Molecular Plant Taxonomy (2020) (015-045)
Molecular Plant Taxonomy (2020) (015-045)
Molecular Plant Taxonomy (2020) (015-045)
Taxonomy is the science that explores, describes, names, and classifies all organisms. In this introductory
chapter, we highlight the major historical steps in the elaboration of this science, which provides baseline
data for all fields of biology and plays a vital role for society but is also an independent, complex, and sound
hypothesis-driven scientific discipline.
In a first part, we underline that plant taxonomy is one of the earliest scientific disciplines that emerged
thousands of years ago, even before the important contributions of the Greeks and Romans (e.g., Theo-
phrastus, Pliny the Elder, and Dioscorides). In the fifteenth–sixteenth centuries, plant taxonomy benefited
from the Great Navigations, the invention of the printing press, the creation of botanic gardens, and the use
of the drying technique to preserve plant specimens. In parallel with the growing body of morpho-
anatomical data, subsequent major steps in the history of plant taxonomy include the emergence of the
concept of natural classification, the adoption of the binomial naming system (with the major role of
Linnaeus) and other universal rules for the naming of plants, the formulation of the principle of subordina-
tion of characters, and the advent of the evolutionary thought. More recently, the cladistic theory (initiated
by Hennig) and the rapid advances in DNA technologies allowed to infer phylogenies and to propose true
natural, genealogy-based classifications.
In a second part, we put the emphasis on the challenges that plant taxonomy faces nowadays. The still
very incomplete taxonomic knowledge of the worldwide flora (the so-called taxonomic impediment) is
seriously hampering conservation efforts that are especially crucial as biodiversity has entered its sixth
extinction crisis. It appears mainly due to insufficient funding, lack of taxonomic expertise, and lack of
communication and coordination. We then review recent initiatives to overcome these limitations and to
anticipate how taxonomy should and could evolve. In particular, the use of molecular data has been
era-splitting for taxonomy and may allow an accelerated pace of species discovery. We examine both
strengths and limitations of such techniques in comparison to morphology-based investigations, we give
broad recommendations on the use of molecular tools for plant taxonomy, and we highlight the need for an
integrative taxonomy based on evidence from multiple sources.
Key words Classification, Floras, DNA, History, Molecular taxonomy, Molecular techniques, Mor-
pho-anatomical investigations, Plant taxonomy, Species, Taxonomic impediment
Pascale Besse (ed.), Molecular Plant Taxonomy: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 2222,, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2021
2 Germinal Rouhan and Myriam Gaudeul
1 Introduction
3.1 One Delimiting, describing, naming, and classifying organisms are activ-
of the Earliest ities whose origins are obviously much older than the word ‘taxon-
Scientific Disciplines omy’—which dates back to the nineteenth century; see above. The
use of oral classification systems likely even predated the invention
of the written language ca. 5600 years ago. Then, as for all vernac-
ular classifications, the precision of the words used to name plants
was notably higher for plants that were used by humans. There was
no try to link names and organisms in hierarchical classifications
since the known plants were all named following their use: some
were for food, others for medicines, poisons, or materials. As early
as that time, several hundreds of plant organisms of various kinds
were identified, while relatively few animals were known and
named—basically those that were hunted or feared [11].
4 Germinal Rouhan and Myriam Gaudeul
3.2 Toward With the Renaissance, the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries saw the
a Scientific beginning of the Great Navigations—e.g., C. Columbus discovered
Classification of Plants the New World from 1492; Vasco da Gama sailed all around Africa
to India from 1497; F. Magellan completed the first circumnavi-
gation of Earth in 1522—allowing to start intensive and large-scale
naturalist explorations around the world: most of the major terri-
tories, except Australia and New Zealand, were discovered as soon
as the middle of the sixteenth century, greatly increasing the num-
ber of plants that were brought back in Europe either by sailors
themselves or naturalists on board. At that time, herbalists still
played a major role in naming and describing plants, in association
with illustrators who were producing realistic illustrations. But
naming and classifying so numerous exotic and unknown plants
from the entire world would not have been possible without three
major inventions. Firstly, the invention of the Gutenberg’s printing
press with moveable type system (1450–1455) made written works
on plants largely available in Europe—the first Latin translation of
Theophrastus’ books came out in 1483. Secondly, the first botanic
gardens were created in Italy in the 1540s, showing the increasing
interest of the population for plants and allowing teaching botany.
