openSAP Python1 Week 2 Transcript

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Python for Beginners

Week 2 Unit 1

00:00:05 Welcome to week two of this course. The topic of this week will be Lists and Loops.
00:00:12 And unit one will deal with the question, what actually are lists in Python?
00:00:21 Consider the following situation, you would like to collect all the names
00:00:26 you would like to invite to a party. And you would like to do it with the Python program.
00:00:33 Using the input function you already know from the last week, you could, of course, get the
00:00:40 However, how would you like to assign it to variables? Of course, you could name a variable
Name 1, Name 2, and so on.
00:00:49 But right at the beginning, when you implement the program, you do not know how many
people will participate.
00:00:57 So, that's a difficult question. Later on, you would like to sort these names alphabetically
00:01:03 and maybe print all these names. And actually, that's not possible
00:01:08 with the data types you are used to today. In this situation, a more complex data type would be
00:01:17 a data type where you can enter an unlimited number of elements. And such a data type is a
00:01:27 So, lists can be used to store multiple elements or multiple items. What do lists look like?
00:01:38 A list is created using square brackets, one at the beginning and one at the end of the list.
00:01:44 And all the elements that are contained in the list are separated by commas. What you can
see in the first cell here
00:01:53 is first a list that contains some strings. The second one contains some float numbers.
00:02:01 And the third one, some Boolean values, True, False, False, True.
00:02:07 And then the first list, the string list, is printed out. In the second cell, you see a list that
contains different data types in one list.
00:02:19 You see this 1, 3, 5, all integers, followed by True, a Boolean value.
00:02:25 Later on, there's a float and two strings. And again, the list is printed out.
00:02:33 It's showtime again, you remember? Now it's your turn.
00:02:39 So, if you have not done so, download the notebook, start your Jupyter server, open the
00:02:46 and try to follow in the notebook what comes next. So again, here's the same motivation, what
lists are for.
00:03:00 But now, let's go a little bit closer into these cells, the programming and coding cells.
00:03:07 You see, we have a variable, and like we have done in the first week, we can assign a value,
in this case, a list using the equals sign.
00:03:17 And actually, here is our list. Starting with a square bracket
00:03:22 followed by a few integers, separated by commas, and at the end, the list is closed again with
a bracket.
00:03:31 And here, it's printed out, so you'll see that's the value. Okay, I haven't set back the list, let's
start again.
00:03:46 So once again, here is this motivation. Why do we need lists?
00:03:50 Because we do have lots of elements. Let's be a little bit closer looking at lists in these coding
00:04:01 Here you once again, see a variable, and you can assign, like we did in the last week using the
equals sign, a value,
00:04:10 in this case a list, to this variable. And this list is composed, as argued before,
00:04:16 by a bracket followed by all the elements of the list, which are separated by commas, and at
the end we have a bracket again.
00:04:26 And then we can print out the list. And actually, you see the list is given out
00:04:32 with brackets and commas between the elements. So no big surprise.
00:04:38 And as you can see, we can put all kind of data in here. Here, we have a list of strings,
00:04:44 a list of floats, and a list of Boolean values. And we give out only the string list.
00:04:51 However, we can have multiple data types in the list. So we can have 1, 3, 5, all integers,
00:05:00 a Boolean value, and so on, and so on. And if it printed out, no surprise,
00:05:06 that's what we are ending up with. Maybe you remember from the first week
00:05:14 that depending on the data type, you can use certain operations.
00:05:20 And that's not only true for these primitive data types, that's also true for complex data types,
00:05:28 in this case, our list. So what are typical operations that can be used?
00:05:34 We have this plus operator or plus sign, but here we call it concatenation,
00:05:41 which means two lists are simply put together to one list, one list follows each other. We have
multiplication, but be careful.
00:05:51 It's a multiplication of lists with an integer or an integer with a list, not two lists together, this
doesn't work.
00:06:00 And finally, we have the in-operator. And the in-operator gives a Boolean value back.
00:06:07 So either true or false, depending on whether the element, in this case 3, is in the list 1, 2, 3.
00:06:16 But again, let's look at a concrete example. Here, we have two lists, first lists equals to 1, 2, 3,
00:06:25 second list equals to 4, 5, 6, and we compose a new list out of this,
00:06:31 which is equal to first list plus second list, and we print it. And later on, we print three times first
00:06:40 So let's see, what is the result? Yeah, as you could expect, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 is one new list.
00:06:48 So it's important to emphasize that we do not have two lists, one after each other,
00:06:55 but we have one list containing all the elements of the former first and second list.
00:07:02 And the same is true if you multiply the first list by three, we do not get three lists, we get one
00:07:10 containing three times all the elements. Finally, let's execute, let's check this in operator.
00:07:20 Here, we have a list of prime numbers, 2, 3, 5, 7, and so on, and now we can check
00:07:29 using the input function if a certain number is already contained in this list.
00:07:35 And you remember, we have this if else control structure. So, if my number is in prime
00:07:46 the value of the operators is Boolean value, so we can use it in this if statement.
00:07:53 So if it is in, the first part will be printed, if it is not in, second part will be printed,
00:07:59 the else statement. I run it.
00:08:02 Let's check if the 11 is in. And no surprise, the list contains number 11, we can check, it's in
00:08:10 If you run it again, and we check for the number 12... If you check for the number 12,
00:08:18 you see the list does not contain the number 12 and you see between 11 and the 13, number
12 is missing.
00:08:30 So what is learning, what are the key takeaways from this unit? If we have multiple elements,
00:08:38 if we have multiple data and we do not know how many data we have, then primitive data
types are not the correct one to handle it.
00:08:48 Lists, however, can handle multiple elements. Lists can be initialized, like primitive variables,

00:08:56 you can simply use this assignment operator, equal, this equal sign, to set an initial list to a
00:09:03 There are a few basic operations like these concatenations, which work on lists.
00:09:09 And using the in operator, you can check if a given element is contained in a list.

Week 2 Unit 2

00:00:05 Hello, welcome to week two, unit two, using an index to express the elements of a list.
00:00:12 In the previous unit, you learned what lists are, and how we can create them in Python.
00:00:20 In this unit, we will have a look at how we can access the individual elements of a list.
00:00:26 In Python, as in most of the programming languages, indices to access the elements of a list
start at 0.
00:00:35 So, the first element in a list has the index 0, the second element has the index 1, and so on.
00:00:46 Furthermore, we will see that strings are quite similar to lists.
00:00:50 Actually, you could call a string simply a list of characters.
00:00:55 And we will also see that we can use indices to access the individual characters of a string.
00:01:05 So again, it's showtime. I will switch over to the Jupyter Notebook
00:01:09 and I'll show you how to use indices for accessing lists in Python.
00:01:16 As I mentioned before, each element in a list in Python has an index.
00:01:22 For example, consider the following cell. The cell creates first a list.
00:01:28 The list contains fruit - an apple, a banana, a coconut, and so on.
00:01:34 And now we can use the index to access individual elements of this list.
00:01:41 To access a list with an index, the square brackets are used.
00:01:47 So, what you see here in line two, fruit_list[3]
00:01:54 accesses the element with the index 3 of this list, and the index 3 is the fourth element.
00:02:04 Let's execute this. You see,
00:02:09 the fourth element in this list is a pear. So there is quite a discussion...
00:02:20 In computer science, there has always been a discussion if it's correct
00:02:23 to start indexing elements with 0 or with 1, and there is a famous paper by Edsger Dijkstra,
00:02:31 which I linked to in this notebook as well, which argues that starting with a 0 is correct.
00:02:40 So it's important to get used to it. When you learn programming, after a while,
00:02:47 it'll become very natural for you that indices start at 0.
00:02:55 Actually, lists in Python have more than one index,
00:02:59 and this is what I've shown here in the small table. In this table, I again have the fruit list.
00:03:08 The fruit list contains an element. The fruit list contains an element apple,
00:03:15 an element banana, and so on. And each of these elements is indexed
00:03:22 with an index, starting on 0. So the first element, with the index 0, is an apple,
00:03:29 the second element, with the index 1, is a banana, and so on.
00:03:34 In addition to that, there's also a reverse index starting at the end of the list.
00:03:40 So the last element in a list has always the index -1,
00:03:46 the second to last element in the list has the index -2, and so on.
00:03:52 So in our case, the first element in the list has the reverse index of -5.
00:04:00 Let's have a look what this looks like in code. So again, I have here the fruit list,
00:04:05 and then I access this fruit list using different indices.
00:04:10 First, I access the element with the index 4, then the element with the index -1,
00:04:19 and then the element with the index 0. And as you see, the element with the index 4
00:04:31 is the last element in the list, the prune. Also, the element with the index -1
00:04:37 is the last element in the list, so we get, again, the result prune.
00:04:41 And the element with the index 0, as we learned before, is the apple.
00:04:48 Now that we know how we can access individual elements of a list,
00:04:54 we can also see that lists are mutable. This means that the individual elements

