Chapter Four
Chapter Four
Chapter Four
Development communication
• Development and communication are both intertwined. Communication is extremely
essential in any developmental project for long-term results. Both the terms are loaded
with different conceptions and richness of uses and functions because of their theoretical
foundation. This article will be looking at four main questions: What is development
communication? What are the differences among other ways of communication? Why is
it needed in developmental work in today’s perspective? And what is development
communication, the emerging participatory paradigm?
• The role of development communication has become important and relevant now more
than ever after the continuous failure of the one-way vertical communication model:
sender – message - channel - receiver (SMCR). Worldwide, the development focus has
shifted from economic growth to include other social dimensions; hence, its approach to
communication of the processes. Sustainability and people’s participation have become
key elements of this new vision, as also acknowledged by the World Bank. According to
the World Bank, ‘Internationally, emphasis is being placed on the challenges of
sustainable development, and participation is increasingly recognised as a necessary part
of sustainable development strategies.’
Without communication, participation cannot occur in a large scale or vice verse. Participation
needs to be based on two-way communication principles and practices.
Definition of Development Communication
2. It is a social process based on dialogue using a broad range of tools and methods. It is
also about seeking change at different levels, including listening, building trust, sharing
knowledge and skill-building policies, debating and learning for sustained meaningful
change. It is not public relation or corporate communication (Rome Consensus of World
Bank 2006)
• Climate change is happening. The science is compelling and the longer we wait, the
harder the problem will be to solve
• Shubh Kal, an initiative of Development Alternatives and the Swiss Agency for
Development and Cooperation is a pilot project and supports measures that eventually
lead to better income, improved resource management, lower carbon footprint and overall
reduction in climate vulnerability of the population. This project has three target groups:
farmers, artisans and women who are trying to improve their livelihood conditions in the
drought-affected Bundelkhand region. The project area has been facing constant drought
for the last few years; few livelihood options and low literacy level are major problems
and, hence, the initiative has been trying to improve the lives of these three target groups
by devising micro projects that are relevant to climate change adaptation. Due to the
context, some complexities in the content and to the need for capacity building, here the
communication strategy relies mostly on interpersonal and group methods like focus
group discussion, knowledge mapping, exposure visits to other relevant project areas, etc.
The key stakeholders have been associated with the process from the beginning so that no
misunder-standing may take root in their mind. We are hopeful that the initiative will
lead to the expected projects results within the timeframe.
• The participatory model of communication for social change is mainly a new look at the
newly emerging paradigm in development since it emphasises the importance of two-way
horizontal communication and need to facilitate the participation of stakeholders in each
step for empowerment. ‘Change is now expected to be defined with the people and not
for the people, making communication for social change closely aligned with the
participatory communication perspective’ (World Bank).
• This model favours people’s active and direct interaction through consultation and
dialogue. It shifts the emphasis from information dissemination to situation analysis,
from persuasion to participation.
while PAR aims at placing communities and local stakeholders in the driving seat of
development efforts. Till such time as we do not include communication in a systematic
and dialogic manner, any approach of communication will not be successful in the large
scale. Participatory development communi-cation or the horizontal model of
communication opens up new space for dialogue among stakeholders and facilitates the
exchange of knowledge, empowering people to participate actively in the process
affecting their own lives.
1) Information Sharing, one way communication basically, people are included by
informing them about what is being done;
2) Consultation, primarily one way communication with a stronger emphasis on feedback.
Stakeholders provide their input but do not have a significant say in the decision making
3) Collaboration, two way communication supporting open interaction in decision making-
input in decision making is balanced; and
4) Empowerment, transfer of control over decisions and resources. Two way
communications ensures shared decision making