GBACW Series Living Rules
GBACW Series Living Rules
GBACW Series Living Rules
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction............................................ 2 8.0 Stacking and Extension....................... 12 12.0 Combat Results.................................. 33
2.0 Components and Terminology.............. 2 8.1 Stacking Limits................................ 12 12.1 Combat Unit Strengths.................. 33
2.1 The Game Maps................................. 2 8.2 Stacking and Movement.................. 13 12.2 Strength Point Losses.................... 33
2.2 Counters............................................. 2 8.3 Stacking and Combat....................... 13 12.3 Disorder......................................... 33
2.3 Charts and Tables............................... 2 8.4 Extended Lines................................ 14 12.4 Retreat............................................ 34
2.4 Game Scale........................................ 3 8.5 Extended Columns........................... 16 12.5 Rout............................................... 35
2.5 The Die.............................................. 3 9.0 Movement............................................. 17 12.6 Advance......................................... 35
2.6 The Universal Disorder Die Roll....... 3 9.1 Movement Allowance...................... 17 12.7 Leader Casualties........................... 36
2.7 Terminology....................................... 3 9.2 Movement Modes............................ 17 12.8 Abandoned Guns............................ 36
2.8 Questions?.......................................... 4 9.3 Leader Movement............................ 18 13.0 Combat Effectiveness and Rally....... 36
3.0 Sequence of Play..................................... 4 9.4 Terrain and Movement..................... 18 13.1 Unit Combat Effectiveness............ 36
9.5 Enemy Units and Movement........... 19 13.2 Brigade Combat Effectiveness....... 36
4.0 The Command System........................... 4 9.6 Reaction Movement......................... 20 13.3 Division Combat Effectiveness...... 37
4.1 Commanders and Leaders.................. 4 9.7 Reinforcements................................ 21 13.4 Rally............................................... 37
4.2 Chain of Command............................ 5 13.5 Recovery From Rout...................... 37
4.3 Artillery Command............................ 5 10.0 Fire Combat........................................ 21
10.1 Basic Fire Concepts....................... 21 14.0 Special Units....................................... 38
5.0 The Activation System........................... 6 10.2 Line of Sight.................................. 22 14.1 Green Units.................................... 38
5.1 Turn Initiative.................................... 6 10.3 Phasing Fire................................... 24 14.2 Dismounted Cavalry...................... 38
5.2 Efficiency........................................... 6 10.4 Non-Phasing Fire........................... 24 14.3 Spencer Repeaters.......................... 38
5.3 Activation........................................... 7 10.5 Prepared Fire.................................. 25
5.4 Efficiency Transfer............................. 8 15.0 Engineering......................................... 39
10.6 Artillery Fire.................................. 25 15.1 Constructing Breastworks.............. 39
5.5 Ending the Turn................................. 8 10.7 Small Arms Fire vs. Artillery......... 26 15.2 Effects of Breastworks................... 39
6.0 The Orders System................................ 8 10.8 Fire Die Roll Modifiers.................. 26
6.1 The Orders......................................... 8 10.9 Ammo Depletion and Resupply 16.0 Night.................................................... 39
6.2 Brigade Orders Change...................... 9 [Optional]....................................... 27 16.1 From Dusk ‘til Dawn..................... 39
6.3 Reserve............................................ 10 16.2 Straggler Recovery........................ 40
11.0 Shock Assault...................................... 27
7.0 Facing and Refusal................................11 11.1 Basic Shock Concepts.................... 27 17.0 Fatigue [Optional].............................. 40
7.1 Facing.............................................. 11 11.2 Requirements for Shock................. 27 17.1 Who Gets Fatigued?...................... 40
7.2 Changing Facing.............................. 11 11.3 Pre-Shock Resolution.................... 28 17.2 How Fatigue is Incurred................ 40
7.3 Refused Flanks................................. 11 11.4 Step 6: Shock Resolution............... 29 17.3 Effects of Fatigue........................... 41
11.5 Cavalry Charge.............................. 31 17.4 Reducing Fatigue........................... 41
11.6 Artillery Shock Capability............. 32 INDEX......................................................... 42
11.7 Leadership and Combat................. 33
GBACW CREDITS.................................... 44
© 2021Rules”
This is the “Living GMT Games, LLC for
document • P.O.
theBox 1308,ItHanford,
game. includesCA 93232-1308
updates and•clarifications
to the original rules.
To aid readability, updates and clarifications are indicated in blue text.
2 Great Battles of the American Civil War Rules v2023
2.8 Questions? 1. CHANGE ORDERS PHASE. The player may attempt to change
the Orders of activated brigade leaders by die roll, using the
For ongoing online support of this game, the GBACW Facebook
Brigade Orders Change Table.
Group has grown into a major resource, with over 1200 members,
including a number of GBACW designers and the developer. 2. BRIGADE COORDINATION PHASE. The player may attempt
to activate all brigades in the division simultaneously by die roll
The GBACW design team can also be found, along with most of
using the Brigade Coordination Table.
the rest of the GMT designers and developers, on Consimworld’s
discussion boards, at We heartily recom- 3. ACTION PHASE. Each unit in an activated brigade may under-
mend this site to anyone interested in wargaming. take one of the two actions below if not assigned to Construction,
or it may do nothing. Each brigade in that division completes
all actions before the next brigade goes.
3.0 Sequence of Play • Move and/or Fire plus Shock. After all Movement and Fire,
The Sequence of Play is the order in which you perform the func- eligible units may Shock; or
tions the rules prescribe. • Resupply Ammo [Optional for small arms units] and Rally
General Overview of Play: After determining Efficiency, and Disordered units.
giving Orders to eligible brigades, the player with the Initiative Exception: Brigade Coordination.
(determined by die roll at the start of the turn) chooses which di- When the selected division has finished, one of the players blindly
vision he wants activated to start the turn. In the Activation Phase, draws a new AM from the AM Pool. If none remain, go to IV.
brigades may change Orders and units Move, Fire, Shock, etc.,
based on their Orders. After the Initiative Player undertakes actions IV. End of Turn Segment
with his chosen command, commands are then activated by blindly
A. Commander Movement Phase. All corps and Overall Com-
drawing an AM from the AM Pool. This continues until all AMs
manders may move. This is the only time in the turn they may
have been drawn. After the Activation Phase, some housekeeping
voluntarily do so.
steps are performed, and the turn ends.
B. Replacement/Recovery Phase.
The Sequence of Play 1. Replace any eliminated leaders.
I. Initiative Segment 2. Undertake In-Reserve activities [6.35] and automatic Rally or
Fatigue reduction [17.42].
Players roll a die to determine who has the Initiative for that turn
3. Remove commands from Reserve status, if so desired. Assign
Advance or Attack orders to commands removed from Reserve.
II. Orders Segment 4. Eliminate all artillery with an Abandoned 2 marker.
A. Determine Chain of Command. Determine if division lead- 5. Flip Abandoned Guns markers from Abandoned 1 to Aban-
ers, brigade leaders, and individual units are within their Chain doned 2.
of Command [4.2]. 6. Replace Construction markers with Breastwork markers if
construction is finished.
B. Activation Efficiency Determination. Each player picks Effi-
ciency Markers to determine the Efficiency of each of his corps. C. Combat Effectiveness Phase. Players check to see if any bri-
He uses this Efficiency to see how many AMs the divisions of that gades or divisions are Combat Ineffective.
corps receive that turn [5.2 and 5.4].
D. Turn Record Phase. Advance the Turn marker one space on
C. Division Orders. Players with a Chain of Command from the Turn Track and begin a new turn. If the new turn begins past
brigade leaders to corps commanders may change the Orders of 0000, move the Day marker to the next day.
any brigade in that chain.
D. Reinforcement Orders. Give Orders to all reinforcements
scheduled to arrive that turn. 4.0 The Command System
There are four levels of command in most GBACW games: army,
E. Reserve Placement. Commands may be placed In Reserve [6.3].
corps, division, and brigade. Each command is represented by a
F. Engineering. Place build markers to indicate Breastwork con- leader (brigade/division) or commander (corps/army). One of the
struction. premises of the game system is that units operate better when com-
munications are maintained, in the form of a Chain of Command.
III. Activation Segment
A. Initiative Activation Choice. The player with the Initiative 4.1 Commanders and Leaders
chooses which AM he will activate to start the turn. 4.11 Overall (Army) Commanders (OC) are the generals in com-
mand of the battle (e.g., at Gettysburg, Lee and Meade). They have
B. AM Pool Placement. All AMs available from II/B for both four stars on their counters. An OC has two ratings on his counter:
sides, except the one selected for the Initiative Activation [3.0
III/A], are now placed in the Pool (an opaque container).
Initiative Rating
C. Activation. The command selected in III/A activates first. There-
Command Range
after, either player draws an AM from the Pool. The AM drawn
determines which command is now active and able to undertake
various activities. An active command may do the following:
© 2023 GMT Games, LLC
Great Battles of the American Civil War Rules v2023 5
INITIATIVE RATING: This rating is used to: 4.16 Brigade and Division Leader Movement Allowances.