Thirdly, in the botanic garden of Pisa, the Italian Luca Ghini
(1490–1556) invented a revolutionary method for preserving—
and so studying—plants, consisting in drying and pressing plants
to permanently store them in books as ‘hortus siccus’ (dried gar-
den), today known as ‘herbaria’—or ‘herbarium specimens.’ These
perennial collections of dried plants were—and are still—a keystone
element for plant taxonomy and its development: from that time,
any observation and experimental result could be linked to specific
plant specimens available for further identification, study of
6 Germinal Rouhan and Myriam Gaudeul
Fig. 1 Painting of a Cyclamen plant, taken from the Juliana’s book, showing the flowering stems rising from
the upper surface of the rounded corm. According to Dioscorides, those plants were used as purgatives,
antitoxins, skin cleansers, labor inducers, and aphrodisiacs
classified in a more natural and rational way than the solely utilitar-
ian thinking. Convinced that all plants have to reproduce, he
provided a new classification system primarily based on seeds and
fruits: in De Plantis libri XVI (1583), he described 1500 plants that
he organized into 32 groups such as the Umbelliferae and Compo-
sitae—currently Apiaceae and Asteraceae, respectively. Cesalpino
also made a contribution to the naming of plant names, sometimes
adding adjectives to nouns designing a plant, e.g., he distinguished
Edera spinosa (spiny ivy) from Edera terrestris (creeping ivy). This
could be seen as a prefiguration of the binomial naming system that
was established in the eighteenth century and is still used in taxon-
omy. But the science of scientific naming was only starting and
plants—like other living beings—were usually characterized by
several words forming polynomial Latin names: for instance,
tomato was designed as Solanum caule inermi herbaceo, foliis pin-
natis incisis, which means ‘Solanum with a smooth herbaceous
stem and incised pinnate leaves’ [14] (Fig. 2).
Cesalpino contributed to the emergence of the concept of
natural classification, i.e., a classification reflecting the ‘order of
Nature.’ This latter expression involved different interpretations
and classifications through the history of taxonomy, but a natural
classification was always intended to reflect the relationships among
plants. Because the Evolutionary thought was not developed yet, it
basically resulted in clustering plants with similar morphological
features. So, it must be noted that the distinction between artificial
and natural classifications—respectively named ‘systems’ and
‘methods’ at the end of the eighteenth century—is a modern
interpretation of the past classifications. Taking advantage of both
technical progresses like microscopy—in the seventeenth century—
and scientific methods inspired by Descartes (1596–1650), several
attempts were made to reach such a natural classification. For
example, Bachmann—also known as Rivin or Rivinus
(1652–1723)—based his classification on the corolla shape in
Introductio ad rem herbariam in 1690. Altogether, the major inter-
est of these classifications is that they triggered investigations on
many morpho-anatomical characters that could be used by later
taxonomists to describe and circumscribe plant species. The British
John Ray (1627–1705) innovated by not relying anymore on a
single characteristic to constitute groups of plants: he suggested
natural groupings ‘from the likeliness and agreement of the princi-
pal parts’ of the plants, based on many characters—mostly relative
to leaves, flowers, and fruits. He documented more than 17,000
worldwide species in Historia Plantarum (1686–1704) and distin-
guished flowering vs. nonflowering plants, and plants with one
cotyledon, which he named ‘monocotyledons,’ vs. plants with
two cotyledons, ‘dicotyledons.’ Ray also played a major role in
the development of plant taxonomy—and more generally of plant
science—by creating the first text-based dichotomous keys that he
used as a means to classify plants [15].
