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20 Maxch 2023 ,Monda DAY-01


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SECTION 1(Maximum Marks: 12)
This section contains FOUR (04) questions.
Each question has POUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONLY ONE of these four options is the correct
For cnch question, choose the option corresponding to thecorrect
Answer to ench question will be evaluated according to the following marking
Full Maks: +3 If ONLY the correct option is chosen;
Zero Marks: 0If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the
Negative Marks: ] In all other cases. question is unanswered),
[Single Correct)
Ifya cos (log x) +b sin (log x) where a, b are
(A) y
(B) -y parameters then xy" + xy'=
(C) 2y (D) -2y
38. If y= tan ax
then dy
(A) cos (B) - cos-1
(D)None of these
39. If=2i+k, b=i+j+k and =4i-3j+7k.1f
(a) i+8j+2k (B) i-8j+2k xb=xb and d-ä=0, then will be
()-i+8j-k (D) -i-aj+2k
Distance between twO parallel planes 2x +y+2z =8 and 4x + 2y +
(B) 4z+ 5=0 is

Study Costre
ifaót XII,+Dropper
MGD BivisioN
DK, X, XI,

SECTION 2(Maximum Marks: 24)

contains SIX (06) THAN ONE of these four
This section
options (A), (B),(C) and (D). ONE OR MORE opions)
Each question has FOUR
is(are) correct answer(s).
question, choose the option(S) corresponding to (al) the correct answer(s).
Foreach according to the following marking scheme:
Answer to each question willbe evaluated
option(s) is(are) chosen:
Full Marks:+4 ONLY if (all) the correct the question is unanswered),
Zero Marks: 0Ifnone of the options is chosen (i.e.
Negative Marks: -1 ln all other cases.
[More than One Correct)

41. x=a cos»0, y=asin"0 then dx

(A) +1, at =n/4 (B) -- at 0=n/6

(C) -3 at 9=n/3

42. Which of the following is implicit function

(A) x1+y +yi+x =0 (B) sin(xy)=10*
(C) xsiny' +y sin(xy) =0 (D) x' +y'-2xy =0
43. Which of the following is correct:
(A) Domain of sec'x is xeR-(-1,)) (B) Domain of sec is xeR-[-]
(C) Domain of cosecx is xeR-(-,1) (D) Domain of cos ec is xeR--1. )
44. Which of the following is correct?
(A) sex is strictly increasing function
(B) cosec'x is strictly decreasing function
(C) cot'x is continues function
(D) cot'x is strictly increasing function

45. Which of thefollowing is correct for f(x) =sin'x:

(A) Sum of minimum &Maximum yalue of f(x) is 0 (B) f()= 1

(C) X= 2 tan

Study Centre: 26, MLwwa alior www.bhaucâplusagdLeom

fast +MGD BMsION
IX, X, X4, XI; Dropper

46. Consider the graph and answer the questions


12 SI2
1 2

Which of the following ís correct(s)?

(A)fx) 2/e has two solutions
(B) |f()|=2Ne has only one solution
())= Je has two solutions (D) f(x) =x+1 has no solution
9itfercát + MGD BivisION
IX, X, XI, XII, Dropper

SECTION 3(Maximum Marks: 16)

This section contains TWO (02) Passages.
Each set has TWO Multiple Choice Question.
Answer to each question willbe evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4ONLY if the option corresponding to the correct combination is chosen;
Zero Marks : oIf none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered);
Negative Marks : -1 In all other cases.
[Passage -1]
y= f()

1/2 5/2
1 2

37. Which of the following is correct(s)?

(A) f(x) = 2ve has two solutions (B) |f(x)|=2/e has only one solution
(C) f(X) = Ve has two solutions (D)f(x) =x+1has three solution
38. Let a,ß.y, S be the roots of f }x| = e
then the value of a+ß+y+8 will be
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) None of these


Consider the lines L,:X+-y+2_z+,L, -2_y+2_z-3

3 1 2 2 3

The unit vector perpendicular to both Land Lz is

-i+j+7X (B) (C)
-i+7j+sk (D) -7i-7j-&
/99 5V3 V99
The shortest distance between L and Lz is
17 41 17
(A) 0 (B) (C) (D)

Study Centre : 26, MILB Colony, Paday, Gwalior

9nfrt +MGD BVsION
14,4,X, K1, Drepper

SECTION4(Maximum Marks: 04)

This section contains ONE (01)Matching List Sets,
Each set has ONE Multiple Choice (Question.
Each set has TWO lists; List-I and List-L
List-I has Four entries (P), (9,() and (5) and List-1I has Vour entries (1),(2), (3),.(4).
FOUR options are gjven ín each Multiple Choice Question based on List-I and List-11 and ONLY
four options satisfies the condition asked in the Multiple Choice Question,
.Answer to each question willbe evaluated according to the following marking scheme
Full Marks +4 ONLY if the option corresponding to the correct combination is chosen:
Zero Marks 0 If none of the options is chosen (ie. the question is unansweredy,
Negative Marks : -I In all other cases.

49 Match the following
Column I
Column II
sin x
(1) The derivative of tan COS% P) 3
1+cos x, with respect to tan
1+sin x

(2) The distance of the point of intersection of the

line (0) 60
1 and the plane x +y +z= 17 from the point (3,4, 5)
2 2
is given by
(3) If three vectors , b, Tsatisfy
+b+õ=0 and|ã|=3,|b-5,(|-7,(K)0
then the angle between a and b is (in
(4) If py= 81, then P-at v=9 is
dy equal to (S) -1

(A)1S, 2-+0,3->R, 4P
1S, 2>P, 3>0, 4-’S
(C) 1+P, 2-+0,3->R, 4S
(D)1’S, 2-S, 3-0, 4P

Study Centre 126, MLB Colony, Padav,

ttercat +MGD BivsioN
IX, X, XI, XIL, Drepper

SECTION 5 (Maximum Marks: 9)

This section contains THREE (03) questions.
The answer to each question is a NON-NEGATIVE INTEGER
For each question, enter the correct integer corresponding to the answer usingthe mouse and the onscreen vitual
numeric keypad in the place designated to enter the answer.
3List-l and ONLYONE of these Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks: +3 If ONLY the corect integer is entered;
Zero Marks: 0 In all other cases.
on is chesen
[Non-Negative Integer]
S0. The point at which the line joining the points (2, -3, 1) and 3, 4, 5) interSects the plane
2x +ytz=7 is(1, -2, 7) then a +B+y=
olumn Il 51. If l +|b|=|| and +b=, then the angle between and b is

52. The derivative of tan

with respect to tan then a+B is

Study Centre : 26, MLB Coloay, Paday, Gwalio


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