
during such a defrost period. If it is desirable to may be determined on a proportional area basis.

1 Outdoor-side test chamber
2 Cooling coil
3 Heating coil
4 Dehumidifier
5 Fan
6 Mixer
7 Air sampling tube
8 Equipment under test
9 Indoor side test chamber
10 Pressure equalization device

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1 Controlled-temperature air space

2 Outdoor-side test chamber
3 Cooling coil
4 Heating coil
5 Humidifier
6 Fan
7 Mixer
8 Air sampling tube
9 Equipment under test
10 Indoor-side test chamber
11 Pressure equalization device


G-2.2 For calibrating the heat leakage through the G-2.3 For the outdoor-side test chamber equipped
separating partition alone, the following procedure with means of cooling, an alternative means of
may be used: a test is carried out as described above. calibration may be to cool the test chamber to a
Then the temperature of the adjoining area on the temperature of at least 11 °C below the ambient
other side of the separating partition is raised to temperature (on six sides) and carry out a similar
equal the temperature in the heated test chamber, analysis.
thus eliminating heat leakage through the partition,
while the 11 °C differential is maintained between G-2.4 The indoor-side calorimeter including the
the heated test chamber and the ambient surrounding central partition and the outdoor-side calorimeter
the other five enveloping surfaces. shall be insulated so that heat leakage (including
radiation) does not exceed 5 percent of the
The difference in heat input between the first test equipment capacity. Space where enough air
and the second test permits determination of the circulation is available shall be secured under the
leakage through the partition alone. floor of the room-type calorimeter.

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G-3 BALANCED AMBIENT ROOM-TYPE 300 W for the same temperature difference,
CALORIMETER whichever is the greater, as tested using the
procedure given in G-2.2.
G-3.1 The balanced ambient room-type calorimeter
is shown in Fig. 13 and is based on the principle of G-4 CALCULATION OF COOLING
maintaining the dry-bulb temperatures surrounding CAPACITY
the particular test chamber equal to the dry-bulb
temperatures maintained within that test chamber. If G-4.1 The energy flow quantities used to calculate
the ambient wet-bulb temperature is also maintained the total cooling capacity, based on indoor-side and
equal to that within the test chamber, the vapour- outdoor-side measurements, are shown in Fig. 14.
proofing provisions of G-1.10 are not required.
G-4.2 The total cooling capacity on the indoor-side,
G-3.2 The floor, ceiling and walls of the calorimeter ϕtcitci, as tested in either the calibrated or balanced
test chambers shall be spaced a sufficient distance ambient, room-type calorimeter, is calculated using
away from the floor, ceiling and walls of the equation (9):
controlled areas in which the test chambers are
located in order to provide a uniform air temperature ∅tci = ∑ 𝑃ic + (ℎw1 − ℎw2 )𝑊r + ∅lp + ∅li
in the intervening space. It is recommended that this …(9)
distance be at least 0.3 m. Means shall be provided
to circulate the air within the surrounding space to NOTE — If no water is introduced during the test, hw1 is
prevent stratification. taken at the temperature of the water in the humidifier tank
of the conditioning apparatus.

G-3.3 Heat leakage through the separating partition

When a cooling coil of the indoor-side calorimeter
shall be introduced into the heat balance calculation
is used for testing of small capacity units, in order to
and may be calibrated in accordance with G-3.4 or
stabilize the test condition, equation 10 shall be
may be calculated.
used. Φci in equation (10) is the amount of heat
exchanged in the cooling coil of the indoor-side
G-3.4 It is recommended that the floor, ceiling, and
walls of the calorimeter test chambers be insulated
so as to limit heat leakage (including radiation) to no
∅tci = ∑ 𝑃ic + (ℎw1 − ℎw2 )𝑊r + ∅lp + ∅li − ∅ci
more than 10 percent of the test equipment’s
capacity, with an 11 °C temperature difference, or …(10)


1 Outdoor-side test chamber

2 Equipment under test
3 Indoor-side test chamber


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IS 1391 (Part 2) : 2023

G-4.3 When it is not practical to measure the chamber through the separating partition between
temperature of the air leaving the indoor-side test the indoor-side and outdoor-side test chambers, ϕlp,
chamber to the outdoor-side test chamber, the may be determined from the calibrating test or, in
temperature of the condensate may be assumed to be the case of the balanced-ambient room-type test
at the measured or estimated wet-bulb temperature chamber, may be based on calculations.
of the air leaving the test equipment.
NOTE ― This quantity is numerically equal to that used in
G-4.4 The water vapour condensed by the equation (9) if, and only if, the area of the separating
partition exposed to the outdoor-side is equal to the area
equipment under test, Wr, may be determined by the exposed to the indoor-side test chamber.
amount of water evaporated into the indoor-side test
chamber by the reconditioning equipment to G-4.8 The latent cooling capacity (room
maintain the required humidity. dehumidifying capacity), ϕd, is calculated using
equation (12).
G-4.5 Heat leakage, ϕlp, into the indoor-side test
chamber through the separating partition between ∅d = 𝐾1 𝑊r …(12)
the indoor-side and outdoor-side test chambers may
be determined from the calibrating test or, in the case G-4.9 The sensible cooling capacity, ϕsci, is
of the balanced-ambient room-type test chamber, calculated using equation (13):
may be based on calculations.
∅sci = ∅tci − ∅d …(13)
G-4.6 The total cooling capacity on the outdoor-
side, ϕtco, as tested in either the calibrated or G-4.10 Sensible heat ratio (SHR) is calculated using
balanced-ambient, room-type calorimeter is equation (14).
calculated using equation (11):
𝑆𝐻𝑅 = ⁄∅ …(14)
∅tco = ∅c − ∑ 𝑃oc − 𝑃t + (ℎw1 − ℎw2 )𝑊r + ∅lp + ∅lo tci


NOTE ― The hw3 enthalpy is taken at the temperature at
which the condensate leaves the outdoor-side test chamber
of the reconditioning apparatus. G-5.1 The energy flow quantities used to calculate
the total heating capacity, based on indoor-side and
G-4.7 The heat leakage rate into the indoor-side test outdoor-side measurements, are shown in Fig. 15.

1 Outdoor-side test chamber
2 Equipment under test
3 Indoor-side test chamber


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G-5.2 Determination of the heating capacity by G-5.3 Determination of the heating capacity by
measurement in the indoor-side test chamber of the measurement of the heat absorbing side, ϕho, is
calorimeter, ϕhi, is calculated using equation (15). calculated for equipment where the evaporator takes
the heat from an airflow using equation (16).
∅hi = ∅ci − ∑ 𝑃ic − ∅lp − ∅li …(15)
∅ho = ∑ 𝑃oc + 𝑃t + (ℎw4 − ℎw5 )qwo − 𝑞lp − ∅lo
NOTE ― ΣPic is the other power input to the indoor-side …(16)
test chamber (for example, illumination, electrical and
thermal power input to the compensating device, heat
balance of the humidification device) in watts.

(Clauses 9.9.4,,,, 10.1 and 10.2)

H-1 GENERAL equation (18):

𝑞vi (cpa1 ta1 −cpa2 ta2 ) 𝑞vi (cpa1 ta1 −cpa2 ta2 )
In the air enthalpy test method, capacities are ∅sci = =
vn v′ n (1+Wn )
determined from measurements of entering and …(18)
leaving wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperatures and the
associated airflow rate. The latent cooling capacity based on the indoor-side
test data, ϕd, shall be calculated using equation (19)
H-2 APPLICATION and (20):
H-2.1 Air leaving the equipment under the test shall ∅d =
𝐾1 𝑞vi (𝑊i1 −𝑊i2 )
𝐾1 qvi (𝑊i1 −𝑊i2 )
lead directly to the discharge chamber. If a direct vn v′ n (1+Wn )
connection cannot be made between the equipment
and the discharge chamber, a short plenum shall be ∅d = ∅tci − ∅sci …(20)
attached to the equipment. In this case, the short
plenum shall have the same size as the discharge H-4 CALCULATION OF HEATING
opening of the equipment or shall be constructed so CAPACITY
as not to prevent the leaving air from expanding. The
cross-section area of the airflow channel through the Total heating capacity based on indoor-side data,
discharge chamber shall be such that the average air ϕthi, shall be calculated using equation (21):
velocity is less than 1.25 m/s against the airflow rate 𝑞vi(cpa2ta2−cpa1ta1) 𝑞vi(cpa2ta2−cpa1ta1)
of the equipment under test. The static pressure ∅thi = =
𝑣n 𝑣n(1+Wn)
difference between the discharge chamber and …(21)
intake opening of the equipment under test shall be
zero. NOTE — Cpa1 can be equal to Cpa2.

H-2.2 Airflow measurements shall be made in H-5 AIRFLOW ENTHALPY MEASUREMENTS

accordance with the provisions specified in Annex F.
H-5.1 Tunnel Air Enthalpy Method
H-3 CALCULATION OF COOLING The equipment to be tested is typically located in a
CAPACITY test room or rooms. An air measuring device is
attached to the equipment air discharge (indoor).
The total cooling capacity based on the indoor-side This device discharges directly into the test room or
test data, ϕtci, shall be calculated using equation (17): space, which is provided with suitable means for
𝑞vi (ℎa1 −ℎa2 ) 𝑞vi (ℎa1 −ℎa2 )
maintaining the air entering the equipment at the
∅tci = = …(17) desired wet- and dry-bulb temperatures (see Fig. 16).
vn 𝑣 ′ 𝑛 (1+𝑊n )
Suitable means for measuring the wet- and dry-bulb
The sensible cooling capacity based on the temperatures of the air entering and leaving the
indoor-side test data, ϕsci, shall be calculated using equipment and the external resistance shall be provided.

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IS 1391 (Part 2) : 2023


1 Outdoor-side test room

2 Outdoor unit of equipment under test
3 Indoor-side coil section of equipment under test
4 Air temperature and humidity measuring instruments
5 Mixer
6 Airflow measuring apparatus
7 Door/Window
8 Insulation
9 Indoor-side test room
10 Room conditioning apparatus
11 Apparatus for differential pressure measurement


(Clause 9.10)

J-1 GENERAL three complete cycles (as opposed to 6 h or six

complete cycles if using the calorimeter test
The six schematic diagrams given in the examples method).
shown in Fig. 17 to Fig. 23 show several cases which
could occur while conducting a heating capacity test J-2 PROCEDURE FLOW CHART FOR
as specified in 9.10. All examples show cases where HEATING CAPACITY TEST
a defrost cycle ends the preconditioning period.
Fig.17 to Fig. 23 represent cases where the indoor The following flow chart gives the procedures to be
air enthalpy method is used and, as a result, the data adopted and the clauses in the main text to be used
collection period for the transient test lasts 3 h or when conducting the heating capacity test.

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Quality Solutions - Alpha Commercial
Belt,([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 1391 (Part 2) : 2023

Start test room

Start equipment under test

Operate until test tolerances of Table 8

or 9 as applicable are satisfied

Start preconditioning period


9.10.8 9.10.5

Defrost at
Start Equilibrium No Yes 10 min
end of Start equilibrium period
period according to preconditioning operation after
according to 9.10.6
9.10.6 period defrost

Start data tolerance of
tolerances of
collection period No Table 3 not
Table 3 not
(35 minute) satisfied nor
satisfied for defrost
Yes according to defrost
9.10.7 operation


Start data collection period (35 min)

according to 9.10.7

Δt indoor air
decrease by more Yes
than 2.5% or Δt indoor air
defrost operation Yes Transient test
decrease by more
occurs? procedure
than 2.5% or
according to
defrost operation

Steady state test procedure according
to 9.10.7


Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Quality Solutions - Alpha Commercial
Belt,([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 1391 (Part 2) : 2023

1 2 4 5


35 min

5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min

1 Compliance with test tolerances first achieved
2 Preconditioning period (10 min minimum)
3 Defrost at end of preconditioning period
4 Equilibrium period (60 min)
5 Data collection period (35 min)
6 Difference in indoor air temperature ∆t indoor air
a ∆t indoor air decrease by 2.5 percent or less during the first 35 min of data collection period
b Steady-state test. Terminate test when data collection period equals 35 min


Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Quality Solutions - Alpha Commercial
Belt,([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 1391 (Part 2) : 2023

2 4 5

35 min


35 min

5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min


1 Compliance with test tolerances first achieved

2 Preconditioning period (10 min minimum)
3 Defrost at end of preconditioning period
4 Equilibrium period (60 min)
5 Data collection period (3 h)
6 Difference in indoor air temperature ∆t indoor air
a ∆t indoor air decrease by 2.5 percent or less during the first 35 min of data collection period
b Transient test. Terminate test when data collection period equals 3 h


Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Quality Solutions - Alpha Commercial
Belt,([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 1391 (Part 2) : 2023

1 2 4

35 min


35 min

5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min 5 min


1 Compliance with test tolerances first achieved

2 Preconditioning period (10 min minimum)
3 Defrost at end of preconditioning period
4 Equilibrium period (60 min)
5 Data collection period (3 h)
6 Difference in indoor air temperature ∆t indoor air
a ∆ t indoor air decrease by 2.5 percent or less during the first 35 min of data collection period
b Transient test. Terminate test when data collection period equals 3 h


Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Quality Solutions - Alpha Commercial
Belt,([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 1391 (Part 2) : 2023

1 Compliance with test tolerances first achieved
2 Preconditioning period (10 min minimum)
3 Defrost at end of preconditioning period
4 Equilibrium period (60 min)
5 Data collection period (3 h)
6 One complete defrost cycle
a Transient test. Terminate test when data collection period equals 3 h


1 Compliance with tolerances first achieved;
2 Preconditioning period (10 min minimum);
3 Defrost at end of preconditioning period
4 Equilibrium period (60 min)
5 Data collection period (3 h)
6 Two complete defrost cycles.
a Transient test. Terminate test when data collection period equals 3 h


Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Quality Solutions - Alpha Commercial
Belt,([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 1391 (Part 2) : 2023

1 Compliance with test tolerances first achieved
2 Preconditioning period (10 min minimum)
3 Defrost at end of preconditioning period
4 Equilibrium period (60 min)
5 Data collection period
6 Three hours
7 Three complete defrost cycles
a Transient test. Terminate test at the end of three complete cycles within the data collection period


Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Quality Solutions - Alpha Commercial
Belt,([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 1391 (Part 2) : 2023

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Sectional Committee, MED 03

Organization Representative (s)

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee PROF RAVI KUMAR (Chairperson)

Annapurna Electronics and Services Private Limited, SHRI G. K. PRASAD
Hyderabad SHRI J. S. SASTRY (Alternate)
BSH Household Appliances Manufacturing Private SHRI LOGANATHAN VIJAY KUMAR
Limited, Chennai SHRI BALASUBRAMANIAN ANAND (Alternate)
Blue Star Limited, Mumbai SHRI JITENDRA BHAMBURE
Bureau of Energy Efficiency, New Delhi SHRIMATI P. SAMAL
Carrier Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Limited, SHRI BIMAL TANDON
Central Power Research Institute, Bengaluru DR P. CHANDRA SEKHAR
Daikin Air Conditioning India Private Limited, Gurugram SHRI GAURAV MEHTANI
Danfoss Industries Private Limited, Gurugram SHRI MADHUR SEHGAL
SHRI K. L. NAGAHARI (Alternate I)
SHRI M. N. S. V. KIRAN KUMAR (Alternate II)
Directorate General of Quality Assurance, Ministry of LT COL DEEPAK SHARMA
Defence, New Delhi SHRI S. S. NIKAM (Alternate)
Electrical Research and Development Association, SHRI GUATAM BRAHMBHATT
Vadodara SHRI RAKESH PATEL SINGH (Alternate)
Emerson Climate Technologies (India) Private Limited, SHRI CHETHAN THOLPADY
New Delhi SHRI D. P. DESPANDE (Alternate)
Godrej & Boyce Manufacturing Company Limited, SHRI BURZIN WADIA
Mumbai SHRI JASVIR SINGH (Alternate I)
Honeywell International India Private Limited, Gurugram SHRI AADITYA PEGALLAPATI
Indian Institute of Chemical Engineering, Kolkata DR D. SATHIYAMOORTHY
DR SUDIP K. DAS (Alternate)
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai DR. G. VENKATARATHNAM
Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air DR JYOTIRMAY MATHUR
Conditioning Engineers, New Delhi SHRI ASHISH RAKHEJA (Alternate I)
Ingersoll Rand India Limited, Bengaluru SHRI M. VENKANNA
SHRI J. GURUSAMY (Alternate)

