Leaflet - Js Tips and Tricks

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First and foremost I would like to express my thanks to Vladimir Agafonkin. He is

the driving force behind leaflet.js. His efforts in bringing Leaflet to the World and
constantly improving it are tireless and his altruism in making his work open and
available to the masses is inspiring.

Vladimir has worked with a large collection of like-minded individuals in bringing

Leaflet to the World. These contributors also deserve honours for the work on
leaflet.js. At the time of writing there are over 100 contributors listed
on GitHub and the project is listed as used by over 28 thousand other repositories.

Those who write the plugins also deserve a special thanks. In the same way that
Leaflet provides an excellent framework to work on, the diversity and ingenuity of
the available plugins is staggering. There are so many that I am not going to
attempt to single any one out for individual praise. Instead, please accept my
heartfelt thanks as a group of dedicated individuals.

I don’t want to forget to mention a special group that could be easily overlooked in
receiving thanks here. The tile makers. If you’re not entirely sure what I mean by
this, don’t worry, it will all become clearer as you read on. Without the map tiles,
there would be no maps. These organisations provide a valuable resource that
Leaflet leverages and I would like to recognise them as well.

Lastly, I want to pay homage to Leanpub who have made the publishing of this
document possible. They offer an outstanding service for self-publishing and have
made the task of providing and distributing content achievable.

Make sure you get the most up to date copy

of Leaflet Tips and Tricks
If you’ve received a copy of this book from any location other than Leanpub then
it’s possible that you haven’t got the latest version. Go to
https://leanpub.com/leaflet-tips-and-tricks and download the most recent version.
After all, it won’t cost you anything :-). If you find some value in the work, please
consider donating when you download it so that Leanpub get something for
hosting the book (and I’ll think of you fondly while I continue writing :-D).

The idea of writing a book on Leaflet came about pretty much as soon as I first
used it. It seemed so easy to use and I went looking for some books to help me
through some of the more advanced topics. Since they are fairly scarce on the
subject in 2014, I thought it would be a neat project to write one!

This decision has been supported mainly by the success of publishing my first
book on d3.js called D3 Tips and Tricks. When I started writing D3 Tips and
Tricks at the end of 2012 I had a desire to put out some documentation, but the
method was a bit sketchy. I was lucky to stumble upon Leanpub while I was
putting information together and it ticked all the boxes I was looking for in terms
of being able to publish easily and distribute for free while providing the ability for
people to get updates to the book when it gets improved. I tend to be a bit
evangelical about Leanpub but the bottom line is that they provide a great service
for people who want to publish a book in a flexible way.

Full disclosure: I am a simple user of this extraordinary framework and when I

say simple, I really mean that there has been a lot of learning by trial-and-error
(emphasis on the errors which are entirely mine). So to get from the point of
having no knowledge on how to use Leaflet whatsoever to the point where I could
begin to code up something to display data in a way I wanted, I had to capture the
information as I went. The really cool thing about this sort of process is that it
doesn’t need to occur all at once. You can start with no knowledge whatsoever (or
pretty close) and by standing on the shoulders of others work, you can add building
blocks to improve what you’re seeing and then change the blocks to adapt and
improve. Another point to make is that there is cross-over between this book and
D3 Tips and Tricks (in v3, v4 and v5!). So when you see portions that you think
“Hey, that looks like it was cut and pasted from his other book”, There’s a good
chance that you’ll be right and for good reason. However, each book has unique
features and each should be able to be read in isolation.

The point to take away from all of this is that any online map is just a collection of
lots of blocks of code, each block designed to carry out a specific function. Pick
the blocks you want and implement them. Leaflet makes this easy and in particular
their support for plugins actively encourages it. I found it was much simpler to
work on one thing (block) at a time, and this helped greatly to reduce the
uncertainty factor when things didn’t work as anticipated. I’m not going to pretend
that everything I’ve done while trying to build maps employs the most elegant or
efficient mechanism, but in the end, if it all works on the screen, I walk away
happy :-). That’s not to say I have deliberately ignored any best practices – I just
never knew what they were. Likewise, wherever possible, I have tried to make
things as extensible as possible. You will find that I have typically eschewed a
simple “Use this code” approach for more of a story telling exercise. This means
that some explanations are longer and more flowery than might be to everyone’s
liking, but there you go, try to be brave :-).
I’m sure most authors try to be as accessible as possible. I’d like to do the same,
but be warned… There’s a good chance that if you ask me a technical question I
may not know the answer. So please be gentle with your emails :-).

Email: [email protected]

What is leaflet.js?
Leaflet.js is an Open Source JavaScript library that makes deploying maps on a
web page easy. Being Open Source means that the code can be easily viewed to
see how it works, anyone can use it and more importantly anyone can contribute
back to the project with improvements to the code.

To provide all this mapping goodness it uses a paltry 140kB (at time of writing)
JavaScript file that loads with your web page and provides access to a range of
functions that will allow you to present a map. There is support for modern
browsers in desktop and mobile platforms so you can deploy your map pretty much

Its goals are to be simple to use while focussing on performance and usability, but
it’s also built to be extended using plugins that extend its functionality. It has an
excellent API which is well documented, so there are no mysteries to using it
successfully in a range of situations. Companies who are already touted as using
Leaflet include Flickr, foursquare, GitHub, Data.gov, IGN, The Washington
Post, OSM, Evernote, Financial Times, Pintrest and Open Street Map. Now I’m
picking that you’ll agree that that’s a list of significant players on the Internet.
However, with Leaflet, you can make and deploy maps in much that same way that
these organisations do.

Out of the box Leaflet provides the functionality to add markers, popups, overlay
lines and shapes, use multiple layers, zoom, pan and generally have a good time :-
). But these are just the the core features of Leaflet. One of the significant strengths
of Leaflet is the ability to extend the functionality of the script with plugins from
third parties. At the time of writing there are hundreds of separate plugins that
allow features such as overlaying a heatmap, animating markers, loading csv files
of data, drawing complex shapes, measuring distance, manipulating layers and
displaying coordinates.

Leaflet is truly a jewel of Open Source software. Simple, elegant, functional but
powerful. There’s a good chance that even if you don’t present maps with Leaflet,
you’ll be using ones that someone else made with it at some stage on the Internet.

What do you need to get started?

To be perfectly honest, not everyone will feel comfortable publishing a map on a
web page.

However, that doesn’t mean that it’s beyond those with a little computer savy and a
willingness to experiment. Remember failure is your friend (I am fairly sure that I
am also related by blood). Just learn from your mistakes and it’ll all work out.

So, here in no particular order is a list of good things to know. None of which are
essential, but any one (or more) of which will make your life slightly easier.

 HyperText Markup Language (HTML)

 JavaScript
 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
 Web Servers


First things first. This isn’t rocket science. It’s just teh interwebs. We’ll take it gently, and I’ll
be a little more specific in the following sections.

This stands for HyperText Markup Language and is the stuff that web pages are
made of. Check out the definition and other information on Wikipedia for a great
overview. Just remember that all you’re going to use HTML for is to hold the code
that you will use to present your information. This will be as a .html (or .htm) file
and they can be pretty simple (we’ll look at some in a moment).

JavaScript is what’s called a ‘scripting language’. It is the code that will be
contained inside the HTML file that will make Leaflet do all its fanciness. In fact,
leaflet.js is a JavaScript Library, it’s the native language for using Leaflet.

Knowing a little bit about this would be really good, but to be perfectly honest, I
didn’t know anything about it before I started using d3.js. I read a book along the
way (JavaScript: The Missing Manual from O’Reilly) and that helped with context,
but the examples and tutorials that are available for Leaflet are understandable, and
with a bit of trial and error, you can figure out what’s going on.

In fact, most of what this collection of information’s about is providing examples

and explanations for the JavaScript components of Leaflet.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Cascading Style Sheets (everyone appears to call them ‘Style Sheets’ or ‘CSS’) is a
language used to describe the formatting (or “look and feel”) of a document written
in a markup language. The job of CSS is to make the presentation of the
components you will draw with Leaflet simpler by assigning specific styles to
specific objects. One of the cool things about CSS is that it is an enormously
flexible and efficient method for making everything on the screen look more
consistent and when you want to change the format of something you can just
change the CSS component and the whole look and feel of your maps will change.

The wonderful World of Cascading Style Sheets

Full disclosure
I know CSS is a ridiculously powerful tool that would make my life easier, but I use it in a
very basic (and probably painful) way. Don’t judge me, just accept that the way I’ve learnt
was what I needed to get the job done (this probably means that noob’s like myself will find
it easier, but where possible try and use examples that include what look like logical CSS

Web Servers
Ok, this can go one of two ways. If you have access to a web server and know
where to put the files so that you can access them with your browser, you’re on
fire. If you’re not quite sure, read on…
A web server will allow you to access your HTML files and will provide the
structure that allows it to be displayed on a web browser. I can thoroughly
recommend WampServer as a free and simple way to set up a local web server that
includes PHP and a MySQL database. Go to the WampServer web page
(http://www.wampserver.com/en/) and see if it suits you.

Throughout this document I will be describing the files and how they’re laid out in
a way that has suited my personal efforts, but they will work equally well on a
remote server. I will explain a little more about how I arrange the files later in the
‘Getting Leaflet’ section.

WAMP = Windows + Apache + MySQL + PHP

There are other options of course. You could host code on GitHub and present the
resulting graphics on bl.ocks.org. You can also present and dynamically edit your
code on the blockbuilder.org page. This is a great way to make sure that your code
is available for peer review and sharing with the wider community.

PHP is a scripting language for the web. That is to say that it is a programming
language which is executed when you load web pages and it helps web pages do
dynamic things.

You might think that this sounds familiar and that JavaScript does the same thing.
But not quite.

JavaScript is designed so that it travels with the web page when it is downloaded
by a browser (the client). However, PHP is executed remotely on the server that
supplies the web page. This might sound a bit redundant, but it’s a big deal. This
means that the PHP which is executed doesn’t form part of the web page, but it
can form the web page. The implication here is that the web page you are viewing
can be altered by the PHP code that runs on a remote server. This is the dynamic
aspect of it.
In practice, PHP could be analogous to the glue that binds web pages together.
Allowing different portions of the web page to respond to directions from the end

It is widely recognised as both a relatively simple language to learn, but also a

fairly powerful one. At the same time it comes into criticism for being somewhat
fragmented and sometimes contradictory or confusing. But in spite of any
perceived shortcomings, it is a very widely used and implemented language and
one for which there is no obvious better option.

Other Useful Stuff

Text Editor
A good text editor for writing up your code will be a real boost. Don’t make the
fatal mistake of using an office word processor or similar. THEY WILL DOOM
YOU TO A LIFE OF MISERY. They add in crazy stuff that you can’t even see
and never save the files in a way that can be used properly.

Preferably, you should get an editor that will provide some assistance in the form
of syntax highlighting which is where the editor knows what language you are
writing in (JavaScript for example) and highlights the text in a way that helps you
read it. For example, it will change text that might appear as this;
var map = L.map('map').setView([-41.2858, 174.78682], 14);
mapLink =
'<a href="http://openstreetmap.org">OpenStreetMap</a>';
'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '&copy; ' + mapLink + ' Contributors',
maxZoom: 18,
var marker = L.marker([-41.29042, 174.78219])

Into something like this;

var map = L.map('map').setView([-41.2858, 174.78682],

mapLink =
'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '&copy; ' + mapLink + '
maxZoom: 18,
var marker = L.marker([-41.29042, 174.78219])

Infinity easier to use. Trust me.

There are plenty of editors that will do the trick. I have a preference for Geany,
mainly because it’s what I started with and it grew on me :-).

Getting Leaflet
Luckily this is pretty easy.

You can either get it directly from leafletjs.com off their downloads page or even
go to the Leaflet repository on github and download it by clicking on the ‘ZIP’
button (slightly trickier for the uninitiated).

Download the repository as a zip file

What you do with it from here depends on how you’re hosting your web pages. If
you’re working on them on your local PC, then you will want to have the leaflet.js
and leaflet.css files in paths that can be seen by the browser. Again, I would
recommend WAMP (a local web server) to access your files locally. If you’re
using WAMP, then you just have to make sure that it knows to use a directory that
will contain the appropriate files and you will be away.

The important things to remember about placing the leaflet files that youdownload
are as follows;

 leaflet.js - This should be placed with your html files.

 leaflet.css - This is the stylesheet file for Leaflet and should also be placed
with your html files.
 images - This is a folder that contains images used by leaflet.css. It should
be placed with your leaflet.css file.

Access Leaflet via a CDN (Content Delivery

A CDN is an area on the Internet that will host files for reference by other projects.
This makes it easy to get the latest stable release and to use it without having to
download and then update your own version.

The latest stable release of Leaflet is available on several CDN’s - just place this in
the head of your HTML code:

href="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/leaflet.css"
src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/leaflet.js"

Sometimes you will strike trouble using these due to a security feature that
browsers use to prevent downloading malicious code. This prevents what is
called CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing). This will be evident to users
of blockbuilder.org and leaflet.js. This can be overcome by enabling subresource
integrity when using Leaflet from a CDN as follows;

href="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/leaflet.css"
src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/leaflet.js"

Where to get information on leaflet.js

Leaflet already has a great home page where you can find an awesome range of
support information, but there are other useful places to go. The following is a far
from exhaustive list of sources, but from my own experience it represents a handy
subset of knowledge.

leafletjs.com would be the first port of call for people wanting to know something
about leaflet.js.

From here you can; - Access the features list to get an overview of the strengths of
Leaflet. - Check out some tutorials on common things that you will want to do with
Leaflet. - Read the extensive API documentation that will be a treasure trove of
information as you use Leaflet. - Find links to an extensive list of plugins that you
can use with Leaflet. - Get updates on the progress of Leaflet development on
the developer blog.

It is difficult to overstate the volume of available information that can be accessed

from leafletjs.com. It stands alone as the one location that anyone interested in
Leaflet should visit.

Google Groups
There is a Google Group dedicated to discussions on leaflet.js. This serves as the
official Leaflet community forum.

In theory this forum is for discussion of any Leaflet-related topics that go beyond
the scope of a simple GitHub issue report — ideas, questions, troubleshooting,
feedback, etc.

So, by all means add this group as a favourite and this will provide you with the
opportunity to receive emailed summaries of postings or just an opportunity to
easily browse recent goings-on.

Stack Overflow
Stack Overflow is a question and answer site whose stated desire is “to build a
library of detailed answers to every question about programming”. Ambitious. So
how are they doing? Actually really well. Stack overflow is a fantastic place to get
help and information. It’s also a great place to help people out if you have some
knowledge on a topic.

They have a funny scheme for rewarding users that encourages providing good
answers based on readers voting. It’s a great example of gamification working
well. If you want to know a little more about how it works, check out this page;

They have a leaflet tag (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/leaflet) and

like Google Groups there is a running list of different topics that are an excellent
source of information.

Github is predominantly a code repository and version control site. It is highly
regarded for its technical acumen and provide a fantastic service that is broadly
used for many purposes.

Whilst not strictly a site that specialises in providing a Q & A function, there is a
significant number of repositories (many thousands at last count) which mention
leaflet. With the help from an astute search phrase, there is potentially a solution to
be found there.

The other associated feature of Github is Gist. Gist is a pastebin service (a place
where you can copy and past code) that can provide a ‘wiki like’ feature for
individual repositories and web pages that can be edited through a Git repository.
Gist plays a role in providing the hub for the bl.ocks.org example hosting service
set up by Mike Bostock.

For a new user, Github / Gist can be slightly daunting. It’s an area where you
almost need to know what’s going on to know before you dive in. This is certainly
true if you want to make use of it’s incredible features that are available for hosting
code. However, if you want to browse other peoples code it’s an easier
introduction. Have a look through what’s available and if you feel so inclined, I
recommend that you learn enough to use their service. It’s time well spent.

bl.ocks.org is a viewer for code examples which are hosted on Gist. You are able
to load your code into Gist, and then from bl.ocks.org you can view them.

This is a really great way for people to provide examples of their work and there
are many who do. However, it’s slightly tricky to know what is there. It is my
intention as I write this book to host examples here, so hopefully I don’ have to
come back and edit this sentence :-).

I would describe the process of getting your own code hosted and displaying as
something that will be slightly challenging for people who are not familiar with
Github / Gist, but again, in terms of visibility of the code and providing an external
hosing solution, it is excellent and well worth the time to get to grips with.

The partner to bl.ocks.org (not literally) is the site blockbuilder.org. This acts as an
area where Gists or bl.ocks can be edited live and displayed and shared. It works in
conjunction with GitHub (in much the same way that bl.ocks.org does).

Twitter provides a great alerting service to inform a large disparate group of people
about stuff.
It’s certainly a great way to keep in touch on a hour by hour basis with people who
are involved with Leaflet and this can be accomplished in a few ways. First, there
is the official Leaflet Twitter identity hosted by Vladimir (AKA @mourner).
Second, find as many people from the various Leaflet sites around the web who
you consider to be influential in areas you want to follow (different aspects such as
development, practical output, educational etc) and follow them. Even better, I
found it useful to find a small subset who I considered to be influential people and
I noted who they followed. It’s a bit ‘stalky’ if you’re unfamiliar with it, but the
end result should be a useful collection of people with something useful to say.

There are a good number of tutorials hosted on leaflet.com. Visit to get a good
overview of a range of tools and techniques to extend your skills with Leaflet.

Start With a Simple Map

We will walk through the building of a simple web page using an HTML file. The
page will host a Leaflet map so that we can understand all the different portions of
the file and the processes that needs to be gone through to make it happen.

This wont be an exact template for building on, since there are some liberties that are taken,
but it will do the job and provides a base for explanation of the process and it will
demonstrate how easy it can be.

The following is the full code listing of the file simple-map.html that we will be

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Simple Leaflet Map</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="leaflet.css" />
<script src="leaflet.js"></script>
<div id="map" style="width: 600px; height:
var map = L.map('map').setView([-41.2858,
174.78682], 14);
mapLink =
'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '&copy; ' + mapLink + '
maxZoom: 18,

The output that it will produce on a web page will look like this;

A Simple Leaflet Map

You can access an electronic version from bl.ocks.org, GitHub and there is a copy
of this file called simple-map.html that can be downloaded (in a zip file) when
you download the book from Leanpub. The online version at bl.ocks.org and
GitHub both use subresource integrity to support secure CORS CORS (Cross
Origin Resource Sharing) requests.

You can pan the map by pressing an holding the left mouse button and waving it
about and you can zoom in and out of the map by either clicking on
the + or - buttons or using a scroll wheel.
As you can tell from the code listing, there’s not much there, so what you can take
from that is that there is a significant amount of cleverness going on inside

Once we’ve finished explaining the different parts of the code, we’ll start looking
at what we need to add in and adjust so that we can incorporate other useful

The two parts to the code that we in our example to consider are;

 JavaScript

Technically we could also consider some CSS, but the way that this example loads our styles
is configured for simplicity, not flexibility as we will check out soon.

Here’s the HTML portions of the code;

<!DOCTYPE html>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Simple Leaflet Map</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="leaflet.css" />
<script src="leaflet.js"></script>
<div id="map" style="width: 600px; height:
The D3 JavaScript code is here

Compare it with the full file. It obviously comprises most of the code for the web
page which should tell you two things.

1. The JavaScript portion that draws the map is really small (and therefore it
should hopefully be pretty easy to understand (Spoiler alert: It is)).
2. The heavy lifting done by leaflet.js must be pretty clever.
There are plenty of good options for adding additional HTML stuff into this very
basic part for the file, but for what we’re going to be doing, we really don’t need to
make things too difficult.

HTML works its magic by enclosing instructions for the browser in specific ‘tags’
A tag will begin with a descriptive word inside the greater-than and less-than signs
and end with the same thing except the closing tag includes a backslash. There are
also tags that allow including the contents inside a single tag that is closed off with
a backslash. This appears to be connected with XHTML and sometimes with
browser variants. To be perfectly honest I have trouble keeping up with it all.

For example, the title of our web page is ‘Simple Leaflet Map’. This is enclosed by
an opening title tag (<title>) and a closing title tag (</title>). So that the
whole thing looks like this; <title>Simple Leaflet Map</title>.

Each tag has a function and the browser will know how to execute the contents of a
tag by virtue of standards for web browsers that builders of browsers implement.
Tags can also be nested so hierarchies can be established to create complex

For example contained within our <head> tags;

<title>Simple Leaflet Map</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="leaflet.css" />

We can see the <title>, a <meta> tag and a <link> tag.

The title tag simply provides identification for the page. The <meta> tag defines
the character set that is used for the page. But the link tag is a little different.

In this case we need to load a set of styles for Leaflet to use. In this case we are
loading them from a local file (in the same directory as our html file ‘simple-
map.html’), In the online versions at bl.ocks.org and GitHub we use online files

Inside the <body> tags we have two interesting sections.

The first is…

<div id="map" style="width: 600px; height:


A <div> tag defines a division or a section in an HTML document. As well as

creating a section we use an ID selector (id="map") as a way of naming the
division as an anchor point on an HTML page. ID selectors can be defined as “a
unique identifier to an element”. Which means that we can name a position on our
web page and then we can assign our map to that position. Lastly for our division,
we specify the size with a style declaration of width: 600px; height: 400px.

The second is…

<script src="leaflet.js"></script>

This tells the browser that we are loading a script (hence the <script> tags) and
in this case, the script is leaflet.js which we get from a local file. This is using
the same idea as we used for the css file.

The JavaScript portion of our code looks like this;

var map = L.map('map').setView([-41.2858,

174.78682], 14);
mapLink =
'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '&copy; ' + mapLink + '
maxZoom: 18,

Firstly I have to apologise since it should look slightly simpler, but in order to
make the code appear ideal for the book I have made it slightly less simple (but
only slightly). But the main thing that we can take away from this piece of code is
that there’s not very much there. The process of presenting a map on a web page
has been rendered to a very few lines of code.

The heart of the process in the code above consists of two actions;

1. Declare the starting parameters for the map.

2. Declare the source of the map tiles.

Declaring the starting parameters for the map

The L.map statement is the key function to create a map on a page and manipulate
var map = L.map('map').setView([-41.2858,
174.78682], 14);

It takes the form;

L.map( <HTML Element|String> *id*, <Map options> *options*? )

Where the map object is instantiated given an appropriate div element or its id and
(optional) map state options.

In our example it is declared as a variable using var map =. The id is set

as map (recall that we declared a div with the id map in our HTML section).

The .setView method is used specifically to modify our map state. In this
case setView sets the geographical centre of the map ([-41.2858,
174.78682] is the latitude and longitude of the centre point) and the zoom level

If this all seems a bit rushed in terms of an explanation, never fear as we will go
over as many mysteries of maps as possible in other sections of the book.

Declaring the source for the map tiles

The L.tileLayer function is used to load and display tile layers on the map.

'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '&copy; ' + mapLink + '
maxZoom: 18,

It takes the form;

L.tileLayer( <String> *urlTemplate*, <TileLayer options> *options*? )

The urlTemplate is a string in the

form http://{s}.mapdomain.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png, where the {s} will
allow one of the subdomains of the main domain to be used. These are typically
used sequentially to make loading the map faster by allowing multiple parallel
requests. The {z} declares the zoom level and the {x} and {y} define the tile
coordinates. We will look closely at how these urls are formed in a future section
of the book since they are an interesting feature in themselves and it is useful to
understand their working in relation to the map being displayed.
The TileLayer options provides scope for a range of different options when
loading or displaying the tiles. We will go over all of them in a later section.

In our example we are retrieving our tiles from openstreetmap.org and setting
options for attribution and maxZoom.

attribution is the placing of appropriate reference to the source of the tiles. The
idea is to ensure that credit (and copyright acknowledgement) is provided to the
tile provider as is reasonable. In the example used here we place the words ‘Map
Data’ and then a copyright symbol (which is produced by the text &copy) followed
by the variable mapLink which is declared slightly earlier in the JavaScript code
and is set to <a
href="http://openstreetmap.org">OpenStreetMap</a> which provides
the text OpenStreetMap and a link to openstreetmap.org. The end result looks
like this;

Map Attribution

maxZoom sets the maximum zoom level of the map.

The .addTo method adds the tiles to the map.

And there’s your map!

Too easy right?

Now, there is a strong possibility that the information I have laid out here is at best
borderline useful and at worst laden with evil practices and gross inaccuracies. But
look on the bright side. Irrespective of the nastiness of the way that any of it was
accomplished or the inelegance of the code, if the map drawn on the screen is
effective, you can walk away with a smile. :-)

This section concludes a very basic description of one way of presenting a map on
a web page. We will look as adding value to it in subsequent chapters.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. This is not strictly a how-to for learning
how to implement leaflet.js. This is how I have managed to muddle through in a
bumbling way to try and put maps on a screen. If some small part of it helps you.
All good. Those with a smattering of knowledge of any of the topics I have
butchered above (or below) are fully justified in feeling a large degree of righteous
indignation. To those I say, please feel free to amend where practical and possible,
but please bear in mind this was written from the point of view of someone with
little to no experience in the topic and therefore try to keep any instructions at a
level where a new entrant can step in.
Leaflet Features
Adding a marker to our map
At some stage we will most likely want to add a marker to our map to pinpoint
something. Leaflet makes the process nice and easy by including
a marker function with several options;

In its most simple form the following is the full code to show a map with a marker;

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Leaflet Map</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="leaflet.css" />
<script src="leaflet.js"></script>
<div id="map" style="width: 600px; height:
var map = L.map('map').setView([-41.2858,
174.78682], 14);
mapLink =
'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '&copy; ' + mapLink + '
maxZoom: 18,
var marker = L.marker([-41.29042, 174.78219])

The only difference between this code and the simple map code is the addition of a
single line at the bottom of the JavaScript portion;

var marker = L.marker([-41.29042, 174.78219])

Here we are declaring a variable with the L.marker method at a point of latitude -
41.29042 and longitude 174.78219. Then we simply add that to our map by
adding .addTo(map).

And here’s our map complete with marker…

Map with marker

Adding a popup to our marker

Adding a marker couldn’t be any easier, but it’s also not terribly informative in this
context. After all, we have no information on what our marker is pointing to.
However we can add this context in the form of a popup which is a small text
bubble associated with the marker. To do this the code for our marker should look
like this;

var marker = L.marker([-41.29042, 174.78219])

.bindPopup("<b>Te Papa</b><br>Museum of New

Here our additional lines bind a popup to our marker using .bindPopup with the
text <b>Te Papa</b><br>Museum of New Zealand. (where the <b> tags will
make the text bold and the <br> tag will insert a line break). Then we open the
popup with .openPopup().
The end result is…

Map with marker

But wait! The coolness doesn’t end there. You can click on the marker and the
popup will alternately disappear and return. If you omit
the .openPopup() portion the popup won’t be open when your map loads, but if
you click on the marker it will open up.

Marker options
As well as the standard marker functions shown thus far there are several options
that can be utilised when displaying a marker. These are enabled by including an
array of the appropriate options and their desired values in a section contained in
curly braces after the latitude, longitude declaration. Below there is some sample
code for the marker function with three different options demonstrating use for a
boolean value (true / false) a string and a number.

var marker = L.marker([-41.29042, 174.78219],

{option1: true, // a boolean value
option2: 'a string lives here', // a string
option3: 1234} // a number

Drag a marker
The draggable option is a boolean which is set to false by default, but when set
to true, the marker can be repositioned by clicking on it with the mouse and
moving it.

The following is a code example;

var marker = L.marker([-41.29042, 174.78219],

{draggable: true}

Add a title to a marker

The title option is a string which will be displayed in a small rectangle beside
the pointer when a users mouse is hovered over the marker.

The following is a code example;

var marker = L.marker([-41.29042, 174.78219],

{title: 'Hover Text'}

And this is what it looks like…

Marker with a title as hover text

Adjust the markers transparency

The opacity option will vary the transparency of the marker from 0 (transparent)
to 1 (opaque).
The following is a code example;

var marker = L.marker([-41.29042, 174.78219],

{opacity: 0.5}

And this is what it looks like…

Semi transparent marker

. A copy is also in the appendices and a copy of all the files that appear in the book
can be downloaded (in a zip file) when you download the book from Leanpub.

The full code of a live example of a map incorporating a marker with a popup,
draggability, a title and opacity are available from bl.ocks.org, GitHub and there is
a copy of this file called marker-map-complex.html that can be downloaded (in a
zip file) when you download the book from Leanpub. The online version at
bl.ocks.org and GitHub both use subresource integrity to support secure
CORS CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing) requests.

Adding multiple markers to our map

At some stage we will most likely want to add multiple markers to our map to
pinpoint several things. While we could do this one by one following the previous
example, we could also do it programmatically with an array of data.

The following is the full code to show multiple markers on a map;

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Leaflet Map</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="leaflet.css" />
<script src="leaflet.js"></script>
<div id="map" style="width: 600px; height:
var planes = [
var map = L.map('map').setView([-41.3058,
174.82082], 8);
mapLink =
'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '&copy; ' + mapLink + '
maxZoom: 18,
for (var i = 0; i < planes.length; i++) {
marker = new

The full code of a live example of a map incorporating multiple markers is

available online at bl.ocks.org or GitHub. A copy can also be downloaded (in a zip
file) when you download the book from Leanpub. It’s called multiple-
There are two differences between this code and the code to add a single marker.
Firstly we have declared an array (planes) which has a range of values with each
row including an identifier (the first column) and latitude and longitude values.

var planes = [

Secondly we include a for loop that contains our marker adding line.

for (var i = 0; i < planes.length; i++) {

marker = new

In the for loop we go from 0 to the end of the planes array (planes.length).
For each row in our array, we add a marker where the latitude corresponds
to planes[i][1] (in the planes array at row i and column 1 (remembering that
the first column is 0)) and the longitude is planes[i][2]. We also add a popup to
our marker with the identifier (planes[i][0]) before adding each marker to the
map (.addTo(map)).

