11 - RES03 - Performance Evaluation Form - June 2020
11 - RES03 - Performance Evaluation Form - June 2020
11 - RES03 - Performance Evaluation Form - June 2020
: CCS-OJT-05A-02
Name of Trainee:
Company Name:
Training Period:
Assigned Department:
Equivalent Hours:
Instruction: Please rate the above – mentioned trainee’s work performances based on
his/her technical and personal skills as follows and send this document back together
with the accompanied long brown envelope with your specimen signature at the
envelope’s flap.
*Rating Reference: 5 – Excellent, 4 – Very Good, 3 – Good, 2 – Fair, 1 – Poor
B7. Adaptability: Refers to the extent of the trainee’s flexibility in dealing with
real situation, ideas, duties or method.
Listed below is the PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES (PEO) of Mapúa University Senior
High School. Using the scale given, please CHECK (ü) the appropriate column how our
graduates are satisfying the PEOs.
No. Program Educational Objectives
5 4 3 2 1
1. What outstanding attributes, technical or personal, does the trainee possess in getting the job done?
2. What do you think are the trainee’s developmental needs, both technical and personal?
Name of Appraiser:
Date of Appraisal: