Models Involving Two Inverse Weibull Distributions: R. Jiang, D.N.P. Murthy, P. Ji
Models Involving Two Inverse Weibull Distributions: R. Jiang, D.N.P. Murthy, P. Ji
Models Involving Two Inverse Weibull Distributions: R. Jiang, D.N.P. Murthy, P. Ji
In this paper, we look at three models (mixture, competing risk and multiplicative) involving two inverse Weibull distributions. We study
the shapes of the density and failure-rate functions and discuss graphical methods to determine if a given data set can be modelled by one of
these models. q 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Inverse Weibull; Mixture model; Competing risk model; Multiplicative model; WPP and IWPP plots
Differentiating F(t) given by Eq. (3) yields the density The integral does not have a ®nite value for k > b . The
function reason for this is that the inverse Weibull distribution has a
heavy right tail.
f t F 0 t hbt2b21 e2z t : 4
2.4. Transformed plots
To study the shapes for f(t) we differentiate it and this
yields We consider two transforms.
3.3. IWPP plot 3. The asymptotes are as follows. For small and large x (or
t), we have the following the limits:
We need to consider the following two cases separately: lim z2 =z1 1; lim z2 =z1 0: 26
t!0 t!1
Case (i). The shape parameters are different and without
loss of generality we assume that b 1 , b 2,
Case (ii). The two shape parameters are the same so that
b1 b2 b and without loss of generality we assume The ®rst limit shows that F1 t q F2 t when t ! 0.
that a 1 , a 2. Therefore, the left asymptote is given by
Let L1 and L2 denote the IWPP plots for the two sub- L1 :
populations. These are given by Eq. (19) with the
parameters corresponding to the two sub-populations. The y 2ln 2ln pF1 t 1 qF2 t < 2ln 2ln pF1 t
two intersect when the shape parameters are different and
are parallel when they are the same. De®ne zi zi t ! b1 x 2 ln a1 : (27)
t=ai 2bi ; i 1; 2:
Case (i). b 1 , b 2 For large x (or t), we have
In this case L1 and L2 intersect and let I denote this point 2ln F t 2ln p e2z1 1 q e2z2
! b1 x 2 ln a1 2 ln p (29)
L1 :
y 2ln 2ln pF1 t 1 qF2 t < 2ln 2ln pF1 t 31
Fig. 5. (a) IWPP plot for mixture model Ð Case (i) and a1 =a2 , 1: (b)
! b x 2 ln a1 :
IWPP plot for mixture model Ð Case (i) and a1 =a2 . 1:
Fig. 7. Plots of density function for competing risk model. Fig. 9. IWPP plot for competing risk model.
R. Jiang et al. / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 73 (2001) 73±81 79
y < ln z1 z2 b1 x 2 ln a1 1 b2 x 2 ln a2
the density function plots for a range of parameter values
indicated that the shape is always unimodal. Fig. 10 shows
b1 ln a1 1 b2 ln a2
b1 1 b2 x 2 : (38) the plot for the following parameter values: b 1 1.5,
b1 1 b2
a 1 3, b 2 3.5, a 2 5.
Note that the coordinates of the intersection of L1 and LR An explanation for why the plots are always unimodal is
are (ln(a 2), b 1 ln(a 2/a 1)). Also, there is a link between the as follows. For the density function to be bi-modal, the two
IWPP plot for the inverse Weibull competing risk model sub-populations must be well separated. Without loss of
and the WPP plot for the Weibull multiplicative model. generality, assume that tm1 p tm2 ; where tm1 and tm2 are
The left asymptote for the former is the same as the right the locations of the modes for the two sub-populations.
asymptote for the latter, and the right asymptote for the Over the interval t # tm1 and in region close to t tm1 ;
former is the same as the left asymptote for the latter. F2 t < 0 and f2 t < 0; and as a result f t < 0: Thus, the
If the IWPP plot of a given data set has a shape similar to density function cannot have a peak near the region close to
that shown in Fig. 9, then the data can be modelled by the t tm1 : This implies that f(t) is unimodal.
competing risk model. In this case, the model parameters The above results are in contrast to the Weibull multi-
can be estimated as follows. The left asymptote yields esti- plicative model which exhibits bimodal shape for the
mates of b 1, a 1 and the right asymptote and Eq. (38) yield density function. This is because the Weibull model does
the estimates of b 2 and a 2. We need to ensure that the two not have a light left tail (as for the inverse Weibull) so that
asymptotes intersect at the point ln(a 2), b 1 ln(a 2/a 1)). the condition F2 t < 0 and f2 t < 0 for t # tm1 do hold.
Since the failure rates of two sub-populations are uni- ² For large t we have
modal, the possible shapes of the failure rate are unimodal
and bimodal. However, an examination of the failure rate F t < F1 t: 46
function plots for a range of parameter values indicated that
the shape is always unimodal. Fig. 11 shows the plot for the These imply that the two asymptotes for the IWPP are
following parameter values: b 1 1.5, a 1 3, b 2 3.5, given by L2 as x ! 2 1 (or t ! 0) and by L1 as x ! 1 (or
a 2 5. t ! 1).
A typical IWPP plot is as shown in Fig. 12 (with the
5.3. IWPP plot parameter values b 1 1.5, a 1 3, b 2 3.5, a 2 5).
This is similar to the WPP plot for a multiplicative model
Under the inverse Weibull transform, the IWPP plot is involving two Weibull distributions discussed in Ref. [6],
given by i.e. both are concave. Also, there exists a link between the
y 2lnz1 x 1 z2 x 42 IWPP plot for the inverse Weibull multiplicative model and
the WPP plot for the Weibull competing risk model
and this is a nonlinear relationship between y and x. It is discussed in Ref. [6]. That is, the left asymptote for the
easily shown that former is the same as to the right asymptote for the latter,
and the right asymptote for the former is the same as the left
b1 z 1 1 b 2 z 2 2 b1 2 b2 2 z1 z2 asymptote for the latter.
y 0 x ; y 00 ,0
z1 1 z2 z1 1 z2 2 Let (xI, yI) denote the co-ordinates of the intersection of L1
43 and L2, then we have
so that the IWPP plot is concave. b1 1 b2
y xI yI 2 ln 2; y 0 xI : 47
From Eq. (39) we have 2
F t exp 2z1 2 z2 exp 2z1 1 1 z2 =z1 If the IWPP plot of a given data set has a shape similar to
that shown in Fig. 12, then the data can be modelled by the
exp 2z2 1 1 z1 =z2 : 44 multiplicative model. In this case, the model parameters can
be estimated as follows. The left asymptote yields estimates
It is easily seen that of b 2, a 2 and the right asymptote yields the estimates of b 1
and a 1. One should ensure that Eq. (47) can be roughly
ab1 1 b2 2b1
lim z1 =z2 lim t 0; satis®ed when ®tting the asymptotes.
t!0 t!0 ab2 2 Comment. If a1 =a2 p 1 q 1; it may be hard to ®t the
right [left] asymptote L1 [L2]. In this case, one can locate the
ab2 2 b1 2b2
lim z2 =z1 lim t 0: intersection of the plot and the x-axis and obtain x-coordi-
t!1 t!1 ab1 1 nate, x0, and the slope at this point, y 0 (x0). From Eqs. (42)
and (43), estimates of b 1 and a 1 [b 2 and a 2] are obtained by
Using these limits in Eq. (44) yields the following results:
solving the following set of equations:
² For small t we have z1 x0 1 z2 x0 1; b1 z1 x0 1 b2 z2 x0 y 0 x0 : 48
F t < F2 t: 45
6. A numerical example
a^ 1 36:3701; b^ 1 1:3308; t^ 1 9:4121;
The authors would like to thank the referee for the
a^ 2 2:3729; b^ 2 1:7183; t^ 2 36:9330: extremely helpful comments. The ®rst and third authors
wish to acknowledge the Hong Kong Polytechnic Univer-
The corresponding maximum absolute difference
sity for the ®nancial support of the project (No. G-YW41).
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