Part 2 Amendments and Revisions
Part 2 Amendments and Revisions
Part 2 Amendments and Revisions
“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient per centum (12%) of all registered voters,
for you, for my power is made perfect in with each legislative district represented
weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the by at least three per centum (3%) of its
more gladly about my weaknesses, so that registered voters. The Lambino Group
Christ’s power may rest on me.” also claimed that COMELEC election
2 Corinthians 12:9 registrars had verified the signatures of
the 6.3 million individuals.
The Lambino Group's initiative
PART 2 petition changes the 1987 Constitution by
AMENDMENTS AND REVISIONS modifying Sections 1-7 of Article VI
(Legislative Department) and Sections 1-4
THE 1987 CONSTITUTION ONLY of Article VII (Executive Department) and
ALLOWS TWO KINDS OF CHANGES. by adding Article XVIII entitled
WHAT ARE THESE TWO CHANGES "Transitory Provisions." These proposed
ALLOWED TO BE INTRODUCED BY changes will shift the present
FUNDAMENTAL LAW? Bicameral-Presidential system to a
● Amendments and Revisions Unicameral-Parliamentary form of
● Amendment is just a piecemeal government. The Lambino Group prayed
isolated change intended to delete, that after due publication of their
to add and to improve a provision. petition, the COMELEC should submit the
While a revision on the other hand following proposition in a plebiscite for
is a complete rewriting of the the voters' ratification.
document or a change of a On 30 August 2006, the Lambino
principle underlying the Group filed an Amended Petition with the
Constitution (Lambino v. COMELEC indicating modifications in the
COMELEC | Santiago v. COMELEC) proposed Article XVIII (Transitory
Provisions) of their initiative.
THE CHARACTER OF CHANGE? initiative petition complies with Section 2,
● Yes, it is necessary to determine Article XVII of the Constitution on
the character of the proposed amendments to the Constitution through
change because different a people's initiative.
procedure applies and initiative by
people can only propose HELD: NO. The essence of amendments
amendments. “directly proposed by the people through
initiative upon a petition” is that the
entire proposal on its face is a petition by
LAMBINO v. COMELEC the people. This means two essential
FACTS: On 15 February 2006, petitioners elements must be present. First, the
in G.R. No. 174153, namely Raul L. Lambino people must author and thus sign the
and Erico B. Aumentado ("Lambino entire proposal. No agent or
Group"), with other groups and representative can sign on their behalf.
individuals, commenced gathering Second, as an initiative upon a petition,
signatures for an initiative petition to the proposal must be embodied in a
change the 1987 Constitution. On 25 petition. These essential elements are
August 2006, the Lambino Group filed a present only if the full text of the
petition with the COMELEC to hold a proposed amendments is first shown to
plebiscite that will ratify their initiative the people who express their assent by
petition under Section 5(b) and (c) and signing such complete proposal in a
Section 7 of Republic Act No. 6735 or the petition. Thus, an amendment is “directly
Initiative and Referendum Act ("RA 6735"). proposed by the people through initiative
The Lambino Group alleged that upon a petition” only if the people sign on
their petition had the support of 6,327,952 a petition that contains the full text of the
individuals constituting at least twelve proposed amendments. The full text of
the proposed amendments may be either the petition must set forth the full text of
written on the face of the petition, or the proposed amendments. However, the
attached to it. If so attached, the petition deliberations of the framers of our
must state the fact of such attachment. Constitution clearly show that the
This is an assurance that every one of the framers intended to adopt the relevant
several millions of signatories to the American jurisprudence on people’s
petition had seen the full text of the initiative. In particular, the deliberations
proposed amendments before signing. of the Constitutional Commission
Otherwise, it is physically impossible, explicitly reveal that the framers
given the time constraint, to prove that intended that the people must first see
every one of the millions of signatories the full text of the proposed amendments
had seen the full text of the proposed before they sign, and that the people
amendments before signing. must sign on a petition containing such
The framers of the Constitution full text. Indeed, Section 5(b) of Republic
directly borrowed the concept of people’s Act No. 6735, the Initiative and
initiative from the United States where Referendum Act that the Lambino Group
various State constitutions incorporate an invokes as valid, requires that the people
initiative clause. In almost all States which must sign the “petition x x x as
allow initiative petitions, the unbending signatories.”
requirement is that the people must first The proponents of the initiative
see the full text of the proposed secure the signatures from the people.
amendments before they sign to signify The proponents secure the signatures in
their assent, and that the people must their private capacity and not as public
sign on an initiative petition that officials. The proponents are not
contains the full text of the proposed disinterested parties who can impartially
amendments. The rationale for this explain the advantages and disadvantages
requirement has been repeatedly of the proposed amendments to the
explained in several decisions of various people. The proponents present favorably
courts. Thus, in Capezzuto v. State Ballot their proposal to the people and do not
Commission, the Supreme Court of present the arguments against their
Massachusetts, affirmed by the First proposal. The proponents, or their
Circuit Court of Appeals, declared: A supporters, often pay those who gather
signature requirement would be the signatures. Thus, there is no
meaningless if the person supplying the presumption that the proponents
signature has not first seen what it is observed the constitutional requirements
that he or she is signing. Further, and in gathering the signatures. The
more importantly, loose interpretation of proponents bear the burden of proving
the subscription requirement can pose a that they complied with the
significant potential for fraud. A person constitutional requirements in gathering
permitted to describe orally the contents the signatures—that the petition
of an initiative petition to a potential contained, or incorporated by
signer, without the signer having actually attachment, the full text of the proposed
examined the petition, could easily amendments.
mislead the signer by, for example, The Lambino Group cites as
omitting, downplaying, or even flatly authority Corpus Juris Secundum, stating
misrepresenting, portions of the petition that “a signer who did not read the
that might not be to the signer’s liking. measure attached to a referendum
This danger seems particularly acute petition cannot question his signature on
when, in this case, the person giving the the ground that he did not understand
description is the drafter of the petition, the nature of the act.” The Lambino Group
who obviously has a vested interest in quotes an authority that cites a proposed
seeing that it gets the requisite change attached to the petition signed by
signatures to qualify for the ballot. the people. Even the authority the
Section 2, Article XVII of the Lambino Group quotes requires that the
Constitution does not expressly state that proposed change must be attached to the
petition. The same authority the Lambino Supreme Court of Alaska warned against
Group quotes requires the people to sign “inadvertence, stealth and fraud” in
on the petition itself. Indeed, it is basic in logrolling: Whenever a bill becomes law
American jurisprudence that the through the initiative process, all of the
proposed amendment must be problems that the single-subject rule was
incorporated with, or attached to, the enacted to prevent are exacerbated.
initiative petition signed by the people. In There is a greater danger of logrolling, or
the present initiative, the Lambino the deliberate intermingling of issues to
Group’s proposed changes were not increase the likelihood of an initiative’s
incorporated with, or attached to, the passage, and there is a greater
signature sheets. The Lambino Group’s opportunity for “inadvertence, stealth and
citation of Corpus Juris Secundum pulls fraud” in the enactment-by initiative
the rug from under their feet. process. The drafters of an initiative
The Lambino Group’s initiative operate independently of any structured
springs another surprise on the people or supervised process. They often
who signed the signature sheets. The emphasize particular provisions of their
proposed changes mandate the interim proposition, while remaining silent on
Parliament to make further amendments other (more complex or less appealing)
or revisions to the Constitution. The provisions, when communicating to the
proposed Section 4(4), Article XVIII on public. x x x Indeed, initiative promoters
Transitory Provisions, provides: Section typically use simplistic advertising to
4(4). Within forty-five days from present their initiative to potential
ratification of these amendments, the petition-signers and eventual voters.
interim Parliament shall convene to Many voters will never read the full text
propose amendments to, or revisions of, of the initiative before the election. More
this Constitution consistent with the importantly, there is no process for
principles of local autonomy, amending or splitting the several
decentralization and a strong provisions in an initiative proposal. These
bureaucracy. During the oral arguments, difficulties clearly distinguish the
Atty. Lambino stated that this provision is initiative from the legislative process.
a “surplusage” and the Court and the The signature sheets do not
people should simply ignore it. Far from explain this discrimination against the
being a surplusage, this provision Senators. The 6.3 million people who
invalidates the Lambino Group’s initiative. signed the signature sheets could not
Section 4(4) is a subject matter totally have known that their signatures would
unrelated to the shift from the be used to discriminate against the
BicameralPresidential to the Senators. They could not have known that
Unicameral-Parliamentary system. their signatures would be used to limit,
American jurisprudence on initiatives after 30 June 2010, the interim
outlaws this as logrolling—when the Parliament’s choice of Prime Minister only
initiative petition incorporates an to members of the existing House of
unrelated subject matter in the same Representatives. An initiative that gathers
petition. This puts the people in a signatures from the people without first
dilemma since they can answer only showing to the people the full text of the
either yes or no to the entire proposition, proposed amendments is most likely a
forcing them to sign a petition that deception, and can operate as a gigantic
effectively contains two propositions, one fraud on the people. That is why the
of which they may find unacceptable. Constitution requires that an initiative
Under American jurisprudence, the effect must be “directly proposed by the people
of logrolling is to nullify the entire x x x in a petition”—meaning that the
proposition and not only the unrelated people must sign on a petition that
subject matter. contains the full text of the proposed
Logrolling confuses and even amendments. On so vital an issue as
deceives the people. In Yute Air Alaska v. amending the nation’s fundamental law,
McAlpine, 698 P.2d 1173, 1184 (1985), the the writing of the text of the proposed
amendments cannot be hidden from the that the underlying principles upon which
people under a general or special power it rests, as well as the substantial entirety
of attorney to unnamed, faceless, and of the instrument, shall be of a like
unelected individuals. The Constitution permanent and abiding nature. On the
entrusts to the people the power to other hand, the significance of the term
directly propose amendments to the “amendment” implies such an addition or
Constitution. This Court trusts the change within the lines of the original
wisdom of the people even if the instrument as will effect an improvement,
members of this Court do not personally or better carry out the purpose for which
know the people who sign the petition. it was framed. (Emphasis supplied)
However, this trust emanates from a Revision broadly implies a change that
fundamental assumption: the full text of alters a basic principle in the constitution,
the proposed amendment is first shown like altering the principle of separation of
to the people before they sign the powers or the system of checks-and
petition, not after they have signed the balances. There is also revision if the
petition. change alters the substantial entirety of
There can be no mistake about it. the constitution, as when the change
The framers of the Constitution intended, affects substantial provisions of the
and wrote, a clear distinction between constitution. On the other hand,
“amendment” and “revision” of the amendment broadly refers to a change
Constitution. The framers intended, and that adds, reduces, or deletes without
wrote, that only Congress or a altering the basic principle involved.
constitutional convention may propose Revision generally affects several
revisions to the Constitution. The framers provisions of the constitution, while
intended, and wrote, that a people’s amendment generally affects only the
initiative may propose only amendments specific provision being amended.
to the Constitution. Where the intent and In California where the initiative
language of the Constitution clearly clause allows amendments but not
withhold from the people the power to revisions to the constitution just like in
propose revisions to the Constitution, the our Constitution, courts have developed a
people cannot propose revisions even as two-part test: the quantitative test and
they are empowered to propose the qualitative test. The quantitative test
amendments. asks whether the proposed change is “so
Similarly, in this jurisdiction there extensive in its provisions as to change
can be no dispute that a people’s initiative directly the ‘substantial entirety’ of the
can only propose amendments to the constitution by the deletion or alteration
Constitution since the Constitution itself of numerous existing provisions.” The
limits initiatives to amendments. There court examines only the number of
can be no deviation from the provisions affected and does not consider
constitutionally prescribed modes of the degree of the change. The qualitative
revising the Constitution. A popular test inquires into the qualitative effects of
clamor, even one backed by 6.3 million the proposed change in the constitution.
signatures, cannot justify a deviation from The main inquiry is whether the change
the specific modes prescribed in the will “accomplish such far reaching
Constitution itself. changes in the nature of our basic
Courts have long recognized the governmental plan as to amount to a
distinction between an amendment and a revision.” Whether there is an alteration in
revision of a constitution. One of the the structure of government is a proper
earliest cases that recognized the subject of inquiry. Thus, “a change in the
distinction described the fundamental nature of [the] basic governmental plan”
difference in this manner: [T]he very term includes change in its fundamental
“constitution” implies an instrument of a framework or the fundamental powers of
permanent and abiding nature, and the its Branches.” A change in the nature of
provisions contained therein for its the basic governmental plan also includes
revision indicate the will of the people changes that “jeopardize the traditional
fact that the two (2) alternatives are to submit proposed amendments for
connected in the Constitution by the ratification in general elections.
