2.A Water Treatment - 21CV43

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Public Health Engineering

M: 2A Water Treatment
Water Treatment:
Objectives, Unit flow diagrams – significance of each unit

t. v. manju prasad, Asst. Prof., HMSIT, Tumkuru-572 104

2.1 M: 2A Water Treatment 21CV43

Water Treatment
Objectives, Unit flow diagrams – significance of each unit

Water Treatment:
Raw water may contain suspended, colloidal and dissolved impurities. The purpose of water
treatment is to remove all these impurities which are objectionable from taste and odor point of view or
from public health point of view.

Objectives of water treatment:

1. Removal of floating suspended matters.
2. Improvement in the aesthetic quality of water by removing unpleasant taste and odor.
3. Removal of settleable suspended matter and non-settleable colloidal impurities.
4. Removal of dissolved mineral matter, color, and bacteria.
5. Softening of water for use in domestic washing laundries and boilers.
6. Making the water non-corrosive, suitable for industrial processing and recreational uses.

The typical functions of each unit operations are given in the following table:

Unit treatment Function (Removal)

Aeration, chemicals use Color, Odor, Taste
Screening Floating matter
Chemical methods Iron, Manganese, etc.
Softening Hardness
Sedimentation Suspended matter
Coagulation Suspended matter, a part of colloidal matter and bacteria
Filtration Remaining colloidal dissolved matter, bacteria
Disinfection Pathogenic bacteria, Organic matter and Reducing substances

Types of treatment required for different sources;

Sl. Source Treatment required

1. Ground water and spring water fairly free from No treatment /or Chlorination
2. Ground water with chemicals, minerals and gases Aeration, Coagulation (if
necessary), Filtration and
3. Lakes, Surface water reservoirs with less amount of Disinfection
4. Other surface waters such as rivers, canals and Complete treatment
impounded reservoirs with a considerable amount of

t. v. manju prasad, Assoc. Prof., HMSIT, Tumakuru- 572 104 Page 2

2.1 M: 2A Water Treatment 21CV43

Factors considered in Location of Treatment Plant:

1. It is preferable to locate the plant as near as possible to the area of distribution to avoid risk of
the water contamination during distribution.
2. If the source is at a lower elevation the distribution area, the plant may be located near the
3. In very large cities, small disinfection unit may be installed, scattered over the city, to ground
against possible contamination during conveyance.
4. Various units of plant should be located in a proper sequence, to ensure that water flows by
gravity from unit to unit without pumping.
5. Treatment layout should be compact, so that less space and less piping is required. There should
be sufficient space for future expansion also.
6. Provision must be made at the plant for a store and laboratory and shelter for the working
7. The plant should be made hygienic as possible.
8. The plant should be provided with essential services such as approach roads, power supply and
telephone facilities.

FLOW DIAGRAM Chlorination

Source Intake Settling tank Aeration Mixing Clarifier

Storage To Distribution System


Sl. Impurities Process for Removal Of Impurity

1. Floating materials(trees, debris, Plain sedimentation
bushes, dead materials)
2. Suspended matter (silt, clay, sand etc.) Sedimentation with coagulation
3. Fine suspended matter(colloidal) filtration
4. Dissolved gasses, taste, odor Aeration & chemical treatment
5. Softening Permutit method
6. Pathogenic bacteria disinfection

t. v. manju prasad, Assoc. Prof., HMSIT, Tumakuru- 572 104 Page 3

2.1 M: 2A Water Treatment 21CV43


Screening: the big and visible objects such as trees, branches, debris, dead animals etc, present
in raw water surface can be removed by screening. It is generally provided at intake point.

Aeration: this is adopted to remove objectionable taste and odor and also to remove the
dissolved gases such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide etc.

Sedimentation: the coarse suspended materials can be removed by detaining water for some
period is sedimentation tanks.

Miscellaneous process: if the resulting water is much harder, then softened by a process called
softening defluoridation, recarbonation, desalination, removal of iron and manganese and other
harmful constituents etc, May carried out depending upon the quality of water and purpose for which is

Previous Year Exam Questions: Water treatment

1. What is the purpose of analysis of water point out significant of each unit in water
(08M, June/July 2018)
2. Write a neat flow sheet of municipal water treatment Plant with significance of each
(08M, Dec 2018/Jan 2019)
3. Explain the objectives of water treatment.
(06 M, June/July 2019)
4. Discuss the complete sequence of water treatment plant with a flow diagram.
(07 M, June/July 2019)
5. What are the objectives of water treatment? Draw a flow chart of conventional water
treatment plant and indicate various units.
(08M, Dec 2019/Jan 2020)
6. Write the objectives of water treatment.
(04 M, Jan /Feb 2021)
7. With the help of treatment flow chart, write the significance of each unit.
(08 M, Jan /Feb 2021)

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