SKF Large Diameter Seals Insert
SKF Large Diameter Seals Insert
SKF Large Diameter Seals Insert
The SKF brand now stands for more 3 Large diameter seals 26 Installing large diameter seals
than ever before, and means more 3 A wide range of sealing solutions 26 Metal-reinforced seals
to you as a valued customer. for heavy industries 26 Seals without metal reinforcement
27 Installing split seals
While SKF maintains its leadership 4 Metal-cased seals 28 Cover plates
as the hallmark of quality bearings 4 General 28 Multiple HS seal installations
throughout the world, new dimensions 4 HDS7 29 Multiple HDS seal installations
in technical advances, product support 4 HDL seals 29 Installing PTFE seals
and services have evolved SKF into 5 HDS1, HDS2 and HDS3
a truly solutions-oriented supplier, 6 HDSA, HDSB and HDSC seals 30 Customized sealing solutions
creating greater value for customers. 7 HDSD and HDSE seals 30 Size options of HDS metal-cased seals
8 Additional design options 31 Size options of HS seals
These solutions encompass ways to
bring greater productivity to customers, 9 Rubber outside diameter seals 32 Large diameter wear sleeves
not only with breakthrough application- 9 General 32 General
specific products, but also through 9 SBF metal-inserted seals 33 Designs and features
leading-edge design simulation tools 10 HDS4 and HDS6 metal-inserted seals 33 Using LDSLV designs
and consultancy services, plant asset 11 HSF fabric-reinforced seals 33 Installation
efficiency maintenance programmes, 12 HS all-rubber seals 33 Removal
and the industry’s most advanced 12 HS solid seals
supply management techniques. 13 HS split seals 34 Product tables
The SKF brand still stands for the very 14 Additional design features 116 SKF – the knowledge engineering
best in rolling bearings, but it now 14 Spring connections company
stands for much more. 14 Spacer lugs
15 SKF Springlock
SKF – the knowledge engineering 15 SKF Springcover
company 15 Bore-Tite
22 Shaft requirements
22 General
22 Tolerances
22 Surface roughness
23 Surface finish
23 Hardness and surface treatment
23 Lead-in chamfers
Large diameter seals
Metal-cased seals
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
A selection of available sizes can be found
in the product tables starting on page 40.
Contact your SKF sales representative for
additional information on availability.
Fig. 5
and HDSC seals
The HDSA, HDSB and HDSC seals are designed
with an auxiliary lip in addition to the sealing
lip († fig. 6–8). They are generally used
where additional protection from contamin-
ants is needed and where there is insufficient
space for more than one seal. The chamfer of
the auxiliary lip of HDSA seals faces the seal-
ing lip, allowing easier shaft installation from
the direction of the sealing lip. The chamfer
of the auxiliary lip of HDSB seals faces away
from the sealing lip, allowing easier shaft
installation from the back, with the downside
of somewhat reduced exclusion ability. The Fig. 6
auxiliary lip of HDSC seals is located in front
of the sealing lip with its chamfer facing the
sealing lip to provide maximum exclusion
The types HDSA2, HDSB2 and HDSC2
are designed with an SKF Springcover and
the HDSA1, HDSB1, HDSC1 without an SKF
Springcover († fig. 29, page 15).
The HDSA, HDSB and HDSC seals can also
be equipped with an elastomer applied to the
metal outside diameter, see page 8 for further
All HDSA, HDSB and HDSC seals are avail- HDSA1
able in nitrile rubber, Duralip, SKF DURATEMP
or LongLife. For shaft sizes up to 1 190 mm Fig. 7
(47 in), the standard auxiliary lip is made of
The seals are available on a made-to-order
basis for all shaft sizes within the ranges stated
in table 8, page 30. See also the product
tables starting on page 62 for a selection
of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales
representative for additional information
on availability.
Fig. 8
HDSD and HDSE seals
The HDSD seals († fig. 9) are designed with
two sealing lips facing opposite directions.
These seals are typically used in applications
where two fluids must be kept separated.
When using an HDSD seal, it is very impor-
tant to provide a means to lubricate the seal-
ing lips, i.e. the cavity between the sealing lips
must be filled with grease prior to installation
or during operation via lubrication holes
drilled through the metal case into the cavity.
The HDSE seals († fig. 10) feature two
sealing lips facing the same direction. They
are typically used when a back-up seal other
wise would be needed for retention or exclu-
sion purposes. As with the HDSD seals, a
means of lubrication between the sealing lips
is necessary for a proper sealing function.
The HDSD and HDSE seals are available
with an SKF Springcover (HDSD2, HDSE2) or
without an SKF Springcover (HDSD1, HDSE1),
(† fig. 29, page 15). All of them are available
in nitrile rubber, Duralip, SKF DURATEMP or
HDSE seals can also be equipped with a
PTFE auxiliary lip positioned and directed in
either of the three ways shown in fig. 11–13
on page 8.
The HDSD and HDSE seals are available on
a made-to-order basis for all shaft sizes with-
in the ranges stated in table 8, page 30. See
also the product tables starting on page 68
for a selection of available sizes. Contact your
SKF sales representative for additional infor-
mation on availability.
Fig. 9 Fig. 10
Additional design options Fig. 11
Fig. 14
Rubber outside diameter seals
General Fig. 15
HDS4 and HDS6 Fig. 16
metal-inserted seals
The HDS4 seals († fig. 16) feature a patented
moulded-in garter spring that cannot be dis-
placed during difficult installation. The seals
provide very good oil retention while minimizing
wear on the shaft. HDS4 seals are used in, for
example, the high-speed applications found in
the pulp and paper industry. The HDS6 seals
(† fig. 17) feature a springless version and
are designed for grease retention and con-
taminant exclusion. Both types are available
in nitrile rubber as standard. They are also
available in any of the sealing lip materials
used for the metal-cased HDS seals.
Both the HDS4 and the HDS6 seals are
equipped with moulded 12,7 mm (0.5 in)
spacer lugs that can be trimmed or removed HDS4
if necessary.
Contact your SKF sales representative for Fig. 17
information on availability.
HSF fabric-reinforced Fig. 18
The spring-loaded HSF seal series consists
of the HSF5, HSF6, HSF7 and HSF8 solid seal
types and their split versions HSF1, HSF2,
HSF3 and HSF4 († fig. 18–20). There is also
a pressure profile type, HSF9, in solid version
only. These seals are mainly used in heavy-
duty applications like gear drives, propeller
shafts, cold and hot mill work rolls, pumps,
paper machinery, etc.
The HSF5, HSF6 and HSF7 types have a HSF5 (solid)
strong, flexible fabric-reinforced rubber back HSF1 (split)
instead of a metal case. The HSF5 is the basic
single-lip type. Type HSF6 adds radial lubrica- Fig. 19
tion grooves in the back of the seal and the
HSF7 adds a circumferential lubrication groove.
The HSF4 and HSF8 types are designed with
an auxiliary lip for additional protection
against contaminants.
Threaded spring connections are standard
for all HSF seals († fig. 26a, page 14). For
the split versions, a hook-and-eye connection
can also be specified († fig. 26b, page 14).
All HSF seals are finished oversize to the
housing bore to allow proper compression and
stability. A cover plate is required to properly HSF6 (solid)
install and apply all HSF seals († fig. 37–38, HSF2 (split)
page 28). The plate creates an axial preload
to provide reliable static sealing performance. Fig. 20
The plate should also be designed to avoid
seal distortion during installation. HSF seals
are available in nitrile rubber, hydrogenated
nitrile rubber and fluoro rubber materials.
A selection of available HSF seal sizes can
be found in the product tables starting on
page 72. Contact your SKF sales representa-
tive for additional information on availability.
HSF7 (solid)
HSF3 (split)
HS all-rubber seals HS solid seals
The HS seals, available in solid and split exe- The range of standard solid HS seals starts
cutions, are all-rubber seals, designed with- at 203 mm (8 in) shaft size but does not have
out any reinforcement. The seals are finished an upper size limit.
oversize to the housing bore to allow proper Type HS4 († fig. 21) is an all-rubber solid
compression and stability. A cover plate seal, designed with a spring-loaded sealing
(† fig. 37–38, page 28) is required to lip. It features an SKF Springlock († fig. 28,
compress the seal within the cavity, helping page 15) and is recommended for vertical
to stabilize the seal, close the split joint (if any) and horizontal shafts. For proper fit, a cover
and prevent leakage. plate is required († fig. 37–38, page 28).
A garter spring located in the SKF Spring- Type HS5 († fig. 22) has the same design
lock groove († fig. 28, page 15) provides as type HS4 with the addition of an SKF
the appropriate radial load against the shaft. Springcover († fig. 29, page 15) to hold
The HS seals are available in nitrile rubber, the spring in place during installation and
Duralip, SKF DURATEMP or LongLife on a to protect it against contaminants.
made-to-order basis for all shaft sizes within Both types have a threaded spring connec-
the ranges stated in table 9, page 31. See tion († fig. 26a, page 14).
also product tables starting on page 98 for
a selection of available sizes. Contact your
SKF sales representative for additional
information on availability.
Fig. 21 Fig. 22
HS split seals The HS7 seal († fig. 24), designed for Type HS8 († fig. 25) is designed with a
grease lubrication only, has a spring-loaded spring-loaded sealing lip, an SKF Springlock,
In applications where shaft removal is imprac- sealing lip and is equipped with both an an SKF Springcover († fig. 29, page 15) and
tical, HS all-rubber split seals are an excellent SKF Springlock and an SKF Springcover a hook-and-eye spring connection († fig. 26b,
choice. They are simply placed around the († fig. 28–29, page 15). A control-wire page 14). The spring is entirely enclosed except
shaft and pushed into the housing bore with spring connector is used to join the two ends for a small portion on either side of the split.
the split placed at the 12 o’clock position. The of the seal together († fig. 26c, page 14). The HS8 seal provides the most effective seal-
seals are then held firmly by a cover plate that The spring is completely enclosed and the ing performance of all the split seal types and
compresses the split joint together. connection is made by running the control is the preferred design for retaining low viscos-
HS split seals perform best with grease or wire into the centre of the spring coil across ity lubricants and for water exclusion. Type HS8
heavy lubricants, but also with light lubricants the split (butt joint). Spring tension to hold performs best on horizontal shafts, but may
if the level of lubricant is kept well below the the sealing lip on the shaft is built-in at the also be used on vertical shafts if not flooded
shaft centre line, which is particularly impor- factory. For proper fit, a cover plate is required. with lubricant. For proper fit, a cover plate is
tant at considerable surface speeds. Split Due to the unique design that permits easier required.
seals are preferably installed on horizontal installation, please note that a gap may occur at
shafts, but installation on vertical shafts is the joint even after the cover plate is installed.
also possible in grease lubricated applications. Special attention is necessary to place at the
Type HS6 († fig. 23) is designed with a 12 o’clock position during installation. Type
spring-loaded sealing lip and an SKF Spring- HS7 does not have the high performance
lock († fig. 28, page 15). The HS6 seal characteristics as other HS types, but it is
features a separate loose spring and a hook- the easiest to install.
and-eye spring connection unless otherwise
specified († fig. 26b, page 14). For proper
fit, a cover plate is required († fig. 37–38,
page 28).
Fig. 23
Fig. 24 Fig. 25
Additional design features
Spring connections ing the user to adjust lug widths on-site Table 1
to suit the application requirements.
Number of spacer lugs needed
There are different ways to connect the All standard adjustable lugs are now
stainless steel garter springs of the HS and 9,5 mm (0.375 in) in diameter and 9,5 mm Spacer Seal outside diameter
HSF seals. A threaded spring connection (0.375 in) in width. They can be adjusted to from incl from incl
(† fig. 26a) is used for the solid HS types smaller widths in 1,6 mm (0.063 in) incre-
as well as for all HSF types unless otherwise ments by removing the steel washers. The – mm in
specified. A hook-and-eye spring connection lugs may also be removed entirely. Longer,
(† fig. 26b) is used for the HS6 and HS8 adjustable lugs, with a width of 12,7 mm 4 762 30
seals. The special control-wire connection (0.5 in), are available on request, but it can
6 762 1 143 30 45
(† fig. 26c) is only available for HS7 and be more difficult to reduce their width.
should not be used for oil lubricated Certain small seal cross sections may 8 1 143 45
applications. require special narrow diameter lugs,
5,3 mm (0.210 in), with a width range
of 1,6 to 3,2 mm (0.063 to 0.125 in)
Spacer lugs The lugs are placed around the heel of
the seal in four, six or eight equally spaced
Spacer lugs may be furnished on all metal- locations, depending on the seal’s outside
cased designs to separate seals in multiple diameter († table 1).
installations and to provide space for sealing Fixed lugs are available for HDL seals
lip lubrication († fig. 27). on request.
Traditional fixed-width lugs for metal-cased
HDS seals are 9,5 mm (0.375 in) in diameter
and are available in widths from 3,2 mm
(0.125 in) to 12,7 mm (0.5 in) in increments
of 1,6 mm (0.063 in). The fixed-width lug is
an available option for all metal-cased seals
except for the HDS3. All HDS3 seals are sup-
plied as standard with adjustable lugs, allow-
Fig. 26 Fig 27
SKF Springlock Bore-Tite
SKF Springlock is a sealing lip feature that Bore-Tite is a water-based acrylic sealant
surrounds 270° of the garter spring’s diam- available on most SKF metal-cased seals.
eter († fig. 28). The SKF Springlock helps The sealant is used as a coating on the out-
hold the spring in position during installation side diameter of the seal († fig. 30). The
and removal. It is standard on all HS seals and Bore-Tite layer is pliable with a thickness of
the spring-loaded, metal-cased HDS seals. 0,03 to 0,07 mm (0.0012 to 0.0028 in) to
help accommodate small imperfections in the
housing bore surface. Bore-Tite can be used
SKF Springcover at temperatures up to +200 °C (+390 °F) and
is compatible with most oils, greases, aqueous
In applications where dirt, water or other acids and alkalis, alcohols and glycols. Please
contaminants may pose serious problems note that Bore-Tite is not compatible with
or where vibrations could displace the spring, aromatics, ketones and esters. Incidental
an SKF Springcover can be specified. SKF contact with these substances will, however,
Springcover is a flexible covering over the have little or no effect if wiped off quickly.
exposed portion of the stainless steel garter
spring († fig. 29). It protects the spring with-
out adversely affecting the spring’s capability.
Sealing lip materials
Duralip (D)
Table 2 Duralip is a carboxylated nitrile rubber (XNBR)
developed by SKF, combining the good techni-
SKF sealing lip materials
cal properties of nitrile rubber with an increased
Composition of basic material
Designation according to resistance to wear († diagram 1, page 18).
SKF ISO 16291
ASTM1) D1418
It is mainly used for large diameter seals.
Seals made of this material should be chosen
when abrasive contaminants like sand, soil
Acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (nitrile rubber) R, RG NBR
and scale could reach the seal counterface
Hydrogenated acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber H HNBR on the shaft.
Polytetrafluoroethylene T PTFE
American Society for Testing and Materials
SKF DURATEMP (H) Polytetrafluoroethylene
SKF DURATEMP is a hydrogenated nitrile
rubber (HNBR) developed by SKF, combining PTFE is a thermoplastic polymer. Its chemical
the wear resistance of Duralip with increased resistance is far superior to that of any other
high-temperature resistance († diagram seal material and it is compatible with a wide
1–2, page 18). SKF DURATEMP is also more range of lubricants. PTFE has a smooth dirt-
resistant to chemical attack, weather, ageing resistant surface. Seals with PTFE lip ele-
and ozone. Mixtures of oil in air may have a ments can accommodate high surface speeds
negative effect. The upper operating tempera and offer extended service life. The seals can
ture limit is +150 °C (+300 °F), which is sig- tolerate dry running and are particularly valu-
nificantly higher than that of ordinary nitrile able in highly contaminated applications thanks
rubber. SKF DURATEMP is mainly used for to their excellent exclusion ability. PTFE is used
large diameter seals in demanding applica- for auxiliary seal elements or for primary seal-
tions or where extended service life is ing lips for special applications. For optimum
required. performance, PTFE seal elements require a
high-quality seal counterface and extra care
during installation. The operating temperature
LongLife (V) range extends from –70 to +200 °C (–90 to
+390 °F) and may go up to +260 °C (+500 °F).
The fluoro rubber (FKM) compound LongLife
is developed by SKF and is characterized by IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTE: At temperatures
its very good wear, thermal and chemical above +300 °C (+570 °F), all fluoro elastom-
resistance. Its resistance to weather and ers and PTFE compounds give off dangerous
ageing from UV light and ozone is also very fumes. This can occur, for example, if a weld-
good and its gas permeability is very slight. ing torch is used when removing a bearing.
The compound LongLife has exceptionally Although the fumes are only produced at such
good properties even under harsh environ- high temperatures, once heated, the seals will
mental conditions and can withstand operat- be dangerous to handle even when they have
ing temperatures of up to +200 °C (+390 °F). cooled down.
The material is also resistant to oils and If it is necessary to handle PTFE or fluoro
hydraulic fluids, fuels and lubricants, mineral elastomer seals that have been subjected to
acids and aliphatics as well as aromatic hydro- the high temperatures mentioned, the follow-
carbons that would cause seals made of many ing safety precautions should be observed:
other materials to fail. Seals made of LongLife
can also tolerate dry running of the lip for short • Protective goggles and gloves should always
periods. The seals should not be used in the be worn.
presence of esters, ethers, ketones, certain • The remains of seals should be put in an
amines and hot anhydrous hydrofluorides. airtight plastic container marked “Material
Because of the compound’s valuable proper- will etch”.
ties, SKF produces metal-cased seals with • Comply with the safety precautions included
sealing lips made of LongLife for all common in the material safety data sheet.
shaft diameters from 203 mm to 1 575 mm
(8 to 62 in) and all-rubber types for even If there is contact with your skin, this should
larger diameters. be washed with soap and plenty of water.
Wash your eyes with plenty of water if these
materials get into your eye. A doctor should
always be consulted. This also applies if, dur-
ing heating of the seals, the fumes have been
Diagram 1
Wear resistance
Nitrile rubber
Diagram 2
Nitrile rubber
Seal selection
SKF large diameter seals are produced in a
wide range of different designs and materials
to meet the demands of each application.
To simplify the seal selection, table 3 can
be used as a general recommendation.
See also matrix 1 on page 20–21.
Table 3
General machinery Rolling mills, metals Industrial gearboxes Special machinery
Industrial gearboxes Hot strip mills General machinery Crushers, shredders,
Cold rolled plate mills Rolling mills, paper bailers, etc.
Industrial gearboxes mills
Type General purpose Water/scale exclusion High speed High Dynamic Runout (DRO) or
Shaft-To-Bore Misalignment (STBM)
> 25,4 m/s
> 5000 ft/min
HDS1–3, HDSD–E 3 2 x 2
HDS4, 6 2 2 3 2
HDS7 2 3 x x
HDSA–C 3 2 x 3
HDL 2 2 3 3
HS4–8 2 x 2 3
SBF, HSF 3 1 x x
Large diameter radial shaft seals, permissible operating conditions
Standard design Other basic designs Material Operating temperature range Pressure
(preferred design) code differential
– – – °C °F MPa (psi)
Matrix 1
Shaft-to-bore Runout Maximum shaft Ease of installation Ability to seal low viscosity
misalignment (dynamic eccentricity surface speed lubricants and exclude water
of shaft)
1,6 2,4 25 (>5 000) Excellent Highly effective exclusion of water and solid
(0.062) (0.093) depending on the contaminants and excellent retention of grease.
operating conditions
2,5 2,4 24 (>4 700) Good Excellent, including retention of light oils
(0.1) (0.093) 25 (>5 000) at high surface speeds and misalignment.
