Word Form
Word Form
Word Form
1. The act of _______________should be prohibited under any circumstances. Everyone all has equal rights to vote.
2. The boss ordered his staff to be ______________with each other in dealing with the company's end-of-year burden.
3. It is such a _______________story that the mom lost her child when her family immigrated from Africa into Europe.
4. The mayor was determined that he would do everything in his power to _______________the murder case. (MYSTERY)
5. The government stressed it was not abandoning its tough ________________policies. (INFLATE)
6. The woman detected her ______________conditions soon after she felt ill in her body. (CANCER)
7. I cast my eyes ______________and saw the geese flying in V-line. (HEAVEN)
8. ______________programs are offered to those who want to do professional training while being paid to work. (SERVICE)
9. It is inhumane to sell ______________limbs of the animals, such as rhinoceros or elephants, in the market place.
10. The aridity in that area _____________ a poor crop. (TOKEN)
11. Although some hold out hope for a sea wall and land reclamation programme, it is admittedly nothing more than a mere
12. A(n) ______________is implanted in the body to prop up the heart. (MAKE)
13. She is ______________gorgeous in that gown. (DIE)
14. His behavior at the party was _________, which went beyond everyone's expectations. (ERR)
15. The advent of computers was one of the _______________milestones in the mankind's history. (NOTE)
16. His condition was so serious _______________as he had to stay in hospital for a month. (MUCH)
17. Pending the _______________of KFC, the manager had to catch up on a huge number of backlogs. (TAKE)
18. It is ________________to be woken up by the noisy music from the neighbor's house. (IRK)
19. Like many other ________________of my age, I dread to use hi-tech gears. (TECHNICAL)
20. Bacteria derived from ________________disease can be contagious among people having reciprocal contact.
21. The woman is getting older. She is now in the ________________year of her age. (LIGHT)
twilight: tuổi xế chiều
22. Chemicals are easily ________________if they are laid open in the atmosphere for a long time. (ACTION)...
23. The spectators booed as the referee did not disallow the _____________goal. (SIDE)
24. The government must work at full tilt to promote the economy and reduce the ________. (EFFICIENT)
25. The Earth is experiencing a major ______________in the climate. (HEAVE)
26. My ______________is the unique thing that distinguishes me from others. (MARK)
27. Children who grow up in peace tend to be more ______________than those who grow up in war. (ADAPT)
28. My mother ______________me a great deal of encouragement after I got bad grades in my exam. (VOUCH)
29. He is a(n) ______________man. He does not gain any ground in his family. (WILL)
30. You can look at the ______________of this Chinese book to see the elucidation of these new words. (ADD)
31. The reaction that occurs within the cell is called _______________reaction. (CELL)
32. He was ______________from the hustle and bustle of life since he moved to this rural area. (TANGLE)
33. I ______________over whether to go abroad or not. (SHALL)
34. Many people nowadays want to indulge themselves in ______________industries such as finance and the like. (KNOW)
35. Please accept this ______________as a reminder of your stay here. (REMEMBER)
36. A(n) ______________is the one who turns into wolf during full moon. (WOLF)
37. Nitrogen oxide is a(n) ______________compound of oxygen and nitrogen. (ATOM)
38. The story broadens the horizon of the children about their _______. (BEAR)
39. I met my old friend at the supermarket this morning, which was quite ________. (FORTUNE)
40. The mall has intrigued a great number of visitors since it was ______________last month. (GRAND)
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41. She cast her eyes ______________and saw a mysterious man looking at her. (STREET)
42. The girl excelled herself at the exam and came ______________to the two boys. (THREE)
43. Scientists from Russia, America and Japan have recently filled the periodic table's seventh row with four
_______________chemical elements. (HEAVE)
44. It is a misconception that _______________human blood is blue. (OXYGEN)
45. The house is painted in such a(n) _______________style. (SAVOUR)
46. In this modern day, you have to keep yourself _______________so as not to lag behind others. (DATE)
47. This book is _________. You can find information about the varieties of plants around the world here. (EMBRACE)
48. The little rainfall ______________a poor crop for farmers in this village. (BODE)
49. That word is such a(n) ________________. It is not easy to pronounce at all. (JAW)
50. _______________and disinfectants are widely used in hospital to kill the bacteria. (SEPTIC)
51. Due to the prolonged _________________, the goods arrived later than we had expected. (CONTAIN)
52. Found in ______________condition, the house is intended to be demolished. (DOWN)
53. ______________of violence has been possible by means of television. (DOCTRINE)
54. He laid his desk _________________. It is untidily filled with all kinds of stuff. (HEAP)
55. It is ______________that he will press ahead with his project. Nothing can prevent him. (ODD)
56. X-rays, known as a form of ________________, are widely utilized nowadays to diagnose medical conditions. (RADIAL)
57. His misunderstanding of the situation resulted in his _________________. Everyone could make out the embarrassing
remarks on his face. (COMPOSE)
58. The minister _______________the fight against hunger in his opening speech. (ACCENT)
59. Even the most _______________equipment cannot replace the role of the teachers in the future. (ART)
60. America is considered one of the biggest _______________in the world. (POWER)
61. The water ______________in the building is of great concern. It can damage the walls if not managed properly and
timely. (FILL)
62. He took off his hat and a pigeon flew out. It was ______________a trick. (GUILE)
63. In a _______________manner, he stepped into the room and shouted at the top of his voice. (DOUBT)
64. You should not assess a situation from such a(n) ______________side. (LATERAL)
65. The homeless woman pleaded for a shelter from the rain in a(n) _______________tone. (PASSION)
66. The man reported than he had seen a(n) _______________object, which might well be a UFO. (EGG)
67. The coal cellar needs to be equipped with _______________system in order to prevent suffocation. (VENT)
68. The advent of Internet is an important ________________in human history. (MARK)
69. His face showed the remark of _______________even when we were talking about seriously. ( FLIP)
70. What you know is rather __________. And it is unfair to judge just through a cursory glance. (FACIES)
71. Moving _______________is moving in a direction opposite to the direction the hands of the clock moves. (CLOCK)
72. Reta is studying animal ________________at the Oxford university. (GENE)
73. The crews fortuitously discovered a ________________in the ship's cool chamber. (STOW)
74. The man was _______________on a medal for bravely taking a child out of the burning house. (STOW)
75. The report has _______________the cause of global warming in the past decades. (POINT)
76. It may take more than a month to deliver our car from Germany to Viet Nam as it is _________. (SHIP)
77. ―Titanic‖ is an example of _______________romance. (SHIP)
78. The machine cannot work properly as a direct result of _________. (ALIGN)
79. There used to be a ________________in Quang Tri, whose remains now become a historical site. (HOLD)
80. Andy was _________________from the volunteer group due to his poor attitude. (COMMUNICATE)
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84. Bob is a(n) _________________of an intelligent student. (TYPE)
85. The government's policy to soothe the anger among people was ___________. It should have happened earlier.
86. Tom's collection is such a(n) ___________. There is no connection between things. (MASH)
87. I was completely _________________by the fact that he was going to get married. (MUSE)
88. Sleeping during day and working when night comes sounds seemingly __________. (SCIENCE)
89. I question whether a spectacle so fantastic and impressive was ever dealt with, even in the pages of
________________fiction. (SCIENCE)
90. Adam's gait is a(n) ________________for his strong personality. (WORD)
A. There are a myriad of lifestyle issues affecting the youth of today. Such is the pressure heaped on many school-goers to
achieve academic excellence by their parents that these 1___________________(real) expectations are causing children to
become hopelessly depressed. Indeed, some, in their 2___________________(despair) to escape and their sense of guilt
at being unable reach the levels of success demanded of them by their 3___________________(push) parents, either rebel
in what is 4___________________(amount) to a cry for help, or, worse still, engage in 5___________________(harm). It is
no coincidence that suicide rates, especially amongst young males, have been rising steadily for some time now. These are
tough times to be a teen.
Then there are those who get hooked on the internet; the 6 ___________________(virtue) world becomes their reality. For
these teens, their social circle shrinks 7___________________(drama) until, at last, their friendship sphere is limited solely
to their online 8___________________(bud). Not alone do they commonly suffer from sleep
9___________________(private) on account of their destructive addiction to game play and net-surfing, their behaviour may
become so 10 ___________________(err) and peculiar over time as to be considered 11___________________(social) .
