Excavations - Health and Safety Authority
Excavations - Health and Safety Authority
Excavations - Health and Safety Authority
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safe and
productive lives
(/) and enterprises
Guard against danger to persons at work from a fall or dislodgement of earth, rock or other material by suitable shoring or otherwise
Guard against dangers arising from the fall of materials or objects or the inrush of water into the excavation, shaft, earthworks, underground
works or tunnel
Secure adequate ventilation at all workplaces so as to maintain an atmosphere fit for respiration and to limit any fumes, gases, vapours, dust or
other impurities to levels which are not dangerous or injurious to health
Enable persons at work to reach safety in the event of fire or an inrush of water or materials
Avoid risk to persons at work arising from possible underground dangers such as underground cables or other distribution systems, the
circulation of fluids or the presence of pockets of gas, by undertaking appropriate investigations to locate them before excavation begins
Ensure that a safe means of access to and egress from each excavation
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• determine the safe system of work required to protect employees and persons affected by the activities taking place.
Control measures selected could be in the form of shoring (support for the excavation), battering (sloping the excavation) or other suitable means.
Note: The risk assessment may indicate the need to install trench supports (or other alternative protective measures) even in relatively
shallow excavations less than 1.25 m deep, particularly if ground conditions are particularly poor or the nature of the work requires
workers to lie or crouch in a trench.
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At least once in every day during which persons are at work there
If more than 2 metres deep, at the start of each shift before work begins
After any event likely to have affected the strength or stability of the excavation or the shoring
After any accidental fall of rock, earth or other material
At least once every 7 days where persons are not at work there
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1. Surface Conditions
Spoil heaps not set near or close to excavations
No equipment or materials stored near edge
No standing water in excavation
Change in soil type
Slope of side/bank
5. Existing utilities
Support adequate
Loose materials
6. PPE
7. Weather
Overnight freezing
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ation to shoring?
onsidered when inspecting shoring.
t simplifies what has to be done when carrying out groundwork and excavation work. What is
industry, have formulated a practical system to assist employers and employees comply with their
construction and construction related activities.
WP) (/eng/Publications_and_Forms/Publications/Safe_System_of_Work_Plan_SSWP_/). The SSWP links
rectly to the work activity. One SSWP is completed at the start of each activity, and can be reviewed at
s to consider a range of options to deal with the risks. The SSWP uses pictograms in large part which
arriers as currently being experienced on Irish sites. It is also is user friendly requiring a tick rather
on work?
work include:
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vation work has service plans and knows how to use them.
w about safe digging practices and emergency procedures.
uch as electricity lines.
excavation collapse?
tion collapse include:
e walls with timber, sheeting or proprietary support systems.
t have not been battered to a suitable slope.
ar an edge of an excavation that may be likely to cause collapse.
ed or stacked at a suitable safe distance from the edge of the excavations.
es can be dangerous. You may need to provide support if the work involves bending or kneeling in
o the sides of excavations. The spoil may fall into the excavation and the extra loading will make the
s of scaffolds or the foundations of nearby structures. Walls may have very shallow foundations that
stalled in such a way that the stability of the structure is not compromised at any stage of the
gineer may be required to determine that excavation work will not pose a hazard to employees
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requires every accessible part of an excavation near to which persons are working and where
y covered unless fencing is not present to allow access of persons/equipment.
gress should be allowed in case of emergencies. The size of the openings should be adequate and
e for persons wearing the necessary PPE and allow access to rescue personnel. An alternative
es, ventilation ducts, power lines and other cables required for work.
safety warning sign should be used to prevent unauthorised entry into a confined space.
gs) are necessary in the case of a confined space with a design deficiency whose openings are too
cessive distances to the point of escape.
as well as designers engineers and architects should ensure that entry and exit can be achieved from
sion of manholes close to the bottom of the tank/vessel and fixed ladders from top manholes should
where the need for persons to enter a confined space is unavoidable. Manufacturers and designers
ant to what they are constructing as there may be minimum sizes set out for hatches or manholes.
r website;
aces (/eng/Publications_and_Forms/Publications/Codes_of_Practice/COP_Confined_Space.pdf)
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s - NEW
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