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Lagundino Edited For Printing
Lagundino Edited For Printing
responsibility of policemen and its organization. Such problems are the following;
the effect of duty hours in area prioritization, manpower planning and program
implementation. The police organization has a major role in achieving all these
aspirations in order for the government to continue all its activities towards the
development of the country. The government must achieve public order for a
peaceful community, fair politics for good governance and a safe community for a
organization and its personnel become worst. Policemen are affected to perform
significant as lawbreakers and they are the first to commit violence and criminal
acts. The police organization is concerned in gaining the trust of people. And with
One focus of the study is the relation of police duty hours in crime
prevention which always the police problems. Police duty hours in different areas
was the main focus of the study that needs attention and correction. The duration
of duty hours is primarily the main focus of this research to establish and identify
the benefits and effects and how it addresses the problems that the police
personnel have experienced especially in urban areas like Cubao, Quezon City.
performance of their duties as public safety agents. Crimes and dangers are
imminent that is why the readiness of police officers are necessary in any
and assigned tasks would affect the behavior or performance of police officers
minimized. Police officers are expected to be alert at all times. They can respond
to crimes immediately and properly perform duties if they have enough time to
rest and prepare for whatever action to be done. An organized schedule of police
duty hours except for urgent cases would give time for police to be productive
including their civilian activities, businesses and can spend time for their families
Theoretical Framework
belief. It is a reasonable and logical way of doing things about problem that is
the community setting, we can identify police problems such as related to idea
rest”. In relation to our study, people and police observed many variables why
pragmatic theory in identifying factors of the study. We can predict based from
observations; the cause and effects of these variables. Factors can be the
and financial. The researcher came up with these factors. It is because in solving
certain problem, one must conduct observation in order to improve certain policy.
He/she must select a good situation, the choice will be one that is very applicable
regard the pragmatic theory is a constructive approach in building the case study,
which entitles, “Duty Hours and Crime Prevention Performance among Police
reasonable ideas in pursuing the case study. The main concerned of the study is
how to create, develop and maintain effective police force in relation to their
For example, a police personnel can be said not effective in his job if
factors like lack of sleep, fatigue, being away from his love one in a long time and
like are present due to long and sometimes extended police duty hours. Being
effectively. The proposed study aims to address and resolve these problems
Conceptual Framework
hours they are in. The long duration of duty hour affects the performance of
policemen in the field. In order to ensure crime prevention, police should be alert.
In this study, the indicating variables that would measure police performance are;
prioritization, it involves upon the situations in urban and rural areas. And in all
location, which is low-risk areas. In program implementation covers all the duty
hour schedules, day and night visibility and number or population ratio, and
equipment per duty or relief and the PNP organization function. It is related in
dependent variable. The dependent variable of the study is, “Crime prevention
performance in Cubao, Quezon City.” It is well presented in the circle that serves
as the based of all other boxes in figure 1. The other affecting variables that
controlled the dependent variable are presented in the three boxes and one box
for duty hours as the main independent variable that serve as the foundation in
In the first box the target of the study is more focused on urban or in
Cubao, Quezon City. Compared to rural areas, crime has been highly recorded in
includes how does the planning, leadership skill and supervision of officers in
done to evaluate how program works in the community and its effect to the
In the third box, program and implementation are presented such as; duty
scheduling, visibility and number of police duty and supervision. It tries to find out
how long does a police officer served especially in night time and other places
needs police visibility. It also includes number of police duty and to include
equipment and gun during tour of duty to ensure crime prevention. The three
boxes represent all the indicators of duty hours that possibly affect the
the dependent variable result. Related to this variables are urban areas and also
idea on how police officers do their work as to ensure crime prevention. Under
this method, concept can be formulated like duty and hours schedule, the day
and night visibility that is required in every operation. These ideas can support
the implementation of the program that is to help public safety officers to perform
their jobs. Organization function is a factor that can stand alone and that is
Duty Hours
Area Manpower
Prioritization Planning
Crime Prevention
Performance of Police in Cubao, Quezon City
The study aimed to assess the effects of police duty hours on crime
prevention in Cubao, Quezon City. Specifically, the study sought to answer the
following questions:
educational attainment?
