Module 3

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Name: Carmela Sweet Kaziah V. Bongato.

September 2,2023

BSCE-3. Instructor: Nathaniel Tiu

Environmental Science Journal

According to the theory of natural selection, only the individuals within a population that have the best genetic
traits will survive to adulthood and reproduce. Over time, this accumulation of genetic traits can result in some
extraordinary shapes, sizes, and abilities within the living world. Choose one multicellular organism. This organism
can be an animal, plant, or fungus. At the top of your journal entry, write the scientific and common name of your

Use the following as a formatting guide:

Common Name: Swiss-cheese Plant

Scientific Name: Monstera deliciosa

Physical: its holes and splits permit wind and heavy rainfall to pass easily through the plant allowing
it to thrive in its tropical habitat. In the wild, Monstera grow to dramatic heights and can produce
edible fruit that taste like a combination of pineapple and jackfruit

Behavioral: increase the amount of water uptake at the root of the vine. This is very important for Monstera plants
because it is difficult for the roots of Monstera to get water without this trait.

Physiological:monstera have been examined extensively with respect to their response to a sudden
increase in growth light intensity. Both species occur naturally over a wide range of irradiances and are
tolerant of deep shade as well as full sunlight. When such deep-shade-grown plants are suddenly
transferred to high light levels, an enormous excess of light is absorbed owing to their dark green leaves
with a high light-collecting capacity, low maximal capacity for utilization of that absorbed energy through
photosynthesis, and small infrastructure for exporting the products of photosynthesis.

What is the organism’s habitat? Explain how each adaptation increases the organism’s ability to survive
and reproduce successfully within this habitat.

-Organism habitat is where a species of organism lives or thrives. It is the natural environment of that
species. It is where it will derive its food, shelter, and mate for reproduction. It is where the species will
attempt to be as adaptive as possible. I’ve known this plant because we have it in our house and in our
clinic actually this plant will live quite happily in a normal home environment, but to keep them extra
healthy, you could always up the moisture in the air. Monstera deliciosa is a popular houseplant because
it is low maintenance, fast-growing, and can grow huge even in indoor conditions. Thankfully, it is also
super easy to propagate, meaning you can add this plant to every room in your home or share baby
Monsteras with your friends air layering. The most important factors in successfully propagating a
Monstera are taking a proper cutting and then giving that cutting the right conditions to establish itself
as a new plant. Obviously, Monsteras aren’t taking cuttings of themselves in the wild, but they still use
their nodes to spread around and create growth in new places. Monstera deliciosa also produces seeded
fruits which are apparently delicious and give this plant the deliciosa part of its name so the plant can
establish itself in new areas via seed dispersal as well. When it comes to reproducing a Monstera at
home, the most popular choice is water propagation. With this method, you place a cutting in water
until it grows roots, then move it to soil. For those who prefer to skip the water rooting step, it’s also
possible to place a Monstera cutting directly in soil, and the cutting will usually develop roots and grow a
new plant.

Less commonly, you can propagate a Monstera deliciosa using air layering. With this method, you allow
the cutting to produce new roots while still attached to the mother plant.

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