disjunctive "or." Such basis is, however, a It would be better, from the
weak one, in the absence of other viewpoint of a thorough discussion of the
circumstances — and none has been proposed amendments, that the same be
brought to our attention — supporting submitted to the people's approval
the conclusion drawn by the amicus independently of the election of public
curiae. In fact, the term "or" has, officials. And there is no denying the fact
oftentimes, been held to mean "and," or that an adequate appraisal of the merits
vice-versa, when the spirit or context of and demerits of proposed amendments is
the law warrants it. likely to be overshadowed by the great
It is also noteworthy that R.B.H. attention usually commanded by the
Nos. 1 and 3 propose amendments to the choice of personalities involved in general
constitutional provisions on Congress, to elections, particularly when provincial
be submitted to the people for ratification and municipal officials are to be chosen.
on November 14, 1967, whereas R.B.H. No. But, then, these considerations are
2 calls for a convention in 1971, to addressed to the wisdom of holding a
consider proposals for amendment to the plebiscite simultaneously with the
Constitution, in general. In other words, election of public officers. They do not
the subject- matter of R.B.H. No. 2 is deny the authority of Congress to choose
different from that of R.B.H. Nos. 1 and 3. either alternative, as implied in the term
Moreover, the amendments proposed "election" used, without qualification, in
under R.B.H. Nos. 1 and 3, will be the above-quoted provision of the
submitted for ratification several years Constitution. Such authority becomes
before those that may be proposed by the even more patent when we consider: (1)
constitutional convention called in R.B.H. that the term "election," normally refers to
No. 2. Again, although the three (3) the choice or selection of candidates to
resolutions were passed on the same public office by popular vote; and (2) that
date, they were taken up and put to a vote the word used in Article V of the
separately, or one after the other. In other Constitution concerning the grant of
words, they were not passed at the same suffrage to women is, not "election," but
time. "Plebiscite."
In any event, we do not find, either Petitioners maintain that the term
in the Constitution, or in the history "election," as used in Section 1 of Art. XV
thereof, anything that would negate the of the Constitution, should be construed
contested of different Congresses to as meaning a special election Some
approve the contested Resolutions, or of members of the Court even feel that said
the same Congress to pass the same in term ("election") refers to a "plebiscite,"
different sessions or different days of the without any "election," general or special,
same congressional session. And, neither of public officers. They opine that
has any plausible reason been advanced constitutional amendments are, in
to justify the denial of authority to adopt general, if not always, of such importance,
said resolutions on the same day. if not transcendental and vital nature as
Ratification of the constitution to demand that the attention of the
may be held simultaneously in a general people be focused exclusively on the
election. There is in this provision nothing subject-matter thereof, so that their votes
to indicate that the "election" therein thereon may reflect no more than their
referred to is a "special," not a general intelligent, impartial and considered view
election. The circumstance that three on the merits of the proposed
previous amendments to the Constitution amendments, unimpaired, or, at least,
had been submitted to the people for undiluted by extraneous, if not insidious
ratification in special elections merely factors, let alone the partisan political
shows that Congress deemed it best to do considerations that are likely to affect the
so under the circumstances then selection of elective officials.
obtaining. It does not negate its authority
27, 1981. In the Batasang Pambansa Blg. 22, sovereignty is the power to do
the date of the plebiscite is set for April 7, anything without accountability
1981. It is thus within the 90-day period ● Even without Section 2 of Article
provided by the Constitution. Thus any 17, the people can change their
argument to the contrary is unavailing. constitution but Section 2 article
17 only clips the power of the
people in changing the
SECTION 2. Amendments to this Constitution by only proposing
Constitution may likewise be directly amendments to the Constitution
proposed by the people through
initiative upon a petition of at least WHAT ARE THE CONSTITUTIONAL
twelve per centum of the total number REQUIREMENTS FOR A VALID
of registered voters, of which every EXERCISE OF THE RIGHT OF
legislative district must be INITIATIVE TO PROPOSE
represented by at least three per AMENDMENTS TO THE
centum of the registered voters CONSTITUTION?
therein. No amendment under this 1. The petition must be signed by at
section shall be authorized within five least 12% of the total number of
years following the ratification of this registered voters and every
Constitution nor oftener than once legislative district shall be shall be
every five years thereafter. represented by at least 3 % of the
registered voters in that legislative
The Congress shall provide for the district
implementation of the exercise of this 2. There must be an implementing
right. legislation
vote of two-thirds of all its Members, LEGISLATION TODAY?
call a constitutional convention, or by ● YES. RA No. 6735.