program implementation?
enhance the effects of police duty hours to crime prevention and control
Philippine National Police Academy. The result of the study has a big
role in the relation of Philippine National Police Academy to the society as the
premier institution of public safety officers. To help the DILG in promoting peace
and order and to ensure public safety the study served as a basis for any
development of the academy in developing its curriculum and the system itself in
educating cadets and uplifting its status in terms of competing globally. Police
Commander have the knowledge on the favorable aspects and advantages and
how it affects his subordinates. This enables the Chief to create and develop a
effective and efficient police personnel in relation to their work. There will be a
cadets are given the opportunity to familiarize the standard time and duration and
what is the present situation outside in relation to duty hours and crime
prevention. The cadets have the chance to be part of the development of the
The station provided information about crimes that were committed and as well
The research setting was Cubao, Quezon City. The respondents were
from Cubao Police Station (PS-7). It was conducted on December 31, 2013 and
January 10, 2013. There are two hundred eight (208) total populations of
The sample size was not equally divided because the researchers
believed that the information could be more accurate from the non-uniformed
personnel or people in the area. On the other hand, the PNP uniformed
personnel were not disregarded as source of data. Twenty (20) were from the
non-uniformed employees and ten (10) were from the PNP-uniformed personnel.
Sample population rank was disregarded whether PO1 or higher and it included
until to the COP or station commander. The recommended sample size was
thirty (30) personnel derived from the population size of two hundred eight (208)
technique was used by drawing names of respondents. It gave all personnel the
composed of twenty (20) non-uniformed and ten (10) PNP uniformed personnel
of Cubao Police Station (PS-7) in conducting survey through the use of answer
Definition of Terms
study in order to guide readers in easily understanding the content of this study.
jurisdiction designated for being more important due to its potential risk or crisis.
station or area.
punishable by law.
of duty.
Police is an organized force of the civil officers for prevention of crime and
PO - Police Officer
experimental group.
initiative is appropriate.
development-affecting victims.
police service.
plan.(Lorenzo, 2013).
criminality campaign.
Research Design
The descriptive research design was adopted in the study. This design is
information about the present conditions and the description of the current status
of the phenomena, particularly the crime prevention and control of police in urban
of the study.
at the present conditions, with the purpose to find the new truth. They added that
the truth may have different forms such as increased quantity of knowledge, a
new generalization or new law, an increased insight into factors which are
situation or of an association between the variables from which one can then
Sources of Data
secondary data. The secondary data sourced-out from the information acquired
from reports, journals and studies, which related to crime prevention in police
organization particularly in Cubao, Quezon City. On the other hand, primary data
was acquired from current observation and survey in police community as well as
randomly selected police were generated through the conduct of a survey with
In primary data, the police refer to the police commissioned officers and
police non-commissioned officers, who are parts of the working area of Cubao
Police Station (PS-7). The said respondents are uniformed and non-uniformed
The population considered in the study focused on the two hundred eight
The recommended sample size was thirty (30) personnel derived from the
representatives of Cubao Police Station (PS-7) (Table 1). Applying the random
personnel because they are source of feedback than the other group.
Based on the sample size is not equally divided because the researchers
fishbowl technique. This sample technique enabled the researchers to pick a sub
group from a larger group, and then use this sub group as basis for making
judgment about the larger group. The researchers disregarded the used of
Slovin’s formula in getting the sample because of limited period of time and other
crime prevention and sent to the COP of Cubao Police Station (PS-7) for
approval. On the letter requested, another letter of request to be followed for the
Since the requested letter was approved by the Chief of Police of the said
that are the Non-Commissioned Officers was next. Series of questions were
The said respondents were well experienced and highly familiar with the survey
that was conducted by the researchers. The Chief of Police was also part and
asked related questions to the police performances acted by his men. Since he
If difficult problems or situations occur that affect the availability of the said
takes place. Any representatives or available officers with the same numbers of
respondents were selected. Through this, the target information or data should
be collected.
In this study researchers used survey method to draw data from sample
technique was developed in order to have the needed data (Please refer to
Appendix D). The structured questionnaire was used to let the respondents
answer it in their own pace. Letting them do it without any external factors give
them enough time to think and analyze and answer the raised question honestly
is freely elicited from the sample respondents. The other technique was the
between the researcher and respondent. It was used to gather additional answer
of event and gather possible explanation of the raised study. It was applicable to
in this study.
session used between the group of researchers in order to come-up with a good
and accurate questions. Ethical consideration was raised to ensure that the
affective domain of the respondents will not be affected and even their possible
answers. There were reminders to respondents that information will not be used
against them but for the purpose only of study to ease their anxiety in answering.
followed. The researchers also let the adviser give critique to avoid bias in the
questionnaire to be used.
subjective to the expected respondent but to include the possibilities that other
may be utilize to answer. The reason for this was that researchers have a limited
time and may not be able to catch up with the free time of the expected or actual
Part I focused on the profile, background and other information from the
respondent. Part II had content of the impact of police duty hours in crime
this study.
The first part gathered the information about the respondent and can
the society as a whole. In part two, information gathered was the focus of the
study. It answers the statement in the hypothesis and the whole part of the
problem. The last part opened the gate for recommendation coming from the
respondents who have the experiences that helped the researchers of this study
Analysis of Data
reflected in the research work, and to further examine the relationship between
the variables. The statistical tool in the Microsoft excel was used to assist the
the encoded data were structured. In addition, inferential statistics used T-test
for the significance difference of sub-problems. Also, analysis tool pack was
(f) over the total number of responses multiply by 100. The percentage formula is
expressed below:
P = ----------x 100
P - percentage of responses
A five (5) point rating scale used to determine the relationship of the
respondents answer with the relationship of dilemma clashed with the police
4 Agree 3.40-4.19
2 Disagree 1.80-2.59
The weighted mean (WM) is the sum of the product of the frequency and
the unit weight (∑fw) divided by the number of respondents (N). The following
Σ fx
effect of police duty hours to crime prevention and control in urban areas.
x1 – x2
√(Ss1 + Ss2/ n1+ n2 —2) (1/ n1 + 1/ n2)
t – computed t- value
x1 – mean of group 1
x2 – mean of group 2
Table 2 shows the age profile of the respondents. The survey findings in
have 9 respondents or 45.00 percent. There are 2 respondents age from 41-50
years old or having 10.00 percent. There is only 1 respondent age ranging 51-60
became the highest respondents or 45.00 percent from ages ranging to 31-40
years of age.
In uniformed personnel, the survey has shown age ranging from 21-30
years old only one respondent or 10.00 percent. From 31-40 years old, there are
8 respondents or 80.00 percent. There is only one respondent age ranging 41-
personnel age ranging from 51-60 years old. Therefore, ages from 31-40 years
80.00 percent.
As a grand total, it revealed that age ranging 21-30 years old had 9
ranging 31-40 years old. There are 3 respondents or 10.00 percent in age
ranging 41-50 years old. In age ranging from 51-60 years of age, there is only 1
uniformed respondents. Most of the respondents were personnel from ages 31-
other hand, there were only 9 females, or 45.00 percent of the sample group.
to 90.00 percent or 9 personnel. Only one female was noted in the Uniformed
track down that the Non-Uniformed Personnel had the most males and females
sample size. There were only 10 females, which is equivalent to 33.33 percent.
uniformed personnel are college graduate that has the frequency of 19 with
presented in (Table 4). There is only 1 high school graduate with corresponding
percentage of 5.00 percent. None of the group has masters’ or doctoral degree.