00:05:00 of a list can be changed. And this is exactly what is shown
00:05:04 in the following code example. So I have here a list of prime numbers,
00:05:08 2, 3, 4, 7, 11, and so on. And you might have noticed
00:05:14 that this list contains a number 4, and 4 is obviously not a prime number.
00:05:21 So what I can do, as lists are mutable, so the elements of a list can be changed,
00:05:27 I can access the third element in the list, which has the index 2, and change it.
00:05:35 And this is exactly what is done here. So this statement accesses the third element in the list,
00:05:53 this element has the index 2, and sets the value to 5.
00:05:59 Let's execute this program. First, we get as an result the list with the 4.
00:06:06 The 4 is obviously not a prime number, therefore we replace it.
00:06:11 And finally, we get the correct result. So that's an important thing to understand -
00:06:18 lists are mutable, so the individual elements of a list can be changed.
00:06:23 We will see later on that you can add to lists, you can remove elements from lists as well.
00:06:31 So now let's have a look at possible errors. What happens if I try to access a list element
00:06:38 or an index that doesn't exist? For example, I have here again a fruit list
00:06:43 and this fruit list has five elements. And what happens if I try to access the element
00:06:49 with the index 10? If I do this, I get an error,
00:06:55 and this error is called an index error. We see it down here, an index error.
00:07:02 And it also tells us what went wrong. So the list index is out of range.
00:07:07 This means we tried to access a list index that was not in the range of possible list indices.
00:07:17 And furthermore, there is also this little mark here,
00:07:21 which shows us exactly where in our program the error occurred.
00:07:26 So what I could do now, for example, I could fix this, change the index from 10 to 1,
00:07:31 and then our program would be free of this error. So it's important to remember when you try to
access lists,
00:07:40 you need to make sure that the index you are using is inside the list of possible indices for this
00:07:53 So far, we've always created very simple lists. All our lists contained simple data types
00:07:59 like strings or Booleans, but of course
00:08:02 it's also possible to create lists of lists. And this is what I'll be showing in the following example.

00:08:14 In the following example, I have two lists, a list of records from the band Ramones,
00:08:19 So that's "Ramones", "Leave home", "Rocket to Russia", and "Road to Ruin".
00:08:23 And we have a second list here. This list contains records of the Sex Pistols,
00:08:29 "Never mind the Bollocks", "Flogging a Dead Horse" and "Anarchy in the UK".
00:08:34 And these lists are contained or are part of another list which is called records.
00:08:40 So, if I now access the first element of the records list, I will get the list of records by the
00:08:50 so basically this as a result. And as a result
00:08:57 from accessing the records list with an index is a list again, I can also combine one or two
00:09:05 So if I, for example, try to get the last elements in the record list of the Ramones,
00:09:11 I would try to access the first element of the records list. so the index 0,
00:09:18 and then the last element of the list, this is index -1.
00:09:24 And let's see how this works. So you see, accessing this list
00:09:31 containing list again with just one index returns a list itself.
00:09:39 And then I can go and access this list, which is a result

00:09:44 of my first invocation, and, for example, get the last element.
00:09:50 And in this case it would be "Road to Ruin". And as mentioned previously,
00:09:56 of course, I have to take care that the index is in the correct range.
00:10:03 Why would I need to create lists containing lists? It's quite common that when you work with
00:10:11 you want to structure your data first. So not just have a flat list, but, for example,
00:10:17 like I showed here, separate elements in this list or group them together.
00:10:22 And that's exactly when you start creating, for example, lists of lists,
00:10:26 or, as we will see later, lists of dictionaries, and so on.
00:10:34 As I mentioned before, strings are quite similar to lists when we talk about indices.
00:10:40 We can access the individual elements of a string using an index as well.
00:10:47 And this is exactly what is shown in the last example. What I do in this example,
00:10:53 I first create a variable containing the string "Python Introduction".
00:10:58 And after this, I access the individual elements of this string "Python Introduction" using an
00:11:08 First with the index 1, and then with the index -2. So what would be the result?
00:11:16 The index 1 we know is the second element, so that would be Y.
00:11:20 And the index -2 is the second to last element, that would be the O in this case.
00:11:27 So let's execute this part of the program. And we see, the result is the Y and the O, as
00:11:39 Finally, there's also a part I haven't been explaining so far, that's this 'if' statement at the end.
00:11:44 The "if" statement uses a new construct, the "in" keyword, and the in keyword can be used to
00:11:51 if a list or a string, or to be more precise,
00:11:58 if a sequence type contains an element. So we could, for example, check
00:12:04 if the string "Python" is contained in the course name.
00:12:09 In our example, that's the case. Our course name is "Python Introduction".
00:12:13 It obviously contains the string "Python", and therefore the text
00:12:20 "Happy Python Programming!" is printed. So what have you learned in this unit?
00:12:28 In this unit you have seen that you can access the individual elements of a list
00:12:33 using their index. You have also seen that this index starts at 0
00:12:38 and that trying to access an index outside the bounds of a list results in an error.
00:12:46 Finally, we have seen that strings are quite similar to lists, so that we can access the individual
elements of a list
00:12:54 using index as well. Thanks for watching and see you in the next unit.

Week 2 Unit 3

00:00:05 Welcome to unit three. Now we are talking about important functions
00:00:10 and methods for lists. If you have lists, of course you would like to
00:00:17 manipulate the lists. You would like to add an element or delete an element.
00:00:22 Maybe you want to sort the elements. And for these things, there are functions and there are
predefined methods.
00:00:32 There are really many things you can do with a list. You can sort a list, append an element at
the end.
00:00:39 You can check for the minimum or maximum. You can delete elements, or delete a certain
00:00:46 I will show the difference later on. And once again, herefore Python offers
00:00:54 functions and methods that support this handling of lists. Showtime again.
00:01:03 Let's dive into the notebook and see how this really works. So, important functions and
methods for lists.
00:01:16 Let's first have a look at the functions. One function you can use is the function len, short for
00:01:28 Functions always have a name, and have some brackets behind them,
00:01:33 and there you can then enter the list where you would like to run the function on.
00:01:40 Let's check here, we have a defined fruit list containing some strings,
00:01:44 namely some apple, banana, and so on. And here we now use this len function.
00:01:53 We put this fruit list as a parameter inside, and hand out the result.
00:02:00 Same later on for this string. And actually, we already argued,
00:02:06 strings have some flavor of a list, and so you can use this len function here as well.
00:02:15 Let's give it a try. And you see the fruit list contains five items.
00:02:21 Once again, check these print statements. First, we have the first part of the string,
00:02:26 "The fruit list contains", then the result of the function len(fruit_lists) is inserted here.
00:02:35 And at the end, again, we have a string. And in total, it simply reads like
00:02:40 "The fruit list contains five items". Let's double check.
00:02:44 Apple, banana, coconut, pear, prune. Right, it's five.
00:02:50 course_name = "Python Introduction", and basically the same type of string.
00:02:55 However, now we do not enter a list, but we enter a string in here,
00:03:00 and you see Python introduction consists of 19 characters. Let's have a look at the next
functions, min and max.
00:03:14 With min and max, you can check for the minimum or maximum. However, it only works if
there is a minimum and maximum,
00:03:25 that is, if these items in the list are comparable, if they're orderable.
00:03:33 In here, you see a list sap_stock_prices, and you see some float values.
00:03:38 And I do not want to go and check by hand which is a minimum or maximum.
00:03:43 But again, you see a print statement where we have added a min function and a max function.

00:03:50 And if I run it, then you see the lowest price in this list was 120.8 €,
00:03:59 and the highest price was 125.46 €. Important, the euro is added within the string.
00:04:09 It's not part of the numbers in here. Let's have a look if you try to work with min
00:04:18 in a list that cannot be ordered. Let's make a short example.
00:04:23 So if we have, for example, a list composing of True, 12, and a string, abc,
00:04:33 and we try now to create this min function based on this list, then you see we get an error.

00:04:43 Why? Internally, we have a smaller or bigger relationship,
00:04:51 and this is not supported between instances of string and Boolean. So here you can't do an
00:04:57 and thus you can't find a minimum or a maximum. So let's delete this directly.
00:05:12 We can use the function sorted. If you use sorted, then the items in the lists are sorted.
00:05:21 Again, this only works if the list contains orderable elements. Important, sorted does not sort
the original list.
00:05:34 However, it gives back another list, which can be assigned to a new variable.
00:05:41 In here you see we have our random numbers. You see they are unsorted in these lists.
00:05:47 And when we call the function sorted, entering the parameter random_numbers, so our
unsorted list,
00:05:54 we give back, we assign the value to a new list, sorted_numbers, and both are printed out.
00:06:02 So once again, we can see first the example in here. You see it's still the unsorted list.
00:06:10 So even if we have put it as an argument into this sorted function, it remains the same.
00:06:18 However, we have a return value, namely our sorted list, which we assign to sorted numbers,
00:06:26 and now you can see, this one really looks fine. And again, we can use the same on a string.
00:06:35 Within a string, these elements are then sorted alphabetically,
00:06:40 and you see there's a space in here, which becomes the first, the smallest element.
00:06:46 And you can see as well, capital letters, capital characters, all come before the small
00:06:56 You do not want to go to discuss why this is. Let's have a look on these sorted functions
00:07:03 if you try to sort some values that cannot really be ordered.
00:07:08 And the same problem happens in here, what happened above with the min and max function.

00:07:14 If you would like to sort some elements of a list, they must be orderable.
00:07:20 So the smaller sign must be applicable. And that's the case, that's why we do get this type
00:07:30 Let's have a look on some important methods for lists. So what actually is the difference
00:07:36 between functions and methods? We do not want to go into detail here.
00:07:41 However, if you call a function, then you simply write its name
00:07:46 and put the arguments in the parentheses. For example, print is a function.
00:07:53 You simply call print, open the parentheses, put the argument in there,
00:07:58 and close the final parentheses. Functions are, in a way, independent of objects.
00:08:07 Methods, in contrast, do something with the objects, but are part of the object. In this case, the
method sort is a part
00:08:26 of the list random_numbers. And if we want to call, if we want to execute a method,
00:08:37 then we always have to first call the object, in this case, random_numbers, followed by a dot,
00:08:45 followed by the method's name. And sometimes we can still put some arguments
00:08:51 or parameters into these parentheses. Let's give it a try, let's take an example.
00:08:59 Again, we have our random_numbers, we have our list. And now we try to sort it,
random_numbers is called.
00:09:09 We add this dot, and we add this method name, and we do not forget these parentheses.
00:09:14 And then we check, and you see now random_numbers is sorted. So again, the important
difference between
00:09:25 the function sorted and the method sort is that sort really sorts the original list,
00:09:37 whereas the function sorted does not change the list's original list,
00:09:44 but gives back a new list, which we can assign to a variable. There are a few more methods.
00:09:54 Like, for example, append, pop, insert, and remove. And those I would like to show next.

00:10:03 So here we have a small list, numbers consisting of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4.
00:10:10 And append simply puts the element, which is in here, the 10, simply puts this 10 at the end of
the list.
00:10:21 Let's simply give it a try. And you can see 1, 2, 3, 4, and then 10.
00:10:30 So with append, a new item can be added at the end of the list.
00:10:37 And if you would like to do the opposite, if you would like to take away the final element of a
00:10:44 you can simply use this method pop. And important, this method pop has return value.
00:10:56 Basically, it gives back the element. So you see here, we have, again,
00:11:01 our list numbers, 1, 2, 3, 4. If you pop this list, we have a value that is given back,
00:11:10 the 4, which is assigned to the variable last_item. And if we then print both in here,
00:11:17 you can see the list is really reduced. The last item has disappeared,
00:11:22 and the 4 is printed out, it's now stored in the variable last_item. If you do not want to put an
element, a new element
00:11:36 at the end of the list, you can use this method insert instead.
00:11:42 However, then you have to add the index. You have to say at which position
00:11:50 the element should be inserted. So here you have two parameters.
00:11:56 The first one gives the index. The second one is the actual element
00:12:02 that is to be inserted. So let's give it a try.
00:12:06 So you can see 1, 2, 3, 4 is our original list, and the 10 is now placed with index two.
00:12:14 1 is at the index zero, 2 is at the index one, and 10 now is at the index two.
00:12:21 You can see it, that's what we really wanted. You would like to get rid of a certain element
00:12:30 but not the last one, then you can try the method remove.
00:12:35 Remove simply removes the first occurrence of an element. So if you have several objects,
several elements
00:12:47 that are the same, then only the first one is removed. So again, let's give it a try.
00:12:52 You can see 1, 2, 3. This 3 has been removed.
00:12:57 This is away now, however, the second 3 still remains in the list. These are a few methods and
00:13:09 that are used to manipulate lists. So what have you taken away?
00:13:15 What should you learn from this unit? You know lists, you know we have indices to manipulate
00:13:24 but there are a few functions and methods that really simplify your life and help you to remove
data from lists,
00:13:32 insert lists, sort lists, and so on and so on.

