Week Eight Term Project
Week Eight Term Project
Week Eight Term Project
Student’s Name:
1. Going off this table, there are several relationships in the pilot's report, and all of their
information takes place. Every airline can have several pilots, but the pilots are the ones
who can only work for one airline. The pilotID identifies every entry in the database, and
this connection can be one of the many if needed, so this is not a dependency
relationship. In this table, the primary key for the database is the pilotID. This report
focused on the airline (thing) and pilot (person) as the initial entities.
table where one attribute's value determines another's value (Thomas Connolly, 2014). In
other words, if two attributes are functionally dependent, one attribute's value uniquely
determines the other's value. For instance, in this table are a few, namely airlineID - - >
NPlanes, NRoutes, and NPilots. With this, NPilots, NRoutes, and NPlanes depend
functionally on the airlineID, making the airlineID determinant of NPilots, NRoutes, and
3. Multiplicity refers to the number of instances of an entity that can be associated with
instances of another entity through a relationship. The relationship between the initial
entities is one-to-many, which means that each instance of the first entity can be
associated with multiple instances of the second entity. Still, each instance of the second
entity can only be associated with one instance of the first entity. For instance, pilotID
can be connected with other fields, but the pilot can only work for one airline, so it is
impossible to connect them technically to other airlines. In this table, below are a few
4. A). First Normal Form (1NF) is a property of a relational database table where each
This relational table schema is already in 1NF. This is because no values repeat themselves in
the columns; the values are separated in every row. A person is capable of visualizing this by
checking on Sally and John. Both entities have their own set of values attributed to them and
2NF is a property of a relational database table where each non-key column is functionally
To assist in making the original table in the 2NF, I was able to split the table into two separate
tables. These tables are separated by their functional dependencies and primary keys. I came up
with one for the airlineID and its correlating dependencies and one for pilotID and its
dependencies. I could do this because the airlineID and pilotID entities uniquely identify their