Inglés 2022
Inglés 2022
Inglés 2022
Hospital deparments
Emergency room (A&E): The accident and emergency department of
a hospital.
Consulting room: a room where a doctor examines a patient and
discusses their medical problems with them.
Delivery room: a room in a hospital where women give birth.
Housekeeping department: the department of a hospital that is
responsable for cleaning rooms.
Intensive care unit (ICU): the department of a hospital for people who
are so ill or badly injured that they need to have special medical care
and be watched very closely.
Maternity ward: the part of a hospital where pregnant women or
women who have just given birth to babies are looked after
Nursery: an area in a hospital where new babies are looked after until
they go home
Operating room / operating theatre: a room in a hospital where
doctors perform medical operations
Pharmacy: the part of a hospital where medicines are prepared
Sick room: a room where someone who is ill rests or gets medical
Cardiology Cardiologist
Pediatrics Pediatricion
Obstetrics Obstetricion
Gynecology Gynecologist
Radiology Radiologist
Oncology Oncologist
Neurology Neurologist
II. Write senteces to describe the work of the specialist in each branch
of medicine.
1- Dermatology== A dermatologist specializes in diseases of the
2- Rheumatology== rheunmatologist in musculoskeletal diseases
3- Traumatology== traumatologist specialist in traumatic diseases
4- Pediatrics== pediatricion specialist in children diseases
5- Obstetrics== obstetricion specialist in childbirt
6- Oncology== oncologist specialist in tumors and cancer
Hospital equipment
1. A special container that stores harmful biological Substances =
biological container
2. A container that holds pure oxygen = oxigen tank
3. A container shaped like a tube that is used to draw or push liquid out
of or into something. = siringe
4. A mattress that helps to prevent sores by keeping pressure off of
certain areas of the body = pressures matters
5. Are made of a flexible material that doctors often wear= latex glove
6. It has wheels and people who cannot walk use it to move around=
Procedure steps
1- introduce yourself: identify your patient and gain consent to
speak with them should you wish to take notes as you proceed
ask the patients permission to do so
2- Present complaint: this is what the patient tells you is wrong for
example chest pain
3- History of present complaint (HPC): the patient initiates this
proces by describing a symptom. Gain as much information you
can about the specific complaint
4- Past medical history (PMH): gather information about a patient
other problems
5- Drung history: find out what medications the patient is taking
including dosage and how often they are taking them, for
example: once-a-day, twice-a-day, etc. At this point it is a good
idea to find out if the patient has any allergies.
6- Family History (FH) :Gather some information about the
patients family history, e.g diabetes or cardiac history. Find out if
there are any genetic conditions within the family, for example:
kidney disease.
7- Social History (SH): This is the opportunity to find out a bit more
about the patient’s background. Remember to ask about smoking
and alcohol. You should also ask the patient if they use any
illegal substances, for example: cannabis, cocaine, etc. Also find
out who lives with the patient. You may find that they are the
carer for an elderly parent or a child and your duty would be to
8- Review of Systems (ROS): this consists of a list of questions
grouped according to organ system and designed to identify
disease within that area. For example, a review of systems for
respiratory illnesses would include: Do you have a cough? If so,
is it productive of sputum? Do you feel short of breath when you
walk? etc.
9- Summary of History: Complete your history by reviewing what
the patient has told you. Repeat back the important points so that
the patient can correct you if there are any misunderstandings or
Pasos del procedimiento
1- preséntese: identifique a su paciente y obtenga su consentimiento
para hablar con él si desea tomar notas a medida que avanza, pida
permiso al paciente para hacerlo
2- Presentar queja: esto es lo que el paciente le dice que está mal,
por ejemplo, dolor en el pecho
3- Historia de la queja actual (HPC): el paciente inicia este proceso
describiendo un síntoma. Obtenga toda la información que pueda
sobre la queja específica
4- Historial médico pasado (PMH): recopilar información sobre un
paciente otros problemas
5- Historial de drogas: averigüe qué medicamentos está tomando el
paciente, incluida la dosis y con qué frecuencia los toma, por ejemplo:
una vez al día, dos veces al día, etc. En este punto es una buena idea
encontrar si el paciente tiene alguna alergia.
6- Historia familiar (HF): Reúna información sobre la historia familiar
del paciente, por ejemplo, diabetes o antecedentes cardíacos.
Averigüe si existe alguna afección genética dentro de la familia, por
ejemplo: enfermedad renal.
7- Historia social (SH): Esta es la oportunidad de conocer un poco
más sobre los antecedentes del paciente. Recuerde preguntar sobre el
tabaquismo y el alcohol. También debe preguntar al paciente si
consume alguna sustancia ilegal, por ejemplo: cannabis, cocaína, etc.
También averigüe quién vive con el paciente. Es posible que descubra
que es el cuidador de un padre anciano o de un niño y su deber sería
8- Revisión de sistemas (ROS): consiste en una lista de preguntas
agrupadas según el sistema de órganos y diseñadas para identificar
enfermedades dentro de esa área. Por ejemplo, una revisión de los
sistemas para enfermedades respiratorias incluiría: ¿Tiene tos? Si es
así, ¿produce esputo? ¿Siente dificultad para respirar cuando camina?
10- Resumen del historial: Complete su historial revisando lo
que le ha dicho el paciente. Repita los puntos importantes para
que el paciente pueda corregirlo en caso de malentendidos o
Parts of medical history
1- How may I adress you?
2- My left elbow´s actually been bugging me a lot
3- Tell me more about this pain
4- Tell me when did it start
5- I would like to hear about the severity of the pain
6- How often a day does that happen?
7- Can you point exactly to where it is?
8- Does that pain go up your arm or down your arm or anywhere
else on your arm?
9- Is there anything that makes it feel better?
