Answer: - Kalinga Sikshya Sathi Yojana is an educational loan scheme for the
students who want to pursue their higher studies. The loan will be provided to
any poor student, who secures admission in any professional or technical course
in any University or IIM or any educational institution set up by an Act of
Parliament or by State Legislature.
2. What are the eligibility criteria to get the benefit of “Kalinga Sikshya Sathi
Yojana (KSSY)”?
Answer: -
The student must be a resident of Odisha.
The annual family income of the applicant must be less that 6 lakhs.
The student shouldn’t availed similar benefit from any other Government/
Institution from the same purpose.
The course of study be in Management or Integrated Law or Course of
Engineering or Medicine in any Educational Institution in India established
by Acts of Parliament or by Any State Legislature or other institutions
recognized by the concerned Statutory Bodies.
3. What are the necessary documents required to apply for education loan under
Answer: -
All Educational Certificates, including the document indicating admission
into a technical / professional course
Residential Certificate issued not only the below rank of Tahasildar and
Additional Tahasildar.
Income Certificate issued not only the below rank of Tahasildar and
Additional Tahasildar or Self certified copy of IT return.
4. How will the eligible student apply for the “Kalinga Sikshya Sathi Yojana
Answer:- It is permissible for the student to submit through Vidyalakshmi
portal or offline to the concerned Bank by approaching the concerned Branch
Manager directly.
5. From which year, the KSSY scheme came into effect?
Answer: - This came into effect from the financial year 2016-17. In other words, the
students who availed the fresh bank loan for education purposes on or after 01.04.2016
under Central Scheme to provide Interest Subsidy (CSIS) on Education Loan are eligible
for such benefit. Loans paid by banks prior to this 1.4.2016 shall not be covered under
this scheme.
6. What will be the maximum and minimum loan amount under “KSSY” Scheme?
Answer: -According to the rules of the scheme, there is no minimum loan
amount mentioned in the scheme. A student can get maximum of 10
lakh rupees as an educational loan under this scheme.
7. What is the moratorium period?
Answer: - The moratorium period is governed by the Central Scheme to provide
Interest Subsidy (CSIS) on Education Loan. The course period plus one
year, or, six months after getting the job, whichever is earlier, is the
moratorium period.
8. What will be the actual rate of interest deposited by the loanee?
Answer: - During the moratorium period, there is no requirement to repay any
interest. The students will have to pay only 1% interest per annum on
the loan amount after the moratorium period. The balance amount of
the interest will be borne by Government of Odisha, Higher Education
9. When will the student need to start to repay the loan?
Answer:- The loan repayment will commence as soon as the moratorium period
10. Which banks are availing this KSSY scheme? Provide the list.
Answer:- The list of participating Banks is seen at (BANK LIST)
11. Which courses are covered under this KSSY Scheme?
Answer: -The Scheme could be adopted by all Scheduled Banks and would be
applicable only for studies in recognized Technical/Professional Courses
in India. The interest subsidy shall be linked with the existing
educational loan scheme of IBA and restricted to students enrolled in
recognized Technical/Professional Courses (after Class-XII) in India in
educational Institution established by Acts. Of Parliament, Other
Institutions recognized by the concerned Statutory Bodies, Indian
Institutes of Management (IIMs) and other Institution set-up by the
Central/State Government.
12. Is this KSSY scheme providing any special facility to reserved category
Answer:- The scheme provides ample opportunities to the students from ST and
SC communities and girl students to avail the benefits of interest subvention.
However, there is no differential rate of interest.
13. Is there any condition to derive benefits under KSSY ?
Answer: Yes. 100 % timely repayment of the loan is a necessary condition to avail
the benefit of interest subvention from the State Government under KSSY.
14. Where can I get further information about KSSY ?
Answer: - Grievance box on this website can be used to elicit further information.