35 (>7 000)
1,5 2,4 25 (>5 000) Excellent Excellent for oil or grease retention.
(0.06) (0.093)
1,6 2,4 25 (>5 000) HDS2, HDS3, Excellent for oil or grease retention.
(0.062) (0.093) HDS4: Excellent
HDS1: Good
1,6 2,4 25 (>5 000) Excellent to good, HDSA/B: Excellent for oil or grease retention and
(0.062) (0.093) varies with exclusion of light to moderate contamination.
equipment design. HDSC: Good grease retention, increased
protection against contamination.
1,6 2,4 25 (>5 000) HDSD2, HDSE2: Excellent HDSD: Excellent for oil or grease retention with
(0.062) (0.093) HDSD1, HDSE1: Good exclusion of light to moderate contamination or
separation of two media.
HDSE: Good grease retention, increased protection
against contamination.
1,6 2,4 HS6: 10 (2 000) HS6: Fair HS6, HS8: Good to excellent for oil or
(0.062) (0.093) HS7: 7,5 (1 500) HS7: Excellent grease retention
HS8: 10 (2 000) HS8: Good HS7: Good (grease only)
Shaft requirements
Fig. 31 Table 4
mm µm
failure. If the counterface is too rough, there Table 5
will be excessive sealing lip wear and seal
Counterface tolerances for inch size shafts
service life will be shortened. If the value Rpm
is exceeded the seal will leak or excessive seal Shaft diameter Diameter tolerance (RMA 0S-4)
Nominal Deviation
lip wear may occur. d1
over incl. high low
Surface finish in in
Housing bore requirements
To be sure that the seal can be installed The surface roughness (to ISO 4288 or B
without damaging it, the housing bore DIN 4768) of the housing bore should be kept B1
should have a 15 to 30° lead-in chamfer. within the limits specified below. These limits
The transition should be free from burrs apply for radial shaft seals with a rubber out-
and the transition r between the seal seating side diameter, or a metal case coated with r
and the shoulder should be in accordance Bore-Tite.
with the recommendations in table 7.
D H8
The depth of a metric housing bore B for Ra 1,6 to 6,3 µm (64 to 252 µin)
metal-cased or metal-inserted seals should Rz 10 to 25 µm (400 to 1 000 µin)
be at least 0,3 mm (0.012 in) larger than the Rmax 25 µm (1 000 µin)
nominal seal width b († fig. 32). The corre-
sponding values for an inch housing bore B For seals with a metal case without Bore-Tite
are 0.016 in (0,4 mm). The cylindrical section or similar coating, the limits are
of the bore B1 should have a width of at least HS/HSF Metal-reinforced
0,85 b. Ra 0,8 to 3,2 µm (32 to 128 µin)
Seals without metal-reinforcement are fin- Rz 6,3 to 10 µm (252 to 400 µin)
ished oversize to the housing bore to enable Rmax 10 µm (400 µin) B1 0,85 b 0,85 b
B b b + 0,3
proper compression and stability. The actual
seal width is approximately 0,4 to 0,8 mm
b = nominal seal width
(0.016 to 0.032 in) wider than the bore depth
B. For all-rubber HS seals, the bore depth tol-
erance should be ±0,13 mm (0.005 in) and
±0,10 mm (0.004 in) for the fabric-reinforced
Housing bore recommendations
HSF seals.
Recesses in the housing shoulder A that
must be considered during the design stage,
can greatly facilitate removal of a seal from its
housing bore; see figure in table 7.
The housing bore diameter D should be
machined to tolerance H8, († table 7).
Out-of-roundness should be 1 to 2 tolerance
grades better than H8, depending on the
operating conditions.
Table 7
D H8
Housing bore for metric seals Housing bore for inch-size seals
mm µm mm in in in
Installing large diameter seals
5 3 8
2 1
7 4 6 Type HS seals in
tandem arrange-
ment for maxi-
mum lubricant
Installing split seals Fig. 36
Cover plates The washer width must be determined with
reference to the conditions but should always
All HS and HSF seal types, split and solid, are be such that lubrication holes can be provided
finished oversize to the housing bore to allow in the circumference, or lubrication grooves in
proper compression and stability. The end one side face to permit grease to be supplied
user is required to fabricate and use a cover from the housing to the sealing lips via a
plate for a proper fit († fig. 37–38). The cov- drilled passage and grease fitting († fig. 42).
er plate provides axial compression and sup- When determining washer width and the
plements a radial press fit to achieve maxi- depth of the housing bore, it is also necessary
mum seal performance. It should be thick to take into consideration the axial displace-
enough not to bend or distort. Generally, ment required when clamping the seals.
a thickness of 6,35 to 12,7 mm (0.250
to 0.500 in) is sufficient.
The plate should be fastened with bolts,
no more than 150 mm (6 in) apart, on a bolt
circle located as close to the seal housing bore
as practical. The cover plate should be flat and
the housing bore depth uniform. Splitting the
cover plate at 180° will make seal replace-
ment easier, particularly in confined areas.
To block surges of lubricant towards the
seal from the inside and to protect the seal
from damage from the outside, it is recom-
mended that the cover plate inside diameter
be as close as practical to the shaft. Generally,
Cover plate Fig. 37
6,35 mm (0.250 in) greater than shaft diam-
eter is sufficient to accommodate shaft-to-
bore misalignment and runout. New seal cavity plate
In applications where supplementary seal-
ing is necessary, and it is impractical to machine
the original housing to provide a seal cavity, Seal retaining cover plate
a seal cavity can be incorporated into a new
plate that is bolted into place as illustrated Sealing element
(† fig. 37–38).
Multiple HS seal
installations 6,35 – 12,7 mm
Multiple HDS seal Fig. 39 Fig. 40
If two metal-cased radial shaft seals are to be
installed in one housing bore, either in tandem
or in an opposed back-to-back arrangement,
care must be taken to be sure that neither
of the sealing lips can run dry at any time.
To reduce the risk of dry running, the free
space between the seals should be filled with
a suitable grease.
To avoid dry running, SKF recommends
using spacer lugs or a spacing washer between
the two seals. The spacing washer should be
provided with lubrication holes († fig. 39–41),
Spacing washer Spacing washer
so that grease can be supplied to the space
between the sealing lips via a grease fitting.
No spacing washer is required when using Fig. 41 Details of spacing
HDS3 seals as these have spacer lugs built washer for central
into the airside of the metal case († fig. 43).
A separator between
HDSD and HDSE seals can be supplied from two seals can be a
SKF with holes pre-drilled in the metal case slotted washer to
to mate with corresponding passages in the provide lubrication
d1 + 6,4 mm D – 0,5/1,5 mm circulation.
housing bore.
(d1 + 0.250 in) (D – 0.20/0.60 in)
Grease fitting HDS2 and HDS3 with spacer lugs Installing PTFE seals
Sealing surface
Installation tool
Customized sealing solutions
Table 8
Types with metal outside diameter Bore diameter Shaft diameter Difference between Width
bore and shaft diameter
from to from to from to from to
HDS7, HDSH7 196,85 1 638,30 165,10 1 606,55 31,75 63,50 15,88 31,75
7.750 64.500 6.500 63.250 1.250 2.500 0.625 1.250
HDS1–3, HDSF1–3, 196,85 1 638,30 165,10 1 606,55 31,75 76,20 15,88 31,75
HDSG1-3, HDSH1-3 7.750 64.500 6.500 63.250 1.250 3.000 0.625 1.250
HDSA1–2, HDSB1–2, HDSC1–2 196,85 1 219,20 165,10 1 189,74 31,75 76,20 21,36 38,10
7.750 48.000 6.500 46.840 1.250 3.000 0.841 1.500
HDSD1–2, HDSE1–2, HDSEF1–2, 202,18 1 638,30 165,10 1 603,50 37,08 76,20 30,89 50,80
HDSEG1-2, HDSEH1-2 7.960 64.500 6.500 63.130 1.460 3.000 1.216 2.000
Types with rubber outside diameter Bore diameter Shaft diameter Difference between Width
bore and shaft diameter
from to from to from to from to
HDS7K, HDSH7K 201,62 1.643,08 165,10 1 606,55 36,52 76,20 15,88 31,75
7.938 64.688 6.500 63.250 1.438 3.000 0.625 1.250
HDS1–3K, HDSF1–3K, 201,62 1.643,08 165,10 1 606,55 36,52 76,20 15,88 31,75
HDSG1-3K, HDSH1-3K 7.938 64.688 6.500 63.250 1.438 3.000 0.625 1.250
HDSA1–2K, HDSB1–2K, HDSC1–2K 201,62 1.643,08 165,10 1 606,55 36,52 76,20 15,88 31,75
7.938 64.688 6.500 63.250 1.438 3.000 0.841 1.250
Not all cross-sections and widths are possible with every shaft diameter. Contact SKF for availability on dimensions at the extreme limits or for sizes outside the standard range.
Size options of HS seals
HS seals are available in standard cross
sections and widths according to the ranges
stated in table 9. The product tables starting
on page 34 list a selection of available sizes.
Contact your SKF sales representative for
additional information on availability.
Table 9
mm/in mm/in
Bore tolerance H8
Shaft tolerance h11
Tolerance ±0,1
Large diameter wear sleeves
Table 10 Table 11
1) 1)
Overall, 38,1 to 50,8 mm (1.5 to 2 in) at 1 143 mm (45 in) shaft diameter Overall, 38,1 to 50,8 mm (1.5 to 2 in) at 1 143 mm (45 in) shaft diameter
Contact SKF for large diameter sleeves outside the primary range Contact SKF for large diameter sleeves outside the primary range
Designs and features Using LDSLV designs Installation
There are two designs of SKF large diameter There are two alternative ways of using SKF SKF large diameter wear sleeves are designed
wear sleeves; type LDSLV3 with a flange large diameter wear sleeves († fig. 47); for a heated slip-fit installation and must
(† fig. 45) and type LDSLV4 without a flange therefore be uniformly heated prior to instal-
(† fig. 46). Both types are made of high 1. The sleeve is positioned on the shaft until lation on the shaft. The sleeve temperature
quality SAE 1008 carbon steel and chrome it covers the damaged part and a new seal, should be approximately 180 °C (350 °F).
plated to enhance wear and corrosion resist- designed for a 4,78 mm (0.188 in) larger Under no circumstances should the sleeve
ance. The sleeve outside diameter is specially shaft diameter, is used. be heated to above 200 °C (400 °F). Any of
ground to provide a precision counter surface 2. The shaft is machined down 4,78 mm the heating techniques normally used for
for the seal. The wall thickness of the standard (0.188 in) in diameter, the sleeve is bearings is suitable, such as induction heaters
sleeves is 2,39 mm (0.094 in). Other sleeve installed and the original seal size is used. or heating cabinets.
materials can be provided to meet the The sleeves should be installed immediately
demands of a specific application. The reworked shaft surface for the sleeve after heating since they cool rapidly and could
Type LDSLV3 is designed with a flange should have a surface roughness of between seize on the shaft before the correct position
to simplify final positioning of the sleeve. Ra 2,5 and 3,2 μm (100 to 125 μin) is achieved. Repositioning of the sleeves by
The width of the counterface for the seal is IMPORTANT: The shaft tolerances for large impacts from hammers, etc. should be avoided
6,35 mm (0.250 in) narrower than the total diameter wear sleeves, due to their heated or minimized and care taken not to damage
width of the sleeve. The flange adds a nominal slip-fit installation, are different from those the ground outside diameter or lead-in-
25,4 mm (1.000 in) over the shaft diameter. for radial shaft seals. Contact SKF for assist- chamfer.
The flange height is 12,7 mm (0.500 in) for all ance if the sleeves are to be used in systems
sizes. Note that force should never be applied with sustained temperatures higher than
directly to the flange when installing type 75 °C (170 °F) and surface speeds in excess Removal
LDSLV3. of 20 m/s (3 950 ft/min).
Type LDSLV4 has the same features as To remove large diameter wear sleeves,
type LDSLV3 but without a flange. LDSLV4 it is recommended first to either heat them
is intended for applications where a flange or to expand them by light hammer blows.
could interfere with other components during The flange of type LDSLV3 should first be
installation, or where a wider contact surface cut through at one point, using care not
for the seal is required. to damage the shaft surface.
Alternative 2
Original shaft
Alternative 1
Radial shaft seals – HDS7 – metric dimensions
d1 200 – 1 250 mm
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Design Lip Lug1) Designation Dimensions Design Lip Lug1) Designation
Shaft Bore Nominal material Shaft Bore Nominal material
seal width seal width
d1 D b d1 D b
mm – – – – mm – – – –
Number of 12,7 mm adjustable spacer lugs
The product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 8 on page 30
Radial shaft seals – HDS7 – inch dimensions
d1 6.750 – 14.500 in
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
in/mm – – – in/mm – – –
6.750 8.000 0.750 HDS7 R 597627 11.500 13.000 0.688 HDS7 R 1150229
171,45 203,20 19,05 292,10 330,20 17,48
8.000 9.500 0.625 HDS7 H 596567 11.750 13.250 0.688 HDS7 R 1175219
203,20 241,30 15,88 298,45 336,55 17,48
8.375 9.750 0.750 HDS7 R 596198 12.000 13.500 0.625 HDS7 R 1213210
212,73 247,65 19,05 304,80 342,90 15,88
13.938 0.688 HDS7 R 1200500
8.500 10.000 0.625 HDS7 R 596415 354,03 17,48
215,90 254,00 15,88 14.000 0.812 HDS7 R 1200521
355,60 20,63
9.000 10.498 0.750 HDS7 R 596200
228,60 266,65 19,05 12.250 13.750 0.750 HDS7 D 1225259
10.500 0.625 HDS7 R 597535 311,15 349,25 19,05
266,70 15,88 14.000 0.688 HDS7 R 1225379
355,60 17,48
9.125 11.125 0.812 HDS7 R 597472 14.250 0.750 HDS7 R 1225549
231,78 282,58 20,63 361,95 19,05
14.250 0.812 HDS7 R 1225370
9.375 11.500 0.590 HDS7 R 597408 361,95 20,62
238,13 292,10 14,99 14.250 1.250 HDS7 R 1225589
361,95 31,75
9.500 11.000 0.625 HDS7 H 596566
241,30 279,40 15,88 12.500 14.000 0.688 HDS7 R 1250239
317,50 355,60 17,48
9.750 11.000 0.625 HDS7 R 596561
247,65 279,40 15,88 12.750 14.250 0.625 HDS7 H 1275219
323,85 361,95 15,88
10.000 11.250 0.625 HDS7 R 1000129
254,00 285,75 15,88 13.000 15.000 1.000 HDS7 R 1300600
330,20 381,00 25,40
10.500 12.000 0.688 HDS7 H 1050211
266,70 304,80 17,48 13.250 15.250 0.750 HDS7 R 1325569
336,55 387,35 19,05
10.750 11.750 0.591 HDS7 R 1075020
273,05 298,45 15,01 13.500 15.500 0.812 HDS7 R 1350520
12.750 0.625 HDS7 R 596171 342,90 393,70 20,63
323,85 15,88
12.750 0.813 HDS7 R 1075559 13.750 15.250 0.625 HDS7 H 1375719
323,85 20,65 349,25 387,35 15,88
11.000 12.250 0.625 HDS7 R 1100120
279,40 311,15 15,88 13.875 16.000 1.000 HDS7 R 1387610
13.000 0.813 HDS7 R 1100519 352,43 406,40 25,40
330,20 20,65
14.500 16.000 0.688 HDS7 R 1450220
11.250 12.750 0.625 HDS7 H 1125219 368,30 406,40 17,48
285,75 323,85 15,88
The product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 8 on page 30
Radial shaft seals – HDS7 – inch dimensions
d1 14.750 – 63.250 in
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
in/mm – – – in/mm – – –
14.750 16.500 0.688 HDS7 R 1475430 17.875 19.875 0.750 HDS7 R 1787540
374,65 419,10 17,48 454,03 504,83 19,05
15.000 17.000 0.812 HDS7 R 1500510 19.000 20.500 0.750 HDS7 R 1900211
381,00 431,80 20,63 482,60 520,70 19,05
15.250 17.250 0.625 HDS7 R 1525511 19.250 20.750 0.625 HDS7 R 596180
387,35 438,15 15,88 488,95 527,05 15,88
15.359 17.709 0.906 HDS7 R 1536691 19.500 21.500 0.750 HDS7 R 1950211
390,12 449,81 23,01 495,30 546,10 19,05
15.500 17.500 0.813 HDS7 R 1550559 20.000 21.500 0.750 HDS7 R 2000240
393,70 444,50 20,65 508,00 546,10 19,05
15.750 17.250 0.750 HDS7 H 1575210 20.750 22.750 0.875 HDS7 D 2075569
400,05 438,15 19,05 527,05 577,85 22,23
15.875 17.500 0.750 HDS7 H 1587330 21.260 23.228 0.984 HDS7 R 2126510
403,23 444,50 19,05 540,00 590,00 25,00
16.000 17.500 0.625 HDS7 H 1600211 21.750 23.750 0.875 HDS7 R 2175569
406,40 444,50 15,88 552,45 603,25 22,23
18.000 0.813 HDS7 H 1600519
457,20 20,65 22.250 24.250 0.875 HDS7 H 2225511
565,15 615,95 22,23
16.250 17.750 0.688 HDS7 R 1625210
412,75 450,85 17,48 24.250 26.000 1.000 HDS7 H 2425419
615,95 660,40 25,40
16.500 18.000 0.750 HDS7 R 1650280
419,10 457,20 19,05 25.000 26.500 0.750 HDS7 R 2500210
635,00 673,10 19,05
17.000 18.500 0.625 HDS7 R 1700280
431,80 469,90 15,88 26.500 28.000 0.750 HDS7 R 2650240
19.000 0.813 HDS7 R 1700579 673,10 711,20 19,05
482,60 20,65
27.000 29.000 0.875 HDS7 R 2700519
17.375 18.875 0.750 HDS7 R 1737219 685,80 736,60 22,23
441,33 479,43 19,05
27.500 29.500 0.875 HDS7 R 2750510
17.500 19.000 0.688 HDS7 H 1750220 698,50 749,30 22,23
444,50 482,60 17,48
19.000 0.688 HDS7 R 1750221 27.875 29.815 0.875 HDS7 R 2788600
482,60 17,48 708,03 757,30 22,23
The product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 8 on page 30
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
in/mm – – –
The product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 8 on page 30
Radial shaft seals – HDS7K – metric dimensions
d1 200 – 876,3 mm
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
mm – – – mm – – –
230 260 15 HDS7K R 597438 876,3 927,1 22,2 HDS7K R 3450510 *****
The product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 8 on page 30
Radial shaft seals – HDS7K – inch dimensions
d1 15.75 – 16.5 mm
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
in/mm – – –
The product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 8 on page 30
Radial shaft seals – HDL – metric dimensions
d1 200 – 1 380 mm
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
mm – – mm – –
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
mm – –
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
Radial shaft seals – HDL – inch dimensions
d1 6.125 – 14.250 in
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
in/mm – in/mm –
6.125 7.625 0.687 HDL 1299 R HDL 1299 V 9.250 10.750 0.687 HDL 3963 R HDL 3963 V
155,57 193,67 17,45 234,95 273,05 17,45
7.125 8.250 0.750 HDL 3011 R HDL 3011 V 9.375 11.375 0.812 HDL 4610 R HDL 4610 V
180,97 209,55 19,05 238,12 288,92 20,62
7.875 9.375 0.687 HDL 9176 R HDL 9176 V 9.500 10.750 0.562 HDL 3145 R HDL 3145 V
200,02 238,12 17,45 241,30 273,05 14,28
11.500 0.812 HDL 3984 R HDL 3984 V
8.000 9.500 0.687 HDL 3921 R HDL 3921 V 292,10 20,62
203,20 241,30 17,45
9.750 11.125 0.562 HDL 1692 R HDL 1692 V
8.125 10.125 0.687 HDL 9712 R HDL 9712 V 247,65 282,57 14,28
206,37 257,17 17,45 11.750 0.687 HDL 9425 R HDL 9425 V
298,45 17,45
8.250 10.250 0.812 HDL 4499 R HDL 4499 V
209,55 260,35 20,62 10.000 11.500 0.687 HDL 3992 R HDL 3992 V
254,00 292,10 17,45
8.375 9.875 0.687 HDL 3933 R HDL 3933 V 12.000 0.812 HDL 3997 R HDL 3997 V
212,72 250,82 17,45 304,80 20,62
10.375 0.812 HDL 4500 R HDL 4500 V
263,52 20,62 10.125 11.625 0.687 HDL 3999 R HDL 3999 V
257,17 295,27 17,45
8.500 9.750 0.562 HDL 1705 R HDL 1705 V
215,90 247,65 14,28 10.250 11.750 0.687 HDL 4004 R HDL 4004 V
10.000 0.687 HDL 8453 R HDL 8453 V 260,35 298,45 17,45
254,00 17,45
10.500 12.000 0.687 HDL 4011 R HDL 4011 V
8.625 10.125 0.687 HDL 3939 R HDL 3939 V 266,70 304,80 17,45
219,07 257,17 17,45
10.750 0.812 HDL 7718 R HDL 7718 V 10.750 12.250 0.687 HDL 4023 R HDL 4023 V
273,05 20,62 273,05 311,15 17,45
12.750 0.625 HDL 3014 R HDL 3014 V
8.750 10.250 0.687 HDL 3946 R HDL 3946 V 323,85 15,87
222,25 260,35 17,45
10.750 0.812 HDL 3952 R HDL 3952 V 10.875 12.375 0.687 HDL 4027 R HDL 4027 V
273,05 20,62 276,22 314,32 17,45
8.875 10.875 0.812 HDL 3953 R HDL 3953 V 11.000 12.250 0.562 HDL 3135 R HDL 3135 V
225,42 276,22 20,62 279,40 311,15 14,28
13.000 0.687 HDL 6034 R HDL 6034 V
9.000 10.500 0.687 HDL 3954 R HDL 3954 V 330,20 17,45
228,60 266,70 17,45
11.125 13.000 0.687 HDL 3699 R HDL 3699 V
9.125 10.625 0.687 HDL 3957 R HDL 3957 V 282,57 330,20 17,45
231,77 269,87 17,45
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
in/mm – in/mm –
11.250 12.750 0.687 HDL 4527 R HDL 4527 V 12.875 15.000 0.812 HDL 5404 R HDL 5404 V
285,75 323,85 17,45 327,02 381,00 20,62
13.250 0.812 HDL 4047 R HDL 4047 V
336,55 20,62 13.000 14.500 0.687 HDL 4093 R HDL 4093 V
330,20 368,30 17,45
11.375 13.375 0.812 HDL 4052 R HDL 4052 V
288,92 339,72 20,62 13.250 14.750 0.687 HDL 4101 R HDL 4101 V
336,55 374,65 17,45
11.500 13.000 0.687 HDL 4057 R HDL 4057 V 15.000 0.687 HDL 7169 R HDL 7169 V
292,10 330,20 17,45 381,00 17,45
11.750 13.250 0.687 HDL 4064 R HDL 4064 V 13.500 15.000 0.687 HDL 4121 R HDL 4121 V
298,45 336,55 17,45 342,90 381,00 17,45
15.750 0.812 HDL 4123 R HDL 4123 V
12.000 13.500 0.687 HDL 4612 R HDL 4612 V 400,05 20,62
304,80 342,90 17,45
13.750 0.687 HDL 3701 R HDL 3701 V 13.625 15.500 0.687 HDL 4120 R HDL 4120 V
349,25 17,45 346,07 393,70 17,45
12.125 13.875 0.687 HDL 4053 R HDL 4053 V 13.750 15.250 0.687 HDL 4529 R HDL 4529 V
307,97 352,42 17,45 349,25 387,35 17,45
12.250 13.750 0.687 HDL 4613 R HDL 4613 V 13.813 16.000 0.812 HDL 4108 R HDL 4108 V
311,15 349,25 17,45 350,85 406,40 20,62
14.000 0.687 HDL 4055 R HDL 4055 V
355,60 17,45 13.875 16.000 0.812 HDL 4110 R HDL 4110 V
352,42 406,40 20,62
12.375 13.875 0.687 HDL 4076 R HDL 4076 V
314,32 352,42 17,45 13.937 15.437 0.687 HDL 4130 R HDL 4130 V
14.375 0.687 HDL 4097 R HDL 4097 V 353,99 392,09 17,45
365,12 17,45
13.938 15.500 0.687 HDL 4111 R HDL 4111 V
12.500 14.000 0.687 HDL 4079 R HDL 4079 V 354,02 393,70 17,45
317,50 355,60 17,45
14.000 15.500 0.687 HDL 4131 R HDL 4131 V
12.625 14.125 0.687 HDL 4081 R HDL 4081 V 355,60 393,70 17,45
320,67 358,77 17,45 15.750 0.750 HDL 4134 R HDL 4134 V
400,05 19,05
12.687 14.750 0.812 HDL 9766 R HDL 9766 V
322,24 374,65 20,62 14.187 16.732 0.812 HDL 9280 R HDL 9280 V
360,34 424,99 20,62
12.750 14.250 0.687 HDL 4089 R HDL 4089 V
323,85 361,95 17,45 14.250 15.750 0.687 HDL 4118 R HDL 4118 V
15.000 0.812 HDL 4092 R HDL 4092 V 361,95 400,05 17,45
381,00 20,62
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
Radial shaft seals – HDL – inch dimensions
d1 14.375 – 21.250 in
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
in/mm – in/mm –
14.375 16.000 0.687 HDL 5481 R HDL 5481 V 15.875 17.875 0.812 HDL 4176 R HDL 4176 V
365,12 406,40 17,45 403,22 454,02 20,62
14.500 16.000 0.687 HDL 4142 R HDL 4142 V 16.000 17.500 0.687 HDL 4177 R HDL 4177 V
368,30 406,40 17,45 406,40 444,50 17,45
18.000 0.812 HDL 4180 R HDL 4180 V
14.625 16.250 0.687 HDL 3856 R HDL 3856 V 457,20 20,62
371,47 412,75 17,45
16.250 17.750 0.687 HDL 4181 R HDL 4181 V
14.750 16.250 0.687 HDL 4147 R HDL 4147 V 412,75 450,85 17,45
374,65 412,75 17,45 18.000 0.750 HDL 4184 R HDL 4184 V
16.500 0.687 HDL 5990 R HDL 5990 V 457,20 19,05
419,10 17,45
16.375 17.875 0.687 HDL 4179 R HDL 4179 V
14.875 16.500 0.687 HDL 3858 R HDL 3858 V 415,92 454,02 17,45
377,82 419,10 17,45
16.875 0.937 HDL 2622 R HDL 2622 V 16.500 18.000 0.687 HDL 9863 R HDL 9863 V
428,62 23,79 419,10 457,20 17,45
18.500 0.812 HDL 4186 R HDL 4186 V
14.906 17.000 0.812 HDL 3861 R HDL 3861 V 469,90 20,62
378,61 431,80 20,62
16.535 18.504 0.875 HDL 1929 R HDL 1929 V
15.000 16.500 0.687 HDL 4151 R HDL 4151 V 419,98 470,00 22,22
381,00 419,10 17,45
16.750 18.250 0.687 HDL 3744 R HDL 3744 V
15.125 16.750 0.687 HDL 4165 R HDL 4165 V 425,45 463,55 17,45
384,17 425,45 17,45 19.000 0.812 HDL 3748 R HDL 3748 V
482,60 20,62
15.250 16.750 0.687 HDL 4615 R HDL 4615 V
387,35 425,45 17,45 16.937 19.291 0.812 HDL 9695 R HDL 9695 V
17.250 0.875 HDL 3030 R HDL 3030 V 430,19 489,99 20,62
438,15 22,22
17.000 18.500 0.687 HDL 4188 R HDL 4188 V
15.312 16.875 0.687 HDL 4158 R HDL 4158 V 431,80 469,90 17,45
388,92 428,62 17,45 19.250 0.812 HDL 4191 R HDL 4191 V
488,95 20,62
15.359 17.717 0.687 HDL 4166 R HDL 4166 V
390,11 450,01 17,45 17.250 18.750 0.687 HDL 3751 R HDL 3751 V
438,15 476,25 17,45
15.375 17.250 0.687 HDL 4167 R HDL 4167 V
390,52 438,15 17,45 17.500 19.000 0.687 HDL 4194 R HDL 4194 V
444,50 482,60 17,45
15.500 17.496 0.812 HDL 4163 R HDL 4163 V 19.250 1.000 HDL 3005 R HDL 3005 V
393,70 444,40 20,62 488,95 25,40
15.750 17.165 0.687 HDL 9986 R HDL 9986 V 17.625 19.250 0.687 HDL 4199 R HDL 4199 V
400,05 436,00 17,45 447,67 488,95 17,45
17.312 0.687 HDL 9271 R HDL 9271 V 19.625 0.687 HDL 6850 R HDL 6850 V
439,72 17,45 498,47 17,45
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
in/mm – in/mm –
17.750 19.750 0.812 HDL 4200 R HDL 4200 V 19.750 21.750 0.875 HDL 4228 R HDL 4228 V
450,85 501,65 20,62 501,65 552,45 22,22
20.078 0.875 HDL 9084 R HDL 9084 V 22.125 0.875 HDL 7400 R HDL 7400 V
509,98 22,22 561,97 22,22
17.875 19.875 0.812 HDL 4204 R HDL 4204 V 19.875 22.000 0.875 HDL 3788 R HDL 3788 V
454,02 504,82 20,62 504,82 558,80 22,22
18.000 19.500 0.687 HDL 4206 R HDL 4206 V 19.937 21.687 0.625 HDL 4233 R HDL 4233 V
457,20 495,30 17,45 506,39 550,84 15,87
19.750 0.687 HDL 5728 R HDL 5728 V
501,65 17,45 19.938 21.500 0.750 HDL 3789 R HDL 3789 V
506,42 546,10 19,05
18.120 20.500 0.875 HDL 3754 R HDL 3754 V
460,24 520,70 22,22 20.000 21.500 0.750 HDL 4235 R HDL 4235 V
508,00 546,10 19,05
18.125 20.500 0.875 HDL 3756 R HDL 3756 V
460,37 520,70 22,22 20.143 22.250 0.875 HDL 3792 R HDL 3792 V
511,63 565,15 22,22
18.250 19.750 0.687 HDL 3757 R HDL 3757 V
463,55 501,65 17,45 20.250 21.750 0.750 HDL 4239 R HDL 4239 V
514,35 552,45 19,05
18.375 19.875 0.687 HDL 4213 R HDL 4213 V 22.250 0.875 HDL 4240 R HDL 4240 V
466,72 504,82 17,45 565,15 22,22
19.937 0.687 HDL 7103 R HDL 7103 V
506,39 17,45 20.438 22.500 0.812 HDL 4242 R HDL 4242 V
519,12 571,50 20,62
18.500 20.000 0.687 HDL 3768 R HDL 3768 V
469,90 508,00 17,45 20.500 22.000 0.750 HDL 4619 R HDL 4619 V
20.250 0.687 HDL 3772 R HDL 3772 V 520,70 558,80 19,05
514,35 17,45
20.625 22.625 0.812 HDL 9893 R HDL 9893 V
19.000 20.500 0.750 HDL 4218 R HDL 4218 V 523,87 574,67 20,62
482,60 520,70 19,05
21.000 0.875 HDL 4219 R HDL 4219 V 20.750 22.750 0.875 HDL 4248 R HDL 4248 V
533,40 22,22 527,05 577,85 22,22
19.250 20.750 0.750 HDL 4617 R HDL 4617 V 20.875 22.875 0.875 HDL 4250 R HDL 4250 V
488,95 527,05 19,05 530,22 581,02 22,22
19.375 21.000 0.750 HDL 3778 R HDL 3778 V 21.000 22.500 0.750 HDL 5259 R HDL 5259 V
492,12 533,40 19,05 533,40 571,50 19,05
23.000 0.812 HDL 6535 R HDL 6535 V
19.500 21.000 0.750 HDL 3779 R HDL 3779 V 584,20 20,62
495,30 533,40 19,05
21.500 0.875 HDL 4221 R HDL 4221 V 21.250 23.000 0.750 HDL 4255 R HDL 4255 V
546,10 22,22 539,75 584,20 19,05
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
Radial shaft seals – HDL – inch dimensions
d1 21.437 – 31.750 in
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
in/mm – in/mm –
21.437 23.187 0.750 HDL 4256 R HDL 4256 V 23.250 25.000 0.750 HDL 4286 R HDL 4286 V
544,49 588,94 19,05 590,55 635,00 19,05
25.250 0.750 HDL 9371 R HDL 9371 V
21.500 23.250 0.750 HDL 4257 R HDL 4257 V 641,35 19,05
546,10 590,55 19,05
23.500 0.875 HDL 4259 R HDL 4259 V 23.375 25.375 0.875 HDL 4287 R HDL 4287 V
596,90 22,22 593,72 644,52 22,22
21.625 23.375 0.750 HDL 4261 R HDL 4261 V 23.500 24.681 0.591 HDL 3033 R HDL 3033 V
549,27 593,72 19,05 596,90 626,90 15,00
21.750 23.250 0.750 HDL 4621 R HDL 4621 V 23.562 25.250 0.750 HDL 4290 R HDL 4290 V
552,45 590,55 19,05 598,47 641,35 19,05
24.750 0.875 HDL 4262 R HDL 4262 V 25.375 0.750 HDL 4291 R HDL 4291 V
628,65 22,22 644,52 19,05
22.000 23.500 0.750 HDL 4269 R HDL 4269 V 23.625 26.000 0.875 HDL 4292 R HDL 4292 V
558,80 596,90 19,05 600,07 660,40 22,22
24.250 0.812 HDL 9082 R HDL 9082 V
615,95 20,62 23.750 25.250 1.000 HDL 6239 R HDL 6239 V
603,25 641,35 25,40
22.250 24.250 0.875 HDL 3764 R HDL 3764 V
565,15 615,95 22,22 23.875 26.000 0.875 HDL 4293 R HDL 4293 V
606,42 660,40 22,22
22.375 24.250 0.750 HDL 4268 R HDL 4268 V
568,32 615,95 19,05 24.000 25.500 0.750 HDL 4623 R HDL 4623 V
24.375 0.875 HDL 2576 R HDL 2576 V 609,60 647,70 19,05
619,12 22,22 26.000 0.812 HDL 4295 R HDL 4295 V
660,40 20,62
22.437 24.000 0.750 HDL 4275 R HDL 4275 V
569,89 609,60 19,05 24.250 26.250 0.875 HDL 4301 R HDL 4301 V
615,95 666,75 22,22
22.500 24.000 0.750 HDL 4271 R HDL 4271 V
571,50 609,60 19,05 24.437 26.000 0.750 HDL 4302 R HDL 4302 V
24.500 0.875 HDL 4279 R HDL 4279 V 620,69 660,40 19,05
622,30 22,22 26.935 1.000 HDL 9990 R HDL 9990 V
24.750 0.875 HDL 4273 R HDL 4273 V 684,15 25,40
628,65 22,22
24.500 26.500 0.875 HDL 4305 R HDL 4305 V
22.750 24.750 0.875 HDL 4281 R HDL 4281 V 622,30 673,10 22,22
577,85 628,65 22,22
25.000 26.500 0.750 HDL 4308 R HDL 4308 V
23.000 24.500 0.750 HDL 4283 R HDL 4283 V 635,00 673,10 19,05
584,20 622,30 19,05
24.750 0.750 HDL 5421 R HDL 5421 V 25.187 26.875 0.750 HDL 4311 R HDL 4311 V
628,65 19,05 639,74 682,62 19,05
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
in/mm – in/mm –
25.250 27.250 0.750 HDL 4299 R HDL 4299 V 28.438 31.000 0.875 HDL 4321 R HDL 4321 V
641,35 692,15 19,05 722,32 787,40 22,22
25.500 26.750 0.750 HDL 3022 R HDL 3022 V 28.500 30.500 0.875 HDL 4346 R HDL 4346 V
