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Republic of the Philippines


Municipality of Carmen

Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office


TITLE OF ACTIVITY 3rd Quarterly National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill

VENUE/LOCATION Barangay Cancavan, Carmen, Surigao del Sur
DATE September 7, 2023 @ 2PM
RA 10121 or The Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Act of 2010 sec 12 (4), (10)states that
LDRRMO shall organize and conduct training, orientation,
and knowledge management activities on disaster risk
reduction and management at the local level and I
BACKGROUND disseminate information and raise public awareness about
those hazards, vulnerabilities, and risks, their nature,
effects, early warning signs and counter –measures.
Rule 6, Section 7 of IRR of the RA10121 states that
“Public awareness shall also be undertaken through the
conduct of drills by the LDRRM Office on a regular basis.”

These are the basic objectives for the activity as follows:

a. To provide public awareness and information about

the nature of earthquake its potential adverse
effects to the community;
b. Impart to the participants proper reactions during
and after the earthquake such as execution of
“duck, cover, hold”, evacuation, and locating the
designated assemble area;
c. Help the BDRRMCs on how to conduct the drill by
OBJECTIVES providing them the orientations and activating their
emergency response cluster to manage the
d. Provide brouchers on earthquake disaster
preparedness information after the drill.
e. To encourage the participation of the community to
engage and actively part of the drills.
Over-all assessment This quarter our host was the BLGU-Cancavan, Carmen,
SDS and Cancavan Elementary School assisted by
Municipal Emergency Response Cluster (Search and
Rescue and Health and Emergency Response
Teams).The coordination includes two-day of BDRRMC
meetings and one day meeting at the municipal level.

The scenario is a 5.6 magnitude earthquake that severely

affected the barangay causing few building collapse and
four casualties. The Barangay Emergency Operations
Center initially manage the incident but due to the
magnitude way beyond their scope the Municipal
Emergency Operations Center took charge of the incident
using the Incident Command System mechanism-
Operations and was able to manage the incident.

Over-all assessment of the drill was the BDRRMC-

Cancavan able to met the appropriate mechanisms and
standards on how to manage the incident and to conduct
the drill.
MDRRM Office
Municipal Police Station-PNP
Municipal Fire Station-BFP
Municipal Health Office

Prepared by: Noted by:

June E. Jaramillo Jane V. Plaza

LDRRMO II Municipal Mayor


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