8 Germinal Rouhan and Myriam Gaudeul
Fig. 2 Herbarium specimen from the Tournefort’s Herbarium (housed at the Paris
national Herbarium, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, MNHN) displaying a
label with the hand-written polynomial name ‘Aconitum caeruleum, glabrum,
floribus consolid(ae) regalis’
3.3 Naming Plant In spite of the numerous new ideas and systems produced from the
Names: Major 16th to the middle of the eighteenth century, names of plants still
Advances by Linnaeus consisted in polynomial Latin names, i.e., a succession of descrip-
tors following the generic name. This led to a rather long, compli-
cated, and inoperative means to designate plants and became
problematic in the context of the Great Explorations, which
allowed the discovery of more and more plants from all over the
world (major explorations with naturalists on board included, e.g.,
the circumnavigation of La Boudeuse under Bougainville from
1766 to 1769, and the travels to the Pacific of J. Cook between
1768 and 1779). To overcome this impediment involving the
naming of plants, the Swedish Carolus Linnaeus (1707–1778)
took a critical step forward for the development of taxonomy.
He suggested dissociating the descriptors of the plant from the
name itself, because according to him, the name should only serve
to designate the plant. Therefore, he assigned a ‘trivial name’ to
each plant (more than 6000 plants in Species Plantarum, 1753)
[16] and this name was binomial, only consisting of two words: the
‘genus’ followed by the ‘species,’ e.g., Adiantum capillus-veneris is
a binomen created by Linnaeus that is still known and used as such
to designate the Venus-hair fern. Although there had been some
attempts of binomials as early as Theophrastus (followed by Cesal-
pino and a few others), Linnaeus succeeded in popularizing his
system as new, universal—applied for all plants and, later on, even
for animals in Systema Naturae [17], and long-lasting. Truly, Species
Plantarum [16] has been a starting point for setting rules in plant
taxonomy. Used since Linnaeus until today, the binomial system
along with other principles for the naming of plants were devel-
oped, standardized, synthesized, and formally accepted by taxono-
mists into a code of nomenclature—initially called ‘Laws of
botanical nomenclature’ [18] and nowadays called the Interna-
tional Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (ICN).
The current code is slightly evolving every 6 years, after revisions
are adopted at an international botanical congress.
Linnaeus also proposed his own artificial classification. With the
goal to describe and classify all plants—and other living beings—
that were ‘put on Earth by the Creator,’ he grouped them based on
the number and arrangement of stamens and pistils within flow-
ers—contrary to Tournefort, who only focused on petals. He called
this classification a ‘sexual system,’ referring to the fundamental
role of flowers in sexual reproduction (Fig. 3). This system included
five hierarchical categories: varieties, species, genera, orders—
equivalent to current families, and classes.
10 Germinal Rouhan and Myriam Gaudeul
Fig. 3 Linnaeus’s sexual system as drawn by G. D. Ehret for the Hortus Cliffortianus (1735–1748); this
illustration shows the 24 classes of plants that were defined by Linnaeus according to the number and
arrangements of stamens
Plant Taxonomy History and Prospects 11
3.4 The Advent The end of the eighteenth century was conducive to revolutionary
of the Theory ideas in France, including new principles to reach the natural classi-
of Evolution and Its fication. Studying how to arrange plants in space for creating the
Decisive Impact new royal garden of the Trianon in the Palace of Versailles, Bernard
on Taxonomy de Jussieu (1699–1777) applied the key principle of subordination
of characters, which will be published in 1789 by his nephew
Antoine Laurent de Jussieu (1748–1836) in Genera Plantarum
[19]. Bernard and A. L. de Jussieu stated that a species, genus, or
any other taxon of the hierarchical classification should group
plants showing character constancy within the given taxon, as
opposed to the character variability observed among taxa. Since
not all characters are useful at the same level of the classification, the
principle of subordination led to a character hierarchy: characters
displaying higher variability should be given less weight than more
conserved ones in plant classifications. As a result, B. and A. L. de
Jussieu subordinated the characters of flowers—judged more vari-
able and therefore less suitable at higher levels—to the more con-
served characters of seeds and embryos. It was the first application
of this principle in taxonomy, and it could be interpreted today as a
way to limit homoplasy, though the concept of homoplasy had not
been elaborated yet [20].