1. Affect the Initiative Die Roll; and Leaders do not have their MA printed on the counter; it is ten (10)
for all brigade and division leaders [9.33].
2. Increase the corps Efficiency of that number of corps com-
manders, if eligible [5.22]. 4.17 Corps and Overall Commander Movement Allowances.
The MA for these leaders is 40. They may move only in the Com-
mander Movement Phase, and if they use more than 10 MPs, their
4.12 Corps Commanders have three stars on their counters. A “abilities” are reduced in the upcoming turn [9.32].
corps commander has the following ratings on his counter:
4.18 Replacement Leaders and Commanders. The reverse side
of a leader counter usually shows the leader who replaces him if
Efficiency Rating
he becomes a casualty. See 12.74.
Command Range
4.2 Chain of Command
EFFICIENCY RATING: A Modifier (e.g., +1) used to adjust di- 4.21 The Chain of Command can use up to four levels of com-
vision Efficiency [5.23]. mand, from the Overall Commander (OC) to corps commanders
COMMAND RANGE [4.15]. to division leaders to brigade leaders.
4.13 Division Leaders have two stars on their counters. They PLAY NOTE: While the OC is part of the chain, he has little
command all brigade leaders in their division, and they are subor- effect on play; you are the OC.
dinate to their corps commander. They have the following ratings:
4.22 The Chain of Command is maintained through the Command
Brigade Coordination Range of the leaders.
Command Range
EXAMPLE: If a brigade leader is 3 MPs from his division leader
Activation Rating
(Command Range of 5), who is 5 MPs from his corps commander
BRIGADE COORDINATION [5.34]. (Command Range of 6), then the Chain of Command is complete
from that corps to that brigade.
ACTIVATION RATING: A modifier (e.g., +1) used to adjust the Exception: If a combat unit is outside its brigade leader’s Com-
number of Activations that division may undertake that turn [5.23]. mand Range but adjacent to a unit from the same brigade that
is within Command Range, it is considered to be In Command.
4.14 Brigade Leaders are the leaders directly commanding combat Likewise, if a combat unit is part of a chain of units, and at least
units. They have one star on their counters. Brigade leaders have one unit in the chain is in Command Range, then all units in that
the following ratings: chain are In Command. Each unit in the chain must belong to the
Action Profile
same brigade and must be adjacent to at least one other unit in its
brigade. The same applies to units directly subordinate to a division
Command Range
or higher leader (i.e., if the unit is adjacent to another unit that is
Orders Rating
within range of their direct leader, it too is In Command).
ACTION PROFILE: (A = Aggressive; N = Normal; C = Cautious; 4.23 Command status for Activation purposes and Engineering
U = Unreliable) This rating is used when a “Loose Cannon” result eligibility [15.11] is only checked during Step II/A of the Sequence
occurs while changing Orders [see 6.24]. An Aggressive leader of Play. Command status for orders purposes is checked during
also may provide a DRM in Shock. Step II/A and at the time of a Brigade Orders Change [6.2]. Units
COMMAND RANGE [4.15]. Out of Command at these times do not change orders. However,
such units automatically change to the orders of their brigade if
ORDERS RATING: A DRM used whenever the brigade wishes to they are within Command Range when that brigade next activates.
change Orders, as needed [6.21].
PLAY NOTE: As units/commands under March Orders may move
4.15 Command Range. The range over which a leader’s ratings the equivalent of four Activations, they are, in effect, always
may be factored into certain actions. Command Range is measured considered to be In Command for Activation purposes.
in leader MPs and is always counted from the superior to the sub-
ordinate leader/unit, including the subordinate’s hex but not the 4.3 Artillery Command
superior’s hex. Command Range:
4.31 Artillery brigade leaders are treated as brigade leaders for
• May not be traced into/through terrain impassable for leader purposes of Activation. All batteries assigned to that artillery
Movement; and brigadier may Move, Fire, etc., when its division is activated.
• May not be traced through a hex adjacent to an enemy unit unless
occupied by a friendly combat unit. This applies to all Command 4.32 Artillery assigned at division level may be attached to brigades
Ranges. See 5.36 for the effects of being Out of Command. in that division, one battery per brigade. Assign artillery during the
Division Orders Phase [3.0 II/C] at the start of a turn. Command
If a combat unit is adjacent to its leader it is automatically In Range does not matter for such an assignment, but will for the
Command, regardless of the intervening terrain hexside. number of times the artillery activates [5.36].
4.33 Certain battles have artillery commanders (corps-level offi-
cers) and large “Reserve” parks. The rules for their use are found
in the individual Battle Books.
James Rifle
PLAY NOTE: Units, brigades, or divisions under March Orders Infantry Stacking: 7 SPs 15 SPs 15 SPs
and Out of Command cannot change orders during the II/C Cavalry Stacking: 4 SPs 7 SPs 7 SPs
Phase but suffer no other penalty. Construction? No Yes No
Players may take advantage of the Chain of Command to increase May Move and Fire? No No Yes
the Efficiency of certain commands by transferring two divisions’ May Shock? No Yes Yes
available Activations to another division. These divisions need not
belong to the same corps.
6.13 March Orders. A command or unit under March 6.17 Assigned Orders. Initial Deployment instructions in the
Orders: Battle Books often assign Orders to commands that start the game
on the map. Similarly, the Battle Book may assign orders to Rein-
• Uses March Movement Rates [9.22].
forcements for their turn of entry. Where orders are not assigned,
• Moves only when the March Order AM is drawn. the player assigns them.
• May not move into any hex that is within four hexes and LOS
of an enemy combat unit. Regardless of LOS, no such unit may 6.18 Artillery and Orders. Artillery is always under Advance
move adjacent to an enemy unit. Units under March Orders that Orders, unless its brigade or command is under March Orders, in
start their Activation within four hexes and LOS of an enemy which case it is under March Orders. See 9.52, 10.61 and 11.33
combat unit may not move. [see also 6.25 and 6.26] for artillery exceptions to Advance Orders.
• Must use Extended Column [8.5] where applicable. 6.19 Leaders and Orders. Leaders/commanders are never under
• Must obey the Stacking limitation for March Orders [8.12]. Orders. Only combat units are under Orders. However, leaders
• May not Fire—not even Reaction Fire. whose commands are under March Orders activate when the March
• Suffers a Pre-Shock Cohesion Check DRM of +2 if shock at- AM is drawn for that side.
• May not Rally.
6.2 Brigade Orders Change
• May not Retreat before Shock. 6.21 When an AM is drawn that activates an on-map brigade
(whether it be a division AM or March AM), each brigade so ac-
• May not undertake any Construction.
tivated may attempt to change its Orders [3.0 III/C/1], provided its
• May not use Reaction Refusal/Facing Change [9.61] or Reaction leader is also on map. This is done before any units of any brigade
Movement [9.63]. or any leaders activating under this AM undertake any actions. To
PLAY NOTE: In essence, the only thing units under March attempt to change the Orders of an Activated brigade, the player
Orders can do is move. rolls the die, adjusts it by the Brigadier’s Orders Rating DRM, and
consults the Orders Change Table [6.23].
6.14 A Command may be given March Orders only in the Division
Orders Phase, and only if it either is an entering Reinforcement, or PLAY NOTE: Orders may be changed automatically only in the
starts that Phase with no unit in that command within four hexes Division Orders Phase [6.12].
and LOS of an enemy combat unit. 6.22 If the brigadier is stacked with his division leader there is a
+1 DRM. If his corps or Overall Commander is stacked with the
6.15 Advance Orders. An activated combat unit under brigadier there is a +2 DRM. Both DRMs may apply.
Advance Orders: 6.23 The Orders Change Table
• May Move or Fire, not both (changing Facing one vertex to fire
is not considered movement). Die Roll Result
• If moving, uses Advance Movement [9.23].
1 or Less Retain and Stand
• May not move into the hexes adjacent to an enemy combat unit
other than artillery (Exception: Bridge/Ford [9.23]). If it starts 2 or 3 Retain
the Shock sub-phase adjacent to an enemy combat unit, it may 4 Loose Cannon
Shock Attack if otherwise eligible. 5 Change and Stand
• If firing as a Phasing unit, it may gain Prepared Fire bonus. 6 or More Change
• May use Prepared Fire when undertaking Non-Phasing Fire.
• May undertake Construction. Key:
• Must obey the Stacking Limits for Advance Orders. Retain: Brigade keeps the Orders it has.
• May Retreat before Shock.
Change: Brigade may change to Attack or Advance Orders.
• May Refuse [7.3].
DESIGN NOTE: The admonition that all units in the same hex 7.24 A phasing unit that starts movement adjacent to an enemy
must face in the same direction is one that arises purely from a unit may change facing by (only) one vertex in that hex before
need to keep the game manageable. There is really no “histori- exiting [9.53].
cal” reason why this should be a restriction, so, if both players 7.25 Units suffering certain combat results, or rallying from such
agree, feel free to ignore it. Be aware, though, that it raises a results, have the following abilities and restrictions concerning
host of tangential and entangling play questions that you are changing facing:
free to resolve on your own.
• RETREAT: Unit maintains original facing; no change allowed.
7.12 Facing determines a unit’s front, flank, and rear. • RALLY: A rallied unit may change facing one vertex upon being
7.13 A unit may Move, Fire and/or Shock only into its Front hexes.
7.26 An Extended Column may become an Extended Line when
the unit’s orders change from March to Advance or Attack, as long
as the requirements for Extended Line are met. Vice versa is also
true. There is no cost for changing facing in either case [7.23].
Sharps repeater
9.0 Movement
In all cases, as shown in the diagram above, the column has only 9.1 Movement Allowance
one Front and Rear hex (at the beginning and end of the column); 9.11 Each combat unit has a MA printed on its counter. Leaders
all other hexes are flank hexes. This also applies to non-Road/Pike/ do not have a printed MA—it is 10 for brigadiers and division
Trail column Movement. leaders, and 40 for corps and army commanders.
If the target of Small Arms Fire or Shock, apply Advance Orders 9.12 The MA represents the total number of MPs that the unit may
to the attacked brigade at the end of that enemy brigade Activation use in a phase; the use of which may vary according to the Orders
[6.26], and change its units’ facing immediately [7.23]. Unless their under which a unit is operating.
March Order AM has already been drawn for that turn, such bri-
9.13 Units expend MPs to enter hexes and cross hexsides, moving
gades may activate when any remaining divisional AMs are drawn.
into adjacent, contiguous hexes. These MPs may not be saved or
8.52 Advance Orders. Units under Advance Orders and using transferred in any way. A unit need not use its entire MA. The
March Orders Stacking adhere to the following: player may choose to expend fewer; he may never expend more.
• They use Advance Orders facing [7.11]. Note: No unit may leave the map voluntarily. (Some battles have
• Unless forming Extended Line, an extension must face at least exceptions to this.)
one of its parent unit’s rear hexsides after movement and after
a change from March Orders. The parent unit’s facing must 9.14 Dismounted cavalry uses infantry movement costs and horse
allow this. In the case of a unit with two extensions, the second artillery uses artillery movement costs.
extension must similarly face at least one of the first extension’s
rear hexsides. Exception: If the course of a Pike/Road/Trail 9.2 Movement Modes
makes this impossible, the affected extension(s) must face the 9.21 There are three different modes of Movement, corresponding
next contiguous Pike/Road/Trail hex(es). to the Orders under which a unit is operating. The entire brigade
• Provided it has sufficient remaining MPs, a unit in Extended must use the type of Movement corresponding to its Orders.
Column may retract into any of the hexes it occupies, even if Exception: Units Out of Command at the time the brigade changed
adjacent to the enemy. The movement cost is that for the hex- orders continue to use the type of Movement corresponding to the
side and the other terrain in the hex, rather than the Pike/Road/ brigade’s previous order, until the start of their next Activation
Trail cost. Units with two extensions pay the cost of the second after reentering Command Range [4.23].
extension’s retraction unless retracting into the middle hex of
the unit. 9.22 March Movement. An activated combat unit under March
Orders uses March Movement, as follows:
• Unless ineligible due to the course of a Pike/Road/Trail, Ex-
tended Columns may form Extended Line during movement • It may move into a hex with any type of terrain.
by changing facing, paying 1 MP for any change of 2 or more • It may not move adjacent to an enemy unit.
vertices. • It may not move into any hex that is within four hexes and within
Note: Forming Extended Line is not pike/road trail movement; LOS [10.2] of an enemy combat unit at any time. A March Orders
hence the exemption in 7.23 does not apply. unit starting its move within four hexes and LOS of an enemy
• If retracting into a hex adjacent to an enemy, a unit may not form unit must change orders in order to move.
Extended Line or change facing after retracting [9.53]. • The MP cost for Pikes and Roads (but not Trails) is halved (to
• Only the parent hex may fire. It is never eligible for Prepared ½ MP per hex).
Fire. • It may be activated only by the March AM; the division AM
does not affect it [5.35].
PLAY NOTE: Extended units may not conduct Reaction Facing
Change [9.61], which may significantly affect their ability to fire. 9.23 Advance Movement. An activated combat unit under Ad-
vance Orders uses Advance Movement, as follows:
• Units in Extended Column cannot shock without first retracting
• It may not voluntarily move adjacent to an enemy combat unit
or forming Extended Line. They defend against shock normally
other than artillery (Exception: A unit under Advance Orders
and may Advance and Continue Shock if eligible, automatically
may cross a Bridge or Ford to move adjacent to an enemy combat
retracting their Extended Column marker(s) prior to advancing
unit. It cannot shock attack, however, until its next Activation).
• It may use Roads, Trails, Pikes, Bridges, and/or Fords (which
8.53 Extended Column and Attack Orders. When first activated will speed movement [9.43]).
under Attack Orders, units in Extended Column must Retract or
form Extended Line [8.52] before undertaking any other action. 9.24 Attack Movement. An activated combat unit under Attack
If retracting into a hex adjacent to an enemy unit, apply the re- Orders uses Attack Movement, as follows:
strictions in 9.42, Exception 2, and those of 9.53. If expending • Its MA is halved, rounding up.
EXAMPLE OF MOVEMENT AND REACTION: All phasing units directly across the frontal hex of an enemy unit, which is allowed
are under Attack Orders. Unit A is an artillery unit that cannot move [9.53]; however, it must stop after that first hex. The movement by
closer to enemy units, unless the latter have no LOS to it. [9.55 Option Unit B triggers possible Artillery Reaction Movement from Artillery
1]. Unit E uses Withdrawal Movement to back up two hexes without A [9.63]. Unit G moves toward the enemy cavalry and artillery units,
changing facing [9.54]. Unit F moves into the rear of the enemy. Enemy which triggers Moving In Reaction [9.63]. The enemy cavalry and
Unit C may conduct Reaction Facing Change [9.61] and rotates one artillery units may move one or two hexes and then undergo a UDD.
vertex then must conduct a UDD. Enemy Unit D cannot change facing Unit G may continue moving. Unit I cannot use the Road rate through
because it is in the Frontal hex of another enemy unit. Unit B moves the Woods because Roads may not be used by units with Attack Orders.
• Artillery starting its activation within three hexes and LOS of • Units under March Orders [6.13] or in Extended Column [8.5]
the enemy is not subject to the above if it retreats, conducts a cannot Refuse or change facing using this rule.
Reaction Move, or ends its move further from the nearest enemy
9.62 Restrictions on the use of Reaction Refusal or Facing
unit and does not fire.
PLAY NOTE: Artillery typically had a healthy respect for enemy • A unit may do so only once per enemy brigade Activation.
capabilities. When it ventured close, it did so on the assumption • The unit undergoes a UDD [2.6] when it does so (infantry and
the enemy was too weak or disorganized to threaten it. That cavalry only, not artillery). If it fails, it suffers a Disorder result.
assumption often proved wrong. Stacked units conduct separate UDDs.
• There is no MP cost (as it is not a phasing unit).
9.6 Reaction Movement
• A unit may not use these Reactions if already in the Frontal
A non-phasing unit may move during an opponent’s phase as hex of another enemy unit. Apply this restriction to each part
Reaction to what is happening. Phasing units and units friendly of a unit in Extended Line separately, as if the part were an
to them may not react. independent unit.
9.61 Reaction Refusal/Facing Change. A non-phasing combat Additional restrictions on the use of Reaction Facing Change:
unit may Refuse or change facing in reaction to movement by, or
• May change facing by only one vertex.
fire from, an enemy unit.
• Any enemy Movement or Advance into a hex adjacent to the • May not do so if it is Refused or stacked with a unit that cannot
non-phasing unit may trigger a Refusal or Facing Change. Reaction Face.
• Enemy fire from a hex outside the non-phasing combat unit’s • If artillery, it is subject to a –2 DRM for the first non-phasing
front may trigger a Refusal or Facing Change, unless the fire following the Reaction Facing during that enemy brigade
non-phasing unit must retreat as a result of the fire. The reaction Activation. Rapid Fire is not allowed for that fire.
occurs after the results of the Phasing Fire are applied, including 9.63 Moving in Reaction. Mounted cavalry and artillery have the
both shots from rapid firing artillery [10.68] or Spencer Re- additional capability of moving in reaction to enemy movement
peaters [14.3]. A unit may Return Fire after a Refusal or facing within three hexes of their present position.
change [10.42], unless it suffers a 2nd Disorder due to failing Note: This section does not apply to enemy Advance after Fire
its UDD [9.62]. For firing after Reaction Refusal, follow the or Shock.
restrictions of 7.34.
• Mounted cavalry and artillery may move in reaction one or two
• To use Reaction Refuse, a unit must be eligible to Refuse (7.31,
hexes, using the Retreat rules [12.44]. Because it is a non-phasing
unit, there is no MP cost to do so.
• Units in Extended Line may Refuse, but cannot change facing
• A mounted cavalry or artillery unit under March Orders or
using this rule.
already in the Frontal hex of another enemy unit may not
reaction move.
© 2023 GMT Games, LLC
Great Battles of the American Civil War Rules v2023 21
• Artillery may not reaction move into a hex that would normally player’s discretion, but must enter before the next group scheduled
cost it more than 2 MPs to enter. Artillery may use the Road/ to enter via the same entry hex(es). Unless stated otherwise in the
Pike/Trail movement cost if eligible. Battle Book, reinforcements within a particular group do not have
• Units must perform a UDD after a reaction move. A failed to enter in the order listed.
UDD results in Disorder, a 2nd Disorder results in the loss of 9.74 Some reinforcements are restricted as to the number of Acti-
1 SP or one gun. For cavalry, add to the roll the MP cost of any vation Phases they may undertake in the turn in which they enter.
hexside crossed plus that of each non-clear hex entered. If the This applies even to entering reinforcements using March Orders.
cavalry unit’s strength is 4 SP or less, and it is under Advance
Orders, it may use the Pike/Road/Trail cost to calculate the EXAMPLE: A unit arriving under March Orders stated to have
UDD modifier [8.13]. only one AM allowable for its turn of entry may move only the
equivalent of one Activation.
• The decision to move in reaction is announced and implemented
before the phasing unit moves to a hex in triggering range but
use the triggering hex to determine the retreat path. 10.0 Fire Combat
• If mounted cavalry or artillery chooses to move in reaction, the
Combat is divided into two parts: Fire and Shock. Fire is under-
phasing unit must move into the triggering hex, but may keep
taken either as part of (or instead of) Movement, or in Reaction
moving, if it has MPs remaining.
to enemy movement or fire. Shock is effected and resolved after
• An artillery unit may move in reaction once per enemy brigade all movement and fire has been completed. The combat units use
Activation. their SPs for both Fire and Shock.
• An artillery unit can either move in reaction or use Approach
Fire [10.45] during a given enemy brigade Activation, but may 10.1 Basic Fire Concepts
not do both. Fire combat is of two types: small arms and artillery.
• Each hex artillery enters during Reaction Movement may not be
closer to any enemy unit that is within four hexes of the artillery 10.11 Units may fire at the enemy when:
and has LOS to it. • Activated and under Attack Orders (in addition to Movement).
• If possible, the phasing unit may fire at artillery before the reac- • Activated and under Advance Orders (instead of Movement).
tion move. Any failed UDD, D, or step loss limits the reaction • In reaction to certain enemy actions (but not while under March
move to one hex. Orders).
PLAY NOTE: Theoretically, cavalry can keep retreating if the 10.12 A unit may fire at any enemy unit within the Range of its
phasing unit keeps advancing. This could happen even when the Weapon Type and within its LOS [10.2]. The Range is the number
phasing unit is mounted. However, each time the non-phasing of hexes from the firing unit to the target, counting the target unit’s
unit so retreats it could incur Disorder. hex but not the firing unit’s hex.
10.13 No unit is ever required to fire; fire is always voluntary. How-
9.7 Reinforcements
ever, each phasing unit must complete its Movement/Fire before
9.71 In most games in the GBACW system, reinforcements enter any other phasing unit starts. Exception: See optional rule 10.82.
through the map edge hexes listed in the scenario, paying the
appropriate movement cost to enter the edge hex. Arriving units 10.14 Each unit fires separately; two units may not combine fire.
are given specific Orders—in the Reinforcement Orders Phase The maximum fire allowed from a single hex is based upon SP
[3.0 II/D]—prior to their arrival, and use that Movement mode type firing, regardless of actual strength of the unit(s):
to enter. All reinforcements are considered to be In Command for • 7 SPs of infantry or dismounted cavalry may fire out of a single
Activation purposes during the turn of entry. Entering leaders and hex, regardless of the actual strength of the unit(s). Thus, if you
commanders apply their ratings to reinforcements that are under have a 10 SP infantry unit, you could fire with only 7 SPs.
their command and entering via the same hex or area during the • 4 SPs of mounted cavalry.
same turn, unless the Battle Book specifies the number of AMs the • 12 artillery SPs can fire out of any one hex.
reinforcements receive. Off-map leaders do not affect commands
• Seven total SPs or one battery with artillery and infantry/cavalry
already on the map. A unit entering without its brigadier retains
stacked together [8.31]; the artillery must be stacked on top in
its orders until completing a move within range of its brigadier. It
order to fire [8.33].
then immediately assumes the orders of that brigade. If it moved
under March Orders, it is finished for the turn. Exceptions:
9.72 If more than one stack enters through the same hex, the first • An infantry unit in Extended Line may combine fire from its
stack pays the cost of the entrance hex, the second its cost plus that constituent hexes as it is a single unit. [8.45]
of the first, and so on. Unless under March Orders, reinforcements • Artillery fire may be combined [10.63].
may move into an Entrance Hex despite an enemy unit being ad- • See optional rule 10.82.
jacent to that hex. If under Advance Orders, however, they may
not shock until their next Activation. No unit may enter an enemy 10.15 When a phasing unit fires—and this includes a unit in Ex-
Entrance hex until all reinforcements scheduled to enter through tended Line—it may split its fire between all possible adjacent
that hex have done so, or could have done so. targets in its Frontal hexes. Such splitting must be done as evenly
as possible. A unit may not split its fire against the same target.
9.73 Arriving units that are unable to enter due to units entering Roll separately for each fire. All Return Fire is simultaneous unless
ahead of them may enter the map during the next Action Phase for preceded by a Reaction Refusal/Facing Change. See 10.65 for
that command. Reinforcements may also delay their entry at the artillery exceptions to the above.
Given no blocking terrain, intervening combat units block small 10.41 Non-Phasing Fire is available to units under Advance and
arms fire at all ranges and artillery fire at canister ranges [10.67], Attack Orders; it may not be used by those under March Orders.
with the following exceptions: An eligible unit may use all its SPs for each type of Non-Phasing
Fire once per enemy brigade Activation. The limits in 10.14 apply.
• The intervening unit’s hex has a base elevation lower than that
of both the firing and target units. For each triggering action, the owning player must declare which
• No intervening units are friendly to the firing unit, and terrain units will use Non-Phasing Fire.
blocks the firing unit’s LOS to all intervening enemy units. • If multiple non-phasing units fire in response to the same trigger,
• An intervening unit in a hex adjacent to a hex two or more levels apply each result in the order that it is rolled.
higher will not block fire for artillery in that higher hex [10.67]. • For each result, apply step losses before applying any non-step
• The Firing and target units’ base elevations differ by two levels loss result [12.21].
or more, the intervening unit is on the same base elevation as • If step losses eliminate the top unit in a targeted stack, apply
the lower unit and is not closer to the lower unit. excess step losses to the next unit in the stack, but ignore any
unapplied non-step loss result (d+2 or D). Other units in the stack
Whenever fire is permitted over the heads of friendly combat units conduct a UDD if the top unit Disorders or is eliminated [8.35].
adjacent to the target, and the unadjusted Fire Roll is 2 or less,
those friendly units must conduct a UDD, Disordering if they fail. • If the target hex is vacated before all fire has been conducted,
non-phasing units that declared fire are still considered to have
Given no intervening, blocking terrain, friendly combat units fired. No actual die roll is needed unless using optional rule 10.9,
block artillery fire at a range of four or more hexes regardless of in which case the firing unit ammo depletes on an unadjusted
their elevation, if such units are on the LOF and within two hexes roll of 5.
of the target, including the two hexes past the target. This applies • A non-phasing unit may choose to split its fire, provided it fires at
even if the firing unit’s range is sufficient only to reach the target. two different stacks. In all cases except Pre-Shock Fire, splitting
Where the LOF runs along a hexside, friendly units adjacent to that non-phasing fire involves reserving part of it for a possible later
hexside and within two hexes of the target block as well. Enemy opportunity, provided the fire targets two different stacks. Apply
units do not block artillery fire at ranges of four or more hexes. the restrictions of 10.15.
Combat units do not block LOS to units under March Orders for
the purposes of rule 6.13, or for purposes of rule 6.31 (Reserve), 10.42 Return Fire. If fired upon by phasing enemy units, non-phas-
or to targets of Cavalry Charge [11.53]. ing units may fire back at the hex from which the phasing fire
originated, if eligible (frontal hexes, range, and LOS all being
10.27 If LOS runs along the hexside of a hex that blocks LOS, taken into consideration). If facing permits, non-phasing units or
the LOS is blocked. (Accurate? No sir. But it stops arguments.) parts of extended units not targeted by phasing fire but adjacent
to either the target unit, the firing enemy unit, or both may also
10.3 Phasing Fire Return Fire, unless already in the frontal hex of an enemy unit in
Phasing Fire applies to activated units (i.e., it is their turn). another hex. Return Fire is simultaneous with the fire that triggered
10.31 A phasing unit may fire only once per Activation, although it: both sides fire before results are applied (see Exceptions below).
it may split its fire at the time [10.15]. EXAMPLE #1: The Phasing player announces a unit will fire. The
Exceptions: Artillery Rapid Fire [10.68] and, in certain battles in non-phasing player then decides whether he will declare any return
the series, Spencer Repeaters [14.3]. fire. The fire attack and associated Return Fire are then resolved.
