KS2 SATs Practice Paper 2 Reasoning (Pack 1)
KS2 SATs Practice Paper 2 Reasoning (Pack 1)
KS2 SATs Practice Paper 2 Reasoning (Pack 1)
Mathematics Practice
Test and Mark Scheme
Paper 2: Reasoning
Pack 1: 2016 (new curriculum)
You may not use a calculator to answer any questions in this test.
• For these questions, you may get a mark for showing your method.
• If you cannot do a question, go on to the next one.
• You can come back to it later, if you have time.
• If you finish before the end, go back and check your work.
• The number under each line at the side of the page tells you the maximum number of marks
for each question.
+ 100 = 14,507
1 mark
Portsmouth £215,700
Bournemouth £265,000
Southampton £214,600
Edinburgh £203,500
Bristol £253,400
1 mark
Write the three missing digits to make
this subtraction correct.
7 3 7
4 3
2 marks
Fiat 38,549
Hyundai 56,580
Jaguar 19,958
Land Rover 49,015
Toyota 62,030
1 mark
Fiat 38,549
Hyundai 56,510
Jaguar 19,958
Land Rover 49,015
Toyota 62,030
1 mark
5 140 + 77 = - 20
1 mark
1 mark
7 2 + 3 + 1 =
6 12 3
1 mark
A. 9 B. 1 C. 3 D. 40 E. 4
10 2 4 30 5
_____ ______ _____ ______ _____
1 mark
3.033 3.3
1 mark
2 37 2 46
1 mark
2 marks
10 24 x = 192
1 mark
2 marks
7p – 4 = 24 p=
1 mark
If t = 12, what is 5t + 8?
1 mark
2 marks
X = 247
1 mark
2 marks
1 mark
Write the number that is ten thousand less than ten million.
1 mark
a= °
1 mark
b= °
1 mark
100 ÷ = 2.5
1 mark
30 x = 27
1 mark
1 mark
3 marks
152 ÷ 8 = 19
4 x 19 = 76
90 - 76
10 8 1m 3C7 Calculation T
Acceptable answer Content NC Level of
Q Required answer Mark or additional guidance Domain Ref strand demand
11 Award TWO marks for the correct Up to Accept for TWO marks a clear 5M9C Measures E
answer of 325g 2m indication of the correct amount, e.g. E
0kg 325g, 0.325kg
If the answer is incorrect award ONE
mark for evidence of an appropriate Accept for ONE mark an answer of
method, e.g. 325kg as evidence of an appropriate
2,625-1,650 = 975 method
975 ÷ 3
12 p=4 1m 6A2 Algebra E
68 1m 6A2 E
13 Award TWO marks for the correct Up to Accept for TWO marks a clear 6R2 Ratio and G
answer £50 2m indication of the correct amount, e.g. proportion G
£50.00, £50-00
If the answer is incorrect award ONE
mark for evidence of an appropriate
method, e.g. Accept for ONE mark an answer of
£37.50 ÷ 3 = £12.50 £50p or £5000p as evidence of an
£37.50 + £12.50 appropriate method
14 13 x 19 = 247 OR 19 x 13 = 247 1m 6C5 Calculation G
Acceptable answer Content NC Level of
Q Required answer Mark or additional guidance Domain Ref strand demand
15 Award TWO marks for the correct Up to Accept for TWO marks a clear 5M5 Measures G
answer £16.95 2m indication of the correct amount, e.g. G
1695p, £16.95p
If the answer is incorrect award ONE
mark for evidence of an appropriate Accept for ONE mark an answer
method, e.g. of £1695, £169.50 or £1695p as
30 x 24 = 720 evidence of an appropriate method
720 + 975
16 a) 999,980 1m 6N2 Number E
b) 9,990,000 1m 6N2 E
17 a) 48o 1m 6G4a Geometry E
b) 35 o
1m 6G4a Geometry E
18 a) 40 1m 6C8 Calculation E
b) 0.9 1m E
19 (-1,-3) 1m 6P3 Geometry E
Acceptable answer Content NC Level of
Q Required answer Mark or additional guidance Domain Ref strand demand
20 Award THREE marks for the correct 3m Accept for THREE marks a clear 6C8 Calculation G
answer £753.20 indication of the correct amount, e.g. G
£753.20p, £753 20, £753-20 G
If the answer is incorrect award TWO
marks for: Two marks can be awarded if a
• Sight of £185 AND £34.20 AND misread number is followed through
£534 correctly
• Evidence of appropriate methods
with no more than one arithmetic
If the answer is incorrect award ONE
mark for evidence of an appropriate
complete method
Working at greater depth: all of the 5 working toward marks are obtained, plus at least 90% of the ‘expected’
marks and at least 50% of the ‘greater depth’ marks. This mark is 29 out of 35.
Third Space Learning
Year 6 Maths SATs Foundation