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Comparison of Grafting Techniques and their Effects on some Growth

Parameters of Ten Elite Cocoa Clones(Theobroma cacao L.)

Article in African journal of agricultural research · October 2018

DOI: 10.5897/AJAR2015.9847


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7 authors, including:

Koffi Kouassi Jean-Claude N'Zi

Societe des Caoutchoucs de Grand-Bereby University "Félix Houphouët-Boigny"


Jane WANJIKU Kahia Lucien Diby

Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research


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Vol. 13(41), pp. 2249-2255, 11 October, 2018
DOI: 10.5897/AJAR2015.9847
Article Number: 6300AE158769
ISSN: 1991-637X
Copyright ©2018 African Journal of Agricultural
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article
http://www.academicjournals.org/AJAR Research

Full Length Research Paper

Comparison of Grafting Techniques and their Effects

on some Growth Parameters of Ten Elite Cocoa Clones
(Theobroma cacao L.)
Kouassi Koffi Daouda1*, N’Zi Jean-Claude1,2, Kahia Jane1, Diby Lucien1, Kouassi Jean-Luc1,
Bene Kouadio1 and Kouamé Christophe1
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), Côte d’Ivoire Country Program, Cocody Mermoz, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.
Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, Côte d’Ivoire.
Received 26 April, 2015; Accepted 20 November, 2015

Cocoa productivity in Côte d’Ivoire has been on a downward trend for the last decades due to many
factors key among them being the non-availability of quality planting materials. However, some elite
clones developed in the country are available and need to be adopted by farmers. This study was
conducted in Soubré, Côte d’Ivoire to evaluate the grafting techniques (top grafting and budding)
success of 10 elite cocoa clones and their effects on selected growth parameters in the nursery and
field. Experimental design was a split plot with grafting technique as main factor and clones as subplot
treatment replicated three times. Data were collected on shoot emergence 1 to 5 weeks after grafting
(WAG) and grafting success at 10 WAG. Our results showed shoot emergence from top grafting but not
on budding 1 WAG. In addition, the number of leaves was high in top grafting (11) compared to budding
(5); the same trend was observed in the field. There were no significant differences between both
techniques for the grafting success; meanwhile success was 77% and 68% for top grafting and
budding, respectively. However, there was better vegetative growth on seedlings grafted using top
grafting than budding and this technique seems to be the best to graft cocoa in the nursery.

Key words: Cocoa, top grafting, budding.


Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) is a neotropical, small, source of income for developing countries, especially in
evergreen tree and native to the undergrowth of the Côte d’Ivoire, the world’s largest cocoa producer, which
Amazon forest (South America) (Wood and Lass, 1985), grows more than one third of the world’s supply. The
and belongs to the Malvaceae family. It is cultivated production of cocoa in Côte d’Ivoire in 2013 to 2014 went
around the world, for its seeds used in the manufacture of over 1.7 million tons (CCC, 2014). Nevertheless, the
chocolate, its derivatives and cosmetics. It is a major increase of the cocoa production in Côte d'Ivoire has

*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. Tel: +225 22 44 67 74. Fax: +225 22 48 22 59.

Author(s) agree that this article remain permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 International License
2250 Afr. J. Agric. Res.