Note that multiple units may return fire, up to the 7 SP per hex
10.32 A phasing unit may fire when it is Activated under the limit [8.31]. The Phasing Player then declares his next fire attack,
following Orders: and the non-phasing player declares any return fire to this next
• ATTACK ORDERS: It may fire once during its Activation, at attack. Note that non-phasing units may be fired on by two or more
any time before, during, or after Movement. enemy units in succession during an enemy brigade Activation.
• ADVANCE ORDERS: It may fire once, instead of Movement; A non-phasing unit can hold back firepower in anticipation of a
however, it may change facing one vertex before firing. second Return Fire opportunity.
10.92 A unit may reduce its ammo DRM by undergoing PLAY NOTE: Yes, units under Advance Orders may not move
a Resupply and Rally Action [3.0 III/C/3]. An Out of adjacent to non-artillery enemy units. But they may find them-
Ammo can be reduced to a Low Ammo (–2 DRM), or selves adjacent and, in those circumstances, may elect to Shock.
a Low Ammo can be removed. A battery of multiple
sections may Resupply one or more while firing with the others 11.2 Requirements for Shock
during the same Activation. Ammo Resupply is automatic—no Whether a unit “must” or “may” shock varies, as follows:
UDD is required. Ammo Resupply is not a Fatigue action. A unit
that Resupplies may change facing by one vertex, but only after 11.21 The units in the following circumstances must
resupplying and not if it already changed facing after rallying, or Shock Attack:
fails a rally attempt..
• INFANTRY CHARGE: Infantry or dismounted cavalry under
10.93 Units adjacent to an enemy unit are not eligible for Ammo Attack Orders in that Phase that moved adjacent to an enemy
Resupply. unit, did not fire, and are stacked above all non-charging units
in the hex. An infantry Charge carries with it a +1 DRM in favor
10.94 Dismounted cavalry units that mount automatically and
of the attacker (the +1 DRM does not carry over to Continued
fully resupply ammo.
• MOUNTED CAVALRY SHOCK: Mounted cavalry that moved
adjacent to an enemy unit and did not fire, whether possessing
fire capabilities or not.
12-lb. Howitzer
© 2023 GMT Games, LLC
32 Great Battles of the American Civil War Rules v2023
11.55 Benefits of Charging. If charging a defender that does not
receive a favorable terrain DRM, the Charging unit or stack earns
11.58 Blown Cavalry. Blown cavalry is a Disordered
the following benefits:
unit with the following additional restrictions:
• A +1 DRM for Charging.
• Its disordered printed MA is halved (rounded up) for all purposes.
• Defending units except mounted cavalry add one (+1) to Pre-
• A Blown unit that suffers any Disorder or Step Loss combat result
Shock Cohesion Checks.
automatically loses an additional 1 SP to that result and then must
• Regardless of terrain, Charging mounted cavalry doubles its make a UDD [2.6] to check for possible Rout. If it fails, it routs.
strength if charging into a defender’s Rear or Flank, but halves Blown stacks lose a maximum of 2 additional SP, one from the
it (cumulative with the doubling) if the defender is in a woods top unit and the other applied randomly. Blown units that lose
or town hex. an SP after Collapse [12.23] check for Rout only once.
As in the case of an Infantry Charge [11.21], the benefits of Cav- • Blown cavalry may not Dismount.
alry Charge do not carry over to Continued Shock, nor does the • Blown cavalry is considered under Advance Orders.
defender’s option to Countercharge [11.56]. A Blown marker is automatically removed at the end of the next
11.56 Countercharge. Defending cavalry may opt to Coun- Activation for that unit’s command unless the unit has again been
tercharge charging infantry or cavalry, provided it is not being been involved in a completed Shock Step 6b. After the Blown
attacked through Flank or Rear and has not used Return or With- marker is removed, the unit remains Disordered, but assumes the
drawal Fire during the current enemy brigade Activation. A Coun- orders of its brigade. (Battle Book rules may permit individual
tercharge does not include any actual movement by the non-phasing cavalry units to roll to change orders)
unit. Because Countercharges thus have no Charge Path, apply the EXAMPLE: Hampton’s Legion Cavalry is Blown in its first Activa-
terrain restrictions of cavalry Charges to the Attacker’s hex. For tion of the 1600 turn. At the end of its next Activation, Hampton’s
example, a defender cannot countercharge infantry units in Woods Blown marker is removed; the unit starts its succeeding Activation
hexes. It may Continue Shock after an Attacker Retreats result. Disordered.
• If the non-phasing unit or stack is under Attack Orders, the ability
to Countercharge is automatic. If it chooses to countercharge, it 11.6 Artillery Shock Capability
does not roll a Pre-Shock Cohesion Check. 11.61 Artillery may never Shock attack. Artillery may not Retreat
• If the non-phasing unit is under Advance Orders, it must pass Before Shock.
a UDD [2.6] to Countercharge. The top unit in a stack rolls for 11.62 If a Disordered artillery unit fails a Pre-Shock Cohesion
the stack. If it fails, it must then undergo a Pre-Shock Cohesion Check [11.37, Shock Step 4], then the crew has abandoned the
Check [11.37], and the provisions of 11.55 will apply to the guns. Place an Abandoned 1 marker on the artillery unit.
remainder of the Shock sequence.
11.63 Artillery does not use its printed strength to Determine Shock
The effects of successful Countercharges are: DRMs [11.42, Step 6a].
• The defender may not use Pre-Shock Fire [14.24]. • If artillery is the top unit in a stack with infantry or cavalry or
• AGAINST PHASING MOUNTED CAVALRY: ignore the pro- if there is only artillery in the hex (unsupported artillery), then
visions of 11.55. add 1 SP for every four guns in the hex, rounded down (with a
• AGAINST PHASING INFANTRY: Instead of the infantry minimum strength of 1 SP) to the strength of any non-artillery
receiving a +1 shock DRM for charging, it suffers a -1 shock stacked beneath it when determining Shock DRMs.
DRM (representing the Countercharge). • Artillery units that are stacked with infantry or cavalry but are
not the top unit, as well as Abandoned Guns, do not contribute
PLAY NOTE: A cavalry unit being shocked through a Flank to the odds determination for shock.
hexside may first use 9.61 (Reaction Facing Change [9.61])
to negate the Position approach of the enemy and then opt to 11.64 To Resolve the Shock [11.45, Step 6b], refer to the Shock
Countercharge. Resolution Table with the following Exceptions:
• For an Attacker Retreat result, artillery cannot Continue Shock.
11.57 Cavalry Charge and Reaction Move. If the defending units
Reaction Move [9.63], the charging cavalry has a choice: • For a Bloody Standoff, if the artillery is the top unit or unsup-
ported then it loses one gun. Like losses due to fire combat, this
1. It may continue its move up to the limit of its MA, but cannot lost gun cannot be recaptured.
violate the Charge Path restrictions. If it ends its move with an
• For a die roll result of 10+, all defending artillery is abandoned.
enemy unit/stack in its frontal hex(es), it must complete its Charge,
Place an Abandoned 1 marker(s) on the artillery unit(s) without
even if that enemy unit/stack was not within LOS of the cavalry
retreating the artillery [12.36].
prior to moving.
2. It may attempt to break off the charge. To do so, roll a UDD 11.65 Any artillery that suffers a 2nd Disorder due to shock is
for the top unit in the charging stack. If it passes, the stack stops abandoned. Ignore any Retreat result. Place an Abandoned 1
in place, its activation finished. If it fails, the stack must proceed marker on the unit.
as in no. 1, above.
24-lb. Howitzer
© 2023 GMT Games, LLC
Great Battles of the American Civil War Rules v2023 33
11.7 Leadership and Combat 12.23 Collapse. A non-artillery unit that has taken step
losses that reduce it to less than half of its original
11.71 Fire. Leaders/commanders have no effect on Fire.
strength is automatically and immediately Disordered
11.72 Shock. the instant such loss takes effect (No effect if already
• When a brigade designates shocks [11.31], and none of its shock- Disordered.). It is also considered Collapsed; place a Collapsed
ing units are stacked with their brigadier, the player subtracts marker on this unit. Extended units are considered one unit for the
one from the roll for all attacks by regiments in that brigade. purposes of Collapse.
This does not apply to defending units, even those that Continue Note: If the combat result causing Collapse also includes Disorder
Shock. this Disorder will be a 2nd Disorder.
• If during Step 6 a unit is stacked with its “Aggressive” brigadier
A Collapsed unit has these characteristics, in addition to those for
when attacking (not defending), add one to the Shock Resolution
being Disordered:
die roll.
