Part 77153
Part 77153
Part 77153
1984 104(3)] no
Black skimmer Rhynchops nigra. The few records of this species for Bolivia
are from Dptos. Beni (Bond & Meyer de Schauensee 1942) and La Paz (Nietham-
mer 1953). On 25 October 1979 R. A. R. and Robert Ridgely found 2 at the north
end of Lago Uru-uru (3700 m), Dpto. Oruro. We observed one along the sandy
shore of the Rio Piray, north of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, on 3 October 1983. These
records represent a substantial southerly range extension.
(Chapman 1923, Bond 1950). On 13-14 October 1983 we heard at least 5 different
individuals between 1575 and 1700 m in humid cloudforest about 52 km by road
west of Villa Tunari, Dpto. Cochabamba. One pair was observed when they
responded to playbacks of their songs, which consisted of 2 mellow whistled
notes, the first shorter and lower-pitched than the second. The birds hopped
about on the ground in and near a narrow ravine well-shaded by a canopy of
epiphyte-laden trees averaging about 10 m in height. The undergrowth, which
contained only small, scattered thickets of Chusquea bamboo, was light to mode-
rately dense.
Bank swallow Riparia riparia. This migrant from North America has been
reported from Bolivia only in Dpto. Santa Cruz (Meyer de Schauensee 1966). On
3 October 1982 R. A. R. saw one with a flock of Hirundo rustica northeast of
Santa Cruz de la Sierra. We saw one with a group of 10+ H. rustica over a small
pond 8 km east of Montero, on 3 October 1983. 1-2 were also noted with many
Notiochelidon cyanoleuca and several H. rustica over a pond about 1 km north-
west of San Isidro (18 03'S, 64 25'W), Santa Cruz, on 8 October 1983. One was
seen at Lago Uru-Uru, Dpto. Oruro at 3700 m, on 16 October 1983, with an
apparently migrating flock of H. rustica.
Cliff swallow Hirundo pyrrhonota. Remsen & Taylor (1983) reported the
first record of this North American migrant for Bolivia, a specimen collected in
Dpto. Chuquisaca. J. V. Remsen, Jr. had seen this species nearly every day, 23
Nov-5 Dec 1976, from as few as 5 to as many as 200 per day, at Estancia
Inglaterra, along the Rio Yata, Provincia Yacuma, Dpto. Beni; none was seen
there 6-24 December. Remsen had also seen 5 others over Cochabamba city,
Dpto. Cochabamba on 1 November 1976. R. A. R. saw a flock of 30+ about 5 km
south of San Isidro, Dpto. Santa Cruz on 5 October 1982. We observed 2 about 1
km northwest of San Isidro on 9 October 1983. R. A. R. and Robert Ridgely saw
2 at Lago Uru-Uru, Dpto. Oruro, on 25 October 1979; we saw 2 in the same
locality on 16 October 1983. We noted several with a group of H. rustica, H.
andecola, and Notiochelidon cyanoleuca at a small pond about 8 km north of the
city of Oruro on 16 October 1983.
ii3 [Bull.Brit.Orn.Cl.19S4 104(3)}
The following sight records obtained during our trip were the first for their respective
Departments (J. V. Remsen, Jr., M. A. Traylor, Jr., and Gatson Bejerano, unpubl. data).
Dpto Santa Cruz:- (Santa Cruz city area, 2-5 October 1983). Egretta ibis, Strcptoprocne
zonans, Chaetura brachyura, Chaetura andrei and Passer domesticus; (Tambo School area,
east of Comarapa, 6-S October 1983) Vultur gryphus, Circus cinercus, Geranoaetus melano-
leucus; (Siberia cloudforest, 8—9 October 1983) Columba fasciata, Amazona mcrcenaria,
Aeronautes anciecolus, Ensifera ensifera, Synallaxis axarae, Pscudocolaptcs boissonneautii,
Grallaria erytbrotis, Sntalopus unicolor, Octboeca cinnamomeiventris, Phyllomyias uropy-
gialis, Conirostrum sitticolor and Poospiza crythrophrys. Dpto. Cochabamba:- (Villa Tunari
area, 11-13 October 1983) Sterna superciharis, Forpus xanthopterygius, Myiopagis caniceps,
Tersma viridis; (Chapare cloudforest, between Villa Tunari and Cochabamba) Oroaetus
isidori, Grallaria guatimalcnsis [RAR], Scytalopus umcolor, Scytalopus femoralis. Dpto. La
Paz:- Aeronautes montivagus.
Acknowledgements. We thank the following members of our tour group for making our
Bolivian trip possible and for helping us find and verify many of the records reported above:
Alan and Liz Chambers, Charles and Mary Jane Greene, Norman Hill, Robert Jeffrey,
Hank and Irma McCall, Fred and Naomi Loetscher, Cliff Pollard, Phoebe Snetsinger and
Ed Thayer. We also thank J. V. Remsen, Jr. and Robert Ridgely for allowing us to
incorporate their previously unpublished records.
Blake, E. R. 1977. Manual of Neotropical Birds. Vol. 1. Univ of Chicago Press: Chicago.
Bond, J. 1950. Notes of Peruvian Formicariidae. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 102:
Bond, J. & Mever de Schauensee, R. 1942. The Birds of Bolivia. Part 1. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci,
Philadelphia 94: 307-391.
Chapman, F. 1923. Descriptions of proposed new Formicariidae and Dendrocolaptidae.
Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 86.
Gyldenstolpe, N. 1945. A contribution to the ornithology of northern Bolivia. K. Sven.
Yctenskapsakad. Handl. Ser. 3, 23.
Mever de Schauensee, R. 1966. The Species of Birds of South America. Livingston: Narberth,
Niethammer, G. 1953. Zur Vogelwelt Boliviens. Bonn. Zool. Beitr. 4: 195-303.
Parker, T. A. Ill & O'Neill, J. P. 1980. Notes on little known birds of the upper Urubamba
Valley, southern Peru. Auk 97: 167-176.
Parker, T. A., Ill, Remsen, J. V. Jr. & Heindel, J. A. 1980. Seven bird species new to Bolivia.
Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 100: 160-162.
Pearson, D. L. 1975. Range extensions and new records for bird species in Ecuador, Peru,
and Bolivia. Condor yy: 96—99.
Remsen, J. V. Jr. & Ridgely, R. S. 1980. Additions to the avifauna of Bolivia. Condor 82:
Remsen, J. V., Jr. & Traylor, M. A. Jr. 1983. Additions to the avifauna of Bolivia, part 2.
Condor 85: 95-98.
Address. Theodore A. Parker, III, Museum of Zoology, Louisana State University, Baton
Rouge, Louisiana 70803-3216, USA; Rose Ann Rowlett, P.O. Box 33008, Austin,
Texas 78764, USA.
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