Whereas botanical taxonomy had long been preponderant and
faster in its development than its zoological counterpart, the trend
was reversed at the beginning of the nineteenth century, especially
with the application of the principle of subordination of characters
to animals by the French biologists Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck
(1744–1829) and Georges Cuvier (1769–1832). New questions
then arose in the mind of taxonomists, who were not only inter-
ested in naming, describing, and classifying organisms anymore,
but also in elucidating how the observed diversity had been gener-
ated. Early explanatory theories included the theory of the trans-
mutation of species, proposed by Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck in 1809
in his Philosophie zoologique [21]. This was the first theory to
suggest the evolution of species, although it involved several mis-
leading assumptions such as the notion of spontaneous genera-
tions. Charles Darwin (1809–1882) published his famous theory
of evolution in On the Origin of Species (1859) [22], and intro-
duced the central concept of descent with modification that later
received extensive support and is still accepted today. This implied
that useful characters in taxonomy, the so-called homologous char-
acters, are those inherited from a common ancestor. Darwin indeed
predicted that ‘our classifications will come to be, as far as they can
be so made, genealogies’ (Darwin 1859, p. 486) [22]. In other
words, since the history of life is unique, only one natural classifica-
tion is possible that reflects the phylogeny. This latter word was
however not coined by Darwin himself, but in 1866 in his Generelle
Morphologie der Organismen [23] by Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919),
who is commonly known for the first illustration of a phylogeny,
12 Germinal Rouhan and Myriam Gaudeul
3.5 New Methods In the 1960s, facing the subjectivity of the existing methods to
and New Sources reconstruct phylogenies, the new concept of numerical taxonomy
of Characters proposed an entirely new way of examining relationships among
for a Modern taxa. Robert Sokal (1926–2012) and Peter Sneath (1923–2011)
Taxonomy started developing this concept in 1963 [26], and elaborated it as
an objective method of classification. The method consisted in a
quantitative analysis of overall similarities between taxa, based on a
characters-by-taxa data matrix—with characters divided into char-
acter states—and resulting in pairwise distances among taxa. But
this method was not based on any evolutionary theory and the
resulting diagrams could therefore not be reasonably interpreted
in an evolutionary context, or as an evolutionary classification.
Nevertheless, this theory flourished for a while, greatly benefiting
from rapid advances in informatics.
A crucial change in the way botanists practice taxonomy
occurred with the development of the cladistic theory and recon-
struction of phylogenies—using diagrams called cladograms—to
infer the evolutionary history of taxa. Willi Hennig (1913–1976)
initiated this revolution with his book Grundzüge einer Theorie der
Phylogenetischen Systematik, published in 1950 [27], but his ideas
were much more widely diffused in 1966 with the English transla-
tion entitled Phylogenetic Systematics [28]. The primary principle of
cladism, or cladistics, is not to use the overall similarity among taxa
to reconstruct the phylogeny, since similarity does not necessarily
reflect an actual close evolutionary relationship. Instead, Hennig
only based the phylogenetic classification on derived characters,
i.e., the characters that are only inherited from the last common
ancestor to two taxa—as opposed to the primitive characters. Every
taxonomic decision, from a species definition to a system of higher
classification, was to be treated as a provisional hypothesis, poten-
tially falsifiable by new data [29]. This new method benefited from
an increasing diversity of sources of characters to be considered,
thanks to the important technological advances accomplished in
the 1940s and 1950s in cytology, ecology, and especially in
The discovery of the double helical structure of the DNA
molecule in 1953, by James Watson and Francis Crick, followed
by the possibility to target specific fragments of the genome for
selectively amplifying DNA—the Polymerase Chain Reaction
Plant Taxonomy History and Prospects 13
Fig. 4 Illustration from ‘Monophyletischer Stammbaum der Organismen’ (Haeckel 1866): plants form one of
the three main branches of the monophyletic genealogical tree of organisms
14 Germinal Rouhan and Myriam Gaudeul
4.1 How Many Plant Linnaeus’ Species Plantarum, published in 1753, was one of the
Species Are There? first key attempts to document the diversity of plants on a global
scale [16]. In this work, Linnaeus recognized more than 6000
species but erroneously concluded that ‘the number of plants in
the whole world is much less than commonly believed, I ascertained
by fairly safe calculation [. . .] it hardly reaches 10,000’ [16]. Later
on, in 1824, the Swiss A.P. de Candolle, in his Prodromus Systematis
Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis [49], aimed to produce a flora of the
world: he included 58,000 species in seven volumes. Today, we
know that the magnitude of plant diversity is much larger, although
we are uncertain of the exact number of plant species.