And while they sit at their computer screens hidden away in splendid isolation from the real world, such is the lack of
exercise they get that their calorie intake far exceeds what is necessary for them to maintain a stable weight. In essence,
due to their sedentary lifestyle, their weight 12___________________(rocket) until such time as they become morbidly
B. The standard of television programming produced in this country is in terminal decline. The
1__________________(shed) has become a meaningless term confined in its 2__________________(apply) to
3___________________(go) days when adult content felt the full force of censorship and was not allowed to appear on the
box until after 9:00 p.m. Nowadays, however, it seems anything goes any time. And, truth told, whatever anything is, it
seldom 'goes' for much longer than a half hour or so at any rate before it is interrupted by a commercial break. And don't
even get me started on those appalling 4___________________(inform) most of the networks run right the way through the
night, one after another, for up to thirty minutes at a time. It is truly painful. Terrestrial television is now, as far as I am
concerned, a laughing stock. All the quality has been bought up by the satellite networks, with their big-money weight behind
them, but even here 5_________________ (pick) are slim. In protest at the dire state of things, I have become a converted
6___________________ (net). I look to the web now to find good content. There, I can find just enough
7___________________ (run) of quality programmes to prevent myself from falling into utter despair and pining for the good
old days of 8___________________(year).
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C. In January 2001, the 1___________________(govern) Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued its latest report on
climate change. Climate models worked out by giant super-computers had become far more reliable since the previous
report in 1995 and allowed them to 2___________________(praise) the earlier projections for global warming. Their
conclusions were that something very serious is happening and that it cannot be a natural process. The 1990s was the
hottest decade for 1,000 years and the Earth is warming faster than at any time in the last 10,000 years. According to the
report, human activities are 3___________________(equivocate) to blame for the temperature rise. The burning of fossil
fuels releases carbon dioxide and, due to deforestation, there are fewer trees to absorb this gas and recycle it back into
oxygen. Methane 4___________________(concentrate) have also gone up dramatically because of increases in rice
culture and 5___________________(cattle), both of which generate methane from 6___________________(compose)
vegetation. These greenhouses gases trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere and cause the temperature to rise. In the worst
case, the resulting melting of ice-caps and glaciers would cause sea levels to rise by up to 88 cm, endangering the homes
and 7___________________(lively) of tens of millions of people who live in low-lying regions.
Unfortunately, there is far greater 8___________________(unanimous) among the world's scientists over the issue than
among politicians. As long ago as 1990, the IPCC recommended a 60% reduction in carbon dioxide
9___________________(emit), as the basic level required to return the planet's climate to a healthy level. Governments
globally failed to 10___________________(act) these proposals. Now that the dangers have been reaffirmed by the latest
report, it is high time that governments took an active interest in exploring alternative, renewable energy sources.
D. People intuitively recognize the importance of self-esteem to their psychological health, so it isn't particularly remarkable
that most of us try to protect and enhance it in ourselves whenever possible. What is remarkable is that attention to self-
esteem has become a(n) 1___________________(commune) concern, at least for Americans, who see a favorable opinion
of oneself as the central psychological source from which all manner of positive outcomes spring. The corollary, that low self-
esteem lies at the root of individual and thus 2___________________(society) problems and 3_________________
(function), has sustained an ambitious social agenda for decades. Indeed, campaigns to raise people's sense of self-worth
abound. Consider what transpired in California in the late 1980s. Prodded by State Assemblyman John Vasconcellos,
Governor George Deukmejian set up a task force on self-esteem and personal and social responsibility. Vasconcellos
argued that raising self-esteem in young people would reduce crime, teen pregnancy, drug abuse, school
4___________________(achieve) and pollution. At one point, he even expressed the hope that these efforts would one day
help balance the state budget, a prospect predicated on the observation that people with high 5___________________
(regard) earn more than others and thus pay more in taxes. Along with its other activities, the task force assembled a team
of scholars to survey the relevant literature. The results appeared in a 1989 volume 6___________________(title) The
Social Importance of Self-Esteem, which stated that "many, if not most, of the major problems plaguing society have roots in
the low self-esteem of many of the people who make up society." In reality, the report contained little to support that
F. The comedy Bringing Up Baby, on the other hand, presents practically non-stop dialogue delivered at
1__________________(neck) speed. This use of dialogue 2___________________(score) not only the dizzy quality of the
character played by Katherine Hepburn, but also the 3___________________(absurd) of the film itself and thus its humor.
The audience is bounced from gag to gag and conversation to conversation; there is no time for audience reflection. The
audience is caught up in a(n) 4___________________(wind) of activity in simply managing to follow the plot. This film
presents pure 5__________________(escape) - largely due to its frenetic dialogue.