FIDD.GSSD.CO.BC.No.01/09.16.03/2019-20 July 01, 2019
Madam/Dear Sir,
2. The Master Circular has been suitably updated by incorporating the instructions on
DAY-NULM issued up to June 30, 2019 which are listed in the appendix. The Master
Circular has also been placed on RBI website (https://www.rbi.org.in).
Yours faithfully,
�वत्तीय समावेशन और �वकास �वभाग, केद्र�य कायार्लय, 10वी मंिजल, केद्र�य कायार्लय भवन, मुंबई 400 001,
टे ल�फोन /Tel No: 91-22-22661000 फैक्स/Fax No: 91-22-22621011/22610948/22610943 ई-मेल/
EmailID:[email protected]
Financial Inclusion & Development Department, Central Office, 10th Floor, C.O. Building, Post Box No.10014 Mumbai -400
“चेतावनी - :�रज़वर् ब�क द्वारा मेल, डाक, एसएमएस या फोन कॉल के ज�रए �कसी क� भी व्यिक्तगत जानकार� जैसे ब�क के खाते का ब्यौरा, पासवडर् आ�द नह�ं मांगी
जाती है । यह धन रखने या दे ने का प्रस्ताव भी नह�ं करता है। ऐसे प्रस्ताव� का �कसी भी तर�के से जवाब मत द�िजए।"
Caution: RBI never sends mails, SMSs or makes calls asking for personal information like bank account details, passwords, etc. It never keeps or
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Master Circular: Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana- National Urban
Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM)
1. Introduction:
1.1 The SEP provides financial assistance to individuals/groups
including street venders/hawkers of urban poor for setting up gainful
self-employment ventures/ micro-enterprises, suited to their skills,
training, aptitude and local conditions. The programme also supports
Self Help Groups (SHGs) of urban poor to access easy credit from
bank and avail interest subsidy on SHG loans. The SEP will also
focus on technology, marketing and other support services to the
above beneficiaries engaged in micro enterprises for their livelihoods
and will also facilitate issuance of credit cards for working capital
requirement of the entrepreneurs.
1.2 The underemployed and unemployed urban poor will be encouraged
to set up small enterprises relating to manufacturing, service and
small business for which there is considerable local demand. Local
skills and local crafts should be particularly encouraged. Each Urban
Local Body (ULB) should develop a compendium of such
activities/projects keeping in view skills available, marketability of
products, costs, economic viability etc.
1.3 The percentage of women beneficiaries under SEP shall not be less
than 30 percent. SCs and STs must be benefited at least to the
extent of the proportion of their strength in the city/town population of
poor. A special provision of 3 percent reservation should be made
for the differently-abled under this program. In view of the Prime
Minister’s 15-Point Program for the Welfare of Minorities, at least 15
percent of the physical and financial targets under this component
shall be earmarked for the minority communities.
2.1 The application for individual and group enterprise loans will be
sponsored by the Urban Local Body (ULB) which will be the sponsoring
agency for the individual and group enterprise.
2.2 The ULB will create awareness regarding SEP to the prospective
beneficiaries through mass media campaigns, Information Education
and Communication (IEC) activities, advertisements in local
newspapers, City Livelihoods Centres (CLCs) etc. The ULB may also
disseminate information regarding this component through active
involvement of Resource Organizations and its field staff.
details, Address, Aadhaar details (if any), amount of loan required,
bank account number (if available), type of enterprise/ activity, category
etc. The intent could also be sent by mail /post to the ULB office. The
ULB shall accept such intents throughout the year.
2.6 ULB will call the beneficiaries in order of the waiting list to complete
requisite documentation including filling of Loan Application Form
(LAF), activity details, identity proof, address proof, bank account
details etc. To verify the identity of the beneficiary, her/his Aadhar
number will also be brought on record. If beneficiary does not have
Aadhaar card, his/ her any other unique identification document like
voters’ card, driving license etc. will be taken and s/he will be helped to
obtain Aadhar card as soon as possible. The State Urban Livelihoods
Mission (SULM) may develop a Loan Application Form (LAF) in
suitable format in consultation with State Level Bankers Committee
(SLBC) convenor bank. The same LAF may be utilised across the
State/UTs. The Loan Application Form (LAF) will contain basic data in
respect of economic status of the beneficiary and her/his family. This
data will be such that it can be used to analyse impact of the benefits
on her/his economic status at a later stage.
2.7 A Task Force constituted at ULB level will scrutinize the applications
based on experience, skills, viability of activity, scope of the activity etc.
Thereafter, the Task Force will shortlist the applications and call for
interview of the applicants before recommending or rejecting the
application or call for additional information from the applicant if
2.8 The Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/ Municipal Commissioner of ULB will
be responsible to constitute the Task Force and will be the Chairman of
the Task force. There could be more than 1 task force at ULB level
depending upon the size/population of the ULB.
2.9 The indicative composition of the Task Force is as follows:
2.10 The task force will then recommend the applications if found suitable,
reject if found unsuitable or ask the beneficiary to submit further
requisite information for re-examination on case to case basis.
2.11 The case duly recommended by the task force will be forwarded by
the ULB to the concerned banks for further processing. Such cases
recommended by task force have to be processed by concerned
banks within a time frame of 15 days. As these cases are already
recommended by the task force, such cases should be rejected by
banks only in exceptional circumstances.
2.12 The banks will send a periodic report to the ULB on the status of the
applications received. In case of MIS being used, the banks may be
allowed to update the status of application online in addition to
manual report.
2.13 Banks may also directly accept the loan applications of urban poor
beneficiaries on the basis of relevant documents as per the guidelines
of Prime Minister MUDRA Yojana (PMMY) or any other such scheme
without the need of having prior sponsoring from ULB. The banks can
send details of such loans sanctioned by them to ULBs for
confirmation of their eligibility for interest subsidy under DAY-NULM.
Task Force constituted for scrutinizing applications should quickly
clear these applications if they otherwise meet the criteria. On
confirmation of their eligibility, interest subsidy may be claimed from
ULBs on the pattern of interest subsidy claim for beneficiaries
sponsored by ULBs. The subsidy will be transferred directly to the
loan account of DAY-NULM beneficiaries. This procedure will also be
direct benefit transfer compliant.
3.3 The EDP module may be developed and finalized by State Urban
Livelihoods Mission (SULM) supported by State Mission
Management Unit (SMMU) with assistance of an empaneled
institution/agency or consulting firm and same may be utilized for
conducting training program by the ULB. This EDP training may be
arranged through institutions such as Rural Self Employment
Training Institutes (RSETI), reputed institutions engaged in
entrepreneurship development/ training, management/ educational
institutes, reputed NGOs engaged in entrepreneurship
development/ training etc.
3.4 Follow-up entrepreneurial support to Individual and Group
entrepreneurs: After financing to Individual and Group
beneficiaries, the ULB will also arrange to conduct follow-up
Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) as and when
required. Such programme should preferably be conducted once in
six months for each beneficiary who has been given a loan. During
the follow-up EDP, problems and issues faced by beneficiaries
should also be discussed and solutions should be given.
Procedure I
5.4 A prescribed format for interest subsidy claims for loans under this
component is enclosed at (Annex-I)
5.5 The claims should not be pending more than a quarter. In case the
claims of the banks are not settled for a period of 6 months, SLBC is
empowered to stop the scheme temporarily in selected cities subject
to clearance of claims by such ULBs. In such eventualities, the
claims settlement should prospectively be given to the Lead District
Procedure - II
6.1 Age: The prospective beneficiary should have attained the age of 18
Years at the time of applying for loan.
6.2 Project Cost (PC): The Maximum unit Project Cost for an individual
micro-enterprise is ₹ 2,00,000 (₹ Two Lakhs).
Enterprises (CGTMSE) setup by Small Industries Development Bank
(SIDBI) or any other appropriate guarantee fund for the purpose of
availing guarantee cover for SEP loans as per the eligibility of the
activity for guarantee cover.