a majority vote of all its Members, ● While the Supreme Court in
submit to the electorate the question Santiago v. COMELEC categorically
of calling such a convention declared RA 6735 as insufficient in
order to implement the right of
TWO MODES OF CALLING A initiative the proposed
CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION? amendments to the Constitution,
1. 2/3 vote of all the members of in the Resolution of the Supreme
Congress; or Court in Lambino v. COMELEC the
2. Majority vote of all its members Court noted that 10 Justices of the
and refer to the people the Supreme Court in their separate
question of calling such concurring opinion voted that RA
constitutional convention 6735 is sufficient. While in the
body of the majority decision the
CAN WE SAY THAT SECTION 2 OF ponentia did not tackle anymore
ARTICLE 17 GIVES THE PEOPLE POWER the sufficiency of RA 6735 because
TO PROPOSE AMENDMENTS TO THE in the majority opinion, the
CONSTITUTION? Supreme Court said that there is
● NO. Section 2 of Article 17 did not no need to revisit the Santiago
give the people a power but limits ruling because the question can be
the power of the people because resolved merely by determining
the power to change the the nature of the proposal whether
Constitution is inherent in the it is an amendment or revision.
people as they are the source of Since it has already declared that it
sovereignty itself. The is a revision, there is no need to
quintessential essence of determine whether RA 6735 is
sufficient or insufficient.
ISSUE: Does the President possess the members of the National Assembly. In
power to propose amendments to the times of transition, amendments may be
Constitution as well as set up the proposed by a majority vote of all the
required machinery and prescribe the members of the interim National
procedure for the ratification of his Assembly upon special call by the interim
proposal, in the absence of an interim Prime Minister.
National Assembly? This Court in Aquino v. COMELEC
had already settled that the incumbent
HELD: The amending process, both as to President is vested with that prerogative
proposal and ratification, raises a judicial of discretion as to when he shall initially
question. This is especially true in cases convene the interim National Assembly.
where the power of the Presidency to In general, the governmental
initiate the amending process by powers in crisis government—the
proposals of amendments, a function Philippines is a crisis government
normally exercised by the legislature, is today—are more or less concentrated in
seriously doubted. the President. According to Rossiter,
What is in the heels of the Court is “(t)he concentration of government power
not the wisdom of the act of the in a democracy faced by an emergency is
incumbent President in proposing a corrective to the crisis inefficiencies
amendments to the Constitution, but his inherent in the doctrine of the separation
constitutional authority to perform such of powers. x x x There are moments in the
act or assume the power of a constituent life of any government when all powers
assembly. Whether the amending process must work together in unanimity of
confers on the President that power to purpose and action, even if this means the
propose amendments is therefore a temporary union of executive, legislative,
downright justiciable question. and judicial power in the hands of one
Whether, therefore, that man. The more complete the separation
constitutional provision has been of powers in a constitutional system, the
followed or not is indisputably a proper more difficult and yet the more necessary
subject of inquiry, not by the people will be their fusion in time of crisis. x x x
themselves—of course—who exercise no The power of the state in crisis must not
power of judicial review, but by the only be concentrated and expanded; it
Supreme Court in whom the people must also be freed from the normal
themselves vested that power, a power system of constitutional and legal
which includes the competence to limitations.” x x x The rationale behind
determine whether the constitutional such broad emergency powers of the
norms for amendments have been Executive is the release of the
observed or not. And, this inquiry must be government from the “the paralysis of
done a priori not a posteriori, i.e., before constitutional restraints” so that the crisis
the submission to and ratification by the may be ended and normal times restored.
people. The presidential exercise of
—There are, therefore, two periods legislative powers in times of martial law
contemplated in the constitutional life of is now a conceded valid act. That sun
the nation, i.e., period of normalcy and clear authority of the President is saddled
period of transition. In times of normalcy, on Section 3 (pars. 1 and 2) of the
the amending process may be initiated by Transitory Provisions.
the proposals of the (1) regular National Would it then be within the
Assembly upon a vote of three-fourths of bounds of the Constitution and of law for
all its members; or (2) by a Constitutional the President to assume that constituent
Convention called by a vote of two-thirds power of the interim Assembly vis-a-vis
of all the Members of the National his assumption of that body’s legislative
Assembly. However the calling of a functions? The answer is yes. If the
Constitutional Convention may be President has been legitimately
submitted to the electorate in an election discharging the legislative functions of
voted upon by a majority vote of all the the interimAssembly, there is no reason
President shall cease upon the leading to a ceasefire status between the
suggestion. the Office of the parties. This was followed by the
president cannot set aside budget Implementing Guidelines on the
for the gathering of signatures Humanitarian Rehabilitation and
because this is now an Development Aspects of the Tripoli
interference on the initiative on Agreement 2001, which was signed on
the Constitution. (Province of May 7, 2002 at Putrajaya, Malaysia.