And here’s our map complete with markers…

Multiple markers on a map

Adding a line to our map

Adding a line to our map is a great way to provide an indication of a path or
border. Leaflet provides the polyline function to do this;

The following is the full code to show a simple map with a line drawn with 4 lines;

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Simple Leaflet Map</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="leaflet.css" />
<script src="leaflet.js"></script>
<div id="map" style="width: 600px; height:
var map = L.map('map').setView([-41.2858,
174.78682], 14);
mapLink =
'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '&copy; ' + mapLink + '
maxZoom: 18,
var polyline = L.polyline([
[-41.286, 174.796],
[-41.281, 174.786],
[-41.279, 174.776],
[-41.290, 174.775],
[-41.292, 174.788]]

The only difference between this code and the simple map code is the addition of
the var polyline = section at the bottom of the JavaScript portion;

var polyline = L.polyline([

[-41.286, 174.796],
[-41.281, 174.786],
[-41.279, 174.776],
[-41.290, 174.775],
[-41.292, 174.788]]

Here we are defining a path going from one lat/long point to another. We declare a
variable with the L.polyline method and step through our points in the array.
Then we simply add that to our map by adding .addTo(map).

And here’s our map complete with path…

Map with polyline

Obviously this hasn’t been set to follow any logical route :-).

Adding options to our polyline

There are a range of options that can be incorporated into our path and these are
added after the array (separated by a comma) and contained in curly braces. The
following is an example of the same line but with the colour changed to red, the
width (weight) of the line set to 10 pixels, the opacity (transparency) set to 0.7 (on
a scale of 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque)), drawn with dashes of 20 pixels followed
by a space of 15 pixels (dashArray) and with rounded corners where the lines

var polyline = L.polyline([

[-41.286, 174.796],
[-41.281, 174.786],
[-41.279, 174.776],
[-41.290, 174.775],
[-41.292, 174.788]
color: 'red',
weight: 10,
opacity: .7,
dashArray: '20,15',
lineJoin: 'round'

And here’s our path with options…

Map with polyline

The full code of a live example of a map incorporating a the polyline and options is
available online at bl.ocks.org or GitHub. A copy of the file (polyline-options-
map) can be downloaded (in a zip file) when you download the book from

Using multiple tile layers on your map

Leaflet has a great feature that allows you to easily switch between tile layers when
viewing your map. It’s built right in to leaflet.js and (as usual) it’s simple to

What we’re going to do is define the locations and appropriate attributions for two
different sets of tiles and then tell leaflet to place a control on the map that allows
us to switch. These different sets of tiles are referred to as ‘base layers’ and as such
only one can be visible at any one time.

The end result is a small icon in the top right hand corner that looks like this…
Layers icon

And when we hover over it with our mouse it changes to show the different tile
layers that we have defined for use.

Layers control with mouse over

There is no change to the HTML part of our code from the simple map example.
The full code for this example can be found here on GitHub and a working
example is here on bl.ocks.org. A copy of the file (layers-map.html) can be
downloaded (in a zip file) when you download the book from Leanpub.

The only change is in the JavaScript portion. and that looks like the following;

var osmLink = '<a

otmLink = '<a
var osmUrl =
osmAttrib = '&copy; ' + osmLink + ' Contributors',
otmUrl =
otmAttrib = '&copy; '+otmLink+' Contributors';
var osmMap = L.tileLayer(osmUrl, {attribution:
otmMap = L.tileLayer(otmUrl, {attribution:
var map = L.map('map', {
layers: [osmMap] // only add one!
.setView([-41.2858, 174.78682], 14);
var baseLayers = {
"OSM Mapnik": osmMap,
"Topogrophy": otmMap

The first block of code sets up the links that we will use for attribution;

var osmLink = '<a

otmLink = '<a

This just makes it easier to add later when juggling multiple layers.

The we declare the URLs for the tiles and the attributions to display;

var osmUrl =
osmAttrib = '&copy; ' + osmLink + ' Contributors',
otmUrl =
otmAttrib = '&copy; '+otmLink+' Contributors';

Again, by declaring these as variables, the process of defining the distinct layers is

Which is what we do in the next block of code;

var osmMap = L.tileLayer(osmUrl, {attribution:

otmMap = L.tileLayer(otmUrl, {attribution:

Declaring the layers like this is pretty handy since now we have a single variable
for each layer that has all the information associated with it that is required to
display the tiles for that layer.

Now we add the map with the following lines of code;

var map = L.map('map', {

layers: [osmMap] // only add one!
.setView([-41.2858, 174.78682], 14);
It looks a lot like our simple map example, but in this case we have added in an
option called layers and set that to the osmMap layer. This will be the initial layer
that is shown on the map/ I have a note there to say that it’s a good idea to only
have one of your base layers in there. That’s because if you put more than two it
will load both layers when the map first loads and we don’t need to do that

The second last section of the code declares what our base layers are (there are
other sorts of layers, but we’ll get to that later) and gives them appropriate text to
display in the layers selection box.

var baseLayers = {
"OSM Mapnik": osmMap,
"Topogrophy": otmMap

Then the last line adds the control for the baseLayers to the map


For a fantastic way of finding different tile providers I can recommend heading to
the preview page set up here.

As I mentioned earlier, the full code for this example can be found here on
GitHub and a working example is here on bl.ocks.org. A copy of the file (layers-
map.html) can be downloaded (in a zip file) when you download the book from

Overlaying information interactively on

your map
In the previous section we described how to declare and switch between more than
one tile layer. Tile layers are described as ‘base layers’ in the sense that only one of
them will be visible at a time and they will form the ‘base’ of the map.

However, it is obvious that a really useful thing to be able to do would be to add

information to our map so that different features or areas can be highlighted. These
features or areas will exist on top of the base layer so that they have context. In
Leaflet these can be set up as ‘overlays’ where an object or group of elements can
be added to a map.

Overlays are treated in much the same way as base layers. In the sense that they are
declared and controlled using similar methods but Leaflet is clever enough to
recognise that as many overlays as desired can exist on an individual base layer.
What we aim to do is to add an overlay to one to our previous base layer switching
example. The end result will be the same icon in the top right corner of the map;

Layers icon

But this time when we move our mouse over it, it will present an option to select
‘Interesting places’.

Overlay selection

And when selected it will show a series of markers with a connecting line.
Overlay on a map

As with the base layer switching example, there is no change to the HTML part of
our code from the simple map example. The full code for this example can be
found here on GitHub and a working example is here on bl.ocks.org. A copy of the
file (layers-map-overlays.html) can be downloaded (in a zip file) when
you download the book from Leanpub.

The only change is in the JavaScript portion. and that looks like the following;

var coolPlaces = new L.LayerGroup();

L.marker([-41.29042, 174.78219])
.bindPopup('Te Papa').addTo(coolPlaces),
L.marker([-41.29437, 174.78405])
.bindPopup('Embassy Theatre').addTo(coolPlaces),
L.marker([-41.2895, 174.77803])
.bindPopup('Michael Fowler
L.marker([-41.28313, 174.77736])
.bindPopup('Leuven Belgin Beer
[-41.28313, 174.77736],
[-41.2895, 174.77803],
[-41.29042, 174.78219],
[-41.29437, 174.78405]
var osmLink = '<a
otmLink = '<a
var osmUrl =
osmAttrib = '&copy; ' + osmLink + ' Contributors',
otmUrl =
otmAttrib = '&copy; '+otmLink+' Contributors';
var osmMap = L.tileLayer(osmUrl, {attribution:
otmMap = L.tileLayer(otmUrl, {attribution:
var map = L.map('map', {
layers: [osmMap] // only add one!
.setView([-41.2858, 174.78682], 14);
var baseLayers = {
"OSM Mapnik": osmMap,
"Topogrophy": otmMap
var overlays = {
"Interesting places": coolPlaces

There are only really two differences between this block of script and that for the
base layers example.

The first is where we define what our overlay will be made up of.

var coolPlaces = new L.LayerGroup();

L.marker([-41.29042, 174.78219])
.bindPopup('Te Papa').addTo(coolPlaces),
L.marker([-41.29437, 174.78405])
.bindPopup('Embassy Theatre').addTo(coolPlaces),
L.marker([-41.2895, 174.77803])
.bindPopup('Michael Fowler
L.marker([-41.28313, 174.77736])
.bindPopup('Leuven Belgin Beer
[-41.28313, 174.77736],
[-41.2895, 174.77803],
[-41.29042, 174.78219],
[-41.29437, 174.78405]

Here we declare a new LayerGroup called coolPlaces (var coolPlaces =

new L.LayerGroup();). Then we simply define a set of markers and a polyline
(see the earlier sections on these two elements for a fuller description) and add
them to our coolPlaces layer.

The second change to our code is right at the end of the block of code.

var overlays = {
"Interesting places": coolPlaces

Here we declare our overlays (there is only one ( coolPlaces), but you can add as
many as you want) using var overlays = {<put overlays here>}. Then
we add overlays to our layers control so that it knows to include the layer in the
screen widget.

And that’s all there is to it!

As stated earlier, the full code for this example can be found here on GitHub (and
there’s a copy in the appendices) an online example is here on bl.ocks.org and
copy of the file (layers-map-overlays.html) can be downloaded (in a zip file) when
you download the book from Leanpub.

Leaflet Plugins
Since the stated aim of leaflet.js is to provide a JavaScript library for drawing maps
that is simple, with good performance and usability, there are many features that
it could include which it doesn’t. The idea being that not everyone is going to use
those features, therefore there is no benefit to increasing the size of leaflet and
impacting performance.

Instead the awesomeness of Leaflet is increased by encouraging third party

contributors to craft their own plugins that can leverage the core library capabilities
to expand functionality on a feature by feature basis.

At time of writing (December 2013) there are almost exactly 100 different plugins
covering a huge range of options.
Leaflet.draw adds support for drawing and editing vectors and markers overlaid
onto Leaflet maps. Its driving force is Jacob Toye (a good Hamilton lad, so he gets
a special shout-out :-)).

It is a comprehensive plugin that can add polylines, polygons, rectangles, circles

and markers to a map and then edit or delete those objects as desired. It has an
extensive range of options for configuring the drawing objects ‘look and feel’.
It’s code is supported on GitHub and it can be downloaded from there. There is
also some great documentation on function and use for the plugin that should be
the authority for use.

Leaflet.draw is less of an endpoint, than an enabler of additional functionality. I

say this because while it gives us the ability to draw to our hearts content on a map,
it also provides the framework to take those drawn objects and push them to a
database or similar (which we won’t cover in this overview sorry).

What we will go over though is how to add Leaflet.draw to our simple base map
and how to configure some of the wide range of options.

Here’s what we are aiming to show in terms of the range of controls and options on
the left hand side of our map.

Leaflet.draw toolbar
And here’s some example objects produced with the plugin.

Leaflet.draw sample objects

The colours are configurable as we shall see in the coming pages.

Leaflet.draw code description

The following code listing is the bare minimum that should be considered for use
with Leaflet.draw. I even hesitate to say that, because the following is really only
suitable for demonstrating that you have it running correctly. The configuration
options that we will work through in the coming pages will add considerable
functionality and will be captured in a separate example that will be available in
the Appendices and online on GitHub.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Simple Leaflet Map</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<div id="map" style="width: 600px; height:
var map = L.map('map').setView([-41.2858,
174.78682], 14);
mapLink =
'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '&copy; ' + mapLink + '
maxZoom: 18,
var drawnItems = new L.FeatureGroup();
var drawControl = new L.Control.Draw({
edit: {
featureGroup: drawnItems
map.on('draw:created', function (e) {
var type = e.layerType,
layer = e.layer;
There are only three ‘blocks’ that have changed in the code from our simple map

The first is an additional link to load more CSS code;


(As with the leaflet.css file which is loaded before hand, I have taken some
small formatting liberties to make the code appear more readable on the page.)

This loads the file directly from the Leaflet.draw repository on GitHub, so if you
are loading from a local file you will need to adjust the path appropriately.

The second is the block that loads the leaflet.draw.js script.


Leaflet.draw exists as a separate block of JavaScript code and again, here we are
loading the file directly from the Leaflet.draw repository on GitHub (as per the
earlier advice, if you are loading from a local file you will need to adjust the path

The last change to the file is the block of code that runs and configures

var drawnItems = new L.FeatureGroup();

var drawControl = new L.Control.Draw({
edit: {
featureGroup: drawnItems
map.on('draw:created', function (e) {
var type = e.layerType,
layer = e.layer;
The var drawnItems = new L.FeatureGroup(); line adds a new extended
layer group to the map called drawnItems. This is the layer that the elements we
create will be stored on.

Then the map.addLayer(drawnItems); line adds the layer with our drawn
items to the map.

Next we get to the first of the true Leaflet.draw commands when we initialize the
draw control and pass it the feature group of editable layers;

var drawControl = new L.Control.Draw({

edit: {
featureGroup: drawnItems

This is required when adding the edit toolbar and tells the Leaflet.draw plugin
which layer (drawnItems) should be editable. Then the controls are added to the
map (map.addControl(drawControl);).

Finally when we add a new vector or marker we need prompt a trigger

that captures the type of item we have created (polyline, rectangle etc) and adds it
to the drawn items layer on the map.

map.on('draw:created', function (e) {

var type = e.layerType,
layer = e.layer;

This is alto the part of the code where you could store the information that
described the element in a database or similar.

Leaflet.draw configuration options

As I mentioned earlier, the sample code described above is extremely cut down
and should be extended using the wide range of options available to Leaflet.draw.

Object colours
As our first change, if we use the simple example, all of the elements we generate
have the same colour, so lets change that first.
Leaflet.draw map with common colours

Changing the options is a simple matter of declaring them when we initialize the
draw controls by adding them as required by the documentation on the
Leaflet.draw GitHub page. For example in the following code snippet we have
added in the draw: option which in turn has options for each of the shapes. We
have entered the polygon: option which has it’s own options of which we have
added shapeOptions: as an option. And as if that wasn’t enough we select the
option for color: from this and finally declare it as purple.

var drawControl = new L.Control.Draw({

draw: {
polygon: {
shapeOptions: {
color: 'purple'
edit: {
featureGroup: drawnItems

This might seem slightly confusing, but it’s just a simple hierarchy which we can
flesh out by doing the same thing for each of the remaining shapes (polyline,
rectangle and circle). The code snippet would then look as follows;
var drawControl = new L.Control.Draw({
draw: {
polygon: {
shapeOptions: {
color: 'purple'
polyline: {
shapeOptions: {
color: 'red'
rect: {
shapeOptions: {
color: 'green'
circle: {
shapeOptions: {
color: 'steelblue'
edit: {
featureGroup: drawnItems

And our new colours look like this…

Leaflet.draw map with various colours

Polygon line intersection

When drawing a polygon it is very easy to cross the lines when describing our
object on the screen, and while this may be a desired action, in general it is
probably not. However as our code stands, if we tell the script to cross the lines
and draw a polygon it will do it with a (perhaps unintended) result looking
something like the following…
Leaflet.draw polygon with crossed lines

Luckily there is an option that will provide a warning that this is happening while
drawing and will allow you to correct and carry on. The following screen shot
shows the results when trying to place a point that allows boundary lines to cross;
Leaflet.draw polygon with crossed lines

We can see that not only is a warning raised, but the shape colour changes.

This is accomplished by alteration of the polygon options as follows;

polygon: {
shapeOptions: {
color: 'purple'
allowIntersection: false,
drawError: {
color: 'orange',
timeout: 1000

This has introduced the allowIntersection option and set it to false and
provided the drawError option with the instructions to change the colour of the
object to orange for 1000 milliseconds.

This option will also work with polyline objects.

Show and measure an area

While tracing a polygon we can get Leaflet.draw to report the total area spanned by
the shape by setting the showArea option to true.
Leaflet.draw polygon showing area

You can see from the screen shot that the area is in hectares, but we can set the
measurement units to not be metric (to show acres instead) by setting
the metric option to false. The code for the polygon now looks like this;

polygon: {
shapeOptions: {
color: 'purple'
allowIntersection: false,
drawError: {
color: 'orange',
timeout: 1000
showArea: true,
metric: false

Repeating a drawing option automatically

By default once we have finished drawing a polygon, if we wanted to draw
another, we would need to click on the polygon tool on the toolbar to start again.
But we can use the repeatMode set to true to continue to dray polygons until we
select another object to draw or until we press the escape key.

Our polygon option code will now look like this;

polygon: {
shapeOptions: {
color: 'purple'
allowIntersection: false,
drawError: {
color: 'orange',
timeout: 1000
showArea: true,
metric: false,
repeatMode: true

This option will work with all the other drawing objects.

Place an alternative marker

If an alternative marker has been declared (see section on setting up different
markers) it can be specified under the marker option as an alternative icon.

The code to set up an alternative icon duplicates is covered elsewhere, but consists
of the following;

var LeafIcon = L.Icon.extend({

options: {
iconSize: [38, 95],
shadowSize: [50, 64],
iconAnchor: [22, 94],
shadowAnchor: [4, 62],
popupAnchor: [-3, -76]
var greenIcon = new LeafIcon({

Here we are using one of the markers (the green leaf) set up as part of the custom
icons tutorial on GitHub.

And the option code to be added to include an alternative marker is;

marker: {
icon: greenIcon
And here’s a pretty picture of the green marker.

Add a custom marker

Place the Leaflet.draw toolbar in another position

The toolbar position can also be changed. This is configured via an option that is
quite high up the hierarchy (in parallel with the draw and edit options). So this
should be added directly under the drawControl declaration per the following
code snippet;

var drawControl = new L.Control.Draw({

position: 'topright',

This will place the toolbar in the top right hand corner of the map as follows;
Moving the Leaflet.draw toolbar

The other options for positioning are bottomright, bottomleft and the default
of topleft.

The full code and a live example of the use of the Leaflet.draw plugin with the
options described here in the appendices and is available online
at bl.ocks.org or GitHub. A copy of all the files that appear in the book can be
downloaded (in a zip file) when you download the book from Leanpub.

OSMGeocoder Search
The OSMGeocoder plugin adds a search facility to a leaflet map that uses the
OpenStreetMap tool ‘Nominatim’ to search for a location and provide a reverse
geolocation on the search term to pinpoint the position on the map.

The plugin was developed by ‘kartenkarsten’ and is hosted on GitHub where it can
be downloaded from.

There are a number of configurable options which we shall describe in a moment.

OSMGeocoder code description

The following code is a ‘bare bones’ listing which we will flesh out with some
options. The version with the added options will be in the appendices and there
will be a link to a live version on bl.ocks.org.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>osmGeocoder Search Plugin for Leaflet Map</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<div id="map" style="width: 600px; height:
var map = L.map('map').setView([-41.2858,
174.78682], 14);
mapLink =
'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '&copy; ' + mapLink + '
maxZoom: 18,
var osmGeocoder = new L.Control.OSMGeocoder();

There are only three ‘blocks’ that have changed in the code from our simple map

The first is an additional link to load more CSS code;


(Because of the length of the URL for the file, the formatting may make cutting
and pasting from the ebook problematic. For a more reliable snippet of
code, download the live version from GitHub)

This loads the file directly from the OSMGeocoder repository on GitHub, so if you
are loading from a local file you will need to adjust the path appropriately.

The second is the block that loads the Control.OSMGeocoder.js script.


(Again because of the length of the URL for the file, the formatting may make
cutting and pasting from the ebook problematic. For a more reliable snippet of
code, download the live version from GitHub).

Control.OSMGeocoder.js exists as a separate block of JavaScript code and

again, here we are loading the file directly from the OSMGeocoder repository on
GitHub (as per the earlier advice, if you are loading from a local file you will need
to adjust the path appropriately).

The last change to the file is the block of code that runs and configures

var osmGeocoder = new L.Control.OSMGeocoder();

The fist line (var osmGeocoder = new L.Control.OSMGeocoder();)
initializes the osmGeocoder control and the second
(map.addControl(osmGeocoder);) adds the search controls to the map.

There is not a lot of additional code required to get this plugin up and running and
the following is what we see on the screen;

OSMGeocoder plugin

The only noticeable addition is a svelte magnifying glass in the top left hand
corner. If we hover our mouse over the magnifying glass a search box appears.

OSMGeocoder plugin

If we then type in an address and click on ‘locate’…

OSMGeocoder plugin

… we are taken to a view of the location of our search.

OSMGeocoder plugin

OSMGeocoder configuration options

As I mentioned earlier, the sample code described above is in it’s most basic form
and it can be extended using a range of options available to OSMGeocoder.

Adding in options is a simple matter of declaring them when we initialize the

OSMGeocoder control. The three options we are going to introduce (there are
more, but I’m opting for the simple ones) are to leave the search box up on the
screen (no need to hover over the magnifying glass), we will position the search
box in the bottom right corner (I’m not advocating this, it’s just for the sake of
demonstration) and we will change the text for the button to ‘Find!’. The following
are the options added to the OSMGeocoder control that will accomplish this;
var osmGeocoder = new L.Control.OSMGeocoder({
collapsed: false,
position: 'bottomright',
text: 'Find!',

Resulting in a map that looks a little like this…

OSMGeocoder plugin

A copy of this file and all the files that appear in the book can be downloaded (in a
zip file) when you download the book from Leanpub

Leaflet.FileLayer load local GPX, KML,

GeoJSON files
The Leaflet.FileLayer plugin adds the ability to load a gps trace in the form of a
KML, GPX or GeoJSON file to a Leaflet map. The idea being that if you have
gone on a journey and captured the trip using a gps it can be loaded easily onto a
map for viewing.

The plugin was developed by Mathieu Leplatre and is hosted on GitHub where it
can be downloaded from.
Leaflet.FileLayer code description
The following is a code listing that we will use to describe the required changes
from our simple-map.html example to enable Leaflet.FileLayer. There is also an
online version on bl.ocks.org and GitHub.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>LeafletFileLayer Plugin</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<div id="map" style="width: 600px; height:
var map = L.map('map').setView([-41.2858,
174.78682], 14);
mapLink =
'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '&copy; ' + mapLink + '
maxZoom: 18,
var style = {color:'red', opacity: 1.0,
fillOpacity: 1.0, weight: 2, clic\
kable: false};
L.Control.FileLayerLoad.LABEL = '<i class="fa fa-
fitBounds: true,
layerOptions: {style: style,
pointToLayer: function (data,
latlng) {
return L.circleMarker(latlng,
{style: style});

There are three ‘blocks’ that have changed in the code from our simple map

The first is an additional link to load more CSS code;


(Because of the length of the URL for the file, the formatting may make cutting
and pasting from the ebook problematic. For a more reliable snippet of
code, download the live version from GitHub)

This loads the css file directly from the Leaflet.FileLayer repository on GitHub, so
if you are loading from a local file you will need to adjust the path appropriately.

The second is the block that loads the leaflet.filelayer.js script and an additional
script togeojson.js that was written by Tom MacWright to perform the internal
conversion of the GPX and KML traces to GeoJSON.

(Again because of the length of the URL for the file, the formatting may make
cutting and pasting from the ebook problematic. For a more reliable snippet of
code, download the live version from GitHub).

leaflet.filelayer.js exists as a separate block of JavaScript code and we are

loading the file directly from the Leaflet.FileLayer repository on GitHub (as per
the earlier advice, if you are loading from a local file you will need to adjust the
path appropriately). Likewise we are also loading the togeojson.js file from

The last change to the file is the block of code that runs and configures

var style = {color:'red', opacity: 1.0, fillOpacity: 1.0,

weight: 2, clickable: f\
L.Control.FileLayerLoad.LABEL = '<i class="fa fa-
fitBounds: true,
layerOptions: {style: style,
pointToLayer: function (data, latlng) {
return L.circleMarker(latlng, {style:

The fist line (starting with var style =) sets the styles for the control and the
loaded gps traces. Then the icon to initiate the file opening process is declared
(L.Control.FileLayerLoad.LABEL = '<i class="fa fa-folder-

The script then sets the options for Leaflet.FileLayer. The first is
the fitBounds option which will present a loaded gps trace in a window that is
zoomed to show its full extent. The second is the layerOptions option which
will apply the styling to the trace based on our previously declared values (this
included the short pointToLayer function that makes circles from point values in
the traces).

Lastly we add the layer to our map with .addTo(map).

So when we load our page we can see the folder icon in the top left hand corner.

Leaflet.FileLayer plugin

If we click on this folder we will be presented with a dialogue box where we can
select a file to load and when we do…

Leaflet.FileLayer plugin with gps trace from Hanmer Springs

Our gps trace is automatically zoomed and panned to present our trace to its full
A copy of this file and a copy of all the files that appear in the book can be
downloaded (in a zip file) when you download the book from Leanpub

Generate a heatmap with Leaflet.heat

A heatmap is a two dimensional representation of values encodes as colours. In our
case these colours are superimposed over a map generated using leaflet.js.

The example here represents seismic activity in July / August of 2013 in central
New Zealand, when they were unfortunate enough to experience a series of

Leaflet.heat representation of earthquakes in central New Zealand

In areas of greater intensity and density, the heatmap produces a gradient that
varies from blue to red. This example shows a definite region of increased activity
over the time in question.

There are several variations on heatmap plugins for Leaflet. The one we are going
to examine is called Leaflet.heat. It is fairly new (at time of writing), and it builds
on a separate JavaScript library called simpleheat. Both of these have been
developed by Vladimir Agafonkin (yes, the developer of Leaflet), so they come
with a considerable pedigree.
Leaflet.heat code description
The following is a code listing that we will use to describe the required changes
from our simple-map.html example to enable Leaflet.heat. There is also an online
version on bl.ocks.org, GitHub and can be downloaded along with the data file (in
a zip file) when you download the book from Leanpub.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Simple Leaflet Map with Heatmap </title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<div id="map" style="width: 600px; height:
<script src="2013-earthquake.js"></script>
var map = L.map('map').setView([-41.5546,174.146],
mapLink =
'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '&copy; ' + mapLink + '
maxZoom: 18,
var heat = L.heatLayer(quakePoints,{
radius: 20,
blur: 15,
maxZoom: 17,

We will be loading our data from a separate JavaScript file called 2013-
earthquake.js. The data has been sourced from New Zealand’s Geonet site over
a date range that covers a period of reasonable seismic activity in July / August

Loading the file from a separate JavaScript file is purely for conveniences sake and
the format of the data is as follows;
var quakePoints = [

There are only two ‘blocks’ that have changed in the code from our simple map

The first is an additional two links to external JavaScript files;

<script src="2013-earthquake.js"></script>

The first link loads the Leaflet.heat plugin and the second loads our data
from 2013-earthquake.js.

The second change from our simple map example adds and configures our
heatmap layer;
var heat = L.heatLayer(quakePoints,{
radius: 20,
blur: 15,
maxZoom: 17,
In this block we load the data as the variable quakePoints then set our radius,
blur and maxZoom values for the plugin.

radius configuration option

The radius option sets the radius (duh) of the circles that correspond to a single
data point on the map. If we remove the blur effect we can clearly see the effect on
the map.

Radii of points

As we zoom in and out of the map, the radii of the points remains constant on the
screen, but the representation that they create on the screen changes as there are
subsequently more or less points to generate an effect.
Radii of points zoomed in

blur configuration option

Blurring the points results in a smoothing and dispersing of the data. The previous
section demonstrated the effect of removing the blurring (set to 1), but it can also
be increased to the point where they can run the risk of fading away a bit too much.
For example this is the effect when blurring is set to 50;

Points with blur set to 50

maxZoom configuration option
The maxZoom configuration option designates the level where the points reach
their maximum intensity. Therefore if we were to set the maxZoom value to the
initial zoom level (10) of our map, we should expect to see each point represented
by a full spectrum of blue to green;

Zoom level and maxZoom both on 10

Obviously this is something that you will want to consider as you plan how to set
the configuration options on your maps :-).

A copy of this file and a copy of all the files that appear in the book can be
downloaded (in a zip file) when you download the book from Leanpub

Assorted Leaflet Tips and Tricks

Make your map full screen
In the simple map example that we developed in the initial chapter we set the size
of our map to be 600 pixels wide and 400 pixels high when we were declaring the
section of the page (the div with the id map) that would contain the map.
<div id="map" style="width: 600px; height:

That’s a fine size for embedding somewhere in a page, but There will come a time
when you will want to make your map expand to fill the web page.

The astute reader will immediately notice that with our current size declaration
using fixed units (pixels) unless all browser windows were the same size we won’t
be able to accurately have a map the full size of the web page. It would be too large
or too small most of the time.

To remedy this we need to declare a map size that is referenced to the browser, not
a fixed unit.

We can do this by declaring our map size as a percentage of the browser window
in the <style> section using CSS.

The full code will look like this;

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Simple Leaflet Map</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
body {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
html, body, #map {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
<div id="map"></div>
var map = L.map('map').setView([-41.2858,
174.78682], 14);
mapLink =
'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: 'Map data &copy; ' + mapLink,
maxZoom: 18,

There are two differences between this example and the simple-map example.