Comparing the two groups, it was found out that most of the non-
personnel finished their college degree and only 1 or 5.00 percent of the 20
respondents was a high school graduate. In the other hand, uniformed personnel
3.00 percent of the whole sample. Therefore the respondent are dominated by
prioritization, Age, agility and physical strength have to do with the responding
power of police officers to critical areas had the highest weighted mean of 4.10
performance and morale obtained the lowest weighted mean of 3.65, with verbal
interpretation of “agree”.
higher crimes rates had the highest weighted mean of 4.40, which had a verbal
assigned police personnel in crime prone area weakens their performance and
morale recorded with the lowest weighted mean of 4.00 with verbal interpretation
of “agree”.
personnel rated higher among the indicators, Most populated area has higher
crimes rates with a weighted of 4.40 or “Strongly Agree”. And the indicator, Lack
their performance and morale rated with the lowest weighted mean of 3.65,
which corresponds to “agree”. The indicator, Most populated area has higher
crimes rates has the highest grand mean of 4.23 or “Strongly Agree”. While the
serve as hideout of notorious criminals had the lowest grand mean of 3.88 or with
a verbal interpretation of “agree”. This means that most of the respondents agree
respondents was the lack of information coming from the head quarter or higher
officials of the organization affects police performance which attained 3.55 and
indicator lack of time and planning skills of higher officials which only obtained
“moderately agree”. On the other hand, the indicator station commander failed to
exercise their power in the implementation of laws earned the lowest weighted
policemen once again obtained the highest weighted mean of 3.90 with a
of information coming from the head quarter or higher officials of the organization
affects police performance with a weighted mean of 3.80 and also achieved the
verbal interpretation of “agree”. The next higher weighted mean of the indicators
indicator lack of time and planning skills of higher officials had lower weighted
mean of 3.40 and corresponding verbal interpretation of “agree” but the lowest
among the Uniformed Police Personnel respondents was the indicator station
In the overall weighted means, it was found out that the Uniformed Police
Personnel respondents had the highest weighted mean of 3.60, equivalent to the
had lower overall weighted mean than Uniformed Police Personnel respondents,
which obtained the weighted mean of 3.41 and also equivalent to verbal
interpretation of “agree”.
higher indicator was the lack of information coming from the head quarter or
mean of 3.68 and achieved the verbal interpretation of “agree”. Following to the
two highest average grand mean was the indicator lack of resource persons in
mean of 3.53 and also gained the verbal interpretation of “agree”. On the other
hand, the indicator lack of time and planning skills of higher officials obtained
“moderately agree” but the lowest among the indicators was station commander
failed to exercise their power in the implementation of laws which obtained the
and procedure during critical situations obtained the highest weighted mean of
due to lack of management skills and discipline. Like poor decision making,
unable to control their anger and tempted to different vices obtained the lowest
the group of uniformed personnel, Higher official lack supervision during trainings
personnel do not attend specific seminars conducted and those who are present
are in attentive had the highest weighted mean of 3.60, which had a verbal
control the organization due to lack of management skills and discipline. Like
poor decision making, unable to control their anger and tempted to different vices
registered with the lowest weighted mean of 3.20 with verbal interpretation of
“moderately agree”.
In considering the overall weighted means, it was found out that uniformed
personnel rated the indicator, Higher official lack supervision during trainings and
like computer operation and procedure of reporting. Like police personnel do not
attend specific seminars conducted and those who are present are in attentive
with a weighted of 3.60 or with verbal interpretation of “agree” higher among the
indicators. And the indicator, Police officer sometimes unable to control the
organization due to lack of management skills and discipline. Like poor decision
making, unable to control their anger and tempted to different vices rated with the
attend specific seminars conducted and those who are present are in attentive
had the highest grand mean of 3.55 or “agree”. While the indicator, Police officer
and discipline. Like poor decision making, unable to control their anger and
tempted to different vices had the lowest grand mean of 3.23 or with a verbal
Prevention Performance
Station (PS-7) Quezon City in Non-uniformed Personnel, the highest rate comes
from the Area prioritization that has overall weighted mean of 3.89 with verbal
interpretation of “agree”. It was the Program Implementation who got the lowest
prevention performance.
“agree”. The lowest respondents are from the Program Implementation with a
Area prioritization has became the highest grand mean of 4.06 percent
got the lowest grand mean of 3.38 percent with a verbal interpretation of
revealed that the computed t-value of 1.55 is lower that the critical t-value of
2.12. It indicates the acceptance of the null hypothesis. And it means that there is
Table 9. Test of significant difference in the assessment on duty hours and crime
The statistical results implied that the two groups of respondents have no
in terms Area Prioritization. The results were revealed in the overall weighted
mean of the two groups, which the uniformed personnel has a higher overall
revealed that the computed critical t-value of 2.07 is higher than computed t-
value of 0.94, indicating the acceptance of the null hypothesis. This means that
manpower planning.
Table 10. Test of significant difference in the assessment on duty hours and
The statistical results implied that the two group respondents had
weighted means of the two group respondents. Therefore, the two group
of manpower planning.
the two groups on duty hours and crime prevention in terms of program
implementation in (Table 11). The statistical analysis revealed that the computed
t-value of 1.79 is lower that the critical t-value of 2.12. It indicates the acceptance
of the null hypothesis. And it means that there is no significant difference in the
Table 11. Test of significant difference in the assessment on duty hours and
The statistical results implied that the two groups of respondents have
weighted mean of the two groups of respondents, which are all 3.38. It means
that the two groups of respondents agreed that there is a problem in program
Prevention Performance
or stop crime commission like police visibility got the highest weighted mean of
for they are more aggressive in terms of physical strength and can endure any
shift of the day obtained the lowest weighted mean of 3.70 that corresponds to
On the other hand, the indicator, Younger police officers must be assigned to
critical areas for they are more aggressive in terms of physical strength and can
endure any shift of the day obtained the lowest weighted mean of 3.80 that has
Prior to the grand mean of the two groups, the indicator that obtained the
highest weighted mean of 4.43 that is “highly recommended” are the Longer time
bust or stop crime commission like police visibility. Younger police officers must
be assigned to critical areas for they are more aggressive in terms of physical
strength and can endure any shift of the day obtained the lowest average
“highly recommended”.
The next higher weighted wean indicator was there should a longer time of
planning and a continuous schooling for officers especially to those who are not
in the field and they should be approachable to gain ideas of the civilian,
oppressed victims and concern individual with a numerical rating of 4.25 which
higher indicator was commanders must serve as a model in such a way that
ignore bribery and avoid corruption and conduct time-to-time inspection with a
recommended”. Similarly, the indicators give more time for proper coordination
the implementation of laws had the lowest weighted mean of 4.10 and obtained
time of planning and a continuous schooling for officers especially to those who
are not in the field and they should be approachable to gain ideas of the civilian,
oppressed victims and concern individual obtained the highest weighted mean of
must serve as a model in such a way that ignore bribery and avoid corruption
and conduct time-to-time inspection which obtained the same weighted mean of
Moreover, the indicator give more time for proper coordination among
rescue operation obtained the lowest weighted mean of 4.30 and also
4.21, with a descriptive rating of “highly recommended” was noted in the rating of
information had already been disseminated time to time obtained the highest
continuous schooling for officers especially to those who are not in the field and
they should be approachable to gain ideas of the civilian, oppressed victims and
concern individual obtained the next higher average weighted mean of 4.37 with
indicator was commanders must serve as a model in such a way that ignore
bribery and avoid corruption and conduct time-to-time inspection with a average
was give more time for proper coordination among government and private
recommended”. These findings indicated that the two group respondents favored
(Table 14). Under the non-uniformed respondents; results presented among the
have the highest equal weighted mean of 4.25 which has a verbal interpretation
extend his patience in dealing with difficult situations and redirect their time and
technical training to be updated in handling their facilities like computer and radio
crime situations, and The organization must give time for personnel for seminars
and supervise them. Purchase new materials that is needed in critical situation
like bombing, hostage taking scene, hold upping, carjacking and etc. These are
indicators that have the highest equal weighted mean. The indicator, Police
personnel must undergo education or training and seminars for crime prevention
management schooling and extend his patience in dealing with difficult situations
and redirect their time and attention to productive works, There should be a time-
to-time inspection and at least short quarterly firing practice and physical combat
practice for field personnel to control crime, and The organization must give time
for personnel for seminars and supervise them. Purchase new materials that is
needed in critical situation like bombing, hostage taking scene, hold upping,
carjacking and etc. these are the three indicators obtained the same weighted
other hand, the indicator, Police personnel must undergo education or training
and seminars for crime prevention obtained the lowest weighted mean of 4.17
uniformed personnel have the same weighted mean. This indicates that the non-
Considering the grand mean of two groups, the indicator that obtained the
must give time for personnel for seminars and supervise them. Purchase new
materials that is needed in critical situation like bombing, hostage taking scene,
hold upping, carjacking and etc. This provides information that the organization
must give time for the personnel to attend seminars. The respondents highly
critical situation.
Prevention Performance
hours and crime prevention performance of Cubao Police Station. Under the
the variable area prioritization had the lowest overall weighted mean of 4.15,
prevention performance.
planning obtained the highest overall weighted mean of 4.40, equivalent to verbal
Personnel respondents.
recommended”. These findings revealed that the two group respondents agreed
the variable manpower planning as the highly recommended on duty hours and
revealed that the computed t-value of 0.99 is lower than the critical t-value of
2.08. This signifies the acceptance of null hypothesis. It means that the there is
The results understood that the two groups of respondents have almost
The overall weighted mean based the answers of two group are 4.15 percent in
revealed that the computed t-value of 0.90 is lower than the critical t-value 2.06,
manpower planning. These results were reflected in the overall weighted means
of the two group respondents. Hence, all group of respondents favored the
(Table18). The statistical revealed that the computed t-value of 0.75 is lower than
the critical t-value of 2.05. This indicates the acceptance of null hypothesis. It
The statistical results implied that the two groups of respondents have
implementation. The overall weighted mean based the answers of two group
almost did not vary which are 4.19 and 4.35. This means the all the indicators in
should be implemented.
information who were actually present during the survey at the station. They are
CMDR and PSINP REX G. PASCUA, Chief Operation Branch. They provided the
needed information to polish the content of the study, which are suited about
management and operation and other related information. The questions focused
more on the effect of duty hours in crime prevention performance of the police
Based from the answers and assessment of the two respondents; in terms
of area prioritization, they believed that the organization must assign more
personnel because they will only render shorter period of time or duty shift. In the
area of manpower planning; they believed that resourcing from expert must be
needed in planning for they give valuable information especially foreign experts.
the commander’s vision or plan for the organization. And implementation are
based from memorandum from above, it means that it is always from the head of
organization. The only work of lower officers is to implement and supervise what
must attain the police and civilian ratio. It means that more recruitment should be
done to lessen the duty hour of police by adding duty personnel in the field. They
stressed out that there is a need to study the program through the help of best
If there are equal numbers of police personnel to the ratio of civilian, three
shifting will be maintained and two shifts will be avoided especially to special
occasions such as; Elections, Christmas, New, SONA and other celebrations.
The interviewees believed that 3 shifts for regular days will help personnel to
Police Station (PS-7) for they are the one of the top performing police station in
Based from the survey and interview results of the study, the researchers
recommendations as a basis for the action plan presented in Table 19. Almost all
The program components are focused on the following areas; the first row
planning program and the third row contained the program implementation. In the
the local government official in the city depending to the number of police in the
proposal of the COP. The proposed budget is for refreshment or for sustaining
whether to let his personnel to have schooling either local or abroad. Training is
needed in order to develop the skill and performance of police personnel whether
Table 19. The action plan of the study on duty hours and crime prevention
Summary of findings
The profile of respondents revealed that age ranging 21-30 years old had
ranging 31-40 years old. There are 3 respondents or 10.00 percent in age
ranging 41-50 years old. In age ranging from 51-60 years of age, there is only 1
percent of the sample group or 11 personnel. On the other hand, there were only
9 females, or 45.00 percent of the sample group. For Uniformed Personnel, most
1 female was noted in the Uniformed Personnel respondent group and equivalent
sample size. There were only 10 females, which is equivalent to 33.33 percent.
uniformed personnel are college graduate that has the frequency of 19 with
percent. None of the group has masters’ or doctoral degree. Based from the
percent. Only 1 is high school graduate, which is 3.00 percent of the whole
sample. Therefore the respondent are dominated by college graduate either non-
degree holders.
became the highest grand mean of 4.06 percent with a verbal interpretation of
“agree” and the variable, Program Implementation got the lowest grand mean of
recommendation, the area of manpower planning has the highest weighted mean
analysis revealed that all computed t- value are always lower than the critical t-
value. Indicating the acceptance of null hypothesis and it means that there is no
significant value in the assessments of two groups. In addition, upon testing the
are always lower than the critical t-value. Thus, there in no significant difference
that there should be more numbers of personnel to be assigned. And to aid this
would help the regular assignment of duty personnel for 3 shifts or equivalent to
8 hours per shift. This summarizes that in relation to the theory of this research
urgent answers and solutions. It is a practical way to evaluate issues and use to
come up with a practical solution through evaluating the current situation and
Based from the result of the research findings, the following conclusions
were made:
1. Most of the respondents are under age bracket 31-40 years males who
2. Most of the respondents agree that most populated area has higher
performance of police.
Based from the findings of the study, the recommendations are as follows:
justice Sciences.
Miller, L. S. & Glensor, R. (1998). The Police in the community: Strategies for
Peak, K.J., & Glensor, R. (1996). Community Policing and Problem Solving:
Unpublished Thesis
Dela Cruz, Amor Solo S. (2012). Operational effective of the Philippine National
Lanao del Sur Police Provincial Office, Framework for a localized and street
PROSEC CL-2011-79.
Appendix A. Letter of request to the PNPA director for the conduct of the survey.
Please be informed that the undersigned cadets are currently conducting their
undergraduate thesis entitled, “Duty Hours and Crime Prevention
Performance among the Police Personnel, Cubao Police Station (PS-7) FY
2013.” This study aims to determine the relationship of duty hours and
performance of police in crime prevention in Cubao, Quezon City.
In view of this, we would like to respectfully request for your approval with regard
to the conduct of the study.
Appendix B. Letter of request to the dean of academics for the conduct of the
Please be informed that the undersigned cadets are currently conducting their
undergraduate thesis entitled, “Duty Hours and Crime Prevention
Performance among the Police Personnel, Cubao Police Station (PS-7) FY
2013.” This study aims to determine the relationship of duty hours and
performance of police in crime prevention in Cubao, Quezon City.
In view of this, we would like to respectfully request for your approval with regard
to the conduct of the study.
Please be informed that the undersigned cadets are currently conducting their
undergraduate thesis entitled, “Duty Hours and Crime Prevention
Performance among the Police Personnel, Cubao Police Station (PS-7) FY
2013.” This study aims to determine the relationship of duty hours and
performance of police in crime prevention in Cubao, Quezon City.
In view of this, we would like to solicit your participation with regard to the
collection of information required in the study. Rest assured that all information
gathered will be treated with utmost confidentiality.
Direction: Kindly indicate your answer by placing a check (√) mark in the
space provided in each of the items below:
1. Category:
___Uniformed Personnel
___Non-uniformed Personnel
2. Age:
___61 years and above
3. Gender:
___Elementary Graduate
___High School Graduate
___College Graduate
___Master’s Degree
A. Area Prioritization
Indicators SA A MA D SD
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
1 The assignment of police personnel to crime-
prone areas lowers crime rates.
2 Age, agility and physical strength have to do with
the responding power of police officers to critical
3 Places in urban areas that have a high-recorded
commission of crimes serve as hideout of
notorious criminals.