• It may never be rallied to normal status while at less than half
11.73 UDD/Rally. A leader/commander stacked with units from his strength [16.2].
command will provide a negative DRM, equal to his rank (repre- • Each time a Collapsed unit takes additional SP losses, the player
sented by the number of stars on the counter) for each unit in that must make a UDD [2.6] after any required retreat and/or other
stack, for any die roll that requires using the unit’s Cohesion Rat- UDD for 2nd Disorder. If it fails this final UDD, it Routs. This
ing. Multiple leaders/commanders may combine their ranks/stars. does not apply to the step loss involved in Recovery from Rout
Note: A leader/commander stacked with an Extended unit benefits [13.5]. Collapsed defenders suffering a shock result of an ad-
all parts of that unit. justed 10 or higher check for rout only once.
EXAMPLE: A corps commander (three stars) would provide a –3 • A unit recovers from Collapse only by recovering stragglers
DRM to a Rally die roll. [16.2].
EXAMPLE #1: An 8 SP unit that has suffered 4 SP losses is still
12.0 Combat Results normal. The instant it loses its fifth SP it is Disordered and Col-
lapsed. If the Collapse is due to a numbered step loss result, then
12.1 Combat Unit Strengths apply the D or d+2 result.
12.11 All combat units have combat SPs, i.e., incremental steps EXAMPLE #2: The unit from the above example suffers an addi-
representing their manpower (for infantry/cavalry) or guns (for tional result of “1D” from enemy fire. The player reduces it to 3
artillery) at the start of the battle. Thus, an infantry unit with 6 SPs, flips the unit to its Disordered side and places a “Collapsed”
SPs starts with six such “steps,” while one with 11 SPs starts with marker on it. The unit is then reduced to 2 SPs, from the (now 2nd)
eleven steps. Disorder result (and retreated). Lastly, as it has taken additional
SP losses while Collapsed, it must roll to see if it Routs.
12.12 The SP value on the counter is the maximum strength that
unit may ever have. 12.3 Disorder
12.13 To indicate lost steps (SPs), place a numbered Step Loss Disorder represents a wide range of reactions to combat, other
marker beneath the counter to keep track of its present strength. than being killed. As such, it often (but not always) represents
When a unit has taken step losses equal to its original strength it disintegration of a unit’s cohesion.
is eliminated.
12.31 The reverse side of a combat unit is its Disordered side. When
PLAY NOTE: Some players like the marker to indicate steps a unit in Good Order suffers a Disordered result it is flipped to its
lost; others, present strength. It matters little which method you Disordered side (retaining its facing). A unit’s Cohesion Rating
use, as long as both of you agree what method is being used. and MA are reduced when Disordered; not the Strength.
Exception: Disordered status for artillery does not affect Move-
12.2 Strength Point Losses ment. This is a design change beginning with Battles with the
12.21 Units take SP Losses from enemy fire (as indicat- Gringos! and applies to all previous games.
ed by the numbered results on the Fire Table), from
12.32 Disorder from the Fire or Shock Tables:
Shock (where indicated by the Shock Resolution Table),
from Additional Disorder [12.35], and from Recovery • A “d” means that all affected units must make a UDD [2.6]. Roll
from Rout [13.5]. . All step losses are taken before applying any one die for each unit. The UDD is modified by any DRM listed
other results. with the combat result (e.g., “d+2”), and/or the presence of a
leader [11.73]. If a unit fails, it is Disordered.
12.22 All step losses apply to the top unit. If the top unit is elim-
• A “D” means that the Disorder result is automatic to all affected
inated before absorbing all the required step losses, the next unit
in the stack takes the remaining losses. If all units are eliminated,
ignore leftover losses. Exceptions: Bloody Standoff [8.36]; Artil- 12.33 Disorder from Terrain (as shown in the Terrain Effects Chart)
lery fire at Shot/Shell Range [12.35e]. is the same as in 12.32 (without any of the DRMs). In addition,
a moving unit Disordered by terrain immediately uses the MA
on its Disordered side, subtracting what it has already expended.
A leader is not removed if all of his units are routed. He can bring The Recrewed battery is returned to play in Disordered status,
them back by being placed In Reserve [6.33]. but must wait until its next Activation before moving or rallying.
When recrewed, the artillery assumes the facing of any friendly
For Extended units suffering a step loss, conduct casualty checks troops in the hex. A stack of two or more abandoned batteries may
for any Leaders stacked in any of its hexes. be recrewed only one battery at a time, due to stacking limits. An
12.72 Leaders stacked with units which Advance or Retreat additional battery in the stack may be recrewed once the already
may stay with that unit for some or all of the advance or retreat. recrewed battery has exited the hex.
Leaders, themselves, are never routed nor are they required to 12.82 If not recrewed before the Recovery Phase at the end of the sec-
advance or retreat. ond turn, any artillery with an “Abandoned 2” marker is eliminated.
12.73 If under any circumstances a leader not stacked with friendly
units finds himself adjacent to an enemy unit, the leader is imme-
diately placed with the nearest friendly combat unit he can reach,
13.0 Combat Effectiveness and
regardless of MP. Measure the path in leader MPs to determine the Rally
closest unit. A moving enemy unit continues moving as if the leader
had not been there. If there is no path to any friendly combat unit 13.1 Unit Combat Effectiveness
free of enemy units, adjacent enemy units, or impassable terrain, Individual units can have the following combat effectiveness states
the leader is Killed. (which are not mutually exclusive):
12.74 To replace a leader, in the Leader Replacement Phase flip • GOOD ORDER: The unit is on it’s front side.
the fallen counter over to the replacement leader side and place • DISORDERED: The unit is on its Disordered side.
the new leader with any unit in that command. • COLLAPSED: The unit is on its Disordered side, and it is at
• If the leader is a brigadier and the counter is already on its less than half strength.
Replacement side, simply bring that Replacement back in the • ROUTED: The unit has disintegrated and is off the map.
Replacement Phase.
These states may be improved by Rally [13.4], Straggler Recovery
• If all units in the leader’s brigade are routed, the Replacement
[16.2], and Recovery From Rout [13.5], respectively.
is stacked with his immediate superior.
PLAY NOTE: The depiction of leader replacements varies from 13.2 Brigade Combat Effectiveness
game to game. In addition, some leaders have no replacements The continued effectiveness of a command in a fight is
and are not replaced if they become casualties. In such cases, dependent on how much of a beating its component units
all Chain of Command rules remain in effect, unless the Battle have taken.
Book specifies otherwise.
13.21 Brigades become Combat Ineffective (CI) when one or both
12.75 If a Replacement leader happens to be the same person of the following situations exist:
as a lower-level leader, flip over the latter’s counter, too, in the • All regiments (excluding those yet to enter as reinforcements)
Replacement Phase. are either Eliminated, Collapsed, Disordered or Routed.
12.76 If a Replacement leader is one who is already out of the game, • More than one-half of the brigade’s regiments are Eliminated,
flip the surviving original leader of the highest numbered imme- Collapsed or Routed.
16.2 Straggler Recovery 17.22 There are two ways in which Fatigue is incurred:
16.21 To undergo Straggler Recovery, a brigade must be In Reserve CAUSE 1: Any turn in which a brigade undertakes more than two
during a Dusk or Night turn. It undertakes the actual Recovery at Activations, its Fatigue Level increases by one for each Activation
the conclusion of each such turn. above two [17.24]. Thus, a brigade that undertakes four Activations
in one turn will increase its Fatigue Level by two. Activations by
16.22 For eligible brigades [16.21], each non-artillery unit within
Out of Command units also count towards Fatigue, but Activations
its brigadier’s command range conducts a UDD.
that are solely undertaken by attached artillery, alone, do not count.
• If it passes, increase its SP by one.
• If it fails, there is No Effect. Exceptions:
• A brigade Activation during which its units undertake no ac-
16.23 A unit’s strength may never be increased to its original face tivities at all, or undertake only mounting/dismounting, Rally,
value (nor higher). The best it can do is to return to one short of Resupply, facing changes that do not expend MPs, and/or engi-
its original strength. neering, does not count toward Fatigue.
16.24 Units may Recover Stragglers and Fatigue; they are not • A unit using March Movement solely on Roads/Pikes (including
mutually exclusive. bridges and fords) does not incur Fatigue for its brigade for the
first three Activation-equivalents in a turn; it does for a fourth.
HISTORICAL NOTE: Not all combat losses were casualties. If it enters any terrain other than Roads or Pikes, both a third
A not-insignificant number of losses were from soldiers who and fourth Activation-equivalent earn Fatigue.
simply drifted off, fell by the road during marches, or opted • The retreat caused by a “Cautious” Loose Cannon result does
for discretion, etc. Some of these could be recovered during not incur Fatigue.
extended lulls in the battle, which here means at Dusk/Night.
• Leader movement does not incur Fatigue, because Leaders are
not units.
17.0 Fatigue [Optional] EXAMPLE: An infantry regiment under March Orders can move
up to 24 MPs (or 4 AM worth) in one turn (for that March AM),
DESIGN NOTE: This is optional because it adds another layer incurring Fatigue for any movement above 18 MPs. Note that in
of complexity to the game. However, we highly recommend its most games, Road movement would be at ½ MP per hex, so the
use. It adds a level of realism. maximum distance would be 48 hexes, with Fatigue being incurred
starting with hex 37.
17.1 Who Gets Fatigued? CAUSE 2: If any brigade has been engaged in Shock (either at-
Fatigue applies to all combat units, except artillery. Fatigue is tacking or defending) in more than one friendly or enemy Action
applied at the brigade level, and a brigade can incur a new level Phase (3.0 III/C/3) in a turn, all such phases after the first earn
of Fatigue if even one unit in that brigade does any of the actions Fatigue. A brigade engages in Shock by one or more of its units
that would incur Fatigue. participating in Shock Step 6b [11.45]. Only one level of Fatigue
is incurred per Action Phase per participating brigade, no matter
17.2 How Fatigue is Incurred how many times it participated in Shock Step 6b during that phase.
17.21 Brigades start with no Fatigue Level. This is indicated by COMPREHENSIVE EXAMPLE OF FATIGUE:
the absence of any Fatigue Indicator with the brigadier. Fatigue is
incurred as it happens, but the effects—placement of the Fatigue A unit moves for its first AM, shock attacks for second AM and
marker—take place when the affected brigade has done all that it shock attacks for its third AM. It also had to defend against shock
will for that Activation. during two different enemy Action Phases (AMs). The brigade has
incurred four levels of Fatigue as follows:
PLAY NOTE: In certain battles, on-map commands may start • Its first AM movement did not incur Fatigue as Fatigue is not
and reinforcements may enter at a specific Fatigue Level. incurred for the first two Activations.
• Its second AM shock attack did not incur Fatigue as Fatigue is
neither incurred for the first two Activations nor does the first
shock incur Fatigue.
• It incurred one Fatigue Level for its third AM Activation and
one Fatigue Level for its second shock attack (for a total of two
Fatigue Levels).
• Add one Fatigue Level each for the two shock defenses.
12-lb. Napoleon
Activation 5.0, 5.3, 2.7 Recovered 13.53 Extended Units Cannot Stack 8.41
Activation Efficiency Determination 3.0 II/B, 5.2 Retreat Before Shock 11.33, 12.43 Facing 7.26, 8.44
Activation Markers (AM) 2.7, 5.0, 5.24, 5.25-28, Combat Results 12.0 Fire Combat 8.44-45
5.31-32, 5.36, 6.21 Advance 8.47, 8.49, 11.46, 12.6 How to Extend/Retract 8.41, 8.51
AM Pool 2.7, 3.0 III/B, 5.0 (Overview), 5.12-13, Collapse 12.23 March Orders and Extended Column 6.13, 8.51
5.24, 5.31, 5.36, 5.5 Disorder 12.3 Shock 8.46, 8.48-9
Artillery Leader Activation 4.31 Post-Shock Auto Disorder 11.48 Split Fire 10.15
Brigade Activation 5.33 Retreats 12.4 Wrap-Around 8.48-49
Brigade Coordination 5.34 Rout 12.5 Facing 7.1-7.2
Combat Ineffective Activation Limits 13.23, Stacked units, affect on 8.35-36 Advance and Attack Order Facing 7.11
13.32 Strength Point Losses 10.7, 12.13, 12.2, 12.35-36 Breastworks 15.21
Efficiency Transfer Effects 5.43 Changing 7.2, 9.61-62, 10.32, 11.46-47, 12.6
Command System 4.0
End of Turn 5.5 Changing in an enemy Frontal hex 7.24
Activation 5.3
In Reserve Units Cannot Activate 6.32 Changing in Woods 7.22
Brigade Orders Change 6.2
March Order Activation 5.28, 5.35, 6.13 Combat Eligibility based on 7.13
Chain of Command 4.2, 5.42
Minimum 5.27 Determines Front, Flank, Rear 7.12
Command Range 4.11-15, 5.25, 6.12
Out of Command 5.36 During Withdrawal Movement 9.54
Commanders and Leaders 4.1
Overview 5.0 March Order Facing 7.11
Efficiency 5.2
Random Event Marker 5.31 MP Cost 7.21
Initiative 5.1
Reinforcements 5.28, 9.7
Leader Ratings 2.22, 4.1 No MP Cost to Change Situations 7.23
Turn Initiative 5.1, 5.31
Orders 6.1 Rally Facing 7.25
Advance 12.6 Out of Command Effects 5.36, 11.53 Reaction Facing Change 9.61-62
After Shock Assault 11.46, 11.57, 12.6 Refused Unit Facing 7.31, 7.34
Components 2.0
Artillery May Never Advance 12.6 Retreat Facing 7.25
Continued Shock Advance 11.47 Counters 2.2
Fatigue [Optional] 17.0
Extended Units 8.47, 8.49, 8.52 Disorder 12.3
Facing after 7.23 Effects of 17.3
Additional Disorder Effects 12.35-36
Procedure 12.6 Auto Disorder (“D”) 9.47, 12.32 How Fatigue is Incurred 17.2
Retreat Before Shock 11.35 Automatic from Charge 11.48, 11.58 Night Activations 16.12
Blown Cavalry 11.48, 11.58, 12.35 Reducing 6.35, 13.45, 17.4
Ammo Depletion and Resupply Shock 11.45
Artillery 10.69 Cavalry Charge 11.53
Collapse 12.23, 12.51, 13.1, 13.21 Who Gets Fatigued 17.1
Cavalry 10.9 [Optional]
Infantry 10.9 [Optional] Disordered Units Shocking 11.22 Fire Combat 10.0
Spencer Repeater armed units 14.33 Effects of 12.34 Allocating Losses to Stacks 8.35
Fire DRM 10.81 Ammo Rule 10.69 (Artillery), 10.9 [Optional]
Artillery Artillery Fire 10.45, 10.6, 12.34, 16.12
For Spencer Repeaters Firing Twice 14.3
Abandoned 3.0 IV/B, 11.37, 11.47, 11.62-65, Breastworks Effect on 15.23
From Terrain 12.33, 12.35
12.36, 12.45, 12.52, 12.6, 12.8 Combining Fire 10.14, 10.63, 10.82 [Optional]
Movement Allowance 12.33-34
Ammo Rule 10.69 DRMs 10.17, 10.61, 10.64, 10.8
Post-Shock Auto Disorder/Loss 11.48
Approach Fire 10.45 Dusk/Dawn Effects 10.8, 16.11
Rallying 13.41-42
Attaching to Infantry/Cav Brigades 4.32, 5.33 Eligibility 10.11
Broken Wheels 17.26 Effectiveness
Brigade Combat Effectiveness 3.0 IV/C, 13.2 Extended Lines 8.44-45
Canister/Grapeshot vs. Shot/Shell 10.67 Fire Strength per hex 8.31
Cannot Advance 12.6 Cohesion Rating 2.21, 2.7
Combat Ineffective Activation Limits 13.23, Leader Casualties 12.71
Cannot use Attack Orders 6.18
13.32 Line of Sight 10.2
Combined Fire 10.63
Combat Ineffective Situations 13.21 March Orders Units may not fire 6.13
Disordered 10.61, 11.65, 12.34, 12.36, 12.45
Division Combat Effectiveness 13.3 Massed Targets 8.34, 8.44 (4th bullet), 10.8
Fatigue 17.26
Unit Combat Effectiveness 13.1 Mounted Cavalry Restrictions 14.24
Fire 8.31-33, 10.6
High Ground 10.67 Rally 13.4 Night Range Adjustment 16.12
Leaders and Commanders 4.3 Recovery From Rout 13.5 Phasing Fire 10.3
Move and Fire in same Activation 10.61, 10.8 Removal of BCI/DCI status 13.22, 13.33 Prepared Fire 6.15-16, 10.5, 10.8
Move Within 3 Hexes of Enemy 9.55 Efficiency 2.7, 5.2 Pre-Shock Reaction Fire 10.43, 11.11[5], 11.38,
Moving in Reaction 9.63, 12.43 Activation Efficiency Determination 3.0 II/B, 5.2 11.56
Rapid Fire 10.68 Corps Efficiency 4.11[2], 5.0 (Overview), 5.21-22 Rapid Fire 10.68
Retreat Restrictions/Results 11.33, 12.45 Division Efficiency 5.23 Refused Unit Fire 7.34
