Project Theory
Project Theory
Project Theory
I declare that this my original work that has not been presented anywhere or submitted to any other higher learning
I dedicate this work to my family and friends for their support and encouragement to finish the research. I also
appreciate the presence of my supervisor Mr. Samora who accompanied me through this research study.
I would like to express my gratitude to the principal of the institution for giving me a chance to take my course
of diploma in building technology. I am also thanks head of Building and Civil Engineering Department and all
the tutors who have sacrificed their time to help me be in the position where I am . I would like to thank my
supervisor for his supervision and guidance through this project research. May almighty God bless you all
Narok county has an average population of one million according to the bill of statistic of 2019,and Kilgoris town
has a population of 70,000 according to statistic in 2019 census. It is therefore required a well design market to
handle the population which is increasing rapidly.And the current existing open air market is consuming a lot of
space and traders are exposed to adverse weather conditions .Also the small existing market has fail to curry out it
function due to inadequate space for the required facility , proper air circulation and the thermal comfort.I therefore
decided to improve the current market by providing enough ventilation system both naturally and mechanically. I
will also provide big rooms for accommodating the sellers and buyers and their property.And lastly try to use the
suitable material which favours the thermal comfort. Through providing all these the project shall have reduced
both the architectural and structural problems.And this will make the market structure to curry out its duties which
enable the management to render their duties to the people of Kilgoris.
1.0 Introduction.....................................................................................................10
1.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................10
2.1 Introduction....................................................................................................12
2.3.1 Usability...........................................................................................................16
2.3.2 Operability..........................................................................................................17
2.3.3 Quality……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3.1 Objectives………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3.2Research approach...................................................................................................21
3.9.1Validity and
1.1 Background information
A well designed market is playing an important role in the society. It boosts the economy of the country. Making it
very important in the society. Thus particular attention should be taken on how new design of the structural
members are being done. The new problem awaiting an architectural solution become in achieving a successful
market. My aim is to better working conditions in the market and come up with new building techenics
The aim of doing this project is to;
Find out factors that are limiting good design of a modern market
To involve the administration in how to identify and solve problems experienced in our present market
design structures
1.4 Study justification.
Proper design and constructed market structures satisfied and promoting the adequate services rendered to
the people. Generally, it will change and improve the living standards of the societies.
Time factor
The time allocated to research undertaking in the undergraduate programmed is limited. This will influence
the scope of the study.
Financial constraints
The funds available are limited and this will limit the number and travelling distance of sites visited the
sites located relatively close to the researcher will be considered.
i. To understand architectural principles and elements, that contributes to an efficient spatial
functionality in the market
ii. To understand the architectural utilization of space by people within ,Kilgoris town in the market.
iii. To explore how key operational functions can be designed differently to optimize process flow,
interior space, as well as manpower resources.
This section describes and explains spatial properties and functionality in the market to help understand the
architectural utilization of spaces by researchers and learners. This section will constitute parts such as;
I. Research and ICT room
II. Emergency respond.
This section describes elements and guiding principles in the market that will help use architectural
principal and elements to achieve a good spatial functionality in a fire station
A modern market will play a vital role to the ministry and a community as a whole where the market has
been located. The market will be modern with unique features to serve everyone. This will improve the
lifestyle of the society
2.2 Spatial properties in fire station
The market is made up of several constituent parts and from the perspective of its users it fulfills the range
of roles and functions. Typically its users will include the surrounding communities, from neighbouring
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Some of these constituent parts are: a)
Entrance and exit zones.
b) The facility zones.
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Fig (3) Source: Zelivez Aldes, SBS Architects Manchester, 2012.
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Movement. Market operation Integration with Whole life costs.
facility context.
1 Plan spatial capacity 1 Optimize
1 Provides appropriate
to meet with predicted 1 Design for connected functionality of built
spatial capacity for all
future demand due to network of footpaths design.
housing functions.
rapid increase in and public spaces. 2 2 Consider whole
2 Coordinate modal
population in the area . Design home facilities –life and life-cycle
2 Provide entrance and to integrate with other costs.
3 Provides for
exit points to enable public built up zones.
efficient parking
accessibility of the 3 Encourages provision
spaces for vehicles.
place. of active public spaces
4 Provides
3 Provide quality in surrounding areas.
appropriate and
lighting to support
efficient facilities for
tenants’ movement
the fire station
during night hours.
Access and inclusivity. Management and Promote good design. Positive economic,
maintenance. social and
1 Provides free spaces to 1 Use high quality
environmental impact.
accommodate the needs 1 Facilitate materials appropriate
of users. efficient cleaning to housing context 1 Minimize energy use
and maintenance in and function. and explore sustainable
the market . 2 Consider scale, energy sources. 2 Apply
2 Use durable massing and environmental design
materials orientation of best practice standards.
building and spaces.
Market information. Users safety Sense of place. Respect and conserve
natural systems.
1 Provides service 1 Design facilities and 1 Consider
information to meet the spaces to minimize the landmark design 1 Maintain and
needs of all occupants potential for accidents where demand or improve soil, water
of the houses. to the people. status provides quality and use.
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2 Provides consistent 2 Ensure full justification. 2 Design
way finding and signing compliance with all 2 Locate and landscapes to
integrated within the statutory emergency design houses to preserve and restore
built design. requirements promote a positive natural habitats.
3 Provides image and identify
information and while respecting
direction beyond the their local context.
low cost housing
facility zone.
4 Provides
throughout the
market to enhance
Comfort and Be secure by design. Anticipate users’ Acts as catalyst for
attractiveness. dynamic changing regenerations
1 Provide for effective
1 Provides use of CCTV. 1 Integrated
appropriate facilities, 2 Prevents crime 1 Design responsive and development.
amenities and through environmental flexible places. 2 Optimize revenue
spaces. design. generating
2 Provides 3 Assess and minimizes opportunities.
effective climate risk of natural threats
protection and through secure and
control against noise sensitive design.
3 Provides
appropriate space for
movement, car
parking and resting
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A well designed market facilities and its surrounding incorporate some different functions. They offer
rescues to people, save properties.
The design principles that cover the design theme of usability: a)
b) Access and inclusivity.
c) Way finding and occupants information.
d) Comfort and attractiveness.
a) Movement.
Rescues facilities are a dynamic environment involving occupation and conflicts between ranges of tenants.
Movement within and around the built up environment should be comfortable and optimized to minimize
conflict now and time to come.
Architectural features are influencing the spatial concept of usability.
Lighting plays important role in creating safe and comfortable environment for the library users and the
surrounding communities. Lighting that is appropriate to location and function will result in increased
security, accessibility, safety and therefore public satisfaction.
Accessible Learning facility is making the place easy to use by the house occupants and the surrounding
communities who may have their business within the zone. Users include those in wheelchair, elderly
people, people with cars and young children.
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Houses accessible by all people, putting the disabled into consideration during construction.
Information is the key factor for any activity to be conducted in the right way. The technology has led to
several signs. Language barriers affects the readability of signs or how well they can be understood. For
them to be understood, they must be legible. . Information helps to guide people on how to go about various
activities. Information provided within the market facility zone may include rules to be followed by any
person accessing the zone and it should be strategically displayed where all people can see it at the right
Comfortable and well maintained market provides an attractive environment that protects users from
climatic condition, dirt or noise and provide users with sense of safety.
Provide appropriate facilities, amenities and spaces for activities.
Well designed market facility fulfills different functions according to their sizes and location.
Facilities, amenities and spaces for activities should be appropriate to the Learning facility environment.
(See figure 10 below).
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The design of the market facility and their immediate surrounding should promote efficient operations and
maintenance in an environment that is functional, comfortable and safe.
Planning of market facility improvement projects should also take account of the ongoing operational
requirements of a live library and ensure that the integrity of operations and the surrounding communities’
safety are not impaired over the term of the project. Operability involves consideration of security,
maintenance services and operating cost.
The design principles that covers the design theme of operability are: a)
Market facility operations.
b) Management and maintenance.
c) Safety.
d) Being secure by design.
It is designed to meet its current and future needs for accommodation operations and servicing minimizes
delay in accessing the desired zone within the built facility. This enables tenants to access the desired points
within the zone by shortest time possible hence leading to future growth in demand.
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Fig (12) Use of durable reinforcement bars for effectiveness of the buildings. (Source: Stephen, Stratford
housing facility 2014).
c) Safety.
Considered design and maintenance of building can minimize the risks of accidents through the collapsing
of buildings. It can also tackle the perceptions of safety, increase tenants satisfaction and enjoyment. Well-
maintained fire station create a sense that the environment is safe, managed and cared for hence reducing
the fear of crime or accidents for the occupants. d) Be secure by design.
Fire station design must consider public security against both natural threats such as earthquake, earth
tremor, lightning and also man –made threats. The Fire station facility zones face certain levels of risks
associated with various threats such as flooding or through malicious practices. Fence can be constructed to
offer security for the properties and occupants within the facility zone. (See figure 13).
Fig (13) Perimeter security alarm electric fencing system. (Source: China B2B Market place).
2.3.3 QUALITY.
Providing high quality market structures, environment will improve all aspects of user’s experience. The
design of high quality facility is based on combination of performance accessibility and function all of
which form an essential part of user’s experience.
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The design principles cover the design theme of quality: a)
Integration with context.
b) Promote good design.
c) Sense of place.
d) Anticipates occupants’ dynamic needs.
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Research: This is a diligent inquiry or examination to seek or revise facts, principles or a search for the
Methodology: This is a collection of methods, practices, procedures and rules used by those working in a
given study. This study involves collecting data on the quality of spaces and its effective functionality
Below are objectives to help guide through the research methodology.
To understand the architectural utilization of space by equipment and people within the market.
The research approach method used will be qualitative since it will involve questions that address and
predict the possible relationship between the functionality of spaces in the market and its users.
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This study will use case studies and survey approach to gather information involving functional spatial
relationships in the market. Case studies will be selected on the basis of major elements such as:
Functionality, sizes of spaces and circulation within the market both in peak and off-peak hours.
Connectivity of outside spaces such as parking and outside public areas to the internal spaces. With this
in mind, both local and international case studies will be looked into. This will help inform on the
design problems that may have been faced and how they were solved. Methods that will be
implemented include interview methods that will either be in a structured form or questionnaire form.
The research setting in the contemporary urban setting, in particular, Narok County.
This study will make use of primary and secondary sources of information majorly to gather information
relating spatial functionality of the market.
3.5.1 Primary Sources
Primary sources of information will make use of data collected through interviews and questionnaires with
key experts in the field. It also involves data that will be extracted from interviews with community,
researchers. Finally, information will be gathered from fieldwork techniques and observations of users and
activities affected by the same.
3.5.2 Secondary Sources
Secondary sources of information will be extracted from a comprehensive literature review sourced from
books and journals and internet journals and papers.
The studies will inform the types and size of the market and types of different functional spaces found in
local and international examples.
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Below is a table summarizing the research methods and tools as per the objectives.
Observation Camera.
Sketching tools.
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To establish efficient spatial Standardized Questionnaires.
functionality in the market facility questionnaires
using architectural principles. Pre-coded checklist
Focussed interviews
Structured interviews.
Observational method.
Survey method.
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This will help in the accuracy of recording data on specific elements such as materials. In addition, how
they create aesthetic values of the market.
Photography will be use to check on the type of materials used within the spaces.
Photography will be use to compare the functionality of spaces within the market and international case
Drawings will be use to sketch a the market for example; from access Parking areas, ICT, and
These will used largely to help understand the feeling and sense of placemaking from a remote space to a
more meaningful space inside the market. Drawings will be of great help where cameras cannot be use.
This involve going to the field or area with the information required and use the ones eye to see the
Systematic observation of the market facility will help to achieve the understanding of the spatial
interaction of traders and researchers within the market.
1. The type of rooms being use in the market will be first identify.
2. How efficient the Interaction of the traders and the societies as a whole.
1. How they are designed both under normal conditions and emergency conditions.
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2. Examining if the Positions of escalators, lifts favour the disabled, sick and pregnant women
to other normal users
Concession areas:
2. How spatial functionality in these spaces release good lighting to give a pleasing overall finish
to the spaces within the market.
2. Will also ensure that there is good network system the whole market for effective communication.
This was used to get information through questionnaires. Methods used are:
Structured questionnaires.
Non-structured questionnaires.
Structured questionnaires-This is used to collect data from users of the various case studies that will be
studied to get their thoughts, feelings and expectations and their general perception of the market
structures. Behavioral observations were used to establish responses from passengers and workers. The
research employed the following data collections; maps, photographs, sketches and counting. On-
structured questionnaires-these applied to local authorities, building consultants and managers.
This involves posing questions so as to find out how different individuals think, believe and their
expectations. An interviewer probes to find out how a respondent's definition of the situation differs from the
hypothesized one; this information allows the interviewer to adjust and refine the guide . This method will
allow the researchers to get ideas of the user reactions on the fire station in terms of lighting and thermal
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comfort. The purpose of the interview is to probe the ideas of the interviewees about the phenomenon of
Due to constrain in recourses and time, sampling will be inevitable in selecting the subjects of the cases and
study. The sampling to take will be such that the sampling bias and errors would be reduce.
25 respondents will be taken as the sample size per case. This will be select from the case studies by
targeting at least 15 users, ten board members. The sample size will be finally determine by 25%of the total
target population for data analysis.
This will be used in the selection of individuals within the case study that are selected and groups identified
through judgmental sampling as this will help in the elimination of elemental biases.
Comparative techniques –It was a subjective and qualitative evaluation of data gathered from
photographs, sketches case studies and measured drawings.
Statistical analysis-It is apply to analyse data gathered through questionnaires and interviews.The
analysis will towards establishing the central tendency and location of the phenomenon. The central
tendency was analysed with the median, mode and the data analysed was then tabulated.An analytical
report was then complied.Findings, conclusions and recommendations that came up were present in the
Data is edited to check on accuracy, completeness and usefulness by compiling and comparing one set of
data with another.
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Content analysis is used for the systematic objective and qualitative description of the content of research
data procured through questionnaires and observation. This applied to passengers and workers perceptions
of the spaces in the market.
Failure to identify extraneous variables while undertaking the study can lead to errors in conclusions and
deductions inferred from data collected. Careful note should be made of any variables that could influence
subject’s responses and even data collected through observation. Therefore, control and note of certain
factors will ensure the validity of the responses and data collected.
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