InClassActivity01 Sol

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Activity #1 (solutions)

A. (5 points) Administrative matters

1. (3 points) Click on course syllabus, and note the course pre-requisites. Check off the boxes that apply to
 I took ECSE 2610 (Computer Components and Operations)
 I took LITEC
 I took CSCI-2500 (Computer Organization)
 Other (please see your instructor immediately)
Grading: 5 points for any answer. 0 pts for no answer.
Please hand the activities marked “other” to Prof. Abouzeid after grading.
2. (2 points) Do you have a learning disability that your instructor should be aware of?
 Nope.
 Yes, I have one. Please contact your instructor immediately for further guidance.
Grading: 5 points for any answer. 0 pts for no answer.
Please hand the activities marked “yes” to Prof. Abouzeid after grading.

B. (25 points) Recap of binary number representation

Grading policy for all questions: 2 pts for trying, 5 pts for correct answer.
1. (5 points) 5610 = 001110002 = 0708 = 3816
2. (5 points) 0110 01112 = 10310 = 1478 = 6716
3. (5 points) -2410 = __1110 1000 __(eight-bit, two’s complement)

4. (5 points) If you add 5610, and –2410 using 8-bit two’s complement arithmetic, do you get an overflow?
Nope – we can never get an overflow adding numbers with opposite signs.

5. (5 points)What is the result of performing an arithmetic right shift on the 8-bit number representing -2410 ?
Answer: In an arithmetic right shift, we shift in the sign bit on the left. The result is about half the original
number, and has the same sign. Result 111101002= -1210, approximately half of –24, and with the same sign,
like we expect.

C. (20 points) Recap of combinational and sequential logic systems

Grading policy for all questions: 2 pts for trying, 5 pts for correct answer.
1. Consider the Boolean function: f ( x, y, z ) = ( x + y )( x + z )( y + z )
a. (5 points) Karnaugh map for this function
00 01 11 1
z 0 0 1 0 0
1 0 1 1 1

b. (5 points) Use Boolean algebra to find the equivalent canonical sum-of-products expression:

f SOP ( x, y, z ) = x yz + xyz + x yz + xyz

c. (5 points) Use Boolean algebra to find the equivalent canonical product of sums expression:
f POS ( x, y , z ) = (x + y + z)(x + y + z)(x + y + z)(x + y + z)

d. (5 points) Simplify the above function, into a minimal sum of products form:

ECSE-2660 Computer Architecture, Networks, & Operating Systems, Spring 2014 Page 1 of 3
f min ( x, y, z ) = xz + x y D. (50 points) Logic Systems
(10 points) A NAND latch is constructed as shown. Each gate has a unit delay.

m y

Given input waveforms m and n, determine the waveforms for y and z.

1 No change
z 0
= unit delay
2. (10 points) What is the difference between a DRAM chip, and a SRAM chip? What do these chips
DRAM (dynamic random access memory) chips require periodic refreshing, offer high capacities,
and a variable response time. SRAM (static random access memory) chips are much faster than
DRAM, offer constant access time, but offer lower capacities. Both chips are for storage.
Grading: 4 pts for trying, 10 pts for noting at least 2 of the 3 features of each.
3. (20 points) Sketch a state diagram for a finite-state machine whose input is a bit stream X, and
that outputs Z =1 when the 2 previous input bits are 01. (you may use a Mealy or a Moore

0/0 1/1
0 1

00 01
0 1

1 1

10 11
0 0

On the left is a Mealy machine solution, and on the right is a Moore machine.
ECSE-2660 Computer Architecture, Networks, & Operating Systems, Spring 2014 Page 2 of 3
In the Mealy machine, the outputs are indicated on the arrows as input/output.
In a Moore machine, the outputs are associated with each state, rather than with the transitions. Each
circle contains the state and the output.
Grading policy: 8 pts for trying, 12 pts for partial answer, 20 pts full answer.

4. (10 points) If the input x to the following circuit is available at time t=0, and the gate delay is 1ns,
at what time is the output “f” ready? Answer: 3 gate delays (we follow the longest path from input to
output). Grading: 4 pts for trying, 10 pts for correct answer.


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