been mainly carried out by increasing acreage, causing (ICRAF) Soubré Station, located in the Nawa Region, South-West
the degradation of the natural resources in the remaining of Côte d’Ivoire, 5°47′08′′N, 6° 36′30′′W, 276 m a.s.l. (Figure 1).
tropical forest. In addition, many studies revealed that 20
to 30% of the Ivorian cocoa orchards are old and trees Site characteristics
that produce less cocoa over time are more prone to
pests and diseases (Aguilar et al., 2005; Kéli and Assiri, The mean annual rainfall is 1360 mm and varies from 968 to 1767
2001). mm. The minimum and maximum temperature varies from 23 to
In order to revitalize the unproductive cocoa trees, 30°C. The soils are classified as Ferralsols and Gleysols, generally
acidic (5.5), subject to leaching and chemically poor (De Rouw,
cocoa growers need to access the high yielding elite 1994). The soil characteristics nearby the experimental site were
planting materials. The current distribution of cocoa 5.6 for pH, 1.04% for soil organic carbon, 0.1% for total nitrogen
hybrid seeds to farmers is not meeting the ever-increasing and 7.7 mg kg-1 for available phosphorus (Diby et al., 2014).
demand. Moreover, the use of hybrids is known to Potassium, magnesium and calcium were 0.13, 1.09, and 3.74 cmol
produce high degree of genetic variability. In Côte kg-1, respectively. Sand content was 41% while the fine particles
(silt + clay) were 57%.
d’Ivoire, 71% of cocoa trees are from seeds collected
from unselected planting materials (Pokou, 2008). Irizarry
and Rivera (1998) reported that only 2 to 3% of the cocoa Plant
trees in a population of high-yielding families account for
60% of the total yield, because of the high heterozygous The cocoa clones were obtained from the Centre National de
nature of seedlings. Recherche Agronomique (CNRA) Research Station in Divo. In the
nursery, the rootstocks were raised by sowing seeds of an
On the other hand, high yielding cocoa clones known
improved cocoa hybrid in polybags filled with topsoil. Three months
for their genetic stability exist in research stations, but after planting, the seedlings were grafted with the elite clones. The
have not yet been released to farmers. Clones are easily seedlings were grown for 5 months in a screen house before
propagated through grafting (Mng’omba and du Toit, transplanting them to the field.
2006). One advantage with grafting technique is that new Ten elite cocoa clones coded as C1, C8, C9, C14, C15, C16,
plants are identical to the original plant. Furthermore, the C17, C18, C20 and C21 were used as scions. Scions were
collected from actively growing trees that had no visible signs of
technique can be easily executed by farmers. Grafting disease or pests. C1, C8 and C9 are introduced from the
has successfully been used for vegetative propagation of International Quarantine Center Reading, UK while the others are
species such as mango (Mangifera indica), bush mango selected locally. All the clones are characterized by high
(Irvingia gabonensis), Akpi (Ricinodendron heudelotii) productivity and tolerance to black pod disease.
and Allanblackia spp. (Mng’omba et al., 2010; Munjuga et
al., 2013). Grafting is known to shorten the period
Experimental design and cultural practices
between flowering and fruiting. Grafting on mature cocoa
trees has been demonstrated to double cocoa yield within The experiment in the nursery was a split plot design with two
two years (ICRAF, 2014). This propagation method can factors and three replications. Grafting method (budding or top
also be performed on young seedlings. Several grafting grafting) was the main plot treatment and the 10 clones were the
methods exist; among them are top grafting, budding, subplot treatment. The experimental unit consisted of ten grafted
seedlings for each clone giving a total of 600 seedlings for the
whip, and whip and tongue. The choice to be used in any
entire experiments. The grafted seedlings were watered every
particular plant depends on the grafting success. Budding second day and sprayed with a foliar fertilizer (10 N + 8 P + 10 K +
in cocoa has been used for the multiplication of elite 0.29 MgO) fortnightly.
clones and has been shown to be expedient in The experimental design in the field was also a split plot design
rehabilitating unproductive cocoa trees (Eskes and Efron, with three replications, the grafting technique as the main plot
2006). According to Effendy et al. (2013), budding treatment and the clones as the subplot treatment. The
experimental unit consisted of 5 plants per clone giving a total of
increases production and also stimulates flowering and 300 plants. Plantain banana seedlings were planted at 2m x 2m to
fruits in cocoa. The most successful method for provide temporary shade six months prior to transplanting the
Allanblackia parviflora is top grafting while budding is the cocoa seedlings at the same density as the banana. The seedlings
best method for Allanblackia floribunda (Munjuga et al., were treated with an insecticide (Deltamethrin and Imidacloprid). A
2011). fertilizer (15.5 N + 26.5 CaO + 0.2 B) was also applied at the rate of
Based on review of available literature, there are no 100 g/plant once a month. Weeding was carried out on a need
reports on grafting cocoa clones on seedlings in Côte
d’Ivoire. The objective of this study was to compare the
grafting techniques (budding and top-grafting) and their Data collection
effects on some growth parameters.
In the nursery, the number of grafts with buds (shoots) emerging,
leaves and primary branches, the main branch length, the main
MATERIALS AND METHODS branch diameter and the number of internodes were recorded every
week for 5 weeks. In the field, the number of leaves, primary and
Study site secondary branches and the length of the main branch were
recorded three months after planting.
Experiments were conducted at the World Agroforestry Centre The grafting success rate was calculated using the equation as
Kouassi et al. 2251

Figure 1. Study location.

follows: the second WAG, top grafting recorded significantly

higher shoots than budding in clones C9, C14 and C16.
Top grafting exhibited high and significant number of
shoots than budding in clones C16, C17, C18 and C21
three WAG. Top grafting produced more significant
Data analysis
number of shoots than budding in clones C16 and C17
while there was no significant difference observed 5
The data were subjected to two ways analysis of variance WAG among the grafting techniques. This could be
(ANOVA), using Statistical Analysis System (SAS) software (SAS, explained by the fact that seedlings that have been top
2003). The differences between means were assessed with the grafted have the ability to renew or to regenerate more
Student-Newman-Keuls (SNK) method at 5%. easily their cells and have more stored carbohydrates
and hormones, because of fresh tissues (Tchoundjeu et
al., 2010). Another possible explanation could be that
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION there are a lot of meristematic tissues with high cell
division activity at the point of grafting. Before shoot
Effect of grafting technique on selected growth formation, the seedlings rely on the reserve of
parameters in the nursery carbohydrates in their stem tissues. It is also established
that the grafting success depends on proper alignment of
Shoot emergence: Grafting techniques significantly parenchymatous tissues of both scions and rootstocks
affected the number of shoots during 1 to 4 week after (Mohamed et al., 2014; Munjuga et al., 2013) and the
grafting (Table 1). The differences in shoot formation in skills of grafters (Mng'omba et al., 2010).
relation to grafting technique might be due to the nutritive
and nutritional factors like the quantity of carbohydrate Grafting success: There were no significant differences
stock in the seedling (Tchoundjeu et al., 2010). Budding between the two grafting techniques used. This could be
showed no shoot in all clones compared to top grafting probably due to the skills of the grafters or climatic
which recorded significant shoots during the first WAG. conditions (Munjuga et al., 2013; Ofori et al., 2008). Top
The lower shoot formation with the budding technique grafting recorded 77% grafting success compared to
could be attributed to the low carbohydrate reserves budding which showed a success of 68% (Figure 2). Our
(Akinnifesi et al., 2008; Tchoundjeu et al., 2010). During finding concurs with work reported by Eskes and Efron
2252 Afr. J. Agric. Res.

Table 1. Number of shoots emerging one to five weeks after grafting (WAG) according to the grafting techniques


Clones Bud T. graft. Bud T. graft. Bud T. graft. Bud T. graft. Bud T. graft.
a* a a a a a a a a a
C1 0.00 0.00 0.33 1.00 6.33 4.67 6.33 5.67 7.00 6.67
a a a a a a a a a a
C8 0.00 0.00 0.67 1.00 3.67 4.33 4.00 6.00 6.67 6.67
a a b a a a a a a a
C9 0.00 1.33 1.00 8.00 6.67 8.67 7.33 8.67 8.67 8.67
a a b a a a a a a a
C14 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.33 3.67 7.00 5.33 8.33 7.33 9.00
a a a a a a a a a a
C15 0.00 0.00 0.67 1.00 4.00 4.00 5.33 5.00 6.33 6.67
a a b a b a b a a a
C16 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.33 1.00 6.00 2.67 6.33 4.67 6.00
a a a a b a b a a a
C17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 2.33 6.00 3.67 9.00 6.33 9.00
a a a a b a a a a a
C18 0.00 0.67 0.33 3.67 2.33 8.67 4.67 9.33 6.33 9.67
a a a a a a a a a a
C20 0.00 0.33 0.33 2.67 4.67 6.00 6.33 7.00 7.00 9.00
a a a a b a a a a a
C21 0.00 1.00 2.00 5.33 4.67 8.33 5.00 7.67 5.67 8.33
b a b a b a b a a a
Means 0.00 0.33 0.53 2.97 3.93 6.37 5.07 7.30 6.80 7.77
CV - - - 36.92 59.44 27.51 49.01 25.26 36.81 21.54
*Means followed by the same letter in the same column are not significantly different at the 5% level (SNK). Bud = Budding / T. graft. =
Top grafting

Figure 2. Percent grafting success using different techniques.

(2006) on cocoa who observed that budding technique chances of sprouting from the rootstock, but this is can
showed low grafting success rate in Cameroon, Nigeria, be addressed by regular pruning.
and Venezuela. The grafting success was relatively
similar using both techniques for clones C1 and C9. With Growth parameters: Grafting techniques significantly
budding, the grafting success was relatively high with affected selected growth parameters in the nursery
clones C9 and C20 and low with clone C16. When top (Table 2). The growth pattern observed in the current
grafting was used, all clones showed a high grafting study using the two grafting techniques are similar to
success percentage compared to budding except for those obtained by Sabir and Kara (2010), Celik (2000)
clones C20, C1 and C8. The overall grafting success in and Alley et al. (1980) while working on grapevines. Top
nursery in this study (73%) was similar to that in Malaysia grafting showed the highest number of leaves, primary
(74%) as reported by Figueroa et al. (1991). However, it branches and internodes than budding in all ten clones. It
was low than that observed by Prawoto (2007) who was observed that clones C15 and C1 had good
reported high survival rate of grafted cocoa in Indonesia vegetative development with longer internodes. These
(80%). Consequently, according to these authors, the use clones would be good candidates for production of
of top grafting has been adopted in many countries in budwood in the clonal garden (Eskes and Efron, 2006).
order to obtain high success rate. This method is suited The main branch length was significantly different
to establish clone observation plots and may be applied between the two grafting techniques. Top grafting
in future by farmers to multiply preferred clones on their produced the highest main branch length while, budding
own farm. One disadvantage for using top grafting showed lowest value in clones C1, C16, C18 and C20.
compared to budding technique is that there are high For the main branch diameter, top grafting technique that
Kouassi et al. 2253

Table 2. Effect of grafting technique on selected growth parameters in the nursery.

Number Number of Main branch Main branch Number of

Clones of leaves primary branches length (cm) diameter (cm) Internodes
Bud T. graft. Bud T. graft. Bud T. graft. Bud T. graft. Bud T. graft.
b* a b a b a b a b a
C1 6.81 13.55 1.00 2.30 12.70 16.14 2.87 3.40 6.81 13.55
b a b a a a a a b a
C8 4.50 8.30 0.75 2.15 6.79 8.31 1.72 2.46 4.50 8.30
b a b a a a b a b a
C9 4.92 12.84 0.88 2.36 9.02 11.26 2.13 2.96 4.92 12.84
b a b a a a b a b a
C14 5.05 10.30 0.82 2.04 8.65 9.77 1.97 2.72 5.05 10.30
b a b a a a a a b a
C15 5.74 13.75 1.00 2.65 10.13 9.34 2.37 2.27 5.74 13.75
b a b a b a b a b a
C16 2.50 12.96 0.50 2.28 4.64 11.98 1.11 2.94 2.50 12.94
b a b a a a a a b a
C17 3.68 8.48 0.74 1.93 6.15 8.67 1.34 2.14 3.68 8.48
b a b a b a b a b a
C18 4.00 9.69 0.89 2.28 6.33 9.61 1.43 2.73 4.00 9.69
b a b a b a b a b a
C20 3.70 10.62 0.81 2.00 4.93 10.56 1.13 3.18 3.70 10.62
b a b a a a a a b a
C21 5.65 11.68 0.88 2.16 9.24 11.10 2.06 2.62 5.65 11.68
b a b a b a b a b a
Means 4.70 11.07 0.84 2.20 7.9 10.55 1.82 2.72 4.70 11.07
CV 53.7 49.54 44.08 39.8 63.66 45.74 71.62 45.21 53.7 49.54
*Means followed by the same letter in the same column are not significantly different at the 5% level (SNK). Bud = Budding / T. graft. = Top

Table 3. Effect of grafting technique on selected growth parameters of cocoa clones in field.

Clone Number Number of Number of Main branch

s of leaves secondary branches primary branches length (cm)

Bud. T. graft. Bud. T. graft. Bud. T. graft. Bud. T. graft.

b* a b a b a a a
C1 34.33 55.80 5.73 12.40 1.20 2.20 55.73 54.93
a a a a b a a a
C8 27.07 33.20 5.47 5.13 0.93 2.00 35.73 37.60
a a a a b a a a
C9 35.07 43.00 6.13 7.27 1.27 2.40 47.20 45.63
a a a a b a a b
C14 47.40 37.80 8.67 8.00 1.00 2.07 48.30 35.47
a a a a b a a a
C15 40.00 56.87 9.33 13.40 1.13 2.67 43.47 42.27
b a b a b a b a
C16 17.20 50.53 3.67 11.60 0.67 1.93 20.47 41.60
b a a a b a b a
C17 24.07 51.60 3.80 4.93 0.73 2.07 30.60 51.13
a a a a b a a a
C18 28.80 34.87 4.80 5.00 1.20 2.00 36.00 34.80
b a b a b a a a
C20 25.20 51.47 4.00 9.73 0.93 1.80 43.67 47.40
a a a a b a a a
C21 36.27 45.60 5.80 7.20 1.00 1.73 44.93 42.40
b a b a b a a a
Means 31.54 46.07 5.74 8.47 1.01 2.09 40.61 43.32
CV 63.19 51.45 70.48 61.21 64.81 49.85 47.01 36.86
*Means followed by the same letter in the same column are not significantly different at the 5% level (SNK). Bud = Budding / T. graft. = Top

promoted shoot development yielded the thickest main Effect of grafting technique on selected growth
branch compared to budding technique in clones C1, C9, parameters in the field
C14, C16, C18 and C20. In the overall study, top grafting
technique produced higher values for all parameters than The results of the present study showed that top-grafting
budding technique in nursery. Indeed, top grafting yielded the best results in most cases. Top grafting
produced double the number of leaves, primary branches exhibited the highest number of leaves than budding in
and internodes and exhibited more main branch length cocoa clones C1, C16, C17 and C20 (Table 3). The
and large branch diameter than budding. These results number of secondary branches was higher in top grafting
concur with those of Akinnifesi et al. (2008) and compared to budding in clones C1, C16 and C20. Top
Tchoundjeu et al. (2010). grafting produced more elongation of the shoots than
2254 Afr. J. Agric. Res.

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This work was funded by Mars Inc. The authors are (2011). Grafting techniques of Allanblackia spp. Extension guide.
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