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Madriaga, Desiree

Maquiling, Karen Angel

BSN 2-4

Case: This is the case of R. family is composed of 8 members in the family, the mother, the four children and 3 grandchildren. The mother is
widowed with his hisband and living with these among children, one (1) is living in another country, the second one (1) is living within the family
and the other two (2) have their own families—(two have their own house). The head of the family is 78 years old, father is deceased, the fist child is
52 years old female, married, the second child 51 years old, the third child 50 years old and the last child is 43 years old they are all female and
happily married. Upon observation they have a poor home environmental condition, inadequate living space and having a prone to fire hazard, noise
pollution and air pollution and ventilation.

Problem identified: Poor home environmental condition, prone to fire hazard, inadequate living space, nose poluttion and air ventilation.

Date identified: December 1, 2022

Date evaluated: December 1, 2022



A. Family Structure, Characteristics and Dynamics

● Family is composed of nine (8) members. The mother, four (4) children, and three (3) grandchildren. Among the children, one (1) is living in
another country, the other one (1) is living within the family and the other two(2) have their own families—(two have their own house).

○ Head of the Family : Emilia Rario, 78 y/o, widower

○ Father : unknown, (deceased)
○ First child: unknown, 52 y/o, female, married
○ Second child:unknown, 51 y/o male, married
○ Third child: unknown, 50 y/o, female, married
○ Fourth child: unknown, 43 y/o, male, married

● Extended Family
● Both the head of the family and his husband are involved in the decision-making, but when the husband died, the head of the family assumed
all the decision-making process.
● Family relationship is still good despite the death of the father; the members of the family have an open communication with the head of the

B. Socio-economic & Cultural characteristics

○ Head of the family : Emilia, elementary grad
○ Father : deceased
○ First child : college grad, working abroad
○ Second child : high school grad, employed
○ Third child: high school grad, employed
○ Fourth child : high school grad, unemployed
○ Family income : ₱15,000
○ All family members are Dating Daan.

I. Presence of Wellness Condition

A. Potential for Enhanced Capability for:

- Healthy Lifestyle
- Healthy Maintenance/ Health management
- Parenting
B. Readiness for Enhanced Capabilities
- Healthy Lifestyle
- Health maintenance/ Health management
- Parenting

II. Presence of Health Threats

C. Poor Home and Environmental Condition Housing

● Inadequacy of living space

○ The house measures approximately 5m x 5m
○ There is not enough space for the living room and dining area
● Presence of accident hazards
○ The house is made up of wood that may predispose the members of the family into accident (fire)
● Food storage & cooking facilities
○ They are using refrigerator for food storage
○ They use a gas stove for cooking.
● Water supply
○ Nawasa
● Toilet facility
○ owned by the family
● Garbage/refuse disposal
○ Picked up by garbage collector
● Drainage system
○ Open drainage
● Kind of Neighborhood
○ The neighborhood is congested
● Social and health facilities available
○ There is a functional barangay health center in their community.
● Communication and transportation facilities available.
○ Jeepney and mini bus are available for transportation
● Noise pollution
● Poor lightning and Ventilation

D. Health Status of Each Family Member

● Family history : Pleural Effusion

● Head of the family verbalized that she seldom experiences illness.

E. Values, Habits, Practices on Health Promotion

● Immunization: All members of the family had completed the immunization.

F. Unhealthy Lifestyle and Personal Habits/ Practices.

● Walking barefooted or inadequate footwear.

Scaling of the health problems or promotive practices of the family.

I. Health Problem 1: Fire Hazard as Health Threat


Nature of the problem: 2/3 x 1 0.6 Fire hazard as health threat

Health threat because it can kill or seriously
injure people and can also have
physical damage.

Modifiability of the problem: 1/2 x 2 1 Health problem is partially

Partially modifiable modifiable related to not having
enough money and resources

Preventive potential: 3/3 x 1 1 Highly preventive with proper fire

Highly preventive precaution measure is the most
practical way to prevent fire.

Salience: 1/2 x 1 0.5 Family perceives it as a

Problem not needing immediate problem not needing
attention immediate action.


II. Health Problem 2: Inadequate Space for Living as Health Threat


Nature of the problem: 2/3 x 1 0.6 This is considered as a health

Health threat threat because inadequate living
space and ventilation predispose
the family to health problems and
may affect the activities of its

Modifiability of the problem: 1/2 x 2 1 The family’s resources are

Partially modifiable inadequate to provide a proper
living space to its members due to
prioritized needs. But the
resources of the nurse such as
health teaching somewhat
adaptable since furniture can be
adjusted around to create
additional space

Preventive potential: 2/3 x 1 0.6 The lack of resources makes it

Moderately preventive difficult to achieve total problem

Salience: 1/2 x 1 0.5 Family perceives it as a

Problem not needing immediate problem not needing
attention immediate action.


III. Health Problem 3: Family History of Pleural Effusion on Mother’s Side as Health Deficit


Nature of the problem: 3/3 x 1 1 It is considered as a health deficit

Health deficit because there is a possibility that
this problem can affect the whole

Modifiability of the problem: 0/2 x 2 0 Not modifiable because there is

Not modifiable possibility that family members
could have it since its in the family
history or genetics

Preventive potential: 2/3 x 1 0.6 The problem can be mitigated

Moderately preventive somewhat, but health education,
particularly for the other members
of the family, can be quite

Salience: 1/2 x 1 0.5 The family acknowledges the

Problem not needing immediate problem, but they don't feel it
attention requires quick attention




Fire Hazard 3.1

Inadequate living space 2.7

Pleural effusion 2.1




HEALTH Inability to After nursing Short term 1. Establish Home visit Materials: Short term
THREAT provide a home intervention, the After 1-2 hours rapport to
environment family will be of nursing the family - Visual aids After 1-2 hours
Presence of conducive to able to provide a intervention, the -Pamphlets of nursing
Health Threats health home community will 2.Provide the regarding fire intervention the
Accident maintenance environment reduce or family prevention family shall be
Hazards and personal conducive to minimize the with information measures able to explain
Fire Hazards development health problem as with regards to the importance
due to maintenance evidenced by: the risk for fire Manpower: of a fire hazard
Cue: The house inadequate and hazard free home
is mainly made family resources to eliminate risk 1. identify - Nursing
up specifically of fire. possible threats 3. Provide health Students Long term
of wood and the financial of fire around education - Clinical After 1-2 weeks
spacing of constraint and the community about the Instructors of nursing
the limited physical 2. perform some possible - Family intervention the
neighborhood resources interventions to consequences of Members family shall be
house can reduce or having - Tanod/Police able to find
predispose to minimize the disorganized measures or
fire hazards. problem such as wires Money/Finances ways to prevent
taping hanging fire hazard
electrical wires 4. Instruct the - Expenses for
and family to always teaching
Etc. check for open aids and
wires, while the transportation
Long term: main power is of
After 1-2 weeks switched the nurse.
of nursing off.They should
intervention, the not be run by
community will water.
maintain an
environment 5. Assist the
which is free family in
from injury and providing home
accidents as environment
evidenced by: conducive to
1. increase maintenance.
knowledge to
prevent fire
2. lessen risk of

Inadequate Inability to After the nursing After nursing 1.Suggest some Home visit Materials Short term
Living Space provide a home intervention the intervention the ways on how to Resources:
environment family will family will be maximize the After 1-2 hours
which is develop ways on able to: available living - Visual of nursing
conducive for how to minimize space by re- aids and intervention the
health the problem as 1.) Identify arrangement of low cost family will be
maintenance evidenced by the risk furnitures. material able to
and personal rearrangement factors s needed understand of
development of furniture to that 2. Advise the for the minimizing the
due to maximize their contribu family to actual the things and
inadequate living space. te to the seperate things demonst try to maximize
family congesti they don’t use ration. the living spaces
resources, on in the anymore. for having a
specifically area Human adequate living.
financial such as 3. Inform the resources:
constraints and unused family regarding Long term
limited financial things. the easy - Time and
resources. 2.) Demonst transmission of effort on After 1-2 weeks
rate disease due to the part of nursing
techniqu inadequate of the intervention the
es to space. nurse family will
promote and the understand the
good 4. Explain to the family. importance of
environ family the limit storing
ment possible effects unused things
conditio of having for a better
n such as inadequate living spaces.
proper living space.
ment of 5. Explain to the
applianc family the
es, and advantages of
etc. having a
3.) Verbaliz adequate living
e the space.
nding 6. Aid the family
about in maximizing
the the living space.
nce of

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