Return Fire 10.45, 10.66 Efficiency Markers 5.0, 5.21 Resolving Fire 10.17, Fire Table
Shock Capability 11.6 Efficiency Transfer 5.4 Return Fire 10.42, 10.45, 10.66
Small Arms vs. Artillery 10.7 Small Arms vs. Artillery 10.7
Engineering 15.0 Spencer Repeaters’ Special Fire 14.3
Stacking Limits 8.12 Constructing Breastworks 15.1 Split Fire 10.15, 10.65
Breastworks (see Engineering) Effects of Breastworks 15.2 Withdrawal Fire 10.44
Cavalry 11.5, 14.2 Eligible Hexes 15.12
Removing Breastworks 15.17 Game Scale 2.4
Blown Cavalry 11.48, 11.58
Cavalry Charge 11.43, 11.5, 14.24 Time Required to Build Breastworks 15.13-14 Green Units 14.1
Countercharge 11.56 Units Eligible to Construct 15.11, 15.15-16 Attacker Commitment Check 8.36, 11.11, 11.36
Dismounted 14.2 Extended Units 8.4, 8.5 Fire DRM 10.8
Fire 10.8, 14.24 Advance Orders and Extended Column 8.52 In Reserve 6.3
Horse-holders 14.25 Attack Order and Extended Column 8.53 For Command with all Routed Units 6.33
Moving in Reaction 9.63 Changing to Extended Column/Line 7.26 Procedure 6.32
Mounting/Dismounting 14.22 Cost to Extend/Retract 8.42 Qualifications 6.31
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Great Battles of the American Civil War Rules v2023 43
Repl./Recovery Phase Actions 3.0 IV/B, 6.35, Terrain 9.42 [Exc. 1 & 2] Sequence of Play 3.0
13.51 Night 16.0 Shock Assault 2.7, 11.0
Restrictions 6.34 Dusk/Dawn Effects 16.11 Advances 11.46
Straggler Recovery 16.2 Fire DRM 10.8 Artillery Shock Capability 11.6
Initiative 2.7, 3.0 I, 5.1, In Reserve Units 6.31 Breastworks Effect on 15.23
Effects of 5.13 Night Effects 16.12 Charge 2.7, 6.16, 11.21, 11.43, 11.47, 11.5
Initiative Segment 3.0 I Straggler Recovery 16.2 Combining Strength 11.32
OC’s Initiative Rating Addition 4.11, 5.11, 9.32 Orders 2.7, 6.0 Continued Shock 10.43, 11.37 [Exc.], 11.47
Introduction 1.0 Advance 6.11, 6.15, 9.23, 9.52, 10.11, 10.32, Countercharge 11.56
Leaders 10.33, 10.52, 11.12, 11.56 Defender’s Pre-Shock Cohesion Check 11.11[4],
Action Profile 4.14, 6.24 Artillery Unit Limitation 6.18 11.37, 11.55
Activation Rating 4.13, 5.23 [3] At-Start Orders 6.17 Disordered Units Shocking 11.22
Alone in a hex 12.73 Attack 6.16, 7.22, 9.24, 9.52, 10.11, 10.32, 10.52, DRMs 11.21, 11.42-43, 11.55, 11.72, Shock
Army Commanders 4.11, 9.32 11.12, 11.52, 11.56 Adjustments Chart [PAC]
Artillery Leaders 4.3 Brigade Orders Change 6.2 DRMs for Continued Shock 11.47
Brigade Coordination 4.13 (Rating), 5.34, 13.32 Changing 6.12, 6.2, 6.35, 7.26 Eligibility 6.15, 11.12
Brigade Leaders 4.14, 6.21-5 Division Orders Phase 3.0 II/C, 6.12, 6.14 Extended Units 8.46, 8.48
Casualties 12.7 Extended Units 7.26 Leader Casualties 12.71
Chain of Command 4.2 March 5.35, 6.13, 6.14, 7.23, 8.12-13, 8.5, 9.22, March Order Pre-Shock Cohesion Check 6.13,
Command Range 2.7, 4.11-15, 6.12 10.33 11.37
Confusion 5.34 Orders Change Table 6.23 Odds Ratio 11.43
Corps Commanders 4.12, 9.32 Out of Command Effects on 5.36 Positional Benefits 11.43-44
Division Leaders 4.13, 5.34 Phasing Fire Capabilities 10.33 Post-Shock Auto Disorder 11.48
Effect on Combat 11.7 Reinforcements 3.0 II/D, 9.71 Pre-Shock Reaction Fire 10.43, 11.11[5], 11.38
Efficiency Rating 4.12, 5.23[1] Types of 6.11
Orders Rating 4.14, 6.21 Pre-Shock Resolution 11.3
Rally 13.4 Requirements for Shock 11.2, 11.32
Replacement Leaders 3.0 IV/B, 4.18, 12.74-76
Adjacent Enemy Effect on 13.42 Retreat Before Shock 11.33, 12.34
Retreating 12.72
Collapsed Units 12.23 Shock Resolution 11.4
Line of Sight 2.7, 10.2 DRMs 13.42 Splitting strength not allowed 11.32
Artillery and enemy units 9.55 Facing 7.25
Cavalry Charge 6.24,11.53 Stacks 8.36
Leader Effects on 11.73, 13.42-43
Combat units 10.26 Special Units 14.0
Procedure 13.41
March movement 9.22 Stacking 8.1-8.3
March Orders 6.14 Recovery from Rout 13.5
Failure Consequence 13.52 Extended Units Cannot Stack 8.41
Moving in Reaction 9.63 March Order Intermingling of Units 6.13, 8.12
Reciprocal Nature 10.25 In Reserve Requirement 6.3, 13.51
On-map Placement (cavalry) 13.53 Massed Targets 8.34
Reserve 6.31 Moving Through Artillery 8.22 [Exc. 1]
Terrain 10.22-24 Procedure 13.52
Stacking and Combat 8.3
Movement 9.0, (illus. p. 20) Refused Flanks 7.3
Stacking and Movement 8.2
Advance Movement 9.23 Facing 7.34
Stacking Limits 6.13, 6.15-16, 8.1
Artillery Leaders 9.31 Fire from 7.34
Stacking Limits Based on Orders 8.12
Artillery Movement 9.55, 10.61 Limited to Units w/ Attack or Advance Orders
Stacking Order 8.24
Artillery Reaction Movement 9.63 6.15-16, 7.32
Reaction 9.61-62 Taking Losses from Combat 8.35, 11.64, 12.22
Attack Movement 6.16, 9.24
Breastworks Effects 15.22 Restrictions 7.32-33 Terminology 2.7
Brigade and Division Leaders 4.16, 9.31, 9.33 Reinforcements 9.7 Units
Cavalry Reaction Movement 9.63 Arrival 9.71-73 Combat Unit Ratings 2.21
Cavalry Units that Mount/Dismount 14.22 Orders 6.17 Green Units 14.1
Corps and Overall Commanders 3.0 IV/A, 4.17, Priority 9.73 Scale 2.41
9.32 Restricted Activations 9.74 Universal Disorder Die roll (UDD) 2.6
Disordered Unit MA 12.33-34 Reserve 6.3 Auto Disorder (“D”) 9.47, 12.32
Enemy Units and Movement 6.13, 6.15, 9.5, Collapsed Unit UDD 12.23
9.53, 9.63 Retreat 12.4
Artillery Restrictions 12.45 Countercharge UDD 11.56
Extended Lines 8.42, 8.44
March Movement 6.13, 9.22 Before Shock 11.11, 11.33, 12.34, 12.43 Defender’s Pre-Shock Cohesion Check 11.37
Movement Modes 9.2 Retreat Through Friendly Units 11.34, 12.46 Disordered unit Retreat Before Shock 11.33,
Reaction Movement 9.6 Extended Units 8.47 12.34
Refusal MP Cost 7.32 Facing 7.25 Extended unit Retreats 8.47
Road Movement 7.23, 8.13, 8.5, 9.43 From Additional Disorder 12.35, 12.42-43 From Fire or Shock Tables 12.32
Stacking and Movement 8.13, 8.2 Involuntary Retreats 12.42 Green Attacker Commitment Check 11.36
Terrain and Movement 9.4 Leaders 12.72 Leader Effects on 11.73
Withdrawal Movement 9.54 Retreat Procedure/Restrictions 12.44 Movement/Retreat over certain Terrain 9.47,
Movement Allowance 2.21, 2.7, 9.1 Voluntary Retreats 12.43 12.44
Artillery 10.61 Rout 12.5 Reaction Movement 9.63
Attack Orders 9.24 Artillery Rout 12.53, 12.8 Reaction Refusal/Facing Change 9.62
Blown Cavalry 11.58 Both Sides Rout 12.52 Recovery From Rout 13.52
Cavalry 14.22 From Additional Disorder/ Losses 12.23, 12.35, Retreat Through Friendly Units 12.46
Commanders 4.17 12.51 Straggler Recovery UDD 16.22
Disorder 12.31, 12.33, 12.34 Procedure 12.53 Top Unit in Stack Disorders 8.35
Fatigue Effects 17.31 Recovery From 6.35, 12.53, 13.5 Units Adjacent to Routing Unit 12.54
Leaders 4.16, 9.11, 9.31 When/Why Units Rout 12.51 Withdrawal Movement 9.54
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44 Great Battles of the American Civil War Rules v2023
SERIES DESIGN: Richard H. Berg
SERIES MANAGER: Richard Whitaker
ART DIRECTOR: Rodger MacGowan
Charles Kibler, Mark Simonitch, Greg Laubach