Nursery Application Form - Docx 2
Nursery Application Form - Docx 2
Nursery Application Form - Docx 2
Admission Number:
Date of Termination:
Address: ……………………………………………………………………………..........................................................................
Town: …………………………………….. Postcode: ……………………...
Please provide details of someone whom we could contact (other than the Parent/Guardian) should your child
become ill and we cannot contact you.
Full Name: ……………………………. Telephone: ………………………….
……………………………………………………………………..........................................Postcode: ………………………....
Relationship to Child? …………….......................................................................................................................
Please provide details of someone whom we could contact (other than the Parent/Guardian) should your child
become ill and we cannot contact you.
Does your child have any learning difficulties or special needs such as: ADHD, Speech and language, Autism.
Yes No
If yes, please describe:
Who has legal contact with the child? Mum Dad Both
Name of key person/ lead professional in case work and contact details:
Has your child had the following check-ups done, please tick below:
18 MONTH Hepatitis A
Does your child suffer from any illness, disability or allergy? Yes No
If Yes, please give further details: ………………………………………………….
Does your child have any special dietary requirements? Yes No
If Yes, please give details, particularly of the foods to avoid: …………………...
I / We hereby give permission for any member of school staff who is a Paediatric First Aider to administer emergency medi-
cine, advise or treatment, and to take my child to hospital should the need arise.
I / We will not hold the school responsible for the implementation of the above.
Please bring your child’s Early Years Foundation Stage Progress Tracker and any record of achievements
from your child’s last setting.
I/we confirm that our child will fully toilet trained by the time they are admitted to the Nursery at Oakwood
Primary School. We will supply fully labelled change of clothes so in the event of clothes being soiled they
can be changed.
I apply for admission of my child to this pre-school and certify that all the above details are correct to the
best of my knowledge. I undertake to honour in full the requirements of my child’s agreed study pro-
gramme, and all Oakwood Early Years Rules, Regulations & Policies.
I have returned this completed form with a copy of my child’s birth certificate to reserve a place for my child.
I agree that if my child’s hours exceed their entitled funded hours, to pay for any additional hours by the end
of the half term at the rate of £5.00 for every extra hour. I understand that to retain my child’s place, fees re-
main payable even if the child is absent. I acknowledge and agree that all monies paid to Oakwood Education
are non-refundable.
All About Me
Please answer these questions in as much detail as possible. This will help us to get to know your child
and help him or her to settle in quickly.
When I’m feeling sad or need a nap I like to: (e.g. have my comforter):……………………….
I have regularly contact with other adults who do not live in my house for example: aunty, uncle, cousin.
Their names are: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Please bring in a drawing/ picture/ sample of work that your child has produced at home. This will help us
to understand better the stage of development your child has reached.
Attendance Form for Nursery
All nursery children are eligible for 15 hours of free nursery education per week beginning on the term
after the 3rd birthday.
Our Nursery offers flexible attendance hours to help accommodate parents’ busy schedules.
I understand that these timings can be permanently changed only once during each term. One off daily
changes can be made for appointments or emergencies at the Early Years Manager’s discretion, please give
at least 1 days notice.
I understand that my child is eligible for 15 hours of free nursery education per week.
I understand that there is a fee for attending more than 15 hours a week and that this fee is £5.00 per
extra hour.
I understand that the fee for extra hours is to be paid online via Parent Pay on a half termly basis by the
date indicated on the invoice and that the fee is non-refundable.
I understand that unpaid invoices may result in my child not being able to attend the following term at
Oakwood Nursery.
Children must arrive and depart from Nursery on time. We cannot accommodate very early arrivals and
late departures will incur a £5 fine for every instance.
Date: ……………………………………………
All children who are 3 and 4 years old will receive 15 hours of free childcare a week. Please read on to see how you
can check if you qualify for the additional 15 hours of free childcare taking you up to 30 hours a week and how to
apply for it.
If you’re a parent of a 3 or 4 year old, you will need to meet the following criteria in order to be eligible for 30 hours
free childcare.
Both parents must be in work, or for single parent families, the sole parent must be at work. ‘In work” is defined as
being in employment (including self-employed) and earning at least the equivalent of 16 hours per week at National
Minimum Wage or National Living Wage.Each parent must earn less than £100,000 per year.
Families will also be eligible if both parents are employed but one parent (or both parents) are:
temporarily away from the workplace on maternity, paternity, adoption or parental leave
temporarily away from the workplace on statutory sick pay
Or if:
one parent is employed and one parent has substantial caring responsibilities based on specific benefits re-
ceived for caring
one parent is employed and one parent is disabled or incapacitated and in receipt of specific benefits.
As a parent you will be responsible for checking your eligibility online at
You can choose for your child to attend more than one childcare provider however, you cannot use more than two
sites in one day. You will also be required to reconfirm your eligibility with HMRC every three months.
Please be aware that all extra hours over 15 hours a week or 30 hours a week (if you qualify for the additional 15
hours a week) will be charged at £5 per extra hour. Invoices are sent out every half term and need to be paid by
the date indicated in the invoice. Unpaid invoices may result in your child not being able to attend the following
term at Oakwood Nursery.
I have read and understood the above statement regarding invoices for extra hours attended in Nursery.
I have claimed the 30 hours a week of free Nursery childcare: