1 Gerd
1 Gerd
1 Gerd
● Understand the Pathophysiology of reflux esophagitis.
● Know clinical features of reflux esophagitis.
● Describe the pathology (gross and microscopic features) of reflux esophagitis.
● Know the complications of reflux esophagitis.
Important note:
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or changes. The same link will be used for all of our work:
Pathology Edit.
Lower esophageal sphincter (LES):
(abdominal part)
is a bundle of muscles at the low end of the esophagus, where it meets the
stomach and maintains the tonic contraction.
● Primary barrier to gastroesophageal reflux is the lower esophageal sphincter.
● LES normally works in conjunction with the diaphragm.
● If barrier disrupted, acid goes from stomach to esophagus.
● Stratified squamous epithelium (in esophagus)
is resistant to abrasion1 of the foods and sensitive to
● Submucosal glands contribute the mucosal (acid)
protection by secreting both mucin and
● LES tone prevents the acidic gastric reflux under positive pressure.
Gastroesophageal reflux:
Is a normal physiologic phenomenon experienced intermittently by most people, particularly after a meal.
The process of scraping or wearing away.
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD):
Occurs when the amount of gastric juice that refluxes into the esophagus exceeds the normal
limit, causing
with or withoutassociated esophageal mucosal injury.
1. Impaired lower esophageal sphincter (low pressures →
hypotonia → relaxation).
2. Hypersecretion of acid.
3. Decreased acid clearance resulting from impaired
peristalsis or abnormal saliva production.
4. Delayed gastric emptying and duodenogastric reflux of
bile2 .
5. Salts and pancreatic enzymes.
These caused by two mechanisms:
1. Decrease in LES tone.
2. Increase abdominal pressure.
hiatal hernia3
Occurs when bile flows upward from the small intestine into the stomach. Bile reflux is caused by damage to the pyloric valve.
Hiatal hernia is characterized by separation of the right and left
crus of the
diaphragm and protrusion of the stomach into the
thorax through the resulting gap.
Clinical Manifestations:
ypical symptoms
● T (Most common)
- Heartburn :retrosternal burning discomfort (more frequent).
- Regurgitation :effortless return of gastric contents into the pharynx without
nausea, retching4, or abdominal contractions.
- Dysphagia: (more frequent).
● Atypical symptoms:
- Coughing, chest pain, and wheezing hoarseness/laryngitis.
● Extraesophageal manifestations:
- Otolaryngol:hoarseness and laryngitis.
to=ear: these symptoms are due the connection between the
ear and the pharynx (eustachian tube)
Non-cardiac chest pain (mimics cardiac chest pain).
● Other: (not every chest pain is angina)
Diagnostic Evaluation
alarm symptoms5
If classic symptoms of heartburn and regurgitation exist in the absence of “ ” the
diagnosis of GERD can be made clinically
and treatment can be initiated.
1- Esophagogastroduodenoscopy6
*Device with 2 arms: one for camera other biopsy handle. When doctor sees
an area not looking good (bleeding,ulcer,polyp) take biopsy and send it to lab.
Endoscopy with biopsy is needed:
- In patients with alarm signs/symptoms.
- Those who fail a medication trial.
- Those who require long-term treatment.
Allows the detection, and management of esophageal injury
complications of GERD.
The procedure lacks sensitivity for identifying pathologic
and absence of endoscopic features does not exclude a GERD
If you find nothing with the endoscopy you go with the pH procedure.
2- pH:
pass tube through nose→ put a machine→ for 24h→ check PH.
● 24-hour pH monitoring.
● Transnasal catheter or a wireless, capsule shaped device.
used for establishing or excluding
presence of GERD for those patients who do not have mucosal changes.
e.g Gagging ( repeated unsuccessful attempts to vomit ).
Alarm symptoms include: dysphagia, odynophagia (painful swallowing), bleeding, anemia and weight loss.
Endoscopic examination of the upper alimentary tract using a video instrument.
1. Erosive 7 esophagitis:
Inflammation of the esophagus.
2. Stricture:Caused by inflammation → fibrosis → esophagus becomes narrow → increase risk of
choking with food.
3. Barrett’s esophagus:
Barrett’s Esophagus
Erosive esophagitis Esophageal stricture (main risk factors)
Microscopic shows :
1. elongation of lamina propria papilia.
2. basal zone hyperplasia.
3. eosinophils and neutrophils .
- Many patients with Barrett’s are asymptomatic.
Gross Microscopic
Difference between Physiologic and Pathologic GER:
Asymptomatic. Symptoms
Postprandial (after meal). Mucosal injury
Short lived
(for a period of time)
. Nocturnal symptoms
(problems while
No nocturnal symptoms. sleeping at night)
● H2 receptor Blockers.
● Proton pump inhibitors.
● Antireflux surgery.
Will be discussed more in details in the pharmacology lecture.
1- A 55 years old male known to have sever migraine presented to his physician with frequent
cough, and difficulty in eating, and recently he noticed some changes in his voice.
What is the most likely cause of his condition?
A. Obesity
B. Ranitidine (H2 blocker)
C. Diclofenac sodium ( NSAIDs)
D. Helicobacter pylori
2- A pregnant woman presented with difficulty in swallowing and a night waking heartburn. What is
the most likely cause of her condition?
A. Analgesics
B. H.pylori
C. Hiatal hernia
D. Antidepressants
3- A 50 years old woman complaining of heartburn and regurgitation was diagnosed with GERD,
what is the first step management for her?
A. Endoscopy
B. pH monitoring
C. Antacid medications (no alarm symptoms )
D. Antireflux surgery
4- A 60 years old salesman noticed to have a cancer of his lower esophagus. He is a nonsmoker and
occasionally drinks alcohol. Which of the following is most likely cell type?
A. Sarcoma
B. Adenocarcinoma
C. Squamous cell carcinoma
D. Metastasis
5- A 58 year-old man presents with dysphagia for solids for three months. He complains of weight
loss and loss of appetite. There is no other relevant medical history apart from indigestion
symptoms and heartburn for the previous five years. He has endoscopy which shows an esophageal
stricture which indicates:
A. Peptic ulcers
B. Esophagitis
C. Intestinal metaplasia
D. Dysplasia
A 42-year-old policeman has been seen by his family physician for a 5 years history of "heartburn",
he has been intermittently taking Ranitidine – a H2 blocking agent – with some relief.
An upper endoscopic examination that was performed recently revealed some reddish
discoloration and friability of the lower esophageal region. A biopsy was performed, and the
microscopic examination revealed Columnar cells containing goblet cells.
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