Roadmap A2. Workbook
Roadmap A2. Workbook
Roadmap A2. Workbook
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We love this town. There are lots of parks and the children love
playing there. There aren’t a lot of cars, either, like in a big city,
UNIT 6 Recording 1
so the air is clean and it’s safe to walk around.
C = Connor R = Rachel
There isn’t anything for young people to do here. There aren’t C: It’s my dad’s 60th birthday this year and I don’t know what to
any clubs or nice cafés to meet friends. It’s really boring and buy him.
I can’t wait to move away. R: What does he like?
C: Well, when they were young, my parents really liked
camping, you know staying in a tent in the countryside. We
I like it here, it’s nice and quiet, but there isn’t much public always went on camping holidays when I was a child. But
transport, which is a problem for me. There aren’t any trains he’s too old to stay in a tent now.
and there’s only one bus an hour. You really need to have a car
R: What about a ‘glamping’ experience?
here and I haven’t got one, so that’s a problem.
C: A … what?
4 R: Glamping. It’s like camping, but it’s really comfortable. I went
Some people think it’s boring here, but I disagree. I think the glamping with my husband last summer. He bought me a
people are very friendly. I’ve got great neighbours and we often glamping weekend as a birthday present.
meet and do things together. It’s easy to make friends here, but C: Oh yeah? What did you do?
you need to try. R: Well, we arrived there around 2 p.m. and the manager
showed us our tent. Well, I say tent, but it was more like a
nice hotel room!
I work in a big city during the week, so it’s nice to come home
C: Why was that?
here in the evening and relax after work. It’s very quiet and
R: It was really big inside, you could walk around. And it was
there aren’t many things to do, but there’s a big city only
luxury. There was a real bed, a fire, a TV … even a little
30 minutes away by car.
C: Really? Did you cook?
UNIT 5 Recording 1 R: Ha! No, we didn’t. It was my birthday! Actually, we just sat
outside in the afternoon, then we ate out in town.
K = Kim H = Harry
C: What did you eat?
K: Hey, look at this Harry, it’s my old school yearbook. Do you R: Italian food. I had pasta and my husband had chicken.
remember this? C: What did you do the next day?
H: Oh right, with all our photos from when we finished school. R: The next morning we woke up quite early, had breakfast,
Wow! then walked along the river. It was beautiful. Then we drove
K: That’s right. And look, there’s you. Oh Harry, look at that to a little restaurant and had lunch.
hairstyle! C: When did you leave?
H: Oh come on, lots of boys had long hair then. R: We left just after lunch, at twelve o’clock.
K: Yeah, but it was green! C: So, did you like it? Was it a good experience?
H: Ha ha! I know. Moving quickly on … so where are you? R: Definitely. It was really nice to stay in the countryside, but in
K: Oh no, we don’t need to look at – a comfortable way, you know?
H: Come on … oh, there you are! Kim, that’s a good photo. C: That’s a great idea for a present. My mum and dad can stay
You were very good-looking at school. there together. Thanks Rachel!
K: Oh, but not now? Thanks!
H: No, of course you are now, too!
K: Aww, thanks. I was very quiet at school though.
H: Hmm, maybe, but you were very hard-working. Which, of
course, you are now, too. But you’re not quiet now, you’re