Cotabato v. GRP Peace Panel of Nonetheless, there were many incidence
Ancestral Domain) of violence between government forces
and the MILF from 2002 to 2003.
Meanwhile, then MILF Chairman Salamat
Hashim passed away on July 13, 2003 and
he was replaced by Al Haj Murad, who was
FACTS: When President Gloria then the chief peace negotiator of the
Macapagal-Arroyo assumed office, the MILF. Murad’s position as chief peace
military offensive against the MILF was negotiator was taken over by Mohagher
suspended and the government sought a Iqbal.
resumption of the peace talks. The MILF, In 2005, several exploratory talks
according to a leading MILF member, were held between the parties in Kuala
initially responded with deep reservation, Lumpur, eventually leading to the crafting
but when President Arroyo asked the of the draft MOA-AD in its final form,
Government of Malaysia through Prime which, as mentioned, was set to be signed
Minister Mahathir Mohammad to help last August 5, 2008. Before the Court is
convince the MILF to return to the what is perhaps the most contentious
negotiating table, the MILF convened its “consensus” ever embodied in an
Central Committee to seriously discuss instrument – the MOA-AD which is
the matter and, eventually, decided to assailed principally by the present
meet with the GRP. petitions bearing docket numbers 183591,
The parties met in Kuala Lumpur 183752, 183893, 183951 and 183962.
on March 24, 2001, with the talks being Commonly impleaded as respondents are
facilitated by the Malaysian government, the GRP Peace Panel on Ancestral Domain
the parties signing on the same date the and the Presidential Adviser on the Peace
Agreement on the General Framework for Process (PAPP) Hermogenes Esperon, Jr.
the Resumption of Peace Talks Between On July 23, 2008, the Province of North
the GRP and the MILF. The MILF Cotabato[and Vice-Governor Emmanuel
thereafter suspended all its military Piñol filed a petition, docketed as G.R. No.
actions. 183591, for Mandamus and Prohibition
Formal peace talks between the with Prayer for the Issuance of Writ of
parties were held in Tripoli, Libya from Preliminary Injunction and Temporary
June 20-22, 2001, the outcome of which Restraining Order. Invoking the right to
was the GRP-MILF Tripoli Agreement on information on matters of public concern,
Peace (Tripoli Agreement 2001) petitioners seek to compel respondents
containing the basic principles and to disclose and furnish them the complete
agenda on the following aspects of the and official copies of the MOA-AD
negotiation: Security Aspect, including its attachments, and to prohibit
Rehabilitation Aspect, and Ancestral the slated signing of the MOA-AD,
Domain Aspect. With regard to the pending the disclosure of the contents of
Ancestral Domain Aspect, the parties in the MOA-AD and the holding of a public
Tripoli Agreement 2001 simply agreed consultation thereon. Supplementarily,
“that the same be discussed further by petitioners pray that the MOA-AD be
the Parties in their next meeting.” declared unconstitutional. This initial
A second round of peace talks was petition was followed by several other
held in Cyberjaya, Malaysia on August 5-7, petitions by other parties. The Court
2001 which ended with the signing of the ordered the consolidation of the
Implementing Guidelines on the Security petitions.
Aspect of the Tripoli Agreement 2001
ninety days after the approval of such SUBMITTED TO THE PEOPLE FOR
amendment or revision. THEIR RATIFICATION
Any amendment under Section 2 ELECTION?
