Magneticeffectofelectriccurrent 1 130509054452 Phpapp02
Magneticeffectofelectriccurrent 1 130509054452 Phpapp02
Magneticeffectofelectriccurrent 1 130509054452 Phpapp02
1. A thick copper wire XY is connected to an
electric circuit.
2.A small compass needle is placed
3.Note the position of the needle.
4. Current is passed through the
circuit by inserting the key in
the plug
5. The needle is observed
6. The compass needle gets deflected.
1. A mag. Needle gets deflected in
presence of a magnet, due to the
influence of mag. Field of bar magnet.
3. Therefore the deflection of mag.
needle kept under the current
carrying wire is due to the mag. field
produced by the wire.
3. Thus electricity and magnetism are
linked to each other.
Recapitulation - Magnetism
North south
Below : North – South
Above : South to North
Magnetic field due to current in a circular
Properties of magnetic field lines
1. The magnetic field lines are near
circular at the points where the
current enters or leaves the card board
2. Within the space enclosed by the coil,
the field lines are in same direction.
3. Near the centre of the coil, the
magnetic lines are almost parallel to
each other. Thus mag. Field near the
centre of the coil may be considered
4. At the centre of the coil the plane of
magnetic field lines is at right angle to
the plane of the coil.
5. If there is a circular coil having n turns,
the field produced is n times as large
as that produced by a single turn ,as
the current in each turn has the same
direction and the field due to each turn
add up.
o A coil of many circular
o The pattern of the
turns of insulated
copper wire wrapped magnetic field lines
closely in the shape of a around a current-carrying
cylinder is called a solenoid is similar to that
solenoid. of a bar magnet.
o A solenoid produces a o One end of the solenoid
magnetic field when is like a magnetic north
electric current is pole while the other is
passed through it. like the south pole
The strong magnetic field produced inside a solenoid can be used to
magnetize a piece of magnetic material like soft iron when placed inside a
coil. The magnet so formed is called an electromagnet.
Force on current carrying conductor
in a magnetic field
1. A aluminium rod AB is suspended
between the pole pieces of a horse
shoe magnet as shown.
3. A current is allowed to flow
through the conductor AB in the
direction from B to A
4. The conductor id found to get
deflected to the left as shown by
the arrow
5. When the poles of the magnet is
interchanged and when the current
is still from B to A, the force on the
conductor is found to be on the
right as shown.
5.If the current is from A to B( Direction
is reversed) without reversing the pole
pieces of the magnet. The deflection of
the conductor(force) is to the left as