Appendix G
Appendix G
Appendix G
Contractor to complete
Appendix A
SA Approved Manufacturer
develops a new mix design.
Notifies BP&CTU seven working
days before plant trials
SA Approved Manufacturer
performs a plant trial PMT, ME, or CA checks
(Appendix C). Tested and Appendices A, B, & C if it
certified by a SA Approved meets project requirements
independent Testing Lab.
Request contractor
Meets project NO to submit a new mix
SA Approved Manufacturer submits requirements? design
mix design data sheet (Appendix B)
and Trial Batch Report (Appendix C)
to BP&CTU for Approval YES
In using the flow chart, Appendices A, B, and C are to be
used for Concrete mix designs.
Proposed Mix NO
For Asphalt mix designs, in the chart, replace Appendix A by Design already
Appendix D, Appendix B by Appendix E, and Appendix C by approved?
Appendix F.
APIU or IA Approves
Mix Design for the Project