Assignment 1

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Faculty of Technology, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Kuliyapitiya

Bachelor of Engineering Technology Honours Degree Programme

Academic Year 2020/2021
Department of Nano Science Technology
Level 1 - Semester II

Basic Instrumental Techniques – NANO1261

Tutorial - 1

Answers should be submitted on or before 3rd January 2023

1. A plant pigment has a molecular formula is C 55H77O5N4Mg. How many degrees of

freedom and vibrational modes does this molecule possess?
2. Below is a compound with the chemical formula C 3H8O. Assigned appropriate
functional groups to the bands at ~3350, 2970, and 1150 cm-1. Identify the chemical.
Describe the steps taken to identify the compound.
3. Below a FTIR spectrum of a mull. What is the problem with the mull produced and
how would one go about remedying the problem?

4. Explain why FTIR and Raman Spectra use wavenumber instead of wavelength.
5. Convert 400 nm to wavenumber (cm-1).
6. Using the molecule of carbon dioxide, describe and explain how various vibrational
modes may be IR/Raman-active or IR/Raman-inactive.
7. Below are Raman spectra of cellulose obtained using three different laser sources.
Describe the spectrum for each laser wavelength, and explain which laser wavelength
is most suitable.

8. In Raman spectroscopy, describe the advantages and disadvantages of using a grating

with high groove density.
9. Describe the advantage of Raman spectroscopy over IR spectroscopy.
10. What is UV-vis spectroscopy?
11. Explain why a typical UV-vis spectrometer consists of two lamps.
12. Describe Beer-Lambert’s law, with an emphasis on the path length.
13. UV-vis spectroscopy: When measuring the absorbance of an organic solvent with
λmax at 193.5 nm, explain why a quartz cuvette is used instead of a disposable
14. In UV-vis spectroscopic measurement, it is ideal that the absorbance is kept below
the value of 1. Describe the significance of the absorbance value. What is the general
practice when the value is above 1.
15. Discuss the usefulness of UV/vis spectroscopy as a quantitative tool and qualitative
tool for an organic compound. List the criteria for selecting a wavelength for analysis.

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