Vision-Based Anti-UAV Detection and Tracking: Jie Zhao, Jingshu Zhang, Dongdong Li, Dong Wang

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Vision-based Anti-UAV Detection and Tracking

Jie Zhao, Jingshu Zhang, Dongdong Li, Dong Wang

Abstract—Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) have been widely anti-UAV detection aims to address. UAV often fuses with the
used in various fields, and their invasion of security and privacy complex background with much noise and interference. Occlu-
has aroused social concern. Several detection and tracking sion also occurs and brings challenges to the tracking task. A
systems for UAVs have been introduced in recent years, but most
of them are based on radio frequency, radar, and other media. series of methods, such as improving YOLOv3 [15], which
We assume that the field of computer vision is mature enough uses low-rank and sparse matrix decomposition to conduct
to detect and track invading UAVs. Thus we propose a visible classification [16], are proposed to solve the aforementioned
arXiv:2205.10851v1 [cs.CV] 22 May 2022

light mode dataset called Dalian University of Technology Anti- problems, and achieve good results.
UAV dataset, DUT Anti-UAV for short. It contains a detection The main motivation of our work is to use existing state-of-
dataset with a total of 10,000 images and a tracking dataset with
20 videos that include short-term and long-term sequences. All the-art detection and tracking methods to effectively adapt and
frames and images are manually annotated precisely. We use address the anti-UAV task in the data level and method level.
this dataset to train several existing detection algorithms and First, deep learning-based methods require plenty of training
evaluate the algorithms’ performance. Several tracking methods data to obtain robust and accurate performance. Although
are also tested on our tracking dataset. Furthermore, we propose several corresponding datasets are proposed, such as Anti-
a clear and simple tracking algorithm combined with detection
that inherits the detector’s high precision. Extensive experiments UAV [17] and MAV-VID [18], they are still not enough to
show that the tracking performance is improved considerably train a high-performance model. Therefore, to make full use
after fusing detection, thus providing a new attempt at UAV of existing detection and tracking methods for the anti-UAV
tracking using our dataset. The datasets and results are publicly task in the data level, and promote further development of this
available at: area, we propose a visible light dataset for UAVs, including
Index Terms—Anti-UAV, dataset, detection, tracking. detection and tracking subsets. We also retrain several detec-
tion methods using our training set. Second, we attempt to
further improve the UAV tracking performance at the method
level. To be specific, we propose a fusion strategy to combine

W ITH the maturity of industrial technology, unmanned

aerial vehicles (UAV) have gradually become main-
stream. They are widely used in logistics [1], transporta-
detection and tracking methods.
Our main contributions are summarized as follows.
• We propose an anti-UAV dataset called DUT Anti-UAV
tion [2], monitoring [3], and other fields because of their that contains detection and tracking subsets. The detection
small size, low price, and simple operation [4]. Although dataset includes a training set (5200 images), a validation
UAVs provide convenience, they cause a series of problems. set (2600 images), and a testing set (2200 images). The
Either public safety or personal safety and privacy are easily tracking dataset includes 20 sequences. It will be released
violated. Therefore, the detection and tracking of illegally publicly for academic research.
or unintentionally invading UAVs are crucial. However, no • We evaluate state-of-the-art methods on our dataset, in-
complete and reliable anti-UAV detection and tracking system cluding 14 detectors and 8 trackers. Detectors are all
is available at present. Most of the existing detection and retrained using the training set of our DUT Anti-UAV
early warning technologies are based on radar [5], radio detection dataset.
frequency (RF) [6], and acoustic sensors [7], which often have • A clear and simple fusion algorithm is proposed for the
limitations, such as high cost and susceptibility to noise. These UAV tracking task. This algorithm integrates detection
limitations lead to unreliable results. Therefore, these existing into tracking while taking the advantage of the detec-
algorithms cannot be used extensively. Their application range tor’s high precision. Extensive experiments show that the
is limited to airports and other public places. tracking performance is improved significantly for most
In recent years, methods based on deep learning have combinations of trackers and detectors.
developed rapidly in various fields [8], [9], [10], [11], [12]
of computer vision, especially for object detection and track- II. R ELATED WORK
ing. Their maturity provides the possibility of establishing a
high-performance tracking system of anti-UAV. Many generic A. Object detection and tracking under the UAV view
object detection models, such as Faster-RCNN [11] and Different from Anti-UAV tasks, nowadays there are more
SSD [13], and common tracking models, such as SiamFC [12] discussions about object detection and tracking from the UAV
and DiMP [14], are currently available. However, these generic view. Compared to cameras on moving vehicles, a UAV is
methods do not perform well when directly applied to UAV more flexible for it is easy to control. Therefore, UAV is often
detection and tracking. Even though detection algorithms have used to realize aerial object tracking. Several UAV datasets
gradually become mature and commercialized, small-target have been constructed so far, e.g., UAV123 [19] for tracking,
detection in the complex background is still a problem, which DroneSURF [20] and CARPK [21] for detection, and so on.