There are two questions in estimating the total number of plant
species: the first one is how many species have already been described;
the second one is how many more species are presently unknown to
Our uncertainty about the number of described species is
mostly due to the fact that taxonomists sometimes gave different
names to the same species inadvertently, especially in the past due to
poor communication means between distant scientists. This led to
the existence of multiple names for a single biological entity, a
phenomenon called synonymy. As a consequence, we know that
more than 1,064,908 vascular plant names were published, as
evidenced by the International Plant Names Index (IPNI)
[50, 51], but they would actually represent only 223,000 to
422,000 accepted species—depending on the method of calcula-
tion ([46, 52] and references therein, [53, 54]), with the most
recent estimates of 383,671 [51] and 351,176 according to
The Leipzig Catalogue of Vascular Plants (LCVP) v.1.0.2 by
Freiberg et al. (unpublished). In addition, the disagreement on a
single species concept (see Note 1) among plant taxonomists means
that species counts can easily differ by an order of magnitude or
more when the same data are examined by different botanists
[55]. This leads to a taxonomic inflation, i.e., an increased number
of species in a given group that is not due to an actual discovery of
16 Germinal Rouhan and Myriam Gaudeul
new species [56–58]. In practice, this can occur when, e.g., differ-
ent botanists do not recognize the same number of species in a
given taxonomic group—the ‘splitters’ vs. the ‘lumpers’—or when
one botanist describes subspecies while another one elevates them
to the rank of species.
The estimation of the total number of plant species on Earth is
also obviously hampered by our uncertainty about the extent of the
unknown plant diversity: how many more species there are to
discover? The exploration of plant diversity allows the description
of ca. 2000 new plant species every year [46, 47, 59] although part
of which may turn out to be synonyms based on future thorough
monographic revisions. Based on a model of the rates of plant
species description, Joppa et al. [60] estimated that there should
be an increase of 10–20% in the current number of flowering plant
species. This means that, based on the estimation of 352,000
flowering plant species [46], they predicted the actual diversity
between 390,000 and 420,000 species for this group. Meanwhile,
Mora et al. [61] used higher taxonomy data, i.e., they extrapolated
the global number of plant species based on the strong negative
correlation between the taxonomic rank and the number of higher
taxa—which is better known than the total number of species. As a
result, focusing on land plants, they suggested an expected increase
of 38% in the number of species, from 215,000 in Catalogue of Life
[62] to 298,000 predicted species.
These numbers make clear that our knowledge of plant diver-
sity is still very incomplete and that even estimates of its magnitude
remain highly controversial and speculative, highlighting the need
for more taxonomic studies.
4.2 Current Threats At the Sixth Conference of the Parties to the Convention on
on Plant Diversity, Biological Diversity (CBD) held in 2002, more than 180 countries
the Taxonomic adopted the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC). It
Impediment, and Some included 16 specific targets that were to be achieved by 2010,
Initiatives with the goal to halt the loss of plant diversity [46]. The Strategy
to Overcome It was updated in 2010 (at the Tenth meeting of the Conference of
the Parties) and it is now implemented within the broader frame-
work of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011–2020. The first
and most fundamental target of the Strategy was initially to com-
plete a ‘widely accessible working list of known plant species, as a
step towards a complete world flora’ [46, 59]. After the completion
of this list in 2010 [53], Target 1 was slightly modified to develop-
ing ‘an online flora of all know plants’ (
targets.shtml; This target
aims to provide baseline taxonomic information, i.e., a list of the
accepted names for all known plant species, linked to their syno-
nyms but also to biological information such as geographic distri-
bution and basic identification tools. Since species are basic units of
analysis in several areas of biogeography, ecology, and
Plant Taxonomy History and Prospects 17
more than 50 years old. The median time lag between the earliest
specimen collection and the publication of the new plant species
description was ca. 30 [84] or 32 years [85]. Such a lag time (also
called ‘shelf life’) is longer for herbarium specimens than for all
other taxonomic groups [85]. Natural History Collections thus act
as a reservoir of potential new species. Therefore, although one
limiting step of species discovery may be the capacity to undertake
field work (as suggested above), access and examination of existing
herbarium collections by experts are another bottleneck. This is
however now partly overcome by programs such as the European
SYNTHESIS (from 2004 to 2017 superseded by SYNTHESIS+ in
2019; that
provide funded researcher visits to specimens housed by diverse
institutions, or by increased international collaborations and a bet-
ter access to information and specimens, thanks to modern data-
sharing technologies [46–48, 61, 69]. As an example, a major step
was accomplished thanks to funding from the Andrew W. Mellon
Foundation and subsequent institutional commitments to database
and image name-bearing type specimens—on which the species
original descriptions are based—and deposit these data in the cen-
tral repository JSTOR Plant Science [82]. At an even larger scale,
several major herbaria—including the Paris Herbarium, which is
one of the biggest/richest in the world with ca. eight million
specimens [86]—achieved large-scale digitization of all their vascu-
lar plant specimens, in order to make them freely available as high-
quality photographs on the web—through both the herbarium
database and the platform e-ReColNat—that gather images for all natural
history collections from France (and see Note 2). In the United
States, the National Science Foundation (NSF), through its
Advancing Digitization of Biological Collections (ADBC) pro-
gram, developed a strategic plan for a 10-year coordinated effort
to digitize and mobilize images and data associated with all
biological research collections of the country in a freely available
online platform. This will ensure increased accessibility of all valu-
able information and is being made possible by the establishment of
a central National Resource for Digitization of Biological Collec-
tions (called iDigBio for ‘Integrated Digitized Biocollections’;
For a better diffusion of taxonomic revisions, Godfray [66]
claimed the need for a ‘unitary web-based and modernized taxon-
omy’ (see also [87]). Without opting for such a drastic evolution, a
revision of the International Code of Nomenclature (ICN) has
nevertheless encouraged a change dynamics toward electronic pub-
lications: at the International Botanical Congress held in Mel-
bourne in July 2011, purely electronic descriptions were judged
valid for the publication of new species (Art. 29), as opposed to the
previous requirement to publish in traditional, printed publication
[88]. But based on the following 8 years, it must be concluded that
Plant Taxonomy History and Prospects 21
the new applicable rule did not accelerate the rate of plant species
description or participation in biodiversity discovery as was hoped
[89]. Also, whereas the current taxonomic knowledge is mostly
made available in paper format as monographs, floras, and field
guides, many internet taxonomy initiatives exist and catalogue
species names, lists of museums specimens, and identification keys
and/or other biological information. These websites include, e.g.,
IPNI (, The Plant List (, GBIF
(, Species 2000/ITIS Catalogue of Life (www.cata, Tree of Life (, and Encyclopedia
of Life (, to cite only a few (see [55, 66]).
4.3.1 Strengths First, it must be noted that the resemblance criterion within a
and Limitations species, on which is based the morphological approach to delimit
of Molecular Taxonomy species, suffers exceptions and can lead to erroneous conclusions.
Before the various reproductive systems of plants were well under-
stood, male and female individuals from a single—e.g., dioecious—
species were sometimes described as two distinct species based on
morphological investigations. For example, in the orchid genus
Catasetum Rich. ex Kunth plants are functionally dioecious (i.e.,
22 Germinal Rouhan and Myriam Gaudeul
4.3.2 The Definitive Need The use of molecular data in plant taxonomy has been era-splitting
for an Integrative and highly successful in many instances, but we also highlighted
Taxonomy some limits and cautions to consider when adopting this approach.