Week 2 Unit 4

00:00:05 Hello, welcome to week two, unit four, iterating using the for loop.
00:00:14 In this week, we will learn how we can access a list of elements and work with each individual
00:00:22 As an example, consider real life. In real life, you often have a collection of objects.
00:00:28 For example, you have a group of students, or a pile of books.
00:00:33 There are certain operations you can't do with the whole group.
00:00:37 For example, it's impossible to read a whole pile of books. You have to read each book
00:00:46 In order to access each individual element of a group, or list, or a sequence,
00:00:52 a new control structure is required. This control structure in Python or in programming
00:00:58 is called a loop. And in Python, we have two kinds of loops.
00:01:02 There is a "for" loop and a "while" loop. In this unit, we will introduce you to the for loop.
00:01:10 So as always, it's showtime, let's head over to our Jupyter Notebooks,
00:01:15 and have a look at what the for loop looks like. So let's start with the basic syntax of the for
00:01:23 The basic syntax of the for loop is shown up here. The for loop consists of a keyword, "for",
00:01:31 followed by a sequence variable, the keyword "in", and a sequence.
00:01:41 The whole statement ends with a colon. And then similar to, for example, if else statement,
00:01:49 there is a set of statements that are executed for each element in the sequence.
00:01:57 So what does this syntax actually mean? I try to depict this using a small graphic.
00:02:08 So think of this graphic down here as the process representation
00:02:16 of what's happening with the for loop up here. So when the for loop is executed in Python,
00:02:25 the execution starts. And the first thing that's happening is it's checked
00:02:30 if the sequence contains additional elements. If this is the case, the next element in the
00:02:39 is assigned to the sequence variable. And the block of statements
00:02:45 is executed with this sequence variable. And once the block is finished,
00:02:53 we continue to here, and check again if sequence contains more elements.
00:03:00 So the loop continues to execute all the statements with the different elements of the
00:03:07 as long as there are further elements. As soon as this check here fails,
00:03:13 as soon as the sequence doesn't contain any more elements, the execution of the loop ends,
00:03:18 and the program continues with the first statement after the loop.
00:03:25 So let's have a look at an example. In the first example, we will use a string as a sequence.
00:03:32 The first example is this one here. What this for loop does, "for" the keyword,
00:03:40 every character "in" a sequence. And in this case, the sequence is a string.
00:03:48 We simply print the individual characters. Let's execute this.
00:03:54 And you see, as expected, we get "Hello Python programming", just not written in one line,
00:04:01 but each letter separately in one line. Let's try another example.
00:04:10 Instead of iterating through a string, we now iterate using the for loop through a list.
00:04:16 Here's a list, an example list. The list contains a few elements,
00:04:20 a few integers, a string, and a Boolean value. And again, we can use the for loop
00:04:27 to work with every element in this list. And how do we do this?
00:04:32 The keyword "for" followed by a sequence variable,

00:04:35 I called it "element". So for every element inside our list,
00:04:41 we want to do something. Again, I just print the element of the list.
00:04:46 Let's execute this as well. And again, we get one line
00:04:52 with each element of our list as a result. Let's have a look at another example.
00:04:59 So what could we do with a for loop? We could, for example, try to find the smallest
00:05:05 or the biggest element in a list. In reality, Python has a function called min,
00:05:13 which can be used to find the minimum element in a list of numbers.
00:05:17 And it also has a function called max that can be used to find the maximum element
00:05:21 in a list of numbers. Nevertheless, we try to build
00:05:24 this functionality now ourselves using the for loop we've just learned about.
00:05:30 But important, keep in mind if you ever want to do something like this in a real program,
00:05:35 you should better use the min or max function from the Python standard library.
00:05:40 But let's build this functionality ourselves using the for loop we just learned about.
00:05:45 Why are we doing that? It shows us some important patterns
00:05:50 we always have when working with loops. So let's start.
00:05:56 First, in this little program, I have again, an example list,
00:06:00 and this example list contains a few numbers. In this example list,
00:06:06 you are easily able to spot the minimum element right here because it's the only number
containing just two digits,
00:06:14 all the others are three digit numbers. Nevertheless, let's try to write a program
00:06:19 that finds the minimum element in this list using the for loop.
00:06:24 How do we do this? First, we need a helper variable.
00:06:30 The helper variable will contain the minimum element. I call this helper current_minimum,
00:06:37 and as long as we don't know anything else, I just assume the minimum element
00:06:43 in our list is the first element. So this is true unless I check the rest of the list,
00:06:50 and that's exactly what we do next. So using the for loop,
00:06:54 I now check every element of the list. And how is this done?
00:06:59 For every number in this list, I do the following. I compare the current number
00:07:07 with the current_minimum number. And if the current number,
00:07:12 so our sequence variable up here, is lower than the current_minimum.
00:07:18 We know have a number that is smaller than the number we currently have as our minimum.
00:07:24 So we assign the current_minimum to the new number. So we have the new minimum value.
00:07:32 And once we leave this for loop, we know that we checked for each and every number
00:07:40 if it's smaller than the current_minimum number, and therefore the result is clear,
00:07:47 the current_minimum, this helper variable, contains the minimum value of this list.
00:07:54 So, let's give this a try. I execute the program, and sure enough,
00:07:59 we get as a result - the minimum value in this list is 68. What you've seen with this example
00:08:10 is a common approach of defining a helper variable, then working through all the elements of a
00:08:20 using a for loop, and after the loop, do something with the helper variable.
00:08:27 Therefore we calculated the minimum using this approach. In reality, just to stress this again,
00:08:34 you should of course always use the min and max function from the Python standard library.
00:08:43 And just so that you have seen this once, I'll print simply the min using the minimum function
00:08:52 from the Python standard library as well. And as you will see, as expected,
00:08:58 we also receive the 68 as a result. So now it's your turn to practice using the for loop.
00:09:11 Therefore, we have a small exercise. Your task in this exercise

00:09:15 is to write the following program. Your program should ask the user for a sentence.
00:09:21 Next, your program should ask the user for a letter. And finally, your program should print the
initial sentence,
00:09:29 but without the letter the user entered. So as an example, have a look here at our exercise.
00:09:37 If I enter, for example, the sentence, "This is how it should look like",
00:09:44 and I want to remove the letter i from it, then the result should be whatever is written down
00:09:51 which, obviously, I can't pronounce because it's missing the i's.
00:09:57 We have a few hints for you. You know that you can get an input
00:10:03 from the user using the input function. You again will need some kind of helper.
00:10:10 We recommend using the result as a helper variable, and initializing it with an empty string.
00:10:19 And next you need to iterate over the input of the user letter by letter,
00:10:24 and check if the letter is equal or not to the letter that needs to be deleted.
00:10:31 If the letter is equal to the letter that needs to be deleted, you do nothing.
00:10:35 If it's different from the letter that needs to be deleted,
00:10:39 you append the current letter to the result. And in the end of the for loop, you will have
00:10:46 the initial sentence, but with the letter the user entered removed.
00:10:53 So now it's your turn, pause the video as always, and try to solve this exercise yourself.
00:11:01 So welcome back. I will show you one possible solution of this exercise.
00:11:06 And as always, this is just one possible solution. If your solution looks different,
00:11:11 it doesn't mean it's incorrect. There are several approaches to solve this exercise.
00:11:17 So what do I need to do to solve this exercise? First, I need to ask the user for some input.
00:11:22 So I will get a sentence from the user. And I use the input function for this.
00:11:34 And I just copy the text from up here, which reads, "What sentence should be output?"
00:11:42 Next, I need to get the letter from the user that is to be removed.
00:11:51 I call this variable the unwanted_letter. Again, we need an input function for that,
00:12:01 which letter should be removed. Now I have the input I need,
00:12:07 and now the actual work needs to be done. And therefore we will use the for loop.
00:12:13 But before we use the for loop, we create a helper. The result is an empty string.
00:12:23 And now we work through every letter in our initial sentence,
00:12:30 for every character in the sentence we do the following. If our current character
00:12:44 is equal to the unwanted... let's better call this character
00:12:51 so that we are a little bit more in sync here. So we have a character and an
00:12:57 So if our current character is equal to the unwanted character, we do nothing.
00:13:04 And else, else, we append the current letter to the result.
00:13:18 And we use a += statement for that. What I did here, I put the three dots here
00:13:29 just to show you that there might be a possibility to optimize this program.
00:13:34 If I don't need to do something for this if statement, I can change the check here
00:13:42 to get rid of the if statement and basically to collapse the if and the else statements
00:13:47 into just one statement, and that's what I will be doing now. If our current letter is not equal to
the unwanted letter, we just append it,
00:13:59 if it's equal, we do nothing. Therefore, I use the unequal comparison
00:14:08 to now see what to do with the current letter. And now we know, after the for loop,
00:14:14 that the result just contains the input sentence, but without the unwanted letter.
00:14:21 So what we can do as a result, we just can print the result as a result of the program.
00:14:30 So now let's give this a try. "Hallo Python Programming" is the sentence.

00:14:38 Which letter should be removed? Let's remove the capital P.
00:14:42 And as you see, the result now is "Hallo Python Programming", except for the capital P's.
00:14:50 Let's check our little program again. This time I'm using the input from the exercise,
00:14:56 just to be sure everything works correctly. We want to remove the letter i from this.
00:15:02 And again, you see the result we get from our program. And it seems to solve the exercise
00:15:11 Let's jump back to our slides. What have you learned in this unit?
00:15:15 In this unit you have learned about the for loop. You have seen how you can use the for loop
00:15:19 to iterate through all the elements of a list, or through all the characters of a string.
00:15:25 Actually, you can use the for loop to iterate through the elements of a general sequence,
00:15:31 and we will learn more about sequences in the remainder of this week.
00:15:38 Thanks for watching, and hope to see you again in one of the upcoming units.

Week 2 Unit 5

00:00:05 Welcome to our next unit. So far, we have worked with lists
00:00:10 and we have worked with for loops during this week. However, there is one more item
00:00:16 we would like to show you, and these are ranges. So what are ranges?
00:00:21 What are they used for? In programming, you often need a sequence of numbers,
00:00:28 1, 2, 3, 4, or 10, 9, 8, 7, and so on and so on. And these types of numbers,
00:00:38 these types of sequences of numbers can be produced using a range.
00:00:45 A range can really easily create these types of sequences.
00:00:51 And, important, the for loop and the range work perfectly together.
00:00:59 It's show time again, open your notebook, and let's look at how it really works.
00:01:07 So here you can see a range. First, just as a comment,
00:01:13 you can see, we have a range. We can enter one parameter, here the 5,
00:01:19 and then a sequence of numbers is created. It's five numbers starting from zero,
00:01:26 we always start with zero, remember our indices.
00:01:29 And you get simply this range of numbers from zero to four, actually it's five numbers.
00:01:37 So what you should learn is that the last number
00:01:42 is not really part of the range. You can have two parameters.
00:01:49 If you do not want to start with zero then you can add a second parameter
00:01:54 and then the first parameter is a start value, and the second value is the ending parameter of
the sequence.
00:02:03 But important, the first parameter is really part of the sequence.
00:02:09 Whereas the 16, in this case, is not part. So it's the first number that is no longer belonging to
this sequence.
00:02:18 So again, you can see, we have 10, 11 up to 15. 10 is included, 16 is not included.
00:02:26 So you have two borders. The smaller one, the starting one
00:02:31 is part of the sequence, the second one is not.
00:02:38 And so far you've seen that we always step by one. So 0 plus 1 is 1, 1 plus1 is 2, and so on,
00:02:46 or here, 11 plus one is 12, 12 plus one is 13. And you can change this step parameter
00:02:55 by adding a third parameter in here. So having 2, 12, and 3,
00:03:02 again, we have the 2, which is the first number of the sequence,
00:03:07 the first number of the range, 12 is the first one which does not belong to it,
00:03:14 and then we have the step three. So we have 2, 2 plus 3 is 5,
00:03:20 5 plus 3 is 8, and 8 plus 3 is 11, 11 plus 3 is 14, which is bigger than our 12, bigger than our
00:03:30 so it doesn't belong to the sequence anymore. And using this step factor and adding a minus,

00:03:39 you can even go down in the sequence. So you have a sequence that is really decreasing.
00:03:46 So 20, 5, -5. So again, the 20 is part of the range, 5 is not.
00:03:54 -5 is the step factor. So you can see 20, 20 minus 5 is 15,
00:03:59 15 minus 5 is 10, 10 minus 5 is 5, but 5 is actually the first number
00:04:06 that does not belong to the range. That's how range works.
00:04:12 And you can make many uses of it, you can use it in quite different ways,
00:04:18 just to create numbers. So let's have a look in these coding cells.
00:04:25 for number in range(10) print(number) You can simply see, we have, line by line,
00:04:32 the printout starting with 0 going up to 9. That's exactly what we expected.

00:04:39 So start, if you have just one parameter it's the ending parameter. We start with 0, that's a
default value.
00:04:45 We step by 1, and 10 is the first number that does not belong to the range.
00:04:54 For numbers in range 10 to 20, we do the same thing.
00:04:59 You can see 10 up to 19 each in one line is printed.
00:05:04 20 is the first value that does not belong to the range so it's not printed out.
00:05:11 And again, here we go down. 10, 8, 6, 4, 2.
00:05:17 And again, you can see, this is exactly starting value, which is part of the sequence.
00:05:26 0 is not part of the sequence anymore. -2 is the factor where we can step.
00:05:36 You can have a look at, let's say, certain situations. What happens if we just say 0?
00:05:46 Does it belong to this sequence? Does it not belong?
00:05:50 So give it a try, there is no output. Because zero is the first value
00:05:55 that does not belong to this range. It's not printed out anything,
00:06:01 the sequence is basically empty. What happens if we say, for example,
00:06:09 we would like to go from 0 to 10 and step down. Then again, the sequence is empty
00:06:18 because you are stepping in the wrong direction. So the sequence directly is empty.
00:06:26 So maybe you have to take a little bit of care when working with ranges,
00:06:33 think about which is the first, which is the last element,
00:06:37 which one is included, which one is not included. I change it again and repair it
00:06:43 so now we have the same result. Let's do two exercises, combining range and input first.
00:06:53 So what we actually would like to have is a range that runs through the for loop. But we would
like to hand in our parameters
00:07:04 through the input function. So what we can do is,
00:07:10 I say start = input("What is the starting value?") And remember, input always gives back a
00:07:26 So what we have to do is to cast it into an integer. So what is our stop value?
00:07:37 int(input("Where to stop?")) And then we would like to get the step.
00:07:48 Again, it's input("How far should we step?") So now we have these three values
00:08:08 and we can start our range and run through the for loop.
00:08:12 for i in range(start, stop, step) and we print out our i.
00:08:29 So what is our starting value? Let's start with our 10.
00:08:34 Where to stop? 30. What would be the step?
00:08:39 Takes a 5. And you can see,
00:08:41 we have 10 plus 5 is 15, plus 5 is 20, plus 5 is 25.
00:08:47 And the next value, 30, is actually the same as we have as a stop value,
00:08:53 and this one does not belong to the range. Now, let's make it a little bit more complicated.
00:09:02 Let's do this famous FizzBuzz program. We should write a program that outputs the number
00:09:09 from 1 to 100, you can easily do with a range.
00:09:13 All numbers that are divisible by three should be replaced with the string Fizz,
00:09:19 and all numbers that are divisible by five should be replaced with Buzz.
00:09:25 And if number like 15 is divisible by both three and five, it should be FizzBuzz accordingly.
00:09:34 So let's do it step by step. And remember, the divisibility
00:09:39 we can check using this modulo operator. If a certain number, like let's say 10, is divisible by 5,

00:09:48 then 10 divided by 5 leaves no rest, so the modulo would be zero.

00:09:56 Let's do it step by step. for i in range(101)
00:10:04 Why 101? Because if you would like to go up to 100,

00:10:11 then the 100 would not be included. So we have add one more number
00:10:16 and we should start with a one, not with a zero. So let's put one in here.
00:10:26 Now we have to check the divisibility. So let's do it with if.
00:10:33 if i % 3 == 0 we say print("Fizz").
00:10:57 And let's make it easy for the moment. Let's say print i if it is not divisible.
00:11:06 Okay, let's give it a try. And you'll see 1, 2, Fizz,
00:11:11 4, 5, Fizz, and so on and so on. And we can go all the way.
00:11:17 And yes, it works. However, it's not complete yet.
00:11:22 So we have to check once more. So, elif i % 5 == 0
00:11:43 print("Buzz"). And again, you see, seems to work fine.
00:11:53 However, if you have a closer look, then you see here at the 15,
00:11:58 we do not have a BuzzFizz or FizzBuzz, we simply have a Fizz.
00:12:03 Why is that? If you come to the number 15,
00:12:11 then we have this print("Fizz"), we find i is divisible by three.
00:12:19 So we go in this case and we do not check the divisibility for five anymore.
00:12:28 So what we do have to do is we have to enter a second if in here.
00:12:35 So we have to first check if it is divisible by five as well.
00:12:41 So we check this, if i % 5 == 0 and then we say print("FizzBuzz").
00:13:06 And in the else case, that means it is divisible by three,
00:13:14 otherwise it would not come into the situation, but it's not divisible by five,
00:13:22 then we go in here, let's check again. And you see the 15 becomes a FizzBuzz,
00:13:30 the 30 becomes a FizzBuzz, fine. Maybe you remember one of our first exercises.
00:13:42 Maybe we could simplify it a little bit more. Now we have nested ifs,
00:13:48 which is sometimes a little bit nasty. What we could do as well
00:13:53 would be that we change the code a little bit and that we first check if i is divisible by both three
and five,
00:14:07 i % 5 == 0 In this case, we say print("FizzBuzz").
00:14:23 And here we say, okay, if not both, if i is not divisible by both,
00:14:29 we simply check now if it is divided by either three or by five.
00:14:55 So what you can see here is we have no nesting anymore.
00:14:59 Instead we have now four options. Either i is divisible by both three and five
00:15:08 or it's only divisible by three or it's only divisible by five
00:15:13 or it's not divisible at all. And then we have those four cases.
00:15:19 And again, you can see it in the result. Let's first give it a try.
00:15:26 And you can see we have these four cases, numbers, Fizzes, Buzzes, and FizzBuzzes.
00:15:33 So, that's one thing you can do with ranges. And here it's combined with a for loop
00:15:40 and with an if statement and with a modulo. So it brings together some of those things
00:15:44 we have learned so far. So what have you learned in this unit?
00:15:52 Using a range, we can create sequences of numbers. And these sequences of numbers are
00:16:00 again and again in programming. And as we have sequences,
00:16:04 and for loops really are based on sequences, you can use ranges and for loops perfectly
00:16:14 Make use of it.

Week 2 Unit 6

00:00:05 Hello, welcome to week two, unit six. In this unit, we will be talking about sequences.
00:00:13 So, you have already learned a little bit about sequence types. Just a little recap.
00:00:21 There are several different sequence types in Python. For example lists, ranges, tuples, or
also strings.
00:00:31 Tuples we will be introducing next week, but they share some common characteristics,
00:00:35 therefore, I already mention them here. What's interesting, all these sequence types
00:00:41 share common characteristics. So each of the sequence types contain several elements.
00:00:47 The elements in these sequence types are ordered. So there is a first element and there is a
last element.
00:00:55 We can access all the elements in the sequences using an index. So we can access the first
element of a list
00:01:03 or the first element of a string. Similarly, we can access the last element of a string
00:01:10 and the last element of a list. And as the sequences contain several elements, they have
00:01:19 Each list has a certain length. Each string has a certain length.
00:01:23 And besides that, there are common functions that we can use on all of the sequence types.
00:01:30 But not all of these functions work with all of the sequence types.
00:01:33 And that's exactly what I will be showing you in this unit. So again, it's showtime.
00:01:42 Let's switch over to our Jupyter Notebooks and see what functions we can use with the
sequence types.
00:01:50 So, here we are in our notebook. And just to repeat,
00:01:56 there are different sequence types in Python, there are lists, tuples, and ranges.
00:02:01 You already know about lists and ranges. And strings are also a sequence type.
00:02:08 They're a special sequence type called text sequences. I also added a link to the Python
documentation down here
00:02:18 if you want to read a little bit more about the difference between text sequence and standard
sequence types.
00:02:24 So, as mentioned in the introduction, there are common operations, which you can use on
most of these sequence types.
00:02:35 For example, there is a built-in function len. And this built-in function len
00:02:41 returns the lengths of a sequence. This function can be used
00:02:45 to get the length of a string, of a list, or of a range. Other functions that are quite useful
00:02:55 are the functions min and max. And these can be used to get the smallest
00:03:01 or the largest element in a sequence. In addition to that,
00:03:07 some of the well-known mathematical operators also work on sequences.
00:03:11 For example, you can use the plus to concatenate two sequences.
00:03:16 So to concatenate a sequence S and a sequence T into a new sequence containing the
00:03:23 of both of these sequences. Also the multiplication, so the star operation,
00:03:31 can be used with sequences. What this does if you, for example,
00:03:35 execute i times sequence, it creates a new sequence with all the elements from s but repeated
i times.
00:03:48 Of course, we already mentioned in the introduction, you can access a sequence using an
00:03:54 And there's also special keyword, in, which you can use to check if an element
00:04:00 is contained in a sequence. But not all of these operations work on all sequences.

00:04:07 For example you cannot multiply a range with an integer. So this operation doesn't work for
00:04:20 So basically that's all the theory I want to give you as a background. So let's try this out.
00:04:30 For the next exercise I provided a few examples. You should now go on and play around a
little bit
00:04:36 with a string, with a list, and with a range that we provided here and try out different operations

00:04:42 and see what the result is. So as you already know, I would now suggest you pause the video,

00:04:49 play around with this a little bit yourself, and we come back later and have a look
00:04:55 at some examples together. So welcome back.
00:05:02 Let's have a look at this exercise together. So I deleted all the example code I provided to you
for this exercise.
00:05:12 So let's check different operations. For example let's check the length operation.
00:05:18 First we want to print the length of our list. Then we want to print the length of our string.
00:05:31 And finally, we want to print the length of the range I created.
00:05:40 Then as you'll see, we get some results back. So the length function works on all the sequence
00:05:47 I have here at hand, on lists, on strings, on ranges.
00:05:54 Another interesting function, in my opinion, is the min and max.
00:05:57 So let's try out the max. Let's get the max value of our list.
00:06:11 And we see is the next value of the list is a six. And of course this doesn't only work on sorted
00:06:17 So I create another list. Let's call this an unsorted list.
00:06:23 And this unsorted list contains different numbers. I just made up some of the numbers.
00:06:34 And let's format this a little bit more nicely. And of course I can also use the max function
00:06:46 on the unsorted list. And here I get the largest number as a result as well.
00:06:57 What happens if I use a string as an input to the max function? So let's use our string.
00:07:04 And so we get the letter t. Why is it's letter t?
00:07:09 That's again the Unicode representation of the characters in a string.
00:07:14 And in this representation t has the largest value, that's the reason why we get as a result the
00:07:21 And max also works for a range, of course. So our range up to 100 in steps of two.
00:07:30 What is the largest number? It's 98, because 100 is not part of the range anymore.
00:07:41 So let's try one final thing out. Let's try to use the concatenation.
00:07:48 What happens, for example, if we create a result, which is the sorted list we have at hand and
the unsorted list.
00:08:04 And if we print this result we get a concatenation of these two lists.
00:08:14 Let's try this also for a string, so string_s
00:08:19 and I concatenate this with " – Python is fun!" And we get the list.
00:08:33 And as a result, we get the string concatenated of the first string we had in hand and the
"Python is fun!".
00:08:40 Does this also work for a range? Let's give it a try.
00:08:44 range_100 And we try to combine this, for example, with a new range
00:08:55 containing the numbers from zero to nine. And this doesn't work.
00:08:59 So concatenation for range isn't supported. And that's exactly the error message we get down
00:09:07 Unsupported operation of type plus for range and range.

00:09:14 So the concatenation doesn't work for ranges. So much for this small exercise for you to play
00:09:22 with the different functions that are available for the sequence types. Let's switch back to our
slides again.
00:09:33 So, what have you learned in this unit? In this unit we visited the basic sequence types again.

00:09:39 You have seen that there are common operations available on the sequence types.
00:09:43 But we have also seen that not all the operations work on all of the different sequence types.
00:09:49 For example, a concatenation doesn't work for range. Thanks for watching, and see you again
in one of the upcoming units.

Week 2 Unit 7

00:00:05 Welcome to unit seven, which is about slicing. So far, you have always accessed either a
complete list
00:00:15 or individual elements of a list by using an index within this list.
00:00:22 Now, what is slicing? By the means of slicing,
00:00:26 you are able to access a part of a list. You can create sublists.
00:00:31 So for example, the sublist containing only the first three elements of a list.
00:00:38 How is this done? Actually, you specify the first
00:00:46 and the last index of your sublist. And similar to the range,
00:00:52 the first index which you give is part of the sublist, whereas the second is not.
00:01:00 Actually, you can include a third parameter, which defines a step.
00:01:06 It's actually the same way as you have seen in ranges. The single parameters are separated
by colons.
00:01:20 Let's dive into our notebook. It's showtime - open the notebook,
00:01:24 and we'll continue there. Let's first have a look at the syntax.
00:01:31 So you can see, we have our list, and we have a start, and we have a stop value, which are
separated by a colon.
00:01:41 And again, the start value is an index, the stop value is an index.
00:01:46 And the start value is the first which is part of the sublist,
00:01:52 whereas the stop value is the first which is not part of the list at the end.
00:01:59 So the sublist goes to index start to stop-1.
00:02:08 If you would like to include the very last element, you simply leave away the second
00:02:15 and you can do so with the first parameter as well. So if you have some slicing like colon and
stop value only,
00:02:22 then it always starts with a first element. And if you do not have a start and stop value at all,
00:02:29 you simply include these colons, then actually you have the complete list.
00:02:37 Let's have a look. Let's check an example.
00:02:40 We have our list consisting of these even numbers, 0 to 10. And if we now say print even
numbers, 2 to 4,
00:02:50 very important, it's the index 2, not the value 2, then 0, 1, 2.
00:02:57 It starts with a 4, 3, 4,
00:03:01 and it ends with an 8, where the 4 is part of the sublist
00:03:06 and the 8 is not part of the sublist. Let's execute this cell.
00:03:12 And you can see 4, 6 are included. 8, the element with the index 4,
00:03:18 is the first which is not. 0 to 3.
00:03:23 You can see 0, 1, 2, 3. It's the first three elements, 0, 2, 4.
00:03:29 And similarly, 3 to the end will include all elements 6, 8, 10.
00:03:36 And again, as stated, the brackets where start and stop value are deleted are left away,
00:03:46 and we only have the colon - this is actually the complete list, as you can see here.
00:03:54 We already pointed out that strings have list-like attributes, and actually you can use slicing
00:04:05 on strings as well. And if you do it, we have this greeting "Hello world!"
00:04:11 and we print only the slice of this string starting with index 3 and going to index 8,
00:04:19 not including 8, then you see this "lo Wo",
00:04:23 which is actually this part of the string we have sliced. Of course you can use negative indices
as well.

00:04:35 As you have learned, the index -1 is actually the last element of a list,
00:04:43 2 is the second last element, and so on. So if we have our list in our example, 1, 2, 3,
00:04:51 and we execute it, then you see here, we do not slice at all,
00:04:56 we simply go to our last element. If we create a slice from -2 to the end,
00:05:04 it actually includes the second last elements... It's a list,
00:05:09 it's a sublist consisting of 7 and 8, the two last elements.
00:05:14 And if we go from the beginning to -3, then we have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
00:05:22 So the third last element, the 6, is the first one which is not included.
00:05:30 We can include a third parameter, so to speak, a third value in our slicing.
00:05:36 Yeah, so far we have had start and stop. If we have a second colon,
00:05:42 then we can include a step value as well. And actually it works like in a range.
00:05:49 Again, we create first a list. Now we use a range from 1 to 11,
00:05:56 which means we have the values 1 to 10. And we use this casting operator, which transfers,
00:06:04 which converts this range into a list, and actually we have this list of numbers in here.
00:06:12 Let's simply execute it. You see our list.
00:06:16 Now we slice this list. We say every second number is a list,
00:06:21 starting with the element with the index number 1, going to the end because we leave this
second number away,
00:06:31 and we use every second element. So as we go, you see here, we have index 0.
00:06:39 It starts with index 1 - this one is included, and then it takes every second element,
00:06:44 so the 4, the 6, and so on, and you see we get this list of even numbers.
00:06:52 And of course, you can now play around with negative values, step values, and so on, and so
00:06:59 Here we have created some examples. I recommend to go through it carefully, have a look,
00:07:08 play around with it, change these values in the last cell in here, and just try to find out what
00:07:18 So again we create a list with the numbers from 1 to 15. 16 is not included.
00:07:26 If we simply leave away the start and stop parameter, but include the -1 as a step,
00:07:33 then you see the reverse list is simply a list starting with 15 and ending with 1.
00:07:42 And if we have a list starting at the very beginning, going to -4, and we go backwards,
00:07:53 then you can see it's the list with 15, 14, and 13. Again, I recommend playing around with
these options you have.
00:08:05 This slicing can look weird, especially if you have negative indices or are trying to go
00:08:12 but simply give it a try. Let's come to our exercise -
00:08:18 create a list containing all the elements from 1 to 20. Actually we can take the code from here.

00:08:27 Now, of course, we have then to change this value, we can include this one as well.
00:08:39 We run it, and you see we have a list from 1 to 20. Now we should use a slicing operator to
output elements
00:08:48 with index 0 to 4, 4 to 8, and 8 to 10. And of course, let's do it in the next cell:
00:08:57 print(number) We have to slice from 0 to 4.
00:09:07 So 4 should be included, so we have to take the next one,
00:09:14 print... from 4 to 8... We have to...
00:09:23 Oh, it should be with an "s" - "numbers"... from 4 to 9.
00:09:32 And 8 to 10, the indices: print(numbers)...
00:09:41 with the slice from 8 to 11. So if you execute it, you see all elements are included,

00:09:53 starting with 1 to 5, 0 to 4 are five elements. And just check the rest.
00:10:04 So what have you learned? You can create sublists of lists,
00:10:10 this is called slicing. And actually this works not only for lists,
00:10:15 this works for all types of sequences.

Week 2 Unit 8

00:00:05 Hello, welcome to week two, unit eight, List Comprehension.