647,70 679,45 19,05 723,90 774,70 22,22
27.500 0.875 HDL 4318 R HDL 4318 V
698,50 22,22 28.750 30.750 0.875 HDL 4628 R HDL 4628 V
730,25 781,05 22,22
25.750 27.500 0.750 HDL 6998 R HDL 6998 V
654,05 698,50 19,05 29.000 30.500 0.750 HDL 4347 R HDL 4347 V
736,60 774,70 19,05
25.875 28.000 0.875 HDL 4303 R HDL 4303 V 31.500 1.000 HDL 8793 R HDL 8793 V
657,22 711,20 22,22 800,10 25,40
25.988 27.625 0.750 HDL 4306 R HDL 4306 V 29.500 31.500 0.875 HDL 4352 R HDL 4352 V
660,09 701,67 19,05 749,30 800,10 22,22
32.000 0.875 HDL 4538 R HDL 4538 V
26.000 27.625 0.750 HDL 5921 R HDL 5921 V 812,80 22,22
660,40 701,67 19,05
30.000 31.500 0.750 HDL 4356 R HDL 4356 V
26.125 27.625 0.750 HDL 4329 R HDL 4329 V 762,00 800,10 19,05
663,57 701,67 19,05 31.625 0.750 HDL 7870 R HDL 7870 V
803,27 19,05
26.375 28.188 0.875 HDL 4307 R HDL 4307 V 32.500 0.875 HDL 4358 R HDL 4358 V
669,92 715,97 22,22 825,50 22,22
32.750 0.875 HDL 4359 R HDL 4359 V
26.500 28.000 0.750 HDL 4533 R HDL 4533 V 831,85 22,22
673,10 711,20 19,05
30.250 32.500 0.875 HDL 4906 R HDL 4906 V
27.000 29.000 0.875 HDL 4333 R HDL 4333 V 768,35 825,50 22,22
685,80 736,60 22,22
30.312 32.375 0.875 HDL 4361 R HDL 4361 V
27.250 29.250 0.875 HDL 4626 R HDL 4626 V 769,92 822,32 22,22
692,15 742,95 22,22
30.500 32.500 0.875 HDL 4365 R HDL 4365 V
27.500 29.000 0.750 HDL 4315 R HDL 4315 V 774,70 825,50 22,22
698,50 736,60 19,05
31.000 32.500 0.750 HDL 5739 R HDL 5739 V
27.625 29.625 0.750 HDL 5001 R HDL 5001 V 787,40 825,50 19,05
701,67 752,47 19,05 33.500 0.875 HDL 4540 R HDL 4540 V
850,90 22,22
27.875 29.812 0.875 HDL 4341 R HDL 4341 V
708,02 757,22 22,22 31.250 32.750 0.750 HDL 4631 R HDL 4631 V
793,75 831,85 19,05
28.000 29.500 0.750 HDL 4343 R HDL 4343 V
711,20 749,30 19,05 31.750 33.750 0.875 HDL 5016 R HDL 5016 V
29.813 0.750 HDL 4316 R HDL 4316 V 806,45 857,25 22,22
757,25 19,05
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
Radial shaft seals – HDL – inch dimensions
d1 32.000 – 51.250 in
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
in/mm – in/mm –
32.000 33.500 0.750 HDL 3023 R HDL 3023 V 34.750 36.750 0.875 HDL 3831 R HDL 3831 V
812,80 850,90 19,05 882,65 933,45 22,22
32.125 34.125 0.875 HDL 4371 R HDL 4371 V 35.000 37.000 0.875 HDL 3835 R HDL 3835 V
815,97 866,77 22,22 889,00 939,80 22,22
34.125 0.750 HDL 3002 R HDL 3002 V
866,77 19,05 35.250 37.250 0.875 HDL 4416 R HDL 4416 V
895,35 946,15 22,22
32.312 34.500 0.875 HDL 4373 R HDL 4373 V
820,72 876,30 22,22 35.375 37.375 0.875 HDL 4417 R HDL 4417 V
898,52 949,32 22,22
32.500 34.500 0.875 HDL 4377 R HDL 4377 V
825,50 876,30 22,22 35.437 38.583 0.875 HDL 9079 R HDL 9079 V
900,09 980,00 22,22
32.750 34.250 0.750 HDL 4542 R HDL 4542 V
831,85 869,95 19,05 35.496 37.996 0.984 HDL 3001 R HDL 3001 V
901,60 965,10 25,00
33.000 34.500 0.750 HDL 4381 R HDL 4381 V
838,20 876,30 19,05 35.500 37.500 0.875 HDL 4553 R HDL 4553 V
901,70 952,50 22,22
33.000 34.650 0.787 HDL 4634 R HDL 4634 V
838,20 880,10 20,00 35.827 38.077 0.687 HDL 3003 R HDL 3003 V
35.000 0.875 HDL 4382 R HDL 4382 V 910,00 967,15 17,45
889,00 22,22
36.000 38.000 0.875 HDL 4421 R HDL 4421 V
33.500 35.000 0.875 HDL 9504 R HDL 9504 V 914,40 965,20 22,22
850,90 889,00 22,22
35.625 0.875 HDL 4548 R HDL 4548 V 36.500 38.000 0.750 HDL 4429 R HDL 4429 V
904,87 22,22 927,10 965,20 19,05
33.625 35.625 0.875 HDL 4328 R HDL 4328 V 36.750 38.750 0.875 HDL 4432 R HDL 4432 V
854,07 904,87 22,22 933,45 984,25 22,22
34.000 35.625 0.875 HDL 4331 R HDL 4331 V 37.000 39.000 0.875 HDL 4434 R HDL 4434 V
863,60 904,87 22,22 939,80 990,60 22,22
34.250 36.000 0.750 HDL 3017 R HDL 3017 V 37.250 39.250 0.875 HDL 4436 R HDL 4436 V
869,95 914,40 19,05 946,15 996,95 22,22
36.750 0.875 HDL 4335 R HDL 4335 V
933,45 22,22 37.374 39.500 0.875 HDL 4425 R HDL 4425 V
949,30 1 003,30 22,22
34.500 36.000 0.750 HDL 6908 R HDL 6908 V
876,30 914,40 19,05 37.437 39.500 0.875 HDL 3847 R HDL 3847 V
36.500 1.000 HDL 3021 R HDL 3021 V 950,89 1 003,30 22,22
927,10 25,40
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
in/mm – in/mm –
37.500 39.000 0.750 HDL 9411 R HDL 9411 V 42.248 44.248 1.000 HDL 4470 R HDL 4470 V
952,50 990,60 19,05 1 073,10 1 123,90 25,40
38.000 39.500 0.750 HDL 3004 R HDL 3004 V 42.500 44.250 0.875 HDL 5555 R HDL 5555 V
965,20 1 003,30 19,05 1 079,50 1 123,95 22,22
41.000 0.875 HDL 4340 R HDL 4340 V
1 041,40 22,22 43.000 45.500 0.875 HDL 7189 R HDL 7189 V
1 092,20 1 155,70 22,22
38.250 40.250 0.875 HDL 4454 R HDL 4454 V
971,55 1 022,35 22,22 43.500 45.500 0.875 HDL 4637 R HDL 4637 V
1 104,90 1 155,70 22,22
38.258 40.750 0.875 HDL 4342 R HDL 4342 V
971,75 1 035,05 22,22 43.750 45.750 0.875 HDL 4638 R HDL 4638 V
1 111,25 1 162,05 22,22
38.500 41.000 0.875 HDL 4349 R HDL 4349 V
977,90 1 041,40 22,22 44.000 46.000 0.875 HDL 7087 R HDL 7087 V
1 117,60 1 168,40 22,22
38.750 40.750 0.875 HDL 4456 R HDL 4456 V
984,25 1 035,05 22,22 44.500 46.000 0.750 HDL 4563 R HDL 4563 V
1 130,30 1 168,40 19,05
38.937 41.000 0.875 HDL 4462 R HDL 4462 V
988,99 1 041,40 22,22 46.004 47.500 0.750 HDL 3006 R HDL 3006 V
1 168,50 1 206,50 19,05
39.000 41.000 0.875 HDL 4465 R HDL 4465 V
990,60 1 041,40 22,22 46.500 48.500 0.875 HDL 4578 R HDL 4578 V
42.250 0.875 HDL 4577 R HDL 4577 V 1 181,10 1 231,90 22,22
1 073,15 22,22
46.850 48.819 0.875 HDL 8317 R HDL 8317 V
39.750 42.250 0.875 HDL 7538 R HDL 7538 V 1 189,99 1 240,00 22,22
1 009,65 1 073,15 22,22
48.000 50.000 0.875 HDL 8579 R HDL 8579 V
40.000 42.000 0.875 HDL 4467 R HDL 4467 V 1 219,20 1 270,00 22,22
1 016,00 1 066,80 22,22
48.250 50.250 0.875 HDL 4639 R HDL 4639 V
40.500 42.500 0.875 HDL 4468 R HDL 4468 V 1 225,55 1 276,35 22,22
1 028,70 1 079,50 22,22
43.020 0.875 HDL 1964 R HDL 1964 V 51.248 53.289 0.875 HDL 6747 R HDL 6747 V
1 092,70 22,22 1 301,71 1 353,55 22,22
41.500 43.500 0.875 HDL 4635 R HDL 4635 V 51.250 53.300 0.875 HDL 1914 R HDL 1914 V
1 054,10 1 104,90 22,22 1 301,75 1 353,82 22,22
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
Radial shaft seals – HDS1, HDS2, HDS3 – metric dimensions
d1 170 – 650 mm
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Design Lip Lug1) Designation Dimensions Design Lip Lug1) Designation
Shaft Bore Nominal material Shaft Bore Nominal material
seal width seal width
d1 D b d1 D b
mm – – – – mm – – – –
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 8 on page 30
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Design Lip Lug1) Designation Dimensions Design Lip Lug1) Designation
Shaft Bore Nominal material Shaft Bore Nominal material
seal width seal width
d1 D b d1 D b
mm – – – – mm – – – –
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 8 on page 30
Radial shaft seals – HDS1, HDS2, HDS3 – metric dimensions
d1 660 – 1 550 mm
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Design Lip Lug1) Designation Dimensions Design Lip Lug1) Designation
Shaft Bore Nominal material Shaft Bore Nominal material
seal width seal width
d1 D b d1 D b
mm – – – – mm – – – –
Number of 12,7 mm adjustable spacer lugs
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 8 on page 30
Radial shaft seals – HDS1, HDS2, HDS3 – inch dimensions
d1 6.000 – 9.500 in
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Design Lip Lug1) Designation Dimensions Design Lip Lug1) Designation
Shaft Bore Nominal material Shaft Bore Nominal material
seal width seal width
d1 D b d1 D b
in/mm – – – – in/mm – – – –
6.000 7.500 0.625 HDS1 R 597623 8.625 10.500 0.750 HDS1 R 590758
152,40 190,50 15,88 219,08 266,70 19,05
10.625 0.750 HDS1 V 86240
6.750 7.750 0.625 HDS1 V 67512 269,88 19,05
171,45 196,85 15,88
8.750 10.000 0.625 HDS2 R 592626
7.250 8.750 0.625 HDS2 V 72510 222,25 254,00 15,88
184,15 222,25 15,88
8.875 10.125 0.625 HDS2 D 593779
7.500 8.750 0.625 HDS1 V 75048 225,43 257,18 15,88
190,50 222,25 15,88
9.000 10.250 0.750 HDS1 R 90017
7.750 9.000 0.625 HDS1 R 77531 228,60 260,35 19,05
196,85 228,60 15,88 10.500 0.625 HDS3 D • 90027
9.250 0.625 HDS1 V 77539 266,70 15,88
234,95 15,88 11.000 0.750 HDS2 R 590787
279,40 19,05
8.000 9.250 0.625 HDS1 V 77996
203,20 234,95 15,88 9.125 10.375 0.625 HDS1 R 592653
9.500 0.687 HDS2 V 80009 231,78 263,53 15,88
241,30 17,45 10.625 0.688 HDS1 R 590270
10.000 1.000 HDS1 R 80088 269,88 17,48
254,00 25,40 11.125 0.688 HDS1 R 590174
282,58 17,48
8.125 9.378 0.625 HDS1 R 593198 11.125 0.812 HDS2 R 91202
206,38 238,20 15,88 282,50 20,62
10.125 1.000 HDS1 R 81253
257,18 25,40 9.250 10.750 0.750 HDS1 R 590093
234,95 273,05 19,05
8.250 9.500 0.625 HDS2 V 82526 11.250 0.813 HDS2 V 92544
209,55 241,30 15,88 285,75 20,65
10.250 0.625 HDS2 V 82559 11.250 1.000 HDS1 R 590798
260,35 15,88 285,75 25,40
9.375 11.375 0.875 HDS1 R 93751
8.345 10.750 1.250 HDS1 R 594186 238,13 288,93 22,23
211,96 273,05 31,75
9.438 10.635 0.750 HDS1 R 593894
8.375 9.750 0.625 HDS3 D • 83702 239,73 270,13 19,05
212,73 247,65 15,88
9.500 10.750 0.625 HDS2 R 95045
8.500 9.750 0.625 HDS2 D 593768 241,30 273,05 15,88
215,90 247,65 15,88 11.000 0.625 HDS1 R 590653
10.500 0.625 HDS1 V 85018 279,40 15,88
266,70 15,88 11.500 0.813 HDS1 V 95068
292,10 20,85
8.540 9.750 0.625 HDS2 D 593855 11.500 1.000 HDS1 R 590820
215,90 247,65 15,88 292,10 25,40
Designed with 4 x 0,5 in adjustable spacer lugs
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 8 on page 30
Radial shaft seals – HDS1, HDS2, HDS3 – inch dimensions
d1 9.688 – 14.375 in
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Design Lip Lug1) Designation Dimensions Design Lip Lug1) Designation
Shaft Bore Nominal material Shaft Bore Nominal material
seal width seal width
d1 D b d1 D b
in/mm – – – – in/mm – – – –
9.688 10.875 0.625 HDS1 R 594080 10.438 12.438 0.875 HDS1 R 1044560
246,08 276,23 15,88 265,13 315,93 22,23
9.750 11.000 0.625 HDS3 D • 97527 10.500 11.750 0.625 HDS1 V 1050113
247,65 279,40 15,88 266,70 298,45 15,88
11.750 1.000 HDS1 R 97548 12.000 0.625 HDS3 D • 1050239
298,45 25,40 304,80 15,88
12.000 0.750 HDS2 V 1050251
9.844 11.409 0.625 HDS2 R 98444 304,80 19,05
250,04 289,79 15,88
10.688 12.500 0.625 HDS1 V 1068456
9.875 11.375 0.750 HDS2 R 592763 271,48 317,50 15,88
250,83 288,93 19,05 13.000 0.688 HDS2 V 1068693
11.500 0.750 HDS1 R 592727 330,20 17,48
292,10 19,05
10.750 12.000 0.625 HDS2 R 1075112
9.938 12.000 1.000 HDS2 R 529752 273,05 304,80 15,88
252,43 304,80 25,40 12.000 0.625 HDS1 R 1075110
304,80 15,88
10.000 11.250 0.625 HDS1 R 1000110 12.250 0.625 HDS1 R 1075230
254,00 285,75 15,88 311,15 15,88
11.250 0.625 HDS2 R 1000111
285,75 15,88 10.938 12.750 0.625 HDS1 R 1093440
11.500 0.625 HDS3 D • 1000239 277,83 323,85 15,88
292,10 15,88
11.750 0.625 HDS1 R 1000360 11.000 12.250 0.625 HDS2 D 1100113
298,45 15,88 279,40 311,15 15,88
12.250 0.625 HDS2 V 1100104
10.125 11.625 0.688 HDS1 R 1013240 311,15 15,88
257,18 295,28 17,48 12.500 0.750 HDS1 R 1100250
11.625 0.688 HDS2 R 1013242 317,50 19,05
295,28 17,48 13.000 0.813 HDS2 R 1100553
330,20 20,65
10.236 12.590 0.984 HDS1 R 1024690
259,99 319,79 24,99 11.250 12.500 0.625 HDS2 R 1125111
285,75 317,50 15,88
10.250 11.500 0.625 HDS2 D 1025112 12.500 0.625 HDS1 R 1125110
260,35 292,10 15,88 317,50 15,88
11.750 0.688 HDS3 D • 1025249
298,45 17,48 11.375 13.000 0.750 HDS1 R 1138330
11.750 0.750 HDS2 R 1025252 288,93 330,20 19,05
298,45 19,05
11.500 13.000 0.750 HDS2 R 1150253
10.375 11.625 0.875 HDS1 R 1038140 292,10 330,20 19,05
263,53 295,28 22,23 13.500 0.813 HDS1 R 1150550
342,90 20,65
13.500 1.000 HDS1 R 1150580
342,90 25,40
Designed with 4 x 0,5 in adjustable spacer lugs
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 8 on page 30
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Design Lip Lug1) Designation Dimensions Design Lip Lug1) Designation
Shaft Bore Nominal material Shaft Bore Nominal material
seal width seal width
d1 D b d1 D b
in/mm – – – – in/mm – – – –
11.688 12.938 0.625 HDS1 R 1169110 13.000 14.500 0.688 HDS2 R 1300244
296,88 328,63 15,88 330,20 368,30 17,48
14.500 0.688 HDS2 V 1300283
11.750 13.250 0.688 HDS2 V 1175224 368,30 17,48
298,45 336,55 17,48 15.000 0.750 HDS2 R 1300542
13.250 0.750 HDS2 R 1175252 381,00 19,05
336,55 19,05
13.250 14.750 0.625 HDS3 D • 1325239
11.811 13.378 0.709 HDS1 R 1181300 336,55 374,65 15,88
300,00 339,80 18,01 14.750 0.688 HDS2 R 1325242
374,65 17,48
11.813 13.812 0.875 HDS1 R 1181560
300,02 350,82 22,23 13.500 15.250 0.750 HDS1 R 1350380
342,90 387,35 19,05
12.000 13.500 0.625 HDS2 R 1200231 15.500 0.813 HDS2 V 1350564
304,80 342,90 15,88 393,70 20,65
13.500 0.625 HDS1 R 1200230
342,90 15,88 13.750 15.000 0.750 HDS1 R 1375130
13.500 0.625 HDS3 D • 1200239 349,25 381,00 19,05
342,90 15,88 15.250 0.625 HDS1 R 1375230
13.500 0.688 HDS1 R 1200240 387,35 15,88
342,90 17,48 15.250 0.688 HDS1 R 1375240
13.500 0.750 HDS2 R 1200255 387,35 17,48
342,90 19,05 15.500 0.750 HDS1 R 1375380
14.000 0.625 HDS1 V 1200523 393,70 19,05
355,60 15,88 15.750 0.813 HDS2 V 1375553
14.000 1.000 HDS2 R 1200585 400,05 20,65
355,60 25,40
14.000 15.500 0.625 HDS2 V 1400234
12.250 13.750 0.625 HDS3 D • 1225239 355,60 393,70 15,88
311,15 349,25 15,88 15.500 0.625 HDS2 R 1400232
393,70 15,88
12.500 13.750 0.625 HDS1 R 1250110 15.500 0.750 HDS1 R 1400250
317,50 349,25 15,88 393,70 19,05
14.000 0.688 HDS3 D • 1250249 15.750 0.688 HDS1 R 1400370
355,60 17,48 400,05 17,48
14.500 0.750 HDS1 R 1250540 16.000 1.000 HDS1 R 1400580
368,30 19,05 406,40 25,40
14.500 0.813 HDS2 V 1250554
368,30 20,65 14.250 15.750 0.750 HDS2 R 1425252
361,95 400,05 19,05
12.750 14.250 0.688 HDS2 V 1275243 16.250 0.813 HDS2 R 1425552
323,85 361,95 17,48 412,75 20,65
14.250 0.750 HDS2 R 1275252
361,95 19,05 14.375 16.000 0.688 HDS2 D 1438321
365,13 406,40 17,48
Designed with 4 x 0,5 in adjustable spacer lugs
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 8 on page 30
Radial shaft seals – HDS1, HDS2, HDS3 – inch dimensions
d1 14.500 – 34.500 in
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Design Lip Lug1) Designation Dimensions Design Lip Lug1) Designation
Shaft Bore Nominal material Shaft Bore Nominal material
seal width seal width
d1 D b d1 D b
in/mm – – – – in/mm – – – –
14.500 16.000 0.688 HDS2 R 1450242 16.750 18.500 0.875 HDS1 V 1675413
368,30 406,40 17,48 425,45 469,90 22,23
