Lecture 3 2019
Lecture 3 2019
Lecture 3 2019
Lecture 3
Consideration, Intention and Capacity
Necessity of consideration
• Consideration – exchange of promises
• An agreement without consideration is not
enforceable at common law
▫ The courts do not want to enforce a free gift -- No free
• Consideration must be valuable in the eyes of law
(see. Currie v. Misa). E.g.
▫ Rights, benefit or sth. of economic value, or
▫ Detriment (giving up some rights), loss, etc.
Rules on consideration
• Consideration cannot be in the past;
• Consideration must be sufficient but need not be
• Consideration must be real or genuine;
• Consideration must move from the promisee;
• Consideration must be legal;
• Consideration is not required for a
• contract under seal (i.e. a Deed).
Consideration cannot be in the past
• Consideration (promise) can be either:
▫ Executed: perform upon the contract formation
▫ Executory: promise to perform in the future