SmartBevNEER00One pagerEN
SmartBevNEER00One pagerEN
SmartBevNEER00One pagerEN
Alcohol-free beers are becoming compelling enough to crave Save energy, time and optimize capacity in production with
SmartBev™ NEER®
Consumers are increasingly demanding good • Fast route to market and no CAPEX required
non-alcoholic alternatives that support more • Cost- and production-efficient process. Saving time, energy and raw
mindful consumption1 materials compared to more traditional methods, e.g. de-alc. of
full-strength beer
• Reduced carbon footprint from the production process for a more
Sustainability is also a key attribute consumers
sustainable beer
want to see in the food products and beverages
they choose2. Standing out in this area can • Fermentation solution masking wort flavors, optimizing beer flavors
differentiate both a product and a brand and yielding a well-integrated body and mouthfeel
Smartbev™ NEER® offers a shorter fermentation time and a 30-65% reduction in raw malt
When comparing the “traditional” approach to creating AFB with our
SmartBev™ NEER® solution, where additional steps after fermentation
are skipped, Smartbev™ NEER® offers a shorter fermentation time and
SMA a 30-65% reduction in malt
With SmartBev™ NEER® EER®
for final beer of 0.0% ABV U TION
(Wort of 4-8 Plato)
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