IE Class 2

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ie Class 2 Let Ar, Az be the characteristic numbers and fi, fa the corresponding eigenfunctions for the homogeneous integral equation or , oA feosento =e Then ao ( Ar = —18 - 6 =-18 Ay = =36 ~ 12D, Ap = ~36 Ke) Je filx)(x)oe = 1 Ww Ig filx)f(x)dx = 0 Let Ay, Az be the characteristic numbers and fi, be the corresponding eigenfunctions for the homogeneous integral equation Ti Fredhety TE with -_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—— OO-—' {ow yr” Note he ak Bigefomclins au ve fa © Leraadiy ndlygrndink ® orthenenh Su iD =o » \ Lo Racrdn =O o fisrn get Giza oth ! ay = 5 ex edae 3 ° ‘ Jjee ob Ans § tagat A 2 ° 5 s ‘ an > Qavae= 2d ° 7 5 vant Ax=o Mac Spee ae > Ss ON L Umaga Srbat vba, eh Kte \ALe>? » v = = y y oy - Ww 1 % —— \l o_ » VY fe ' el 3 = et — hed “xe to 4 3 » L t Keo pF BN AHBAN HAE Se at aay he any ba zo . aay = bE? =n te a x oO hACTO ae Nag ay b=? = etd eek = Tet Veo Qa \N ek 108 2 . gouaepe > wou . b hac = Qh) yun $0 cae a eet Urageak nat’ uae 28 aa) we Cont Poimese a Grgn t ~ v word : = cays N [ane +22d guvat 3 \ 1 boy = nan { Ebundt| 4 nae |( a todt . 2 dey sare 4 atten Convanio, loebns ove omd TE: ° 3 m 4 E , wi rve = Votkem= Te § Aion on nigh pee & Gr endian Sn nigh pos ae ~ _-- S pi a Gadton nu ques ok thane than oe pod) ove = xe" ooh 9 Bee “= nee + aes es = So) 2 AS +038 ea Sew Trbiyveb from a al son sind +d {ee- ea * (ua: Fa) ° Ay +894 c(yenat = (Fa) 7 a ona agaim, whigeb Gm a & u- x a. Alem ser} + 8 Veundd + © cu) e Earle * sr> am . wendt = Cnet) ued we aA oo a ; a SY Wy Kee Ie pokoha Wee Ne x AON { [oot = [e-oaumat = a Ie 3 ove: Te Bs b Gus, re 50 = Say<% Jxenssunde a wes — Nota) Youn) cry avy 1p) ee Naa nee Volkous TE ThelN yy =0.y@) 1,718) = 5 ele co UFrw=1 + [e x)y(t)at (e ah map at = (&) yoga 1+ feranede Gye ey) x\(omat= 6 ° , ha (2) v@)=1+ f ey(eyae sey -9 * (oH 9" a ° ; ‘ (4) yoy as [= eyleyae youl =A & (aes > ° IF y : [0,00) + [0,00) is @ continuously differentiable function satisfying y(t) 0B | r(sIde for t > 0, then #0 = (0 +Cf s)45)° —29(0) | y(s)as (0) y?(0) —2 / y¥?(s)ds Let y: [0,00) + [0, 00) bea continuously differentiable function satisfying y(t) = ov@ f y(s)ds for t > 0.-Then fa * Conrltin Type Pablo nm Sty = Soy 4X § KCx-E) StHAL 5 voll TE ° aud kort) = hCx-b) Lara, Tawa even er mae L (ie = \e Gat = Fw) ° Reowhta: © Let}. Lle*)- \ aa ara L| G@ot\ = * a @ LL wet saat L (amor d = a © L [aot ox = = LC oat ox = ® LUS= t Llej= + LCety= + e(ege s"*l LL ecard = sYesr — yes efgcnd = sys) — Ayce) — Ble) LEve J = 4s) — Sure) a gee) — obo) Gov odin b $b) ¥3ly = {sen ace-aidy ° = femenis = Gorirbilin theron E [sexs = (sur) U(eur4 SON AW aid Nother with Conv otulin Core Let (x) be the solution f- ‘o(t)dt =x, x > 0. Then (1) equals % J Hca-egcede = Lorre se) ° @- ro (1 LLe*« veh <6 (d) 2 JUNE-2016 PART B Consider the integral equation Volhore - Cnorbor yx) =x? Fine x € [0,7] Then the value of y(1) is (a) 19/20 Yen Sa Ate BEX) (b) 2 (©) 17/20 18 <2) 1/20 Yoo oul YCs) = et Loey= = ar DEC-2016 PART B 8 (x) Ka ean Then o is given by & doy = Lee BEX HAO Ge) = H+ [or orenee j Gu-Fu) +45 B) Let @ satisfy lb) ob) = 00) = fix ornate ° gob- 75 =e) 7 on () d(x) = F(x) — | cos(x — t)F(e)ae x j gun = ES a) ox) = F(x) — [ scx - t)F(e)at x = FCs) 4 FSP AL bony = Sew) 4 LL te a0) JUNE-2016 PART C con) = The curve y = y(x), passing through the point (V/3, 1) and defined by the following property (Volterra integral equation of the first kind) F(v)qv 47, where f(y) = yf is the part of a Lees pesstraight line aa) Hau = (b) circle = Chae) (c) parabola (A) cycloid cGs) ‘wel s (uw FO = (60) —= s ra) €e) = ATO) Ue ES = mel s JUNE-2019 PART B If y is a solution of then which of the following is true? (a) y is bounded but not periodic in R (b) y is periodic is (2) f vbya%

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