The first is the <style> section;

body {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
html, body, #map {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;

The body of the page is essentially the entire contents of the web page. You can
see in the HTML file that anything that gets drawn on the screen is contained in
the <body> tags. So our styling here ensures that there is
no padding or margin for our body in the browser and then we set the html,
the body and the element with the id map (which we declared in a <div>) to 100
percent of the height and width of the browser.

The only other change we need to make is to remove the fixed size declarations
that we had made in the div. So that line ends up looking like this;

<div id="map"></div>

The final result is a map that will fill a browser window no matter what shape you
make it.

For example;
Full Screen Map Vertical

Or even…

Screen Map Vertical

Notice that there are no scroll bars and no borders. The contents of the page fit the
browser exactly.
The full code and a live example are available online at bl.ocks.org or GitHub. A a
copy of all the files that appear in the book can be downloaded (in a zip file) when
you download the book from Leanpub

Importing external data into leaflet.js

While I am not the most experienced person to be giving advice on different ways
of importing data into leaflet.js, I have come across a few ways of accomplishing
the task which work pretty well and hopefully you will get something out of it too.

Why would you want to do this in the first place?

If we use the example of a simple map that is going to display a line on the map
that represents a series of connected coordinates, we are going to have to load the
array that represents those coordinates at some point in the script. In the following
example we declare our array named planelatlong with a range of data;

<?php ?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Simple Leaflet Map with line</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<div id="map" style="width: 600px; height:
var planelatlong = [
var map = L.map('map').setView([-41.3058,
174.82082], 12);
mapLink =
'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '&copy; ' + mapLink + '
maxZoom: 18,
var polyline =

… and then later in the script we access the data by adding it as a polyline with the

var polyline = L.polyline(planelatlong).addTo(map);

The end result is a line on our map that looks like this;

Map with a simple polyline

We will look at two ways of loading the data from an outside source. The first is a
bit of a cheat in that it still relies on hard coded data in a JavaScript file, but the
second is more flexible and allows for the importing of dynamic data from a
MySQL database via php.

Importing data as a JavaScript file

As mentioned earlier in the section this technique is more of a cheat than anything
since the data is still hard coded in a file somewhere, however, it may provide a
degree of flexibility for selecting one of several files depending on different
circumstances. We will examine a solution where we simply load a single array of
data points (the same one as shown in the previous section).

I describe this technique as cheating because it’s just a matter of adding another
JavaScript (.js) file to the web page and loading the data in the added file.

Here is the web page (php file) that will display our map;

<?php ?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Simple Leaflet Map with line</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<div id="map" style="width: 600px; height:
var map = L.map('map').setView([-41.3058,
174.82082], 12);
mapLink =
'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '&copy; ' + mapLink + '
maxZoom: 18,
var polyline =

This is exactly the same as our example from earlier in the section except the
declared array (planelatlong) has been replaced by a piece of script that adds in
an additional piece of JavaScript code;


The file that is being loaded (load-js-data.js) contains our data. Here it is in

var planelatlong = [

The best way I have of thinking of this solution is to imagine that it is simply one
file that imports part of itself (in this case the data) from another file.

Importing data from MySQL via php

A variant of the explanation to follow is in the MySQL section of this book, But I
will explain the steps here in a slightly different way (just in case you’re
comparing them).

We’ll start with the assumption that we have created a database and populated it
with information. Now we need to work out how to extract a subset of that
information and how to do it in a format that is valid (won’t cause an error)
What we’re going to do is to achieve the same result that we attained in the
previous section where we used a line in the main web file to pull in the data in the
format that we want.

To recap, we want to have the following array declaration imported from an

external source;

var planelatlong = [

In this example we are going to run a php script in the position where that data
would normally be placed and the php script will import the array declaration. Our
web file looks almost exactly the same as our ‘import with a JavaScript file’ effort
from the previous section, but in this case the importing line is different;

<?php ?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Simple Leaflet Map</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<div id="map" style="width: 600px; height:
<?php include 'planelatlong.php'; ?>
var map = L.map('map').setView([-41.3058,
174.82082], 12);
mapLink =
'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '&copy; ' + mapLink + '
maxZoom: 18,
var polyline =

Hopefully you can see it there in the middle. It is the following line;

<?php include 'planelatlong.php'; ?>

When the web file gets to that line it will run the script planelatlong.php and
that script will import our declared data array.

Extracting data from MySQL with php

Our php script is going to exist as a separate file which we will
name planelatlong.php (ideally we would place this in a separate directory
called php which will be in our web’s root directory (alongside the data directory)
but for the sake of simplicity we will have our ‘calling’ file (the one with the
leaflet.js script) and this php script in the same directory).

The database that we’re going to access is one that contains a range of values. Two
of which are the latitude and longitude of a plane in flight. The database is
organised as follows;

In our example we will pull out only the rows with the latitude and longitude and
return only them in a format that the script will recognise as follows;

var planelatlong = [

Here’s the contents of our planelatlong.php file (This is also available in

electronic form in the zip file of example scripts that can be downloaded when
you download the book from Leanpub);

$username = "planeuser";
$password = "planeuser";
$host = "localhost";
$server = mysql_connect($host, $username, $password);
$connection = mysql_select_db($database, $server);
$myquery = "
SELECT `lat`, `long` FROM `test01`
WHERE `lat` <> 0
$query = mysql_query($myquery);
if ( ! $query ) {
echo mysql_error();
$data = array();
echo "var planelatlong = [";
for ($x = 0; $x < mysql_num_rows($query); $x++) {
$data[] = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
if ($x <= (mysql_num_rows($query)-2) ) {
echo ",";
echo "];";

It’s pretty short, but it packs a punch. Let’s go through it and see what it does.

The <?php line at the start and the ?> line at the end form the wrappers that allow
the requesting page to recognise the contents as php and to execute the code rather
than downloading it for display.

The following lines set up a range of important variables;

$username = "planeuser";
$password = "planeuser";
$host = "localhost";

These are configuration details for the MySQL database. There’s user and
password (don’t worry, because the script isn’t returned to the browser, the
browser doesn’t get to see the password). There’s the host location of our database
(in this case it’s local, but if it was on a remote server, we would just include its
address) and there’s the database we’re going to access.

Then we use those variables to connect to the server…

$server = mysql_connect($host, $username, $password);

… and then we connect to the specific database;

$connection = mysql_select_db($database, $server);

Then we have our query in a form that we can paste into the right spot and it’s easy
to use.

$myquery = "
SELECT `lat`, `long` FROM `test01`
WHERE `lat` <> 0

I have it like this so all I need to do to change the query I use is to paste it into the
middle line there between the speech-marks and I’m done. It’s just a convenience

The query itself is a fairly simple affair. We return lat and long from our table
called test01 but only if the lat value on the row is not equal to zero
(WHERE lat <> 0) (this will allow us to ignore the rows which do not contain a
latitude (and typically a longitude in this case) value.

The query is then run against the database with the following command;

$query = mysql_query($myquery);

…and then we check to see if it was successful. If it wasn’t, we output the MySQL
error code;

if ( ! $query ) {
echo mysql_error();

Then we declare the $data variable as an array;

$data = array();

Now we begin to echo, or print out the values for our piece of code that we expect
to have inserted into our leaflet.js code;

First of all we print out the start of the declaration of our array;

echo "var planelatlong = [";

Then we start up a for loop that goes from 0 ($x = 0;) to the number of returned
rows in our query ($x < mysql_num_rows($query)) one step at a time ($x++)

for ($x = 0; $x < mysql_num_rows($query); $x++) {

We place our rows into our $data array…

$data[] = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);

… and then echo each row as a latitude and longitude value enclosed by square
brackets and separated by a comma;


So that each line looks a little like this


Because we need to separate our lat/long values that are enclosed with brackets
from each other with a comma like this…


… but we don’t want a comma after the last lat/long pair. We can use
an if statement to evaluate each row to see if it’s the last and print a comma if its

if ($x <= (mysql_num_rows($query)-2) ) {

echo ",";

After the our rows have finished being produced by our loop we need to close it off
with another square bracket;

echo "];";

And all that remains is to close the connection to our MySQL database;


That’s it.

We can actually test the script directly by opening the file in our browser.

If you navigate using your browser to this file and click on it to run it (WAMP
should be your friend here again) this is what you should see printed out on your
screen (at least the information, but probably not formatted as nicely);

var planelatlong = [

There it is! A nicely declared array of latitude / longitude points!

It looks a bit unusual on the printed page, but it’s bread and butter for JavaScript.

I have included the planelatlong.php file with the files available when you
download the Leaflet Tips and Tricks book.

To reiterate, our main web page file that is presenting our map gets to the point in
its script where it is going to get the data. At this point it calls a script
called planelatlong.php and this script gets the data from a MySQL database,
formats it properly and includes it in the web page’s JavaScript.

It is a slightly complex concept if you’re a beginner to the world of databases and

php scripts, but if you persevere and get it working, the understanding of what you
will have achieved is worth its weight in gold.

Making maps with d3.js and leaflet.js

If you’ve read to this point in Leaflet Tips and Tricks, you may be aware that I
have also written another book called ‘D3 Tips and Tricks’. I haven’t written both
books because they are integrated with each other or because they seem made to
compliment each other. I wrote them because both libraries are the best of breed
(IMHO) at what they do. It should come as little surprise that they can have a lot to
offer users who want to combine the incredible scope of d3.js’s data manipulation
functions and the elegance of leaflet.js’s tile map presentation capabilities.

d3.js Overview
d3.js is “a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data”.

D3 is all about helping you to take information and make it more accessible to
others via a web browser.

It’s a JavaScript library implemented as an open framework built to leverage web

standards that allows you to associate data and what appears on the screen in a way
that directly links the two. Change the data and you change the object on the
It was (and still is being) developed by Mike Bostock who has not just spent time
writing the code, but writing the documentation for D3 as well. There is an
extensive community of supporters who also contribute to the code, provide
technical support online and generally have fun creating amazing visualizations.

Why use d3.js when leaflet.js can include objects on maps too?

Good question. I can see you’ve been paying attention.

There is a difference in the scope of flexibility between how d3.js and leaflet.js can
manipulate added objects (think markers and ploygons). D3.js predominantly
focusses on vector based graphics when drawing maps and leaflet.js leverages the
huge range of bitmap based map tiles that are available for use around the world.
Both bitmap and vector based solutions have strengths and weaknesses depending
on the application. Combining both allows the use of the best of both worlds.

Leaflet map with d3.js objects that scale with the

The first example we’ll look at will project a leaflet.js map on the screen with a
d3.js object (in this case a simple rectangle) onto the map.

The rectangle will be bound to a set of geographic coordinates so that as the map is
panned and zoomed the rectangle will shrink and grow. For example the following
diagram shows a rectangle (made with d3.js ) superimposed over a leaflet.js map;
Rectangular d3 area on leaflet map

If we then zoom in…

Zoomed rectangular d3 area on leaflet map

…the rectangle zooms in as well.

For an excellent example of this please visit Mike Bostock’s tutorial where he
demonstrates superimposing a map of the United States separated by state (which
react individually to the mouse being hovered over them). My following
explanation is a humble derivation of his code.

Speaking of code, here is a full listing of the code that we will be using;

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Leaflet and D3 Map</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<div id="map" style="width: 600px; height:
var map = L.map('map').setView([-41.2858,
174.7868], 13);
mapLink =
'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '&copy; ' + mapLink + '
maxZoom: 18,
// Add an SVG element to Leaflet’s overlay
var svg =
g = svg.append("g").attr("class",
d3.json("rectangle.json", function(geoShape)
// create a d3.geo.path to convert GeoJSON
to SVG
var transform = d3.geo.transform({point:
path = d3.geo.path().projection(transform);
// create path elements for each of the
d3_features = g.selectAll("path")
map.on("viewreset", reset);
// fit the SVG element to leaflet's map
function reset() {
bounds = path.bounds(geoShape);
var topLeft = bounds[0],
bottomRight = bounds[1];
svg .attr("width", bottomRight[0] -
.attr("height", bottomRight[1] -
.style("left", topLeft[0] + "px")
.style("top", topLeft[1] + "px");
g .attr("transform", "translate(" + -
topLeft[0] + ","
+ -topLeft[1]
+ ")");
// initialize the path data
d3_features.attr("d", path)
.style("fill-opacity", 0.7)
// Use Leaflet to implement a D3 geometric
function projectPoint(x, y) {
var point = map.latLngToLayerPoint(new
L.LatLng(y, x));
this.stream.point(point.x, point.y);

There is also an associated json data file (called rectangle.json) that has the
following contents;
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [ {
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [ [
[ 174.78, -41.29 ],
[ 174.79, -41.29 ],
[ 174.79, -41.28 ],
[ 174.78, -41.28 ],
[ 174.78, -41.29 ]
] ]

The full code and a live example are available online at bl.ocks.org or GitHub.
They are also available as the files ‘leaflet-d3-combined.html’ and ‘rectangle.json’
as a separate download with Leaflet Tips and Tricks. A a copy of all the files that
appear in the book can be downloaded (in a zip file) when you download the book
from Leanpub

While I will explain the code below, please be aware that I will gloss over some of
the simpler sections that are covered in other sections of either books and will
instead focus on the portions that are important to understand the combination of
D3 and Leaflet.

Our code begins by setting up the html document in a fairly standard way.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Leaflet and D3 Map</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<div id="map" style="width: 600px; height:

Here we’re getting some css styling and loading our leaflet.js / d3.js libraries. The
only configuration item is where we set up the size of the map (in
the <style> section and as part of the map div).

Then we break into the JavaScript code. The first thing we do is to project our
Leaflet map;

var map = L.map('map').setView([-41.2858, 174.7868],

mapLink =
g', {
attribution: '&copy; ' + mapLink + ' Contributors',
maxZoom: 18,

This is exactly the same as we have done in any of the simple map explanations
in Leaflet Tips and Tricks and in this case we are using the OpenStreetMap tiles.

Then we start on the d3.js part of the code.

The first part of that involves making sure that Leaflet and D3 are synchronised in
the view that they’re projecting. This synchronisation needs to occur in zooming
and panning so we add an SVG element to Leaflet’s overlayPlane

var svg =
g = svg.append("g").attr("class", "leaflet-zoom-
Then we add a g element that ensures that the SVG element and the Leaflet layer
have the same common point of reference. Otherwise when they zoomed and
panned it could be offset. The leaflet-zoom-hide affects the presentation of the
map when zooming. Without it the underlying map zooms to a new size, but the
d3.js elements remain as they are until the zoom effect has taken place and then
they adjust. It still works fine, but it ‘looks’ odd.

