This document discusses the importance of humanistic brands and building relationships with customers. It provides three key steps to make a brand more humanistic: 1) Telling the brand's story to make the business seem like a relatable person, 2) Getting to know customers by understanding their needs and having two-way conversations, and 3) Using the right tone of voice to convey the brand's personality. It also gives examples of humanistic brands like Daiso that focus on affordable, creative products, and characteristics like empathy, authenticity, and purpose.
This document discusses the importance of humanistic brands and building relationships with customers. It provides three key steps to make a brand more humanistic: 1) Telling the brand's story to make the business seem like a relatable person, 2) Getting to know customers by understanding their needs and having two-way conversations, and 3) Using the right tone of voice to convey the brand's personality. It also gives examples of humanistic brands like Daiso that focus on affordable, creative products, and characteristics like empathy, authenticity, and purpose.
This document discusses the importance of humanistic brands and building relationships with customers. It provides three key steps to make a brand more humanistic: 1) Telling the brand's story to make the business seem like a relatable person, 2) Getting to know customers by understanding their needs and having two-way conversations, and 3) Using the right tone of voice to convey the brand's personality. It also gives examples of humanistic brands like Daiso that focus on affordable, creative products, and characteristics like empathy, authenticity, and purpose.
This document discusses the importance of humanistic brands and building relationships with customers. It provides three key steps to make a brand more humanistic: 1) Telling the brand's story to make the business seem like a relatable person, 2) Getting to know customers by understanding their needs and having two-way conversations, and 3) Using the right tone of voice to convey the brand's personality. It also gives examples of humanistic brands like Daiso that focus on affordable, creative products, and characteristics like empathy, authenticity, and purpose.
얼마나 휴머니스틱한가? Content Introduction The importance of customer relationship for every business *Humanising your brand: How to get it right *Are brands in South Korea humanistic enough? Characteristics of humanistic brands and some examples Conclusion INTRODUCTION 따라서 고객 관계라는 용어는 처음에는 단순히 비즈니스로서 고객과 맺는 관계로 보일 수 있습니다. 그러나 그것은 그것보다 훨씬 더 많은 것을 수반합니다! Customer relations is a collective term for the efforts you put in to enhance the customer experience. It includes the following: How do your customers feel towards you as a business? What steps do you take to address the issues your customers have? How do you approach interactions with customers? Furthermore, it is crucial to understand that customer relations depend not on one individual but on all the employees. Hence, to form concrete customer relations, a business requires every employee to fulfil their share of responsibility towards customer support. On the other hand, customer relations is concerned with customer feedback, satisfaction, etc. It also plays a vital role in improving customer support. Another significant factor that customer relations deal with is loyalty (that is, how frequently your customers allow you to serve them). Consumers show similar emotions in relationships in brands as they do with other humans. There are two different types of consumer-brand relationships: exchange relationships and communal relationships. If you want to maintain consumer brand loyalty, you must provide value to your customers. Brands must understand their consumers so they can provide them value in the way they expect it. For marketers, understanding the difference between the two kinds of relationships is essential to making sure you know how to deal with your customers. What is a brand-customer relationship? The relationship between brand and customer is a unique one that can have positive outcomes for both parties. Customers develop relationships with brands and think of them as partners. Brands become more human to customers and obtain meaning and value. BRAND AWARENES
CUSTOMERS, BRAND LOYALTY BEGINS. IF CUSTOMERS FIND A PRODUCT THEY CAN BELIEVE IN, THEN THEY WILL BE LOYAL TO BRANDS. COMPANIES HAVE TO TRY TO CREATE THESE RELATIONSHIPS WITH CUSTOMERS. THAT IS ONLY THE FIRST STEP. THEY MUST THEN WORK TO MAINTAIN AND GROW THE RELATIONSHIP. CUSTOMERS WANT TO FEEL FULFILLED, EITHER BECAUSE THE PRODUCT FILLS A NEED OR BECAUSE THEY FEEL LOYAL TO IT. YOU MIGHT HAVE BOTH KINDS OF CUSTOMERS, AND YOU MUST FIND WAYS TO APPEAL TO EACH TYPE. OFFER A PRODUCT THAT MEETS YOUR CONSUMERS’ NEEDS AND ENSURES IT’S RELIABLE AND OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY. How to build a brand relationship While several digital tools improve brand relationships, sometimes these software options can cause more harm than good. You can spin your wheels searching for new leads and achieve short-term gains, but it’s the connection you make with your customers that creates sustainability in the long run. Consumers are expecting and demanding more from brands today. If they do not see the value in an item, they will not pay a premium price. There is a stronger sense of competition among the brands as consumers have more flexibility in their purchases. As the market expands and options increase, consumers have become more unpredictable. Therefore, managing brand relationships is purely about the consumer. If a business wants to maintain the consumer-brand relationship, it must create and provide value. With all of the customer data collected today, it is tempting to send out several emails noting everything the Remember less is
customer likes. Keep in mind that the more communication
you send, the more it could seem like your brand only cares about paying the rent. Be creative. Use high-quality content that engages and interacts with your customer lending a hand to solidifying the customer and brand relationship. Creating fewer communications that resonate with the customer’s values and behaviors helps sustain brand relationships. Partnering with an influencer that your more
customers see as authentic can foster brand loyalty.
Position yourself as an expert in your industry and ask repeat customers for testimonials. 이 불안의 시대에, 전 세계의 많은 사람들은 인간적인 느낌 을 주는 브랜드에 대한 강한 필요성을 느낍니다. 휴머니즘적 인 브랜드는 무엇을 의미하며 왜 우리는 우리의 브랜드를 휴 머니즘화할 필요가 있습니까? 브랜드를 인간화하는 것은 영 혼이 없는 기업의 이미지를 벗고 비즈니스의 '인간적'인 측 면을 보여주는 방법입니다. 이는 고객이 자신이 참여하고 있 는 브랜드에 체면을 세우거나 최소한 개성을 나타낼 수 있도 록 도와줍니다. There are several steps to follow in order to make your brand humanistic: 1. Telling your brand’s story For humanised brand to come through naturally, we need to tell stories, not just sell products. The stories we tell should make our audience see our business as a likeable, relatable person that represents our brand. ' 2.Getting to know who our audience really are. We need to find out what they care about and find ways for our brand to become the solution for their problems. Just like any positive human relationship, empathy needs to start with a two-way conversation. We should not be afraid of customer feedback, even if it’s negative — every interaction with our audience will help us learn more about them and build (or re-build) their trust. Elon Musk’s public-facing approach to entrepreneurship has made him synonymous with his brand. So any negative feedback from Tesla customers is negative feedback towards him personally. When Tesla driver, Paul Franks, tweeted about making an improvement to his car, Elon Musk replied within 30 minutes promising to solve it in the next software update. 3. It’s not just what you say, but how you say it Tone of voice is one of the first giveaways of your brand’s personality. A nice example is King Burger which is one of the main competitors of McDonald's. Burger King has become known for their quick, light-hearted sense of humour, never missing an opportunity to poke fun at the competition. When COVID-19 hit the hospitality sector especially hard during lockdown, Burger King found a way to use their witty writing style to create heartfelt solidarity with their rivals at a time when every restaurant chain was feeling the effects of the pandemic. 한국의 브랜드는 휴머니즘적인 브랜드로 간주됩니까? "다이소" 다이소에서는 서양식과 아시아식 과자, 장식품, 주방용품, 미용용품, 문 구류, 선물포장, 인사장, 전자제품 액세서리, 정리정돈, 가정용품 등을 판매합니다. 한국어로 "다이소"라는 단어는 "우리는 모든 것을 가지고 있습니다"라 는 의미입니다. 다이소는 품질이 좋은 저렴한 제품을 판매하고 있으며, 1달러 미만의 많 은 쇼핑을 할 수 있기 때문에 "1달러 상점"으로도 널리 알려져 있습니 다. 이곳의 가격대는 1,000원부터 5,000원까지입니다. 경쟁사들이 사업 마케팅에 상당한 금액을 지출하고 있지만, 다이소는 판매 포인트인 저렴하고 품질이 좋은 생활용품에만 의존함으로써 1위 를 유지했습니다. . DAISO 그들의 합리적인 가격 정책 외에 도, 다이소는 창의성에도 초점을 맞추고 있습니다. 그들의 제품은 항상 눈길을 끌며 구매에 저항하는 인내심을 시험할 수 있습니다. 사 람들이 다이소에서 쇼핑하는 것을 좋아하는 가장 큰 이유는 혁신적인 상품의 낮은 가격 때문입니다. Some common characteristics of humanistic brands include: Empathy: These brands have a deep understanding of their customers' needs and values, and they aim to create products and services that resonate with them on an emotional level. Authenticity: Humanistic brands are genuine and transparent in their communications, and they strive to build trust with their customers. Purpose: These brands have a clear sense of purpose beyond just making a profit, and they often focus on making a positive impact on society and the environment. Community: Humanistic brands create a sense of belonging and connection among their customers, often through shared values and beliefs. Innovation: These brands are often innovative and forward-thinking, constantly looking for new ways to improve their products and services and create positive change in the world. The following are customer-focused responses: (1) Achieve customer satisfaction; (2) Satisfy customer needs; (3) Help everyone have a home they love; (4) Improve life in your home; (5) Make it possible for people to buy functional, low-priced and designer home decor items; (6) Cover real needs of people; (7) Being perceived as “supportive and collaborative; ” (8) Improve the day-to-day lives of our employees; (9) Be accessible and serve the majority of people where they are; (10) Play a positive role for both people and our planet; (11) Contribute to the development of people; (12) Reach the greatest number of people so that they can have a home they love; There are many brands that use a humanistic approach in their branding and marketing strategies. Here are a few examples:
TOMS Shoes: This footwear brand is known for its "one
for one" model, where they donate a pair of shoes to a child in need for every pair purchased. They have also expanded their giving model to include eyewear and clean water initiatives. The Body Shop: This cosmetics and skincare company has a strong focus on ethical and sustainable sourcing, and they are committed to supporting social and environmental causes through their products and initiatives. The Perkins Brailler is a humanistic product for several reasons. Firstly, it is designed specifically for the needs of blind users, allowing them to write and read braille with ease. Secondly, it promotes literacy and independence among blind people, by enabling them to write and communicate effectively. This can have a profound impact on their quality of life, as it allows them to participate more fully in - education, work, and social activities. The Perkins Brailler is also an example of a humanistic product because it was developed with input from blind users and educators, who provided feedback on the design and functionality of the device. This ensured that the product met the needs and preferences of its intended users, and it helped to create a sense of community and shared responsibility around the development of the product 하지만 안타깝게도, 모든 브랜드가 열심히 노력해도 인문주의적 이지는 않다. 이러한 예들 중 하나인 올리브영은 한국에 기반을 둔 미용 및 건강 소매업체이며, 회사는 브랜드와 마케팅에 인문 학적 가치를 통합하기 위해 노력했지만, 그것이 반드시 순수한 인문학적 브랜드로 여겨지지는 않는다.올리브영은 플라스틱 쓰 레기를 줄이고 친환경 제품을 제공하는 등 지속 가능하고 윤리 적인 실천을 촉진하기 위한 노력을 인정받았다. 이 회사는 또한 정신 건강에 대한 인식을 높이고 여성의 권한 부여를 지원하는 등 사회적 원인을 지원하기 위해 다양한 단체 및 이니셔티브와 협력하고 있습니다. However, some critics have raised concerns about the company's labor practices and the treatment of its employees, including allegations of overworking and underpaying workers. Additionally, as with any company, Olive Young's ultimate goal is to generate profit for its stakeholders, which can sometimes conflict with the principles of humanistic values. Overall, while Olive Young has made some strides towards incorporating humanistic values into its operations, it is not necessarily considered a purely humanistic brand, and its commitment to these values may vary depending on the context and circumstances. And there are some brands that are trying to be humanistic in Uzbekistan also, named Maryam cosmetics. This brand is created recently and they gained a great deal of clients because this shop tried to sell their products at reasonable prices with different kind of discounts. But after gaining such popularity among the society, they increased the price of their products without explanation. It means, they just used humanistic features as an advertising just for enlarging their audience. 요약하자면, 새로운 '인문주의 시대'에서 브랜드는 점점 더 고 객을 유치하기 위해 인간의 특성을 가정할 것이다. 이 과정은 고객의 잠재적인 요구와 욕구를 밝히는 좋은 경청, 상세한 측 정, 공감하는 연구로 시작된다. 이러한 불안과 욕구에 효과적 으로 대응하기 위해서는 마케팅이 브랜드의 인간적인 측면을 발전시켜야 한다. 브랜드는 물리적으로 매력적이고 지적으로 자극적이며 사회적으로 매력적이며 정서적으로 매력적이어 야 하며, 동시에 신뢰를 구축하고 적시에 제품과 솔루션을 고 객에게 판매할 수 있는 뛰어난 신뢰성과 강력한 도덕적 나침 반을 보여주어야 합니다. Thank you for your attention