Auction Theory
Auction Theory
Auction Theory
Felix Munoz-Garcia
School of Economic Sciences
Washington State University
2 More generally,
F (v ) = prob (vj < v )
3 We will assume that every bidder’s valuation for the object is
drawn from a uniform distribution function between 0 and 1.
Private valuations
Uniform distribution function U [0, 1]
And simplifying...
xvi x2
First-price auctions
Taking …rst-order conditions of xvi a x with respect to x, we
vi 2x
and solving for x yields an optimal bidding function of
x (vi ) = vi .
Optimal bidding function in FPA
x (vi ) = 12 vi .
x N 1 x N 1
EUi (x jvi ) = (vi x) + 1 0
a a
FPA with N bidders
x N a
[(N 1)vi nx ] = 0,
a x2
and solving for x, we …nd bidder i’s optimal bidding function,
N 1
x (vi ) = vi
FPA with N bidders
N 1
Optimal bidding function x (vi ) = N vi
Comparative statics:
Bid shadding diminishes as N increases.
Bidding function approaches 450 line.
FPA - Generalization
ds 1 (x )
1 n 2 1 i
(n 1) F (s (xi )) f (s (xi )) (vi xi ) = 0
ds 1 (x )
Since s 1 (xi ) = vi and dxi
= s 0 (s 1 (x , the above
i ))
expression becomes
[F (vi )]n 1
+ (n 1) [F (vi )]
n 2
f (vi ) (vi xi ) = 0
s 0 (vi )
FPA - Generalization
(n 1) [F (vi )]n 2
f (vi )vi (n 1) [F (vi )]n 2
f (vi )xi
n 1 0
= [F (vi )] s (vi )
[F (vi )]n 1 0
s (vi ) + (n 1) [F (vi )]n 2
f (vi )vi
n 2
= (n 1) [F (vi )] f (vi )xi
Case 1a: If his bid lies below the highest competing bid, i.e.,
bi < hi where hi = maxfbj g,
j 6 =i
then bidder i loses the auction, obtaining a zero payo¤.
Second-price auctions
Case 1b: If his bid lies above the highest competing bid, i.e.,
bi > hi , then bidder i wins.
He obtains a net payo¤ of vi hi .
Second-price auctions
Bidding your own valuation, bi (vi ) = vi ...
Case 1c: If, instead, his bid coincides with the highest competing
bid, i.e., bi = hi , then a tie occurs.
For simplicity, ties are solved by randomly assigning the object
to the bidders who submitted the highest bids.
As a consequence, bidder i’s expected payo¤ becomes
2 ( vi hi ).
Second-price auctions
Case 2a: If his bid lies below the highest competing bid, i.e.,
bi < hi ,
then bidder i loses, obtaining a zero payo¤.
Second-price auctions
Case 2b: if his bid lies above the highest competing bid, i.e.,
bi > hi ,
then bidder i wins, obtaining a net payo¤ of vi hi .
Second-price auctions
Case 2c: If, instead, his bid coincides with the highest competing
bid, i.e., bi = hi , then a tie occurs,
and the object is randomly assigned, yielding an expected
payo¤ of 12 (vi hi ).
Second-price auctions
Case 3a: if his bid lies below the highest competing bid, i.e.,
bi < hi ,
then bidder i loses, obtaining a zero payo¤.
Second-price auctions
Bidding above your valuation, bi (vi ) > vi ...
Case 3b: if his bid lies above the highest competing bid, i.e.,
bi > hi , then bidder i wins.
His payo¤ becomes vi hi , which is positive if vi > hi , or
negative otherwise.
Second-price auctions
Bidding above your valuation, bi (vi ) > vi ...
Case 3c: If, instead, his bid coincides with the highest competing
bid, i.e., bi = hi , then a tie occurs.
The object is randomly assigned, yielding an expected payo¤ of
1 (v hi ), which is positive only if vi > hi .
2 i
Second-price auctions
Bidder i’s payo¤ from submitting a bid above his valuation:
either coincides with his payo¤ from submitting his own value
for the object, or
becomes strictly lower, thus nullifying his incentives to deviate
from his equilibrium bid of bi (vi ) = vi .
The above equilibrium bidding strategy in the SPA is
una¤ected by:
the number of bidders who participate in the auction, N, or
their risk-aversion preferences.
E¢ ciency in auctions
That is, the probability that the true value of the oil lease is v ,
given that the …rm receives a signal s , is
prob (v js ) = 2 if v = s 2 (overestimate)
2 if v = s + 2 (underestimate)
Common value auctions
Hence, the …rm would pay for the oil lease a price p < s,
making a positive expected pro…t.
Common value auctions
What if the …rm participates in a FPA for the oil lease against
…rm B?
Every …rm uses a di¤erent consultant...
but they don’t know if their consultant systematically
overestimates or underestimates the value of the oil lease.
Every …rm receives a signal s from its consultant,
observing its own signal, but not observing the signal the other
…rm receives, every …rm submits a bid from f1, 2, ..., 20g.
Common value auctions
s + 2 = 12 with prob 12
s 2 = 8 with prob 12
In the second case, when the true value of the oil lease is
v = 8,
…rm A receives a signal of sA = 10 (overestimation), and
…rm B receives a signal of sB = 6 (underestimation).
Then, …rms bid bA = 10 1 = 9, and bB = 6 1 = 5, and
…rm A wins the auction.
However, the winner’s expected pro…t becomes
1 1 1
(8 9) + 0 =
2 2 2
Negative pro…ts from winning.
Winning is a curse!!
Winner’s curse