Besides, several corresponding algorithms [22], [23], [24] have or full-color camera and sensing module to measure the
been proposed to address these two tasks. UAV detection UAV’s flight altitude. The device dynamically calculates the
and tracking are mostly overlooking from above, for which longitude and latitude coordinates in spherical coordinates.
it gains large view scope. However, it brings new challenges, The thermal imaging and full-color cameras are optionally
such as high density, small object and complex background. used under various weather conditions, making the system
For these properties, Yu et al. [22] consider contextual infor- robust in different environments. This drone tracking device
mation using the Exchange Object Context Sampling(EOCS) for anti-UAV systems is inexpensive and practical, however,
method [25] in tracking, to infer the relationships between its requirements for hardware facilities are still high.
the objects. To solve the problem of fast camera motion, Li
et al. [23] optimize the camera motion model by projective
C. UAV dataset
transformation based on background feature points. Besides,
Xing et al. [24] consider that in real time tracking, computing In addition to using other media to solve the problem
resources employed on UAVs are limited. To complement of UAV detection, people have also begun to utilize deep
lightweight network, they propose a lightweight Transformer learning based object tracking algorithms for UAV tracking
layer, and then integrate it into pyramid networks, thus finally due to the rapid development of computer vision in recent
build a real-time CPU-based tracker. years. In the task of computer vision, dataset is an important
Aforementioned algorithms perform well on existing UAV factor in obtaining a model with strong robustness. Therefore,
tracking benchmarks, as well as promote the commercializa- datasets for UAV detection and tracking have been proposed
tion of aerial object tracking. UAV tracking is more and more consistently. Several relatively complete existing UAV datasets
popular and draw increasing attention, which makes the anti- are described below.
UAV tracking essential as well. MAV-VID [18]. This is a dataset published by Kaggle in
which UAV is the only detected object. It contains 64 videos
(40,323 pictures in total), of which 53 are used for training and
B. Anti-UAV methodology 11 are used for validation. In this dataset, the locations of the
Safety issues derived from UAVs have elicited increasing in UAVs are relatively concentrated, and the differences between
recent years. In particular, considering national security, many locations are mostly horizontal. The detected objects are small,
countries have invested much time and energy in researching the average size of which is 0.66% of the entire picture. While
and deploying quite mature anti-unmanned systems that are in our dataset, the distribution of UAV is scattered, and the
not based on deep learning in military bases. Universities and horizontal and vertical distribution are relatively more uniform,
research institutions are continuously optimizing these anti- which makes the model trained by our dataset more robust.
unmanned systems. Drone-vs-Bird Detection Challenge [28]. This dataset
ADS-ZJU [26]. This system combines multiple surveillance is proposed in the 16-th IEEE International Conference on
technologies to realize drone detection, localization, and de- Advanced Video and Signal-based Surveillance (AVSS). As
fense. It deploys three sensors to collect acoustic signals, video the name indicates, the prime characteristic of this dataset is
images, and RF signals. The information is then sent to the that in addition to UAVs, a number of birds cannot be ignored
central processing unit to extract features for detection and in the pictures. The detector must successfully distinguish the
localization. ADS-ZJU uses a short-time Fourier transform to drones and birds, alerting against UAV while not responding to
extract spectrum features of the received acoustic signals, and the birds. However, the size, color, and even shape of the two
histograms of oriented gradients to describe the image feature. may be similar, which brings challenges to the detection task.
It also takes advantage of the characteristic that the spectrum Different from the first version, this dataset adds land scenes
of the UAV’s RF signal is different from that of the WiFi in addition to sea scenes, which are shot by different cameras.
signal by using the distribution of RF signals’ strengths at Another characteristic of this dataset is that the size of the
different communication channels to describe the RF feature. detected object is extremely small. According to statistical
After feature extraction, it utilizes support vector machine analysis, the average size of the detected UAVs is 34 × 23
(SVM) to conduct audio detection, video detection, and RF (0.1% of the image size). Seventy-seven videos consist of
detection in parallel. After that, the location of UAVs can be nearly 10,000 images. In light of this situation, improving the
estimated via hybrid measurements, including DOA and RSS, algorithm with regard to this dataset, successfully reducing the
under the constraints of the specific geographical area from high false positive rates, and further popularizing the method
video images. The use of multiple surveillance technologies to other fields if it is robust make up the significance of this
complements the advantages and disadvantages of multiple dataset. Scenes in such datasets are most seaside with a wide
technologies, so that the system has high accuracy. Meanwhile, visual field. Different from them, we collect data mostly in
it can conduct radio frequency interference which simple the place with lots of buildings, which is more suitable for
vision-based system cannot do. But in this system, each unit civilian use.
is scattered, which makes the system covers a large area, and Anti-UAV [17]. This is a dataset labeled with visible and
its high cost also makes it not suitable for civil use. infrared dual-mode information, which consists of 318 fully
Dynamic coordinate tracing [27]. This study proposes a labeled videos. One hundred and sixty of the videos are used
dual-axis rotary tracking mechanism, using a dual-axis tracing as the training set, 91 are used as the testing set, and the rest
device, namely, two sets of step motors with a thermal imaging are used as the validation set, with a total of 186,494 images.

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6


0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

(a) Detection-train (b) Detection-test (c) Detection-val (d) Tracking

Fig. 1. Position distribution of the DUT Anti-UAV dataset.

175 60
80 2500
125 2000



30 40
10 500

0 0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
object aspect ratio object aspect ratio object aspect ratio object aspect ratio

(a) Aspect ratio (Detection-train) (b) Aspect ratio (Detection-test) (c) Aspect ratio (Detection-val) (d) Aspect ratio (Tracking)

4000 2000 3000

1000 2500
3000 1500
800 2000



2000 600 1000 1500

400 1000
1000 500
200 500

0 0 0 0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
object area ratio object area ratio object area ratio object area ratio

(e) Scale (Detection-train) (f) Scale (Detection-test) (g) Scale (Detection-val) (h) Scale (Tracking)

Fig. 2. Aspect ratio and scale distribution of the DUT Anti-UAV dataset.

The UAVs in the dataset are divided into seven attributes, versions of detectors from the combination of five types of
which systematically conclude several special circumstances detectors and three types of backbone networks. We also
that might appear in UAV detection tasks. The recorded videos present the tracking performance of 8 various trackers on our
contain two environments, namely, day and night. In the two dataset.
environments, the detection of the two modals plays different There is also a challenge [35] in the Anti-UAV commu-
roles. From the perspective of location distribution, the range nity, which has been held twice until now. This challenge
of motion of Anti-UAV is wide, but mostly concentrated encourages novel and accurate methods for multi-scale object
in the central area, and it has a smaller variance compared tracking, greatly promoting the development of this task.
with the two other datasets and our dataset. This dataset For example, SiamSTA [36], the winner of the 2nd Anti-
focuses on solving the problem that vision-based detector UAV Challenge, proposes a spatial-temporal attention based
would show poor performance in night, while our dataset aims Siamese tracker, which poses spatial and temporal constraints
to improve models’ robustness through enriching the diversity on generating candidate proposals with local neighborhoods.
of multiple aspects, such as different UAV types, diverse scene
information, various light conditions, and different weathers.
Brian et al. [29] collect and integrate the aforementioned
three UAV datasets (i.e., MAV-VID [18], Drone-vs-Bird [28], To assist in the development of the area of UAV detection
and Anti-UAV [17]), and present a benchmark performance and tracking, we propose a UAV detection and tracking
study using state of the art four object detection (Faster- dataset, named DUT Anti-UAV. It contains detection and
RCNN [11], YOLOv3 [30], SSD [13], and DETR [31]) and tracking subsets. The detection dataset is split into three sets,
three tracking methods (SORT [32], DeepSORT [33], and namely, training, testing, and verification sets. The tracking
Tracktor [34]). Compared with this work, we propose a new dataset contains 20 sequences where the targets are various
dataset for both UAV detection and tracking tasks. Besides, UAVs. It is used to test the performance of algorithms for
our experiments are more sufficient. We evaluate 14 different UAV tracking.


Num Image size Object area ratio Object aspect ratio

max min max avg min max avg min
train 5243 3744 × 5616 160 × 240 0.70 0.013 2.6e-05 5.42 1.91 1.00
test 2245 1080 × 1920 360 × 640 0.47 0.014 4.1e-05 5.09 1.92 1.00
val 2621 2848 × 4288 213 × 320 0.69 0.013 1.9e-06 6.67 1.91 1.00
All 10109 3744 × 5616 160 × 240 0.70 0.013 1.9e-06 6.67 1.91 1.00
video01 1050 1080 × 1920 0.021 0.0048 0.0012 2.59 2.10 1.64
video02 83 720 × 1280 0.0047 0.0017 8.5e-04 3.62 2.98 2.71
video03 100 720 × 1280 0.012 0.0023 6.0e-04 1.18 1.08 1.00
video04 341 1080 × 1920 0.011 0.0032 6.4e-04 2.28 1.36 1.00
video05 450 720 × 1280 0.0032 0.0020 8.6e-04 1.50 1.34 1.04
video06 200 1080 × 1920 0.011 0.0044 0.0011 1.61 1.28 1.14
video07 2480 720 × 1280 0.045 0.012 0.0023 4.00 2.12 1.00
video08 2305 720 × 1280 0.030 0.0056 0.0011 3.98 2.32 1.00
video09 2500 1080 × 1920 0.0099 0.0041 0.0011 3.82 1.80 1.00
video10 2635 1080 × 1920 0.0048 0.0028 0.0015 4.33 2.26 1.00
Tracking video11 1000 1080 × 1920 0.015 0.0068 0.0038 2.47 1.87 1.00
video12 1485 1080 × 1920 0.0056 0.0017 4.9e-04 2.41 1.64 1.00
video13 1915 1080 × 1920 0.0048 7.9e-04 3.3e-04 2.92 1.76 1.00
video14 590 1080 × 1920 0.0044 0.0017 7.9e-04 2.64 1.76 1.24
video15 1350 1080 × 1920 0.0048 0.0021 5.2e-04 1.94 1.21 1.00
video16 1285 1080 × 1920 0.0014 8.0e-04 3.6e-04 2.29 1.29 1.00
video17 780 1080 × 1920 0.0032 0.0010 4.9e-04 2.55 1.43 1.00
video18 1320 1080 × 1920 0.0048 0.0013 3.3e-04 2.47 1.54 1.00
video19 1300 1080 × 1920 0.0018 7.4e-04 2.7e-04 2.52 1.50 1.00
video20 1635 1080 × 1920 0.0035 0.0016 5.8e-04 2.76 1.75 1.00
All 24804 - 0.045 0.0031 2.7e-04 4.33 1.72 1.00

image contains multiple objects, the total number of detection

objects is 10,109, where the training, testing, and validation
sets have 5243, 2245, and 2621 objects, respectively.

B. Dataset characteristics
Compared with general object detection and tracking
datasets (e.g., COCO [37], ILSVRC [38], LaSOT [39],
OTB [40]), the most notable characteristic of the proposed
dataset for UAV detection and tracking is that the proportion
of small objects is larger. In addition, given that UAVs mostly
fly outdoors, the background is usually complicated, which
increases the difficulty of UAV detection and tracking tasks.
We analyze the characteristics of the proposed dataset from
the following aspects.
Fig. 3. Examples of different types of UAVs in our dataset.
Image resolution. The dataset contains images with various
resolutions. For the detection dataset, the height and width of
the largest image are 3744 and 5616, whereas the size of the
A. Dataset splitting
smallest image is 160 × 240; a huge difference between them.
Our DUT Anti-UAV dataset contains detection and tracking The tracking dataset has two type frames with 1080×1920 and
subsets. The detection dataset is split into training, testing, 720 × 1280 resolutions. Various settings of image resolution
and validation sets. The tracking dataset contains 20 short- can make models adapt to images with different sizes, and
term and long-term sequences. All frames and images are avoid overfitting.
manually annotated precisely. The detailed information of Object and background. To enrich the diversity of objects
images and objects is shown in Table I. Specifically, the and prevent models from overfitting, we select more than 35
detection dataset contains 10,000 images in total, in which the types of UAVs. Several examples can be seen in Fig. 3. The
training, testing, and validation sets have 5200, 2200 and 2600 scene information in the dataset is also diverse. Given that
images, respectively. In consideration of the situation that one UAVs mostly fly outdoors, the background of our dataset

Fig. 4. Examples of the detection images and annotations of our dataset.

is an outdoor environment, including the sky, dark clouds, aspect ratio change. For example, the object aspect ratio in
jungles, high-rise buildings, residential buildings, farmland, ”video10” changes between 1.0 and 4.33. The aspect ratios of
and playgrounds. Besides, a variety of light conditions (such as most objects are between 1.0 and 3.0.
day, night, dawn and dusk), and different weathers (like sunny, Object position. Fig. 1 describes the position distribution
cloudy, and snowy day) are also considered in our dataset. of the objects’ relative center location in the form of scatter
Various examples from the detection subset are shown in plots. Most of the objects are concentrated in the center of the
Fig. 4. Complicated background and obvious outdoor lighting image. The ranges of the object motion in all sets vary, and
changes in our dataset are crucial for training a robust and the horizontal and vertical movements of objects are evenly
high-performed UAV detection model. distributed. For the tracking dataset, the bounding boxes of the
Object scale. The sizes of UAVs are often small, and the object in one sequence are continuous. According to Fig. 1 (d),
outdoor environment is broad. Thus the proportion of small in addition to the central area of the image, objects also move
objects in our dataset is large. We calculate the object area frequently to the right and bottom-left of the image.
ratio based on the full image and plot the histogram of the
scale distribution, shown as Table I and Fig. 2, respectively. C. Dataset challenges
For the detection dataset, including the training, testing, and
Through the analysis of the characteristics of the proposed
validation sets, the average object area ratio is approximately
dataset in the last subsection, we find that UAV detection and
0.013, the smallest object area ratio is 1.9e-06, and the largest
tracking encounter many difficulties and challenges. The main
object accounts for 0.7 of the entire image. Most of the
challenges are that the object is too small, the background
objects are small. The proportions of the objects’ size in the
is complex or similar to the object, and the light changes
entire image are approximately less than 0.05. For the tracking
obviously. Object blur, fast motion, camera motion, and out
dataset, the scales of objects in the sequences change smoothly.
of view are also prone to occur. Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 respectively
The average object area ratio is 0.0031, the maximum ratio
show examples of the detection and tracking datasets that
is 0.045, and the minimum ratio is 2.7e-04. Compared with
reflect the aforementioned challenges.
objects in general detection and tracking datasets, small objects
are much harder to detect and track, and more prone to failures,
such as missed inspection and tracking loss. IV. E XPERIMENTS
Object aspect ratio. Table I and Fig. 2 also show the A. Detection on DUT Anti-UAV dataset
object aspect ratio. The objects in our dataset have various We select several state-of-the-art detection methods. We
aspect ratios, where the maximum is 6.67, and the minimum use Faster-RCNN [11], Cascade-RCNN [41], and ATSS [42],
is 1.0. In one sequence, the same object has a significant which are two-stage methods, and YOLOX [43] and SSD [13],

#100 #177 #555 #906

#1 #150 #320 #450

#196 #197 #208 #307

#82 #280 #572 #590

Fig. 5. Examples of tracking sequences and annotations of our dataset.

