2 IrritableBowelSyndrome
2 IrritableBowelSyndrome
2 IrritableBowelSyndrome
Lecture Objectives:
➢ Understand the hypothesis explaining the pathophysiology of IBS.
➢ Common sign and symptoms.
➢ Rome III criteria of diagnosis.
➢ Introduction to management of IBS.
Mind Map
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS):
Is a gastrointestinal disorder characterized by chronic abdominal pain and altered bowel
habits in the
absence of any organic cause.
( when we investigate we will find nothing)
Motor abnormalities of the GI tract are detectable in some patients with IBS.
Abnormalities observed include:
1. Increased frequency and irregularity of luminal contractions.
2. Prolonged transit time in constipation-predominant IBS.
➢ Visceral hypersensitivity (increased sensation in response to stimuli)is a frequent
finding in IBS patients.
➢ Perception in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract results from stimulation of various
receptors in the gut wall.
➢ These receptors transmit signals via ⇒ afferent neural pathways to ⇒ the dorsal horn
of the spinal cord and⇒ultimately to the brain
Examples are as shown below:
Distention: Bloating :
Various studies have shown that in patients About half of patients with IBS (mainly
with IBS, awareness and pain caused by those with constipation) have a measurable
balloon distention in the intestine are increase in abdominal girth associated with
experienced at
lower balloon volumes bloating (
sensation of abdominal fullness
compared with controls
**It is whether heightened sensitivity of the intestines to normal sensations is
mediated by the local GI nervous system, by central modulation from the brain, or by some
combination of the two.
➢ Increased numbers of lymphocytes have been reported in the colon and small
intestine in patients with IBS .
➢ increase in lymphocyte infiltration in the myenteric plexus in nine patients and
in six patients .
➢ These cells release mediators (nitric oxide, histamine and proteases)capable of
stimulating the enteric nervous system ⇒
abnormal motor and visceral responses
within the intestine
after being infected by a microbe, they will develop IBS
The notion of food allergy in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is not new. However, recent
evidence suggests significant reduction in IBS symptom severity in patients on elimination
diets, provided that dietary elimination is based on foods against which the individual had
raised IgG antibodies
Psychosocial factors may
the expression of IBS.
Clinical features
1. younger patients and women are more likely to be diagnosed with IBS.
2. (2:1) female predominance in North America.
3. In china male are more common to have IBS
Subtypes of IBS
Hard or Lumpy ≥
25% <5% ≥
25 %
percentage in bowl Insufficient
movement abnormality of
stool consistency
<25%. ≥
25% ≥
25% to meet the other
Loose or Watery subtypes.
percentage in bowl
Diagnostic approach
1-Diagnostic criteria (Rome III criteria) :
Recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort at least 3 days per month in the last 3 months
associated with 2 or more of the following:
I. Improvement with defecation.
II. Onset associated with a change in frequency
of stool.
III. Onset associated with a change in form
(appearance) of stool.
2-Patients are identified as having a symptom complex compatible with IBS based upon the
Rome III criteria.
3- Routine laboratory studies (complete blood count, chemistries) are normal in IBS.
4- NO red flag symptoms: ( Rectal bleeding,
Nocturnal or progressive abdominal pain
Weight loss )
Weight loss,
bdominal pain,
ectal bleeding
Mnemonic: (WAR), if present you need to investigate..
➢ IBS is a chronic condition with no known cure.
➢ The focus of treatment should be on relief of symptoms and in addressing the
patient's concerns.
1. Therapeutic relationship
2. Patient education
3. Dietary
4. Psychosocial therapies
5. Medications: Antidepressant medication (the
is the best)
Mast cells and proinflammatory cytokines
Mast cells Proinflammatory cytokines
What are they..? Effector cells of the immune system. Proteins that are mediators
of immune responses.
1.Anincreased number
of mast cells E
levels of plasma
has been demonstrated in the proinflammatory
terminal ileum, jejunum, and colon of interleukins have been
IBS patients. observed in patients with
The role in IBS..?
2.Studies have demonstrated a In addition, peripheral blood
correlation between abdominal pain mononuclear cells of IBS
in IBS and the presence of activated patients produce higher
amounts of tumor necrosis
mast cells in proximity to colonic
than healthy control.
1) Irritable bowel syndrome is most common in elderly males.
a) True.
b) False.
2) Once other disease conditions have been ruled out, a person can be considered for the
diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome if the symptoms were present for the last-?
a) One week.
b) Two week.
c) One month.
d) Three months.
3) The abdominal pain in patients with irritable bowel syndrome worsens after bowel
movement (defecation).
a) True.
b) False.
4) Foods that could worsen symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome include-?
a) High fat food.
b) Excessive caffeine or alcohol.
c) Milk product.
d) All of them.
5) People with irritable bowel syndrome may suffer either from?
a) Constipation.
b) Diarrhea .
c) Both.
d) Nether.
6) IBS associated with ..?
a) Improvement with defecation .
b) Change in frequency of stool .
c) Change in form of stool .
d) All of them.
A 40-year-old housewife complains of recurrent constipation. She has had problems since her
20s, but they are worse now. The constipation is accompanied by abdominal bloating and
abdominal pain, and the discomfort is only better when she has a bowel movement. On her
gynaecologist's advice, she has tried more fibre in her diet, including fresh fruits and leafy
vegetables, but that has only made the bloating worse. Her past history includes a
cholecystectomy and a hysterectomy. Physical examination is entirely normal. Rectal
examination reveals normal consistency stool. Stool samples test negative for occult blood.
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