10- Does anything makes it worse?
Partes del historial médico
1- ¿Cómo puedo dirigirte?
2- Mi codo izquierdo me ha estado molestando mucho
3- Cuéntame más sobre este dolor
4- Dime cuando empezó
5- Me gustaría conocer la gravedad del dolor.
6- ¿Con qué frecuencia al día sucede eso?
7- ¿Puedes señalar exactamente dónde está?
8- ¿Ese dolor sube por su brazo o por su brazo o en cualquier otro
lugar de su brazo?
9- ¿Hay algo que lo haga sentir mejor?
10 -¿Hay algo que lo empeore?
A) Is a illness that causes body temperature to rise. = COLD
B) Is a viral illness that can cause fevers, aches, and wheezing.= FLU
C) Is a pain felt in the head. = HEADACHE
D) Is an illness that can cause coughing, a ruuny nose, and sore throat
a) quick, noisy push of air from throat = cough
b) high body temperature = fever
c) watery poop/stool = diarrea
d) feel faint or wobbly = dizziness
e) hard to eat or drink because throat hurts = sore throat
f) feel like vomiting (throwing up) = nausea
g) red marks or spot = rash
a) empuje rápido y ruidoso de aire desde la garganta = tos
b) temperatura corporal alta = fiebre
c) heces / heces acuosas = diarrea
d) se siente débil o tembloroso = mareo
e) es difícil comer o beber porque duele la garganta = dolor de
f) sentir ganas de vomitar (vomitar) = náuseas
g) marcas rojas o mancha = erupción
VIII.Let’s check!
1. Is to have pain that comes and goes very quickly.= troats
2. Is an illness that can cause coughing, a runny nose, and sore
throat. = cold
3. Is a feeling or physical change that indicates illness.= symptom
4. Is an illness that causes body temperature to rise. = fever
5. Is to breathe with difficulty in a noisy manner. = congestion
6. Is a painfelt in the muscles.= muscle ache
7. a viral illness that can cause fevers, aches, and wheezing. = flu
8. Is a pain felt in the head = headache
9. Is a feeling or physical change that indicates illness. = symptom
10. Is a collection of information. = data
11. Is the start or first instance of something. = inicio
12. A pain or illness reported by a patient. = complain
13. Having liquid leaking from the nose. = runny nose
III. Choose the correct Word from the box and write it where it belongs
IV. Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined part:
1-The doctor performs the process of examining the body by touch. He
is checking for tender areas.
a-percussion b- palpation c-consent
2- Dr. Gupta needs to examine the patient. But he must first obtain his
verbal or written permission.
a- Palpation b- consent c-body build
3- The nurse assesses the patient´s display of emotion through facial
expressions and movement.
a-auscultation b- afect c- objective dat
diagnostic test
1- Is a medical procedure in which a piece of tissue is removed and
examined to help determine an illness.= biopsy
2- Is a report that discusses what was found after cells and tissue
were examined. = pathology report
3- is a waste product found in blood that the kidney usually
removes. = creatinine
4- is a type of protein found in the body.= albumin
5- Is a medical condition in which a person loses kidney function
over time. = CKD (chronic kidney disease)
6- Is a test that examines a urine sample.= urianalysis
7- Is a test to determine how much kidney function a person has. =
GFR test (glomerular filtration rate)
8- Is a laboratory analysis perfomed on a blood sample that is
usually extracted from a vein in the arm = Blood test
9- is a test to determine the amount of urea nitrogen in the blood. =
BUN test (blood urea nitrogen)
10- is a test that measures the cells that make up your blood: red
blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. = complete blood
count (CBC)
11- is done to find out if your thyroid gland is working the way it
should. It can tell you if it’s overactive (hyperthyroidism) or
underactive (hypothyroidism). The test can also detect a thyroid
disorder before you have any symptoms. = TSH (thyrotropin
12- Measures the glucose levels in your blood. = blood glucosa
13- Work by checking your urine (pee) for a hormone called
human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). Your body only makes this
hormone if you're pregnant = pregnancy test
Disease Test
Diabetes ● Taste urine for sweetness
● Blood sugar test
Breast cancer ● Mamogram
● Ultrasound
● Biopsy
Colon cancer ● Colonoscopy
● Ct scan
● Barium enema
1. Is a thin, tubular instrument used to examine the inside of an organ
or body cavity. = endoscopy
2. Is a report that discusses what was found after cells and tissue were
examined. = patology inform
3. Is a form of medical imaging that uses many twodimensional X-rays
to create a three- dimensional image of an object. = CT SCAN
4. Is a waste product found in blood that the kidney usually removes.=
5. Is a type of protein found in the body. = albumin
6. Is a test to determine the amount of urea nitrogen in the blood. =
BUN test
7. Is the use of X-rays to view images of the internal human body. =
8. Is a laboratory analysis performed on a blood sample that is usually
extracted from a vein in the arm. = blood test
9. Is a test to determine how much kidney function a person has. =
10. Is a medical imaging technique that uses the reflection of sound
waves to produce an image of the body. = ultrasound
11. Is a medical procedure in which a piece of tissue is removed and
examined to help determine an illness. = biopsy
12. Is a test that examines a urine sample. = urianalysis
13. Is a semi-soild substance placed between the patient’s skin and an
ultrasound probe. = gel
14. Is a medical condition in which a person loses kidney function over
time. = chronic kidney disease
15. Is an imaging technique used to visualise parts of the body by
injecting a small dose of a radioactive chemical into the body. =
16. Is a medical imaging technique that uses magnetic forces on atoms
to produce an image of a body. = imr
17. Is a measurement of the electrical activity of the heart over a period
of time. = ecg
18. When a bone is broken, you can use a _______________to be
sure.= X-RAYS