1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8

ATSS-ResNet18 ATSS-ResNet18
0.6 ATSS-ResNet50 0.6 ATSS-ResNet50


Cascade-RCNN-ResNet18 Cascade-RCNN-ResNet18
Cascade-RCNN-ResNet50 Cascade-RCNN-ResNet50
0.4 Cascade-RCNN-VGG16 0.4 Cascade-RCNN-VGG16
Faster-RCNN-ResNet18 Faster-RCNN-ResNet18
Faster-RCNN-ResNet50 Faster-RCNN-ResNet50
Faster-RCNN-VGG16 Faster-RCNN-VGG16
0.2 YOLOX-DarkNet 0.2 YOLOX-DarkNet
YOLOX-ResNet18 YOLOX-ResNet18
YOLOX-ResNet50 YOLOX-ResNet50
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
recall & recall &
(a) IoU=0.5 (b) IoU=0.75

Fig. 6. P-R curves of all detectors.

which are one-stage methods. Two-stage models typically Cascade-RCNN [41]. It consists of a series of detectors
have higher accuracy, while one-stage models perform better with increasing Intersection over Union (IoU) thresholds. The
in terms of the speed. Descriptions of these algorithms are detectors are trained stage by stage, and the output of a
provided below. detector is the input of the next in which the IoU threshold
is higher (in other words, a detector with higher quality).
Faster-RCNN [11]. This method makes several improve-
This method guarantees the amount of every detector, thereby
ments to Fast-RCNN [44] by resolving time-consuming issues
reducing the overfitting problem.
on region proposals brought by selective search. Instead of
selective search, the region proposal network (RPN) is pro- ATSS [42]. It claims that the essential difference between
posed. This network has two branches, namely, classification anchor-based and anchor-free detectors is the way of defining
and regression. Classification and regression are performed positive and negative training samples. It proposes an algo-
twice, so the precision of the method is high. rithm that can select positive and negative samples according

TABLE II performance. First, the Success calculates the IoU between the
D ETECTION RESULTS OF DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS OF MODELS AND target ground truth and the predicted bounding boxes. It can
reflect the accuracy of the size and scale of the predicted target
mAP FPS (tasks/s) bounding boxes. Second, the Precision measures the center
ResNet50 0.653 12.8 location error by computing the distance of pixels between
Faster-RCNN ResNet18 0.605 19.4
VGG16 0.633 9.3 the ground truth and tracking results. However, it is easily
ResNet50 0.683 10.7 affected by target size and image resolution. To solve this
Cascade-RCNN ResNet18 0.652 14.7 problem, the Norm Pre is introduced to rank trackers using
VGG16 0.667 8.0
ResNet50 0.642 13.3 Area Under Curve (AUC) between 0 and 0.5.
ATSS ResNet18 0.61 20.5 We select seven tracking algorithms in total. Their descrip-
VGG16 0.641 9.5 tions are provided below.
ResNet50 0.427 21.7
ResNet18 0.400 53.7 SiamFC [12]. This method is a classic generative tracking
YOLOX algorithm based on a fully convolutional Siamese network.
VGG16 0.551 23.0
DarkNet 0.552 51.3 It performs cross-correlation operation between the template
SSD VGG16 0.632 33.2
patch and the search region to locate the target. Besides, a
multi-scale strategy is used to decide the scale of the target.
SiamRPN++ [47]. It introduces the region proposal network
to the object’s statistical feature.
(RPN) into the Siamese network, and its backbone network
YOLO [43]. YOLO series is known for its extremely high
can be very deep. The framework has two branches, including
speed and relatively high accuracy. With the development of
a classification branch to choose the best anchor and a regres-
object detection, it can integrate most advanced technologies,
sion branch to predict offsets of the anchor. Compared with
so as to achieve rounds of iteration. After YOLOv5 reaches
SiamFC, SiamRPN++ is more robust and faster because of the
a peak performance, YOLOX [43] starts to focus on anchor-
introduction of the RPN mechanism and the removal of the
free detectors, advanced label assignment strategies, and end-
multi-scale strategy.
to-end (NMS-free) detectors, which are major advances in
ECO [48]. This method is a classic tracking algorithm based
these years. After upgrading, it shows remarkable performance
on correlation filtering. It introduces a factorized convolution
compared to YOLOv3 [30] on COCO (a detection dataset
operator to reduce model parameters. A compact generative
named Common Objects in Context) [37].
model of the training sample space is proposed to reduce the
SSD [13]. It is also a one-stage detector. It combines several
number of training samples while guaranteeing the diversity of
feature maps with different resolutions, thus improving the
the sample set. Besides, an efficient model update strategy is
model’s performance via multi-scale training. It has a good
also proposed to improve the tracker’s speed and robustness.
effect on the detection of objects with different sizes. Only a
ATOM [49]. The model combines target classification and
single network is involved, making the model easy to train.
bounding box prediction. The former module is trained online
We replace these detectors’ backbone network with sev-
to guarantee a strong discriminative capability. The latter
eral classic backbone networks, including ResNet18 [45],
module uses IoU loss and predicts the overlap between the
ResNet50 [45], and VGG16 [46], and obtain 14 different ver-
target and the predicted bounding box through offline training.
sions of detection methods. The 14 detectors are all retrained
This combination endows the tracker with high discriminative
on the training subset of the DUT Anti-UAV detection dataset.
power and good regression capability.
Moreover, we use mean average precision (mAP) and frames
DiMP [14]. Based on ATOM, this method introduces a
per second (FPS) to evaluate the methods’ performance. The
discriminative learning loss to guide the network to learn more
results are shown in Table II. Cascade-RCNN with ResNet50
discriminative features. An efficient optimizer is also designed
performs the best, and YOLOX with ResNet18 is the fastest.
to accelerate the convergence of the network, which improves
We also visualize the performance of different detectors by
the performance of the algorithm further.
using P-R curves with different IoU thresholds, which are
TransT [50]. TransT is a Transformer-based method. Due
shown in Fig. 6. In P-R curves, P means precision, and R
to its attention-based feature fusion network, this method is
means recall. Typically, a negative correlation exists between
able to extract abundant semantic feature maps, and achieves
them, and a curve drawn with R as the abscissa and P as the
state-of-the-art performance on most tracking benchmarks.
ordinate can effectively reflect the comprehensive performance
SPLT [51]. It is a long-term tracker mainly based on two
of a detector. Moreover, we illustrate several qualitative results
modules, namely, the perusal module and skimming module.
in Fig. 10. Faster-RCNN and Cascade-RCNN can get accurate
The perusal module contains an efficient bounding box regres-
bounding boxes and corresponding confidence scores, while
sor to generate a series of target proposals, and a target verifier
YOLO ofen detects the background as the target mistakenly.
is used to select the best one based on confidence scores. The
skimming module is used to justify the state of the target
B. Tracking on DUT Anti-UAV dataset in the current frame and select an appropriate searching way
We select several existing state-of-the-art trackers and per- (global search or local search). These improve the speed of
form them on our tracking dataset. The tracking performance the method, making it track in real-time.
is shown in the third column of Table III (the ”noDET” LTMU [52]. It is also a long-term tracker. The main
column). We use three metric methods to evaluate the tracking contribution of the method is to propose a meta-updater trained

0.67 0.668
#T #T
0.666 0.666 τ_d
𝜏d τ_t
Tracker 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑡 <𝜏𝑡 𝑅𝑇 = 𝑏𝑏𝑜𝑥𝑡 0.664 0.664
0.665 0.663
0.662 0.662

0.66 0.659
𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑑 > 𝜏𝑑 #T
yes and 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑑
𝑅𝑇 = 𝑏𝑏𝑜𝑥𝑑 Detector
𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑑 > 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑡 0.655
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95
Fig. 7. Framework of the proposed fusion strategy of tracking and detection.
Parameter value

offline, which is used to justify whether the tracker needs Fig. 8. Effects of different parameter values for our fusion method.
to update in the current frame or not. It greatly improves
the robustness of the tracker. Moreover, a long-term tracking
framework is designed based on a SiamRPN-based re-detector, also improves its performance further after fusing the detector
an online verifier, and an online local tracker with the proposed Faster-RCNN(VGG16). The degree of tracking performance
meta-updater. This method shows its strong discriminative improvement depends on the detection algorithm. For most
capability and robustness on both long-term and short-term trackers, Faster-RCNN is a better fusion choice, especially
tracking benchmarks. for its VGG16 version. On the contrary, ATSS hardly pro-
We can find that LTMU performs the best on our tracking vides additional performance benefits to trackers. Aside from
dataset, where the Success is 0.608 and Norm Pre is 0.783. Faster-RCNN, Cascade-RCNN can also enhance the tracking
TransT, DiMP and ATOM also exhibit well performance, with performance. Fig. 11 shows the qualitative comparison of the
0.586, 0.578 and 0.574 in terms of Success, respectively. The original trackers and our fusion methods, where the model
performance of SiamFC is the worst, in which the Success is Faster-RCNN-VGG16 is chosen as the fused detector. After
0.381 and Precision is 0.623. fusing detection, trackers can perform better in most scenarios.
Among them, the performance of LTMU-DET is best that can
C. Tracking with detection handle most challenges.
To improve the tracking performance further, and make full Algorithm 1 Fusion strategy of trackers and detectors
use of our dataset, including the detection and tracking sets, Input: T , D, I{0,N −1} , GT0
we propose a clear and simple tracking algorithm combined Output: R{0,N −1}
with detection. The fusion strategy is shown as Fig. 7 and 1: T .init(I0 ,GT0 );
Algorithm 1. Given a tracker T and a detector D, we first 2: R0 = GT0 ;
initialize the tracker T based on the ground truth GT0 of the 3: for each t ∈ [1, N − 1] do
first frame. For each subsequent frame, we obtain the bounding 4: bboxt , scoret = T .track(It );
box bboxt and its confidence score scoret from the tracker. If 5: if scoret < τt then
scoret is less than τt , we regard it as an unreliable result, and 6: bboxesd , scoresd = D.detect(It );
introduce the detection mechanism. Next, the detector obtains 7: if length(bboxesd ) > 0 then
bounding boxes bboxesd and their confidence scores scoresd . 8: scored = Max(scoresd );
If the highest score scored is higher than τd and scoret , we 9: Collect the corresponding bboxd from bboxesd ;
set the corresponding detected bounding box bboxd as the 10: if scored > τd and scored > scoret then
current result; otherwise, bboxt is the final result. In this paper, 11: Rt = bboxd ;
hyper-parameters τt and τd are set to 0.9. To investigate the 12: else
effects of different parameter values for our fusion method, 13: Rt = bboxt ;
we change values of hyper-parameters τt and τd , respectively. 14: end if
Fig. 8 shows that our tracker is robust to these two parameters. 15: end if
That is, huge changes in parameters τt and τd only cause slight 16: end if
fluctuations in the tracking results (less than 1%). 17: end for
On the basis of the proposed fusion strategy, we try different
combinations of a series of trackers and detectors. Specifically,
we select the eight aforementioned trackers (SiamFC, ECO,
SPLT, ATOM, SiamRPN++, DiMP, TransT and LTMU) and V. C ONCLUSION
five detectors with different types of backbone networks (14 In this paper, we propose the DUT Anti-UAV dataset for
different versions in total). The detailed tracking results are UAV detection and tracking. It contains two sets, namely,
shown in Table III. The success and precision plots of each detection and tracking. The former has 10,109 objects from
tracker are shown as Fig. 9. After fusing detection, the tracking 10,000 images, which are split into three subsets (training,
performance of all trackers is improved significantly. For in- testing, and validation). The latter contains 20 sequences
stance, compared with the baseline tracker SiamFC, the fused whose average length is 1240. All images and frames are
method SiamFC+Faster-RCNN(VGG16) increases by 23.4% annotated manually and precisely. We set 14 different ver-
in terms of the Success. The best-performing tracker LTMU sions of the detectors from the combination of 5 types of

Success plots of OPE on Anti-UAV Precision plots of OPE on Anti-UAV Success plots of OPE on Anti-UAV Precision plots of OPE on Anti-UAV
0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7

[0.617] SiamFC-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet50 [0.943] SiamFC-Faster-RCNN-VGG16 [0.620] ECO-Faster-RCNN-VGG16 [0.954] ECO-Faster-RCNN-VGG16
0.6 [0.616] SiamFC-Faster-RCNN-ResNet50 0.6 [0.937] SiamFC-Faster-RCNN-ResNet50 0.6 [0.620] ECO-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet50 0.6 [0.946] ECO-Faster-RCNN-ResNet50
Success rate

Success rate
[0.615] SiamFC-Faster-RCNN-VGG16 [0.933] SiamFC-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet50 [0.619] ECO-Faster-RCNN-ResNet50 [0.945] ECO-Cascade-RCNN-VGG16


0.5 [0.611] SiamFC-Cascade-RCNN-VGG16 0.5 [0.930] SiamFC-Cascade-RCNN-VGG16 0.5 [0.618] ECO-Cascade-RCNN-VGG16 0.5 [0.942] ECO-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet50
[0.607] SiamFC-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet18 [0.923] SiamFC-Faster-RCNN-ResNet18 [0.614] ECO-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet18 [0.938] ECO-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet18
[0.605] SiamFC-Faster-RCNN-ResNet18 [0.920] SiamFC-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet18 [0.610] ECO-Faster-RCNN-ResNet18 [0.937] ECO-Faster-RCNN-ResNet18
0.4 [0.551] SiamFC-SSD-VGG16 0.4 [0.832] SiamFC-SSD-VGG16 0.4 [0.578] ECO-SSD-VGG16 0.4 [0.884] ECO-SSD-VGG16
[0.383] SiamFC-YOLOX-VGG16 [0.625] SiamFC-YOLOX-VGG16 [0.436] ECO-YOLOX-VGG16 [0.749] ECO-YOLOX-VGG16
0.3 [0.381] SiamFC-ATSS-ResNet50 0.3 [0.623] SiamFC-ATSS-ResNet50 0.3 [0.417] ECO-ATSS-ResNet50 0.3 [0.726] ECO-ATSS-ResNet50
[0.381] SiamFC-YOLOX-DarkNet [0.623] SiamFC-YOLOX-DarkNet [0.414] ECO-ATSS-ResNet18 [0.718] ECO-YOLOX-ResNet50
[0.381] SiamFC-YOLOX-ResNet18 [0.623] SiamFC-YOLOX-ResNet18 [0.411] ECO-ATSS-VGG16 [0.717] ECO-ATSS-VGG16
0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
[0.381] SiamFC-ATSS-VGG16 [0.623] SiamFC-ATSS-VGG16 [0.410] ECO-YOLOX-ResNet50 [0.717] ECO-ATSS-ResNet18
[0.381] SiamFC-YOLOX-ResNet50 [0.623] SiamFC-YOLOX-ResNet50 [0.401] ECO-YOLOX-DarkNet [0.706] ECO-YOLOX-ResNet18
0.1 [0.381] SiamFC-noDET 0.1 [0.623] SiamFC-noDET 0.1 [0.400] ECO-YOLOX-ResNet18 0.1 [0.705] ECO-YOLOX-DarkNet
[0.381] SiamFC-ATSS-ResNet18 [0.623] SiamFC-ATSS-ResNet18 [0.395] ECO-noDET [0.697] ECO-noDET
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Overlap threshold Location error threshold Overlap threshold Location error threshold

(a) SiamFC (b) ECO

Success plots of OPE on Anti-UAV Precision plots of OPE on Anti-UAV Success plots of OPE on Anti-UAV Precision plots of OPE on Anti-UAV
0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8

0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7

0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
[0.607] SPLT-YOLOX-DarkNet [0.875] SPLT-Faster-RCNN-VGG16 [0.635] ATOM-Faster-RCNN-ResNet18 [0.936] ATOM-Faster-RCNN-ResNet18
[0.605] SPLT-YOLOX-ResNet50 [0.871] SPLT-Faster-RCNN-ResNet50 0.6 [0.633] ATOM-Faster-RCNN-ResNet50 0.6 [0.932] ATOM-Faster-RCNN-VGG16
Success rate

Success rate
0.5 [0.603] SPLT-YOLOX-ResNet18 0.5 [0.866] SPLT-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet50 [0.632] ATOM-Faster-RCNN-VGG16 [0.931] ATOM-Faster-RCNN-ResNet50

[0.597] SPLT-YOLOX-VGG16 [0.862] SPLT-Cascade-RCNN-VGG16 0.5 [0.626] ATOM-Cascade-RCNN-VGG16 0.5 [0.918] ATOM-Cascade-RCNN-VGG16
[0.553] SPLT-Faster-RCNN-VGG16 [0.861] SPLT-YOLOX-ResNet50 [0.621] ATOM-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet50 [0.917] ATOM-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet50
0.4 [0.550] SPLT-Faster-RCNN-ResNet50 0.4 [0.860] SPLT-Faster-RCNN-ResNet18 [0.611] ATOM-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet18 [0.895] ATOM-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet18
0.4 0.4
[0.549] SPLT-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet50 [0.857] SPLT-YOLOX-DarkNet [0.601] ATOM-SSD-VGG16 [0.870] ATOM-SSD-VGG16
0.3 [0.546] SPLT-Cascade-RCNN-VGG16 0.3 [0.855] SPLT-YOLOX-ResNet18 [0.574] ATOM-YOLOX-ResNet18 [0.836] ATOM-YOLOX-ResNet18
[0.543] SPLT-Faster-RCNN-ResNet18 [0.855] SPLT-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet18 0.3 [0.565] ATOM-ATSS-VGG16 0.3 [0.832] ATOM-ATSS-VGG16
[0.542] SPLT-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet18 [0.846] SPLT-YOLOX-VGG16 [0.547] ATOM-YOLOX-DarkNet [0.809] ATOM-ATSS-ResNet50
0.2 [0.496] SPLT-SSD-VGG16 0.2 [0.778] SPLT-SSD-VGG16 [0.543] ATOM-ATSS-ResNet50 0.2 [0.808] ATOM-YOLOX-DarkNet
[0.405] SPLT-ATSS-ResNet50 [0.651] SPLT-ATSS-ResNet50 [0.537] ATOM-YOLOX-VGG16 [0.796] ATOM-YOLOX-ResNet50
[0.405] SPLT-noDET [0.651] SPLT-ATSS-ResNet18 [0.536] ATOM-YOLOX-ResNet50 [0.794] ATOM-YOLOX-VGG16
0.1 [0.405] SPLT-ATSS-VGG16 0.1 [0.651] SPLT-noDET 0.1 [0.532] ATOM-ATSS-ResNet18 0.1 [0.774] ATOM-ATSS-ResNet18
[0.405] SPLT-ATSS-ResNet18 [0.651] SPLT-ATSS-VGG16 [0.509] ATOM-noDET [0.741] ATOM-noDET
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Overlap threshold Location error threshold Overlap threshold Location error threshold

(c) SPLT (d) ATOM

Success plots of OPE on Anti-UAV Precision plots of OPE on Anti-UAV Success plots of OPE on Anti-UAV Precision plots of OPE on Anti-UAV

0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6

[0.612] SiamRPN++-Faster-RCNN-VGG16 [0.881] SiamRPN++-Faster-RCNN-VGG16 [0.624] TransT-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet50 [0.888] TransT-Faster-RCNN-VGG16
[0.610] SiamRPN++-Faster-RCNN-ResNet50 [0.877] SiamRPN++-Faster-RCNN-ResNet50 [0.623] TransT-Faster-RCNN-VGG16 [0.888] TransT-Faster-RCNN-ResNet50
Success rate

Success rate

0.5 [0.610] SiamRPN++-Cascade-RCNN-VGG16 0.5 [0.876] SiamRPN++-Cascade-RCNN-VGG16 0.5 [0.623] TransT-Faster-RCNN-ResNet50 0.5 [0.888] TransT-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet50


[0.610] SiamRPN++-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet50 [0.876] SiamRPN++-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet50 [0.623] TransT-Cascade-RCNN-VGG16 [0.887] TransT-Cascade-RCNN-VGG16

[0.606] SiamRPN++-Faster-RCNN-ResNet18 [0.873] SiamRPN++-Faster-RCNN-ResNet18 [0.623] TransT-Faster-RCNN-ResNet18 [0.886] TransT-Faster-RCNN-ResNet18
0.4 [0.606] SiamRPN++-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet18 0.4 [0.870] SiamRPN++-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet18 0.4 [0.623] TransT-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet18 0.4 [0.885] TransT-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet18
[0.591] SiamRPN++-SSD-VGG16 [0.843] SiamRPN++-SSD-VGG16 [0.586] TransT-YOLOX-VGG16 [0.832] TransT-YOLOX-VGG16
0.3 [0.546] SiamRPN++-YOLOX-VGG16 0.3 [0.781] SiamRPN++-YOLOX-VGG16 [0.586] TransT-ATSS-ResNet50 0.3 [0.832] TransT-ATSS-ResNet50
[0.545] SiamRPN++-ATSS-ResNet50 [0.780] SiamRPN++-ATSS-ResNet50 [0.586] TransT-ATSS-ResNet18 [0.832] TransT-ATSS-ResNet18
[0.545] SiamRPN++-ATSS-ResNet18 [0.780] SiamRPN++-ATSS-ResNet18 [0.586] TransT-SSD-VGG16 [0.832] TransT-SSD-VGG16
0.2 [0.545] SiamRPN++-YOLOX-ResNet50 0.2 [0.780] SiamRPN++-YOLOX-ResNet50 0.2 [0.586] TransT-YOLOX-ResNet50 0.2 [0.832] TransT-YOLOX-ResNet50
[0.545] SiamRPN++-YOLOX-DarkNet [0.780] SiamRPN++-YOLOX-DarkNet [0.586] TransT-YOLOX-ResNet18 [0.832] TransT-YOLOX-ResNet18
[0.545] SiamRPN++-YOLOX-ResNet18 [0.780] SiamRPN++-YOLOX-ResNet18 [0.586] TransT-ATSS-VGG16 [0.832] TransT-ATSS-VGG16
0.1 [0.545] SiamRPN++-noDET 0.1 [0.780] SiamRPN++-noDET 0.1 [0.586] TransT-YOLOX-DarkNet 0.1 [0.832] TransT-YOLOX-DarkNet
[0.545] SiamRPN++-ATSS-VGG16 [0.780] SiamRPN++-ATSS-VGG16 [0.586] TransT-noDET [0.832] TransT-noDET
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Overlap threshold Location error threshold Overlap threshold Location error threshold

(e) SiamRPN++ (f) TransT

Success plots of OPE on Anti-UAV Precision plots of OPE on Anti-UAV Success plots of OPE on Anti-UAV Precision plots of OPE on Anti-UAV
0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7

[0.657] DiMP-Faster-RCNN-ResNet50 [0.949] DiMP-Faster-RCNN-ResNet50 [0.664] LTMU-Faster-RCNN-VGG16 [0.961] LTMU-Faster-RCNN-VGG16
0.6 [0.654] DiMP-Faster-RCNN-VGG16 0.6 [0.945] DiMP-Faster-RCNN-VGG16 0.6 [0.659] LTMU-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet50 0.6 [0.954] LTMU-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet50
Success rate

Success rate

[0.647] DiMP-Faster-RCNN-ResNet18 [0.936] DiMP-Faster-RCNN-ResNet18 [0.659] LTMU-Faster-RCNN-ResNet50 [0.954] LTMU-Faster-RCNN-ResNet50



0.5 [0.645] DiMP-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet18 0.5 [0.931] DiMP-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet18 0.5 [0.658] LTMU-Cascade-RCNN-VGG16 0.5 [0.951] LTMU-Cascade-RCNN-VGG16
[0.637] DiMP-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet50 [0.915] DiMP-Cascade-RCNN-VGG16 [0.657] LTMU-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet18 [0.948] LTMU-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet18
[0.632] DiMP-Cascade-RCNN-VGG16 [0.912] DiMP-Cascade-RCNN-ResNet50 [0.653] LTMU-Faster-RCNN-ResNet18 [0.946] LTMU-Faster-RCNN-ResNet18
0.4 [0.627] DiMP-SSD-VGG16 0.4 [0.898] DiMP-SSD-VGG16 0.4 [0.623] LTMU-SSD-VGG16 0.4 [0.887] LTMU-SSD-VGG16
[0.609] DiMP-ATSS-ResNet50 [0.873] DiMP-ATSS-ResNet50 [0.612] LTMU-YOLOX-ResNet18 [0.874] LTMU-YOLOX-ResNet18
0.3 [0.608] DiMP-noDET 0.3 [0.861] DiMP-noDET 0.3 [0.608] LTMU-noDET 0.3 [0.858] LTMU-YOLOX-VGG16
[0.600] DiMP-ATSS-VGG16 [0.852] DiMP-ATSS-VGG16 [0.606] LTMU-YOLOX-DarkNet [0.858] LTMU-noDET
[0.598] DiMP-YOLOX-ResNet18 [0.851] DiMP-YOLOX-ResNet18 [0.606] LTMU-YOLOX-VGG16 [0.856] LTMU-ATSS-ResNet18
0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
[0.595] DiMP-YOLOX-VGG16 [0.845] DiMP-YOLOX-VGG16 [0.605] LTMU-ATSS-ResNet18 [0.855] LTMU-YOLOX-DarkNet
[0.589] DiMP-ATSS-ResNet18 [0.838] DiMP-ATSS-ResNet18 [0.605] LTMU-ATSS-ResNet50 [0.855] LTMU-ATSS-ResNet50
0.1 [0.589] DiMP-YOLOX-ResNet50 0.1 [0.836] DiMP-YOLOX-ResNet50 0.1 [0.600] LTMU-YOLOX-ResNet50 0.1 [0.847] LTMU-ATSS-VGG16
[0.583] DiMP-YOLOX-DarkNet [0.829] DiMP-YOLOX-DarkNet [0.600] LTMU-ATSS-VGG16 [0.845] LTMU-YOLOX-ResNet50
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Overlap threshold Location error threshold Overlap threshold Location error threshold

(g) DiMP (h) LTMU

Fig. 9. Success and precision plots of trackers on the DUT Anti-UAV dataset.