6.6 Type of Loan Facility: Banks may extend finance to individuals for
capital expenditure in the form of Term Loan and Working Capital
loans through Cash Credit. Banks may also extend Composite
Loans consisting of Capital Expenditure and Working Capital
components, depending upon individual borrower’s requirement.
7.2 Age: All members of the group enterprise should have attained an
age of 18 years at the time of applying for bank loan.
7.3 Project Cost (PC): The group will be eligible for a maximum loan of
Rs. 2 Lakh per member or Rs. 10 Lakh, whichever is lower.
7.4 Type of Loan: Loan can be extended either as a single loan to the
group functioning as one borrowing unit or each member of the
group can be provided individual loans up to 2 lakhs and an overall
cap of 10 lakhs based on the principal of joint liability of the group.
The principles laid down in the RBI circular on “Budget (2014-15)
Announcement Financing of Joint Farming Groups of ‘Bhoomi Heen
Kisan’ dated 13th November, 2014” and subsequent revisions
should be followed in case of loans to a group.
7.5 Type of Loan Facility: Banks may extend finance to groups for
capital expenditure in the form of Term Loan and for Working
Capital, through Cash Credit Facility. Banks may also extend
Composite Loans for Capital Expenditure and Working Capital,
depending upon Group’s requirement.
7.6 Loan and Margin Money: The Project Cost minus the beneficiary
contribution (Margin Money) would be made available as loan
amount to the group enterprise by the bank. No margin money
should be taken for loan up to ₹ 50,000 and for higher amount loans,
preferably 5% should be taken as margin money and it should in no
case be more than 10% of the project cost.
should be included by the banks as part of their lending to the weaker
8.3 The banks will send the details of disbursed loan cases to the ULB
along with the calculation details of the interest subsidy amount. The
ULB will check the data at their end and will release the interest
subsidy amount on quarterly basis to the banks following a similar
procedure as mentioned in Para 5.The prescribed format for claiming
the additional interest subvention is enclosed at (Annex –II).
8.4 The ULB through its field staff or Resource Organization (ROs) will
facilitate filling of loan applications for eligible SHGs to access credit
from the banks. The ULB will be responsible to forward the Loan
application of the SHGs to the concerned banks with requisite
documentation. The ULB will maintain area wise, bank-wise, ROs/
Staff wise data of SHGs loan applications forwarded to the banks.
The same will be sent to SULM on a monthly basis.
8.7 Type of Loan Facility: SHGs can avail either Term loan or a Cash
Credit Limit (CCL) loan or both based on their needs. In case of need,
additional loan can be sanctioned even though the previous loan is
a. For Cash Credit Limit to SHGs:
i) Outstanding balance shall not have remained in excess of the
sanctioned limit/drawing power continuously for more than 30
ii) There shall be regular credits and debits in the account. In any
case there shall be at least one customer induced credit during
the month.
iii) Customer induced Credits during a month shall be sufficient to
cover the interest debited during the month.
b. For Term Loan to SHGs: A term loan account where all of the
interest payments and/or instalments of principal were paid within 30
days of the due date during the entire tenure of the loans would be
considered as an account having prompt payment.
9.2 The SULM will compile all the reports received from respective ULBs
and will communicate to M/o HUPA on a monthly basis.
9.3 SULM must ensure that progress under SEP is reviewed in every SLBC
and District Consultative Committee (DCC) meetings. Any other
important issue with regard to SEP may be taken up by SULM with
SLBC convener bank for effective coordination and implementation.
immediate credit requirement, it requires procedural documentation
and consumes a lot of time. This need for working capital credit is
generally met from informal sources of credit (including money
lenders) which is typically available at high rate of interest.
10.3 The SULM in consultation with the State Level Bankers Committee
(SLBC) will finalize the norms, limits and specifications for issuance
of Credit Card (or) MUDRA Card to the individual entrepreneurs. The
General Credit Card Scheme (GCC), which is being implemented by
all scheduled commercial banks or any other variant of credit cards
for enterprise development of banks in urban areas, may be
explored by SULM and SLBC for the same. The Circular on revised
GCC scheme has been issued by RBI notification vide
RPCD.MSME& NFS.BC.No.61/06.02.31/2013-14 dated December
02, 2013 available on RBI web-site ‘www.rbi.org.in’.
10.4 The ULB will identify the prospective beneficiaries and will facilitate
linkages with banks for issuance of credit cards. The focus is to
initially facilitate issuance of credit card to cover all the beneficiaries
who have availed financial assistance under SEP. Additionally, other
beneficiaries who are running their own business but have not
availed assistance under SEP may also be covered if they satisfy
the norms of issuance of credit cards.
10.5 The targets for the same may be decided at ULB level and the
progress under this component is aggregated at SULM level and
communicated to M/o HUPA periodically.
11.1 Micro entrepreneurs often need support in order to grow and sustain
their businesses. Support needed may be for establishment,
technology, marketing, and other services. Micro entrepreneurs who
run very small businesses may need to gain a better understanding
of what the market needs, demand of the products produced by
them, prices, where to sell, etc. Support services under this
component are envisaged with a view to provide an encouraging
environment for development of micro enterprises.
11.2 The City Livelihoods Centers (CLCs) established under DAY-NULM
will offer services to the micro-enterprises such as in establishment
(licenses, certificates registration, legal services etc.), production,
procurement, technology, processing, marketing, sales, packaging,
accounting etc. for long term sustainability. CLCs will also provide
support in taking up feasibility/ assessment studies on market
demand and market strategy for products and services of micro-
11.3 All SEP individual and groups enterprises can avail the services from
CLCs as per the norms of CLCs. The CLCs with support of ULB may
also tie up with various other government schemes which offer
services and benefits for micro-enterprise development for the
benefit of prospective beneficiaries.
12.2 The Ministry will allocate funds to the states on annual basis based
on the targets assigned to the states. The states in consultation with
the respective SLBCs and ULBs will decide the targets and
corresponding funds will be allocated to ULBs so that full
reimbursement to the banks on account of Interest subvention is
settled during the financial year and no subvention amount remain
overdue or pending with the States.
progress on the ground. In the spirit of proactive disclosure of
information and ensuring transparency under DAY-NULM, key
progress reports under SEP will also be made available in the public
domain in a timely manner.
13.3 All the SEP beneficiaries should be visited periodically to assess the
impact of the benefit and also to know any problem being faced by
them. The Community Organisers (COs) should visit all the
beneficiaries in their jurisdiction at least once in three months. The
project officer/ technical experts at CMMU level should visit at least
50% beneficiaries once in three months. The observations during the
field visit should be kept in record and be uploaded on MIS also.
13.4 During the field visit mentioned above data on economic status of
the beneficiaries should be collected and be compared with similar
data given in loan application form, to know the impact of the benefit
on the economic conditions of the beneficiaries.
13.5 Impact analysis studies may also be conducted at suitable interval to
assess the impact of benefit under SEP on the economic status of
the beneficiaries.
13.6 To monitor progress of the targets vis-a-vis achievement under DAY-
NULM, Banks are advised to furnish cumulative progress reports on
quarterly basis as per enclosed proforma (Annex III & IV) to the
Director, UPA at [email protected] as well as to RBI on email
latest by the end of next month of the quarter to which they relate.
13.7 Unique Code for loans under NULM: Banks are advised to
categorise these loans under Non-Farm sector and use unique sub-
code in their database for loans granted under NULM. Further,
separate sub-sub-codes may also be assigned for SEP-I, SEP-G,
SHG and WSHGs. Proper care must be taken while classifying loans
under NULM particularly relating to SHG and WSHGs to enable
distinct identification of these loans vis-à-vis NRLM loans as WSHGs
are eligible for additional 3 percent interest subvention.
covering …………………………………….. Accounts in respect of financial assistance
sanctioned to following constituent accounts numbers as per the details given
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
B) SEP- G (Group Enterprise)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6
We hereby certify that above loans were repaid on time and the benefit of
additional interest subvention has been passed on to the WSHG’s account, reducing
effective rate of interest to 4% for the prompt payee WSHGs
Statement showing Target under Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana –
National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM)