Received 2 August 2007; received in revised form 31 January 2008; accepted 19 February 2008
Earned value management (EVM) has provided methods for predicting the final cost for projects. In large part, these methods have
not been improved upon since their beginnings and, with one exception, remain unsubstantiated as to accuracy. At the present time,
EVM application guidance does not support prediction of final duration for the schedule component of projects.
The objective of this research is to improve the capability of project managers for making informed decisions by providing a reliable
forecasting method of the final cost and duration. The method put forth and its evaluation make use of a well established project man-
agement method, a recent technique for analyzing schedule performance, and the mathematics of statistics to achieve its purpose – EVM,
earned schedule (ES) and statistical prediction and testing methods.
The calculation method proposed was studied using data from 12 projects. The results for both final cost and duration are shown to
be sufficiently reliable for general application of the forecasting method. The use of the method is encouraged; it may be applied irre-
spective of the type of work or cost and duration magnitude of the project.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd and IPMA. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Project management; Earned value management; Earned schedule; Prediction; Forecasting; Statistics
1. Background and overview is needed to expand the utility of cost prediction and,
develop the very much desired capability to reliably fore-
Earned value management (EVM) is a method of pro- cast schedule duration at completion.
ject management, which facilitates project control and pro- Thus, the objective of this paper is to improve the fore-
vides support in forecasting final cost. While literature casting of project outcomes. With improvement, project
shows that EVM outcome prediction for cost is reasonably managers will have better information for their actions.
reliable for very large United States Department of The method put forth and its evaluation make use of a
Defense (USDoD) projects [1–5], it is important for all well established project management method, a recent tech-
managers, including those managing low cost, short dura- nique for analyzing schedule performance, and the mathe-
tion projects, to have reliable forecasting tools. Likewise, matics of statistics to achieve its purpose – EVM [6], earned
having an independent estimation tool for predicting pro- schedule (ES) [7,8], statistical prediction [9] and testing
ject duration is equally valuable. Significant improvement methods [10].
The paper’s structure includes a short introduction
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 405 364 1594. to EVM, then a brief explanation of ES followed by a
E-mail address: [email protected] (W. Lipke). description of the statistical methods employed. The
project data used is characterized; subsequently, the ited ability to produce reliable forecasts of project cost
research study is described, including the presentation of outcome.
results and analysis. From a recent publication [12] it is shown that findings 2
and 3, which require stability of CPI at 20% complete, are
likely applicable only for extremely large projects of long
2. Review of earned value management and research
duration. Thus, it is questionable whether managers of small
projects can expect reliable decision information from their
An understanding of EVM is assumed in this paper. For
convenience, the terminology EVM uses to portray project
status and forecast final cost follows:
3. Introduction to earned schedule
PV planned value
AC actual cost EVM and its indicators of project performance are well
EV earned value known and to some degree their behavior is understood. As
CV cost variance (CV = EV AC) previously discussed, there have been several studies of the
SV schedule variance (SV = EV PV) behavior of CPI and IEAC. However, SPI is a different
CPI cost performance index (CPI = EV/AC) matter. The EVM schedule indicators, SPI and SV, are
SPI schedule performance index (SPI = EV/PV) not so well studied because they are broadly recognized
BAC budget at completion (the planned cost of the for failing when projects continue execution past the
project) planned end date. For late finish projects, SPI converges
PMB performance measurement baseline and concludes at the value 1.00 while SV behaves similarly,
(the cumulative PV over time) converging and concluding at 0.00. With this flaw schedule
IEAC independent estimate at completion prediction cannot be performed reliably using SPI.
(the forecasted final cost) A recent extension to EVM has emerged which provides
reliable, useful schedule performance information. The
extension is earned schedule (ES) [7]. In brief, the method
From the 1990 cancellation of the USDoD project for yields time-based indicators, unlike the cost-based indica-
development of the Navy stealth aircraft, the A-12 Aven- tors for schedule performance offered by EVM.
ger, interest heightened for having a better understanding Fig. 1 is an illustration for understanding the concept.
of EVM. From this interest, several studies were performed The ES measure identifies when the amount of EV accrued
regarding the CPI and IEAC, and to a much lesser degree should have occurred. As depicted by the diagram, this is
the SPI. Several findings came from these efforts [1–5], the point on the PMB where PV equals the EV accrued.
summarized as follows: The vertical line from the point on the PMB to the time
axis determines the ‘‘earned” portion of the schedule. The
(1) The result from IEAC = BAC/CPI is a reasonable duration from the beginning of the project to the intersec-
running estimate of the low value for final cost. tion of the time axis is the amount of earned schedule (ES).
(2) The cumulative value of CPI stabilizes by the time the While ES could be determined graphically as described
project is 20% complete. Stability is defined to mean previously, the concept becomes much more useful when
that the final CPI does not vary by more than 0.10 facilitated as a calculation. ES has two components in its
from the value at 20% complete (CPI20%). calculation. One is the number of time increments of the
(3) The range for final cost is obtainable from finding 2: PMB for which EV is greater than or equal to PV; this com-
IEAC = BAC/(CPI20% ± 0.10). ponent is termed ‘‘C”. The second component is ‘‘I”. The
(4) The value of CPI tends only to worsen from the point calculation of I is a linear interpolation. From Fig. 1, it is
of stability until project completion. observed that the intersection of the PMB for the condition
PV = EV describes a time that does not align exactly on a
The four research findings above were obtained exclu- time increment beginning; it is in-between. The interpola-
sively from USDoD datasets. They have come to be tion value is computed using the equation, I = (EV
regarded as being generally applicable [11]. That is, these PVC)/(PVC+1 PVC), where C is as described previously.
findings are considered equally applicable to all types of Therefore I is the amount of ES accrued within the incre-
work – construction, defense new system development, ment of the PMB from PV at C to PV at C + 1. Thus the
and software development, spanning from the extremely schedule duration earned, in equation form, is ES = C + I.
large multibillion dollar defense efforts lasting more than As further explanation of the linear interpolation por-
a decade to small information technology projects, for tion of ES, it should be made clear that the I component
instance, of $100,000 requiring less than one year for com- of ES involves only the final time increment of the calcula-
pletion. However, managers of small projects report that tion. The curve of the PMB is not a defined mathematical
they very seldom observe the finding for CPI stability. function; it is created from the cumulative value of PV
Without knowledge of the CPI stability behavior for smal- at periodic time intervals. Without a mathematical func-
ler and non USDoD projects, these managers have a lim- tion, interpolation is required to determine the fractional
402 W. Lipke et al. / International Journal of Project Management 27 (2009) 400–407
PV6(June) = 125
PV5(May) = 85
EV = 105
ES = 5.5
EV AT = 7
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov
Fig. 1. Earned schedule concept.
portion of the final increment to claim as complete. One duration of the completed portion of the planned schedule
final note, as the count C becomes larger, the interpolated is in excess of 5 months; thus C = 5. The EV accrued
portion becomes less proportionately and, consequently, appears at the end of July, making AT equal to 7 months.
the error in the ES value due to the linear approximation The method of calculation to determine the portion of June
of I becomes insignificant. For example, the maximum to credit to ES is the linear interpolation described earlier.
error ES may have with 3 months of EV data is 3%; after The amount of EV extending past the cumulative PV for
10 months, the error is <1%. May divided by the incremental amount of PV planned
With ES determined, time-based indicators can be for June determines the fraction of the June schedule that
formed. It is now possible to compare where the project has been earned.
is time-wise with where it should be in accordance with From the values shown in Fig. 1, I can be determined:
the PMB. ‘‘actual time”, denoted AT, is the duration at PV at the end of May is equal to 85, PV at the end of June
which the EV accrued is recorded. The time-based indica- is 125, and EV is 105. The numerator of I is equal to
tors are readily formulated from the two measures, ES EV PV5(May) = 105 85 = 20. The denominator,
and AT. Schedule variance becomes SV(t) = ES AT, PV6(June) PV5(May), is equal to 125 85 = 40. Thus,
and schedule performance index is SPI(t) = ES/AT. the fraction of the June portion of the PMB contributing
To summarize, the terms and indicator equations devel- to the value of ES is 20 divided by 40 or 0.5. Therefore
oped for ES are as follows: for our example, ES = 5 + 0.5 = 5.5. With AT = 7, the
indicators can be determined: SV(t) = 5.5 7 = 1.5
AT actual time (the number of time increments months, SPI(t) = 5.5/7 = 0.79.
corresponding to EV) Earlier, it was discussed that final cost may be forecast
ES earned schedule (ES = C + I) from the formula, IEAC = BAC/CPI. In an analogous
C number of whole time increments of PMB for manner final duration may be predicted from
condition EV P PV IEAC(t) = PD/SPI(t), where PD is the planned duration
I portion of PMB increment earned for the project and IEAC(t) is the independent estimate
(I = (EV PVC)/(PVC+1 PVC) at completion (time). From recent research, it has been
SV(t) schedule variance (time) (SV(t) = ES AT) shown that ES, on average, is a better predictor of final
SPI(t) schedule performance index (time) duration than other commonly used EVM-based schedule
(SPI(t) = ES/AT) forecasting methods [13,14].
when it is not [10]. The results are tabulated for the high 1 is a compilation of the observations. The subscript ‘‘c”
and low bounds for each project and are subsequently used used in Table 1 indicates cumulative, whereas the subscript
to compute the probability of obtaining reliable results. ‘‘p” denotes periodic indexes. The indicators and standard
The probability for having reliable results (Ha) is com- deviations were computed using all of the data for each
puted using the binomial distribution. project.
The method described is applied to the high and low The variations of the cost and schedule indexes and
bounds computed for various levels of statistical confi- standard deviations (r) are fairly comparable with schedule
dence and subsets of the data. The statistical confidence being somewhat larger. However, the range values
levels used in the study are 90%, 95% and 98%. Three data- exceeded our expectation. The averages of the range, i.e.,
sets are analyzed with the inclusion of project data begin- high minus low values shown in Table 1, are indicative of
ning at 10%, 30% and 60% complete of final duration. By the large variation. Distinguishing the range averages by
combining confidence level and datasets, a project cost ‘‘<variable>”, we computed the following: <CPIc> =
and duration prediction method is sought for general 0.306, <r(cost)> = 0.594, <SPI(t)c> = 0.468, <r(sche-
application. dule)> = 0.663. These values for the standard deviations
are larger than observations from previous study [12].
6. Description of the data Likewise, the amount of change for the index values of
several projects over the last 20% of the duration was unex-
Twelve projects are used in the study, totaling 497 pected. Of the 12 projects four had changes in their CPI
months of EVM data. All monthly budget and cost data values of approximately 0.10 between 80% and 100% dura-
was obtained from a single management information sys- tion while seven had changes exceeding 0.05. This observa-
tem, under the supervision of the same financial control tion is not supportive of the research finding discussed
manager throughout. The projects are considered low-risk earlier; i.e., final CPI will not vary by more than 0.10 from
with little development work involved. The output from the CPI value at 20% complete.
the projects is high technology products.
Planned cost and schedule information is tabulated in
Table 1. Also shown are the final cost and schedule perfor- 7. Results analysis
mance index values. From the data table it is seen that
planned cost ranges (in US dollars) from $291,000 to An example of the prediction of upper and lower
$6,077,000 with planned durations ranging from 17 to 50 bounds using the statistics computation methodology is
months. Also observed from the index values, CPI ranges shown in Fig. 2. The calculations were made using the
from 0.481 to 1.051 and SPI(t) from 0.739 to 1.000. With 90% confidence level. A key observation is the difference
one exception, project 5, SPI(t) values are better than those between the upper and lower bound becoming smaller
for CPI. This implies that achieving schedule commitments and smaller as the percent complete increases, eventually
was more important for these projects than the associated becoming the same value at project completion. The graph
cost goals. Even so, it is observed that in only two portraying cost prediction indicates that cumulative CPI is
instances, projects 5 and 12, was the planned duration very stable between 50% and 100% complete because of the
achieved. stability observed for IEAC. The schedule graph shows
Initial comparisons, between projects, indicate a large that SPI(t) is consistently worsening thereby causing
amount of variation in the cumulative indicators and the IEAC(t) to increase throughout the execution of the pro-
standard deviations for both cost and schedule. In Table ject. The high bound, IEAC(t)H, prediction beginning near
Table 1
Project data and variation
Project BAC ($000) PD (months) CPIc (final) SPI(t)c (final) CPIc r(ln CPIp) SPI(t)c r(ln SPI(t)p)
High Low High Low High Low High Low
#1 898 21 0.741 0.875 0.875 0.608 1.093 0.448 1.950 0.875 0.539 0.204
#2 605 32 0.695 0.842 0.887 0.566 0.713 0.028 1.139 0.710 0.653 0.035
#3 322 36 0.481 0.837 0.841 0.472 0.704 0.055 0.899 0.326 1.421 0.124
#4 613 43 0.793 0.915 0.986 0.775 0.683 0.205 1.000 0.583 1.009 0.287
#5 291 24 1.051 1.000 1.354 1.041 0.525 0.132 1.082 0.875 0.347 0.201
#6 1525 50 0.625 0.847 1.000 0.566 0.835 0.147 0.972 0.667 0.759 0.247
#7 585 46 0.763 0.852 1.042 0.667 0.683 0.321 1.018 0.727 0.668 0.283
#8 1026 29 0.877 0.967 0.914 0.714 0.253 0.087 1.054 0.761 0.622 0.000
#9 2223 45 0.746 0.818 1.043 0.610 1.410 0.036 1.000 0.650 1.297 0.000
#10 6077 44 0.870 0.880 1.053 0.870 0.452 0.009 1.657 0.592 1.033 0.385
#11 353 17 0.546 0.739 0.672 0.443 0.654 0.100 1.005 0.619 0.777 0.042
#12 1305 50 0.650 1.000 0.863 0.526 0.747 0.054 1.000 0.774 0.636 0.000
W. Lipke et al. / International Journal of Project Management 27 (2009) 400–407 405
Project #1 - Cost
Cost Units
1500 IEACH
1000 Final Cost
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Percent Complete
Project #1 - Schedule
Final Duration
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Percent Complete
30% complete through to the end proved to be very close to casts throughout the project for the high and low values
the eventual schedule duration outcome. of both cost and duration when applied at 98% confidence
Table 2 below illustrates one of the five scenarios ana- using data beginning at 10% complete.
lyzed. For this scenario, the upper and lower bounds were A compilation of test results for all of the scenarios is
computed at 98% confidence level. The data set tested shown in Table 3. The five scenarios tested were: 90%
included all data points from 10% duration complete until confidence level, applied to data beginning with 10%,
finish. The entries of Ho and Ha in the figure represent the 30% and 60% complete; 95% and 98% level, using data
null and alternate hypothesis, respectively, and are the beginning from 10% complete. These values were chosen,
results of the Sign Test of the four hypotheses specified ear- so that results can be compared to answer the following
lier. Recall the testing result of Ha, indicates that the test questions:
statistic is within the critical region of 0.05 significance
[10]; i.e., the upper bound is consistently higher than the (1) How does confidence level affect reliability of
final value, or the lower bound is consistently lower. The prediction?
test statistic values are recorded in the table beneath the (2) How does inclusion of data beginning at various val-
null or alternate hypothesis determination. The conclusion ues of project percent complete affect reliability of
from the example is the computation yields reliable fore- prediction?
Table 2
Hypothesis test results @ 98% confidence P10% complete
Bounds Project number Probability
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Cost high Ha Ha Ho Ha Ho Ha Ho Ha Ha Ho Ha Ha 0.927
0.000 0.000 0.500 0.044 0.500 0.000 0.844 0.000 0.000 0.116 0.000 0.000
Cost low Ha Ho Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha 1.000
0.000 0.804 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Schedule high Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ho Ha 1.000
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.000 0.000 0.132 0.000
Schedule low Ha Ha Ho Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ho 0.997
0.000 0.000 0.791 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
Composite probability 1.000
406 W. Lipke et al. / International Journal of Project Management 27 (2009) 400–407
Table 3
Prediction probability
Bounds 90% Confidence 95% Confidence 98% Confidence
P10% Complete P30% Complete P60% Complete P10% Complete P10% Complete
Cost High 0.613 0.613 0.927 0.613 0.927
Low 1.000 1.000 0.981 1.000 1.000
Schedule High 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Low 0.997 0.981 0.997 0.997 0.997
The results portray an expectation. As confidence level those for the other bounds. If not all of these anomalies
increases, the probability of obtaining the hypothesis test had been present in the data, it is conjectured that 90%
result, Ha, increases. This assertion is readily understood confidence would provide reliable upper and lower bounds.
upon recalling that the high bound increases and the low
bound decreases, i.e., the range between high and low wid- 8. Summary
ens with increasing confidence level percentage. Likewise,
as the data is increasingly restricted to the observations For the 40 years of application of EVM the forecasting
nearing the conclusion of the project the greater the prob- methods for final cost have been used with little change.
ability for having Ha as the test outcome. This result fol- Only in the last 15 has there been research as to the validity
lows from the cumulative index becoming increasingly of the cost prediction results. The research performed on
stable as the project approaches completion. We see these large USA defense projects generated four findings which
expectations realized in the percent complete progression are commonly generalized as being applicable to all pro-
within the 90% confidence level scenario and similarly in jects. Recently it has been shown that some of these
the progression of increasing confidence level percentage. research results may be applicable only to extremely large
From the results displayed in Table 3, it appears that the projects of very long duration.
general approach for obtaining the most reliable estimates Over the history of EVM a few unproven methods have
of the high and low bounds is by using 98% confidence been used for forecasting schedule duration. An emerging
level. This approach certainly is the safest. The 90% and practice, earned schedule, employing time-based schedule
95% confidence level estimates have greater risk of provid- performance indicators has provided facility to predict
ing faulty results as explained in the previous paragraph. schedule results. From recent research the ES method has
However, there is a trade-off: the larger the confidence per- been shown to be better, on average, than other EVM-
centage, the greater is the likelihood that the bounds are based approaches to schedule prediction.
overestimated. Nearly 500 months of data from 12 projects were used in
A further observation from Table 3 is that reliable esti- the study. The general findings from the analysis of the
mates are made when 90% confidence was applied to the project data were higher variation than expected and con-
portion of data beginning at 60% complete (90/60). As a sistently better performance for schedule than cost.
matter of interest, previous work determined 60% complete This paper provides the results for predicting project
to be the generalized stability point for the cost index from outcome from the application of statistical methods to
our project data [18]. This connection to the stability point CPI from EVM and SPI(t) from ES. The statistical testing
adds credence to the assertion made earlier that as the of predicted upper and lower bounds for project cost and
index becomes more stable, a lower percentage confidence schedule duration indicates generally good performance
level may be applied with the expectation of obtaining reli- from the proposed method regardless of confidence level
able forecasts for the bounds. chosen. It was seen that by increasing confidence level the
From the 90/60 testing result and other factors, we probability increases for having reliable bounds. Using
believe that using 90% confidence is reasonable under most 98% confidence provided very good forecasting beginning
circumstances. For this set of data, greater variation was as early as at 10% complete. At 90% confidence, reliable
observed in cumulative indexes and standard deviation prediction of high and low bounds was seen beginning at
than was expected. Also fairly large variation in the cumu- 60% complete. Due to the unique characteristics of the
lative performance indexes was seen for several projects data, it is postulated that 90% confidence is appropriate
after 80% complete; whereas, normally small variation is for most circumstances.
observed when projects are nearing completion.
Lastly, from the comparison of final values of CPI and 9. Concluding remarks
SPI(t) earlier in the paper, we deduced that achieving the
schedule commitment appeared to have priority. The focus Although this study used a comparatively small data
on controlling schedule performance is thought to have sample, characterized as primarily low to moderate cost,
caused costs to be skewed higher. The tendency toward with short to moderately long duration projects, we believe
higher costs could explain the probability values for Cost that the methods examined are generally applicable. Appli-
High in the top row of Table 3 being generally lower than cation of the statistical methods used in the study is not
W. Lipke et al. / International Journal of Project Management 27 (2009) 400–407 407
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