Then we load our data file with the line…

d3.json("rectangle.json", function(geoShape) {

This is pretty standard fare for d3.js but it’s worth being mindful that while the
type of data file is .json this is a GeoJSON file and they have particular features
(literally) that allow them to do their magic. There is a good explanation of how
they are structured at geojson.org for those who are unfamiliar with the

Using our data we need to ensure that it is correctly transformed from our
latitude/longitude coordinates as supplied to coordinates on the screen. We do this
by implementing d3’s geographic transformation features (d3.geo).

var transform = d3.geo.transform({point: projectPoint}),

path = d3.geo.path().projection(transform);

Here the path that we want to create in SVG is generated from the points that are
supplied from the data file which are converted by the
function projectPoint This function (which is placed at the end of the file) takes
our latitude and longitudes and transforms them to screen (layer) coordinates.

function projectPoint(x, y) {
var point = map.latLngToLayerPoint(new L.LatLng(y,
this.stream.point(point.x, point.y);

With the transformations now all taken care of we can generate our path in the
traditional d3.js way and append it to our g group.

d3_features = g.selectAll("path")

The last ‘main’ part of our JavaScript makes sure that when our view of what
we’re looking at changes (we zoom or pan) that our d3 elements change as well;

map.on("viewreset", reset);
Obviously when our view changes we call the function reset. It’s the job of
the reset function to ensure that whatever the leaflet layer does, the SVG (d3.js)
layer follows;

function reset() {
bounds = path.bounds(geoShape);
var topLeft = bounds[0],
bottomRight = bounds[1];
svg .attr("width", bottomRight[0] - topLeft[0])
.attr("height", bottomRight[1] - topLeft[1])
.style("left", topLeft[0] + "px")
.style("top", topLeft[1] + "px");
g .attr("transform", "translate(" + -topLeft[0] +
+ -
topLeft[1] + ")");
// initialize the path data
d3_features.attr("d", path)
.style("fill-opacity", 0.7)

It does this by establishing the topLeft and bottomRightcorners of the desired

area and then it applies the width, height, top and bottom attributes to the svg
element and translates the g element to the right spot. Last, but not least it redraws
the path.

The end result being a fine combination of leaflet.js map and ds.js element;
Rectangular d3 area on leaflet map

Leaflet map with d3.js elements that are overlaid

on a map
The next example of a combination of d3.js and leaflet.js is one where we want to
have an element overlaid on our map at a specific location, but have it remain a
specific size over the map. For example, here we will display 5 circles which are
centred at specific geographic locations.
d3.js circles fixed in geographic location on leaflet map but constant size

When we zoom out of the map, those circles remain over the geographic location,
but the same size on the screen.

Zoomed d3.js circles fixed in geographic location on leaflet map but constant size
You may (justifiably) ask yourself why we would want to do this with d3.js when
Leaflet could do the same job with a marker? The answer is that as cool as
leaflet.js’s markers are, d3 elements have a wider range of features that make their
use advantageous in some situations. For instance if you want to animate or rotate
the icons or dynamically adjust some of their attributes, d3.js would have a greater
scope for adjustments.

The following code draws circles at geographic locations;

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>d3.js with leaflet.js</title>

<script src="http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js"></script>
<div id="map" style="width: 600px; height:
<script type="text/javascript">
var map = L.map('map').setView([-41.2858,
174.7868], 13);
mapLink =
'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '&copy; ' + mapLink + '
maxZoom: 18,
// Initialize the SVG layer
// We pick up the SVG from the map object
var svg = d3.select("#map").select("svg"),
g = svg.append("g");
d3.json("circles.json", function(collection) {
// Add a LatLng object to each item in the
collection.objects.forEach(function(d) {
d.LatLng = new
var feature = g.selectAll("circle")
.style("stroke", "black")
.style("opacity", .6)
.style("fill", "red")
.attr("r", 20);
map.on("viewreset", update);
function update() {
function(d) {
return "translate("+
map.latLngToLayerPoint(d.LatLng).x +","+
map.latLngToLayerPoint(d.LatLng).y +")";

There is also an associated json data file (called circles.json) that has the
following contents;

The full code and a live example are available online at bl.ocks.org or GitHub.
They are also available as the files ‘leaflet-d3-linked.html’ and ‘circles.json’ as a
separate download with Leaflet Tips and Tricks. A a copy of all the files that
appear in the book can be downloaded (in a zip file) when you download the book
from Leanpub

While I will explain the code below, as with the previous example (which is
similar, but different) please be aware that I will gloss over some of the simpler
sections that are covered in other sections of either books and will instead focus on
the portions that are important to understand the combination of D3 and Leaflet.

Our code begins by setting up the html document in a fairly standard way.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>d3.js with leaflet.js</title>

<script src="http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js"></script>
<div id="map" style="width: 600px; height:

Here we’re getting some css styling and loading our leaflet.js / d3.js libraries. The
only configuration item is where we set up the size of the map (in
the <div> section and as part of the map div).

Then we break into the JavaScript code. The first thing we do is to project our
Leaflet map;

var map = L.map('map').setView([-41.2858, 174.7868],

mapLink =
'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '&copy; ' + mapLink + '
maxZoom: 18,

This is exactly the same as we have done in any of the simple map explanations
in Leaflet Tips and Tricks and in this case we are using the OpenStreetMap tiles.

Then we start on the d3.js part of the code.

Firstly the Leaflet map is initiated as SVG using map._initPathRoot().

// Initialize the SVG layer

// We pick up the SVG from the map object
var svg = d3.select("#map").select("svg"),
g = svg.append("g");

Then we select the svg layer and append a g element to give a common reference
point g = svg.append("g").

Then we load the json file with the coordinates for the circles;

d3.json("circles.json", function(collection) {

Then for each of the coordinates in the objects section of the json data we
declare a new latitude / longitude pair from the associated coordinates;

collection.objects.forEach(function(d) {
d.LatLng = new L.LatLng(d.circle.coordinates[0],

Then we use a simple d3.js routine to add and place our circles based on the
coordinates of each of our objects.

var feature = g.selectAll("circle")

.style("stroke", "black")
.style("opacity", .6)
.style("fill", "red")
.attr("r", 20);

We declare each as a feature and add a bit of styling just to make them stand out.

The last ‘main’ part of our JavaScript makes sure that when our view of what
we’re looking at changes (we zoom or pan) that our d3 elements change as well;

map.on("viewreset", update);

Obviously when our view changes we call the function update. It’s the job of
the update function to ensure that whenever the leaflet layer moves, the SVG
layer with the d3.js elements follows and the points that designate the locations of
those objects move appropriately;

function update() {
function(d) {
return "translate("+
map.latLngToLayerPoint(d.LatLng).x +","+
map.latLngToLayerPoint(d.LatLng).y +")";

Here we are using the transform function on each feature to adjust the
coordinates on our LatLng coordinates. We only need to adjust our coordinates
since the size, shape, rotation and any other attribute or style is dictated by the
objects themselves.

And there we have it!

d3.js circles fixed in geographic location on leaflet map but constant size
Tile servers that can be used with
A tile server is a source of the tiles that leaflet.js uses to present a map. Because
there are many unique requirements for maps there are a large number of variations
of tile servers that apply different formatting and styling to the geographic

In this chapter we will present the different services available and the different
requirements for use in terms of the URL template, terms of use and attribution
where appropriate.

URL Template
The URL template is the format required when specifying the link to the tiles on
the server. Typically this will be in the form of a server name (which may have
sub-domains) followed by the zoom level and then x/y values for the tiles. For
example, the following is the URL template for the standard OSM server.

The http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org is the server name with

the {s} part representing a variation in possible sub-domains. {z} is the zoom
level and {x}/{y} is the tile location.

Usage Policy
Because there is an overhead involved in generating and providing tiles to make
maps with, it is expected (and entirely reasonable) that providers will have a usage
policy to avoid placing an undue strain on their equipment and bandwidth.

Attribution is about providing credit where credit is due and acknowledging the
copyright of the originator of a work. It is significant effort to style and produce
map tiles and that should be recognised and noted appropriately. Typically this
would be in the form of a note in the bottom right hand corner of the map being
presented. Some of the attribution requirements might sound a little formal, but
they need to be that way so that their message is clear in a legal sense. To ordinary
people, we need to recognise that we are using a work created by someone else and
that we make sure we recognise that appropriately :-).
Open Street Map OSM Mapnik
This is the standard tile server in use for Open Street Map.

URL Template

Usage policy
The best place to view the detail on the usage policy for Open Street Maps tiles is
from their tile usage policy wiki page. The main concern with usage is the load
placed on their resources which are finite considering their position as a volunteer
run service. So be gentle and when in doubt, check out the wiki.

Open Street Map provides open data, licensed under the Open Data Commons
Open Database License (ODbL). The cartography in their map tiles is licensed
under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license (CC BY-SA).
They require that you use the credit “© OpenStreetMap contributors” and that the
cartography is licensed as CC BY-SA. You may do this by linking to the copyright
page at http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright.

Usage example
mapLink =
'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '&copy; ' + mapLink + '
maxZoom: 18,
OSM Mapnik tile server map

Open Street Map Black and White

This is variation on the standard tile server in use for Open Street Map but in black
and white / grey-scale.

URL Template

Usage policy
The best place to view the detail on the usage policy for Open Street Maps tiles is
from their tile usage policy wiki page. The main concern with usage is the load
placed on their resources which are finite considering their position as a volunteer
run service. So be gentle and when in doubt, check out the wiki.

Open Street Map provides open data, licensed under the Open Data Commons
Open Database License (ODbL). The cartography in their map tiles is licensed
under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license (CC BY-SA).
They require that you use the credit “© OpenStreetMap contributors” and that the
cartography is licensed as CC BY-SA. You may do this by linking to the copyright
page at http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright.

Usage example
mapLink =
mapnik/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '&copy; ' + mapLink + ' Contributors',
maxZoom: 18,

OSM Black and White tile server map

Open Cycle Map

OpenCycleMap is a global map for cyclists, based on data from the
OpenStreetMap project. At low zoom levels it is intended for overviews of national
cycling networks; at higher zoom levels it should help with planning which streets
to cycle on, where you can park your bike and so on. The maps are provided
by Thunderforest who also provide other mapping options as well. Additional
documentation on OpenCycle Map can be found on their documentation page.
URL Template

Usage policy
There are some simple guidelines on the Thunderforest terms and conditions page.
The main concern with usage is the load placed on resources. So be gentle.

Thunderforest provides open data, under a Creative Commons licence, specifically
CC-BY-SA 2.0. The full details are available on their terms and conditions page.
Attribution must be given to both “Thunderforest” and “OpenStreetMap
contributors”. Users of your map must have a working link to

Usage example
mapLink = '<a
ocmlink = '<a
g', {
attribution: '&copy; '+mapLink+' Contributors &
maxZoom: 18,
Open Cycle Map tile server map

The ‘Outdoors’ set of map tiles is distributed by the good folks
at Thunderforest who brought you OpenCycleMap. The tiles are aimed towards
outdoor enthusiasts - for hiking, skiing and other activities. They are based on data
from the OpenStreetMap project.

URL Template

Usage policy
There are some simple guidelines on the Thunderforest terms and conditions page.
The main concern with usage is the load placed on resources. So be gentle.

Thunderforest provides open data, under a Creative Commons licence, specifically
CC-BY-SA 2.0. The full details are available on their terms and conditions page.
Attribution must be given to both “Thunderforest” and “OpenStreetMap
contributors”. Users of your map must have a working link to

Usage example
mapLink = '<a
outlink = '<a
.png', {
attribution: '&copy; '+mapLink+' Contributors &
maxZoom: 18,

Outdoors tile server map

The ‘Transport’ set of map tiles is distributed by the good folks
at Thunderforest who brought you OpenCycleMap. The tiles are designed to show
a high level of detail of available public transport. They are based on data from
the OpenStreetMap project.
URL Template

Usage policy
There are some simple guidelines on the Thunderforest terms and conditions page.
The main concern with usage is the load placed on resources. So be gentle.

Thunderforest provides open data, under a Creative Commons licence, specifically
CC-BY-SA 2.0. The full details are available on their terms and conditions page.
Attribution must be given to both “Thunderforest” and “OpenStreetMap
contributors”. Users of your map must have a working link to

Usage example
mapLink = '<a
translink = '<a
}.png', {
attribution: '&copy; '+mapLink+' Contributors &
maxZoom: 18,
Transport tile server map

The ‘Landscape’ set of map tiles is distributed by the good folks
at Thunderforest who brought you OpenCycleMap. The tiles have a global style
focussed on information about the natural world - ideal for rural context. They are
based on data from the OpenStreetMap project.

URL Template

Usage policy
There are some simple guidelines on the Thunderforest terms and conditions page.
The main concern with usage is the load placed on resources. So be gentle.

Thunderforest provides open data, under a Creative Commons licence, specifically
CC-BY-SA 2.0. The full details are available on their terms and conditions page.
Attribution must be given to both “Thunderforest” and “OpenStreetMap
contributors”. Users of your map must have a working link to

Usage example
mapLink = '<a
landlink = '<a
}.png', {
attribution: '&copy; '+mapLink+' Contributors &
maxZoom: 18,

Landscape tile server map

MapQuest Open Aerial

The ‘MapQuest Open Aerial’ tiles are a collection of aerial imagery that covers the
globe at varying levels of detail depending on location. The imagery originated
from NASA/JPL-Caltech and U.S. Depart. of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency.
The tiles are distributed by the good folks at MapQuest who also distribute a set of
OSM tiles called MapQuest-OSM. Global coverage is provided at zoom levels 0-
11. Zoom Levels 12+ are provided only in the United States (lower 48).

URL Template

Usage policy
There are some generalised direction (and lots of other good stuff) on
the MapQuest-OSM Tiles + MapQuest Open Aerial Tiles page. They are all very
reasonable and sensible and are concerned with making sure that the load on the
service is not unduly onerous. There is also a link to their official ‘Terms of use’
page which is a more formal wording of their common sense instructions.

If using the MapQuest Open Aerial Tiles, attribution is required to read; “Portions
Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech and U.S. Depart. of Agriculture, Farm Service
Agency” (which is quite long and on the example picture used later in the section
results in a serious word-wrapping). Additionally they ask that “Tiles Courtesy of
MapQuest” be placed on the map along with their logo and a link from the
‘MapQuest’ portion that goes to ‘http://www.mapquest.com/’.

Usage example
This usage example is slightly more complex in that it involves a slightly different
approach to including the subdomains. Leaflet will normally operate with
subdomains of the form a, b and c, but in this example we
find otile1, otile2, otile3 and otile4. To accommodate this
the otile portion is included in the URL and the variable parts of the subdomain
are declared in a separate option called subdomains.

mapquestLink = '<a
mapquestPic = '<img
png', {
attribution: 'Portions Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech and
U.S. Depart. of Agricult\
ure, Farm Service Agency. Tiles courtesy of
maxZoom: 18,
subdomains: '1234',

MapQuest Open Aerial map

The ‘MapQuest-OSM’ tiles are a MapQuest styled variation on the OSM dataset.

The tiles are distributed by the good folks at MapQuest who also distribute a set of
OSM tiles called MapQuest Open Aerial with satellite imagery.

