Book List PG
Book List PG
Book List PG
Subject Book Name Writer/Author
Explore The Alphabet Book With Fun Activities Sultana Razia
I Can Learn! (Series – 1) The Orient
English Handwriting The Ladder Series Alphabet Capital Letters Explore Publication
Mathematics The Ladder Series Pre-School Stage – 1 (Number 1 - 50) Nazim Uddin
Arabic Language Arabic Language Book Series for Play Group Averroes Publication
1. Please write the name of your child & respective Grade on the books and copies.
2. All Text books & Stationary items must be collected from “MY AVERROES BOOK CENTER” in
main campus
3. Books and Stationery collection dates: 25 June, 2018 to onwards & submission dates are from 1
July, 2018 to 5 July, 2018.
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Averroes International School Books & Stationeries 2018-2019, PG