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Quality Solutions - Alpha Commercial
Belt,([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 1391 (Part 2) : 2023

Organization Representative (s)

International Copper Association India, Mumbai SHRI MAYUR KARMAKAR

Intertek India Private Limited, Gurugram SHRI C. M. PATHAK
Johnson Controls-Hitachi Air Conditioning India Limited, SHRI RAHUL RAMTEKKAR
LG Electronics India Private Limited, New Delhi SHRI ADITYA ANIL
SHRI S. K. JHA (Alternate)
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Manufacturers SHRI KANWALJEET JAWA
Association, New Delhi SHRI HARSH VARDHAN PANT (Alternate)
Samsung India Electronics Private Limited, New Delhi SHRI KALICHARAN SAHU
Sierra Aircon Private Limited, Gurugram SHRI D. K. MUDGAL
SHRI S. DHIMAN (Alternate)
The Chemours India Private Limited, Gurugram SHRI VIKAS MEHTA
UL India Private Limited, Bengaluru SHRI V. MANJUNATH
SHRI A. D. KUMBHAR (Alternate)
Voluntary Organisation in Interest of Consumer Education SHRI B. K. MUKHOPADHYAY
(VOICE), New Delhi SHRI H. S. WADHWA (Alternate)
In Personal Capacity (H.No. 03, Savita Vihar, Delhi) SHRI J. K. AGRAWAL
In Personal Capacity (506/2, Kirti Apartments, Mayur SHRI P. K. MUKHERJEE
Vihar, Phase-1 Extension, Delhi)

Member Secretary

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Quality Solutions - Alpha Commercial
Belt,([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 1391 (Part 2) : 2023

Panel on Room Air Conditioners

Organization Representative (s)

In Personal Capacity (506/2, Kirti Apartments, SHRI P. K. MUKHERJEE (Convener)
Mayur Vihar, Phase-1 Extension, Delhi)
Bureau of Energy Efficiency, New Delhi SHRIMATI DEEPSHIKHA WADHWA
Blue Star Limited, Mumbai SHRI SUNIL KUMAR JAIN
Carrier Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Limited, SHRI BIMAL TANDON
CEPT University, Ahmedabad SHRI YASH SHUKLA
Daikin Air Conditioning India Private Limited, SHRI GAURAV MEHTANI
Emerson Climate Technologies (India) Private Limited, SHRI CHETHAN THOLPADY
New Delhi
Godrej & Boyce Manufacturing Company Limited, SHRI NARENDRA SHEDGE
International Copper Association India, Mumbai SHRI SHANKAR SAPALIGA
Intertek India Private Limited, Gurugram SHRI C. M. PATHAK
Johnson Controls-Hitachi Air Conditioning India SHRI RAHUL RAMTEKKAR
Limited, Mehsana
LG Electronics India Private Limited, New Delhi SHRI ADITYA ANIL
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Manufacturers SHRI HARSH VARDHAN PANT
Association, New Delhi
Sierra Aircon Private Limited, Gurugram SHRI D. K. MUDGAL
Trane Technologies, Bengaluru SHRI J. GURUSAMY
UL India Private Limited, Bengaluru SHRI V. MANJUNATH
Whirlpool India Limited. SHRI MOHINDER SINGH

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Quality Solutions - Alpha Commercial
Belt,([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Quality Solutions - Alpha Commercial
Belt,([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Quality Solutions - Alpha Commercial
Belt,([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 to promote harmonious
development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to
connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without
the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the
standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to
copyright be addressed to the Head (Publication & Sales), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the website- or
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: MED 03 (20226).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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