16.500 0.750 HDS2 R 1450542
419,10 19,05 17.000 18.500 0.688 HDS2 R 1700245
431,80 469,90 17,48
14.750 16.500 0.875 HDS2 R 1475411 18.500 0.750 HDS2 D 1700251
374,65 419,10 22,23 469,90 19,05
19.000 0.750 HDS2 R 1700541
15.000 16.500 0.688 HDS1 R 1500240 482,60 19,05
381,00 419,10 17,48
16.500 0.750 HDS1 R 1500250 17.250 18.750 0.750 HDS2 R 1725255
419,10 19,05 438,15 476,25 19,05
16.750 0.750 HDS1 R 1500380
425,45 19,05 17.500 19.000 0.625 HDS1 R 1750230
17.000 0.750 HDS3 D • 1500549 444,50 482,60 15,88
431,80 19,05 19.250 0.688 HDS1 R 1750370
488,95 17,48
15.250 16.750 0.750 HDS2 R 1525252 19.500 0.688 HDS1 R 1750530
387,35 425,45 19,05 495,30 17,48
17.250 0.750 HDS2 R 1525542
438,15 19,05 17.625 19.250 0.688 HDS1 R 1763320
17.250 0.875 HDS1 R 1525560 447,68 488,95 17,48
438,15 22,23
18.000 19.500 0.688 HDS3 D • 1800249
15.500 16.875 0.625 HDS1 R 1550160 457,20 495,30 17,48
393,70 428,63 15,88 19.750 0.750 HDS2 R 1800382
17.500 0.750 HDS2 R 1550542 501,65 19,05
444,50 19,05
17.500 0.813 HDS1 R 1550550 18.250 19.750 0.750 HDS2 R 1825252
444,50 20,62 463,55 501,65 19,05
15.625 17.625 0.875 HDS1 R 1563560 18.500 20.500 0.875 HDS1 R 1850560
396,88 447,68 22,23 469,90 520,70 22,23
15.750 17.250 0.688 HDS3 D • 1575249 18.750 20.750 0.813 HDS2 R 1875553
400,05 438,15 17,48 476,25 527,05 20,65
16.000 17.500 0.750 HDS1 R 1600250 19.000 20.500 0.750 HDS1 R 1900250
406,40 444,50 19,05 482,60 520,70 19,05
18.000 1.000 HDS2 R 1600585 21.000 0.875 HDS2 V 1900562
457,20 25,40 533,40 22,23
16.250 17.750 0.688 HDS1 R 1625240 19.250 21.250 0.938 HDS1 R 1925570
412,75 450,85 17,48 488,95 539,75 23,24
16.500 18.000 0.750 HDS2 R 1650252 19.500 21.500 0.875 HDS1 R 1950560
419,10 457,20 19,05 495,30 546,10 22,23
Designed with 4 x 0,5 in adjustable spacer lugs
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 8 on page 30
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
in/mm – – – – in/mm – – –
20.000 21.500 0.625 HDS3 D • 2000239 25.500 27.500 1.000 HDS2 R 2550585
508,00 546,10 15,88 647,70 698,50 25,40
20.250 21.750 0.750 HDS1 R 2025250 26.000 27.625 0.750 HDS2 R 2600332
514,35 552,45 19,05 660,40 701,68 19,05
20.500 22.500 0.750 HDS2 R 2050542 26.000 28.500 0.875 HDS1 R 2600760
520,70 571,50 19,05 660,40 723,90 22,23
22.500 0.875 HDS1 R 2050560
571,50 22,23 26.500 28.500 0.875 HDS1 R 2650560
673,10 723,90 22,23
20.750 22.750 0.875 HDS2 D 2075562
527,05 577,85 22,23 28.000 29.625 0.750 HDS2 R 2800331
711,20 752,48 19,05
21.000 22.750 0.813 HDS1 R 2100390 30.000 0.875 HDS2 R 2800565
533,40 577,85 20,62 762,00 22,23
23.000 0.625 HDS3 D • 2100529
584,20 15,87 29.000 31.000 0.875 HDS2 R 2900563
736,60 787,40 22,23
21.500 23.500 0.813 HDS1 R 2150550
546,10 596,90 20,62 29.500 31.500 0.875 HDS2 D 2950564
749,30 800,10 22,23
22.000 23.500 0.750 HDS2 V 2200213
558,80 596,90 15,88 30.250 32.500 0.875 HDS1 R 3025660
24.000 0.875 HDS2 R 2200565 768,35 825,50 22,23
609,60 22,23
24.000 1.250 HDS1 D 526339 30.500 32.500 0.875 HDS2 V 3050514
609,60 31,75 774,70 825,50 22,23
33.000 1.000 HDS2 R 3050785
22.250 24.250 0.875 HDS3 H • 2225568 838,20 25,40
565,15 615,95 22,23
31.000 33.000 0.813 HDS1 R 3100550
23.000 24.750 0.750 HDS2 V 2300384 787,40 838,20 20,62
584,20 628,65 19,05
32.500 34.500 0.875 HDS1 R 3250560
23.500 25.500 0.875 HDS1 R 2350560 825,50 876,30 22,23
596,90 647,70 22,23
33.000 34.688 0.750 HDS2 R 3300351
24.000 25.500 0.750 HDS1 R 2400250 838,20 881,08 19,05
609,60 647,70 19,05
26.000 0.875 HDS2 R 2400559 33.500 36.000 0.875 HDS1 R 3350760
660,40 22,23 850,90 914,40 22,23
24.250 26.250 0.875 HDS2 V 2425562 34.000 36.000 0.875 HDS1 R 3400560
615,95 666,75 22,23 863,60 914,40 22,23
25.000 27.000 1.000 HDS1 R 2500580 34.500 36.500 0.875 HDS2 D 3450563
635,00 685,80 25,40 876,30 927,10 22,23
Designed with 4 x 0,5 in adjustable spacer lugs
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 8 on page 30
Radial shaft seals – HDS1, HDS2, HDS3 – inch dimensions Radial shaft seals – HDS1K – inch dimensions
d1 37.500 – 63.340 in d1 7.939 in
b b
d1 D d1 D
in/mm – – – in/mm – – –
37.500 39.000 0.875 HDS2 R 3750272 7.939 10.125 0.688 HDS1K H 597606
952,50 990,60 22,23 201,651 257,175 17,475
39.500 0.875 HDS1 D 3750561
1 003,30 22,23
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 8 on page 30
Radial shaft seals – HDS2K – metric dimensions Radial shaft seals – HDS2K – inch dimensions
d1 340 – 876,3 mm d1 16.500 in
b b
d1 D d1 D
mm – – – in/mm – – –
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 8 on page 30
Radial shaft seals – HDSA1-2, HDSB1-2, HDSC1-2 – metric dimensions
d1 240 – 790 mm
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
mm – – –
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 8 on page 30
Radial shaft seals – HDSA1-2, HDSB1-2, HDSC1-2 – inch dimensions
d1 6.000 – 9.875 in
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
in/mm – – – in/mm – – –
6.000 7.500 0.750 HDSA1 RD 597625 9.000 10.250 0.875 HDSA2 VD 90054
152,40 190,50 19,05 228,60 260,35 22,23
10.500 0.875 HDSA1 RD 597343
6.625 8.125 0.875 HDSA2 VD 594828 266,70 22,23
168,28 206,38 22,23 11.000 1.000 HDSA2 VD 594903
279,40 25,40
7.250 8.750 0.875 HDSA2 VD 72594
184,15 222,25 22,23 9.250 10.438 0.875 HDSA1 RD 92591
234,95 265,13 22,23
8.000 10.000 1.000 HDSB1 RD 592328 11.000 1.375 HDSA1 RD 592452
203,20 254,00 25,40 279,40 34,93
10.000 1.250 HDSC1 RD 590727 11.250 0.875 HDSA1 VD 593312
254,00 31,75 285,75 22,23
10.000 1.250 HDSA1 RD 592336
254,00 31,75 9.375 12.750 1.250 HDSB1 RD 590688
10.125 1.250 HDSB1 RD 80092 238,13 323,85 31,75
257,18 31,75
9.500 11.500 1.250 HDSA2 RD 590375
8.250 10.250 0.875 HDSB1 RD 591921 241,30 292,10 31,75
209,55 260,35 22,23 11.500 1.250 HDSC1 DD 591960
10.250 1.250 HDSB1 RD 590357 292,10 31,75
260,35 31,75 11.500 1.250 HDSA2 DD 593667
292,10 31,75
8.500 9.750 0.870 HDSA2 DD 595513
215,90 247,65 22,22 9.620 12.750 1.250 HDSA1 RD 96290
10.000 0.875 HDSA1 VD 596196 244,35 323,85 31,75
254,00 22,23
10.000 1.000 HDSA1 RD 590731 9.625 11.625 1.000 HDSC1 RD 593659
254,00 25,40 244,48 295,28 25,40
10.500 0.875 HDSA1 VD 592798
266,70 22,23 9.750 11.000 0.875 HDSA1 RD 593053
10.500 1.000 HDSB1 RD 592149 247,65 279,40 22,23
266,70 25,40 11.000 1.000 HDSA1 DD 593428
10.500 1.000 HDSA2 VD 594902 279,40 25,40
266,70 25,40 11.125 0.875 HDSA2 DD 594974
10.500 1.250 HDSA1 RD 590245 282,58 22,23
266,70 31,75 11.250 0.875 HDSA2 DD 595514
285,75 22,23
8.750 10.250 0.875 HDSC1 RD 594333 11.750 1.000 HDSA1 DD 595568
222,25 260,35 22,22 298,45 25,40
10.750 0.875 HDSA1 RD 592492
273,05 22,23 9.844 11.409 0.875 HDSC2 RD 595219
8.875 10.125 0.875 HDSA2 DD 595127 250,04 289,79 22,23
225,43 257,18 22,23
10.875 0.875 HDSA1 RD 591984 9.875 11.875 1.000 HDSA2 RD 592847
276,23 22,23 250,83 301,63 25,40
11.250 0.875 HDSA1 RD 592464
285,75 22,23
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 8 on page 30
Radial shaft seals – HDSA1-2, HDSB1-2, HDSC1-2 – inch dimensions
d1 10.000 – 14.000 in
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
in/mm – – – in/mm – – –
10.000 11.250 0.875 HDSA1 RD 1000910 10.750 12.250 0.875 HDSC1 RD 1075928
254,00 285,75 22,23 273,05 311,15 22,23
11.250 0.875 HDSA2 VD 1000914 12.250 1.025 HDSC1 RD 1075910
285,75 22,23 311,15 25,02
11.500 1.250 HDSA1 RD 1000920 12.500 0.875 HDSA2 RD 1075942
292,10 31,75 317,50 22,23
11.750 0.938 HDSC2 DD 1000943 13.371 1.250 HDSB1 RD 107591
298,45 23,83 339,62 31,75
11.750 1.000 HDSC1 RD 1000941
298,45 25,40 11.000 12.500 1.250 HDSA1 RD 1100918
12.000 0.875 HDSA1 RD 1000950 279,40 317,50 31,75
304,80 22,23 13.000 0.875 HDSA1 RD 1100950
12.000 1.250 HDSA1 RD 1000952 330,20 22,23
304,80 31,75 13.000 1.000 HDSA1 RD 1100951
12.000 1.250 HDSB1 RD 1000953 330,20 25,40
304,80 31,75 13.000 1.250 HDSA1 RD 1100952
12.000 1.500 HDSA1 RD 1000954 330,20 31,75
304,80 38,10 13.000 1.250 HDSB1 RD 1100953
12.500 1.000 HDSA1 RD 1000971 330,20 31,75
317,50 25,40 13.000 1.250 HDSC1 RD 1100954
330,20 31,75
10.125 11.750 0.938 HDSC1 RD 1013930 13.500 1.250 HDSA1 RD 1100971
257,18 298,45 23,83 342,90 31,75
10.250 12.250 1.250 HDSC1 RD 1025951 11.417 12.994 0.875 HDSA1 VD 1141937
260,35 311,15 31,75 290,00 330,00 22,23
13.000 0.875 HDSA2 VD 1141273
10.375 11.625 0.875 HDSA2 DD 1037912 330,20 22,23
263,53 295,28 22,23
11.500 13.000 0.750 HDSA1 RD 115025
10.500 12.000 0.875 HDSC1 RD 1050916 292,10 330,20 19,05
266,70 304,80 22,23 13.000 0.875 HDSA1 DD 1150925
12.500 1.000 HDSA1 RD 1050956 330,20 22,23
317,50 25,40 13.000 1.063 HDSA1 RD 1150920
12.500 1.000 HDSB1 RD 1050958 330,20 27,00
317,50 25,40
12.500 1.000 HDSA1 VT 1050966 11.750 13.250 0.875 HDSC1 RD 1175920
317,50 25,40 298,45 336,55 22,23
13.250 0.875 HDSA2 VD 1175924
10.625 12.500 0.969 HDSA1 RD 1062945 336,55 22,23
269,88 317,50 24,61 13.250 0.875 HDSA2 RD 527709
13.000 1.000 HDSB1 RD 1063971 336,55 22,23
330,20 25,40 13.750 1.250 HDSB1 RD 1175952
349,25 31,75
10.688 12.500 1.000 HDSA1 RD 1068940
271,48 317,50 25,40
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 8 on page 30
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
in/mm – – – in/mm – – –
12.000 13.500 0.875 HDSA1 RD 1200920 13.250 14.750 0.906 HDSA2 DD 1325922
304,80 342,90 22,23 336,55 374,65 32,01
14.000 0.844 HDSA2 VD 1200962 14.750 0.906 HDSA2 VD 1325928
355,60 21,44 374,65 23,01
14.000 1.000 HDSB1 RD 1200958 14.875 1.000 HDSA2 DD 1325932
355,60 25,40 377,83 25,40
14.000 1.250 HDSB1 RD 1200952 15.000 1.250 HDSA1 RD 1325940
355,60 31,75 381,00 31,75
15.250 1.000 HDSA1 RD 1325950
12.250 13.750 0.875 HDSC1 RD 1225928 387,35 25,40
311,15 349,25 22,23
13.750 1.105 HDSC1 RD 1225920 13.386 15.000 0.875 HDSA2 VD 1338273
349,25 28,07 340,00 381,00 22,23
14.250 1.250 HDSA2 RD 1225588
361,95 20,65 13.500 15.500 0.875 HDSA2 RD 1350954
14.250 1.250 HDSA1 RD 1225960 342,90 393,70 22,23
361,95 31,75 15.500 1.250 HDSB1 RD 1350970
393,70 31,75
12.500 13.750 0.906 HDSA2 RD 1250912 15.500 1.250 HDSB1 VD 593517
317,50 349,25 23,01 393,70 31,75
14.000 0.875 HDSA2 DD 1250272
356,60 22,23 13.750 15.500 0.875 HDSA1 VD 1375418
14.000 0.875 HDSA2 DD 1250922 349,25 393,70 22,23
355,60 22,23
14.500 1.250 HDSA1 RD 1250950 13.875 15.125 0.875 HDSA2 RD 1387912
368,30 31,75 352,43 384,18 22,23
12.750 14.750 1.250 HDSB1 RD 1275950 13.938 15.744 1.250 HDSA2 RD 1394942
323,85 374,65 31,75 354,03 399,90 31,75
12.875 14.125 0.875 HDSA2 RD 1287912 14.000 15.500 0.875 HDSC1 RD 1400928
327,03 358,78 22,23 355,60 393,70 22,23
15.500 0.985 HDSC1 RD 1400910
13.000 14.500 0.875 HDSA1 RD 1300900 393,70 25,02
330,20 368,30 22,23 15.500 1.000 HDSA1 RD 1400925
14.500 0.875 HDSB1 RD 1300929 393,90 25,40
368,30 22,23 16.000 1.000 HDSA1 VT 1400957
14.500 1.000 HDSA1 RD 1300920 406,40 25,40
368,30 25,40
14.000 16.000 1.375 HDSA1 RD 1400950
355,60 406,40 34,93
16.250 1.000 HDSA2 RD 1400965
412,75 25,40
16.250 1.000 HDSA2 VD 528307
412,75 25,40
16.750 0.968 HDSB2 RD 1400981
425,45 24,59
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 8 on page 30
Radial shaft seals – HDSA1-2, HDSB1-2, HDSC1-2 – inch dimensions
d1 14.250 – 46.840 in
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
in/mm – – – in/mm – – –
14.250 15.750 1.000 HDSA1 RD 1425920 17.500 19.000 1.250 HDSA1 RD 1750920
361,95 400,05 25,40 444,50 482,60 31,75
16.250 1.000 HDSB1 RD 1425950 19.500 1.000 HDSA2 RD 1750958
412,75 25,40 495,30 25,40
19.500 1.250 HDSA1 RD 1750952
14.400 15.587 0.875 HDSB1 RD 1440901 495,30 31,75
365,76 395,91 22,23
18.000 20.000 1.500 HDSA1 RD 1800950
14.500 16.000 0.870 HDSC2 DD 1450922 457,20 508,00 38,10
368,30 406,40 22,22 20.250 1.000 HDSA2 RD 1800965
514,35 25,40
15.000 17.000 0.875 HDSA1 RD 1500951 20.250 1.000 HDSA2 VD 528308
381,00 431,80 22,23 514,35 25,40
17.000 1.250 HDSA1 RD 1500950
431,80 31,75 18.500 20.500 0.968 HDSA2 VD 1850952
17.500 1.000 HDSA1 RD 1500973 469,90 520,70 24,59
444,50 25,40
19.000 21.000 1.250 HDSC1 RD 1900950
15.125 16.375 0.875 HDSA2 RD 1512912 482,60 533,40 31,75
384,18 415,93 22,23
19.250 20.750 0.875 HDSA1 RD 1925920
15.313 17.313 0.813 HDSA2 RD 592865 488,95 527,05 22,23
388,95 439,75 20,65
17.313 0.875 HDSA1 RD 1531950 19.500 21.500 1.250 HDSA1 RD 1950950
439,72 22,23 495,30 546,10 31,75
15.375 16.625 0.875 HDSA2 RD 1537142 19.750 22.125 1.000 HDSA1 RD 1975972
390,53 422,28 22,23 501,65 561,98 25,40
15.750 17.750 1.250 HDSA1 RD 1575910 20.000 21.250 1.375 HDSA1 RD 2000913
400,05 450,85 31,75 508,00 539,75 34,93
21.500 0.875 HDSA1 VD 593789
16.000 18.000 0.875 HDSA1 RD 1600951 546,10 22,23
406,40 457,20 22,23
18.000 1.000 HDSA2 RD 1600955 20.438 22.500 1.000 HDSA1 RD 2044580
457,20 25,40 519,13 571,50 25,40
18.000 1.125 HDSB1 RD 1600940
457,20 28,58 20.500 22.000 1.500 HDSA2 RD 2050282
18.000 1.125 HDSA1 RD 1600941 520,70 558,80 38,10
457,20 28,58 22.500 0.875 HDSA2 VD 2050954
571,50 22,23
16.375 17.562 1.000 HDSA1 RD 1637901
415,93 446,07 25,40 20.750 22.750 1.250 HDSA1 RD 2075950
527,05 577,85 31,75
17.000 18.250 0.875 HDSA2 RD 1700142
431,80 463,55 22,23 21.000 22.250 1.375 HDSA1 RD 2100913
19.000 1.250 HDSA1 RD 1700950 533,40 565,15 34,93
482,60 31,75 23.000 0.875 HDSC2 RD 2100955
584,20 22,23
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 8 on page 30
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
in/mm – – –
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 8 on page 30
Radial shaft seals – HDSE1 – metric dimensions
d1 850 mm
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
mm – – –
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 8 on page 30
Radial shaft seals – HDSD1-2, HDSE1-2 – inch dimensions
d1 18.000 – 63.130 in
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
in/mm – – – in/mm – – –
18.000 20.000 1.250 HDSD2 RR 1800570 29.000 31.000 1.750 HDSD1 RR 2900954
457,20 508,00 31,75 736,60 787,40 44,45
20.000 1.500 HDSD1 RR 1800956
508,00 38,10 31.000 34.000 1.250 HDSD2 RR 3100992
20.250 1.250 HDSE2 RR 1800966 787,40 863,60 31,75
514,35 31,75
33.000 34.500 1.250 HDSD1 RR 3300920
18.500 20.000 1.250 HDSD2 RR 1850922 838,20 876,30 31,75
469,90 508,00 31,75 34.500 1.250 HDSE1 RR 3300921
876,30 31,75
19.125 21.250 1.750 HDSD1 RR 1913960
485,78 539,75 44,45 33.500 35.500 1.750 HDSE1 RR 3350950
850,90 901,70 44,45
20.000 22.000 1.813 HDSE1 RR 2000951
508,00 558,80 46,05 35.500 38.000 1.250 HDSE2 VV 3550974
901,70 965,20 31,75
21.750 24.750 1.500 HDSD1 RR 2175920
552,45 628,65 38,10 36.000 38.000 1.500 HDSE2 RR 3600954
24.750 1.500 HDSD2 VV 2175992 914,40 965,20 38,10
628,65 38,10
24.750 1.500 HDSD1 VV 2175997 38.000 40.000 1.312 HDSE1 RR 3800950
628,65 38,10 965,20 1 016,00 33,33
24.750 1.500 HDSE1 VV 2175998
628,65 38,10 63.130 64.625 1.375 HDSD1 RD 6313922
1 603,51 1 641,48 34,93
22.000 24.000 1.250 HDSD1 RR 2200953
558,80 609,60 31,75
24.000 1.250 HDSE2 DD 2200958
609,60 31,75
24.000 1.250 HDSD2 DD 2200962
609,60 31,75
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 8 on page 30
Radial shaft seals – SBF – metric dimensions
d1 175 – 900 mm
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
mm – – mm – –
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
Radial shaft seals – SBF – inch dimensions
d1 11.000 – 27.500 in
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Designations
Shaft Bore Nominal Lip material
seal width
d1 D b R V
in/mm –
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
Radial shaft seals – HSF1 (split), HSF5 (solid) – metric dimensions
d1 40 – 210 mm
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Designations
Shaft Bore Nominal Split version (HSF1) Solid version (HSF5)
seal width Lip material R, V Lip material R, V
d1 D b
mm –
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Designations
Shaft Bore Nominal Split version (HSF1) Solid version (HSF5)
seal width Lip material R, V Lip material R, V
d1 D b
mm –
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
Radial shaft seals – HSF1 (split), HSF5 (solid) – metric dimensions
d1 215 – 316 mm
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Designations
Shaft Bore Nominal Split version (HSF1) Solid version (HSF5)
seal width Lip material R, V Lip material R, V
d1 D b
mm –
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Designations
Shaft Bore Nominal Split version (HSF1) Solid version (HSF5)
seal width Lip material R, V Lip material R, V
d1 D b
mm –
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
Radial shaft seals – HSF1 (split), HSF5 (solid) – metric dimensions
d1 320 – 470 mm
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Designations
Shaft Bore Nominal Split version (HSF1) Solid version (HSF5)
seal width Lip material R, V Lip material R, V
d1 D b
mm –
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Designations
Shaft Bore Nominal Split version (HSF1) Solid version (HSF5)
seal width Lip material R, V Lip material R, V
d1 D b
mm –
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
Radial shaft seals – HSF1 (split), HSF5 (solid) – metric dimensions
d1 480 – 736 mm
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Designations
Shaft Bore Nominal Split version (HSF1) Solid version (HSF5)
seal width Lip material R, V Lip material R, V
d1 D b
mm –
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Designations
Shaft Bore Nominal Split version (HSF1) Solid version (HSF5)
seal width Lip material R, V Lip material R, V
d1 D b
mm –
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
Radial shaft seals – HSF1 (split), HSF5 (solid) – metric dimensions
d1 740 – 1 110 mm
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Designations
Shaft Bore Nominal Split version (HSF1) Solid version (HSF5)
seal width Lip material R, V Lip material R, V
d1 D b
mm –
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Designations
Shaft Bore Nominal Split version (HSF1) Solid version (HSF5)
seal width Lip material R, V Lip material R, V
d1 D b
mm –
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
Radial shaft seals – HSF1 (split), HSF5 (solid) – inch dimensions
d1 1.000 – 12.484 in
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Designations
Shaft Bore Nominal Split version (HSF1) Solid version (HSF5)
seal width Lip material Lip material
d1 D b R V R V
in/mm –
1.000 1.874 0.375 HSF1 5001 R HSF1 5001 V HSF5 5001 R HSF5 5001 V
25,4 47,6 9,5
2.750 3.375 0.312 HSF1 5156 R HSF1 5156 V HSF5 5156 R HSF5 5156 V
69,9 85,7 7,9
3.248 4.500 0.500 HSF1 5225 R HSF1 5225 V HSF5 5225 R HSF5 5225 V
82,5 114,3 12,7
3.500 4.500 0.500 HSF1 5252 R HSF1 5252 V HSF5 5252 R HSF5 5252 V
88,9 114,3 12,7
3.874 4.878 0.500 HSF1 5265 R HSF1 5265 V HSF5 5265 R HSF5 5265 V
98,4 123,9 12,7
4.000 5.000 0.500 HSF1 5310 R HSF1 5310 V HSF5 5310 R HSF5 5310 V
101,6 127 12,7
4.425 5.500 0.562 HSF1 5353 R HSF1 5353 V HSF5 5353 R HSF5 5353 V
112,4 139,7 14,3
4.437 5.465 0.583 HSF1 5351 R HSF1 5351 V HSF5 5351 R HSF5 5351 V
112,7 138,8 14,8
4.874 5.874 0.500 HSF1 5391 R HSF1 5391 V HSF5 5391 R HSF5 5391 V
123,8 149,2 12,7
5.205 6.504 0.591 HSF1 5431 R HSF1 5431 V HSF5 5431 R HSF5 5431 V
132,2 165,2 15
5.622 6.622 0.625 HSF1 5471 R HSF1 5471 V HSF5 5471 R HSF5 5471 V
142,8 168,2 15,9
5.750 7.000 0.625 HSF1 5489 R HSF1 5489 V HSF5 5489 R HSF5 5489 V
146,1 177,8 15,9
5.874 7.000 0.492 HSF1 5498 R HSF1 5498 V HSF5 5498 R HSF5 5498 V
149,2 177,8 12,5
6.000 7.126 0.630 HSF1 5509 R HSF1 5509 V HSF5 5509 R HSF5 5509 V
152,4 181 16
7.500 0.625 HSF1 5510 R HSF1 5510 V HSF5 5510 R HSF5 5510 V
190,5 15,9
6.500 8.000 0.750 HSF1 5570 R HSF1 5570 V HSF5 5570 R HSF5 5570 V
165,1 203,2 19,1
6.748 7.750 0.750 HSF1 5585 R HSF1 5585 V HSF5 5585 R HSF5 5585 V
171,4 196,9 19,1
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Designations
Shaft Bore Nominal Split version (HSF1) Solid version (HSF5)
seal width Lip material Lip material
d1 D b R V R V
in/mm –
7.000 8.000 0.437 HSF1 5587 R HSF1 5587 V HSF5 5587 R HSF5 5587 V
177,8 203,2 11,1
8.250 0.750 HSF1 5600 R HSF1 5600 V HSF5 5600 R HSF5 5600 V
209,6 19,1
7.250 8.500 0.625 HSF1 5624 R HSF1 5624 V HSF5 5624 R HSF5 5624 V
184,2 215,9 15,9
7.500 8.500 0.625 HSF1 5662 R HSF1 5662 V HSF5 5662 R HSF5 5662 V
190,5 215,9 15,9
7.677 8.677 0.500 HSF1 5667 R HSF1 5667 V HSF5 5667 R HSF5 5667 V
195 220,4 12,7
8.598 9.843 0.591 HSF1 5764 R HSF1 5764 V HSF5 5764 R HSF5 5764 V
218,4 250 15
8.750 10.000 0.625 HSF1 5790 R HSF1 5790 V HSF5 5790 R HSF5 5790 V
222,3 254 15,9
9.625 11.635 1.000 HSF1 5878 R HSF1 5878 V HSF5 5878 R HSF5 5878 V
244,5 295,5 25,4
9.843 10.843 0.500 HSF1 5885 R HSF1 5885 V HSF5 5885 R HSF5 5885 V
250 275,4 12,7
10.000 11.250 0.625 HSF1 5910 R HSF1 5910 V HSF5 5910 R HSF5 5910 V
254 285,8 15,9
10.250 12.250 0.750 HSF1 5950 R HSF1 5950 V HSF5 5950 R HSF5 5950 V
260,4 311,2 19,1
11.000 12.181 0.591 HSF1 6000 R HSF1 6000 V HSF5 6000 R HSF5 6000 V
279,4 309,4 15
11.250 12.500 0.625 HSF1 6040 R HSF1 6040 V HSF5 6040 R HSF5 6040 V
285,8 317,5 15,9
11.260 13.250 0.591 HSF1 6049 R HSF1 6049 V HSF5 6049 R HSF5 6049 V
286 336,6 15
11.417 12.417 0.500 HSF1 6055 R HSF1 6055 V HSF5 6055 R HSF5 6055 V
290 315,4 12,7
12.250 14.250 0.812 HSF1 6150 R HSF1 6150 V HSF5 6150 R HSF5 6150 V
311,2 362 20,6
12.484 14.000 0.630 HSF1 6172 R HSF1 6172 V HSF5 6172 R HSF5 6172 V
317,1 355,6 16
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
Radial shaft seals – HSF1 (split), HSF5 (solid) – inch dimensions
d1 12.500 – 36.748 in
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Designations
Shaft Bore Nominal Split version (HSF1) Solid version (HSF5)
seal width Lip material Lip material
d1 D b R V R V
in/mm –
12.500 14.000 0.750 HSF1 6173 R HSF1 6173 V HSF5 6173 R HSF5 6173 V
317,5 355,6 19,1
12.504 14.000 0.687 HSF1 6175 R HSF1 6175 V HSF5 6175 R HSF5 6175 V
317,6 355,6 17,4
12.746 14.248 0.687 HSF1 6192 R HSF1 6192 V HSF5 6192 R HSF5 6192 V
323,7 361,9 17,4
14.750 1.000 HSF1 6195 R HSF1 6195 V HSF5 6195 R HSF5 6195 V
374,7 25,4
13.000 14.500 0.687 HSF1 6230 R HSF1 6230 V HSF5 6230 R HSF5 6230 V
330,2 368,3 17,4
14.500 0.687 HSF1 6230 R HSF1 6230 V HSF5 6230 R HSF5 6230 V
368,3 17,4
13.500 15.000 0.750 HSF1 6271 R HSF1 6271 V HSF5 6271 R HSF5 6271 V
342,9 381 19,1
14.370 16.118 0.750 HSF1 6350 R HSF1 6350 V HSF5 6350 R HSF5 6350 V
365 409,4 19,1
14.500 16.250 0.625 HSF1 6370 R HSF1 6370 V HSF5 6370 R HSF5 6370 V
368,3 412,8 15,9
14.961 16.961 0.812 HSF1 6425 R HSF1 6425 V HSF5 6425 R HSF5 6425 V
380 430,8 20,6
15.250 17.250 0.875 HSF1 6460 R HSF1 6460 V HSF5 6460 R HSF5 6460 V
387,4 438,2 22,2
15.992 17.500 0.687 HSF1 6550 R HSF1 6550 V HSF5 6550 R HSF5 6550 V
406,2 444,5 17,4
16.000 18.000 0.750 HSF1 6560 R HSF1 6560 V HSF5 6560 R HSF5 6560 V
406,4 457,2 19,1
18.000 0.812 HSF1 6565 R HSF1 6565 V HSF5 6565 R HSF5 6565 V
457,2 20,6
18.000 0.906 HSF1 6575 R HSF1 6575 V HSF5 6575 R HSF5 6575 V
457,2 23
16.226 17.750 0.687 HSF1 6590 R HSF1 6590 V HSF5 6590 R HSF5 6590 V
412,1 450,9 17,4
16.500 17.750 0.750 HSF1 6600 R HSF1 6600 V HSF5 6600 R HSF5 6600 V
419,1 450,9 19,1
17.000 19.000 0.812 HSF1 6645 R HSF1 6645 V HSF5 6645 R HSF5 6645 V
431,8 482,6 20,6
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Designations
Shaft Bore Nominal Split version (HSF1) Solid version (HSF5)
seal width Lip material Lip material
d1 D b R V R V
in/mm –
17.248 18.748 0.750 HSF1 6656 R HSF1 6656 V HSF5 6656 R HSF5 6656 V
438,1 476,2 19,1
18.169 21.260 1.220 HSF1 6734 R HSF1 6734 V HSF5 6734 R HSF5 6734 V
461,5 540 31
20.500 22.500 1.000 HSF1 6890 R HSF1 6890 V HSF5 6890 R HSF5 6890 V
520,7 571,5 25,4
21.000 23.000 0.875 HSF1 6930 R HSF1 6930 V HSF5 6930 R HSF5 6930 V
533,4 584,2 22,2
22.000 24.000 0.875 HSF1 7000 R HSF1 7000 V HSF5 7000 R HSF5 7000 V
558,8 609,6 22,2
23.248 25.250 0.812 HSF1 7100 R HSF1 7100 V HSF5 7100 R HSF5 7100 V
590,5 641,4 20,6
23.501 22.001 0.750 HSF1 6990 R HSF1 6990 V HSF5 6990 R HSF5 6990 V
596,9 558,8 19,1
30.000 32.500 1.000 HSF1 7520 R HSF1 7520 V HSF5 7520 R HSF5 7520 V
762 825,5 25,4
30.461 32.500 0.906 HSF1 7525 R HSF1 7525 V HSF5 7525 R HSF5 7525 V
773,7 825,5 23
31.000 33.000 0.906 HSF1 7570 R HSF1 7570 V HSF5 7570 R HSF5 7570 V
787,4 838,2 23
31.250 33.250 0.750 HSF1 7580 R HSF1 7580 V HSF5 7580 R HSF5 7580 V
793,8 844,6 19,1
32.500 34.500 0.875 HSF1 7700 R HSF1 7700 V HSF5 7700 R HSF5 7700 V
825,5 876,3 22,2
34.500 1.000 HSF1 7710 R HSF1 7710 V HSF5 7710 R HSF5 7710 V
876,3 25,4
33.000 35.000 0.906 HSF1 7730 R HSF1 7730 V HSF5 7730 R HSF5 7730 V
838,2 889 23
34.375 36.875 1.250 HSF1 7810 R HSF1 7810 V HSF5 7810 R HSF5 7810 V
873,1 936,6 31,8
36.500 39.000 1.250 HSF1 7895 R HSF1 7895 V HSF5 7895 R HSF5 7895 V
927,1 990,6 31,8
36.748 38.749 0.875 HSF1 7900 R HSF1 7900 V HSF5 7900 R HSF5 7900 V
933,4 984,2 22,2
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
Radial shaft seals – HSF1 (split), HSF5 (solid) – inch dimensions
d1 38.000 – 48.000 in
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Designations
Shaft Bore Nominal Split version (HSF1) Solid version (HSF5)
seal width Lip material Lip material
d1 D b R V R V
in/mm –
38.000 40.000 0.875 HSF1 7990 R HSF1 7990 V HSF5 7990 R HSF5 7990 V
965,2 1 016 22,2
39.118 40.000 0.500 HSF1 8170 R HSF1 8170 V HSF5 8170 R HSF5 8170 V
993,6 1 016 12,7
48.000 49.000 1.260 HSF1 8400 R HSF1 8400 V HSF5 8400 R HSF5 8400 V
1 219,2 1 244,6 32
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
Radial shaft seals – HSF2 (split), HSF6 (solid) series – metric dimensions
d1 127 – 800 mm
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Designations
Shaft Bore Nominal Split version (HSF2) Solid version (HSF6)
seal width Lip material R, V Lip material R, V
d1 D b
mm –
Dimensions Designations
Shaft Bore Nominal Split version (HSF2) Solid version (HSF6)
seal width Lip material Lip material
d1 D b R V R V
in/mm –
21.000 23.000 0.875 HSF2 6930 R HSF2 6930 V HSF6 6930 R HSF6 6930 V
533,40 584,20 22,23
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
Radial shaft seals – HSF3 (split), HSF7 (solid) – metric dimensions
d1 80 – 360 mm
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Designations
Shaft Bore Nominal Split version (HSF3) Solid version (HSF7)
seal width Lip material R, V Lip material R, V
d1 D b
mm –
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Designations
Shaft Bore Nominal Split version (HSF3) Solid version (HSF7)
seal width Lip material R, V Lip material R, V
d1 D b
mm –
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
Radial shaft seals – HSF3 (split), HSF7 (solid) – metric dimensions
d1 365 – 620 mm
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Designations
Shaft Bore Nominal Split version (HSF3) Solid version (HSF7)
seal width Lip material R, V Lip material R, V
d1 D b
mm –
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Designations
Shaft Bore Nominal Split version (HSF3) Solid version (HSF7)
seal width Lip material R, V Lip material R, V
d1 D b
mm –
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
Radial shaft seals – HSF3 (split), HSF7 (solid) – metric dimensions
d1 640 – 1 030 mm
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Designations
Shaft Bore Nominal Split version (HSF3) Solid version (HSF7)
seal width Lip material R, V Lip material R, V
d1 D b
mm –
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Designations
Shaft Bore Nominal Split version (HSF3) Solid version (HSF7)
seal width Lip material R, V Lip material R, V
d1 D b
mm –
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
Radial shaft seals – HSF3 (split), HSF7 (solid) – inch dimensions
d1 28.500 – 45.500 in
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Designations
Shaft Bore Nominal Split version (HSF3) Solid version (HSF7)
seal width Lip material Lip material
d1 D b R V R V
in/mm –
28.500 9.750 0.812 HSF3 5766 R HSF3 5766 V HSF7 5766 R HSF7 5766 V
215,90 247,65 20,62
10.000 11.500 0.630 HSF3 5920 R HSF3 5920 V HSF7 5920 R HSF7 5920 V
254,00 292,10 16,00
11.500 13.780 0.630 HSF3 6075 R HSF3 6075 V HSF7 6075 R HSF7 6075 V
292,10 350,01 16,00
12.250 14.250 0.812 HSF3 6150 R HSF3 6150 V HSF7 6150 R HSF7 6150 V
311,15 361,95 20,62
14.500 16.500 0.812 HSF3 6370 R HSF3 6370 V HSF7 6370 R HSF7 6370 V
368,30 419,10 20,62
16.500 1.152 HSF3 6375 R HSF3 6375 V HSF7 6375 R HSF7 6375 V
419,10 29,26
14.750 16.500 0.875 HSF3 6395 R HSF3 6395 V HSF7 6395 R HSF7 6395 V
374,65 419,10 22,23
15.250 17.250 1.000 HSF3 6465 R HSF3 6465 V HSF7 6465 R HSF7 6465 V
387,35 438,15 25,40
16.500 18.000 0.750 HSF3 6611 R HSF3 6611 V HSF7 6611 R HSF7 6611 V
419,10 457,20 19,05
35.500 37.500 0.875 HSF3 7860 R HSF3 7860 V HSF7 7860 R HSF7 7860 V
