Jurnal JMB September 2022
Jurnal JMB September 2022
Jurnal JMB September 2022
e-ISSN: 2621-1971|p-ISSN: 2088-7086
The buying and selling culture has changed significantly since the 2000s. This is marked
by changes in people's lifestyles which tend to be more practical than before. These changes can
be found in several people's lifestyles such as food tastes, fashion, and shopping. In the midst of
busy people, especially urban communities, purchases that do not require a physical visit are
also an option that is starting to be looked at. This change in transaction activity contributed to
the growth of e-commerce in Indonesia. This development has even attracted the government's
attention with the publication of the XIV Economic Policy Package on e-commerce (Humas
Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian, 2016). This policy package was issued after
seeing a significant increase in terms of e-commerce transactions. In addition, along with the
increase in people's income, changes also occur in the buying and selling culture that leads to
an increase in online purchases. Bank Indonesia (BI) estimates that the total e-commerce
transactions in 2022 will reach Rp 530 trillion (KONTAN.CO.ID, 2021). This figure is certainly
based on the trend of increasing public transactions on online shopping platforms.
This research is a quantitative research. namely research methods based on the philosophy
of positivism, which are used to examine certain populations or samples, data acquisition using
research tools, quantitative or statistical data analysis aimed at testing hypotheses that have been
proposed (Sugiyono, 2017).
This research was conducted in Maros Regency. The population in this study are students
who live in Maros Regency with an unknown number. The sample was selected using a non-
probability method and purposive sampling technique with the criteria of students who
understand how to buy online, have made online purchase transactions on online buying and
selling platforms at least five times in 2022. Closed online questionnaires have been prepared on
Google Form and links are distributed to all social media applications, such as Whatsapp, and
Instagram, Facebook. The survey was conducted from January to April 2022. In total, 156 people
responded to the survey. After eliminating data from respondents who did not match the set
criteria and eliminating inconsistencies, 98 eligible responses were used in this analysis. Data
was collected from questionnaires distributed through social media, WhatsApp, and Google
Form. The population of this research is students who live in Maros Regency who have made
online purchase transactions on online purchasing platforms. The path analysis technique in this
study is to use the path analysis model as follows:
Price (X1)
Purchase Consumer
Decisions (Y) Satisfaction (Z)
Product Review
Figure 2. Gender
Figure 2 explains that the female gender has
more numbers than the male gender, namely
68% or 67 respondents for women compared to
31 32% or 31 respondents for men. This condition
shows that college students shop online more
67 than college students.
Discrimination Validity
The model for measuring validity and reliability, the coefficient of model determination
and the path coefficient for the equation model, can be seen in the following table:
The results of the cross loading calculation in table 2, it is known that the loading value
of each indicator on the construct of the cross loading value. This means that the construct or
latent variable has better discriminant validity than the indicators in the other blocks.
Another method to measure discriminant validity is to measure the value of the square
root of average variance extracted (AVE). The recommended value for a good model is 0.5 or
higher. The next test is the composite reliability of the indicator block that measures the
construct. If the composite reliability value is above 0.60, then the construct is said to be reliable.
In addition, it can also be seen by looking at the reliability of the construct or latent variable
which is measured by looking at the Cronbach's alpha value of the indicator block that measures
the construct. If the value of Cronbach's alpha is above 0.7, then the construct is said to be
reliable. To illustrate the value of the construct results of each variable, namely price, product
assessment, purchase decisions and consumer satisfaction with each variable and indicator, the
loading value table for the research variable constructs resulting from running the Smart PLS
program is shown in the following table:
Based on table 3, it shows that the Average Variance Extracted (AVE) of each variable,
namely price and product assessment, purchasing decisions and consumer satisfaction has a
construct > 0.50 meaning all constructs are reliable. Thus it can be stated that each variable has
high discriminant validity.
Meanwhile, it can be seen in table 4.4 above that the composite reliability value of each
variable shows the construct value > 0.60. This result informs that each variable has met the
composite reliability standard so that it can be concluded that all variables have a high level of
reliability. Furthermore, in the table Cronbach's alpha each variable shows a construct value >
0.70 so this result shows that the variables in the study have met the requirements of Cronbach's
alpha value, which means that all variables have high reliability values. In conclusion, the
indicators in this study have high discriminant validity in shaping their respective variables.
Based on the value of R Square, the value of the purchasing decision variable is 0.702. This
value indicates that the percentage value of purchasing decisions is 70.2%, which means that the
variable price and product assessment has an effect of 70.2% on purchasing decisions. While the
value of R Square for the variable consumer satisfaction is 0.529. These results explain that the
percentage value of customer satisfaction is 52.9%. Which means that the variables of price,
product assessment and purchasing decisions have an effect of 52.9% on consumer satisfaction.
Hypothesis test
After assessing the inner model, the next step is to evaluate the relationship between latent
constructs based on the hypothesis that has been proposed in this study. Hypothesis testing in
this study was carried out by comparing the T-Statistics value and the P-Values value. The
hypothesis is accepted if T-Statistics > 1.97 and P-Values < 0.05. The following are the results of
the direct effect Path Coefficients:
Based on the table of direct influence, of the five hypotheses that have a direct effect there
is 1 (one) hypothesis that is rejected, namely H3 because the value of T Statistics < 1.96 and P-
Values > 0.05 while the other 4 (four) hypotheses are accepted because the T-value is Statistics
> 1.96 P-Values < 0.05. The following is an explanation of the hypothesis:
Based on the table of indirect influence, it shows that the two hypotheses that have an
indirect effect are accepted because the T-Statistics value > 1.96 P-Values < 0.05. The following
is an explanation of the hypothesis:
H7: Product assessment has an effect on consumer satisfaction through buying decision
The t-statistic value of product assessment on consumer satisfaction through purchasing
decisions is 2,469 with a parameter coefficient of 0.151. The t-statistic value is more than the t-
table value (2,469 > 1.96) with a significance value of 0.014. Thus, the product assessment
hypothesis affects consumer satisfaction through the purchase decision is accepted. This informs
that consumer satisfaction is positively influenced by product evaluation through purchasing
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