Harshit Godha Avocado Free Ebook v1.5

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com Harshit Godha

Youtube: Indo Israel Avocado Vlog Instagram: @indoisraelavocado 1

For Informational purposes only. Do not construe any such information as investment
www.indoisraelavocado.com Harshit Godha

This eBook is for informational purposes only. Do not

construe as investment advice.

Email: [email protected]

Harshit Godha
Instagram: @indoisraelavocado
Youtube: Indo Israel Avocado Vlog

Youtube: Indo Israel Avocado Vlog Instagram: @indoisraelavocado 2

For Informational purposes only. Do not construe any such information as investment
www.indoisraelavocado.com Harshit Godha

Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 4

MICRO CLIMATIC CONDITIONS ..................................................................................................... 4

WATER CONSIDERATIONS ............................................................................................................ 6

STAGNANT WATER = PHYTOPHTHORA ROOT ROT......................................................................... 7

SOIL TESTS ................................................................................................................................... 8

GAME OF PROBABILITIES ............................................................................................................. 9

DRIP IRRIGATION ....................................................................................................................... 10

IS IT WORTH THE RISK, TIME & MONEY? ..................................................................................... 10

GET IN TOUCH............................................................................................................................ 12

Youtube: Indo Israel Avocado Vlog Instagram: @indoisraelavocado 3

For Informational purposes only. Do not construe any such information as investment
www.indoisraelavocado.com Harshit Godha

Avocado farming would require a careful consideration of a lot of variables, before making
an investment to establish an Avocado orchard. These would primarily include, climatic
conditions, soil test reports, water availability, average annual rainfall, wind, method of
irrigation and upfront investment costs.

Micro Climatic conditions

The first thing you need to consider, is the micro climate. Easiest way to do it is to, look it up
on the meteoblue.com. When you go to meteoblue, the following screen would come up
with your geo location. On the left hand side, there is an option for archive/climate. Click on

When you do that, a drop down box will appear.

Youtube: Indo Israel Avocado Vlog Instagram: @indoisraelavocado 4

For Informational purposes only. Do not construe any such information as investment
www.indoisraelavocado.com Harshit Godha

Click on climate. Then, the following screen would appear. The graph is important.

For avocado cultivation, the climate of Bhopal is not the best. I am almost certain that I
won’t be able to grow ‘Hass’ avocado here. The maximum average temperature during
summer season is over 40 degrees. However, there are certain Avocado varieties, that are
suitable for extreme climatic conditions. For example
- Lamb Hass,
- Pinkerton,
- Ettinger,

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For Informational purposes only. Do not construe any such information as investment
www.indoisraelavocado.com Harshit Godha

- Reed,
- Iriet,
- Arad,
- Gem,
- Maluma
- & Lavi,
were growing fine at the southern shore of Lake Galilee where climatic conditions are
similar to my region in Bhopal.

So when you are looking at the graph, ideal temperature should range between 3-32
degrees and relative humidity above 10%. Avocados do not tolerate frost, high
temperatures above 42 degree Celsius, low relative humidity under 10% and extreme winds
& tornados.

It is important to note, that damages from climatic factors

depend upon the exposure period.
Water Considerations

Avocado is among the most caloric dense fruits out there. Naturally, nutrient and water
uptake of such a plant would be very high.

For my climatic conditions, I have been recommended 10,000 cubic meter of water per
hectare (including precipitation).

The average rainfall from June to September is -680mm. We do not calculate the full
amount as effective, only half of it is recommended as effective. This leaves me with 340mm
during the monsoon season. Therefore, I need 6600 cubic meter during the dry months
(from October to May).

6600 cubic meter = 66 lakh litre per season per hectare during the dry months. This quantity
is unusually high and can be only met if the water source is a river, dam or a small tributary
that does not dry up during summer months. I do not recommend bore wells and wells.

For the pilot project and my avocado nursery, I am getting a plastic pond constructed. For a
small project, this can work, but for large scale plantations, I don’t think 1 Acre plastic pond
would suffice. You would definitely need a reliable water source that can supply water
throughout the year.

Youtube: Indo Israel Avocado Vlog Instagram: @indoisraelavocado 6

For Informational purposes only. Do not construe any such information as investment
www.indoisraelavocado.com Harshit Godha

Figure 1 1 Acre plastic pond construction, capacity = 1 Cr litre (approx)

Stagnant water = Phytophthora root rot

Phytophthora root rot is a common problem with Avocados throughout the world. It is
caused due to stagnant water. One way to circumvent it, is to build ridges as shown in the
picture below.

Youtube: Indo Israel Avocado Vlog Instagram: @indoisraelavocado 7

For Informational purposes only. Do not construe any such information as investment
www.indoisraelavocado.com Harshit Godha

Soil Tests
I still have a lot to learn about technicalities of the soil tests required. I did the following
tests, and sent the report to Israel. Based on the soil reports, they suggested what type of
rootstocks I should use. If you buy plants from me, I would recommend these tests -
Tests to be done –
- EC
- Calcium
- Exchangeable Sodium
- Soil Texture

The way to do it, is dig 3-5 holes per hectare of 5-6ft each. As suggested in the following

Youtube: Indo Israel Avocado Vlog Instagram: @indoisraelavocado 8

For Informational purposes only. Do not construe any such information as investment
www.indoisraelavocado.com Harshit Godha

Take pictures of the holes to understand the gradient of the soil. Lastly, for the soil tests,
take 2 kg samples from 30cm, 60cm and 90cm each for every individual hole.

I had 15 samples of 2 kg each from my field, that I sent to Anacon labs, Nagpur. Once I had
the test results and the pictures, I prepared the data in a table it in word document, added
the soil gradient pictures and sent it to Israel.

I suggest you do the same and send it to me, and I will forward it to Israel.

Typically, where temperature gets above 35 degree Celsius, West Indian Avocado
rootstocks are recommended.

Game of probabilities
As a rule of thumb, wherever you can grow citrus fruits (lemon, orange, lime etc), it is highly
probable that you can grow avocados. This is not necessarily grounded in theory and
established literature. This is what I learnt from my Israeli mentors.

This trivia about citrus and avocado is practitioner

knowledge learnt through years of experience by the Israeli
Avocado Industry, passed onto me due to the relations I
have in Israel.

Youtube: Indo Israel Avocado Vlog Instagram: @indoisraelavocado 9

For Informational purposes only. Do not construe any such information as investment
www.indoisraelavocado.com Harshit Godha

Drip Irrigation
If you are serious about Avocado farming, I recommend using Netafim’s Uniram. It is a
pressure compensated drip irrigation system. Therefore, regardless of the topography of the
orchard, you will have even distribution of water for each and every plant.

Is it worth the risk, time & money?

There is no such thing as a risk – free investment. If that’s

what you are looking for, then I suggest you invest in
mutual funds and dividend yielding blue chip companies.
According to my estimates, an Avocado plantation can yield around 6 tonnes after the 4th
year. This is based on what I saw in Israel. I am trying to replicate the same in India. I cannot
predict the future, but I am following the blueprint of avocado cultivation and best practices
word to word.

Currently, it commands a premium price in the retail outlets. As evident from the
screenshots below,

Youtube: Indo Israel Avocado Vlog Instagram: @indoisraelavocado 10

For Informational purposes only. Do not construe any such information as investment
www.indoisraelavocado.com Harshit Godha

At 500 rs per kg for the Indian Avocados and 1250 rs per kg for the imported varieties, it is
among the most expensive fruits in India. Bear in mind though, that these are retail prices.
Selling at a premium price in the wholesale market is based upon the seller’s capability.
Youtube: Indo Israel Avocado Vlog Instagram: @indoisraelavocado 11

For Informational purposes only. Do not construe any such information as investment
www.indoisraelavocado.com Harshit Godha

Get in touch
If you have read the pdf till this point, I think you are inclined to establish your own Avocado

Email me at [email protected] .

Thank you for reading.

- Harshit Godha - www.indoisraelavocado.com

Youtube: Indo Israel Avocado Vlog Instagram: @indoisraelavocado 12

For Informational purposes only. Do not construe any such information as investment

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