00:00:11 What is a list comprehension? According to the Python documentation,
00:00:15 a list comprehension is a way to process all or part of the elements in the sequence
00:00:21 and return a list containing its results. We will see in this unit that we can use list
comprehension to build new lists.
00:00:30 And this can be done using a very compact comprehensive syntax. And also list
comprehensions are quite useful
00:00:38 to combine multiple lists or filter lists. So, again, it's showtime,
00:00:45 let's jump over to our Jupyter Notebooks and I'll show you how list comprehensions are
00:00:52 So here we are on the Jupyter Notebook, and as mentioned in introduction,
00:00:57 list comprehensions are a way to process all or part of the elements in a sequence.
00:01:04 So let's do this with an example. Assume that we have a list of numbers from 1 to 20,
00:01:12 and we want to create a new list that contains the square of these numbers.
00:01:19 With the approaches we have taken so far, you would probably write the following program.
00:01:25 First, we create a list of the numbers from 1 to 20. Afterwards, we create an empty list
00:01:33 And then we use a for loop to iterate through each number in our numbers from 1 to 20
00:01:42 and simply append the square of this number to our result list.
00:01:49 And finally, we could, for example, print the result. Let's execute this little program.
00:01:57 And you see, the results are a squares from the numbers from 1 to 20, 1, 4, 9, 16, and so on.

00:02:08 Using list comprehension, we can write this little program much more concisely.
00:02:12 And how does list comprehension work? Let's use this example.
00:02:18 What we first do is we create the list of the numbers from one to 20 again.
00:02:25 And after that, we can basically transform this whole for loop
00:02:30 and create a new list into one expression. And that's the expression here.
00:02:35 A list comprehension contains the square brackets marking it as a list.
00:02:43 And in that the square brackets, we describe how we want to build this new list from the old
00:02:50 And we want to build this new list by calculating the square of x.
00:02:57 And where does this x come from? For every x in our list of numbers.
00:03:04 So that's quite a complex operation that's happening here, but in a very concise syntax,
00:03:12 so we are calculating a square for every element x in our list of numbers.
00:03:24 And the result will be a list, and this is marked using the square bracket.
00:03:29 Let's execute this program. And you see, the result is our list of squares from 1 to 400.
00:03:37 And it's the same result that we achieved before using the more traditional approach we used
00:03:46 So basically, a list comprehension is a very concise syntax to create lists. In this first example
of a list comprehension,
00:03:58 I created a list from a range. Actually that's not even necessary
00:04:03 because a range is a sequence type and we can use sequence types directly
00:04:08 in list comprehensions and that's what we've seen here. Here, I get rid of the numbers variable
00:04:17 I create a list and this list contains all x squared elements

00:04:25 from a range of numbers, here. So the list will contain all the squares of x
00:04:36 for every x in a range of numbers. Now let's execute this.
00:04:43 And again, we see it achieves the same result as our first approach. Then if you now compare
this one line here,
00:04:56 creating our squares list, to the program that we have written initially,
00:05:04 namely this six lines of codes. You see why list comprehensions are so nice,
00:05:13 really powerful construct to perform complex operations. And the syntax keeps the program
still readable.
00:05:24 Once you're used to the syntax, you will immediately see that a list is created here
00:05:29 and how this list is created. Let's continue with a second example.
00:05:37 It's also possible to use multiple lists in a list comprehension. Assume that we have a list of
letters, A, B, and C,
00:05:46 and a list of numbers 1, 2, 3, and we want to create a list containing all the combinations of
these two lists.
00:05:54 So I want to have a list that contains A1, A2, A3, followed by B1, B2, and B3, and so on.
00:06:05 How would I do this traditionally? I would write two for loops.
00:06:09 The first for loop that goes through all the letters in this list, a second for loop that goes through
all the numbers in this list.
00:06:20 Then I would concatenate both together and append them to my results list.
00:06:26 Using a list comprehension, I can do this much more easily. I can write a list comprehension
00:06:32 working through the tool lists in just one go. So, the combinations I want to calculate
00:06:39 is a list comprehensions, so we start with the square brackets.
00:06:43 What we are going to do is to concatenate a letter and a number converted to a string.
00:06:52 And where do the letter and the number come from? The letter comes from, for every l in our
00:07:00 and the number n comes from for every n inside our numbers list.
00:07:07 So this is a list comprehension, which transforms two nested for loops
00:07:13 into one easily readable line. Let's execute the program.
00:07:18 And we see indeed the result is the expected combination of all the letters and all the numbers
in our initial lists.
00:07:28 So a really powerful construct to work with lists, or even with multiple lists,
00:07:35 or to be more precise with sequences or multiple sequences. So maybe we should do this as
00:07:44 so that you have seen it once. So instead of using a list, I could also use a tuple here
00:07:52 and it would still work. We will be learning about tuples later on in this course,
00:08:00 therefore, that's just to show you that everything I've talked about so far
00:08:08 works with all of the different sequence types. One thing you can do with a list comprehension
00:08:16 create a new list from all the elements of an existing list. That's what we've done so far.
00:08:23 But list comprehensions are also very powerful to filter lists. As mentioned in the introduction,
00:08:31 list comprehensions are also very useful to filter existing lists or sequences.
00:08:37 So let's do this again, using an example. The example I've created here,
00:08:43 assume that we have a list of songs. So I have here a list of songs,
00:08:49 and this list of songs contains small lists again. And each of these lists contains a song title
and its play count.
00:09:04 So for example, we have here the first list element contains the song Ace of Spades,
00:09:09 and Ace of Spades has a play count of 99. Similarly, the last element in our list is the song

00:09:18 which has a play count of 33. And what I now want to do is
00:09:23 I want to filter this list of songs and get all the songs that have been played at least 30 times.
00:09:30 How would I do this without list comprehension? I would create a new list, I called it
favorite_songs here.
00:09:38 Then I would loop through my songs, so for every song
00:09:44 in the list of songs, I will check if the play count, that's the value at index one,
00:09:54 is equal to or larger than 30. And if this is the case,
00:09:58 I want to append this song to my list of favorite songs. So let's execute the program
00:10:07 and we see that in our initial list, there are four songs
00:10:10 that have been played at least 30 times that's Ace of Spades, Anarchy in the UK, Blue Train,
and Paranoid.
00:10:18 Well, that's a traditional approach to filtering lists. Using a string comprehension,
00:10:24 this can be expressed much more concisely again. So we have here again our list of songs.
00:10:34 And now we filter this list using a list comprehension. So our favorite songs are created
00:10:41 using a list comprehension, which starts with square brackets
00:10:45 and ends with square brackets. And how is this new list created?
00:10:57 So this list contains every s, and the s originates from our song list,
00:11:06 for every s in songs. But, and now that's the condition, we only add it
00:11:14 if the value at index one, so that's a play count, is larger than 30. So this list comprehension
states that
00:11:27 s is added to the new list if the play count, so that's the index one of our song, is larger than
00:11:48 So basically we have the same information here as we did in the previous example
00:11:53 although there we iterate through our songs and then we check each individual song.
00:11:59 Using a list comprehension, this can be expressed very concisely
00:12:03 by just writing one line containing the loop for s in songs and the condition.
00:12:11 And we only add elements to our result list that fulfill the condition,
00:12:16 and the element is just the element s. So, let's execute this and we see we again receive the
same results.
00:12:25 So instead of filtering our songs using the traditional approach, which is up here,
00:12:36 there's an initial list and appending to the list manually, we can simply use a list
00:12:44 And finally, it's of course possible to combine what we've seen so far.
00:12:48 So we can manipulate the elements and filter them and I'll show you this right here.
00:12:54 Assume that we don't want to have the play count in our list of favorite songs,
00:12:58 but we just want to have the song title. So, of course, we can also manipulate the element
00:13:04 that's added to our list. And as a result, we now receive a list
00:13:09 that just contains the titles of the songs that have a play count of at least 30.
00:13:17 Let's jump back to our slides. What have you learned in this unit?
00:13:21 You have learned how to edit lists or manipulate lists in a more readable way.
00:13:26 And you have seen that you can use list comprehensions to even replace nested loops
00:13:32 so to work with multiple lists as well. This was the last unit of week two.
00:13:39 Thanks for watching. Good luck with the weekly assignment,
00:13:43 and I hope to see you again in week three.


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