UAV | 1.00 UAV | 1.00

UAV | 1.00
UAV | 1.00 UAV | 1.00 UAV | 1.00

UAV | 1.00

UAV | 1.00

UAV | 1.00 UAV | 1.00

UAV | 1.00
UAV | 1.00 UAV | 1.00 UAV | 1.00

UAV | 1.00

UAV | 1.00

UAV | 0.77 UAV | 0.81

UAV | 0.70
UAV | 0.81 UAV | 0.68
UAV | 0.83

UAV | 0.68

UAV | 0.80

UAV | 1.00

UAV | 1.00
UAV | 0.98 UAV | 1.00
UAV | 0.96

UAV | 1.00

UAV | 1.00

UAV | 0.21

UAV | 0.99 UAV | 0.81

UAV | 0.41 UAV | 0.61

UAV | 0.94 UAV | 0.76
UAV | 0.86

UAV | 0.90

UAV | 0.84

Fig. 10. Qualitative comparison of detection results. The first row to the last row indicate the detection results of Faster-RCNN-ResNet50, Cascade-RCNN-
ResNet50, ATSS-ResNet50, SSD-VGG16 and YOLO-DarkNet in turn, including the target bounding box and the corresponding confidence score. Better
viewed with zoom-in.

#169 #184 #200 #368

#72 #218 #284 #337

#343 #351 #413 #706

#744 #842 #896 #1042

GroundTruth SiamFC-noDET SiamFC-DET SPLT-noDET


Fig. 11. Qualitative comparison of tracking results. ”noDET” means pure tracking results without fusing detection, and we choose the model Faster-RCNN-
VGG16 for ”DET” results. Better viewed in color with zoom-in.



ResNet18 ResNet50 VGG16 ResNet18 ResNet50 VGG16 ResNet18 ResNet50 VGG16 VGG16 ResNet18 ResNet50 VGG16 DarkNet
Success 0.381 0.381 0.381 0.381 0.607 0.617 0.611 0.605 0.616 0.615 0.551 0.381 0.381 0.383 0.381
SiamFC Norm Pre 0.526 0.526 0.526 0.526 0.792 0.800 0.802 0.793 0.804 0.811 0.708 0.526 0.526 0.528 0.526
Precision 0.623 0.623 0.623 0.623 0.920 0.933 0.930 0.923 0.937 0.943 0.832 0.623 0.623 0.625 0.623
Success 0.404 0.414 0.417 0.411 0.614 0.620 0.618 0.610 0.619 0.620 0.578 0.400 0.410 0.436 0.401
ECO Norm Pre 0.643 0.655 0.663 0.655 0.809 0.809 0.817 0.806 0.813 0.821 0.786 0.643 0.656 0.687 0.644
Precision 0.717 0.717 0.726 0.717 0.938 0.942 0.945 0.937 0.946 0.954 0.884 0.706 0.718 0.749 0.705
Success 0.405 0.405 0.405 0.405 0.542 0.549 0.546 0.543 0.550 0.553 0.496 0.603 0.605 0.597 0.607
SPLT Norm Pre 0.585 0.585 0.585 0.585 0.766 0.775 0.772 0.770 0.779 0.783 0.700 0.779 0.780 0.769 0.783
Precision 0.651 0.651 0.651 0.651 0.855 0.866 0.862 0.860 0.871 0.875 0.778 0.855 0.861 0.846 0.857
Success 0.574 0.532 0.543 0.565 0.611 0.621 0.626 0.635 0.633 0.632 0.601 0.574 0.536 0.537 0.547
ATOM Norm Pre 0.758 0.703 0.742 0.767 0.791 0.814 0.814 0.828 0.820 0.823 0.778 0.763 0.730 0.722 0.744
Precision 0.830 0.774 0.809 0.832 0.895 0.917 0.918 0.936 0.931 0.932 0.870 0.836 0.796 0.794 0.808
Success 0.545 0.545 0.545 0.545 0.606 0.610 0.610 0.606 0.610 0.612 0.591 0.545 0.545 0.546 0.545
SiamRPN++ Norm Pre 0.709 0.709 0.709 0.709 0.788 0.793 0.793 0.789 0.794 0.797 0.766 0.709 0.709 0.710 0.709
Precision 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.870 0.876 0.876 0.873 0.877 0.881 0.843 0.780 0.780 0.781 0.780
Success 0.578 0.589 0.609 0.600 0.645 0.637 0.632 0.647 0.657 0.654 0.627 0.598 0.589 0.595 0.583
DiMP Norm Pre 0.756 0.760 0.796 0.773 0.840 0.818 0.825 0.845 0.856 0.850 0.809 0.772 0.761 0.768 0.753
Precision 0.831 0.838 0.873 0.852 0.931 0.912 0.915 0.936 0.949 0.945 0.898 0.851 0.836 0.845 0.829
Success 0.586 0.586 0.586 0.586 0.623 0.624 0.623 0.623 0.623 0.623 0.586 0.586 0.586 0.586 0.586
TransT Norm Pre 0.765 0.765 0.765 0.765 0.807 0.808 0.808 0.807 0.808 0.808 0.765 0.765 0.765 0.765 0.765
Precision 0.832 0.832 0.832 0.832 0.885 0.888 0.888 0.886 0.888 0.888 0.832 0.832 0.832 0.832 0.832
Success 0.608 0.605 0.605 0.600 0.657 0.659 0.658 0.653 0.659 0.664 0.623 0.612 0.600 0.606 0.606
LTMU Norm Pre 0.783 0.782 0.780 0.768 0.855 0.856 0.856 0.851 0.858 0.865 0.803 0.799 0.772 0.783 0.781
Precision 0.858 0.856 0.855 0.847 0.948 0.954 0.951 0.946 0.954 0.961 0.887 0.874 0.845 0.858 0.855

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