hereof shall be valid when ratified by a ● YES
majority of the votes cast in a
plebiscite which shall be held not HOW CAN WE RECONCILE THEN THE
earlier than sixty days nor later than WORD PLEBISCITE AND AS
ninety days after the certification by DISTINGUISHED FROM THE RULING OF
the Commission on Elections of the THE SUPREME COURT IN GONZALES
sufficiency of the petition. THAT THE CONSTITUTION DOES NOT
HOW ARE PROPOSED CHANGES TO ● The word plebiscite under Article
THE CONSTITUTION, WHETHER 17 should be interpreted to mean a
AMENDMENT OR REVISION RATIFIED? process. It is a process whereby a
● majority of the votes cast question is submitted to the
people for their approval or
rejection. The word plebiscite
ATTY GAB: Do not use majority of the under Section 4 of Article 17 does
registered voters because the not refer to a day. It refers to a
Constitution only requires that the process, the day of the holding of
proposal shall be valid when ratified by that process which is called
a majority of the votes cast plebiscite shall be held not earlier
than 60 days but not later than 90
CAN THE PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE days either after the approval if it
CONSTITUTION BE SUBMITTED TO is through Section 1 or a
SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH A GENERAL is through Section 2. Since it refers
ELECTION? to a process, not a day, there can
● YES. The proposed changes to the be two separate processes held in
Constitution can be submitted to the one day. Thus on the day of the
the people for their ratification election there is a special election
simultaneously with the general which is the plebiscite and a
election. (Gonzales v. COMELEC) general election. So on that day
● In Gonzales v. COMELEC, the SC every registered voter shall receive
said that the The Constitution two ballots. One for the election of
used the word election which can their representatives and another
either be special or general. The for the ratification of the
Constitution does not qualify. Constitution.
election in order to give the people HELD: The Court holds that there is, and
a proper frame of mind in making it is the condition and limitation that all
an intelligent decision the amendments to be proposed by the
● Another aspect of the doctrine in same Convention must be submitted to
proper submission which is the people in a single “election” or
already constitutional lies is that plebiscite.
the people shall be given sufficient In order that a plebiscite for the
time to study the proposal. It is ratification of an amendment to the
already institutionalized because Constitution may be validly held, it must
Section 4 of Article 3 specifies the provide the voter not only sufficient time
date which is not earlier than 60 but ample basis for an intelligent appraisal
days but not later than 90 days of the nature of the amendment per se as
well as its relation to the other parts of
the Constitution with which it has to form
a harmonious whole. In the context of the
FACTS: A Constitutional Convention was present state of things, where the
called upon to propose amendments to Convention has hardly started
the Constitution of the Philippines, in considering the merits of hundreds, if not
which, the delegates to the said thousands, of proposals to amend the
Convention were all elected under and by existing Constitution, to present to the
virtue of resolutions and the people any single proposal or a few of
implementing legislation thereof, them cannot comply with this
Republic Act 6132. The Convention requirement. Under Section 1, Article XV
approved Organic Resolution No. 1, of the Constitution, a proposal to
amending section one of article 5 of the amendment the Constitution should be
Constitution of the Philippines so as to submitted to the people not separately
lower the voting age to 18. Said resolution from but together with all the other
also provided in its Section 3 that the amendments to be proposed by this
partial amendment, which refers only to present Convention.
the age qualification for the exercise of
suffrage shall be without prejudice to SUPPOSING THE CONSTITUTIONAL
other amendments that will be proposed CONVENTION SUBMITS ALL THE
in the future by the 1971 Constitutional PROPOSED AMENDMENTS OR
Convention on other portions of the REVISIONS TO THE CONSTITUTION
amended Section or on other portions of ALL AT ONCE TO THE PEOPLE IN A
the entire Constitution. PLEBISCITE FOR THAT PURPOSE. CAN
The main thrust of the petition is THE PEOPLE CHOOSE WHAT
that Organic Resolution No. 1 and the PROPOSAL TO REJECT AND WHAT THE
other implementing resolutions thereof PROPOSAL TO RATIFY? OR IS IT A YES
subsequently approved by the Convention TO ALL OR NO TO ALL? CAN THE
have no force and effect as laws insofar as PEOPLE PARTIALLY APPROVED
they are in contravention to Section 1 PARTIALLY REJECT THE PROPOSAL?
Article XV of the Constitution. Under the ● It depends on the nature of the
said provision, the proposed amendment proposal.
in question cannot be presented to the ● There are two kinds of formal
people for ratification separately from changes to the Constitution either
each and all of the other amendments to amendment or revision and the
be drafted and proposed by the difference is that an amendment is
Convention. a piecemeal isolated change while
a revision is a complete overhaul of
ISSUE: Is there any limitation or the Constitution. If the proposal is
condition in Section 1 of Article XV of the just an amendment and an
Constitution which is violated by the act amendment is an isolated change
of the Convention of calling for a to the Constitution the people can
plebiscite on the sole amendment choose what proposal to ratify. But
contained in Organic Resolution No. 1?