4 Most populated area has higher crimes rates.
5 Lack of financial support to assigned police
personnel in crime prone area weakens their
performance and morale.
B. Manpower Planning
Indicators SA A MA D SD
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
1 Lack of information coming from the head quarter
or higher officials of the organization affects their
2 No coordination from head quarter to other
agencies of the government result to poor
performance of policemen.
3 Lack of resource persons in decision-making and
no general inspection conducted.
4 Station commander failed to exercise their power
in the implementation of laws.
5 Lack of time and planning skills of higher officials.
C. Program Implementation
Indicators SA A MA D SD
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
1 Lack of skill and strategies in implementing rules
and regulation including police updates and police
manuals and procedures.
2 Police officer sometimes unable to control the
organization due to lack of management skills and
discipline. Like poor decision making, unable to
control their anger and tempted to different vices.
3 Lack of time in supervising and evaluating police
personnel who are duty in critical areas to check if
they are performing their function.
4 Higher official lack supervision during trainings
and seminars conducted resulting to poor
familiarization to facilities and equipment like
computer operation and procedure of reporting.
Like police personnel do not attend specific
seminars conducted and those who are present
are in attentive.
5 Lack of supervision to police officers performing
their specific function such as operation and
investigation resulting to poor handling crimes and
failure to follow instructions and procedure during
critical situations.
Direction: Please indicate your answer by placing a check mark (√) in the
appropriate box, using the scale below:
A. Area Prioritization
Indicators HR R MR LR NR
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
1 There should be more police personnel assigned
to crime-prone areas to lessen crime rates and
additional shifts of duty to lessen the duration of
2 Younger police officers must be assigned to
critical areas for they are more aggressive in
terms of physical strength and can endure any
shift of the day.
3 Longer time of surveillance to places, which
observed to be hideout of criminals, must be
4 More police personnel must be deployed to
populated areas to bust or stop crime commission
like police visibility.
5 Give incentives and increase appropriation of
allowances to police in the field operating
especially to dangerous and hazardous areas to
motivate them to perform their duties to avoid the
psychological effect of different shifts whether day
or night.
B. Manpower Planning
Indicators HR R MR LR NR
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
1 Higher officials must coordinates and
disseminate information to lower stations or
mandate feedbacks from subordinates if
information had already been disseminated time
to time.
2 Give more time for proper coordination among
government and private agencies in terms crime
responding and to include rescue operation.
3 There should be interruptions of public officials in
the implementation of laws.
4 Commanders must serve as a model in such a
way that ignore bribery and avoid corruption and
conduct time-to-time inspection.
5 There should a longer time of planning and a
continuous schooling for officers especially to
those who are not in the field and they should be
approachable to gain ideas of the civilian,
oppressed victims and concern individual.
C. Program Implementation
Indicators HR R MR LR NR
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
1 Police personnel must undergo education or
training and seminars for crime prevention.
2 An officer should undergo management schooling
and extend his patience in dealing with difficult
situations and redirect their time and attention to
productive works.
3 There should be a time-to-time inspection and at
least short quarterly firing practice and physical
combat practice for field personnel to control
4 Police personnel must under go shifting in
technical training to be updated in handling their
facilities like computer and radio communications
to speed up the delivery of information or any
transaction during crime situations.
5 The organization must give time for personnel for
seminars and supervise them. Purchase new
materials that is needed in critical situation like
bombing, hostage taking scene, hold upping,
carjacking and etc.
1.1 Area prioritization? How do you prioritize and assess high crime
rate areas. What actions you undertake in the result of assessment
like; a. giving longer time of duty hours b. making it shorter through
more number of shift and turn over c. by assigning more number of
duty personnel in the area? Kindly state your reasons why you do
such action?
2. In your opinion, what can you recommend to enhance the effect of police
duty hours to ensure crime prevention in urban areas relative to:
Education : Elementary:
Education : Elementary:
Education : Elementary: