Interview Yomema

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INTRODUCE not only to entertaint me but also give me a colleagues, being a nurse is not just a job but a good

Thankyou for the opportunity, I would like to important information. deed for someone. When someone is sick and as
Introduce myself, my full name is Angelicha Rosye nurses we care for and help him get through the
Dondokambey and my nick name is Angel. Im 25 ROLE MODE illness well, it will be a pleasure because we can do
years old, I was born in Palu on May 23, 1998 and My role model is my parents. I was motivated to our best so they can be healthy again.
Im a Christian. My hobby is watching a movie become a health worker because I saw my mother
especially Korean drama. who was a midwife. I also learned a lot from my MEMORABLE THINGS
Let me tell you more about my self. I live in Palu mother how to be a person who is disciplined and The thing that was memorable during practice was
with my family, Im the eldest daughter and I have a cares about the cleanliness of the surroundings. at the beginning of bachelor practice. At that time,
sister and a brother. I take my education in Palu whereas from my father I learned about real hard me and some of my friends took care of an elderly
until graduated from senior high school. After that, I work, not being ashamed of existing achievements, person who had been in care for quite a long time.
decided to continue my studies in Manado and and being a person who is not careless in using The elderly looked healthy enough to return home,
majored in Nursing at Klabat University. I start to be money. but she chose to continue to be treated because she
a nursing student in 2016 and finished that in 2020. felt comfortable and not alone while at the hospital.
I attended the online graduation from Palu because REASON TO BE A NURSE At that time, my friends and I always came to greet
at that time in Indonesia a corona virus had been Honestly, nurse is not my dream. I want to be a the patient, we helped in dressing, combing her hair
detected which required several regions to carry out health worker but not nurse, because of the and even being her friend telling stories. When the
regional lockdowns. After that, I settled in Palu for a mindset of nurses who are helpers to doctors. practice was over and we had to say goodbye, the
while and did not continue my education to a When I graduated from high school, I enrolled as a elderly said that she was very happy to meet us and
profession program for a year. At the beginning of medical student but had no luck and I chose not to felt comforted because of us. When I heard that, I
2022 I decided to go back to Manado and continue try again for some personal reasons. At that time I felt very lucky to have chosen a nurse as my
the profession program at the same campus. I tried other health professions, namely medical profession.
graduated and got a competent nursing certificate analysis but I was not lucky either, and in the end
in early 2023 and then I back to Palu. because I had no other choice, I chose a nurse. I WHY YOMEMA
Currently, I taking a side job at a clinic in Palu. Im entered nursing not with my heart's desire but Because yomema provides an attractive offer for
also taking part in Ministry at the church, and do a when I became a nursing student, I found reasons nurses who want to seek experience so that it is
house work to help my mom. I spend my free time why I should love the profession I chose. The reason useful for career development. I've watched three
to watch a movie or opened social media where its is that nurses are not doctors' helpers but introductory videos for the Yomema program, and I
think that apart from gaining experience, we also
get knowledge that we might not get when studying
nurses in Indonesia.


I am a responsible and disciplined person, when i
want something, i will be motivated to achieve it. If I
can allowed to join this program, I will do my best
and not to waste the opportunity given to me.


My strengths, I like to do things well, I try my best
when entrusted with something, I am also
disciplined with time, while my weakness is that I
am slow to adapt but that doesn't mean I can't
adapt well.
If I miss them, I wwill conact them either by voice COMMUNICATION
MOTIVATION TO JOIN telephone or video call, I ill always inform the via communication
I want to gain experience as a nurse, I was message too. The communication I studied in college was
interested when I heard stories about Yomema therapeutic communication, which was also
from my friend who also joined Yomema. Yomema ROLE MODE practiced while in the hospital. I want to tell you
made an offer where we can gain experience as well My role model is my parents. I was motivated to about my experience in communicating. Previously,
as knowledge as nurses in the Netherlands. I am become a health worker because I saw my mother I was a difficult person to approach, but after
very motivated to join Yomema because I believe who was a midwife. I also learned a lot from my learning about how to communicate with patients, I
when I become a part of Yomema, I can get many mother how to be a person who is disciplined and started to be able to approach patients. When I
things that are useful for me to become a cares about the cleanliness of the surroundings. practice at a mental hospital, I meet elderly patients
professional nurse in the future. whereas from my father I learned about real hard who have been treated for a long time. Approaching
work, not being ashamed of existing achievements, mental patients requires greater effort because they
HANDLE THE CULTURE, HABBIT, NORM and being a person who is not careless in using find it difficult to open up. I start the approach
I will find out more about the Netherlands including money. slowly, starting with introductions and building a
the people, culture, habbit, norms, then will try to relationship of mutual trust with the patient. , at
adapt to it. I will also try to make friends with Dutch every practice I would come to ask how things were
people so I can get to know them and know more HAL TENTANG BELANDA going and talk about things the patient was doing,
about them what I know about the Netherlands, when I hear the until finally the patients started to open up and
Netherlands, I immediately think of windmills. The want to share her stories with me.
SUPPORT SYSTEM Netherlands is a country with 12 provinces, located
I have a boyfriend, when I startd to be interested to on the European continent. Dutch people have a
join Yomema, I told my boyfriend, he give me a direct type of people, prefer something direct
good response and always support whatever I do as rather than long-winded, and I think that's different
long as itu still considered good and useful. While from Indonesians
my parents, they were also support me when I
asked for permission to enroll in the Yomema
TINDAKAN KOLABORASI the initiative to start, for example when I'm eating
The collaboration that I remember, including being at a restaurant with friends, I usually take the
my first experience, was performing a initiative to ask for orders my friend so I can tell the
catheterization procedure on a patient in the ED for waiter about our order, I always do it to get used to
the first time with a senior nurse. at that time, my interacting with people.
friend and I were given the opportunity to do the
procedure with senior instructions. at first I was RELEASE THE STRESS
very nervous but because of the support from my how to release my stress, I usually take time to calm
seniors and friends, I tried and succeeded in doing down and pray, if I'm at work and experience
it, I was very happy and I really remember it until pressure, I stay calm and try to do my job well so
now. that the pressure doesn't affect me, I also usually
look for a moment of entertainment to make my
I am a person who always tries to do something well SOLVE THE PROBLEM
and perfectly, when there is a mistake I try to fix it. how I solve problems
currently I work at the dipalu clinic, when I first I usually take time for myself, I pray and try to
started working, I received instructions regarding understand the problem situation I am facing, how
assignments at that place, I tried to do the job well, should I solve it, apart from that I usually share
wrote the report as best I could, then I made a stories with person closest to me to be able to see
mistake by passing some data that had to be filled in from their point of view so that I can assess this
and got a reprimand, After that, when I work on the problem broadly.
report, I always check again to see if everything has
been filled in or if I have missed anything KESEHATAN DIBELANDA
weakness The Dutch health system uses insurance that is paid
I am a shy person, I find it difficult to initiate every month, like BPJS in Indonesian
interactions with people, so when there is a place, I
learn to overcome my weaknesses by always taking

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