901,70 952,50 22,23
36.000 38.500 0.875 HSF3 7890 R HSF3 7890 V HSF7 7890 R HSF7 7890 V
914,40 977,90 22,23
45.500 47.000 0.812 HSF3 9000 R HSF3 9000 V HSF7 9000 R HSF7 9000 V
1 155,70 1 193,80 20,62
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
Radial shaft seals – HSF4 (split), HSF8 (solid) – metric dimensions
d1 75 – 660 mm
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Designations
Shaft Bore Nominal Split version (HSF4) Solid version (HSF8)
seal width Lip material R, V Lip material R, V
d1 D b
mm –
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
Radial shaft seals – HSF4 (split), HSF8 (solid) – inch dimensions
d1 7.250 – 38.000 in
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Designations
Shaft Bore Nominal Split version (HSF4) Solid version (HSF8)
seal width Lip material Lip material
d1 D b R V R V
in/mm –
7.250 5.750 0.625 HSF4 5490 R HSF4 5490 V HSF8 5490 R HSF8 5490 V
184,15 146,05 15,88
38.000 40.000 0.875 HSF4 7990 R HSF4 7990 V HSF8 7990 R HSF8 7990 V
965,2 1 016 22,23
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
Radial shaft seals – HSF9 – metric dimensions
d1 200 – 860 mm
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
Dimensions Designations
Shaft Bore Nominal Lip material
seal width
d1 D b R V
mm –
Dimensions Designations
Shaft Bore Nominal Lip material
seal width
d1 D b R V
in/mm –
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. Contact your SKF sales representative for complete information on availability
Radial shaft seals – HS4, HS5 – metric dimensions
d1 230 – 1 055 mm
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
mm – – – mm – – –
260 285,4 12,7 HS5 R 1023015 778 818 20,5 HS5 D 595167
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 9 on page 31
Radial shaft seals – HS4, HS5 – inch dimensions
d1 6.438 – 72.750 in
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
in/mm – – – in/mm – – –
6.438 7.688 0.625 HS5 R 596043 14.361 15.748 0.709 HS4 R 595175
163,53 195,28 15,88 364,77 400,00 18,01
7.125 8.125 0.500 HS5 R 595761 15.748 17.717 0.890 HS4 R 1574443
180,98 206,38 12,70 400,00 450,01 22,61
7.188 8.640 0.625 HS5 R 595643 16.000 17.000 0.500 HS4 R 1600014
182,58 219,46 15,88 406,40 431,80 12,70
7.500 8.750 0.625 HS5 D 595822 20.000 22.000 0.500 HS5 R 595044
190,50 222,25 15,88 508,00 558,80 12,70
7.750 8.750 0.625 HS5 D 595813 21.000 23.000 0.813 HS4 R 526719
196,85 222,25 15,88 533,40 584,20 20,65
8.000 9.500 0.625 HS5 R 595404 21.750 23.250 0.625 HS5 R 593520
203,20 241,30 15,88 552,45 590,55 15,88
8.625 10.125 0.609 HS5 R 595566 24.000 25.500 0.750 HS5 R 593519
219,08 257,18 15,47 609,60 647,70 19,05
9.000 10.500 0.625 HS5 R 594641 25.000 27.000 0.875 HS5 R 593183
228,60 266,70 15,88 635,00 685,80 22,23
10.250 12.017 0.750 HS5 R 1025435 27.000 29.000 0.813 HS5 R 2700555
260,35 305,23 19,05 685,80 736,60 20,65
11.250 12.750 0.625 HS5 R 1125235 33.000 34.250 0.625 HS5 D 530414
285,75 323,85 15,88 838,20 869,95 15,88
11.500 13.250 0.750 HS5 R 594850 53.000 54.875 0.813 HS4 R 595881
292,10 336,55 19,05 1346,20 1393,83 20,65
12.000 13.000 0.500 HS5 R 1200015 72.750 74.000 0.719 HS5 R 7275135
304,80 330,20 12,70 1847.85 1879.60 18.26
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 9 on page 31
Radial shaft seals – HS6, HS7, HS8 – metric dimensions
d1 145 – 1 070 mm
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
mm – – – mm – – –
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 9 on page 31
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
mm – – – mm – – –
556 610 25,4 HS7 R 2189637 870 920 15,88 HS8 R 3425478
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 9 on page 31
Radial shaft seals – HS6, HS7, HS8 – metric dimensions Radial shaft seals – HS6, HS7, HS8 – inch dimensions
d1 1 105 – 3 000 mm d1 5.500 – 11.000 in
b b
d1 D d1 D
mm – – – in/mm – – –
1 105 1 151 17,5 HS8 R 4350508 5.500 6.500 0.500 HS8 V 597548
139,70 165,10 12,70
1 180 1 230 20 HS6 R 4645556
6.000 7.250 0.625 HS8 R 592986
1 248 1 298 20,7 HS8 R 4913508 152,40 184,15 15,88
7.500 0.535 HS8 R 60037
1 370 1 420 19,83 HS8 H 5393458 190,50 13,59
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 9 on page 31
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
in/mm – – – in/mm – – –
8.750 9.750 0.500 HS8 V 87440 10.000 11.000 0.562 HS8 R 1000018
222,25 247,65 12,70 254,00 279,40 14,28
10.000 0.625 HS8 R 592627 11.250 0.625 HS7 R 1000117
254,00 15,88 285,75 15,88
10.750 0.750 HS7 R 597553 11.500 0.750 HS7 R 1000257
273,05 19,05 292,10 19,05
12.000 0.625 HS7 R 1000527
8.938 9.938 0.625 HS7 R 595004 304,80 15,88
227,03 254,43 15,88 12.000 0.625 HS7 V 1000025
304,80 15,88
9.000 10.250 0.625 HS7 R 592581
228,60 260,35 15,88 10.125 11.750 0.750 HS8 R 1012338
10.500 0.750 HS8 R 592600 257,18 298,45 19,05
266,70 19,05
10.674 0.703 HS8 R 592779 10.188 11.188 0.500 HS7 R 1019017
271,12 17,86 258,78 284,18 12,70
9.250 11.250 0.625 HS7 R 593625 10.250 11.250 0.625 HS7 R 1025017
234,95 285,75 15,88 260,35 285,75 15,88
11.250 0.750 HS8 R 592858 12.000 0.625 HS8 R 1025368
285,75 19,05 304,80 15,88
9.438 10.688 0.625 HS7 R 592126 10.438 11.688 0.875 HS8 R 1043148
239,73 271,48 15,88 265,13 296,88 22,23
9.500 11.000 0.625 HS8 R 531331 10.500 11.500 0.500 HS8 R 1050018
241,30 279,40 15,88 266,70 292,10 12,70
11.500 0.625 HS8 R 597507 12.000 0.750 HS8 R 1050258
292,10 15,88 304,80 19,05
12.000 0.750 HS7 R 1050257
9.750 10.750 0.500 HS7 R 592988 304,80 19,05
247,65 273,05 12,70
11.250 0.625 HS7 R 593385 10.710 12.511 0.625 HS8 R 1071448
285,75 15,88 272,03 317,78 15,88
9.938 11.188 0.625 HS8 R 594753 10.875 12.875 0.578 HS6 R 527099
252,43 284,18 15,88 276,23 327,03 14,68
11.438 0.750 HS8 R 592731
290,53 19,05 11.000 12.000 0.625 HS7 R 1100027
279,40 304,80 15,88
12.500 0.750 HS8 R 1100258
317,50 19,05
12.500 0.750 HS7 R 1100257
317,50 19,05
13.000 0.750 HS8 R 1100538
330,20 19,05
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 9 on page 31
Radial shaft seals – HS6, HS7, HS8 – inch dimensions
d1 11.125 – 19.750 in
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
in/mm – – – in/mm – – –
11.125 12.375 0.625 HS8 R 1113118 13.000 14.500 0.625 HS7 R 1300237
282,58 314,33 15,88 330,20 368,30 15,88
14.500 0.750 HS8 R 1300258
11.250 12.750 0.750 HS7 R 1125257 368,30 19,05
285,75 323,85 19,05 15.000 0.750 HS8 R 1300548
381,00 19,05
11.375 12.375 0.500 HS7 R 1138017
288,93 314,33 12,70 13.125 15.125 0.750 HS8 R 592920
333,38 384,18 19,05
11.422 12.922 0.750 HS7 R 1142257
290,12 328,22 19,05 13.250 14.750 0.625 HS7 R 1325237
336,55 374,65 15,88
11.500 12.500 0.500 HS8 R 1150018
292,10 317,50 12,70 13.375 14.875 0.625 HS8 R 594057
13.000 0.750 HS8 R 1150258 339,73 377,83 15,88
330,20 19,05
13.500 15.000 0.750 HS8 R 1350258
11.750 13.250 0.750 HS7 R 1175257 342,90 381,00 19,05
298,45 336,55 19,05 15.500 0.625 HS7 R 1350527
393,70 15,88
11.875 13.125 0.625 HS8 R 1188118
301,63 333,38 15,88 13.750 15.250 0.750 HS7 R 1375257
349,25 387,35 19,05
12.000 13.000 0.500 HS8 D 1200028
304,80 330,20 12,70 13.875 15.375 0.750 HS7 R 1388257
13.500 0.750 HS8 R 1200258 352,43 390,53 19,05
342,90 19,05
14.000 0.813 HS8 R 1200558 14.000 15.000 0.500 HS8 R 1400018
355,60 20,62 355,60 381,00 12,70
15.500 0.750 HS8 R 1400258
12.375 13.875 0.750 HS7 R 1238257 393,70 19,05
314,33 352,43 19,05 15.500 0.750 HS7 R 1400257
393,70 19,05
12.500 13.500 0.500 HS8 R 1250018 15.500 0.750 HS8 V 594261
317,50 342,90 12,70 393,70 19,05
14.000 0.750 HS7 R 1250257 16.000 0.813 HS7 R 1400557
355,60 19,05 406,40 20,62
16.000 1.000 HS8 R 1400588
12.625 14.125 0.750 HS7 R 1263237 406,40 25,40
320,68 358,78 19,05
14.250 16.250 1.000 HS7 R 1425587
12.750 14.250 0.625 HS8 R 1275238 361,95 412,75 25,40
323,85 361,95 15,88
14.500 15.500 0.500 HS8 R 1450018
12.750 14.250 0.750 HS7 R 1275257 368,30 393,70 12,70
323,85 361,95 19,05
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 9 on page 31
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
in/mm – – – in/mm – – –
14.625 16.125 0.750 HS7 R 1463257 17.716 19.716 0.813 HS7 R 1771557
371,48 409,58 19,05 449,99 500,79 20,65
15.000 16.500 0.750 HS7 R 1500257 17.750 19.750 0.813 HS7 R 1775557
381,00 419,10 19,05 450,85 501,65 20,62
17.000 0.813 HS8 R 1500558
431,80 20,65 18.000 19.000 0.500 HS8 R 1800018
457,20 482,60 12,70
15.250 16.625 0.500 HS8 R 1525158 19.500 0.750 HS7 R 1800257
387,35 422,28 12,70 495,30 19,05
16.750 0.750 HS7 R 1525257 20.000 0.813 HS8 R 1800558
425,45 19,05 508,00 20,62
15.500 17.000 0.750 HS7 R 1550257 18.250 19.750 0.750 HS7 R 1825257
393,70 431,80 19,05 463,55 501,65 19,05
17.500 0.813 HS7 R 1550557 20.250 0.813 HS7 R 1825557
444,50 20,62 514,35 20,62
15.750 17.250 0.685 HS8 R 1575248 18.375 20.375 0.813 HS8 R 1838558
400,05 438,15 19,05 466,73 517,53 20,65
20.500 0.875 HS8 R 1837608
16.000 17.000 0.500 HS8 R 1600018 520,70 22,23
406,40 431,80 12,70
17.000 0.500 HS8 D 1600019 18.500 20.000 0.750 HS8 D 1850248
431,80 12,70 469,90 508,00 19,05
17.500 0.750 HS8 R 1600258 20.500 1.000 HS7 R 1850587
444,50 19,05 520,70 25,40
18.000 0.750 HS8 R 1600578
457,20 19,05 18.750 20.250 0.750 HS7 R 1875257
18.000 0.813 HS8 R 1600558 476,25 514,35 19,05
457,20 20,65
18.937 20.937 0.813 HS7 R 1894557
16.500 17.500 0.500 HS7 R 1650017 481,00 531,80 20,65
419,10 444,50 12,70
18.500 0.813 HS7 R 1650557 19.000 20.500 0.750 HS8 R 1900258
469,90 20,62 482,60 520,70 19,05
21.000 0.813 HS7 R 1900557
16.750 18.250 0.750 HS7 R 1675257 533,40 20,62
425,45 463,55 19,05
19.500 21.500 0.813 HS7 R 1950557
16.875 18.375 0.500 HS7 R 1688217 495,30 546,10 20,62
428,63 466,73 12,70 21.500 0.813 HS8 R 1950518
546,10 20,65
17.500 19.500 1.000 HS7 R 1750587
444,50 495,30 25,40 19.750 21.750 0.625 HS8 R 1975528
501,65 552,45 15,88
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 9 on page 31
Radial shaft seals – HS6, HS7, HS8 – inch dimensions
d1 20.000 – 171.900 in
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
in/mm – – – in/mm – – –
20.000 21.500 0.625 HS8 R 2000238 22.750 24.750 0.813 HS7 R 2275557
508,00 546,10 15,88 577,85 628,65 20,62
21.500 0.750 HS8 R 2000258
546,10 19,05 22.875 24.875 0.813 HS7 R 2288557
22.000 0.625 HS7 R 2000527 581,03 631,83 20,65
558,80 15,88
22.000 1.000 HS7 R 2000587 23.000 25.000 0.813 HS8 R 2300558
558,80 25,40 584,20 635,00 20,62
22.125 0.916 HS8 R 2000648 25.000 0.813 HS8 D 2300559
561,98 23,27 635,00 20,65
22.125 0.916 HS8 D 2000649
561,98 23,27 23.208 25.208 0.813 HS8 R 2320558
589,48 640,28 20,65
20.500 22.500 0.875 HS8 R 2050568
520,70 571,50 22,23 23.750 25.750 0.813 HS8 R 2575558
603,25 654,05 20,65
20.625 22.625 0.813 HS7 R 2063557
523,88 574,68 20,65 24.000 25.500 0.750 HS8 R 2400258
609,60 647,70 19,05
21.000 22.580 0.578 HS8 R 2100228 25.500 0.750 HS7 R 2400257
533,40 573,53 14,68 647,70 19,05
23.000 0.750 HS8 R 2100518 26.000 1.000 HS8 D 2400598
584,20 19,05 660,40 25,40
23.000 0.813 HS8 V 594201
584,20 20,65 24.500 26.000 0.750 HS7 R 2450257
23.000 0.813 HS7 R 2100557 622,30 660,40 19,05
584,20 20,62
25.000 26.500 0.750 HS7 D 2500247
22.000 23.500 0.750 HS7 R 2200257 635,00 673,10 19,05
558,80 596,90 19,05 27.000 0.813 HS7 R 2500557
23.500 0.750 HS8 R 2200218 685,80 20,62
596,90 19,05
24.000 0.812 HS8 V 2200555 26.000 28.125 0.916 HS8 R 2600648
609,60 20,63 660,40 714,38 23,27
24.000 0.813 HS8 D 2200558
609,60 20,62 26.375 27.627 0.625 HS8 R 2637118
24.000 0.813 HS7 R 2200557 669,93 701,73 15,88
609,60 20,62
27.000 29.000 0.813 HS8 R 2700558
22.250 24.250 0.813 HS7 R 2225557 685,80 736,60 20,65
565,15 615,95 20,62
27.500 28.750 0.625 HS7 R 2750117
22.500 24.500 0.813 HS7 R 2250557 698,50 730,25 15,88
571,50 622,30 20,62
28.000 30.000 0.813 HS8 R 2800558
22.638 24.638 0.750 HS8 D 2263548 711,20 762,00 20,65
575,00 625,80 19,00
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 9 on page 31
d1 D
Please see
page 24–25
for housing bore
in/mm – – – in/mm – – –
28.875 30.875 0.813 HS7 R 2888557 54.000 56.000 0.813 HS7 R 5400557
733,43 784,23 20,65 1 371,60 1 422,40 20,62
29.000 31.000 0.813 HS7 V 2900556 58.500 60.500 0.813 HS8 R 5850518
736,60 787,40 20,65 1 485,90 1 536,70 20,65
29.750 31.750 0.813 HS8 R 2975558 60.250 62.313 0.750 HS8 R 531572
755,65 806,45 20,65 1 530,35 1 582,75 19,05
30.000 31.250 0.625 HS8 R 3000118 62.598 64.598 0.813 HS7 R 6259557
762,00 793,75 15,88 1 589,99 1 640,79 20,65
32.000 1.000 HS8 H 3000519
812,80 25,40 69.000 71.000 0.813 HS8 R 6900558
1 752,60 1 803,40 20,65
30.750 31.750 0.500 HS7 R 3075017
781,05 806,45 12,70 72.500 74.500 0.813 HS8 R 7250558
1 841,50 1 892,30 20,62
32.375 34.375 1.000 HS8 H 3237519
822,33 873,13 25,40 75.000 77.000 0.815 HS8 R 7500518
1 905,00 1 955,80 20,70
32.500 34.500 0.916 HS7 R 3250577
825,50 876,30 23,27 76.000 78.000 0.813 HS8 R 594316
1 930,40 1 981,20 20,65
33.125 35.125 0.812 HS8 R 3312558
841,38 892,18 20,63 81.000 83.000 0.813 HS8 R 8100558
2 057,40 2 108,20 20,64
34.500 36.500 0.813 HS7 R 3450557
876,30 927,10 20,65 87.750 89.750 0.813 HS8 R 8775558
2 228,85 2 279,65 20,65
38.000 40.000 0.813 HS7 R 3800557
965,20 1 016,00 20,65 94.750 97.000 0.688 HS8 R 9475658
2 406,65 2 463,80 17,48
38.500 40.500 0.813 HS7 R 3850557
977,90 1 028,70 20,62 98.625 100.625 0.813 HS8 R 9862568
2 505,08 2 555,88 20,65
40.250 41.750 0.750 HS8 R 4025258
1 022,35 1 060,45 19,05 106.000 107.000 0.500 HS8 R 594926
2 692,40 2 717,80 12,70
48.000 50.000 0.813 HS8 R 4800518
1 219,20 1 270,00 20,65 125.000 126.250 0.625 HS8 R 595208
3 175,00 3 206,75 15,88
51.000 53.000 0.812 HS8 R 5100558
1 295,40 1 346,20 20,63 171.900 173.876 0.812 HS8 R 595214
4 366,26 4 416,45 20,63
53.000 54.875 0.813 HS8 R 5300488
1 346,20 1 393,83 20,65
Please note that the product table only lists a selection of available sizes. These seals are made to order to fit any size request within the ranges stated in table 9 on page 31
Wear sleeves, series LDSLV – metric dimensions
d1 215 – 1 100,23 mm
d1 d1
Shaft Sleeve For nominal Design Designation Shaft Sleeve For nominal Design Designation
diameter width seal inside diameter width seal inside
diameter diameter
d1 b d1 b
mm mm – – mm mm – –
d1 d1
mm mm – –
Wear sleeves, series LDSLV – inch dimensions
d1 8.313 – 11.968 in
d1 d1
Shaft Sleeve For nominal Design Designation Shaft Sleeve For nominal Design Designation
diameter width seal inside diameter width seal inside
diameter diameter
d1 b d1 b
8.313 1.250 8.500 LDSLV4 85885 9.125 1.000 9.313 LDSLV4 86547
211,15 31,75 215,90 231,78 25,40 236,55
1.500 9.313 LDSLV4 90130
8.353 1.500 8.541 LDSLV4 86907 38,10 236,55
212,17 38,10 216,94
9.250 0.875 9.438 LDSLV4 84643
8.500 1.000 8.688 LDSLV3 85158 234,95 22,23 239,73
215,90 25,40 220,68
9.260 1.102 9.448 LDSLV4 87789
8.625 2.750 8.813 LDSLV3 85643 235,20 28,00 239,98
219,08 69,85 223,85
9.313 1.500 9.500 LDSLV3 85377
8.661 1.000 8.849 LDSLV4 87319 236,55 38,10 241,30
220,00 25,40 224,76
9.449 1.181 9.637 LDSLV4 87144
8.687 2.250 8.875 LDSLV3 86543 240,01 30,00 244,78
220,65 57,15 225,43
9.500 2.500 9.688 LDSLV4 86562
8.750 1.500 8.938 LDSLV3 87196 241,30 63,50 246,08
222,25 38,10 227,03
9.500 1.000 9.688 LDSLV3 86633
8.812 2.000 9.000 LDSLV4 86551 241,30 25,40 246,08
223,82 50,80 228,60
9.563 1.000 9.750 LDSLV4 85073
8.813 1.000 9.000 LDSLV3 85688 242,90 25,40 247,65
223,85 25,40 228,60 2.000 9.750 LDSLV4 85397
50,80 247,65
8.866 2.500 9.054 LDSLV4 87166
225,19 63,50 229,97 9.750 1.438 9.938 LDSLV4 84965
247,65 36,53 252,43
8.867 1.000 9.055 LDSLV4 87462
225,22 25,40 230,00 9.750 2.250 9.938 LDSLV4 85045
252,43 57,15 252,43
8.875 1.250 9.063 LDSLV3 85973
225,43 31,75 230,20 9.813 1.125 10.000 LDSLV4 86413
249,24 28,58 254,00
8.875 1.250 9.063 LDSLV4 87526 2.000 10.000 LDSLV3 84156
225,43 31,75 230,20 50,80 254,00
8.938 2.500 9.126 LDSLV4 86546 9.835 1.575 10.023 LDSLV4 90773
227,03 63,50 231,80 249,80 40,00 254,58
9.000 1.000 9.188 LDSLV3 87555 10.000 1.000 10.188 LDSLV3 90070
228,60 25,40 233,38 254,00 25,40 258,78
9.055 1.000 9.243 LDSLV3 89943 10.063 2.250 10.250 LDSLV4 86000
230,00 25,40 234,77 255,60 57,15 260,35
9.063 1.500 9.250 LDSLV4 85931 10.188 1.125 10.375 LDSLV4 84962
230,20 38,10 234,95 258,78 28,58 263,53
d1 d1
Shaft Sleeve For nominal Design Designation Shaft Sleeve For nominal Design Designation
diameter width seal inside diameter width seal inside
diameter diameter
d1 b d1 b
10.236 1.968 10.424 LDSLV3 87738 11.031 1.260 11.219 LDSLV4 87525
260,00 50,00 264,77 280,20 32,00 284,96
10.313 2.000 10.500 LDSLV4 85629 11.062 1.750 11.250 LDSLV4 85469
261,95 50,80 266,70 280,77 44,45 285,75
2.250 10.500 LDSLV3 85191
57,15 266,70 11.187 1.250 11.375 LDSLV4 86269
284,15 31,75 288,93
10.441 2.165 10.629 LDSLV4 86798
265,20 55,00 269,98 11.188 2.250 11.375 LDSLV4 85212
284,18 57,15 288,93
10.500 2.750 10.688 LDSLV4 86013
266,70 69,85 271,48 11.190 2.250 11.378 LDSLV4 87566
284,23 57,15 289,00
10.557 2.250 10.745 LDSLV4 85491
268,15 44,45 272,92 11.313 1.500 11.500 LDSLV4 84094
287,34 38,10 292,10
10.562 0.984 10.750 LDSLV4 90800
268,27 24,99 273,05 11.375 2.250 11.563 LDSLV4 86145
1.750 10.750 LDSLV4 86468 288,93 57,15 293,70
44,45 273,05
1.813 10.750 LDSLV4 86544 11.417 1.750 11.605 LDSLV4 86441
46,05 273,05 290,00 44,45 294,77
10.563 1.500 10.563 LDSLV4 87768 11.500 0.750 11.688 LDSLV4 90761
268,30 38,10 268,30 292,10 19,05 296,88
10.750 2.500 10.938 LDSLV4 86435 11.562 1.000 11.562 LDSLV4 90333
273,05 63,50 277,83 293,68 25,40 293,67
10.813 1.000 11.000 LDSLV3 81389 11.623 1.417 11.811 LDSLV3 87875
274,64 25,40 279,40 295,22 36,00 300,00
2.000 11.000 LDSLV4 85033
50,80 279,40 11.750 2.375 11.938 LDSLV3 87872
298,45 60,33 303,23
10.846 0.709 11.034 LDSLV4 86601
275,50 18,00 280,26 11.812 1.125 12.000 LDSLV4 86687
300,03 28,56 304,80
10.875 2.000 11.063 LDSLV4 84510
276,23 50,80 281,00 11.813 1.500 12.000 LDSLV4 85979
300,05 38,10 304,80
11.000 1.500 11.188 LDSLV4 86486 2.250 12.000 LDSLV3 84819
279,40 38,10 284,18 57,15 304,80
2.500 11.188 LDSLV4 86454 2.750 12.000 LDSLV4 85844
63,50 284,18 69,85 304,80
11.023 1.181 11.212 LDSLV4 87142 11.968 0.709 12.156 LDSLV4 86600
280,00 30,00 284,78 304,00 18,01 308,76
Wear sleeves, series LDSLV – inch dimensions
d1 12.000 – 20.813 in
d1 d1
Shaft Sleeve For nominal Design Designation Shaft Sleeve For nominal Design Designation
diameter width seal inside diameter width seal inside
diameter diameter
d1 b d1 b
12.000 2.250 12.188 LDSLV4 85577 13.813 1.500 14.000 LDSLV3 81390
304,80 57,15 309,58 350,84 38,10 355,60
2.250 12.188 LDSLV3 87406 2.000 14.000 LDSLV4 85179
57,15 309,58 50,80 355,60
12.063 0.625 12.250 LDSLV4 85418 14.000 1.375 14.188 LDSLV3 89951
306,40 15,88 311,15 355,60 34,93 360,38
2.500 12.250 LDSLV3 86404 1.500 14.188 LDSLV3 81352
63,50 311,15 38,10 360,38
12.312 1.500 12.500 LDSLV4 90174 14.173 1.000 14.361 LDSLV4 87445
312,73 38,10 317,50 359,99 25,40 364,77
12.313 0.750 12.500 LDSLV4 83760 14.313 1.500 14.500 LDSLV4 86429
312,74 19,05 317,50 363,55 38,10 368,30
12.500 2.125 12.688 LDSLV3 86169 14.438 2.500 14.625 LDSLV3 86403
317,50 53,98 322,28 366,73 63,50 371,48
12.598 0.980 12.786 LDSLV3 87434 14.500 1.000 14.688 LDSLV4 85914
320,00 25,00 324,76 368,30 25,40 373,08
12.750 0.688 12.938 LDSLV4 87513 14.813 1.500 15.000 LDSLV4 87723
323,85 17,48 328,63 376,24 38,10 381,00
1.125 12.938 LDSLV3 82099 2.125 15.000 LDSLV3 81391
28,58 328,63 54,00 381,00
1.500 12.938 LDSLV3 90143
38,10 328,63 15.000 1.000 15.188 LDSLV4 87247
381,00 25,40 385,78
12.813 1.000 13.000 LDSLV4 86258
325,44 25,40 330,20 15.062 0.750 15.250 LDSLV4 90272
1.375 13.000 LDSLV4 84263 382,58 19,05 387,35
34,93 330,20
2.000 13.000 LDSLV3 84390 15.066 1.000 15.254 LDSLV3 87871
50,80 330,20 382,68 25,40 387,45
2.500 13.000 LDSLV4 86722
63,50 330,20 15.188 2.500 15.375 LDSLV4 87569
385,77 63,50 390,53
13.000 1.750 13.188 LDSLV4 85535
330,20 25,40 334,98 15.250 0.750 15.438 LDSLV3 84964
387,35 19,05 392,13
13.063 1.125 13.250 LDSLV4 84963
331,80 28,58 336,55 15.560 0.906 15.750 LDSLV4 85582
395,22 23,01 400,05
13.313 0.813 13.500 LDSLV4 86688
338,15 20,65 342,90 15.812 2.500 16.000 LDSLV3 87634
1.500 13.500 LDSLV4 87463 401,63 63,50 406,40
38,10 342,90
2.000 13.500 LDSLV3 85852
50,80 342,90
d1 d1
Shaft Sleeve For nominal Design Designation Shaft Sleeve For nominal Design Designation
diameter width seal inside diameter width seal inside
diameter diameter
d1 b d1 b
15.813 2.000 16.000 LDSLV4 85181 17.543 2.362 17.731 LDSLV4 86799
401,65 50,80 406,40 445,59 60,00 450,37
2.000 16.000 LDSLV3 87446
50,80 406,40 17.750 1.250 17.938 LDSLV4 90774
2.500 16.000 LDSLV4 86407 450,85 31,75 455,63
63,50 406,40 2.500 17.938 LDSLV3 86631
63,50 455,63
15.998 2.250 16.188 LDSLV3 85908
406,35 57,15 411,18 17.812 2.125 18.000 LDSLV4 87271
452,42 53,98 457,20
16.000 2.000 16.188 LDSLV3 81354
406,40 50,80 411,18 17.813 2.500 18.000 LDSLV3 86405
452,45 63,50 457,20
16.063 0.500 16.250 LDSLV4 87613
408,00 12,70 412,75 18.163 2.000 18.350 LDSLV4 86343
1.250 16.250 LDSLV4 86175 461,34 50,80 466,09
31,75 412,75
1.300 16.250 LDSLV4 86426 18.312 1.191 18.500 LDSLV4 90790
33,02 412,75 465,13 30,25 469,90
2.000 16.250 LDSLV4 86575
50,80 412,75 18.813 1.750 19.000 LDSLV4 86563
477,82 44,45 482,60
16.313 2.000 16.500 LDSLV4 84697 2.250 19.000 LDSLV4 87015
414,35 50,80 419,10 57,15 482,60
2.500 19.000 LDSLV4 86716
16.750 1.500 16.938 LDSLV4 87585 63,50 482,60
425,45 38,10 430,23
19.496 2.362 19.684 LDSLV4 87631
16.812 1.000 17.000 LDSLV4 86737 495,20 60,00 499,97
427,02 25,40 431,80
19.497 1.575 19.497 LDSLV4 87785
16.813 2.250 17.000 LDSLV4 84616 495,20 40,00 495,22
427,00 57,15 431,80
19.500 1.250 19.688 LDSLV4 90769
17.250 2.000 17.438 LDSLV4 84576 495,30 31,75 500,08
438,15 50,80 442,93
19.563 2.750 19.750 LDSLV4 85654
17.250 1.000 17.438 LDSLV4 90779 496,90 69,85 501,65
438,15 25,40 442,93
19.813 1.250 20.000 LDSLV4 84781
17.313 1.500 17.500 LDSLV4 86430 503,25 31,75 508,00
439,75 38,10 444,50
20.312 1.000 20.500 LDSLV4 86739
17.449 2.000 17.637 LDSLV4 85762 515,92 25,40 520,70
443,20 50,80 447,98
20.813 2.125 21.000 LDSLV4 85367
17.500 1.250 17.688 LDSLV4 90770 528,65 53,98 533,40
444,50 31,75 449,28 1.250 21.000 LDSLV3 85800
31,75 533,40
2.500 21.000 LDSLV4 87298
63,50 533,40
Wear sleeves, series LDSLV – inch dimensions
d1 20.865 – 42.500 in
d1 d1
Shaft Sleeve For nominal Design Designation Shaft Sleeve For nominal Design Designation
diameter width seal inside diameter width seal inside
diameter diameter
d1 b d1 b
20.865 2.250 21.053 LDSLV4 90805 26.000 2.250 26.188 LDSLV3 86640
529,97 57,15 534,75 660,40 63,50 665,18
20.990 2.250 21.178 LDSLV3 84579 26.312 1.375 26.500 LDSLV4 90809
533,15 57,15 537,92 668,33 34,93 673,10
21.000 2.250 21.188 LDSLV4 87090 26.813 1.250 27.000 LDSLV4 85384
533,40 57,15 538,18 681,05 31,75 685,80
2.250 27.000 LDSLV4 85531
21.803 2.362 21.991 LDSLV4 87069 57,15 685,80
553,80 60,00 558,57
27.000 2.000 27.188 LDSLV4 86841
21.813 2.250 22.000 LDSLV4 84590 685,80 50,80 690,58
554,04 57,15 558,80
27.063 2.250 27.250 LDSLV4 84764
22.250 1.000 22.438 LDSLV3 85691 687,40 57,15 692,15
565,15 25,40 569,93
27.313 2.250 27.500 LDSLV4 85011
22.303 2.362 22.491 LDSLV4 87070 693,75 57,15 698,50
566,50 60,00 571,27
27.500 2.250 27.688 LDSLV4 84711
22.313 1.250 22.500 LDSLV4 85907 695,50 57,15 703,28
566,75 31,75 571,50
27.812 2.500 28.000 LDSLV4 87421
22.812 2.000 23.000 LDSLV4 90163 706,43 63,50 711,20
579,43 50,80 584,20
28.312 2.313 28.500 LDSLV3 87623
23.000 2.000 23.188 LDSLV4 90146 719,13 58,75 723,90
584,20 50,80 588,98
28.813 2.250 29.000 LDSLV4 84641
23.434 0.984 23.434 LDSLV4 87777 731,84 57,15 736,60
595,22 25,00 595,22
29.813 2.250 30.000 LDSLV4 84642
23.687 1.950 23.875 LDSLV4 87907 757,24 57,15 762,00
601,65 49,53 606,43
30.000 2.500 30.188 LDSLV3 86641
23.812 0.750 24.000 LDSLV4 87922 762,00 63,50 766,78
604,83 19,05 609,60
2.500 24.000 LDSLV4 87960 30.309 1.375 30.497 LDSLV4 87530
63,50 609,60 769,85 34,93 774,62
25.000 2.500 25.188 LDSLV4 86567 30.312 2.500 30.500 LDSLV3 87842
635,00 63,50 639,78 769,93 63,50 774,70
25.312 2.500 25.500 LDSLV4 87802 30.813 2.000 31.000 LDSLV4 85039
642,93 63,50 647,70 782,65 50,80 787,40
25.313 2.000 25.500 LDSLV4 86091 31.812 2.500 32.000 LDSLV4 90810
642,95 50,80 647,70 808,03 63,50 812,80
d1 d1
Shaft Sleeve For nominal Design Designation Shaft Sleeve For nominal Design Designation
diameter width seal inside diameter width seal inside
diameter diameter
d1 b d1 b
32.313 2.000 32.500 LDSLV4 86090 42.312 1.250 42.500 LDSLV4 87379
820,75 50,80 825,50 1 074,72 31,75 1 079,50
32.812 2.220 33.000 LDSLV4 87850 42.500 1.250 42.688 LDSLV4 87392
833,43 56,39 838,20 1 079,50 31,75 1 084,28
33.313 2.625 33.500 LDSLV4 84730
846,15 66,68 850,90
34.312 1.750 34.500 LDSLV4 87529
871,58 44,45 876,30
35.313 2.500 35.500 LDSLV4 85814
896,95 63,50 901,70
35.812 1.500 36.000 LDSLV4 90332
909,63 38,10 914,40
36.375 2.500 36.555 LDSLV4 86111
923,93 63,50 928,50
36.813 2.500 37.000 LDSLV4 86458
935,05 63,50 939,80
37.813 1.500 38.000 LDSLV4 86973
960,45 38,10 965,20
38.000 1.500 38.188 LDSLV4 86840
965,20 38,10 969,98
38.500 1.500 38.688 LDSLV4 81753
977,90 38,10 982,68
38.813 2.125 39.000 LDSLV4 85123
985,85 53,98 990,60
39.813 2.125 40.000 LDSLV4 81826
1 011,24 54,00 1 016,00
41.312 1.968 41.500 LDSLV4 89948
1 049,33 49,99 1 054,10
42.063 2.125 42.250 LDSLV4 85038
1 068,40 53,98 1 073,15
42.125 2.125 42.313 LDSLV4 87054
1 070,00 53,98 1 074,75
SKF – the knowledge
engineering company
From the company that invented the self- The SKF Group is globally certified to ISO
aligning ball bearing more than 100 years 14001, the international standard for environ-
ago, SKF has evolved into a knowledge engin- mental management, as well as OHSAS
eering company that is able to draw on five 18001, the health and safety management
technology platforms to create unique solu- standard. Individual divisions have been
tions for its customers. These platforms approved for quality certification in accordance
include bearings, bearing units and seals, of with ISO 9001 and other customer specific
course, but extend to other areas including: requirements.
lubricants and lubrication systems, critical for With over 100 manufacturing sites world- © Airbus – photo: exm company, H. Goussé
long bearing life in many applications; mecha- wide and sales companies in 70 countries,
Evolving by-wire technology
tronics that combine mechanical and electron- SKF is a truly international corporation. In
SKF has a unique expertise in fast-growing by-wire
ics knowledge into systems for more effective addition, our distributors and dealers in technology, from fly-by-wire, to drive-by-wire, to
linear motion and sensorized solutions; and some 15 000 locations around the world, work-by-wire. SKF pioneered practical fly-by-wire
a full range of services, from design and logis- an e-business marketplace and a global distri- technology and is a close working partner with all
tics support to conditioning monitoring and bution system put SKF close to customers for aerospace industry leaders. As an example, virtually
all aircraft of the Airbus design use SKF by-wire
reliability systems. the supply of both products and services. In systems for cockpit flight control.
Though the scope has broadened, SKF essence, SKF solutions are available wherever
continues to maintain the world’s leadership and whenever customers need them. Over-
in the design, manufacture and marketing of all, the SKF brand and the corporation are
rolling bearings, as well as complementary stronger than ever. As the knowledge engin-
products such as radial seals. SKF also holds eering company, we stand ready to serve
an increasingly important position in the mar- you with world-class product competencies,
ket for linear motion products, high-precision intellectual resources, and the vision to help
aerospace bearings, machine tool spindles you succeed.
and plant maintenance services.
Bearings Lubrication
Seals and units systems
Mechatronics Services
Harnessing wind power
The growing industry of wind-generated electric power provides a source of
clean, green electricity. SKF is working closely with global industry leaders to
develop efficient and trouble-free turbines, providing a wide range of large, highly
specialized bearings and condition monitoring systems to extend equipment life
of wind farms located in even the most remote and inhospitable environments.
® SKF is a registered trademark of the SKF Group.