URL Template

Usage policy
There are some generalised direction (and lots of other good stuff) on
the MapQuest-OSM Tiles + MapQuest Open Aerial Tiles page. They are all very
reasonable and sensible and are concerned with making sure that the load on the
service is not unduly onerous. There is also a link to their official ‘Terms of use’
page which is a more formal wording of their common sense instructions.
If using the MapQuest-OSM tiles, appropriate copyright attribution is required to
OpenStreetMap. Additionally they ask that “Tiles Courtesy of MapQuest” be
placed on the map along with their logo and a link from the ‘MapQuest’ portion
that goes to ‘http://www.mapquest.com/’.

Usage example
This usage example is slightly more complex in that it involves a slightly different
approach to including the subdomains. Leaflet will normally operate with
subdomains of the form a, b and c, but in this example we
find otile1, otile2, otile3 and otile4. To accommodate this
the otile portion is included in the URL and the variable parts of the subdomain
are declared in a separate option called subdomains.

mapLink = '<a
mapquestLink = '<a
mapquestPic = '<img
png', {
attribution: '&copy; '+mapLink+'. Tiles courtesy of
maxZoom: 18,
subdomains: '1234',
MapQuest-OSM map

The ‘Stamen.Watercolor’ tiles are a beautiful watercolor themed series of maps
based on (I believe) OpenStreetMap data.

The tiles are distributed by the good folks at Stamen who also support a mapping
solution / thingy called Map Stack and do some astonishing design work.

URL Template

Usage policy
I couldn’t locate any official guidance on usage, so I’m going to make the
assumption that any use should fall into the ‘reasonable’ category and advise that if
you are thinking of using their maps for anything remotely ‘substantial’ or
commercial that you contact them.

If using the Stamen.Watercolor tiles, appropriate copyright attribution is required
to OpenStreetMap. Additionally in spite of not finding any official guidance on
their web site, it would seem appropriate (at a minimum) that recognition of the
source as ‘Stamen Design’ with a link would be required. Again, if you are
considering using their tiles for any kind of commercial project, you should contact

Usage example
mapLink =
wholink =
'<a href="http://stamen.com">Stamen
, {
attribution: '&copy; '+mapLink+' Contributors
& '+wholink,
maxZoom: 18,

Stamen.Watercolor map

Esri World Imagery

The Esri World Imagery tiles are an outstanding set of maps that are made up of a
combination of photo imagery sets of the Earth at different scales.

The tiles are distributed by the good folks at Esri who also support a range of other
excellent tile sets.

URL Template
The following URL template may suffer from word wrapping in your electronic
publication format. It may therefore be better to get a more accurate copy from an
online version which can be found here in Github or from the visual version
on bl.ocks.org.

Usage policy
Esri has a full terms of use statement here and a human readable version here. It
boils down to making sure that you understand the typical usage of the tiles as well
and the organisation that is using them (there are different conditions for
Government, Education, and NGO users). There are also good common sense rules
on bulk downloading and redistribution (don’t do it).

Because there is a wide range of imagery used in the tile set, there are a lot of
organisations that require attribution. This includes Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i-
cubed, USDA FSA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo,
and the GIS User Community. Of course if you’re going to make a small map, that
list is going to wrap at the bottom (as in the example picture below), so if you
don’t want that, you will want to come up with an alternative arrangement.

Usage example
The following script may suffer from word wrapping in your electronic publication
format. It may therefore be better to get a more accurate copy from an online
version which can be found here in Github or from the visual version
on bl.ocks.org.

mapLink =
'<a href="http://www.esri.com/">Esri</a>';
wholink =
'i-cubed, USDA, USGS, AEX, GeoEye, Getmapping,
Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, UPR-EGP, and\
the GIS User Community';
le/{z}/{y}/{x}', {
attribution: '&copy; '+mapLink+', '+wholink,
maxZoom: 18,

Esri World Imagery map

Map Tips and Tricks

How do maps get presented on a web
Vectors and bitmaps.
This is a pretty large topic and as you will probable know, there are a lot of
alternatives for viewing maps on the internet. But ultimately they all need to put a
picture on a screen. There is more than one way to do this, with the largest
difference being the presentation of the image on the screen being either a vector
image or a bitmap.
Vector graphics
Vector graphics use a technique of drawing an image that relies more on a
description of an image than the final representation that a user sees. Instead of
arranging individual pixels, an image is created by describing the way the image is
created. For instance, drawing a line would be accomplished by defining two sets
of coordinates and specifying a line of a particular width and colour be drawn
between the points. This might sound a little long winded, and it does create a
sense of abstraction, but it is a powerful mechanism for drawing as there is no loss
of detail with increasing scale. Changes to the image can be simply carried out by
adjusting the coordinates, colour description, line width or curve diameter. This is
the technique that is commonly used with d3.js when generating a map from
geojson or topojson data.

As a demonstration of the difference, here is a vector image (from a d3.js example)

which I have saved at varying zoom levels.

A SVG image at a normal

zoom level

Enlarged by doubling it’s size (x 2) everything looks smooth.

A SVG at

If we enlarge it by doubling again (x 4) , it still looks good.

A SVG at

Doubling again (x 8) and we can see that the text ‘James’ is actually composed of a
fill colour and a border.

SVG at 800%

Doubling again for the last time (x 16) everything still retains it’s clear sharp

A SVG at 1600%
Bitmap graphics
A bitmap (or raster) image is one that is composed of lots of discrete individual
dots (let’s call them pixels) which, when joined together (and zoomed out a bit)
give the impression of an image. Bitmaps can be saved in a wide range of formats
depending on users requirements including compression, colour depth,
transparency and a host of other attributes. Typically they can be identified by the
file suffix .jpg, .png or .bmp (and there are an equally large number of other
suffixes). This is what will be presented by by most of the major online map
service providers such as Google, Microsoft, Open Street Map and others when a
map appears in your browser.

If we use the same image as demonstrated in the description of vectors, and look at
a screen shot (and it’s important to remember that this is a screen shot) of the
image we see a picture that looks fairly benign.

A bitmap at a normal zoom level

However, as we enlarge the image by doubling it’s size (x 2) we begin to see some
rough edges appear.

A bitmap at

And if we enlarge it by doubling again (x 4) , it starts to look decidedly rough.

bitmap at 400%

Doubling again (x 8), starts to show the pixels pretty clearly.

bitmap at 800%

Doubling again for the last time (x 16) and the pixels are plainly evident.
bitmap at 1600%

Vectors and bitmaps for maps.

Setting aside satellite / aerial imagery (which is the result of a photograph being
taken of a geographic location), maps are not made by users drawing bitmaps of
locations. The information is stored as data that is more akin to vector information.
A road will be an array of geographic points that are joined up and given a name
and other descriptive data. But presenting that information on a web page in that
format can be slightly problematic. There are browser compatibility and formatting
issues that can make the process difficult and the end result inconsistent. However,
pretty much every browser will render a bitmap on the screen without any trouble.
So online map providers generate bitmaps from their vector data which they can
use to provide a simple consistent interface for presentation.

The only problem with supplying bitmaps of geographical information is that to

get a high level of resolution for an area, you have to have a really large image.
This would be difficult to handle in a browser and a tremendous burden on
download time. The solution to this is to break up the bitmap into smaller sections
called tiles.

Map tiles and zoom levels

Before we get serious about showing you some tile goodness, please be aware that
the reproduction of Open Street Map data is made possible under the Open
Database License, and if using their map tiles, the cartography is licensed as CC
BY-SA. For more information on the Copyright and License obligations please
visit their page here.

To break a picture of a map up into small manageable sections (tiles) the tile server
that produces the tiles will distinguish between different levels of zoom and for
each level they will have a different set of tiles that correspond to different
locations on the map. Since the (almost universal) standard for tile size is 256 x
256 pixels, at zoom level 0 the entire world is encapsulated in a single 256 x 256
pixel tile.

Zoom Level 0. © OpenStreetMap


With every subsequent increase in zoom level there is a doubling of the resolution
available and therefore an increase in the number of tiles by a factor of four.

So at zoom level 1 there are four tiles…

Level 1. © OpenStreetMap contributors

At zoom level 2 there are 16 tiles…

Level 2. © OpenStreetMap contributors

Etc, etc.

I’m sure you can appreciate that each increases in zoom level has the consequence
of substantially increasing the number of tiles required. When we get to zoom level
18 there would be a requirement to have over 68 billion tiles (actually
68,719,476,736). The good news is that at the higher zoom levels there are a
significant number of tiles that show nothing of interest ( I would be interested in
knowing how many 256 x 256 tiles of blue sea there would be) and because tiles
are only rendered when someone actually views them, the number of tiles that are
produced at the higher zoom levels is a lot less than the theoretical number
required. In fact as of 2011 there were only just over 617 million tiles at zoom
level 18 rendered meaning that less than 1% of the potential viewable tiles at that
level had ever been requested.

Calculations on the Open Street Map wiki give the theoretical volume of data
required if all tiles up to zoom level 18 were rendered as 54 Terabytes of storage.
But by judicious use of rendering only those required tiles, they report the volume
required for storage as of January 2012 as just over 1.2 Terabytes.
How are the tiles on a map server organised?
There are a few different ways that this section could be titled. It could be “What
are the names of the pictures used for tiles?” or “How does leaflet.js know what
tiles to load?” and I’m sure that there are other variations.

We’ve established that maps are broken down by zoom levels and varying
numbers of tiles for these zoom levels. In order for leaflet.js to use these tiles in the
right way there needs to be a pattern that can be followed to make sure that the
correct ones get from the tile server to the client’s (that’s you) machine.

If you’re generally familiar with the URL templates used for including tile servers
to be used with leaflet.js, you will recall that they are formatted something like;

The {z}/{x}/{y} portion of the path to the png file is the description of how the
files are stored.

 The {z} directory denotes the zoom level being loaded.

 The {x} directory denotes the position on the x axis of the tile.
 The {y} designator is the name of the tile which describes its position on
the y axis.

For example, the lowest zoom level (the one with the greatest view of area per tile)
is stored as 0/0/0.png.

Zoom Level 0. © OpenStreetMap contributors

The full URL (if you want to check) is http://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/0/0/0.png.

Then at zoom level 1 the tiles are arranged as follows;

Zoom Level 1. ©
OpenStreetMap contributors

MySQL Tips and Tricks for

Using a MySQL database as a source of
Dear reader… If you’re lucky enough to have read “D3 Tips and Tricks” you will
know that there’s a chapter in it that deals with installing and using MySQL to
store and access data for use with d3.js. If you have used this technique before, you
will not be surprised to learn that the same options apply for leaflet.js. The
following is therefore a reprint of the instructions for installing MySQL and
creating a database. There are some slight editing differences, but don’t be
surprised if it looks similar. It is :-). The example at the end for loading the data
into a web page uses a leaflet.js map, so there are some relevant changes. Likewise
we will be going over different methods for loading external sources in a separate
chapter and that will include loading from a MySQL database.

PHP is our friend

As outlined at the start of the book, PHP is commonly used to make web content
dynamic. We are going to use it to do exactly that by getting it to glue together our
leaflet.js JavaScript and a MySQL Database. The end result should be a web page
that will leverage the significant storage capability of a MySQL database and the
ability to vary different aspects of returned data.

If you’re wondering what level we’re going to approach this at, let me reassure (or horrify)
you that it will be in the same vein as the rest of this book. I am no expert in MySQL
databases, but through a bit of trial and error I have been able to achieve a small measure of
success. Hopefully the explanation is sufficient for beginners like myself and doesn’t offend
any best practices :-).

I’m not one to dwell on the command line for too long if it can be avoided (sorry).
So in this section you’ll see me delving into a really neat program for managing
your MySQL database called phpMyAdmin

As the name would suggest, it’s been written in PHP and as we know, that’s a sign
that we’re talking about a web based application. In this case phpMyAdmin is
intended to allow a wide range of administrative operations with MySQL databases
via a web browser. You can find a huge amount of information about it on the web
as it is a freely available robust platform that has been around for well over a

If you have followed my suggestion earlier in the book to install WAMP or you
have phpMyAdmin installed already you’re in luck. If not, I’m afraid that I won’t
be able to provide any guidance on its installation. I just don’t have the experience
to provide that level of support.

Create your database

Assuming that you do have WAMP installed, you will be able to access a subset of
its functions from the icon on your system tray in the lower right hand corner of
your screen.
The WAMP server icon

Clicking on this icon will provide you with a range of options, including opening

Opening phpMyAdmin

Go ahead and do this and the phpMyAdmin page will open in your browser.

The page you’re presented with has a range of tabs, and we want to select the
‘Databases’ tab.
The Databases tab

From here we can create ourselves a new database simply by giving it a name and
selecting ‘Create’. I will create one called ‘homedb’.

Give our new

database a name

That was simple!

On the panel on the left hand side of the screen is our new database. Go on and
click on it.

Open the homedb database

Cool, now we get to create a table. What’s a table? Didn’t we create our database
Databases and Tables
Ahh yes… Think of databases as large collections of data (yes, I can smell the irony).
Databases can have a wide range of different information stored in them, but sometimes the
data isn’t strictly connected. For instance, a business might want to store its inventory and
personnel records in a database. Trying to mash all that together would be a bit of a
nightmare to manage. Instead, we can create two different tables of information. Think of a
table as a spreadsheet with rows of data for specific columns. If we want to connect the data
at some point we can do that via the process of querying the database.

So, lets create a table called data2 with three columns.

Create a table

I’ve chosen data2 as a name since we will put the same data as we have in a file
called data2.csv. That’s why there are three columns for the date, close and open
columns that we have in the data2.csv file.

So, after clicking on the ‘Go’ button, I get the following screen where I get to enter
all the pertinent details about what I will have in my table.

Format the table’s columns

I’m keeping it really simple by setting the ‘date’ column to be plain text (It could
be set as a ‘DATE’ format, but we’ll keep it simple for the time being), and the two
numeric columns to be decimals with 8 digits overall and 2 of those places for the
digits to the right of the decimal point.
The selection of the most efficient data type to maximise space or speed is something of an
obsession (as it sometimes needs to be) where databases are large and need to have fast
access times, but in this case we’re more concerned with getting a result than perfection.

Once entered, you can scroll down to the bottom of that window and select the
‘Save’ button.

Cool, now you are presented with your table (click on the table name in the left
hand panel) and the details of it in the main panel.

The details of the ‘data2’ table

Sure it looks snazzy, but there’s something missing….. Hmm…..

Ah Ha! Data!

Importing your data into MySQL

So, you’ve got a perfectly good database and an impeccably set up table looking
for some data.

It’s time we did something about that.

In the vein of “Here’s one I prepared earlier”, what we will do is import a csv
(Comma Separated Value) file into our database. To do this I prepared our
data2.csv file by removing the header line (with date, close and open on it), so it
looks like this;

I know it doesn’t look quite as pretty, but csv files are pretty ubiquitous which is
why so many different programs support them as an input and output file type. (To
save everyone some time and trouble I have saved the data.csv file into the Leaflet
Tips and Tricks example files folder which is available when you download the
book from Leanpub).

So armed with this file, click on the ‘Import’ tab in our phpMyAdmin window and
choose your file.
Importing csv data into your table

The format should be automatically recognised and the format specific options at
the bottom of the window should provide sensible defaults for the input. Let’s click
on the ‘Go’ button and give it a try.


Woo Hoo!

Now if you click on the browse tab, there’s your data in your table!
All the data
successfully imported


The last thing that we should do is add a user to our database so that we don’t end
up accessing it as the root user (not too much of a good look).

So select the ‘homedb’ reference at the top of the window (between ‘localhost’ and

Select the ‘homedb’ database

Then click on the ‘Privileges’ tab to show all the users who have access to
‘homedb’ and select ‘Add a new user’
The ‘Privileges’ tab

Then on the new user create a user, use the ‘Local’ host and put in an appropriate

the user information

In this case, the user name is ‘homedbuser’ and the password is ‘homedbuser’
(don’t tell).

The other thing to do is restrict what this untrusted user can do with the database.
In this case we can fairly comfortably restrict them to ‘SELECT’ only;
Restrict privileges to ‘SELECT’

Click on ‘Go’ and you have yourself a new user.

New user added!


Believe it or not, that’s pretty much it. There were a few steps involved, but they’re
hopefully fairly explanatory and I don’t imagine there’s anything too confusing
that a quick Googling can’t fix.

Querying the Database

OK, are you starting to get excited yet? We’re just about at the point where we can
actually use our MySQL database for something useful!

To do that we have to ask the database for some information and have it return that
information in a format we can work with.

The process of getting information from a database is called ‘querying’ the

database, or performing a ‘query’.

Now this is something of an art form in itself and believe me, you can dig some
pretty deep holes performing queries. However, we’re going to keep it simple. All
we’re going to do is query our database so that it returns the ‘date’ and the ‘close’

We’ll start by selecting our ‘data2’ table and going to the ‘Browse’ tab.
To the ‘Browse’ tab

We actually already have a query operating on our table. It’s the bit in the middle
that looks like;

FROM `data2`
LIMIT 0, 30

This particular query is telling the database homedb (since that’s where the query
was run from) to SELECT everything (*) FROM the table data2 and when we return
the data, to LIMIT the returned information to those starting at record 0 and to only
show 30 at a time.

You should also be able to see the data in the main body of the window.

So, let’s write our own query. We can ask our query in a couple of different ways.
Either click on the ‘SQL’ tab and you can enter it there, or click on the menu link
that says ‘Edit’ in the current window. I prefer the ‘Edit’ link since it opens a
separate little window which let’s you look at the returned data and your query at
the same time.
Enter your query

So here’s our window and in it I’ve written the query we want to run.

SELECT `date`, `close` FROM `data2`

You will of course note that I neglected to put anything about

the LIMIT information in there. That’s because it gets added automatically to your
query anyway using phpMyAdmin unless you specify values in your query.

So in this case, our query is going to SELECT all our values

of date and close FROM our table data2.

Click on the ‘Go’ button and let’s see what we get.

‘date’ and ‘close’ returned successfully

There we go!

If you’re running the query as ‘root’ you may see lots of other editing and copying
and deleting type options. Don’t fiddle with them and they won’t bite.

Righto… That’s the query we’re going to use. If you look at the returned
information with a bit of a squint, you can imagine that it’s in the same type of
format as the *.tsv or *.csv files. (header at the top and ordered data underneath).

All that we need to do now is get our MySQL query to output data into leaflet.js.

Enter php!

Using php to extract json from MySQL

Now’s the moment we’ve been waiting for to use php!

What we’re going to do is use a php script that performs the query that extracts
data out of a database it in a way that we can input it into Leaflet really easily.

Our php script is going to exist as a separate file which we will

name planelatlong.php (ideally we would place this in a separate directory
called php which will be in our web’s root directory (alongside the data directory)
but for the sake of simplicity we will have our ‘calling’ file (the one with the
leaflet.js script) and this php script in the same directory).
The database that we’re going to access is one that contains a range of values. Two
of which are the latitude and longitude of a plane in flight. The database is
organised as follows;


In our example we will pull out only the rows with the latitude and longitude and
return only them in a format that the script will recognise as follows;

var planelatlong = [

We’ll follow an example of how to get this imported into a leaflet.js script after
we’ve gone through the explanation of how to generate the data.

Here’s the contents of our planelatlong.php file (This is also available in

electronic form in the zip file of example scripts that can be downloaded when
you download the book from Leanpub);
$username = "planeuser";
$password = "planeuser";
$host = "localhost";
$server = mysql_connect($host, $username, $password);
$connection = mysql_select_db($database, $server);
$myquery = "
SELECT `lat`, `long` FROM `test01`
WHERE `lat` <> 0
$query = mysql_query($myquery);
if ( ! $query ) {
echo mysql_error();
$data = array();
echo "var planelatlong = [";
for ($x = 0; $x < mysql_num_rows($query); $x++) {
$data[] = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
if ($x <= (mysql_num_rows($query)-2) ) {
echo ",";
echo "];";

It’s pretty short, but it packs a punch. Let’s go through it and see what it does.

The <?php line at the start and the ?> line at the end form the wrappers that allow
the requesting page to recognise the contents as php and to execute the code rather
than downloading it for display.

The following lines set up a range of important variables;

$username = "planeuser";
$password = "planeuser";
$host = "localhost";
Hopefully you will recognise that these are configuration details for the MySQL
database. There’s user and password (don’t worry, because the script isn’t returned
to the browser, the browser doesn’t get to see the password). There’s the host
location of our database (in this case it’s local, but if it was on a remote server, we
would just include its address) and there’s the database we’re going to access.

Then we use those variables to connect to the server…

$server = mysql_connect($host, $username, $password);

… and then we connect to the specific database;

$connection = mysql_select_db($database, $server);

Then we have our query in a form that we can paste into the right spot and it’s easy
to use.

$myquery = "
SELECT `lat`, `long` FROM `test01`
WHERE `lat` <> 0

I have it like this so all I need to do to change the query I use is to paste it into the
middle line there between the speech-marks and I’m done. It’s just a convenience

The query itself is a fairly simple affair. We return lat and long from our table
called test01 but only if the lat value on the row is not equal to zero
(WHERE lat <> 0) (this will allow us to ignore the rows which do not contain a
latitude (and typically a longitude in this case) value.

The query is then run against the database with the following command;

$query = mysql_query($myquery);

… and then we check to see if it was successful. If it wasn’t, we output the MySQL
error code;

if ( ! $query ) {
echo mysql_error();

Then we declare the $data variable as an array;

$data = array();
Now we begin to echo or print out the values for our piece of code that we expect
to have inserted into our leaflet.js code;

First of all we print out the start of the declaration of our array;

echo "var planelatlong = [";

Then we start up a for loop that goes from 0 ($x = 0;) to the number of returned
rows in our query ($x < mysql_num_rows($query)) one step at a time ($x++)

for ($x = 0; $x < mysql_num_rows($query); $x++) {

We place our rows into our $data array…

$data[] = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);

… and then echo each row as a latitude and longitude value enclosed by square
brackets and separated by a comma;


So that each line looks a little like this


Because we need to separate our lat/long values that are enclosed with brackets
from each other with a comma like this…


… but we don’t want a comma after the last lat/long pair. We can use
an if statement to evaluate each row to see if it’s the last and print a comma if its

if ($x <= (mysql_num_rows($query)-2) ) {

echo ",";

After the our rows have finished being produced by our loop we need to close it off
with another square bracket;

echo "];";

And all that remains is to close the connection to our MySQL database;


That was a little fast and furious, but I want to revisit the point that we covered in
the part about echoing the data back to whatever had requested it. This is because
we are going to use it directly in our leaflet.js script, but we can actually run the
script directly by opening the file in our browser.

So if you can navigate using your browser to this file and click on it to run it
(WAMP should be your friend here again) this is what you should see printed out
on your screen (at least the information, but probably not formatted as nicely);

var planelatlong = [

There it is! A nicely declared array of latitude / longitude points!

It looks a bit unusual on the printed page, but it’s bread and butter for JavaScript.

I have included the planelatlong.php file with the files available when you
download the Leaflet Tips and Tricks book.

Getting the data into leaflet.js

Let’s recap momentarily.

We have created a database, populated it with information, worked out how to

extract a subset of that information and how to do it in a format that is valid (won’t
cause an error) JavaScript. Now for the final act!

If we consider a php file that we would use to display a web page with a leaflet
map and a line, it could look something like this;

<?php ?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Simple Leaflet Map</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<div id="map" style="width: 600px; height:
var planelatlong = [
var map = L.map('map').setView([-41.3058,
174.82082], 12);
mapLink =
'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '&copy; ' + mapLink + '
maxZoom: 18,
var polyline =

In the middle there is the section where we declare our data array that contains the
latitude and longitude values;

var planelatlong = [

That should look remarkable similar (identical) to the output from

the planelatlong.php file that we developed in the previous section. All we
need to do is to get the output from planelatlong.php to appear in the place of
the declared data array.

The is done nice and easily by ‘including’ the php file in the script with the
following line;

<?php include 'planelatlong.php'; ?>

And that’s it!

The final script will look like the following;

<?php ?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Simple Leaflet Map</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<div id="map" style="width: 600px; height:
<?php include 'planelatlong.php'; ?>
var map = L.map('map').setView([-41.3058,
174.82082], 12);
mapLink =
'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '&copy; ' + mapLink + '
maxZoom: 18,
var polyline =

Of course it still relies on the planelatlong.php script to query the database and
return the values, but now you have the ability to dynamically source different data
from outside your web file.

This example has been a very quick glance at what we need to do to get data from
a MySQL database into Leaflet. I will be including a separate section in the book
that will explore a few different options for importing data from external sources.

A Simple Map
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Simple Leaflet Map</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<div id="map" style="width: 600px; height:
var map = L.map('map').setView([-41.2858,
174.78682], 14);
mapLink =
'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: 'Map data &copy; ' + mapLink,
maxZoom: 18,

Also available online from bl.ocks.org or GitHub.

Full Screen Map

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Simple Leaflet Map</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
body {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
html, body, #map {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
<div id="map"></div>
var map = L.map('map').setView([-41.2858,
174.78682], 14);
mapLink =
'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: 'Map data &copy; ' + mapLink,
maxZoom: 18,

Also available online from bl.ocks.org or GitHub.

Map with Marker and Features

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Marker Leaflet Map</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<div id="map" style="width: 600px; height:
var map = L.map('map').setView([-41.2858,
174.78682], 14);
mapLink =
'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: 'Map data &copy; ' + mapLink,
maxZoom: 18,
var marker = L.marker([-41.29042, 174.78219],
{draggable: true, // Make the icon
title: 'Hover Text', // Add a title
opacity: 0.5} // Adjust the opacity
.bindPopup("<b>Te Papa</b><br>Museum of New

Also available online from bl.ocks.org or GitHub.

Map with polyline and options

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Simple Leaflet Map</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<div id="map" style="width: 600px; height:
var map = L.map('map').setView([-41.2858,
174.78682], 14);
mapLink =
'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: 'Map data &copy; ' + mapLink,
maxZoom: 18,
var polyline = L.polyline([
[-41.286, 174.796],
[-41.281, 174.786],
[-41.279, 174.776],
[-41.290, 174.775],
[-41.292, 174.788]
{ color: 'red',
weight: 10,
opacity: .7,
dashArray: '20,15',
lineJoin: 'round'

Also available online at bl.ocks.org or GitHub.

A Leaflet map with base layer (tile

selection) controls
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Simple Leaflet Map</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<div id="map" style="width: 600px; height:
var osmLink = '<a
thunLink = '<a
var osmUrl =
osmAttrib = '&copy; ' + osmLink + '
landUrl =
thunAttrib = '&copy; '+osmLink+' Contributors &
var osmMap = L.tileLayer(osmUrl, {attribution:
landMap = L.tileLayer(landUrl, {attribution:
var map = L.map('map', {
layers: [osmMap] // only add one!
.setView([-41.2858, 174.78682], 14);
var baseLayers = {
"OSM Mapnik": osmMap,
"Landscape": landMap

Also available online at bl.ocks.org or GitHub.

A Leaflet map with overlay layer (and base

layer) controls
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Simple Leaflet Map</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<div id="map" style="width: 600px; height:
var coolPlaces = new L.LayerGroup();
L.marker([-41.29042, 174.78219])
.bindPopup('Te Papa').addTo(coolPlaces),
L.marker([-41.29437, 174.78405])
L.marker([-41.2895, 174.77803])
.bindPopup('Michael Fowler
L.marker([-41.28313, 174.77736])
.bindPopup('Leuven Belgin Beer
[-41.28313, 174.77736],
[-41.2895, 174.77803],
[-41.29042, 174.78219],
[-41.29437, 174.78405]
var osmLink = '<a
thunLink = '<a
var osmUrl =
osmAttrib = '&copy; ' + osmLink + '
landUrl =
thunAttrib = '&copy; '+osmLink+' Contributors &
var osmMap = L.tileLayer(osmUrl, {attribution:
landMap = L.tileLayer(landUrl, {attribution:
var map = L.map('map', {
layers: [osmMap] // only add one!
.setView([-41.2858, 174.78682], 14);
var baseLayers = {
"OSM Mapnik": osmMap,
"Landscape": landMap
var overlays = {
"Interesting places": coolPlaces


Also available online at bl.ocks.org or GitHub.

Leaflet.draw plugin with options.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Leaflet.draw Plugin</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<div id="map" style="width: 600px; height:
var map = L.map('map').setView([-41.2858,
174.78682], 14);
mapLink =
'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: 'Map data &copy; ' + mapLink,
maxZoom: 18,
var LeafIcon = L.Icon.extend({
options: {
iconSize: [38, 95],
shadowSize: [50, 64],
iconAnchor: [22, 94],
shadowAnchor: [4, 62],
popupAnchor: [-3, -76]
var greenIcon = new LeafIcon({
var drawnItems = new L.FeatureGroup();
var drawControl = new L.Control.Draw({
position: 'topright',
draw: {
polygon: {
shapeOptions: {
color: 'purple'
allowIntersection: false,
drawError: {
color: 'orange',
timeout: 1000
showArea: true,
metric: false,
repeatMode: true
polyline: {
shapeOptions: {
color: 'red'
rect: {
shapeOptions: {
color: 'green'
circle: {
shapeOptions: {
color: 'steelblue'
marker: {
icon: greenIcon
edit: {
featureGroup: drawnItems
map.on('draw:created', function (e) {
var type = e.layerType,
layer = e.layer;
if (type === 'marker') {
layer.bindPopup('A popup!');

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