Cover Letter
Cover Letter
Cover Letter
Dear ,
As an experienced school leader and learning support specialist, my passion and drive are
rooted in establishing environments that are inclusive, sustainable, collaborative and allow all
students to thrive through champion-building. Current students need to be equipped with the
skills and dispositions in order to be successful in an ever-changing world. I fully believe that this
success must transcend classroom walls. My aspiration is to inspire and equip all members of
our community to become ambassadors of inclusive education, driving forward positive change
and leaving a lasting impact.
As the Head of Student Support at Berlin Metropolitan School since 2019, I have played an
integral role in establishing an inclusive environment and curriculum for the 520 primary-aged
students and 70 teachers. I worked closely with the Primary Leadership Team to ensure that
every stakeholder experienced a supportive and inclusive atmosphere. With that, I am excited to
apply for the Director of Inclusion role, where I believe my skills and values align well with the
school mission. I am confident that I can bring a valuable contribution to the learning community
and donate meaningfully to establishing the institutional foundations. Through my experience in
establishing inclusive frameworks within a diverse whole-school environment of 1100 pupils, I
have developed a deep understanding of the complexities and nuances involved. My
intercultural competence has allowed me to build strong and trust-based relationships within the
community, including partnerships with local organizations and leaders to enhance students’
learning experiences outside of the classroom.
During my tenure at Berlin Metropolitan School, I successfully led the development and
implementation of several student support programs and initiatives that have helped to promote
inclusive education and support students in their academic journey. Over the past years, I am
proud to have established the following programs:
- Enrichment Program for High Ability Students
- Mathematics and Reading Extension Clubs
- RTI (Response-To-Intervention) Program or at-risk/vulnerable students
- Created a Tiered Framework for Learning Support based on the principles of UDL
(Universal Design for Learning)
In addition to the above, I extended my whole-school impact by chairing the Behaviour Team to
create essential school policies, partook in the past and currently co-chairing on our CIS/NEASC
accreditation committee, and drafted and published the BMS Student Support Handbook. In
addition, I currently work collaboratively with our Diversity Committee, as I strongly advocate
DEIJ initiatives. WIth a heavy focus on Enrichment, I also created and launched our Project-
Based Learning Program as a structured and evidence-based framework to support high-ability
learners. This program is tethered to our Makerspace and works in conjunction with our Ed.
Tech department to better allow students to explore the STEAM domains.
Originally from Montreal, Canada, I hold a Master of Educational Psychology degree from McGill
University. With a specialization in Inclusive Education, my years as a Learning Support teacher
and Inclusion Specialist has allowed me to work both in and for schools. This has provided me
with a particular experience on working within and outside of educational teams. In Montreal, I
acted as a consultant for Lester B. Pearson Public School Board, providing best-practices
intervention and leading professional workshops and training. During this time, I refined my skills
to work collaboratively with multidisciplinary teams, providing parental coaching and training
paraprofessionals. Still today, I am a passionate and confident presenter, and frequently provide
professional development training and parent talk forums across our Early Learning, Primary
and Whole-School sections.
Another essential aspect of my philosophical belief in education is the importance of Social and
Emotional Learning (SEL). As Brene Brown once said, "Empathy is not simply a matter of trying
to imagine what others are going through, but having the courage to connect with them when
they reveal it." As a leader, I prioritize embedding SEL curriculum in schools, as it is crucial for
promoting holistic learning. By providing teachers with the platform to model SEL skills, students
can learn and practice essential elements such as self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy,
positive relationships, and responsible decision-making. Ultimately, a strong foundation of SEL
prepares students to be successful, globally-minded, and innovative adults. To be successful in
this approach, it is important to provide ongoing professional development opportunities for
teachers, to create a supportive school culture, and to integrate SEL into the curriculum and
daily routines.
As a strong advocate for Universal Design for Learning (UDL), I understand the importance of
creating a classroom environment that is inclusive, provides differentiated instructions and
accommodates the diverse needs of all students. My experience in implementing UDL principles
and best practices, such as using flexible teaching methods and utilizing assistive technology to
provide multiple means of representation, has helped me to model to others and ensure that
every student has equal access to education. I am inspired by the quote, "Intelligence is not
fixed; it can change with effort." My approach is based on the idea that all students have the
capacity for growth and that with the right support, they can reach their full potential.
Fundamentally, we only don’t know why or how to do something... yet.