Most importantly, a species description solely based on molecular
evidence would obviously seem critically disconnected from the
natural history of the species, i.e., its life-history traits, ecological
requirements, co-occurring species, biotic interactions, etc. As
such, molecular tools may indeed accelerate the rate of species
discovery but would actually be a poor contribution to our knowl-
edge and understanding of plant diversity and evolution. Such a use
of molecular taxonomy could even end up with the exact opposite
of the expected outcome if funders only aim to basically delineate
and count species with no other ambition; indeed, gathering fur-
ther biological information is an essential prerequisite to make a
general use of the taxonomic knowledge, efficiently preserve the
existing diversity, and allow its continued evolution. Botanists have
long realized this and promoted the use of multiple independent
sources of data, and/or the use of several analytical methods on the
same dataset to corroborate the delimitation and provide a thor-
ough and detailed description of species. As early as 1961, Simpson
(p. 71) wrote ‘It is an axiom of modem taxonomy that the variety of
data should be pushed as far as possible to the limits of practicabil-
ity’ [6]. In agreement, Alves and Machado [150] wrote that ‘Tax-
onomy should be based on all available evidence.’ This awareness
gave rise to the advent of what is now called ‘integrative taxonomy,’
where taxonomic hypotheses are cross-validated by several lines of
evidence ( [29, 121, 150–155], and many others). As sources of
relevant characters, many fields of biology might contribute to
Plant Taxonomy History and Prospects 27
5 Notes
complex and fuzzy. Some argue that species are ‘arbitrary con-
structs of the human mind’ while others claim that they are
objective, discrete entities. Reviewing the available data (both
in plants and animals), Rieseberg et al. [179] showed that
discrete phenotypic clusters exist in most genera (>80%),
although the correspondence of taxonomic species to these
clusters is poor (<60% and not different between plants and
animals). In addition, crossability experiments indicate that as
much as 70% of plant taxonomic species and 75% of plant
phenotypic clusters correspond to reproductively independent
The proliferation of alternative species concepts really
started in the 1970s. It gave rise to several decades of debate
and taxonomic instability because many concepts were incom-
patible in that they lead to the recognition of different species
boundaries and different number of species. This was called the
‘species problem.’
Morphological approaches have dominated species delimi-
tation for centuries, starting with the purely typological (i.e.,
essentialist) pre-Darwinian view. But most contemporary biol-
ogists are familiar with the idea that species are groups of
actually or potentially interbreeding natural populations,
which are reproductively isolated from other such groups (the
‘Biological Species Concept’), whether or not they differ in
phenotypic characters that are readily apparent.
However, another, unified species concept has now
emerged. It originated as early as the beginning of the twenti-
eth century (with, e.g., E. B. Poulton), became well established
during the period of the Modern Evolutionary Synthesis (with
the great leaders T. Dobzhansky, E. Mayr, G. G. Simpson, and
S. Wright), and was recently largely promoted by de Queiroz
[180, 181]. This unified concept reconciles previous, at least
partially incompatible species concepts. It considers species as
separately evolving metapopulation lineages and is called the
‘General (metapopulation) Lineage Concept.’ Other proper-
ties of species, which used to be treated as necessary (and
sufficient) properties to recognize a species as such (e.g., repro-
ductive isolation, monophyly; see Table 1), are now only seen as
different lines of evidence, or ‘operational criteria,’ relevant to
assessing lineage separation. The unified species concept is
actually not a new concept, but simply the clear separation of
the theoretical concept from the operational criteria that are
used for the empirical application of this concept.
Operational criteria can be either tree-based or non-tree
based (e.g., direct tests of crossability, indirect estimates of
gene flow, statistical clustering algorithms) [198], and new
methods are still being developed (e.g., analyzing multilocus
genetic data in a coalescent framework). Criteria differ in their
30 Germinal Rouhan and Myriam Gaudeul
Table 1
Some alternative contemporary species concepts/criteria
Plant Taxonomy History and Prospects 31
Table 1